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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1885)
Kntered at the Pjat onic at Albany, Or, aasecond class u tall matter. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 4, loof SITTE3 to F.itiiars a4 NUTTING. '. mm . cters. IIKUr. MTIIMi. Vrmt Killer. Official County Paper. Sew tieed nl MrllwalM Tlik main. m. arwul ilivill ! nut Oulv UW geoda, bat lot of thorn, mo many that they L . . a 1 ..!. nave got to tie mM w.ay uown, u umwi words at a bargain, not merely on paper, bat In fact New good, loU of goods, tirtt-claa good, good at a bargain. That's Mcll waint motto (his (all. Call and im if is not Ml OUT UOOD.S DEr.tSTMtXT is complete, well selected, embracing the very beet then is. 111. CLOAK i: v vui Mi M needs to be inspected to be appreciate. It is fall of the latest and best styles, and that's Lusiteas. si stock or vRprrs is a splendid one, one sure to suit the many varied tastes in the lino. HIS BOOT AN D SJIOK 1)KP IRTUINT, both for ladies sod gentle nen, ia full. You will miss it if you buy without oxamiuing them. HIHCl.ttrillNU OKI'ARl MKN t contains a good stock of the latest styles, bought in alow market a:id mid eooording ly. You can got genuine bargains in it. 11 IS HARDW ARE DKTAK TMRMT is an important one and has proven a .treat convenience to his customers. It embraces everything in the line at bed rock prices. It is business to trade where you ean do the best. You will be mistaken if yon think you have done so without calling on A. B. McIlwai. Isaaalt sasl Bailer. Last Friday John Gail came to Albany and when be started for tlie country to the evening about 8 o'clock was aa near .drunk as a man ever comes outside of Congress, lie stopped at the depot a few minute previous to train time and began running things in a genuine mining camp style. Getting too unruly Constable Cal. Burkhait attempted to arrest him, when ho showed fight, and, getting outside, picked up a big rock and hit Mr Burk hart a severe blow over one of his eyes, and started for Albany prairie, where be had been taking charge of seme stock for a few dsys, Io was followed, arrested and placed in the city caliboose. Satur day he was tak?n before Recorder lienton, acting a Justice of the Peace and waa sentenced to ttvsnty-tlve dsys in the county j iil. Hs now form i one of a trip let theie, Carnal and "jihet Iron" being the other two. Mr QaU claims that jast previous to his arrest be bad $30 in a parse in his pocket ; that when be was arrested several were pres ent, one of whom, a stranger, he asserts put his hand in his pocket, and. others say, made the remark that he had money. When Gail looked for his parse afterwards it was gone. A little investigation would he proper. Gail has had a good reputation in the country where he has worked, and i said to be a peaceable man when not crazed by liqaor. A Sad ArrMesl From sx-Countv Assessor Williams ws learn that on Wsdnssday evening, Aug ttth, Jamss Downing, formerly a resident of Marion county, was oiling a thrashing machine, which was running on ths farm ofWm Baker sight miles northeast of Solo, when he was caught by tbe right arm between the wrist and elbow, in the Ids gearing. The arm was so badly mangled that amputation became necsa aary. Dr. Macau ley, of Stayton and Dr. Holmes, of Salem, performed tbe opera- score was as follow i bpreoger, 8; Ua Uon on Friday morning, He died Saturday bruille, 3; Lang lou 2; Watts, 2; Sjott, evening from the effects of tbe shock to hia system. He leaves a wife and several children who have ths sympathy of the entire community. haags- Mrs. Anderson, st the Court House,! Monday evening, completely annihilated bangs, giving the barbarous things a very deserved castigation. She thought it very queer that on tbe Psciflc Coast young wo. men should continue to wear tbem over a year after they went out of fssbion East, With tbe direct communication we now have with the Fast there is no use for onr women being a year behind the times. In tbe matter of most articles of dress they are practically on time ; but come to bangs and some such things snd tbey are sbso- in lh vilHarnon WVr I ha nraAlt f i o u tr, i,. hr,nd thaw win Va WS r-vgrm mm - w vg'ww - J ----- I - drop tbem now. They have bad their day. The Slate Fair. V.ven if the State Fair authorities did jaand to Cincinnati for their posters it is bound to be the best o ie held for years tbe simple reason being that exhibitions will be mads with sn expectation of prem rveiH F.ton.lvo nruiio rat i. .na r-"l . mi, u - sxi n uniua iusud iaj iiinn.o il a nutAnsii. buu i for tbe sake of Oregon we hope it will be Regardless of ths manner in which it may be run the reputation of tbe state ss whole is sufficiently at stake to induce -everybody to do their share towards build ing this fair np. Sept. 21st will be the opening day. Wo have concluded to make this announcement even though we not live In Ohio. do A Big Oat Story When it comer to anything big Mr Jeff Creel will not take a retired seat for any body, evei Thomas Alph:u. The first ef the week he brought four bushels of oats in two bushel tasks to Albany. Two bushels weighed 114 pounds and the other two 116 pounds, an average of 57 pounds. The four eushels, machine measure, were equal to 6 14-30 by weight. This it a big story, but a true one, and Mr Creel defies the world and the Forks of the Santiam to approach it. The Ureal Trottlag Race. The great trotting race between Syphon and Jane L., the get of Hambletonian Membrino and Altamont was tbe most exciting ever held in Oregon, Four beats were trotted, Syphon winning tbe second and third and Jane L., tbe flrst and fourth, Syphon being distanced In the last heat. This of course, gave the race to Jans L, Thirty or forty thousand dollars changed hands over the result, which, though, decides nothing, ss Syphon's de- feat was due entirely to his breaking, The time made was 2:32, 'l:WA, 2:3234, 2:31. Through the sake. Barring smeke and dust and heat and a alow horse a rids by a Dkmocuat man with a legal Irlend ten miles on the Brownsville road, into the heart of Center Precinct, last Saturday, was a moat enjoy sble affair, thu enjoyable part being gn lal company, the sight of ye! low Holds, cleared, or being oleated, of the ylsld of the harvest, and general signs of prosper ity. Prom the Urns one passes the depot, with the Uscklemsn property on the loft, one feels that he is in as rich and fertile a farming country ts the sun ahtuoe on. No route through Linn county presents a greater number of well kept farms and farm buildings than does what is known as the Brownsville road. Among the particularly noticeable