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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1885)
i yum. TRI.L I Hi: Till I'll FRIDAY. The Or&jonian says. ; "The Albany Democrat devotes livo lines to tbe anuounoemont of (Irani a Our cotemporary, tho DitieimiuUor in its last issue, in speaking of tho fail ti i v ,1 mor t i l r u ,, , w ,,,,fJ men to loo anuounooniunt oi urwi i JULY 31, 1885 ore of John Roach, says that Secretary . i .... 4 ... -i i 1 -"".-j . : wuuney anu mo attorarj u... tUlomnt t)r wum Brui where lie was iponsible fur the failure as it was the norrti jt found space in tho muni is m i aotion in refereuoo to the Dilphin anil sue, however, for two columns of poor Wuh this tSKue the Democrat enters other eovorninent vessels built by w Roach that led to L J. , OORRBSPONDBNOH 1 f rovvnwville. !' NiJSKtlV. upon tbu twenty-second year of its ex iatenor. Like a voung man who has Now we protest that our extemporary W , , w I " Democratic editors! matter. However, I . L. T u " aVasta smsm .1 tbe asunment. "t'ovrnt.u ,.h,v .iu. vl nun urcnii t. Back in luws, when an editor strays so far from tho truth sh the Qmjoniun pasted from parental authority to the has not examined into tho subject Of 11 U lt.. - C V. J 4.1 a I II ..... .....I,.. .. itlltinliint ut V it t . I re.H,u.u.m. ui tnanoo, w - wou.u uv y " tlid in tho above instancy h is Kt once - t . a s i l . . . i . i r Ska. I ' i. . ...!. Lai l moaesi priue in uaving reaonea our .anoe wun me laets. lonvmui n vmv majority. Tbe g tea test part of the hit-1 Seoretat y Whitney and the Attorney tory and progress of Albany and Linn General have not taken aotion with tef County is blended with the history of erence to any vessel except tbu llphin ths Democrat. From the inoipiency while our co temporary traors the cause to the present, the Democrat haa been of the fsiluro to their aotion with refer- the unfaltering and devoted friend and ence to other vessels as well as the promoter of the best interest of oity Dolphin. Tbe wbola truth in a nut and county. The faot is indisputable shell is that Roach agreed in his on that every enterprise calculated to bnild I tract to construct tbe vessel in accord- u;t the county and city has received anoe with the acts of Cong: ess of March the individual support of the Democrat. 3 and August 5 1883. These sets of Upon tkia ground of business obligation Congress pro? ided for the construction we feel that we may consistently appeal 0f a dispatch vessel or clipper of the to every farmst, merchant, mechanic, kind, dimensions and quality as reco laboring man, and all who are benefitted mended by the ravsi advisory board in by the general progress of ths country, I m report which it made under date of tjr support. As a mere investment Dsc. 20, 1882. In this report they very family in the county oonld well recommended among other things that afford te invest a small yearly sum in ltt0D dispatch vessel or clipper should subscription to the Democrat. We haVe sea speed of 15 knots r hour. give as much reading matter in every ftnj ti wM lois kin 1 of a vessel that issue of the Democrat as will be found Rjsch contracted to build. Now in in an ordinary fifty oent book. So, gjl the trial trips male the Dolphin has that, to buy as muoh reading matter in not developed this speed and hence it the shape of cheaply bound books as is WM the duty of Secretary Whitney as contained io one years issue of tbe I public officer lowborn were entrust Democrat one would havo to exnd the rights and iutereats of 50,000, $25 to $30. Lat every subscriber of 000 people, to r.Ject tbe vessel. But the Democrat then obtain one new republicans are attempting to get up a subscriber and we will thus be enabled HtHe cheap sympathy for Riach by to mske the Democrat a better paper, saying that this letnsal to see pt the and more potent in promoting the beat Dolphin was tbe cauae of Riach's fell- interests of ounty, town and oity. IWAir LAMM. Toe people of Grant and Ktatnath count i--s wi'.l be much interested in a recent decUiou by Secretary Lamar in a swamp Und case from California; it ongbt to strike terror to th souls of the swamp land flood of Oregon. After setting out the facie and citing the statutes oa the subject, the stcre tary siys : A careful consideration of all the evidence shows that the said tract Is subject to periodical over flows in the winter or spring months, but the overflow subsides so as not to render the land unfit for cultivation by reason of tbe overflow. The land, therefore, is not swamp and overflow ed land within the meaning of tbe swamp land set, and tbe claim of the state must he rejected." This decis ion will cause to revert to the public domain nine-tenth of what his been gobbled in this stale under tbe swamp lind act. Ex. OTH BxrsLUurr Arroiussu. Hon. Jason Wheeler of this city ha been appointed agent at the Warm Spring Indian Reservation in Eistern Oregon, vice Alonz Qesner removed. This is a most excellent appointment and one that will meet with hearty approval by all who kno'v Mr. Wheeler. He fills the Jefferson ian test, honest and competent." We suppose our friend, Alonzo Ges- ner, will now change his mind. When he was appointed he boasted to ue about his success, whereupon we predicted that a democratic presi dent would remove him before bis term expired. 