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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1885)
9. Entered at the Post Office at Albany, Or, as seooudtdasa mall matter. FRIDAY JULY 17, 1886 8TITE3 & editors aud NUTTING. frprtetor. VKKO r. HMTTIVti. I. ! Killler. Official County Papsr. Tinsel Ueaerealiy. Through the generality of the proprie tor of the Red Crown Mill the Democrat men have already tried some of their flour manufaotured since the mill started up last week. Casting aside all prejudloe in favor of Albany institutions, it is only do ing justice to the mill to say that no flour manufactured on the Coast is superior to this, and thst is saying much. It oaunot be, for the machinery which mskes this Is the best. The cleaner, scourers, scal pers, roller mills, purifier, bolting chests oeparsiing, bran dusters, etc., are nearly all of the celebrated Wtlfoid A North way make, of Mioneapolls,tbe lead ing flour mill machinery llrm of the west. From this time on the twenty-three stands of elevators of this mill will carry through their endless belts the products of Linn county wheat, until it drops in the attrac tive new Red Crown sacks, as tine a flour as can be manufactured, ready for dlstrl tuition among the bread eating people of the coast. The sale of Red Crown flour hss been Urge ; but under tbe new process end greater capacity of the mills it will lie still larger. ratal Kaaawajr ArcMrai al t'srvallts. Last Monday C r vail is was the scene of a runaway which, most unfortunately, resulted in ths death of an estimable wo man. Mrs. M.U.DrummoDd,a daughter of R. Calloway, was riding after a horse along one of the streets of that oity when it be came frightened and ran away, throwing Mrs Drum mond to the ground. Striking on her head her neck was broken and she died almost instantly. At the time ahe was accompanied by a young man named Taylor, and he Id a three months old babe in hsr arms. Taylor snatch ed the child and aavel it from any injury Mrs Drutnrronri, whose resideuoe is in David son, Csl., was visiting her relatives and friends in and near Corvalhs,aod Wednesday her husband arrived to j in her, but only to be greeted by her funeral procession. Tbe accident has caused gt-neral sorrow wherever the circumstances sre known. ArrMleatljr Sets. Last Satnrdsy morning Mr and Mrs D Woods, who were working for Mr Hunter on tbe Fin lay sou plsce, lour miles from Albany, beard a squirrel chirruping on the barn near them, they having been sleeping in a covered wagon. Mr Woods got bis revolver and going outside obtain ed s view of the squirrel and shet at it . Lowering his revolver id some inixner it was again cocked.aod when on a line with Mrs Woods, who was in front of him, dis charged, tbe ball entering tbe fleshy part of one ef her bips. It was thought to be a mortal wound at first. Dr Maston, of this city, wss sent for, end immediately attended Mrs Woods. He found tbe wound, though a bad oue, not a fatal one. The ball wae imbedded several inches in the hip. ar 4th or July sTrr. For one of the prizes for the celebration in this city on the 4th the Democrat offered s year's subscription to the oldest person pres ent born in Linn county, the matter to be left to the Committee. As 4th Of Jsly com mittees were generally sos est we will renew the offer to Linn county people generally, with the provision that if already a subscrib er the paper shall go to some other person named by the successful party. Four weeks will be given for native Linnites to send in their names and exact ages, with locality born in. It will be s matter of considerable interest to ascertain who is the oldest native Linn county inhabitant The Sidbblag asTray. From parties living at Elarrisburg, we learn that eur sccount of tbe affair pub lished in last week's Democrat of the subbing of Geo. Smith by Arthur Brand -en burg was erroneous in some respects, Tbe sffair occurred at tbe Palace Saloon, and not at tbe Snog, It was st 10 o'clock at night instead of one. Brandenburg, we are informed, did not attack Smith, with a knife, but held up the kn'fe open and pointed toward Smith, bat warned him not to advance on tbe knife. Smith struck at Brauaenburg with his fist and missed him, his fist psssing over Brandenburg's shoulder, and bis body fell sgainst. the knife, and wss wounded ss before stated. Smith, we understand, is recovering rapid ly. e -Sast BVereaveaaeaf. About six weeks ago there arrived in tbe city a young married man by the name of Tabler. lie was accompanied here by his father and mother and their family, A few days sfter their arrival the wife of the young man took sick snd ling ered betveeu life and death until the Ut ter part of last week when che passed "to the undiscovered country from whose b mm no travellor return " Friendly hands and sympathetic hearts were ready to render such a i stance to the sorrow stricken family and .friend s as wss needed, snd s Urge number attended tbe funeral which wan PlwSOwSd by Uv J W Harris at the Congregational Church, a Who Was lit A gentleman of veracity tells this good -one. A gentlemanly census taker approached a comfortable looking house not a thousand miles from Albany, rang the bell, and a wo man came to the door. The nsnsl questions were asked and snswered and the officer was aboofc to walk away, when the woman, who up to that time seemed to be in an uncertain state of mind made bold to say : "Hold on I think there may be another by this time ; wait a little while," He sat for a few min utes." She returned exclaiming, "Yes, you can add's a girl." And the man with a "hart" walked smilingly sway. Lswb Social. The will be a lawn social at tbe Methodist Parsonage on the evening of July 24th. Sup -per, ice cream, Chinese lanterns, music, etc. A enjoyable time is expected. All are cor dially invited. COMMITTKK. All kinds of fresh vegetables can be found a1: Read k Brownkll's. D . Fahrney's magnetic blood vitalizir at ayos A Robson's, arrest Event. Eastern cities are getting tholr fill or the heatbern Chinee, and we are glad of It. Only a short time ago they thought It would be fun to have the Mongolian all around us lu the broad U. 8., but now they are getting tired, and they have only Just begun too, Iu the comments on the Northwest the Willamette Valley gets the lion's share of the praise, and It gets much mote than wo ever anticipated. Wo begin to thin this Is really the KdeuoftheU. H. The only drawbacks mentioned are the dis tance from the markets and our moist climate ; but the last Is really our greatest blessings, and after all, we bavi n't yory much of it either. In Indiana field labor li only M cents a day. Time are as good In Oregon as In any other state In the Union. Ten persons were drowned while boat ing in