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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1885)
Site gemoctat. Filtered at the Pout Office at Albany, Or, am socond-claas mail matter. F1UDA.Y JULY 24, 1885 STITE3 & Kd liars sad NUTTING. srprlrtra. IRROI. NVTriiM. I.rtrnl Klltsr. Official Oouaty Papar. That Canada AtTatr Hoveral weeks a.4 the Drmocrat gave an account of a very mixed ahooting scraps iu Canada withholding at the time "Ihe nalhoe ef Ahartlea. Laat Tuesday the mtttcr culminate! in the arrest of Aleck and Dave Martin oo complaint of John W Ioman, charged with attempting the life of the latter. The Martin brothera wero brought to thla city and examined before George Humphrey, Ksq., In the afternoon of Tueeday, ThegUtof Inman'a testimony, corroborated by other testi mony .was that ono morolug In J uno about Ave o'clock someone yelled "Hello" In front of hla door. Opening it he was met by the Martio brothers who began shoot tag with revolvors at him Grabbing a hot gun he rushod to another door and returned the flre, discharging hla guu twice. The Martin boys ran ofl", ao that the shooting was dlecontlnued. As stated In the article mentloued In the Drmocrat a woman was mlxoi np In it, and the affair so far as Inman was concerned was adjustect the day previous by an agree ment by Aleck Martin to settle 57 ot In man's debts. Some blood is thin though, heme the ahooting which followed. The defendants claim that Inman did the first ahooting. On examination they were held to await the action ofthegraud fuiy their bonds being place 1 at 1100, which was furnished immediately. The owe al together la an unsavory one and contains many little p ilots of a very characteristic nature, showing the "don't care" spirit of all concerned. Fetal Areldent arar Lraaasa Last Sunday afternoon about two o'clock Pamuel Rice and another boy named Temple were riding hot ee bask on the road between Lebanon and Wster.oo, having just been at SJodavllle, when at the sug trestion of one of the boys, they started their horses at full speed to aee which would reach a certain point tint, On reaching a small bridge young Rice's horse stumbled throwing him over bia head on the bridge. It Is thought the horse in some manner fell on him, for when reached by the Powell boy and others who were summoned, his head was mulillated and out up in a shocking man ner. Dr. Powell, of Lebanon, who hap pened to be driving in the vicinity at the time, was gotten on the spot a few mo ments later ; but nothing could be done. About fifteen minutes after the accident While taking young Rice to a house near by he breathed his last. The accident caused great excitement among the many frequenters of Sodaville and Waterloo, universal regrets being expressed as well as sympathy for the relatives and friends of the victim of the accident, Samuel Rice was a son of L C Rice, ex Bberiffof Linn county, of Brownsville, was about fifteen years cf age and is high ly spoken of by those who knew him. The Warkf-t oramnu onarii. Thursday evening, July IC, 1885, Present Mayor. Recorder, Marshal, and Aids Briggs, Foshay, Peters and Blackburn. Committee on Streets was granted further time to report on petition for bridge At jtinc tion of Fourth And Thurston Streets. The Committeo on Streets reported in favor of tho following improvements, which w r, on motion, ordered made : Repairing of sido walk on tho nouth side of Fourth Street, from Montgomery Street to N ino Streot. Repairing and loweriu of side walk where necessary adjoining blocks 17, IS, ID and east one half of 21. Removing oak trees on Fifth Street oppo site block 17. Repairing side walk on south side of Sixth Street from Kllaworth to Kim, Repairing tide walk from Kllaworth to Elm oo south sido of Fifth Street. Report of city attorney on reduction of license of J A Cross referred to Committee on Licenses. Remonstrance ag.iiut sewer in block 10 laid ou tabic, John Brush was granted privilege of lay lag 28 or more feet of sewer in alloy in block 10. according to plans and specifications. The following bills were ordered paid : N J Henton, fees $14.75 11 W Burkhart. Marshal tees 45,7 WM Ketchum, salary as Mayor 11.00 I) R N Rlaokbnm, salary as Alderman II. 00 John Foshay, salary as Alderman 10 00 Johu Hrigga, salary as Alderman 11.00 W S Peters, salary as Alderman 10 00 John Isom. salary as Alderman 70 Robt Brown, aalary as Nightwatch ... 60. 00 John Jones, salary as Nightwatch and Kugineer 70.00 M S Monteith, extra police 2 00 Barney Caunon.extra police. 4.00 Train A Whitney, printing 11.50 The following bills were referred : Rohiuson A West GW Burkhart J R Stea artson Lmgdon A Co Costs city against Thos Martin . City against Jas Dickey City agt John Martin City agt Thos Mitchell City agt Jo Browning City agt Barnes City agt Wilson City agt Lewi City sgt Johnson Simon Seitenlach .$89.16 .104.42 13.25 . 11.70 . 5 45 .. 5.05 . . 5.35 . : it:. 5.35 . . 5.35 . . 5.95 .. 595 .. 595 . 25.00 11 Next Week. IOWA KDITOstS. What ttary ere Doing for In Thy, ptice oi wheat remains a stationary, And maybe dowji as uncertain, as an European war. All speculation as to whAt the qaot tioQi will be in the future Are very unsatisfactory. It is easy to figure ont either a high or low prici. A sin dl orop in the U. S. with a goal crop abroad c i' I easily be molded into amU figores. Without a big war it is difficult to naake quotations high. Many Linn orauty fir-nan will rejoice at 70 cents. The wool ma.ket, though much wool is coming in, is quiet, at 13 to 15c. In dried fruits current, reports of a! n -r. no crop At All in the East leads us to look for 8 to 10c for dried apples. Quotations for old fruit are about 4c, and only speculation gi yes new fruit a higher market. Meats remain the same. Spring chickens may be marked At $2 to $2.50 per dacn ; apples 40 ; potatoes, 40c pears, 40c. Blackberries are many and cheap at So. a quart. Green corn has appear ed at Io2. a do&sn ears : peach, J c a dozen. Uio Dkmci rat bo rvivc. over one hundrel Iowa papers. The principal comments relating to Albany, Linn coun ty, or the Willamette Valley, have been or will be, published in our columns. As a whoie our slate hes received a "send off" which, we prodlct, will prove of grout value. Besides U has glveu Iowa people a true insight into our people and country. Where many of them heretofore have imagined that a wild Indian was liable to meet them on every corner, or they might at any moment be devoured by the beat of the forest, or tLat they could tako up land at oor doors, or that we were an un civilized people, and needed missionaries, er that we have no churches or schools, they now know that we are much like all the rest of the States, except that we have better climate, more lertile soil, and grander scenery than moH of