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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1885)
L statue r uiKrrly KaMekteatae IB WaHd.' ... a as sal 1 Ths r.MuniUM In chenr of Um wwww ' I for the reception oi una frees ... order 10 raiss fund, tor its completion, ha. pre mi1 a miniature fAatuette els Inches "J SmMMh Hreased ; hsdesteJ, Htehel-eUvsred,-- weJeh they art now deltt eriii t. ntMiMn ut the InlSed HUMM km a.NWr each. aesnt le A pe. tact tse-el-iuls Ins ntroiaase by tea artast. Tba 8tstutla In mm metal, twalvs Inches hlfh, at Ave dollars sech, delivered Tee designs of States ami brtsetal ers preUeted Ihv I'. & Patent, and the models out only bo furnished 1 j ilili i lassmi Aeeces, with remittance. RICHARD BCTUCK, Secretary. American Oesaaetteee of Um Liberty. M Meresr SAreet, Now York. ar a Burster. U. P. CHcacM.--PreachiniioTery Sabbath, at 11 a. ml, and 7 ml by Rev. F O. lr vine, D. II. Sabbath School at 2:90 P. M Prayer meeting every Wedneaaday av emag. KvanqxucjlL Cuckch. Preaching on Sab Vath at II A. M., and 7, F, . Sabbath school 12:16. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. K. K Davis, pastor. All are invited. m ComuUKAATiOMALCucacM. Servicee every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 r. is. Sabbath School at 12: 15. Praver nieetiuu on Thursday evening ol each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. & CHCRca.SocTH. Preaching every Sabbath mormuu at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer assttiwir every Thursday eveuinn st 7:30 o'clock. P. M. Culp, Pastor. M. & ClICBCII So; r h.Tasuks r. Preach iag every Sabbath at 3:90 o'clock, r. . Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock, r. fet. P. M. Culp, Pastor. M. E. Chcbok. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. u. and 7a r. at. Song serrice in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School U 2.30 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Kev. at. Judy, pastor. rmanarrajuax Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin aud Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Kev. Isaac H. Condit Fuurr Bajtiht CnuecH. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Church on 5th Street, Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting e ery Thursday eves tog at 7:30 o'clock. T U Brewnsn, pastor. UaivxaaAXurr Church. Preaching every second and lourth Sabbath of each month at Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m. 7 o'clock, r. H. Sabbath School at 12 u. 30 000 CA8E8 OF RECTAL DISEASES, AS- Plica, eetal titers. Plesauree, rewrites. Ant, riatstos la Ante, relyaaa. cell. Etc., BSC, Cured In sU yesshy the Dr. J. R Pllkuartoa. Proprietor of Um PorUasd a as tmi klimii has been arpointed agent and pktektaa for thissysWm in Orezoa and W. T. No r aieew. m two in eidekeeeraUono with Um keif- bar oatv injury. Am paredtud to refer to Mr. Jus. W W done rlurd, drwjsfet. Iwreiaily of aim, Mr. Prauk Oatd ner, BMchkneet. Mr. H A. Rannty. Harrtebun. and if. If ucirnt ! of petfeule apply will apced is earn meats at Albany. Auirem lor J. B. PILKINCTON, M. D.. PORTLAND, ORJCOOM THR i icnin is aiaRisii Q rnmu aiiacoMrr, i.i 400 Geary St., Ran Praaekwej CsL H Cowdaetad by (naUBod Pbvskiana V? and aurfeuee ragtuar Kraduatea. I AW The Oldest apeaaaketa in I of auroral of the Ulesrs.Old Sores. iWm of Um .Glands, Sore Mouth, throat Bone ' fains, pswaanam'y cured and eradi cated treei tbesyatam forRfe. M R t lets Uebilit; ility Losses. Rssesi Ltaeay. Men Physical Weakness. Pailins , Weak Eyes, St anted Us- mpcdintents to Marriage Q' etc.frcn ticcaa or ulhiul follioa. , or any cause, apeuilly, safely and "" privately cured. Z t oeag. Middle-Aged and Old egjf satin, and all who need awdicsi kill g2 and experience. oonsoJt Um old ggj European Physfefea at once. His opinion costs nothing, and may save rotate misery and ehasia When incooTsnient to vkdt Um city for treatment, ndlrlnn can be sent everywhere by express tree from observation. It Is self-evident that a physician who fives his whole ItsnUoa to a dam of diaeates attains great skill, and pkysfefena through out the country, knowing Ode, frequently recommend difficult cases to Um oldest specie) ut, by whom every known good remedy is used. The iVoctor'e age sou experience make bis opinion of supreme importance. AWThoaa who call ase no one but the Dcctor. Con- SnllaUons free sad a redly confidential. Oasss which have (ailed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec ial ly solicited. Pemale dissssss suecaaslully treated. The Doctor will errse to (ortelt $1,000 (or a case un dertaken, not cured, Cell or write. Hours, daily ,(roro 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., 0 to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Send for the Remtariet Uuids to Health, eat (res. Address as abov- lK. UEBIC'S vVoaderrail ticraiaa lnvlgvralor Permanently.' prevents all Unnatural Losses from the yatem, tones the nerves, strengthens Um muscles, eneck the waste, invigorates the whole system, and restores the sdlbrtod to Health and Happiness. The reason so many cannot get cured of seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Prostatorrhea with Uypsraetbeaia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Lie big's in vifforator is the only positi e care for Proststorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the Liebig Dispensary. rrlrr or In vlgsrater, 9. Case of six hotUes flO. