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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Issued every Friday IT KTITKKft NI TTINtt. Rl HI KSOKf'K'K-'tii Dfmtrrnl nulltllagoa Mraadalbla trl. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION HM It opr, p' n ein-!a oopr. per year, at end .4 year hurt copy, WOt month.. slntfl copy, hw month nais number jjj- H M 3 00 1 60 Is 10 PROFESSIONAL CAR1)8. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Alfeauy, Oreo. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Kiit. Of this State. Will live special attention to oollectiosa and probate oS& n Foster's new brlok. 4Ptf L. H. MONT ANTE. vTTOKNKY AT LAW, AN IV Notary Public. Albany, OrOB. Offlos upstairs, over John Brl wm' store, ist street. l!!L- J K. WEATHERFORB, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTOKNKY AT LAW, lh vM'. ttM-ns. I1TIM. PR VTICR IN ALL THE COURTS OP TIIR V Slate. Special attention lea to exertions end rubiU nastier In Odd Pe!lw' Tnrse. PSl r. o. powsll. ZlAJSy POWELL & nil.YEU, vTTOUNTKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Hungry. 4LRANY. - - wSa?7- Collections promptly made on all point. Loans neotiated on reasonable term. srOfflos In Portor's Brtok.-ts vMnlfcf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney M Oounsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Court of ibis State. All buslneas Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Article, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DRUG STORBI, tyi ttnixv. oat.cov. FOSHAY & MASON, -VOUrALB ASS aBTI Druggists and Booksellers, A cents for Join It. Allien' pnbllcation, which we asll at publisher price with postage added. ALBANY, OBEGOM. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, PRESCRIPTION CAREFl'UV FILLED. a Albany, Or. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sbavlne done with neatnea and sharp razors, which are alway kept in good condition, and hair cut in the very beat style. REVERE HOUSE, Car . rirU sad Elbwarth Albany. Oregon Cha Pfeiffer, Frop'r. tyls. Tables Thi. new II..11 in fitted an in with tk. hMl the market Beds in every Boom. A fowl Bampls Boom tor Com (BerciaJ Traveler!. Caack ta and frasa ttie Hotel." Mate Hiohts mm VOL. XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 81, 1885. VO- I 'T CREAM , POWDER MOST perfect; made:. ; Prepare! by s physician with special regard sr SS oeaiio. ro AUiiuouia, iiv vr auiui. P.b97... ..Vn.;a5W Gathering Qrapst for Mailing Croam of Tartar for OR-P RICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER. r r'or salt by futtinr. Marie A C, Portland. Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest ami strongest Natural Fruit Flavor. Vanilla, Lemon, Orjig., Almond, Rose etc., flavor us delicately ami naturally M the Innt. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS, Fir a tie by Cut tin; Marls nd Co I'orth.d. Or A I txraacr ys FURNITURE. l have the be' stock of furniture in the city aad will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the cltv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Qiticura DISFIGURING HUMORS, ITCHING TORTURES, ANO LOATHSOME SORES. I HAVE TRIKP I t eleven years as have my wile eared of a terrible -' disease Tk Ci nu it KsMstiKS(Ct Ti t a Kinr, the new liloi lnil Her, intemaliy. and Ciw sa, the greet Skin Care, and Q novas Sor, sa eOisite Skin Besuiiner. c U-rnslly) have done In six weeks what I have tried for eleven years to have done. You shall ba tried thr 1 articular as toon as I can ive thin to you, ed as we are well known in ihc part of the count y. It will benefit you, ami the remedies will care ail who use them. CHAS. II. WHITE. II vills, Kv. ULOTCllKM Cl'RED. I uswl your Ci ti i a , .if. r..r niuu., ar..i am completely cured, to y expressible Joy. Ci ti gnU Bsar it the best I have ever used, ami to the profession it k Invalushls for desmiinif lbs kn thereby retnovinir sll 'cork ," lwf. paiiit, snd al the muff used by them, leaving the kin pure sd whiU and soft. My greatest pleasure r In rscom mending uh an article. M m CfV. Cbamiion OsssflSas Bailer Skater. Yot'XOSTOWJi, OIIK). BEHT FOB ASYTHIKG. u..tnn.i mor ci Ticia t UssimiErf for eightssn months for Tetter, and Anally rttre.1 it, I m snaioue toiretUto sell on commi'sion. I can rernitoenil u beyoml any remedies I have ever used f-.r