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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1885)
SI ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED KVERY FRIDAY 8TITES& NUTTING. HroadalUIn Siren. TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION utgL copy. V jSttmtTZ'l sin) cwv, Vhrt moutu . nL number . . $i 50 s 00 1 60 7ft 10 P Kt ) F KSS ION A 1 i C AIU S. State Rights 1 cm o f rat , VOL. XX 1 . ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1885. t III AM mw.-wwa. w.- , R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AlbBy,Oreo. ,.! viiACTIOK If ALL THE W Kurt of "hi-'State. Will W . JSl rtSSStoSto collection, and prooate L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEAT LAW, Notary Public. Albany, Oren. omoe upatalrs, over John Br'jtor K. WEATHEEFORD. rvoTARY PUOLIC.) . TTOKNKY AT L.AW, robaU matter tn odd r.ii Mf TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! rtrand arlrertlaeil aa ahaolutely piirv COWTAXW AMMONIA. THTViMT I rtarwa pan lop down on liotntov unit: rti,tli mmuvo tit nr and smell. A nmwt will uvt i. r itutreu iu dwUrct Ui, pi-wano. of ammonia. .iiTtn (. O. POWRI.U VUIT .TTORNEYS AT LAW, AQa CMiiiciwio OREGON. 4Co"eVloI; prompt me on H poinU. Loans neotiated onfWj TOffloo In Porter's Brick. vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor It La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OBECOM, nOI;U MKASIKKMKVr IX THK MKTKH' ran. DOES NOT CONTAIN AM MOM A. it HftMWI ubw tui NEVER mm fJMMH In a inlliln home for a quarter of a centui jr it has .IcuU Hie niiV rollablo t, THE TEST OF THE DIE!. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Dr. Price's Special Flayoring Extracts, TUs al niil, lftM ") ulinlltw kM.i.u4 Dr. Price's lupulln Yeas) Gcrr.s For Ught. Uclthy II read. The Beit lrjr II p Vrwt lit the Wwrld. FOR SALE BY CHICAGO. for Mi) bjr Cuitliif. alxrL Co, Portland, Or GROCERS. ST. LOUIS win nrsrtlee in all of the WW" of .... t i in mm this State. All business mvnww nil b promptly attended to. E. W. LANCOON & CO., DHVGOISTfl. Hm.I. Sletlonerr and TolletArUcle A Larf Stock and Low Prtoea. OITT IDIIXTO STORB1, 8yi iinvu. aKCCO. FOSHAY & MA80N, wBounjaa x ar&& Drngsristsand Booksellers, Aaenm for John B. Alden'a publication, wbiJh weeellat publtaher'a pricea with poatageaddnd. ALBAFIT, OBEGOI. SPECIAL EXTRACTS S njtraatMC I OmMCT A. PRUSHAWV nuTTnmcT Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CABEFULY FILLED. Albany, Or. REVERE HOUSE, Can. Vlrt and Dlwerf Alfcany. regea. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. .... 1 M . .I.aa atvtj. T&btM Thin new Hoil ! mwi up - .riA with the beet the mrket afforaa. BptUf !? pl,r? . " oL. a ! hmbdU Boon for Coav TrTMrt. A good Semple Boon I tri rrr Casrk to and ! Uw lr lia Weuaaauiutd that our pres. out lueaaurua of longtb have their pro totjfiea in the dtmurRiona of some jmrta of the human body. Thu, it lias been said that the "foot" "aaa undoubtedly adoptel at the standard of meaimro from the part of tho body from whu h it takes ita name." Let tSie be grant ed ; but what foot ? Careful Inquiry hhows that more thin one hundred foot measures, differing iu value from 2i:'2 to8.7A British inches, have been in use at some time iu some part of Europe. It can hardly be supposed a that ail these measure wave taken from the human foot. It is evident that the uatne foot haa Uon pertetuat ed from very early times ; but the thing named haa eithor lost iu original value, or it has been arbitrarily chang- o,l. In i elation to tho origin ot tile British foot, we kno that was derived from the yard , it is simply one-third part of that measure. It is continually aaterted that our foot measure is in length but a ftaction in excess of the average human looL It is astounding how such an opinion ever originated. According to Doctor Young, the leogtb of the human foct is 9.7C8 liritifch inche. According to Dr 13. A Gould's measurements of the feet of 1C.000 itsn, volnnUeis for the army, of whom about 1 1,100 weiS) white and the reft colored, the menu !engtb for no nationality exceeded I0.S4 inches, and none fell below 9 89 incbea. Toe mean value tor tba total was 10. 