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob servation Most powerful electric belts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A RV Bottle Clrea ar Rent Free. Consultation free and private. uau or auorcss LIE Bit. MftPKRRABV, 400 Geary Street, Ran Francisco, Cel. Private entrance, 406 Mason Street, (our blocks up Osary Street from Kearney, Main entrance througu Dispensary Drug Store. more money then at any thin else by takinr an agency for the best selling book out, Beginners snc eed grandly. None (ail. Terms (res,; IUmjrt Book Co., Portland, Maine, To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. iC)Q matastar sr., UwO corner of Commer cial, tan Francisco, Cal. .Established In 154. for the treatment of Sexual and Wsiahul Dissssss, suck ss 4iearrbea, Siteet, latrirtare, Ryphllls in I all Its forms, aeaslaal weaaaeas, laspeteaey, and Loss of Manhood permanently cured. The tick and afflicted should not (all to sail upon him. Tha Doctor has traveled extensively In Europe, nd iaspeoted thoroughly the various hospital there, obtaining a great deal of valupble information, which h is oompetent to im part to those In need of his services. The Doctor cures when others (ail. Try him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure at a distance (.'I'M KM AT IIOMM. All tlons strictly confidential. All letters answered in plain envelopes. Rand ten dollars for a package of medicine. Call or writs. Address DR. J. P. GIBBON, Box 1957, Han Praneieo, Cal. (Mention Alttany Dbmoceav.) CH0NG HUNG. Washes and irons clothes ia nrat-olas style, at reasonable rates. Successor to Idle. One door south of Revere House.on Ellsworth Street, ALBANY KE0H COME. Come and drink Srhlitz Milwaukee beei, on draught, at MICHAEL PEYSER'S CIGAR STORE. OPPOSITE THE REVERE HOUSE Free touch served every day from 10:30, a. M to 12 M, Key West and Domestic Cigars, L. CAMPEAU, BARBER. I have , first-class aasiatant of SO year experience, and will not be excelled In hair-cutting aud shaving. Von Til K LADIKS, I have tba vary lateai at vie of hair draaalng and cleaning for ladies In which tha hair la cleaned In 12 niinulea lima laavlng It perfectly clean. Will call a residence If desired, or do work at shop LOUI8 CAMPEAU, llarber and Hairdresser. Dr.SANFORB'S INVIGORATOR Is just what its same implies ; a Turelj Vegetable Ccwpound, Ihit acts directly upon the layer ; curing the many diseases iiddopo that iru port ant organ, and pewhting the nu merous ailments tKarise from its deranged orrjction, such as Dyspepsia Jaundice, Biliousness, CossVwaliaria, Sick-headache. TlheuAaatwpJetc. It is therefore a lTmsidfWMTo hnve Good Health tha IireT must be kept in order.' SB. SAJrrOED'8 LI VIS KTIGCHATOC I ti vicoratea tho Liver. I lor t;lntcs the Bow el. Strengthens the S sicra. PuriQca tuo Blood , AsshtU Dim'stlrio, Prevents Fevers, la a Household Need. An Ir.valuab'.e Family Medicine for common complaints, S3. lASTOKs s ltvtb CTTZOOBATOS. An experience rf Fbrty years, and TTutt sand ef Testimonial prof it Jterit. O FOR SALR MT ALL DEAI.ETtS IN MaiMCIWats lot full informal loa xnd your address (or KM age Book oa the " Liver and la dirssca," te Kaaaroan S4 nvass sr., a.w toaa ctrg. TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tha Greatest Medical Triumph of the At' 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lesmsrf aswattte, Baerels costive, Pete ta the heed, with a dell eeeaatlea la the heck part, Pala easier the shoulder hlado, Fellaeee after eating, with adSe laciliiatlen te exertlee mt hedr er asied, I rritehl 111 y sf temper. Lew spirits, with a feeling ef having aegleeted eesse daty, Westrtaeea, Plamlaeas, Flatteries at tke Heart. Data hefere the eyes. Headache wear the right eye. Rsetleeeeeas, with atfal dreams, Highly colored t rlae, and CONSTIPATION. ' TCTTi PlSVIdJ are especially adapted to such eases, one doe offsets such a change at feeling as to astonish tha sufferer body to Taks am SMeaWjth ea-slshsd, sail by their Tw us the sv Mesa fa ostte Action the IMejeetivs Ov gasts. Rearmlar ateols are produce .JSJaaaaaaaasaaaa TUTTS HAIR DYE. Orat riAnt or Wmismrrs changed to a Qfjosar IiLACK try a single application of this DTK. It Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Drug -ista, or seat by express on receipt of f 1. OtYIco, sva Murray St., Now York, Sheriff's Sale. In the CireuU Court of tit State of Orejon for the County of Linn : L ITeisch cr, Plaintiff. vs. W ) Bramwcll, Mel vine ISramwrll and Charles M Dodd, Psesndants. NOTfCR is hereby given that by virtu j of an exe cution nd an oruer of sale duly iMUcd out of Um above named Court in Um above entitled action and to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 12th day of September, 188.'