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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1885)
r i ! tHrelary- U. t. CurnoM.-rrKhiiif Mfl Behbath, i 11 a. m. , and 7 r. at, by ReY. Fh Q. It SJJ D I). Sabbath School at 2:30 r. II tiN every W-jdnAaaoey evening. .v v.-sufcUOAt (Jkukuh. iWohinfon 8b- ... .i 11 a. m., 74 . 8bth ouuoi Ia15, llayer mooting every Ihttra .1 vuiug K. ft, Davie, pastor. AU are invited. ... ,i.wiAHONALCHCcH. Serooeeevery s i. At U a. m. udSML Sabbath l j :i:. Grayer mooting on , cvcuiug ol soon week, J. W. . 1.. 1 1, ,JUUT. , r. v. miKii,lotnPH.--Proohing ovry . . im nnng it 11 o'clook a. m. Sob- , gitvol 01 1U w'wlOOk A. M. PlJJfOJ ,vi ihurovloy voniog t 7:30 too, V M. Culi, ntor. ; ,;ruikirrH,TAo!rr. Ptooob lug r Si ...aUt ol 3:30 o'clook,?. U. Sob iu.i. itobool as J::Wo olook,r. m. K . Cuip, l - or. I'reaehtog otory SabbeAh 0. . , a. m. aud 7 r. M. Song oorvico in , .oruion. Sabbath Sohoo. i. m. Fimyor mooting ory Thnro stag, iUv. M. Jody, paator. v . ..aia Cmurcm. Sornoo every .nutting And evening in Church i .; . . i. . .m oud Filth SU-' Sundoy School .... o, in. Iroyor mooUng every WMaedoj evaniag. fcev. laaao H. Cuodit r " i . , i li v v nst C a ucn. 1'roochiug every it llooloeaa.ea.,eiCaatoa on 5ito Sti labballl school iruiiied lately alter mot -i.iih; notrieee, rrater invent. fhursday eveaiug Urowuson, pastor. At 7 30 o'clock. T U i v i lkslwits Church. Proochiug eveo ..inland tuurtu Sabbath ot each mouth 1U11 At 11 o'clock. A. M.. Ana 7 osloek, r. m Sabbath School At 12 m. To tiie Unfortunate I DE GIBBON'S Dispensary. UCtJ eoroerofCuu teooMHo, uu. u ISA4. for ol OmoaI I AS .evrrtor. Vlrrt, -. Mrielare, ayahllt m :it Ita lot MA, MMUMI A A J .1 S. . ly enrvd The ",,vv '.gl .all upon him. Tlu loctur hAAlTAekU tu I iroi, .ltd iuisotett thoroughly U ; ...m.-ua a there, obtain"!; A gruat UoaJ ot uu .lation. which b oompAUtui Uu- in noMf ol hie wvio JgS -., othon tail, fry h"n. UK. UlBUu.N A ulMAh UllleM h ACUW. l.kOAl Mlh AJI COOMUUH.CA- c.iiiwi.UAl. AU Wlter Awe.a m . !.,Vi.r a umckAirv ol mlKiu. Call or .jJ-r- UK. J. r", UBHO. Bo . M . .1 Mcnuon AlbA UAiwcaaT.) iSiieriffs Sale. , 4 ., wuit Court 0 State 9 Ortyon j -ji- Out County n Ltnm : . lOatrOA ur A.S KXaVUTlUM DULY afJSCTB) tj vi. ..1 m oicuiicourt, ol t be OtaU ol Ornotir .....u cwuoly, UteU ol uate June Sth, A D, 184, land oireciau,) uik o a Judaaaaat, (aiai decree Um 4fmm ol morttfAiee,) duly reudatwd to the Mid Court .roded Aud docketed la Um aerk'e ofllce ol aaid Oclvocr i.h, in favor ol the New ,. .,.4 ,.t dorijjxifo Security CoeooAuy, a nainun aim a .. .. uiutei rWrun, L J Prrtah, U K Parriah. l.ur a CArrudi. U t Pexrudv, KsoniA M lArriab, Auf l iiid V L-tndt, part-r doing buauiea under himtul HiDzaod Landi, Barnard HaW and .iv.ri.n 1 1 1 11 lire didiarhlMllT-T ' ,K " ' SAM M Hold Broa,nd Co,and B Salig and H Newman doitu btwneea under Um Arm name ol ScUtf a1 Ji uiao. a IMnsdAU-a, lur Uie ram ot (AM77.50),. ;iMuAad Ijut hundred and aTnty-avo and am huiHiredttt dol'aralu CB foh tog.ihar iih iuuteat on (SttWX three thousand too hundred audK,- aoiurj, tbaol, from January laea, at aovii r easjl per annum, and on (227.50) two hun dr and lAc.Uj secu And Olty huOisdiha doliart Utar'M January let, 1MH, ot ten per otpr t,,,, mm4 ine iu.w aunt ol Sl0) ooebunoied u . douAratyej:iat Attomaya taaa, and uJIW.So) one nu .drsd and u..ctan and twenty Ave hundredth ,., cuu ajai dUourecnMtita, aL actually due aaid ru. ...ti se B sahl JudrnMn rrom the Oeleadoata, O .iuic. 'rr .0 iw L J larriah, and a decree ei . , ... uii ajre upon the hereCuaftaT deecr.b td v-i ..uu, and oonuuandutf BH V eell sf prroi wc-, tu 4id dacree acacrlbed as oUow. to-wtl : The at nail ol UM donation land claim ol UaataUel Par UU . i I'arriah hie wu, Xolificatoo JSo, JObo, .a aMaaeja No. (5) ire, () six, tJ e rfin, end ( eej .1, .a lowoabip No. Uurteen, eooth vt IU .,- H . v- two,ot ol Ut j Willamette meridian ... 100 acre XacepuuK 100 acre out ol UN Lfunit corner heretolore desded to Uenry-r-arr-.., OeeerH -d a lolloer ; Bnclnning at Um auatth eaat eftHMf t .Aid claJin and running- thence north genejetj aree and urtj lve nuuute weal, torty . ma ( w jOloi cnaiu ; tuenvc north nity de jees n1 Ml ssksslat eat, thirty igbt and 3o-li i .- .5 10U) ciuu , ihectveauuth aUty-two de cree ..d lr.y uiiuutee satt, twenty-one and 1W-100 (f is l) enaine; Umimx aouth idueUen degree An ! tWiccn nnnule it, tuenly-nloe (Zt) chain to the pLee of bexiimln' ) AikI alo Um norUteaat qsauter of tb aososneaet quarter, containing 0 acre, and tuc n.rthwent 'U Vet d the aoutheaat quarter, coo asfOg 40 acre., aiid the outnat quaiter of the i...nlicrt naArtor, eaeMBBSaj 40 acre, and alee LolaNo MrofSh "u-ce and lour (4X eontalnlnf 101 faVtOS acre, aU ut BecUou No. (S) eight, In Town hi N. ( i) thirea aouth, of range No. (2) two, wu ( the Willamette meridian, In all ttl -l0U Acre, and belu a imrt ol the donation land claim of Jaine Tay.or ual tfliaaheUt rayb hie wife, NoOAca Uon .v.. 40o9 in-- laud above described ooutAiniAW, in all US Oi-iou acrue, eiitiAte in Unn county. Oregon. I did on Joe W.H, K. D. Umj, doly levy odom sod SSlsesaiJ Ahus deecriued pretoiee, and by virtue the.o". aod i -aid writ and order 4 aale, I will on (,,,, ; ., . l7ttJ. A. D 1"3, at tha hour ol ten (10) o'c oc. 111 lM forenou ol aaid day, at Um Court Uouan door at i'-Aii iu Linn county, Oregon, duly Mil said pruu aea at u;jl;c auction tor cash tu hand to the mjfheet bid lor, to aaUafy A d Judgment and decree, oete aod accruing oocte. Dated Ju eOtb, A. D. 1885. J. K, CUASLTOS, .Sheriff ol Linn county, Oregon. o. c .HAtKT o.a.r i i ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, iHuiWHMora to C. 0. Cherry.) MacMr.ists, MH1 frights, and Ira Fomd6T8. I K HA VB OUR NEW 8 HOPS ALL r .iDjiletetl, ttnd are now prepar id to Uau -11.