The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 10, 1885, Image 2

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    f &e tmmt.
Tbo Watoo Sun uvi that the Dem
oortio party "baa ibown iU intense do
tire to take up tbo old iatuet tod tut
Uio the oid plans by tha toltotion of
Southern men tod tbo moat ofTenaivt
treeeaeroua of Southern traitor tnd
placed thfin in planet demanding man
who would stand by tho Union. Tbo
Sun bat evidently forgotten that Long
etreet, Moseby, Ackerman, Key, Ma
bone, and a number of others of the
moat offensive, treacherous of Southern
traitors were picked up by the Repub
lican warty, when their hands were
stilt reeking with tbt blood of tlaio
brothers, tnd placed in positions da
rn inding such men as MoClellan, Frank
lin, Sigel, Blaok, Reecrans end a host
of other Djmocrats who shouldered
arms tnd fought in defence of the Un
ion. Here the R publican party delib
erately ahowed ita pteference for rebels
who fought the government over Deoi
ocrata who fought for ihe government.
What intelligent man but knowa thtt
Longttreet tnd Moteby were for more
offensively treacherous than I amar and
Garland. Who is it that ia to persis
tently detiroot to go back to the old
issues of the war t It it not the Re
publican prats exclusively 1 Certeiuly.
Hat not even the Orejnian, which
once boasted of being an Independent
paper, devoted to the beat interests of
the whole country, lapsed from its
boasted petition and became a mere or
gan devoted to arousing the bitter pas
sions of the past f Does not tbe Sun
know that the "bloody shirt" consti
tute the whole stock in trade of such
leading Republican papers aa the New
York Tribune, Chicago Tribune, St.
Louis G lobe-Democrat, and Pioneer
PretM 1 For the permanent success the
Democratic party these Republican
leaders could pursue no line of policy
thtt would more certainly secure it
than the one which they are now pur
suing. Let every Republican paper
follow in the wake of the Sun in saying
that it "can not fail to ree that an at
tempt is to be made to open up all tbe
question tor which we fought and have
labored 25 yean to establish," and kept
it up until the next Presidential con-
teat and th t party will find itself so
overwbe'.mned with defeat that it will
never wage another contest nnder its
present organization. Tbe Sun pre
sume) very much on the ignorance ot
its rtalert when it attempts to feed
them on tuoh pabulum. Every act of
Cleveland goes to show that the dead
peat shall be allowed to bury its dead
There has been nothing done that would
justify the statements of the Sun, and
it will find out sooner or later that
it makes a grave mistake.
Senator Logan ia said to have gone
to one of the Cabinet officers with the
complaint that some Uoion soldiers
had been dismissed from bis depart
ment and tbe statement that be bad
received letters from them protesting
against their removal. Tbe Cabinet
officer, after listening patiently to the
Senator's plea for their restoration, re
plied that the statistic of tbe wtr
showed that about at many Democratic
aa Republican soldiers had gore to the
front and that tbe Republicans bad had
twenty-four years in which o take care
of their soldiers ; that it was now the
tarn of the Democrats tnd thtt he pro
posed whenever a Republican soldier
was discharged to fill bit place with a
Democrat soldier. Tbe Senator made
no further argument.
It is really amusing ;o see tbe many
quirks and turns to which Republican
papers renoit, in order to abow that
there is much dissatisfaction among
Democrats with President Cleveland,
They tell how he is appointing republi
can to office wbicL Democrats ought tc
have,, thus manifesting much solicitude
for tbe Democrats. Tben for fear Re
publicans will stand in with Cleveland,
they tell what large numbers of rebel
tre appointed to till tbe places hereto
fore held by good faithful Republicans.
Tben they bowl about the administra
tion turnrng out all Republican office
holders under the plea of offensive par
tisanship. Verily our Republican bre
thren are in a hard row of stumps.
"To the victor belong the spoils," If
t phrase that ia very misleading. Tbe
phrase waa coined to express tbe neces
sary course of any political party in
(tower. But, like many other phrases
and worda whioh are innocent and in
offenaivo in their logical import, t dis
reputable use has been made of them,
and they have been forced to bear an
illogical imtort. We believe that the
people of a free country should look to
the party in power for a faithful admin
istration of the government. We be
lieve the part j in power should be held
sttiotly accountable for the eutiru and
complete policy upon which the gov
ernment ia Carried on. In tbe very
nature of things it is the only organized
entity that could receive the plaudits
of an approving people, or tbe strong
wotds of condemnation ot a disapprov
iog people. We believe that power
commensurate with responsibility sbouln
be given to the party in power
Hence, while the pbiase Mto tbe victor
belong tbe spoilt" mty grate harshly
upon the ears of those ot a mug wump
isb turn of mind, we are free to declare
our belief in tbe doctrine that tbe party
in power should have control of every
federal office, the administration of
which affects the gtoertl or tpecit
policy of the party in power. Tbia it
both reasonable and logical. We do
not mean to aay by this, that, upon the
advent of a party to power, it should
proceed at once to make wholesale re
movals for no other purpose than to
get ita own party friends in (laces of
emolument and profit, but we do say
that the party should have tbe power
to remove without restraint, except tha'
which would exist in the open ies(onai
bility which it owes to an intelligent,
discriminating public. We cannot un
derstand why a party in power should
be reproachei with seeking tbe spoils
of office, when tbe members of that par
ty have woo a right to them and aak
for them, and at tbe same time let the
defeated party who seeks to retain tbe
offices after being ova ted go free cf
sash charges.