'The wills of the Gods etc." are, and the Disaemiiuitomy that tbe Secretary of the Navy and tbe Attor ney General are r sponsible for the fail- are. Now' tbe Diseminator st-sms not to have learned that Roach has already been paid over $600,000 on this self same Dolphin, and that only a few thousanJs of the contract price remaiu unpaid. No, gent)eman,a nw ordei of doin; governmental huninnss hsr been introduced and government contractor! are extec' i and required to f iltill tbeir oniraots ai vrictly as private con traders arereqiiivl lacks. I', in- been the custom iu tim m pis', to allow John Roach to s-tbmit work without examination or impeachment in return or which x'raordinary favors, he hiM contribute! muniticeut sums to elect the republican tioket from tim t timo. The advisory naval biaid ajyjintel to etamtne the veasel with a vine to ii acceptance retried that tbe workman ship was not up t ib lequiremAul of toe contract, and while the boar I wis free to admit that the plans and sp-citi- cations were tneaei, yet the veu t?x- bibits structural okaM avjt to be attribute! to f tuity plans but to their execution. Tbe truth is that Rscb has hid a free and emy iking in th way of government contrscta to a long time, and this cry "n hmuj-I. i create sympathy. But whether Wuitiiev'a re fusal to accept th-i Dilphi-i lid or did not cause the failure, does not esUSt in to tbe question, f r if it diJ, an 1 Whit ney knew before band that i'. would re snlt thus, yet as an official be could do nothing else hut ref ts j to accept. If e was acting as .he s rvant end agent of th whole eop!e of the couutiy and not tbe 2.V,o who were in tbe service of Roach . denouucail as n faUilir, und wo ate in clined to helb'VH that if we should come up to tbe full oeanure of our duty, we would also so dtuiouncu the Orejonian Gur read ctH wmII know that we said Gran'.'s lil and tit i in'N were too well known to requiro comment. This was, iu fact, a highr uulogium than tbe Oreijonum was enabled to bestow in two and a half columnn u uiattrr,whi( h we teel S4fe in saying baa been atundiug in cold ty;o f ir months awaiting the General's death. Iu aP that two ant a half cjltimn articlu in the OswomVi;i, thete was not a single ftut sta'ed that was new to its readers, except the one whvrein it is stated that in l7ti strong uttfu t was made to nominate Grant for a third term,aul that a com piomisu was trial I y tfTeeied by the nomination of Hayes; and this ws new only, because it ia not tine, th attempt to nominate Gisnt having been made iu I880 Hut iu the midst of death, while the nation ir clutbed in gloom, the Orrjoninn is so politics!!) mercenary as to seek a stliian advan tage, and to hell tho reputation of the dead for the partirian capital of the liv ing. Hiiame on Mich hearllesHness. We ere told by the Gieoiiiau that Grart Beads no enlogj. That is just about what we ai I, and for that rea son we did not attempt to eulogize him. A NEW IJDISTKT Rut if that is wlit thu QwjiWi thought, why did it aWtsl fo ir ool umns to ua atio n,'" I sol 'y I While it may bo trsM that the Dial sera lis party need eul igv, it ia teore emphat ically ti'iH lb!, the ) '-.k ii'i i li.-ds to be a inmiiished to "tell the truth." llir. I O-.1.U IU h sI,M A new industry has been introduced into Oregon, but it is, we believe, as yet confined to Portland and strange as it may appear, two nerspaper estab lisbments are tbe movers in this enter prise, and what is still more strange each denies having enterd into the bus iness, though evidently each seeks pop ularity and consequent, profit in the business. It appears tbnt ii is much like the ''moousbining," business, it pty very well until caught in it. It is called "date raiting." For further par I tan Ian call on the Oregon'utn md N tot. The first election of this year will b in Kentucky on next Monday when a treasurer is to be elected. For a num ber p reasons we expect to see the democratic majority greatly reduced, it reuuolicins have made a vigorous fight. The democratic state central committee nominated a candidate for treaaurer without o tiling a state convention at all. This created mucb discontent at tbe time. There is more or less grum bling iaon,,' democrats at the way state sli'iirs have been managed tbe last few years, all of which will weaken tbe democrats if tbe republicans of that state hsve life and energy enough to take advantage of them. The disreputable, political charac ter of the Oregonian is fully shown in Its repeated and persistent efforts to mak some sort of political capital for Us patty out of the death of General Grant. It would hesitate not a mo ment to speculate with Grants repu tation, If it could add the much need ed strength to the already rotten and trembliag ship of the republican party. As evidence of whit we say, we have only to refer to the very bad taste shown in IU columns in a dozen ways since the General's death. Wo bear the remark made on al' si lea that the Standard ia improving, and s it is. We hope to see it take a place in the front rank cf journalism. Secretary Manning has done an other good thing in refusing to send more money tu the Pension Agents than they really need fur the pay ment next succeeding