them, that our Indians are as harmless and Insignitl cant as snails, that coyote are about our only enemy among tbe beasts, and they only to our sheep ; that land except back in tbe foot hills is valuable property and has to be paid well for, that we are an un commonly well civilized people, that mla sionartes need us as much as we do them ; that we have plenty of churoboa and ft rat class schools, and tbe -neat and tbe healthiest looking girls In tbe world . tJtioriai excursions are just wnat we want, and we can not tteat visiting editors too woll. When the Colorado quill shov- ers reach Albany we should give them a hearty welcome. They deserve It. MI4 tar stakes. Next week tbo Dhmocrat will be twen ty-ono, and has It not, like o very young man, on reaching maturity ,a right to crow ovor the fact, It has labored for Linn county and Albany moat faithfully during these long years, and Is It more than Just to say thAt It has done much towards the work of building up both the city and county. In roturn It has received a flat tering support, which It is proud of, Few papers of Orogon hsve beau backed better by the people of the couutles In which they are publlahod, This support has given the Dkmochat a circulation second to only one or two papers In the State, outside of Portland. Tho good words we are every day receiving, toll ns how well it will be continued In the future, and the many new subscribers we are adding to our list emphaclxM this fact In a manner whloh pleases us best, Was It not a part of the life of the PaMooavr, a well as of every other paper, to receive every few days notices reading something like this : 'Sir -pursuant to Instructions from the Postmaster General I beg loavn to inform von that your paper addressed to Johu Dead boat Is not taken out but remalus dead in this office. You will please tils continue the same. Reason moved away, or uncalled for. Blguod A. U. C, P, M " our circulation would soon rival tho "New York Weekly j" but the stringency of the times makes those quite frequent, partic ularly after a large number of statements of account have been sent out, so that the now but little more than balances the lost. This, though, Is muoh in consideration of our large circulation, long ostabl (shed, the low price of wheat, tbe poor fruit market, and the dilatory conduct of Kngland lu declaring war against Russia, Of course we would like mere, If possible. A circu lation of five thousand would auit us Our good conduct for twenty-ono years entitles us to It ; but no Oregon paper hss a right to expect so much, in fact not much more than a fourth of it. That, the way newspaper business Is over doue, Is about all the country justltlo, for a first cla circulation and the fact that we have It Is a feather In our capadvertbtera should take notice of, for the benefit derived from an advertisement depends ontirely on the number of people the piper In which It appear reaches. Now this Is open handed talk, but, we do this way lu order to be candid aud show just how we enter our twenty first birthday. If you imply that we have an excellent circulation, but that tbo quiet times have made some in arrears, you just about bit the nail on the head. If our subscribers would help us to celebrate our maturity they would do an act greatly to be desired by us. llae Dead rap One Sunday evening net long since a g entleman at Sodaville. after a big crowd h ad been drinking at tbe spring ail day, in reaching down into the spring to get a drink, run his enp on to something soft. On Inv estimation be found tbst it was a dead pup. Beside it were eight otr er pups, and somewhere iu the community was ano'.her most monstrous puppy who bad drowned the poor little beasts there in or der to play a low lived trick ou the com mnnity. All day long the large crowd bad been drinking the health giving soda water unconscious that it was flavored with deed pups. Tbe Indignation over the affair is exceedingly great. -t-s- Laet Tuesday afternoon John F Earl waa arrested In this city for assaulting Michael Fitzjerald, and taken before George Humphrey, Kq. According to the testimony of Fitzjerald. who seem ed to be pretty well under the influence of liquor, It was hard to t II what the circums.ances of the case were : hot Earls statement was that Fitzjerald and another man were playing euchre in the Star Brewery for twenty five cents aside, when a dispute aroie as to which won a game. Ear! refused to give up the money until decided. Fitzjerald followed him to his fathers home in the eastern part of the city, through the house and Into the j art', whers ho at tacked him, or they met. The flght resulted in Fitzjerald's being very bad ly pounded up in tbe face. Night watch Brown being in the vicinity took both in charge and brought them to tho city, but only Fitzjerald made a complaint. Earl on examination was discharged. Father I rr:iur !i. This gentleman was tbo founder of the organization known as tho A. O. U. W. He is now in California and about tbe 25th of next month he will visit this State and, we are informed be will visit Albany. He was born in North Carolina in 18.J0, and hence is 05 years of age. In 1115 he settled in Pennsylvania and entered tbe employ of tbe Pennsylvania R, R., in tbe shops as a master mechanic where he re mained for over 20 years, DurlnR his stay here be saw various ways in which tbe life of the mechanic might be Improvt ed, Tbe first thought was to bring em ployer and employed more closely to gether in fraternal relations, and as a re suit of his thoughts upon this subject Jefferson Lodge, No. 1, A. O. U. W.t ol Mead ville, Pen n , was organized oq Oct. 27th, lgtfS. Out of this small beginning Tho tendency is towards returning to the styles of dress of fifty years g o. If this could be accompanied by tho uood m-nse and economic habits of that period It would be a commendablo thing. Uauressetl knl SJSSVS0S in tan shade are the thing for dress toilet. Undressed boys in tan shade are the prin cipal aight at the month of the ('alipoota evenings. A horse shoe with one end broken ufl is the latest design for brooches, etc. Samples can be found at any of tho Albany blacksmith shops. It is to be hoped Willara ette Valley ladies will be up with the times. Parties visiting Newport should note that cream colored flannels art fashionable for sea side toilets. The "bargain" season is here. Flights of birds are an eccentricity for trimming dresses for certsin "hifalntiog' occasions. Eight binls of graduated sixes the smallest at the bottom, are artanged np the back. In keeping with tbe custom they shoo Id all bo geeso. Black hose are more in demand Kt than any other color. Oor lire department will please take notice. So great has bjen the Intorest token In our dippings from Iowa papors in rofor ence to their