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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1885)
Ik geworrat. Entered at the Poet Otttoeot Albany, Or, ah second class mail matter. FRIDAY JULY 3, 185 BTITE3 & NUTTING. and Proprietor. UKUr MrnU. I.rsl K.lller. Official County Paper. nil IIH- The Democrat has already published the program of exercises for the celebra Uon to monow. Summarised It will be aa follows : Unexcelled, nou approachable, ne plus ultra, never saw better, procession at 10 o'olock, starting from Court (Ioum and marching to Hackle man's Qrove through the duet and green field. Band music.declaration by J R Whitney, oration by W K Bilven. and contests by the babies, boys and misses, all of which will be nothiug lees than immense. Go-ss-you-pleass dinner. Salute at 2:30. near Court Heuee, and bi cycle, foot most recently married, jump ing, leanest, mrlieat, prettiest, fairest.three legged, sack, wheel borrow, etc., races. At 5 o'clock oa First istreet hose, foot and tricycle races. Advent most any time of the Ancient and moat respected order of Powjaye,bor rible beyond description. At 8 o'olock tire works. Ball at Crawford's Hall. All that is 1-tft for the Democrat to do this week Is to tire off its canuuu, which it does, as per above, and whoop" up the grand event. It is a spread eagle affair and deserves it. Probably there is no holiday in the history of any nation that induces so much "slopping over," as our grand 4th of July,a day of hilarity, carous ing, yelling and big noises. But we all like it and are glad when It comes. What ever the spirit of individuals it serves i big purpose, and expresses in volumes, aa a whole, the loyalty of tne American peo ple to our government. Vaga Caplarrcl by Mm Wholesale Tramps to the right of us, tramps to the left of us, tramps all about u, thicker than flies; but as soon as harvest begins and hands are scarce, there will be none to be found, they will have vanished with their empty pockets and lazy bones. On Thurs day night of last week the police of this city took in seven ont of the cold at one haul, and the poor fe.lowsthus had nice fir knot pillows in the Calaboose until the next morning. The most any one of the vags had in his pockets were a plug of to bacco and a jack knife. Nearly all of them bad nothing but boles. One strap ping, snail Jointed fellow ssked a night watch for a "chaw ter backer" before tbey had gone a block ; but two of the others preferred their liberty above such sordid things aa tobacco, and suddenly, but politely, took their departure down a side street aud out of sight, juat in time for a policeman to ejaculate, "Well, they've goae." We have this advice to give to our citizens : Keep your eyes open and do not leave either twenties or leafs of bread lying around loosely, for the tramp cometh when you wist not. Ksralags sf SberlffTs Mee- The returns of the Sheriff of Linn coun ty to the Secretary of State for the six tenths ending June 30, 1885, show the following to have been the earnings of the Sheriff's office for that time: Gross emoluments earned f 2,054.00 Total expenses 985 00 Net earnings ., $1,119.00 Add to the earnings $300.00 net earn ings for the six months ending Dec, 81st, 1884, and the snm is $1,419, total earnings of the office for the first year of Sheriff Charlton, A Pores pise. Last Tuesday morning while at the fair grounds, near this city, Archie Blackburn found a genuine porcupine, which, with a club, he snoceeded in dispatching. He brought him to this city, where he was greatly admired for his ugliness snd unique appearance. Very few porcupines are ever found in Oregon, but when they are they are terrors, this one being an uncommonly large one. lf- As the train rolled into McMtnnville a few days since, it caught np the hack that carries passengers to Lafayette.and anaahed it into smithereens. Mr J W Watts, who was to take the hack for Lafayette, bad juat declined to get into instating that he would go along the road, and gel in when it over took him. It waa a narrow eacape. The 41 h IMsaer. Members of the Albtny W. C. T, U., whom the co as mi ueo soliciting contribu tions for 4th of July dinner have failed to see, are hereby kindly requested to send provisions, prepared for the table, early in the morning of the 4th te the brick building next door to Hoffman A Joseph's old stand, By order of committee. Land Nstleea. All parties desiring to have land notices In the Roseburg district, published in the Dbmocrat can do so by making the re- quest to the Register at Roseburg. Frionds of this paper will confer a lavsr by so doing. Find ley s seals Springs. The undersigned is now prepared to furnish board at $5 per week. Meals 25 cents. One horse over night, oats and hay, 50 cents, hay alone 26 cents. Water and eamp ground free. W. R, FlNDLHY, ftet Trse. The report has gained circulation that the State meeting now being held at Turner's would close w'th this week, but we are requested to say that it will be held oyer Sunday. A kind of Fourth of July celebration will be held Saturday, 6, 0 and 25 i coasters at N H Allen ft Co I 5. 10 and 2 c counters at N H Allen st-Co 5, 10 and 25 j counters at N H Alien ft Co, A Chapter of An tUrui. Last Friday while at work In putting up a now barn for Mr. 8 E Young. Mr Kuooh Sloan met with an accident which will disable him from work for several mouth. He was Resisting in raising one of the corner posts when It fell, striking him on bis right leg be twecn the knee an ankle, breaking both bones, snd as well cm Mug them In a severe manner. Dm J I. Hill and C W Maston reduced the fractcturee. and Mr Sloan la gettiu aloug aa well as is to be expeoted under such unfavor able clrcumstancea. He has the gen eral sympathy of all in thin moHuufor fartuuata accident Last Sunday a two year old son of Mr. Alfred French, fell from his carriage, in this cilv, breaking one of his arms, and on Monday the two year old son of W H Bilven met with a like accident, in a like manner. Both of the above, a-e doing well. They are getting some of llts's rough knocks early.too early to