- a 1 kinds of heavy work. We wMl inn! . in- Steam Engines, Grist and vi , binery, and all kinda t Iron kri'i I'raxs (jastiugri. v.nxn BtBK on shokt Merncs. I attention given to repairing all kij(bj n;tchlnerv. Will Also man urao tore th'i lm oved Cherry A White Grain Sei'traiii M 's f f t.t 1 mors money than at any thing else by takinir an a-,r.;i. tor the seliinif tiook out. Beirinner sue cjed grandly . Nuno fail, Term free,, Hallxtt Book Co,, PortlunrJ, Maine, IOit SALE, One half block in eastern part of the city a-iui ttr House ana nam win bo oolfl U J " C-uardian's Sale. .oreby given that the underiigned as Bsardbtn of asktasl and Harry Meyer, minor heirs of M .M . y . Ut-ceasecl, will on SAUtrdsy, tbe 1st day of a -. . , : 5i", at 10 o'clock, a. m., ot said dsy, at the rjjort Mouse door la Albany, Llun county, State of Oreou, ., , vii tue . f an order of the County Court of Marion oottnty, State of Oregon, made on the 6th day of June, l&dt,licen8ii him to do so tell at public audi .n, C' iho highest bidder, for CASh, all the right, title and interest of said Samuel Meyer and Hany Meyer, of, in and it Lots No. (6) five and () six in Block No. (20) twnuty in the town of Albany In said eounty ol Uau bounty, State of Oregon. June 30th, lst&. Kaasvsi, Msrss, SOuardian. cmU. Ban r- mine eC'llbrriy Knltlilrnl llr M or 14 iea c-nituUtM in ohAiva of the wi ilru tUn of ttio bAMAixl MHimtAl for rrtvptloti ol hltfrt rk. In ror to raUtt tHndt hr IU wnipUUon lio rv lAr'tl a miniature Htatualt x lnolia in lu'tijlit, the Miatue BroasAd; lVloaUl. Kivkel -Hm mhI, which thy ar now ilallTenna to ubvillH.r thiouKh out the l ulled 8tataat n ilollAr cACh. Thin AltrAAtiVA aouvAnlr ami iitanU'l r di kr orn MM l a pei led Iac-iU-uIIa of th n..l. l iurnUhod y artUO, The 8UtutU In tani nut!, twelve luchea high, atftvedoltara each, delivered. The .leeiBiie of MUluekiul ISnhtelHl i.uoi'.i o U. B. Ialenl, ami the uioilele uau only be furnllitl l thb Commute. AdJreea, with remltlame. RK'HARI) BtTLKK, Secretary. American Committee ol Ihv Liberty, 39 Mercer 8tTMt, New York . Final Settlement. In tkrmaitfr of the ICoiidr 0 JSpM It try. NOTICE l hereby given "hat the underelgncl Ad. mlnielnitor ol the eataU ol ramela Berry, deooaatd hae filed hk final account In aald matter In the Coun ty Court ol Linn county, (krvjron, and that eaid Court ha aiHUcd Monday the Srd day ol Auut, !V, at the hoar ol 10 o clock, a in . ol aald day m the time lor hearing objection to euch niiJ aco itut and the eettMntent thereol. Dated July Ut. les. J, L. HlLLKB, 1UutA HavAXT, Administrator. Attomaya tor AdminUdrator. TIIK DR. LIEBIC I'rlv.tlr llprnary, Q tOO Unry SU, Han Kramieco CsA tX Conductva by Oualificd i'lykUna C3 and Surg rou - regular graduatea. La Ut The tilde. t 'tvili,u In the a I'nltcd Malca, Bfj IsSSJ experience, y ,rf.t n h d at.d pure medicine. ineurc iKtly and winiAUeni cum ol all Private, thri nlc and Ncrvh ua Hiataav Affection of the lllutal, hkin, Kidney. lUaddcr, Kruptiou., t' leer, Old horee, Swcl'lng f the Uhtiida, More Mouth, Ihruat lioiw Pain,iA-ruiaiiciii, cum.0 ami rra.ii caled fMm Ibe vteo t life. .1K lM A l. Hlitj . Iniiwtency, Seminal Uwwc, xual lK-,a, Men at taJ and Phi vital Weakneae, Palling ZZ MsaMff, Weak Kjc. Munted K Yell.) Uiii'l,IIHl.hH "t In Marrutg r Q etc., I:, u. i tea i r YOOtMBl MMsSj mm er an cau.c. , Mlely and rlvately cured. Z n(. tUdaic-agrU and did erf men, and all a ho nctd mcdicAl Skttl 2 And exiTteiice, cttu.ull the obi gS hueopcalt Phyatcian at oner Hi opinion cuate nothtug, and may aav lutuie miaery and baiue. When iiteui.teuieut to tlait the city i for treatment, rnetticine can be ent every where by eXprWM free IrcUi obaervaiion. ll v eeii-ciiucm inu a phvaician who give hi whole attentiou to a cIaa of dieaeeeatulu great akill. and pbjvtcun through out the country. knowing thia. treu,ueilly reoAumeiKl difBcult caere Ut the ..Ideal vpeciaiut. by whom every known gi-l rcmrdv la ied. The Doctor' age euu experiei o mAc BM aynoes "f uprtne tmortAnc. avTIm- a liu cail . i.o.n.ebut the Deetor. Con- raltAtlott free And aaerculy eonsdenUal. ohii-h tmm mm tea twi in idttAii '.i.. relief elacwlierc IaII) ..llcited. KernaJe dUe-eaUCceealully treated. TV. fKa-titr will aaree to lorleu It.itW b-r SBH un dertaken, not cured. Call or write. Hour, dally, from 0 B, BJL to 4 p. m., 8 to 8 evening ; Sunday a. 10 to 12 onlo Send for the SaidtarUl Uuble to HeaJth. aeuttree. Addrea uiN- PB ..ICMii'S Weodcrfnt .rrMM lnlgorlr Permanently prevento all Unnatural Loaves from tle ayiem, foue the