the requisition. Heretofore Urge sum have been drawn by the agents when they al ready had in their xsceeion amounts quite sufflcent for the need of the service. As a reult, Pension Agent have been able to lot large Hums of money lie idle in the banks probab ly iu return for favor conferred. Tnere i absolutely no rexoo for this scattering of the pubUc money. The place for it is in the Treasury, where safeguards have been provid. ed for it and whero reponibility i more direct than when it is scntered from one end of the country to tho other. Besides, the Treasury i the place for public money until it hi needed to pay expenses for which ap propriations have been duly mule. Salkm, July 2.V.I., 188.V I i-.ii tu draw attention to a point hi. It I have not Keen noticed in con nection wiih tbe (jueation of the pio posed extra session of the Legialative arsamidy. It ia thia : Should the Governor issue his call fjr the extra seabion and more than cue-third of the members of either house refuse to attend, what would be the reault 1 The constitution requires the pres ence of a quorum which is two thirds of all tbe membeta elected to either house before any. businens can be done. In the sbseuce of a quorum neither bcuse could organize and elect officer. And I submit, that un'ecs a constitu tional quorum should attend volun tarily ,tbe lieguslative tension wuuld be a complete fizzle. It msy be suggebtcd that less than a quorum msy adjourn from day to day and send olfioers to luing in absent members ; but they cnooi elect an officer until a quorum meets. I deem it the duty of every Demo cratic member aud anti-maehine He publican to iff use to attend the propos ed session, if one U; h-ll. Republicans may attempt to disguise it, but every intelligent paesosj knows that tbe interests o( the tate do not re quire the extra aeidon. Gov. Moody urel the KftiuMican party will be hM rerpanaibl. f i the extra session, nhouM he eill it, and I am pleased to know that notrly !! the Democratic pse'a are OQt ;uken in tbeir opposition to it. I hope that tbe Standard under its new management will have the courage to denounce tbe proposed session, and wid not be sfratd to criticise such men as Mitchell, Dolph, Hirxch and Co., wbeu criticism is merited. In this part of the sute Democrats feel greatiy the need of a vigorous,daily journal, free from all railroad encum brances and Uepublicin entanglements, and they ho;e th'. the new manage ment will ranke the Standard such a paper. Dr. Mot: it AT. Wo aro now having Oregon ihyn with GoPighi weather. It Is getting as hot as the "oldest inhabitant" ever saw it. flam' I. H. Heolt and wife of Geor. gia are hero visiting friend, Mr. Heott is n cotton lactorer, residing tit Dalton Ga. and spends most of hi hummers traveling, having made two rips to Europe, and ho think the climate of the WHlatnette valley equal to the best he iihh ever experienced. Wheat Is turning out much better than was anticipated before harvest. Tho steam thresher of the Temploton Bros, threshed fifty ncrea i n tho farm of Mrs. E. J. Montgomery that went twenty-four bushels to the acre. Homo crops in the Harrison and Stan- ii rd neighborhood north of hero, are roported to bo going us high us forty bushels to the acre. F. M. French, of Albany, went through town on the lly" this week. l'rof W. B. Walker ami lady, have gone to Philomath, partly on business and partly visiting. Tho familiar faces of Prof. J. B. Horner, und his estimable wife, are to bo seen on the street. Tne Profess or Iu been ruitieiling on tin Alua for some days, und claims to have enught throe hundred fhh, killed tdx tleer, ten grouse, aud a wild-cat, aud while wo aro not at all inclined to doubt his word, in general, still we would Uke a little corroborative evi dence, iu tho mattei of these achieve ments. Anyway we aro glad to see you, Professor, and extend tho hind of welcome to you and Mrs. II. A youn man named Come, about 18 years old was drowned while bath ing Ir. the ' ibtptxdit, near tho resi dence of A. W. Slanard onSundi? last. The young man could not swim, and got into deep water and drowned before help could reach hlm. Tom Ky has bought another span of horsg, but Venuer, seem to have retired from tho bushiest. Hugh Fields M gray uam ran away last .Sunday, hut did no dam age fuithur than to nkiu themselves up a little. Mr. Umbarger, of Crook county, passed through town on his way back to Hunch Gm, with a band of horses he brought over here to sell, but Could not do so, although he offered thirteen head of good horse fur $800. This i poor encouragement to horse raisers. Dr. Starr, Geo. IHakely ami Milt Miller started for the mountains on Monday morning. They expect to go a far a Prinevilte before return ing. Phao. has been attending school. Dr. Wallace gavo Tangent a pro fessional aafl one day last week. Mr. Hirker gave Tangent a short call yesterday, ho short wo did not got a chanco to soo her. Hocltiville i errr nl KvrnU. ha t&rt rrl U. ! The estimated yield Of wheat in The olbor day lien Hayden la aald t Minnesota this year is 7.3 bushels per have tried a ease wJth Rev Sprlggs as At acre. It will average three times that torasy on tbe other side. Horns of his in Nun county. A. byons, N V., man committed sul clde n few days ago because the