The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 28, 1885, Image 3

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Entered at the Post Offlw at Albany, ur,
as eeoond-ciaat mall matter.
Renters anil trearle
RK r. XITTMd, Leeal K.IIter.
Official County Paper.
Statement of accounts of subscribers
with the Dbmoc tar have bean placed In
the hands of agents through the county,
to that subscribers deal ring to eee either
how tbay ntand, or to settle for the same,
can do ee by calling on them. Thia la for
the convenience of both aubaerlbere and
the Drmocrat. Those destrlnff to pay a
wr In advance and set the "American
Farmer aoe of the besi agrioultnnl pa
nars in the U. 8 . oail do so with our
atenta. Call ou the following gaotlemen
at the places named :
O PCoahow BrownsTille.
R Shelt.m Sco
F M MUler Lebanon
Sim May Harrlabur.
T. L. Porter ..llateey
F. A. Watta - Shedd
Dry ! sad .felloes.
Iam now receiving my Fall stock of dry
goods and notions, and will be better prepar
ed to give good value for the mouey than
aver before. My stock of 'Iresa goods will
be large and will include all the novcltiea in
imported plaid, tricots, etc , etc. ss well ss
domestic dress goods. These domestic dross
goods look nearly ss well as imported, and
coat much less. C tods of all descriptions
are cheaper this fall. I have marked my
old stock to correspond with the new goods
in price, and I am determined to sell my
goods as low as any house can sell, either for
cash or produce. I keep nothing but stand
ard goods, and will guarantee anything I sell.
Partie who live at so great a distance from
Albany as not to trade regularly, I know will
find it to their advantage to come to head
quarters for their fall stock. I have the stock
of goods and will sell them. Samples of dress
goods, flannels, etc., sent by mail, and as
much care taken as though the parties were
present to make selections.
Samvkl E. Yorxu.
In the Kastsrn States lately a groat rival
ry has arisen over the ni'lking and butter
making qualities of blooded oows, resulting
in some wonderful yields of milk and buttsr.
The rivalry is a worthy ono, dsssrviug of
emulation here. Oregon stock useds improv
ing, and a live interest in such matters no
doubt would be the means of the production
of a Utter lino of milkers. Mr A H Marshall,
of this city, hat a four year old Jersey, one
quarter Durham, which, we believe, is re
markable as a milker, Mr Marshall made a
test of theamouut of milk which she produc
od in one week, ending last Tuesday evening,
and the following was the result in pounds :
Wednesday, 43J ; Thursday, 46 ; Friday,
45J ; Saturday, 4fi ; Sunday, 47 J ; Mouday,
43 i Tuesday, 4ti. ToUltlO postnds, an
average of 43 4 7 pounds, or about 23 quarts
a day. The value of Jerseys is the richness
and butter making quslities ct the milk.
Front two days of this oows milk, - lacking
tomt for use, 4 pounds of butter was made,
which, making a fair allowaaoe, would indi
oate a weekly yield of 17 or 18 pound. As
this is tho first test reported, wo cannot say
just how big it is. But it is hoped others will
maks a like test and give as a fall report,
whether larger or smaller. It will pay yon t
doso.aod it you have a blooded stook it is its
best recommendation.
Ihe iwfal Itsllreatls.
Two fires.
The house of Mrs Prater, near Shedd, was
destroyed by Are on the 13th instant, abcat
U o'clock, but no report of it was made in
Airway until this week. It started in the
roof. It was insured for f-TJO in tho State
Insurance Co., one-third to be canted by the
assured. The loss has not been adjusted.
Wednesday forenoon about 11 o'clock a
Are was discovered in the barn of Wallace
Hnlburt, about eiht milei south-west ef
Albany. Before aay assistance could be
rendered it and the con touts were entirely
destroyed The contents consisted of a
Urge quantity of hay, all the lofts would
hold, all of Mr Hurlburt's seed wheat sn I
eats, besides some flour and meat, a self
binder, plow and other msuhinery. Only the
barn was insured, and for a small amount.
The loss is a heavy one on Mr Holbnrt The
fire wai startel, it is thought, by some
tramps, who, by tho way. cannot be watched
too closely, nor treated to summarily.
The .Jacksonville paper era o'almlng
that the irreit depression In b'talneaa titer
has bean cause.l by the advont of the rail
road, Tnls Is very good Indeed ! It Is a
good thing rsll roads have no souls else
they would sink under tho many loads
they have to bear. It has gono so far thst
If a man even has ciros almost median
ioally it la saddled nthe rallr ad by some
one. Once on a l hne pack horse bru j 11 bt
goods to Albany and every body made
money and there were no uper ; but
finally railroads came, pack horses were
aone away with, paupers put in an ap-
umsmmaa aamjl .as. a iiimiluir tf i.kmi .'it tits
ssent siv 7 sail sass y uuuiwvi v j
made thoir "grub," to use a Eujetio ex
presai u. Tlte thought preente... is a aJ
one, ilebingly so, and suggests that some
thing should be done to put a atop to the
fearful cyclones railroads are causing
against business. Opening up countries J
and causing sn immense immigration or
people they Increase the number of mortg
age, extend the credit system, give peo
ple an opportunity to trade away from
home, enlarge the number of dead-beeta,
decrease the profit on goods, increase
competition, in fH nearly everything
ruinous to a country. Look at the N. P.,
it set people wild, induced them to spec
ulate, A collapse followed. Portland
I people lost millions, and all for Hint
Transcontinental. S this line of thought
could be extended. Southern Oregon peo
pie are entitled t test sympathy of the
people of the world. Poor unfortunates.
For Our part, seriously, wbeo we Mbuat
up" we want to have the awful collapse
occur witb a rallroaJ approaching from
every point of the compass, N., B,, 8. and
W . with some N, W's.and N, E's. thrown
iieed Atfvlce.
Rev. Jam is K tils, of Clnolnnatl, Ohio,
wai in Albany on Friday of last week,
being ou a tour through the Htato in the
interest of the Theological Seminary at
Oakland, Oal, In the evening of that day
ho mot fifteen or twenty of tho friends of
the Albany Collegiate Institute at the
residence of If r L K Blalu and gave them
a social talk on the necessity of keeping
up the College and giving It a go I sup
port ; advancing some splendid Ideas on
the subject of raining ru tuny for suoh In
t tuitions, telling of how futile It general -ly
Is now to depend on Faster u people for
endowments u ntli the people hero have
done most of the w trk themselves.
Wbilo they may not be able to give large
urns he showed how he had Just raise!
