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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVKUY FRIDAY BY STITKS& NUTTINW. BilJIMSOrrK K-lw tsesaocral llulldlagea Kruaitalbln Street. TKKM8 Of SUBSCRIPTION stmrls oopr, per year, In advance lajlo onor, per year. t end tf ar aiitrla aoi'iv. si months slngls copy, three month ' t uoi numlwr IK) 1 60 PROFESSIONAL CJAKD8. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albnn jr. Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THK Courts of this State. WW .Ive peolal attention to collections and probate Office In Foafrr'a new brink. SStf L. H. MONT ANTE. XTTOUNl.YAT LAW. Notary Public lbny , Oreofj. Office upstair, over John Briar store, State Eights lemgaat- VOL. XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1886, so. 2 TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! Ilrenit. aitvrtletl a atwoluU'ly nu t COWTAIN iVMBJtNZA. fMt ttWf 1 Dace a ran top down on a hot .tore unit; heated, then tN'iMovn th rover an.t .int'll. A rliemt.t will not bo re , mod toil.tvut the pinMiioa ot ammonia. it vHn2Stf J K. WEATHERFORD, (MOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALR4Y. !!!;. liriLL PRACTICB IN ALL TUB COURTS or TflK W suii Special attention riven to collevtioa. an 1 rohete matter In Odd Fellsw's Toiupl. ! r. o. rowxu. JSxS&JS POWELL & BILYRU, ;ttohnfa's at law. And Solicitors in CtatgJTt Collect Ions promptly made on all point. Loan negotiated on reaaonable terms. faVOfflee In Foster's Hrlok.-a vUnlMf. J. J. WHITNEY, 4ttorn8y And Counsellor At La? -AND- Notury Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Conrta of tblsState. All bualnaas Intrust! to him will b promptly attended to. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, ns uaALTiirt Lksa iu NKVIR onsrtoro. In million liomr, for a quarter of a eenluiy 11 has .loud tbi' ruii.tieierj' reliant trt. THE TEST OF THE OYER, PRICE BAKING P0WDE1I CO., : IKKRS OV Dr. Price's Special Pmm Extract ?k rinl, Hctl tlrllrl.. ml B.lar. I lint Ihi,uI Sr. Price's lupulin Yeast Gams M V 1 vr I. ;;:. 11,'illlu tiirt.t. The llv.l lry Yra.t in llio World. FOR SALE DY GROCERS. CHICACO. ST. LOUIO. i-or sal i by Cult In?, MarlrA Co, Cortland, Or. E. W. LANGDON & CO., tt Ha. Slationerv and Toilet Articles, A Iarn Stock and Low Pricee. OITY DRUG- STORE, tyl 4tYY. OKEUO. FOSHAY & MASON, llf.tM!l AB await l)rogg.8teand Booksellers, Atrent for John B. Alden's publk-aliona. which we sell at publisher's prices with postage added. UHVW, OKEUOR. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED. Albany. Or. L0UI8 CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sbavina dono with noatnet and sharp raror-. whl-h ar aly kpl In irood condition, and hair cat In the vry est style. REVERE HOUSE, farar. Vlr aad Ellwrlli Alhaay. e)reta. Chas- Pfeiflfer, Prop'r- iaa. .... ii. .1-1 U tt4 nn In flrt dim tvl. Tbt MM the bent th market afforda. Sprinir . I u t u.j.r.. for I f.m- IWI. in tvery n Him. a r"i wMupio mercial TrmTelers. arrrrr rwb to and frwi lae 0l."W FURNITURE. C have the bes' stock of furniture In the city aoa w.u hou Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE iu the citv and the lowest price In the Valley.. Come and seo. Undertaking, A JWMildilf stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE IV.rvtt ami Mroiisret Natural Fruit Flavors. VanilUt, lmon. Oranet', Almotnl, Hoar, etc, Uavur us tlellcute ly nutl naturally a the IruiL PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. MT. U)Cia r.r sUj bjr Cu'.M-i; Mrl nJ Co Portli.d, or ECZEMA And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Cured by Cuticura. WaaaiSCTON I I I 1KB (rron our rulr correiMnlwit.) Washlvoton, July, 18th, 1880. There nre many people In Wash ington and duubtlesa throughout the country who are not awaro that there has beeu a chango of Admlnh- tratlon. The