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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY IT STITES& NUTTING. Rt'll!VKMOFriCBl Braadalbla Street, TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION single cop, Tr yw. dtmno.. W 10 slti ooW. i ysur. at ana of rtar W ittgte tpy, at month. . ainifl oopv, thw mouths g niH number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregoa. WtTA PRACTICE IN ALL THE Ctaita 3S ee. WW five special attention to collections and probate '"office In Foster's new brick. 49tf rmofrat VOL. XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1885. S(J. 7 8TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADYEOTIH8 MEDIUM IH THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Special i.ulne notices in IxoaJ Col urmm II seets nor line. Regular Local notice io cents per line. For l.ttral and transient advertisesneaia f i IK) rwr N' HHre for the first insertion ,nl Of cent par square for each subsequent Insertion. Kates for other advertlsementa made known on application. T creamL. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Offloe upstairs, ovor John Brle' atore, 1st street. vl4nS8tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC! jTTORNKY AT LAW . 4M4SY. BKJ. tTTSLl. PRACTIOK IN AM. TI1K COURTS OF Til It V SUU. 8pclal lUntion ffWen to olfaction. n0 robat mattr. SaVOrSc tn OBI PsttSSS Tempi. n N1YaWj a n BnVUI.I W. M. POWRI.l. & BUiYEU. .TTORSRYS T LAW. And Solicitors in nmnrerv nnllMtionn nromntlv mad on all point. f.osns negotiated on reaaonaM rins. eaf-Offlce in Foater's HH. k.-B vMalftTf. POWDER (most perfect made (ftapartd by a physician with special regan So health. No Ammonia, Luuo or AttBa J. J. WHITNEY. attorney Infl Counsellor It Lav AND otarv PnbliCe ALBANY, OREGON, . Will practice In all of the Conrta of t bis State. All boaineaa Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., IPRUCICIISTS. Hooks. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. niTT rHTJO 8TOHH, tyl 4 LB IX Y. OBE4.0V P08HAY A MASON, vuouLats ass aararv Druggists and Booksellers, A (rents for John B. Alden's publication-, which we sell at publisher's prices with postage added. ALBANY OBEGOM. " A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, PRESCIIFTIOJS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. REVERE HOUSE, f.jTllt Vint aad BBswartai Albaay. Ort.a Chat Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This uaw Holl to tKted op ta first ctoas style. Tables IHiliWir with the best ths market afford. Sprint Heds in srsry Roam. A od Bssspto Boobs tar Com ante! Trarakr. flrrrce Caaeh aad Irata the Htel."m Qathtnng QrapM for Mshinsj Cream of Tartar J for OR PRICE 8 CREAM BAsYlNQ POWDtR. ror ssli hy Cutting. MsrtoA Co. Portland. Or. TI1K MAVSATISti TBKK. Tarllllag Story of aa Kagllsli Travrllrr. JL 3 FURNITURE. C have the best stock of armtore in the city aod Will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the city and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, a complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION, try me. A. B. WOC DIN, SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and atronitit Natural Fruit Flavor. Vanilla, l.rtDOii, Orunirt, Almond. Itnar. etc, tlavur as dollratcly ami naturally as the trult. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CniCAOO. ST. LOUIS. For atl by CatUnr atari nd Co.,Portlud, Or A POSITIVE CURE FOR EVERY FORM OF BLOOD AMD SKIN DISEASE FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. DISPIGURinti HUMORS, Ilomiliaiiiur Eruptions, Inching and tturalny Skin Tortures. Loaihwtmi Sores, and srsry apsdss of Itching, Scaly, Pimply, Inhsrttsd. S- r .fulout. and ConlaaHous IHssaass of Ute B!.d, Skin, aad Scalp, with lxiss .A Hstr, trom ii.Uik v u old sjre. are oaittvely cured Oy CtTKlSA KxsoLVaxT, tn Nem Mood Purifier, internally, aad CtTKTBA, th Ureal Skti. Cure, and l i miai Moai, an esquisitc Skiu besutiaer, ettcntally. BCKB9JA i RED. 1 was afflicted with EcMota on U. Scalp, Pare, Ran and Neck, which th braicKist, where 1 T" your remedies, pronounced ons of tit worst oasss that had come under his notice II advised to to Uy your CrnciAA Remedies, and after fir days' ass. my scalp and part of my face were entirely cured, aad I hops in another week to hav my ears, neck, and tbt thr peit of my lac cured. HKRMAff SUADET 130 R. Ub