LakeMlunetonkca,Mlun., last Sun day, bolug thrown Into the water by a terrific cyclone. Stars, of Portland, U ; Alerts, of Dallas, 4. Now are you satisfied, Tbe London Oaxette" has made some wonderful revelations In referent to the traffic In doml monde's. London Is as tonished. Dinger Herman is going through Ore gon with hU own team asking farmers what tbey want In the next Congress. Whoop, la. Any one would think Dinger had the next Congress In his bands; but when r e gets there he will find himself as muoh of a nonenity as a fly among a drove of cattle. The average value of sheep iu Vermont is $4 M. Is Northeru III 'uois this year the wages of farm hands will average $1 with board, 9 1, '25 without board, or SID. 30 and 927.73 psr month. In Southern Illinois even less is paid. There are 131,000 miles of fence in Maine, It is valued at about 91 a rsl The tramp business is being overdone. Iowa farmers sre offered 7 cents a pound for extra butter this year. Murral for Ore gon. We get 1.1 cents here. 100,000,000 pairs of hoots and shoes were manufactured in Massachusetts last year, Now that looks like business. Oue of the Iowa papers places Addend as the prettiest village iu Oregon. ' f. W. . T I. Meeting. The T, W. C. T. U. MM Us regulsr meeting ou Tuesday evening, July 7th. The devotional exercises were conducted bv Mrs mown r tie realti.c Ihmmoii was contained in tbe forty-aixlh Psalm. It was tbe regular evening for the elec tion of offl xrs for tbe eusuing six months snd the appotntmont of committee for the same term, but for sundry reasons It wss thought best to postpone this order of bud ties until tbe next meeting. Two bills, one of ft and the other of 93. were ordered psid. Tbe pros and cons ronceraing tbe ad journment of regular business meetings of the Union during tbe months of Jaly snd August were dUcussed quite freely. A motion in favor of such adjournment was finally carried. The Uuloo, however, Issubjett to the call of tbe President or Secretary, In order that the work may not oeaae during the vacation a committee wss ep pointed to consiJer plans and organise some systematic form of work for the coining winter. The fol'owing persons constitute this com or ittee : Mrs Henrietta Brown, Miss Idb Irvlne.Mr James Charl ton, Miss Ins Robertson, Mr Fred Nut ting. Miss Edith Harris, Mr Brink, Miss Minnie Allison, Mr Chas Hideout. After adjournment some seelal chat re garding the interests of tempo, auce in Al bany ensued. SKCKBTaRY. Wateriest. The Portland TtUyram gives the following notice of tbe Waterloo Springs I "A gentleman who came down to-day from Lebanon, Linn county, states thst a large crowd of persons visited Waterloo Soda Springs yesterday. Between 300 and 400 visitors were present So great and constant was tbe demand for water thst the little boiling spring was kept bailed nearly dry ail day. However, the advantage gained by this continual dipping was that tbe water came gurgling into the little hollowed receptacle cold as ice itself and very sharp and pleasant. Hundreds of gallons were imbibed yesterday by the heated and thirsty visitors. The day was very warm and the water was pronounc ed perfectly delicious by all who tasted it. Improvements have been made recently which add greatly to tbe comfort and con venience of ail who visit tbe Waterloo Springs. Among other things a large canvas tent has been spread over the spring snd a temporary foot-bridge lsid across tbe "roar ing Santiam." Tbe spring is becoming quite a fashionable resort, and, especially on Sun days, residents for a radius, of twenty miles in Linn county make tbe plsce s common rendezvous to enjoy s pleasant ride snd quaff its invigorating waters." Several from Albany who were resent have the same reports to mske. Watsrh o is ast becoming the popular resort of the val ley, on account of its advantages and the splendid medicinal qualities of the wstet . acheel Krpert, Wist. Re. I. Una Canal. Number of pupils enrolled, 29 ; average attendance, 20 :. per cent of attendance, Otf ; number of visitors, 41. Tbe following are the nsmes of pupils wio passed monthly examinations, sver- airinir tbe per cent set opposite their names : Ktla Calavan 99 Granville Calavan, 09 Cars Oil key 99 Mac Calavan 98 Emma Calavan 96 Delia Rilyeu 98 Willie Oilkey m Mary Reiley 98 Widdie Calavan. ..08 Maud Kelly 07 Richard Oaines... 97 Glenn Hi I veu ..... 97 Hattie Gaines 96 8uan Craft 9n Addle Whitlock...87 Joel Calavan 97 Jlmmie Reiley 96 Clifford Kelly 99 John Roller 93 Those neither absent nor tardy during the term were Willie Gilkey and Clifford Kelly, Those who received the prises were Mary Reiley, Hattie Gaines, Wliidie Calavan, Willie Gilkey and Price Neal, Tern; ended July 3rd, 1885, C. II. Josbh, teacher. A. 4- 17. W. Following sre the officers elested by t he Grand Lodure A. O. U. W.. which met at v - WW Salem last week, for the ensuing year s Geo B DorrK Grand Master Workman, Eugene City ; 31 Brown.Grand Foreman, OlvmDla. W. T. : Dixl H Ross, Grand Overseer. Victoria. B. C. : Duncan 1 Wheeler, Grand Recorder. Seattle, W, T. ; R L Durham, Grand Keceiver, rorriana G T Russell, Grand Guide, Oakland, Or. Oliver Hall. Grand Watchman, Colfax W. T. : Win Armstrong. Grand Trustee Salem : Grand Reoresentatlves, Jno A Child. PGM W.. Portland: C N Brad- shaw, PGM. W Port Townsend, W. T. T B Handley, PGM W., Hillsboro, or, The Market. You can bay timothy hay for $7 to $8 loose, aud $10 baled. Considerable first class eheat has been disposed of for $4 to $5 We quote wheat at 62c, o&fca, 25c, flour rtail Sto. wool. 13 to 15c. potatoes, 40c apples, 50c, blackberries, 5c a box, Beef remains the same, eggs, 20c, butter, 15c, ssse Asrlenllarst I trass. The first thresher will start this week. Tn jerk of the knotter ii heard on the prairie. I Uying is nearly finished S3 a ton msy seem small here, but it is immense beyond ths Mississippi. Wheat is about fJ2o. and oats 25o. Who will store the first load of wheat iu an Albany warehouse. The patent brand of flour manufaotured by the Red Crown Mills is the finest sod best the Dkmociut men have ever seen, aud ths broad it makes is absolutely perfect All of tnis mill's brands are A 1. Reports of the champiou harvuit hand eater will soon be rife. From 91 23 to $2 will bo paid during harv est this summer, dilTvircnt posit lous around the thresher commanding different prions. Experience is proving fall wheat to be the most reliable crop, and many farmers are be ginning to rely little on the spring crop. See Magnolia Mil! ad. in another column. Karraeie should tako tirst-ulaas cars of their machinery. Were they to do this year sfter year it would put hundreds u( dollars iu their pockets, i 'aroloasness is proving worse than rust or the Hessian fly to ths Oregon fanner. Potatoes and apples