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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1885)
ONLY CIRCUS AND MENAOJEKIK TO BE IN OREGON THIS YEAR l lTE DAY FOB THE MULTITUDES ! A ft9.0n0.000 CONSOLIDATION ! 010 TIME IDEAS DISCMffiED ! ENDLESS 4.000 DAILY EXPENSE S A BRAND NEW SHOW ! 1 liatUM In Sv. s.ii ui. Kxclusiv Attractions I Albany, Thursday, Aug. l'Uli, 1S85. THE OLDEST I TEX LAMEST I THE BEST OF ALL SHOWS I JOHN ROBINSON'S Great World's OOMBINBD. MIT PAIL TO BK IN TIMS TO WITN'KMM Till: $300,000 Free Street Pageant ! 31 Chariots, 4 Staam Musses! Wagons, It Moantsd Trumpeters, 900 Hdwi, I J Separate Hints ol Moslo, Femat Bums Hand, BeoUiah Bagpipes, 100 Mount 1 Koishu, 50 tagee, V Steam Organ. rVtnala Opsn Air Opm, 100 PjoWsJI DtsUact Bants, I utiles TrouiwTitsmm I'slllo,, 60 Country Duw, ui r raursUUN tins uaiti : Tigers, Lions, llysuas, Lsoaarss, Inn, Python, AMcoudM. Bo Constrictors, -.. l-.h their kw;.r. all thrown open, with km down, in th mighty faxmi. 50-CAGE MENAGERIE Tws ssostsiissBfiUSiislTa in IBs world, surpass!" in saagnUmle the moat pretentious of the eataolishn-eht of Eu.-ops, iu uonaUnUy recuperated from Um arsaa i Miftau and hunters, dMwtbuiad over oil at GRACE ! the tattooed woman. EARTH SEVER SAW TIE LIRE IEF91E ZOLA, the Female Blondin, Riding kVft! Wira, 00 frt abort otut HPTT k 1 Skating on a light -1 U ILiA I Wire, l6atd 1 fast, and performing the most difficult or FEMALE ENGLISH 9 BICYCLE RIDERS ! 9 In I'rraasids, Oosss walti tress whattiiar to WsOBlisr, and Startling EroluUona. IBM FAMILY ! In wonderful and lightning Hair, Teath ami ti Slides from tha topmoat point of lha Canvaa to thr fmtai. M' LLE ELLA ZOLA Hie i wira Uwaan, walk with feet in-! eased in baakata. on a three inch wira carry - ingahasry MUSEUM OF LIVING WONDERS AND A VAST COLLECTION OF KELIC OF THEOLUEN aVOK AND MODERN CL'KK'Sl riKB. A HERD OF MONSTER ELEPHANTS Of all turns. aUeeand kinds. LONG HAIRED BELMONT SISTERS. , Length of Hair, 7 feet. Thickness, 4 inch. VIOLA, Hindoo Snake Charmer. s',,0OQ Drove Of Giraffea. $20,000 School of.Sea Lions. $10,000 White Nile II ipp-t.trou $50,000 Taminour. $5,0000 School of Walrus. SCHOOL OF TKA1NED ANIMALS FUBDlMMft Trained Elephants, Trained Camels, Trained Buffalo. Tiainrd . bra, Trained CRIdNAvIIIIa Horaea, Trdned Elk, Trained Oatrich, Traiued Ponies OX with 8 asparate hornn, 8 diatinct eyea. 2 Horned Namatrian RhlBorror. -WO Horaea. 80 Camels. Giant Horae, 21 handa high. 3 Circuae in rlngn and newly invented. Enormous elevated stage Over 110 ail star Artists, male and female. Gymnaata, Riders, Acrobats, Clows, Mpectal. 150 nw novel art 8 Separate Performances going on at one time in plain view of the atfiieune. asefnraaatwfnasi Hoain ! Performer, from ISrfornere from Italy ! Performs from Australia I ALSO EXHIBIT AT, . . Aognst 10th. I Rohebcko, . . . . . 12th. Salcm, 1 5th. Portland, . . Ashland, Ecubnr, Okkoon City, McMinnvillk, . . ixdkpbsdenck, . . . i'Jth. 2lat. Cheap Excursions on All Kailrods. The price of Admission ia only the aame aa is charged by Minor Shows, DOORS OPEN AT I AND 7 P. M. To the Unfortunate ! DK GIBBON'S Dispensary. aCiO K.BABST ST., IpwO corner of Commer cial, Baa Fraadeco, CaL lEataMiahed in IBM, for I the trrstrociit of Sexual and Seminal Uiacases, uca aa fiamwrrhea, aileet, iMHeiare, BpkUls in all its forms, aessistsi Weakseaa. lasaoOao. and Lorn of Manhood ).anu. intly cured. The aick and afflicted should not fail u sail upon him. Tha Doctor has trareled alter-si rely in Earope, nd inspeoted thoroughly the various h.ntpital there, ubtmning a great deal of ralupble information, which he ia competent to im part to thoae in need of his ee: vices Toe Doctor cureewhen others fall. Try him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unices he effect a cure. Peraona si s diataaea CUBES AT MME All commaaies tlonaatrictly oooadsnUai. Ail letter answered in plain envelopes. Band ten dollars for a package of medicine. Call or write. Addreaa DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1967, Ban Franeieo, Cal. (Mention Albany DanocssT.) O. (! OHKRRT. O.R.P I 11 If ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Hucoeaeors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millsmglits, and Iror Founders. w ' E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL i plated, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Entdnes, Grist and Saw Mid Machinery, and all kinda rf Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERN NADK BT IfTUl. Special attention given to repairing all kinda of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator Guardian's Sale. NOTICE ia hereby given that the undersigned as Guardian of Samuel and Harry Meyer, minor heirs of M Meyer, dese.