ones, to the signs at the corner of Mr. Canons place, which lead "12 miles to Brownsville" and "9 miles to Albany," are those of C D Burkhsrt, the Kroman's, Joslah Fllnn, Robt. Foster, Olney Fry, Mr Uuuter, John Gay, Sylvester Cannon and the Mo CI ure place. Beyond this are Iho Hus tons, lUrdmtnn, Ba. Cooper, J Swank, John Morgan, etc. To the left, whore we terminated our duaty ride, is the farm of Mrs Charles Barnes, a pleasaut place with a good apple orchard, which was duly sampled Mr Henry Parrlsh has charge of tho farm. In thin neighborhood h P. and I. Kester, Alfred Whealdon, Moses Parker, Df W F A oxandor. Jaa Mc Knight, A Umphrey, and other ; but owing to the thickness of the tuuoko men were hardly dlacornable from horses at any distance and wo only -Htip't n Klltitp-.. on the trip of P. and U Kester, Nytvoler Canon, Ban. Coopwr, aud Joalah and Mrs Fitnn ; among thoso whose a a e nsines wo ooum pieo. true, a hungry looking buxzird crmed o-ir path ; but carlon vsaa s ro , and he bid himself behind a bank of nisi ike aud tinst. It Is s pity tint this h iiuely bird doe not pray around cities to relievo them of de composing aulina!s that till ihoir lanes and back yards. They are a geuuine scavenger, and, like nearly every thing have an important place in the world, when the fact Is found out. Current fcveals. Powers furniture factory in Portland was oonnim-Kl by fir last Sun I ay I.os" $10,000. Iblght iihti neon in different directions from Alb my lately have all proven to be from burning straw piles. At Portland Ust Sunday lu a 100 yard foot race Dick Patton, of Salem, gave Beu Ilirach, or Portland, 10 feet the start. HirMch won by about six feet. In the glove light Saturday between SuUivan and McCaffrey, the former won by a number of points, though not easily. John Lee, of Indian i, has bee a appoint ed Superintendent of the Industrial school at Forest Grove. It is still bsliereJ Io London that Gor don Isslive. Hope so, Weather. Summary of Meteorology br Aug, 1885, from observation taken at Albany, l.inn Co. Oregon, by John Brings. Esq. HigSest Bar. 29 99 ; lowest. -9 CO ; mean, 29 79. Highest Temperature, 92; lowest, 00; mean, o 7 Meaa at 7 a. m . 56 7 ; 2 p. ra . 81 ; 9 p.m., 64. Prevailing winds, N. Maximum velocity force, 2. Total rainfall and melted snow during mouth, 0 inches. Number of days oa which .01 inch or more ) rain fell, 0 Number of days cf cloudiness, sverage 8 in scale of 10. 2. Thunder storms, SOth. Of 03 observations 8 were cloudy, 1 fair, I . , . . . MA . clear, i raaxy, toggy ami .t soaosey Saeeexafal Ssertasaea . The iirst of tbe week the bunting party, consisting of Nick Sprenger. J J Dubruille, E W Lngdon. C W WatU nd W B Scott returaotl from the moun- uttns toaucu uowu wim veuuoii. iuy found ths -Jeer tblck and in a rew slays succeeded in killing seventeen. The 2; A more elated company of sporU meu it would bedidijultio fi id In Ore- gon. Tbey have our thanks for some fine venison bams, as a result of toe large kill mentioned above. Telephone. Sammou A Hud 1, of whom we v ke last week as having put up a telephone from Ans Marshall's house to his livery stable, have aUo put up one from Dr. J L Hill's residence to his office ou Front street. These telephones work to a charm and the parties using tbem are well pleaed. They are a marvel of cheapness as compared with other tele- we think will come into I i)UUUCT general use. Try them if you want one. Father Cpcbareb ia Albany. A social was given at Crawford's Hsll last Tuesday evening in honor of Father Unchurch, founder of the A, O. U. W , On account of the ahort notice of the affair tbe attendance was not large. It proved one of much interest and was highly en- ir.vArl lv those who were present. Father j a - I IKJUUrCU la m vo.y F.o... w I TT I -1 ... ... r.Uu.Hl itl.l irunt . J ,..v,lr... vAt fullf.f mru. uiaiu nuu uu.,. . j enthusiasm for his order. Hs Is being re ceived with great courtesy ali along the Pacific Coast. s a 1,1 im Coanly Bank. We would call the attention of oar readers to the advertisement of the new bank just opened in this city. The proprietors, Messrs. Cowan A Casick, are well known as first-class business men, and the new firm is backed by au abundant of capital. We wish them success. Large stock of new goods at Mouteith A Seitonsach's. Between 300,000 and 400,000 bushels of wheat havo been stored iu the Albany ware houses &bis year. Zoo-zoo tobacco at Mcllwain'a, Annual Conference. Tbe annual conference of the M. E. Church South, Columbia Conference, will convene In this city on September 10th, 1885, Bishop Hargrove presiding. - e 1 LOST, On tbe road from this city to Roberts or Kendall Budge, s Scotch tweed sack coat. Return to this office. i ..a . . - 30 Keward. For the apprehension of the individual who is not satisfied with the Work and prices at Meads new harness shop in Lob- ) anon. W . B. K. An Important rropssltlsn for Llunt'oaaiy People te t'eesisJer. The officers of the Willamette Yslley snd Coast R, K., generally known as the O, P K It., have ettbuiltted tho roltqwlng ts the people of Lion county asa aubsorip. tlou paper, the following out of the pro visions or whloh will bring the Railroad, railroad and wagon bridge, and Coast oar shops to and through ths city of Albany and through Linn county. Hi pi o visions will explain both whst Linn county people and ths Rstlroad company will huvo to do : It being of great bonsiH to Linn count generally Ml to lbs signers hereof Individually Hut tlio wH latuett Valley tout Ooeat Railroad shoulil stH?tllly extern) their lius to Albany, the following; rxilllou is ubtultud to ths salt! company, and will be deemed to ha a contract (or a valuable coiisnUratinn between such ooiupany and each Individual suUseriber lurrto in case hs is aotlfled of Ilia iompany'e written aasonl te ibl roKsal on or betor the tat day of November next, and provided the total sum f ariO.QOO shall lie ralaad by that time either in money or suvh eulv alent values In land and water privileges aa the com lan v may lie willing to accept in liou of money aa a part i( this suhsorlpUuti . rsoreaAh. 