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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1885)
charsh irsrr. U. P. Chpiot. lftMwhl"lwT BaKhath, t 11 a. v., and 1 r.u. by Rev. R. O. lr vine, D, D. Sabbath School at 8:90 r. M Prayer meeting every Wsxlneesday STening. ChukcK. Preaelnag on Sab bath at 11 A. m. and 7,r. m. ttabbath Sohool 12:15. Prayar mooting avery Thara day evening. J. A. Holloabaugb, pastor. OosoaaoATioKAtCBumcii. Sorvioooovory Hhhath at 11 a. at. ttd 8 f. m. 8abbatb Sohool at 12:13. Prayer mooting on ThamUy evening of each wee. J. v. Harris, pastor. M. K. Ohcrch, South, Preaching svery Sabbath muruiug at 11 o'clock a. M. 8ab hath School at 10 o'clock a. M. Pray mooting every Thursday evening si 7: o'clock. F. M. CeJp, Psator. M K I l-slismilsiil-. TlMlssOTi TlMWfc ing every Sabbath at 3 30 o'clock, r. a. Sab-1 bath School at 2:30 o'clook.r. M. F. M. Culp, M. E. Cuvhch. I'rwecinnff rwy owbmb i a - - i at 11 a. m. and 74 r. M. tht nvMninif bafora sartaon. goaf Mrvio m Sahoata aonooj t 2.30 r. m. Prayer meeting ovary Tburs- Uayovontng. Rov. ML J nay, psator. PKS&BVTKJtiAX Cnuaxm. Service 7 Sahhath momma and evening in Church cor. Brosdalbin and Filth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. Prayer mooting ovary Wedneocav evening. Rov. laaao H. Condit i tutor. Christian Chcroh .Preaching every Sab- oath at W. C. T. U. 11 a.L 7 3U r at. Sunday Sohool at half past 2 o'clock r, m. Rov J T Floyd, paatoi. First BArriirrCuuscH. Proaohina every Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock a m. ,at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath Sohool immediately after morniua services. Prayer mooting e ery Thnrada avaninit at 7:30 o'clock. T C Browusou. oaator. Ukivsksauts Chvrch. Preaching ovor second and fourth Sabbath of each month t Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. a., ana 7 o'slock. r. u. Sabbath School at 12 To the Unfortunate! BR GIBBON'S Dispensary 623 eorner of vommnmr- Francisco, ul rial, m is, nm at at Ssxasi u .arrnca, SitcoC. .Mrtetare, ay pallia m sll Re forma, aoatinai mm St k. a. a WoaJtaoaa. ..-. man nam ot nsw i Ieriniojutly tv sick and sffitfrttil should .11 ... ......, Him ThS DOCtOT DM UIM xtsfsiviy in Enron, mod mspsotsd iborougbly the vriuiu hospitals there. obta.nin a greet oeai,. hfh be ia ooaetent to im- Vn v. Ukm la aeed ol bia a'o Tlw Lvoc.r our hea otbere fail. Try him. PR. OIOHUN will make ao ehante uaieaa be eeet acart. PWeoae at dintanoe CI KO AT All wimnniakm uoiis strictly coaMeoAial. All eTB anewra m plain envelop. writa AddremDR. J.F. OIBBOS, Boa 167, Kraneioo, CaL (Mentieo Albany Uaaocaif.) SherilTs Sale. a the Cirruii Court oj thn State e Oreyoa or the County of Lam t BT VIRTUE OF AN EX1CUT10X DULY 1BSUID out of Urn CifcuitCourt, ol the Wase of Oragon.lor Linn coonty, twted ol date June Mb, A D, laSb, (and to medlnmtsd,upon a Jwrtgmscit, (amt decre of alcasara of atan) dulv rendered In tbe said Court and enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's ofSos of said county, on October SUb, lest, la favor of the New Koarbuid Mortaase Security Company, aePlaJaUfaad against Gemabel Parriah, L J Parrieb, O K Farrieb. LuraA Famah, II Parriah, Emma M Parrieb. Aug C Him and P Landt, pannera doing buetneee and the firm name of Hini and Landt, Bernard Held at tUmaei Helurun,partnere doing bust nam under tbe flr name ol Held Broa.and Cend 8 Bellg and U Mewam per: ne n dotna business under the Arm name of Seng and Newman, as Delendaii's, for tbe aum of isnnjex three Uwuaaad twor kuadred and seventy -oeven afty hundred ins dol'ara In U S gobl com, together with interest oa (SSSS0X bree thunesnil two hundred aud ftlty dollars, tbereof, from January 1st, lee, at seven per cent per annum, and on (SJB7.&0) two hun drex and twenty seven and flity hundredths deimrs thcre-,f, from January 1st, W84, at tea per cent per nmtiii asm Use farther sum ot ($100) one hundred and sixty dollars special Attorneys teas, end (1118.26) one hundred and aUMtesa sad twenty-Sve hundredths lo'lars. ooets and dishur semen ta, ah actually due said PbunUff upon said judgment, from the Dssee Gamaliel Parriah and L J Parriah, and a decree of forecluauxe of saortsaure upon tbe hereUtafler deecrib- td real estate, and commanding me to seU said see in said decree i Merle ill as follows, to-wit : Tbe east ball ot tbe ttnaatiim land claim of Oamahel Par ish and Lydla M Parriah bis wits, NsHBsstrm No, JOaO, m secttone No, (6) Sve, (S) six, (7) ssvea. Bi ehrht. Id TownshlD No. 1111 thirteen, south of Mange Su. (2) two, west of tbe Willamette merid contAintiur 8Z1 M-100 acresJexceptinr 100 acres oat of the southeast eorner bsrslofora dssdsd to Henry PiUTish, describe as follows; Beginning at Urn south BSSScorncr ol said claim and runuinir thence north asveuty degrees and forty-five minutes west, forty and 90-100(40 U0-100) chains ; thence north fifty grees and forty -nine minutes east, thirty -eight SS-100 (3e Si-100) chains ; tbenoe south sixty-two de grees and forty minutes east, twenty-one and le-100 (21 in-ioo) chains, ibonos south afatataae degress and flftMn minntaa weat. twenty-nine (29) chains to the pUce of beginning.) And also tbs northeast qrmrter of Ui3 southwest