St., New York. sCABs AND NOREN. I bare been afflicted sine last March with a Skla sajgaas the doctor called Eczema. My face wws covered with scabs and sorea, and the itching aad kawawaw wer ataMSS unbaaratilc. Keelnif your C- tictba Rr.U!SS so highly recommendeil, concluded to mve them a trial, nsin The Journal of August 8th contain ed a thrilling and dramatically written article describing the adventure of a hunter in Central Africawkh a man eating tree, and the death of s native Ud who, in chasing a fawn, was caught within i's Idoodthtmty branches snd lit his life crushed out before assist ance couM rendered him. The arlic'o was evidently intetided to enlist the iutevest and fascinate the imagination of its reader , and undoubt edly fflVcti-d its object, but, unfortun ate!? fui the veracity f ihe would be edvfuturer, it is a well-known faot that to the BMBtut time no uan-ealing ties has yrt I t tn found in Afiica, nor it the only known sjecitra f ibis tare mon stroaity of ihe vegetable kingdom at aD like that described in the narrative. A gentleman alio has traveled in Africa and ia wrll arquair led ith the gentleman who wss an ft r. witness of the thrilling ecene given below, fi.rn ishea the following : The msn-eating tree is ' li yed to be one cf the nttnerous specie of cacti, ai d so far as known is indigenous to the soil of the island of Madagst.oar, where it is au object so rarely mot with that the natives regard it with veneration and worship it ss sn altar at which the power of evil resides. The writer has never seen the tree but will give as nearly as possible, in the language of Mr. Herbert Rhode, an English gentle man who spent a number of years it the Court of the Malageee (jueen and traveled a great deal in the interior of the island, his account of the tree and the sacrifice of a humsn being to its blood-loving nature. "I bsd ofteo heard," he says, "J this wonderful denizen of the forests and bad had re lated to me numerous instances of its peculiar appetite sod when upon ar riving at one of the villages! or hamlets in the far interior, I was informed that an important ceremony was to be gone through the following day and that a maiden was to be sscriSced on the man eating tree to appease the anger of the evil spirit, ou may naturally imagine that I was determined to see for myself, if possible, whtther this tree and its qualities were an absolute fact, or, ss I alwsys suspected either a myth or en Ull":v- ooen frauJ nracMced ou the common vcij vureu vj a- iat i f r herd by their rulers or priesthood. After some palavering aod the gift of innumerable beads and other articles of velue to the natives my guide arranged with one of the headmen that I should be secreted in some shrubbery al some distance from the fatal tree but near enongh to watch every incident Strict injunctions were given that no rot'.r what happened I was to remain in my hiding plsce, as, if discovered I should surely be sscriSced, as no st ranger had evtr ben allowed to be present during the performance of the sscred rites. the hard thorns piercing deeply and drawing blood from every pore, The more she struggled the harder they clung, while every second, as though eager to taste of the longed-for prey, more and Isrger leaves embraced her tower limbs snd seised her hands, her arms, her body, twined round her neck and drank her life blood. And thou I saw a hight that made my brain reel and even now, when looking buck at that tearful half hour, 1 can scircely conviuce tuyslf that the wholu ia not a piece of imagination. I fcund that (be whole tros was ss though endowid with life- Thf huge thorn-coveted leaves were all isoting. The tips that were formerly beudieg iac fully outward bad n ... mi in wnl curve and the otnts were dropping downwaid as though to kiss the faca of the dooroe 1 git I. H!ow)y but tutely ihe whole mass wss converg ing a one (soint and that point the hu ttiwi victim. Swiftly and more swiftly as l hough the BSJBftf I hey got lo the wretched girl ti e more strength they p04nd, the t.gvtabl tieuds tubd on ill ir bloody repast. Leaf (jui;ht with leaf in Its esgernes lo be lir '. I onught one last glance of tne gill's agonised face, one featful inhuman shriek rose far ebova all other Hjnnds, and all was oer. Blood spurted in torrents in every direction, and, though too far off to hear it, I could imagine