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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1885)
lite gfuwot FRIDAY JULY 24, 1885 CENBftAL auxnr dkab. General Urut died yesterday mora inn, t 8 o'clock. We hare only apace to My that lie waa born iu 1'lea.out county, Ohio, April 27th, 1822. Hit life aud semi . oes are too wall known to require comment here. NAKKW AN SILLY. The Bosburg Plaituimltr says I '-The dishonest and hypocritioal prat inga of the Democratic newspapers of this state, of which the Hevitw Meat to be the noisiest, still continues against an extra aeaston. What an absurd po sition ! Tho Democratic leaders and po litical shysteis presume to dictate what course a ltepublicaa governor sbsll pur sue. They are certainly not in s posi tion to act aa advisers to a Republican executive. When an executive looks about for advisers, be will hardly go into the enemy's camp for bis counsel ors, especially on the moat important subjects. They might well aot aa critics on a oertaio .Is of poltoy put sued by s Republican administiation, but are cer tainly ineompetent to advise. Tbey are, however, not even content with ad viing, they even venture to tbiea.en in case their seltisb and hyooritical advise ta not heeded. Tbe Republican party has never yet called upon tbe Democrats for advise, neither hsve they ever stood in need ot it, acd we believe the ouo try will bo aafe without paying heed to this gratuitous Democratic advice and threats." Now, according to tbe above, all Democratic mm that have advised against an extra session are dishonest and hypocritioal. All Demociatio pa llia in the state have advised sgainat u extra aeaaion, therefore, according to the PUiwlealer, all Democratic pa lere in the state are dishonest. How narrow, how illiberal, how foolish. The Plaiiutealer eaya Dsmootata have no right to advise the governor what to do in tbe matter, but happily, no such narrow-minded partisan as tbe Plaindoaler man it called to sit in judgment on the rights of Democrats to advise the gov ernor in a matter of concern to the peo ple of tho entire state. Tbe Plaindeat er has not learned enough yet ot the fundamental principles of our govern ment and tbe elementary principles of citizenship to know that tbe governor is the g mwW of the whole peop!e,aod not of Republicans alone. That all are equal so far as advising the govern or in concerned. Democrats are as muc'i interested in avoiding the expen ses of an ta aeaaion as Republican are, and it is both silly and absurd to accuse Democrats of threatening the governor wb n tbey point out the) ob jections to an extra cession. Tbe Democrats of the state will con tinue to advise the governor, notwith standing tbe protiunciameuto if tbe Plaindcakr. And, although the gov ernor may not heed tbe advice, vet Democratic newepapers will feel that they have done their duty to the peo ple,and che PlaindeaUr will learn some time in tbe future, (let us hope,) that a R-.puMi;u governor is aa much respon sible to Democrats as tc Republicans for bis oihcisl cjuduc', and Democrats wnl ho!d him sod his party responsible far t'.v; manner iu which he exerciees fc.H do jr. It' we wanted to advise the gvmor to do anything wu'ch would surely result in handing ib state over to the D mocrafs next June, we would advise hiui to eill sn xtra sessioo. And .f if, did not in volte the people in expense, we would att a mere partisan advise him to do o, hut our daty to Democrats and Republicans alike,whicb is above all partisans considerations, constrains us to ad rise Governor Moody to refrain from calling an extra session, all of which wed despite th-, caustic pen of the Ptaindeater. It is a significant fact that all, or aKMit all cf the republican papers in Oregon which favor tbe extra session hi v are Mitchell organs. There are ft-one Mitchell organs, however, which hare not the courage to openly urge the g vernor to call au extra session. It is vidant that a deep scheme is etnz laid to make Mitchell the Sena tor. The fun that would come from tti etaction of Mitchell would nearly justify his election. Great, Scott, bow the Scottish Chief would howl. List w(k the order came from Wellington to tne custom house st Portland to discharge seven men from be cus'oin house at Portland. The following were discharged : E A XJ.