40,000 for the Oakland Seminary, by get
tlag pledges of from f 10 a year up to sev
eral hundred, for live years, with Interest
at ti per 0 nt on the rcrve,eunt so small
titat largo numbers oau atlord It. This Is
ironernllv done through the churches, hut
need not be confined to tbcttt. Hev. Kolls
is one of the most eloquont and able de
vices In the Presbyterian Church, ?nd has
a marvellous faculty for carrying oonvlc
tlea with his words, and this he certainly
did on the necessity of a liberal support
lor the Albany Collegiate Institute. We
give his principal Ideas In order to awakeu
anenllvtnod Interest in tho Albany CM
lege. It needs an endowment. The proa
pacts for oue in the Fact a:e bail. Some
thing must bo done In Oregon. Tho Col
lege is an honor to Albany as well as the
Presbyterian Church, It should be kept
up, and liberally It certainly is to be
hoped that something will be done In the
line suggested by Hev. Fells, and If done
everybody will ready to lend a helping
Surreal Events
The See aery Uere
TSte Ore-tea 1'ar.
The Oregon car left Portland last Mon
day on its tour East and Sooth. It will
be an honor to Oregon, and it la confi
dent! j predicted will increase the attention
being paid to Immigration to this State.
The car contained seventy-three specimens
of wheat in tbe stalk ; fifty-eight samples
of oate in the stalk, eleven of barley,
eighteen specimens of timothy, aix of red
and white clover, seven of corn, two sun
flowers, Ave specimens of rye and a large
number of specimens of fruit and other
products. Tbe following is a list of per
sons furnishing specimens from this coun
ty, which were collected by Mr T J Cline:
Wheat. F Miller, D B Monteitb, A A
Oats, D D Hackleman, O W Cline, D B
Last Friday forenoon th team of C
A Curran, while standing near tbe St
Charles hotel became frightened and
ran away, in its mad coure knocking
utcaeof the poets to the awning of
the W C T U Hall, going down First
street to Lyon, down Lyon until the
dost hid it, and then turning to the
right did not stop until near Uncle Geo.
Hughes' place, beyond the Calipooia.
The damage done, was not great, al
though tbe back was somewhat broken
a .
O. P. Excarelea.
Last Tuesday the scenery eni stage
fixtures for the new Opera II on so arrived
by freight from tbe Fast. There are
twenty-seven sets of the scenery, embrac
ing a variety sufficiently large to meet tbe
demands of all kinds of plays. Their
make np la first-class. They are as good
as any in tbe state, outside of Portland.
When the theater will be formally opened
is not yet known ; but It will probably be
about tbe 1st of October. A grand concert
and dramatic entertainment, by local
talent, is being talked of, and, will prob
ably be the program. As money is need
ed to pay for tbe scenery this la entirely
proper. Whde local entertainments may
not be as Interesting to some, or any, as
Patti concerts or Hamlet by Bectb, they
have their places, and one is tbe privilege
to open a public place like this, where it
is desired to keep the money at borne,
hence this course, if pursued will meet
with the approbation of all.
m m
iaagin la tbe Set.
On Thursday of laat week Charles
Harper being sufloeatod lu a well at
Grants Stati .it. Wasco County John
Hall weut down to rescue h in, but him
self suffocated and afterwards died.
Harper was alive when the account of
it was given, but It was thought he
could not live.
A prize light took place on Thursday
of last week in tho limits of Portland bo
tw en two bruisers named Sllvey aud
llarland. Tiro latter whipped.
At Salem, Ind laat Sunday, a young
man named Fred Uarkey, while intoxlcat
ed appeared on the atraet and began
ahooting at people promiscuously, hitting
stx out of nine shots, two of which were
Clans Sprecklea' monopoly of the sugar
trade of the ooast haa bean spoiled 01 its
sweetness. The American Ilaflnory As
sociation will now run things to a certain
At Washington, 0. C. last Tuesday John
Brooks run a bicycle twenty miles in one
hour, two minutes ami furty one seconds,
fastest oa record, and the best in Atnertcs by
over five minutes.
Fx Gov Kenton, of New York, dropped
dead Tuesday at Jamestown, ft Y.
Insurance rates have got to tumble. The
Transcontinental has withdrawn from tbe
compact and means bust noes.
stark frees the Meant -tins
The party consisting of F VI French and
brother Klmer, F M Kedfietd. Charles Red
field, C H Spencer an I William Danoels
returned last Monday evening from a trip
to Fish lake. They report having spent
five daya at Fish Lake, making a tine catch
of the speckled beauties of Clear Lake, the
nimrod of the party, Mr Wot Danntels, shoot
ing an elk, and Mr K 1 Martin, the younger
I ol the Martin Bros, another, The boys are
: loud in their praise of the manner in which
The Oregon raolflo Railroad Is now In
running order to Corvallls. We are In
formed by those who am to a position to
know that tho company confomplate a
forward movotnotit with the road at au
narly day. Throe different routes from
Corvallla to tho Summit havo been sur
veyed and platted. The first crosses tbe
Willamette river at Corvallls, passes
through Tangent, Lebanon, Sweet Home,
and on up tho South Santtsm rlvor along
the Une'of the W. V. A 0, ML W. It. The
Second line surveyed orossos the rlvor at
Corvitl lis, curves to the left and crosses
the O. V H. H, abnit two miles and a
half south of Albany, passes on near Knox
Butte, crosses the South Santlam Just be
low tho in. mi it of Crabtree Creek, thence
to Bclo, Crosses Thomas Creek above
Solo, and on In a gnnnra! northeasterly
direction until It crosses the Norih Santl
am some distance above Meltaini, Thence
up the North Santlam to the Mutnutlt.
Tho third Hun l tglns at Cnrvallla and fol
lows down ou tlto west nidi of th) Wll
lametto to Albany whom it crosses the
river and curves somewhat to tbe left,
passes in north of Knox Butte, crosses the
South Santlam bolow lbs ui'itilu of Thom
as Creek, passes on In north of Solo and
oomes to the North Santlam at tho same
point whore tho sooeud line crosses. From
this point 11 to. sttcund and third lino are
the same. From tills, It will be seen that
the people of Albany are deeply Interest
ed lu the adoption of this thir l route
From those who know, we are ittturined
thst tlte company will consider a proiKtsU
Won from the people uf Albany to assist
by wsy of aubsorlptlou to construct a rail
road bridge, wsgon aud foot bridge at this
place, The e spouse of building a bridge
of the kind above dosorllted will be much
more than an ordinsry railroad brl lge,but
the benefit to a nrue to Albany In couse
queuco of increased trado will certainty
Justify the people lu making a liberal do
nation to help on a work in which the
city Is so vitally IntoreMed. If thajgr-t or
second rttnto should le adapted. It will
not only nut Increase the trade of Atbsny,
but It will take away from us whst we
havo. It IS a matter in which all are alike
Interested. The matter of establishing car
shops at this plane, In caaa tbe third route
mentioned shall bo adapted will lo con
sidered also by tho company, and this
will make It nmweary for the company to
ecure land upon which to construct their
works, and water power to run machin
ery, mis win uopouu upoTi die encour
agement given by tbe people of the ty-
And uow In view of these facts what shall
we do ? W1M wo, by a reasonable con
tribution induce the company to bring
tbe road to Albany aud establish car a ho pa
here which will infuse life, growth, and
proaperlty to the city, or will we allow
tbia golden opportunity to pass end thus
remain a mere country village. We call
upon the cltixons of Alba ny to teriouely
consider this matter. hatever may be
Invested in'thls way will brings rich re
turn. Tsik title mailer u: ami answer
the quest! .n "What Shall Albany Dof
Jerk Tar en His Wusrlr
To morrow, (Saturday) Aug. 29th, an
other grand excursion will leave Corvallla
on the O. P. Tbe train will leave at Id a.
in., and reach Newport at 4 p. m, Dinner
at the Summit 50 cents. Round trip tick
ets, 3.50. Board at Newport $1 5o a day
or $7 a week. Those desiring a first-class
trin nan uuinra Ts n lttwr rtr
r v"- - -
eheaper one than by availing themselves
of this opportunity. There sre many
here who have never seen tbe Pacific.