-iaed, will on Saturday, the 1st day of August, 1885, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of siid day, at the dun House djor in Albany, Linn county, State of Oregon, by virtue of au order of the County Court of Marion county, State of Oregon, made on the 6th day of June, 18j5,licensii)g him to do so sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for easb, all the right, and interest of said Samuel Meyer aud Harry of, in and ts Lots No. (6) five and () alx In Block WO. (20) twenty in the town of Albany in said aounty of Una epiuity, Stat of Oregon. June 30th, 1886. Ka vast Mivsk, Guardian. rVMMR IfffMM UUs Hsr CHANCES AND TRANSFORMATION ! 00.000 IN NEW FEATURES ! I'nrlralcU In Vnrtety and Nsvsltj ol Its Kaaturss ' Exposition, fcuropr, Asia, Alrn-a, A mono ami Australia, tj an a wninrv uiu . nun me tun tue r hi, iniia ZENOBIA. Hurled 100 feet th rough apace by Ancinel It -n Terrific War Engine. THE CATAPULT. Ml Hl Ittit. AT IT 4 I Mill AIDAI Whn tiitna, head frcm-art. from the tin Cam at into a not 100 fact below. Mile forte, Ceiling Walker ! Who at the Apex of I h Cinva walk, runt at at JaiH M nli the band sow n ward . FEMALE MttKUl 1 8 Roller Skaters ! 28 In llieir native Dances. ATohaic Fran ana Wonderful Skating. TVL1 A FAMILY, (nU - vcl Kuk-r mul Skater, on Hlllta. t nr I, t li .-h perfurmintf the moat mar ling of Acn.Uaii.- and Skat ortal Paata. EVERY NATION REPRESENTED, Tribes f Hindoos. Kurda, Ureeka. Cannibals. Artets. Arabs, Medea, Japanese, Fatagoniana, Frjeea, Nuhiana, Egyptians. Malaya, Hon ten tots, and Afghans, all la tbrir Xatlve t tamrt ami 4 rrrmoitir. Artuts fiom 0 irn i t ! ArtiaU from Kr.ii-- ' ArtUU troti Art'tia Arti.t t fnin Japm '. " Ilth. " 14th. 17,18th. M 20ih. " 22nd. CORVALLIS, HlLLSBOBO. . DR. UEBIC Q rrlvnfe titM-Ma ry, I.I 400 Geary St., San Francisoo. Cal. Conducted by Qualified Phyticlana CD and Surgeon regular graduate. sCV The Oldest ijecialits in ti e tf united Htates, Hie long experience, j wrtccv nirinuu aim pure uieuicine, of all Private, Chronic and Nervious Dieeaacs Atfectiou of the Blood, Skis, Kidneys, Bladder. Eruptioua, C leers, Old Sores, Swefiiuir of the kGlauis, Sore Mouth, 'lhroat Bone r'aiiia.permaneiit'y cured and eradi cated from the avktem for life. AKKf ltfl S Debility, Imitotency, Seminal Loaaes, Sexual lecay, Men Island I'lMitical V.'eakue, raiiiriir OWWIFIIJ, .liV I.V'--, ,Ti illlil iJ I ' . velopiuent,lniiedmient toMarria: Q etc., from excess or )outhful f.dlie. aaa or any cause, eeii!y, aafcly and privately cured. Z loans.. Mlddle-ABcd and Old tf men, and all who need medical skill saw and expenence. commit the old 2 Enropean Physician at once. Hi opinion :Mta noihiny, and ma ava futuie misery and abatne. When ii. convenient to iit the city for treatment, medicinta can be sent eteryahtreby expresa free from observation. It in ncll-evidtntthai a physician who gitt hi whole attention to a class of diaeases attains great skill, and phjfciciaos thro ugh out tha country, knowing thin, frequently rt-ct rumend difAcult cases to the oldest ncialit, by shorn ever known good remedy i used. The Doctor ajje anu experience make hi opinion of nuprcme iinortance. garThose who call aee no one but the In -tor. Con sultations free and aacreoly confidential . Cases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere eec ially solicited. Female diseases auccefully treated. The Doctor will aeree to forfeit $1,000 for a case un dertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily.from 9 a. m. to 4 p. nr., 6 to 8 evening ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Send for tha Sanitarist Oidde to Health, aent free. Addreaa aa abov DK. um S Wonderful 4. rut a it luvlKOiator Permanently prevents all Unnatural Loaaea from the system, tones the nerves, strengthen the muscles, checks the waste, invigorates the whole system, and mini The reason mt many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., ia owinto a com plication, called Proatatorrhea with Hyperaethekia, which requirea peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig'a In vigorator is the only positive cure for Prontatorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at thr Liebig Disftensary. Price of lavlcerator, $3. Case of 8ix bottle B10. Sent to any adJres, covered securely lrom ob servation Most powerful electric belts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the Invij. A Battle Given or Sent Free. Consultation tree and private. Call or address UEBIC D18PKV4 4BY, 400 Oeary Street. San Francisco, Cal Private entrance, 405 Mason Street, four