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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED KY BEY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. UI AIMM)( t l( l. -l Uemuvrnl Kullftlngem Nraadaiblsi Strcrl. TKKMS Of SUBSCKllTloN sin I eopv, or year, In advance....... eiu.lo aop.. ler elood ol year. ingle ovpy, elx months Inirle oopy, three month agle number .2 fvO 3 00 1 60 76 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTOR BY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL T1IK Oourt of thia State. Will nlve f peolal attention to oollootionaand probate matter. . . . OlfW In Foater'a new brick. 4ihf L. H. MONTA.NYE. ITTORNFY AT 1 - AW. - vN i- - Notary Public. llbnnjr. Oregon oiflco upstair. over.Tohn Rrlirr "tore iMt trt. mm J. K. WE ATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUSLMJ TTORNBY AT LAW M i. VM. tUMIl Itrn.l. HUOnOK I! Vl.LTHKHH'aoiorTMK W suu paetel aMei ftta. ke aMeMMflW rn hat tn t tor rrofBoa In Odd Fellssr'a 1 le . n. mwm.t. h. nu.Tm POWGI.I. ft BITaYEU, kTTOHN R Y8 ST LAW And Solicitors in rthanrWi O.RAXY. - - OKffif.OH. Oolleotlon orompttv made on all point !.' neaotlatod on reasonable term. proffle In Korter' Krtok.-i vl4nlf J. J. WHITNEY, attorney Anl Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Conrt or th!sttate All buain intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. IAN GOON & CO., nnrciGisTft. tlook. Stationary end Toilet Article, A Lara Stock end Low Price. CITT DRXTQ STORE, fyl ILBlVT. OKRGO. FOSHAY & MASON, HMMM AXD aaTAIl. I) racists and Booksellers, A rents for John B. Alden'a publication, which we Mil at publisher' prices with poatageaddod. ALBANY, OKEUOM. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. REVERE HOUSE, Crr. Vint and Ml worth Albaay, Oregaa. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thia uaw floUl is fitted uij in flrat claaa etyla. Tahlea amnlied with the u -it the market aff'.nle. Spring Bela in every Room -mercial Travelera. A Rood Sample Room for Com r-tTVree 1n'i tn and totm the Halel." FURNiTURE. I have the bV stoik ol farnitare in the city and will aell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atock of WALNUT FURNiTURE in the citv and the loweet price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete atock and caj give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY (X)LLEGIATET INSTIT UTE1 EIGHTEENTH YEAR. 1,11 NY. OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 10th, 18H4. For jnrtlctjlara concernlnsr the couraes of study and she price of tuition, appls to tt. ELBERT . MIMTi rreamea Aloany Bath House. rtiK ONDBi'.dlNED WOULD REBPKC'i folly i nform the oitissm of Albany and v sioitythat I havetaksn charge of thia Establiib aunt, and, by keeping olean room and payin itrict sttsntioTi to basinstr, expscta to salt al Ihoie who may favor u srith their patronage Iiag heretofore carried on nothing but Flrst-Clias Hair I3rlnr. Saloons sxpesti to ive e-fire ialtaf','ion t al sr-lb'ldion ladisi' Hair r.fstly en ham.sssd JOSWBBPER. WA.TERL00 HOTEL. GEO, GROSS - - - Proprietor. BaaDi5J axd LODaixo CI nja dat,I 50 tkr wuta. glSULE MKALH, Md. Ll'SCH 25c. Good acoommodationifor all. Waterloo Soda Springe hare been greatly improved by connecting and ahadinjrthe spring. A new pontoon bridge 3 feet wide span river below the upringa. Stage leayes Lebanon for Waterloo Wedneaxlaya and Saturdays. Campers nuppliea and outfits at Water loo Poet Office Store. Morse cared fur at reasonable a tea. Soda water insured free. B KN DOOR II A.NGING8, re always breaking, unless you hav the kind sold by I'Her dt swwarr. oi Al bany. Thev re made ot wrought iron, cannot jump the rsc-k and will ltt a I fe tiiie Don't h . n , another barn door un til yon Iihvo smn 'he:n. AI1DI7C Seni b1x entH f ,r pestawarf fill fmfZm r. ceive free, a os-ly box of iro. us wtiich w 11 help von to more money riyht awav than anrthinaUn In t'liii world. All of el'her aex, kuc oeed from flMf hour, Th broxd rjad to fortune nn)M1, hi.