In other words, we cannot uadtr
atand why a Democrat who seeks the
office of Collector of Customs st Bos
ton should be reproached with tbe
charge of being mercenary, while the
Republican who seek to retain that
office is allowed to pass free from aucb
charges. It it ail bosh and hypocrisy.
And when Marcy coined tbe phrase,
"to the victor belong tbe -ooils," ho
simply meant to convey the idea we
btvs advanced above. No paity ever
exemplified tbe truth of this more for
cibly than the Republican party during
the period of twenty-four years which
it held power. And that party would
do tha same thing again if restored to
power. Suppose at the end of Cleve
land's term tbe Republican party should
be restored to power in tbe election cf
Blaine, L)gao, Sherman, or any other
leader of that party, is any one foolish
aa to think that aucb new president
would not proceed at once to turn bia
party enemies out snd put in bis party
friends. This it jutt what that parly
did and what it would promptly do
again, if restored to power. They would!
do this too upon tbe very ground cf
responsibility we have nained above.
Democrats ail over tbe country very
naturally and pertinently aik why
75,000 or 100,000 Republican officials
should be keot in po ver when they
WW w
were led to believe last fall that tbey
were voting them oat ot power. Tbia
country can never be well ruled other
than through the instrumentality of
political parties, and no party organize
tion can be maintained unless we estab
lish the doctrine that tbe offices should
be given to tbe party in power, that it
may establish and carry out a policy of
its own in the administration of the
On the Fourth of July, patriotic or
gtmlilocitlzend of Salt Luke City arose
from their couohes to be met with a
sight that caused tho blood lo flow
F. M. Millar' mother and niece,, of
lows, are visiting with them,
We hsd a grand demonstration here
the 4th, Tha procession formed at the
Tae Nappy Mease arhooi
Thr Bankrupt Stork
From Mr J B Wirt, who ha just closed a
through their vol as in a manner that Engine House, and paraded the prlnoi-
indicated the humiliation and Indlg- pal streets at half past two. There wa:i
nation which tho aceoo provoked, a aalute of 38 fire crackers at sunrise,
The American Flag was saeu at half Mf durlo thf lde heavy firing waa
matt on the City Hall, County Court U J, potmion to pM4 gweQ )oit.
uouae, uewn inow omce, Mormon it wouhi not have taken eo long, but
Tabernacle, Church Tithing Office, the fire engine waa rather heavy, and
I s it s m a a A.
John Taylor' residence, the Mor- owm ina B"WI ?un,w,r.' ,,t
mon Church offices and the Bait Lake g w" " w" mU
I M. Millar waa color hnirnr and hmvit v
Theater. Both confederate and union led ln6 boyt forth. Next came the
sold ers were arouited to tbo highest band. Our friend, Mr. Nixon, propria-
pitch of Indignation ind wero anxious tor of the Kxohange Hotel, played the
to enter tho buildings and run up the V"06 Gilbrt tU bf bo" thn
iiiMulted flag. Oae confederate, Capt,
Kvana, made a rush to run up tbe
they bad a snare drum and coal oil oao.
Then came tbe orator of tbe day, Mr.
C. B. Montague, Sr., on foot with our
fiiar on the City Hall, but tho door of worthy Mayor, Mr. O. Ralston, Then
the building waa shut and locked, and came tbe Lebanon fire engine all decor
Of Krauae Uros., located tt Kugone City
ml I'url'uml liea Imni mi miIiuI i.., ,. ,
successful thres month, tern, of school i th.n h( How York coat from tbe
District 33, knewn as Happy Horns, wa learn xlmm, which has been removed to Al-
the following taota in rer.raooe lo ma aetiooi. n,, The atook consist of one of the
In the district thare are only 35 who draw jftrg(9Bt and lt selected atook of clothing,
public money; but the enrollment waa 30, jpmui furnishing goods, boots, fihoes.bats,
12 coming from out of the unoem- asps, etc., ever brought, Into this valley
inoiilv aood allowing. 1 he total number o Tho good are all now and fr?h arid of
days attendance was 1594, of absenoe. 247.