., at the Court House door la Albany, Lion county, Oregon at the ahour of one o'clock, p. no., sell at public auction for cash In hand to the bier best bidder the real property described In said order of sals which description is as follows, to wit ; Lota three (3). six (S), seven (7) and ten (10) in Block No. Ave (&) in the town of Ila.-riaburg, Linn county, Oregon. The procecJs of such sale to be ap plied aa follows, to wit ; First to the payment of the easts due upon said judgment taxed at Si 2. 71 anu thesosts of and upon this writ. Second to the pay ment of the claim of L Fieiscbtwr in the sum of SU3,37 with interest thereon at the rate of Usu per c in t per annum from March 9tk, 1885, and fno At torney's fees. Third to the payment of the claim of Charles H Dodd In tho sum of 11590. SO with interest therein at the rate of ten per cent per annum from March 9th, 1885, and S100 as Attorney's fere Fourth the overplus If any to be paid to W i Bramwull and Mel vine Bramwell their heirs, legal representatives r assigns. Dated this 11th day of August, 188, J. K, CnsBbTov, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregron. per Jas. J. Charlton, Deputy. The Buyers' Grim; is issued March and Sept., each year ; 224 papi.g! x 1 1 inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole picture gsllory. (lives whole&ale prices direct ta consumer cn all goodv ( r personal or Rwmaw family Tells how to f&k ordr en 1 gives exact jfi TEa cost of ev erything you JB use, drink, eat, wear, or havj fun with. These sWw invalualila books contain information eldaned f.-om the markets of the world. V.'o will nmiL acopy Prc to any address rnon recetpt of tbe postage 8 cents. Let i t ! ar from you. Q Bespectfullj, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ml ah ass Wahaah Aveaua, tiaieiu, 111. a. O CHRRRT. C.R.Pf 4CK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Successors to 0. C. Cherry.) Machinists, MiUivrights, and Irci Fomiders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL oom pleted, and are now prepared to handle all kinda of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Maw Mill Machinery,and all kinds of iron md Brass Castings. rATTBMMR M4BB ON SHOUT OTI E. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator JJLACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, Anvils, vises,bellowfi,hammers, nJedges, stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blackamitha we keop constantly on hsnd, AUo a full stock of iron.of all sizes, horse shoes and horse shoe nails. Special r rices made on small outfits for farmers use, Peters A Sts wart. KRI0AY AUGUST 28, 1880 elpiest I sua a Friendless Rea t Who, in taking passage in a great trans-Atlantic steamer, does not feel a thrill of exultation over her magnificent power. Against her the Storm King msv hurl his elemental forces, nor pierce her armor, nor stop her onward course. But let me deaoiibe a tceno when, one mortiing in mid-ocean, there name an alarm from the pilot house followed by aciy: "The ship's i adder is lost!" From the confident expression, con hum net on came to every face. The wheelman being helpless to diiect her course, the vessel was at the mercy of wind and wave. Ihe captain bad been negligent the hangings of the rudder were allow ed to wear weak, and suddenly it had dropped deep tut the sea I Strong in intellect, in physical vigor, in energy and in ambition, man con fronts, undaunted, gigantic tasks and commans applause for hit mrguificent achievement'. But, all unexpectedly, an alarm comes the rudder of his con stitutiou is gone. He has been careless of its preservation ; mental strain, nervotia excitement, irregutsr habits, over-work, have destroyed the action tdT bis kidneys and liver. Tiits would not occur were Warner's S ( Cure used to maintain vigor. And evvn now it may restore vitality to those organs and gtvo back to the man that win. h will lead bim to tbe haven uf his ambition. 77t Traveler. BAaviaci row oKit lalerestlBR Teals Maste by Ihe . rrswrsi Ckwaslele, Dr. Klward G. Love, tfef Anaiybal Chemist for the (iot'erimifn', has made some interesting experiment as to the comparative value of baking powders. Dr. Love's tests were made to deter mine what brands are the roost econom ical to use, and as their capacity lies in their leavenim powei , lasts wrre direct ed aolely to ascertain available gas of each powder. Dr. Love'a report gives the following : Name i f tbe Strength BakUg Powders 1'ubte Inches gas par wach Mine, mt powder. "Royal" (abaolulety puis) 1Z7.4 "Palapsco" (alum powder).. Itt.r "Rumford'e" (phosphate) fesh ..l.f "Rustford s" (pboaphaU) old .i, Sf.T "Haafords Noes Such," fresh ttl.d 'tienford'a None Such,' old . S4.S "Radhaad'a" . . 