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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1885)
OSIA CUlOUdANDMRXAUKKIKTOBBIN OttKtJON THIS YKAU RJB7TJ2 DAY FOB THE MUI riTTJI )i:S : OLD TIME i 34 A BRAND NEW SHOW ! induces in Special uu! Kxelualre Attractions ! I'nrlvaltd la Variety and Novelty ol it Features ' Albany, Thursday, Aug. lMli, THE OLDEST ! THE LARGEST ! THE BEST OF ILL SHOWS I JOHN ROBINSON'S Grea World's OOMBI1TBJD. jmaFTiB HWi.i9h ssBasVIaSr HEhILH sbI! ' ? HgsssWsjjjpfcsfl . livr III. TO BE 1 $300,000 Free 31 ' -mlt. 1 SsSSBi Mssloal Wagoaa, It Mounted Tnmpor 1 W 11 ro. li Siparat KIihN of M.oi . Female llraasltahd, Srottiah HaVpipe. 100 Mounted K.. In hia, M (', t Steam l rana, Ksmalc Open Air Opera, 100 IViiWs.Jb lsiiiK't Bands, luhtlee Trit, Miami 'alii. -, 50 Country 1 lames, dbxh or riuiotuni. nin Bt:tftTa : Titers, Lions, 1I n i.H. :....poU, Bearr, Python. iMMte Ba OmMNM '.-.. itl their kop?r, all thrown open, with mien tiown. m th mighty Parade. 50-CAGE MENAGERIE Th most comprehensive in the world, urasiuir in niairniittde t h moat pretentious of th esUMlshrrcr.l' of u-npe, and cotwuntlv recuperated from th areas of Kurx, Asia. Africa, A.usrtua and A"lrlia, by aa organised corps of agents and buutcr. .lisiributed over a t.-rnt r; sassa which tt aun nr c:. ru 1,9 lala IMHU. GRACE ! TaTTOOED WOMAN. EARTH NEVER SAW THE L1IE BEFORE ZOLA, the Female Blondin, Itldhif a VdiH iped over a Single Wire, t feetabov the htads ( the rf iTT i a I Skattug ou tight A U ILjA Wire, elevated 100 fast, and perfuruiii a the most difficult of feats. Ft: MILE ENtiLINH 9 BICYCLE RIDERS! 9 la Pyramids, Sanersalts front Shouiier to Shoulder, as ul Startling Evolution. ZENA FAMILY ! la wonderful and lightning Hair, Teat h and Peat front the Uipmoet point of the Cauva to the gr aod . M' LLE ELLA ZOLA High wire Queen, walks blindfolded with feet in cased in baskets, on a three quarter men wire carry lag a heavy man. MUSEUM OF LIVING WONDERS AXUA V fTOLLKCTIOX OP REUC8 OP T HE OLDEN A;K AND MODERN CUMOSi TIES. A HtKO Of MONSTER ELEPHANTS Of all agas. sixes and kinU. L0N6 HMfttD BELMONT SISTERS Length of H .ir, ? feet. Thickness, 4 inches TIOLA Hindoo Snake Charmer. ',,00 Drove of Giraffes. 2t,000 School nfsen Mooh. $10.0(H Whlte Nile Hp I5Q.Q1W) T.mlnour. A.OqqO Hchnol of Wairna. ' SCHOOL OF TRAINED A N 1 .M A I S EUDD1 T11I O Trained ElephanU, Trained Camels, Trained Buffalo, T.sui d Z. . a, Traimd CM Off AvIllU H -rses. Trinl Elk, Tnined Oetrict.. Trainl Pouui OX with 3 afeparate horns, 3 iiiitinct eve. S H cmxi uiiialriun Rktnoft-RMh 300 Ho-. 30 C'ameU. Oiant Hoias. 21 hanti ht,-rt. 3 t intu-w in rliia "nl newly invented. Knortnoua elevaua t"Os w" H 11 tttr Artiata, msile and lmie 'ivuinastn. Uiiarw, j IQfc attsl CfOTTg, Spo:uN 1 nw novl apta. SS'iutrate Perforrnanoea Kr'hiy on ax one t Im plain vie of the au lionw. Performers from Spain ! Performer fiom Kuasis Art.. fini (;rmaii '. Artiifnin Aral la! Pcrfomera fro:n Italy '. Perloriiier from Australia ' Aitiats riu Krsiue '. AttbW fi n Jsjfal ' also ex . Apguat 10th. I2th. " 15th. " 19th. ' '' I - t. ASIILA.VO, ECUENK, Okki.os CrtT, McMlSNVILLK, IDKPENDEN-E, . . . (heap Lxcursious on All Railroads. Tlio pptot of Adini'ou ll only Um imM as it riMtrfled h M n r S'ow. DOORS OPEN AT I AND 7 P. M. To the Unfortunate ! DK GIBBON'S Dipeii8ary. S (tOO siBAatNl aT , K 'J0 Oorne' ol lkiumer- cial, ban Pranchico, Cal. EaUldibhed in IH.V4, lor the treatment of Hexual and beuiiual Diaeaaes, such sa Liumrrlini. 4. 1 -1 . Rafrlrture. aviibllla in S all it fuims, aeauiUMl liuiofenry, and Los of ManhiKnJ cured. The sick and afflicted ahould not fail u nuon him. The DoiUtr has travel) d extensively iu Kama, assi mspeotea tttoruugbly the variouH aaseatali there, obuiuing a great deal of vaJupble information, nhi h he is ouiujietedt to im part M tlnihe in need of hia Mtvieas), The Beats cures others fail, iry biui. Dtt GIBBON will make ae i hare unless he effict a cure. Pcrsoini at a distance CI'KP.V AT IIOJHI. All eotnniunica tton strL-tly conbdential . All IttUr answered in plain em dope. Wend leu dollars for a package f medicine. Call or write. Address Dti. J. P. OlhbON. box 19u7, &an Praueico, Cal. (Mention Allany tocaT.; O. O OHKKftY C H.S' , if ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, (Suoceciaore to C. C. Cherry.) MachiHicts, Millsmghts, and Iroi Founders. 