nerve, trengther. the muaclea, check the waste, kiivigoratca the whi-le vyalem, aud the affile led In Health and lUhllhcM The reaann so many cannot get curu "1 Seminar Wrakne, Loss ot ManhotaJ, etc, la SOJkMI to a cum plicAlion, called ProsUlorrht a ilh lly la-raethcut, which requires pecultAr treatment. Dr. LieMg'e In vlgorator the only positive cure for PruvUf -rrlira, with peculiar apecial treatment, used at thr itieldg Dipenaary . Price er lavtsoralor, t. f asa ol si, bottle ggA, sent to any addreea, cuered ecure:y ir. w ob ervatloa. Most powerful electric bells free to pstienw Te prove the wonderful -.r of tn luv ij;oratWr. A 02 Bottle Clvra or aeat Irrr. Consultation free and pmate. Call or addrea 1.11. Bit, 111 pi: H -st Ml. 400 Ueary Btreet, Ban PrancUco, Cat. Private entrance, 405 Mason Street, !ur b ock up Oeary Street from Kearney, Main cntra ice thruug.i DkspenKtry Drug Store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business Ut the V A Patent Office attcmieded to tor fln-derate tees. Our office U oppneit ihe D, H. Patent office, and ve cm obtain Patents lea Hire than MeM rciuote tom a'aabtngton. I bend inodle or drawing. We a-' to j-ateut j ability free of charge ;ndweniaae o charge uiiieae we obtain patent. We refer here, to the PrtniaWr, th Hurt, of M..ney Order Div. and to offlctAl of the I'. H Patent Office Kor circular, advice, term, and ef rencee oavtual client in your own State or county, addrts , A. UNOW&COo, OMpoalte Patent SjSjSS, Waabhagtoo, D SAM WA VW. I ACNDUY AND CHINA MEK' UANIHINU Bl'SI- te NESS. Bice, tea and Japanese good. undercluthee. aoad at boltrtn iiricee. Ccutractor lor China labor. ssTNezt to City Bank. OF ANOTHER AGE. Craafaally Sapplaolrri By a Betirr Article Certain Old Tlavra ate Pane Away. In tbe general reception room of il.e Weafern Union Telegraph bulkHag on Uroadwa.' , New York, are exhibited tbe coatee, crude and ciumay Instru ment of the infancy ol the telegraph 1 hey are only relics low. Mre perfect machinery !. super SSded them. Yea' ago what I styled tin old-fasliiontd porous plaateir did some good aervlce. 1 here uas men noth ing better of the kind. Now all that ha changed. Science and stuay have gone deeper into Ihe secrets ol medicine ana produced BENSON'S CAPCINK POK OUS.PLASTEB, abieh embodie all the excellencies thus iar poaalbie In an external remedy. Tbe old plaster are slow--the Capcine I rapid ; they were uneeitain - the Ctpcine i cure. Cheter article bear sun Iar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist doc not deceive ;ou. Price 25 cent. H.bury A Johnson, ChcmlH, New York. CH0NC HUNG. vVaahoa and IniDS clnl BOO in first cIakk Htyie, at reasonable r t Muceewsor to ie. One door south ut Revere llouse,on Ellsworth Street. ALBANY RKU0N The Buy Ens' Guide is issued March and Sept., each year; 224 Pajpvt U Inches, with over 15,300 ukaou itions n whole picture gal lery. G i ve w I tolcsalo prices direct to consumers on all goodu for personal or ,9gkv family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact fit VM cost of ev erything you tti JgBJf life, drink, eat, wear, or pnMgF havj fun with. These ZW inviijuabio hooks contain information i unci forn the markets of tiM wori Ltd will it. ail acopyFrootoaiiyothlreMi pon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Lt.t t 1 ar from you. J Respec tfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. aT ah SStf Vabua Avenue, Cntem-o, LU. California Wire Works, 291 MABKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. MAKUFACTl'ItKHH OK WIRE AND EVERYTHING IN WIRE. Herthorl Wino We offer ,or 8ale iiweet tijfure DM. UDU. 0 2 & 4 point rpifuiar and thi.-k set. Being regularly licensed we guarantee our customer agaiuav uamagee. Hoilinrr Wino "PaciOc"briind of very best steel, UcMililg W 110 all sizes at lowest market rates. Wire Netting All meshc & widths.alvanized after tnado.for poultry yarJH.etc. WlT0 Plntll ' all fruiidryerr, thrcsh- iiuu viuvu or, lu ,r. -:-, riidles, etc, Unn Winn r',,r training hops, made fr m tse) Id laUIJ nilU long lenirUH specially tor the iurMje S-opher Traps And all other kind of trap for woles, squirrt-ls, rat and iniu. nn i FllioVtilU UlilDO v ided in ilisUice and made of iteel wire, ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL WIRE AND WON WORKS. NOTE, Wo meet Eastern competition by home manutaoiure, and soil you bettor Kod at lower prices, ided in ifisuiue and made n VPam."