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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1885)
k ma Statue or Liberty Lntlalilealng lar World ' Ths Comndttc la chare of the construction of thu Iwm nil lotaJ tit Un reception of thtsgrvat work, tu order to rslas funds (or Ha completion, have pre ired a niuuauira Statuette six Ikuhes tu height, the Hutu Unuued; lNtdostal, Ntckel-sllvcroil, which the nr now dollvcnng t suuecitbere through out the lulled States at one JotUr each. Thin attr.ittva aouvoiiir an. I inalllol or desk orna mental ape feci facsimile ut the model furnished by the artist. The Staiu-tte In Mint mcfal, twelve Inches high. atnvo ilollara I , delivered. Tin., ilotiriiii of Matueaiid IVdcstnl arc protected hv V. s Patent and lit model can only be lurnUhcd by this Commute. AdJress, with remittance. KK HARD BUTLER, Secretary, Auertoan Committee ol the Liberty, S3 Mercer Street, New York. t surra Hireiat) . C. i. C it tu. it. rroauhuigevery Sabbath,, aud J r. M. by llav. f- U. ir uuf. u 1. sabbath inuiovd at 1!:JU r. u ajsaBaafeJ every VV oduessday owning. h AMUkULAt L Ul'Kt 11. IWclliltg OU JSaVU mLi mI II A. .1, AUvl 74 r. M. JSallbtttll -souooi i'raver uicvUum wery i lium tUt vuiiu.,,. i- . K. Davis, pastor. All avrc iiivuod. Cos u kOA r ion al Cu i HtM. Scr v ieoa o v ery jHbOalh at 11. . and 8 r. M. Sabbath Scliooi at U;l. i'rayir meeting on Inured evttbiug ui each week. J. W. lierru, pastor. d. IV VvUUKta, SOUTH. Pivavhiug every Saoualti morning at 11 o'clock A. M. Sab baiii Achoul at 1U o'clock A. M. Prayer mwiif.. waty lburaday evening 7:30 o'clock. b M. Lulu, i'aator. 31. ti CuiKiM socru.TAxautT. Praach btttrati ajouulu al 3:30 o oiook,r. M. JUb- bath aci.ool ai J:30 o'clock, r. m. t . M. Culp, iaior. M. L. Cu i Kelt. I'roacbiug every babbatn a. 11 a. m. ami 7 . b. soug aervica in lite evtiiin- Ik tore auroiou. Sabuatli Scbooi it :w r. m. i'ra)r uiocUng every Tbura i-y eveituig. Uviv. .L Judy, paalor. I'KasuvtbKiAN tuimu. Service every S;bbalb inoruiu aud eveiung in Chorea cor. Kroadaibiu audt utb SU. SuuOaycnooi at 2 .30 p. m. Prayer meeting every v tauuHwy ev3Uios. Itev. laaac ii. Couun. pastor. Fiuar lUriTr Cuuncu. Pfeachiug evr Sabbatb at 11 o'clock,at Cburca oa 5th Street. Sabbath School imuielutoiy alter merning services. Prayer meeting e r Thursday evemug at 7:30 o'clock. T O Droarusun, pastor. Cucrch. Prcachiug ever secoud aud fourth Sabbath oi each mouth at Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m , aud 7 o'clock, r. vi Sabbath School at 12 m. 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, -ASr- l"i:c. Bcclal I Irrra, Flasnrcs Prurlta. .tul, t-lalolaalB Auo. I'olypa. Uerii. He. Lie, Cared in six years by the strlakcrbolT aMeat. Dr. J. B. PilkingtoB, Proprietor ut the Pcrtland fye ana tar tmUrtmmrjf aid HaailMrlaaa fur leervwam aviaeajtes hae ttoeu af pototci asiil aud phyucian for this y atom lu Orexon aaU W. T. No aevere aajrsiral apcralloo. pmIu. u a -I IIxmI. Ill two aMaaSka have cureU mc venal eaeaa in whieh upratiuiui with the knife have uue injury. Am permit led to refer to Mr. Jae. W. Weath trlord, druggui, formerly i Salm, Mr. Frank Uaid nor, machiueat. Mr. K A. Rampy, MartMbunr, aiul othcia. Wi'l meet patiente al the Revere Uoiua, Al bany, from Tueedajr noon, bept. Slh tu WedneaUay uoon, Sept. 9th, lSHi. AilJre Ur pauinlt, etc. J. B. PIUUNCTON, M. D.. POKTL.VM), OREGON. THE , . OR, LIEBIC r rrlvalc wiatfeMaarv. tjO Oeary St., San Prancawo; CaL CC conduotea by qabfled Ptiywciaiu O "d Sumotia regular rr-aoualca. 1 AulheOkieal epeciaUeU in the ,t. Lnlue btatee. awSHSBal expeno r I perfect method awi pure luedlc I -ii-ruy ail penuanent curee tfJU of U futate, CbroiiK and erviou IhacaeeS AKactlous ol the lilxl, hkm. Kldneve. blao.l. r, Knipl:ou.. L item. Old Soree. Swel'lnc of the .Gland, Sore MoutD, inroal none "7 eMiM.perinaiieni'y eewwa eawj criatu ' ryyi unm the avateiu dr lite. .NLKtlVta Utbility, Impotency, Seminal LMwea, Sexual becay, Meu- 1 f tal ai.d myaleai ttuwin, ratniiy rr yitmory, ttcak Kyee, blunted Ue W raH mailt, )aiMOiii tnt to Marriage Q ttc , li n. txttta r ;outbiul flUee, S k r i y cauae, etuily, altly and i riiaiel) cured. luaac. Mieuicjiera ami oia I men, ano all who aewl meoical akilJ and exiieneiice, consult the old European Ptiician at once, lita opinion coat nothing, aud may are fuluie mieery and abame. When inconvenient to tiait the city for treatment, tnedicinee can be aent everywhere by exrree free from obeervation. It is self evident Uaat a phy-ician who givea hia whole attention to a claae of dieeaseaaltaine great skill, and phyaiciana through oiit the r-oanlry.knowlng thia. frequently rocmmeiui difntult caaca to the oldeat apeciaJUt, by whom every known good remedy i uaod. The Ix flora age ami experience make hia opinion of supreme importaaas. aUTThoae who call aee no one but the bector. Com aultationa free and aacraoly eonOdeiiiial. Cases which have failed In obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female diseases suc:eesfully treated. The ivx-tor wilt aeree to forfeit sT,0Oj for a case un dertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily .from a. m. to i p. m., 0 Ut 8 evenings ; SuiMlays, 10 to 12 only. Bond for the Sanitarian Uimlti lo Uealtli, sent free. Address as sbov- lR LIEKIC'S TTonderral iicranau luvlKralwr P. mi vieiitly prevents ail Unnatural Losses from the ay. t. in, tones the uervos, strengthei.s the muscles, checks the a ante, ini lgorate the wh'.lc system, and roaiorea the afflicted to Health and Happiness. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakneae, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Proatatorrhca with Hyiieraet heals, wbirh requires peculiar treatment, br. Lieblg's In vitioralor is the only positive cure for Protabrrhea, with eculiar special treatment, use I at thf UsM( OtepsVatary. Prlre f la vlgoralar, H'l- Cass of six kettles tin. Kent to any adJreis, covered securely from ob servation. M'wi jowerful electric lelts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the InvigoraUjr. A ! Bottle Given or Heat 'ree. ConKiiltalion free aud private. Call or address LIKBIta D1HFEV4 4UY, i(n Geary Street, San Pranciaco, Cal. Private entrance, 406 Mason Street, four blocks up Geary Street from Kearney, Main entrance throug.i bisi-cnsury Dru Store. more mousy than at any thing tlac by lakinir an agency lor the tiest selling huolt out, lieginners sue evil irramlly. None fail, Terms Iree.J H allmt Cook Co., l'.rtlanJ, .Maine, To the Unfortunate ! BE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. pcyn KEARM' ST . Uvt) corner of Commer cial, San Francisco, Cal. K.atablUhorl in ISM, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Oiseasos, such aa Gonorrhea, saleet, Stricture, Syphilis in all its forms, Nominal Weakuean, lutuolenev. and Loss of Manhood loiinanently cured. The nick and afflicted should nut f ill to tell upon him. Tho Doctor has traveled e tier lively in K irope, ort inspeoted thoroughly the vsrii us hostika's there, obtaining a great deal of valuable information, whi - h he is ooinie'ent to in; isrt to those in need of his se: vices. The Iloctor cures when others fail. Try him. DR. G1UBON will make no i barge uniees he effect s eure. Persons at a distance CI. It tv2 AT HONK. Al! communica tion Htrnstly confidential. All letters answered in plain envelopes. Send ten dollar for a package of medicine, Call or writs. Addrecs DR. J. F. (UBBON, Box 19.'.7, San Franeico, Cal. (Meutien Albany Dsmocuat. CH0NC HUNG. Vsnhes and irons clothes ia flrst-o!a style, at renm-iiable rstee. Suocefor to Lee One door aouth of Revere Kouee.on Ellmwi.ith rytreet. LI!AJiY REG OX COME. Cotuo ami drink Schlltx Milwaukee iieoi, on draught, tit MICHAEL PEYSER'S CIGAR STORE. 01T0MTK THE KKVKIIK HOUSE Frio lunch served every di:y from 10:30, A. Mi, to 12 M, Key West and Domestic Cigars, L. CAMPEAU, BARBER. I have a flrd 'ln ussUUnl !' -'0 yoara xprUiHe, and will not bo excelled In balr -euttlnK and ahaving. PORTUr, LAUIKJ, I have the vt.rv latent stvlea or hair drefutlni: aud oieauliiir for ladlea in which tht hair cleaned in 12 tnlnuliot tiino leavlnu it twrfoollv clean. Will call a rei.leii. if doiiirod, d work at whop LOUIS CAMPEAU, Harber and llairdrehmsr. TUTT'S PILLS 25 Years in use. Tho Oroatsst Mo ical Trlamph of the Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oaeof appetite, llowe-le coeilve, l ain la the head, with a stall eenaattoa In the back pnrt. I'nla under the ahoelder hlasle, Fatlaeaa after eating, with a die tnclluailea to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Law spirits, with it feeling of having; neglected some duty, Weariaeaa, IHzslncae, Fluttering at lhe Heart, Hots before tho eree, Headache over the right eye, llestioeeeoas, with fitful dreauaa, Highly colored I'rluc, aud CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'Jl P1LX.S are especially adapted to such eases, ono doso effects such a Hi- Hlgrestl ve OrvsUas.lteajuUur too I a are r..1:.s r I r !. . 4t WurTajr;, TUm HAIR DYE. Gkat IUir or WHtaKKKS changett to a Olosst Black by a single application of this Dtk. It Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously, hold by 1-. . or sent by exprosa on receipt of ft. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. DR.SANF0 IWVIGCRATQR Turclj Viable Ccmpousd, th-t ecu directly upon the liccr ; curing the iaany diseases irjcidtfm th-t rortant organ, r.n-i ffcy&iag the nu merous ailctuts tlu cricc frcn itJ dcranccd , cr 'Miction, sucb aa epsi Jajc'-vaicc, Bilioosaess, CosVcr.?;?..S;ck.h?idAcrif. nhc ctQ, It Ls therefore a 'To have Gccd Health the Lbercust be kfrjt in n-tl-r ' Ha BAHTOalD'3 L:V- I VIGCHATCn InTieorateatbel.ivtr. I. ttlaU ittw Bow els, Strengtltcna the fttalrra. l iiiillcstUa Blood. AsAisUDii;...:: ,1. reels Ftrtrs. I a Household Kced. An Icvaluable Family Medicine for common f oir.piaint. 