117E HAVE OUR NEW" SHOPS AIX y T completed, and are now prepared to handle ad kind of heavy work. We wfll 'iiannfHctiire steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds "f Iron end Brass Castings. PATTERNS MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator av Guardian's Sale. NOT ICE ik hereby jfiven that the undersigned us Guardian of ainui and Harry Meyer, minor heirs of It Meyer, deceased, will on Saturday, the 1st day of August, ISS'i, at-10 o'clock, a. ni., of said day, at the Cj trt House door in Albany, Linn cou-ity, Stale of Oregon, by virtue of an order of fia County Court of Marion county, State of Oregon, made on the 6th day of June, l&J5,licenaing biui to do so sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, ail the right, title and interest of said Samuel Meyer aud Hariy Mayer, of, in and to Lots Nos. (6) five and (1) six in Block No. (20) twenty in the town of Albany in said eounty of Linn eou ity, State of Oregon. June 30t li, 1885. 4 Etu;cL Mbtkr, Ouardian. n tw i n p Wert ko OMOUPATIOM 00 IN NEW FEATURES ! Exposition TIMS TS WITXISaa THK Street Pageant T ZENOBLA, llur!eI20rt feet through snac by Anctnet Home's Terrific War Kngitap. THE CATAPULT. ir n n iuim. at ir-t it mi ii AIDA I Who divas, hctd foreat'Mt, fn.nt the Po'ne uf th fauv lnua net I'M feet balow. M'lla Zarate, tailing Walker ! Who at the Apes of ths GsafM walk, run and dancvi tlh the head down wani . rilite ra. Ill Kill 28 Roller Skaters ! 28 In tbcirna'i - vices, AerobaMc Peats and Wonderful Hkatln. TVLI A FAMILY, Crtleycl Kidrr and Skater on Stilu, four feet In.-h performluii the moat star ling of Acrobatic and hkat orlal Peata. EVERY NATION REPRESENTED, Tribes of Hindoos, Kurds, reeks. Cannibals, Alters, Arabs, Medea, Japanese, PatairmUn, Pejrea, Nubians. Egyptians. Haiayt, H nun tots, and Algltans, all in thur Waflve C'aalsiMa anil OrrntoMlr. mm r at, Romebtko, . . Salem, Portland. . . I Corvallim, . I HfbLilBORO . , Au;ll-t 1 1 ll 14th . " 90 h M Statd' iilr. . OR. i.l.BiC Q Private UIim umry, I tj 400 ti"iry M , Man Piiioio C Conducted by Cus'ifled Itiysleiau atid urgcon regular . iies. tz The Oldest sMcialial iu the LnileU Males, life long expenence, ieifeet li. tllied and pure medicine, insure edy and rmaueiii cures f nil I'nvaie, Chronic and Ncrvious huaases Affectiona of the blood, Skin, hidntjs, Liaoder, Kruptious, Ulcers, Old nores, Swel'ing of the o (dands, noie- Houlh, Ihroat Bone 1 liajjNnasRsSVl eured luid eradi ¬ cated iroin the system for life. .MvsttlOlH Oei-nsu, luiiHteiicy, ieiiiiual i.'.- -, Kexual Oeeay, Muu lal and I'iiysieal Weakness, Palling Melnoi), veak Eyes, blunted Ik u lo u,enl,llnpedin:eutk to Marriage etc, Iron. vces or youthful f.dltes, ei o.itg csi ov, sjieeuily, salely and privately ured. 1 o ii i , . MilllrAard nd OM men, ai '- all uho need Uieuieal skdl and ex.-eriuiice, couault l he old hu'-'o 1'hysiciaii at once. Hi opinion cost nothing, aud may save fuluie misery and shame. When inconvenient to iit the city for treatment, medicine n be sent etcrj whtre by express free from obtenutioii. It is sell-evident that a physician who givt his whole attention to a class of disease attains hreat tkili, and physicians through ont the country .knowing this, frequently recommeiid difficult case to the o)di-t socialist, by wbein every known good remedy is used. The lioclor's age ami experience make hi opinion of supreme importance. garThose who call see no one Lut the 1 ctor. Con sultations free and hacrcoly conndetiliui. Case which have failed In obtaining relief else here eepec ially solicited. Female diseases suceeetif ull treated. The Doctor will arree to forfeit 11,000 for a case un dertaken, not cored, Call or write. Hours, daily.froni 9 a. m. to 4 p. ni., 0 to 8 evening ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Send for the SanitarUt Uutde to Health, sent free. Address aa abov DK. MEBKi'S Wonderful Herman lnvlfirator Permanently prevents all Unnatural Losses from the S stem, tones the nerves, strengthens the muscles, lecka the waste, invigorate the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss, of Manhood, etc., is ovtiugto a com plication, called Prostatorrbea with IIye-raetheaia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebiga In vigorator is the only positive cure for Proctorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the Liebig Dispensary. Price of In vigorator, 99. Case of six bottles $10. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob servation. Most powerful electric belts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A Wt Bottle Hi veil or Sent free. Consultation free aud private. Call or address liekic; DisrKtltV, 400 Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal. Private entrance, 405 Mason Street, four blocks up Geary Street from Kearney, Mam entrance througj Dispensary Drug Store. more money th an at any eUe bv lukin un agency for the best selling book out, beginner suc ceed frrandly, fono fail. Terms true,. HjtLttTT Bimik Co Portland, Maine, CiHONC HUNG. ij-f.TJisriDHTrM.nsr, Washes aad lror s clothes in firwt-cJasH style, at reuscnable rjiten. H nonets or to Lee. One door south of Kev re Iloutie.on Ellsworth street. ALBANY Ml AttV Muiur or'Uberly l.ulttililrntnu Ibr WorlU The Coiunilltea tit charge of the ooilnx'tlun uf the baa ud ivdetal for the revetluit of th great work, in ordar to MM fund lor It vuiuiltiuu, hae ire-i-uu-il a miniature Htatuette U litobea lit liulglu, the Hvatu UrtHiaed , Pvdeetal, Ntvkel allveied, which they are now dellYvrtitg to uui'tihr t in mih out the I' lilted Muii .ii one dollar uach. i'ii ii attractive aouvettlr and ntaniei or deak orna rnont I a pe feci fac-al till of the luiHlel luriilahetl by the artwt. The mututlo In aaiue itivUl, twele iui he high, at Ave dollars vach, delivered. The Uaigu of HUtMeaud I'edeattl are iiretected bv 1'. & Patent and the umdele can only uu lurnlahed In thl Commute. Adorv, Willi iuiHtaucc HK'liAHD UlTl.htt. hcorvtary, A ii. ci i. ah Oomitiltue of the Liberty, a Murver sirvwl, Sew Yoik. hurra iiiiiim U. 1'. Cuvactt. i'ruevuhuigwery Hahbaiii, at 11 A. L, aud 7 P. M. by lUv. fm O. Ir riua, U. U. dabbalh . i ml '2:30 t, M I'rayvt uttteltug cvory W aiiueaaday uvmiu, fciV ANUU4t.lL t Ht UCH. I'rolllUuu dao- Mtu at II a. a, aud 7 J r. at. saatMsata kfginl Asttll I'taver meeliu m oty iMUa Uy m uu.,, 1. K. lavw, jin. Ail aiv invited. V. H.Si.UM.AI lU.NALCllCK. It. ilk kui iuj Msfcliata at 11a. m. auu - t . MMaaaa Sobuui at i'rayot uiukIiu, M t liuraUay oveuiug uf aawii smk. J. V , tiairia, oaaior. M. K. C'UUKOii.Soi i n. t'raac'lttn cry SabUith itiurnitiif at II ........ a. i. .ab (alh 6chooi at 10 uVluuk A. M. l'rayar ii.'Tiin every IhuraiiMV tvat.iuu at 7:30 o'clock. K. M. Culp, i'aalor. M. K. I'Ul'Kt'al 8ot ril, i'.tMOXMr. - 1'teacb tug every 80D-ln at 3: JO u oiosia,!. M. gsd Uatit u....l at "J:30 o'clock, r. u. f. M. Luin, I'.stor. M. K. L'HL'ueu. - I'roacljiug avury .Sabbath at 11 A. m. ami i r. m. aottg service tu the eveutua be lore svrittuit. .ai.nlttL ehoul t 2.30 P. M. l'rayar inueUug wery I hura- day uviiuug. Kev. .M Judy, stur. I'KattBYTKHtAM Cm tu u. .Sorvtoe every Sabbath nioruiuu aitU .s, i.h.u tu C'burcu cor. Uroadaioiu ai.d l''tllh '.: auwU) School at .30 u in. 1 raver ihitiu.v evury Wcditcaday availing. liv. Isaac II. I oudit paator. Piaar liArri.-rr I'm mil riaaaliim. j Sabbath at 1 1 u'ciuca a. iu. ,at Clturct eu ."ui Street. Sabbath School iiuuie tiatvly alUir itioruing aervieea. I'raycr uniting o cry Tburdy eveatug at ?:30 o'clock. T Ci lirovtiieuti, uaalor. UNIVEaaALITS t. Ut KLM.-i'leecblb awry avcuiiU autt luurtli ..i.i . . .. o each tooolh at Crawford Hall at II o'clock, a. m., auu 7 o'aiock, P. M. Sabhaih Sellout at 12 M. Ty.i Brrrat-s" Gi n.- h ;, :i.H 1 1. A Bepl, ca- i'i peer; .'' i , t , . .! : , vuhov-r tfsdOO -P. wol?dctori:aIUr . '.-' v. i.oiaa! pi ..e tlifcx ' to coiuvmo-t c:t all pootL e mi Ift cxat :iiing jou cm, wfir, cr wt:h. Tfeem QOmt of er have tun iuraiasl.'o r',-anrd frurn N' O will c.a.d hooks con: In information I'.V f:i . r ' . . , !' I..,, wit' I a "Of a- !'o ro ai-jr addreas i roti rovipt of tbe rjtafcc-tf cents. Let t i I or from you. J) KeapeiTfull , MONTCOMERY WARD & e.0. aar a tvjh a.. caap.-,. IU. TUTT'S farm m . PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical ' iatnph of the Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oa of rt lie . Uowela roe 1 1 ve. Pals la Ike bead, with a dall aeneaclan la tae bark part. Pala under Ike boulder blade, Fallneaa aftar caiins, with adla Jnrllaatlaa ta exertion of bodr orailod. Irritability of (reaper, Law spirits, vrlih a feeling of bavins oeglerted aonse dwir, Weartaeea, Dlzzlaeaa. Ftatterlag at Ibo Heart. Data before the eves, Ilcndarku over tbo rtgbt ere, Restleeaaeee, wltb fltfal dreams, Uigblr colored t rlae, aad CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'f ilx. are especially adapted to uclt caaee, one dose effects fitcli a c hang" of feel lug aa to natonleh tlio aufferer. They Inereaae the A pnetlte.and cause the l.djf to Take on Kleshjtnus tn syttem ts nourished, an I by Ihnr Tonle Anion oa th.- Ulnaatlve Organs, iteKtilnr Ntoolsi l T'w. I'rli-o afle. eS MurrfLV N(..N. 1 TUH8 HAIR DY Grat Hair or whi-kkus chnnged to a Guimt Ulack by a Ins-to. npplloallon of title It Imparts n uatnraf color, act Instantaneously, gold by Imunrlsta, or sent by expr:iton receiptor Si. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. DrSANFORD'S INVIGORATOR is just what its name implies ; a Tnrciy Vegetable 'Compound, Uut nets directly upon the iVv-er ; curing the many diseases ntfideDjAo that im portant organ, and pcyhting the nu merous ailments tKXtjarise from its deranged or nfMicticn, such aa DyspepsiSi JdWJidice, Biliousness Co3Vene2sVMflaria, Sick-headache, P.heutoamny'etc. It is therefore a truisnir " To have Gcod Health the Liver must he kept in order." sb. 8AirroaD'3 livlh iivisoeatoe. Invifjoratcs the Liver, Re- iilutetb Bow els, Btrengthens iho Bysirna. Purrflcttiio Blood, Assists Dig'fsi in n, Prevents FcYcrs. Is a Household Meed An Invnluab'.o F.tmily Medicine Coreominoucomplaintl, IE. 8AHP0ED'3 LI7TE CnC32At83. An experience if Forty gef, a"i Thd'u eandi cf TestinwninU prow i:.t J,, rf, e POn BALK BY ALT, Dt'.AT.r::i IT ) .' I OJcTKs? 1. For full informttlon iknd . for lot ptgo Ifoox on mo "i." r ( -.!:," to Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. jpOR 8ALK. One half blook iu eastern part of tbe Cltwith fair Louae anU Intro will tn . d dm tllte geawrvat KltlDAY AUGUST 14, TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, MDITMD BY TDK Women's ChriitUo Trmueraoce iloion Tbo New Y'uk Sun ud niiont ihat letters have rnached Mlli country oom ilaiuing the Amot iostna are "iimulteii and ilUorimttiMtcil agaitiNt," atxl havn been driven wwy from onn of th gresi botpls of Ldidoti, tbe oro;)rietor of which eK0ii"'M hitQanlf by d-clariuuMthat AtnericAiiN buy t little wine to be ro6ttile custnmwfN." He kept a rec ord of on hundred and awvon Ameri 0n wh' had f id at ihn bunie Pffvhma f" 1882f ajid f fettll nvmei 'Iv-a ih in d 'i.'1!' " ti. l - M. hi. Wl-i , a In If hia other patnne ara IiUmi tt :n ilu ir WttL ff the tieveraan, 0H hioh, nn the .Suit, ''a hotd-k-v"i geta hin b si proti i f Tn Am "it aei in Iterulv tjtable that if 10 tuauv Aum i i'm it liMVi'llert -ittly oni' IU ten fmik win-, "Inn il k I in iha' MsPedWt ui-n hr ae ro'i h t ' -u l-i ttp tiiait IC iii-hmen i'ht iihh .f nil! h il, H'I ill im tun- 'uni'ig uii and in i. t-iinea'. ." I l Ii : "The vaat ni j im f i In-1 1 .tv mi. r f "' l iu our lioU'U nt it (ii. ik : di Hiking wine t dinner.! hough iumv d i b'CU may have th.- bad habit of ttpyHM bars. lie sides, coiuparatirely tev American wo in ii, euet those ei O-nuaii desceul. drink any Tt of alo ibulio beveiairo, while Eigliah n-u 'MierAlly pn surae wine, ' a. r and Siriis. and often tu ajtautiilea scare ly l-st tlun thoaw tu which their husbands aod brotbers have ecoualoavt I thema Ives." If Aniwiom travellers are turned from the r- hotela ut Lmlon because, at altered, tbey ds not as a olasa buy wiuea. aud are themf ro uudesired, their exclusion is highly rm;dituotary to tkMs4eae and to the customs of a e-y UrifW ma- oritr t their fellow cititis at home. and 'h-y run well m tl . I t br any sMhta and illttfltl fr. i -u.-h a cau- Bui it it t i ferod tht th-re are m r trsvelling A'a ricsns than the Las 'on hotel kerpo'a ftftltsW would idiply who do not wrr th- c uiluo- t A c rr. tip indent writ.' that if an one doniea tbat prohihui n prohtmta 1 can find "in tbo Iowa ntste prison eighty-one saloon keeper who are a eli live that tbe law prohibita that thy are tfing to stav III jit! fr tin -IS twenty-four wooth- to itrov.. u " 11 the late laasiliitu ..f he PesiiMBfi vanta 8tat TeaeKersr1 Aw'stttsmltow. M Kiixsbetb Llid. f Harihmore CksW lege, seaki'i m thw aubjct of hygir-tn-, tid : "If th child ier of tbe evil effreta of ibC0o. and aeea tbe teacher, preacher and doctor am oktng, be wiM go an'l do likewiae." Tba T'dwlo Bla4, whieh is doing valiant ci . i for th pr-'biMuon of tb" lienor tradic, nrt'oa atronglv that tbe nreant is 'uhe time fo scf,'' snd proHrsea the formation of 1-ical rasi xsfions to sectire the election of firohi bition le(fialsurs in .'Ohio and oh r tta'es. I' aya : 'Five farm'1" Cn meet snr evening and make an organization. A f-w b urs spent in csnvaaaing the n -ighh r b od will make the nneleui for a public meeiifg which organizes a township ; thi followed up mkea a countv organ izttton and tfca tniasj ia donsx The point is to elect a leeislatnre that Hill submit the amendment, ami that done all ia dot e. Ohio will ratify an amend ment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors by a major ity of 200,000. "W' we have ssid of Ohio applies to the states. The friends of prohibi tion must organize, and organize thor oughly, and this summer in tbe tim to do it. The legislatures that sit this winter sh uhi be of a kind that will repect tho will of tho msjoritv. Thi is the right way to 'pulverize th rum power t ' w nit. i in m i i t:u (From our retrular correapondatit.) WabhinqtoNj July, 25i, i885. The reports thut thw President is hiukeu down physio tily r with out foundation. I;, f .ct he i.e. da the rest which he will soon