On Friday morning of laat week, while
the family of Mr Al Thomas, living on
tbe Hackleman place, in the auburbs of
Albany, were in tbe field some distance
from their house.a daughter of Mr Thomas
saw a man enter the house in astealthful
manner. She told her father, who started
for tbe house, before getting to which tbe
man hearing his approach, rushed out
towards this city, taking with blm a shot
gun, a pair of blankets .some ammunition,
sugar ,etc. Mr Thomas started in pursuit,
being soon joined by several others. Tbe
fellow was caught this side of tbe Depot,
put in the city jail, was duly examined
and held to await tbe action of tbe grand
jury in tho sum of $200, which he was
unable to furnish. "Sheet Iron" will have
a companion untl the October term of
Court, and hbt name is Max Carnal . He
haa been around here about three months,
and for awhile worked In tbe Depot Hotel
About the time he loft Mr Oross missed a
floe bam. Who took It is not known.
they were entertained by the Messrs Martin
Bros., Proprietors of the Fish Hrmse,
who seemed to be snxioas to do all in their
power to make their stay pleasant. Tne
party visited the beautiful falls below tie
outlet of Clear Lake, a sight once seen never
to be forgotten. Tbe tint falls reached be
ing called the Clear hake Falls. The others,
about one -half mile below, named the Klk
Fails Clear Lake, the fall s, good fishing
and hunting grounds make this an attractive
place for pleasure seekers, sod a roost affec
tive place for lovers of a beautiful ami ro
mantic scenery.
Mr Klmer Freoch, who left in quite poar
health, found himself so much improved that
he concluded to remain a while in the moan
tains, and took np his quarters for the pres
ent at Mr Keiths, at Upper Soda Springs.
The regea Slab.
Mr Frank Wood has finished tho Oregon
slab for the Washington monument, and
has announced to the state authorities
There wss sn electricity man in tlte city
Tuesday evening. He had a belt made 01
copper, etc. Alter making a long, streaked
lighting speech, in which he very properly
that he la ready for thorn to receive it. exposed all other belts, showing what frauds
The vrork has b jen duly inspected by tbe
Dbmockat force, which is ready to da lu
part of accepting It. When mounted in
the famous monument of Washington, wo
believe it will compare favorably with
other stones and sneak for Oregon. The
slab Is sand atone taken from Mr Wood's
auarrv in tbia county, is four and a half
feet by two feet, and is six lucbes thick.
In the center of tho face is tbe seal of Ore
Large stock of new goods st Monteith k
Montana has a press association ; but
Oregon is not yet big enough, or what is the
Splendid line of ladies fall and winter gar
tnents at Monteith & Seitenbach's.
Oregea Seals Ahead.
Health la Albany.
Albany is a healthy city. It has never
known what it was to have a run witb
contagious diseases. We understand that
an impression got out tbat there wss a
large number of typhoid cases here. We
are informed by tbe physicians here that
there are only four cases of typhoid fever
in tbe circuit of the Albaoy physicians,
whloh refutes any such story. There Is
some malarial and bilious fever; but
there is always some of tbat everywhere
A'together thore Is probably no city in
th nortt west wiwo ther Is les general
sickness than in this city.
Clsaki! liaks! flea Us !
I am opanicg my Fall stoe'.i of cloaks and
jersey jackets this week, amounting to over
two thousand dollars. .These poods are
much cheaper than last year and the styles
better. These cloV-vs will be sold to cash or
prompt paying c nlo.nera, a cheip as any
heuse in Oregon can sell them.
Samubl K. Vouso.
Has the town clock oroDosition collapsed ?
- w m a
Splendt 1 line of ladies fall and winter gar
rnents at Monteith k Seitenbach's.
Fresh Yaqnlna Bay oyaters,in all styles
at all times at
Jamkb Mapt's,
He was a sailor, and his name was Jack
Tar, or at least tbat will lit as well as any
naiits, for he arrived In Portland only a
few days ago fresh from a voyage to
China, and hss no relatives, km or even
friends here. While In Albany Monday
be imbibed too much whiskey, and acting
In an unbecoming manner In Marx Itaum-
gart's saloon, was requested to breath the
outside air. This be did by kleklng a
barrel standing in front of the saloon off
the sidewalk. Marx put it back, when
some words followed and one made a lunge
at the other. A free fight followeJ, In
which Anderson, Haumgert'n bar tender,
lent a helping hand. The sailor was sue -combed.
Constable Cal. liurkhart and
Assistant Maruhal Mack Monteitb were
called and arrestod the stilor, being com - j
pelted to band-cuff him. and only doing
that after severe! hard shoulder strikes of
little effect. He was a genuine Tar, and
fouitbt In the traditional style, like a tiger.
On being placed In the callbooaehe picked
up a crumb of comfort by declaring that
be wished ho had bis shipmates here.
Tuesdsy morning Jack was taken before
Recorder Henton and lined the usual
amount. For an exceedingly dull after
noon the affair proved a very lively one
lor everal moments.
The wstermeloncholy days have come.
Three received tint week, with r.rtn for
Splendid hue of ladies fall and winter gar
ments at Monteith k S jitenhach's.
Bought slertrlr Rett.
F M Frenoh, jeweler.
Z jO'SOe tobacco at Moll wain's.
Considerable travel 01 tht O k C " 8
The best harness st J J Dubruiltss.
Shall ws hayo the O, P. at Albany 1
1 15 OrryoHiitn are taken at Albany.
Yes, and we grind ourotffu. K. k B.
Nature's own remeiy, i.i Kidney Tea.
Snow at Harvey's I Jtke, Pa, Wednesday.
Oregon K idney To t. For sals by all drag,
J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al
bany, Or.
A stencil and badge man was in the city
Ask your druggist for a package of Oregou
Kidney Tea,
Lsrgs stook uf new goods at Monteith A
ttsitenbauh 's.
A Hue lias of tobacco aud cigars can be
found at IT. k IPs.
A D unooratio aswanaper is to b.t started
at Coirax, W. T.
Call ou "(Joels Jimmy" Mady fjr fresh
oyster stews, etc.
Or. Pehrney' magnetic bio I vitalir at
Deyoo k Ibtbsou's.
All kinds of hint far canning cheap at
lit nu ax nruwiiell s.
The finest line of window cornice mould-
tugs st Woediu's.