13. aiT?02D'3 im j. IZTRDOSAZQli An experience rf F-rtj ffmn, a i TIou tcndM cf TettiminiiiU prorc i't J.' .', e yon BALK BT AM. DKf.t:iti TU UUOICTXaBa. For full inform'ir n s .d roir af!4n-s for MS pegs IVOK on tr:e J. ' r i ses, to r ii i' X -Ul Sheriff's Sale. In ti CifuU Court of thf State of Ort-jon for thr Comi'if of Linn : L Plisc', Mafia vs. W J Uraruwtl , Msjstas liramwrtl an 1 Chartes H Iutht, Cefendauts. NOTICE is liereby g veil that by virtu of an exe cution nd an uruer of sale duly issued out of the above named Court in t:j above citiUed action and to mc directed and dciivertd, I a in on Saturday the 12th day of September, 1&, at the Court House door in Albany, Linn cunty, Or.goti at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., sell at p jblis auction for cash in hand lo the huhest bidder the proerty described In said order of sale which description is a. follows, to- wit ; Lou throe (J), six (C), seven (7) and ten (10) in Block No. Ave (5) in toe town of Hcrisbarg, Linn county, Oregon. The procec Is of such sale to be ap plied ss follow, Ui-wit ; nsJUa the twymetit of the costs due upon said judgment Uxtd at SI2.70 an11 the costs of and upon this writ. .Second to the pay ment of liiu claim of L Fieiscbner in the sum of 3,37 with interest thereon at the rate of Un per cent per :inn urn from March Srth, 1815, an i $tj0 At torney's fees. Third tj the aymeiit of the claim of Charles II Dod'l in the sum of fl5.75.fcO with interest theroon ailhe rale of ten per cent per annum from March Uth. !Si5, and SlnUsa AtUirney's fees Fourth the overplus if any t b j fniil u W J Bramwell sod MelvinsBramwctl their heim, l.-,'al representatives or ajawaa Dated thii Uth day of August, 1 -' , J. K. CnasLros, Sh;riItof Linn county, Oregon. lr Jas. i. Chilton, Days y. TUttknrxKt Orn r. is Issn4 Ksvra rn i S; r .' .'i vr- :;,.fc 11 luche.., b Uh over " Ji) ulnstrr.ficna i rvv.liol3pirtrirer',0or y, ,',vt"'.c' !- pruijf dtrcet to etHtmmtTB o.J &!t C'.. .' r Act la how to i3is --. order, atol givca exa-t tegf c t of er- erythinpyou U ) t:-e, h'.s,'', eat, wecr, -.v 'J. h tvi i with. There ZL.y-j juru!'ja!.! j hooks cent n inr ;t..?'': el -nned f:-" . tho m2r'.. t i vi too wort!. .'o wiil r uil aeepya?rcote arrycddresi i r'on .-'xi;t of the poidaus 8 eentsv I .: i :t frorayoi;. J Keepe tfully, IVJONTCOfiflFRY WARD t . X Car a LuV vya'i.--; Aver c, t LUat-, 0. 0 CriKltUY. 0, . J J 1 J I ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PAREKS, (fc!tic;e!Kor to p. ft Cliei ry.) Machiiiists, MillvTrights, and Ipoi Founders. vv K1IAVEOITK NEWHHOI'S ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinda of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist aud Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Iron .nd Brans Castinge. FATTKKtXft M4UK Oft SUUKT NOTICE. Mpe5ial attention given to repairing at kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved tlherry A White Grain Separator B L ACKS Ml TLl'S O V i'FITS, AnvilH vises, be) lowH.haniinera. mledHes. etocks and dies and almostevery tool used by blacksmiths we keep constantly on htnd Albo a lull zUk-U. of iron. of all sizes, horse Mios and borue hoe nails. Special prions made on small outfits for fainters Ui. . . PKTERS & Stkwabt. clniigorroelluiAatoiistonlsli the, sufferer. Tlu-y tl.v A ; caua. iHe ltn Taste ou t'leeSUtliua the avatrm Is by th ir To ate Anion oa FRIDAY BKPTEMHKU 4, 188H A CtMFAKiN S EC BET .IsKS 4WAV. In Iho uampalKii of 1984 tho two candidstoa for governor in n ptvotal" Woatern atato ftrrartifed for a aerloa cf Joint tliscussioca. lUdh men wore popular, bolli of ihio itppiMtaiico und woro ao well mulched in ment;tl force and si t t i thttt ttto foulest be tween them promised to ho u BftffOi- flcont ono. For sovornl weeks tho 8tHles hnlancod evenly. Hut ono day tho brilliant llepubll can caiidldat" cuiny up allhitr. He Hoomed t.vrctina and sxko labored ly. Tho nt'xt thiy ho was oven less effective. Liter he was impelled to ask his opponent (or a postpone ment of certain appointment, which waa grantee?. Heforo tho campaign entted ho had nbnd'nrd tho tlotd al together. Meantime the Democratic eandl- due continued ills ranvss-, seeming to prow stronger, clieeiier and moro offectlve with each succeeding week. Ho waa elected. One eveulug In December while entertaining several gentlemen he said : I will tell you a go accret which gave me the electlou. With tho opening of my campaign I began caring fur my liver. I knew that n disordered or torpid liver meant dull, ness and Hidble ricknesi. I look something every day. When my opponent began falllug I knew hh trouble to l nil liver and felt like preaerlbimr for him, but feared If I Htpratore is still the groat bulwatk did so he might Mat mo! 1 Krowof ttf4irrn . y. t. Jtimu. stronger aa the crtiop-ii:ti prttrr.a !, often haUUtlittl tWO - I hes a da... Even .my voice, to my aupri, did not fall mo once. All bcc4Uo Wr nei'e safe cure kept me In A 1 trim." Kx-Governor Jacob cf Kentucky, liM made a campaign tour under preci-n ly similar rm-u instance and aaya ho kept up under tho exhau-ting atraln by use of the same means. Hoehetter Uuion. tutaLvv im-a autra Tho boot