-s- of (Mackamss, W T; Rigdon of Marion; Abe Ttcbenor, Wm Brown, W K Phillips and B 0 Duniway. Huniwsy h husband to Abigail Seott Duniway f tbs New North Weal. Mrs. D at'xW be "m8 mad as a wstl a,.' Old P iq Hendricks, tbe copperhead, but uveri iu less vice president of the United H -ties talks of making a visit t o tii- c MMtf, soon. Well, let the old gemlentoa ome, for the euare people, (exnv( Hlarayatbe Oreyordan man,) wi i ive thi fine old Indiana gentle r, hi s gsViiioe western welcome. Every eurocrat in the ; ta'te would welcome ciae mai twice eteoted vice president. XutwitbaUndiiig the etTorU of a fey cr.tuky rpublieaa newspapers thU foolishly supposed they were called up mi to includ:; Miaai Cleve land's! bwofc us one of the otyeets of warfare upon the democratic party, btili the sale of the botdc has been itu meoe. Ir has already run through ug'nt tditioop. ItBfH BW WIOV The decision of Judge Deady on the mortgage tax law cases sustains tho validity of the law on all the points raised bo.h in th" state courts and the United Statos C .arts, lis niroply fol -lows the decisions of our ststo courts as touching th questions raised undor our state oonsiitution.aqd over rules all objections to the Uw, ss raised under the fedoral constitution, except the ob jection that mortgages are assessed at their facs value,while lands are assessed at only one-third of their Vain On this point the court holds thst where sn owner of s mortgage is ass: "ted for the full value of the mortgage, while land owwn are assessed st only one third of tbe value of their lands, then the court will entertain jurisdiction to restrain he collection of the ex joss of taxes bid on mortgages over snd above that laid on lards, but as a oondition precedent, the owner of tho mortgage . . , . -.ii . timet prat lender M toe tax evttawwj tbs third, or whatever sum ii eipittr he ought to par, beforo the court will entertain suoh jurisdiction to restiain the collect i n of the other two-thinls,or whatever in equity tho ownsr of lbs mortgage ought not to be required to pay. This has teen, for a long time, held to le the law in all tbe states f the union, aiih constitutions similar to ours. This brings us back to the view which we have always he'd on this question, namely, that the only true, safd and satisfactory system of tsxation consist in tsxing alt pro)erty of value. Lt it all be assessed at its true value. No owner of a horse cn object to its being assessed at its true value if all other propertv, likseiae, U assessed at .is true value. Certainly, the owner of lands eould not consistently ssk that bis lands be assessed at one-third their value, while bia neighbor, who hss hit money invested in mortgages, is assess ed f 0 their full value. Ths demand came up from land ownera a few yearn ago for the passage of the mortgage tax law to correct an evi tint then existed, namely, that foreign c rrporations wete loaning money herein large sum?, but were continually escaping taxation by resorting to a variety of mi liter fuge. f be law a as ; and it hai been subjected to the crucial lest of the courts, and hss bee i declared valid. This is a great eiatory for the people, but i-i view of tbe remarkable state ment of the court that it "might take judicial none" of the fact that lands tire assessed st one-thi. I of their value only, it then becomes a qsasti n wheth er any of these ta can e.r In col lected, for these corporations will be continually applying to the courts for injunctions to restrain tho colleetton of taxes imposed upon their mortgages on the ground of ineqniHty of assessment, and thus postpone pavment. It is now b !ieved that on one pietex or another they will keep this question in the courts until tbey cn ?sll in theit loans, and sheriffs wilt then tind nothing up on which to levy in order to compel payment. If our recent legisU'ion haa established nothing 1 e Wot the fact that money lenders must pay taxes aa well aa ochw people, tJ n m oh has basn acc mplisHd We do not con cede that land are assess I st only one third thur vlue, in fact we deny the truth of tbe atatement. If, bow ever, it can be ebowo that thev are not assessed sc their (Ns vaiu we believe we are safe in VMntu-ing tbe opinion that every honest Uirmtt will join in the demand to make taxation equal all around. jiws icoar u. Since Secretary Whitney of tbe Kasy has refused to accept tbe dispatch boat, Dolphin, bui't by John Roach, because it was not built in accordance with the Contract, that gentleman has nude an asignment, and the Qreyonian says that the failure is a national minfortone. On 'he ootrtry. the misfortune is imply a republican one. John Rjacb has been the pet of the republican party for years, .rod the Oreyortian is unwittingly correct when it said that Roach's shipyard a'as built up with much care by tho ropubJ;, t p-r!y. Yes, Roach h is been ",iveu uy kio J of a contract bi migtr want out of which arge sums of re n.y could be made, 'and in consideration for this favoritism shown him by republics bridrr, hs has eontriouted very largely of his ill gotten gain? to carry elections for the republicans. f (i,se, nearly every one believes that R oscb has failed full handed, auc that h simply wanted to retire from business, for, like Otbelle, bts occupation is gone. To hsve accept ed tbe Djlpbiu Would not have pre vented the assignment lux he had al ready received over $600,000, on his contract, paid while Chandler waa Sec retary, and only a few thousand more remained- If Roach was leallly press, ed (which we do not believe it could only have been brought about in coupe queuce of the large sums which tie con tributed I at f til toehct B'uine. This bo tusy have doie, knowing that if Blaiae should be eieeteit rich coutiacts for another lour