058 inches. This latter is much nearer the quartar of a meter thsn the one third of a yard. Our foot, slightly modified, would be equal to three dec imeters. The facility of measuring off the yard on the ana fnrnisbea the objector with t mors STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING XSDIUI IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY sj fi ial IxtfciiieMN Botieea In Local Col umn 16 eenta jr line. Itegnlar Looal unUvn 10 cents per line. For legal and transient advertisement JI 00 pur 'p:are for the flrat iBsertlon.and V fonts per square for each subsequent Inamtlon. Hates for other advertlsementa mat! known on application. After nuti-erous unsatiifsotory at tempts tho Amoiiuan whiteush hssbvon aoolimaleil in Knglmb The Wintered Aftuhsouiun h lh following to say of Albany I Th eop!6 of Albany claim that successfully the county contain 5,000 quarter aec- tionds. tiom of cxoollont farming lanJ thai Tho senso of tasters an almost OS- the soil l rich and deepthat no- tain guide to the wholesomencsa of whore In the world small gralus do foods. As a rule, poisons have a very bottor that wheat frequently reachee diss greeabla taste, sod accidental pois- 40 busdels to the aero, weighing some onlng is oonaequaotly very rare. times 05 pounds to tho bushels to the One of the queerest sheets of water SEW DEPARTURE H iuto that flax uiH!h woil that all cultivated gras?s do well that ap ples, prunes, pears, plums, cherries gor, and its peculiarity in Maine is called Snow's Ocean. a little pond in Ortington, nrar It Is Ban- that, a). BY Allen Co.. $100.00 in coin distributed to our customers every 60 days until further notice FIRST DISTRIBUTION NOV. 1st, 1885, Coin in Burkaart Bros., hands and will be distributed by disinterested iy at night, is a singular vegsubie of oarties. and in amounts from $2.50 to $25.00. Bverv nuBtnmfir aboil that they have no violent wind the island ofOos, nsr Bombay, iiaif nave an equal chance in proportion to the amount purchased. that llghtnlnjr Is rarely seen tnat I an hour after sunsei tue tree is inn ci . - , - . UUJtt JNH1W STUCK For the Pall and Winter cannot be surpassed, either in price or quality. do nicely, poachos middling well though situated away up among some that nil small fruits reach tho highest developmentthut but for the cool nights corn wou'.d mako a good crop .that potutocs tire a sure crop that timber is plenty and convenient bills on the bank of the Ponobscot, it rises and falls as regulaily as doea the river. "The onl sorrowful tree," flourishing limy bavo good roads, excellent weet smelling flowers, although none trout fishing, pure, cool wator.wlntors to be seen during the day, as they mild and little snow, summers cool, water and rail communication with Portland, and excellent water power. olose up or drop cIT with the opjsroce of the sun piaesr county, Cel., boasts of tho All our purchases are made for This certainly makes ft good show- 0nly Waring red-dets palms in the Inir. I like Albany and tho country I United States. A paper published about it as well as any I have fteen. hr the tree is a native of Cbins, Much at BANKRUPT SALES, and We DTODOSe to sell eheanar than anv ' i I - , ' .... ... ..1. . Am rr'y a. A. TT 11 t - I noiieed in their local paper that M(j ,nt fniit is highly prixea y me i gtOTO in tue w luamebLo v auey ior eiLner casn or produce, l