Number enrolled, boya. 14 i girls. 22. Aver.
tbe host quality, We now prepoao to sell
he aaiitD f r h at prion that none can
which you can verify upon examination.
N. If. Af.f.Riv,
67 Flmt street,
aging number belonging. 30 i average daily compete with. Tbia la no boast, but facta
attendance, 20B.
The school had uncommonly bright pupils
in its number, No. 1 apellino lass, whioh be.
gan with household worda and went through
the book , excepting the appendix. Following
waa the claaa : Jane Burtonahaw, KU'e Mar
tin, Clara Kinder, Mary Kit. water, Mary
Hickman, Druoilla Mouaer, Nettie Meuaer,
U lull I, Ki . hiiim n! !.
fiul, I H8I.
Ai.iuvy, OitK.'ios, lw
UMMfll A Co.,
The Now MaMillioi IS inch aeparstor and
Hiiaaell engine purchased of you
laat no Mr
Corns bus Kinder, Otte Martin, Molmnon m9r ts m ywu fWommendod it to be. It has
he was thua prevented doing so. The
ated in real white and blue bunting,
nil at. I liu I mat lint ilmiu! ti 11 m Vut ,.t an.
Hnrmons aay the reason they did this tbuiUilio .,, Mr NUon iUrt.
thing Ia that the Fourth of July total at out as Ooddeaa of Liberty. He be-
day f luournlng to ihora, and not a I ing rather heavy to pull around ou the
day of rejoicing. And all thla be- engine, they com promised the matter
cause they are now compelled to obey lm 8wJ8 hu ibe l"dnhtlii
, ill wuu, lieu vmot "nil mi i a
laws that meet tho approval not only nioo ih,dy Im oq tU .ide-waik, Mr.
of all citizen of the U. B., except Montague made a glowing ipteeb,brim
thenaselvoa, but til the civilised peo- full of patriotism and everything go- d.
pie of the world we mean I ho laws Although tne crowd waa small it made
aa moon noise aa laruer ones. Alter
pvea aatiafaution In every rpct. 1 threeli.
ed this aean in I4 day run 4,'i82 lomheht
of grain which ia the bigi(ot day run of any
machine ia tin part of the country. I
threehed for aorne of the oldest farmers in
this county and they all aay that 1 did them
tbe !'- t job, Mving and cleaning their grain
that ever bail been done. Our eipenaca for
roaira for the aeaaon did not exceed one
Yours Uuspectfully,
prohibiting H)lygamy. We hope lo
see the administration at Washing
ton toe to It that thoo Uwj are en-
sevtrtl speeches were wade snd the
band played tbtir one piece for the 1 3tc
time, the crowd separated to enjoy
forced with tbo same rigidity that themselves as thsy pleased.
criminal laws are enforced. Let the There waa a little child tick tbe other
hydra-beaded monster of polygamy ay and the Dr. waa called and left med-h-
faun-ht that it ean not treat Ameri- icine or U' whi'h Wm Put UP b mf
- ---
can patriotism with impunity. Let
Mormoos know that they will be
compelled tu do as other citizens
tdndley, James Burtenahaw.
The school closed on Thursday of last
week, with public exercises, following being
the principal part ef the program
itMtiiiiff by skates
DMlanaUon by Mr Wirt,"Tt Inttian "
ablution by Clara Klndr, "Oewn in th Mire,"
ltecMvMMUoM by Jm ilurUmliaw,"l bvuriik my
HectUkUwii by Umrf HlckitMn, "The Htm
UlalMgae by Jen Rurtenanaw ami OUw Martin,
"Sprtof Clalbiii(.N
HeciUlUm by Mary WWt."WlSli t lb Uer "
KeeitaUun by Emma Hruwit, "Tha hittla Slru'f
Ueclanattvn by Hilmati Wtrt,"Tbei'atUliui Uaugh
l'om hy Ourtiellua Kinder.
DwIaiaaMoii Sf SutoRan Utwllay, "SulbliiK t
Matlm by Raie Michael."
HeftilaUua by Urae Mkbaei,"A MUr' Wa. '
IHaiufuc by Neitl Muwaer and Jane lllckniti,
' Dealt.
MeeilaUon by Emma VrUn, "The Kittena I'arty '
HMuUnif by Mr Wirt, "KunnaU laat peeeh,'"
Mr Wirt on last Monday morning began a I N. II, Allen Co. are now receiving
aew school in the John Denny Uiatrict on the new go de, all of which were bought for
other one. When tbe hour came to
give it medicine, by accident tbey gave
tt a dose of medicine for removing
corns. Help was called and by protoni
obev the law. and if they uerslst in action, the little ooe got over it, al
" w I . I l 1. Jl s
Its violatloD let them be punished to inou8 carao rr ,UI wuo
uuv iw nuv van !.