appreciate them. Last Monday Mr Solon Faulkner, living near thia city, was riding into the city with a four horse ten When near II us- on's hwMtkamlth shop the team shied to one side, tne wigon sinning agaiuai post, throwing Mr Faulkner nut on the ground in awl a manner as ; fracture the right thigh bone lr J L Hill was immediately called and set the hone. A fow davs ag a child of Mr A Smith, of thiscitv, was playing on a fence at Mr Smith'" home when it fell to the ground, breaking one of its collar b ines. Or J L Hill performed the neoesssry iiurgical operation. One day last week Mr Frank Ftcnch was coming from Hrowusvllle to this citv, when the sxle to ins wagon coiiavxti. He was thrown to the ground, but receiv. ed no severe injuries, more than a thor ough churning. Several days ago Dr Wallace's team ran away, disturbing metiers gfiiermiiy. as wall as the Doctor, t ne damage done was not great. The accident to Dr Smith's son, montioued in our Morris Island correspondence of last week, was a very cue The hoy waa aaaiating ia driving poet, having been hold ing a poat while two men drove it, and, thinking they were through, placed one of hia handa on top of the poat juat as the ma Net came down. Had the mallet fallen straight it would have maahed his whole hand, but, fortuuately, itawerved aud ouly ruiued one tiuger. Last Friday Mr Arthur Jhuon, living about aeveo mil. from Albany, in Beuton county, on the Monmouth road, was driving a mower, when, running against au obstacle, he attempted te jump from the machine, but atruck oue of hia legs violently against one of the mower wheels, so severely aa to break the bones between the ankle and knee. A Corvsllia aurgeou was aent for aud the bine weie duly act. Male W. '. T- I. The meeting of the State W. C. T, U. In Portland last week is generally reported as having been a great su ccess. Mrs M K Kdwsrda, of Newberg.and Mrs M tloxter, of Forest Grave, were elected delegates te the National Convention, with Mrs L E Blain, of Albany, and Mrs L II Additon of Corvsllia, as alternates, The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Mrs II K Hines, President. Mrs Kobb, Kec Secretary. Miss Carrie Hose. Assistant Se -rotary. Mrs Bel's Cook, Cor. Secretary. Mrs I, E blain, Treasurer Mrs A K Kiggs, lnt district, Mrs 8 8 Train, 2nd district, Mrs M E Edwards, 3-d district, MrsO W Lucas, ph litr.ct, Mrs Uayea, Ml district, Mrs W II Suiick, Uth district, Vice Presidents. Among several Superintendents Mrs Henrietta Drown, of ibis city was placed in charge of young woman's work, The next meeting will be held at Cor vallls. Mralkrr. Summary of Meteorology f.r June, 18-Sj, from obaervstioo taken at Albany, I .inn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs, Esq. Highest Bar. 30.01 ; lowest, ! 53 ; mean. Highest Tempersturc, 82; lowest, 50; mean, 60.89. Meaa at 7 a. m., 56.8; 2 p. m., 9 6 9 p.m., 58.8. Prevailing winds, V. aud N . Maximum velocity force, 3. Total rainfall and melted anow month, 1.95 inches. during Nomher of daya on which .01 inch or mors rain fell, 9. Number of daya of cloudiness, average 8 in scale of 10, 10. Of 90 observations 34 were cloudy, 8 rainy, 16 fair, 0 foggy, 31 clear and 1 hazy. The . r. There ia reaaon to believe the management of the O. P. will adjust matters with their creditors on the basis of 15 and 20 per cent on the $100 and notes payable in full in four months with 6 per cent annual interest. If this is done the road will begin running im mediately, so as to get the benefit of the fall shipment of wheat. The road has cost about, $1,700,000 and should by all means be put in operation, if that ia possible. This road is almost certain sometime to prove a paying property, particularly when it is ex tended to the Short Line across the Cascades. Behsel Kepert. Following is the roll of honor for School District No. 89, 8 A DeVaney, teacher, for the month ending June 20th, 1886 : Lonnie Jackson, Thos Chessbir, Ray Jackson, Fannie Bice, Ida Jackson, R B Klce, Huber Rice, each 100 in deportment, attendance and scholaiship. Minnie Coyle, Pearlie Coyle, Berthie Rico, Julia Chessbir, Alfred Davis, Vina Galloway, H Davis, Loren Coyle, Clarence Coyle, Theron Kesler, Lynu DeVaney, Laura DeVaney, Lillle Davis, Walter Davis, Wenley Bland, Cbas Bland. Salome Bland, Sylv&n Kester, AdJie Coyle, Uertie Cheadle, Grace Cheadle, Leila Chessbir, Cbas Gallowy, 98 or above in everything Never- Never talk with an editor more than an hour at a time. He is liable to bear the cry of copy at any moment. Never patronize a home institution when you can do at well away Home (?) irom Never get trusted f r p :ket books.they are of no use witnout you nave money to put in them. Never buy a thing because it is cheap. Elephants eat au immense sight of hay, Stale Teacher Association. This association will be held in Astoria next week, begiunlog on Monday and lasting through Friday. It will oner a splendid opportunity for teachers to make a cheap and enjoyable summer excursion, From Linn county Prot J L Gilbert, ef Lebanon, will read a paper on "State Rights in Education," Miss M Howard, of Albany, "Geography taught by map drawing," Superintendent D V S Reid, of Iiarrisburg, "Want of Kjonotny in Our Public Schools." The Oldest. Iu addition to the prze published last week to be iriveu on the Fourth, the Dbmocrat will give one year's subscrip tion te the okhst persou present at the celebration who was born iu Linn coun ty. To b a decided by the committee. The man who stole a No. 9 and a No. 7 shoe from the front of L. E, Blain's store yes tird a 7 should call and get the mates. He would be warmly received. The Public square. The squats iu front of the Court House in thia city, has so long been called public that it has, in appearance, at least, become a part of the city property. Aa a matter of fact, though, t he property ia entirely private, and ithaa nearly readied that point where if the uittsena of Albany would preyent its con tinuiug ao, in fact, and in some other form than at present, they will have to act. Noarly everyone who haa Wen approached on the subject has