ome and se- Th?y caii the fruit "imng cure some oi tae rare Dargains onerea ana iook over our their wheat sometimes rusH Albany Is m town of 4,000. Chinese. It lscb0" Tba impotled article sella woll built, well provided with taw tDtril ftt from thirty-five to fifty cants ami fl uirln? tnilU. f.t b rm. butiuess I I l . ' I - It. n. i rt si r V nno ft r4- i rl t Vvn4- tttV. r 4- ...! ,1 1 A jx t 1 houses, tasty nomes, cnurcnes.acnwjt. An i.;ngUh frmer rejoris a strange I WUOIO luoiu to vaw t,i uivw kju wuai jruu wuuiu nave to pay U.OUU16 tMitween bis ferrets aad tUO IHOney eiBCWIiero tut . 5, 10 and 25 Cent Connters, MOST PERFECT MADE Piirwl and tronpt Natural Fruit Flat.. Vanilla, I-tnon. Orange. Almond. Base, etc, Savor as delicately and naturally a the fruit. Doirc niKiHfl powofr rn Chicago. st. uma, I another ground of objection to the me. Fo- U by Cattlo; Marls nd Co.,Pontud. Or futicura A POSITIVE CURE FOB EVERY FORM OF BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASE FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. Humiliating E uutlnss. rein una isurnnig on imiun. hmT every Piw IthlW, Scsly. rluiplj. ter. Sir John Ileracbei mle is: Hold the eod of a string or ribbon be tween the finger and thumb of one band, at the full length of the arm, ex tended horizontally sidwaye, and mark the point that can be brought to touch She center of the tafia, fcio j full in front." Vary goo -I j now, if you will cirrv the string or libboo entirely cross the lipa, and mat k the point that can be brought to torch the lobe of the tr. vou will have a meter. Moreover, 7 J FURNITURE. I have tbe best stock o! furpiture in the city ana woi sen Cheat). Cheap, Cheap, ' Tbe only atock of Muivnnr WALNUT rUlim ufaE ,n the cltv and tbe lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A eomplete atock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Dtajreoomiac humosj fxhing and Iturnlny t u.. . ...I ,rrv JI llCniliK. Kl Inh.riMJ. Scrolufeu.. and Wasasss Off " , rtta Um Woud. skin, and Scalp. wUoTosr4 Hair, from we have tho following metric ti rata tions, viz: The breadth of the palm is 1 decimeter. Tbe breadth of the little linger is 1 cen timeter. The length of the space i 9-10 of meter. Hence, by adopting metrical meas ures, we shall not, in the slightest ie 1 'T ana ree, be disabled from finding, in the ' I w m j:.M.;nna r f rmr own narsooi or of uuuvuaivu. w. i our stent, all tho means of nerf jrminir rough measurements. Prof. John Li Conte in Angnat Overland ... i,l art SSSinveb urr.'l by I ti-.m the New Blood Purifler. lotenwliy, and C ti 4. the Ureal Skii. Core, and Ctrors Soar, an eiquistu Skin beauUSer, exUrually. ECZEMA CUBED. lwaa afSictcd w'.tb Eczema on tbe Scalp, Pare, Kar end Neck, which the UruirjLt, where I go. your reinediee, pronuiinced one of the worst caeee b... i.i .. .mu unilur liia notice Headviaed me to ti your Swans Rsaswss, and after Sre daye' oec. rur alp and part of my face were entirely cured, and I hone in another week to have my ears, the other pait of n-y face cured. 120 E. 4th St., Kew York, SCABS AMD SOKES. 1 hate been afflicted stnee Ian March with a Skin diaeaee the doctor called Kcaenja. Jfy face was SMwadwiU) ..r. tm iU.