taken on subscript um at the Dkisovu vt office, snd remember that we want more wood. Which are you going to do, sell your wheat in an early market and save insurance, or keep it for a possible rise ami perhaps a tcr nhle tumble T It is a meau problem, is it not ; but remember the past. 1 weir salar es. Following will be the salaries of presiden tial postmaster in Oregon snd Washington Territory under the new apportionment, with old salaries received : OH ROOM. Nsm. Old Salary New Salary. Albany 91300 91400 Ashland 1000 1000 Astoria 11MU 1800 llekerCtty 1400 14eU Corvallis 1300 1400 Fast I 'or 1 1 ami 1300 1400 FugeueCity I4O0 1400 Jacksonville 1200 1000 Oregon City 1200 1 100 iv mil. t..o 160U 1400 Portland .1200 3200 Salem 2100 2100 The Dalles 1700 MM W ASH I SOTO. ( 'honey 91100 91 100 Colfas 1300 1400 Dayton 1300 1400 Olympta 1000 1300 Port Towntend 1'JOO I'JUO Seattle 2300 2400 Spokane Falls 1700 1900 Spragne 1200 1991 Tacoms 1600 2100 Vancouver 1200 1200 Walla Walla 2300 2100 Srheal Beeert mt SVSmI Slsl. t. School closed July 2nd. IHfc Tbe fol lowing are entitled to 90 per cent and up wards : I on;, Dyer, Nellie Csldweli, Sarah Minzrumire. Frank Coldby, Altha Powers, Man m Tumor, Irea Turner, Freddie Miu zeomire, Alfred Freskaoo, Ida Freak eon, Willie Caldwell, Johnny Powers. No. of scholars on roll, 31 ; average, 22 No. of days eacn one attended school : Nellie Caldwell. 39 days; Mary Gist, 23; A laths Powers, 41 ; Mary Rogers, 42 It m y Wat son. 33 ; Louis Dyer, 56 ; Stans Freakson, 36 ; Ida Freakson, 41 ; Berths Minzennvr', 41 ; Sarah Minzenmire, 60 ; Susie Orier. 26; Kan me Caldwell, 56 ; Johnny Powers, 4) ; A J Csldweli, 28) Francis tioldesby, 47 Marion Coldeaby, 46 ; Marvin Tnmer, 56 ; kebert Watson. 44 W M Caldwell. 60 ; 0 Caldwell, 60; Irea Ltles, 33 : Ira Turner. 44; Oeorge Minzenmire. 56 : Clide Powers, 44 ; Clarence Turner, 30 ; Peter Freakson, 4.1 ; Birdie Watson, 26; Beth Csldweli. 54 ; Al fred Freakson, 22; WM Powers, 34 ; Fred die Minzenmire, 30. This list shows the No. of dsys each one has attended school during the first term, commencing April 6 snd ending July 2. Visitors, Directors once during the quarter ; County Superintendent once W. M flatten. Teacher. s "a MawatalaPlaa. " The play of "A Mountain Pink." as presented by Laura Dainty and Iter strong support, on last Friday everting, deserved a lull bouse, instead of in a handful wbo attended. It was splen didly rendered, Is full of striklug scenes aud basaa Interesting plot to it which keeps the closest attention of the audi ence. Laura Dainty has few superiors in her line. She acts with a simplicity yet with a completeness of expression, that is charming, keeping the attention of her auaieace iu a manner few actors are able to do. Sho was well backed in each part, particularly by Mr. Hyusor as larlo Wilmot, Mr. Wilson as Col Trafi en, Mr. Ross as Jack Weeks, MlssCrego ss Pslle Trafton and Mr. Wl lisle as Sclp. The m ike up of Jack Weeks can. not be surpassed. It struck the Dsmo chat man as being an uncommonly good one for the character. Card mt Thaaks. By a unanimous vote of the Coffee Club. July Uth, the following resolu tion was carried ; li'tolwtl. That a card of thanks be ex tended to the Albany Fire Department, especially Mr Hoffman, the Chief, tor kindness shown the club in providing complimentary ib'kfts to attend tbe tournament at AMoriu, only one dele gate b iiig able lo attend . And also for providing a conveyance to the grove, July 4th. Mits. Kkllt, Laura Chihwem,, Prident. Secretary. The tame Law. Beginning with last Wednesday, July 15th, grouse, pheasant, quail and partrid ges msy be killed with impunity ,or powd er snd bullets. It is now unlawful to kill deer of any kind. Female deer and doe, though, only, may be killed after Aug 1st. Ducks, etc., cannot be shot until Septem ber 1st. Mountain and brook trout may be caught until November 1st, Tangent, AH of the Sabbath School Scholars are re quested to be present at the school on Sab bath for ths completion of the arrangements for a Sabbath school concert. Preaching at 3:30 p.m. Subject, "Christian Perfection All invited to attend. F. M. Culp, Pastor. Caril or Thaaas. We desire to return our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the recent illness in oar family, and also for the sympathy extended to us in our bereavement. Frank E. Tabldr, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tabler. I"' 1 ' ,. IU -X l.L 1 .1 CCttMTY I RT...JI I.I TSttM. J.J. Wsltnsy, Judrs; A Conors and David Meyers, Cotmiiissluiisrs.) Application of J L Ilsunsss aud others for county road granted. In matter of bridge at Mehaiua, on re monstrance by many cltlsens, order of April term providing for bridge under certain conditions, was reconsidered, aud It was ordered that tho Court do not ap propriate $8,500 or any other sum for the building or the Mehstna bridge. The matter of feet In Nolo Recorder's court iu esse of State sgt Bum Murlos, Ed .smith aud Dayton Howell was continued' Fees of Jas Williams, 83, John Bender, t3.f0, John Bryant, 3.59, T M Bryant, : AO, and Oak Hal), $8.10, tn Bute sgt J Adams st Halo, allowed. Fees in State sgt Buckley allowed. Bill of Monteith A sklieuhwh, $..ll, continued. Resignation of 'V K Temple, Hitpt, of Dlsi accepted and A Krum appointed. Taxes of T U White reduced as prayed for. Report of II Farwell, sgeut of school fund, received, BUI of D Andrews, $U.'ir.i5 foes, contlnu ed. Report of Treasurer accepted. Rosds located as applied for by J B Wirt aud others. Viewers. R R Humphrey. B Uurtenshaw and F Bellinger, Will meet July 18, at 0 and 2 o'clock. Road (stated as applied for by If R Powell and others. Viewers, Mose Park er, V Keater, D Wbealduu. Will BMM July 31, Also as applied for by A K King and others, Viewers, Jesse Barr, Miles Carey, George Rowel I. Also as applied for by J 11 Crooks, at al. Viewers, Riley Kirk, John Moyer and John Waters, Hen, Will meet July M. Matter of McCoy bridge continued. J K Charlton, Sheriff's laws, allowed. Fees, $11.10, In State sgt Lea Jan Yet allowed. Ordered that bridge ha built across Han tiam Ditch near Albany. Ordered.onsppllcatloa of A K Kingjhat Jss Lame repair bridge across Call pools. Warrants were ordered drawn for the following : W W on bridge $ U 50 Mrs C 11 mo It, board of pauper 10.00 Poehay A Mswon, roofing . II ns.ii RobiiiMon A Weal ......... . i A B Mcllwaln, lumber 74 ft Petr lloese. keeping paupr In on John Brigga, bal 8 43 RR Humphrey, lumber 197 Ou D V H Reld.aaiary, 3 tana as Super- Inlendent R Glaas, mdsa for H J Pieroe II H It -twin. Taarbere examination T J Htltee, Teachers examination... A Wheeler, I urn Iter J W CoDoway, lumber Diet 99 N Shank a, mdsa and medicine for H J Pierce.... ....... ......... ...... ...... H Farwell, eabwy aa Treasu'er. $s3 as. work on woo' ehed.