inko, though he ioedi it. less i- i , n,. wmt, than from t le neees-it.v tlui evt r.v one engaged In a great enterprise h to step back from th momntou tusk, as ati artist vwu d fr m M- inju. vaa, to see wh it h he. n don. , as well as w! emslna to he done. But few are aware, how mui-h has been accompli-hd In the lest thsn five month-. .,r the m w AlmlnIsrH- tion. The m gtihude of the w.rk can be appr. c hi ted only by those who were acquniijted with the condition that had prevailed since tho war. II the Frehident is not a wite and ex perienced statesman, it must at least be conceded that he has been mirscu looaly happy! i selection of a Cab. met. There is ot a Department ! the publie f-ervice, Milliurv, Ntiva , jndlclar, P -t Official, Diplomatic, Fnanidul or that which relafra to the interior, that has not heen marked by mspicutius reforniF. Many nf lhoj reforms a e patent to every one who keeps tho run of public events, but th ro nr. oth. rf whi.-h are les- palps, ble, more subtile and inchoative in j their ciidractcr ; these can be diccern- ud only by thosa who aro Intimately cquiUiitt'd with Iho Intricate machin ery of eminent, lh MOttO and motive-, in ehort the life und the c$ prit d'eorpe id our vast civil horylce. That p-ub'l no fonailc, Kx-Bona tor Morion, l ceased. me sid, with thfl OnBVlCtloil of an El Mahdl, "wo htve Um l't elvll hitvIc In the w rid," There Hro KMM mbtte im-ti'M thu' tire too solemnly nburd for rffutntloii nnd Ibis one of MoftOO'l sUiithpro emifH'til in thattdass, The cltdl -ervlce to which Ex8en t r Mor.on referred consisting lo h e.ul ex tent, bo Hi In system and prrrtanelot in. ro polltii'ul workers, and porsonfit favorlt , Iihs bten greatly Improved during iho Itfl four months. It la very toturitl to tslk ii'mut rudh ol ohanges. Tho word r ulieiil" arltsJt In tho heart ml gtih r ut the lips of every OM Jusllv I dignUil Hi IM routed ubiiatjs of !. p i- iw tit ft, But a tttttf) rtfltalMM Mil eoiiviiioe the lash extlrp-t'r f it.o-os, Unit, lo an a lalolltr dl o u dor twt r in any reformation not pn e i. d Uy n-v OlUlloil nod Hiiiirchy.lbe rhufig. tuu begifi tu ibo QSiisjl iut f.ot tt iho ra dlx The r f rm It t le guti l i he heatl nml inn vii d e Ixir, wora. mhmU ed limn the w i? r MsHl mruek 'r m tho r H'k, in Ii llibtnilng J.o uiorbi i synti in -1 uf the sTsjrwl IvM ai r vlee ..f tho w old. Tt-" iiitp h inel ti,in Uu-ii to0a1 in f'Ur mJOthe i- i.ljr with promise of iho f rty and f ur fo follow. T'e first step lo C-tpu i n f'iriii was to appoint a reform Cbiti i ' I The t ext att-p was to npixdot henl of th various burenus. It is refreah. log to go Into (he different high 00. eea of tho Departments like those of IbO C .mmlel'iiK'M of Pension, Pat ents, Indian affair, the A 1 uu Pmt Master (Jenoral s Offl and the kodttoti (ifHt'oa and And real men th re. The hial f theso aod olh. r lmfiriant ofTlces have evidently been selected with great rare and for the work thwy are expectod to jwrform. The contrtsl wlih their PopOhHeao predrnvesors Is striking, even to a suH'fl.-inl ob4 rv r, snl It mut a revt-i ttloti to th" average iwnlghtel Ytsliingion Bopqhtlfjon, lo whom the tlm? artpdo of his politic tl filth has tHooi, th it hi own pr'y contain ed nil the geolb tii'ot, and ih-it all I)oniocrit wmn low follows. Hepuh lieans are ti" real B airhOM In Amer ican Niiliics i i.d iy. they have much to leirn nod much to forgot before I hoy no align themselvea with the pra licit honafy ntd business like expedition thvt h's been oatabll-lnd at the Xatl iml fipHU and Ihnt Is M alike in Mm Nivy Yard and Custom flout of the Kaat end the I'idlait Agencies of the West, A aawiith taeaauring twenty fib fr on enl nl was recpfitl tak-" h; M 'tn l'eersou, of GaJftHl ?i. I' I heen w -ti ttl-l in sotno a ,'el U- t it out in the sutf, ami iih 'lo ai'i f s companion dragged i Ik re. ay rap Ms iufscturvfl only b lb- California Fig S f ii Co.. Sait Krancietfu. t'al . ta Natures OwoTru.Ux.tir., Thai pliant liquid fruit remedy may be had of F.adiay A Maaoit, awe .M b V Unj(cion ano ( o , at Itfty weuts ot ens djlUr r botll. It . the m,t praaat, prombt aod sfTecuv remedy known, to olaatiMtha ayaiein ; to art OO tbe Liv.r, Kidoaysaod Ifcrnel. Ke..tly yetthoitmhly! to dispel lleailacbrs. (' and Frvcr ; 'o .. , i i j j care Constipation, I ml tyca'. ion and ktoored m . riaao lor salr I heap A square piano. eol 560, will te aaM at a tacrine. fur eaab. For parti ular call at tbia office. tm t'baare far tlralt b and Ulaeaae. Man la dependent upon his aurround Inga for the neeeNltieu of life. A r and water are necoHMitiea of life, but impure air and Impure water are moat proltAo aources of dlaeaae. Food ia alao