quarter, eontaioing 40 acres, and tbe northwest quarter of tbe southeast quarter, eon aining 40 acres, and the southeast quarter of tbe northwest enarter, eoosstaing 40 seres, and also Lots No. two (2), three (J), sad four (), contsisdag 101 9S-100 acres, ail m faction No. (8) eight, In Town ship No. (IX) thirteen eoutb, of range No. (f) two, west of the Willamette meridian, in all 221 98-100 acree, and being- a part of the donatton land claim of James Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor his wife, Notifica tion No. 4688. The land above described containine;, in all 443 02 i00 acres, situate hi Linn county, Oregon. I did on June 9th, A. D. 1886, duly levy upo and seize said above described premises, and by virtue thereof, and of said writ and order of sals, 1 will on Friday, July 17th, A. D. 1885, at tbe hour of ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at tbe Court House door at Albany in Linn county, Oregon, dnly sell said premises at public auction for cash lu hand to tbe hijfhet bidder, to satiety sa d judgment and decree, cjsts and scenting costs. Dated June 9th, A, D. 1885. i. K, Chakltos, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. 0. O OH SHUT. c.a.pv.ticsi ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Suoceaaors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Ira Founders, 11TE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL y f completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Enginea, Orist and 8aw Mid Machinery, and all kind rf Iron and Brabs Castings. PATTERNS NISI SHSsTT MOTICBU Special attention given to repairing all kinds or machinery. Will also niannfac tare the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator ' i a.- r it i more money than at any thing else by takiiur an agency lur the beet seliliio- book out. Beginners suc ceed grandly, M one fall, Terms tree, Hallstt Book Co., Portland, Maine, jrOR SALE, One half block in eastern past ef the city with fair house and barn will be sold h Ju Guardian's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned as Guardian ot Samuel and Harry Meyer, minor heirs of M Meyer, deceased, aill on Saturday, the 1st day of August, 1885, at 10 o'clock, a m., of said day, at the Court House door In Albany, Linn county, State of Oregon, by virtue of an order of the County Court of Marion county. State of Oregon, made on the 6th day of June, 18tf,licenlng him to do so sell at public aocUuB, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right, title and interest of said Samuel Meyer and Garry Meyer, of, in and to Lots Not. (5) Ave and (fl) six in Block No. (20) twenty in tbe town of Albany la said county of Linn county, State ot Oregon. June 80th, 18S6. EtuireiL Maria, QQuardian. t CttradT Matao r-i.tberty KaUaktealae the tt orld.' Tbe Committee In obarg ot the oortrH-tloi n( the baeea n.l pidaHal lor the reception ( thia grt work. lo vttf ,u made HMis pMHN Watt twrtta mtmpleUuti. hava r ix ItM'hoa in hoi(ht, - Nlvael-ailvvivU, w mj wtm uu a v wki v ' ' tsrliLiK IKav am task it.xu .LI1vum, bbs .ttktltutHi lltntiurK out u United RMnM ons Mltr each. Tata aSUaoUve auuvanlr and mantel or dk orna meat le a pa. fact lac el title uf the iiuhUI iurnlalimt by tbeartiai. TMaSatuette Inaama nn ul. twelve Inuhea hleh. atlvadoUare each, dattvvmt. The deeiana of Hutnc and ISKleatal arc nratn-tcl hv U. eV Paeeat. and the niudcla can only ba furnintuni by tale Commute. Addraea, with ratuUtn-t. RICHARD UUTUCR, Bevretary, American Committee of the Liberty, M Mercer Street, Mew Yotk Final Settlement. In thentattrr o IAr AWtUr o Itmtln lifny. NOTICK la hereby fiven lut the underaia-ned Ad mln teira tor of the eetate of IVmrla llcrry, deceaead haa fllad hi Qua account iu mid luattcr la the Coun ty Court of Uan couuly, Oregon, and that mkl Court hae appointed Monday the 3rd day of August, USA at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m., of eatd day ae the time for hearing objection to such fliw.1 account and she settlement thereof. Dated July let, lmtft. J. L. MlLUlK, Hewitt dt BavaXT, Administrator AUorneya tor Adminbtrator. Tlllt LIEBIC si rrisai ssUMvaaary t7 X Oeery Bt. tan fl taiu'ucu Cat. 00 Conducted by 0.uabBed Phyak Uuie (y and Surgtxnisregular itnuluatee. L SeT 1 he Oldest siMJclabele In tbe I'nited Matee, life Umg exeHenve, t inaure iiwnlr ano nvrinanent vurv ol aU Private, Chronic and Nervtoue Dmsasee Affectlone of the Blood, Skm. Kidneys, bladder, Kruptiooe, I' leers. Old Morse, Swelling of tbe Olanda, Bore Mouth, throat Uone Pmns.iNiruiaiteut'y cured and eraeU cated Irom the svetem for lile . ftKtttlWin Debility, tmotencr, Seminal Lomee, Sexual Decay. Men tal and Physical Weakness, tailing Memory, Vteak Eyea, btuutod De velouient,lmelinente u Marnar etc, from excess) or youthful f.tiilee. or any cause, speedily, safely and priyately cured. Z loaas. Mlddlr. tgrd and Old mff men, and all who need medical skill 2 and experience, consult the old 2 European Physician at once. Hie opinion coats nothing, and may save futuie m leery and shame. When inconvenient to tbe city lor be sent stsiyehsu by ex fraa from observation. It is sell evident that a physician a ho gtvts his winds attenUon tea clam of illsnssn