expressed an opinion in fsvwr of the city's purchasing the property and putting it iu to a park which will lie au ornament to the city, if it can Ins obtained for a reaaonable price. Certainly it would be a great detriment to Albany to have thia square built up. Besides ao city ia com plots without a public square aud now ia the time for Albany to hays one, or rather, it should have had one in its own name long ago. Thia matter ia living agitated on the streets, so the DtMOOBAT takes it up and passes it slong. What do you think about it any way T Shall we have a public square meeting in order to decide the matter. aos' The Red t'rewa. The work of changing the m.ohlttary 94 the i bd Crown Mills into all rollers Is now completed. At the lime the work was commenced the Dkmochat gave a full statement of the changes to be made. I'he mill is now practically a new ene.sud h. mains as title a set of machinery as any mill on the Coast,iu fact it haa no superior anywhere. The flour made wilt be the best, not second to any. The capacity o f the mill has been greatly increased, en abling it to meet more readily the large orders which it receives. The lied Crown Mills are now the model mills of Oregon, Said an Iowa editor to Dbmocrat man. "Those must be very popular mills, for wherever we have been iu the Nortbweut we have seen the lied Crown brand,'' The present great Improvement will spread Its sale still farther. It is with pleasure the Dbmocrat refers to the completion of these changes in the lied Crown Mills, for no name is so Identified with the intertMitM of Albany all over the Northwest Coast as that of the "Red Crown Flour." The Xsrth Sss I law Uasueartl. Last Tuesday, says the Sdem Stutum is, one of the most remarkable landslides took place. It seems that at a point about fifty milea from Mehama the aide of Mount Jelfer sou sloughed off a vast quantity of earth into the main Santiatn, and obstructed the river. The water backed up behind thia dam, until the tps of the tallest pines and Mrs were hidden beneath the ajrface of this vast reser voir. When tne water began to flow over the slide it became aa muddy as it could be. A great many people were picking blackberries in that region. Bat when they saw the Sao tiatn river dry, they began to think that matters looked a little dangerous in the neighborhood of Mount Jefferson, so they left. History furnishes tut few auch ioatau cea, snd the Santiam falls may become as noted as any of those of Yosemite. USBt'SBBlr, tllSIIO. Kilt. Dr i nor rat. Knowing how mush you sppreciate and value all efforts to advertise the excellencies aud desirsblsoeas of our ooautry I write a line asking the grangers, farmers, gardeners and woods-men to collect and selects variety of all onr products and industries, to famish aud es)uip the car to be aeut back to canvass the eastern .Slates by the Oregon Immigra tion Society. It is a splendid scheme, one that will bring our great valley right before the people. Letall help a little. Mark and leave specimens with Bark hart Bros., Al bany, and 1 will ahip them to Portland to be placed oo ths csr. T B Wnirt Albany, June 29th, 1885. Abe Warbrabelserr tsrewsie. List Sunday, Abe Wacheoheitner was found drowned in the Willamette near Pert land. A boat which he bad been seen to -lart out alive in on or about the 22ud was found bottom aide op. It is supposed to have hap pened from an accident. Mr Wachenbeimer formerly resided in Harruburg, and will be remembered as the young man who had ao many trials st tLe time of making a general assign meet about twe years ago. His body was brought to this city and buried in the Jewish Cemetery. Cessna Slattallra. Through the courtesy of Phil Smith the Assistant County Assessor, wears enabled to five the following statistics i 8io Na. legal voters. 71 ; No. inhabi tants, 345. ebanon No. legal votert, 70; No. in habitants, 384. Brownsville No. legal voters, SG ; No. inhabitants, 420. This does Rot include South Brownsville, as it has become disincorporated. fire at Cervallla. Corvallis seems to be cursed with sever al tire bugs of the meanest kind. On last Monday night tbey again plied their ne farious trade, this time right at the throne itself. That night a lire was discovered in the oil room of the Engine House. By hard work the flames were extinguished, but not until considerable damage was done, the upper part of the building being badly burned. The people of that city are very Justly becoming enraged,and should the incendiary of so msny fires there be caught napping it would no doubt go bard with him. He would probably strangle. Public KxsiiilHstlen . The following named teachers were ex amitied last week at the public examina- tion held by County Superintendent Reid, 11 of whom obtained certificates: Miss Minnie Allison, Geo C Wilson and Miss Jane Morris all of this city, and Mrs John Laubncr, of iialsey. Candy br the Wholesale. Hoffman A Joseph, of this city, will sel candy by the wholesale at Portland prices Picnic parties, campmeeting parties and parties generally should call on them for their confectionery. It Is the very best mauufactureu, and is always fresh. Store keepers In our neighboring cities should take notice. Dudley Spring. The following ia the analysis of mineral water from the Findley Springs : Sodium, 6 per cent ; Chlorine, 4 per cent ; Magnet ium, 8 per cent ; Iron, 2.5 per cent ; Car bonic Droxido, .17 volume, Iodine, trace. w 9- Walker, Analyst, Brownsville, Or. -une no, 1000 Hamburg Embroidery and Laces. N. H. Allen A Co. have just received a splendid line of the above goods, which will be sold remarkably cheap. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen ft Co. Tweedale keaps a nice line of tin and cop per ware, and does repairing in good shape Current Events The Mexican editors are on a raid through the East. No one shot accord lag to lateat accounts. The next National tl, A. ii. Kncatnp men! will be Lehl at Man Francisco, some time between May and October of 1880. The New York nine Is far In the lead In the League championship gamin. Hidalgo, a California horse, won a famous race at Hheepahead Bay on Thurs day of last week. Hpnkatie Falls, W. '!'