Several Plummer fruit dryers fot'sale at
cost at John Itrtfus.
The Ibmrinn mills at It . kf..r I. W. T .were
burned last TuesJay.
Amities, of Victoria. 1J C II. Portlaona.
10. SdSdssy. Aug. 2.1.
Allen's fl. 10 and 1. cent c .uu'ori have
been greatly replenished.
A eual utl siirtiiit it is asserted has beeu
discovered near liaker City.
About 5000 bushels of wheat a day has
come into Alaauy tins week.
A iieittieman with fish direct from Vaouiua
bay was ou the streets Tuesday.
All km l ( sewing msclnnes repaired and
cleaned at Will Bros, (iuu Store.
Wanted. tJirl for general housework, in a
tail family. Call at this offioe.
Mr J K It Irvine, of Nnwport, died at
Corvaihs ou Monday of last week.
l'ho yield of gold in Jackson ooauty
amounts to about $ 100, OdO annually.
Mr William Peacock has the thanks of the
Ii .. 1.41 oihcofora line watermelon.
Ksamine Wuoditt's Ksteustun tables They
are - well go and see thdtn for yourself.
rweedale keeps a nice line of tin and cop
per ware, and does repairing 10 good shape
F M French, aeut Singer Maitufac'.urinit
Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or.
All kinds of sewing machine extras an 1
best kind of oil and aoedles at Will II rue Uun
We see thst W. C. Tweedals has just re
eeivod another lot of new styled parlor
An Alsea man haa inventad a threshing
machine, which it is said, works like s
(trooertns are very low, if you don't think
st a ass. a s ss II a al 4
so call uu ueau itroa nni an t c-t irn-ir
Dr. M. II. Kllu. physician and ui.'.-nu
AU any, Oregon. Celt made in city or
A god and large assortment of lumber at
the yard o( Kh Carter always 00 hand. Hive
him a call.
Hev T il Brown so 11 will ho 1 M-rtices at
Orange Hall No. 10, at '- 10 Shblh after
noon nest.
Parties dosiriog b tV in Mmo-
rial a ton can do s-t by oJin; s. too shop of
Frank W ood.
The pepulatieo of Minne.pohs it l'ili.200.
ofSu Paul II 1.37 I t IstliiU'iMi wTr-
aU.hbTaod 41.4'JH.
The town of Paeon, W. T , was almost en
tirely destroyed by lire on last Monday. A
tramp was suspected.
(in to Prushaw's new Drug Store for pure
dog, patent medicines, eta. Prescriptions
carefully compounded,
Any party wishing to purchase a good
farm, either for grain or stock will do well
by ceiling on A R Cyrus k Cx, Ileal Kttate
Agents, at lebetoti, Ur.
A new and well selected lies of boots and
shuns jast received at A B Mcl! wain's. D j
not buy until you have en them.
The principal candidates for the Portland
post office are Tony Noltoer and Prof Boby.
Some aay ltby has the iaaide track.
Prof K N Condit wilt preach on net Sab'
hath afternoon at 4 p. m. tu the Alphine
hetrict at the usual place uf aervtce.
J W Mack has been appointed P. M. at
Pratuo City ; f J Miller, at Fultauville 1 W
A Jeese at New Kra ; J J Jeilion,at Amity.
)II Miller, at Medford, J IK Matlock, at
(loahen, K C Phelps, at Newport.
$.0,000 is wanted of Albany by the 0 P
Bstlroad to bring the bridge, railroad and
ear shops hero. The amount is a reasonable
The city of Sdem Flouring Mill Co has
sued the Salem Capitol Mil! Flouring Co for
14.;. ,11. Often such auits terminate only
in chaff.
Come and examine the new stock of guns
jnst received from the East and the low
prices sold at. At Will Hros., Albany and
Mr Nick Sprenger has the Dr Mnyut'sT
thanks for a Simply of prunes, which some
what "lay over' auv yet received. Nineteen
luied the box mentioned in our last issue,
twenty. ono being the previous imalleit num.
.; Kves in smoky weather ptople htvj no
trouble in gettisg to (' urd VI iyor', wli ro
they find the hest and iVe4hSi ur..-.Tiu.
breadstuff, oakos, pies, cruery, It
pays toiiet Bood arocitries, RenO call 00 Mr
Last Mabbtth evening services were only
held st two ohurrlitis in Albany. Is it a fact.
as some one suggest?, that religious fervency
dutemds on tho condition of the a nattier, eery
inconsistently, tho hotter it gets the leas the
A Chinaman who was atoned by lorn 1
hoya last Friday, in this city, got tip on his
dignity and made n complaint, but as it could
not I o ascertained who tho real culprits' wore
the matter was dropped.
The Y W Q T U having been adjournad
for a two mouths vacation, will hold it r -uiar
meeting on Tmtsdsv. Slut. I it at V .'to.
p. m.. at W 0 T i; Hall. It is Imped that
thre may bo a full attendance,
The Portland Mechanics fair will opert
Thursday, Oct. 8th and oloie Saturday, Oct.
-'Ith. It is proposed to make it excel all
other efforts. Its popularity past year is
bound to remain witb it tin season.
Oa Thursday of laat week near Albaoy, N Y
Courtney and Coiil. y b.-at (iaodaur and llos
mer ui a three mile race, making the fastest
t time on record, I7.37&. If Courtney would
alwaya row on the auuare he would stand tu
the front rank of oarsmen.
It is beinu stated that what is known as
the Pacific Onion will eooa 1st dissolved, ft
ts to be hotted this is trim. The present rates
are altogether too high. Tne prevent system
is an euormotta monopoly. Competition i
the life of trade. Why not i.i insurance as
in other things. Hurry ap.
The cheekiest prop totioi y ' c in is from
the manager of the (little of Waterloo Pan
orama at San Vrmaoia. Ife desir a three
or four dollar notice of the exhimtion anil
aye in return will send u e.mi,di aeotarUs.
Thanks, dear felloe-, but w can't go this
A Onrtuan liauo d Adotpli Be'.ler took his
life in Portland last Monday by shooting
himself in the head. He bed jnst oome to
Portland, and committed the ant on account
of mime faotily trouble. He did not waut to
do it ; but it was the only wsy to settle the
The Sslem Htaiftnan tries to make out
that a ten inch peach raise-1 ou s four year
old tree beats a tan ud half inch peach on a
thirty year old tree. Too thin. A four yesr
old tree is in its glury, white a thirty year
old tree is in its dotage l.ton county is
shead yet.
The fact that W A Cox wears no star is no
siMn that he is not lightning w)en it comes
to assisting in making arrests. He vss one of
tbe volunteer police who ariested Carnal last
Sstunlay and will take a back east for no
one, either in slinging mortar or seeing jus
tice don'..
The Yatina '.' has the f dJowing mys
terious item . Tbe near I itsUS is lug with
events, the suooees of wbi-dt will bi of tbe
grandest importance to our h tple. A few
daya more aud we shall be a'!a to print their
SO sees 1 or failure.