years wttrti in store for him. The Orejoni'ti wjil not be able to arouse much sympathy f r he was simply mi absorbing loech upin the treasury . f the United States. Lightning is refected 150 to 200 miles Thunder may tie heard 20 to 25 miles, and the bowls of the Ortyon ,ian at the thoughts of living iu tbe 'w'oufedaracy" may, under proper phy sical conditions, be around the globe. OOIiEiEISPOIsriDEl 3ST O B HrowiiNvillo. A tragody occurred betwoon this place mid Waterloo, lasit Sunday, that cast a shadow of gloom over the whole community. Smmy Rico, only mm of L. C. Rice, ex-Sheriff of this coun ty, started from his homo on Sunday morning, to attend church at Rock II Itl school house, where servlcea woro being held by his uncle, Rev C. Sperry. After services qullo a num ber of the congregation, concluded to go to Waterloo, get dinner, and onjoy the soda water, and among1 the rest Sammy Rice concluded to go. He was riding a very gentle pony that he had been in the habit of riding for tho last live years, and his father and mother, tho latter of whom had uot been to church, and the former hud returned home, did not apprehend the tho least danger to him. lie was accompanied by two of his young friends, one a son of Wm Temple, and the other a son of Mr. Ill .ekburn who lives hi the neighborhood of li n k Hill, ad on horseback. After getting into the Lebanon rtnd when near the place of Mr. Simons, taty came to where tho road separate nnd In a short distance comes together again, aud Sammy and ona of his friends concluded to try the speed of their ponies, and took different roads and tried to see who wi uld reach the main road first, and it seems they both came there togetner, und either tho horses ran together, aud knocked Sammy's horse down, or else he fell down, and threw him over his head, his head striking a pole bridge that was just In front of them, and knock ing the upper part of his skull booo loose, and otherwise mash lug up and bruising his head, neck aud shoul ders, nnd knot-king him senseless. He lived for something like an hour afterward, but never spoke or gave any sign of life other than by groins and wriihings. Simmy was about 10 or 17 yoarsold, and was a model boy. This has been uu unfortunate year to him, as he lost one of his eyes by an accident ion spring, and now by unother he h u lost his life. Tho father and moihr la ibis their sad liereavement have the sympathy of the entire community. Rev. Shut p of the Met ho b-t church commenced u c tmp meeting at Craw fordsvble last week und held over Sunday, tuitea uumbcrof etf citi zens went up on Sued y. Tom Leach returned home to-day from cdifornii, wor he went about tho t)r; of June with a drove of fine horses f r Wm. Coc'irjo. A combination virlety company gave entertainments last week to empty houses on two evunings nd then 1 understand tried to settle their hotel bill at fifty cents on the dollar. If such bilks were treated the same wsy everywhere, tatf would soon be driven to work for an honest living. Threshing machines will commence their work in earnest about the mid dle of this week. Mr. F. M. French of your city, haa put a very fine time piece up in the Woolen Mills which is warranted to be as fine a reguUlor as there is In the state. Mr. T. 8. Pl'lsbury has bsao ojnfio ed to his bed for nearly two weeks, from a butt be received while riding on tbe ru oning gear of a wagon and catching his foot on a stump Iks Lea bo also sustained a very eeti ous injury to his foot and leg last week while hauling up bay, and is si so cm fined to his bed. It is thought tbst bis leg is f rac: -iied between the knee snd snkle. There is Some talk of Tom Ky and J. W. Venner, go'og into tbe stock busi ness. It w.U be s verv seriotii loss to tbe Woolen Mills, od tbe drug besi ueaa. for these goatlemen te make the change. I have often heard of towns being painted red, but we haye a Mr. P. N. Segar here now who is pstnting our town black, or a- least a considerable number of tbe roofi. Peter Hume and H W Uoddard, are going to run tbe warehouse bee, and will be ready by the latter part of next to receive wheat. Tbey are de serving gentleman. Fied Gross ba bad tbe old Lmas let's shoe shop m .v. d back and is bui'ding a frout to it and fixing U up for a reaiuenee. This, in oonneotion witi. tbe minora sfloat, make thingi be gin to look very suspicious, for Freu in a matrimonial point of view. Ji ff Myers, will; two young ladies, of Scio, was in town on Sunday, visiting at his uacte'tf, J. M. Moyer, Mrs. B ici Smith u iu town at ber father's Mr. Martin, the uiil contractor be tween Halsey aad Crawfordaville, has been off duty for some days on account of sickness, and the "government whip" bay beu wielded by Cleve Cochran in bis, Wm, T. Cocbtan has tJen his wife to Portland, and put her under the care of physicians, down there, having tried all in reach of here, without her having received any Ismefir. He will probably remain there with her until it is tested to his satisfaction as to whether she can be benefitted by the change or uot. Milt Miller is in town lo iking as nat ural as an oj.