the sickly sound of the crunching of b.mes as the victim was crushed in that deadly embrace. The tree for seme time sppeared demented - leaf fought with leaf, every fibre seemed endowed ith life and struggling to get note of the n-past. The giant itself was wound ed in the tenible encounter, and large streams of milk white juice ran down and intermingled with the crimson tide. But wby dwell longer on tbeae sickly details t Gradually the warfare ceased, the leaves return- d to their former tranquility, and alowly and majestically assumed their former grandeur, leaving within the cup-like death trap the cold and undistioguish- able remains of the poor young girl which wera taken out by nets attached to long pales and oarried carefully back to the village where they were burnt I shall not attempt to describe my feel ings during the passage of this strange scene. Several times I should have rushed forward in a hopeless attempt to save the poor girl, bad I not been re strained bv mv ituide.M The writer y a AW has not been sbie to convey this story in anything like the graphic and startl ing manner it waa narrated by Mr. Rhodes, but it will serve to let the rasders of the Journal know some o the true characteristics of the man eating tree of Madagascar. N H in nu the i.iTiit SAano tin- ct- . I... -.1 I ' ... i ' . t Inl m .Ml Lor I... . .. t Jf raiilUUC MOT i - - the day and touch at occe on th prin cioal avenr. the rememuranca ol bich a is like soiu fearful nigblu.are, or four months. I call inyseif cured which I make the public statement. MRS. CI.AKA A. EREPRRIK. Broad Hrook.Coon WAftBIMUO LBTTSB. (Prom our regular oorreopondoat.) WaJHuroToif, August, 22nd, 1885. Washington Is very quiet now. The President Is In the woods, the Cabinet Is scatter!, and tho clerks sre running thu well regulated Gov ernment M ii-lil itti. The usuiil flocks of tourists and a fair sprinkling of gt wky bridal couples tilt in thu street ami deparlment panoramas. Hun dreds of tysshingtoniantt are off at llio eprlogs or sea shore. They will bgln lo return In a week or two, end, by the mlddlo of Heplemlter, It Is exe poet oil that tho President will arrive with a triog of tl-h Then tb In dustry of office Hiking will h.-gln lo bum, snd, by the first of Decent 'ter, when Congress arrives, and the can vass for the new speaker of tne I1muo begins, the will h ive Its ii tiusl shaking up, aod wilt attrdt-t tht attention It deserves from lh im for the Pall and Winter Cannot h(5 mirnicrrl aif.ho, iia cnunlles. It Is the Mkrl .plton AIT mip nnrnboaaa avn madn ' m utitw ur quiuiiy. In polilicst clirlee that t nriBlBg Winter will be excl'lng from ton- 2!V?:!!? we propose to seU ohMnm o ZZZ "b. "w, Bu,, In ZJ!B-1!1. either cash or produce. (Jomeand st .,.. ,,r ..-.i .,,,,.... I uula ouma U1 'a ""saiai oueraa ana iook over our the comotota condition of old issues, It Is not easy to see whore the nn- pleasantnees la to come from. It is said tbat ftpeaker Carlisle will le eloctetl without opposition snd it Is looked upon as almost certain tbat ail reepecable Republican Senators will vote for tne confirmation of the Pivs. Ident's excellent appointees In office. By respectable Republican Senators 1 mean pretty much all except tho ptir from Virginia. Since ail Americana hsve a certain pride lo Ihe Improvement aod beautificatlon of the seat of Govern ment, It will be of Interest to know NEW DEPARTURE BY Allen Co.. $100.00 in coin distributed to our customers every 80 days until further notice FIRST DISTRIBUTION NOV. 1st, 1885, Ooin in Burk iart Bros., hands and will be distributed b dilate. -a ifcAri fiVfnhi rrom 52.50 to $25.00, Every customer shall have an equal chance in proportion to the amount purchased. OUR NEW STOCK All our purchases are made for 5. 