., has a genuine sensation. l.nt week W N Crouch, a J ruling man of that place eloped with a nailing young lady there named Delia I'iiieo, aud they were married at Cheney, I in mediately on their return home Ike father of the young lady had Crouch ar rsMtod for perjury In swearing that his daughter was of ago. In the great sculling race last Friday at Now ljondou.Conn., netween the Harvard and Yale crews the farmer won bv ilfieeu length in 25 minutes, b)4 seconds, din tance, four miles. The session laws of 1 885 have been re ceived at the Court House In Albany. There am f:n pages in tue volume, an f It sells for $2,25, The Hsinm correspondent of the Ore goutau" announces the man line of Mr Jay 0 Niiitlh aud Miss lena Rowland, both welt known iu Albany, to have been set for yesterday. Kmpornr William is to die in a lew days, Chnleia is afflicting .Spain ; about 1500 new cases being reported daily from infected districts. The president haa appointed IF.ii D-irsh eimer as United States District Attorney. ami Con Martin Mu.Mah-.u aa United States M ar shal, for the Southern District of New York. Most excellent appointments, and saltan Tammauy and the other ' nails" tu Nw York. WUal Is itriua tar i Albany. A Separator factory Is doing a Urge amount of work. A merchant mi 1 is turning out the beet Hour t any mill in the htate iu large quaiiltllus. Three furniture factories are rui.t,tiig steadily and sending goodc to ail parts of the valley, A foundry Is doing a laige and reliable UUKiueas. The merchants of the city are having a steady, Increasing, btiNiness, with gissl cash payments and fewer credits than In the past, A aode works sends refreshing drinks to all parts of the Willamette Valley. Improvements of a small nature. In the aggregate considerable, are noticeable all or the city, such ss new fe tces, more pslnt, etc, . A new school house and an epera house, both "long felt wsuts," and soveral hoe re:deucc, beside many barns, are Iwlug pushed towards completion. m unman m i a New rtal taw la I Orel. Boginning on last Wednesday, July 1st, a new postal law went Into effect, the must important provision of which la that letter weighing up to an ounce oan now be aent for two senta. Heretofore It has been limitted to one half ounce, Follow lug sre the iuicial sections of the new law : 1. Any article In a newspaper or other publication may ne maiked for observe llnw. aa naps' by written or prtuted words, witiioui increase of postage. 2. All newspapers sent from I he office of puhlirsUioM, including saotple copies, or whe sent from a nowa agency, n actual iicrlbni thereto, or to other news egeiiu, ahsll Is entitled to tratiamliii at the rate of one cent per pound or frac tion thereof, the postage to be prepaid, S, 1 he weight of all single-letters is In creased from one -half te one niu each or traction thereof. The same increase of wright is st lowed for drop Setters, wheahir mailed at stations where there Is free de livery or where carrier service i not established. Tbe Nsrbrl, Where there is almost no wheal selling It Is bard to give a correct market. As nearly as can bo ascertained wheat may be quoted at 62c. in Albany, and 79c. in Portland; oats 25c., Hour $5, bran $10, middlings fin. Hoof is cheaper thsn for several years, 2'- to 2Xe, being paid for beef on foot and the different kinda of meats retail from 6c. to 12Sc Hams re main the same aa last quoted. Potatoes are going down fast as they grow in size. About B'jc, is paid, the retail price being 50c. Apples are p'aoed at 75c. a bushel retail. ardsn black ums.prunes, etc., are lust arriving without any very definite market. Wool continues at old quotations, 13 to 15c, As a matter of (act 1 c is the prevailing price paid for the best quality. A Ward le farssrra. Farmers, we believe we can make it to your interest to come around and see us. We have a large stock of lubricating oils and greases some of which we will sell for less money than you ever bought it for before We believe we have the beat binding twine in the market, and you can tell by coming around and looking at it. It will pay you to investigate the matter. In repairing we can tit you oat complete ly, having a lull stock of bolts, rivets, draper aticks, draper tacks, pitch forks, neck-yokes double-trees, singe-trees, and almost any- thing yon want. Don't forget to coats and see us any way. Pktkrh ft Stewart. S usalry fer Idle Mea, People coming from the Kast to Oregon with the expectation of making a "big stake" the first thing will bo very much disappoint ed. Although big apples, pears, potatoes. strawberries, cabbages, turnips, etc., are plenty, big stakes are not . It takes a large amount of labor and push to get along here, and idle ni'-n will tind it a bad country to grow up in, as hospitable as our peoplt. are, For those who desire a mild pleasant climate. with little cold and not much warm weather au absence of cyclones, sun strokes and mad dogs, thia is a glorious country and a fine one to live in. Cempletely -Reared, The Boruon LtwU.r,oi this week.says, "We hope our people will have self-re spect enough to keep way from Albany en the 4th. Ktay at home, etc." All the same quite a number of them are coming, and they will see au Immense time too. Te Tltresbosca. The improved West! nghouse Thresh ing machinery and engines are guar en teed to be the very best In tne mar ket, Consult your Interests by sending for circulars to Z. T. Wright, Portland Oregon. Also dealer In Hancock separ ators, pumps, belling, oils, etc. w, c. t, ir, Regular meeting of the Albany w, C, T. IT., on Tuesday next (July 7th) at S p. in., at which time the usual quarterly reports will be expected from officers and super intendents of the different departments of our work. Mrs, M.J. Town send, Pres. All kinds of freah vegetables oan be found at Read ft Brownkll's. A Wlsl ! Bad It la te turn our ladger, Turn ths leaves ef thtaulu Isug-sr, Turn smites wht siiiiis ai due Ul. bus fur velunias tuny Rasa saded, Hue fur years uf pleasant leading, Due for years of snu lew t,r, bite ilssplu our douslsnl dunni'iy, Pus In sums (rum mis to twenty. Would yuu lift burdsi! from us ? Weutd yuu drlvs a speotor from you W.iuld you taste a ptnassnt slumber ' Would you litvs a ffjlet junaclsmie T Would you read a paper M (or ? sand us money ! Mend us mousy I HsimI us money ! Mttid us money ' Msnd ths mousy i it si you owe us. ss'Sii as s- SB S m t , i si i How. iHimtu, Tramps. Fius weather. Ths 4th to-morrow. The binder is heard. K M French, jeweler. The days sre shortening. All kiuda of fruit at H ft B'a. Berries are now nearly wo t Colic medicine ia niiw in demsnd. The best harness st J J Ddbruilla. Try the American Star cigar at It. ft B'a. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N II Allen ft Go, Bead Dr Jones new ad. in another column. The reqaJaa W is now on it foerth vol ume. Read ft Brnwuell have the Masen Frnit jar. You will lind goods snormmtdy low at H. A B'a. There are eight 33rd degree Masons in Oregon. (iet vour breada'.ufL,,: ke, etc., at Conrad Meyer a. The potato crop this year is large in I, inn couuty. The best teas ud coffees st Conrad Meyer's. J. P. Wallace, Phyatoian and Surgsou, Al bany, Or. I. la-U tone bat, c ms -utal to lead the liber al party. There ar I -non miles of rutr-tal sj the bulled Sutos, . W Maston, I'hsieian and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Ked the new a I. of llutsll andC i., in another column. An attraction to the Collage will be a tuffed porcupine. Dr. Kahruey's-niagnrtio hlool viuluwr at Deyue ft ItobsotTa. Several Plummer fruit dryers to. sale at cost at John Kngga. Ashlasd and Jacksonville both elai n the moat business house. A new wood house is being coastruo'.ed in the Court Home yard. 1 he com p latest hue uf pr sluoe m ths market at Cearad Meyer a. Hen L Htlyeo delivers the ithol July or tion at Medluni to-morrow. John MeCalloch has been takeu to au it sane asylum, a busted Hemy V. Oiyrnpi had an earthquake last ttundty. but tt was only a third-class sffatr. We have asms ebotoe oaooad m tokertd w Inch we will sell at oust. It. ft H. Mr Jas 1 'Annals haa sold hi. furniture fac tory in this city to Mr A Wthsliab Co to Miss Mattts Piaster's for bargains in millinery. Mh keeps tne latest tyles A Portland fruit dealer insula that O egoa peaches sre lmr than Cattferssa pto-nv. Several du :. uf live etioaea wautvd by J C Dauuals,jusl souim o( new aco-o oottts F M French, aent Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd rVilosr f'eiupie.Albauy,) li . We saw that W. C. rcdale has jit ,i re ostved stssther lot of new atyled parlor stoves. Dr. M. II. Kills, physuiau and surgrm All soy, tbvgou. i :tts mads in city or ooautry. Rob Murphy is tnskiug regular trip fur bottled Wstauloo soda wauir fer Albany sropls 8ummr resorts begin to be freqaanted, and Newport is getting its share of pleasure seekers. A good aud large assortment of lumber at the yard of Ku Cmt ler always on hand. Civ him a call. In order to does out spring stock of mil linery Miss MatUe Foster is selhog goods very cheap. Head our outside. It c mteiru a Washing ton letter, Southern Oregon letter, aCthfor nta letter, etc Ilurkhart Bros, will advertise your knd for sale free of charge, (live them a cdi if you want to sell. J W WatU delivered a lecture at ths M P. Church on last Sabbath evcotug on the sub ject of temperance. Picnic and campmeeting parties can set candy at II oilman & Joseph s St Portlaud wholesale rates. Again it is announced that the O ft C R R will he completed right off. It is to be hoped this report is true. A bicycle track has been built on the public square by the bicyclists of Albany, aud will bu used on tho 4th. Go to Proabaw'a new Drug Store for pure drugs, patent medicines, etc Preeortpttous carefully compounded, Next Sabbath will be children's day at Tangent. Sermon at .'1:30 p. m. All are in vited, r M Culp, pastor. The cost of running the state firemen's tournament was $1,323 instead of $2,000, aa has been currently reported. A black Spaniel pap with white breast and feet. Finder will be rewarded. Leave at Laugdou'a Drug Store. The Catholic Church will hold mass, at the Depot Hotel, in this city, on Tuesday after the hret Sunday of each month. Window shades, lace curtains, oil cloth, carpets, and wall paper. The nicest stock in town at Mouteith ft Seiteabacb's. A rise in the price of batter may be looked for at any time, wbioh will be due to the immense capacity of harvest hands. Mr Fred Graf has just brought on a splen did line of baby carriages, with the latest improvements. Call and see them. Mr Geo I Foster succeeded Mr O H Irvine . Mr Ww on last weunesuay morning as deputy County Clerk. He will till the bill. At Boston last Sunday W A Rows rode a bicycle fifty miles in 3 hours, 53 minutes sod 25 seconds, the fastest time on record. Chas K Wolveitos and 0 H Irvine, of this city, haye formed a partnership for the prac tice of law. This will make a strong firm. The population of Scio has nearly doubled in the last live years, having inoreased from 193 in 1880 to 345 in 1885. A good showing. The Dimoc'Rat force will all celebrate the 4th, but any of our subscribers from out of the city who wish to pay up can easily find us. Twe fine specimen books from Palmer A Key, of San Francisco, haye been received at the Democrat office. They are very com plete. Get the Osborne Twine binder, the easiest running, with the only absolutely sure knot ter in tke market. Deyoe ft Robson are agents. On Sabbath July 19th, N B Fry will preach in the Cowan school house at the hour of 4 p, m., An invitation ia extended to all. Services at M E Church South in -this citv next Sabbath for the children. Sermon at 1 1 a. m. followed by a few exercises by the children. In an Eastern city one of the provisions on which teachers are hired is that they shall not attend skating rinks during the term of school. The Democrat office has received a neat program of the State Teachers Association which meets in Astoria 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. The Oohoco Review is the name of a new and well gotten up paper