-- 1 Fill DA. V JULY '21, 1885 Tht ut or II. Wo hove been nuked Nomet tinea why wo publirh such rltliculoti slortes m that a certain atlrrup In the city was tilted and made by Daniel Boone, or that a certain local fiddle Wave tnado in Italy n 1517, etc., when every body know" that there ! nothing In the etorlee. H ally about the only exouee, it a scarcity of iteuia, and, when "copy" Is being cried on every hautl, an oditor will do moH anything for a eubj ot, Betildes It lea pnrt i his vocation to llstou and pretetidfo believe every thing that ! told him. and he docs tin ao much that often he finds himself writing for facts what he kuows to bo about the natneae a hoax, hut withal a mutter of little moment. At the same lime be Is am liable its any one to be imposed on, bis profession making it necessary for Mm to bellove those arotiud him. rise he would publish very little now. On tins uivotiiit the Democrat has In lta life bean two weeks too previous in the matter of a birth, had aeveral men dead too aoon, etc and ell papers have had the same experience. Several doxnn of lire chicken wauled by J C I)aunaJ,juat south of new school TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEJnJTSeT11 The Ureatest Med rinaph of the Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. l.oaa of nppeilip, llowrla coatlvr, latn Is iho head, with t dull ecneattem In the hack purl. Pst, tiudrr iho ehoolder hladr, Pnllnree nflrr ratine, with dte tncllnattos la rtrrtlou of Body or Mind, Irrlinbllliy of irmprr, t.oweplrtte, with it feeling of bnvlng neglected seme duty, tVi-eriuree, Dlsxlneea, 1 luilrrlng l the llmrt, Dote Bolero the eyee. Headache aver the right eye, Iteetlesoooeo, with flilul dream. Highly colored I rise, and CONSTIPATION. ' TrTT'M l'lLLB are especially adapted to such cases, otto Uoso effects such a t tmnKi of feel luflr aa to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the , rtattle,anl raoss the t.Mly f' Take out Fleekctnu tha f tm r ttottrlshe!, and by ihcir Tonlr Arlles o tb Oiaeatl ve UrHwat, Itrjfular HI tool are j.r.- lu Ph.-" W ttrry at..?g.. TUTTS HAIR DYE. t.iivt it m or WuisKsae ehsngea ton Gur lu. ck tr a sincle at plication of till 1 T i . It Imparts n nalurnl color, act Instanlaneouely. hoM be DnigglsU, or sent by oxprea on receiptor ft. Office, AA Murray St., Now York. DrSANFORD'S INVIGORATOR is just what its Dame implies ; a laurel Viable Compound, that nets directly upon the Nycr ; curing the many diseases iiddfMo that ira. r ortant organ, and flahting the Btt merous ailments tlprfarise from its deranged . ornr4(Miction, such SJ eP" iaftriaice, Biliousness. CosWnesatMuarta. Stck.headarhe. cWctc- 3 therefore a tTnisrajru To have Good Health the Liver must be kept in crder." SB. smroaD's Livza ii.vigceatcil Invifforateo tbe Liver, He ulaics tbe Bow el, 8trenjrtliena tlm System. Purifies the Blood. Assists Digeetirin, rnvt-uisFevtrt. Is a Household NersrL An luvaluab'.o r.nnilly 3Icdirinc for r. imnvt eotnpiainta, 11. IA5T0aD'3 UTZn ITT.Z0RL7Q2, J.ntJrperient f F"iy yea it. and Tha'U sand rf Ttntimmi'iU jmw Vs AVr.'f. roit half, by ai.t. pru i :t iv MKDrcrsnw. For full inforrnsMon v-i l yr s'li'msj fw ma osire Dooit rn t'i I r i it n c.-i-ssc, to bu. sAroi CI a0a-j; s. Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. Summons. In k Circuit Court of tlte State of Ortfon, for Linn county. Hamuel I'orter, Plainlii). vs. James M Yarbrcugb and Mary E Yar brouifh, Defendants, To James to YanroVLh and Mary E Yar- broiujh, the JJe.femlantH above named : I N TUE NAME OF THE STATE UF Orpgen yu and each of you ate here by required to appear and answer the complaint of the above plaintiff in the above entitled Court now on Ale with the Chirk of said Court on or before the first day of the next regular October terrn,18h5. thereof, to wit: On er before the HQ da of October, l8.r. and yo;i are hereby noli hed that it ou fall to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintm will apply to tbe Court for the re lief demanded therein, to. wit: That yon and each of you be required to set forth tho nature and character of the estate er Intercut claimed by you or either of you in or to tbe following described real prop erty, to-wit : Being notiilcatlon No. 2577 and designated as claim No. 02, being all the donation land claim of aaid defend ants, (except H7 Ob-XnO acres deeded to Matilda Cran field ; 62 60-100 acres deeded to Jamo.4 Wllloughby; 22 20-100 acres deeded toW Wllloughby an 5 acres deed ed to Lamar Cheadie,) containing 403 25 100 acres, or any part thereof, ana that the same be ascertained and determined by said Court; and in the events that you fail to appear and set out and show what es tate or interest you claim in or to said real property, tten lor a decree of said Court quielinv tbe title of plaintiff to said prop erty, adjudging that neither of you have any estate or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof adverse to the estate and interest of the plaintiff, and peipetually enjoining you and each of you from in any manner In terfering with the possession and estate of plaintiff th'-rein, and from in any manner claiming or asserting that they or either of them have any interest or estate in tbe same or any part thereof adverse to tbe estate and interest of the plaintitl, for tbe costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed and for such other and further re lit.'i as may be equitable and just. This summons is published in tbe Statr Hiohtb Democrat by order of Hon ft P Boise, Judge f said Uon it, made at Cham bers in the city of Halem, Oregon, on the 22nd day of April, 1885. WJBATHBKFOBD & BL i CKUURN, Attorneys lor PiaJotitf TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, D1TKO BY TUB Women's Christian Temperance Uiitl From the report of the State Corres ponding Seorotary we take the follow ing items: Amount paid to the State by local Unions, 1108.07. Amount raised fur local work by the