discharge of a veno mous republican from a gotttMBtttt oftke hero is still n sufliclenily novel incident to cause a sensation of terror and rage In the gang which has held on through thik and thin, by fraud or force, for so many ytars. When it was known that Cleveland was elected they all eipvcted to go, and at once set to packing everythlhjr, always excepting their bloody shirt. Such a thing as holding to the prom ises of platforms had never been practiced or believed in by them, and It never once occurred to them that Mr. Cleveland and his cabinet would live up to tho veiy excellent precepts and principles of their public ut (t r ances and platforms. Tho first few days altei the tth of March were passed in expectation of deserved dismissal by thousands in public service here la Washington. But now that they have remained so long unmolested they have assumed the ....... 1.. I nOliiwIn i.t IliA 4lri mt uirm I Boose" ;;d believe that this Demo cratic Administration was created es- pecially fur their use. Whor.ewr any one of them is pulled away Irora the public crib tho others set up a cackling and biasing which is deaf ening and con! using, and the whole radical preas fro I ho Atlantic to the Pacific John the chorus. It Is a great pity tli4t these removals were not made more rapidly and in battalions or at leaat In Mjuads Instead i f or e at a time. There has been but one right aud decent way to transfer tho Covern- ment, and that is one which com meuds itself lo ever body The six or seven thousand offices contemplat ed to the Civil tVervice Lw should tie left to the rules. The rules pro vide abundantly for cases of incom petency, insubordluation, or in-moral conduct. Tne remaining oinceM in ie than one hundred thousand in num- sittss or in 1 1 i k 1 nu. DiltteH the past few days there has been a decided advauoe in the New York atook maiket, and this is genet al ly accepted as an indication of better times. Not that business in New York or elsewhere is dependent on the fluctuation of stoeks of sny description, but that when business begins to im prove stocks improve also. The prin cipal stocks sold in tbi Umpire city are railroad and telegraph, all of which hava some substantial ba-is fitf prices askei. Now, when business revives the rail- osds hiu well patronized and begin to tnk tucney. So slao do the telegraph ines. The same is true in 11 greater or lens degree of all stocks Bold in New York cV.?. Kn, when 'msitiesa be gint to tevive, are encouraged to invest Mtucks of all descriptions. The rejwrts as to crops in the Kt are somewhat discolored, and even if hey were n t thure is atill a Urge stock of wheat, corn, etc., to dtaw on, so that there will be a good deal to sell at hat we xcet to be much better than usual prie s. Tho railroads will have enough to haul and will probably make some mon?y, and it is doubtless con siderations of this kind that have in fluenced an advance. With t tiieral improvement ol bSWt" . . M .1 ! 1 . 1 t nras in tte I'asi inert win imi an in creased demand 1 r alt our leading pro ducts,- wheat alone excepted. This newp, therefore, is as interesting to us as it could probably be to any one east of the Uocky Mountain!. S.F.Juurnat of Commntv. mi. v.-iMi r. The wheat crop is Ml as likely to turn out as largo yield as was expect ed bv the mnbritv of firmers. In Home liealiUoi tha yield will bo over average, while In other parts of the country even where the grain looked to Ihj above tho average- It hlla short. The late warm weather has rlpeneu icriin much f ilter than It 'Kail' amui r HIS I.IKI. Et ZKMA.i Slt Khcum, i h iu ffnisinr ttrhing and burning, in.lautly r.herad by warm bU iihClTl(ta. MAr. ami alnla antiiiratii.n ..It Ttcia. toe great kin Cur,. Thl rejwaud dall). br should be dtll 1 A Openly, fair. US two or UreeUoMof Ci net j. Hbmjl .t, Ux. I ' u , I'unfter. in ksp ue bii-od c..i. tb ir. I y and counfgeously. They teoOg lriaiini pure ami uiiirnialiiij,', the -j, ope;i. Ill- I . . nver and k.dncv. a. live, will iiMdilv earm , iir I ,.. tlm A ft in I n irtt rat lull. Iltlll till A'' - - - - " - .. iwiww., i.i. inn. i ruruu., rcmn . , llul, Uaiiuruff, and r.r a, uf tthiinf. cal IU 1 11 11 ra I lonl' WCM noOOtiy HO Hpmipjr and 'imply Humor. ( the hca'p and Skin, when Ok. I " . . . ..i. illkr.