started at Prine ville. According to custom the Democrat says shake. Last Monday Peters ft Stewart, of this city, sold two complete J I Case threshing outfits. This firm is doing a rushing business this year, The more wood that comes into Albany, the more independent does ths Celestial be come until ha begin to rids a somewhat high horse. If you want any novelty in tin- shne line call snd examine lloel ft Hmwnnll's atogfc th y have styles which no other hones in town handle. I.nlifis', misses' and eh ild fen's lino shoes, also coarser grsdi s, can s toiiud at Mou teith ft price in keeping with hard times. Tho Salem (mi Lot who. being filled on to ahave a dead man, forgot himself aud called ''next" when the yA was finished, haa gone out of business. Mattressel aud lounges for sale, and all kinds of upholstering work repaired at .1 K ll ayes, juat eaat of Deyoe and KoIhisou's, I A 1 1. any, Oregon. Cherry ft Par ken have shipped severs 1 llulfer'a pumps to Mr Will Jackson, at Jack sonville, who is selling thorn through that part of the state. Mr P Kester is the first Linn county mn reported to ths Dsuoi nvr as hvisg start- d s hinder, which he did on Tnurxlay of lat we.ik in as oat held. The population of f 'lata p county, the cen sus of which has just bnen completed, is "OiH Chat of Astoria is 5574, out uf tins number 1.(4 j being Chinamen. Any party wishing to DSrthH a tfood farm, either for gram or stock will do well by calling on A It I yrus ft U .,, H ial Ktat Agents, at lebonri, (Ir. Prnaidmit Kb di Smith tu 1 i n-ni Man ager I'resuutt, of O, II. an. I N' Co . are ox pscUxl to go north over i . mi l tin noon. Admittance, free. It is estimated that ths yield of wheat for Oregon thia year wilt he I'd O'Mi . bushels against IU,O0t.(JOd last year. I'iiese figures will prohahly prove too high. The parties mentioned in the Canada shooting affair in our last week's issue all left that community for greener fields, much to the joy of ths residents tbsre, To- morrow inula Mt. Hood s to be hurtl ed red with red fire. Every body within one hundred miles Is expected to see it. This is hay ing tire works on a large scale A smart chap has juat ascertained that theater seats are lewet st the Isf and high -est st tho bottom. Tins doe not apply to Albany though, for he-e it is si 1 bottom. Interesting children' exerci wrs held in the Baptist church last Sabbath morning. They conferred much credit on the Sahbath school students who participated in them. A letter to tho writer from Minnesota tolls ot hiding in cellars to kaefl out of the way of a tornado or cyclone. What a blest country is Oregon, whore ths cyclone uevor enter. Ilurkhart Bros., have severs! cssn custom er for small pieces of land of from 21 to HO acres. If farmers wdi bo willing to divide tbir land into this ai. traci w can sell them. There were four applicants for teachers certificates at the public examination held on last Friday and Saturday, all obtained cer titioates, only two, though, getting a first grade. A good clock ami bcSI, striking once an hour can be plac I u the s rnool house tu this tly for not ovar ft-VI, a auot lh pooplo of Albany can well afford fur aw groat conven ience. Harvest will bo Several weeks early this year. Aa to the result oi it the opinions are so many and varied that the ha r doe not feel j stifid in aayinc what it will bo. It does nut kuow. A wea or two thuu gb will telb rfhet haa boon me of the II swrrecU -a mines, to which several Albany people hold claim An exchange says Mr Christy haa left lor California, which induces us to ass what a Resurrection mine la wtvuoot a Curia af. On the 4th the evening height train will he held to this city until 7 o'clock, so thst parties) attending the celebration here from up the road will have an opportunity to saw the wnolo celebration end teturn home the asms evening. Too Dkokhkat bos had another sowing machine proposition ; but like all of them it Ua to pay part cash, which i always a ooer pjeu. check to newspaper men over having a sewing machine. The harvest of the Willamette valley this year will be groat, but the laborers, it is feared, wili be low. AW. Completely off. The yaliey is full of geollomou tramps, juat from tho Hast, who are itching fur a joo tu the liar vest hold (?) If you want your property advertised call n Clioe, Monteilh and Co., i is mod lately. If yea want your property sold call oo them. It costs you oothtug to advertise with this hrm and very little to sell. Rsstlosaness st night -, nervous twitching, nightmare, etc., give way to peaceful slum ber, tired nature's sweet restorer, by uaing t (under a Oregon blood runner, the ego table Sedative and Tonic Judge Coo H Williams, of Portland, has boon o tiered the agency of Mark Twain 'a latest book. Tho Judge keeps getting high er and some day may possibly bo superinten dent of a boot black establishment. Janauachok, the celebrated tragedian, will play in Albany this (Thursday) ovemug, at rawlord s Hail. She is one of the uroat ac tresses of the world, is s Bohemian by birth and a woman of great attainments. In tho procession to-morrow the engines snd H and L track of the Albany tire de partment will Isj drawn by thresher engines, Kuaselland U, J 1 Cases and oott tiaar and Co's having offered their aer vices. On oar outside will be found a call for state products to till a car to be sent Kast to the different state fairs. Thia is a apleudid move, and Linn county should ahow enter prise and conic to the trout tu tho matter. Now ia the time to sell your land, place it in the hands o! nurkhart Bros., they have better facilities for advertising snd soiling land than any other agents in Oregon send them your name and thoy will send you their nasi instate Paper for oue year tree of charge Mr Jen M Clark last Friday brought a load ot bear akius aud wool to Albauy mixed op promiscuously. These things do not generally go together, but by the use of four hounds and a good guu Mr Clark manages to make them balance. He never uses strych me to get rid of wild beasts, aud says it is not nearly as effective nor safe aa cold