ton Unions sending reports, $1,466.77. Statistioal report . No. of Unions in Oregon, 40 ; No. of members report ed, 699. No. of Young Women's Un ions, 2 ; No. of members, 78. No. of Bands of Hope, 13 ; No. of members, 698. The I .a in Ion Temperance Hospital which has just celebrated ita anniver sary, finds a death rate during the past year of only 6ve per oont. Tbe num ber oared for to thn hospital was 684, of which 309 left tbe institution cured and 109 had boon relieved. Abstain ing and non-abstaining patients are re ceived in about equal numbers, and in only two eaaea since establishment, baa alcohol boefl ad miniatured. A. new wing, with accommodation for seventy nation ts, has been adJrd during the year. There tbe very latest accounts, 11,827 total aUtaioon in tbe British army in India. Tbe Duko of Con naught, in a letter to tbe I to v. Oregaon wbo ia the founder of tbe Soldiers' Total Abstinence A mucin i ion, say a, "Kxperiouce baa taught me bow much of tbe crime in tbo afmy Ml India ia aitber caused or aggravated by drink, and one cani.ot too ftu impress this ujmio the men t heo.sel ve." Evidently tbe men era Wing impt eased. i The new . it master of Chicago baa entered bia protest against desecration of tbe Babbatb, by ordering the aale of ataapa discontinued on that day. A Republican police ottiewf in tbe city of Portland, now uo t i Oemocra'ic rule, says that the law baa never been enforced in that city as it is now, and that l.e does not know of a nlaee whom liquor eon be bad save at tbe regularly authorised agency. The National Temperance "Advo cate mkea a wise propoaition. It is that tbe various tetnperanre organisa tions and tbeir auxiliaries make a sys tematic caavasa of b nation on thia centennial year, and pu-. into every houae at least one temperance document a took, paper, or tract. That this kind of seed sowing in this age of read ing would produce untold good goes without saying. That it ia feasible, except in regions very sparsely settled, is equally true. Kvery phase of the temperance question is now coveted by the writings of good authors. In the West even I bore is scarcely a spot, where a doseu families are in reach of each other, but that some church, n.ia sioo, Sunday School, o temperance society could attend to a systematic distribution of papers of leaflets. "Let us bear from our ft tends on this subject. Tbete is an army of trustworthy young folks in tbe Wet wbo just ache to be put into this mis sionary 6t 4 There ia money going to waate in smell quantities in some tern jierance homes enough to spread thia seed thought 'beside all waters.' " The centennial seed sowing of tem perance literature, by concert of action, should be made general throughout tbe natioo. The Brilteh Women's Tom pa ranee Association have projected a large work this near year. It is the establishment of a Korne for Inebriate Woment and the current t xpt iiaca of such a home were guaranteed at their May meeting. THK ORDt.K OV TSJK CAHTKIt. "Evil to him who evil thinks." Tradition hss It that Edward HI. gave a grand ball at which the beau tifu! Countess of Salisbury accidentiy dropped one of her garters. Seeing her dismay, and observing the smile on the faces of some of the guests, the king took up the garter aod said in bis native tongue : "Evil to him who evil thinks." Then blading the ibb-io to his knee, h said : "I will cause it to come about thai the proud est noble in the land, will deem It the greatest honor to wear this band." So he established the Order of the Garter. UMSIAPrV MAN. Why persist In ruining your diges tion by eating unwholesome food, and keeping it ruined by doing noth ing to restore it to usefulness and right action? Some think that dys pepsia is incureable. They are the ones who have never taken Brown's Iron Bitters. This valuable family medicine mskes short work of the tormentor and soon enables the diges tive apparatus to do its work. Mr. H. E. Collins, of Keokuk, Iowa, gays : "I ueed Brown's Iron Bitters for dys pepsia, aud am greatly benefitted." Wanted To Unci a man wbo does not know more.about running a news paper than tbe editor. Syrup o rigs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Franoiaoo, CaL. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foshay ft Mason, E W Langdou aud Co., at fifty cents oi one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prombt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly i to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to care Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. vrAHUUtiTOS MOT KB (from our regular orreiMndiit.) Wahhinoton, July, 4lh, 1886. The Washington papers are teem. ing with a I vice to ex-elerk", republl-'ed cans supposed to have been turned out of ofllce, but it la to lie regretted that there are comparatively few to whom the advice applies. It has been remarked that the number dis charged Is fewer than is usual at the beginning of the fiscal year. The ad vice given to the alleged discharged republican clerks may he summed briefly as follows : Go out Into the country, cultivate a truck garden, and an Independent spirit, plant eggs, raise hens, dig tomatoes, make tbe bleak brick yards