llesi- alleged remarks were so characteristic that we repeat them : " f say, I aay. Brother Knrlctr. mrm t me to remind yon of one thing. Now don't July 25th, 1880. There has been so much said about the scarlet fever at ibis place, wo wish to inform tho readme of the DkmocKAT the true ftots of the case. There has been but two cases or goat lot fever at Sodaville. Ttom worn Mr. A. Laedy's little children, one of whom died about two wouks ago. The othar,at tbe time of her little sister death, was improving very rapilly under tho care of Dr Johnson, but we are very sorry to say sinoe then has taken cold, which caused a rttapat, and hss bean lying very he -v SP a a a every hince. !ra. Johnson and Alex andor, ou visiting hr Isst evening, ex pressed hopes of her recovery, but this nrntug she seems no better. We sin osrely hope that the little sufferer may soon recover. The exaggerated reports about scarlet fever at this place has undoubtedly pre vented some pursuits from coming here, but, nevertheless, there are a good many campets. Homo of those who are camp ed here are Mr. Knery and familv, of LaFyetta ; Mia Jennin riazier, ot Halem ; Mr. D Peebler and wife, form er residents of this city, now residing near Lebanon ; Mr Wbburn aud fami'y, of llrownsvilb, and Mrs. Wash burn s sister, Mrs. Stump, of Salem ; Mr. Lyons and family,of I mlependence ; Mt i. Iliidgeford and daughters,of Scio; Mr. Darbey and family, of Marion county ; Mrs. Long and daughter, of ilalsoy ; Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, of Al bany ; Mm, Scoval, of Salem, and quit a number of others (duite a large congregation gathered at tho school bouse last Sabbath, ex pecting to hejtr H jv. Sharp deliver his farewull ssrtnon. The congregation waited some lime, but in vain ; and aa Hev. Sharp did not mke his appear a nee, tfoally dispersed- We suppose the eaue of his non-arrival was on ac count of the carapmeeting at Crawfords- viile. Cspt. Davis returnod to his home in Astoria last week. Mr. Price and family, of Stay ton, a re exMcted here next week. They in totid to make this tbeir home m the future. Mr. Koote, who has lcn very kick f..r novrral wuki, is now very low. Hi recovery is very doubtful. Mrs. Mary llardman, who h is tnen very sick, is now improving. Mi. Pound and sons have re.urned from Southern Oregon. They were not very well pleased with that part of Oregon. Mr. D. Froman passed through ihr oity to day on hia way to Albany. Mint Ktta Parrifth uf this nlace haa . r . m . a . . . ' .uany oi ourciuzou ure ruticaling ffcm(. t, Albaor. ... UD t V undersund that the Fountain f ma . . a a . a. v a l a.u u.u.k t, im ii.roufcju uuu. Houae is to have ni-w proprietor. Ian llv bad dfstroveil his wheat. S"or. w 7"" m ont ming. wow don t ian ny nao iifsirojeti ins wneai, poor, gci AOgry Mrulher Hprlggs, I say.don't act weuk man. angry .beoanse I don't want to offend you, w a a. u - . m t ... at Wi i i kv Maa am t.d s ...i aas r Wheat Stored AT TI1K - III fitdi r I Nurtlisra I'acitio oirrs tho following rat T'i must remember that you are from Kt I'aul to Portland : For a party of P pounatnif now. This Is a Court n.lKirivaoh i fifUon, IHM); twanty,fl55 ; ?, ZSTSTi nim9eP"KfS ' "J this Is S140: thirtv-llvo. . . " . 7. rront twmtty tlv.$ 1 50 ; thirty, $140; thirty-flvo, i ft wnrn 2" t"1 ,i:!;; yforty, i307fSj Hvs, t.iofbfty, r&kJ?J " ' Brother Sprigga, I say, this is I'll" taM of Qaa irut' bouk wiii amount tribunal. There are two sides to t to ovr 500, ()(K) uopiss. eontradlot tribunal , another Won before thia court. Brother prisrjr I'.iriou lbs yr eudittu July I the New m'"'! y"u'thr 'two sides to this qosa. ,,.,! matUr mort, tkan Albany haodls. in .Sff rSXTSSfKi?' if t! . m . . " va v a thoiiMaiid years l?r.(KM) wan for tho huildioffs and ulaut of tho World' KxiKitioii. It will he run nnxt wuitnr. K IK Allen iautiti ('n mtsiioiior from Oregon, a splendid choice. Tho two prominent Mormons who worn wnti'txMs.l t i six motiMis unprisonmont ami reuuired to nay 9500, do not like the way iiiAtti'M aro huiiriit uul,ol. There will be a hg struKitlu liofore thia Mormon ipiostion is aatt tad. I'lntro .should be no cessation until it ia completely blotted ont. Tho Now York elnvated railway pays its atocttholdera 100 percent. Oregeu interest i no whom boNtilss that. Tho I'rincn of IKalas is alteut to start anverAl tiori-i in lu own name, and the peo nlo of Koulattd aro torrihly shockwl. It was alright though while he used someone else's ...tin-- Tho noiitilation of Europe has a little more than l..ui.fl in tin- Ut :U)ti!ry. Tho U K in not ti;c only country that has booms. Thr' ar- .'0 I,frla in Knuland. Their bMOffSS i a!ut$75,O00,0O0, ever $110,000 a piece. Kuch facts make att Oregonian feel ort of lonely. N. ...... ii tu Parts where Ur is sold are C4lht tra-riei, an appropriate name for yea weaosi aaioon Ktn K U of "Kilver threiwls among the Kld." has been appoiotad pout tnaatrr at Sheocton, Wis. Mervoa Uim rtK" BuCato Hill ia worth half a million The erriaw mmembers seeing him when he was aloiont ilewl hroko. (uum or W. T. The joni taken in Waabington Territory shows the iopulalion of lhat Terrftorv to be nearly 140,000. Three untie are not vet heard from. Follow ing are the inures for isso and 1HS5 : self. I say, I am here !" (3 I etxttion. anon, particularly ou SuiuUy on their way to Waterloo and 8oUaville. Born. To the wife of J. M. Florer, a boy. Frank Ilealey's health is not v ry much imptoved. In regard to the ragr.iph in last wruk'a !iii.