Northwest trip that we pre sent more this week, some of which will lo found to bo very spicy reading : 'I he Iowa editors did not ga west to give the people o! that country any lessons In etiquette, law or manners, if they did thoy got tnost beautifully left. Nowhere throughout tho lsud are the people more courteous, hospitablo and eniertAlnlng tliAii in the fnr west. Kvsry where we found grand churches, schools and oo! legos, micceasful buslnosM men, fine so. clety, and all tho elements that combine to make happy homes, and envlsble sur roundings. It was Injudicious for any ono from Iowa to carry his specialty of prohibition to the Paelllo ( 'oast and tell the people there what an admirable thing it is, when one cau see more drunken men in any ooa of a hundred places In lows, than were seen altogether In the west . We would suggest that the next time the iowa editors take a trip they loavo tho preachers and Nome others at home. Indeed it Is not a good thing to havo any outsiders along, as a rule, ex etpt a surgeon, and thou their actions will loo representative of the press. Uut whore nearly ono half of two hundred xcursloiilsts are in no Wiso conneelcd with the press and are out simply for a lark, and to get all they can 'or the least money, they will do things that would re lltict discredit uikmi the iratcrulty, while members of tho press would not. Of com so there are exceptions to both sides but the rule will hold good. -'a mlar Itapide tlay.etle, Otie o'clock the train ran into Albany, nd early Saturday tint Mayor of tbe city snd is large numbts of eillaens collected at tbo depot grounds ami cxtouiioti a warm welcome to all. Alter tho speeches had been made tho Hue of march wss taken toward the city, to iho excellent music iu v ailing for tbe occasion. When the Wiiluiiiettn river was teacbod the large crowd ha I loo at the steamboat land Inn, and a few minutes were agreeably sisint iw conversation and music. Then the members of the press association, tc eouipttniod by several hundred Albany people, went aboard the steamer "Salem, and few moments later tbe boat steam od ap the river, with the two bands aboard taking turns in contributing cheering airs. The rule of fourteen miles to Cor vallis was an agreeable change, as we were delighted with the beautiful stream with Us clear waters and Pr fringed banks. Story Co, 'Watchman." Juno auth we breakfast at Albany de ot eating house, from whence we are led by two excellent cornet bands, one from Albany, the other from ( or vallis, to the central position of the city where a score ol our boys indulged in a comic varution where our r armor t ortin mounts a dray wsgon, and waiving the Msk we brag on. Hovs. iudulcu in iariiou. lforo we board a suwiuior for Cor rallls an 1 steam up the Willamette, Having ixwn joined by a best of Albany's people, among whom we find a brother of L H Train, of Dodge, w ho edits the 'ilersld-Dioseminator." at Albany, aad with whom wo had a pleas ant inter iew. Reaching Corvallls w are led llrst to and then to seat of Justice. and drink In the speeches on an empty Htoms'-h. Next we go lo church for tbe iir-t time on the coast, where we have a fine sermon over which nono aleep or weary. Artistic in srrangemet ; baunUKnia In ouality : delicious in eUlbeluv : adorn ed with, handsome, attractive, intelligent idy waller ; compose 1 of the elite of the city, Albany and Corvallls are prosper mia towns located nar tho centre or Wll- llaiuette valley, and whatever has bem U&HK AND ABROAD, The circus comsth, F M French, jeweler. Harvest is in fall blast. What about a city clock ? Boneless cod fish at R k B's . Magnillcsnt harvest weather. All kinds of fruit at U k R. The best lisrnsss at J J Oubruilles. Her eral threshers have beguu running. Try the American star oigar at It. k B's. At K k B's 1' M tea in ', and 1 lb papers. The ireshsst ami beat produce at Conrad Meyer's. Spring eye sack needier at Will Bros. (Inn Store. Nearly 500 people were at Waterloo last Sunday. The beat teas, eolbje and sugar at ( 'oti'ad Meyer's, Leave your order for black barrios at Head k BrowueH's. J. P. Wallace, Fhysiciau and Hnrgeon, Al bany, Or. And don't forget our boot and shoe drpart meet. R. A It. (1. W Maaton, Physician and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Dr. Fahrney'a magnetic blood vitalizer at Deyoe k llobsou's. Hear toe Nashville Students on Monday evening, Aug 3rd, Ruy your coffee of K m I k Bro wnell and hive them grind it. Several 1'lummer fratt dryers for sale st cost at John Rriggs. Portland Iron Works will build the Oregon City lish bidder. Cherry k pArkes have a contract for work for the Oregon City Mills. The vault of the new hank is being coo siruoted by Mr B W Cundtf!. l'leoty of grouse and pheasant in the fields; but not many seem to be shot. Kiml class oak grub wood has been sold iu tins city for as low as 12.5(1. Bargains in millinery at Miss Kmms Mm bert'a. Her stock is s llrst class one. Burkhart Brothers have movwd their j ib office to rooms over Mc 1 1 wain's store In order to make room for fall stock Miss Kinma Schubert will sell millinery At cost. It is United that there will only be about halt a potato crop in Lion county tins jear, Tweedale keeps a nice line of tin and cp. per ware, aud does repairing in good shsjHj F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd fellows I emplo, Albany. Or Tho sidn walk on th west side of the ( ourt House squAre is in a very dilapidated condi tion. A oort House is to Is built At l'rineville, to cost 95,474, H A Bellkosp u the con trsctcr. Dr. M. H. Ktli. physician and surgeon Alt any, Oregon, i alls mode in city or country, A good Ami large assortment of lumber at the yard of Kit Carter always on it snd. (itva him a call. A Uut l.l.tKXl.ooa pounds of wool will be dipped ia Oregon and Washington 'Icrntory tuu year. First-class groceries at Hodman k Joseph's ami as wed tho very Iwat confectionary 10 the market. Tbe liveliest paper we have received frm Iowa ia the Mtimj UttvtU. of Cedar Rapids. oai.l comp imenusry or i ,t, vailay applies I i. busincao. In Ihnu, .. I a hull ft l i ' tnlliirul on eurneriwnn oi mt new nuiiutOK nr the State Cniversity at Kopne will be fas I The Nashville AttinVnts. Te regesi sr. T J Cllne, immigration agent for Linn connty, is making a collection of cereals and farm products, to send in the Oregou car soon togo to the 8Utes,And the New Orleans, fairs Est. All farmers interested in seeing Linn county well represented are requested to take specimens of wheat, barley, rye. etc., to the office of Clinr. Vfouteith A Co., in this city, and tbey will be sent to head qnsrters at Fortjand ready far the car whpn it starts. I JL ,, , FT has Krown a powerful organisation, num berb.g 150,100 member':. Tbe member ship here are looking forward with