-.wn icmedlMfaa I tor takiOg pOSSeSS'.Oll. i nr"i" called the Democracy to govern, and There is it cell ' j.h -u-.Ai . and all I i MrDnaif. 'zai iBri-.n st , ci,icajr, I they expect them to do it. lb lly acknowledge a cure o Jcietoa, or halt . . ... .onhesil, neck, face arnm and I.-,-, f .r kvch I no .Caion fr SCCTCCN , stt'tllb, mm ' ... .. -1 - . .. , . a . .1 - '- w ia tuf i on naniu ami I . , .... t.rone vtar; notai.ic i .i,.!,, i,iIaeitir eihi I -atlon, no need for anylitlug excep ; V":1 wUh!jlieaa : ZfT'T, .blute . ssuraoco that changes ehal Abee.t i o'dloek a. , yesterday Of ficer Delcber fnind Chris Oleson lean ing agsinst a fanes on F. street,between First and Second, crying as if his heart would break, lie was armed with a horse shoe, and said be was "laying for" his girl, and would kill ber if she put mm. i a m in an appesranoe, it ts only a wee a itnce Olsson was arrested while looking for tba mine girl, and as be acts any thing but like a sane man, Belcher took him in charge, add on bis arrival at the police statiou he was looked up in a datk cell, in the afternoon Conn- ty Judge Morel a mi came to the station for the purpose of examining the man. Olrson between his sobs told the judge that the gtrVs -yea Josephine Nicketeor, that be witntad to many her, but sbe bad gone aud be waa un able to find her. He insisted that he couldn't live without her, a he loved her so much, but nevertheless, t. te. n bis blubbering, insisted that be would kill her. Judge Moreland, after vain attempts to make (Meson brace up and be a man, started off to bunt up pa lters and doctors and will examine tbe man for insanity. Oleson is a Swede snd has been a asilor. lie talks fairly rational, but is surely looney oo tbe female question. SlnnJanl. A Ml SKA K Ft ftCRAL. TwoChlneseomhestrar, gifted with phenomenal lung and arm power,flvo hired Chinese mourners, sobbing at intervals, a coffin containing all tbat was mortal of Leo New Gow, attract ed a large crowd of curiosity-seekers to the corner of Second and Oak -tr.-.-ts yesterday uf.ernonn. Tnerc were the usual concomitants of a Chi nese funural a whole varnished hog, numerous dishes of sweetmeats, lighted candles, punk, sand and in. tit . cense. These were prortuea so irtai tbe deceased might no be hungry or lack for light in the other world. An STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BESf ADVERTISING1 MEDIUM IN TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Snoelal iiiirieiMi notices in Local CoU amns II eents ter line. Regular Loeal DOtlesaj 10 cents ier line. i r )hjtl ana transient advertisement a $: (K) per so, 1 1 a re for the find laserttoa.aud . cent pr stiare for each uueeqaeDt insertion. I'.aifM for oilier advertisements dim! known on applicatiorr. WAR INAUGURATED N H Allen Go, We found we coul Jn't take the time to slo to the inAiirnrnMrm nf dent Cleveland, so we concluded to get up a little inauguration of ou right here this Spring which would interest everybody. Accordin WAR ON that old enemy of the people, H I GH PRICES was determined upon and prepared for as a glance at our unequaled new stock of Spring and Summer goods, and unparalleled low prices will con vince you. SUCCESS will crown our efforts if you will favor us with your patronage, for by large salos at a s nail margin we expect to win the tight Come and Help Us. Our stock is all bought for CASH at Bankrupt