-J shoe. Phad. Lebanon. Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. O Roland burled a little boy 8 months old. Mrs. J. Ralston went to Etst Port land Mondy morning where she was called by the serious illness of her ddughtc Mrs. Callie Hamilton. Miss Carrie B-dlard last we&k ac companied her uncle, M. Bdlard and family to their home in Seattle where she will spend 2 or 3 nnntbs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain, ol Albany spent a few hours In Lebanon Satuiday evening. Mr. and Mrs Pint, officio, were in Lebanon Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Irvine has been quite sick for the last two weeks but Is now con valescent. Mrs. Bryan from near Tangent, !s visiting Mrs. J. L. Cowan. Mr. Isaac Conn and wife of Albany, spent Sunday ai Lebanon with old friends, ' II Hi JJKJ JLg Mr. Bryant who has been In Van. eouver all summer, working on Gov ernment buildings, came down to spend a few days with hi family. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. Bllyeu, and W. Guy aud family leave on Thursday for Upper Soda and Matolos. They will lie gone some six weeks, Mrs. Hitter living near town died ver suddenly of heart disease. She was burled Monday in the Lebanon cemetery. Mrs. Rltter was one of our old pioneers, and was highly re spected throughout the country. Rev. Hahr preached the funeral ser mon. Wo are glad to have Mr. Andrews family at home again aud hope In a short time to see them restored to their usual health. Miss Nettie Amos Is visiting friends In Hsrrlsburg. Mrs. C. Harmon and children have gone to Portland to visit her mother. A. 1 llllMOy Miss Liliie Robertson visited friends in Halsey last week. Miss Belle Benders, of Prluovllle, madu a brief call iu town yesterday. The Utile child of Mr. and Mrs D. M. Cooper died on Sunday. The parents have the sympathy of many friends in their affliction. On Saturday July 18th, a daughter arrived at the house of Mr. James Rector. Orthodox weight. The new engine and threshing ma chine mentioned last week have been tried by their ownere,Davls & Canady, and are pronounced a complete success. Prof. Campbell has returned to Halsey for a few weeks. Ho will be assisted In the fall term of school by Miss Ids Black, who recently grad uated In the commercial course at the state Normal school. The exodus to the mountains still c tiitlnues. Mr. D. J. ifuysand fam ily expect to go this week. Also Mr. T. J. Wilson and wife. Tuiitftutt. The Farmer's warehouut Is now ready for wheat. Ueo. Houck gave Hodaville a cat) last S tbbath. Ten thousand sscks arrived here from Portland this week. J. J. Beard's oldest son came near having his brains kicked out last Sun day while leading a colt out of the barn. The horse kicked his hat off and his no d Just gazed hi forehead. J F. Beard will commence thresh ing next Monday. Araasa Moso haa sold his chicken ranch to his mother. He Intends teaching school this fall and could not attend to both. What Tangent wants Is a No. 1 teacher for our school this fall and winter. X would like to know where Brick dust has gone to. L. F. Smith has bis new building inclosed. Tangent Is a pretty place and a few more dwellings tike Mr. Smith's would make our little tou show off to advantage. Little BuxrLOWBK. Sweet oine. Slllt tho weather Is flne and farm ers sre bitppy, and are busy prepar ing for harvest. Homo are through with tbeir bay and now comes the grain. J. Shea has just returned from (rip to Fish Lake where he has been frying his hand at catching trout. Lots of fun and plenty of fish. J. C. Hummer and family left the first of the week for east of the moun tains. May fortune favor them aud good tuck attend them. W. It. Ftndley and Geo Zdlner have just finished cutting a road on the north side of tbe Mantiam and now we have a free road to Lower Soda, E, H. McCjrmick killed a large hawk which measured three feet six Inches from tip to tip and twenty one Inches from beak to tail. CbUHL Harvest work Is progressing nicely, pearly all of the fall grata has been cut, and some of the threshing ma chines will be put in operation oeft week, Mr. William, deputy assessor was la this vicioity last week on official business. Mr. Hay ward Riddel I, of Wasco County, arrived here on tbe 10th. He reports the weather east of thp mountains very warm and every tning drying up. Mr. W. H. McCoy, of Weston, is in Oakviiie having come down to attend the festivities of his father's 70th birthday. Mr. Wire, of the Agricultural house of tytaver & Walker, Portland, was in Oakviiie Uat wegk in the interest of tbat firm. In Oakviiie, July 17th 188$, by Rev. A. M. Acheson, George 0. An derson, of Albany, aud Miss Anna M. Wnltlock, officio. Miss Ella McBridc, Mrs. Boook and daughter of Portland spent sev eral Jays last week visiting friends in this vicinity. Wo are gjad lo see Miss MyrUe Wren at borne again enjoying a good degree of health. Miss Louisa Couey is spending a few days with her aunt near Sbedd. Nokvkllis. Millers. Farmers