The Morgan b 1 wards prist light sixteen
miles from Portland, last Sunday was won
by the former t u a foul, although E 1 wards
was much the best man. The light was very
tame, only lasting live minutes, aud no oue
got pounded to pieces at all.
Tbe I. mu County Bank, Cawan k Cuiiok,
proprietors will begin businean September
1st. I heir bank will Ite oue ol the best ar
ranged in the valley. They have one of the
Hall vaults and sate, a handsome counter,
and arfstically gotten up rooma.
Last Monday evening Mr F Cjttoo, It.
B and ticket agent at Lebanon, was as quiet
ly relieved of his petition ss s post master of
his commission. No etose was given. It
was a great surprise to Ltbsneu ppl.-, by
wnom 31 r Cotton was well liked.
Tae A. O. U. W. baa been established
seven years in Oregon. Tne growth of the
order is without a parallel. It numbers 3200
member. During the lime since it was es
tablished tt has paid out f-itOJXK) to widowa
and orphans of decuaac 1 inrttiU-r. There
Milt Miller, 11 Lebanon, has been in the
city this week.
Mr Qui Hfaigtr, of Salem, has been i;t the
dey this jwifA zfVf "joviis
Jams litter, of H trrbtbir, wm in
city Wednesday.
Many a man can face JSnnon, have
: a broom stick wielded- over bis head
without thru-It 1 hit. or stand a half hour
in ht fcli td? -f 1 liiulteftfrr "heese : but
ruip:iity few ure tlierr wlrO can say no.
li.ivurnor Vrfn, ef Cmerad : ' s 'eem m . Phie is r,.oirl ut.l v tvoll tilnrui.d In
Portland this wfek. -l f t'1 '5 5 ' ' JJ1T ilTlTZL Ml
It'-v. Irvni" mid wife arrived I'o.i,.. from
the Et last WedoeMlay evsning.
J L Miller, of S010, wss in the city b. for"
the irolate ..oiirt the lirst of the week.
Oeorgo Piier nd Curt Wtmt ref omed Jos',
niiurauy ir n a rusticating trip to Aietiama.
Mr B,b y .'al.iv,u hssinoted frotii Spisgue,
'. I., w nmii. wot-r.s n oroooscs refilling
.A . . - f I 1 ' . . .
w "iius, living i,cyo:i jiajui;,, ves
in-the city Taeal.y, Weauowb-djr a eaiJ,
-fos Medill, editor of the Chicago Tribune,
lis brim hnuoKdg; Purtlasttl by Ins jneaeuat-.
II NV Holmes, e-!bsrict AftoTucy, -d
Mtlem, was in the eoy veduesdsy ou legal
Mr B Sheltoo, ol Sci-t, was in the city last
Monday, while te-iu maktug this oli;-j -
pleasant "ill.
The little cttr d (alee, of Portlaa 1. was in
theclty last M ri lay. Si, surpisses Rubin
090 small nsjt-iTf': kAg SSSJO-i
George J Biugh im, of McMmnrille Ins
moyed to Salem and will piactice law with
Hon W M Bainaey.
I H Utbsm. of Clackamas, arri ed in the
city on 1 OUm lay of last week, an t will re
main several weeks,
Mrs J vV Bjrithty and cnildren sre visit
ing relatives in Yamhill county Mr II. will
go after them tu about ten days.
Mrs Milier mother of P M Miller, of L-b-
auou, aocouipsnted by ber nieor, will leave
on next Monday for her home in Iowa.
lev .J IFH trris will he t home to-omrr w
and on Sabbath will preach at the Congrega
Uoiial church at the usual hour in th'; m ru-
Mr Phdlip, hing serosa the riter in
Biiiioti crfiuty, 1 -ft last M-tudy noon f;.r
his old home in I H tois. H3 will be goue
several months.
Mr A J Mammon and Mr Ku-ld arc in the
city imtttng up lines of telephones between
plauee of busnes end private residences.
Mr A li M trenail has No I.
Messrs. Mtrtin Payne and John A'thouse
left u !.tt I'ui adtv oiMfniu l,,r the iisouii
tain, to be gone two weeks. Depend oa it
ll.e deer wifl sutler, after being cookdl.
Mr Kisthsm, the expert lath man, loft for
P.ugeue last Monday, where he has the con
tract for lathing the new College building.
He has .10 superior in Oregon in manipulat
ing lath.
Mr Q W Fauiknerand family wiilrnoveoext
w-ek Ut Paulina, Oraot Co, making the
change principally to the hopes of beoetittiug
Mr Faulkner a hntlth,he beioij troubled with
the asthma.
Last Saturday among tbe names on the
Revere Houec regmter were 11 Hirs-:hherg,nf
Jerusalem, aud Nmith Lucas, of Silt Creek.
Probably the latter tried for some Posloiiice
and got left.
Rev J A Hoilenbaogh and wife, of Silem,
lormerly of thia city, arrived in Albany Mou
day. and accompanied by Rev sad Mrs
Davis, left for the Upper S.eJtas, where they
will remain about two weeks.
Chief Engineer Hoffman, who bos been
con fined to bis house for several weeks, sat
up for the first time the first of the week.
His many friends wiU Ite glad to know that
ha will probably be 00 the street the first of
next week.
Mcsaers. Breen and Fast, tumblers and
contortionist of this city, left on Monday for
Portland, where, we understand, they have
an engsgemeot in a variety theater. They are
quite expert for their age and no doubt will
become stars is their line.
Prof J B Horner and wife passed np the
roeu Mondsy on their way to Roseburg,
where the Prof will have charge of tin pub
lic schools. They are botn splendid educa
tors, sod will do thorough work for the
educational interests of Boaeburg.
Miss Finma Schubert left for Portland last
Mondsy morning, to bo gene two weeks.
While gone she will purchase th finest stock
of millinery ever brought to Albaoy. She
- - 1. -., . -- .
has been no assessment daring the last two y rP'f want, eo
I . 1. a 1 tl ....... I.S-fr aa.l V ... - at . . I a at
tltOlltllt 1 UU IOr WV w7 sssssts SUM uvu
1 J Buford. immigration agent at Corv.l- . A couple ef Ubanon geoUemen who ar
Jt. ysthat .luring the past week three j Albany Tuesday with a dog , cart
farmers. Messrs. tiibsoo sod Farker.of Kao- under them, were, attar being reiieveaor a
ass, and Mr Folly, of Mtesouri, all men of IS amount of rosd dust, dtstingutsked as
intelligence ami extau.i ve means, bave setth ! Mi Her sod Waltar Peterson. We have
U'n yet. lurucu ucm- hi; w.-.v ......
the signing of not ouly national but
local patulous. All one bs to do is to
pr.eMist the petition ftd down goes the
imnie, and it w.uil.t be all tbe same if it
asknii f-r Him gtviiig of Oregon hack to
tho Hritish G tvehtflien, . to bave
one sowi fnyorife ilyg declared a com
mon nuisance, "CfevVTabd did riglit In
giving the man a hard bit who signed
Tthiitit1oii and th:m sfd In a private
tutti r, ItetlH not mean it. This is a
free 'Country anduus has a right todo
ss Ire piessfs, in sueit matiers. A sig
uaturo IS a very Valu tbe thing and
should not he pat on everything pro
Haek east when "inoru in bar saffron
robeH stied her light nrer toe earth" it
w is nlwaj s the song of birds that struck
our ears when we awakened from our
dreams ; but In Oregon towns It Is the
squeaking of tho OelestfaVPs sstw. He
veritably ics with the sun and be
gios work, never slopping bh sesaw '
movement, except to eat or leave an ex
tra suwhuck at another job, until old
Hoi aioltsj sooss distance ben ath tbe
l.oriz tn. Tlte old versa should road -.