1. The W Vand C R R Co., ahull forthwith proceed to obtain the necessary right of way and tn conatrviut Its railroad from Corvallla to a point tn lienton coun ty on the bank ot the Wlilamalte Klver sjpetJfca to or srithtn ena mile from the cormraU llmlU of the city of Albany and ahall bona Ade proaeed to con struct at nek cn watt) if place within the above In. at. of dletance tmm the elty of Albany as the company's englaeera may aelect railroad and wagon road, toll free, bridges across the Willamette River and t all poota River, if that route ahall he select no, and shall extend their Hue to depot grounds within the corp. r ate limit of eald elty, and ahall thrum proceed to erect tleHit bsildlnga and ieialr ahoNi aod maUe aucb other Improvementa aa depend upon the seUe tion of Albany aa the Raatern end of the t'oaat section of the aald railroad, and, shall, sndlng ths complr. lion of ths said railroad and wagon bridges provide at uch croaalng place temporary means of trenspoiUug paaeeiieera and freight across the Willamette River- In conauleratlon 4 the foregoing each subscriber hereto contracts and sgrees with the cosupany to tasks payment to them of Uis sum act opjioaite hia analurs at the foot hereof, In three c.ul install iuata, aa follows : Ouc third when the railroad Is completed to ths craealng place from Kenton to Unn county, provided such place la within one mile of the city i4 Albany and temporary meana of transportlug pasetngera and freight acroae the Willamette am there provided. One-third when the construction of the permanent bridge has been undertaken and an expnd'ture of $10,0)0 or upward made by the company thcreo. t m third within six months after the completion of the permanent briJge. In case of the subscriptions In land, or water pow er, or riehta of way, the tubec.-lber beieby agree to make gued a id sufficient deeds therefor to the cm. pany as soon aa the company skat! notify aucb euh ac rlber of I heir aeceplance of h'.e propoaal, such deeds to be deposited with the rlrst National Rank In Al bany and held In awcrow, and t be delivered to Use iid eosapany at their request as soon as ths railroad shall be rxtetded from t'orvellls to the Benton coun ty aide of such crossing place, sad the shove men 'ioowl temporary meana of crueaieg said rters SlaW bare been provided by the said company. $60,000 seems like a large aum: but when it is closely observed bow it is to be made op it is not extravsgant. For in stance, a perpetual water power for tbe car shops will be accepted as a part of It, and tho Railroad company would not con sider 10,000 unreasonable figures on that Uem.tben there will be land for the shops, which it will be necessary to have ss lrte, st least as 200x800 feet, aud rights of way and land for ths railroad, items which will count up so thst the amount of cash sub scriptions will not be very Isrgs, provided sf course the people of Lino county sis j liberal in granting laud, water powers and rights of way at fslr figures. Tbe valuta to Albany snd Linn county of this rail road wbsn completed through to bores city cannot well be sstinuUed. It will bs NUlllcientlv treat to ioItir- the dsooIo oi' I this city and county to givs liberally. I Think about it seriously and with a Iibetal Kpirti. it taxes enterprise to build up a country. Now is a good tlmo to display it. rlallo ar Alfcaay. With two or three exceptions the pa pers of Oregon havo not noticed tbe popu lation of the cities in which they are pub lished, although the census lass been com pleted some time. The figures have been givon only in tbe case of Astoria, Portlsnd sud Eugene. The reason of this in most cases Is because the population has not come up to the expectations of tbe people. In otner words hats fallen off, the coun try having gaiool what ths cities nave lost, the press not liking to msks a poor snowing for their cities. The Democrat is published to give tbe news, and benoe at its first opportunity gives tbe flguron on Albany for 1883, Here tbey are : 1050. In 1880 tbey were 1867. This is easily ac counted for. There are not quite as many people hero ; but tbe difference Is not as much as ths figures abow. Over 50 In dians In the census of 1880 do not appear in that of P485 and quite a number of others can be accounted for in a manner to show that the real population of tbe i...u I hoi. ir v.j u o iiowiiviawu t oi j iiuie, 1 1 auyi Though the figures are not as lsrge as we would like to see them it is a fact that tbey are larger by 100 to 200 than a year and a half ago. For Its size Albany is a prosper ous, live city. But if It would inorease its population materially its citizens may as well face the fact that it must be by some new influences, Astoria has its fisheries, Salem its insane Asylum, penitentiary and Capitol and Eugene its State Univer sity. To these a slight inorease of popu lstion can be traced. Albany must have something now, and manufactories are wh at they must be, woolen mills, car fac tories, etc. We have a good start in this line. Let us increase it. It pays to call spades spades. Nothing is gained by claiming 2000 population if It is 1(150. Tbe census wjll be published and the correct figures wiU speag for themselves. A Horrible Triplet Tragedy. One of the most horrible tragedies in the history of the Willamette Valley occurred iu tho Mohawk Valley, near Eugene,last Sunday night. Tbe circumstances in the case were about at follows, at nearly at can be ascer tained from facts and circumstances. About two yeart ago a Mrt Evans was divorced from her hatband. Shortly afterwarda David Hoggs sought her hand in marriage. She con tented ; but meeting D W Church, from California in the meantime, the went back on Hoggs, and married Church. Hoggs was jealous and the two yean which have elaps ¬ ed only added to the fire in hit botom. About two weeks ago he and Church had a quarrel, bitter aod unrelenting. Last Sunday night Hoggt went to Church's houte, and rapped heavily on the house with the butt of his rifle. Church came out, when Hoggs ttepped between him and the door and shot him through the back, killing him probably 1nttantly. Then Boggt went into the houte and assaulted Mrt Church, probably with his gun, driving her out doors, in her night apparel, several rods from the house, where he assaulted her with a large ttone. Their bodies were found on Monday, Mrt Church still being alive, though not expected to live Hoggs' shanty was visited and broken open when his body was found hanging from a beam, dead as a mummy, appearance indicat ing that he had goue directly to that place from the scene of ths murder. at. at, ACCIDENT. A Child Killed and several Injured on the o, v Last Monday noon the excursion train on tho Oregon TarHl-i atoppnd, as usual, at tho Summit, for dinner. A new nnglneor who had gone down from Corvallla to meet the train and brinU back to Corval lls, took tho onglno over ths grado to the water tank, and after getting water started back to couple to tho train. In going up the grade It took considerable steam, so that when the onglne began on tho down grade towards the train It had oblalnod ijtiito n spcotl, Tho ougiuotir nut bring used to tho ongltto was unable to control It ; ths breaks, it ia assertei, not working well, so thst it wont agitinst tfea train with great force. At tho 1 1 mo many wore at dinner, others wore going, and somo wore Just returning from tho first table. AS together very fortunately only psrt oftne excursion psrly were on board. Tho shock cauNed by ths contact of tho engine with the cars threw those on tmsrd pro mhcuously over the train. The cars I ic ing flat ouov, covered, with only posts altiug the aides and ends, oirurod little protection In itiah e case, M:s I) 11 La klu, of Eugene, a slater-ln)aw of Mrs L Parrlsh, of this city, was sitting ou the front seat of ono of the. uilddla csrs, with s Ave year old daughter by her side, or In her lap. The shock threw them forward past tho end of ths oar. Mrs Iarkln saved herself, but her llttln girl roll through to the bed or the track, striking on bor head, rocelvlug Injuries from which she died. J. 1. 