are very busy cutting grain. Most all the fall grain will be cut this week iu thia vicinity. Will Reed's horses ran away with his binder last week and broke things ud considerably. Mrs. Card well returned home from Sodavilie a few days ago witb her health greatly improved. Preaching here next Sunday at three o'clock by Rev. Brownson of AI bany. The potato crop in this vicinity Is very small. It will not yield more than one-third as mush as last year. Kate Delaney, of Coburg, ti visit ing relatives here. Mr. Asher Is building a new house. Mts. Ralnoy returned fromWillhoit Bpriogs a few days ago whero she has been for her health. Hho Ins gone to Albany for medical treatment . Mrs. Cox killed a large rattle-snake In an old house yesterday. It Is the first one that Ins been seen for 10 yean. I. D. Miller will start his steam thresher next Monday. Tucxkr. xtocTiciiui. Tbe farmers are all very busy getting their bay in the barn. Mr. A. Dodge has got a .".o aoie Geld of fins fall wheat all bound up with bis binder. Several trore intend to start tbeir binders next week. We are in hopes the farmers will have good harvesting weather in which to ssvs their fine grain. There will be a gteat tlesl ol grain thrashed through out ths valley next week. We are informed that Miss Ft an Me OarOS, of Waterloo, has returr ed home from it" Bay with restored health. If same of the Lebanon hunters don't quit coming out and tramping down farmeia grain there will be some attests. 8nnioLebsnon dswtiter out burning grout! tad phessauts sod they would aend their o ; out in the grain and then tbey would run out in it and tramp it down. It is not tifcht for men to run out In grain after it is out in bead. Now you bold hunters, lake a little warning. We are having exceedingly hot w. si her at the present. Whest is ripening very fast in tbe last few daya, harvest is right upon ut cow. Mr. Martin Jaekaon and family, and Mr. (I. Davis end family intend going to Eastern Oregon, to seoure them hemes after harvest. Tom mis Jsckon has Wen (irk for a fsw days with throat. A Rock Hili.ks. We are inclined to tbs opinion that the Mormons will not d are to be so impudent ss to lesist federsl aot hoi it y ty fores of arm, but if they do, tbey will have something more formidable to J contend with than mere sentimentslity exhibited by tbe republicans when in Kwer. Cleveland does not appear to ba tbe kind of man to put up witb ranch foolishness. At Ogden the other day Judge Powers, a democrat, Istely appointed by Cleveland, sentenced two Mormons to six months iro prison n. en t and to pay a fine of 300, tbe highest penalty for tbeir crime, cohabitation. liernocrata have already done much to shake tbe foundations of polygamy. Highly SersmmeaSeU. Ai.bjisv, Oaxuotf, De. 2ad, lSSl. MmmU k Co., The New MMilloa 33 inch separator aed KuumII angiae twrckassu m you last am. mar is all yon reoommendsd it to be. It baa given aatistaoUnn to a very respeet. I thresh ed this season in 34 days ran 43SH3 basnets tt prta wbtoh is the biggest day run of attv eafhioe to this part of the country. I tnreehed for some of the oldeet farmers bj this county sod tbey all say that I did them tbe bat job, saving and cleaning tbeir grain tbat ever bad been done. Oar e peases for repairs for tbe season did not exceed one dollar. Yours Utsmectfully, Pi U. Ha KIKM, LtHrr UU. Fotng is the list l IctUra rsmsinlnr in ths Pnst oSit, Albsnjr. Unu couniy. (Hvgan. July tarl, lSeft Pvrxxia cllias fur those Uura iumS rlT th 4-to . which thry wrslvcrUl : llr'.wcr . L 4 rrum. Mr V Mivttsw, Vlas McCoy, J K Mr, nVtr?rt O'Conrau-, Jauue HJriolisrt. y. i . . Stiilh, Jus Tsletly Ksrl Wlfatus, Sssssst Uuhy, i.rrfn Umy. I'hH s UcatlMu.OM Morgan, Jtnvs Munm, Mrs Uu i fttitln, Mr Smoh Lyruau Wilkins, John Wllusms. M T A M lit VI Nil, P. M. Jock Dempeey, 170 lbs, sod Jack Kreosn, 140 lbs, boil a bars list fight near Han Fran cisco last Tuesday. Dernpsey "licked." Heaio Sews .ST The undersigned is now prepared to furnish board at $5 per week. Meals 25 cants. One horao over night, oats and hay, SO oonta, bay alone 26 cents. Water and samp ground free. W. R, PlMDUtV, Kugsne girls chew gum so load that it is impossible for people te sleep there nights when they pass along tbe streets st a late hour. Te Tkreskaaea. The Improved Westlnghouse Thresh ing machinery and engines are guar ii u teed to be tbe very best In the mar ket. Consult your luU'reats by sending f r circulars to Z. T. Wright, Portland Oregon. Also dealer In Hauoook separ ators, pumps, bei'dng, otia, etc. The salmon ran thuj year on the Columbia Will be shout 2Q0.0QQ oases sburt. 475,000 Oases is tho highest estimate for the total run, Beer Cattle aa If atlas ep. Tbe undersigned will pay the highest oath price for beet cattle and mutton sheep. Have good scales oa wbtoh to weigh. I. D. Miller, Miller's, Oregon. The average score in seven largo games of ball Tuesday in the hast was ti to j, tho highest mode being 9, the lowest 0. 