block up Oeary Street from Kearney, Main entrance throug.i uispensary uruif store. more money th an at any Thina: else by takint an agency lor the best seilinsr book out. bearinners uc coed rrandly. None fail, Term free, Hallett Book jo foruanu, maine, CH0NG HUNG. Washes and Irons clothes in first-cla- style, at reasonable rates. Wucee-or to Xee. One door south of Revere Uouee.on Mil .! sfJA Etuswoixn Dureec. ALBANY R ECI0N IT k Blalnr r liberty KallglttsulaK iUv Morld.' The Ciimnilttse in charge td the construction of the tao and lanlealal for tlu ie rplion r uugri wora, In ortler to raise runtis nr ii uompiavmu. naf pro pagssl s miniature Statuette alx inches in height, the SUtue linuisaii; ladeatal, Niukelailvsicd, whleli they are now delivering to aubscr liter through out the I'nlted SUtosat one dollar csvh. This attract Ivn atiuvruir and inaulel or desk orna ment I a pe.foct tac al nils ot the model furttishtHl lv the artist. The SUtuftte lu Minn metal, twelve Inches high. al live dollars tach, delivered. The ilesiuu f Statue and I West a I are protected bv t s Fateut. and thu can only bo furnUlied by Hit Commute. Addreaa, with remittance. RICHARD UlTl.ER, Baeretary, Auirii.-an Committee of the Ubvrlv, 33 Mercer Strtt, New Yik. 4 hurrh Btrelsr U. 1. Cut'Mi H.l'reachtngevtiry Sabbath, it 11 a. u., and 7 r. M. by llev. f.. U. lr vmo. D. 11. Ssbballt Sciuxtl at 2.:tl v. M Prsyur uiootmx overy Wmlueasday evening. Kvanoblical CliUKi H. lVoauhiug on Hsb utth at II a.m.. end ?& r. M. S.tbitsth School 12:15. Prayer iiuctutK t very Thurs dav ovouuik!. K. Iavis, psator. All are invited. CoSUItBtlATIONAl.t'ltl'lU H. S l vi. r ..-very 8albath at 11a. m . and S P. M. HabUth School at ttltsV Traycr uteotitig on Thurstlay eveniug of each week, f, W. Harris, pastor. M. K. Church, South. Treaching every Ssbbath morning at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Ssb hath School at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer moetiog' every Thuraday sveuing at .:'' o'clock. F. M. t'ulp, I'astor. M. E, Cut mil Stu rii.Twugsr. I'roach ing every Sabbath at :i:3t) o'clock, i m. Ssb. hath Sclutol at 2 :M) o'clock, iv m. r. M. Culp, Paat.T. M. E. Cut' ECU. Preaching every Sabbath st 11 a. u. snd 7 r. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. He v. M. Judy, jstator. Frbsbytkiwax t lit Kt ii. Service every Sabbath morning aud evening in Church cor. Hroadalbin and Filth Sta. Suu.lsy School at 2 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. He v. lease li. Condit pastor. Ft bht Ha ft i r Cit u ucu . Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Church on .'th Stroet. Ssbbath Schottl uunio-liately after morning services. Prsyrr meeting e ery Thutsdiy evening at 7:30 o'clock. T (J Urowusun, pastor. L'MtVBBSAi.tTH Cm u H. Preaching ever second sud lourth SLbsth of each month at Crawford's Hall at II o'clock, a. m., and 7 o'clock, P. M. Sabbath School at 12 ft The Bt YETtV OviDE is Issued March and Sept., each year; 221 pmi-, 8 ! x 1 1 1 itK'hea, with over .lf.tOO ilhiatrstioria-l r. whole picture gallery, fiivea wholesale prices direrf fo evnsumert on all goods f r ftrsonal or ssflj family use. ells how to jsssMs, order, and givfw exat-t Mg oatt of tv- r ihingyou B m ue, drin!t, eat, wear, or BssaV have (un with. These invaluable hooks contain Informatirtn -!.-ant-l the m-trkt tof thu world. Wewilliriutl atxipy Frr to m-y addrosi upon receipt of the postage i) cents. Let i I gg from you. Q Hcspectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. as : a ase Waswaa ,.. tic. UL TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oae of appetite. Dowels costive, 1'aln 1st the bead, with a dull eeseeuien In tho stack port. Pats under the shoulder. blade, Fullness after esttlag, with a dis inclination to exentea of body or mind, Irritability ol temper, Low spirits, with afeeliagef bnvlsg neglected eoane dntr. Wenrineaa, Dizziness, Muttering at the Heart. Data before the eyes, Headache over the right eye, Ueattossaeas, with fitful dreams. Highly colored t rine, and CONSTIPATION. TtTTT'W riLI.a are especially adapted to such cases, one doao effects gttch a charign of feeling a to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the A rtetlte,and cause tha Itody to Take on P'lesiSjthus the system Is nourished, f-nl hy ih- ir Tonic Action os tbt Ifiiceatlve Oruana.ltejrutar Mtool tolaar re nrtxiwfti. i-rn-e rc. 1 s si nyrsty mt. TUTTS HAIR D OKAT Il tfR or WutaKEBt chsnged to a Gutftsr HlacK by a single application of this 1m:. Jt impsrfa a natural color, acta Instsntsneoualy. Hold by LrrugKlsts, or sent ly express on receipt of $1. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. Dr.SANFO INVIGORATOR Is just what its name implies ; a rurcljr Vegetable Compound, Hut nets directly upon the Mvcr ; curing Ihe many diseases icid emAo Uiat im portant organ, and pihting the nu merous ailments iKiij zrkc from Ita deranged ormjtVction, such an Byspepsi Jdicc, Biliousness, CosVene5sw!laria, Sick-headache, Rhcualretc. It is therefore a lruisnir"To have Good Health Ihe Liver must be hept in order." DR. BASFOHD'S LlVIIi i:;IGC2lAT01l. InvifforatcathcLivi r, Re'tihJestbe Bow els, Strengthens the rnslem. Ptttlfettko Blood, Assists Digestion, Vn vcnli Fevt rs. Is a Household Need. An Jr. valuable Family Mcdicino for comrci:i complaints. rx BAnroHD'3 uvra irv:cor.ATO!L An eaperienes f Forty peart, a.ii Thovt sandt of Tcntinumutlg prove is Mu ll, FOn BALE BY ALL MAMEKB fx Mr.Dicrsats, For full MstBMfiea ' 'd jroet u for loi page Hook on the "I.ivr i -. i I' !-e&ses,H to la. saarouu SI aWsaB '., Rw vaaa cut. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. OR SALE, One half block tn eastern part of tbe city with fair house and barn will be sold hub RD'S PHIDAY JULY SI, 1885 nanni!TO!s lkttkm. (Krom our regular enrremdut.) Wasuinqtox, July, 1 1th, i885. Itkl rumored that tho lrwlUont i nreparlng to loavo Washington for n summer vacation. UU phnn it N aaltt, hnvo been arrangitl, and ho will prelmbly lonvo next woe It. UIh deHtinatlon In the woods of New York suite. Thcro is n place thirty miles from the railroad where Mr, (,'leve Inod hojies to eaenpe for a Heason tho worry and bother of oftico seekerfi,anrJ polltlcliuifl. 11 1 plans have heen made verj tpilotly, and he will prob ably leave when the time arrives without more ado than If he were a private citizen, The President docs not propose to bo followed In his re treat hy either Journalist or politician. He has been working very hard for the Ittst four m'inlhs and no doubt will be benefitted by a rent as well iw ediflcd hy a perspective nml retro spective flew of his work. No other President in all our his tory has been sulj-cted to the ordeal Of such a terrible pressure furofheo on the part of those who aldtd in elect ing him. The mhtrikes that are purely his own are fewer than might have been expected from one sj Utile acquainted with national politic, and tho pcrsonelle of his pariy. His position has been peculiarly difucuit for maoy teasons, not the least of which is tho eternal menace of the small but patent Republican majority in the senate. And In ihe solitudes of the Adlrondacks, he will have time to look back over the eventful year that has passed since he was last by h i rasel f.aud to d ra w 1 uspl r I ng st rongth from Inflexible nature for tho stern duties I hat he must meet and per- form. At this season of the year the gov ernment employes begin to think of vacation joys, and, iu consequence, tho flies of the department aro crowd- ed with appllciil ins fur leave. This year however, there is a remarkable dearth of such applications, and it might be concluded that Washington was becoming a favorite summer re sort. The conclusion which I more generally drawn is that the govern ment employes feet more comfortable at home, nnd attending lo their duties than tney would bo at the coolest re sort in the world with the daily x P station of receiving word from home that they had beeti bounced. There has been no new ruling on the question of leaves, and a few have been granted for the accustomed term of thirty days. But it Is probable that very few leaves will be taken thi year until lato in the season when matters have quieted down. Ia some of the departments It Is probable that thirty days leave will be scaled down to twenty days, and In some of tho bureaus co leaves will be granted at tU. There seems to be no disposi tion on the psrt of the clerks to make complaint oil this score, so far tiie question tins not been forced upon the attention of the heads of the de partments. A new policy with regsrd to Indi ans Is proposed, which, If carried out, will put a quietus fo Indian troubles. An order was issued yesterday from the office of tho Secretary of Warf and sent to Gen. Miles wbo is to take tho field in command of tho troops now in the Indian Territory to sup press the trouble with the Cheen nes. Army officers about the War department are reticent, but little can be learned as to the precise terms of the instructions of General Miles. It is said, however, that General Miles has been ordered to disarm the Indians. The Cheyennes are armed with the latest Improved rifles, and are well supplied wiih amunition. For some time they have expected that they were to bo disarmed and some have secreted their arms. It