lead. Hamilton Hawkins was sentenced by Judge Stearns at Portland last Tuesday to ton years in the penitentiary. The crime was an attempt made several weeks ao, wnile intoxicated, to murder hia wite. Ho received the full penalty of the law and do served more. Albany has juat been re-epeoially rated, so that the present special rates cover tho city from Water te Sixth Street, and from Caii- pooia to Montgomery Street. In moat cases tne rates instead of being lowered, as many expected, have a seooud time been raised. The usw rates run all the way from 9.60 to 18.50. New Orleans, La , June lath. The Judges on Printing Material of the World s Indus trial Exposition have awarded the only two first premiums (gold medals) for printing presses to Messrs C B Cottrell & Sous, of New York. One of these premiums waa on their new f ront Delivery, 1 wo Involution, and the other for their Air Spriwtf Country Press. A show of small proportions was in the city the first of the week, the tent being f itched near the north end et r erry street, t consisted of a anake, monkey, dog, woman, and perhaps other attractions. As no comps were sent tho Democsat oHne we cannot apeak authoritatively ou the exteut of the show. The prizes for the hose race at Portland to -morrow are se bound up with provisions that there will be no contest. It that city would really like a hose race let it use judg ment in the manner of offering prizes ; but if it simply desires tho offer as matter to nil up a flaming poster, it has takea the proper course. An anonymous communication from Turkey Hill, wherever that is, about a young man who brushed up his best suit of olothes, borrowed a young mare of his grandfather, and when asked which way he was going, said he was going to America, is not publish ed for want of a signature, nor is it necessary for we haye given the principal part of the letter. In the Democrat's report cf tl e State Tournament it neglected to do, whit nearly all otAhe state papers failed to do, giye the officers elected tor the ensuing year. Here they are j B S Worsley, of Astoria, Prssi- dsnt ; J N Hoffman, of Albany, Vice Presi dent ; F L Hodgkin, of Sah-m,. Secretary and Treasarer. A splendid view of Mt. I1oh1 can be ob tallied from the top floor of tho hVl Crown Mills iu this city About one hundred mile distant its white p k ah iwa op to' sdvan tage on a clear d y, AM Oregontaus are proud of Ml. Hood, our highest peak, 17,500 feet shove the sea luvel. Willie A Kdwich was killed st Forest Drove last week while playing base bsll. fie wss st the bat and 'truck s foil! in such a manner thst the hall jlnced into his eyt ailh afeirf-d force. He lived three or four days after the accident. This, we in lirypi tho first fat ii result from the game which ha ever occurred iu Oregon. Mr Frank Wood has the b,ne st his shop which will rcpiesent Oregon in the V ashing ton monument. It is 4 feet long, 'I feet wide and ; inches thick. It will lei duly unarmed and polished, sod no doubt will do credit to this State when it. stands with thooe from tho other Ststes and d'tWent eon nines. Last Friday an aide bodied tramp, who had e u free in obtaining wests without pay succeeded in begging taVAhtf Hei cent to gnt something to eat iustoad of doing thst, he did what most of them do, houuht some whiskey. The donor of th money was, of course disgusted, hence h id t'ie fellow sr rested, snd, after c uind. raiil-i Kxr.ttnment and resistance ho was I dtsa to U e cdalooe, treatment which greatly offended his idea of erodal liberty. 'ii t.'.. s..t a t- t. . . .ner,av "" " r .re p . ru , i. lirsl ..I ths waslt hl a fM,t rs.. s.,.l i. st.. OB ?- and a modal on the winner. I he ob ject was to obtain a champion for ftps de partment. Tfcs medal will, we understand, boaubject too change if the tnne.r ia not able to keep it Tins is a gin. I example for the Albauy department I.-' it have s medal, to he run for annually, to Ire arma cent property if won throe ti-e. Kxaggeration in advertidng all ki ids "f article has become so great thst i ha rati struck boot blacking a eickeniug at rote. The circular of a certain blsckiug aaya it hs I Saw silently at work, improving tho taste aud polishing tho uu'lerstsudm of mankind ; protecting the b arte! feet of iruln -ns from tho "pelting of ihe pitiless storms" f rio, slush snd sumw, all over the lead, until it hs liecome s houeehnhl wr I, snd i eve where (tree tod with the warm --d h-eriog w; as duo to an old ami valued fr end. Tho duly M-l'J tzhir of Ammr iu IHory ia a remarkably atrong number oo u a now volume, and also iu promned Civil Wsr Capers. Its frontispiece is a po-trait, t Presi dent I .in.:-. 1. 1. The leading article, "Wash ington in Msrch and Ann I, lab I," by Li- ut OoaOfOj -harlea P Stone, is admirably pre sented aud pertinently illustrated. In - sec ond paper, ''Keginnings of tho Civil War n. Americs (I.)" ia by tenors'. Thomas Jordan "The Seizure sod Reduction of Fort I'ulaaki, ' sn sble contribution from Col Charles C .Jonea, Jr.. Id. 1 . snd "The Mditarv Affair- of the State of New York in IM4H (I )" from tho graceul 000 Of Oofe Meredith Head, sre timely article of exceptional iutorwt, " Tne Daylight Omtiujrcnt, ta a terae.apirtted sod informing illustrated paper by (ieneral Kghert L Viole, "Wall Street in the Civil War," well-written article by Conrne Itatledtfe i,ib oo, is the seventh of the war aeries m this iiundsr. Amoug the short papers is .mo of much interest on "President," by iin Horatio Kiog. Tho ecven standiuir de partments sre splendidly sustained, snd th entire number is one of tne must readable aud attractive ever issued. Price, 50 cent- s number ; or 85 s year in advance. Published at 3J Ufayetto Place, Now Vork City. sot mi Asia rsmsosAL. Mr L K Ulsiu ,.