$l0 ; graoing snd graveling the street, $18. 50 ; Bowman A Co , $fO. I Ft'onn, shingles 0 I Morn-., keeping paupers Burkhart Rroa.. priming ... W H I Moans, aides - I'll M at born .aupport Gee Orchard J J Dorris drawiug mntrant IMS 0.SA to on Lis 7x0 li lot S3 i; t.ftn sou 15 00 5.S0 A Condra, building Muddy bridge, $3HI'2 Spoon 'Iver hridge,f2l& 51 &77.3S X4JVS lo. ou I C Uoodale, lumW for l t H John Kelt meer, team for Co. Court D Mover A Ce , lumbar A T McCiilley, labor on MoCuiiey bridge . h , O W War ran, la I Mir on Court House w.MxUhed IV days K W 'Whipple Johnson a shelton, mdsa for Hoi- rstnb D Meyetupt Kicbsrdaon bridge .. 01.10 S.00 47.O0 IJI 4.00 nur Fruit is nscl in trimmiog new bonnets io stead of flowers. Now, bow would an Oregm pear look on a frail woman's head and even our plums are too monstrous, Kytdeotly the custom is not intended for Oregon. Pearls are the fashionable jewelry of the day. 1. un county people will groan when they read this, for it will mean st least four bits for a new imitation outfit, (iirdles demand attention. Thoy an point, ed at the hack and front, and I .It splendid j a ah bangs and yellow dresses. Chartreuse an I absiethe green gt wall with biaok. This is as refreshing ss the fact thst salt and pepper go well with oucombeia, and sre wonderful preventives of colic. A red straw bonnet trimmed with honey sod suokers, says Mr X. is vary attractive. If he means honeysuckles Oregon will be out of ths world. Heavy pieces of furniture, such as sids boards, refrigerators, pianos, etc. , sre fash ionable for weddiug presents. At least in this custom the word is becom -ug more sensible. Blippers and stockings should match the tOiiet. Due attention should be given to tins on windy days. This will pot a step to this miiing op without any taste of black, yel- ow, red and green. Bumrrer suit during harvest will consist of overalls, shoes, s shirt, pair of suspenders, and straw hat, with a blanket and some bay added at night. orrgoulaa and Sews. The " 3regoniao" gets It back In tbe neck pretty lively in tbe matter of stealing newspaper articles. While It proved pret ty completely that most of the telegraphic news of tbe "News" Is old matter rehashed with raised dates, it, on tbe other hand, has its editorial and local columns expos. ed iu a most humiliating manner. Even such a thing as a crltnjuo on Janaushek is shown to bs stolen by the "Oregonlsn" word for word from an K tstern paper, snd msny of its editorials are, like twin peas, word for word like editorials from Eastern papers. Whatthetwe papers have gained in tbe nghtVHs hsrd to tell. Fine Horse. In the Senior Editor's peregrinations. up the valley last week he saw st Har risburg oue of the finest stallions we have yet nivt. He id Clydesdale stock, five years old, dark bay, a little over 17 hands high, aud weighs HUH) pounds. He is finely proportioned, and just such a breed ef horses as Oregon farners need. To Patrons of Haabandry, I have this day made a special contract with Peters tfc .Stewart, of Albany, to fur nish a large quantity of binding twine to members of our order. Members can call at their place of businsss.and bythe meth od od opted at our Business Council, secure the benefit of my contract. Also I have made arrangements with the same firm te furnish us a lot of Deering binders., Send in your orders as soon s possible Albany, July 1, 1885. Mart Mili.kk, Financial Agent. Lest. On the 4th, in the afternoon, somewhere in the city the golden bar of a breast pin. Bar is about 2 inohes in length and scal loped on one side and oval on tbe other. A suitable reward will be paid to the finder who will leave it at the Democrat office. Mrs. O. rf. Parrish. 5, 10 and 25c counteract N H Allen k Ce MB aH ABROAD, 9 M French, jeweler. All kinds of fruit st R A H's. The best teas st Conrad Meyer's. Ths best harness st J J Dtthruillss. Strikes are raging through the East. Try tho American Star cigar at R, A li s. The best bread stuffs at Conrad Meyer's. 6, 10 sod 23o counters si N H Allen Co. Rssd Browne!! have the Mason Fnot J sr. You will Hud gssis Miiorumudy low st 11, A H's Hefrrthifijr. drinks snd fruits st Hoffman A Joseph's. J. P. WalUce, Physician and .Surgeon, Al bany, Or, Dr Boyd waselented Mayor of Walla Walls last Monday. Corvallis is hsving its share of tragedies and acoUlsnts. G. W Msstnti, Physician and Burgeon, Albany, Oiegon. Several Piuminer fruit dryers fo. sale at oust at John Brigga. Get your cigsrs, cigsrettos sod lobscco st Hoffman A Joseph's. Kali wheat line, norim whtat. half a oron. is the Kneral vcrdiut. It- 1 t . . .. . me ooiin isnsro, iii other words, the cu cumber is in the msrket. Clergymen will be osrried mt the 01 C for bslf fare as heretofore. War threatens agsin to breakout b t'.wii Great Britain aud ttitseis. Wo have some ohoie canned mackerel, which ws will Mil at oost. R. A B. 44,044.723 bushels of wheat were in siht in ths U. 8. and Csiteda last Monday, Ge le Miss Mattie roster's for bargains in millinery. She keeps the latest styles. Tweedale keeps a nice lioe of tie and cop per ware, and does repairing la good shape. K M French, agent Sioaer Manufacturing t .opposite Odd Ketlowr Temple, Albany. Or. We see thst W. C. Tweedale has ju.t re oeived snother lot of new styiod p trior stoves Dr. M. H, KIlis, physteiao aud surgeon All any, Oregon. Calls made ia uity or omntry, A good snd large aMir.meut of lumber at th ' yard of Ka ciur always on hand. tv mm a call. lu order to cine out spring stuck of mil linery Miss MstUs Faster Is setting goods very chusp. Both Polk county papers have dr ppm! their patent outside. A uvwt sensible 0 u ra te pursue Crahbe, who was repot tl ia the Dti- h.t ust week, on reliable sut i. rtty, as dead, ia not dead. Burkhart Bros, will advertise your land for sale free of charge. Give tbeen a oall if you want lo aril. Go to Prushsw's new Drug Store for pute drugs, patent tneduMnes, etc Prsorptiou caret ally compounded, Whenever Madame Dumway goes to I sok son villa ahe is reessyed by a baaaet of rovtaa eggs, one st a time. The dog advertised fur ia the Dtu 4i hss beea found, bet he was dead, fceving imbibed toe much rat putaua. Mr Jostab Fliao has seat the Das a'sar ofBe s Una sample of oats about 0 fast 0 in ches tail, with wstl klled beads. Window shades, lace c t us, uti clotb, carpeu, and wall paper T . o,ct stuck lu town at Mutiteitb ASattaauM . . The liaa oounty (on House is now one f Um hneat louktwg public Sail Isskgs su tna Cot. ihoogh it is not th larAasi. Mr Fred Graf has jnst br.Mixi,i on a pln did Hoe wl kafss ornegas. with Ute UMaat tmprovsmenu. Call and se them. A line pair o utoke!