Tetter. Bums, Cats. etc. In fact. iti the beat medicine I Lave ever tried for anything. Mystls, Mish, B. h. IIORTOX. NEVER AtOJIPLAINT, Sines I have been sslling your OHNHM Bsmrmm I hsve never heard s singls complaint, but cn the contrary e-ery one who has used ibem liss been well Pleased with them, snd they SStSlts SSsWS. K. B. DUBBEBLY, imigglsl. Axsssws, Iss. ! ItOH LOl S SORES, I bai a ASBsS bad sores on my body, and tried all remedies I could hear of, snd st last tried your I m cffu Besemks, snd they have earwl me- Hssso,Thayei County, Penn. CiTK-ts BrsBiits are sold everywhere. Price: Cvmeaa, soc. ; Bmolvest. si i naar, by the Potter POTS A sdcii Baicai.o., oos.u, Head rr "aw to nre Skin iseass THK WO I MM, A iitr st Myalery Mtlvrd at aafr TtlT Uonad ltiilldrs niMMTfrnl t Mrauitrut i in-r y Mnalled".tml a Part ar MUtnri Akarur ef Its Mglr and K mm tic .bnrtn. ALBANY WLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will eommenee on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1S84. ToT particulars concerning the courses of atudy arid the price oi tuition, sppo KP. EL3ET . C0IT. Presmt-n . a a . a- - All. Sunburn, Pimples, Ulacna.JS anu ui.y I Allq "kin, use theCi Tictaa Soai-. A-loauy Bath House. .a i k nMDKitSl JSBD WOULD RESPECT 1 fully ;aform ths citissns of Albany snd vi .:T;-n.i T havataksn chares of this Etabluh . ----- - isnrmm . , r,.vin nt,ana, oy seeping iu - - r-j - Uric t attention to balnsii, sxpcti to uit al tVo.s aho may faTor us with thsir patronage n svlog hertofors earrisd on nothing bat first-Class Hair Dressintr Saloons szpsets to glrs entlrs sstUfMtlon te al VcHldisn and Ladis.' n air aajUj on DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. (ioltra.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WA&0H8, HaCKS, BBS&IB8, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, WATERLOO HOTEL. 6E0, GUOSS - - - Proprietor. Boarding asp Loixiiiru 1 rtn iat, 5 ftB wsas. Sp.'.i.k MEALH, !0c. L.UKCU 2jc. Good acoommodstious for all. Waterloo 8ds Spring, have been greatly improved by connscting snd shadingthe spring. A new pontoon bridge 3 feet wide spans river below the springt. Stage leayes Lebanon for Waterloo Wednesday and Saturd-VH. Camper. u;pliw snd outfits at Water loo Post Office Stor. llorw carod for at reasonable mlta STONE AND MARBLE WORKS rWlllR UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO I Inform the public that be Is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. AH work is war ranted to give T.iLlHn any and all kind of stone, but (leal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. C-eaninfr. repairing and resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas insr elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Phop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. O. W. HARRIS, Prop. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, reA always breaking, unless you have be kind sold oy reiern a, banv. They are made ot wrought iron, Sot jump the track and will last a lils tfrne- Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen hem. Hnnd six cents for Dostatre.and A PKILIS receive free, a costlv box of .wslg -! vou to moremoney right away than .nvin e ssTu thi world. All of either a, uc an thing eiss so v broad road to fortirs eKi iroo, ab,lutcly sure. At oms DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce-cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Th wfill bred stallions, and thirty dralt and saddle horses. Brownsville, Or. H OTKL FOR SALE. The Jackson House, Prineville, Oregon 32 well turnistied roorin, tu;X in town, large and cooveuient, with at Ln'v faruiture. Price reatonabl and terms easy, Tht st monads aie found in almoht every part il Aaierica, mainly in the great valley of t!ir Mississippi, a'' i' Texas, Mexico, snd io Suih Anu'rio t j but I will only rpeak of ihost found in the United Stilus. I do hot affirm that the Pyramid l.nildera lid nut build any earth woiks in America ; but I do aHiini tka! ll.ey did not build llu. m unds of a hii h I a.. hpintking. That there r lisffs of a former ooctippisiiy of Ameiioa by man, I am as-m f.bnt, I sin lulUirjj only Off 'hs IfssHlsS. T$ works 'A nalnie anl tht woiltsid' do not nur: info mth other ai d tlM dilleient sliada f color1, oi ih BMsltj Of the taiid ow ti !ij(ht und dsikmss, OT tho four seasons of the