Pmf (!ilhrt ami daitelitar. Frank.
becoming Impatient at the ot went to AgUtU Tuea.v morniog to
manner In which theee defender of attend the Institute.
bartiarim have We are glad te see our bote cart car
are now crying rj tbe broom.
An exchange says that eleven men
Were recently raised from very low po
titions to high positions in lows. It
was done with a rope. We might say
for tbe information of the exchange,
that since tbe occurrence of which it
speaks, quite a large number of men,
women, children, houses, horses, cows,
barns, fences, etc., were raised in that
state from low to high positions. It
was done by a cyclone.
T. Anderson, of Sandy, writes to the
Oregonian to iaquire how to destroy
the little snail like worm that it strip
ping the leaves from fruit trees. A
friend of ours says tbac ordinary dust
from a road sprinkled over the leaves
when tbe worms are on and will kill
them. Sprinkle the dust on tbe worms
and they will burst and die.
What most annoys the Republican
office holders is that their little ma
chine called "civil service reform,"
constructed by them to keep them
selves In office does not work ss effi
ciently as they had hoped. Tbe peo
ple generally see through their little
trick an 1 have hut little sympathy for
them wh3u they artggiven the grand
the mmtm lkabeb.
Hubert O. Thompson, through whose
influence Mr. Hedden was made Col
lector of Customs in New York City
is the coming leader of tbe New York
Democracy. Tammany and Irvine Halls
organizations are on the decline. John
Kelly ia hot neaily so popular at bt
was even last fall. Thompson will be
to the County Democracy what John
Kelly in his palmiest days was to Tam
many, with this difference, that Thomp
son will place tbe best element of tbe
party in prominence while Kelly did
largely otherwise. Large numbers o
Tammany and Irving Hall adherents
are deserting and following the lead o
Thompson. Thompson is the coming
leader of tbe New York City Democ
The Oregonian says "the recent elec
tion, (in that city,) waa a straight patty
contest. Attempts to put it upon per
tonal and local iasues failed." 8 the
Republican majority on a straight
tight ia 162. That party is losing
its strength in that city very
faat. But that is tbe condition of tbe
party in nearly every portion of tbe
Tbe President a few days since asked
Horatio C. BureLard, Superintendent of
the Mint, for bis resignation. Bur
ohard refused to do so and declared that
the President could not remove him.
Now the President ha suspended him
and appointed James B. Kimball in bis
place. Last fall these federal oificials
sneered at tbe idea of remaining in
office under a democratic President,
but now tbey have to be kicked out be
fore they will go. Verily they are
lovers of the spoils.
Te Titrr!tatM
The Improved WestingbouseThn !i
log machinery aud engines are guer
en teed to be the very beat In the mar
ket. Consult your fnt'-reats by sending
for circulars to 7.. T. Wright, Portland
Oregon. Also dealer in Hancock aepar
ators, pui.ii, bl log. oiia, etc.
hrw .
Albany prairie.
oaah, whhdi in the preaent di5tiioraIb.ed
state of the market means bargain In
every line of good, which they popoae
to give their cualomora tne oeueut v,
he "twin rtdlc of
been treated. They
stilt tall flfti-a I I f.ftF Hit ft K,af itlttmt ,
waa east v a a iiiv e hre m m " 1
of thia hateful sin. 1M the govern
ment abate it and Iho people with
one voice will say, ''well done."
Tbe president recently appointed K.
L. Hedden to be Collector of t'ualon a
for New York in place of Itobinaon,
whose term baa expired. At the same
time tbe president removed the Repub
lican Surveyor of Customs tnd appoint
ed Hon. S. Beattie to tbe place. He
alto removed! len. Graham, Republican,
Naval o llicer and apojn.ed S. W. Burt.
The Iobanonitee ware moaning and
groaning of tbt heat on Motidty.
Mr. J. Parktr and Mitt Ollie Dont
ca were married at 5 a. m , at Mr. C
Hannona, July 4th. Ktpect they took
tbe prize offered at Albany.
Miss Roe Wilson ia up from Port
.'and on a visit to parent and friends.
Rock Hill.
What a glomus celebration we did
nave at Albany the fourth, and what
an Immense crowd there were, there
Hedden and Battie aje both life long mUst hsve been some where In the
Democrats snd belong to tbe county neighborhood of 7 or 8000.
democracy, while Burt is a recent con
vert, baviog been voting with tbe Dem
one sou mod toenjoy themselves. Leb
anon did well In winning some of the
urium durlnir tho evanina?. ladauuut
ocrata alaut three year. Tbeae an- ..Mit f,,, r,...
v I SJSJSBBSB swe wv v a j Brvw aws WW w ' '
pointments are beaitily approved of by Tne u dub p- garoe
tha county democracy and moat of tbe ball every Sunday afternoon at ttiree
mug wump, but Tammany it disap- o'clock. Tbey are doing well for new
poinUd, but aince these appointments DeKlniM?r9-
m t I. I. i l. t .