1 Jet rrlnteg. O VV Watts Is always ready to do all kinds of job printing on short notloe and at reasonable rates. If you have letter heada or bill heads printed send him your order and he will plaoe them In tablet form without extra cost. Orders from a distauoe will receive prompt attention. Tbe Tribune says yauderbiljt has control of the West Shore. It is not stated how much Sainuols received, f s BUCKLE 'S O.BXMJ 1 HALVE The best salve In the world for ouls, ruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever aores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns and all kinds of akin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction In every case or moaoy re tunded. Price 35c per box. For sale by Foshay & Mason "Bogus Journalisms" is where another1 pa per is shoyinq another one hard for the lir4 position. . - m es A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by remark able discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing; patients that tbey h&ve given up to die, is startling them to realize tbeir sense ef du ty, and examine Into the merits of this onderful discovery ; resulting in bun ds of our bast Pnysloians using It in eir practice. Trial aottlesfree at Foshay Mason's Drug Store. Reularalie $1.00 ItlOM MOV Of -MOl.r4'K, WttSRRAS, la the dumeussthm of ths Rul er of the universe, brother 1. M. Funk, Jr., has boon called from our mi. Int. tifolvnl, That in his death wo have lost a friend aud brother, lUrrisburg Encampment No. $, I. 0, 0. V., a valuable member and tho order an earnest worker, who did well his part. Hetoli'ut, That wo tender his bereaved wife sod aged father oar heartfelt sympathy iu ths sad alUicliou which has come upou fem, and wo oxpross tho huno that I'ruvi deuce will temper tho soro aflhatiou to their grieved hearts. RfMolvtd, That a copy ol thsso resolutions ho spresd upon tho minutes of the Kuoam; meut, and a copy furnished to oar county paper for publication. vr. Mi rvuj., I. V. h. Rata, Jam. Mi'Caktwsv, i amount' c. WilSkEAs, Tho Angel of Doafh has passed through our midst aud taken from our Kra temity our well beloved brother 1. M. Funk, Jr. Therefore bo it lOtolvrU, lly Covenant LttifS, No. 12, IO O I ', that in tho death of brother Fauk that Covenant Lxlge has lost one of its most worthy mtoiihem, los t,ari!vl wifo s demot ed huaband ; his sgod father a dutiful sou and tho community aa noasrad ami useful cttiasu. HtMlvl, That we bow in hurublo sub- mioHioii t' ths muI of turn who itiuth u l tiotige well. ftit(t, That as feehlo token of mtr loving sympathy lor the bereaved wife and father ol our deceased brother the !odi(o be clruped in mourning for thirty days and I ho members wear the usual badge. Jlrnolvnt, That a oopy of those resolutions be spread upon the records ot the Iodge, a copy be furnished the wifo of our deceased brother aud a copy seat to the threo news- lapers published at Albany for publication. W. U M Danikl. Jam. M tv'ABTSKv, J. a. KKsnstt, Committee. j.ui' i . rr VrsttU aad ti-ui . Man is dependent upon his surround ings for the necessities of life. Air and water are necessities of life, but Impure air and Impure water are most proltli sources of disease. Food is also a neces sity of life, but numerous dlssasos are traceable to botti a lack of uocessary food, ana an over Indulgence In special kinds of nourishment. ltosioY IIkwi external sources of disease there are older more subtle and Internal causes. Each Individ ual m hot u from his parents a oertain physical constitution, Kaab persr n there fore derives his chances of health or dis ease flora a double source, namely bis in herited constitution aud bis surroundings In life, Hanlu ry science devotes attention to our surrounding. Medical science seeka to overcome the constitutional or luberlted weakness by ncdi-iues tbat supply what la wanting in tbe system. Do Haven's Dyspepsia Core supplies ibsi which Is wauling to euure troer aira llaltot. ami digestion of food. Try it. Free samp'e bottle at foshay t Mason's Irrug Store, Albany, Oregon. TSe isetaef mt 1 utttli. No matter bow handsome or sUlwa rt u young mau m y be other wise, nothing era make up for a partially bald bead. Mbiuing talents are attractive, but a shin ing poll Is uot. The cause may bo ;og nes or anything elae, yet Parker's llstr tialsam with atop the loea of the hair and start a new growth of glossy and soft hair so quickly aa to surprise you restoring the original color at tbo same lime. Net a dye, not elly , delicately perfumed. On ly staudsrd iOc dressing. the lo. i Aerreabtr As wot! as the most effective uudhod of dlsilling beadaobes, i olds and fevers, or cleansing the system 1 by ttklt g a few doses of tbs piessant Cailfernfci liquid fruit remedy syrup of Figs, i . aud l bottle, for sab' by F.tsb.iy A Mason, Lang don et Co. Sheriff's Sale. In the VircuU Court of the ktt qfOrryon for the County of Linn : U U MoaUlib. I'UlotjS Monteilh, Lrirtins M. M niUrkr., bis wu Juan A CrmvturJ, It n -.'. m Trnrtcc eaS K $ Slrahtn sj Assign of Thorn Mttlh and Hut,, NOTICE IB IlEHHilV UIVKN ll,VT, 0Y VIRTUE 4 au cir. mi .i, ,. mt, orUcr u( UsucU ui ul lhs !. . . ..