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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1885)
pjssssj . " Sr ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES& NUTTING. ItrouiUlbln mttrrt. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION singta oopv, Pr year, In 'v"c " , In via con v. sU months almrls opy, 0r tnoniua ng-l nmbr N M n 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Wrr r PRACTICE IN ALL THK Courts Of SS State. Will Hive -IM tenllonloconeoUoiuiand probate mlSSoo In Foster's new brtc. 1,BrMONT A.NYB. ATTORN AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany. .?rT.-" Office upstalre, over John Brig -tore, lit street. lin J K WE ATHERFORD, (NOTAUY PUBLIC.) kTTORNEY AT I-AW, II.IUM, Ki. rmtw lir,, i PBACTK K IN 1 ii v vv -- 11 Li' 1"HA" V "' J ....llortL.n Mill I? Stata. Spaoai aii"w. robnte mtur i. .vi. i Follsw'a T !. Uv jpaj uww. " .TTORNHVS AT I A W , CollecUone promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. aSaTOfflce In Poster's Briok.- vlnl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittornay And ConnsBllor At La? Notary Pnbl! ALBANY. OREGON, Will practice In ell of the Courts of this State. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCOON & CO., It'lUGCalSTS. a. .oka, Stellonerr end Toilet Articles, A Lars;. Stock end Low Prices. CITTT TDTITJO- 8TOBH, tyi ax ixr. aaBKaM. FQ8HAY & MASON, ftll 4SP ETllr Mate emacr VOL. 1. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2$, 1885. Ta - T CREAM x K POWDER iMOST PERFECT MADE ; Prspamt by a physician with apeclal rtars to aaalih. No AiuiuouU, LUas ox Alum. Aj Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publication, which we sell et publisher's prices with postsgeaddad. ALBANY, OKEOON. A. PRU8HAW, DRUGGIST. gtotionary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRKSC11PTI0M CAREFULLY PILLED, Albany, Or. REVERE HOUSE, Cormr. Sirs! aal ElUwsrUi Albany. !. Chai- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. B3ainsvaTy Rons,. A ijood 8pU Room tor Com mtcUI Tmtors. rSHTrre CMra ( fr-aa IS tol.'W FURNITURE. ( have the bee, stock of furniture in the city and will sen Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE lu the citv snd the lowest price in the Valley. Come ana see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Gathen n g Grapes for Mak ing Cream of Tartar for DS PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER. rr Mil by Cutting. Marl .-A Ci. l.rthud. Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flarors. ViuillU, I'mon. OrHnKi. Almond, Kos. etc., riavur us lellr&tcly nml natunUly as th fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. Lona. F r SS V Oaattaj lUrto ad C .Portlu.t. Or 1 P:jrdwcffc lit! it II. ciikistai.ii r iiru Uev. Dr Tahnsge lately preached sermon n Urooklin so full of gool stmse snd r shou that we cmu not rt-fcain from giving plaoe to tha folios ing extract. (Tex "And the twelve p,to were twelve pearh.." Rer- 2I:Jt:) 'In the bvcoiuI loe 1 wsnt you to count li e number of those gales. Im perial parks st'i lofty mnrt arc spt to have one expensive yaUw.iv. Tin Oihers sie crlinsry, hut look urouml a1 these entrances to heaven ami count them. Twelve gates ! I srlmit thin is rstlfr hard on bharp sectarian. Il" ii'ahijfottd PresSyterisn, who brings his Wettminster Abbey Assembly cate chism, snd he male a gateway ont of that, and ho mvi to the world : "Yoii gO through tlero or slsy out." Ami bete is a bigoted member i f the U form ed Church, huI he mnkes a gatewuy out of tho lli JeJbsjrf caiehita s4 hk says : 'Yoil go through thte or stay out." Ami here i-4 n bigoted Mnh lit end he plants two posts and he snys : 'Now, you crowd in bet w. en these two posts or stsy out " And here m a bigoted Kpiscopalian, who says i "Here ii s liturgy out of Vwitk 1 rnsn to msko a gate ; go through or stsy out." Aod here is a bigoted liaptis', who stys : "Here is s wster gate : you go through thst or you must stsy out." And so on in sll our churches snd in sll our denominations there sre men ho ii m , , , ,. ,... Tiitutri VI'H rosining host out of the city f No. They snd then demand thsl the whole world ma c.;n.e iu at our gate, liosls of go through it. I abbor