-or- the workers, absolutely nure At ..,ico MravTirt and Oo Augusta, Mail u. S. WA Viftii. AUNOUY AND CHINA MERCIUNHING WJSI- L NESS. lUoe, tea "d Japanese (roods. Ladies 1 .n .Jrehh. s, send at botKjm prices. CoutracU.r for j China labor un VOL. XXI. POWDER MOST PERFECT .MADE Prepared I7 a phyelcian with special regard a touvullh. o Auttuuuiu. Utuu v( Aluiu. C athen nec Ore pes for Mas i ne Cream of Tartar for DR PRICE S CREAM 8AXINQ POWDER. ' r..r sal) by Cuuiu;. MirtoA . Portland, Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and fUrongfit Nattiral Fruit Flavor. Vanilla. Iftnon, Orauirt. Almond, Kot etc, flavor as delicately ami naturally at tin fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHICAGO. ST. LOCI. '-site by Cutt'in; Maria n I Co .fortlid. Or ECZEMA M E?ery Species qf Hching and Burning Diseases Cured by Cuticura. F'ZKMA, or Halt Khtum, wi h 1U aooltinr iu-Moc ami Imrnluir, inatanlly relierad by a wmu b mmOlltm U or. and a iul application ui Ce mi C4, the a-rrat Mkin Cant. Tbia refateil daily, with two or thrve daaea af Crmt aA HaauLvasT, Uk New l:iood Purifier, to keep toe Mood cool, the pera lnatin pure and unirritatiitg , tho boweJ often, tn. Hvr ami kMneya actfve. will ipeedlly cure K zeioa. Tetter. Kinwworm, Paoriaaia, Lichen. Pruritua, Htmit Head. Ia(lruff, and etary e.iea of Itching, KcmJy and limply Humora of the Hca'p and Skin, when the bast pbyaiciaits and all known r rated lea (aiL Will Mrllonald. MM lkrmn Kt.. fhicaar. gratefully acknowledzea a cure tA Kczema, or KaU Kheuni, on head, neck, face anno and lejfa for eeven-l-n years ; not shle to walk except on hand and Knees for one year ; not able to help himself for eiht years ; tried hundreds of remedies ; doctors pro ooance his esse hopeless ; permanently cured by OUiamaa Kr-:.vkt fM -r purifier) intcmaily, anil SftK n ami OVmnu Kor (ilia great akin cure) externally. C'hss. Ilonzhlon. V.t . lawyer, 2s SU St., Ikraton, reports a case of Eciema under h's obeerta- tlon for ten years, which covered the tsnieut'e b4iy and limbs, and to which afl kmtwn metmids of treat. ment hid been appllnl without benefit, which eras cooiple'e y saHsJ solels by the Cl'Tlct BA Kumkoibs, laavloj a clean and hsalihy akin. . Nr. John Thlel, Wilkesbirre, Pa., writes : "I have suffered from Salt Itheuin for over eight years, at times so b-ui that I could not attend to my busi ness f r weeks at a time. Three boxes of Ci MM and four bottles eof.vasT have entirely cured ine ol this dreuliut dieac." Sold y all druetrUts. Pr'ure : dTWfaa, Me. ; Rs aoLVKST, 91 ; Soar, 23c. Prepared by the Pottss Data axiC'i:kmicalCo., IVsiUjo, Mast. BEAU TIKY the ( omplevion and Kkin by oaine nm akm At nixti sitacLEH c-yliigllirough (guiltless nerves for rest and relief.' L'ke manna to the children of Israel ia the Cmct'SA Plastbs to the lired, overwork ed. aching muscle. Do not deny your aelf the comfort, affor-iwl by thia new, ..r. rtf.-.l i i 'A . ?. i 1 1 iott Al ilrtl'jti.tfi f iyflSflvc f..r 81. Uailed free Porriiit ' Dato AXUC'UKSKAL Co., UMtOll. DEYOE & ROBSON, (S'iccersor to W. U. Goltra.) -DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WA60HS, HACKS, BUUBIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS fllllK UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO I. Inform the public that he i now pre pared to do all kind of stone and marble work on short notice. All work In war ranted to pive satisfaction. Will work any find all kind of stone, but rteal prin olpally in Oregon City granite. Cieaninn. repevirksg ajwd reHettin"; a specialty. Call and examine my pi ices before purchas ing elswwhere as 1 will not be undersold. hop on west side of Forry street oppo site post office. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. . HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offire-cor. Firfrtand Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR F OR S VI E CHEAP. TbrHo ptl br4 atadlona, iul thirly draltand saddln h rce W T C-CHHAK, n nwnsvillo, Or. II (ft i L FOR SMJO, i rim J:k.viM :lius, iTiiievuio, .irecii, wmi furnished rooma, the nly hotel in town, lar .-ami concern iu, wm. . nw.H8sttry furnitor ' ' MMV and terms B.' VlLVSK & OXf. Frtneville, Oregon, tiii: noiM. A Ureal Myalery Halved at I an I lie Moaiad MiilUlrrs fHlnirrlral1 lleaulirnl Tbeory wpoiied in i a Fart i Nlatory ahorne or Ha Magle and Koiitalle t'harnia Ajain, these n'oumls, when in group, aro usually about tho rhiuo aite, but they Utr.T in tliflerrnt loctlities. Some times, when w( see one of these mounds appro xiru .it 1114 a siull moutitaiu, by way of distinction, wo mIT it pctuto hill, or Mi sr-loi", Imouss it ia similar to one or tho otlnr of these. Wo say, alo, sue') rr;t produce I by iiatursl force, why Minj'ly l cauo ih" wotk of building mi luoMiti', or mountain, ia too largs f.r i.u v huinsn uterpi inr. ay asin, it such wreM t. attt I V man, thero won 'I tn MM Atnfl hollow, or general ilpr. avion coi rttfsMaMg to the ruagiiit inte of ttn uioutui, whicli If ootthecaso. A'a ! Alas ! Km hu man fbt0fivf I'Uinin knoale.l MM hitman rossoning. N one ever dream ed that tho mountains produced by human, they are to nuruer ous, too large and too diversified in every respect, no unity of design is coupled with ihdr general cenlour. No oae rightly viewing this subject can c me to soy other conc!uion than hat all these mountains, mounds, bids and valleys are of geological origin. Now whatever produced one mountain pro duced all mountain, though the igtm- eis weie more active and more power ful at one (dace and peri id than at an- 0 In r place and ieriod, greater and more energetic in producing large mountain than in producing small mountain. We may readily presume that the mountains weie not all pro duced in the same period of the world's history. The mound are lometimes in grouM and sometimes spu-adtc, s one times uniform in size and sometime vary, bat ate always similar in out ward appearance, whether large or nail, one or many. Now we atlirui that whatever produced one of these mounds produced them all, and we ate 1 dined to believe they were all pro d iced at the same period of time, for several reasons which we will give hereafter, if not all at the aame time d)ubllos under similar conditions, the pmod in whicu these mounds were formed, I shall dsignste as the mound period, which is correct a a geological pecitication of time. As w said above the same force that pro duced one mountain produced them ail, and the same causes that produced one mound produced them nM, and the phe nomenal indication are that the moun ta'ns were produced at different periods, wMile the mounds were produced at the a ass 8 106 period. We are told uy geoioyiv.s t tat all lock were formed or grew in '.ill water deep down under lbs surface, and that all uphevaJs, btve been pro duced by internal foic, and that these force wer under or in all h"a. matter, we Hak of the dip of i .' and strata Thev do not dip a bless e mean ibey !i, upward. All MfN ot rock more or less incline (in their for mation they were horizontal) in moun tain and under mountains and on the :d cf mountains to some angle to wards the mountain summit. This hows that the. force which broke the origica) recks turned the fragments up ward and also that these forces were U'ider all upheaved material, even if it is as large as the rocky mountains. N w this is tho way tho mounds wer.i formed. Whatever produced them wasd not above them, nor in them, but under them, L' t roe illustrate. if a little bo in l-ing should get order a bed aud aUrj I up and makn a mound on . . 4 I I 1. 