yrar. II if their liinitH n- t l s: ly tlttliiabl. mi l noonetirtd mistsfce I ho ore fi ihn Other. We Wilt le st a Iijss el fhii particulsr puint suud ail the oijrcts around uf. BtffJtf woik of human ori gin shows tusika and trsra of huuisn skill and labor. The Koavtta sloue found in EgQt in 1799 was as readily known to have pntKcd through human handy, as that I ho ntimmulitics there are known to te the product of geolo gical sgancie. The Pyramids of Kypt, though it is unknown, when, for what purpose, or by a hem builf, yet we know jusl as well that they were built by man as if we bad been there an J s-en those huge piles going tip. Those pil lars found in desolate pieces in the old world are known to have been so form es by man. If every Chinaman had died beforo civilization dawned iiKn the western wot Id and on account of that people or land bad ever been known, s'.ill if a arty of explorers passing over that land of desolation bad come ujton the Chinese wall, all would pronounce it the work of man, because nature does not work in that way. On the south coast of Wales, washed by the Bristol Channel, b a pile ol bould ers about two miles long nod about threa handled vard wide. They nrc tilled in ordet, one u)on th other, higher than the tides were ever known to rise. These boule-is are round, worn smooth by friction, snd piled in this marvelous way as though put there for a break water, for which they serve. Yet no one believes this to bo the work of msn, though comparative order, width and regulsrity characterize its whole general outline. The stonehenge on the plsins of Salisburg, Koglsod, which consists of twelve atone, of which nothing i known but the fact of their existence snd order, are known to be the iesult of buman labor and skill, jut as well and readily as if tbey had been placed there in the memory of man. Kingal'a Cive, near the west coast of Scotland, wonderful i its structuist formation, though in i Jmj parts like men s work, is well known to be so formed by geological agencie-v in the past. A petrified fossil is as readi ly know to be produced by geological, chemical agencies, as thst a vast pile of broken rocks is known to be produced by geological.mechanical, agencies. No one ever took, even .be rudest Indian arrow head, though found amid a tril lion of small stones, tor a naturally worn rock, ncr tbe smoothest pebble found to be a human polished stone. I have cited these instances to impress the fact that the woik of art and the works of natuio are clearly de'Jnable. But bere is a cbasof works,the mounds w.bich Co not show a single trsce of humao skill, und buman design, snd still we persist in Haying they were built by some unknown race of people. The only two reasons that I can imag ine why these mounds have been ascrib ed to human agency are these : First, became we have heretofore kaown ab solutely nothing of their origin, and, second, their close leicmblance to the old pota'o sad townee hills of our fjre Catftem, wbieh M. fJ,rt k,,own 10 be a . 1 mtde. I am sometimes almost lea to believe that much tlms-is oaltad science consists more ot telling what one does not know, and what cannot bo shown to be either true or false by reason or analogy,than by systematizing facts that are known and from them establinhing theories and drawing logical deductions. The mounds and hills and mountains in mound shape wore when the whites first came to America, and here they ate to-day, just as they were then, where they have been unmolested. The In dians knew nothing of them then. No Indian tribe could give any account of their origiD, simply because the mounds were mounds, before the Indians was Indian. Tho hutorian could tell noth- 'a ing of their origin, becaimo the mounds were mounds before history, and for (1 an I believe, tbe mounds were mounds before mau was mtn. Thei- origin U not to b looked t,r in tradition, or ia history or in bioks, or even in the mounds them selves, but under the mouuds, Many .ou n.nnmla in various parts oi the Ul lwv. - I into, but none have ever been dug un der. Strange this has never hern thought of. In "omo of the mound have been found relics, curiosities of Indian origin, and mke. Pi lisps tbe nations before the Indians, whoever thi't were, may have deposited in tho mounds many of their tools of hus bandry, hunting and fishing tackle, vessel