sllsli .'" skill, and phaicuns through try knowU'K ta, ircuci.ii; ir. nnusuu to llie olo l ( ialil, in iimmini li mi ' The Uocters age ami call see no one but the Doctor. Con sultations free end sacreOiy confidential. UsBBS which have failed In obtaining relict elsewhere espec ially solicited. Fsssals dsjsssss succseefully treated. Tbe Doctor wilt aeree to toriett 81,000 for a ease un dertaken, not cured. Call or write. Hours, dally .from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., S to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to IS only, lead for the Sanitariet Guide to Health, sent free. Address ss ebov- BSt- Lit Bit. a Weaderfal crrsaaa lavtserator PennanenUy prevenU all Unnatural Leases from the system, tones tbe aervss, strengthens the uiusclee. shacks the waste, invigorates the whole system, ami restoree tbe afflicted to Hernia ana naj.pi The reason se many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakneaa, Loss of Manhood, etc, Is owtne; so a com, plication, called prostalorrhes with Hyperaetneata, whieb peculiar irenuneax. vr. iteoigs in vbrorator is tbe enly positive cure for ProataOorrhea. with peculiar special treatment, need at tbe i tsaig rrfeej mf lavlcerater, St. Case of six bo HO. Bent to any address, covered securely from asf-yation. Most powerful electric belts free to patlen To prove the wonderful power of the I u A tW stllr .lvea ar sent rrr. ConsnltaUon free and private. Call or address LfBBIC DIrr.sM.. Sou Geary Street, ban Fran Private entrance, 40ft Mason Street, fou 1 Oeery Street from Kesiue), Mamentran Dispeosary Dru Store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the V. 8 Patent wmos sttendeded to for moderate lees. Our office Is opposil the U.S. Patent Office, and we ean obtain Patents lees time than those remote nine; to patent charge unices ability free ot charge ; end wemake weootain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Dlv. and to officials of the U. B. Meat Office Pot circular, advice, terms, and eferences 0 actual clients in your own State or county, address Ce A. SNOW & CO., Qtapostte Patent Office, WsnhtegUm, D . SAV WA XWii. 1 ATJNDRY AND CHINA MERCHANISINO BU8I L NESS. Rice, tea and Japanese goods. Ladk' Contractor for China labor. aVNsxt to City Bank. OF ANOTHER AtiE. Gradually Sapplaated by a Better Article Certain 14 Tlaaea are Boar Away. In the reneral reception room of tbe Western Union Telegraph build ink" on Broadway, New York, ars exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy instru ments of tbe Infancy of the telegraph. They are only relics now. More perfect machinery has super ended them. Years ago what is styled the old-fashioned porous laater did some good service. There was then noth ing better ot the kind. Wow all that has changed. Science and stuay have gone deeper into the secrets of medicine ana produced BENSON'S CAPCINK POR OUS PLASTEH, whieh embodies all the excellencies thus tar possible in an external remedy. The old piasters are slow tbe Cspdns is rapid ; they were uncertain -the Co. peine is sure. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist does not deceive you. Price 26 cents. Ucabury A Johnson, Chemist, New York. CH0NG HUNG. T, A TJNJDTlrm.lT' Washes and irons clothes in first clans style, at reasonable rates. Buccesaor to Lee. One door sooth of Revere Hoojie,on Ellsworth Street. ALBANY R EG0N The Buyers' Guide is issued March and Sept., eaih year; 224 rKii't,.6xlli inches, with over 3,30O illustrations n whole picture gal lery . ( i vea wholctale prices direct to contumere on all good.- for personal or .atafflsfca. family use. Tells how to AF&k order, and gives exact M co:,t of ev erythingyou e, drink, eat, wear, or Vteasjer have fun with. These invaluable hooks contain information gleaned front the markets of tiio world. o will mail aoopy Fre to any sWress upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Let i.s hear from you. Q Keeper tfully, Guardian's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by and authority of an order of the County of Yamhill county, State of Oregon, made and entered on record on the 5th dnly of May, A. D., 1886, I will on Saturday, the 18th day of July, 1885,at the hour of 10 o'clock a. M., in front of the Court House door at Albany, Linn county, State of Oregon, pro ceed to sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash at time of sale, the following described real estate belonging to my ward M E Ellsbory, a minor, to wit : The undivided nine-elevenths of the fol lowing described real estate : Commencing at the south cat, t corner of the J H Settle Donation Land Claim, Notification No. 1205, in Tpa 11 and 12, South Kauge 2 Weat, of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, and running thence weat 99.13 chains, thence north 5.04 chains, thenoe eaat 99. 