1 0 and 25 Cent Counters, EF'&&&-'Mm but what you would havet0 pay double N. H. ALLEN & Co., ALBANY, OREliON, Sept. 1st, 1885, 57 First Street, Albany, Or. a BewTBiaraa biktas e. Kverttody who is iu the habit of pasting Ninth anJ Samson Streets knows little Jimmy Green, the boot- that there has been constant progress blk r u blaek .ad . bnoch- lotbls direction during the heated . . - ttMmtm amMtiLAM avsi g - v ww t hi J s a ir iists ssww"s " as, terra. The amount nf buUdlog in vMob h koov, how to He the city seems to unprecedented. oH(n, Qp lb(t rtiportf.rt room Gf In a drive which I U to-day . mA through the f ur qusner, of Wssh- H n1 bb iogton nt including Georgetown, I - . . ... . SiS W MB JflW V'l"IVi a rrrwm m NOTICE. The present year will, it is stated by Chief Graves, preiumbly show 0 much greater saving In too expenses of the bureau of printing and engrav ing thin for ratny years. It was necessary to produce a deficiency ap propriation of $50,000 at th? end of the fiscal year but when Mr. Graves assumed control he began to retrench, and succeeded In bringing tbeexpen- ALBANlf COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBASV. OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th 1885. for particulars concerning the coins of atudj asd th prv of tuition, to BBV. J. t . WXCiiOrr. rresidraf. m . . . , . . ...1.1 ..i-..v.K.r Pi Is ri-nrrsA. see. :Re.lve.t. si : KoAP. uic. PreparsS I hnverinL nhantssma of a lever-it ricXen by the porrsa dmo Cssbiiiii Co., Bosa, i j , , - j anj 77.o05 below the appropriations nrain. f i, an ear i v uuui a w mn u ic. i - t i my bbliasj place, a small thicket of The expenses were cut down by dls- f eea sn 1 sh. ubs skirting an open glads charging ana luriougning employes. an ma .100 vanl in diameter. In the aad for Haw ta C tur Shla Dtsrases." IPLES. Blackheads, Skin Btonlshcs aad Baby liunriors, use CtTna tA soap. PIM1 The expenses for August will not ex- Aloany Bath House. TUB UNDKKSIQNBD WOULD RBSPBOf fully laforat ths IUmbs of Albany and ri laity that I kavetaksa charge ef this Establish at, aad, by hasping clean rooms snd payin gtriotattontloo to basiasss, sxpaets to suit si those who may favor as with their patronage Htlaghsrstoforsarrlsd on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons xpAOt to etvs satire satisfaction to aj BrOWVldtan snd Ladies' Hair neatly es Hansonsd JOS WBBBBF. mm wmamr n ., lh aid. " iik? ' rfant..'' center of tho glade and in the midst of ceed $20,000, but the appropriation Is I eU. tern, pain and ache aoothed and epH- . rK4Ml rniln(l nn -Wjch $39,641. At the end Of the year the Bf fBjaeu with womferrul celerity ny iimow, 0 nrn t i. la sua. Warranted the perfection of I . maan .,-,..1 hat lrtlroJ like an en- elegant external remedies, and raatly superior to an l " "l other piaster. At druggists, Mc. ; five for Si. I QynjQUS cactllS of ths kind commonly the appropriations. Hailed free. Fonu Iwi o a.vd Chemical Co., Bos- .. . s a a a known as the oricklv insar. Having a Th J great organ oi aeoun.i w- W . K . . WS i S . . food field glass with roe 1 was able to published at Fort.sod says : 'ins nana TIBED AND A IJISCi NI SCLKS. cryingkhrough countless nerves for rest and relief. Like manna to the children of Israel is that OuiSWas Plastbe to the tired, overwork ed, aching muscle. Do not dany your self the comfort aSBSWaa oy vnis new. .riifinal innain.ition. At druaifisU, Zoc. ; live for SI. Mailed fr, Porrsa Datu amp Chemical Co., Boston. .. A .C. A I I.J wl . nirnl. I m a n 11 fan i 11 rii stafniSllt of HO llHtflltl), . asasasaAll M6 Urounu um vruruu.u ..m lFYIll- Xm KIIKIIN nf Uro-. thick leaves exactly simiisr to and no on knows better that the state I l - ---.- nnl. .ir I mnt in untrue than iiB author. Of llUUBC Ull UJ n v..; I""', --j I m.. aa laroc rose from its outer rim. all of tboae who ehafe under the richly nm .i u.i a. i - - I droooine eracefully outward at the top deserved defeat of Blaine, nons do so - so much as the ed.tor of cha organ ot examine ir minutely. The trunk trom r.h haaa to about four feet f"om the ground was bare'of branobes and cover. ei wsth a thick, dark bark full of large wsrtv t-xcreseDces. At four feet from ocra tic position now is that it is bste CaJ, unpatriotic, htrdly less thsn a crime, to insist on equal political sights, a fr iwllot and a fair oount. This is carefully prepared and deliberately (Successors to W. H. Goltra. ) DEA1BR8 IN- Summons. the Circuit Court of the. Slot of Oregon, for Linn county. Jasper Jsnnlngs, Plaintiff, vs. SallU T Jennings, D efendant. To SallU T. Jenmngit the alom named De fendant. MX J.s name of th State of Or"n, you are hereby I required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tbe above entitled Court, within tea d ays from ths data of ths service of this Summons upon you, if served within this County ; or, u serv d in any other County of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this Sum mons upon