Sales. We only sell for cash orproduce, and propose to sell at prices that defy competition. A new feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5 10 and 25 cent; counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albany, Or. . . w, awnini: covered vltb tbe Chinese has ever been known to rlneo in this wuiuk mourning color, wnne, ptutwssai " coffin from Iho best of the Ju sun, country bclore, and it has perhaps had a tendency to shrivel the graio as it has roasted or blighted some of the fruit ipoles, plums, etc. W e havo heard of several instances where the wheat before it was cut looked as while hundreds eii! round and ehaf fed the mourners, wh i fleeted to he in sackcloth snd ahcs and wept real round tears for tho bns of th le- ticrrtau tr a s sv um Will IfT.lelully t-en j klK'- )iar- eaaaa Y. ' ! purmrr) Hliwiiay. and . . tntr.t ,.t lt, tux, i imm anu CTTK-TIa aI' (tlw Kfeat tkin eurei I 0 lliauo iu 1110 .p.w taU-rnally. I . . . .... pie, oi order ana 01 purity in govrni ment. lta.. flouxhtoa. :, . lawyer, tt State St., I . . . , . i B-tn. a teniKdU under h'. otawra- The President has declared that be mm mricn cn. auich coremd tho pNan bdy . a . ,. . .Kt rmtrnr. mU Mtriaa, aad ta wMefc A known meth.Je d treaC regards office 88 a trust , Itiai pairon nicru n..i im-c'i a)imi wun..ui tie tieni, HKrh waa I ... . . m ,.,.. , t. .. comple-e v urnl w.klv lv the Cro ui Hkmkmu. HL'O shltll tlot bo USetl lor UOWOrtn leaun,; a clean aii.l Healthy akin. I ...... .u.i tl, iruA f.f th ''UII try and the refutation of the D m . t-a. .1 . .... I . I have euffered from tut Ificmn f-.r over eiirht y", Cr illi piny Snail luriliwil me bijii.ubiu at time tu ul that I could not attend ui my him I . , , , , JLaiiaM nen. for wtek. at time. Three boxea of C tui r by which it is tO Wl UlspetiaeO. and four hottlee Kr.oLvr.xT hare entirely cured rue of I - - ihonrv anil lov takdreaawidkeata.- ceedlcg up n such a theory, anu toy ally seeking to bring it to full fruition, Sold bv all drusriiU. 1'rice : Croct a. ; Ur- t 1H tiecesfsatV SO movo SHUng sol. r.T, l ;Jk,itr. 25c. ert-d by the firtrrn ii o rt,mani U In rAet-it.t axdCmkmi'jalCo., Uoston, Mam. I AfjO t miiiutiiv wm r- .. . i: .v.... , r., ihu Turl i in Terri aa-MaSTIFV the Comnlexlon and Skin T ualnir u.cK.uvu .. aaNV the '.i tp i ra soAf. . . ...uil Whan Iho I'linun mli4 u'hirb TaZmn, a-,l I hekH. r' vm "oun1d"ml 'ury "T,"" Vr,Mo had J, 1 which before '""' ti" VT.0 I . ,i.M1.i, ii wAnirf etery with seventeen hacks filled lth it was cut, looked a- though It would wmwm w"" . . , . . orchentnti and friends trailing behind go from 80 to 40 bushels per acre, 1 on nar aern after bb.toned mjr.--u r-. v...rv. 7' 7; I lhrou-hou, Doasod was welbto- belnar cut una ihresnoa. .nr. .nacy - . ? 1 1 1 ' f .. 1 dosntldlodonFrldyorcoiisutnptloo another Salem Prairie farmer reuliased 1 30 bushels to the acre. We still be lieve Hi it lliere will bo near an aver age crop o! wheat In Marion county. &t!tc Talk. He was :l years of age. A'm. roatuow 10 rK oh enov Host msny of our readers have any conception of the amount of lab r 1 en quired togt up a newspaper ? Very few we will venture. 8otne idea may be formed by reading tbe following : After the type is distributed in tbe ceaea, or, as tbe printer rails it , "thrown in," tbe typo places bis "ropy" in front of bits, and then proceeds to "set it op" in a "stick," which somewhat re- aen.bles a monkey-wiencb, by picking up and placing therein one letter at a iino until a woid is foraed. When rnr! enough to form a line across the column is aet, apacea ar imerted be tween the woids to make the hoe full. This operslion is kpt up until tbe "stick," which bolda about two inches in length of a column, is full, wbrn it is carefully lifted out and placed on a galley, which holds one column of type. When enough type is "op" it