13 chains, thence south 5.04 chaina to the place of beginning, and containing fifty acree uiore or leas. Expease of deed to be paid by purchaser. T. L. Jol8, Guardian of M. E. Eilsbury, a minor. FRIDAY JULY 17, 1885 Judge O ad dee is looming up si the probable Demooislio candidate for dor- eraor of Ohio. Connecticut hss discovered that she has five cases of murder for every three chronicled in any souiliorn state. Peaches are soiling in Texas at 10 cents a bushel. If you want to save muuoy tske a run down there and buy a bushel. Several dosen of live ohiokens wanted by J C Dau itala.juat aottth ol now school ht.uao. Byrap rise. Mauufaotured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Frattuisoo, CsL. is Natures Own True Laxative. Thia pleaaant liquid fruit remedy may bo had of Foahay It Mason E W IjMidon and Co., at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It ia the moat pleasant, pmnibt and ctlcotive rciiiMly known, to cleanao the ay atom ; to aot ou the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly to diapcl Headaohee, t ohie nnd revere; to cure Constipation, ludigeation and kindred tiU 'anal A, 10 and 25c outi tore at N H Allen ft Co TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARTTSe!!111 The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Afe! SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. Lees of appetite. Ueveels roettve. Pa la In the bend, wltb a dall aenantlna In tbe back part, Pala under the ekeulder blade, Knllaeaa after eaflag, wlib ndle InHlnntloatn rxertlea ef body ar salad. Irritability of temper, Lew spirits, with a feeling nfbavtng neglected ensae dnly. Weariness, Plan I boss, flattering at tbe Heart. Dels before) tbe eyes, lleadaebe aver tbe right eye. Meat I sens eaa, with St fa I drenme. Highly colored t'rtae, a ad CON STIPATION . TtTTT'M riULM are especUlty adapted to sue eases, one dose afreets atich a thango of feeling aa to natonlah the sufferer. They lasereasa tbe A cause tbe body to Tabs mm Fleaaatse tbe syilsasTi stonrlsbed, and by their Tosxte Actios) oa the llereetl ve Orsrasvs, Itejrvtlar atools are TUTT8 HAIR DYE. GMAT II AIM or VI HttKSXS Changed to a Gumut Dlxck by a single applleatlon of this 1TR. It Imparls a natural color, acts lnstnntanennsly. BoM by Dnigftsta, or aant by expreaa on relpt of 1. OfTlco, 44 Murray St., New York. Dr.SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR a juat won us Dime implies ; a Purely Vegetable Compound, that I m ..... ..a V tcts directly upon the ; curing tbe many diseasesi; tci ;o that us. portaot organ, and ting the na memos aiim its tl arise tron, its or torjMfibJacUon, such as jcpsA JAJtadice, Biliousness, less ia, Sick-headache. etc It is therefore a To have Good Health Lirer must hz kent in order " DR. 8A5F0ED 3 LIVER Z1.TIC0&AT0C Invieoratee the Liver, Herniate the Bow els, Strengthens the Bvsirtn. Puriflcstbo Blood, Assist Digest!, Prevent Kevt rs. Is a Household Nerd. An Invaluable Family Medicine for corarnort r nnplsintg. II SASTORD'S LTvTR UsTIOORATCi Anexperivu if Frty tftart, and J7iou $and$ of TetinwnirtU prove iu ilrrit. yon SALS RT ALL mtALKRS IV MEOICIKE1. For tall informs'loQ srt'l yonr address for lot agyriwssa rn tne r mm i eiaeaeee," to r t"d ! tl!easi," .sasjroae ifa- sr.. voaa cteg. Did Sup- you S ? pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. mMm-m it.-' Summons. In tlie Circuit Covxt of the Stale of Oregon, for Linn county. Samuel Porter, Plaintiff. James M Ysrbrcngh end Msry E Yar b rough, Defendants, To James M Yarbroui.h and Mary E Yar hrougk, Out Defendant above named : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon yeu and each of yon are here by required to appear and answer tbe complaint of tbe above plaintiff in the above entitled Court now on file wltb tbe Clerk of said Court on or before the firtt dav of tbe next regular October term, 1885. thereof, to wit : On or before tbe 26th day of October, 1885, and yon are hereby noti fied that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby respired, tbe piainun win appty to ine uourt lor tbe ro ller demanded tnerefb, to-wit : That you and each of you be required to set forth tbe nature and character of the estate er interest claimed by you or either of you in or to tbe following described real prop erty, to-wit: Being notification No. 2577 and designated aa claim No. 62, being all the donation land claim of Raid defend ants, (except 147 68-100 acres deeded to Matilda C ran field ; 62 50-100 acres deeded U James Willoughby; 22 26-100 acres deeded to W Willoughby and 6 acres deed ed to Lamar C beadle,) containing 403 25 100 acres, or any part thereof, and that the same be ascertained and determined by aid Court; and in the events that you fait to appear and set out and show what es tate or interest you claim in or to said real property, then for a decree of said Court quietinK the title of plaintiff to said prop erty, adjudging that neither of you have any estate or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof adverse to the estate and interest of the plaintiff, and perpetually enjoining you and each of you from in any manner in terfering with the possession and estate of plaintiff therein, and from in any manner claiming or asserting that they or either of tbem bave any interest or estate in tbe name or any part thereof adverse to tbe estate and interest of tbe plaintiff, for tbe costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed and for such other and further re lief as may be equitable and juBt, This summons is published in the Stats Rights Democrat