savlve In the world for euta, ruiaea, sona, tiloera, wall rhoum, fevor aoren, totter, chppol riauda, eltllbtalna, corns anil a l kinds of akin eruptions. This aalve U guars o toed to live porfoct Matlsfatlon in every imhti or m e re tundod. Price STm per bog. Fur sale ly Koebey A Maaon AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers ! o- Kll our aubaerlbera who will pv their r ubacriplton acoou nla to tbia paier iu full lo date, and one year lit ad vance, will be presented with one year's eubecrtp tton to THE "AMERICAN" FARMER P A alxleon-paire Airrbmltural Maaaxine, pubitsheil by K. A. K . Hackeit. at Kort Wayne, Indiana, ami wbich U rapuliy taking rank aa one of the loading Agrtvul tarsi publtealions of the country. It la ilevottfd eacluaively to the Inter at a of the farmer, atoek breeder, datryuiait, garden er, and i heir household, and every wpociee of Industry connected with that great por tion ol the people of the world, the far in era. The aubacrlption price la one dollar per year. Far mere can not well gal along without it. Il put new ideas into their minds. It teaches them bow to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the homo happy, the ynun folks cheerful, the Krowler oontonto'l, trie Oownoaat happy, and the demagogue bopcet. Final Settlemeut. In Utrmalttr of thz HUtte of Fraur.U Berry, deceased. NOTICE is hertby given that thj iindir.Uul Ad. ministratiir of the estate ot Francis Berry, deceas ed, has filed his final account in said matter In the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, and that said Court lias appointed Monday, October ah, 1SS&, at he hour of one o'clock, p. to , of said day as the time for hearing objections to such Sna ac .ount and ths settlement thereof. Date I Aug. Sfith, 1S8S. J. L. Mills, UEvrrrk Bstsst, Administrator. Attorney's for Administrator. IJY- W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D. Iguarautee a cure In all eases If my 0. ructions aro strictly followed. No pain or loss or time from buMnecs, dress above at Albany, Oregon. Ad- H OT EL FOR SALE. Til? -J 'Aoi ifin IfmiuA Prin.t llii. . ioai. wawr-. as 'ri.TVf a a I IIO W SaaS's I TTLtlll a 32 well furnished rooms, the only hotel in town, largo and convenient, with all necessary furniture. Price reasonable and terms easy. A. B.Colvkr dr. So. Prineville, Oregon. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. Wheat Stored AT THE,- MAGNOLIA MILLS, I will receive wheat In stor i et the mill and warehouses, under the usual kums, When parties wish to sell will buy the wheat or deliver it ou order, Sacks furnished to parties wishing to store. July 15th, 185. JOHN A. CBAWFOBD. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, JL.J. 'jay KOITKU by tub Women's Chrhtiuti Trniperonre Union arPKii. To.MiawTKMa. To tub I'LKituY ok the V nitko Statks: The Centennial of the femperanoe U -form is to be celebrated during the wnek commencing Heptember 20, 188$, It has been propoied that every minis tar preaob k sermon on Sunday the 20lt, btinging the subject before hi. ooogregation in aunh way and manner as ho umy deem beet, ami that every Sunday School bold exercises appropri ate to the occarion. Ths National Temptrauoe Mociety, Woraan'a Chris tian Temperance Union, and other National Temperance organizations unite in this request, and the Preshy. tsrian (isneral rVsgombly at its reoeot annual mooting recommended is min isters to pieach sermons on temjierance on that day. Wa cordially invite and urge ministers of all denominations in the land to unite with their fellow worker, and let there go up a united and atroug protest an1 in it iho giant evil of intemperance, aud earnest pray ers bs offered for the deliverance of our Und aud ie.iple from this tUsolating SCOUr n. The celebration u especially one of education and of a temperanoe litera ture. Tne areat fundamental truths of the temporancx movement must be brought with poster en I vigor before the Amsrioin pnyuln until a public opiuion is created against drink and the drink trallto. The little pamphlet of Dr. Rn.h was a mighty pywer in form ing iiuUlic MPntimeut in the early days of the movement, und a sound temier- In ninnteei. eoutiii -s .f ittdiana thtie are 1,132 saloons, au I in nine oountie thr Mtn Ha saloons. In tin? nineteen oountica there ia ono prisoner for every aeventytwo votes, in the uine coontiea there is one for every seven hundred aud twenty votes, being ten times aa many where liquor ia sold. An eastern paper gays : Archdeacon Kairar has met the challenge of the brewers wi;h firm and manly front, they having threa.ened to aid in the work of disestablishing the ohnreh, if the clergy dared to oppose the liquor traffic. Speaking recently at Leads, he said the church of Kagland bad faced opea and kings, and was not going to recoil be fore the threatened vengeance of pub.i- cana and brewers. brahsm Linolu waa a total ab stainer for fifty year. Ou nia election I to the presidency a large nutnlier of citixeus crowded t th WhtiM House to congratulate