- ntuceU Court In ths sbute seUik4 sctiun, sUteJ July 1U, IMi, m4 l asei'irectsd astl SSttsso I HI. onMiunhjf the 15th 4 of AutfUt, A, !., ISSS, at lbs l oon H uw- dour in Alban, Linn daui ly, Ortfon. st tho hour ot I o'clock, p. m., sli t (.ubUb sutruon I .r omI, In jtessf lbs hl-hcsl btddc, ftli ths real nrvperty aetcribnt in aul orasr of sale which in deter, bet u follows, U lt : All flfefS r Uon ol iho ionilon Luitl C!sim el Thoutss MonUrllh, o c.i by ulJ Thm. U nUiuh an the 2nd day of Ksbruary, lil, Including all Vosrn lota or irorty fitusUsl no said Don Uon LaihI CUtm iu tho city o Albsny snd ths tddiUont thorvto in Linn cuunly. Orsgtut, which said IKtruUuii Und Claim Is dsecribed OS foUeys j Leiouing at s pulnt tro chains west of Ut northsast comr of section mn Tj. 11, SolU 4, srsst ; Uu-ncc- south 88 (W-100 chains ; thnee wt IS chains thanou south Hi 7o luO chains ; thence Dortb ttT VS. cost 51 34 loo chains; theaee north 1 SO srsst SI 07 100 cha!n ; thsncs south 00' 30 west 4 chains ihsaos south'! 30 wcl li 60-100 chain ; tbe ics snath W ost ID 50-J on chains; theses wea i chain , thenos souili 12 010) chsin to the place of hsth'inlujf, containing SI9 "l-IOO seres. The said claim hsin known a gotincaliob Xo. 800, Claim No. 64, hciiuj a jrt ol Section 0 ami 7 in Township 11, S it S a:. I i u-:i. s i,.,inC ptrt ol Sections 1 sod It In Tp. 11, H 4 wen ol tho Willamette meri dian in Linn county, Oregon, together with all ths tcnsmer.ts nd sppurtstioncos Uicreio belonging. Also all the right, Utlo and mleisst th:.t tho said Thomas Mcnteltb held or owned either at law or In suulty, in and to ths DeSSBsS lrnii Claim l Waller Moutoith, snd In svery part theronl which said Onus tion Land Claim is described as follows: nsgtunlng at a point two chain wsst ittjba nortliesjit corner of SecUon 12 in Tp 11 south ot R 1, wost of the WilUm site meridian, in Linn county, Oregon , thence north 12 00 100 chains; 1 hence north 81' 15" r, ot 49 50-100 chain; thence south 1' 30 east W chains; thence, north 87 15' east 20 r0 100 chains; thence north SO 70-100 chains ; thence out 19 chains and thence north 6 0-100 chiflus to the pises Sf beginning, containing sl4 acre. 11,0 same hoUtt known as KotiQoatinn No. 17W and Clslm No, 65, being puts ol Sections 1 and ISinTp. 11, S It 4 west In Linn Mintv, Oregon, to gether with sll tho tenemoiil j;ipurtenances thereto hslonging. The proceed ot such sale to be spplled ; Pint to the payment ot easts snd expanses ol this suit and accruing costs uon such ssle. Second lo the pay ment ol the amount louud due the Plaintiff herein, viz. : tho uinol$1000J. 30 w ith interest from October :i h, lost, at the rate ol ten per cent per uuti'um and hUcost and dlsbursemonU), Third to tho SMsWHst herein osoertained and determined to be duo tho De fendant, J, ,1,;, A Crswioi-J, vis : the sum cf with sucruing introst thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from October 2th, lMt snd his cost and d'sbursements. Fourth to iho aymont ot ths amount herein ascertained to be due and owing from the Doleudaiit Thomas Montelth to the Defendant U Bryant, vis; Uie sum ot fSsft with accruing Interest thereon trom October 2lilh, ltlS4 at tho rate ot ten per cent per annum and tho further sum of 100 At torney's fees aud his costs and diburemeut9. Fifth the overplus If any there be to bo paid to the Defend ant K 8 Slrahim 03 Assignee of tho Defendant Thomas Moittcilli. Dted July l&th, m:. ), K. Ci;arito Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per Jas, J . i 'ii au, Deputy. JAINTS AND OILS, Of all descriptions sold by Peters & Stew art. BREATH QRTHWBSTfiM EBMEDY iPWRiWBa rr unuL it Bai Those who work early and late need s wholesome reliable Medicine like Pfi.vdkk's Okkoo.v Blood l't-HiKiKii. As a remedy and preventative of uiaeasea It can not be beat. It checks Rheumatism and Ma laria, relieves Constipation, Dyspjpgia an 1 Bilious ness, and puts freth energy into the system by making New Rich Blood. All Drug Ists and Dealer keep it. $1 bottles, 6 for $6. 1 I 5 p.. a i5Z m it . 0L att The Curran TlieCurrso Krult tJryer bss been in use in thisSute f rt- uk fruit drying sien. li le sniiflr l any other .I.I.I. ImtmMK .H.W. Wll.. l.Wfl ... . I T ' M . I. K MM InforrnliiK lhs imblic tbst wssre preiisred to fut up ths t'hi'iB ilrilxl fruit taken In ,ym-t. Ai. On- tnl,. ,( , iimw null iii;, ,ni w in wi iiii unrii .. mwiw -iriore rnaitifi srrsn'frwnt twwbere Ma n sir emu' an4 osruxsrit soil 'ill n n. A'hlress w D. B. flONTKITH & Co., y!bany, Orrgos. K. U. We he on hvi I sn as .rlmunt of a - tnd h.d Drer of differcnl makes which we will sell chtp Sheriff's SLle, In ihe Circuit Court of (he SM' of Orejou for Count! of Linn. J II Bridges, Plaintiff, vs. Bertram! Hermann, llenrtch Yfeischarland G W Cro's out, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE M THAT, BV vTBTUl of. on execution i- .u-,i out cf the shove named Court in the abovo enUtled action dated June : itti, 18S3, and to me directed and delivered, t have levied upon