you ; or in case of sendee by publication, then you are hereby required to appsar and answer the complaint Sled with th C'erk ol said Court, avainst you by ths first day of the next re gular term of atid Court following ths explra tionof th time prescribed io the order for publica tion, to-wlt : Monday, Ojt. Sfith, 185 ; and you will take notice that if you tall to so answer said com plaint for want thereof, th Plaintiff will apply to the Curtfor the reliet prayed for in his complaint, to. wit : A decree of divorce on behtdf of Plaintiff, dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween Plaintiff and Dfendtnt, and for such other, mm further relief as my b lust and oquitable, and for costs and disbursements, W. O. Pipbk, Attorney for Plaintiff. PaWlabsd by order ol Hid B P Boise, Judge of said Court, mids at Chambers at Dallw, Polk ecmnty. Ors gcaon th tSth day of August, ISM. Pflrm MachinerV and forming a sort of lsrgo bowl, the I hit torn of which was covered wLh hate at Portland. WAGONS, HACKS, Mmm, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble wnrlrnnHltnrt.nnt.lnH. All WOrK in wai I. -.a von r.f a later irrowth. Every leaf avus v w- r-t w was bristling, with mttaofhard thorns a Uatat fcA 'osWo 'i iOtfith. While I htd leen rukin;; observations tbe mmda or tom-toms and numerous other diabolical instruments, sccom- hv shrieks, veils, and other sounds m'Htd from the human throat, growing nearer and nearer, proved that h. tim fnr the ceremony was near at VUv vriuv w - w hand : end at this raomeut the proces- . , i.i i .1... uinii.n a vnnxxa Ctrl Sion neauea uy n v..u, - j p,--- Ic might not be out of place to call attention to the fact that it is a subject of amusing comment about the streets in Washington City that there are no loud-mouthed Ohio government clerks standing on the street oornera now-a-days, boasting hoar they will bury dem ocratic candidates under oversvbelmn ing majorities, tbe first instance of tbe kind sioce tbe war however. counted over two hundred buildings either In the course of erection or finished during this season. M id. of tboot were tenement houses, and the demand for this clam of dwellings Is so great that they are frequently rented before they are completed In one row of twenty-eight two story bricks - which rent for $15 per house, there were eighteen rented and Ihe workmen are now finishing tbe other ten. The increase In the number of houses 011 Capitol Hill Is very notice able, white houses are going up io the north .east quarter to a much greater extent than moat persons sup pose. If tbe present rate of increase is continued for ten years the im provemeots which Washington will exhibit will be even more marvellous ban the changes which bavo occur red during the last decade. Life is comparatively rasy In Wash ington- People do not work so late at night, nor do they get up so early in tbe morning as in other cities. There are no all night cars on our street railways, and the day begins on the car lines at 5:40 in the morn ing, an hour when New York seems tn hA all alive in Summer. In cities like New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago the day's work begins for the vast msjorlty from one to three hours earlier. People in Washing ton go to bed early too, aod thus cut the day oil at both ends. The public Improvements in drain age, sewerage, parks and reclaiming swamps are telling iu improved health statistics. In about two years the new waterworks will be completed and the Capital City will have a suffi cient supply of pure water to keep her hundreds of fountains flowing and to dally wash her streets and parks. It is expected that the coming win ter will be marked by the usual nam ber of social eventf, but new faces and names will be conspicuous at receptions and tjntertainmenls. Sec retaries Whitney and Manning have wealth, and hat also the P. M. Gen era!, and If they have the inclination to do so, they can easily sustain the a'l over. Is da editor in f" he asked, walking op to tbe policy reporter, who imme diate' y reached into his boot for an Ar kansas toothpick. "What do yon want to see him for f "f wants ter see 'm 'bout a great big loafer ob a policeman what stsnds down dar on the corner." " What's tbe matter with him f ' "Is yon de'editor ?" "Yes." Jimmy sat down bis box, loaned over on the deak and gave his sorrow words : Tae -I'se got fosliri'4 sar, an' I aint no dog. I jes' come yere ter see 'f dar aint sumfin can be did ter dat big policeman day call George down on de corner. Little white ago I wasa-staad- in' down dar, not doin' nufiin at ai),an' a white boy wha' blacks boots ssys ter me : "Git out o' here, yer niggsb.' 