1 1 vii'. of Independence, was stand ing beyond one of tho posts with his face towards it, and, like nesrly all tho rest, not seeing the approaching engine, did nothing to protect blmseir, lie was thrown violently against the post, aud kuocketl sousoloaa ror nearly two hours, his isce in-big badly mutillatod. An old lady from Halem, Mrs, Fettljobn was Just getting on a oar. Hho was thrown to the ground, but received no serious injuries. Another .'ady received several bruises, Otherwise thsit this ilttlo dsmsge was done. Several Albany people, among others Alf Marshall snd Hsrry Noel worn ou l, but most or tuoss from this city were st olnnsr. Previous ti the accident the party bad been one of life and happtneess. They wore havlug a bilarlotta lime, Just such a luno as excursion autlM are expected to have ; but tho remainder of tho trip was like a fuuoral procession, dovoid ef every thing eicopl discussion or the accident, Tbe engineer took tho matter completely to Lsart and would for a moment liked ts have sunk out of sight ; but lis staled thai he had done ths best bs ciutd, snd seems to hsva had the sytnpstny of moat of ths passengers. The affair has been the prin cipal topic in tbe valley lhl: week, i I. ii m e e i .11. Irge stock of new goods at Mooteith A Seiten bach's. 1800 is now lUed as ths tun for in world to end. Only fourteen more years of political sod social uncertainty. Splendid liue of ladies fall aod winter gar menu at Moiiicith A. Seiteoltach's. Only about 7 miles of tho Cassdtan Pa cific Railroad remains to tv completed. Zjs-im tobacco at Mcl I wain's. a. i Following are the appointment . made by the M K Conference, at Itosebttrg, for the ensuing year : Portland District WS Harrington P.E. Amity James Malbnw. Astoria A J Joalyn. Cornelius II II Klwortby. layton and l-ufevetio F L Poet, Kai Portland 8 P Wilson. Ilillsboro ...J Mclntlrc. Hubbard W T Chapman. Jofferson aud Nolo... C Aldriaaon. Mt. Tabor J Parsons. Oregon City W I Nichols. Oswego EH Crsvsn. Por;lnd city mtassion J F Nauglts, Portland grae church E W Caswell. Portland limit alreet as M Pierce. rrihaiid Taylor alro .. W f'handtnr Scandinavian Mission C N Ilaugo. Powell's valley It L Sharp. M. Helena - ZTtHmf"! -Salem ..Ji 1 ire. .-Miern circuit -N I )on no. Sheridan E A Shore land. Turner W T Van Scoy. Viols J H Woosl. President of Willamette University Thomas VsoScoy. Prof in Willamette University. ..H A Starr. Eudowtnent Agent Willamette I ' inverntty F P Tower. Eugene Ci:y Dnslrlct I D Driver. P. E, Aitsany rl P Webb, Ashlaud W i himpMoti. Ilrownsville J M Kwoouy, Corvallis J T Wolfe. Dallas... W Hurlburt. Drain and Wilbur E (Jilting and T L Jones. Empire City I Klchardeon. Eugene City A C Falrcblld, Jacksonville.... W P Williams. Kerbyvllle T L Sails. Klamath Mission N H Hklpworth, Lowell ..-.M R Hack man. Monroe T F Hoyal. Peoria P M Susrr. Koaeburg J N Miller. Shodd and Halsey... M Judy. Springfield W Sltlpwortb, President Asbland College M O Hoys), German mission work in Portland F Bonne, ...... ........ ........ i Large stock of new good at Monteith & Seitenbscb's. Chester A Arthur sayed $75,(XX) out of hit salary at President. Atk your druggist for a package of Oregon Kidney Tea. We have tome choice graft1 ot coffee, which we are selling way down, bo.h roasted and green. Kraii A Brows sxu M. reliant Tailor- L. E. B'.aln has engaged tbe services or Mr. W, H. H ib but, a iirst class merchant tailor from the East, and will now make suits to order in connection with his cloth ing business. Uo will in a few days re ceive a splendid line of domettlo snd im- ported suitings, which it will pay those desiring suits made to order to call and examine. Mr Hibbitt has no superior on tbe Coast, cuts in the very late&t styles snd Is sure to give satisfaction. Large stock of new goods at Monteitn & Seiten bach'. That opposition steamer that was to run between San Francisco and Portland, it it as serted, gets $2500 a month for lying idle. Zoo zoo tobacco at Mcl 1 wain's, Oregon Kidney Te i. For tale by all dru gists. . e New Dress Making Establishment- Mrs E D Sloan and MrsJMary Bilyou have opened a dressmaking shop next watt of E L Thompson's harness shop, snd are prepared to do all kinds of fsthionablo dnstmaking. They are experienced dressmakers and are too well known to our citizens to need other recommendation than tho mention of their namo3.j Call on them. Large stock of new good a at Monteith & Seitenbach's. A young man under eighteen cannot get married in Oregon even with the consent of his parents, A young lady can. This is woman s rights with a vengeance. 4'all. For the convenience of our subscribers atJefterson. as well a.s otir convenience, we have placed statements of accounts with J. A. Beard. Bo sura aud call and see him. BOMB AJV AHBOAO, F M French, jeweler, '. io.ioo tobacco at Mcllwain'a The best harness tt J J Dubruillss. Yet, and we grind oar coffee. R. A H. Sabrcription to, 82 60 per year, Nature'a own roine ly,Org m Kidney Tea. J. P. Wallace, i'hytioian and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Urge stock of new gxnU st Mouteith A Hoiteubetih'a. Mr John Millard, thanks for tome Hue eating poart. BptoadU line of fill aud win ter underwear at I. E Hlain's. Tho florist lino of window cornioo mould ings at WooJius. Hovoral Plutmner fruit dryers for sale at cost at John Hngs. All kinds of fiuit for canning oheap at lb fill A Hrownoll's. Dr. Fahrney's uisnotio blool vitalixir st Deyoo A fiobson't. A line line of tobacco found at It. A B't. and cigars can bs All kialsof sowing machines repaired snd cleaned at Will liros. iuu Store. Sjloudid line of ladies fall and winter gar ments at Mouteith A Settanbach's. Kxsmino Woodiu's Kxtension tables. They aro well go and see tliont for