by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Ceurt,made at Cham bers in the city of Salem, Oregon, on tbe 22nd day of April, 1885. WE ATHEBFOBD fe BL ICKBURK, Attorneys for Pisintht 'I' I L PLAtil'KKTKI'ttK PLWMOI Tt. atoet a Blaalllar Uaager Tbroatoa Ivorvoao of Va Tisw rnhllo Attoatloa la Mreetofl to Personal Perils. Rochester (ft. T.) Correspondence lndlananolts "Sen- Unel," "Judge' said a Young lawyer to a very successful senior, "tell me the se cret of your uniform success at the bar." "Ah, young man, that secret is a life study, but I will give it to you on con dition that you pay all my bills during this session of court." "Agreed, sir,"said tbe junior. "Kvtdeno,indiapu table evidence." At the and of tbe month the judge reminded the young man of hi promise. "I recall no sueh promise." "Ah, hut you made it." "Your evidence, please YM And the judge, not having any wit , lost a eaae for onoa ! The man who can produce iodtsputa ble evidence wins public favor. I had an interview yesterday with the moat successful ot American advertisers whose advertising is most successful because always backed by evidence. "What styles of advertising do you use ?' I asked H. H. W tuner, Esq. "Display, reading o alt ir and part graphs of testimonials.1' "Have you many testimonials 1" In answer be showed me a large cab- mat chock full. "We have enough to fill Beaton. New Yt.ik. t'hicag.i. St. w - w mm w Looisand Philadelphia morning papers." "Do you publish many ol teem V "Not a title. Wonderful as are tboae we do publish, we have thousands like them which we eannot use. 'Why not f Let me tell you. 'Warner's safe cure' has probably been the most auo Odeaful medicine for female disorders ever discovered. We bave testimonials from Isdios of the highest rank, but It would be indelicate to publish them Likewise many statesmen, lawyers, clergy men, doctors of worldwide fame have been cured, but we can only refer to such persons in tbe moat guaided terms, as we do io our tending arti cles" "Are these reading articles success ful V "When lead they make such an im pression that when tbe 'evil days' of ill health draw nigh they are remem bered, and Warner's safe core is used." a a a e a . a m -no, air, it is not necessary now, ss at firs:, to do such constant and exten sive advertising. A meritorius medicine eells itself after its merits are known. We present just evidence enough to disarm skeptic and to impress the mer its of the remedies upon new consumers. We feel it to be our duty to do this. Hence, best to accomplish our mission of healing the sick, we have to use tbe reading article style. People won't read plain testimonials.' v "Yea, sir, thousands admit that bad they not learned of Wei net's safe cure through this clever style tbey would still be ailing aud still impoverishing themselves io fees to unsuccessful 'prac titioners.' It would do your soul good to read the letters of thanksgiving we gel from mothers grateful for the per fect suooasu wbioh attends Warner's safe c.tre when need for children, and the surprised gratification with which men and women of older years and im paired vigor, testify to the youthful ! e .a a .a leeungs restored to them by tbe ssme means." "Are these good effects permanent V 'Of all the eases of kidney, liver, urinary and female diseases we bave cured, not two per cent, of them report a return of their disorders. Who else can show sueh a record 1" "What is tbt secret of Warner's safe cure jtermanently reaching so many serious disorders, f ' "1 will explain by an illustration : The little town of Plymouth. Pa., haa been plague-stricken for several months because its water supply waa otrleasly piisoned. Tbe kidneys and liver are tbe sources of physical woll being. If polluted by disease, all tbe Hood be comes poisoned and every organ is af fected and this great danger threaten every one, tofio neglects to treat himself promptly, I was nearly dead myself of extreme kidney disease, but what ia now Warner's safe oure cured me, and I know it is the only rem dy in the world t?Mt ean cure such disorders, for I tried everything else in vain. Cured by it myself, I bought it and, from a aense of doty, presented it to the world. Only by restoring tbe kidneys and liver can disease leave the blood and the system." A celebrated sanitarian physician once said to me. "The secret of the wonderful sucoeas of Warner's sale cure is that it is sovereign over all kidney, liver and urinary diseases, whioh pri marily or secondarily make up the ma jority of human ailments. Like all great discoveries it is remarkably sim ple." . The house of H. H. Warner & Co., stands deservedly high in Rochester, and it is certainly matter of congratu lation that merit has been recognized all over the world, and that this success has been unqualifiedly deserved. Pen Point. Are Yea Tired ot Being sick t We want to say a word ta the me women and girls who work in stores, offices and factories, There are hun dreds of thousands of you la the country. Very few of you are well. You are shut up too much and exercise too little. In this way you get sick. Your blood Is bad, your digestion poor, your head often aches, you don't feel like work. Your liyer, stomach and kidneys are out of order, Parker's