1 dtdn'c pay no tention to de low cuss, butljsskep' on a-stsndin' thar. Den dat great big policeman a id de cane comes up ter me an' says : Here, yon black nigifah, wha' you a-doin' yere. Didn' ter hear dat whi' I bay tell yer ter go awy ? 'I hain'c doin' nutfin,' I siys. "Den he grabs me an' shoves me out inter de street, jis' same 'sif I was a dog. I looked up at him an' he says : "You ntggabs am too fresh 'n' ssssy en Chestnut strset, an' yer'll have ter git a straihtnin' out.' "I was a-goin' down tn- see de May or, but a frien' o' mine who stops at the Continental tol' roe ter come up yere an' you'd fix it. K-n yer do it, baring concludod to close out his business, now offers Me entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with Ms entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a genuma closing oat, now is the tima for housewife! to replenish their katc-hens and dairies with waro. ALBANY, l"l:i3. Oth, 000 aT.tTCa. Personal state, Me; 4 confused state Mass; A writiug state, Penn; A Bu rner ical stale, Teno; A crude state Ore; An unmairried state, Miss; A euprised state, 0; A sick state, 1I, A bible state Ark; A musical state, 1.x; A learning stste, Cjnn. Tbe soldiers are fast finding out tbat the man in charge ol pension af fairs Is not as Black as he has ! vn painted. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANXIXG & CO., PROPR'S SBW PROCESS FLOtra SUPERIOR. FOR FAJtTLmS AM) BAKERS TJSB. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest .Trice in Cash for Wheat ALBANYiOR. Th rtraaty or lsatla. sar A majority of nearly seventy thou- ranted to give aatisfaction. Will work f ftboufc eighteen years of age, held and th d in Kentuoky does not indi any.nd :allk.nd of stone, but deal LPfl-1 . lmtn rrnn men. and . ... ' cipelly in Oregon Ulty granite. j;ecuiiiK. 1 pusoeu nivu$ j o repairing ad resetting a Bpecialty. Call wili1 f6ar, entered the glade. Without describing ths usual mumm- before nurchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Phopon west side of Ferry street oppo. site post office. . G. W. HARRIS, Prop. F OR SALE CHEAP. ery tbat invariably aooompanies similar scenes amongst barbarians, I will simp ly glance at the horrid sight that fol i,i. Frantic with fear and half de- and Surgeon, mented, the miserable victim was push ed, amid the shouts and beating 01 tou'-tomn by tbe crowd, who stood in a circle round the tre, into tbe basin a' ready mentioned. As soon as her naked feet touched tha top of the tree aa . 1 a. .J trunk numbers ot the more pliant ana vouDger leaves, as though endowed with sudden vitality, embraced her If gs, cate that tbe Democrats ot tbat state are very seriously disgruntled because ever alternate man has not been pro vided with a fat office. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician Office cor, First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - " OR Three well bred stallions, and thirty dralt and MiddLe horses. ,W. T.OOCBRAK, Browns rille, Or. Walker Blaine, son of the author of the Mullltran letters, who has been drawing a liberal salary s assistant counsel of the United States before tie Court of claims has been given tne grand bounce. "I'll have the cashiered fer insubordination." 'Thank yer, sar. I k no wed yer oould 6x it 'f yer wanted ter. He am a mean man, an' he don' know haw to treat a person 'spectable." Then Jimmy picked up his box and went downstairs with a smile on his .a t countenance use unto the crater ot Vesuvius. Philadelphia Tunes. No matter how handsome or sUlwart a younK man rnty be othsrwle. nothing oin make up for a partiaiiy bald head. Shining talents are attractive, but a shin ing poll is not. The cause may be sick ness or anything else, yet Parker's Hair Uftlsam with stop the loss of tbe hair and start a new growth of glossy and soft hair so quickly aa to surprise you restoring the original color at the same tiuis. Not a dye, not oily, delicately perfumed , On ly standard 60c dressing. The Most Agreeable As well as the most effective method of dispelling