is made secure in these galleys, placed upon tbe press and an impression taken. This gees to the jioorf reader who marks er- rrira and returns to the printer who NOTICE. having conclndud to close out his business, now offers his entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a gaeia3 claiiaj oil;, now i3 th3 time for housewiysi ta nplenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. Ir, JUN Tkiel. Wiikeahirre, i'a., write : tory which say that tho disaffected a t - A .....I thai tibed As a 111 m nisclkh. Indiana are necomiug 4"'' OUM " crylnRthroujrhcountleaii nervet tor rest and relief.' I jjere J8 a favorable Outlook for the .kc manna to the children of Israel U the settlement of the dlfficultle3. Thna a nromisintr Indian war has ALBANY nl.LRGUTE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBINY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For oarticulam concerning the couraea of study and the price of tuition, apply to V.r. KtOBT I. DIT, Premaea A.ioaay Bath House. it iS 0SDBRcl'i.NKD WOULD RESPECT 1 ully . aforia the citii ens of Albany snd vi . .awtiiat I havetakencbargeofthls Establish i k-i keninir olssn rooms and pyin ..:.nar.tton to business, expects 10 suit al , . aho may faror ua with their patronage f trin? horetofore -sarried on notning First-Class Hair Dreeslne Saloons expects to W, eatlfS -atlsf rlW.Se al Jiu,. ni r.adtae' Hair noatb e Taae I08WBBPVH $5p2mQf . mJfy 'sr. wvpav C'L'TICI-ka Plamthk to the tired, overwork ed. a:hiri!r ruufcele. lo not Heny y. ur- self the coruf irt adorned by this near, iriiriiia! Islsmsllsa Al druiiKisU. n.c. f&M:l(ivt: for 81. Mailed free, jtottkh ubi o so Cukmical Co., Bton. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. (ioJtra.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGOHS, HICKS, BUBGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, IVMtSSM (SWAMOH Almost every community ia afllicted, aWBii H'-rioaic til v. villi th UOsJat hsni- B - m sjsj ami harmless, but annoying WATERLOO HOTEL. GEO. GROSS - - - Pronrietor DnaoiN. ass Loeeiss i nm dt, per w. 8IN0LE SRAUl, r,0c. LUKCH 25c. Oa:Kl accommodation for all. Waterloo Soda Spring havo been roatly improved by connecting and shadinzth-sorlmr. A ne pontoon bridge 3 feet wide span s rivnr below the springs. 8Ue lye Ufaan D lor Waterloo Wednesdays and Bat trdAVt. Oaiaper. .applies aad outflu at Water- Post O.fleeBtor ; Homo ' carou lor Hoda watr insured free. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS rilllrC UNDKKSKiNKD WISHES TO I Inform tbe public that be is now pre pared to flo all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to jtlve satisfaction. Win work any and all kind of Atone, but deal prin cipally in Orepon City granite. Cleaning, repairing a;.d resetting a specialty. Call and examine my piices before purchas ing elswwhero as 1 will not be undersold. hopon west side of Ferry street oppo site post otttce. O. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. J.L. KILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office-cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR loo aU's. DARK DOOB HANGINGS, rmK always breaking. DjileeS yo'i have tVi kind sold by Petera & Btewartof Al l?inv Thev r made ot wrought iron, o,mot JumJthe ua-k and will last a Ue Sme. I on't hauK another barn door un til you havoen 'hem. r nnap Bend six cents for poetase.and A PKIaLtla receive fre, u cosilv ht of Roods ?i.if -TiThrflivua to more money right away than wii.ii " thi.wiirld All of eiiher sex, sue n?h 2?Jf1 hr The broad road to fortune been eflectually nipped In tho bud through the energy and judgement displayeJ by the Administration. Tho savage tcalpers had provocation enough, aod were rlpo for M out- break, but tbe sudden concentration of 4000 soldiers on Indian Tmltory was an argument and tho only one they could