-r emit ed "Nine Dot i Waltir lVtrr.n lu s -Id his Jewel- r'.o.."di citiz-na ot Sodaville are wtv ry business to a Mr. Skiff, of Hilvm. : mdignanl to think lhat any one could Prof, (iilttert wont to Albany the ibe base enough to report such a ridicu- nrst of the week. j bus story with no foundation whatever A large erowd from Ibi vicinity i The general suspicion is thai the authrr may be looked for when it jbinson's of that story ia near enough another circus exnibits in Albany. The great "one cent" cry of our re publican friend will readily fall to pieces when you consider the fact that It nukes no difference whether you do a losing or a prosperou busi ness, your books If properly kept must and wilt balance just the same, and your cash account will agree with the cash on hand no matter how foolish or how much your extravagance has been. You will readily see that the appropriation of two and one-half million to the navy can be accounted for by debiting the navy department with that amount and if the vessels which were refitted an J built with never amounted to anything and were only a bill of uselea expense, the government will be out that much, yet this faa will not prevent the books from balancing and tho amount of cash on hsnd agree with the b dance shown by the cash account. It was reported a few days ago that tbe provident had eallel a "hull" in making removals and appointments. And now comes tbe wag and says it was not a "halt.", but a "hltet", a bleb the president called for. TMK VOSIVll, H8IMTIt!IS. From alorost every Minister cf the city of AllMny, 1 h.ivo heard the fol lowing complaints : But little or no revival iutereo,Hruu congregations and p mr pay, IVell, (Whit's the trouble, and who is it. The Pastor or th people? First, tnere seems te be no tft'jrt made by the Church for tha salvation of those about us. Well, is this not due from the fact, that two thirds, if nob three fourths ot ror member ure nominal Cbristiaim? Dh, to the Lord and his church, aud alive to tbe Dtivil and the world, and thus clogging wheels of the car of salvation, to that extent the Pastor aud his faithful few arc un able to move onwards. And are we not on the eve of shipwreck? breth ren, we have pulled long and hard against tbe angry billows, -.nd ia it not time, that the sleeping J niahs hhould go to the waves aud the tithes? And then, we haye small c uAgrpg it ions, and well, wo won't say any thing about the support, for preachers live by breathing, and it is ho very hard for unnv of our members to get to church on Hibbuth morning. They seem so very ttred,iod tho weather is so extremely warm, and then the preacher, no preaches ho long, and he u uncultured, ('.hat h, he has none of the Davil'a whitwash.) Yes, they will grumble if the sermon ia more than thirty minutes Jong. And sup pose you look about you on tbe 13th of Aug, ( speak to the non-professor,) and see how many of this cla3s can pay to sit for two hours and witneai a pack of foolishness with pleasure. "Dn't condemn Christianity for what yon see, but try the S.tirits and see "whether thev are of Cod. l Tangent. Chohali... t'owl It r. Uland ..... Kifta ... Kitxap I . Win., Parilk? HnohomUu. HkaKU ISSO 1HS6 .:. s.eoo . 921 2.4012 I m 2,981 .1,07 1.MM 1.712 2,(183 .fl,U10 Iti.lSO 1.7 2.648 5,OW i.seo ..3,31ft 1 1 ,M7 .l,:u7 J.5H 2.SI6 .3,270 4..U7 .I.5UH 1,35 -a.l-JT 3,i soda spring, that be can try standing oa that flumsy foundation, and if be does not sink bodily, bis conscience, if he baa any, will certainly sink. Vai. July 27ib, 1880. Out little torn is very quiet at pres ent, owit.g to the huay aeaaon. All-ready considerable wheat is bsing stored at the warehouse. The whistle of the steam thrasher is sn every day greeting. Mr. J. H. Bimpson has harvested bis entire crop. Mr. John Archibald was hauling wheat last week, and when crossing Lake Creek biidge the stringers gave way, throwing himself, wagon and tesra to the ground, which was some 8 or 10 feet. So far as we can learn, no serious damage was done. The "Little Sunflowe t" is very anx ious to know what haa 1mcoimm nf Brickdust." Her trip to Scio is ail very well understood. Preparations are being made for a Sabbatb School concert, to come off iu the near future. Mr. I. T. Keighten bad quite a mis hap last week by falling fjum the bay mow. Luckily he was only s.ightly hurt. Rev. Mr. Culp delivered quite an able sermon on "Sabbath Keeping" to a good audience on last Sabbatb. Rosebuo. Tho steam thresher can be heard In every direction but we aro sorry to learn the yield is not up to the ex pectation of the farmers. About 5,000 bushels of wheat has been received at tho A. F. & Go's warehouse up to the present writing. Miss McCulley,of Portland, ia viilt itlng her sister Mrs. O. P. Dannals. Mrs. Settlemire, of Woodburn is the guest of Miss Georgia Settlemire. Geo. Cline ttnd wife, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J Beard last Sunday, also Mra. Baker of Port, land. O. P. Dannala haa been laid up for the past week with a rising on his arm. Quite an excittnent occurred