him. Wuhu the audi ence room was full ho cleared it by one of the practical jokes of e-hicb ho waa fond. "Gantlemen," said bt, 4I am auro that you will agree with me that on this auspicious occasion we ahoulo drink each other's health." Thia prop osition was greeted avitb app.amss, Soon a servant appeared carrying a tray with a nu tuber ot glasses aud a Urge decanter of water. Turning to hia guears the President then said, 'Gen tlemen, we will now drink each otber'a health in the best beverage given to men, pure oold water." Htibsequentlj the President added to one of hia friends, "That water joke etTfcted two purposes Il cleared toy room and gavo them a leason in the disuse oi strong drinks." From i bo Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane, at Kankakee, cornea thia testimony : "We pay out over half a million annually for the care of the in sane; ia all ways, considerably oyer that amount. There are accommoda tions provided by the state for,in round numbers, about thirty-five hundred in sane, which can b ii cost, on an aver age.nut much lesa than $800 per capita, aud have probably oust more. From 12 to 20 per cent of the insane owe their disorder directly to drink, and indirect! a much larger number. I should say that 25 per cent ia too small an estimate for the whole number who owe their insanity, direotly or indirect ly to intemperance. Dr. 0trpenter,an eminent phyaician, says : Those who change from so alco holic to a water diet must not always expect to be at once all the bettor for the change. They may even find after a time that they are apparently not so well. Very many earnest workers in the temperance cause have been led astray by this result, and have been oersuaded that abstinence is doing them barm, when in reality they aro only under going the home cleaning which is very necessary for tlem to uudergo if they would ifcover a healthy frame. It is only the evidence of the greater damage they would have been under, if they had not given up their habitual use of liquor. A return to old habits wilt only cauae them to toss t he ad vantage they have already gained by the com mencement of the house cleaning which the water is bringing about. ByrugT o "rigs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal.. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foshay A Mason, E W Laogdon and Co. , at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prombt aud effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly t to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred lb riano ror Sale Cheap A square piano, eost $550, will be sold at a sacrifice for cash, For particular call at this ofl?oe, niBTOVlCAI.. Sr. Mark a cjlumn in Venice, on tho summit of which rests the Hon of Ht. Mark, was brought from the Holy Land In tho twelfth cohtury. Oarpst knights were so called be cause thsy gsinod their positions by mere favor at court, and not on the field, of battle by their military ex ploits. In olden limes it wss the fashion of persons of (list ioction when visiting to be acoompaniod by a trumpeter, who announced their approiich by a flourish of his trumpet. The Accursed Street was the name given to tha thoroughfuro in ancient Koma where the daughter of Beivitis Tullius was reputftl to bavedrivsn over the corpse of her father after ho had been murdered by the emissaries of Tarqnin, her husband. According to Malone it was once a common custom, ou the breaking out of a fisy, to call out "clubs, clubs r to part the oorobatants. "Cltbs,"too, was originally the populsr cry to call forth ihe Loudon apprentices who employed their clubs for tho preset vation of the pesoe. Iu days gone by lh-r was but one salt cellar upon the tubb, wbich was a large piece of plate generally much ornamented. The Ubles leiing long the sail wss usually placed about the middle and served as a a rt of a bound ary to the different quality of thegueata inyited. Those of distinction were ranked above, the space below being assigned to the dependant, inferior re lations of the master cf the lit, use, and so forth. Can it be ooaoei-wd possible, says Frotassrt, that in a hot (ire of the squad i otia of the French and English, met near Cherbourg, 1379, the knigbta and sqoires.having diamounted te 6gbt closer, atoped in the midst of thoee furious transporta to give ono among them who remained on horseback the leisure to challenge that knight stnong bis enemies whom he esteemed to excel the most in love. The most prosperous days of the Four in Hand Club of London were in the reign of George IV. 1820 1830. The noted Lord Ouelow was a member and was ridiculed in the following epigram: What can Tommy Onalow do 1 He cam diiye a coach and two. Can Tommy Onslow do no more ? He ean drive a coach and four. To throw the gloyo as a signal of challenge is alluded to by Sbakespegro, when Troilus says to Creatde : For I will throw my glove tj Dath himself, That tbein'e no macolelioi in (hv heart. The meaning ksrieg, save Johnson. "I will challenge D-atb himself in