1 tne lieu Willi nis nesu, no vmo bsjwhi believe that tho producing caue of the bed mound was absve the bed, rtiere would bo no evidence, if however on examining under the bed we should discover a dent just under the bed mound and corresponding with the upper impression, the concavity beneath correspond in z to lb emvexity above, a') wonid reasonably- concluded 'hat whatewr prodn'?d the concavity be neath, produceil the convexity above and this would h rear-onubl-i and cor rect. Again.if if. were known that nothing could get under .h-s be i but a little boy, theu all would know that a little boy had ptodueed tit b d mound, but how and when re "her questions. Just so with the formation and origin of the earth mound. 1 do not mean that they were produced by a hulo boy beneath them, bat by omtbtng cor responding to the little bov. h"t us bring our reaKUiinx little cIoh i to the . . , - . . . .. main point, it anyone who tins naen intcrestfd in knowing the otjgin of thene mouiidc, had lug be:.fra'.h their bae this mystery misjlir. have been solved long ago. If one werp to dig from the t p of n to und, down Ibrotlgb 'hn cen', through the tas aud at " li"'nn.:' byi earn, say one huudrril bet u"d ci.un- (oh halgu il rooks, tirkrn aul upbAavtul iu mouod shape, li ki.o v ni once, uiji i rbatei toice ruke aod bulged uu . . . lbi. lmdut. aUo I (JtU a ui tii- (iiauii.1 un the suitac;-. that the agency mat pro duced tbe one produced tbe other, and Rights ALBANY, OREGON, more, that this loien oj.eiuicl benh the rocky strata. His conclusion would aot only lie legitimate, tut it would be adeinontrHtiou,it iuoontrove tilde fact. Again if one could cut one of theKe mounds through the center and pass the biciling line dowsj any distance say, one thousand leet and oouhl in spect Mais surface all llm way alowu and at atiy point in the whole distance dis cover that one stratium tif esrtfc M tftti any of his eai th ourvetl npwtd to waids the outwnril suifsc.? of a uiuum? beneath wldvdi it was, no matter how ftte-hle this ctn v mihf lo outlined, fie Would know at once (hat the produc loj SSItlSW nf the mound l . I oj inint a-I, iciy one id ihsv.e mi vsa Tin. he would know beyond n doubt, A'! SB u a I know I bat. Ilss Mich un in ve4tigstioti titer beetl made ? K has i i psii. wbiti In iIm S tes, l .. acons'oiu, , (rj iravri SsOft IX b s, f.u a,f , j,.iV, fjfff a .ig pram- MMIttUrj wieie thuae mo itids aere uuuieui'is f it a dittancM of thirty or fm mill, one oc two sleaosit mouu tsniN but tit ill in mound shapo. It wan kuuwu that coal ixts'i d in this region, but tiiete was wisid eiuitigh, so this 0 al Wss not needed for fuel slid tTieie was no traii.-Kirtatton at hand. He cully this coal region h been work el. Thnsfiatumof cal arie from on.- to two and a htiif feet thick and lies from six to ten fivt be'ow the sur fc This coai is under these mounds as well .ns elsewhere The way in which this coal is mined is this. A ditch say six feet wide and fmru ono to two hun dred yards long ia dug down to the coat. This done the coat is taken out, then aoother ditch of like dimensions is dug by the side of it, at. 1 the dirt is thrown where the c ml was taken from and so on as much ss is demanded. In dig ging this coal whaiatver a m uud rises bov there is a mound of coal beneath just like the one above. If th mound ia large or stna'.l, high I or low, the coal mounds crresjamd with it. Now it ull the earth were taken off and there would bo Coal mounds, everywhere over the autface, just like the roout.ds are now, which show that the genry thst produced the mounds of earth produced tb mounds of coal also, and that this agen cy was underneath bo.h raomuls, and that it was not at lirocitti but geo'ogical, therefore il. prt.'of is iliutai axiomated I il,.i iU n . ri if.r i .1 i .,t wv mw see wiiiwi? aji u m v pi siuvtai, w th u liiey aro geological in their origin. I dT not sav that coal