Hire- wAh Us ssstHeg l.'Woee
lieprovc ea li Hilling teetr.
A'nl Mum weed all the day
In every xseh ssSi's toeer.
O '' '
That poor cut of a man laughing to
split, you hae seenlt lu all of the pa
pers, it was lu the jkmocjut wheo
the Iowa BJljtori were here. It has a
history ami shows how unscrupulous
even editors can sometimes be. A
Cbfeago e mk: newspaper wanting to
r;et some free advertising sent one of
thecuU with an ad at the bottom, to
all of the principal papers.ln this state.
Instead of using it for tbat purpose all
of tbem have appropriated it for
some funny business of their own, ft
only btdng necessary to saw off the bot
tom to do so, hence Us general appear
mice. There la many a trick in all
t radea.
A Ma n About Town in trying to think
of somethings never seen in Albany,
suggested by the recent circus, ran
across the following, la bis mind : A
fat gray heund, a lean bed bug. six
looolbs old hotter, a dea 1 beat who
does not g" to every circus, a man who
pays taxes on all he Is worth, an old
maid who does not claim to bo five
years younger than she is, a youth of
-ixteen who dates not smoke cigarettes,
a rich stingy man who does not beg mm
We have some chaise grades of coffee, which
we sre selling wsy down, both roasted and
iir.AU k Baowsmx.
..ui 1 -1 11 .-! A i tut v
Large stock of new goods at Monteith A
Seiteubaoh's. ' . . .;
The cotton crop in the Souttt this year wilt
be the freest ever known.
Zoo zoo tobacco at Mcllwaia's.
a Wesv
thev sre. ho offered his fir sale, it was so
arranged that one complete oirciit of elec
tricity was formed, somethiog that other
belts could not do. lis brought this fct
out in such a striking, telephonic light, thst
four spectators could not stand the pressure,
and so handed up their four bit pieces and
received a cure all. Otner belts cost from $3
to foO.a big saving. After trying their cop-
gon in well executed raised nt,ures,pralrie I wires for a few days they will probably
i 1 1 n u r cat iv 10 irana orni iitnn noi-t-
wagon, ocean, es.'eie, eaajie", "- . 1
New York people are beginning to
think that they were very much imposed
on when some of tbe villages of that state
were named after certain groat classical
characters, and are trying to find out who
the authors were, the miserable wretches
Tne names which trouble them most are
Pompey, Ovid, Cato, Cicero, Brutus
Homer, Virgil, Hector, Sdpio, Bempron
ius and Dryden. If there is any affliction
in their oase.what is there in Oregon where
cultus and noble animals, Indians, men
and women, sre promiscuously mixed up
in a most uncouth manner. Take for in
stance the following : Cay use, Antelope
Buck Hollow, Cayote, Cbewancon, Cow
Creek, Crow, Enchanted Prairie, Hog em,
Jennyopohs, Long Tom, Owyhee, Rattle
snake, Hoippoosa, Zlon, Ott, Sit Kurn .
Where are the New York olasaics beside
them, Home paople never are contented .
Large stock of now goo li at Monteitn k
The number in Albany who have not heard
burglars around their houses are very scarce.
Some of them, though, wore bug bears,
Z jo -zoo tobacco at Mcl I wain's.
Subscribe Or tae I Mineral,
New subscribers to the Democrat who
pay a year in advance will, If requested,
get the American Farmer," one of the
very best agricultural papars, free for a
year. Old subscribers who pay up and a
year in advance will be treated In the
aame manner, No such opportunity to
get a first -class agricultural paper has
ever been offered In this oounty before.
false atk,
Imbedded In the rirn of tbe shield are
thirty-two polished granite stars, repre
senting tbe number of slates when Oregon
had befn admitted. Around the shield
in rustic letters are the words
e w
h O
0 18 5 7 54
On the remaining .surface of either end,
in rustic raised figures, are varlaus pro
ducts of Oregon, an acorn and leaf being
at each corner, Clusters of grapes, straw
berries, blackberries, corn, wheat, plums,
peas in their pod, oak leaves, flowers, etc,
in well arrauged relief figures, fill the rest
of the space. Ihe effect of the whole is
Large stock of new goods at Monteith A
Seitenbach s.
ed tu that vicinity. The former two have
bouuht farms in I teuton county, and Mr
Folly haa purched a home in county.
after returning home.
Ist Saturday E W Lengdon, W It Scott,
Nik Springer, J J Dubruille and CW
Watts, left in t h :r hack for the mountains,
Uooee Lake being the object of attack. They
will tie oHe two weeks, and the amount of
hat I "A young nun made the trip )MSU, they looU a!oDg WOQu indicate
U .any overUnd to .Sjwkaue tails, via , tfc t MmoUung ,li, wU he to suffer.
i!le. Heppner, Walla Walla, l-wis-
An exchange speaks as follows about the
trip 11. .1 1- l y -t i;t --irresjKMident of the
from A.
rriueville, Mpiiiin-r
ton, Moscow ad Colfax inatile of lour weeks
travelling leisurely and taking lu soms of
the grandest ceii cry of Attu ri. .1.
An artistic catalogue has just been issued
bv the Portland Business Ctlleje. A I Arm
strong, principal, which is as rioe a piece of
printing as we have yet seen done in Oregon,
and confers much credit ou ti II Hunts, the 1
printer. Tbe catalogue slows the plans ami
purpose of the college, which by the wsy is At Cottage Grove, Lane couuty, last
by far the best in the Northwest. ! Friday eveulng, Mr Laughlln, just from
Eastern physicians are now stating tbat Ulo wa Hi,ot by Dr. Hoard, of tbat
Large stock of uew goods at Monteith k
Crows are death on potato bngs ; but they
take the potato with them.
Z io-xm tobacco at Mcl (wain's.
Irasrely st s ettage Crave.
The Telephone pat up by Messrs A J S.m
mon and Z II Rudd, the first of the week,
between Mr A H Marshall's livery stable
and house works in a most satisfactory man
ner. No telephone made is mere distinct, if
ss distinct. Tbe voice can be h ari from
any part of a room, ana aa answer, i s well,
giveo. Jones ft R jyad Is a-e the patentees,
tbe date of tbe pate it being July loth, 1885,
making it the newest telephone in use. It is
simple, and for city nse hss no snperior, if
equal. -
ss s-e 1 t i - a t
Large stock of new goods at Monteitb A
Seitenkacb'r. ,,l
Prominent men of Oregon who have eacaj.
ed being charged with having wilt en a at
letter will please stand op.