understand. The opinion of the Attorney Gen eral in the Dolphin case has fallen like a thunderbolt on Roach, Chan dler, Robeson and it may be said the entire ring element of the Republi can piny, and they realize now that Iho 4'h .f Nov lis be was a day of hard luck for them, tho doom of fat fraudulent contracts, and Administra tion jobbery. Secretary Whl ney haa undertaken an entiro reorganization of the AtM government navy yards not latet than neat fall. An investigation with this object in view 1ms been in pro gress fr several weeks, and it will fcffectutlly hreik up tho navy yards as political orgwiizationH and r.iui the republican party from tW of their strongest and mot orrupt atronghoWU. A good iofci is toU about the recital of the Dddaratioo of Independence in mfjm h n) ln ti,e forro fjf a nespa- thta city on tbe rourth. ttiwui oe re- u hundM ,t a time memboreJ that Eld ridge Morse, Eq., buia, between the co'umn rules was chosen to read tie immortal docu- ,. ... .... th re9jIDS mat- V - - w attacks ' iat prg tbe ooo by J. L .q Thn columns are I mm I r 1 lL.1 Xt - f in. I - . -. . 1 of th anoofoioui scribbler. Gloating aloto..;-, then all nede of a unuoim leogvu, o'er some ,ea! ov fancied injury, he tead of reading i om tne a. locUe(J tip io iron fr.m, placed on tbe, I 2 a. A J tin .laaLeall iH ts mAAIAfV. I - i I .sT llr L. i Launts his victim, and concealing bis oomm.v TTT ' V pr e paper woraeu on. ue. ... .1 i I . i A liclnr in Lna rrowd I . ...... 1 . i iJentitv, ho "6rea threats at him," that " " . ' the pers are loiueo, aaarewsu.rr he dare not execute. Shadowing the who had heard Mr. Morse frequently, rf p,d in tfae pMtomc,, Md the uacontcious martyr, he observe, or M ho was anxious to hear the orator m a V.ack into the bears ot some trifling short-coming or of the day, Mr. Metcalfe, having never Rre t(ly coromeDce over misstep, then Iso pulls off his coat,exca- bearJ the latter, exclaimed with great iod get up aaotbei p4per. For evtry vata his ataitonerv and paralyze." impatien ce when Mr. Morse bad spoken incb of readiog mi4lter in this column the one of his wrath, with unsigned lDle ! Ub' the printer must place in his .tick five maledictions, withering acorn and vi- have Morse get up there and talk about Jmfig deve0 thou. Bions of carnage and disaster. He is a something foreign to the ooOASton ! We D(lforMflh calunin. Multiply this "fine plum," is this unidentified cur. want to hear the new man a oration. hf nmf of CJ,uuin8 of reading 9 is nsuallv some puerile counter- This is about a. bad a. a certain gen- mtUr h B lb6 of the TinM hopper or sad.yea dude. He certainly t0 iTll Md y" wUI JTsSi IT1 l l ymm. Whan III ntlHinnfl . . t . .. I . in t.ttou rtstiera i u ! Red CrcwnMills S PBOCKSS IXOCK SCFEBIOB FOR FAMIUsW AXD BAKEKS lK. BEST ST0RAGF VACUITIES. Highest .Price, in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. a 1 . a i laftctwisiLurn U IC. " ii not a man, and when run oown ana -y . it n ot the Mouse wai wim." traced to cover, generally raatenalire. 01 ine no . J r . ... - nravur one morning, the mtntiter hap- into som a harmless weakling of the prayer one , pened to ue one wnu uu uou of uatng other men's sermons, and he . . . . . . isdian m nooi. 0irtge(i kU morning's invocation ny re- Th.r.-.r..ix bidder, for Ptiog Ik. W. Pr.,.r. . i .1. A tj:. istd our leaisiauvo .ir-.. ., j- lijfhtesti calibre. Harrington Times. the printer must pick up 175,000 types and then throw them all back and commence over. This tedious job must be goae through with 52 times to com plete a years subscription. Thiuk of it ; ponder over it, dear reade-, and we are sure you will make up your mind that if there is a being on earth who de- - a 1 :i a. t,i;. mUJ said our iegii thu ennsir uctton oi him iu'" ovuuv' i . .. . , t t WMinrra ,ear this citv. sHsSSt bid. that preacher was a - hrves