of domestic use, and probably every people, who ever lived in Ameri ca may have uod them lor similar pur poses. All perhMt in every sgn used them for burying their dmd, us i'i many of them Imv.i been f.uiml bones an I skeletons, but irma of these facts, or sll of them together, prove, or ,een M KK THK AI T 1KIMMOI. indiettH, that the mounds are artificial. K yt hifii;" found in these mounds prv to a thinking mind four facts. Isffij that i hey wero put there sfter he in Minds were made. Second, that the thing (ound showed human skill, ho vever ru b-. Third, that they were ftwftf stkbst mcea to the material tf wiiuh the mounds are composed, and fourth that the m lunds were not made by human labor. We do not say that among the vast munW of mounds spread all over the plains and in many of the States, th it there may not be some of human origin, indee I, there may be earth works built by a race of people long since extinet, but I all'trm all wera not built by bnmsn agency even if some were, and I bavo reason to be lieve that none of tloie about which I am writing, were. There have ben found in America old walls and old forts and other things of human origin of which tbe Indian's knew nothing. Tbe Urge numbr of persons on this ooaat, who crossed tho plain and who were to familiar with the mounds in the states, and who saw snd crossed so many coming wetr, ould not help oh serving several facts patent to all. Win .!: i these mounds were stogie or in groups, whether they wero largo or small, there was never seen a hollow or depression around tbeir base, or among tbeoTwhere the earth was taken from to build them with, snd more, that their general base did not appear to be .'ower than the general surface of the ground upon which they stood or were situated. If tbey were artificial, tbere w&ttld certainly ba aomo trail of wbete the earth came from to b.tild them with, and all among them and on the out skirts of a group or on the lsnd around the base of a single one, tbe surface woulJ be Iow:r thsn their base, wbicb is not the fact. Supposing them to be artificial the surface must be lower snd around a large group for some off there would be n depression towsrtls li e group, and tliis depression would bo fa proportion to the number and rtz of the moand. This is not tbe esse. Tbe general base of all grouf are and even of single onca not only do not ait or stand in a basin or depres sion, but then not level with the gen eral surface they often stand on a rise or sweli, whioh extends some distance around. This would not be so if tbey were artificial, but the fact of this gradual riae or swell upon which they stand, says in silent language they were produced by geological forces. P. A. Mosks, Jacksonville, Oregon. Hamtt time since it became necessary for the President to appoint three Un ion Paoitio It. H. Direotor. He de cide! Co appoint two democrats and one Republican. Gov. Hoadtey went to Washington to ask tbe President to appoint K. M.Johnson, of Cincinnati, his law partner, one of the commission ers. The President Informed tbe Oov eruor that he had selected two Demo crats, and tho third would bo a llepuh. lican, ami a oitizm of Ohio. Gov. I load ley suggested that K O v. Noyes bo appointed. Whereupon the Presi dent Spj ointed Noyes. No sooner had tho aniiouucentent of Noves' appoint ment been made public thsn a univer sal, inciguarit protest was rent up from all parta of th c mntry, protesting against the appointment i n account of his connection with lbs president il tesl in lK7b Noyes sw th coming storm sn I hastened to deelin. This was eminently correct. Nf a inU OOundrel of the whole lor, who combin ed to mske "fraud firat trium .Inn' in American history,-' ahould ever b isr milted, by the giace of a Democrat, to bold aov office of honor or trust. Net one of them aboutd ever bs allowed to raise his head up in search of an 'Mice without a vigorous protest from I mo ors ts- Let tbeir hellish deeds be made odious under all circumstances snd on all occasions. Let them all become, as they righteously deserve, outcasts and despised ones in all time to come. Lt their names be handed down to each succeeding generation of 'Democrats as detestable creatures, unfit to have a voice in public affairs. Tbeir crime agsiust free government is absolutely unatoneable, and tbeir nsms should be detested by