de fonen of thy fidelity. " Iho glove then thrown down was ot.nUrly oaHed "a gage' from ibi Firms?!, signifying r pledge. MCCSJAHtCSI.. The B igUn coil trade It not very nerativo. Too ofB-lal returns for 1884 show tn-tt tbo profit on fh9 total output wwi one-soventeen(b of a Mail per ton. The largest boiler locomotive ever constructed ia umi r vv at tho West Alf any shops, 52 inch shell of 7-16 Iron, with 22 tubes, and weighs over eight tons. Black birch wood is prised In Eu rope for fine cabinet work. It seems, however, that there is a strung pre. Judlce against thia wood among arch itects In this country, although It is cheap beautiful and pretiy durable. There are 3500 railroad bridges lo the state of Now York, and each one of them Is to be critic illy examined by experts and repaired where found oeceesary. A large amount of rail road building will be undertaken ou Aug. 1. A South Carolina genius claims to have Invented a perfect system of car coupling by electricity. Upon a recent trial a freight train waa cut in four pieces and agalu coupled up without the aid of any person except the conductor, who did tho entire work from the rear car. The inven tion, if successfully introduced, will save many hundreds of lives annual ly. The good Lord have mercy upon us now, for there Is a generally cred ited rumor that (h fall and winter bonnet will be larger in size and trim med in an entirely new and unique manner. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. 9 powder never varies. A marvel of purity- strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com- petition with the multitude of low test, short RQXAl Win weignt, aiumor pnospoate pawners, sold only ut curs. Royal Bakiho Powdes Co. , 109 Wall-st, 11. V. "tVIMT KHALI, SVE WO WITH Ol K ' This qucMlon Is nsked by n oil known lady lecturer. Well, we can do n great many things with them ; one thing, wo rnut toko good care of their health, and not let (hem run down and become enfeebled. For tho feminine ailments, which may bo summed up In ono word debility, we have a sovereign remedy In Brown's Iron Blttors, which has done much ftocd. Miss Miry Groonflold, of Qnlatltt, III., write-', "Brown' Iron 111 tiers cured mo of nervousness, In. dlgiwiloo Hnd general poor health." Let tho other young Indies take lho hint, ttplruidid bus of lalies fall and winter gar mollis t Mo itoith A Meito bach's. t baerrs for Urallb and IMsease. Man la dependent upon his surround ittga for tho uocomi I ties of life. Air and water aro neooaaitlee of life, but Impure air ami Ituiuire wator are moat prolific sources of diastase. Food ts also a neces sity of life, but numerous diseases are traceable to both a lack of necessary food, anU an over Indulgence In apeclaf kinds of nourishment, ibisldes these external sources, of diaeaso there are other more r olitUi and Internal uausea. Kacb Individ ual Inhetlte from hia parents a certain physical constitution, Kaeh perscn there tore derives hia chances of health ordis am fiom a i lou bin aource, namely his In herited constitution and hia surroundings In life, Hanitary eelertoe devotee attention to our surroundings. Medical science seeks to overcome the constitutions! or Inheilled weakness by modtciues thai supply what la wanting in the system. Do Haven's Dyspepsia Curo supplies that which ia wanting to ensure proper assim ilation and digestion of food. Try It. Free aamp'o bottles at Foahay t Maaon'a Drug Htore, Albany, Oregon. aotartlttac for lave alr W bat a terrtbleamiction about the house la a eroae, crying baby ! A young rran on the very edge of matrimony might eswdly lie frightened from his purpose by having too much of that eort of music al the bomea of bis married frtende. Yet Its Was cry commonly only wbou they are shk. One teaspoonful ol Parker 'a Tonic, given the llUle one, wilt bring real and sleep to the baby and all in the bouse. Only u ecu la, at druggist, 'Moagh on Stat. ' Clears wit rats, Brier, roaches, flies, sals, bed-bugs Mearf salas. PeJolUtion, pascal SsrslUmrs, tSrilnoss. Indi gnU-,. HU . .lcsir cured by "WeUs 115! "ttaegli oa lores. Ask for WUs' "Boog h oo CoraaN tfic. eoenpieta cere. Hard or oust corns, warts. Murba-raitia. goiek. ttanidet cure, alt Kldo-j. bladdrr and Lroiar OlMaac. rk-al!in-, irritation, SwSBSl Oravtl. Cal ar rata ot tat HladUer. Si. Orutrsaata K-d-Bog. fllra I ,ir, i.itihM, ants, hed hag, ru, iru, K4irrs, chiianunka, cieared out by "tUMgh ou Kate. lie. ' ell's tleailb ttsoewrr" rr.l-.rcs health and tlg-or i'jicpa, irntioMfncc. xumi icthi, f. "stooge oa rain" Ceres cbolscs. colic, cramp., diarrhoaa.arhrs,o,ltaS, a oral oa, Oeadecbr, i.curaJtf .a. ihgiimaUsta. V) itnU. KoSaTh un rVn fiasters. Ue. Hetbrrs. If too ar failiioj, bruket:, aura out sod neirous, SS 'WthVUsauj, tlmtwwe." SI. brujjjista. tlfc I'mrnrr. If too are ksdng oer mp oa life, try "Watts' Health Kenrwer." boss direct to weak spots. "ttostah a Mice tres POs or Iteoaurtakutda, heat Beard H., InicnaU or other. luu-rn Pnurudlnr, icrni in ab oacaare. Sure cure, 600. OrUtdfiaU rcUr Weaare. Ladles who mwW retain freshness and rirad'y. Dwo ilailtoU-y Wotts' llesllh Reoewsr.