-hlng and . i .imMt unbearable. jour Cl ti taA'kr.iiMisao hljrhly recommended, conclude. U, ve them a trial, alng tbe Ct Tiers and Onte houses, newspaper?, hotels, etc. It has a valuabto water power. Tbe friendship young rale- -natural enemies of the water is brought in a canal U miles ccr .it sort. Twioe when bis ferret has long from a aw 1ft running stream. t:.Ur 0UUK rats have been given Already tbe canal supplies 13 factor- her for f00j ana each time abe has lea with power and It can be extended Mve 1Rrj s,jCklod two of them with to an Indefinite extent. Tbe town I b f owo f0oDg until tbey bad mstured. site Is level prairie which extendi I &omo fcU regarding railroad freight from tho river to the foot hills. The cKlxons of Albany came in n procession to the depot to meet us, I tweo;y.tour eawta to onload light boxea. deciiiun cf the Supreme Ooort.tbat ALBANY, OREOON, Sept. 1st, 1885, N. H, ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albany, Or. are curious, as, for instance, it coats KtoreUry Lmsr has instructed I n- four cents per ton to unload tieroas.aou jog1)fCtorf, ,mder au.hoiity of a ,ne ean be headed by the Albany and Corvallls T:,6 cbjef rMaoo is th bands. Wo were then marehod to the steamboat, which tbe two town had provided, and umbarked for Cor- j d wj,n!e, snd fV 61 without. vallla, 13 miles up the river. A large jt e;2tity-ooe cents par ear to no- number of Albanians accompan'ed us 0f ithr, but $"i.76 per ear cftJljtl for meuon on the psrt it la illeml for Indiana to homest-ad rolled while the otbr m-tst kj handled. Wio Umlg M c;tizenJ. Half-breeds Iron beams coat 2 W r r ,-r l" ,,n' eotnc nndr the sme ruling, and Voth Indiana and balf-bree Is attempted ta locate land in Dakota, an action NOTICE. on the boat. ot speeches. We had our usual supply (or lfWm udt. of the Interior Depsrlment. The A leading officer In one of the de partments at Washington says that tbe number of canes where it appears that unfit men are sppointed on reCO mendatlons Is amall. We examine papers as well aa we can, and often revoke a bad appointment even after it has been made, though the fact doesn't get into tbe newspapers. We have been so annoyed and embarras sed by Insincero endorsements that the Administration U going to adopt u new policy. Among the muat fastidious pmple o,,,,-, decision ssys that Indians there ia an ttaHraaaioii that the 0aor 01 tea is wholly ruined by - j salt water. All thecrord hads and uk, Bp UnJ if tbfy make entrir llhv nobility of Europe AX 9 S and half-breeds ctnnot be rrcogutua u Miiir. ondeir the exi4tioff law, but V.S ' WWW tr use tea, . . . . . . .i .: ..... therefort, which coats mem mroe, www. the pricea paid in America for a brand bsaring the same name, but which ia brought by Russian traders in cat a vans a val and from China. as Indians. No man has a"rtght to read on a moving vehicle If his injared eye sight may be transmitted to his pos Tbe trade is ferity. The harm done to some poo aeni hv tin rnmnvM practice of very profitable and it is largely to pro- . he strcet cjlM u am0t tect it that BttaaU is ao jealous of her rf iu?ing concludod to close oat Ms business, now offers hie entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. Asiatic poaaesaions. He exhaustive investigation tbe Ucr- .. i : I v haa found man Aninropoioti"- ..If the error Is discovered in time, ibaD one.fourtb of the school children of central Euro are Tbe New Orleans correspojd m'. . I the New York .Van has made a eyeful rhich r?AS.Mret4Bnaiiy,ai.d Ksi.vmt. inuniaiiy for ;nVeati!:stion into tbe manner in four month.. 1 call myeelf eared. In gratitude for I IU . ...... v wbkb I make the nun ic latemenv. M Hi. 1 LARA A. rnM'uaia, Broad Brook, Conn . . . s.u.n.u awe anld everywhere. Trice: CvnePaa.SSB JiSSIII ISS.Sit Boar, t6c. Preinued i.y tne roTrza v.m..w -.w , Sm4 rr "Haw Is Cere Skin Diseases," PLE8. niackheede, Skin niemiekes and Baby Humors, nee CenccsA Soar. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALB4NT, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15tb, 1S85. Tor particulars eencernln tbe courtee of etudy and tbe price of tuition, apply to COSftlT. rrea.aea Kl ft IS THK BACH. ' etitch in the eide, tuSS, booUnir and ebarp iaine, rheumatic, neu- ralvtc, ana e imii. w ternal pain aiul aclie eMHIiea enl exneu ed with wonderful celerity by tht new, original elesant and epeedv antidete U. paia and innarnmaiion, inn .m Pi.La. Warranted the perfection of elegant eiUrnal re mod lee, and vastly superior ta all other plaetcm. At druggists, Mc. ; Are for SI. Mailed free. rwrtR ini v..mi- - ton . r:rme, ahoo ifi REV. ELBEBT S. TlftED ASD AHUM. MVSCLfZM. crylagtthrough countless nerves for rest aud relief. Like manna to the children of Israel is the Citictjsa Plastss to Oie tired, overwork ed, aching muscle. Do not deny your arlf the comfort afforded by this new, iHnal iiinani.itlon. At diwgtatu, X-c. I 0Z9rMmtlvK tr St. Mailed tree, roTTr.a w.w asd CSTSSartali Co., Boston. Aloany Bath House. THE UNDEliSiaNBD WOULD ' M8PBCT f.lly Inform the elUssns of Albany snd Ti .Ititiat I havet.ksnoh.rg. of thi. 4 .rt.nnon to DaHIUWSli sp- " A. t Ut1bS bsrstorors earrie o u-.-. Flrst-Class Hiir Dressing Saloons r.tire satisfy" lion to SXUfJUII v a, r-PGild....S L.dl..' Hair nsatly ca ha npooed JOS WEBHEK. WA.TERLH0 HOTEL. nun Rttnas - - - Praurietor the federal ottices of that city have been managed aince the war with the fol lowing result: Tue total losses sus tained in the sub-treasury alone amount ed to $742,700. The losses in the in ternal revenue departmentfoot up to $571,300. In the assessor's oflice tbe loss wss $175,000. In the post office and tbe collector's office the losses welled the sum total up to $1,620,000, of which the government losses oyer and above that collected from bondsmen nearly a million and a half,aiiil Repot lican organs tell us that not a "ceut of public money has gone into the bands of officiala under Republican rule hot what haa been faithfully accounted for. rml tho claimant aoes not get nis place, we ehall almply notify tho en dorsers of the facts in the case urge upon them the Itnporlance of greater caro lo tho future ; hot if a hsd sppintment is made, and leads 0 criticism and a public scandal, we shall take pains to publish all the names of endorsers, as our vouchers, so to sneak. Of course, we under- stand how difficult it is for a man to refuse to sign a petition for a fellow townsman and friend for office. But thesa written endorsements are all we have to go on in many cases, and citizens must feel their responsi bility in the matter.' purs blondes, and ebou ooe-eixiti are ana . m than nnr.half beinftT of orunetuK, - the mixed type. In Germany 31 80 . . l- l.;i,lt ...n ar fair, and per cent, oi tu vu.. - 15.05 percent, are dark, in Austria tbe dark predominate, being 23.18 per cent'while the fair amount to 19.79. . . . . , 1 t In Switzerland tbe uiooaea are omy t a ... beyond belief. The rapid increaee in the number of children we iring spec facias in the public sehoids In a mut ter for immediate scientific liuiulry. The usefulnebs of a ttHW depends largely on accuracy of vUlon, aud relations between the eyes and ihe brain are the most roy-terious pheno mena of human ttfe. A mm should see ull there U to see, bat be does not often do so. The rumors recently aat afloat that Beeeher will be retired from Plymouth As this is a gaauiaa cMag oai;, now is the time for housswiTe to replenish their kitclions and dairies with ware. M OTT's :t'utieis or pibe Cad Idvrr Oil silk Oyp .Hoplilles. Dr. O. Killing, of X) tkland, Cal., says : "I havo ued Scott's Emulsion in my own e.ise and found if. a most valuable propsrallon, and have since ustd it extensively in my practice a a, ax I with very surprising result to my- Red Cro wnMills IS0M, LAKKIKQ & C- PROPER. SEW PROCESS FLOUC SCPKBIOR FOR AND RAKERS OSS. PASUUB8 10 per cent, while the biuneOes are 25 church, .are deuied almost - m mm fa ? I official ly. The IKorW ssjs, one reasn is tnst oi Beecher'sttitude during ihe campaign. mA r : 1 1 I. . . . . . . . i ; . .;;.;..