Tonic has cured hundreds of such eases, It Is pure, sure and pleasant 111-1L UJUJI I I TEMPERANCE DEP1RTHEHT, KOITBU BT TalM Women's CLtrtiUin Temperane (Joien 'It rr'i.1 "l"-TJ!3.tS Ia the Alton Presbytery, hold at OarlinvlUe, III.. June 12, tbe follow ing was unanimously adopted : Tie $olved, that we highly appreciate the spirit and work of tbe National Wo men's Cbriataln Temperance Union, In Its genersl aspect, as carrlod for ward through Its ten thousand local auxiliaries, and bid our sisters God peed in their brave endeavor for Qod and home and native land. The legislature of Pennsylvania re- fused to repeal the law prohibiting tbe sale of spirituous and malt drinks in Fatrmount Park. Tbe W. 0. T. U. Convention recent ly held in Ksst Pottlsnd was mote largely attended than either of the two preceding it, there being about forty delegates in all. The convention was harmonious and earnest in endeavors to further tbe cause for which Its mem bers are banded together. No time was lost enc, although three days were consumed, there was scarcely time for finishing the work in a satisfactory manner. Below we give tbe newly elected officers . President, Mrs. U hi. 1 linos J liec. fee., Mr. It. M. Ilobb ; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Belle W. Cook j Tress urer, Mrs. L. K. Blain ; President of let District, Mrs. Kiggs ; 2nd Dist., Mrs Train ; 3rd Dist., Mrs. Edwards ; 4tb Dist., Mrs. Lucas ; 5th Dist., Mrs. Hayes ; 6th Diet., Mrs. Smick. Superintendents of Departments : Scirntifio Instruction, Mrs. M. Hosier, Forest Grove, Sunday School woik, Mrs. Nora Williams, Corvatlis ; Con ference wltb Ecclesiastical and other Associations, Mrs. Irene Calbratth, La Fayette ; Heredity aod Hygiene, Dr. Owens Adsir, Portland ; Evangelistic work, Mrs. M. E. Stubbs, Portland ; I; tiler men ted Wine, Mrs. Wat. Bond, Portland ; Youog Womens work, Mrs. Henrietta Brown, Albany ; Press De partment, Mrs. L. A. Nash, Corvsilis ; Firs and Public gatherings, Mrs. C. E. Shipley, Oswego ; State sgent for Union Signal, Mrs. Lucss.Pendleton ; Juven ile wot k, Mrs. Wbittaker.Iodependence; Tobacco habit, Mrs. Addtton, Coeval -lis; Capital and Labor, Mrs. Bosworth. Forest Grove ; legislation and Peti tions, Mis. W. W. Parker, Astoria , Temperance Literature, Mrs. Maty Driggs, Oregon City ; Sabbath Deee erelk,n,Mra. Hichenbacb, Jacksonville ; Flower Mission, Mies Utxte Webb, Port land. Corvatlis was selected as tbe place for holding the next annual convention and tbe first week in September the time of meeting. We will give items of tbe work done in convention from week to week, ss our time permits. Tbe lunch given by the W. C. T. U. on the Fourth of July was well patron ised. After paying all expensf a, we find $92.BO sdded to our treasury, tor which we make our "po!itest'' bow to the pub lie. To our ever liberal editors for free locals, to Mr. Ash by Pearoa for the use of bis building, without money and without price, to Messrs, Crandal! and McDonald, tbe gentlemauly proprietors of tbe Haek and Dray Co, for free drsysge, (four good full loads,) tbe Un ion ofTura a most cordial vote of thanks. Also to Mr. S. E. Youog and Mr. Geo. Strong for tbe use of dishes. In abort( we have si most every merchant on Front Street to thank for courtesies extended to us. May we be able to show how thoroughly we appreciate those favors. Massachusetts is said to have one saloon to every sixty-live voters, while Vermont, with a fairly enforc ed prohibitory law has one to every 246 voters. Secretary Eodicott, selected by the new administration as Secretary of War, has been for years a contributor of the Massachusetts Total Abstinence Society. One town in Georgia has a $100,- 000 license fee, and one hundred counties prohibit tbe liquor traffic en tirely. Loeal option teigns in spec ial couotles, and high license where- ever license is granted. Tbe Catholic Total Abstinence Un ion of America has arranged to send a total abstinence sneaker to all pSJjt8 itrnes of America to enlist the sympath and co-operation of Catholics In the temperance movement. Latest advlcos from Mississippi de. clare, "Our lung looked for change is upon us. Mississippi saloons are going every week. We are shutting them up In Columbus. In Brook ha ven they are closed, and many towns in the state, within the past month, have gone almost solid for prohibi tion. We all feel that tho dav of better things dawneth." Our round-the-world ambassador Mrs. Mary T. Leavitt, gat no letters or remittances for five montns after leaving her native shores almost as forlorn a figure as fUnt of Gordon at Khartoum. This was not however through the negligence, for the W. C. T. U. lute done nobly, but because of postal delays. Meanwhile she held the fort like the invincible soldier that she is. Already she has organ ized ten W. C. T. unions in as many centres, through a region as large as that east of the Allegbeoies from New York to Florida. Mrs. Judge Ward has been appelated col onial president and will call a conven- tlon soon. Mrs. Loavltt will ere long leave for India, So tho good work goes on. Kvery W. C. T. U. woman In our state, will loam with regret that Mrs. Mary H. Willartl, editor of the t7nwm Signal is forced to