hi. pay it is tbe punter. .... u r. vnreat Grove Thursday. I ae beard that prayer ne c.oseo wnu, Five of the bidders are from Portland, before." and Ira Erb and V. B. Southwick, bid- WEW PAatBN.EK depot At bdubnb .iinr tffther. renrotiented Salem, and , ' sr Alilinnoli a varietv of ni!rmifoii5r forms of ,.!s,t have I een found on LASNIKO & CO., PROPR'8. bank notes snd coins in circulation, none known to be dangerous to human lifrf have evrr yet been discovered. A trout was caught in eighty feet of i water neai Moose Island. Lake Win nipiseogee, rrcently, that measured 3H inches in length, nine inches in i ir k -cess from back to belly, and wi.iied 131 podcds. Broiled sauHsge. are all the tage this season at Coney Inland. On Suif ave nue thore is a sausage stand ; tbe own er is a rich frame-maker in New York : bets reported to hate made a fortune on causagra. The Urgent 'Iwiil evr taken in ihe State of Maine was caught this senson at Cape Sm.d! Point nrar the mouth of tbe Kennebec It measure 27 inches in length, : t J weighed over eight pounds, A wonderful doll at L r.g Branch is the siata of a three-year-old child, acd has a most elaborate trousseau, includ ing a wedding dress and fine veil. A veiy large Saratoga truuk ia required to hold the doll and wardrobe. D. M. JONES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEOT. ALBANY, OREGON. Cilice at residence on Third and Wash ington Streets, RATES OF CHAROKS. (with 25 per cent extra at night ) Visits in town, $1.50, Visits in the country, $1 per mile for the first two miles, and 50 cents for each addi tional mile, not including ferriage. Medicines furnished fkk wnne vasawa ina patients. Obstetrics, five dollars snd mileage, theira were the lowest figures. They l he conuaci aa - ---- r m no doubt secare the contract, and saoger depot and rail road oflieat was will receive ahout $17,000 fer tbe let to MeFarlaud & Davia last I riday work. There aie to h. - three frame The old building i t ne removed and L -IJ. asasi a and olaced at the h,5 and A tho present OlllUllUn, i""-" " ' v " v I .... -il und ihn now uuiiuujh w vi ri r . ,! Wl . ,1 naai I a.a!l.t ik.aita.av ' ii' "'" j a . fc rri. k. i . .. ;n kavA r. 1 nr.ftuiiv the uruuud now oocupiea oy vu 1 M usnv w wmw - ww "fTaf 9 The uiatu building will 54x05 feet. 1st ft... 4" . ur . i 1 ill 1 tit Wnrthinfton. and au 1 old one. i i'." " p r . ..... ii:. 6l)x20 f. et. and diviueu luio F OR SALE CHEAP. nurtnr will be received iik ten daya or two weeks, after which tho work wilt Boon commence and it. will bo complet ed in about five mjuth-. Salem Talk. Uow the publication of rilthv mat ter pays is shown in the cise of the weekly edition of the Sun, which ordi nirly roaches shout 0,000 copies. During th thie mmk Ja,y 11 itrarKed fra 40,742 u 41.6U2. Uy printing tho oW-ni v of -lie Pmlt Xfa'l Gatstto, h iNwev-r, In the edition of July 18, itwasr..n up to 1(52 732. The be extra profit on th ohao-ue aonioo would be, UM 1 ' course a me trfl 'to the oprl-tors ofo ros i ha nun. 1IHS oeiuir Parties already subscribers to tbe Dkmo ci: at, who wi-h Jto send the paper elf to a friend or friends can do so for 2. C. K, AVOIA-$RTOIt. O, H, IBVIMB. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. "O01oo up stairs in Froman'a Brick ALBANY, 0RB60N. . . . ... j . 1 1 .... . rbr. "red stallions, anu ininjr (Iran and saddle horses W. T OflOBRAjr, Brownsvil e, Or. ii O i r.L FOR SALE. . rr. ... u: ,.,! 