Tammany bas secured tbe appointment AU" "w J' "TP 18 ""Ul
, , ' . completed at last. 8.ion be nady for
of Dortbeimer for U. 8. Diet. Attorney UU8ine
Noar Hbedd, linn oounty.Or., on Monday,
June Tlod, 15S3. H Y Farrow, aged t'J year,
7 months, and 20 days. Deceased was born
in Montgomery county, Ky., Dec. 2 ad, !Sld
crossed tbe puuna in ISaS, and has been a
rtatdeat of Unn oonnty for tbe last eighteen I tyla for leaa money
i ...... i i.., i t ... i.lul tnr I done at anv other olht
. k . u . tyte and machinery u all ow, ead tbey are
many years, but waa in hia u.ual health until JjJJ u, teK9Wiu, any kind of work.either
about thirty minutes before hia death, which, pMn ornamental or in colore, legal blank
it is suppoaed was oanaed from rheumatism of every description ou hand and printed Ui
f lK. kMr Tha ,mera! ceremonies took order on ahort utic-. U-v them a call and
nlaoe at Hand Uide. June 24th conducted ct luw Vr,ca
by Rev C Sparry.
Leek al tU
D you want jeb printing dono ? If yon
do. uatromxe liuraiiart Hroa., aa they will
. - . . . . . . .
lo your wort in tne very iei ami iai i
ihiiu you :au iimi w
tk i j t I . idonr at anv oilier unite in mim nsaie. uoir
which is doubtless intended to mollify
Haying; is In full blast now around
Rock Hill. Some are making prep
arations for cutting fall wheat. Fall
Second Assistant pott master general j w,eat la getting ripe sooner than
Hay has resigned on account of ill
health. A. K. Stepherner of Illinois
succeedr. him.
Thermometer 103 It; the shade.
Hay harvest has set In earnest.
Some Complsint ,of rnst on the
Spring sown grain, but tne fall grain
seema to be all right and a good yield
Home few of our folks spent their
fourth at Waterloo. They report
having a good time, In which danc
ing commenced at noon and continu
ed till midnight Saturday night
Health f o'erably good except two or
three cases of whooping cough and
every ooe buy putting up their hay.
If the weather still continues to be
hot it will ripen grain very fast.
Harvest will bo almost a month earl
ier this year than common.
Bennle Mills Intend to got his
1m looked for.
Tha rn. harvester up from lieiow Lebanon and
been very prompt in adjusting and et " read tor work Ime this
I 1 ...,..! k... ..... I.... !.. " ' "
paying iubwb cnuncu iiuj into urcs
in our town.
Peter Hume, N. B. Standish, C.
H. McFarlandand WIIIIh Galbrailh
returned Sunday from their trip to
th mountains, alt aouarentlv renov
ated andrenewedln strength by their we ftre informed, is going to teach a
rustication. inree monins scnool at tne ienny
Quite a number of our citizens took dlaUlct commencing yesterday
Every body saya the Albany Dkm
orat is the best paper of the county
for news and has some very good cor-
Mr. John B. Wirt, of Canada,
In Albany on tbe 4th, and the report
comes home that your 4th of July In
Albany is almost too strong for tome
of the boys. Some of our citizens
took In the Metropolis on the fourth.
All came home full of patriotism.
Mr. D
Keeling, daughter of Peter Kess-
ting, of South Brownsville,
A Rock Hiller.
Sweet Home.
Farmers are busy haying and some
Bunting and Miss Lena are Preparing for grain harvest
1 he 4th, America's great day pass-
were ed off quietly with the reading o
married at the residence of the brides the Declaration of Independence by
parents on the evening of July 3rd Mr.Calvert, and a Sabbath school con
The weather has been extremely
warm here for the past few days
by Rev. C. Sperry,
Insurance business Is quite brisk
since the late fire.
John Williams and Bub Lyces have wTarm D0UKh f the average Sweet
returned from Harney Valley where lwuvr-
they went last fall, fully satisfied Messrs John Schmeer, George
that the Willamette Valley is the Humphrey, w. B. Barr, and Fred
place to live in.
O. P. Coshow is still slowly Im
proving, and is now begining to walk
around the house.
Narrow Gauge stock is on the rise.
We now have a way car, and another
engine on this end of the line. Capt.
Goddard and bis crew are now pre
pared to whoop 'em up lively now
from Brownsville to Lebanon junction
every other day.
I forgot to mention that the discip
les of Isaac Walton in pur burg put in
tne 4th at Coburg fishing in the Mc
Kenzie, going up in the morning on
the Narroy Gauge and remaining
over till late in the afternoon, among
whom we will mention Capt.Gcddard,
Col. T. S. Pillsbury, and Mr. .1. M.
Moyer, all of whom had their ladles
with them.