(. children in liermaoy increaaesi rmymj Another laci is mai sass wmwwm towiTfi the south, and that of light cbil- Jf rpiJjy nearinK the ag of foot score self and patients." BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Cash for a a 70; and in Be'gtutn the wonuea are - an ..r r The nrooortion of dark lr Wt vom sr- sw- - r i dron toward tbe north. PEBSOSALS DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goltra.) (-DEA.'LERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGOHS, HACKS, BUBBIBS, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES. STEEL GOODS, The wind from the far off icy regious of the north make a wheezy doleful sound as it whistles tbtough the devot ed locks that bang around the auricles of thi Oregonum editor,aud tbe balmny, southern breeae is laden with tbe ex pressions of happiuss" and contentment from the lips of lb Mouthern people at good crop an 1 jnet-el industrial pros- petity while tbo "bloody shirt" ctn not raise a flutter. Selah. BOASDIS.. ASD LOWS' $1 S DAT, 00 gisoLS asAia. 50e- a.uch i. Good accommodation, for all. Waterloo Soda Spring, hare bean greatly Impreved connecting d.hadlnKthe spring. A nesr pontoon bridge 8 feet wide spans river below the springs. Stage leyes Lebanon for Waterloo Wednesday, and Baturdav.. Camper, .uppnw .. - - -- loo Port Office Store tea. Soda wator insured free STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of atone and marble wnrk on abort notice. All work ia war- Horses cared for at reasonable nntls& to f?ive satisfaction. Will work . l kinds or stone. Dot uwi f"- . . ftL !,, r" aa n i riir clpal y m uregon yy' Z' X ...... i n tv a ' . . , ruvt.i i 1 1 n. n. nmijiciiv.i j .x.inA mv ntirAH before DiirCnas inaiwhAraaHl will not bo undersold. Shop On west Bioe oi rvny rr Bite post otnee. m At3W1H Vrnn O ARN DOOR HANGINGS, VeA alwava breaking, iinlesa you have the kind sold bv Peters A Stewart, of Al bany They are made ot wrought iron 2not lump the t rack and will lat a life fft hang another barn door un til you have seen hem. ' a for rjoataare.and A PRIZE, receive free, a eosUy box of good. . h wmheloTou to more money right away than which will n'P Vl.i.. ah At either sex. uc- "VihK SrVt hour, TO. bVoad read to fortune eeed from ftrrt boot , .,.. ure. At ones nna neiore m. " . Elviras. TWCS A1 C AUgUS. "" SAN WA VIN. . AONDIty AND CHINA e-WWSr rrmTrrte... Contractor for unde'ein".. av- China labor. t jarNeat W City aaok. J DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office-cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY OR Will it not seem odd to carry on a political campaign in New York this fall without any Jobny Davenport to intimidate democrats, arrest them and put them in iron cages to prevent them from voting? Then there will be the further novelty of no republican head quarters in the custom bouse and every village postofneo in tn state. It will not require very much iusight to see that the purpoae Mr. Roach had in view was to make political capital for his party but the echene has resulted in an ignominious failure The failure Axm r,r. nail for a vorv larae outlay of uvjvo uwv vet -" - t y as sympathy in view of the feet that there was no necessity wbatevertov toe asbign- meiit. Theie Grant that Calling attention to tho democratic disDoaition to turn tbe Indians over w - , to;the war department, the Waahio ton Star is not sore that it is tbe best way out of our difficulties to put the nrmy in charge : "Tho duties or an Indian agent are not military, and It is not desirable that the Indian should associate government with a uniform. The Indian needs to bo taught how to plough, build houses, read and use machinery. This is not the soldiel's function." But the Indian will learn these things quite as readily under the direction and protection of army officers as fr ra agents who, in the majority oft ises, are dishonest ana treacherous. There will be a check on officers of tho array, and Justice Is more likely to bo done the nation's wurds. Justlco Is what they have not had hitherto. Tho Rev. M. D. Turner, the original of the little boy to whom Uncle Remus talks in Joel Chandler Harris's stories, recently committed suicide in Georgia. AA. . . 