this contrscted- you cannot get sdmission through ness in religious vtsws. Uh, small ,oy 0toe, entrance, come in st the souUd msn, when did God give you the twelfth gat. Now tbey tninglo before contract for making gates. I te!l you tj,e ihrone looking out on the one hun- plsinly that I will not go in st that Ljied snd forty and four thousand and a a a I gate. 1 will go in at any oce of th" rou cannot tell at what gato they came twelve gates I choose. Hre is s man 'ltl. ()Qe )rd, one faith, one baptiiro, who ssys : "I can more easily and close- ono glaiay ses, one doxology, one tri- ly epprosch my God through a prayer- urnph. Glorr bj to (Joil, one bsven, bjok." I say : "My brother, then use hut twelve gates. the prayer book' litre is s man who .w as .a . sys : J rene toere is oniy one w a a . a a ma saB as modeofbsptisro.rndtbst is immersion." trie unerues oi roen I ssy, "Let me plunge you I S A. a ih L.LtH.I a I mm ,m A j kV .a w am Mai t ill. am snybow,Iay,sway with thegsteof rough ' Wwu ' "v-, mH - panel sni rotten ,xvita snd r .tted latch now. wnpnovir tne riesi- 1 - I .. . 1 V.I. ft 1 1 'I - - - . nd ,1,-v ucniismnt-M'sn raaca,. are twelve rer.. Tl. Uct is thst a K : I a t I - 1 1 . . . r i . i i. ....I Ti.. aa. lh graat Hkia our.. Thu, f,HU,l oalh. mm, man- Df the ehutcliea in this ds l"0W :s lllietl oui oi um noir, a.. m a immortal nature is not worth the psp r ihst it is piinted on. 1 do not ostn which one of the gstes you go thr ugh if you only go through ono of the twelve gates thst JVsus lilt ed. Well, now I seo ALL Till. KKOKRMKO OF KAHTIt coming up towsid heaven. Do you think ihoy will get in ? Yer. Gste the hist, the M ore v ions come up. They believe iu the Lud Jesus ('liriat ; they psxs through. Gate the second, the Quake o mo up. They have trusted in the Loo" ; tliey pans through. Gate the third, (he I.ulht rsns come up. They had a gresl Mflinii at. on for the reformer, aod i hey psst through. Gate llio fciwHift th Koman ('ath..lic come up. lli-lic in( in ealvation by deans Christ, l hey Hfa through, (iste toe Qfth, the (i.iumn !U formed Chsroh pssses through. Gat tne idxth, the Congre- galionalikta is through, train the retit'h, the li.piiste pes through. Gji. tir eighth, thr Kiicoslins psss through. Gate the ninth, the Sabls tRiiutiH i:sa througli. Gste the tenth, the Methudists pans through. Gste the eleventh, the It (tumrd Dutch Church iiasses throui'h. Gate the twelfth, tho Presbyterians psss through. Out there are great hosts of othr de- nomiiittti-ms who must come in, sdI grest multitudes who connected them- a . a a s a a a l . hiivib vim no vtstoM oaureo. duiisii (he Kjwer of godliness in the'r heart snd allowed it in their life ; where is their galo t Will you shut sll this re ECZEMA And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Cured by Outlcura, F KM A. .a- K:t Kheum, at h IU agonising itching fa ami burning. Hi.tanOy relifi by warm ImIIi arithCiTK'i it ft ikr. nU MagM iti..n aC Vt Tfre rfpubllcan walch -Uogs, who tho al?rt lest the liberties of am m a ai a . a a . a o tho euuntrv hhouiu Ih Mu ch .tw.iv nv - w w V i . liko pu l s lxth whenever ono of these tho enliro Itopublir.m lxly aa in a a a hav l..n t rvina fur tL rtv vests to I mriiss wiua psiash politic . ith ttrin i.r IhrM itt t,t Cl Tin a a Wwmj.i arw the Sew BI.ksJ rurifler, u kevp tb?! coui. iIm jsn- I are being dotrini t? l-ath Thry prttitioT. purs ami unirriuiinr, the tuwcJ op-, Hm . . liver mi IMmh activw, M ftwiiiy i are KcifiiiA, liAvn hfvtm tvintf for tlirtv verti to f.. a.m Bla m-.mlm.MMim 1 !.... I ... 4X.11 I ST S7 W " k" . ' i in, mn't iwa, on urn. s ui nor, rw-m. i ":Xriu- .Vo:; J.ri, htul oul u,oul "",McreB,,nu AliWW Uto Washington ',, sssspkeriessssaii.1 sii knoaiirriwaiiM fail. they want to know who are elected to Cflfne, forw.ird and elves I he informs . w be saved and who ara reprooatcu io i e ion ,,iat in Butler v ill soon eotne WmW. wmf JsMtssi aa.. iiassss damned, and tbey are keeping on dis- out aqUarely In f-ivor of tho admlnhv MfTnT-i .a? .ShLnX ."as co,,inl that iubjct wbeo ih9r re mV Irntloo in order to obtain good stand- . ..... ... ... ..... . .. I 1 . l. . V. a. - . ft mi anaaa ior oaa yar ; ni aie v dii niniarii ir I lions