In Tangent last Friday over a small blaze on the roof of p. w. Ryan's dwelling. No serious damage done. As Mr, John Archibald was crossing Oak Creek bridge, last Friday, with a load of wheat, the bridge gave way and horses, wagon, and wheat went to the bottom, a distance of 10 foot, fhe horses and wagon were more or less injured. Prof. J. B. Horner aud wifo, were the guests of Mrs. P. A. Mo8es this week. A pair of old boots were found be tween Tangent and Albany, supposed to belong to A. D, Barker, who was wrecked on a R. R. tricycle a short time ago. Mrs. Simpson, of Helix, is visiting her son, Mr. J. H. Simpson. Miss Minnie McFarland has returu ( d home from Corvailis, where she Morris IhIrmcI. Every body ia threshing. A. H. Morris had his hand bsdly cut last week, while feeding a thresher, by the band cutter. He is running a ihresber in the vicinity of Hjck Hid. He says wheat turns out 1?0 bushels per acre. Frank Propai'a fall wheat yielded 27 bushels per sere On a late trip to Lt Mortis' I found tbe county pour well kept. Grain looks well over in Canada. Fruit drying wiU soon commence. I also visited John and M. Crabtree who have lived together as husband and wife for 60 years. Tbey live on the farm tbey settled on in 1845. I'ine. Mr. Tilton, who recently purchased half of the Wheeler farm, is remodel ing his house. Mr. Barges has built a new potch on tbe Mansrietd bouse. J. K. Weatherfoid, ot Albany, was in this vicinity on business recently. Wonder if be accomplished anything. Miss Nellie "WtUoughby, whose pro tracted illness has excited so much sym pathy, is slowly hut steadily getting well. Mrs. Uetchell, Miss Mendenhsil and J. M. Smith have all been ou the sick list lately. A Blight shower fell here yesterday morning, not enough to do any good or harm either. The mercury haa been up to uinety two to-day. Charley Butler took his perambulat ing kitchen to Hiinsbtiig yesterday to tit it up for hirvesc. He will cook for Hugh Thompson's cro vd. Any party wishing to purchase a good farm, either for graiu or stock wilt do well by calling on A it Cyrus k Cd., Kual Kitato Agents, at Lebanon, Or. Wahkiakum Whatcacn - Skagit county was taken from Whatcom, hence the aparent decrease. The real in- crea was from 3,130 to (.911 in what ws originally Whatcom county. HndlFi a4a aarlat The u ndridj;ned is now prepared to lurninli board at f 5 per week. Meals 2ft cants. One horse over night, oat and hay, bO cent, hay alone IS cents. WaUr an I -nop ground free. W. R. Fispusy, Te Thrrbaira The Improved Weeti ughouse Tbresb Ion machinery ami engines are gut r nteed t be the very beat in tne mar ket, OooMllt your lub res's by sending tot rin-ti!ars to Z. T. Wright, Portland iregoa. Also dealer In Hancock separ store, pumps, be! tug, one, etc It i the men who advertuc liberally who re not Otyiasj "hard times. ' Href CaSUs mm llallaa hrrp. The undersigned will pay the highest cash prico for beef cattle aud mutton sheep. Have good scale on which to weigh. 1. O. Miller, Miller's, Oregon. Linn Woods, rf I'rtnevilte is a jck of ail tradi-s, to-wit : barber, butcker, shoe maker, saloon keeper, aid blacksouth. A Life Hvts Prrtaai Mr. M K. AlUion, Hatchiison, Kan., Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King s New Diacovery, for (Jonaurnp tlou, which earned him to procure a large bottM, that completely cureu him, when Itoeiora, change of ctimateand everything else had failed. Asthma, lSronchltia, Hoar-ncMi .Severe Coughs, and alt Throat unit diseases, it Is guaran eed ot cur. Trial liottlos free at Koahay mv,ii a urug blore. iairgeai7.efi.ou Tart-uU who would like to have their boys grow to manhood should put a stop to their K"ig in hathing several times a day and re maiutug thrco or four hoora each time. The Uraulj of tiulli. No matter how handsome or stalwart a ynuug man urty lm otherwise, nothing em make up for a partially bald head. Sliming talents are attractive, but a shin ing poll ia not. The cause may be aick io'n or anything else, yet Parker's Hair Balaam with stop the loaa of tbe hair and start a new growth of glossy and soft hair quickly as to surprise you restoring the original color at tbe same time. Net a dye, not oily, delicately perfumed. On ly standard 60c dressing, I. ion county stands third on the list of the State sobeol apportionment, having 5,314 school children and hence receiving $3,085.60 or 75 cents per capita. Tbe Mont Agreeable As well as the most e ffective method of dispolling headaches, (.Olds an 1 fevers, or cleanving tbe ayatetu is by takiLg a few doses of the pleasant California liquid rruit remedy M.yrup or r igs. :uo and SI bott ins for sale by Foshay fc Mason, Lang don tfc Co. UtTllLKVS tSfttt SILVE Tbe besi salve in the world for cuts, ruisos, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hanc's, ohilbsains, corns an. 1 all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction lu every case or moaoy re tunded. Prico 35o per box. For sale ly Foshay A Mason B CD g. CD W j Hip Q2 tf. t Tsiialll MAGNOLIA MILLS. I will recoivs wheat io stor? at the mill and warehouses, under tbe usual terms, When nartloHwiah to sell will btiv tho wheat or deliver it on order. Hacks furnished to parties wishing to store. July l&lh, lf85. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Conrad Meyer, ,-PKOPRIETOR OF STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts.. DEALKR ( snaril Fraifst, C anned Memtw, blaiswitrc, (pjrinsware, Orid Vraltg, Vegetlle, Tobsern, Clgstrw, Nngsr, Noire. CsTe, Tea, Kte,, Eft. In fact everything that is kept in a gen era; variety ami grocery store. H i a: host market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. WANTED AT ONCE. Experienced book ageots, male or female. For tne most popular and fastest selling book of tbe age. tViJl pay salary for first class canvassers. A et i v e, ia ex pe neri ced can vassers drilled and paid commission or salary. It will pay you to write ns. Address Agency Publishing Company 59, Ftnt Street, Al bany, Oregon. o 3 B erg H ARDWAKE OF ALL KIN'tif. Axes, mattocks, brush hoiks, nicks abovelH,spades, forks, grindstones, wheel barrows, wringer, ropes, and almost everything you want, can be bad cheap for cash Peter A Stewart. D ON'T FORGET IT. If you try to build now while wheat ia only worth 5! cents yon should by all means go to Peters A Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. Yon can get what you want at their store and at reasonable tig urea, QARPENTERS TOOLS. We want carpenters to know that ws keep constantly in stock tbe very beet tools tbe market affords, aud sell tnem as cheap as tbey can be sold. Every tcol we sell we can warrant. No shoddy articles are keot. Come and see us. Pete ns A Stewart, S POKTSMEN, ATTENTION ! Peters A Stewart keep a fall line of am- unitiou, and will aell aa low as the lowest, Erery pound of powder is warranted to kill &oe ducks if projerly used. H OOSl ER GRAIN DRILL. A better grain drill ta not made anywhere. as every farmer says wbo has used it. For sale only by Peters t Stewart. rpHE BEST THING OUT, Is the Acme Harrow and oo farmer can well afford to be without it. It is the very heat clod ci usher and pulverizer, leaving the pound as level as a barn floor. Sold only by Peters wirt. Illably Ucroiuiueaileil, Auianv, Oreijon, Do. 2nd, 1884. Ruxxt U & Co. , The New Massillon 33 inch separator and Russell engine purchased of you last sum mer is all you recommended it to be. It haa given satisfaction in every respect. I thresn ed this soaaott in 34 days run 43SH2 bushels of rain which is the highest day run of any v.jhina ia this part of the country. J threshed fur some of the oldest farmers iu thia county and they all say that I did them the bst job, saving and cleaning their grain that ever had been done. Our expeusea fur repairs for the season did not exceed one dollar. Yours Respectfully, D. I). Hacklema.v. Red Star T RAD EjoV MARK. jitoolutelv Free from Opiates, Jitneties and Poison. A PROMPT,.SAFE, SURE CURE For Coughs, Soro Throat, Ilonrseneaa, InBnensa, Colds, lironohltta, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Quinsy, Pains In Chest, nJ other Affections of ths Throat 't Liangs. Price SO cents a bottle. Sold by Druggists snd Deal er. Parties unable to induce their dealer to promptly get it for them uMl receive two bottle,Exprea charge paid, by tending on dollar to THK CHARLES A. YOGELKK four ANY, Sola Owuers snd Mttnufurturers. Baltimore, Baryiand, V. 8. A. MILLINERY STOEE FOE SALE. jsVHrs'-abts millinery store, well located Tha patienoe of the public is well illu$ trated in the m inner in which week after Week they endure patent outsides or iniidea with their horribly gotten up cues of great j i Albany, for sate at a bargaii. For partio-1 "ess, and puis (rash energy into the system by mak mn ' . ' New Rich Blood . All Druotriata and Doalera kea it i i re nt. 1 1 a, ttitu -ih-ia i . ... - - iierirs Sale. In ihr. Circuit Court of the Stat? of Oregon for County of Linn. J H Bridge, PlsintlH. vs. Bertraud Hermsun, Hennch Wetsehart snd 0 W Crois set, Deltfudanta. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OI VEM THAT, BY VIRTUE of an execution issued ont of the above named Court in the above entitled action dated June 24th, 1885, and to me directed and delivered, I hsve levied upon and, on Saturday the 1st day of August 18S5, at ths hour of 1 o'c'ock, p. m., at the Court House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, I will sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder all the right, title, and interest of the above named Defendants or of either of them in the two traets of land hereinafter described, as follows, to-wit The n trtheast quarter of Section 25 in Township 9 South Range 1, east of the Willame:te meridiaj in Linn county, Oregon, containing 160 acres, t same being the property of tha said Bertrand Hernia? Also the following : The northwest quarUrof "iirMin 26 and the northeast quarter of Section 8fl, iu Tp. 9 8 Rl, E of the Willamette Meridian all situated inUnn ounty, Oregon, containing 320 acres more or less. being the property of the said 0 W Croisant. The proceeds of such sale to be applied : First to the payment of tho cost of and upon this writ and the uosts and expenses o sale and the original costs taxed at $51. 