1 .a I ;u li.r.fnrA aoon be unb!e to t BUM " " fial&il ita many duties denuded by uch ao ex.ciiug congregation. BJll others say they determined to dispense with Beecher'a services bec-uise rumors are .float thst he ia bankrupt. Rev. Dewitt TaIiuisb preicheJ in m i w t a. Im 1 a . A. A. Monger, ot vnicgu, wum Hauare Iiu, Uiimourg, o-u. aaid to be worth several millions, has 8undav. Over 20,000 people were sailed foi Europe for the pnrjioae of buy- pregent aod listened attentively to tbe discourse. Great difficulty inr 4200.000 worth of paintings, lie - - .... . .ti i ... nMnAaa. to eatabltsh a tree art gauerj, . , oU;nc mto thH inn. j..r"- . , . 1 r o preaching indoora TaiintSie was pelled to preach out doors Accustom yourself to as little mm a 1 light clothing aa possible anu ISJAJV'I " v I aJ which will ultimately lie given to vni cago was exper- After ni- The great shows of W. V. Cole and I. T. Barnum havo been combined into ooa ahow Bsafctag the largeat in the world. TSe IU nulj or Youth. Kn mnttor how handsome or atlwart a young man imv bo otherwise, nothing oin make up for a partially bald head. Shining talents arc attractive, out a snin lug noli la not. The cause may be aiok jihs or anything else, yet Parker's Hair R-.lsam with stop the loss ol the nair ami start a new growth of glossy and aqft hair so ouicklv aa to surprise you restoring . . a a a. . i t .... -. "V . Ihe original coior at tau same num. a dyo, not oily, delicately perfumed , On ly standard too dressing. Thr Ml Asreeablc As well as tho most effective method of dispelling headaches, tolds and fevers, or cloansing tho rtystsm ia by Ukitg a few doses of i he pleasant California liquid fruit remodv Syrup of Figs. 50o and 81 botltes for aaie oy f osnay .usui.,uaug don A Co. ; His-hest 'Price in Wheat ALBANY OR. D. M. JONES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBANY, OREGON. Ofliee at residence on Third and Wash" ingtcn Street.-, RATES or CHARORS. (with 25 per cent extra at night ) j Visits in town, $1.50, Visits in the eonntrv. tl per mile for the first two miles, and SO cents for each addi tional mile, not including ferriage. Medicines furnished prek while visit ing patients. Obstetrics, five dollars and mileage, F OR SALE CHEAP. W... --oil bred stallions, and thirty draltanc addle horses. u w. T. COCHRAW, Brownsville, Or. were funeral were not Hayes and Arthur. two accidents in tbe parade a; New Yoik notsoed bj the press. President Cleveland is now camp ing at Wills pond, In tho Adirondack mountains. It ia a good three days' journey from the neaiest railroad de pot. The President was ill for a few days, but Is now looking well. He generally fishes during the day and in the evening enjoys a social game of PiirhrA. Tke President wishes to avoid newspaper correspondents and declines to converse on anything but peraonal and general msiw He cannot be induced to speak about politics. He says he has not yet de cided when he will return to Wash, ington. Ho has no desire ti return for some time yet. Few men recognize tht value of a wife .until their backs ceBdJecratcb Ing. Sa and keep I think too much heat m -my of the sores which came from lying m beu so lnnff would never put in hu appearance comfortable. vinn did not wunf. to be awak 4. Blv.vw- enad when there was any good news to nieated. but he Vo vw - ' , ji ..v.l : tnllicrorrn