Ot SOUis wno neei u unu '" irikf in tho tlfirKKTaric tJUrlV. It IHSV yar.; triad haiHlreU .4 roncdlea ; etoca pro- I ,u-a ..1 9 . . . permanently cureo r,y iruin JUt airaigai. v lutin, j . , tJ j lHetlonM tllOUgO tny lurider) Intemallv, an.l I . .,, , , .p. ' thsy repent tney win usaamneu. a pry JKem wyere ,n mfi Qft af0 scnt? .? .i i t . . u iU-i sit counting me numuer ci tmu . iuc , . , aifliirulL In this csae to see . a. m. Jt am - mi jawbone with which tbey are to aisy whfrre i.rnercy" comes In the Philistines when thev ought to b a wielding skillfully the weajon. They John Uoach's grjndson, who was .linn iba beach and see s vesseUoir g In tho mahufaciur'.ng business, has " " : - a ... mkmmmm i ih r.ffln and iuate- i of tJaX) sTCHfl into bankruptcy. o pre sa-a A - am m mm m fag S. t if.rf ll. fit !1 M ..S S-S-B IVltl..kAM., I. M'Mlaa - I I f Vf nr. aai is ia aa Biri, ' 1 1 mavnmi it. aw.. - i ... have auffered from Salt Kheum fr er eljfhl yeara, f.- wreck they Bit dlSCt'SHItlg tl" nounca ItU caae hofeh Oi tk i a ft KawL (t,l.l purifier) Oitici a and Ci rm at Hof (ih tjreai tbiu curt) extenialiy. ('baa. Nwazklon. Kan., lawyer. 28 State HI Boston. MBOTta a eaac of Eczeina u ruler h;. obaeoa- Uon for ton years, which oovernd tho laUienl's I- -ly an.l and to which all known mvtliids of treat- ment ha.1 been apnli.-.! without ncflt, whi'h was aSBHlafs'f iiirad solely by tba Cirutat UtMrixui, laavini a clean snd Tiialthy akin. .ft ' 1 I ...... , . .......I ... t.v hll.i ness for a. .1 -t at a tw.iv Three -.s of 0. hm a .t:r.rr.t atVUM Dl oar JOCSH. UOQ 1U" and four bottles KeaoLvrxT hare entirely cared me of I ' ,. thi. drevifui dic. - tsnded us to know so roe things and in I have a Sl m mm a. SaSS - f m . suine uiat an otiort win ij ruauo to hold the Democratic party rcsponei. ble fr this disaster, too. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. For particulars concerning the couraea of itndy and ths prloe of tultton, applr to Hr-V. BUS EST M. CttlT. Trsaioea The Ohio republicans are already a . V I - tended us not to know otners. 1 nave hM,lnJn lo fintl out that ihev made . e I o st w heard scores ot sermons explanatory or a Kr(jat rolgtaco jf hating the bloody God's item S, but curoe swsy more per. fl8 R dang(?r ftgna, Bofore the a .S S B 'I'ka ... il DFJTpY the complexion an-i ski., bj uamg piexwi tiisn wnen i went. n my campaign ii ovor tney will be glad to I III SB mm a-- . I W laAIISBlAn t U hS if I ' IS f. It II' I . - . m-m . rBiit ui - - n o- -ifll,t m ra lroail enrol In rv : Stana I ' I . a m Here ore two truths whicti are to con quer the world : Man a sinner ; Christ savior. Any man who abopts those Both Roaeh and Mahone unite their two tleoiies in his religious belief shall lamentations over tho ebomlnahlo . . ... T. . . I ' . ....... have in nubt hand in wsrm grip, oi bourbonism or an Administration Christian brotherhood. which refuses to feed them any long A man comes down to a river iu time or 0t the public crib. It la nothing of a freshet. He wants to get acros. but downright inhumanity. 8oVdPv all ilruffiriste. 1'rico : Orison. M)c ; Ra miLXKKt, $1 ; Bor, 25c. Prcrre.l by the Porrra lai o AXnCKKMICALCo., Iloston, Mass. TIKKD An AI 1114. HI S4 LKM. e"rlnitlbroujh countless nenres f.r rest aol relief. ' Like manna to the children of Israel is the CtWCt-BA Pr.ASTiR U the tired, overwork cd. aahrna mu-.-le. Do not deny your self the comfort affi.r.le.1 by this new, nal inflamation. At dmiriflsts, Vl. ; 8vo lor tl. Mailed free, Porrr.u PSSB ASU ClIBSICALi Co., Boston. off the platform." Aioany Bath House. rrui iianSRStailKD WOULD RBSPEC1 1 . . thM nitixeas of Albany and vi stoitjthat I havetakan ohsrga of thia Establish ant, and, by kaaplng slaan roomi and psyin .fntion to baalnaas, expects to anit al S who may faror us with their patroaage Baring hsretofors earrlea on notnmg o Flrst-Cla33 Hair Dressing Saloons spseta to elra entire astiafiHon to si a-CtidisB o4 Ladle.' Hair w ha.BOO.d. JOB WB BH rt. . Banij DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. Goltrs.) DEA.L.ERS IN- Fjirm Machinery WAQOHS, HACKS, BUBGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, W A.TERL00 HOTEL. RT?.n. BROSS - - - Proprietor, Da taDiso a!td Lotxiixo st rsa dat, $4 CO ran wesk 8IXOLK MKALH, 500. LU5CII 2jJ. Good accommodation, for alL Waterloo Soda Springs have been greatly improved by conncct.nK and .hadingthe spring. A new pontoon bridge 3 feet wide .pan a river below ths, aprlngs. Stage leayes Lebanon for Waterloo Wednesdays and Saturdays. Campers supplies and outfits at Water loo Post OlHce Store. Horses cared for at reaeonable tea. Sod water Insured free. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the pohllc that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marhle work on short notice. All work is war rants tn irive natlafaetlon. Will work ....i all r'.nin nt'timin. hut deal prin- ..aii-inr a rAMAttinflr a snecialty. Call '"i . " . -r and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold, y hop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. O. W. HARRIS, Prop. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, . .... the kind sold by Pelers A Stewart, of Al bany. They arc made of wrought iron cannot Jump the .r k and will last a ifs time. Don't iianit another barn door un til you havo sevn Miein. A' nBlTC Send six cents for postaxre.and " It 14. Ea reeeWe free, a cos-lv irla which will help vou to more money rhrht away than anything else In this world. All of either sex, suc etl from first hour. Th bnsul road to fortune opens before the wcr'-cr., absolutely sure. At once aiMress Tii'l and Co,, Augusta, Maine. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Btrfteta, ALBANY - - - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Three well bred stailions, and tblrty dratt snd saddle horses, W. T.COCHBAW, Brownsville, Or. H OIRL FOR SALE. I AUNDBY AND CHlN MEUCHANISINO BUM; 1VJU If ...I III .lsVirlljrw, wiMMAV, asaaa.w n r.o. awl.". ... onderclothee, eo'd at bottom prixsea China labor. Contractor for 9m.m i.,vnn Hnns. Prinevillo. Oreproii, 32 well furnished rooms, the only notel lame ana convenient, vn furniture. Price reaeoname in town, necessary snd terms easy, A. B.COIVKlt & KOfT. Priueville, Oregon, , . r . a 1 He has to swim. Wbst docs no ay The first thing is to put off bis heavy apparel and drop everything he has in his bends. M K MUHT (JO EMITV HASDIiU if he is goinjj to the other bank. An ! I tell you when we have corns down to the river of death and find it swift and raging, wo will have to pot off all our sectarianism nd 1 y dn sll our lum- .a a .. b .w.niw creed'. .n :, ftujity-hftimeu, put out for the other shoie. "What," say yon, "would you resolve all the Chris tian Church into ono kind of Church Would you make sll Christendom wor ship in the same way, hy the ssme forms I1' Oh, no; you might as well decide that all thn people shall eat the same food without reference to appetite, or wear tha same kind of apparel with out reference to iho shape cf their body. Your arcostry, your temperament,your surroundings, will decide whether you go to this or thst church and adopt this or that church policy. One church will . .i best get ono man to hoaven ana anotner church another man. I am not oppoa- ed to fences being built around denom inations of Christiana. I am uot op posed to a very Sigh fence being built around each of the denominations of Christians ; but 1 do say that in every fence there ought to be bars that you can let down and a gate that you can swing open. Qi home, therefore, and take your Bible and get down on your knees before God and make your own creed. I am not oppoced to creeds; I believe in them ; but a creed that does not reach down to tha depth of s man's Owing io Democratic apathy the Republicans havs elected six members to the Legislature in Kentucky. As the Democrats will have about 140 member, they aro still left with a good working majority. The other day an Ohio man declin ed an office. Thero is no occasion, however, for either excitment or alarm, as the office was a local one, with no salary attached to it. aiia of a7 A Li Tat 4 tat . An Kastcrn exchange says It Is not altogether I longing for a return of renewed activity in trade that has produced the feeling that activity h in prospect in tho nettr fu ture. Almost all ihe reports from commercial eeutren and sources of authority tire hopeful, and