-platd roller skates for sale oaaap. Fur parttciilars, ittqair .! Met rill Fish, at tna Dkmu ssres. Murphy, the hr jock oy, wUgeg aSsj 'JTJZXi h- even more than an Oregon editor can make. A deformed man on wheels, wbo psystassa on f lo.osft is working this part of the .State, begging for a living. Us needs ''quashing." Mr I 8 Huberts has ooosoltdated his two meat markets in Una city and will now run tbe one near the corner of First and Perry Mtreets. Get the Osborne Twins binder, tbe easiest running, with the only absolutely sure knot tar in the market, Deyoe A Robeon are agents. 'Joshua Wbitoomb" is coming this way. It is the moat immense comedy ever put on the stage, it is to be hoped it will come to Albany. Call on Conrad Meyer for your bread stuffs. You wilt need reach of them during the summer snd remember his is ths place to get them. A Portland paper tells of a eaas Iwe and a half centuries old. That does not begin to touch the old (') fiddle mentioned io the Isst DsMovsaT. and children's fine shoe. also coarser grades, can be found at Mon teith 4 iietteobacb,st prices in keeprsg with bard times, if you wsat sny novelty ia the shoe line call and examine Bead A Browoeli s stock they have styles which no other house in town handle. That land slide on the Sauttatn, published in nearly all of the State papers last weea, was simply s bosx, started by seveial Salem smart Alecks. Msttressei and lounges for sale, and all kinds of upholstering work repaired st J E Hayes, just east ol Deyoe aad Robeson's, Albany, Oregon. Among the names on tbe Revere House re niter, the first of the week were Hoa L L Oreeotree. Ban Muintin," and "W H Ben bam, the Dude, Chicago." Any party wishing to purchase a good farm, either for grain or stock wilt do well by calling on A K Cyrus A Co., Real Estate Agents, at Iebaoon, Or. The meeting of the State Teachers Associa tion at Astoria is said to have been ths most successful one ever held iu Oregon. Nearly 300 teachers were present. Another large cyolene visited the East on Thursday of last week, It stretched from quiet New Hampshire to blustering Nebras ka, and tore things up generally. Mr L Martin, has sold out his business at Ashland to Mr Oscar Blount, of the same place, both formerly of Albany. Mr Martin will devote himself exclusively to the fruit business. Burkhart Bros., have several cash custom ers for small pieces of land of from 24 to 80 acres, if farmers wil. be wiUinu to divide their laud into this size tracts we can sell them. Masters Rich Wheeler rod Clem Irvine may yet be seen on our streets with large bandages over their heads, made necessary bv a premature powder explosion on ths 4th of July. The Portland Standard exhibits commend able enterprise in sending out its afternoon edition ao as to reach its valley subscribers the same day Marked improvement is notice able in tho Standard. KesllesHness at night ; nervous twitching, nightmare, etc., give way to peaceful slum- . ; .wl ...... .. - -' - - i i i oer, kire-i .tavuiuo owcbi restorer, oy using Pfunder s Oregon Blood Puriner, the Vege table Sedative and Tonic. If you want your property advertised call on Cliue, Monteith and Co,, immediately. If you want your property sold oall on them. It costs you nothing to advertise with this arm and very little to sell. Trains on the Oregon Pacific lo v Cor vallis Saturdays and the Bay Mondays. Transfers have to bs made at ths tunnel burned out during the strike, as work on the same is only partly done. Wong Foon was found guilty of murder in the second degree st Portland last Saturday, He was the Chinaman who was seen to mur der a brother Celestial a month ago by two or three Albany young men. While fishing at Waterloo last Tuesday Carley Sox, of Seattle, run a fish hook in bis thumb, the barb going in out of sight. He was taken to Lebanon, where Dr. Powell ex tracted the refractory fish hook. The law libraries of Albany are the best in Oregon outside of Portland. 13.. u : : 1Jy woiomiuK all of the leo-al fratrnitv hre ia able to make nearly as oomplete selections as from 1 the public libraries of large cities. Rev I D Driver will preach al Trinity Chspsl next Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'clock, Public invited. A statement of the Secretary of the State Insurance Company of Saieiti, shows the premiums received for the six months ciiJihk July 1st to be foO.Ad7.00, snd the loses 4, y.'HI 'Jit, an uncommonly n 'iowilig. Now is the time to sell jour land, place it in the hands of Burkhart Bum., they have better facilities for advMriisuiK and selling land than soy other agent in Oregon ssmt tliom your name and tliey will smd you their Iteal Estate Papsr for oue year free of ohsrge Ouitavua Adnlphus Moouoy, a diumumr well known here, was married iu Portland last Wednesday to Miss Minnie Weir. A reception wss given in the afternoon from' 4:iJ0to v,ohareeterixsd oy'i'hc Washington,' (Quarterly meeting at tho Mttthodist Epis copal 'suroh on next Saturday sod Ssbbstti, tlo- IHthaud lUthinst. Preaching Saturday evening at 7:40 u'olook. Ssiviums Ssbbatn utorniug and evening, Rey 1 D Drtvrr is expected to be present. I hi ring ths three months ending July 1st, there were 41 failures, hsbtlilies, 9143,000, iu Oregon, and for six mouths euiiiu July I, there were t. failures, llsbilitie,$45().(NJ. Forlhe uorrevponding sis inxilhs ol (Hit, there wars KJ tailures, liabilities, W27,'ihj. Cowan A Cusiok are putting tl,. ir block os ritststrset in condition f r their bank. Work on ths vault will its oommeii. , 1 in a w days, MrCusickhas already mvd Ui Al lsny snd Mr Cown will do tisewtss in s wait time. Oregon dues not take a ' -. seat ou sny thing. Ijmi Sunday a hclo-, If! oiouUm, 21 days old, belonging to Mr J.soi 'island, gav birth to a bealtny, well turmssj calf. This is th younsest bovius moth, i on r-oord m Oregon, Ths Central -ol building and the (j- r Ifousv, of tLis city, hsvs seauoted form sad now snow what Uiey will be wneu oompleud. The rapidity with which they are going up mskes matters present s lively sppasrauce in Albany, so muck so that our city is getting the credit at iaast of beiug abett tbe liveliest in Oreaon. Ths report of ons dsy's Karnes of ball through the East wss ss follow : Cmeago, 6, Buffalo, 4 : Detroit. 