much interest to the old gentleman's visit. Cesae. Come to Linn county for a borne. Come to Albany with your m arm facto ries Come and subscribe for the Democrat, f you Are unfortunate enough not to take already, Come now, atop talking about yon r neighbors. Come there old penny squeezer, wake up and do something for tbe world. Come, yeu growler.would it not be much better If you would put a plaster over your mouth and cease grumbling at everybody. TMs Is a good world. Why not enjoy It. arrrst Events. An Indiana colt only weighed twelve pounds at birth. Portland people aro to bo pitied on ac count of heiog obliged to apend th-dr mornings In resding para'.! el Items. The fact that short sermon aro the m tst effective Is now completely demonstr Ued, at Nashville the other day Ham Jones raised t21,KH) in a sixteeu minute speech, Tbe hsnglng of David Ackles at Helens, Ark,, the other day was made a genuine circus event, special trains taking about MK) peoplt to tbo '-My to wiling the ovont. Admission, free. Twelve years ago Willism N Ooddard stole Slo.OoO from his employer in Now York. He ran away, went to Minneapo lis, prospered, grew richer, and when just discovered and arrested, was immediately pardoned, This is a splendid example for the rising generation. Thero are any number of young man who would like to steal $15,000 if they could get off that easy. ' . 1 e - Wages la Washington Territory, An Iowa editor ascertained that tbo fol lowing wages wore paid in Washington Terriloty. The list snows that somo one in Seattle was evidently stuffing" the Iowa editor : PKR PAY. Carpenters $3,50 Bricklayers, 5.00 Machinists 828 House painters 3.25 Sign painters,, 4,00 Pattern makers 3.50 Boiler tnskers 3.50 Hhoo makers , I 00 Tinsmiths 3.50 Blacksmiths 3 50 Day laborer 2.60 Stone and inarb'n entvan 4.00 PiatMfov , 4 60 CpUoistors... , , U.50 (Jmi and locksmiths 3.50 Plumpers 1 4.00 rait month. On the evening of Aug. 3. these cele brated jubilee singers will appear at Crawford's Hall in this city, under charge of MoPberaoo Post, Q. A. R, and give one of their popular enter tainments. Admission, 503., reserved seats, 75c Sfaeleo t-aws. AH Justices o' the Peace who have qualified as by law required, and have fifed their bonds with tho County Clerk, oan obtain a copy of the laws of the last session of the legislature by calling at the County Clerk's office. Reslgaeel, Iq its laqe of the 10th int. our neighbor, the bhMmXnator, stated that H A Williams had resigned the office of Chief Marshal of the State Agricultural Society. It should have been R a Ir vine, of this jour iy. We brag on the Spencer butter cheese. Usad k Tailors $5100 Mill nanus oo.OO Bakers oo.OO Farm laborers (and board,) $30 (y 40,00 llcserved the Prize, Let ' know. We hope our subscribers from all parts of tbe county will send us reports as to the yield of wheat per acre now being thrashed. Write in tine for ua to receive it by Wednesday's mail. Send us a postal card with number of acres aud Dumber of bushels. Let all our friends write. "v.d.iii-s are tho great bug bear rstsod ao t h l'ocitic coast sgsinst lows. Again we pet Mrs Cook on tbe stand. She testifies that sho has httlo choice between heiog blown aip in an Iowa cyclone and shaken to pieces by sn Uregon earthquake. Do tbe whole. however, she piefera tho chance of tbe oy clone snd will return to Iowa to a few weeks, to make this her permanent botBSV Itidisua loAdroratr Tribumt, The above is ss ridiculous as anything oan well be. There bos never been an earth quake in Oregon which coold much more than be felt, and only s few of any kind. The following from the same paper allows bow tbe editors Are kicking Among tbem selves. It is very h jmoroes 1 Some evil genius most have prrwided over A Swalm. the President of tbe Associa tion, or he never coold hsve collected togeth er such incongruous elements asruado no tbe '.IX) participants in this excursion, nor could be hve betray"l such woeful unfitness for the position. About half the party were in eligible under the rules of the Association, bAving no interest whatever in the press, and nominally representing somo paper for the pirpose of pArticiptiug in the excursion. 1'beae were soon appropriately styled dood teste, and a feeling sprang up between tbem and the incumbers of tbo pres which was not conducive to harmony. They had none of the sympathies and leehngs peculiar to newspa per uien, I hey cored nothing about tbe rep u tat ion of the Iowa press. They were out as professional dean beats ami tlo-ir aim aerinol to Is) to get the most they could for the least return, regardless of modesty or common de ceiicy. Where the numerous free rides wrc offered they would burst front tho cars and rush pell mell to the best carriages for choice sats. At tbe dinner tendered they would dxh up to th tabled like statu pe.ied cattle, or a lot of hungry swine. Some cyen went so far in their madness as to climb in at the window of hotel to get to tbe table before those who crowded through the doora. Their conduct was simply outrageous. Strange as it may seem, this element found especial favor with Mr Swalrr. For boasting Barnum hiraielf cannot ap proach the following from she FAirfield Lcdj r : T!.e man who goes to Oregon to get cheip land will come home disappointed, in the first place lands convenient to great markets are not to be had. Average farming land is higher in price than similar laud in low Near Salem, which does not approach our capital city of Des Moines in any particular, lauds are held at greater figures than similar lands situated near Des Moines. 1 hey will probably yield more wheat thaw Iowa lauds. but they can't touch us on corn. Fruits are larger and attain a greater perfection than ours ever can, with the single exception of grapes, perhaps, but their tamo grasses can uot coir pare with Iowa's. Oregon hogs could tit stay in the same pen with Iowa hogs, and while cattle can be raised cheaper than with us, they muat be raised $15 to $20 per head loss than ours before we need fear com petition from them. Sometime during tho night we reached Al bany in tbe Willamette Valley, and where in the morning a tutnptuous breakfast wasaerv ed to us by the Albanans in the railroad dining room. This over I essayed to look ahost the town, when I was picked up by John Kobsou, Jr.. cf the large agricultural tirm of Dr.yo A llobson. Mr R. is a aon of John Iloblon, a good farmer of Welton town ahip, and had many inquiries for the people at home. He is wedded to Oregon, but has no other wife.. Our party here abandoned its train of Pullman sleepers, which were sent empty to Portland, the excursionists taking a boat te Oorvallis, and from thence by the west side railroad, which ia a part of the Ore gon & California system, to Portland. in circumference, and most of the plumbs on the tree were about the same size. Orand Patriarch D H K Buiok was to offi cially visit Orgeana Krieampment, No 5, I. O, O. I''., last (Thursday ) evening at 8 o'clock, Frank Lew in, Corvallis favorite foot-racer, recently beat Stone of M wra ninto, the ft est iu that psrt of California, winning $5. 