leave her post, on account of poor health. The Publish ing Association would not accept her resignation, but granted ber leave of absense for one year, commencing Aug. 1st. Her place Is not yet sop- plied. The total wealth of reat Buiain is estimated at foi ty thousand millions of dollars ; aod that of the United States at fifty thousand millions. Out of I0U0 meu U'J'J will assure you that it h hotter at present thsn it was this time Isst year. Six years ago Ger&eld declared tbst sectionslism could not be galvanised in to a live tusuf. Neai Dow would to all probability never have been so o-iposed to liquor if he hsd uot,inadveiiently run up sgaiust some of the Maine brand. Why dou't John itusch corns forward sud conls that the Djlpbin eras never intended to sail, except under a K."pb liesn sdmirtUtrstion ? A ministerial friend writing from a distant part of the State aaya ; "There are many sinners beic, and some Dem ocrats." Uofoitunatt-ly that is the cue sit aaet tbe country. Tbe Starr, mf t rtla llt.a. Pure delicacy of il tvor with true ef ficacy of actiouhas been attained in the famous California liquid fruit reme dy Hyrup of Figs. Its pleaaant tsste and beneficial effects have rendered it im mens ly jKpuUr. For sale by Foshuy and Mason, E W Langtkm aud rtaaa fVsr Sate t strap A square piano, ool 1550, will be sold at a sacrifice for eaab. For (-articular call at this office. J'rre frotn. Uptat, SCmri(rm antt l' A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE IW . Sirs Tans. Messrs im. lalsnus, CaUa. BraMSchlUa. rwnm, Vt'fc4aa; CftaSje iSSaasa Jitf aar. I'alM la t bn. mtimt sSniiiiin f r TsiMNst LttK Frtr settee bottle. Sx.'.l t tnmm sr rvt rs. tttrtu VH'lU, U fmdw tttrir Utitrr to t-r rr,Jl9 0 II tvr I Arm u Mi rrctlr two bvUU , A xprtm cSsjrgeS JMaJ. bg trn Hng Om0 SotrnW S aa iHiaira . rterM. Sat Wssrs s4 HasaSsrlam. (JasstsesasTe-f J$ as aessst. (a Aa NOTICE. ( U. 8. Lawn Orrrca, KoaXBL'uo. Or,. June 2Stb,l886. Complaint listing been made and filed iit thi ontee by William J. Fox against Philip Highlan i for abandoning hie do nation cl lm in Notification No. 3oOS for the . H of N K and Nof SB U of Section 1, Township 14, south of range weal or I no wiiiamlte meridian with th view to the cancellation of said claim, the said parties, including the helre and legal mprx'aenlallveaoflbe said Philip High land are heroby cited to appear ttoro the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon on tbe 7th day of Aogut, 1HH,'j at 10 o'clock, a. m., of aald day and furnish testimony concerning said ailegnd atetmloninent. W. P, Bkiuamii. Register. J, C. 1 t i.i.KHioN, Receiver. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. "Kough aa Bats. Clears oat rats, mice, rosches. flies, ants, Wt-iugs Heart Palas. Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Ditrinets, Indl pestinn. Hraitsche, Sleeplessness cured t.y "Wells Health Kunewer." "Sosgh aa t urns. " Ask for Walls' "Rough on Corns. lfic. Quick, complete cure. Hani or soil corns, warn, bunions. "Itnrtiu.iMiitH." Qalck, eumpleu cure, all Kiditry, Blalder and Uruiary Diseases, ScaWiinga, Irritation, 8tone, Uravel, Caterrah of the bladder. 1, Druggists. Hr (I -It lift. Files. Flies, roachos, ante, bed bugs, rats, mice, gophers. vuipiuunss, cicareu out uy riougr ou naw. ifm. Thia People, "W ell's Health Renewer" restores health and vigor euros Jjyspeiwia, inioieiict, sexual oeiiuity, fl. "Kough oa Pala" Cures cholera, colic, crams, dlarrhoea,ac)ieH,ains, sprains, headache, ueuralgia, rheumatism. 20 cents. Rough on Pain Piasters, ICe. Mothers. If you are failing, broken, worn out and netvoos, use "Wells' Health Reuewer." si. Druggists. Life Preserver. If vou are losing your trnp on life, try "Wells' Health Rene wer." Ones direct to weak spots. "Kough oa Piles." Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, Prowudlnt, Bleeding, Internal or other. Interim! and external remedy in saoh package. Sure cure, faOc. Druggists, Pretty Women. Ladies who would retain freshness and v'vaci'y Don't fall to try "Wells' Health Renewer." "Rough oa Urn." "Rough on Itch" cures humors, eiuptlons,ring worm, tetter, sait rheum, frosted feet, chilblains. "Bough oa Ca tar rah." f1,rrnft.o nltmti VA rulnra at. nnro I t t worst chronic cases, also un equaled aa gargle for Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Foul Breath. 50c. The Hope of the Nation. Children, slow in development puny, scravmv and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer." Catarrh or tbe Bladder. Slinging, irritation, inflammation, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, cured by "Buchu-Paiba." ft. "Water Bags,'' "Bough on Rats clears them out, also Beetles, aats. Red Star T RAO tm( MARK. OUGHURE JULIUS GRADWOHL Have tin only exclusive Atoek of CROCKERY. CLA8898ILVER AND CHIWA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Bug ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS 81.00. SHE LFHARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E Tilt: UltillMT SARKET rKH'i: PAID FOR Kiii Remember! What I Say Mean. Cite le a call 60QDS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- Buy the Best FRANK BROS IMPLEMENT COMPANY DKALKRS IX Farm and mill IMarliiiicry. Walter