9. St lois, 9 ; Pro vtdeuco, 4, New York, 2 ; Pndadelphta, 7, Buetou, 1. Those figures present a marked oeutrast to the larg sc rs pobltabed of Oregon games. Cannot Albany have some kind of a bail gerno lu order to be up with th timas For instanca, s kjame betwa aohool uutreaaa and bald headed lisxrhelors, or between th lean acd fst nen of tho city, or between lib C onmott Coso' il and Miuuters, merchant snd printers, tn fact betwu any boly for a game. Tbe monotony of no base Us It i simply awful. Ou last Saturday sight the store of Wi. helm A loouey, at Monroe. Benton c muty, wss burglerifcwl, several dollars worth of cutlery, etc., taring taken. A young man named Hu.l. r wae arrested. He aduoit. i his guilt and ths goods ware raooveted ; but this oaunot prevent bis spending a season us the penitentiary. Last Monday morning, (eorgs Webber, a tinner at Corvsliie, ia getting tram s wsgou, sltppwl to the grwuud, epratuiug oue of his an k lea in a very eenoea manner. It took about two hours to set it, and bs had to be plaoed under the tnfloeoos of cnlorofonu so painful was the operation. In the case of tbe American FresUnd Mort gage Ob npaoy, uf Ltndou, apatuat J F Graves, Jsdga lwady dauie.1 the m Uo tor a preliminary in) toetioa restraining tna out iacthm ol Uses, aed the same decisioS was made ta all o! the m irtgage tax law cases. This u a marked victory for this law. The DsnocaaT has taken more than er dinary pains to give its many readers MM cutnmsnte of tBe Iowa editore on Oregon. On our local page will be hmud acoatute ol the trip mure particularly wotle at Aiueay, while on onr editorial page wid be a list of more general cummauts. t treat tnUrwat hss btu manifaatad as to what tea editors have eetd about ss, so this matter will be found ot considerable valse. I..t Hatnrdsv a Democrat man met Mr. f res! T Martdl the bicyclist of Portland while -f Ut Han Kranciaoo, fr.m whom he learucxi that be had arranged a tweuty-miie bicycle race with Fred S Rotltueon, ex-ehaoi. pton of America, to come off ia Ban Francis co within a week or two. The stakes will le 100 a side snd gate receipts, and Merrill is to have one-half mile or oas and one-half minutes ths start. Mr. Merrill expressed ouoatd arable confidence ia hss sbiiity to wis on those conditions Seriously, the item going the rounds ef ths N. W. press about the Iowa editors being i .a post tors because some of the excursionists were not printers at all, but were seeking a cheap summer trip, is a very foolish one, and was only noticed on the part of the DsnocaaT last week ss s matter tor joking. As it has been most ridiculously taken up in earnest by some of onr exchanges, we meat emphat ically enter our protest. No excursion could represent the press of s State better, and the men to this one were sole, cultured sod many of them poliahed writers. The case of James B Montgomery sgainst the 0 k C B R Co. is being tried in Portland this week. It is an action brought by the plaintiff to recover $33,300 damages caused by a runaway hires frightened by an oagiue on tbe west side railroad on December 22nd, 28M2, while plaintiff was driving in a buggy. The cause of tbe accident being the esoaptag of steam from a cylinder oock of tbe locomo tive, which frightened the horse aud caused it to run away, throwing Mr Montgomery against a pile of lumber, breaking his leg and fracturing bis thigh Mr Montgomery wss confined to his bed for three months, was sick for five months and crippled tor Ids. Iu the Kast the value of a tils itself is only put at about $7,000. O&ITIABV. Mrs. U-naM. Tabler departed this life, in this city, July lO.h, 1SS5, after a severe sick ness snd many wee'ts of patient sutlsring, aged 22 years and 2 months. She was born in Pennsylvania, lived several vears in or near Sibley, Iowa, where she was for several years a member of the C hi g rogations I Chore k, and cams to Albany with her hus band and his father's family about six weeks since. Sbe leaves a husband and two little children, besides many other friends, to mourn her loss. BIB D, It. Funk, jr., was born is Illinois In about le4. Moved to Oregon some tenor tselvs years ago, sua settled at HarrUburr. Home months since he wss married to Flora St., da lighter of J. It. Smith, an old resident ef this county, livlnr near Lebanon, lie want Into business at Harrisbuiy. but his health failed him snd he grew gradually worse, until last Saturday, July Uth, when he dll at Mr. Smith's resi dence, lla wS a meiaber in go d atandlng of Cove nant Lodge, No. li, I 0, O. F., aad was buried under the auspices ot Lebanon lejsJge, No. 47, of tint order. lie wss said to be a man of su let Inland vy aid general exemplary conduct. His bsreaved wife has tho sym pathy of the entire communitr. A Word te Fanner. Farmers, we believe we can make it to your interest to come around and see us. We have a lariro stock of lubricating oils and greases some of which we will sell for less money than you ever bought it for before. We believe we have the best biuding twine in ths market, aud you can tell by coming around and looking at it. It will pay yon to investigate the matter. In repairing we can tit you o it complete ly, having a lull stock of bolts, rivets, draper sticks, draper tacks, pitch forks) neck-yokes double-trees, singe -trees, and almost any thing you want. Don't forget to come and see us any way Pktbbs k Stewart, J. C. V. Just received a case of tho Colcbrat jJ Bail Coil Spiog Corset, the only corret that can be returned after three week's wear if not satisfactory. These corsets are bought direct from the manufacturer, saving one profit and enabling me -to give better value for the ,. ail A mouey fcuu my ofc.,. qualities always on band. I Samuel E. Yovng . THE IOWA RBtTOBS. Below we give mors com ments from ths Iowa editors on Oregon. Tbe readers of tbe Dkmockat will find thorn Interesting readliiK matter : With fow pAaloss we reach Albany Jim tion at midiiigiit, wlmre we real in onr oars until morning. After plenty of time for our toilet and break fat, We are esrxrrt irom the depot bi tho wharf, whore a boat awaits ns to ctrry u to Oorvaltts, which we reach stier a plea ssut rhts of 14 miles on tho VXlllamefte The people are out eu mass U welcome us. Between tuuds of music and lotJi rows of ladlos young and old, we are marohnd ui tue J urt Mouse to hear a welcome address ; iheiuw l . a public hail where a superabundance of choice nitd uiiUutisl refrestimenis swstt ot, Tbe fnaat was pftMssjl under the suspiisut of the ladles of me three le.ripwrsno so of the nlty, tu honor to the reputation which our prohibition nlowers have given our Mute for leoiporau w, and which at (his dlstamst is inlslakeii for too true character of the 8 nla ou this question. After we sre tutted b tho gn,d ladam of the place we are losde I wlHi II iwers and escorted Ut the dep t, whmo a siiecial train awaits us to peer us ba k to Portland. -'dndiarialo AdvMa e frituiuo." Our readers should MMtSBbSf (hat lu order to uuderetaiol propvn v oo advau Uoi and diadvaMUiiee of the western coast they should keep In mind the fot that iiodeacr.p Ion of, or comparison with, lows will answer. The country ia cut up by ranges of mountains, between aud among which ar- the mo-t .,..iiKiiful of valSiee, The former are hesvuv ilm bared and the Ingn j.