a nectia aity of life, but numeroua diaaaaes are tnueable to bolU a lack of nei-eaaary food, ano an over indulgence in speelal klnda of nourishment, fbjaidea tlieae external aourcea of dlaeaae thero are otber more subtle and internal cauaea. Kach Individ ual inhetltN Iroin hia pareuta a eertaiu phyalcal constitution, ksob (airie n there fore derives hia ebanees of beaith or din eae fiom a double source, namely bia in herited constitution and hH surroundings in life. Sanitary wlenoe devotes attention to our aurroundinga. Medical science seeks to overcome the coastiiotional or Inbetited weakness by medicines that Hiippiy what is wanting in tbe system lie tJaven'a Dyspepsia Cure supplies that which la wanliuK to ensure proper aaaim IlatioL. and diguHtion of fooJ. Try ft. Free aamp e bottles at Foshay A Mason's Drug Htore, Albany, Oregon aoaiethlnv for I he llaby. but a terrible alliict ion about tbe house la a cross, crying tmby f A young irsn on the very edge ol matiiinonv might eaaily be friathtoned from bis purme by having ton much of that nrt of tnoMioat tbe bomea of his married frien ia. Yet babies cry commonly only whan they are sick Jne teaapo-iuful Oi Parser's Tonic, given the little one. will bring real, and sleep to tbe baby and all iu the house. Only An coutH, at dr.iggisU, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, ntrensfth and 'who'.esomcness. Moro economical tiuui tho ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com petition with tho multitudo of low test, short weight, alum or phosphuto powders. Sold oslv is cans. Royal Bakiku Powder Co., 100 Wail-st. N. Y. rtPTAt "Ranali aa Hals. Clear out rata, mk, ro. tin, fllea, ants, l. .1 bug llrarl lalas. raltillation. Irol Hwrlllng, Idnxln, Indl- festlon. Headache, SleileliWi tfuml by "Well hialtb Koiiewcr." "KoMab on Oras. " Ask for POtt "Hough tm Corns." 16o, quick com put euro. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions. Ilu. liu-l'itlba." quick, eomplcto curs, all Kldnry, Huwldsr and Unitary OitMiSM, Hcaldtng, Irritation, Stone, Uratsl, Ostaiiii ni iSc niaidr. si, imgits. ii.o-iiiiK. Files. File, roaches, ants, had Irog-s, rata, mica, gophers, chiimuiikt i Ii sied out by "Hough on Hata. I. v. Tbla feoale. "H sll's , slth IU newer" nston health snd vigor curus oyspefwia, imuotanca, actual osntiuy, si. "MiiNcfa aa Fala" Cures cholera, colic, erami s, dlarrhMia,a hs,iii,' .f no,, n. .olio ne, neuralgia, rheumatism. W ecnla Hough on I'ain I'laslar, Ifi Noibera. If you sr falling, broken, worn triit ami nsivoua, us "Wells' 11. salt lliit.r." ai. lruglU Life freserrer. If ihu are hwlr.g your rf on of. , try "Wells' liesiwi ik i.tai i toes uirae't to wcaa mHS. "t ii j n mm fllra " Cures film or I lemon holds, lublna, Protrudlne., lou rnai ,r otlwr. Internal and ssternai rMMl in sa. li . katce. Murmurs, IAM3. Oruggtsts I'rrtly Wmea. IaIics who would retain Ii-mIi o-m an. I vlvsx.'1'i LbStl kaH ! tr 'Weils' Health Heueaar." "Mouab um HssV" "It-.unt, aa licit" in i huim.r, titiftb ii,rif.g k t i. it.r, .aiiibetim, fnated let, ebllbialis. it wait a stsrrsb." .fr.. u If ii.itu mUm at once. otto.:, u cura u . r.t . I... , oi. a-a-ve, alao ooa.jttala.J aa Karle. fof Kinnin. na, h-re l unat, Koitl I'.reatb. Wo. Ibr Masw of ib Kalla 0Mleass1swta) Qswppai i.ony, nm,y tvi .leU. U, U-ii 'Wells' litttllh Halicsrrr." alarrh of the ULu4rr Hinging, IrrluUiat, lnflMttuan..ti, all Kldnev and i nitatj . malnl, .uraj hy "lluebu-ealba. gl. "Water Ks, ttaarbea." "Rough on KaU . leaf, in tin uul, alao BeeUts Aula. in sskij. & go's 111 SmiLO THRESHER Tsi." n atr-Hftb and dnrabtllty. Sa w"u'ctuf- shb Uri alakaru ami price list tl free Addreaa M MM1 at ..BraarbHaaar,rartlaa I.Or Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know it not to have. ('alifornia Wire Works, 29i SUEET STBEET, SiH F8l.CIStO. tuurtrrtuu or WIRE AND EYERYTHIHG IN WIRE. 06(1 WirB tlTlliVVl ,u"'a rtfculari Ucenawl we tuarauUw our customers a.aio.t ujmvi Bailltlg WlT3 alfTaf i "c S Z m;.. Mflfjntr ail awaaaa a aaalaapiiasBasi 0 WD'"'U6 atur mad. for poultry yards,. WlM ClOtll J!Sa5ssa5a safisaf ff& .. Hnn WlK) Fnln hops, madefrrmaterlln Uup flliO bssj ictigUipeciaiiv forth psasassa Gopher Traps And all other kind of traps for ittolea, squirrels, rats and mica. WinPVaPI I.inOQ r latins; out rtnayarda. dl- luujiuu uuivu lucU In t ilistaoee anU nuklr " of. ORNAMENTAL AMD USEFUL WIRE ANO IRON WORKS. .! unci Ktstem conieiltlon by hunt tuauuuc ore, and 11 )oii hjttor guod at a lower pftaaa, NOTI CB. f U. 8. Land Office, ( KoaKBUUo.Or,. June 25th, 1885. t iiiiilaint having been made and filed in ibis office by William J. Fo against I'nilip HlKhiauJ for abandoning bis do nation cl im in Notillcation No. .Itio.'t for the s, , ,,f N E li and H 14 at 8 K M of s. I, Township 14, aouth of range 2, "'t uf the Willamette meridian wltb the view Ut the cancellation of Raid claim, tbe grid ; artles, includug the hoira and legal representatives of tbe said Philip High laud are hereby cited to appear hetoro tbe ( '.unity Clerk of Linn county, Oregon on the 7ib day of August, issa at 10 oVjIook, a. in , or said day aud furnlah testimony concerning ns.ld aliened abandonment. W . F, in..