1 1.. froctri S' weil furntahed room,, (tie "iny uum in U)wu, laMO and o m!L d utceHHary aiid terms easy, A. B.Colver & Soxf . Prineville, Oregon, ROYAL BLOOD. We aro all king und queen in thl country and wo havn m right to as good Wood its th;t whlcli eourae.i through the vin of oruprors. If the blood i-i p or and the cheek-, are pate it is known tbat Brown's Iron Bitters in the great tottie which wlil ive color, vigor mid vitality Mr. M. K Giqson, of Vel lint, Mis, srtys : "I felt weik and debll lated, Browa'a Iron Bitters uaade uio strong and well. Georgia is to-day one f the most, rii I Htates in th.i Union in her regula tion of the Mquor traffic. By statistical famished ilie temperance convention in. session ot Atlanta, i lappears that out. of 138 conuties iu tho Ktate 100 have, prohibition, b .tli in iheory and in prao- ,l,;u nnltf 23 ailing vet unaflectetf " ..w J by the tumi.eiaucu movement. All this has Voen accomplished in a volun tary way, under what is termed local option law. There has beeu a great re form of drinking habite in most parta of the south, and consequently a dd-i crease of crimes of violence aWincT iniimu. baiiifsuo rooin, dressing a ' " . . . . . Urmwii iiHoer as ,oom, etc., with oetltng U teet u.gut r ; ,xm h,k .hem- i i .i... . IiamI. hi via. " j iao in ihe ail-mo of tli -s- suuiui-r We, in common with all the cttuens oi . - . . ., ' . .. . ..i-i ,.i iHa eveninas tn ll-e co ii,m abo bei it was our growing little ey, - S - ' . (lU. .iti, w-.rW hm to W KJ VM ' ' ' '- nut 120,000 eopios .1 t boaaily stuff MALARIA Kntcra the srratem from eavasa, at all seasons. Shatters the Iferna, Impairs Digestion, aad Kaneaieatae aascu. improvement. I' u one mai nau Ccu needed tor some urn', but mg to the dapreaaed state of business and finan cial ditfioulties in which the road has been involved, it coul I not be made. Thi. tircRent inaoairemeut is working bard to place the load in the beat pos sible condition, accommodate the peo- j pie and yet maintain the interests ot 1 the bond holders, lvumoreu $ VlOO.lieyitter. Louis Kossuth remains iu a deli st at 3 state of health. . - . . .. a : . in the haalsofihH h.yaaOM youn men of that gieat citv iu which pulpit press and police Hud it aaob hard eork not to ext i..H'e uu ora t v an 1 wi ciesn -ness,bi.te - n t a' a e them ttit- ly. . , - - Mr. Whlttier helinv ilt.ii Kilzir ... r Wright, Robert Purvis so l nt useu are the only slg iers uf ittc innous ami-8lavery declaration of 1833 who now survive. pUTLKRY. tha ivftjit Una of cutlerv in the valley be found at our store. It embraces pocket knives, table knives, forks and spoons, buoher knives, buntiug knives, paring kuKos, shears and selsaora ot all s nfJs. and the best bne of tszors ever brengbt into Albany. Come and see for your selves. p cc. u Sraw var. F OR SALE. n m bundled and forty a. rev, sin miiw above Lebanon. 40 seres in eul livatlon. 10 seres ala-hed anil sown to gr8 to in fori able dwellit:, good outluitisee. Ohenp lniuire at tills ottlce. THE BEST TONIC Quickly and eosnplststy enren Mnl art a, and Chllia and Fevers. For Interaalttent Fevers, altnde, Lack of Energy, it has no equal. It enriohes ana purines the blood, stimulates the ap petite, and strensthensthe muscles and nervea. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache, or Srnduce oonstiriahon all other Iron mtditine do. 'atheb T. J. Ksn.LT, tbe patriotio and scholarly Catholic Divine, of Arkanssa, says: "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters with the great -st satisfaction for Malaria, and as a preventive of Chills and like diseases, and will always keep it on hand as a ready friend." Uenurae Has above trade marK ana crossed red lines mm EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. telntac list of prizes for recipes. Information about coins, etc., given away by all dealers in medicine, or xoaiied to any address on receipt ot Sc. stamp. KK-DlNUruN, WUOUAtlD'AO., Portland Or. OPIUM AHDMfl&PIHE HABIT CUBSB BY W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D. 1 i , ir . t- 1 I.L'll e l i'UTH I't R1 a-w ... i a t 1 li-alaVA1. NA .iw. .t ItlllH lilllll IJUBIUVMI P!il UI IW3C v mwmmwm dress above at Albany. Oregon. oTnsbeior Tibe.-rs, M oncc address Tin' k anu uo auBu., .