is under all the moufvd in the United State, but since lh above cited Isct is knowo further in vr ligation may disOOWftf 1-cta si.d i -v. ,me;.a in dilf- int part of tbe mm c.untrv under then,, mounds that shall uioreclcarlv aatisfy tho moat skepticai 1 and irreiudioed min i. I will not a.y - more clearly but the evidence will be constantly accumulating until the last veti of our false tesciuuga on this j I, slid ihe fancied theories tf his uty, uud tho pictured tribes of giant working with titan diligence for ages, -,..l .1... ...,.ni!,.U IriUi mnnins fllf sWf life, from the .lain water,, and tbe whole peiple lowing it. fervent de- votion around these mounds, celebrat- - v ing tbe Fourth of July completion of a . . ... . worn that siioul l siami as long an grass crows and water fl ,ws. shall vanish for- ever from our I oka and t i;f. P A. Mok. nis so i hi. i: ok w:i.fci umspicnoui among the names ot ear- . . a a iY M-mprranco piuneem m wiaw i i uuu i . I a. . e i-i WeHley. His mother, rare an 1 noble woman, eaily taught him the following rule by which to judge cf "the lawful ness or uulawfulnehs of pleaburo : 'W batever w.-akeos your reason, im- paira the tenderne?i4 of your conscience, obscures your seue of God, or takes off the relish of spiritual things in short, whatever im tho strength and authority of your body ovor your mind, that thiug ia hiu to you, however inno- cent it may be in itself." Would that the mothers of to-day miyht every where interpret eo their children this uignib- cant ami Tofonndly imfHirtant rule as applicable t0 tippling and tho to 0000 l YOli nK as MaUMKM Y Well if you have Strength to push your business, it Is well. Bu1- many a man's business has brok u down because the man was broken down, and had DO push tti niiri. If you want make a success, build up your system by the uso of Brown's Iron Bitters. Ilr. W. M. Win free, of Petersburg!' Va , nys : There is no medicine equal 10 Browns Iron Bit ters for general debUlty." It cures Dvsrei)-i;t. enriches the l)lod and .7 strengthens 1 1 e museies. among the last xpresaions of Gen GfHi.f .whfii conversing with Gen. Buck ..... 1 1 ,. s. f.,i. rv.t,. ha mhwI "I desire 1 1 7 1 y HIV v. f av ' - , ..r. ,l aviil nf all" and to-moirow we : a hearty lespouce of "Amen," wi i returned by all the people with oi;e uccord from Tsortb, South, East and Wusr. FRIDAY, AUGUST AN I N l'GIl . JOIHWALIftT. W huve decided bj put tho U i tlon : .Vho I tun Uroitost hUr in Th It Town?" uudor ihu follow! Df con illtlons : An eloetlori too hs been put up In our sinctum, which will b open for tho reception of votes to morrow morning. Ano one, mule or f-miilo, can voto who buys n t:opy of tho llnwlfr from our tMf nod foritle mitdy ilovl', who will net h poll 'rk. Vohti otn vote us UfUfejl us tin y pleiwe, tho only condition that tlioy shall us many co les of tho IfottUr as iboy deposit VOtwf. Tht pf4bi will lo dosed when no i i t ; on(lo (tle.Ute , suaded to Vote. Al Hhadgotf, tbo inirleut htf tun der of tho 'Monteumu. ," wtl'iset up lliotlrlukf fr all wh i vio, hi our nxpMise. When lh n-cull of Hie voting Is ttnnouiu'ed wo liavo arriing. ed t I k'iVf hw stKNM -rii I i ndhlato sorotiittlo ami n puis,, of $f), uotj for thl- we it. k tho mtrlbuthHM f our cultured hi 'I r. tin mI const Itueiicy. we may mil tint wo shall not deem it mi insult if our frinmJ4 sii uld csftl tlodr votes for us oiWsr. There are a few sensible rwpu' 1 a n win nro candid enough to iy, that, ia atiuuch as their party, during a period of twenty years, very faithfully and fuUy lived up to th doctrin, that, "to the victor belong the spoils," they ee oo consistency in the course which re publican organs aro taking in raising such a hideous howl when one of '.heir number is dismissed from office. The truth is well understood by every in telligent person that office holding has ben the main aupport