000 for himself ami backers. Icsis has few, if any, superiors in a 100 yard ince, A very interesting subject is that of tbe Mound builders, Oil our ntnide will he 011ml the first of two or lire,. fthh, article on the subject by llev P A Moses, of Jack sonville, presenting some new light on the uhject. At Pittsburg last Monday Q md tur rowed three miles iu th" remarkable time of 19:32 ; IWnor, 10:35 j Ten Kyck, 19:54. All three boating tho previous fastest record, 'jo oi1 I his la (lift lirsttuuo I eemor has ever be n defeated. The contract for building tho lish ladder at Oregon City, it is reported, has lecu sign ed, snd the work will soon be begun. The completion of this is looked forwsrd to with satisfaction. 1 he rutiiiitig of even blue book salmon in tbe Willamette slong our city frort will be an advantage of considerable moment to our citizens. Kvcu Spiing wheat will make a fair crop in I, inn county. Many holds of it, which a month nu was given up as good for nothing, bss developed into first class a heat. If any ersl who plowed theirs up had allowed it to grnw there is little doubt that it would have yielded them well. Trains are now running on ih ) P. twice each week. They Will ea.' (' , , uWeduea lays ami Saturdays, rtaek V 4iiiins tho same laya.and leave that city Tnuidna sudMou days for Corvallis. As SOOn as tbo tunnel is repaired daily trains will l run. l int Simpson warehouse in tins city has not yet been rented, ami tbe indications are that it will remain without a tenant this year. Tbe unpopularity of its owner foir or live years ago has cast a shadow around it almost too thick for wheat to penetrate. While at ach'iol about seven w.-.iks aso a aou of Mr Owens, of Miller's, g4 a small slats pencil . about half an inch lM ir, his ear. It remained there with Mile discomfit ure until last Sdturdty.wlnni it was extract ed in this city. The little ttdlow, strsuife enough, received no injury from the accident. SnPotiee (1avit are sold i 1 Al'miy, but in Portland and several of the valley towns ttiey may be found in abtiud ,.:, contrary to the late statute, piol.ibitm. the sale or tskiug of aucb papers. Such la v are uener ally violated openly. In keepiog wi'.h this Hie law promotuiitf the ad- itmng of Jotein is openly viols! by two or three Oregon papors. A copy of a manual of the Oregon Humane Society of Portland, hss lcu received at this other. It contains the State law on cruelty to snimsts, tbe proceedings of the last meet ing and the list of members. The object of this society is a most commendable one. r.yery citizen in Oregon shoal 1 follow ite precepts and purposes, the preyentlon of A . f ... . crueiiy u erery living tun g, ny proMr soi'sal avis pr.Kftovti A MAN ABOUT TtWI. ra job Work. The 4th of July so far as concerns num bers was a big success. But a few days ago wo heard a young lady mako some yery bitter co en plaints concerning the wsy tbe program was managed. She together with several others at the earnest request of tho committee consented to rido for the prize offered for tbe best lady rider. Here is her experience, and to make the matter worse she is one of our most graceful and charming ladies. She rode over to Albany tbe day before so as to have her horse fresh on the 4th. The ladies were told to be on tbe ground mounted at 10 A. m. She was there. All day long in the hat sun she sat on her horse waiting for the ride. It was put off from time to time ; but no provisions was made for tbe ladies com fort, no shade, no water, no attention. At laat they were sent home without, being allowed to ride for tho prize. "Benton Leader." We have never ssen any orayon work that surpasses thst of Mrs. William War ner, who has rooms at Mrs. Burineister 's. Her faces are perfect, Parties desiring pictures transformed into beautiful work will do well to call on Mrs, Warner, Her prices are very reasonable. She is also getting up a class In crayon work, giving our citizens an opportunity to obtain a knowledge of the art rarely offered . At least call and see her work, To Patrons of Husbandry, Farmers should remember that J J Du bruille has on hand n stock of ten feet bid der whips. Call on him. I have this day made a special contract with Peters &, Stewart, of Albany, to fur nish a large quantity of binding twine to members of our order. Mouthers can oall at their place of business, and by the meth od odnpted at our Business Council, secure the benefit of my contract, Also I have made arrangements with tbe same firm to furnish us a lot of Peering binders. Sen! in your orders as soon as possible Albany, July 1, 1885. Makt Miller, Financial Agent. on July 2ith. Oen. L. 8. Cront di-d at M. IHirs)flor yesterday mormug, at u.r ,-e id lid years, tnos. -'. days. t. to Prushaw'a new Ibuit Store fr pure drugs, patent mr hc.i.c-, , U Prca -nptions can fully compounded. Bob Murphy will deliver o Vtrl , soda water in any quantity hau. fa I ou htm and leave ao order. K Jiaird, of Alkali, w41 known in Lino t a a. r a a a a a couniy rovi nis noose ami simp lurnel one day last week. No insurance A Victor, a0 inch, bicycle arrived in Al lany Monday consigned to Thos J Overman. It hAs no superior in the vaIisv. Window shades, lace certains, oil cloth. carpets, and wall paper. Tbe nicest stock in town at .Moiiteiih&.Seitcnbach. Mr Fred (iraf has just brought 00 a splen did hue of baby crrtauea. with tbe latest improvements. Coll and see them. A Hue pair of nickel -plated roller skata fur sale cheap. For particular, ioqttiro of Met nil Kiab, at the Dkmu hat office. There are more btackherrtes in I.inn oun ty than can bo eaten. A majority of people eihaust thtir energies ou strawberrina. Dr. Foley, of Ibanon, has been sued for slander by Mr. Calloway, and the cue will probably come off at the nest Circuit Court. Fred lleis, formerly of Albany, now of IjOS Angeles Cal., it is reported, bos failed m business, having lost all he made in Albany. Tors Alpbin, of Miller's, is noted for tbe big things ho raises. Already his, squashes, etc., sre the largest to be found. (let the Osborne Twine binder, the easiest running, with tbe only absolutely sore knot ter in the market Deyoe k Kobsou aro agents. indies', mioses' aad children's fine shoe. also coarser grades, son be found at M ou t-nth & Settcnhach,at prices in keeping with iiaru times. The capital invested in wild animals in this country is $4,000,000. According to menagerie posters though it amounts to about a billion dollars. Some one of our