-tak- oovered with sow,lbe latter foiiiio ti hi i IjHVOtid belief and watered by numerous mil. I, clear tr ams. If there U any one particular spot in this country which presents ilmost evory ele ment that goea fj make life pleasant H i the famous Wiilametie Valley. In thu favortai ... the home ee;wr wit bud evary ad vsuuge of climate, aoil and sjq clety. Us) enjoys wiinars without cold aud stimmera llMut heat. Hlslsud will produce amazingly and q iautityof fruit is almost dVeaod of -dm rinest aualHy, But be ut u t have money wttn whioh to buy, for it wou.-t be absurd U Imlieve that so highly fav tr4 a lomtfl v had mo far e. j, i the know edge of tn , world, The entire vadey hi i,-.-m .. .... j fur atany years fney are a t.mbiy ititeld gent ulaaa of ph wiit Know they have a good thing sod who muooi -tli out and -go west, ' r.rr Ihey ttsva roa lid toe verge. 1 lie ludj, therefore, very valu able and it lak s a great deal r tn ney to gets farm, -"vtlauih! Meingr " At Altntuv, a pleasai.l ai l thr.ving town of 3,hm inhabitants, another moat hospitaoin recapthoi aaiiad Hie Haws yea '1 lie wltoie anedatiou we taken ou board a pleswure Mteamer, where tbey were joined ty many ettixetiaof the plsce, and me wbole company sal ed slowly up the Willamette fourteen mile to Corv-iUa, ou tbe weal laank of ItMt atreaitt. In t(, I worda of be bisasi ertroaluter. "At Crtrval- ii Mil or in sigrttt rrowda that bad Kfcotd the x-uriouiNts lu Cio titlaiii- stle Valley bad aeacnnblwtl upon Die river nan as.' iitey eiiaerud and waved with getiuin wwatern fervor. Hero were mors spooches f weluouie fdlownd by a ban quet prepare! by tbe ia lie of tbe young city. -tirioell Herald ." We reached Albany on our wav b4ek from Ashland to Pmtland, aomeilme in tt night, ami when we awoke lu the morning we found nur train eiandtiur ou a side trevk, aud the eitixana gathering t- wel.voue oa. After a irood braakfiet at ih del-, we wars es Njrte-1 ilmiurh lb town by a large delegation of cltir. u, and two X'e!leot bauds. Albany la on the vi laiuette river, U a substantially built liltie oti, ot about two th uissad tiinabi i tenia. Tbe public buildings are good. ! - aL. m. A a . . . as. . a a a aim ma rei in are miiy as gKKl as in ne oi au It a-a town of tbe asm t s a-j The merchant csrry gixt I sttcka of gt Hs well setecteJ aud welt kept up, aud tbe who a town baa tbe appearance ef sub auntlal prosperity. Tna eiUaens had pro vided s steamer t . carry us up tbe river about 'sreive uiilee to Corvallis. 1 he bauds, aud a mrge "lumber os tbe cltzsns accompanied ii-. aad our abort trip was enlivened by music and mirth. Cedar Kaplda" Daily Kepuuiican." Fiout Kast Portland we went to Halera the capital of tbe Ntu about oo miles. Phis trip iod us through the Willamette valley ,s nice area f river bottom rsuging from one Ut ten utiles in widtb. It iaail occupied by farmers, aud tbe tend is welt ad tod to the raiding of wheat, rye, oats, clover, sod, all fruit belonging to ibis riiiiia Fairly wed improved farms caa be bought at from $25 to $iu per acre. Tbe farms look home like and make one think of I .twa. Ail through Ibis country tbere are esordietit opportunities for en lering into dairy farming Mutter ia worth 20 oeuts now fr h m co jsu nipt ion. "Menes Euterpitse." Tbe boys of the Iowa pre excursion sresil broke ut ' oer the girls of the Willamette Valley, Oregon. It is cslmed by experts that that section produces bet ter looking woman on tbe average than any other tn the Uiiuod .Slaves. ''Atlantic Messenger." Aad bow we return sad Ktturday morning we saake at Albany, from anenoe ws are led by two bands of ntueic, with a drum major. to board a steairer and till an invitation, 12 m. , up the v iliametta river, at Corvallis, where mee kind peaple try to excel! ail be fore in titeir viauda aad ktuduuse. Well, we are all good eaters aud partook Insttly, even our lad tee scouted to have "loosened a tuck." so ss to lucreaee the storage. At MoMiuu ville we bait aud are covet ed with fair eiabes. warm graet(ugs.addreasss,dawers from hand some halie trod blete them. Voa-M ao crnt llrportrr. O-epju is a vast domain possessed of rc- souiv. s that su empire might covet. Her valleys, both in extent and prodoc4venee8. are unequalled, tier mils ami ni niutau sidea .r millions of acres of splrudt J tnn- ber,whtle many of them are ribbed with pre cious metals aud valuable ores ; her climate never tnadcau boueHt enemy, and her fruit is unparalleled for stse aud flavor. Portland, like nearly all tbe other towns in the extreme northwest, is overrun with Chinamen. Of bei 3o,000 inhebttauts 0,000 belong to this despised race. Tbey own some of tho bast busicess blocks io tbe city, thus making it impossible to net rid of them. At Eugene, Aanland, Grant's Pass, Albany and Corvallis, and at all the stations along the route, we were met by tepreaentative meu of the press and people and were the recipients of one continued evation. TiptonCoaarmtfive. Reached Albany for breakfast and soon thereafter two handsomely uniformed bands, together with mauy of the citizens, came to the depot to escort us to the city where we were to take boat for Corvallis. Albacy is tbe count) -seat of Linn county and has a population of about 2,800. It is a live enter prising place aud Inns excellent school and church privileges and as good society as can be found anywhere. Liuu county is 300 square miles larger than the State of I K le ware. It ia twice as large aa Rhode Island and more than halt as large as Massachuoetts. Agriculturally iaone ot ttie finest counties m the S.ata. Most of the prairie land iu Liun county, and iu (not, all tm land in thu ueignuoriioou ot the railroad, is iu the handset ludivtduaU whe as high piice-t $20 to $40 per acre ; but there are hoe loot tious iu tbe toot bids which may bo taken up at the cheap iState and goverumeut rate under the land lawt. or may be Umglit irom the railroad company on eSOy terms. The county being iu cloee proximity to twomeuu taiu ranges, its climate is mild aud delight o i. tk. : . . . nil ooiii in wuiiu nun summer. Jsrei abundance of apple, p! uiu,, straw -beirieH, oheriiee. blackberries, pears, and in places peaches ud ur,-.H are produced. There etc many loruier loaa people iu this county. Albauy has oointMUuioation with Portland by boat the ear roui..i,liaing locat ed on the Willamette river. After a few pleasant hours here wu boarded the host for Corvallis, 10 miles up tbe river. A large number of the good people of A'bnuy ac company u. After a tvo ! our' a ride Cor vallis is reached and hit tdrsds wl Mer people stand waitiug on the river's bank- .Won tezuma Jirpnittic in. BOKN. VANDERWALKER. 'Ja F ily, July 10, 1885, in Albany, to tbe wile of A D Vau derwalker, a girl, WALLACE. On Soul y, July 1: th, I8S5, on the Aloany Prairie, t ttie w f of Mr 0 S Wallace boy and a id. UtBKtKD. 