85. Second to the payment of Plaintiffs claim of 1190.32 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 12th day of Match, 1835 Third the remainder if any there be to be paid to the said O W Croisant and Bertrand Hermann or their legal representatives. Dated, this 30th day ot June, 1885. J, K. Cll ABLTOS, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. perJAS. J. Charlton, Deputy. aTI ARDEN SEEDS. A point not often thought of but which is important to tbe planter, la that seeds grown in a Northern climate have mora vigor, and are more certain to produce a crop auu mature earner than those raised ur titer South. Seeds from Walla Walla, guaranteed to be fresh and pure, and tr give satisfaction, will be sold by us cneap. arden forks, boos and rakes thrown in with each package for a small amount of com. Peters a Stewart, GAMBRINUS. On nd after July 4th Mr. Gross at the Depot Hote will keep the celebrated Gambrinus beer on draught. All who appreciate the best cool beer are invited to call 6REATN ORTHWESTERN REMEDY J I. CASE PLOWS. This famous plow is well known in Linn County. Tho chilled and steel plows ar well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work and wour fully well as an v other pi ow Peters A Stewart are the sole agent. Those who work early and late need a wholesome reliable Medicine like Pfuxdkk'b Orkgon Blood Pi'smsa. As a remedy and preventative of diseases it n not be beat. It checks Rheumatism and M ana, relieves Constipation, Oyspjpsia an1 Bilio Sheriffs Sale. a the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fcr the County of Linn D B Monteith. riaiutiff. vs. ThMtas Monteith, Christine M. Sfonteith, bis wife, J .hn A Crawford, H Bryant as Trustee and R S Strahan as Assignee of Thomas Monteith and Son, Defendants. yOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT, BY VIRTUE Bti of an execution aud an order of sale issued ont of the above named Court in the above entitled action, dated July 14th, 1885, and to me c'irected and deliver ed, I will, on Saturdsy the 2tfth day of August, A, !., 188, at tbe Court House door in Albany, Linn coun ty, Oregon, at the hour of l o'clock, p. m., sell at public suction for cash in hand io the highest bidder all the real property described in said order of sale which is described as follows, to-wit : All that por tion of the Donation Land Claim of Thomas Monteith, owned by said Tbonvwt Monteith ou tho 2ud day ot February, 1884, including all town lots or property situated ou said Donation Land Claim in the city of Albany and tbe additions thereto in Linn county Oregon, which said Donation Land Claim is described, as follows : Beginuiog at a point two chains west of the northeast corner of Section 12 in Tp. 11. SofR 4, west ; thence south 20 80-100 chains ; thenc? west 19 chains j thenca south 3) 70100 chains ; thence north 87' 16', east 51 34-100 chain : thence north 1 S3' west 81 07-100 oha'.ns theuce south 00 .V west 4 chains thence south 83' 30" west 14 50-100 chains; thence south 88 west 10 50-100 chains: thcnctt west 2 chains ; thence south 1293-100 chains to the place of iKvinujng, containing 319 01100 acrus. Tbe said claim being known as Notification No. A90, Claim No. 64, being a part of Sections 6 and 7 in Towuship 11, S R i went, and Claim No. 56 being part of Sections 1 and li in Tp. 11, S R 4 wort of the Willamette uteri dlau in Linn county, Oregon, together with ail the tenements and appurtenances thereto belonging. Also all the right, title and interest that tho said The mas Monteith held or owned either at law or in equity, in and to the Donation Land Claim of Walter Monteith, vul in every part thereof which said Dona tion Land Claim is described as foltov.s : Regimdng a a point two chains west ot the northeast corner of Section 12 in Tp 11 south of R 4, west of the Willam ette meridian, in Llun county, Oregon ; thone north 12 W-100 chains t thence north 81 15" west 48 50-100 o'tains; 1 hence south 1 30' east 88 chains ; thence north 87" 15' east 20 60 100 chains; thence north 3D 70-100 chains ; thence east 19 chains and theuce north 268t-100 chains to the place of beginning, containing 314 acres. The saute being known as Notinoation No. 17M and Claim No 55, being ptrts of Sections 1 and 12 in Tp. 11, 8 R 4 west In Linn comity, Oregon, to gether with all the tenement aud appurtenances theroto belonging. The proceeds of such sale to be applied : First to the ayinent of eos-s and expenses of this suit and accruing costs upon such sale. Second to the pay ment ot the amount fonnd due the Plaintiff herein, vix, : the sum ot 819002,20 with interest from July 9th, SSt, t the rate of ten per cent per annum and his costs and disbursements. Third to the amount herein ascertained and determined to be due the De fendant, John A Crawford, viz : the sum cf 9062 with accruing interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from October 2Stb, 1SS4 and his costs and d'sbursem .-nts. Fourth to the payment of the amount herein ascertained to be due and owing from the Defendant Thomas Monteith to the Defendant H Bryant, vix: the sum of $4353 with accruing interest there in from October 28th, 1884 at the rate of ten per cent per annum and the further tana of $100 At torney's fees sad his ousts and disbursements. Fifth the overplus if any tt.are be to be paid to the Defend ant R S Strahan as Assignee of the Defendant Thomas Montt ith. Datsd July 27th, 15135. $1 bottles, 6 for ?5. iK r J. K. Cuaj;, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregoj. J. Cn.tat.TON, Deputy.