friends who deal in Soda water has left at this office 4 dozen bottles of soda water, but we have been unable to Hod out who it is. Thanks nevertheless. Two opposition steamers are to be put on the Pacific between Portland and San Fran cisco. The fare will be 0 by the opposition and $7 by the O It 4 N Co. Only ''.' cents a box will be offered in Linn county this year for picking hope. None but Chinamen will be equal to tne occasion ; but 2o cents is all that can be Afforded. ' KJ Dawne, of Salem, well known in l.iun county, has just been appointed U. S. Judge of the Alaska District He will Hit the otiicc well if he cau stand beiug out in the cold. In the Mortgage Foreclose sale in the case of tbe New England Mortgas Security Co., against ( 1 amaliel Parriah and others, held lost Friday the plain til, bid in the pioperty. W Young says he has been over to see how lies Morris keeps tbo poor He soya he is not alarmed about being placed on the county for he says the poor live better than we do. The decision of Judge Dely sustaining the Mortgage tax law, is a big feather in tbe cap of Judge R S Strahan,of this city.and his associates, who appeared for the defendants in the case. Mr George Geisendorfer stored the first load of wheat of the seaion iu the Rod Crown Mills on last Mouday, July 20th. This ia probatdy as early as any has ever been stored pi this county. Rev G H Deere will preach at Crawford's Hall next Sunday at 1 1 a. in. After that no services will be held by the Universalist Society until fall, when due notice will be given of renewal. Romember the lawn social at the Methodist Parsonage on this (Friday) evening, July 24. Supper, ice cream, music, plenty of seata and a good time. All are oordialty invited. By order of committee. Restlessness at night ; nervous twitching, nightmare, etc., give way to peaceful slum ber, tired nature's aweet restorer, by using Pfunder's Oregon Blood Puriner, the Vege table Sedative and Tonic. If you want your property advert'pod call on Cline, Monteith and Co., immediately. If you want your property sold call on them . t costs you nothing to advertise with this firm and very little to sell. Samuels ia going to illustrate the Canadian Pacific in his West Shore, and it is claimed he haa orders for 75,000,000 copies, nore or less. It will be a big thing ; but how those poor mountains will have to suffer. The Portland News aays : "David Wood, who Uvea near Albany, shot himself in the thigh tbe other day by the accidental dis charge of a pistol" Verily matters get ter ribly mixed by a few miles travel. S P Barger, living near Harriaburg, haa a plumb tree remarkable- for the size of its fruit. One plumb from it measured 71 by 6 inches lost Sunday morning a fire discover el in iiie roof o Mr IH10 bouse across the Willamette, then oeenpiod by Ferryman i.atney. jnfii 'rt. nru'. !- vo n on hand and in a few moment bad the flames completely under control. Iutage, nominal No insurance. Some one ak tbe question . Where was Mr. P., eating bis breakfast or putting a hoop on bis bucket behind the bouse f 4; It is said that Ikdva A. l,';ckwood will be through this yalley 0000 ou a lectuhna tour. Itelva will be remembered as tbe lady whs ran for rr-ilent of the I mb-d .States last fall. For tbe benefit of several persons who subscribed for the Democ-sat, which thsy were to pay lor only if Cleveland wss elected, we will say tnat Mrs lckwood was defeat ed. The writer heard this distinguished lady several years i-to and can testify that it is a treat to see and hear her. Mrs Lock wood is s lawy areas, one of considerable abil ity Rev I D Irivr delivered a very Able ser f'00 in the M K Church last Sabbath morn ing on "faith." Few ministers tn the United Susies pass ms the power of illustration that this able divine does. He bss a faculty, moat commendable in a preacher, of giving some tb-ng original with every sentence, in such s manner that bis sermon is remembered after another one is preached, freight trains on the O A t are expected to ran daily in a short time, tbe increased trstho on the road making this neceasarj . The traffie at this city particularly being larce. On last Saturday alone ten car loads. including five of lumber, one of pig iron, one ol coal oil, one of merchandise, one of school house furnishings, et , were left at this city. Although there is little doing yeteom perativeiy, two or three oar loads of prodoctr, such as wool, hides, etc.. are shipped from Albany each week. Mr Shelly, of Polk connty, has a very an fortunate nose, says the HVrfssaft. When a boy be broke it while playing ball. A few J ears later be was thrown from a horse and roke it again. a Tuesday evening his two Miss Itert Ktios, of Portland, is 11 the city. J J William, F.sip, of Scio, is iu the rity this week, llev IC A McAllister wirs in Southern Ore gon fast week. The wife of K v McAllister, or this city is quite sick with brain fever. II S Willia't, ex Count Assessor, of Mt Pleasant, war in Albany We tnesdsy. Miss Mollis Wools was in ImU-pemlciice last week, the eutof Dave Maloney. II M Hauford, ad van" sgi:,t of th Nash vdle Students, was 111 Albany Monday. Mr Frank Sooth was in from Canada last Tuesday as a witness in the Martin case. Rev T I. Jones, of Drain Station, was iu Albany Friday and Saturday on business. Mrs Rlfsjitty. wife of Jude Ramsey of Salem, was viatliug iu the city but Shha?h. Mr K N It-ach aooo.noaniel by hi dxnzb ter Kmms, i--hu l toColfts the hi-t tbe week. Ir Whitney, of Pbilomttb, brother of fudge Whitney of ibis :iv. was in Albany Saturday. Dolly Harnbart left Albsr.y ou lost Mor lay noon for Portland, which she will mike ier future home W T Cochran, of llrowusvile is stopping st Portland having his wife treated by Mrs lr Owens Adair. DrC II It .(forty and wife, of East Poet a . . ... , . I ami, passed inrnun Aioany 1 nesoay on their way to K lamath lake. Mr Carl Ludermsn left by steimer M i- lay for ( 'ahfornia, to I..- loo two or three weeks, with headquarters t Rod wood. Tbo family of County Clerk Audrewa has moved back to lebeuon. FAidently Mr An- Iraws is not a conoid at for re-diction. Mis Itoaale Turretl arriyed from thM Fraaciaoo last Friday ami will remain in Al nany sometime the guest of her brother, M Walter Turrell. Plain Gus Wheeler, Assistant State Tr ss a Ska. a 1st mM .re. it. . 11 urer, ami iiin '"rnl tne wrrgon rv-ale i n men's Assouan , of Salem, was ia At y over Sabbath. Hon. S. V. P n.iiagto,i, cuuulv'i popuisr Senator, rotors od home ou ist rrt- Isy, after L mg m this county -vfl weiks looking after Ms 'arm. State Koitf U'.iend, lit b K'f V ined through the oily '-oat M- mli i, his way to . rant's Paae, to take charge of the district institute to las held there this week. Mr Ala llanis snd wife their arriv,! at tbe Hay from San Piancico were given a reception at the J5 y iew House, winch is mentioned a a most eujoyable affair Wr W F Heed, wife, child. father, mother snd stater, left last Friday morning for the mountains, where they will .