A. Wood's Hinders, ,,,,. Walter .. Wood's fhaln Hake llespers, Walter A. W'd's Hweep Hake Ilea pern, aar, Hoott dt IVh. .Separator. tSaar. Seott dr. Cofe Plain and Traction Engine. Coate lyock leaver Hay Hake. Walter A. Wood's Kucljsed (rear Mow r,. ' ALSO A FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY. Write for Catalogue . Add rose either FRANK BR OS.JMPL CO., PORTLAND, OR. JULIUS CRAOWOHL, AGENT, ALBANY. OR. H0ITH 1 FIlOPIUfcTO Hi OK- ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigaie, Tobacco, Groceries Candle. Nuts snd Tropioal Fruits. Albany, - - - Oregon, ONE LOR BELOW JOHN BRIGGfT STORE. Wyl ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber , laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. FRED GRAF, Manufacturers and all kinds or AID UNDERTAKERS. 8 First Street Albany, Or R. J, TRUMBULL & CO., Growers, Importers and Dealers IN- SEEDS, TREES AND PLANTS. 410, -421 S-A-lSrSOllVCZEC ST., SAN FRANCISCO - - CAL Illustrated catalogues for 1885 free on application. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of the beat Fire In surance Companies on the Coast. Call on htm for reliable insurance. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public- i. s. Roberts; City Market.- (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON, W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyance Collections mads on reasonable terms MAIN ST., SCIO, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Counslor At Law. LEBANON. OREGON. Wil 1 practice iu aU tho Courts in tbe State B MITRTO ANT) T.I kT TffuTsil.B " H 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot situar,ed in N, W, part of feclo. The land lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Churoh. Unimproved. 100 acres open, balance brush. Inquire of J. L. Miller, Scio. gLACKSMITH'S OUTFITS, Anvils, vises, bellows,hammers, sledges, stocks and dies and almost every tool used by blacksmiths we keop constantly on hand, Also a full stock of iron.of all sizes, horse shoes and horse shoe nails. Special prices made on small outfits for farmers use, Fxtkrs & Stewart, and "be Happy ! & JOSEPH, O A . R.R. TIME TALUK. AltMsajr Station. ni PAR Tl KB TBAUS. KOI so SOUTH. AMM.NY KXI'RESS Dsfiarts st FKKliiliT TKA1NS " b JO A X 9:00 A. M. - 11:45 A M. 1S.-06 P. at 11:45 A. M lfcO P M. . 3:30 P.M. 846 P. M. MAIL TRAIN Arrives at Depart at SClCSS MAIL TRAIN Arrives at lt iris st rmsiaBT thus ALBANY KXFRKS3 Armas at All Trains slatljr. except Saadajr. Nor ick. On and after this date regular tickets will be sold at our ticket office for following prints on Colombia river: Upper Caatatdea. Dalles, Umatilla. Wallula, Wallt Walla and Ainsworth. Will. IV Rice, Freight and Ticket Agent O.AC.R.B. Co. Albany. June 18th, 188'. InvsJids'HoteliSurgioal Institute BTJ Jb'Jb'-AJLO, 1ST- "ST. Orsaiiizrd wltM a fall AtaAT of eichteea Experieaced aud SklUfal PajiUciaBa ai d Snrccons far the treattneaU at all Cbreatc tviseases. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throat and Lang- Diseases, JLivcr and Kidney JDlsenaes, U I adder Dlseaaea, Dlaeaaea of Women, Blood Dlaeaaea and Nerv oua Affect I on a, cured here or at home, with o? without seeing the patient. Corneand wo ua, or nd ten cents in statnps lor our 'Invalids Guide Booh," Which gives all particulars. Nervous Deblllty Itnpo tencr. Nocturnal L oases, and all Morbid Conditions citused by Youthful Fol Ilea and Pernicious Soli tary Practices are speedily and nertnanentlv eurtnl hv nur Sxcialista. llook. post-paid, 10 cts. in stamm, iKupturet or nreacn, raui ctdly cured without the knifa, without trusses, without pain, and without danger. Cures Gnarautcod. Book sent for Rupture. ten cents in Ftamtw. PI.G TUMOBS and STB ICTfJR T, S trtated under guarantee to cure. Book w nt for ten amis in t u m t is . Address AYor t.o'a Dispensauy Medical Association, a&i Muia Street, .Buffalo, N. Y. me treatment or many thousands tf cases of thoso dia-asee peculiar to WOMEN1 Diseases of Rt the invalids' Hotel and "asBBsssssssssa Sursrital Institute, haa at. fowled large experience in adapting- remedies for thoir cure, and DR PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription ia the result of thia vast experience. It is a powerful Restorative Tonle ana Nervine, imparts vigor and strength eorrheau or m a a . J . iu mo stum, uu cuivs, as u oy magic, Leu. wititea, exceaaive antevt rsion, retroversion, bearing down sensations, chronic conares. tlon inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, internal heat, ttnd "female weakneaa. It jprcmptly relieves and euros Nausea and weakness of Stomach, Indiges tion, Bloating- Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, OB 6 POTTXES FOB SSG.OO, Send ten cen'3 in stamps for Br. Pierce's large Treatise u Diseases of Women, illus trated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 33 Main Street, BUFFALO. N.Y. SICK-HEADACHE, lillions Headache. Dizziness, Constipa tion. Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, promptly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 25 cents a vial, by Druggists. ' Delicate Diseases. nunias, puinitii menstruation, on. mutt n.l suppressions, prolapsus or falllmr of the uterus, weak back.