H. J. C. Averill has returned from
a six weeks visit to his relatives in
the eastern states. While gone he
visited at Joseph In the Wollula
Valley and in the Spokane Falls
country and returned home, seeming
ly improved in bealtn, but hjdly tan
ned by the sun.
The organ for the Presbyterian
Sundiy school, purchased by them
from Rev. Sperry, agent of the Shon
nioger Co. has arrived and is pro
noutc3d a very go j6 Chapel organ
by tfcosa who claim to bj fingers.
Mueller passed through town this
moining en route for the mountains.
Mrs. Lute Moss is very low with
Tbe postmaster has fenced tho
front part of the post office for the
convenience of those wishing to lean
ana whittle, we suppose.
Mr. Rowel, proprietor of the Inde
pendent Hotel bus weather. boarded
and painted the building, so it is
second to none in the town.
Mr. j. c. Hummer will start this
week for his sheep camp near Black
We unm Ihee new. at evsnleg'a ctuee,
We onaa thee at early da en,
And all Utfoefb U luftf, long 4e,
We UeV for Uke etef thet U f ".
thy pUm at Urn table la vaeaat,
Aud aft4jr now U the Veeir
w i.cfc (or many years we e aeen thee.
Locking aa eala awl netieot ihece.
Thy books e fondly aWStatsi
Sow lie witk I.J fart cUeet .
WbUetbban4etaatae lately bekl lhtn.
Lie clasped la death repuee,
AM thy voica U kttahed fureter,
lie leoea ne more we hemr,
Aa we gather rowed the !. t
Wbm in evening hoar la uear ,
i. f .- jowraey la for tha ended
Aaeadea peace ful day.
After the rtouda hate ahed their tear.
Upon darfcwMne .
Nor toauaar'a heat, ner Wlnter'a rokj,
Caa eauer Utea naln or Ut,
Heating there beneath the etare.
All boehed, aed eoM. ft-vt eUU.
Hut aoon Own 'a rtea from Um culd clay.
To arer In realwa U llgbi.
Away from every earthly woe,
Te )gai the hoet at rayed la white.
Thee trembling limb will tb-n be free.
That weary head at reel.
When thou beat rearbwd lb goal
Atlaet,tby loving Saviour'a breaat .
r j tiljgss " ' IB
2 5
The Cuiran Fruit Dryer.
TlioOiirran Fruit llryar Iim Imeri lit nee ill tbia State fr tliR nrt three ream and ia arknowledifed b
i.ra. i l fruit lrylng iiwtii, U. 1m uirlr U. any other Jryr in the market K'c hue nal imn.
nvmiaU truui rtle who hava naed ur tiryt whu-h we will forwerd SMS application, W take nieaeura In
iiioMiiiiiK inn uiiiii- mi wnare ,rrvi v. yni. iu .move fi:ini, -jrjr hi any irt ef tbe State. Ma
mnr iirnsii irwiv nni hi irnHmi, Atao vn rui;neei cm n price fm for the aame. f'rtiee deMring to nor
luae fruit dryi ra will do wall loeend ferdeacriptive abestW eforo n,king arraiieineiile etaeebere etl
ua your namea and our aent will -ali on you. Atblrra
Kerr Caltte aa aiatlen aitrrp.
The undcraignetl will pay the liilu-at caali
price fur beef cattle and mutton aheep. Have
good scale on liich to weigh.
I. I, Mii.i i:k,
Millers. Oregon.
II rreen hatare a WeUa
Tlie tklo on the heal It kept fft ami
flexible by a aeeretion from the oil
glatula. When llient? are clggel the
hair ilnee ami raliH off. rarkera uair
Heleain reiiewa lliiir action, restores
the original .. or to tne hair and makes
tt soli ami gloaay. It aho eradueta
Ian irulf. No? greaay, nt a dye, tieiic
loualy petfotnra. Delightful for a
aily a toilet table. 1 He Ocl 01 un-aeingn
1'ivfi-rablu lo alt ainiilar artlulea bfcauM?
of ltoauerior rletnlineaa and purity.
D. B. .W0XTKITH & Co.,
Albany, Orrgon.
!. U. We have on band an aeaortinetit of c . fMJ hand Orjera rf different makea which will aell chfap
having concluflud to close out bin Wmm, now offers his entire stock of
together with his entire stock of
As tiis n a gmuu ciojiaj 01!;, nn is tin tian for hmmm
to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware.
AI.HANY, WEB. Oth, 18 8 5
Ihed, Jeaaie youngeat child of A D and A
M leedy. ef aoarlet fever at Sodavitle, Or.,
foly 5th, ISS-'i, aged 10 month and S days
Ooe week before her death little Jeaaie waa
well and cheerf al, hat now there is a vacan
cy in the home and the heart atrtcken parent
mourn the ead loaa of their darling babe,
Tbera la a reaper whose name ia death,
Ami with hia eUikle knee.