to keep the re publican party in power, and that the true principle of civil aervics reform is, and always ha been entirely f rfwiga to the purpossc of that party. They cinsented to, and aasistrd in the pas lag of the civil service ... w -imply Le cause they foresaw tht their party was soon to pass out t( powvf -u I that, by the mean of this law a hur dred thou nd republics n office holder might be kept in office, who. otherwise, would ksj turned out with their ,.aiiv. Thia wat their motive. They lov the s oils of office, and suoh waa tha ardent ovar- poweiing desire to fortify themselves in their ertjsyment of them, thai they ear risd the doctrine much tnnher loan last Sa Andrew Jameson was ever accusea 01 Joing. These republican leader not only believed that "to the victor belong tHe spot V b.t they Uiievod th.t the Actors, when in power, bad a right to 1 i 0 siislt sfLsi m I 1 I as IskMtailsi t issa s as luriu ''- "7 -m. . rpttmte themselves to jiower even " l "f lu" l,wol"e- VnJ ........ 1 iT . b 'vo nl relorm inl wou,a m . .. . r f . . .! I cuoose iJiame lor its sianuaru nearer. Time is fast opeuiog the eyes of the people to the true motive and purposes of the republican party In Maine none of the common styles of invitation prevail. It IsalUhroud- W IH IUVSICIJ. uis iv iKu us ff - V sa tslll. lv.a SV S aB re to any member in good ,tand- lK,untl lnre li,ne9 00 t,,e ouur Tte, give two hard kicks mxl one soft one on the Inner tl r, giver tho nasMwnnl. kutherford H. IIhvos." - "w"n " age, turn tho Ihumb.aerew of mys terious gas fixture ninety degree to the right, holding the goblet of the encampment under tho fas fixture ; then reverse the thumbscrew, shut vour eves. Insult your digester, leave w--wer tweuty.flve cents near the gis fixture I ... ft , hun, Un the nearest Cemetery, SO tnat yoU wu rot have to be carried very far. Secretary Manning is evidently rUnnlng a good rice with Secretary -Yhuney over the course of practical xttotm. Since the middle ol March, t j. staled, ho has reduced the staff 0f tho Bureau of Internal Ktevenuo by 300 men, making a dally saving in salaries of $1,200 J and this, too, without in any wise decreasing the I arikdencv of the department. This krnd (f reform will tie understood by the people uud will bo popular with tiicm RtCfAtly oi.eot the uiosi uoteu oolo' ed divins iu Georgia in a in 01 oeapun . ... .. . f j doncy committed hidcide. He showed mini. I I- lliriation lV fSVUI nrn I .' . ' I 1 ....... ...itl.n direetion about aeveial matters which he desired attended to after his death. What seemed to astonish every body .1 i I 1.4V awiasnnw U a I 1 wan the lace tnai na iw directed hia brother 10 pay all hid new- l)al,tl biihi-ciiptiooH. Hie newspaper people of Georgia should at once erect a moiuiuent to so honest h 'n. Kconra emulsion or WM :,m1 Liver Oil. Willi Mypopaoaphllea, Ua VmIuc fur Women aud t'nlldren. t)r. R. Haas, Jersey City, N. J., says : "I have given your Emulsion to my little boy, of three years. He was in oavir lienlth, but he has now 1 ft ' taken two bottles, arid is improving both in strength ud health I bavo also recommended it to several of my female patients urn! they havo derir ed much benefit froaiit." 1 emocxat 14, 1880. H We found wh coul l n't take tho time toco to the inauguration nf Pri dent Cleveland. wnnnnohirirritn t im i;AA,:r.ugatlon. or resi" Hrrht Too aLJ "Iirril 3 A n ' wuiun vouiu liiLeresu everybody. WAR ON that eld enemy of the people, J y HIGH PRICES w i.s determined upon and prep ' i for as a fiance at our unequaled stock of Spring ad Summer goo i and u alleled low nrics will vince you. duu jusx vnu crown war eiiW riwu, y iwu e . uwi mmwgin ve expect to win the fight. s Come and Help Us. Ourstock is all bought for CASH at Bankrupt Sales. We only sell for cash orproduce, and propose to sell at prices that defy competition. A new feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. On tho top of ttie casket Iu which General Grant wti burial is a goldplated inscription plate upon which is engraved : U. S- Grant ; died July itt, t886.M The suit the General was burled in is of black broadcloth. He wears 1 low stand, lag collar, with black necktie tied in a plain bow-knot. it. the shirt bosom Is a single plain gold stud. On rbo feet are white stocking and pat ent leather slippers. The hands rest easily across the breast, with the rUlu a little abovo the loft. On the llttlt finger of the left band is a plain gold ring, which the General wore for many years. The casket, as mod as the remains were finally bestowed in it, was closed uo with the two heavy plate glass cover-, and it will not bo disturbed again. The copper rests over It and Is removed when ever the body Is shown. When It Is closet! It is with sixty aerewt. The casket rests under the Week canopy, and there are no other funeral drap- Ings In the room. Mrs. Grrint'a dress w. of heavy black Henrietta cloth. The skin was perfectly plain, with broad bands of crape around the bottom. Tho oversktrt wa limply draped, high on the left side and bordered with crape, which hangs in graceful folds to tho bottom on the right fdd Tho bodice was a postillion jocket with a fichu of crape la front, which finishes at tho throst wiih a small eraoo low. The shoves WS long aleeves and have cuffs of crape to v match the bodice. The b nnet was a small poke covered with erape, and the veil was made long aud covered the entire dre-s. No pains were spared to mke tho dress plain and tasteful, for suoh were the orders given by Mrs. Grant. Huh to Keep tmmt Don't work aa hard us usual during the mi Jdle of the day if it can be escaped. Don't eat aa aauch as usual, It is not nr.eanrv. and a llltle famine; in hot weather alway pays, Don't drink extremely eold ice v alor. It ia always better to oat the ice or let it molt In the mouth. Don't have any llres going in tho house ...i... va,Onolv necessary. lTe OOM IIU IUWI w-j food and do without hot drinks. Don't wear your clothes tight. It im podea the alroady depiwrd circulation and is a groat source of Qweoramrt. Don't eat any meat or hotter, i' 3 oti can do without them this wonllu r. Dou't fail at DOeal to giv pcfietu:o to fruitN and acids, whivhare more aureeable now to tho stomach than anything else that cau be-offered. Don't neglect any oliuuco tn get out ot tho city to the country or assvddt SVn for half a day. Bttett an exoursion will olteu bridge a person ovor mi entiro heated term. Don't drink any strong stimulant-, as the simp est and plaiuest beveiAKes, such aa lemonade, milk or teed cotfto, do more for the tired onerous at su. h a tbne than tho bost brandy, Don't worry and fret. 'Iryand put off the unpleasant thtngi with wMoh you havo to deal uniil cooler weather, and make up your mind not to get mad nt anything during July or AUguM, Don't neglect your foot Bathe Ibew night and morning, p-y mora attanlioi. than usual to corns and wear t o o.dosl and roomiest sboen i'ou have. No one can keep cool with tibt shoef on their feet. Don'twwara stiff hit. C'ompr. on o 011 aometbing iihi or soft straw, if possible -and TentUated abovo to let out tbo hat air, Frequout shampooiug and wetting tho top of tbe head ia one effective moans of keeping cool. !VO. 3 WAR INAUGURATED BY Rllen ht ! I trnil N. H. ALLEN & Co., NOTICE. having concludod to close out his business, now offers Ms entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATINQ AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this n a geaaia3 clo3iag oat, now is th3 time for housawifei to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. ALUANY, FEB. Oth, 1885. ABIZOVt Jl stKAl.Ia, Here h the announce-ru tst of terms I in an Arizona paper : Any goloot who w.inls tho lltp- : Btiorltr for a year can