is thought by orHcials here well ac quainted with the Cheyennes that they will resist an effort to disarm them. There are about 1500 fighting men among them. The Secrerary of War has ordered General Sherman to con centrate all troops that may be avail able In caso of Indian disturbances in the west. If the disarmament of tho Indians could only be followed by the disarm ament of tho cow bovs and nthor outlaws of the west, an immensestride would be made in tho civilization of that savage section. The peaceful progress cf a community increases in the proportion that pistols become scarce in hip pockets, and accumulate In the windows of pawn shops. Syrup o Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal.. is Natures Own true Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foshay & Maeon, E W Langdon and Co., at lifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prombt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly i to dispel Headaches, CoHffe and Fevers ; to cure Constipation, Indigestion ami kindred Pisa for Sale Cheap A square piano, cost $550, will be sold at a sacrifice) for cash, For particular call at this office, 1 01V A I'.DITOOH rboro are many oponings for manu facturing t ntatilishmentn, which merit some t i N" w Knglsnd's genius in that direction. The watt i owtir of Washington ter ritory and Oregon is tinoxoelled. The raising of ft nits is only in its in fancy and promise to be a gt eat source of wealth. Tho fruits are superior to California in flavor and our fftiits (ex cept apples) aro very inferior in sie ami flavor, being more tour acrid. The secretary of tho Hoard of Trade of Tscoma, Seattle and Portland will kindly respond to any communication for information ndilressed to them. W e iraliro that wo have seen the Paoiflo slope at the most opportune time. Our oyei are not glamored. AVe know no earthly abode without its drawbacks. Vi would not juiincI peo ple to rush wildly in wucton sacrifice tothiswmld paiu'c l IMt-n. It is not a good place for the labomr who must moasuie morel with tho heathen Chi nese who infests 'ihi emit and is glad fo woik tor eight) oonts per day, and board himself. Bat f r a limited num ber of young m'n of t-nergy and caiitul with eime rxpeiieneo and shrewdness to back them, immense foi tunes aro in etor tob? realix ,d iu the near future. To another nlass, thoe a huso fortunes are madn aud whose physical beings are in drclioo so that our fit. id winters chill them through, cam And there a haven. May wo not compare our en tire United States and Territories lo a great evergreen. The eastern states forming its radicle, tho middle and western its trunk and the pacific states the foliage and hloaaom, tna valleys form the foliage, the ocean's inleta the piatilea, the rippling KtreanH the sta mens, the foothills and snow capped mountains the calyx and Corolla. Calhoun County Journal. As a general thing we found nil well satisfied wiih tho country. W only saw two persons who would say they wore not. We saw very few loafers or Idlers. In fact, we are of the opinion that this part of the coun try Is a very hard place for loafers. It Is either rustle or starve. Wages aro quite good. No one working in or about the mines gets less than $2 per day, ami frequently higher wages are paid. Farm hands, herders, aud men working by the mcn'h get from J" to 4o dollars per month and board. For persons willing to work oppor- tunltltles seemed plenty, that is at common laboring work. Clerkh?p and openings for professional men are not very plenty. After careful ob servation wo are of the opinion that there are better openings for provi sional men, not capitalists, In Iowa than there Is In Oregon rr Washing ton Ty. Kxcept In a few places in tVestorn Oregon, lln COttBtrjF is wry thinly populated. Sjdeudid openings on every hand for farmers and stock- raisers. Every place whore we stopped seemed abundantly supplied with schools and churches. We saw many very fine school buildings, from the (fialr iff .ofir.rkl.rinM ma tin f thu m.l. vi ivv t v tiJviwiivrM iv v a w -- t V'-rsiiies. Ihe stale has a IrK' hool fund which Is constantly tfrosr . ef bw " lo?. Two Bcetlona out of every 20 bs been set aside for school purposes Oregon hsj every facility for becom ing a state of wealth, culture and re finement. Oregon pofseiiies unlimited wafer ma'Dr. atifl It maim strsnrsi tn in r - " that it i not utilized to a much greater extent than it la. Kxcept a great many flour and -saw-mills there lino othor great manufacturing en. terprlaea In the state. There is some shipbuilding, but not near the am ount theie should be in o stato with so many natural advantages for uch an