Keep the bearded grain at a breath
And the flower that grow between.
Shall I hava naoght thai la fair aaith he
Naught bat tbe bearded grain,
Tbe aoent of Utea flower ia twee, to me, -
And 1 will gir then all bach again.
Yes, another little flower haa been pluck
ed from earth and transplanted to bloom for
ever in ita heavenly home. The bereaved par
ent have tbe sympathy of thia entire com
munity and io thia dark hour ws can only
say to them "earth has no sorrow that heaven
cannot heal."
C. M. T.
0. M. JONES. M. D
Ofllce at residence on Third and Waah.
ingtou fUreote,
(with 2i per ceut extra ai- night )
Vialts In town, $1.60,
Yitita In tbe country, f 1 per mile for the
ftr-t two mliea.and SO cent for each addi
nonul mile, not including ferriage.
Medicine, fun.iht.til rKKflj while viU
in lienta.
ObatetrlCN, live uoijara anti mueaga,
sf OfAeo up stain in Kroman'e Brick.
Our ft lands or tha CorvalUa "Gaxelte"
talk splendid senaa in their last laaue, In
the following manner :
What aeetaa to us an unkind cut appear
In the last laant of the "L.ader," entitled
"Are you going," in which, Albany people
are severely criticised for not attending
publio gatherings in CorvalUa, We hap
pen to remember several occasions in
vnloh many Albany people attended pic
nlea tnd other gatherings inCorvallls.and
while a few t'orvallls boys have had some
difference, and have fallen out with a few
Albany boya, we think that it Is silly for
a publio jourual to berate and belittle tbe
whole people of Albany because of such
dispute, aa the people at large are in no
way to blame. There are hundreds of
good people in Albany as wall aa in Cor
valUa, and a few who, no doubt, through
selfish motives, might not get along aa
pleasantly aa desired, Albany la our
neighboring town, and It ill becomes a
publio Journal to speak disparagingly of
her, but on the other baud, u any boyisn
disputes have given rise to 111 feeling, a
journal ought to bring about good feeling
in preference to lending aid toward widen
ing the breach.
Job rrlatlag.
0 W Watts is always ready to do all
kinds of job printing on short notloe and
at reasonable rates. If you have letter
heads or bill heads printed send him your
order and he will place them in tablet
form without extra cost. Orders from a
distaitoe will receive prompt attention.
Miss Jennie Blaker, finished a thtee
months term of school at this place
Friday, and returned to Shedd to-day.
A party of young people from Oak
Oille and vicinity spent tbe 4th at
Mary's Peak.
Mist Ollie Kirkpttriok, of Albany,
came up last week and accompanied the
party to Mary's Peak.
Mr, M. W. Walker, rotumed from
Puget Sound last week. H-i spoke
favorably of the country and will soon
move bia family thither.
Some fields of wheat will hi out
around Oak villa this week.
The best salve in the world for
ruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
sores, tetter, chapped hauds, chilblains,
corns and all kinds of skin eruptions.
This salve ia guaranteed to give perfect
aatisfaction in every case or money re
tunded. Price 35c per box.
For sale ky Foshay A Mason
Kid Clove .
"7!7-nnn, I ssji .aii m 1 jjr mm
'. mW3w - h weaasMPtVaW
Conrad Meyer,
Cnrner Braadalbin and first St.,
4 aaiaetl fraifa,
Dried Frnltt),
tanupii Heal,
In fact everything that ia kept in a gen
eral variety and grocery store. Highest
market price paid for
ltlie rreaieat grain eav tng- mat-nine of the preaent
century. l'iilimUel in capacity: unsunaaatl In
work, and tiaMiuallml In atriM.ih and .iimhilliv
Thia company aleo manufacture the beat Farin
Engine on wheela.
" alalog-ue and price Hat tent free. AdUreea
PasEU. at 'e.t Braaea Hoaae.PorflNHd.Or
Sheriff's Sale.
In ihe Circuit Court of thr State of OrctjOH
for County of Linn.
J H Brldgva, Plaintiff.
Bartrand Hermnn, Henri- h Wtiachart and G W Crob
ant, iHiftitdante.
of an execution tuaued'out of tho above named
Court In the above entitled action dale I June 24th,
las, and to tuo directed and delivered, I have
levied upon and, on Saturday the let day of August
IS86, at the hour of 1 o'c'oek, p. m at the Court
Houee l .r in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, I will
aell at publio auction far caah in hand to the hi lut
bidder all the rlKht, title, and interest of the above
named Defendantt or of either of them in the two
tract of land h.reinaf ter deacribed, aa followo, to-w it
The n rtheaat ipiarter of Section 26 in Township 9,
South Hange 1, eaat of the Willamette meridia.i
in Lino county, Oregon, containing- 100 ax-res. tha
aame being the property of the aaid Hertrand Hernias.