- "Bi.u:k an lick. - "Uuoh ot Itch" curia bun n, ttui-tktis,rb g worm, letur. sail iheeei, f rusted tect, cl.ilWatos. "-Mil ea Catarrab. ' Corrects otfrnaos odors at once. tVanplete core o worst rhrtaiu- roses, also nntitaled as gargle lor i-.(.i,io. ii., ooru inroai, roui nrcaitt. sun. Tae Hope of Ike Xallea. CeildrsM, slow in derelonaaaet pony, scrawo and delicate, use "Walls' Healih ItsoeaVr.'' aiarrk of Ike Bladder. Stinging, IrritaUon, Inflammatlot!. all Kldnevaad i mwj caapsnii, evrso oy "itacnu.paioa. St. Water Bags, Boarkrs "Rough oa Bate dears Hum out, also Beetles .Ml.. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment OREGONIAN RAILWAY COMPANY (LIMITED) LINE. NARROW GAUGE. Arrangements hwe been perfect ol whereby all the warehouses along this line will be ru charge of con petent and reliable warehousemen who will receive grain tor cleaning and storage. Shipments can bs made promptly, ample provisions has bten made for oars. Transf trs to rail or river free of expense te shippers, through rates as low as the lowest. Dally train service. Farmers consult your interests by maintaining this line and secure highest market prise for your products. Take no notice of reports cirsu atoJ to damage our traffic. Apply to agents or cos d uctors for rates or cars or to the undersigned, Ctias, N Scott, Receiver. O, R, Co. (limited) Line offices, Woodburn, Oregsa. California Wire Works, 29! MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. MAHttrAcrraaM or WIRE AND EVERYTHING IN WIRE. Hqnhorl Winn We offer tor sate at lowest figure Dal UoU W 11 u 2 A point regular and thick set. Being regularly licensed we guarantee our customers against damage. Hoilinrr WirtQ "Paciflc,,brand of very best steel, Bdllilig YlMo all sises at lowest market rates. Wire Netting All meshes A widths, galvanised after made.for poultry j arda.ctc. Wire Cloth Of all kinds for fruit dryers, thresh ers, harvesters, riddles, etc, Willi For training hops, made frcm steel in HUp If il u long lengths specially for the purpose. Gopher Traps And all other kinds of traps for moles, squirrels, rata and mice. Vineyard Lines ot steel wire, ORNAMENTAL ANO USEFUL WIRE AND IRON WORKS. NOTE. We meet Eastern competition by borne manufacture, and sell you better good, st a lower prices, JULIUS GRADWOHL lift the only selnalv fttoclt of CROCKERY, CLA88.8ILVER AND CHINA WARE, A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Eelecton of Coffee, Tea and Bug ONE DOZEN CUPO AND 8AUCER8jtl.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E THE SIGSKKT MARKET I'lfll'i; PAID FOR EUh Remember! Wlat I Say I Mean. Bive He a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- HOFFMAN -pnoiKncTOK.s of- ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALER IN Imported and Domestic Clgaia, Tobaccos, Gro Candlet, Nut a snd Tropical Prulta. Albany, NEARLY OPPOSITE uussi:ix s& co's m MMIM THRESHER Is Umi rrca'rst -raln -saving mat blue of the faasoot wk. and naaqoalled In strwiirth snd dure . . . , uiioiiicg in canacttr : tos cuniauiv also manufactures to boat Karin -' aasaai X-ri ulog-u, and prios list sent fres. Address BI aaBU. st Cov, Braark Moaar.rortlaaaj.r. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of routrh. dressed and seasoned lumber Jatbsfand pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST, FRED GRAF, Manufacturer and Daalar In all kinds of KURIVITtJIltK, AUD UNDERTAKER. 8 First Street Albany, Or N. J. HENT0N. Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of tae best Fire In surance Companies on tha Coast. Call on htm for reliable insurance. L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FREDGOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON. W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Con?eyancr. Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., - - SCIO, OR H OUSE AND LOT FOR SAIJI. 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot situated in N, W, part of Scio. The land lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Church. Unimproved, 100 acres open, balance brush. Inquire of J. L. Mills r, Solo. Executor's Sale. a NOTICE is hereby given that theundowlirned Exe cutor of the last will an testamant of A F Cherry, deceased, in pursuance of an ordsr of the County Court of Lfnn county, Oregon, duly made and entered ot record ou the 0th day of November, 1881, will cell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m on Monday, September 14th, 135, atthe Court House door in the city of Albany in Linn county, Oregon, all ths right title and interest of said deceased, A F Cherry, at the time of his death in and to the following described real property, to-wit : Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot No, (8) eight In Block No. (101) one hundred and one in Ilscklema&'s addition to the cityot Albany in Linn county, Oregon, as the same ls designated and known on the plats, maps and surveys of