Zoozoo tobacco at Mollwain'a.
! cigarette amoving in a large number ol cases
produces heart disease, and have examine 1 a
MstBtalalas the Wlllaasettr,
The estimated cost of secarin; l'gfct
draught navigation on tks Willamette tc
Bageae, a distance of IS4 miler, is estimated
at $80,000, including f 12.600 a j ear for
maiutainanoe. The snag boat is now the
only mea-s of keeping it up. $69,330.03 baa
bees expended, only $22,000 being for con-
large number of cases to verify it. Among purpose and tnat it was accioemsi, 1 .o
unlti-anta ooaitions in the N.ivv bv b.ivs rifle, which btdonsed to a fsrmer, was
place. It is claimed both that it was on ! 8t ruction. Another host is proposed in place
G. W Mastoo. 1'hvsician and Surtreon. one-fifth have been found to have tbe heart
Albany, Oregon. Graduate of the Cincinnati disease, aud ninety-nine oat of oue hundred
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ctncin- of them obtained it, it was found by investi-
ttati, Ohio. I gation, ny tne smoking 01 cigarettes. 1 ins is
The Topsy." of Corvallis, made the trip Wf9 of ,och ure "
from Corvallis to Salem in the remarkable ,gr,lwu7 uu w, f4rfc "l I
time of nine dsys. Tne Telephone will uow "nokors everywhere.
have to tike a back acat. I ue aaiettt .ifH'eni aavs . 1 he readers
The back part of the old school house, now of,tho remember the article m Uughlln before, could bave had no mal-
owned by Mr Pete Ililey, has been traw- 'V , ' If done purposely ouly
sailts Oini l tjwtst ma. sss a-sssw siviuiei s - I
s . 1 ....,., , . .- srat 1 1
JaJaraOU. Yesterday two or three tuentbers
aud is
i of tho party called at this of lice and showed
Ilaeertata Items.
ers, or, pet haps, can soil them to the pur
chasers of the ico cream freezers and egg
halters stove hooka or rolling pint. Just
. - .. j - - --
give their a new name ami vcu mein
every other woman in the city purchase
one. and it succeeds in most cases. Men end
women are alike in this respect, and anyway
a majority of American people bail rather bo
humbugged than not.
Largo stock of new goods at Montuith &
Seitenbach s.
Candidates for county offices arc nearly in
ordjnr. Only about nine months to election
Zw-zm tobacco at Mcllwain's.
Helping a tfllS.ese Beggar.
It certainly is blessed to give ; but when a
man accumulates $15,000, however crippled
he may be, it would seem as if the interest
j on it ought to be sufficeint to ket p him from
starving. It certainly would a country ed
itor. Wednesday such a man was in Albany.
He was rolled about in a chair and had a
hand organ with a boy to turn it: As he sat
in his chair ho twisted his useloss fingers in
all directions in a pitiable manner, and we all
felt sorry for him, and why shouldn't we ;
formed into a nest looking cottage.
about ready for a renter.
Or I'lUington, whose anyertisenieut sp- 1 m ttn.t .tj wliu.h th(SV j.-.i
pears ou our sin page, wu oe in a many rrotn n)fthas(1 frotn n MMy of but a little of the
jueeoay uoou oops, cut, w " OUUB-jr nM,K From teu pounds of (inartz in gold
noon, Sept. am rtead nia au. and 75 ceute in silver were realised. Tho
A spiritualistic exposing slight of hand ! owners feel verv contident of the future of
perforuianoe was advertmod by posters to the mines in which they are interested, and
take place in this city last night. Very few teem to have no doubt of the value of the
expressed an intention of attending. ledges. They are going to work ou the de
Hev Dr Htli presented the Dkmocrat of- velopment of the leada at once. 1 hey have
lice last Tuesday with a line branch oi Darn- not, as yet, decided whethei thoy will put
sou plums. We are not sure about the name; in machiuery this fall or uot."
but cau vouc h for their flavor. The leading article for September s erect
ly ing on the counter of a store, aud Langh
lln was standing 011 the depot s'eps,wben
Hoard picked the rill 1 up audiirjd it aa
stated. The Doctor, who Is known in thi a
city, and we believe resided here for a
abort timi, is said to bave been intoxicat
ed at the time, and never having seen
hanging will be good enough for the
Doctor ; if accidental , ho st least deserves
a good fjw hiding.
w.m Tebsceo
The great trot between tho get of Altamont fro' Monthly will be by t rot Josiao Knyoo,
and of Hambleton Menbrino takes place to- of Harvaro, late of C&Jiforuia, upou I he
morrow, (Saturday,) Aug 29, Excursion
rates are offered on the 0 C .
And now comes H S Owen and with a heart
full of the milk of human kindness, deposits
in this othco one of those excellent water
melons which he raises on his place. Thanks.
The mslonoholy days have oome ; but for
Sacramento Squatter Riet of 1850." Flora
Haines Appotiyi will furnish a personal
sketch of the late Helen Hunt Jackson, and
Iua D Coolbrith will contribute a poem.
There will be au article from Hon S S Cox,
Minister to Turkey, on "Tnirty-Fitth aud
Thirty-Sixth Congresses." Dr Henry Da
Groot will furnish a graphic accttuat of the
Mcllwaiu has hit it this time solid on to
baco. In fact ho haa done a bi thing in
this line, until everybody goes to hin. for
tobacco. He has just received a very large
stook of the celebrated Zto-s jo tobacco, and
hence can soil it cheap in any quantities, re
tail or wholesale. This is a tirst-class to
bacco and will go off fast, C ill for a sample
at A B Mcllwaiu's.
Largo stock of new goods at Monteith &
Seiteubach a.
Zoo-Z'Xt tobacco nt Mcllwain's.
fettle wim tour riioiographer.
of the Corvaliis, now nearly worn oat, yet
during the last year it removed 1332 snags.
A new boit will cost $28,000.
I'ree Srhelarahlp.
There is a vacant scholarship for tbe Eu
gene Uuiversity which will be awarded at
the uext term of County Court, Sept. 9th.
Anyone desiring the appointment will plesss
apply in writing immediately to the bounty
School Superintend ant and appear before the
County Court on above date for examination.
There ace also several "criuiarsnips vtaeaas
in the State Normal School at A! 00 moot a
whieh may be had by application to and ex
amination before School Superintendent.
There are also several for the State Agrt
ouitral College at Corvallis for which apply
to Hoo J K Weutherford or Hon W K Bilyeu,
of Albany or Hon Mooch Houjt, uf Harris
burg, Or.
D. V. S. Rsid,
County School Superintendent
A marriage is rumored as being on the
tape iss.