industry. fowa State Democrat. It is said that tho Marquis of H lis- hory considers it an honor to ho called journalist. We should think he would after being called a lord an. I a 'statesman.'' It ifl a signficant and note worthy fact that Chinamen have no disposition to form the acquaintance of any whito man who saws his own wood. The Dkmih kat will take 100 cords of wood on subscription, and we would like as (pood wood as if we were not public benefactors. linnet- for Health sad ttlarase. Man Is dependent upon his surround ing for the necessities of lifo. Air and water are necessities of life, but impure air and impure water are most prolific sources of disease. Food is also ft neces sity of life, but numerous diseases are traceable to both a lack of necessary food, and an over indulgence in special kinds of nourishment. Besides these external sources of disease there are other more subtle and internal causes. Each individ ual inbeilts lrom his parents a certain physical constitution, fcaob perse n there fore derives his chances of health or dis ease fiom a double source,' namely his in herited constitution and his surroundings In life. Sanitary science devotes attention to our surroundings. Medical science seeks to overcome the constitutional or inherited weakness bv modkines thai supply what is wanting in tbe system. uo naven s uyspepsia ijure supplies Uiat which ia wanting to ensuro proper assim ilation and digestion of food. Try it. Free samp'o bottles at Foshay A Mason's Driur Store, Albany, Oregon. Home tli I nn for the Ilitliy. V hat a terribie affliction about the house Is a cross, crying baby ! A young iran on the very edire of matrimony miahfc easily be frightened from his purpose by having too much of that sort or music at the homes of his married friends. Yet bubies cry commonly only whan they are snk. One teaspoon ful ol Parker's Tonic, given tne utxie one, win nnng rest and sleep to the baby and all in the house. Ouly 5a cents, at druggists, SAN wITim LAUNDRY AND CHINA MERCHANISINO BUSI NESS. Rica, tea and Japanese s-ooUb. Ladies' underclothes, sold at bottom prices. Contractor for China labor. .VNext to City Bank. "Rough on Ruts. , mice, roachen, Slea, ant boil bus Menu 1'aln. I'alpltatli'ti, lnmlial Swellings, Iji7?lietfl, I mil nation. IIiuiIik (, Hln j.j. MM' i tirril l "Well lenltb llenewer." "Rough on Corns.'' Ask for Wells' "Hough on Corn." l.v. Oulok, complete cure. Hard or aolt SOMBj wart, bunion. "Riirltn-Fnttia." t;nl k, complete, cure, nil Kidney, ml I i inary llmr. Seabliuif, Irritatlou, Huu , Oran ', (atarrah of th Bladder. St, OrUKulat. Rril-Bwg, fit Klle. roai In , itnt, Is-il bnjfs, rata, inli'c, koIi r, ( blpiiiliiihx, learcd out by "Honied on iut. I , Tbln People. "W fll's lb nil b Hrnewnr" restort lu-uHb ntiil li.'"r Cure liye)Hia, lin(Mtnos, Veaual l'tb.'ii) , SI. "Rows! on I'nlii ' Cure cholera, rolle, cramp, dlarrho.-s,ar-be,lnl Sprain, headache, tiurali, rb;iinitim. 'O i-unln. It.iot; "ii I'ain I'lMlers, i: MedMtSi If ou are falling, broken, rn out ami ncivrti, use "Will llraltb Iteuewer." SI. Prutrffists. Life Prrerer. If vea art fosfa; year tnp os life, try lUnllh l! hi a. i o uirei t to win ((. "RomkIi oa 1'llr " ...... I'll... ... ll.., ii. i.i..,. ..,.ti.... lllrwillni;, Internal or nttwT Internal and esternai rentcdy In a-h ) ksvc. Mure cure, l rrrlf) Wotiirn iru-r.ii, l.allwi I i tail n woiibl n lain freahne and tfvavi')' try "Wells' rtaalth Henowsr." 'Rough on flrh. "Hough on , b" nr a bt n.i r, n ll ns.tiri worm, tetter, sail ilx iitn, IroaUil ft-vt, t bill, lain. "ftettgb un 4larrah." ffeusirn lors at one. Complete SB itie eases, ab uuepialad as gargU H.i llifxat, Kl!ll l'.f!Hl '! Corr worrt Wftl f.r lar ii..j.. r (it. Gallon. Chiklrsa, In drtl'iiHtit ,niiv, n-fifiii sn-l tlslM-sts, use "WslU' llsallli lioncwtr," f atarrli sr Ibr f-i .-? t Blingitiii,, Itifliiiunstl-.n. all KLIimf and l'ri njliii, i tml by "I'.uiliu-eslbs.'' fl Walrr Mas. Hoacltr "Roli on lists' ..-ar tlrii init. 1 IktSlrs AaU. H MASSiLOX TIIRKSHER IsOiegrasiMtsrslnaatlni' BaWSBBB " Uo iwi.1 rrt.luf t ,.li,u, , ; i... ur, , , wr. ml u,uil,l in .ui, ,fU .lurablllt, .. "" "" " sls tnasufactim II t farm Knsinf l.r. B4rt'staliis snd .riou list atnt f.. A.l.lrea KIHSI LLH .. Itr.iin 1 1 M .i - r. i ! ., ii .( . : A Clear Skin is only part of licauty; but it is a part. Kvery lady may have it; at least, what looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. ( aiifornia Wire Works. 