said city, now on file snd of record in the office ot the County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon and running, thence In a north erly course on the east line of said Lot (8) eight, parallel with ths west line of said Block No. (101) one hundred and one, (146) one hundred and forty-six feet to a point on the east Una ot Not No. (1) one in said Block ; thence in a westerly course parallel with the south line ot said Lot No. (I) ono, to the west line of the same onMontgomery street; thonce in a souther ly course on the oast line of said Montgomery street, to a point opposite the south wo.t corn t of said Lot No. (8) eight on the north line of First street in said city ; thence in an easterly course along, the north line of First street to tha place of beginning. Also the following described real property, tc-wlt'; Lot No. (2) two in Block No, (101) one hundred and one In Hackleman s addition to the city ot Albany in Linn county, Oregon ss the same is designated and known on the plats, maps and survevs of said city now en file and ot record in the office of the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale on credit of six months, the purchas er to give hia note payable six months from the day of sale without interest with approved seourity. Jauss G. Ckbrst, L. H. Mostakye , Executor. Atty for Executor. It J0SEPU, JOHN BKIGGS' STORE. C Tijjaj TABLE,' H KOUHLEB, Hosier. A,bny.r.lolfon. OCr tttTI BE Ol TBI US sonrs aoara. Set! I 4i AM A. il. SAIL Th UX 1 Arrives at . , t fepartsat ftfs sovfav BAIL TRAIS i ijJ LOCAL PRE I OUT . . A I. HAW ItfllVH l . . 11:46 11:44 3:30 A. B. P. X. A- B. P.M. P. M. P. M. P. VL I :-2 ALBANY EXPfcEsS for Ubaooo OepirU k 31 All Tralas daily, exrea Sunday. Notice. Mail trains stop 20 minutes for dinner Pullman Palace Cars en all mill trains. Will. B. Rick, Freight and Ticket Agent Albany. August 25th, 186. PATENTS Obtained, and ail other twefasss in the U. 8 Patent Office allendeded to for moderate fees. Our vffice la oppoail the U.S. Patent Office, and we ean obtain Patents less tuna Uiaa those rasas trran Wa.hmu'loa. . head ssodJe or drawing. W ad to patent ability free of oasrge ;sud weraake o charge unless w obtain patent. We refer hers, to the Pmiaaslii, the Sapt ot Honey Ordsr Dir. sad to rfflrtaa of the U. & Patent fee. titr etixaiar, adrtoe, tn o actual ciienu in j our own State or county, address Ce Aa SNOW&COe, Opposite Patent Office. Washiaftrai, D . F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Gounslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Wil 1 practice in a?l tbo Courts in tbe State Invalids'HoteliSurgical Institute BUFFALO, T- -ST-Draraalzed with a full Staff of ctaJUeea and SBUIfal lavnleiaas Sarcroas far tae trealaseat ef all Chraale m FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throat and tgLnu DiaeaaosH Liver and Kidney Jflaeaaesv, Bladder Dieeaaes, Isiaeaaea Of Women, Blood Dieeaaca and Nerv t ns Affections, eurod hero or at home. Ti lth or without seeing- the patient. Come and sne us, or send tin cents in stamps for our ' Invalids' GoJUie Book," WSch givea al particulars. a Nervona Debility, Iaa no Delicate a caused by Youthful Fol- 1 SEISES. a"1 Pernicious Soli. JiomofcO. tj-y trctIcoa are speedily ssassai atirl rmrmartiritlv rcuvwl hv SiieoiaHats. Book, post-paid, 10 cts. in stamps. rtupturc, or itreecn, radi cally cured without the knlfa, without trusBes, without pain, and without danger. Cures Guaranteed. Book sent for BtlPTtiaE. tea cents in stamps. PIL.E TUMORS and STRICTURES tr ted under guarantee to cure. Book se it for ten cents in stamps. Address World's Dibpknsary Medical Association, C63 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Treatment or many thousands of eases of those fftarasre peculiar to Diseases of Sunrical Institute, hna f foided large experienoo in adapting- remedies for- their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the result of this vast experience. It Is a powerful Restorative Tonic and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength to t he system, and cures, as if by magic, Leo. vurrueo, or "WUllVS." CXCeSSlTO I It Willi natural falllna a n reversion. down sensations, chronic conges tton. inflammation and ulceration or tno womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, internal heat, and "female weakness." It promptly relieves and cures Nausea and Weakness of Stomach Indiges tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, anl Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, , 6 POTTLES OR S8.00. Send ten c-nts in stamps for Dr. Pierce's heTreatiSJ on Diseases of Women, iUus Norld's DLpansary Midica! Association, 668 Ilain Street, BUFFALO, H.Y. 8ICK-HEADACH9 RUious Headache. Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion. and Bilious Attacks, nromnfchr mira.1 ha sr. fierce'! Piesisnt DnMailn. Hallata K cents a vial, by Drugsata, .a v Jm. v mm. jt paintui menstruation, un. suppressions, urolainaun nr of tne uterus, weak: back. retroversion, bcarins.