117.0 "Charm." (alum ima.ler) U'. - "Amaaoe" (alum powder). ,.111.9 "Cleveland's" (contains lime).... 110 s "Asa Foam" ... ..WTS lOS.i loi. as "Dr. Price's (coo la. ns Urns) I'daow Plefcs" (OroTa. St, Paul) 'XswkrY' Cesaieasad.... ".i grcsa" yeast "C. R, Andrews 4k Ce's" (enntaiae alt "H acker V "Oil lets" ... , ,ff y 9t S4.t .miiiii HO. ! 'Bulk".. In bis report, tbe Uovetrnn-ht Chemists says : 4 I regard aH alum Kwdera as very oowhojeaome. Phosphate aod Tartaric Acid powders liberate thtir gas too freely in piuceas of bsking, or under varying climatic changes softer deteri oration." Dr. H. A. Molt, be firmer Govern ment Chetnis', after a careful and elab orate examination of the venous Baking Powderi of comat-rc', re;orted to the Government in favor of the RojrI brand. Prof. McMurtri, !ele cli i'f elieun'st for tbe U. 8. Govtfiumeut a: Washing ton, says : 'Tbe chemical tests to which I have submitted tho Royal Baking Powder, prove it jeifctly healthful, and fiee Irero every do'rter ious substance.'' Absolutely Tree from Opiate, JEmetCes and Poison. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE Per Ceeaha, Sere Thraat, Hearseaeas, IaSaeaaa. Colds. BrwachlUa, Crewe, Wheswlaa Oeaah, Aethata, Qalsay, Pales la Cheat, aod affections of tbe Threat and Long. Price SO cents a bottle. Bold by Drnerlsts and Deal ers. Purtltt unablt to induce tfielr dealer to promptly get it for them will receive two bottle; Expre't charge paid, by tending one dollar to TUB CMASf.ES A. VOOIMta COsTAIY, Sola OwDtrt an4 Manufe Ict-r., Saltlawr, S.r, !!. C. S. A. Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beautv on the skia Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm, Wheat Stored JLT THE. MAGNOLIA MILLS. I will receive wheat in store at tbe mill and warehouses, under the usual terms, When parlies wish to sell will buy tbe wheat or deliver It on order. Hacks fnrnlshed to parties wisbiug to store. July 15th, 1885. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Red Star TRAD caco7 MARK. TEMPERAHOB DEPARTMENT, i . t - HDITKD Us TIIK Womfu'i Christian Temperaore Union The following is tbe program sugges ted by tbe National W. 0. T. U. for the celebration of the Centennial Tem perance Reform, Sept. 23 : 1. Hinging I America. 2. Kcripturo Reading; Judges; Se lections from chapters iv, and v. Hub jeet Barak and Deborah verms the Siaera of Rum. 5. Prayer. 4. National Anthem of W. C. T. U. 0. Reading Sketch of Dr. Rush's Life. 6. Extracts from bis Kssay on"KiTeotB of Ardent Spirits on tbe Human Mind and Body." 7. Singing : "Give to the Winds thy Fears." (Crusade Hymn.) 8. Katay "Woman's Part in tbe Temperance Woik. 9. Address : A Century's Kvolution of tbe Great Reform. 10. Collection. 11. Trmparanco Doiobgy aud Ba ediotion. (lu this let the young ladis have a part, esjiecislly in reading.) Saturday, Sept. '.Ml, we would desig nate aa CillLtmF.N 'I DAV, when the Bnda of IIoe, C !1 Water Armies, Temperance Cadets, etc.shoul I be out ou 'dreaa parade," and celebrate tbe "Harvest Holiday" by having the place wheta they meet decorated with (be golden grain and luscious fruits of tbe earth, "good creatures of God" be fore msn's device has turned them from wholesome foods into poisonous diiuks. Mrs. Anna M. Hammer and Miss Anna Gordou, our superiuteadents of juvenile work, and Mrs. Josephine It Nichols, superintendent of our sflorts to introduce temersnce i less into the holidays of the people, are hereby ap pointed a special committee to prepare r program for Children's Day, (Sept. 26) ; Miss Lucia K W. Kuni.ali, super intendent of Sunday School temperance work, to prepare ooe for tbe Sunday school celebration of S -?pt. 20. At every meeting held ta the interest ot this Centennial let a collection oe taken for the white ribbon work, and we hope you way be willing to aeud One hail of It to the National W. C. T. U. as a centennial otTtMina. You We have responded so heartily to every oali that we do not uro this, but it it can be a purely free will token of tbe "tie tbst binds' tbe national to its atate auxilieriea and loeel nniooa we hall les glad. Deaiguate your prefer eoce autoiiij three tiaea : 1. The general foods ( the Natiouat w. a t. u. 2. The Ltmvitt fund (for oor World's W. a T. U. mteaiooert.) 3. Tne W. a T. U. fund for sending temperance literature to tbe colored jieople of the south. Eoetoee a centennial sentiment in Bible language aod send to Miss Esther Pugb, treasurer National W. C T. U.