Alao the following- : The northwect quarter of Section
26 and the northeaat quarter of Section 26, in Tp. I)
S K l, K of the Willamette Meridian all situated laUat
county, Oregon, eoutaining 320 acrea more or leaa,
being the properly of the said G W Crolsant.
The proceeds of such sale to be applied : First to the
payment of the cost of and upon this writ and the
costs and expensos of sale and the original costs taxed
at tSl.35. Second to the payment ot Plaintiffs claim
of 110.32 with interest thereon at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from the 12th day of Match, 1886
Third the remainder if any there be to be paid to the
said G W Crolsant and Bert rand Hermann or their
legal lepresentatives.
Dated, this 30th day of June, 1885.
J, K. Charlton,
Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon.
pe'Jaa. J. Charlton, Deputy.
The Vandonee real kid glove, 4 and 0
button, the very best In the market just
arrived at N. B. Allen fc Oo. Every
glove warranted.
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by remark
able discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption and all
Throat and Luag diseases is daily curing
patients that they have given up to die, is
startling them to realize their sense ef du
ty, and examine into the merits of this
wonderful discoverv ; resulting in hun
redaof our beat Physicians using it in
Isetr practice. Trial Bottlesfree at Posh a y
Mason's Drag Store. Beularaize 11.00
Guardian's Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned as
Guardian of. Samuel and Harry Meyer, minor heirs of
M Meyer, deceased, will on Saturday, tho 1st day of
August, 1885, at 10 o'clock, ft. m., of said day, at the
Court House door in Albany, Linn county, State of
Oregon, by virtue of an order of the County Court of
Marion county, State of Oregon, made on the 5th
day of June, 1885,licensing him to do so sell at publio
auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right,
title and interest of said Samuel Meyer aud Harry
Meyer, of, in and te Lots Nos. (5) five and (6) six in
Block No. (20) twenty in the town of Albany in said
county of Linn county, State of Oregon,
June 30th, 1886.
Emaktsi, Miykr,
Kxptrienoed book agents, male or female.
For the most popular and fastest selling
book of the age Will pay salary for first,
class canvassers. Active,inexpertenced can
vassers drilled and paid commission oraaiaty.
It will pay you to write as. Address Agency
Publishing Company 59, First Street, Al
bany, Oregon.
Axes, mattocka, brusHi ho.ks, picks
sbovelM,spadea, forks, grindstone, wheel
barrows, wringer, ropes, and almost
everything you warn, can be had cheap
for Citah a Peters A Stewart.
Of all desc. iptioua sold by Tetera it Stew
We want carpenter ta know that we
keep constantly in stock the very teat
tools the market Sttbrwe, au4 sell tueni aa
cheap as they can be sold. Every tcol we
eell we can warrant. No shoddy art u lea
are keot. Come aud see aa.
Pktkrs tt Stewart.
aSKWflEi iihinF wv: an i
Those who work early and late need a wholesome
reliable Medicine like Pfvndsr's Orboos Blood
Purifier. As & remedy and preventative of Uiseasea
it can not be beat. It checks Rheumatism and Ma
laria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia an I Bilious
ness, and puts fresh energy into the system by making
New Rich Blood , AH DruggisM and Dealers keep it.
1 bottles, 6 for $5.
l- ters A Stewart keep a full line of am-
unition, tnd will soli a low as the lowest,
Krery pound of powder Is warranted to
kill 5ub ducks if proi-erlv U9ed.
Anvils, visns lii'llovvs liammor. .Iiulnu.
stocks and dies aud almost every tool used
by blacksmiths we keep constantly on
hand Aleo a full ttock of iron,of all sises,
horse sho and horse shoe nails. Special
prices made on small outfits for fanners
Titers A Stewart.
jryou try to build now while wheat is
only wo th 51 cents you should by all
means go to Peters fe Stewart's, at Albany
for your hardware. You can get what you
want at their store and at reasonable figures.
A better grain drill is not made anvwhere,
as every farmer says who has used it. For
sale only by Peters fr Stewart.
Is the Acme Harrow and no fartnt r can
well afford to be without it. It ia the very
best clod ci usher and pulverizer, leaving the
ground as level as a barn floor. Sold only
by Peters ft Stawart.
This famous plow is well known in Liun
County. The chilled and steel plows ar
well made from the very best material
and are warranted to do as good work and
scour fully as well as any other pi ow
Peters A Htvart are the sole agents.
A point not often thousrht of but which
is important to the planter, is that seeds
grown in a Northern climate have more
vigor, and are more certain to produce a
orop aud mature earlier than those rised
urtber Souoh. Seeds from Walla Walla,
guaranteed to be fresh aud purt, ai.d to
give satisfaction, will bo sold by us cueap.
Garden forks, hoes itud rakes thrown in
with each package for a email amount of
Peters A Stxwart,