headaches, colds and fevers, or cleansing the system is by taking a few doses of the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c and $1 bottles for sale by Foshay & Mason, Lang don A Co. Parties already subscribers to the Dam - en a r, who wish to send the paper off to a trieud or friends can do so for $2. Babbit metal at the Democrat office a b t a pound. Old papers 50c. a hundred. D. M. JONES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBANY, OREGON. Ofl'iee at resideneo on Third and Wvht ington Streets. RATES OF CIT A RGBS. (with 25 per cent extra at night) Visits in town, f 1.50, Visits in the country, tl per mile for the first two miles, and 50 cents for each addi tional mile, not including ferriage. Medicines furnished pkek while viai'- mg patients. bstetrics, five dollars and mileage, HAS1TARV ITEM. "You are looking bad," remarked to uo bo, rney uhh coauof OUDi.m .mv n , ,l p..,. vfll.Ml. , , . Snowberger to Colonel r ere eigar. traditions of old time Democratic hos- VY USu VUO lUBHDl pitallty. Hon. Jos. Pulitzer, who will be a member of the next House of Repre- seutatives, proposes to maintain a Washington residence during the winter season, and has cabled from Europe directing his agent here to secure him a suitable house for en tertaining. WOMEN Ntodlna renreit strtBgtit, or who .uflVr fro lattrnilUes peculiar to Uisr sex, should try It will soon be time to drop Brcthej Blaine into the Ohio canvass. What a fiirz there will be ! and what dis appointment among tbe republicans ! "The dootor says my longs are af fected and that I muat not take more than three drinks a day.'' "I would try some other doctor." "I did and he said the sraa this g." Well then, if eaeh one of them said you could take three drinks a day, that I makes six drinks. "I never thought of that berore. I'll see tbe rest of the doctors in Austm, and if they all sty tht I can take three drinks a day, thu will make and that is ma H n m mm m C. B, WOLVERTOW, O, H, IBVB. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. sVOffloo up stairs in Fro man's Brick ALBANY, OREGON. QUTLERY. The best line of cutlery in the valley sap be found at our store. It embraces poefcft knives, table knives, forks and spoons, but. -her knives, hunting knives, paring kuives, shears and scissors of all kinds, and the best line of razors ever brought into Albany. Come and see for your selves, Parsauk SrawaST. F OR SALE. THE BEST TONIC Mr. Blaine every now and then makes some frantic demonsttation to let the world know that he still lives, arj0Qt gixty drinks a day, but the mosses and lichens sre growing M maen M j8 g00d for an invalid." Avar him in srttta nf his efforts to shake w fh time is not far dis- ThelVlrffinia democrats will Rid VllUiU iwMwt uw -w- a" u ni k r;A aimnl rlifthorffer before they gat througn ballv wiinu uo win iowjui rv I Thi rnetlU ino eoTnt ioes Iron with pnre voffetablo toniot. and is iuv.Juatlo fur Diseases peculiar to VV onion, and all n ao lead sedentary lives. It En as an interesting ruin. With him. j 'rhos end Purines the Blond, Stimulates ti.; Appetite, strenjrthciin the Muscles and Kerves ia faot. thoroughly In vicrorates. . t:t,arathecom5lesion, and makes the skin emooth. It d not blaukan the toeth, cause headache, or produce constitution all other frvn mtdiclne 4o. Sla. ! ltzabeth Qatrp. 74 Fnrwell Ave,, Milwau kee, Wis., sys, under dat of Dee. 26th. 1884. ' 1 have used Brown's Iron Bitters, and it hae been niore than a doctor to roe, having cored me of tho weakness ladiea have in life. Aleo cured me of Liv er Complaint, snd now my coropleiinn is clear and gcxal. Has been beneficial to my children." Gennine has ahowtrade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no t ber. Hade only by liKOWN CHEMICAL CO..B A LTIMO BJR, SIR. L.vnrr.s' Hasd Boos nseful and attractive, con tain hu? list of prises for recipes, information about coins, etc.. given away by oil dealers in medicine, of Uuiled to any address on receipt of So. stamp. RED1NGTON, WOODARD ACO., Portland or, y-v a a one nunurea ana forty acres, m'n mil;s above Lebanon. 40 acresu cnl ti vat ion. 10 aores slashed and sown te grasa Comfortable dwelling, wrnm outhousea. Cheap. Tnouire at tkie oflSce. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT? Fine MiUinery, OPPOSITE REVERE! HOUSE. T. J. SUITES. ATTORNEY AT LA' -AND-: Notary Public-