-nd ahost one week hahing and b.intmg the festive bear and oougsr. Mr Furry and Miss Furry b it Albany Monday morning for California, whi. ii the will visit several weeks aud return to their home in Illinois. Mr Brink, ol this city is a fotmer feSlow townsman of Mr Furry. Mr C I. Shaw, bard were met chant at New port, Yaquuia Itay, pasted through the city Tuesday on his way to Portland to replemUn his stock, lb reports times improving since trains began running on tbe O P R R. Horace lame an old resident of Linn conn ty. who has lived near Harriaburg ai nee lfto.1 started lost Monday on a visit to New York, as sit' f a s a. uno. iiitnot. tsoas ami outer pieces tie wiU be absent about three months. lamt Saturday Mr Kd Thompson and wife Thos Overman and Mack Monteith, went to Yaqnina Bay to apend a couple of weeks at that gay sain roe r resort. Messrs Overman and Monteith were accompanied by their "silent steeds" which tbey propose introduc ing to the long stretch of beach along tbe P he. Vie Urea Bnslaes Having seenred new quarters and largely increased our fad I itUw, we are prepared to do any kind of pointing 00 the shortest notice. Our prices cannot be underbid. Now is the time to get a supply of good work cheap. Office in Mcli wain's building. Bl'BKHAttT FiROH. Immediately after the Portland pa pers, with (heir raised dates, ariuouno ! that there was nrt enormous war cloud hovering over Kurope, everybody along First street looked scared anal and then Jaculated firmly : "Well. I am glad of It ; 1 hope tbr will fight ' "The matter can never be fettled un 1 il tbty do come to decisive blows, and no sr ia as good a ime M any tc ( Dfiidi day our business iWfj eajueeze the silent lady on their dollars and look for nn upward flight of the qnoatation on wheat with every glance that tells tbem wiiatof Herat. It may b otherwl te, bnt the person who tpmtUtim 00 wheat Is Just as lia ble lo drink skim milk before tbe sea eon Is out as to have cranberries and turkey at Christmas, This war bust ties Is an uncertain one. O Some of us may congratulate our, vet that we do not live to a big city wi - te London Oft-sH' can make tbelr (MtaMtfoftJ In order lo work off large edl Hens; but a man who is about town "oiKvideruUr can tell at least twelve mothers, by name, of Albany, that tin y hae young daughters who need to be lied to bed pjsfa sod kept there, atUast &fu-r seven o'clock at night. All bad influences are not in London. The smallest streams often do tbe moat rippllog. O After all it In the badness of tbe young men and old men which is at tbe root or the whole shameful business aad nearly every where, as in London, tbe worat chvta of men Is the rich, but tbe mean, m sTried men, Moat any one can get togethf r a large number of e ophatic pi thef; but only an unabridged d ct ionary, contains enough to stigmatise the r(lsstafi manor woman wbo will assist in depriving one of tbe great est of eutlbly blrsslugs-characUr, O Ufa hsve all heard of the rose that wasted Its p rfume on the deaert air, and nearly always with a sad sort of a sett sation ,- but have you ever thought xr laaiy of the magnificent water power n Alb.-ny that is watting mod of its force a-ek after week that might, with enterprise, be running the wheels, If not d a Iyiwel, at least cf many factor ies. It is a ehane that Oregon doea uot at least manufacture as much as It consume. Tbe stabbing A live Urn. If you want io sell your land place it in the bauds of Iturkbart Bros., tbey have better arrangements for selling land than any other agency in the State. They Issue c n the first of each month s live Real Es tate paper of 5000 copies devoted entirely to their land interests, which is circulated am among all pfJBMM ''ouiing to Oregou and will be seen by all that want to bay and. Ail lands placed in their hands will be advertised in the next issue. Csasl sail Received direct from the manufactory over the Northern Pacific ltailroad, three hundred case Evening Light coal oil, new and fresh, nothing better in tbe market. For sale in quantities to suit ; wholesale or re toil, at Samcsx E. YecsVa. m m . we are in receipt ot an anonymous cotnmunlcsiion from Harriaburg giving what tbe writer claims to be tbo true ver aion of tbe Brandenburg Smith -stabbing fracas that occurred tbnre some time aince ism as tne writer rails lo give 11m name, we cau uot publish tls communication We have only to say that tbe first account was obtained iroiu one wbo claimed to know the facts In tbe case, and we pub lished them. Our second account was ob tained from parties wbo live in Harris we hsve nothing further to say than that we hope both parties will hereafter refrain from such unbecoming and unlawful con duct. A Word to Farmer. vear old child, whom he vaa b alsUsas on hi I burg. We do not vouch for the correct sf . s- we w tap, hit it a blow with bis head hreakiog it j neos of either account. Having published the tkird time. Mr Shelly has concluded to j what sotms to be both sides of tbe case gtye tne unfortunate nose another chance, and now he has it ornamented with strips of court plaster VanCieve, of the Yaqtint Pji thusly duos his subscribers, snd if th y have any manhood at all they will liquidate : "Do.ia tious of two dollar gold ami a half piece, from warm-hearted frieuds who admire the brilliant scintillations that habitually flow from out hebdomadal pea (our enemies will be impaled when they get "on to" that), will be received and our autograph kindly re turned from this office, daily, bet ween break fast and supper, until further notice, the ob ject being to raise a collossal mortgage that threatens to topple over with its great accu mulation of weighty interest and cruoh out the life of interested people who have kept a kind and sympathetic eye upon us for many moons. A Brooklyn clergyman, Hey Dr Lulow'who bad been travelling ia the Holy Land, hod the bravery to venture a visit to the curious colony of Druses the Mohammedan sect in habiting the side of Mount Hermon, which a few years ago was guilty of the frightful massacre of the Chrtatians thereaboute. He found them a strange people, blood-thirsty for backsheesh, however, rather than for gore, and turning their hatred for the time being against Turks instead of Christians. The curiosity of the Druses extended to the interior of their visitors' pockets, and they even made off with the latter' boats, which they had politely taken off in calling upon the chief of the village, Dr Ludlow will give an Account of his amusing experiences in the August farperx. Frank Leslie's Sunday Matjazine for Au gust is a bright and sparkling Summer num ber. Tbe leading article is "American Mis sionaries in Mexico," anent whom aome hard things are put down. If the writer, Emily Pierce, ia aure of her facta, it is uot a credit able record. Another of tbe series of Christ's Parables, and two more of the Sacred Musi cians, appear in this number. "Th First Miaaions iu Califoruia,"with its illustrations, is a very interesting article ; and "From Canterbury to Dover," by U A Davi, a de lightful bit of description. Dr Talmage's sermon is. on ' Left handed Men. " A reada ble article on Lowell is accompanied with his portrait and copious extracts from hia poems. 