at once. nave oiBgrceu r i , , u. 7 .. . ..j t i.:. waaksns oue. and that if we can believe the recoiecuous u secrc.iry, Louis Antoine da Bourlenne bich have just been published. Stephen A. Douglas is Dougla Park in Chicago, overlooking lake Michigan, and Gen. Worth is New york mQt jst week at Sratogo Parties already subscribers to the Demo t'HAT, who wish to send the Pler off to a friend or friends can do so for y2. Babbit metal at the Democrat office a b t a pound. Old papers 50c. a hundred. buried in if one would "keep cool ." The democratic stale committee of ... fil.Koalhck ot inrfmnpr 1 116 -tui do ' uu at . . - - bnried in tbe tiiangle at Fifth avenue .nd Broadway, New York. Douglas L, for hoidiDg tbe state convention Park was originally the private property Th(?y endor8ed the administration oi cf Mr. Douglas, but became tue prop erty of the city.according to his request, after his death. Lord Revelstoke. head of the bouse of Baring, London, is of German ori aio. He is a descendant of Johann BAring, the son of a Bremen preacher, who settled in England in the early part of the last century, whose grand son was in 1835 created Baron Asbur tion, and whose great grand-son was mads Earl of Northbrook m 18 b. i i . (Ka Cleveland. Indications pom. to nomination of Edward Cooper for Governor. SPR A m FEVER t thi. tMAuu nesrly every ono uwlBW nf k'" t of t onic. I If. O N mtere into almw "iT?. usrt aioiau'a prtacripti-.':. tat Uiufco v Uo need building up . We obeerve that First Asstant Postmaster General Stevenson ecu tinuea business at the oldjstand. The democratic conventions held last week made nominations as follows: In Ohio, Gov. Hoadly was renominated. To Mississippi, Gov. Lowrey was re nominated. In Iowa, Hon. Chas. ET Whiting was nominated for governor. That result in old Kentucky was a terrible rebuke to tho administration. A democratic majority of,64,000,wlth 17 domocratlc counties to hear irom, is a Httlo might more than our lone fisherman of the Adlrondaeks can stand. English iron and steel makers are accomplishing wonders. One com pany has run tut a billet 130 feel straight from the ingot without re heating. One mill uses rolls weigh ing sevemeen tons, through which steel three inches thick is rolled for decks. , .fa H m a C. K, W0I.YERTON, O, 1BVWI. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. SQ-Oflico up stairs in Froman's Brick ALBANY, OREGON QUTLERY. The best line of cutlery in the valley can be found at our store. It embraces poelret knives, table knives, forks and spoons, butcher knives, hunting knives, paring Iritivoa. .dinars and scissors ot all k'nd. and tim best line of razors ever brought into Albany. Come and see for your selves. ParsasA StiswAaT. pOK SALE. Ont- hundred and forty aere. bib miles above Lebanon. 40 acres in en! tivation. 10 acrea slashed and sown t grasa Comfortable dwelling, jrred outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this office. THE BE5TTtfti.C. T,ns33tnde,,Al.neK WtJAI Fee WfsdtneK?, T.tyrte, LXlVnSU rthate?fejpj1es of and , , User iuocr.stipatioa A.r Jro Pi. o. H Bmin.rr, a lcadics rbyslcian oi f iys: "Btwrn's Iron ritternlA tboKvrGWyjt fSSt dr.. Iiim It in wjviTnclico, and lind tsnct.oii r-ihall.-.tyrft.rf,wa. lOTF-M enaoiuon i i i'jo aa for it' It ia all lliat ia claiasod Ceuuins ban trado mnA nnd rroel rod lines on vrapser. Tnuc no oinrr. ""v j Ji HOW N CM CM IC A I. CO., BA I TI MOKE, M !. IjiDtEQ' riAKn Book useful and attrectiTo, con tpinin list of prizea inr recipes. tnfonnatWi alxmt ccitin, otc., Kiren awaj by all dclew In medicino, cs mailed to any add.'.aa on receipt of Sc. stamp. RED1SGTON, WOODARD CO., Portland" or, MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE! HOUSE. T. J. STITBS. aTTOKNEY AT LA -AND Notary Public-