291 lARMIT STREET, SIX FR.lXC.M0. um run aaas or WIRE iSD E7BRTTHIHG IN WIRE, ) . , w. UaTuBu W 1T8 wet nuro 1 Illicit .at. r rust.n era a.''t aasafss. ' RAlliritT WlPfl 1 awe o v all .r at L.acsl tuarkvt rate. Wire Netting All i..i.!w- A iitba.Kaltaniard aiu-r inatlc.f.T puuitr anls,tc. Wire Cloth Of all kl.Tds for fruit dryers. thith sr., luxcsur, rtaSBSBj tc, Hop Wire 9m training luifw. mads fr. m steel In long length, .fecial! fur the tniriMisc. GopherTraps And all other kind of trap tor, atiUtrrrl. ran s4:d rules. VinOtrdU T.inco ror K' ' ins-yards, di luiujitiit juiuuo idcdln ilata'ic snd made ! atmU1 wi" ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL WIRE AND IRON WORKS. , N',,TK umttzumc, bj i ,u NOT ICE. U. 8. Land omci, K sKBLitu.Or,. June 25ih,1885. Complaint havinir heen made and tiled In this ofHce by William J. Fox niraint Philip Hiiihlan.l for abandoning his do nation cl dm in Notification No. 3(lt'.t for the S. X of N K ? and N H of S 1 : 1 ; of Section 1, Township 14, south of range 2, wetortho Willamette meridian with the view to the cancellation of said claim, the said parties, including the heirs and letl representatives of the said Philip High laud are hereby cited to appear before tho County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon on tbe 7th day of August, 1885 at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. W.I', Hkn.i am I N", Hegister. .t, c. iv unrroit, r. oi m. Final Settlement. In thr matte r of the JmobI ''" fBMefa BtffjL deceased, NOTICE I hereby ffivcu 'bat tlia undcrsig-titMl Ad ministrator of the estate nf 1'atm-la Ikrry, deceaAcd In tiled hi flnal aooount in said matter in the Coun ty Court of Linn eouuty, tiregon, and that aald Court has appointed Monday the llrd dav al Ai-.-mhi, 1886, at the hoar of 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day m the time for hearing object inn to such flnl sBBJSStat and the settlement thereof. DattdJuly lt, IW J, L. MlLLKR, IIkwittA, ItHVAST. Administrator. Attorneys for Administrator. PATENTS Obtained, and all other hualnoss in tho V. S fstsnt OHlce atteudedtHl to for moderate fee. Our ofllce la op))oit the U.S. Patent Office, snd ve can obtain Patent less time than tho-.e rcmutc trom Wiishinifton. bend modle ordras-inff. We at-' to patent ability free of charge ; mid wc make o eharge unless we obtain patent. We refer hero, to the PiMtmaatcr, the Snpt. of Money Order Dlv. and to officials of the U. S. Patent OMicc. For circular, advice, terms, and eferenccs oactual client iu your own Slate or county, uddrc&b Ca Aa SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washinjfton, D . OF ANOTHER ACE. Gradually Supplanted by a Better Article Certain Old Times are Done Away. In the general reception room of the Western Union Teleirraph building- on Lroudwav. New York. are exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy instru ments of the Infancy of tho telegraph. They are oniy rencs now. juoro penect macinncry has super bcut-u meiu. Year ago what ia styled tha old-fashioned porous plaster did some good service. There was Uien noth ing better of the kind. Now all that has changed. Science and study have gone deeper into the secret of medicine and produced BENSON'S CAPCINE POR OUS PLASTER, whioh embodies all tho excellencies thus lar possible in an external remedy. The old plasters are slow the Capcine is rapid ; they wt re uneertain the Capcine is sura. Cheaper article.-, bear similar name. Bo careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist does not deceive you. Price 25 .cents. Soahury Jt Johmon, Chemist, New York. JULIUS GRADWOHL Ilaa tbe only exelnalve fltoek of CROCKERY, CLA889S!IVER AND CHIKA WARE A Largo Assortment of My Carnages, And a Choice Select-on of Coffee, Tea and Sng ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WIN 10 W LIGHTS AND LIM.E tiii: BUGBUgST jjabkkt raien iaib fk r.-i Eemombtrl What I Say I Mean, Give Ha a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- Bu y th Best FRANK BROS. IMPLEMENT COMPANY DE4UMUJ IS Farm and Mill Maeliinerye W altar A. wood's ii!nir, V. :iit'r .. V. ;i1'h t ti4Mi HhL- I:airf-r-, V. alter A Wit'i K weep Its ke JU-sprh, f.asr, HaAt A CVs. Jnaratois, ; ,nr, B M .V ;..'- Plain tii Traction Kngints. Coates 1ifk layassf Hay Uako. Walter A. WmkI ' Kotloatd V.?r ltt ALSO A FULL LINE OF FAR, VI MACHINERY. Wilte for Cat aiosue. AddrPs tlibf r FRANK BROS., 1MPL CO., PORTLAND, OR. JULIUS GRADWOHL, AGENT, ALBANY. OR. IIOITJIAX ALBANY SODA WORKS AND DRAJLKR8 IN Imported and Domestic Cigais, Tobaccos, Groceries Candicp Nuts snd Tropical Fruits. A ! bany. NI'AftLY OI'PJSirK ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumberjatbs and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notic Use only best Calapooia timber- Prico and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. FRED tiRAF, Manufacturers and Dcalorsn all kin . J I TaMTI RK, ARD USDESTAKERS, 8 First Street Albany, Or R. J, TRUMBULL & CO., Growers, Importers and Dealers in- SIEDS, TREES AND PLANTS. 