( headquarters Ohio W. 0. T. U.,Colunv bus, 0. We believe that these suggestions, faithfully carried out, will give a strong impetus to our work tbroagbout tbe land, and with Ujd's blessing, will re sult in the rescue of perishing men, tbe forewarning of thoughtless youth, tbe protee;ion of homes, tbe clarifying of vision on tbe patt of Cbriatian voters and in helping forasrd the coming of Christ's kingdom. Your white ribbon sisters, Frances E. Willard, 'Alio I. INK B. Be ELL, Mary A. WooDRRinoE, L. M. N. Steveks, Esther JPcuh, General Officers N. W. C. T. U. Dr. James Edmunds said be believed that during tbe laat thirty-live years the medical profession bad been as greatly mistaken in tbe matter o alco hol as in the previous thirty-Eve years they were mistaken with regard to tbe use of calomel and strong medicines and bleeding. Half a century ago, whatever tbe illness, the practice was oilber to bleed or to starve or to poison the patient. (Laughter.) Of course there was no doubt about tbe honesty of tbe medical men of tbat time, but,a8 a great man bad said, it is the honest men who sre the most dangerous. Xiut even this system of bleeding, starving, aod poisoning was less objectionable than tbe system of using aloohol in all forms of disease. Patients who came under tbe doctor's hands fifty years ago were either killed or not killed possibly some of thorn were cured. (Laughter.) But those who were killed were made an end ot, and those who were not killed often left tbe hospital with very much the same experience tbat people now left the Law Courts. Some time ago a certain gentleman re fused to believe in the devil, and he brought an action against his clergyman for refusing to administer the saciament to bim for that reason ; but sfter going through the Liw Courts he said be found he had made a great mistake, for most fsuredly since be had made the acquaintance of the lawyers, he was quite convinced of the existenoe of the devil. (Liugbter.) Tbe uue of alco hol ax a medical curative agent was quko an exploded fallacy, while as to its demoralising effect there had never really been a doubt. flaao ror Sale Cheap square piano, cost $550, will be sold at a aaoriflcj for cash, For particular call at this office, nt turn; in wamm watkr Cesnliness is not only esscntal to good health, but 1j a maik of good breeding. Tbe laboter in tbe field by the clinging of dust to his perspiring pei'ion becomes a tit subject for the tub very frequently ,snd by all means should take, at least twice it week, a plunge in pure soft water, using caitile soap and wiping dry with a crash towel. Too frequent bathing is weakening ; we would not advise morning and even ing baths aa some of tho medical journ als do, but a good washing frequently, enough to keep the person clean. Warm baths are often the best remedies that can bo used, as they will prevent the moat virulent (Unease. A (icrson who may bo in tear of having received infection of klttd should Boeedily plunge into a warm balb, suffer pars pirstion to ensuo and then rub dry, aud irate securely to gutttd against taking cold. If the system has imbibed any infec tious mailer, it will certainly be remov ed resorting t this process, if done be fore the infection has I into lo spread over the aystem ; and even if some limn has elaiMil, the drenching ins piration that my U? induced by hot water will be certain to remove it. Iu cases of congestion, bilious colic, i nil animation, etc , there it no remedy more certain to give relief. In caws of obstinate constipitton also wonder ful cures have been wrought. K.r sore throat, diphtheria aud inll tmmation of the lunes. a hot compress ia one of the most o'.eut mRedies. lYaaafisj ninta statistic a. The looks in lite Old Totainent,39. Tho chapters In tho Old Testament, The verscH In the t )!tl Teitsment, 2:1,211. Tho words In tho Old Tc-tsmcnl, 502,430. Tho li'tleri lr. thu Old TeHiumcnt, 2,728,100. Tho tMikt in tho New lvaiamnt, 27 Tho t bap eri in meat, 200. ilio Now Testa- The word In the New Testament, 111.164 The letters in tho New Testament, 83,20. Tho Apocrpha has chapters, I WJ, The Apocrypha has verses, 7,081. Tho Apocrypha has words, 152, 185. Tho iniddio chapter and lean in tbe Bible U Psalm cxvii. The middle verso in tho 8th of pu!m cxvlli. Tbe word at.d" oeeur in t Old Testemenl 35,543 times Ihe word "Jh .vali" laeurs C.8G5 times. The word and" uerur In the New ltraen, 10.C04. The middle book of tne Old Tosta. rneot is Proverbe. Tne middle chapter of the Old Tes tament ia Job, xlz. The middle verse of the Old Testa, ment Is I, Chronicles, 22nd chapter, 17th veree. The least vers of the Old Testa ment is 11. Chronicles, 1st chapter, 26 th verse. The longest vers to the Old Tes tament is Esther, 8th chapter, 0th verse. The middle book of the New Tes ta nor. t Is 11. Thestalonlans. The middle chapters of the New Testament are Romans 13 and 14. The middt verse of the New Tes tament is Acts, 17 th chapter, 17 th verse. The least verge in the New Tests meat la John, llth chapter, 35th verse. Verse 21, of chapter 7, of Ezra, has sll the letters of the alphabet except "J." Chapter 19 of 2. Kings, and chap ter 87 of Isaiah are alike. SCOTT ETxsI0N OrV PrBB Cast Uver ail. With Hy pephosebilrs. Far ttbetamattsan, Mr rafale and Anaemia. As tbese diseases sre all the result of an impoverished condition of the blood, nothing will build up the system and