and, on Saturday the 1st day of August lsttt, at tho huur of 1 o'c'oek, p. m at the Court House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, I will sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest biddor all tho right, tiUe, and Interest of the above named Defendants or of either of them iu the two tracts of land hereinafter described, as follows, to-wit Tho northeast quarter ot Section 25 In Township 9 South Rango 1, oast of the Wlilame te meridiau in Linn county, Oregon, containing ISO acres, t e same being the property of tho said Rortrand Herman. Also the following : The northwest qtiarterof Section 25 and the northeast quarter of Section 20, in Tp. 0 S HI, Eof f..e Willamette Meridian all situated in I. inn county, Oregon, containing 820 aores more or less, being the property of the sajd Q W Croisaut. The proceeds of such sale to bo applied : First to the payment of the cost of aud upon this writ and the costs aud expenses o sale and the original costs taxed at 951.35. Second to the payment of Plaintiffs claim of si with Interest thereon at the rate ot ten jwr cent per annum from the 12th day of March, 1885 Third the remainder if any there be to bo paid to the saidO W Croisant and Bertram! Hermann or their legal lepreseiitativos. DatetJ. this ijOth day of June, 185. J, K. ClUELTOJJ, Sheriff of Llnu county, Oregon, per Jas. J. Ciuhltox, Deputy. GAMBRINU3. - On and after July 4th Mr. Gross at the Depot Hote will keep the celebrated Gambrinus beer on draught. All who oppretlate the bait cool beer are invited to tag, 13 m m 00 09 LS fii 8S oo 00 00 ho Fruit Dryer. - r : ' .-.r. u '-n.ilfi , dryr In the rnsrkot We have (Trent many unti- ...!! - " .. . . . MfT. . .W Above mmoH dryer in s . t, ,, ,. . ,,4;,t t n, Wi. Uko.r.ure In y irt i the Hut.. m vrties asanas le mr- Wheat Stored At THK - MAGNOLIA MILLS. I will receive wheal l.i atora at tbe mill and warehouse, under tbe usual terms, When parties wish to sell will buy tbe wheat or deliver It on order. Hacks furnished to parlies wishing to store. July Ut, ISS-i. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Coiirad Meyer, PUOPRIETOR OF STAR BAKERY, Gnrner Broadaibin and First Sts,, DEALER IX-. c uu a, sfrmtv !as wrc, lri-d Fruit, 'foliar co, Kngar, i oflVe Etc,, uinii-u Meals, Qtseeaswsare, Vegetables, Cigars, Mpiee-. Tea, Etc., In fct every tli ing that ta kept in a gen eral variety and grocery store. Highest ii :: : price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. .NSW SASSIlW THRESIIEE Is tho grea'c. m. ee-iturv. lnlinit -stviru: machine of th preten l in opacity: untur, ssstxl In Im.1 I-. . . L. 1 . .... w-Ht, siul TStU Z. . "viisin sr.a ouraouuy. sTVtal,.gT1e snd price Hit rent !t oo. Address Rl Ku '., Brsnrb Uoase,FrtlBl,Or WArfTEO AT ONCiT" Exptrie::ced Uk agents, male or female, r or the must firpular aad fastest selling book of tbe aSe. Will nay pdary for first, 1 ou.. s :s. .S-ri.,.t,ueKt?riei-ced can vassers drilled snd paid commission or salary, It w:l pay oq to write os. Address Agenoy l'ibli,hin;r Compsoy 39, First Street, Al bauy, Offefea, fAEDWAfU OF ALL KINDS, Axes, mattocke, brush honks, picks ahosasspadts, Inrks, grindstones, wheel "i iows. wringers, ropes, and almost everything yoa wsat, eaa bo bad t;han tor cash ' IVtors Ste'.vart; ThON'l rMRfJgT IT. If only if you try to build now whll wlmar is only wortb 5 1 cents vou sbmild by all iiicans go to Peters A Stewart's, at Aibauy ir uiiuur. inn pan trtit wiat you w tot at their store and at reasonable ba ttrjfc, QARPENTFRS TOOLS, We want oarpantor-j to know that ws ktep constantly in stock the very best tools the market, and sell taem a cheap as thoy en be sol i. Every tc ol we sell we can warrant. No shoddy article MPS keot. Come and soo us. -'.'KTJSBS A TEW AST. Q PORTS MEN, ATTENTION ! IT jrcvpra cuwwnj-l Keep a IUI1 110 Of 6ru- unitlou, aud will sell a low as tne lowest, K ery pound of powder is warranted to kili 5C0 ducks if iro: er'y used. " . r i. O - a a w OUSIEH GRAIN DRILL. A better ijraiu drill is net made snvw here. as ever . i,tpnr .,-,; W,0 has need it. For sale isnly b$ i'ciors ,t- Stewsrt. rpHE BEST THING OUT, Is tiie Acne Harrow aud no farmer csn well afford to lc without it. Jx in the very bet clod oi uher and polyerizer, leaving t ground as hm 1 as u burn II or. Sold on'y by Potcr3 x t) varfc. J I. 0A8U FLsOWSi e This f un its, plow is well known in Llua Comity. The obilled and steel plows are well made from the very best material tnd are warranted to do as good work and "cour fully well as any other pi ow Pe'.ers A Stewart are the sole agents. -T1 AKUEN SEi'.U i. A point n .t often tbouuht tl' but which is iuiportai . to the plantor, is thai Seeds grown iu m Northern elimte have mors vigor, and re moro rertaln to procuoe a crop and m .ture earlier than those raised uit her South. Seeds from Walla W alia, guaranteed to bo fresh and pure, sr d to giv hi'isfacttoo, will be sold by us cheap. (.l-.i den forks, his and rakes thrown in with each package fur a small amount of coin. r&TEits Sr Stewart,