8 WARTS BAMFOUD. Iu this city, July 12th, 1885, by Rev. J. W. Harris, Mr.. A L. S warts and Miss Bgasxs Bamioed, both of Crook county. SOI '1 4 1, Aft PEBftOMAt, H R Claypool, of Lebanon, wss in the oity Bsturdsy. Ted Parker, of Onestts. has been ia this mty this week. Alvh Arnold rsinrned from 8oatbern Or HO'i Ust Monds) . Mi I, da Kiloy, of llarrisburg,was iu tue :ity iaat HatSfdsy. A H t.mard, of Brownsville, was iu ths :ity ta-t Tuesday. Hsiit, the!) Peontrsouc, thi Hfet of the week. was in th tf T . Porter and W i Stewart, of Haisey Wore in Albany Katurday. Mr Kiirry.of Sterling, 1 1 1., f.thsr ef Oeorg. f-urry, formerly of Aloany, ta to the city. TVputy District Attorney KRfthipworth Use in th city this weak ou legal busi ness. Mr rownsend, representing Rsssell k Co'o lute of machinery, of Portland, was in the tsty last Wednesday. bidge Powell sad Ffd Hhimb-rg.aed their families, left yestenUy ssoruiog lor su ex- i bra io ii to the m'tutiteins lieerge Humphrey, W B Bsrr aad Fred dueller rrurned from the Mountains last Tessdsy Tney had a flue time. Mr PeeMt-r, of Iowa, who has been shut-in- relatives in this county for two months. iiv ior ms noine yeaterday morning. Robert A Miller, formerly editor of the iftmirtmM, of Portland, wests Albany Wed uesdsy on bis wsy to Southern Oregon. Onorge Smith, who WSx out at Ifarriahur eeJoy 4th, was in Albany Wednesday. He wws no iturt as badly as at rirst reported. MrC Utttf k was in CorvaJlia hut Uon. day, bin ciiled there on account of tbe temporary illoeas of Si -r daughter, Mr Wag otter. D M Ballard, and family of Seattle. wrs in Albany Isst Monday. They were on thssr wsy h rne from the K.tst, wbsrs they spset sev eral m o.,t ha. Mr Dei kard, who has besnsiek for several months, i on o-ir streets agaia. His many friends sre glad to ase sech an improvement in bis health. Mr Hub Bryant is taking ao ei tetany Hip through Ksetwra Oregon, Washington Territory and I daho The last beard frem be was st lwialen. Mr Jsa Pitxpatriok aad wife,of Bake 0e, K O.. sre ia tbi ctty.asid will pnd several week here.princtpally for the benefit of Mrs Pitspatnek health. Senator Sigtm and dan fhtar, of Cues Bay. wr n Albany last Weitneeday, ess their way to Portlso 1, wter Mis Stgita will est tr Uie Catbotte Hchool. Bev E R (jteary retorne'l to his hots at K igt-be tbe first of th week alter being here s sesk er two loosing sfter the interests ef ni i arm cn the Albany prairie. We regret learning that Miss Mary Moo Uftjk, of Corvallis, who recently went to Ctieney, W. T., for th benefit of her health, is now considered dangerously ill. Judge Strahao. J O Wrishtsra in, W B Seott, J J DobruilJe and C W Watts, mads 31 1 trout, or t hereabouts, gasp lor eraath. last Satur l iv. esj Crab'ree I Yek. Tli'M Ksy and Tho Ksv. Jr., of Browns ville, w-r h Albany Widaasday, th junior being on hot way to McMmnvili-, where he will gointii btsnetas with C P BiSm ''corge Witaoii, of Turners. w- in ISM .-. r T-tesU. ano . .. i Mt Un H nuv. t. I W f. Ut eit'i ni in-. Ii.;r t'. i - -- he has m ie.i f. r a vt, or ,ih te-ia h- Rr-fi- t tm- Bal les liag ou 1 CrawalL mot mn , Umion. nt Sacra'ner. t,.. Cat., aa U14) liatttssi on thf .iat ami i sV sA' 1 ' .. m..:. -. . :' Oi .1n.-rjneijio, waa it tae citv t, the week. hrt mi ' K W Lie fB n I wf .. ., ,y, ,a I L V L otsway ait I wu. of Sal .. i. ft I eat Tues day momtng for n Inn uwa the Cascades Tbey will go as far as Prioe'ilte. sod will be gone until Aunat t. Mr 8 1 D rns .uid co njtanions, wbo wnt to Crabtree (reek last week, broigttt back e idenee of then- large eatch.ah-iut 600 treat, aad kindlv rtme-ubered th- isssssw- sjf tbv DcMOcaaT with a fine mes,whicn aa great, ly appreciated. W B Ayer, of W B Aver k Oa., ef Port--lond, was to the city last wtek mtriajnciug tbe New Fashion sch d desk, the same which is used ia the I 'ortlaml school hou.e. ! On Sato r lay rnorntoe tbe direct " voteit ta piimhsae these riexk. and made a e. hi tract with Mr. Ayer for $00. Mrs Will um Warner, of Shi F ao :ic ia in the city for the pnrpose of gatti g up a clasa in oil painting and craym work. She come here highly recommended, and he her pictures to speak for her artistic skill. She has roams with Mrs Burmetster, next west of the Congregational Church, where she will be glad to see all interested in painting. Her work will ben exhibition at that place. 5, 10 and 25c coanters at N H Allen k Co ft. 10 and 23c counters at N H A Me t Co 5. 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen k Co. ft, 10 and 25c counters at A H Allen 4. Co. Bsterlr Twlae Bladtag Harvester. We have the agency for this popular ma chine for tbe coining harvest. Tbey gav better satisfaction last season than any other machine sold. We will not be un dersold by any mschine. A huge supply of extras of every part ol these mac bines always on hand. Call and see them. Burkhikt Bans. - new sjaosto. N. H, Allen st Co. are now receiving new golds, all of which were bought fur cash, which iu tbe present demoralised state of the market insane bargains in every line of goods, which they propose to give their customers the benefit . mm nadiey a aaate Spring. Tbe undersigned is now prepared to furnish board at $? per week. Meals 2S cents. One horse over night, oats and hay, 50 oeuts, hay alone 25 oeuts. W ter and samp ground free. W. R, FlNBIT, Hamburg KwbraMery aad Lace. N. If. Allen A Co. have just received a splendid line of the above goods, which will bo sold remarkably cheap. Our dress goods hsve arrived and the ladies are invited te call and see them. Everything in new colors aad desig is will be found in ear complete assortment. MONTKITH & SEITBtf BACH. 5, 10 aud 25 j counters at N d Allen k Ce Farmers should remember that J J Du bruille has on har.d a stock of ten het bid der whips. Call on htm. MOX8Y TO) tvssSN. We have money to loan iu sums to suit from o le to tiyo years time, at 8 per ueut in teres ;. Bt'RKHART PRO!. WATERLOO HOTEL." BSO. 9S0SS - - - Proprietor. Boarimn-u and Louaixa $1 rss day, So raa wss. SlSULB MSALS, SOc. Ll sen 45c. Good necomtno.iatioiis for all. Waterloo Soda Springs have been jfreatly Improved It conaecuag autl shadii r the spring. A new pontoon bridge S fact wide spii river below ths springs. Stage haves Lebanon for Waterloo Wednesdays sast Saturday . Cam purs supplies and outfits at Water loo Post Office Star a, Horses eared for at reasonable rates. iMMAfiM STORE FOR RALE. A first-j ass millinery store, well located in Albany, for sate at a bargain. For pai tic ultrs os It at thi3 ofHce. men Baby was siok, we gave her C ASTORIA, men sho sras a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, When shn became Miss, she clans; to C ASTORIA, men she had Children, ahe gave them C ASTORIA.