--. i.v mi n, Register. J, C. Fu i.i-.u ion, Receiver. Pinal Settlement. in thr matter of the Entate. of Pamela BeiTy, defeased. NOTICE i hereby given '.hat the undersigned Ad. mintstrator of the estate of I'amola Uerry, deeoased has filed hi final account in said matter iu tho Coun ty Court of lataa couuty, OlSfsai, and that said Court hu aasnajlatas Mnda the 3rd dav uf Auguat, m tlio hoar of 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day as the time f.r hariiiff objections to such tin..! account and the settlement thereof. l)aUd July 1st, mc. J. L. M 1 1. 1. Kit, IIkwitt I'.kvamt, Adiuiitiatrator. Attorney a for AdnilulatraUu'. PATENTS Obtained, ami ull othur buHinesa in the V. 8 Patent Olllco atti inl.'ik.l to tor moderate foes. Ourottl,.- isoppasit tbo U. 8. l'atent Otfice, and hi nliUm I'aie i its leas timo than those remote l.-oin W.tahinL'ton. Saad mod mi r drauiiur. Wo ai'" to natent ability free of charge land wo make o charge unless we obudn patent. VV'u i. i.i hero, to the Postmaster, the Supt. ot Mune, Order l)iv. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent 'Nice. For circular, advice, terms, and etereiices o actual clients in jour own State or county, vuldress a A. SNOW &CO.e o,ijmiie l'atent Orlicu, Wanhinjfion, I) OF &R0THEK ACE. tilrtidiuilly KiippiHittril by a Itetler Article 4 . rliiin Old Time arc Hone Away. In the trcneiHl rceei.tion mom of the Western ! Union Trleirrspli building OS Broadway, New York, j are exhibit. U tht eoaos, crude and clumsy iustru BMataof the 'iifnncy of the telegraph They ro only lehc- i.ii. M re perfect i.iaehinery has super sis ad them. Yca-s hit., what is styled tho old-fashioned porous .j ; . i Ui.i soSM gopd service. There was then noth , inic better of tho kind. Now all that has changed. Science and stuuj have gone deeiwr Into the secrets ; of medielneaou prodooad BKNSON'SCAPCINE i'OK- Olio Pi.AS rhlt, hiuh enitxtities all the excel eticies tfias ar,K.ib'. -in a.. exu-.mal remedy. The ..l.i plasters sr.-slow-th Uapeine is rapid ; they were iiiieertain -the 0 v(jine is sure. Cheaper anil ine laaar sii.iilar nttines. Be careful, therefore, that Home thriiu (lnugist does not deceive you. Price t26iMint. a Seabury & Johnson, Chemist, New York. c aJQ aaiSatsw'se"1 sTaaisDsVaaaBM aawsWaWa mmtmmmWkwt JULIUS GRADWOHL II a the only eaelualvc Nfoek of CROCKERY. CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE i Large AsRortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Select-on of Coffee, Tea and Hug ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND SAUCERS SI. 00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINPOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E THE leMST mABKETrilK i: I' Mil FOR Ba Remember! What I Say Mean. Give He a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- Buy th Best and be Happy ! FRANK BROS. IMPLEMENT COMPANY DKALKRH in- Farm and Mill MacliiKcry. Walter A. Wtiod'a Minder-, " Walter. Woad'a ( bain Rake Rt apers, alter A Was''a Hweep Rake Reapers, Oasr, Kcott A Ve. Heparatoiw, tisar, bcoltikCo's Flaln and Traction Engines, Coates lyot-k lever H.a RaUe. Walter A. Wood's Euclid OsaaT 19$ ALSO A- FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY. Write for Catalogue. Addreas either FRANK BROS. ,IMPL CO., PORTLAND, OR. JULIUS GRADWOHL, ACENT, ALBANY. OR. HOFFMAN & JOSEPH, -PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS IN- Imported and Domcstio Cigars, Tobacwos, Groceries Candle?; Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albuny, NEARLY OPPJSITE ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber.laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. v rED GRAF, Manufacturera and Dealersn all kinds of FXJ 3R IV IT U Tt E, AND UNDERTAKERS. H First Street Albany, Or It. J, TRUMBULL & CO., Growers, Importers and Dealers -IX- SEEDS, TREES AND PLANTS. 