have it left at j his barrouui on payment of three red chips in advance. Now's your time to chip in. Boys she's a dandy. Advertisements wilt be stuck In nt liberal raits, and dust and mule;' t. li en in exchange. jTVou duck vho havti't paid up your rabtejrlptioni, want to hustle. j ye Warny.i that we know who you are, and we aro going eut collecting in a day or two with a new brace of Colts ready for s'ow customers. We menu buslm s-. TFunentl noliecs must be accom- panied by toe address of tho corpse, not for pttbiic&tloo liut as a guarautee for prompt pay meat. yyrWe are personally responsible for all news published in these col umn. Otttro hours from 10 a. jj. to 5 p. M. JACKJOSLYN (Alias Strapping Jack.) I'artie8 already snbscribera to tho Demo ci;at, who wish ltto send the paper off to a friend or friends aaa do o for DYSPEPSIA Is a dantterous an well aa distressing ootnplaint. If neclooted. it tends, by impairing nutrition, and de pressing the tone of the arstent. to prepare tha way for Rapid Decline. -r. -THE BEST TONIC. ? lstas t.h annatita. and aids the assimilation of food. 1 on Rf.v. J JT. RosarreB. the honored pastor of the First Reformed Church, Baltimore, Hd.,auya: "Having used Brown's Iron Bitters for Dyspepsia and Indigestion. I take (teat pleasure in recom mending it highly. Also consider it a splendid tonio and invigorator, and very strengthening." Genuine has above trade mark and crossed red linos 00 wrapper. Take no other. Made only by BROWN 1 III KM IO A I. CO.. BALTIMORE, MP. Ladies' Hand Book useful and attractive, con taining list of for recipes, information about coins, etc., given away by all dealers in medicine, or mailed to any address on receipt of 80. stamp. K IS, U 1 N U LUxN , J W OO DA KDs CO. , PoitUnd" Or. 1 l 1US nun a m u B B B STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IS TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY k poeisl tov-ltieaa ndiees In 1 a cal lu Umns lb e. i ts per tine. Kegular La cal tKMlewM 10 eettls jssr line. l or U'hI and transierd advertisement t; 00 per square for the first lssarUoo,snd fie eents par square for each ubefsitit insertion. Kates for olbr aovertiM u euts made k nowu on a ppl lcatlasi. Co., iuuguraLion or our own Accordinly a cw Ann. wni fatrM. mmm m'iU 57 First Street, Albany, Or. Red CrownMills j ISOM, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PROCESS FLOCK 8UPBBIOE FOR F. ANO &AK.SKS CSS. BEST STORAGF AilmHL Highest .Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. D. M. JONES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ALBANY, OREGON. Office at residence on Third and Wash ington Streets, RATES OF cnARQBS. (with 25 per cent extra at night ) Visits in town, $1.50, Visits in tbe country, tl per mile for tb first two ratios , and 50 centa for each addl tional mile, not including ferriage. Medicines furnished rREK while visi:- ing patients. Obstetrics, five dollars and mileage, C. J!, WOL.VKRTON, o. 11 , IRA 1MB, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. jSaTOflleo up stair in Fro man 'a Brick ALBANY, OREGON QUTLERY. The best lice of cutlery in th vaJ ley caa be found at cur atore. It mbrae poaat kniv, table knives, forka and spoon, butcher knives, hunting knive. paring kiiivea, shears and seiaaors nf all kiaaET, and th best lne of tasors ever breagbt into Albany. Cou.e and see for yor selves. l (raa srawr. I 7oi; SAMS. One hundred and foity aM, uia above Lehsonn. u aors in ul tiviit tin 10 iicrcs slabbed and aowa to grass Comforts1 le dwellitg. gposl oulhnttees. ('iiesp. ln(uire at this ofllt'e. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, HLVERE HOUSE. Oi Vl 1 1- QPlls,Hiui 'AilVill HABIT CUBJSB W. F. ALsuXAPaCUR,,!. P. i! ... t- ' uif i,: H ,1 F1U.I1.U.S litt 1 i . v l rases if iliowfed. S pain 01 ioJs ol U;oo iroiu 1. uat net dress above at Albany, Oiegon. SSTMext to City Bank