about Washington In Maryland, and Virginia blosaora like a nose. It la plain that the Washington KdMor have it down flno and know all about farming. They evidently thought a myriad or two of republican clerks would be dis charged on the first of July, and have had this good advice "In pickle" for them, and although only about two hundred were discharged tbey l um ched their catapultsof counsel. Hlnce Ocean wrought itself Into a tempest "to waft a feather and to drown a fly" there has been no belter example of over doing a thing. About all the republican clerks have ever known or ever will know of farming has been learned in their regular cultivation of the beer gardens which abound In Washington. In these tbey sit from dusk until mid night drinking great quantities of oeer, and refreshing tht spiritual man with music from a brass bdi.d. Nothing of particular importance has occured during the w k. 1 had hoped to be able to give you rJatalf ed description of a clean swe-p, but a very mild feather duster has beu substituted for the heroic hickory broom. Verily these are degenerate day, Among tbe episodes of the last f w days has been tbe diarhnrirw of u democrat, Mr. W tucb, h.r ofTeiisivt partisanship, mi the appointment of a republican, Keller, who Is a very offenalve partisan. Mr. Wallach was a clerk in tbe office of the District Marshall, which utlk-i is still held by ! an appointee of ez-Preatdent Arthur. Mr. Wallach had been in an exuber ant crowing condition, like an Inde fatigable democratic rooster, ever since the election of Cleveland. His great cheerfulness was worm-Wood to his bitter hearted republican asso ciates. To cut his crowing short Marshall McM.chael turned him out. It is well enough, perhaps, to make an example of an offensive democrat it- partisan, it is a poor rule that will nut work both ways. Crowlog is a vile and vulgar habit. But if ail tbe crowing republican clerks, mud cack ling femalo clerks Were turned out of tbe Departments in Washington, the ruins of Babylon are not more deso late than would be those marble hath. i The offensive republican partisan wno nas la,-., spouted te utncu Uo- uer tnis "Uoufederary-lti-tiie sadtlir" ... I diuiuistration is a Mr. Keller o Ohio who like Byron and Htggins awoke to find himself fatuous. Mr. Kt-licr pas.-cd ihe civil m rvice examination, aud Was appo inted tu a $1200, posi tion He started ir. iu his Ohio home lor If ila Wlcktti nq ut licao city, but tue di iu HjiaiH tu. oust ol Congress from iho democratic district from which Kiler was appointed wired bb protest : Beware ol Keller, au uffeusivo republican partisan alio t bearing dowu tin Washington frith a civil service appointment in bia pocket, fho protest of the dema-r ti le member of Congress wat! unavail ing, Keller received hisappoioiun iii, and if he conducts himself rroperly iu oilier, his offenaiveneai, previous to his appointment, will not be count ed against him. This is good poli tics, and pretty fair religion, but it is a stumbling block, aud foolishuess to spoilsmen whose morals und consci ences have been perverted by sixteen years of (iraut, Hayes, rjatfleid, aud Arthur. Both republicans and dem ocrats, will learn the fact, sooner or later, that a purer, Juiter political era dawned upon the United Suite ou the 4th, of March, 1885. Tbe president, is understood to be dissatisfied witb tbe way in wbiob thn Utah commission bas executed its duties. He regards pjlygamy as an unmixed evil which ought to be stamped out, and he does not think tbe commission does its part in tbe attempt to effect that end. The president ia determined that all tbe anti-polygamy Jaws shall be honestly ani earnestly enforced. According to returns obtained from tbe internal revenue report, Iowa has 3,980 retail dealers of distilled liquors, 63 wholesale dealers, 16 rectifiers, and 216 retail dealers in malt liquors, 54 wholesale dealers, a total of 4,424 deal ers in the state. In the past year the state produced 3,501 154 galloua of whisky and 7,287,848 gallons of beer upon wbicb a revenue of $2,543,025 is paid. The showing is quite cousideta ble tor a strictly prohibitory state. S. John very felicitously says tbat the charge that he beat Blaine is silly. He says, that, on the contrary, Blaine beat him. Well, now, friends, why not get down to tbe candid truth and acknowledge tbat Cleveland beat both of you? "I U i t' WIN IS ALABAMA, "Do Grossest man in Alabama livot dar," said the driver as wo spproachou a way-side borne, near Helms, Ala., to auk accommodations for tLo night. At supper, and after it, "mine hot"scowl at every one,found fruit with every. thing earthly, and I was wondering if be would not grow) if the heavenly halo didn't fit bun, when incidents! mention being made of the comet of 1 882, be aaid : "I didn't like its form, its tail should have been fan shaped V But, next morning, bo appt-aru half offended at our offering pay fur Irs hos pitality ! My companion,bowever,made him sccept as a present a sample from his case of goods. . Bix weeks Iste-, I drew up at tbe same house. The planter Stepped lithe ly from tho porch, and greeted me cor dially. I could scarcely believe that this clear