410, 4:21 B-eVISTSOlvlIIi: ST., SAN FRANCISCO - - - - CAL Illustrated catalogues for IS85 free on application. H. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent. 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. itcpresents several of tbe best Fire Ia -BBjBBjBjfsj Companies on the Coast. Call on him for reliable insurance. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR JO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at boltoni prices. ALBANY. OREGON. Notary Public and Conveyance Collodions made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., - - SGIO, OR P. M. MILLER, Attorney and Gounslor At Law, LEBANON. OREGON. Wil lpractieo in all fchfl C urU In (be SlaU H OUS-E AiD L.uT Eult SAL.E. 280 acres of laud for sale. House aud lot sittiared in N, W, part of f;eio. Tbe land lies - miles southeast of Providonee Church. Unimproved, 100 acres open, balance brush. Inquire of J. L. MirxER, Scio. B LACKSMITO'S OUTFITS, Anvils, vises, bellows.bammers, sledces. stooks aud dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keop constantly on hind. Also a lull ?tock of iron .of al! sizes, horse shoes and horse shoe nails. Special prices made on small outfits for farmers use, PSTKXfl ST K WART. and be Happy ! & J0SEP1 ipIUhToits OF- Oregon 89yl JOHN BRIOGS' STORE. O A i . II. II. TIME TALBE, Albany Station. t.i.e.iuTi ke or TKAI. sorxD scam. Al.n.WV l M'KF.y.S Ifrt st FP.tlOHT 7KA1S " A. M A. M. 11:4& a. M P. M 11:5 A. M . S:30 P. M. BM P. M. MAIL, Til A I.N i Arrives at -'( Departs st sot-ss sorra. t Arrives at Devarta at MAIL TH VIS nUROBT TRAIN " A '.it AMY KXfnrS ArrtTBSsA All Train dally, everpt Sunday . Noticb. On and after this date regular tickets will Le sold at our ticket office for following pints on Columbia river: Upper Cascade., Ladle i, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla WalU and Ainsworth. Will. It- Rick, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A C. R. E. Co. Alb.103. June 18th, 188. Invaltds'HoteliSurglcai Institute BUFFALO,' KT- Orgauixcd rrllh at full Sta IT or ciltteae t:perlenccdl and Skillful Physician and Margeotts for liie treataacst of all Chronic Disease. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrh. Tlar oat and Xnn8; Diwen, JLivcr aud Kidney JDIseascst Ol adder Disease, Etiaeaaea of Women, Blood Diaeaaea aud Nerv ous Affection, cured here or-srt. home, with or without scx-luc tho pacicut. Come ana sco us, or send ten cents in stamps for our " Ins alius.' Guide Uoolct wtieh givea all piu-ticulara. Nervous Debility, luipo tcnrV) Nocturnal Lossea, and ail Morbid Conditions caused by YoutHfnl Fol liea and Pernlcioua Soil tary Practirea aiv speedily mid nermmieiiilv cunyl hv our Specialists. liooU. post-paid, iJ efs. In stamji, mm If u of u re. or Itrttich. radi- n 1 c-.illy cured without the knita, HUPTiJRL I wilbout trussed, without pain, sswi vaiba a Uuj wjtj,.M!t diinjeer. Cnren (uarauteed. HociU mm lor ton cents In sranns. .. PILG ffl.nOKS and STKICTUKES tmited under ttuaruntcn to cure, liook sent for ton cents In stamps. Address Wohi.d's Dispkxsary Medical Association, 6sj Main SUxvt, Buffalo, N. Y. I iiio iivarment or many thousauds u i ;.s-s of those UlbLAdLO Ur i disease peculiar to Women. at the Invalids' ITob-l and Smiriil Institute, has uf- fordel larso experience in auaptiu reiucdieg for their cure, and OR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is tbe iTSult cf tLij vact experience. It ia a powerful Kestorative Tonle and Nervine, imparts visror and strenirth to the system, and cures, as it by magkj. Leu. eorrliea, or "whites." cxeeaeivo fluwine, painful menstruation, an miturn! aupprcsxlonii, prolapsus or falling of the uterus, weak back, uuteversion, retroversion, hcariuR dowu sewsatiOUB. chronic contes. tion, inflninmation and ulceration of tho womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, internal heat, and fema'o weakness." It promptly ietievos and cures Nausea and Weakness of Stomach, Tndlaes. tion, if loatiusr, Nervous frost ration, and Sleeplessness, lu cither sex. PRICE $1.00, OR 6 nOTTUES FOE SjSS.OO. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce'a laxf. Treatise on Diseases of Women, illus trated. World's Br isnsary SKedicat Association, CC3 I un Street, BUPFAIiO, N. Y. SICK-HEADACHE. Bilious Headache Dlzzineas, Constipa tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, promptly cured by Dr. Pierce Pleasant Parfratlve Pellets. 25 ceuta u vial, by Drug-Blsta, Delicate Diseases.