yourself. F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing Co.,0poaito Odd Follows Temple, Albaoy.Or. AH kinds of sewing machine extras and loet4ind of oil and seniles at Will Bros dun Store. Crooerius arc very if yu don't tbiuk so i ill on Head A I;. .,-;! Mm! get their priors. Dr. M. II. Fllis, physieian and surgeon Alt any, Oregon. Calls mad m city or country, A good and largo assortment of lumber st ths yard f Eli Carter aiwaya on hand, liiys him a call. Uo to Prushaw's new Drug Store for pure drug, patent medicines, etc Presort pilous csrefully compounded, The minutes for the last moetiag of the Stale W C T U are being printed iu tins city by Ilurkhart liros. The North, Central and South American Exposition will njeit at New Orleans on Nov. lOlh and continue several mouths. Mr I S UoberU has sold his meat market oa First Street to Mr Charles Koott, who took poaasjesiou iaet Tueeday morning. Prof Itsid will in . v from iiarruUtrg to this city the feat nf ,-, t week, preparatory to taking charge of oar public schooi. Crawford lirotbers took possession of the Albany art gallery bast Monday. Mr Paxtmi will remain to Albany bat a short time. Alwsys a splendid variety of fruits, water melons, ate., as well ss groceries, tobeccsss and cooling drinks, at Hoffman A Joseph's. S T I'r.M.ks. of Millrr.. ,an a thresher tin. sea eon, threshed 13 days, cleat ing up 14, 543 bushel., being an average of INS budiat fier day. Ths pa ice of watermelons is gradually fslhug. A good one can now be bought lor LI to 20 cents. Musk melons aare about the same price. Come and examine the new stock of gam just received from the East aad the low prices sold at At Will Hru. , Albany and Corvallis. ti W Ma too, Phyaiciao aod Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Oraduate of the Ctoctoraatt College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ciocaa oeti, Ohio. A horse doctor, sgooi ton, delivered a lecture oa First Street Ust tvdidsy, showing himself to Im- tn .rou;h in iatr of th horse. Mr C II June', who h. bi n baching school near Scio .lunug the avimnnr, has USeu the Oak Creek School. Snooe to the school. New wall paper, fijor rugs, carpets, oil ..-loth, aad thu pratuejsl window b:iads yu ever eaw were rwosive! this week by Mouteith A Seiten bach. Lsat Sunday E I Usbtnaou of tuts city performed tbe feat of n hug in tho Willam ette from Corvallis to Albany u two planks which j ust held baa weight. A dispatch received from Sran Eraaciaco just a we go to pre says that Daniel lit won the suit that was brought sgauist him th. re (or eT0,OUO (or infringement ot patent. There were two aoswers to so advertise ment in the Democrat last week withm half of ao hour after our issue waa off. It pay to advertise in a paper taken by everybody. Farmer who desire to take a first-clans ncultural paper ; bat cannot attorn to do asr,wall iw have a spie.. U I opportuuity to Kt oae with ths DaajiaritaT frrr. See ad. it u to aii-.liier column. If you wont your property alvorliaod call on Chne, Monteith and Co., immediately. If you want your property told call on them. It coats you nothing to advertise with this brm and very little to sell. New subscribers to the Dkmockat when paying in sdvsooe, if requested, will get the A :nr.r. in iiruur free. Ibit baa no auper ior ameug agricultural papers, and ahould be ia every farmer hands. Conrad Meyer takes a back teat for no one io the matter of first-class grecorie, and aa well in breed tuffs, etc., is always iu the front. Call on bim for your teas, coffees, tpioss, canned goods, etc. In the Sheriff's sale last Saturday at the Court Hon re the Thos Monteith property was bid in by D B Mouteith for the amount of bis judgment, to all about 120,000. There wre uo otber bidders. Arrong the many excursiouutt to the Bay Saturday were the members of the Mechan ics Band, in full uniform They furnished music for tbe occasion and added greatly to the enjoyment of tho occasion. Durii-g the setiion of the conference of the M i; Church, South, to bo held iu this city, commencing the 10th inst., public ser vient will be held each day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The public ia iuvited. The tear on the face of Mr Oeorge Young was made by a runaway last Sunday, while Mr and Mrs Young were on their way to Sodaville. Their team started to run wheu Mrs Young was thrown out aod slightly in jured. Mr Young hung to the baggy loog enough to get biuited about the face tome. A New Orleant beggar turns oat to bo worth 825,000. and the city it said to be full of wealthy beggars. When found to be well otf, like ths hand organ man of last week they deserve being set down ou by ths peo ple aud press. Do not atk W B Scott how many timet he shot at a big buck directly io front of him last week in the mountains. If the story is r trUo Scott experienced the genome "buck feyer," aod could not havo hit a barn door at that moment , Tho IPftd Shore for September con tains scenes in Moutaua, particularly at Helena, some in Washington Territory ami two of the laying of the corner atone to the new University building at Eugene. The issue it a good ouo. Attention it called to tha card of Dr I N WooUle, Veterinary Surgeon, in another column. Dr VToodle hat already obtained a good reputation here, at a thorough master of all horse diseases, uall on mm v nen you want the saryLea of a V. S. Parties who paid $1.75 for an toe cream freezer, egg beater, etc. will be interested iu knowing that the regular retail price of these articles it 75c. wholetale price 50c. Add this fact to tbe one that they were N. G.,and it made quite anjmpotitioo In our burglary item last woek we stated that a daughter of Mr Al Thomas tint saw the burglar at hit houte. This was a mistake. It had to be one. for Mr. Thnmns hat no daughter, in fact he it not marriud, The girl wat a daughter of Mrt, Bennett The lied Crown Flouring Mills warehouse was to completely filled with wheat the first of the week that the proprietors had to call a halt. Betides considerable wheat had been run out ef tome of the bint. They liaye a capacity of nearly 150,000 buthtla. Ladiea, just delight yourself by calling at the store of Monteith A Seitenbach and look ing at the fail stock in general ; every line is full of new and attraottvs goods, in the lines of dress woods, fall garments, hosiery, etc., in fact every department is frill. Tna conference of the M E Church has placed Rev Judy, who has been ttationed at Albany for two years, at Halae y aud Shedd, while Kev Webb, of Southern Oregon, will come to Albany. Rev Judy hat served his people faithfully here, and deserves s good tapport by the people of iiaissy and Shedd. JSJTho first of the week Mr. John Benton, while digging a well on his phsou on Soap Creek, caused an explosion of gtaut powder, and afterwards wont down in the well. He became senseless, And was takm nut m-irly suffocated. Two or three minute longer would hays caused hisdcilh A gentleman in collecting s lull la d Mnn day against a substantial cit v. m of thie oity ' .