complexirned, bright-ejed, animattd follow, and the moroae being of a few weeks back, were the same. He inquired after my comparton of tbe former visit and regretted he wss not with me. "Yes," eaid his wif, 4we are bctb much in-b b'ed to him." "Howl'' 1 asked, in surprise. "For this wonderful change in try husband. Your friend when leaving, handed him a bottle of Werner's safe cur He took it, and two other bot tles, and now" "And now,1 he broke in, "f-om an ill-feclinif, growling old bear, I am hr-aUhy and si cheerful my wife declares sh his fallen in love with me again f It has mado over again a tbouaand love mutches, and keeps sweet the tern. fera of ibt family circle everywhere. ('opyritjht4l. Vsml by permission of American Jiurai Horn. - mSm ' - I Imi lir.M.,. itti will take I OO cord of woo oa suHacriplion, and wa wooht like ss (rood woim! as ii we wets not public benefactor. t!aa rr ante I'heatt A quar piano, eot S-V0, will be sold at a s:i -nfi for cash. For psrttoular call at this onV, jaw jm aTC ea Neufalqta. Sciatica, !! . UtnalATi. ! ! a Q eaacHe. Hadache. Too'fcithr . i.m ..lllH(.. .rrla. nrtttar ita. uo, -ife. I rl Mtlra, isu u- otara num.) rti ts tear. sM avaa'- i iHiN;.n m cs ansa . IS II -. " 1 lil".. NOTICE. ' r S. La no oiro-K, S. sa.. as asi. m AA I i; sKBvito,ur..Juno.Hn,is.. Coioplslnt bavlna leen uiaile and liled In this ofllce bv Will-am J. Fox against Philio Hi.'hl;ii J for ahandonintr his do. natl-n rl dm in Notification No 3U03 for' the n ' of N K and N M of S K )' of Sn tin 1. Township 14, aouth of rang 2, wm4 of ihe Willamette meridian with the vifw to ihe cancellation of said claim, the aald i-artipa, InHod'.ig the heirs and legal apri.r rtoThe roprvaoutr IIv. h ..f tlu. nat'l I'lilllp lllKli- County Cleik or l.inn county, orouon on . I W . A HSHl ttlUV mt lit nl.lru,k the 7lh lay of Auguit, 1MS6 at 10 o'clock. a. in., of said day and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. W. P. RfgajAMir. Register. J. C. Fu lkrtom, Heeelver. A Clear Skin is only, a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. "Koiigh am Bala. ' Clear out raU, mice, ruacho, flit, ant, bed -buss llrart laln. I'lilliiUtioii bropiual Hwelllnir. blrxiness, IikII cbe, 8leelciicsa cured by "Wells trrstli.n. lleuda. IlesUti lteitcwi-r "Kuuslt on Corns." Ask for Well "Roush on Corn." 15c. Quick, coniplelo cure. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunioiui. "Rnrliu-ralba." Oulok. uniiilom cure, all Kiiliiry. ItlaiUlcr and Urinary blaeaacs, Sralilini;, Irritation, Stone, Uravcl, raurrah of tbe UhuliU-r. i, naiKKiats. Itediix. Fifes. Flie. reashat, anU, betl luir. rats, mice, irophvrs, cbiptnuliks, cleared out by "It. uki i " Kola. l&c. Thia People. 'Well' Health K newer" rt store health an. I vor cure UH:pla, Impotence, tuxual Oeltiiuy, i. "Koagh on rata Cures cholera, colic, cramp, liarrhoo,achcr,p:tlnr, hp i ;ii w, huaiiat Jic, iicuraltria, i -. coiits. Kouh on Pain Plaster, Uc. Mashers. If you are failing, broken, worn out and noivous, use "Well Health ltenewcr." fl. urug-g-tits.. I Iff I'reservcr. t .u i -l - ii,.. .... iw..r st Bin ii'biiiu imir eni ui ue, in ?, v a Health Henewcr." One direct to weak spots. "Kongli oa Plies." Cure Pile or Hemorrhoids, ltt-hinjf . Pr.tiruJinir IlleediiiL'. Internal or other. Internal and uiteriu remedy iu wach fssahsee. Sure cure, lOo, iirugist, Pretty Women. badlen who would retain freshness and vlvaci'y. Don t tail to try "Well Health llenewer." "Kengh on Ifclt."' "Rough on Itch" cures humor, ciuptions.ring- worm, tetter, sail rheum, frocted feet, chilblains. "Itoueh on ('Atarrab. Correct off enai vo odor at once. Complete cur o worst chronic cases, alo unequtded as gargle Diphtheria, Soro Throat, Foul breath. 50c. The Hope ot Ihe Naflon. Children, low in development puny, scrawny and delicate, use "Wells' ueaiin Kenewer. 'atarrh of the Bladder. Stinging-, irritation, inflammation, ail Kidnev Urinary complaint, cured by "Buchu-Paiba." ta. Water llaga, Beaches." "Bough on Rats clears tliem out, also BeetUs. bs nn irsTf 4. X3lI2N3 . JULIUS GRADWOHL line I lie only exclusive Mloek of CROCKERY, CLASS,8ELVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Solecton of Coffee, Tea and Bug ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS $1.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LOUS TBE BUGBUMT MAIIKET PliU t: PAID FOR aWCHS Remember! Wbat I Say I Mean. Give Me a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- Buy th Best and be Happy ! FRANK BROS. IMPLEMENT COMPANY DKALKR8 IN- Farm and Hill Machinery. Walter A. Wood's Hinders, Walter A. Wood's Chain Kake Walter a asstr. S;ott A, fisr, KrrrrftA ('s P FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY. Wr ite fcr CataloKue. AddrK i itlo r FRANK BROS., IMPL CO., PORTLAND, Oft. JULIUS GRADWOHL, AGENT, ALBANY. OR. PBOPR1STOKU OK ALBANY SODA WORKS -AM fJKALKitS IN- Imported and Domestic Cigais, Tobacfc08,Gioceriea Candiee Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany ONE BF.LOW ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisiactory. . a . SS ROBINSON A WEST, v. FRED GRAF, Ianuf.,turera and Dealers.!,! ail kind, of FUBNITUBE, AID UNDERTAKERS. S First Street Albany, Or R, J, TKUMBULL k CO., Growers, Importers and Dealers -IS- SEEDS, TREES AND PLANTS. 