every one who believes that the voice of the people abauld rule. The time has at last arrived when n man of self-respect will dare to defend tbe steal, and all will on om to im that the act was an .. .M on-?. Tno es tee mod .lai . AVrvs, afty,r expressing tho ojiiul hi tint a Democrat Just upp.Int-l in u ba-aj oflico Is ln every way qualified for the position, r for .ny other in the gift of the President, " g h on to ay that It is do to the tru hot hi lory to state the simple, notorious fool that there was no MMM why hh tepubllcan predecessor sboul I n t have continued In the position, "ex cept that his place was wanted for Democrat," Well , what other reason would the Mail ami Exfttt have? There If no reason why the Adminis tration at Washington should Dot bave continued to be Republican "except that tho people preferred to subsUtuto a Democratic Adminlstra- tlon. And the people are getting tired of the twaddle about the re moval of officials because they are re publicans. Why should they not be removed under a Democratic Admin istration, and how does It como that, practically, all the people In Federal ofllcca on tbe 3rd of March last hap pened to he Republicans? STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN TEE WILLAMETTE Y ALLEY Hpccifti huftiness notices In Local Col umns is cents per line. Kegnlar Leeal notices 10 cents per line. I or legal and transient ad vsrUsetnante 00 per square for the first loser won, ami 50 cent par square for each subaeqaent Insertion. Itafcs for other advertisements made known on application. WAR INAUGURATED BY N H Allen & Co., 5Ce?Un? Wt,' coul:1n't take the time toco to tho Inauguration of Presi f,"d' o we concluded to get up a little inauguration of ourown whO According lya HIGH PRICES was determined upon and prepared for as a -'anca at our unequaled new stock of Spring and 8ummer goo 1s, and unpa alleled low prices will con vince you. SUC JESS will crown our pffortg if you will favSr u. with your patronage, for by large sales at a s-nall margin we expect to win the tight. Come and Help Us. Our stock is ail bought for CASH at Bankrupt Sales. We only sell for cash or produce, and propose zo sell at prices that defy competition. Anew feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5. 10 and 25 cent counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street, Albany, Or. 1 1 rat Boat Aitt-attikt NOTICE. The New York Sun must do some very brilliant "shining" or its readers will never be able to understand what excuse it csn give for butchering the King's English as it does in the follow ing extract taken from its insuo of July 9 : "Dictionaries and grammars of the chief languages spoken along tho Cot.go River sro preparing and prmung in Kncland. Seven natives of the large district of Congo who were taken to England four years ago have revised the vocabularies supplied by laiasionar ies and assisted in preparing a gram mar. The Huh sets itself up as a purict in tha use of the English language, and yet, a dull schocl boy would hardly dare ao before his teacher with such composition as "dictionaries und gram mars aro preparing and printing in England." got as badly befuddled in its grammar as it did last fall in its politics- who Judge everything hiroply by ap pearances. The sir-brake docs not seem to be a very power fid thing, bat Tbe Kepuulicsn press m ikes a pite ous howl against St. John, wbo has gone into tbe Ohio campaign to tight the Republican ticket. We can't un derstand wLy St. John has not got a tight to back his conviction by preach- anfi efficiency are not necessarily iog prohibition, it be cnooees. 1 ne equivaiant to bigness snd pretense fact of the matter is simply this : punin fwr. E-o.. who resides st John cannot be bought by the Itjpubli- lhe SwtoJ) Hotel, New York cans. He is too honorable to affiliate . , enMffad in nising sub iib a party which has been buried un- for t,0 few yl)rk World, der the weight of its infamous siu-, and B . dogUl fund, was once up- . a s is acconltngly viiibod by tne nnscrupn- . b ft distiuguish-d relative whe mm S 111 . i lous politicians anu suosiaizeu pr-ss oi m hygicil4n, far cim-nendiug in that party. BUCh enthusiastic terms, a remedy that Tbe advent of a democratic adminis- cured him of bright's disease eight years . .. t f aaaIass I ssn ITc flsid . "&ir. nas tno meuicai tration i:aa uneu rumun- i snafltilnaia in more than one wuv. The profession with alt its power and ex cheerina news reaches uh in various perienoe of thousands of yeara.snything as . i i i : i , f W-abinototi that there is that can cure tuia aiaor-r . w h,d .. m . i...,knsa" amonff the clerks in the No, no, that is true, there is no mi mm mm c . ... , l u- ..