enrich and vitalize tho blood, aod as sist nature to overcome tbis condition so quickly as Scott's iSmulsion. -esi Syrap e rigs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal. , is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may lie bad of Foshay & Mason, E W Langdon and Co. , at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prombt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly ! to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to cure Constipation, Indigestion ami kindred lb POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thla powder never varies. powuer never vanes. A mar 7ei of purity, strength and wholesomonoss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com' petition with tho multitude of low tost, short weignt, aium or phosphate powders. Sold only is ctKs. Rovi... Daiuxo Powdks Co., 109 Wall-st, 24. Y, pOYAl Win mnrn ran itaiis If an acid drink is required, water in which prunes have been soaked over night ii good. Nuries, don't sit or stand too near your patient. Tbe beds are low, and there is a sense of stifling, of being shot in, if you sre too rear. Above all things, don't talk when you are over a person. A pair of woolen wristlets will help to keep you wondetfulty comfortable odol mornings. The prettiest way to make (hem is to widen any knitted edging that has a small scallop lor tbe edge, Half a teaspoonftit each of sugar and cream of tartar with a little flavoring Ntirurt into a third of a tumbler of wa tor, and half a teaspoonful of soda added just before drinking, will sometimes cornet acidity el the stomach. Pal the white of an egg in two tablespoon! nU of cold water ,cut it a few times with a knife, let it stand a half hour, and add a little tnitk. This makes a drink which requires a very slight ligestion, and, without tbe milk, can oht-ri be taken when tne stomach re fuses all else. The addition of a spoon ful ol liquor with sugar and nutmeg ill 11: site it more palatable ' elan ' t'haarea for Health aatt Disease. Man ia dependent upon hia surround ItiK for the neeeealtlea of life. Air and water are neceacdtlea of life, but impure air and Impure waier are moat prolific sources of tlUease. Food is also a neeea slty of life, but numerous diseases are traceable to both a lack of necessary food, ami au t.ver Indulgence in special kinds of nourishment. iMiaidea these external ftouraa of disease t lie re are other more subtle and internal causes. Kach individ ual InbetUa from his parents a certain physical constitution, Kaeh peracn there fore derives his chances of health or dis ease fiom a double source, namely bis in herited constitution and his surroundings In life, Sanitary science devotee attention to our surroundings. Medical science seeks to overcome the constitutional or tnbeilted weakness by medicines that supply what la wanting in tbe system. lie Haven's lyi liyspepttta Cure supplies that which is wanting to ensure proper m- tlallor. and digestion of food. Try It. Free samp'e UHtlea at Koshay A Mason's Drug Ml. j re, Albany, Oregon. aeaerihias Or ihe Babi V hat a terrible alUiction about tbe house la a crows, crying baby ! A young man on tbe very edge of matrimony might easily be frightened from hta purpose by having too much or that aort of music at tbe homes of his married frienda. Yet babies ery commonly only whan they are i k Ono Ustspoonrul ol Parker's Tonic, given the little one, wilt bring rest and sleep to the baby and all in tbe house. Only o ocnla, at druggists. " Stows. mm Bats. ln oet rats, muv, roar baa, flics, auta, bni-bugs Mean raiaa. ralpltatiun. lnltal gssttun. llcadachr, Mtref IballS Rsfwsr." Sesllilisa, birrinsas, I1.J1 Itsst,, urci b "Wells "Kaush SB 4 eraa Ask for Watts' ' Ku h oa Cores." lie. tuick tttfa. Haul x suit coma, warta, Irutiluos. "tiarha-ralba." ttiUs, r,ttrtts curs, sll Kkins)-, llWIarr and t' cuary Ins'ssea. HcaMlMffS. Irntaliun, Statu, Uravsl, Catarrh ol BBS lilaWer. ft. lMusiats. ttrat'Maea, files. I'iiaa, nath, seta, br.i lu, rats, mice, gutbers, I.arv.i m ti) "Houah a Kata. ISe. Thla frepte. w all's llaalte iUnswer" natona health arwl vlgur euros Prsrwpsle, In.iwtsacr, actual bctsllty, St. "Kaaish mm rata" Cures cholera, colic, eratara, diarrhoea. ).f a:i.s. !-.!. he. i.uralif.s, ibcuiustts n. SO Rough on l am r;aatra, 1; Mothers II u arc failing, broken, worn eul sad aeivous, m "Wtlla' Health Renewer." 91. Druggists.. Life rreserver. If $00 are losing year rnp on Ills, try "Wells' Health II. in, " Owes direct to weak spots. "Stench aa riles." t'ufci i.r lfjttv,i k..Li I stilts t 7 w - - - a w wave a le-iwe, s ws 4 S a as Mums , lileeillng. Internal or other. Internal and eslenixl Pnmruuinr, id esteruxl liruggtsu reeled, 111 acli n. k.r. Sure urr, v Preii Wesaea. Ladies who would retain fraajhaeas and ylyad. Don't fail to try "Wells' Health Rsaswer." "Bonsh aa ileh. "Rough on Itch" cures humors, uttlrn,riBf worm, teller, sailihtuin, frosted feet, chilblains. "Beagh est 4 slsrrah Correct a oflenaise odors at once. Conilete cure o worst chronic eases, also unentitled aa gargis for Dltihtheria, Sure Throat, Kosl Breath. &0c. The Slope ef Ihe Sat Ion (Thildren, slow In development puny, sera one and dclirato, uao wells iieaiii Kenewer. Catarrh mt the Bladder. Stinging, Irritation, InflammaUon, all Kidney and Urinary comialata, cured by "Buchu-l'aJba." SI, "Water Bags, Boar he. " "Rough on Hats' clears them out, also Beetles Ants. Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. California Wire Works, 291 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. MANUFACTt'RKRS OK WIRE AND EVERYTH1M IN WIRE, "RaTihod Winn Wo offer lor aale at lowest Sgurs DOkl UDU If II 0 2 A 4 point regular and thick set. Bbing regularly licensed ws guarantee our customers against damages. Bm'linrr UTino "Pacific "brand of very beat steel, DalllUg If II D all sizes st lowest market rates. Wire Netting All meshes d widths, galvanised after made, for poultry yards, etc. Winn ninrh of ,J klrid ,or ,ru,t ye". thresh- If JUL 0 U1U till era, harvesters, riddles, etc, TTfin Wira For training hops, made frcm steel In UUp II 11 0 long length specially for the purpose. Gopher Traps And all other kinds of traps for moles, squirrels, rats and rules. Vineyard Lines Mf u distance and made ot steel wire, ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL WIRE AND IRON WORKS. NOTE. We meet Eastern competition by home manufacture, and sell you better goods at a lower prices. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public. JULIUS GRADWOHL Hum the only exelaslve Wfoefc of CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CNIRA WARE A Large liiortment of Bab; Carriages, And a Oooice Selecton ef Coffee, Tea and tog ONE DOZEN COPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E THE lOfSEST MABKKT PRICK PAID FOR Rt Remember! What I gay 1 lean. Give He a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. HOFFMAN -ITsOPKIKToKM OF- ALBANY SODA WORKS -AN D DKAJ.EIUJ IN- a Imported and Domestic Cigais, Tobacco, Grcccm Candle? Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - - Oregon, NEARLY OPPjSI F JOUSl BR1GGS' STORE. S87I RUSSELL & GO'S HI llttttH TII8ESHK8 Is ths sTsam rrain ssrlnf marhlns 4 the prsessa cetitury. t nllmitcd in ceeeeHy : unsttrpseasd in w.k. ax.l uawioallsd In strength and durability. Tn- nii,, at, naanulactures ths beet Pens Kn!.-n on wnsela yr .ulogne and pries list sent free. Address Kiast Ll. a raa, areerh slssase. reel laea.Ssr ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dreaded and seaaoned lumber.lathB'and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best CaJapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory, ROBINSON & WEST. FRED GRAF, Manototorer and Dealer In all kind- of FURNITURE, AID UNDERTAKER. K First Street Albany, Or H. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of the beet Fire In surance Companies on the Coast, fail on him for reliable insurance. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market, (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a fall supply of good meats at bottom price. ALBANY, ORECON. W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyance Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., - - SGIO, OR 1 QUSE AND LOT FOR 8 A I.E. 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot situated in N, W, part of 6oio. The land lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Church. Unimproved. 100 seres open, balance brush. Inquire of ' J. L. Miller, Solo. Executor's Sale. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned Exe cutor of ths last will an testament of A F Cherry, deceased, In pursuance ol an order of the County Court of Lfnn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of resord on the Gth day of November, 1881, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the hour of one o 'cloak, p. m on Monday, September 14th, 1885, at ths Court House door in the city of Albany in linn county, Oregon, ail the right title and interest of said deceased, A K Cherry, at the time of his death In and to ths following described real property, to-wit : Commencing at ths southeast eorner of Lot No, (8) sight in Block No. (101) one hundred and one in llacklema.