4:1 0, 421 SANSOME ST., SAN FRANCISCO - - CAL. Illustrated catalogues for 1885 free on application. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of tke best Fire In ¬ surance Companies on the Coast. Call on htm for reliable insurance T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public- I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, UnttiUN, W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyancr. Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., - - SCI0, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Oounslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Wil 1 practice in a'l UmC mrts in the State H USE AiD lr T FUK SAL.JW. 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot simared in N , W, part of fccio. Tbe for Hnfj Hes o miles southeast of Providoni e t'nurcn. unimprovou. iuu uures opto, balance brush. Iuquiro of J. Ii., Scio. B LACKSM ITU'S OUTFITS, ATiviia. v iw.i,ucuuiT5tuouiuioi a, oienifto-, stocks and dies and almostevery tool used and by blacksmiths we keep constantly on hand Also a full ctock of iron.of all siees horse shoes and horse shoe nails, Special prices made on small outfits for farmers use, .Peters & St r wart. Ittaners, .ita nweep nsKe itesperH, "ih. fS-tarsioii, lain anl Trnftlon FiieineH, f.oatt's 1oek lver Hay Itasts. NValter A. Woovl's Kotl-sd CrsSff Move AL80 A k JOSEPH, JOHN BBIOG3' STORE. Oregon. 39y O el- C R.K. TIME TALBE, Albany Station. Itt:f tKTtRi. Of TKAIXs. aonre scsro. KU. X I X'. KKSS IXrfaTUat FKKiCHT TKAIXS " " - MAIL TRAW gJXS ' . socsv at ;tii. MAIL THAI J tSSZt ' FREIGHT THAIS " " -ALBANY KXI'HKSS Arrmaat - :.:') A. M fisj A. M. . 11:45 A. XL U.-05 P. M 11:4., A. M 12.-06 1 M. - S S0 P. M. S.SS P. M . III Trains dally. rrt inula. Notice. On and after this date regular tickets will be sold at our ticket office for following p into on Columbia river: Upper Caseudea, L allot, Umatilla. Wallula, Walla Walla and Ainsworth. Win.. B. Rica, Freight and Ticket Agent O.AC.R.E.CO. Albany. Jun 18th, 18Sf. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Ernptlon. to tho worst scrofula. Salt-r beam. urct cr.sorc,w Scaly or Hough. Satin in she rt, all cliscaaes eausctl by bad blood are t-onquercd by thia powerful, purifying; and invigt ratinsr medicine, Great Eating l'l ccra rapidly bcal under its tienign influence, Especally has it mtinib'stcd ita potency In t urine Xetler, Rose Hash, Holla, Car t nut lea. Sore Eyes, Scrofulous Sores mid swelliuar. IIii-Joint Di awe. White swelllnga, Goitre, or Thick; Ne -k, and t: it In rut d Glands. Send ten tvnt8 in stamps for a lnrjre treatise, with col ored nlntes, on !?kin Ut'ases, or the same aniouut for a treatise oa Scrofulous Affections. 'THE BLOOD IS THE E1EE." Thoroughly cleanse ltby using Dr. Pierce's) Golden JUemeai jni seoverv. and rood t ifjet ! ion, a fair akin, buoyant aplr us, vital Nin'iiEiii, wua suuiiouvn ut t ousutuliou, will bo estahusucd. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofulous Disease of the I.uaifra, is promptly and certainly arrested and cured by this God-given remedy, if taken before tbe last stapes of the disease are reached. From its wonderful power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering- this now cel ebrated remedy to tho public. Dr. Pifrck thought seriously of caluug' it bis Coii aumpllon furc," but fitumdoned that lmmw as too liiiiitcil for u niediclno which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strenfrtben inar, alterative, or blmHl-cieimninff, anti-bilious, iHH'toral, and nutritive properties, is unequahnl, not only as a reiaudy for oousuinption ot tho iuvgs, out lor au CHRONIC DISEASES or THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, havo fwillow color of skin, or yellowish-brown sputa on laco or nouy, ireijuetii, neaoaeiie or uiti ness, bid taste in mouth, internal heat or chills. ma urue. xeatlon,DyinpepHia,ar.d Torpid Liver, or lllIoumcss. In many cases ouly part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remtdy for all such case:. Dr. Fiercc'a ColdMi j'looica ariseovery nas no uol. 'or Wealt I.unjr, Spittlnp- of Blood, Short uess of Breath, Bronehltie, Severe Coushe, Couaamplioii, and PRICE Sl.QO.fWSTSS! World's Dispensary Medical Association, iToprietors, 063 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. xvcos little PILLS. ANTI-BIMOrS and CATHARTIC. Sold by Bruggiets. cents a vial. $500 REWARD 4l is offered bv the rtronrietora S-l of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy i oi ii i-uee ot uuuuxu v iuui urcjr cannot cure. If you have a discharge from tho nose, offensive or other- or bearinir. weak eves, aun or pressure in hotid. you have Catarrh. T sands of cases terminate In consumption. Dr. Siige's Catarrh Remeby cures the worst eases o ' Catarrh, Cold in Ihe Heads' and Catarrhal Headaehe. a ccnts . alterni timr witn not nasties, low spirits i g-loouiv borebtKlirgrt, irregular appetite, and coated' toiurue. von nro suilViinir from Indl- kindreil auections, it 13 a sovereurn rerneay. 8end ten cents in stampa for Dr. Pieroea book o i Consumption. Sold by Druggieta u-