-. ....,.(. ,1 I,., .....If ... ,1... l. i..l l... 1 over eXertvd himsiilf so lint, h-j had to In take!! into a store on First struct, where tho sight of the amount of the bill duly brought him to. This should lie a warning to all dur ing dull timet. A Salem girl ran away witii loir fellow and oams to thi city. Her father followed close ly iu her footstups and captured her before the awful loap into married lift bod been made, and Tuesday noon took her back to her home in Salem, Iirst calling ui cur city police for assistance. Moat eggs are laid by some f wl, but a now kind grows on vines, ami, although it u known a the white gouid, looks to much like a ttou ugg that at least a te n would ac cept it as a uust egg. We ars under oblig tion to Mr Daniel Bust for several of these uniipie vino eggs. A Pendleton Insurance Agency claim to have insured floO.000 worth of property for ths year ending Aug. 1st, st an average rate ef 3 fi-0 per cent. A big business for one agency iu a place of tho sues of Pendleton, where all of thu taxable property ancuult to lest than a million. Thst agency mast havo a inouopsiy. Lafayette Williamson hvi ig near Wheat laud, in Marion county, - killed by s cow last Tueaday. He want tut a corral with a dog, whim the oow, which h.J a young calf, made a lunge at the dog, hut instead hit Mr Williamson, knocking him down, and then tramping on aud goring him. He ouly lived a few iuoiuuuU. L E Blein ha the largest and beat alock of boot and shoe in Albany They Were bought of the manufacturer f..r cash, and will be old at a price at winch no one can complain. Mr BU.ti, by ktipiu a big va riety and ouly a Ihst-cbass ttu , A men's and boy hooU aud shoes, has woigsd np a big trado iu this line. Must of the Portland pap r have bad so account about a ruusway e.nple from A I baoy being in that city isst Fndsy ou their way to the tiretna i. u . I the North wett. to get married, ft is bm otjot to y tnat they went there deliberat- ly.aiel that every body knew about it before band. Not much running away liter-. The $15,000 bigisr mentioned ia the last Dkmockat deuied that he t.o I taxes on that amount. No one saad he did. There It little doobt, though, thst that it aboat his wee;a., A hs "t..k tn'' about $10 a day to Albany, it is easy w st 'w em!d ac cumulate it m few yeart. 9 The furniture, fixtures and good will of the Revere House wre f'-rmaily transferred to Mr W H Harrett isst weejt. fie will take possession about October 1st aod has the a4tt-.!itlcttou for keeping up tn- splendid reputation the hotel has obtained. Whst Mr Pfetffer will do is not yet learned ; but tt is to bs hoped be will Rum: -i lu Ut mke Al bany hi lams lu tbe faturr, A new kind of potato ia th j Late Beauty of Hebron. LfMl year Mr Q W Faulkner planted one pound of tbem and retard 70 lbs, and from a peck planted this year will get shout fifteen bushels. They are s wonderful yielder, and for baking purpue are a marvel. The work of building tbe fish Udder at Oregon City was began on Tuesday of last week by the.Naa rraticisco lirtdge .., which will have eighty days from Aug. 8 ia which te com pie te it. It is with great pleasure that the people of the valley learn for cerUui that a hah ladder i to bs a reality. A sta hah e-niU-iisiii cannot afford to pas without calling ua Mouteith A Seitsnbach ai. 1 t- ,iog thir, lrg..- sleek of men's shoe direct from B tou,citr quality and new style. Urge hue uf all graie t lothing, with an end lea varu-ty of new style neck ware, also hosiery, hats, etc. fast Sabbath evening Mr Aodersou, of Chicago, delivered s temperance ledum m tbe I out House before a large aadieucc.aud on M .n lay e vening spoke io th same place with "Sharp teeth, or the rise aad fall of the i 4i. for ber subject. An average talker ho presented eoojo loleresting facts, with narrative autUnle to the m.i j- ct. Joh Billings i tu California and will be in QtBon a'tcr awhile. Our new Opera Huo will tie completed then, and if i not invited tn come to Albany and make oar citizens laf with bis old joke there will be an awful bowl made about it. He could count on an immense house in this city. Charley .:. a boy fifteen years of age, sou of Mr Ola who lives about two miles southwest oi Scio. aad another boy were handling a gun but Sunday very carelessly, whan it went off and the shot passing through the fleshy part of Charley' fore arm lodged in the flesh about the hip. Dr DterdortT. of Jefferson, waa called and dressed the wound. Tbe boy will be alt right in a few dsys. ... . It i again tted that tbe extntoo on the 0 A C will be completed nnutedtately. We have bad occasion to make this statement at-vur tiims fx fre. It i lobe ho net iiwiu prove true this tims, 125 miles remain to be built, ssme of it being very hard to con- . ttruet. n Franciaco people hpe to regsin ! ur assortment of booU and thoet is now their lost trade when thi road ia finuhed. . complete, comprising nany new styles. Peo It will be a Ing thing for Oregon whoeyer it p' wishtog anything in thit line will do aaaiat Among the excursionist ou the traiu on the 0 P last Monday at tho time of the ac cident were Mr Virgil Parker and family At the time the engine attack the cars oae of Virgil's little boyt was sitting with a big pear in his hands. Ho was thrown violently forward, and would no doubt have received serious, if not iatal injure- bit for that pear. Coming between his he id and the hard floor it was mashed to pieces, while tho little fellow escaped with only a good scare. Van Clave, of the Yaquina Awf. is two thousand sevtu hundred Uye weekt and t o day t old i Zoo r. io tobacco at Mcllwaio'f. oats : oat : : Tbe highest market price paid lor oat by A. Cohen, .lbauy - Large stock of new goods at Monteith A Seitenbach's. At Iiobaker, N Y, laat Suuday a drug clerk gave a couple young ladies some mm phine. by mistake, in place of some quiuiue, which they called for. Iu the morning thuy were found nearly dead. The clerk im medi ately left for parts unknown. Zoo-zoo tobacco at Mollw-ain'r, settle with Your Pbotozrapher- Mr. A, B, Paaton having disposed of bis photograph business in Albany and desir log to settle all bis financial matters be fore leaving, would respectfully request those Indebted to bim to call aud attend to tbelr aoaounts. A great favor will bo con furred by promptness in this. Larare ttook of new imods at Mouteith A Seitenbach's. Xao-too Tolmcew- Mcl lwaiu has hit it this time solid on to bacoo. In fact ho hot done a big thing in thit line, until evorybody goei to hiu. for tobacco. He ha just received a very largo stock of the celebrated Zuo-z io tobacco, and hence can soil it cheap iu any quantities, re tail or wholesale. Tins is a lirat-clast to bacoo and will go off fast, Call for a sample at A B Mollwain'i. A statch factory iu Albany wouia be a good thing for potato raisers, as well as the people generally. Zoo-zoo tobacco at Mcllwain'a. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Post Offlse, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Sept. 3rd, 1885, Persons calllnf for letters must give the date os whiuh tbey wore adyerusou : Hunch, John Cftgle, BSujsmla Carson, Wm Clymur, Win i Clements, Mrs riusle Harmon, C C 2 Harmon, Mrs Nancy McCabe, Dr E Morton, J Stone, Geo Stout, Wm H Taylor, Hsnry Wan-en, EM J. M, IRVING, P. M. SOriAIV AMD PKSSOV tr Jsme Conner returned to Albany a : w days ago. Ted Piper and Mr Starr, of Salem, h ive been in tho city this wtek. Miss Eliza Willett, of Oolfas, W. 'I yisiting with her mother in this county. IS i r n ii a ii ti tr ',,, ii t l(nui Hfl I . oi H'uthes Is-fs. for the mount..... . I Ant Saturday : H.. i... I ... .... Drs ( II ir Im m. d-i an. mi, wrrs m Of alii itaUoil nets. (Jazrtfe. Mrt Uwv McAllister. w!i has bcmi ijuite tick st Sain u lutniy, we aro pjsstl I to Inaro is inuoh impi ive I iu health. Mr Klmiir il u ish awfe? a-ibly fom l ria, III., has bseu in ili- city tfrasto. lis is tends teachi ig in ihia c muty. Kev F A Moses was in Albany Monday, having rsturm-.l fin n S m'hirn ).'( t, e wili remtin at 'i'iiiciit f ir 4Winle ui lua-t. Mr Wall i r Tu, il d Mis Bsgsis Tur rill left (or Sim Knwy;. josjl l uoad.iy Mrs Tarrall will viot h ;r psrimt theru about six weeks. sfttdgs It S Strahan su l n, CUu-le, left fer the mountains yed-'r-Uy, to lie gone a week or tw-. Tue der are hereby warned to look our Chief Kngbi'jcr ll 'frnn put its an appear anew last Monday on our streets after a si. :1c nnas of several weuks. His man frntnds re joice at his recovery. Miss Sells Put mm I 'ft y tsterd ty for Oak lend, Cal., whure she will rsuisi-i for awhile with her Utner. Si- , will Astoria ou her way. visit q Mr Judge Flina and youngest daughter left for the Eastern Htstes last Tuetdty.Thev will begone about two month and will vhnM relative in revera! SUtes. Clay Humphrey, Cashier of Hovy A Humphrey' bank of Edgene, was in the city from Monday till Wlnday, with bead cusrtsM at the Linn County Bank, Ilou Biugi r Hermann, Congrtsrnn -leo, was io the city Tusediy on hi Way to the Bay, which h wiH inspect in orl i, able to tll e i-ir i what m needed. DrJ I, Snub l family rvturue-1 this week to their old h ent in aTortb ('.irnlius They liked Qrsg.m ; bus bwSliSSSt they had left behiixl failed to bo seuUd as tbov ex poetcd henov this mure. Mr Ii Montagu, ti. newly appointed Naseby at ijbanoo was in the city l-aat Mon day. He was ttA at by bis frieudt as a sort oi a curiosity ; bwetb good nstured manner in wmcn r r.:eivea tne vsnoa Xioad r mark aho wed how wail Pa it q iabivl for the position of P. M. Mr HihbiU. an sspnrt tailor, from Umdon. Caoada, ha Ites a sof agsd by Mr L E Blaso, of this city, to take charge of a tailoring d nartment n cwuneotiun with ht large cloth ing I. name. This will no doubt a popular movement among bis many cuat-un- ers. Mr tl iniutt ba a large family, whom nc win aeim !or, and, who when here, u ,11 increase the p-ip ilatisu of Altaay eight or nin. Mm Lskiu, whose little girl was killed in tkeO. P. accident Monday, passed through the city on her way horns to Kugeoc laat t'aeraday. She takes her lots completely to heart, sad mourn tbe unnatural death of her child a oaly a mother can. Oae could not look oa tbe picture cf this mother carry ing homehsr dead child without bitter feel ings towards tbe one or ones whose carelesj oess caused its death . trt i.-omI. aud Vjilen. I am now receiving my Fall stock of dry goods and notions, and will be better prepar ed to give good vlne for the money thao ever Ufore. My stock of dress goods will be large aod will imdade all the novelties io imported plaid, tricots, etc , etc., as well as domestic dras good. These domestic dress good look nearly as well a imported, aud cost much le. (j aod of all description are rf.yer tin fall. I have marked my old stock to correspond with the new goods io price, and I am determined to tell my good a low at any house can ssdUeilher fur sab or pro lace. I keep nothing bat stand ard goods, aod will guarantee anythiog I .!!. Patties ho live tt so great a distance from Albany as not to trade regularly, I know will find it to thtir advantage to come to bead quart i r for tbeir fall stock. I have the stock cf good aad will sell tbem. Samples of dress goods, Hanoels, etc, sect by mail, aod as much care taken as though the parties were jn-eseet t- make (election. 8am r el E. Youno. i We are agents for Or Balls celebrated : health corset. Moxtejtb A StrrBKBAI II. . . .. , I Alter all corset are sometime a good thiug. A New Jeroy worn i-a lost Tuesday , Bi,t by Ur lover. To ball struck a ; corset steel and glanced off, doing no harm. .. roo tobacco at Mcllw.iin'a. weit locxiinmv our eioca oeiora miyiiu' sir. am A Bnow.sai.u loas: t leaks! C leaks ! I am openit g my Fall stock of cloaks and jersey jacket this week, amounting to over two thousand dollars. These cowls are much cheaper thin last year and the stybs better. These cloaks will bo sold to cash or prompt payiug customer, as cheap as any 1 house in Oregon cau soil them. Samuel E, Yovso. R lartters Wanted. The undersigned will take day boarlera on very reasonable terms. Inouire at residence on the corner of 4th and Vine Street on the west tide ot tho ditch. Mrs. Martin. Oregon kiuuey Tea cures all kidney trou ble. heap as lo.I We will deliver ten loads of slab wood (live cords) for $10. Lumber of all kiudt on hand. RoitissoN A WaST. Z o zm tobacco at Mcllwaiu's. A Lire Savins Freseaf. Mr. M. K. Allison, Hatclii non, Kan. Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. Kmc'H ISew Discovery, Tor Uonsump- tlon, which caused him to procure a large boltle, that completely cured him, when woctors, change of cdmateand everything else bad failed. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarsness Severe Coughs, and all Throat ung diseases, it is guaran- eed ot cure. Trial BottbS tree at Foshay Mason's Drug Store. Iarge size S1.00 I indlra's Stasia sprlat. The undersigned is now prepared to furnish board at $5 per week. MoaU 26 cduU. One horse over night, oats and hay, 50 cents, hay alone 25 cents. Water and samp ground free. W, R. FlVDbKY, M.S".'M" ... .1... .1' '. ' -lli NAItRtKls. r F K IFF K R 1 SUM. -Oa Satu rday. Aug. 29, 1885, at Port'and, Oregon, MR. jjrancis PramtB and Mtss Aj.ui: Nom, both of Albany. The Democrat extends its good wishes for a loug and prosperous Jife.l DIEls. HINDMAN. At, Prinovilla, on the inorir'ug of Aug. 27th. 18S5. Mrs. 8. M. W. Him MA.X, aged 48 years. Mrs. Hi nu in an was once a rcsi lent of Linn county. She waa a noble woman, the friend ot eveiybody who knew her, Prine ville los?3 ia her death a nxjat valuable citi- san.j A M AH A BOLT TOW. j A Man about Town the otber day ran j across several men who told of another J man who spends most of his spare mo j monts in running down Oregon. SoCi j thlugM genera' ly come from some ono ; doing p mrly, but (Id man, according to the story, makes birr warns and mim bough to aat; yet he is as cranky as a Han i organ grinder. Nothing Isgorrd e ougii here fur him. the people are not Up Io his ou con jcited standard!.?) Il anything oocutlar is done he immed iately ay that you never - such tliioga hack In-well, his native state. In cvr-ry thing he sees only inferiority and spread, his bisstd opinions on every lisml, So much has he done this th it he lias become sort of famous for bsitig cynic on the subject, aod at his back Is the laughing stock of many, Uis sphere I not Oregon j As this case Is so rare we refer to It as a curiosity, at the tame time It may hit several. O A mm about town hat just seen an E O. which very deservedly devotee two thirds of a column to showing up a ib- r be who took the paper several yvur an 1 then had the P. M send an official notice that Mr, Blank refused to take the paper frem the offioe. The Democrat has been treated this way several times. Of all sneaking things this is the meanest. If a subscriber wants to stop a paper he has a perfect right to ; but let him do it in an honor able manner, in other words, pay up for it. That's busiuess, Or,lf he hasa t the m mey. and cannot afford to take It, let b im be manly enough to write and say so, adding that he will attend to It when he ean. But. pray, never sneak oitor ths affair under Uncle Sam' cloak. If yon have a spark of de cency in jn u. lately we have seen numerous boys with wheelbarrows leaded heavily with hrokin pieces of Hon wend eg their way towards the foundries. It meant that they were ea in ng s itae money. All things g i by s:reks with boys, earn lug their mosey ss well as their games. One time it is tope, another, kites, ono tim.i Uo cans, another, old iren, etc , It is a fact that the spirit a boy displays often gcs wish him through life. While it may be true that boys will be boys, In a majority tt easts they display character 1st ks that nerer leave them. Lirgo stock of new goods at Mouteith A Seiten bach's. Now on for several month deer will have to suffer io tbe mountaiut. This office is al wsys re ady to pay for nam in dollar puffs, dished i'p to suit the most fastidious. Large stock of new goods at Monteith A Seitenboch. Tnen Hby was afck, see gars her CASTOBIA. VThrn as was a Child, she cried far C ASTORIA, asa she Wastes Mass, she elnag to CASTOBIA, When ab bad Chfirbaa. ahegaws them CASTOBIA. J. L. CO" 'AN. J. w. CVtVX Linn County Bank. (WAS2& CL'SH'K. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRA NSACTS a general banking basmew. OBAV Hl JUT DRAFTS on Hew York, Sab Fraa clscuaud Portland, Oregon. LOAN HO KEY on approved aecurlty. RECEla gdeposiUtobjec: to cheek. i "I I.K TlnSS entrusted to u w Jl receive uramot sMsatesa. DR. I. N. W00DLE. Veterinary Surgeon, Office at ."'ch mier'a Htables. ALBANY, OREGON. BOARD OF EQUALIZlfJON NOTICE. N OTICE IS HERKBV GIVJ5N THAT the Board of Equalizauion tar Unn couiitv, Oregon, will meet in the office of toe County Clerk of said county, in the Court House, in Albany, Oregon, on Mon day. tbe ISth day of September. Itso, and publicly examine the asseasmsnt rolls, and correct all errors in valuation, de scription or qualities of land, lo s or other property. Now, therefore, all parties who may be uggrieved by reason of the valua tion, description or otherwise as to their assessment will take notice of the meeting of said Board of Equalization, otherwise il.eir asnewsmeut wilt sUnd as made by the Assessor, E. E. U- MM ACS, Assessor for Linn Co., Or. Summons. i the Circuit Court of At State ofOrtmt far Linn county. Jasper Jor.nUig, Plaintiff. v. 8allie T Jennings, Defendant. To SitlUc T. aKNptapt th akotx named J?e fendant. IN the name ef the Stale of Orrn, you are hereby required to appear and anaar lb oemplalnt filed against you ia the above entitled Court, within tea days from th date of ths service of this Summon upon you, if served within thi County ; or, It aerv ed in any Hher County of this Stats, then within twenty days from th date ef the service ef this Sues mom upon you ; or in case of aervioe by publication then you sr hereby required to appear and answer th complaint filed with the Oerk ot sail Couit, asrahiat yu by the first day of the next re gular term of si id Court following ths expire' tion ot thi time proscribed in the order for publica tion, to-wit : Monday, Oct. 86th, 18S3 ; and you will take notice that if you fall to ao answer said com plaint tor want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court fr tho relief prayed for tn his complaint, to wit : a H -tree of divorce on behalf of Plaintiff, di tohdsf the bonds of matrimony new existing be tween Plai ntlfl and Defendant, and for such other, aud further relief as may be just and equitable, and for coat and disbursements, W. O. Pirsa, Attorney fer Plaintiff. Published by order of H-m R P Baise, Jude of sU Ceurt, made at Chamber at Dallas, Polk county, Or gov on thi 26th day ef August, 13S5. MUSIC TEACHER, Miss Mattle Praltbor, of Daytoc, W. T., a guest of Mrs. Rev, F. M. Culp, of this oify, wbhes to inform tbe citizens ef Al bany that she it prepared to give private instructions on the piano or nrgan. For further information call on Mrs Cnndiff, of this city. SAKTIAM ACADEE3Y, LEBANON, OREGON. THIISTX-FIBST -STEJH-The winter term will commenc Momlay, September 14th, 1885. Fur particular inquire ol .1. t ilLBi:T, rrinetpal. The Portland Business College, Portland, Or con, offers superior nrlvato and class instruction to the young and middle-aged of both sexes who desire to obtain a pravctlcal education in the short, est time consistent with thorough work, and at tbe least expense. Day and evening sessions through onttheyjar. Students admitted anytime. Cata logue oa application. A. P. Asamwom, Prlnelpal i