A new store is talked of as being a pos
sible probability
It is earnestly hoped that tbe shadow of
an indication will loom up putting wheat wd80ine Pufc in two bit Piece" and 800a tea
at 100 in Albany, ( r niteen wore in nis uox cover, nis nanu
An extra session of the Legislature has organ was a good one, perhaps it was all
been whispered in a very deaf and dumb right. Bat to those who had read about his
manner, but all search for the mm who I being worth 315,090 it was aggravation it-
did tbe whispering, we are told by a ma n sell. He could buy and sail a hundred timet
who was informed by a neighbor of a I any who contributed, and still he kept np
cooling drinks, brst-claas home made con- Uncient "Mining Camp of You Bat," Capt
fectionery, tobacco, as well as grocenec ana Wright. f the ( onf ado rate Army aud late
produce, HoRmanA Joseph's is the place to lecturer of the California State Grange, will
get them. describe "How the Blockade was Run." The
Farmers who desire to take a first-class most important stories will bo : "A Flea bo-
agricultural paper ; but csunot afford to do forejudge Lynch,'' written by a well known
so, will uow have a splendid opportunity to pioneer, aud, 'Tho Djctor of Lsidesdorff
get one with the DuMoeavr free. See ad. in Street," a bnlliaut and oxoitiug story or au
another column. I Francisco.
The time to soil any product is when there Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for Sep-
1 . aril . . . f. . t 1 .... I i. .. L. I .
is a aemanu ior it. rtoiaing longer tnau tember brings uaiore ns aororsi iunum t
that is speculation, and only the mouied man tides, which will ba read with much interest
can all or d to speculate. Will Linn oouaty at this time, me numner opous wan a
fanners consider this. carefully written paper by Ldmund Coilius
UAirastal AlKatsasv smaass rsa tVstAn est tKn am lai I Oil "Cauadasinco the Confiuleration. "Some
oorwiai aaiwatij iiu uabiuumu vuu Atvtsasea- s - t rn
ana Lottery. Such patronage as a rule is in famous Ju nets nas nortra ts oic-ien Lerry,
vain, although oue Albanian once en a time iry , uu'". . " l"C ; V
is said to have drawn $1500 ; but he was not Kembleand Fanny Kemble id thi charact-
er. saran rv djuuu uuumuu;a u m mi-
gentleman whose yellow dog rau over
Moody's wood pile, has proven few, till.
Whether tbe Sanderson bridge will be
able to overcome the waters of next win
ter is somewhat agitated by Forxites.
Some of the most unfathomable and
uncertain things lumped together are :
dead beats, men who do not ad vet Use,
travelling peddleis, the stories of drum
mer?, side walks, and when there will be
a change In some office
his pitiful look and raked in tin two bit
pieces, ileally is not such a thing an im
position, and yet we feel downright sorry for
the poor crippled young man.
Mats ! Oats ! t
The highest market price paid ior oats
A. Cohen,
Hoarder Wanted.
The undersigned will take day boar lew on
very reasonable terms. Inonrre at residence
011 the corner of 4th and Vine Street on the
west side ct the ditch.
Mrs. Martin.
Mr. A. B, Paxtou having disposed oj his
photograph business in Albany and dir
inn to settle all bis financial matters bo-r
foro leaving, would respectfully request
those indebted to him to call and atteud
to their accounts, A great favor will be
conferred by promptness in this.
Orogon Kidney Tea cures all kidney troo-
a -
. WW etewnid.
Letter List, i i '
Following Is the list ot letters remain;. t, in tho Vust
Ottlee, Albany, blnn county, Oregon, Aug. 27Ui, 188.').
Persons calling (or those letters iiiust give the dsteoa
whloh thoy were advertised ;
Bixbv. c. ir
a resident here then
Mr Shannon, living across the Willamette,
has our biggest thanks for a thirty-six pound
watermelon, as good as it was laru. vVe are
anxious for some one to briug us a melon
larger than this ona.
If you want your proporty advertised oail
on Cline, Monteith and Co., immediately.
If you want your property sold call on tbem .
It costs you nothing to adyertise witn ttus
tirin and very little to sell.
Philip Mahoney has sued the 0 R k N Co.,
for $10,000, damages done one of his feet by
a falling timber, dropped through the care
lessness of the Road's servants, lis will
probably recover about SO00O0.
The Mechanics Band on last Saturday
evening at the stand on the public square,
gave a most enjoyable public serenade, lis
toned to by a large number,
esting paper on "Uabelsbury and the Em
peror William," with eleven illustrations.
"The Caverns of Luray," in Page County,
Va, , by Ralph S Tarr, is another finely illus
trated oaoer. History, Geography, Science,
Travel, Adventure, Fiction and Vorse add
their attractions to oue of the most interest ¬
ing numbers of this favo rite magazine ever
issued. Tublished cy Airs Irank Leslie, Qi,
55 and 57 Park Place. New oik City, at
25 cents n number, or $3 a year, postpaid.
Our assortment of boots and shoes is now
complete, comprising many new styles. Peo
ple wishing anytning in cnac imo win uo
well to examine our stock before buyiug.
Read & Brownjki.u
Ehlert, Carr Auton
Jackson, David
Myers, Mrs, M. M
Smith, J.
Charer, J. R.
i)ughos,Mrti Nowton
JobeS, William
Powell, S. D,
Virtiltes, Prof.
For t8sfi0tfDlt) t$m lUisril
who is not satisfied with the Wvt't and
iU' Mead's' "new hsriess shop in Leb-
1 , tr- 1
t beap Weotl.
We will deliver ten loads of slab weed
(live oonttrfcr: 10. 7 umber of all kmisea
PoBtxurtf W'irr.
to .nt tobacco at Mcllwain's.
Z to
soj tobacco at Mcllwain's.
SAYLOR. On Monday, Aug. i!4tih, 1885, iu
this city, to the wife of Al Saylor girl.
aeie-gj-i-a-L-1 t 1 ', . a.. . ' u. ' Ti1"
Albany. thu laud is generally ojmmeaded.
Th'.rty-lie oeuts is paid f ir hop picking
The playing of I East ; but they have lo China nen iu Eastern
19th, 1SS5, t tho resident e of .Joint Ceis-
eudorfer, uear Albany, Mn. W. C Haw
lkv, of Leng Station aud Miss Anna-he
(jEKsknuoufkr, of Liun county.
"When Baby waa sick, wa gave her GASTOSIA,
When she sias a Child, she cried for CASTOltLA,
'When she heesme Mlaa, she clung to CASTORIA,
When aUe h m1 Children, she ganttkem CASTOB1A.
I bop ragions.
H ARBOR D Ou Friday, Aug. 2lst at So
davilie, Mrs M( i Harbord, of Salem,
. The Portland Business College. Portlann, Ore
gon, offers' superior priv&uiind elass instruction
to the young and. middle-aged of both sexes who
desire to ob tain a practical education to the short.
C9t time con sisteut with thorough work, and at the
least expen te. Day and evening sessions through
out the yeai . Students admitted anytime. Cata
logue oil ap nication. A. P. ABMstaoHe, Priucipal.