1 here is also an article on John Kus kin. with a portrait. The eooeutrio Georgia evangelist the Kev bam Jones, 1 given a portrait and biographical sketch. The two serial stories "Love's Harvest," by B L Farjeon, aud "What She Made of Her Lite," byLydiaHoyt Fanner arc continued, aud the shorter articles are abundant and attrac tive. Published by Mrs Frank Leslie, 53, 65 and 57 Park Place, New York Cirv, tt 83 cents a number, or $'2.50 a year. The Owl? -. The business men of Albany and Linn county will remember that C, W. Watts has tbe only complete job office in the valley south of Salem, Hia work is the best and his prices tbe lowest. A- C. f& J uat received a case of the Celebrated Bali Coil Sptog Corset, the only corset that can be returned after three week's wear if not satisfactory. Those corsets ore bought direct from the manafactuier, saving one profit and enabling mc to give better value for tbe money than any other corset. All styles and qualities always on band. Sam el E. Yoe.vo. rarmcrs, wo lteheve we can make it to your interest to comearonnd and aee ns. W have a large stock of lubricating oils aud grease aome of which we will aell "for less money than you ever bought it for before We believe we havo the beat binding twine in the market, and you can tell by confine around and looking at it It will pay you to investigate the matter. lo repairing we cau fit you oat co.nplete 3', having a lull stock of bolts, rivets, draper sticks, draper tacks, pitch forks, neck-yokes double trees, singe-trees, and almost any thing you want. Don't forget to come and see us any way Petkius k St s WART, We have the best line of 5o cigars in town. If you don't believe it, call and see for your aclvas, a llKAll k BliOWSKI.!, Juke. A young gentleman of this city took his dulcina to Waterloo laat Sunday. He took a lot of loose bottles, juga and kega along t get a lot of soda water with which to surprise hia dulcina'a mother. After he had filled his bottle, kegs aud juga, he proposed to dul cilia to taki a walk, aud while they wero gone two chaps, who are always ready for a joke, took hia bottles, jugs and kos am emptied them of their soda water au I title tuem witn pure nantiam water. Ana now they say the lady enjoys that aoda water, i though she thinks it has a curious taste. Any party wishing to pure has-.! a good farm, either for grain or stock will do well by calling on A It Uyrua k Co., K.i! Kitate Ageuts, at Lehman, Or. We see that W. C. Tweedalo has iuit re ceived another lot of new styled parlor stoves !'!.. . .. LJ JU! II VUKIi O. POWKLL WOODRUFF. Ou July 12th, 1885, by Hev M trtin Hickman. at his resi dence, Mn. Stephen Powell and Saoib Woonatrrf ..Ai 0f Lion county. ANDERSON TV HIT LOCK. Jul y 17th. 1885, at thu residenco of the officiating miuister, by E&ev A M Acheson, Mn (Iko C Anokksox and Mis Avkis M, W hit lock all of Linn ccuutv. A Waitsbarg woman advertises that her husband having left her home and its aasocis tiona she will not be responsible for any debts he may contract. This is exceedingly rich, and shows what a blessed thing it is to live where women wear the well, boas things. The great Addison said : "I never knew one who made it hi business to lash the faults of other writers that was not guilty of greater himself." Perhaps the Oregomam reahzei that this is peculiarly true of news papers. After all O.-egon Editors can not approach Eastern Editors for mad slinging. The En quirer of Cincinnati calls the editor of the Ga zette, of the same city "a greasy chunk of blubber at the corner of 4th and Race streets HoasSarg Kmliniirtrn and Lsres. N. H. Allen & Co. have jut received a splendid line of the above g-Kbs, which will be sold remarkably cbean. Drummers are exceedingly thick. The Eastern tourist gets the cream of the trade. Our dress goods have arrived and the ladies are invited te call and aee them. Everything in new colors and deaigas will be found io our complete assortment. AlONTBITsI k SKITKN BAOM. If a letter does uot weigh more than a silver dotlar it can be sent fir 2 cents. Sasaetklnt rr the Baby. Y bat a terrible attiiction about the house is a cross, crying baby 1 A young iran on tbe very edge or matrimony might easily be frightened from hia purpose by having too muoh of that sort of music at the homes of his married friends. Yet babies cry commonly only when they are siok. One team oon ful ot Parker's Tonio, given the Httlo one, will bring rest and aleep to the baby and all iu the house. Onlv 5u cents, at druggists. The Demockat exteu Is oeuratulatiou. JONES MEEKER. - At tin residence of Mr. H Farwell, in this city, July i t , 1885, by llev. M. Judy, Mh. Jamfn F, Jonics, of Washington Territory, and Mr , LmtA Mi:Kahi, Of Linn co.iuty. C'ongratulat'twn.1: old frie:i May peace, prosperity A'id happiness attend you. DIKD. SCOT T. Ou Monday, the 2 ith inst, at Tar -gent, tho infant daughter of J H. and M, J. Scott. RITTEK. -Oo July HI h. 18S5. at her home mar Lebanon, Mrs. Rvchkl R t t'KR.Aged 63 years, 11 months, 22 day p. Mrs Bitter came bo Oregon in 1S5I1 from Indians, her birth p'aou being Ohio. She had ten children, only ix of who n aro alive. She was a monitor of the German Baptist Church, a woniin of (mr? characterand uoble christian bearing. H r futifra took place at the residence of Psfibp Kitrer, Elder Bashor conducting the services, and wan largely at tended by nnny mourning relatives snd friends. WATERLOO HOTEL. &eo, mm - Prouri8tor. Itouu ivu asd IoorixiSl rxs dav,$s rsa S1N9LK MEALS, 50C LVKCH SSC Good acoommo lation i lor ail. Waterloo Soda Springs have bean greaUy ini mod by to and shadu jrthc spring. A m w pontoon r.ds 1 1 aide spai a river jlow the spring. Htage let. yes Lebanon for Waterlt o Wednesday and Saturdays. Campers supplies and outllts at Water loo Post Office 3tor i. I'o.-seq cared for at res sonabla rates. MILtlflERY STORE FOR SAIf . A lirst - das millinery atore, wU located in Albany, for aaie at a bargain. For par lie ulirs Cf li at t'da office. vTien Bat y was ate, we gave no? CAST0SL4, When she was a Child, ahe cried tor C ASTORIA. "When she became Hiss, she clang to CASTOKIA, When ehe asjdChlMren, sho gave them C ASTORIA .