- ifrtra IptIcs. hako aWit it but that Warnei a ssie UM)ariim:ui0 iun o-s w.w.-. j . .i. i, i.... iimm bnva bint I aura as reallv a wonle tuiiy euecuve w in), uiirinK iiic i"- ; I . r.ea daa in osch month, nrenaration. That remodv is an air- . - J ---- I - ..... i i yt mnn cm ROlilV nno se c... .na tn I nn upcitiirit. ot "nlcKoess. are now in ura&o wn - n lain mo cctu.o v " ..,! -rt -murlr,blv .mod l.oalth and are likely this fact ospiams wny i o , j 0 . - . 4 -,: on Thl- sneaks volumes minv hundreds ot tnoiisanns o. tVI i X71XJ S ov. ------ I W , m Lt. ?l lui if-nmssioii or i fUtrtfi r'i - m Inter lean Rural Home. "Yes, sab." said Uncle Zcb, "Pee watched it forty years sn its as I sez ; De fast ol Msy an' Christmas day ot de same year alb-re comes on de same !" Further conversation provel Uncle having concludou to close out Ms business, now offers Ms entire stock of Zach a most incredulona jersoo. Cbanc- j ing to mention Ur. C.rvsr's feat of! breakintr (.'lass balls say it H a till", he saiJ : I beerd 'boat dst shoot in' and know tfl right off it wasn't squsr' ; dst was a Yankee trick, boas' sho'a you born." What was tbe trick t" list loadstone put into de glasa balls, an' likewise onto de bullets , so when de ballet fly outen de gun. it an' do ball js d rawed tergedder, which, in course, brokes de glass dats de trick "' Later, Uncle Zach o'-aerve! a ropo running along the side of tbe car. "Boas, what's dat line fur ? ' "To apply tbe air-brake in case of scci.ient." Then we d f irther to explain bow the force of the brake was wbicb Uncle Zch respond ed : 'Look a here boss, you sholy don'c 'apect me to b leeve dat foolishness ? Wby, de biggest hsrrioane whatever blowed couldn't stop dia trsin, rnnnin' forty mile a hour. An you think I gwine to b'leeve a Utile pi;e full of wind nnder de kyars can do it ? No, sah- ree f Tbere aro a great many Uncle Zachs STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together, with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER ANO SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. A? t'ais h a ganuiaa clojia? oat, mw is ths time for housewives to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware. .Y LIIANY, lB. lltha 1HC5. Red CrownMills The Oln"o Republicans are begin ing to get in a state of mind over tbe prcs- tuwt. nf ill., l.n'ilr t f ft,, "il ftfl ir i '.j,(K0 mntwi vo'ers lu .bat state. At , 1 T some time i the put it .seem,- that raocass vlodr scTRRioa roa raaauss i , t. i , . ... ,. AND BAKKK3 USE. JuJge horaker, toe Rub'iciti candi- : J.t. f, Governor, oppo.fd ,h. ada,- BEST STORACF FACILITIES. WO uf coined mMt ,0 ,b. psbB. Ejhe6t .jp . Cah for schools ot the state, while Iloadiy, his j Wheat prouame -democratic competitor, scteo i volunteer counsel in their brb!f. as ALBANY OR. ; The olored men have not forgott- u, and, in case of H adl)'a renominatiou, ate threatening to go over to bim in a body. I a case this threat is carried out Hoadl)'s election would be assured, 1 and it is not to be wondered st that tbe prospect gives the republican lead ers a had attack uf the shivers. A. B. Cot.VBR fc Sorr. Prlnevtlle, Oregon, We have often remarked In these columns that power and place sro what the leaders of tbe republican party seek. Stiipped of power and the opportunity to wave the bloody shirt, and they have nothing upon which to appeal to tbe country. They have no distinctive, vitalizing principle to place before their followers to hold them togsther, and in a very few years the party will fall to pieces as an old building without props or support. The howl which goes up among th leaders of that party when one of their nuoibec is removed from an office, tbe almost universal effort am on 2 them to retain thair offices, are sufficient proofs of our statement Mr. blaine's organs should not whine so loudly becauee be was not the hon ored guest at the recent (li-aud Army reunion. It was not a reunion of sub- for tbe new administration. VV Hiionose the most casual reader . i I m, n i.;,,r4. haia rl I rOCtlVl (itill. k. f-iloil tf nhsfii've. mat ffovern- i me rrusiwcui - lino aawv s.w w aar ment clerks, in custom houses, post Howard at Omaha to be preparea .or ... . :i ..d thai muriU OCClir in offices, internal levenue omoes, mau any 0u-urrrn. . a agents and others are complaining about Utah tbe extraordinary amouut ot worn which they have to do. Of course this ia a o-reat hardshio. but there seems to - - a Im lint one , .i . . s. : w.,t. ih hnvn each and inai, is io r-aiau- v"" j - generally have no use for that word. M orr ewi i,!ios or rvmu 4ul Liver Oil. Witts Hj papkosphltes, r ir tnvriion of Ikr Lstngs onl Wastiag Dlaeasrs. Dr. J. Slmoii:iud, Now Orleans La 9Ajs: I can candidly declare Scott's Eraubion is the finest preparation of the kind that has ever been brought to my notice. In affections of the lungs and oilier wasting disease?, we may consider it our tnoit reliable agent. In a perfectly elegant and agreeable form." Several dassa of live chickens wauted by J C Uaunals.jost south of new school house. OH! MY BACK Every strain or cold attacks that weak bock snd nearly prostrates yoa. L BOSON FROM A M isTOOOSi. Tholusks ofaraastodou recently MP, und in Illinois weighed 175 pounds wayto avo p, What a gigantic toothache that animal must have been capable of having! And such neuralgia! Neu- . ... stitute senders. It was a gathering oi country have been examined-dugf genuine ex-soldierr. Thm i to be a wedina out of tbe ralgia, or nerve-ache, generally pro 1 t II .S . -1 mam1 i S Is-V. f Pension Examiners. A weding out oi ceefls irom a uisoruoiou thu pensioners themselves would prob- the blood. Brown's Iron Bitters en- ablv Pnd in a more gratifying result. rlche, aoa purines mis una v J s. u -trwT It? 1. AltVknn neuralgia out. Mr. w. v. xvuu, Acitv's newspapers are better con- Browu's Iron - - , 1 .. , r. servers ot its ousineaa u j ow... Bitters permanently cureu me oi cu ality than are its police. ralgia." Hereafter the Domocratlc dog will tall should be wagged. mjil 1 i in f D. M. JONES, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBANY, OREGON. Oflico at residence on Third and Wash ington Streets, RATES OK CHARGES. (with 25 per cent extra at night) Visits in town, $1.50, Visits in tbe country, $1 per mile for tbe first two miles , and 50 cents for each addi tional mile, not including ferriage. Medicines furnished prkk whit visit ing: patients. Obstetrics, five dollars and mileage, C. E, WOtVKBTON, O. H, JRYJNR, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. rOftlce up stairs in Froman's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- ITJTLERY. The best line of cutlery in tbe valley sou be found at our store. It embraees pestwt knives, table knives, forks and spoons, butcher knives, hunting knives, par lag knives, shears and scissors of all a kiss, and th best line of razors ever brought into Altatny. Come and see for your selves, PrEti Srawasr. F OR SALE. THE BEST TONIC Partial sLeady aubsoribers to the IJemo- wag the Tamma ly tail In the way a wn0 wigh to send the paper off to a a... u.,i.i h ,r,r,arl friend or fasadi can do so for $2. r Streufrthens tbe Muscles, Steadies ! Nerves, Knrlchcs the Blood, Gives New Vigor. DaJT. L. Myers, Falrfiold. Iowa, sars: "Brown's Iron Bitters 1s the beat Iron medi.una I have known in my 80 rears1 practice. I hT found it BpeoisU; beneficial In nervous or physical exhaus tion, and in all debiliUting Rilmenta that bear ; heavily on the aye torn. Ue it freely in my own famUy." Genuine has trade mark and tom1 red lines on wrapper. Take no otker. Mode only by BROWN OMEMlCAt CO.. BALTIMORK, MO, IjADiEfc' Hand Book useful and attractive, om taininc list of for recipes, information abonfc coins, etc., Riven away by all dealers in medicine, or mailed to any address oa receipt of So. stamp. KtDiNG TON, VOODARDJCO., i'oriland Or, One hundred and forty acres, win miles above Lebanon. W aeras in Kui tivaliou. 10 acres slashed ami sown to grass. Comfortable dwelling, goad outhouse?, (-heap. Inquire at this ofllce. MUSS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. OFIUM AND MOHPIHI HABIT CURED wBY- W. F. ALEXANDER,!!.. D., 1 guarantee a cure in all eases if my u.reetions aie strwily followed. JBo paiuoriobs ol t-rae from business, 4 Aa dress above at Albany, Oregon. Xr-Trs. iad '$. As.. Ml-.