41, 431. f3-AJSTS02wIE3 ST., SAN FRANCISCO - CAL. Illustrated catalogues for 1885 free on application. N. J. HENTONi Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. ileureaenta several of tko best Fire In- au ranee Comoanles on the Coast. Lali ot him for reliable insurance. T. J; STITES. Z . a ATTORNEY AT AND Notary Public LA L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FREDGOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON. W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyaiicr Collections mad on urn a MAIN ST., - - SGIO, OR F. Me MILLER, Attorney and Counslor At Law. LEBANON. OREGON. Wil 1 practice in all tho C Hirta in th S'ate H Dti- E v 111. ' KO SALE 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot situated in N, VV. part of !eio. The; land lies 2 milo southeast of Providence Uhureb. unimproved too aerea o,vn, balance brush. Inquire of .1 1.. Mn a n. Solo, B LACKSMITHN OU I Fl IV Auvila visea.hfdlnwa.hauiuiera. MledorAK. stocks and dies and almost ev. -r. tool used . . , , , . , J lHaeksniiths we keep o osuiniiy on hna A 'so a fu'l to: k ot iron, t a! -iZes. horse shoe- and horae shoe usiU. Special orino-; on small ontfita for farmers use, PfiTBBS & STUWAKT. Oregon ttjt JOHN BRIGGS' STORE. OA C TIME TALBE. Albany Nttttion. UtPittTI BE or TttAl.S. SOtSD SOSTH. ALBANY KXPRK.SS bepartsat FEEIOHT TRAIN'S " " - MAIL TRAIX j gJ- ' . SOCKD 8PCTB. MAIL TRAIN tt. ' fUEKJHT TRAIN f - -ALBAN Y EXPRESS Arnvos at - bAO A. X 8:00 A. M. Il:i& A. M. 12.-0& P. M 11:45 A. M 12:05 P M. S:S0 P. M. I J5 P. M, All Trains dally, except undaj . Noticb. fn and after this date regular ticketa will be old at our ticket ofnee for in ggg vr?j i vi smv uui iitacb vaww aw wing p ints on Columbia river: Uprr ideH, Dalles, Umatilla. Walfula, follow! Casca. Walla Walla and Ainsworth. Wilx B. Rick, Freight ami Ticket Agent O. A C. R. U. Co. Albany. June 1Mb, 188 CURES ALL HUMORS, fro a common Blotch, or Eruption, to tbe worst Scrofula. Salt-rhriim, "FeTcr-eore," Scaly or Hongh Skin, In Juort, all rtisesaea caused by bad blood aro conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invitroratinir medicine. Great Eating- Vim cera rapiojy Pi heal under Ha benign influence. Especially has it manifested its potency in leoally ha ingr Tetti nelea, S a Swell emeu ita potency ta taan. Bolls, Car so ro I ul oust sores teller, nose hbsii, ho su Sore Eros, Scrofula fa, Hip-Joint Dlaeaae, White swelling, iioitrc, or Xhiefc Neck, and Enlarged K.lamla, Bend ten cents in stamps for a inrjre treatise, with col ored plates, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount for atrentiso on Scrofulous Affections. "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." The roughly cleaneo it by using Dr. Pi-?rcea Golden Medical Discovery, and good dlgeatlon, a fair akin, buoyant spir its, vital Ntrengtli. and aouudneas ot couatitntion, will be established. i CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofulous Disease of the l.u ii ga, is promptly and certainly arrested and cured by this God-given remedy, if taken before tho last stages of the disease are reached. From ita wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now cel ebrated remedy to tho public. Dr. PirncB thought seriously of calling it his Con sumption Cure," but abandoned that name as too limited for a medieino which, from ita wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthen ing, alterative, or blood-elcansing, anti-bilious, pec '.oral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption of tbe lua,rs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. salk on face or Ixxlv. trcouei ness. bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills. alternating with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy borebodlngs, irregular appetite, nnd coated tongue, you are suffering from ludl gestlon, Uyspepsla, and Torpid I.U er, or Billousneia. In many cases only part of thew symptoms are experienced. As a remedy tor all such case, lr. Piercc'a Golden Medical Discovery has no as. .lal Vtr Weak I-unca, Spitting off Blood, Short news of Hrcuth, Bronekitia, Severe coughs, Consumption, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce 8 booli on Consumption. Sold by Druggists PRICE $1.00, FOR $S.OO. World's Dispensary Medical association, Proprietors, C83 Main St., Buftaxo, N. Y. LITTLE oasawt T.TTTTTR. oeei PILLS. ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHARTIC. Sold by Or Jggiata. 5 cents a viaL $500 REWARD is offered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh w blch they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from the nose, offensive or other w u e, part ial loss of smell, taste, cr bearing, weak eves, dull pain or pressure in head, you have Catarrh. Thou sands of cases terminate in consumption. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worse case of Catarrh, "Cold in She Heads' and Catarrhal Headache. SQ oftrtk . ... -am -as. eELii-.ams.,