-.'s addition to the city of Albany in Linn county, Oregon, sa the same is designated and known on the plats, maps and surveys of said city, now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon and running, thence in a north erly course on the east line of said Lot (8) eight, parallel with the west line of said Block No. (101) one hundred and ono, (HO) one hundred and forty-six feet to a noint on the east line of Not No. (1) one in aid Block ; thence In a westerly course parallel with the south line of said Lot No. (1) one, to tbe west 11ns of the same onMontgomery street; thence in a souther ly course on the cast line ot said Montgomery street, to a point opposite ths soathwest eornr ot said Lot No. (8) eight on the north line of First street in said city; thence In an easterly course alone ths north line of First street to ths place ot beginning. Also ths following described real property, to-wlt ; Lot No. (2) two in Block No, (101) ens hundred an! one in Hacklsman s addition to ths olty of Albany in Linn county, Oregon as the same ia designated and known on the pl.ts, maps and surveys of said city now en file and of record in the offi oe of the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale on credit of six months, the purchas er to give his note payable six months from ths day of sale without interest with approved security. Jambs G. CtusftT, L. H. Most aura , Executor. Atfy for Executor. & .J0SKPH, O . U.K. TIME TALUK, Albany SUstion. oertBTiKs or Tftaisa. socss soarn. ALBANY BXVmm letrts at U.Vi A. M 9:00 A. M. 11:46 A. M. 1246 P. M 11:45 A.M 1Z:06 P M. 3:30 P. M. :5 P M. KKEICHT TU1I VS " MAIL TRAIN Arrives at -Departs at sevaa sucre. Arrives st -!-jrt st MAIL TRAIN KREIOHT TRAIN ALBANY Arrives at AU Trains dally, except ftnntfajr. Notice. On and after this date regular ticket will be sold at our ticket office for following joints on Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles Umatilla, Waliula, Walla Walla and Ainsworth. Will. R. Ric Freight and Ticket Agent 0. 4E C. R. E. Co. Albany. June 18th, 188!. PATENTS Obtained, and sU other business in the U. S Patent oatcs attend eded to tor 1 OeveaVek.opt.osit 1 D. 8. Patent OfSrc. and it-can obtain Patents less tiasa than those renxte turn Wasbinirum. hend modle cr drawing. We at' a aility free of charge ; and we make we obtain latent. to paunt charge nukes Ws refer here, to the Pestaasater, the Sop, of Money Order Dir. end to officials of the U. & Patent Office. Fordrtutar, ad race, terms, and efertncjs 1 actual clients in your own State or county, eddrejs . A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D F. Me MILLER, Attorney and Counslor At Law. LEBANON. OREGON. Wil 1 practice iu all tho Courts in tbe Stale sjtwo og atwcrvM rwvf jjswsa pan (VH eeji ni FI3 .q..isrwajo soeso tuo. qi aaano Aaarraii hhh vjlv. g.asg juj uoodtartauoo nj ajeuiuuji tuseo jo spires -nogx nujaaao aaarq noX peoq ut unaaan1 jo o si iptp s9m vsa JsuJw3t jo o9i nna joasoi rarxrad Qiav aatrio jo oAnjaojjo Msoa oqj a ay a&reudstp s j.ttrq no a" ji axna ouord Nri qorqst qxrerso jo aeeo rt jut XpatDasr qjjattrj s.8eg -aa 10 aiojaaid eqi Aq poaojjo at 0UVM3U 006$ Tta Bjnao sisJSn-Jf Aq tIJLSVHXV3 PUB SUlOITia-XXAlY 'SHI . an , nil A I X OTVioa "is uroK (SO ,wo3fodoid HOI 9 HO '001$ 33IUd ttai aaafjUausi Aq pvog nndurrsooo no s.ooq sojafd JQ Jujt sutuwis u sinao rjaa ptxas 'spewwt oBiauaAos tqn 'tnioyxaajg poe fjoiaeIiaiBsni03 siiSno) 'suorpaoa patpurx oaaaan HiiiiqjuoJB kqiajn jo saonxjoqg 'pocia jo aufmas ssuni wJXA. ysno on ffisq XjAOeif iwsfpoic npios SMSLJ Max BaetK qons v joj Apouioa sv paoaapsdxa ojh suionlui.vs asotrt jo ami arao aaaao Swsm uj tteeoiisuoiusi jo aai Pfdjox pus S4llslalnoiieejl pui iuoji 8u(jaiin8 oa noX n3uo) peoo pie rtadda janusaiar &&upoqoaoq Atnoofj1 AOS t)lJdB MO( V0qs8j oq qilAV Jtutiuu- j TBintp jo ?saq nrajjui 'tpnoux uj ope? paq ssau -rriip jo eqososnq sajontxuj 'Apoti jo aoej no 8ixj9 uatojq-qsMon-X jo 'uprs jo jojoo Aaofpai eaaq ' 'Asjaoap irnp aaj noA ji 's9uniiHis(pooQ(jaAn SHX AO sasvasia olmohho ne joj jnq sSunt otri jo trondransnoo joi ipomea s se Aiuo ion 'vfBnboun et 'eoiuodoja oAtjjJinn pun 'puoiood snorrfq-nue 'JBupnreoio-pooiq jo vijjokh 'JJuj -u. n;isaaa?8 jo 'oj 1 101 jo uoiiutqquioo injjapuoji ail tuojj 'qoiqi. oupipotu v joj poiinqr 00 sv Ottutir3uoprjnqn3tuutijii3 uojxdnins no3n wjq i JBuntso jo Xpjnofjos qSnoq? oiaict 'id 'oqqnil oqj oj Xpamai parejqe S svoo 8qi Hurjojio qsju uaqav QSSasrp raw Suaa aiqi joao jsavod iniJdpuoai bij uiujj pa qasai oju asr8i p oqi jo soiftUH jstq eqi ojojoq uarv) ji '.ipoui.w uaAj-if-poD 8qi Xq pdino puv po:sojju Xpauoo pus Andtuoad sf aSt ti'i oqt jo asnroMisx anoinjoaas l RIU 'NOIXdMinSNOO poqtjfrqwjsa eq mAv fnontiisTro9 IO asotrpniioa pira ntluajis a 4s -ji da iiiuXonq'ufus jj w 'noiisaOaip pe us pun vjjaojsiq; iwaipeui upo ; "Jtl jrarsn Aq i oeutwp AiqjJitoaoqj, LIMA SI UUU'IH ilHXH 6u jjiooriy BnoiiiiojoQ rjo asnMJT joj wa OU1U oaiBS oqi jo 'sasaosirj upeg .no 'scnBfd paio -loo qqipa espwaxj oArtq joj edarais u; &naoo n.v, rvtirta snnnita saailjwim!ar mm saaaT vsaSJWina pus liaitlX Jto tJiiOf eMniiioaxs otlHAV - . .j r r 5 iiqx J!o wiion nsn sia tnior-dm sJluiiioaas P" B0.10S Miioiniojofi aXgi ojos aoioanq aitr noH asyf oson 'JOVOX JSuuno m Aoaaiod 011 poisjjiunto i esq Arrspodsji eotrannrq nJBiuoq u japun reoq Arpidsj sjo. -I; I Sonva 3VOJIO anprpoui aftqrBjoaiAiq puts jhqAjpnd 'ptjJOAiod sun AQ pojanbuoo 9x9 poojq psq Aq pdsnaa sosnasip rrs joqa nj ni 3s HlnoH Jio Aiwofi Hiwos9A9j ui nou j- j s yrijojias ISjoj. eqj 0 ulldujj jo 'qJlom uotnuHm tcojj 'suonhh iiv ssuno W m y m W it iBtWJ Owiii jmmm. as waa 17,1 V3aV