the state ments received are not merely gener ala kind of attempt to persuade and perhaps delude the mukers that t'lero are signs of prosperity, which have no exhten.e in fact, but sre based upon s;dld and we believe sound reasoning. The papers in dif. fWer.t parts of thu country lit the close ;3ftl n'i'i'k told a very llittcr Ing tale, nnd they showed practical harmony In their representations, ThePhiludeipiiiii Rmord said: "There is a cheerful feeling hs to fsll irsde prospect. There Is h as hesitation to do butlness from the f'nr "f t further depredation f values or the imp; peeled development of condld-ma up. favor ible to ifio healthful progress of trade. It la U It that the limit Of de. predion in conumereial a flair h M been reached, and thn prevaleut MM timent of hopefulness will contribute a good deal to the substantial im provement now generally looked for during the coming fsll and winter month." The same feeling is voic ed in tho south. U th tho leading New Orleans pipers testify to It, the Picayune, say log: "The drawing to a close of the month demonstrates that quite a fsir trade has been compared with tho record of previous seasons. There has been a steady but quiet Im provement going on, which Is visiblo In a greater degree of confidence and bettering of general credit. A growing conviction that hotter times are near at hand has caused Increased buying lo alt lines, and preparations for a brisk trade Is not I -eable on all sides in a replenishing f stocks and a tendency of alt values 1 1 appreciate on the slightest provocation." The Baltimore American declares that "thore Is every prospect of a healthy fall trade, and meretianis generally feel much encouraged uver the out- loek. A more confident fee; lug per vade the market thsn .n any time within the past three years, and s marked Improvement h aU notice able." From the Memphis AvM comes the intelligence tht "there la rift in tho cloud, and the fail trade U likely to open encouragingly. Here In tho south alt the signs are that way, and the feeling In all the trade centres Is one of confidence that the activities in all departments of human eodeavoi will, after Hepteraber, be unprecedented In this section." From San Franciaco,Fortland,Or. St LjuIs, Ssvannah, Pittsburg, Boston and var ious other headquarters oi movements in trade and Industry, comes rdraitar testimony. All are confident and hopeful. They expect the.begtuniug of a healthy season of prosperity as soon as buyers begin their operations, and consumers send in their orders. The clearing house figures published by the Pont every Monday are further and very significant confirmation of the general and more scattered evi dence of improvmeot, and for the last mooth they have snown a gratifying increase over the same time last year fully justifying the faith in a renewal of prosperous conditions so generally exoressed by the business public. Certainly no better nows than this can go forth, the sagnatlou la nbout to cease and that a healthly vital cur rent will once more course through the arteries of trade. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. IHE BEST ADYERT1MB BDIBM IN TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Kpetrisl hutdnesN notices in Ixxasl Col flhirts 1 et ' per line. Keg'uhAr l0eal uoticca 10 cents per line,. For legal and transient advertisements 1 00 per square for the first iasarUamiad Mi cents pr square for each subaeqasot ifemrtion. Kates fos -oi her advertbementa mas' k nown on application. WAR INAUGURATED BY N H Allen & Co. 4 444- We found wh coul In't take the timo to go to the inauguration of Presi dent Cleveland, so we concluded to got up a little inauguration of our own wN everybody. Accordingly a HIGH PRICES was determined upon and prepaid for as a glance at our unequaled new stock of Spring and Summer good i, and unparalleled low prices will con vince you. SUOOBSSwill crown om- efforts if you will favor us with your patronage, for by large sales at a small margin we expect to win the fight. Come and Help Us. JL Our stock is ail bought for CASH at Bankrupt Sales, We only sell for cash orproduce, and propose zo sell at prices that defy competition. A new feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5, 10 and 25 cent; counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albany, Or. mi i mix. STtPPIXd STOSKS TO) Slil ESS. Congressman A. J. Holmes, repre senting tho Tenth Iowa district, says tho people of his state aro satisfied with the Cleveland administration as a whole Telegraph wires have to be renew ed every five or seven years. Tho Western Union Company exchange about one thousand tons of old wire for every new yesr. Southern papers assert that South, em cotton mills now turn out as fine goods as the New England mills. Peanut flour is beeoiDlof an impor tunt product of tho S ;uth. It makes very fflltable blscuiis nod pastry. William C. Whitney is making just tho kind of Secretary of the Navy that was needed. Gov. Vance had an old fashioned log rolling at his farm near Black mountain station, 2. C, on Au. 6. The silver dollar weighs a fraction over an ounce. Learn your business thoroughly. One to-day is worth wo to-morrows. Keep at ono thing in nowise change. Always be in haste, but never In a hurry. Observe system In all you do and undertake. Whatever is worth doing ut all is worth doing well. Never fall t0 keep your appoint ments, nor to ho punctual to the minute. Ra m. : do not take too m-, Sf sspsj " J much advice, but rather depend on yourself. Never beMdle, but keep sour hands or mind usefully employed except when sleeping. He that ascends a ladder must take the lowest round. A'l who are above were ouce below. Makelno haste to be rlc'.i ; remem ber that small and steady gains give com potency and tranguility of mind. Think all you apeak, but speak not al! you think ; Thoughts are your own; your words aro so no more Where wisdom steers, wind cannot make you sink ; Lips never err when she doth keep the door. If any portlou of the American peo ple have any right to find fault with the doctrine, that to the victors be long the spoils, it certaloly Is not the republican party. No organization in this coautry ever lived up to it more J faithfully. Leek in far tn ing consists in tin ely labor carefully xr formed. Making artificial tails for horses is reported to he a successful industry in Connecticut. More and belter grata lanis would settle one of the questions connected ith the eeonotnical productions ot flt-ah. Never bred from lti. turkeys, if it ia i. iblc. to get better. Nsver breed frum yearly turkeya if you can get two- year-olds. Never Utscsril a vrty et small fruit, nor vegetable, nor p3tato, which gives sattaf.ictioo, for an untried new ooet no matter who Bays tha. it is bet ter. "Cbemiatry is the corner-atone io agriculture." Crass is one of Nature's principal means used in converting earth into food. Disintegratable earth must exist before plants, and plants be fore animals. The aheep yarly slaughtered in the United States are recorded at 12,000,- 000. Tbey furnish the principal source from which the pulled wool of the country ia aecurod, the addition being aheep dying from acci 1t, dogs and natural causes. A project is on foot wt Wells, Me., to start a rabbit ranch, fr the purpose of supplying the Boston market. The ranch, if establiahetl.ia to consist of 200 acres of land, and the idea is to work la sat fi ml. with one or two thousand large-sized animala from the West. Tbe Washtenaw Counly, Michigan, Farmers' Club by unanimous vote has resolved itself into a community ot" ex perimenters, the experiment stations being eeefc man's farm a good and practical outcome of a State first in the Union to endow a real agricultural col lege. It costs aa much to isise an animal faulty in conetilution, form and capaci ty, through heredity, S3 one more per fect, and the animal ia comparatively wnrthlpHs when raiaed. Breed out the sreeda and weed out the breeds ia a good motto for the atock-bieeding firm er to paste io his hat. The dairy products of the United Statea are a potent factor in the agri culture of the country. They exceed the oat crop $350,000,000, tho wheat crop $1,000,000,000, the oil ton crop $22,000,000, the product of iion bars and steel $257,000,000, and the pig iron output $419,000,000. NOTICE. having concludod to close oat his taints, now offers hfc entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES . ( J -J ' seTrd - Jfc T T Z" e)r ' al a' II ties a a as logeiner witn ms enure siock oi TIN. COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. A3 this is a genuine cloiiag oat, now ia tha timo for honrowfres to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FJSIX Uth, l&t&ft. Secretary Bayar J, has struck from theconsular regulations 1 he para graph which sets forth that m declaration of an intention to become a citizen of the Uaited States does not const tut e ! citizetiship within the meaning of the ' law " This "Striking out" reinstates ! a sound Democratic principle. Horatio Seymour emerged from Ira retirement at Deerfield laat week, i,d was the guest at a dinner part: f his sister, Mrs. itoscoe Coukling. Thr Hrauy of Youth. No matter hrw handsome or stalwart s younK man uny oo otnerwiae. nouung oin make up for a partially bald hoatf. Hhlninx talents ara attractive, but a shin ing poll is not The causa may na s;k- neas or anvtiung else, yet raraer s nar HKlbam with stou the loss of the hair said atari a new rowth of glossy and soft hair so quickly as to surprise you restoring the original color at toe asms umo. j.ui. a dye, not oily, delicately perfumo-J, On ly standard toe droning. Tlic Meat Agreeable Aa well aathe most effective method of diilllnir headaches, colds aud lovers, or cleansing the uystem is by takicg a few doses ot me pleasant uiiuunua juiuiu fruit remedy Syrup ofFiKS. 50c and 1 1 bottles for sale by Fohay A Mason, Lang- don & Co. HSJ MTftTEatY ABOl r IT. T(,0r0 un no mvsteiies of secrets X HOI a s w - -""a? about tho compounding of Brown'8 Iron Bitters. The preparation of iron ia the ouly one that can be taken without in- iuting the teeth or btomach. Ii givea icr to tho feeble, life to th debilitat- '(5" ' .i ,a lioulih io the dvBijentic. Yon Uijj a a. iia -w r a need not fear to giye it to ths most deli cale child. Mrs. Emma Williams, Starkweather, Miss., says, "It relieved my daughter of dyspepsia, and myaal of general deiility " Eed CrownMills 1S0M, LANNING & GO.t PROPR'Ss NEW I'KOCESS FXOCR SCPKRIOR FOR FA Sit LIB AND RAKKRS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ; Price in Gash for Wheat ALBANY OR. D. M. JONES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBANY, OREGON. Ofiice at residence on Third and Wash ington Streets RATKS OF CHARGES. (with 25 per cent extra at night) Visits in town, $1.50, Visits lu the country, tl per mile tor tbe tirs-t two miles, and 50 cents for each addi tional mile, not includinir ferriaa-e. Medicines furnished fukk white visit. i inpr patients. Obstetrics, live dollars and mileage. Parties alrsady subscribers to theDi vo hat. who wish to aand the paper off to a friend or friend can do ao for $2. Babbit metal at the Democrat office a b t a pound. Old papers 50o. a hundred. K ding a few pieces of common at arch will Booietiinea 'Settle" a weaksttm tch. Gum Arabic is a simple tomedy for a weak stomach, also for tickling in the throat ; au old lady told us that the always carried a few pieces in her pocket and ate vhem for that purpose BROWN' S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Tho Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. REDiKGTON, WOODAKDjAgCO., f Portland" Or. C. K, AVOr.VJ?KTO, O. H, IRVINE. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Omeo up stairs in Fro man's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- QUTLERY. The beet line of cutlery in tbe valley can be found at our store. It embraces pocket knives, table knives, forks and spoons, butcher knives, hunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors ot all kintfe, and the best line of razors ever brought into Albany. Coreo and see for your selves. . . . Pacisk Srawv r. F OR SALE. Oiia hundred and forty acre-, nln inik-B above 'Lebanon. 40 aeres in cal tivalioit 10 acres dhed rd aown Io grass. Comfortable' dwelling, gocd optboose. vheap. Tnquire at (hie office. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE J HOUSE. QPIM AM MORPHE HABIT GUBJD W. F. ALEXAaSOERatW. D. , .m.'Iwj Hire i al! -aae if my d reottona am stre tlv followed. Bp pain, rloss of time from business, Aeb dress above at Albany, Oregon. fext to Citv Bank,