-.t last Sabbath in Port land. i i rant Huht and family have returned to Ihe Bay. I : v A L Banks, ol Seattle, was io the city last Moudsy. Hi. William., of Harrisburg, was in the city Saturday. W W Caviness. of Pendleton, formerly of thia county, waa iu Albany Friday. Mr Young, the popular miller at Scio, was to the city Uat Friday and called en u. Miss Clara Jonea, of Oakland, Oregon, is vtsittug her brother L M Junes uf this city. J L Wilford, a mill machinery man. of M i u tie spoils, has boon in the city thia week. Mr Foster Ruiaell, of The Dalles, ia in the city visiting frteuds sod will rsraain this week. Hoo Allen Parker, of the Bay, waa i the city the hrst of the week, oa h is way home from Portland. Mr Newton Crabtree, of Scio, favored the Democrat oilice with a call on last Friday while in the city. Hon J II Slater has returned to hia home at I . . Crsude. lis waa a faithful, efficieut serysnt of the people. Miss Ollie Kirkpatriok closed a two mooths school st Shedd on last Friday, and has re turned to Albany to apend the maimer. Thos Allphin snd Mr fluddleson started last Saturday up on the Coast Fork, about 10 rniks distant in search of vacant land. A A Whitney, a Champion Machine man from Spnott.-ld, Ohm, waa in the city last Saturday in the intorcst of the Champion. Mr It M Kobcrtaou and wife returned from au exteuded trip Fast on last Wednes day eveiuug, and report ao enjoyable time. Mis Mary Irvine returned the first of the week from Kueue, where she spant the com mencement seaaou. being the guest of hor aister, Mrs L Bdycu. Th many friends of Nimrod Payne will hagln.1 to k-aru that he is able to be about, lis was in the city Wednesday on crutches. His leg Is knitting nicely. Mr Los is Campeau returned from atrip to Canada on last Wednesday evening. The spring there din not airree Wit h him, and he is glad to get back to Oregon. .1 P Alford, of Monroe, the efficient assess or of Beuton couuty, made us a call last Friday aud left substantial evidence of his appreciation of tho Democrat. Tiros. McClung left on last Wednesday for near Cheney, v. r., where he will go into the stock business with hia brother. Ho in tends making that his permanent home. K A Irvine, of thia county, attended the Grauge picuio at Wood burn laat Tuesday, and white ttiere made a speocn. Uther speeches were made by Judge Boise and H U Hays. Dr Lige Irviue, of Prineyille. arrived in Albany last luosday aud will remain a ahort tunc. We arc glad to learn tin. Doctor is meeting with mkgo, which he certainly de - serves. ' Mr Wilson, of Casop-ilU, Miehigin, a brother of Mrs Fdtzabeth Blain, of this city, has been in the city soveral weeks, and will remain bore four or live mouths. Mr W ilssu seems to be well pleased with Oregon. Burt Hatch was in Albany last Saturday on his oil inch bicycle, tie nan been at Corvallis aud Eugene, and had boon making some good time, at one tune goiug seven teen and one-halt miles iu one hour and a half. Mr Anderson, of Yamhill county, and a son from Marion couuty, cdiud at the Dem ocrat office Inst Tuesday . The former has been in tho State about a year, while the latter has been hero about ten years, being now a successful teacher in Marion comity. Both of these gent Kmiau are thorough Wob feet already. Mr Hughes, agent for llnsael & Co , of Portland, was in the city last Friday, set ting up at Deyoe A. Knbson's one of the Masselion threshers and traction engines. The '080110' is one of tne best threshers manufactured, giving general satisfaction whereyer used, and Mjr. Hughes knows how to bring out its good qualities, Mr Jason Wheeler and Frank Wheeler re turned ljuit Mouday evening from their trip oyer the mountains to the Oregon Short Line. They left several weeks ago with two or three of the owners of the Mountain Wagou Kind, and, after placing them ou the cars ou the Short Line, returned in their owu time. The trip waa a long and tedious one, but full of interest. Taking them across the Cascades, through the Harney aud other valleys, they had a fine opportunity of obtaining a g.,d view of those sections of country. Mr Whe Jet- was not very favorably impressed with Har ney Valley. Our dress goods have arrived aud t he ladies are invited to oalland see them. Eery thing in new colors aad desigas will be found in our complete assortment. Mojttet ra &. Sex tsk SAC h , Te Palms of If ashantfry, I have this day made a special contract with Peters A Stewart, of Albany, to for nlsh a large quantity of binding twins to members of our order. Members can sail st their place of business.and by the meth od odnpted at our Business Council, secure the benefit of my contract. Also I have made arrangement with the same firm to furnish us a lot of Deerlng binders., -ten I in your ordeis ss soon as posslbb Albany, July 1, 1886. Mart Mibi.RK, Financial Agent. on Poor shows. I ti'tv- notic -i that a show oan go in to I'ordand, nml, no matter what lis merits. If Ii. advertise liberally, ft will get good send off ; so thst when It a 111 lots the valley all It has to do Is to publish dales, and put up a few flaming Mttajra, As a result we are all taken In by evry other aliow which wo attend. Thia Is get ting tedious. It does not speak high for Portlaud critic, Tbey may use high flown language, which It takes a long ladder to reach, but thry In rare cases write good sense or give iioim r crilictsm. I Hey are too at .eh like two or threw r t l.ui. . it. .. .......i... i - HSIe llreillCllS aSSodStloU. SS tobi US by mm who was I here. Notic wot . given of two or three speeches whhdi did not ocrjurat all.the reporter- rely lug iiuieiy o.i a f.rifitl urmur-tn. U-lnsr UtOemhktm Of their duty to he present t hsmele. (ifowlng sectmnts of events are often mads in the same way, bsirig noticeable principally for the irasgiu stive powers display ssl. Nearly all of the strolling trsup have learned tho trick of the hi'sinea. and manage io make a good thing from the cats paw of the Portland papers out of the credu lous pi op le of f he val l . It bnsgntten bod that all a company baa to do Is to go to Portfsnd first am fee ths paper there. and then rush through the s'sfe without noticing f he country press, but (hey generally, I am glad to amice, get burned pretty lively before thev completely tun the gauntlet. A good entertainment deserves patronage, A imor one does not. It Is time that all inferior euurtsinraents were complete ly repudiated. Farmers shou'd remsrr bsr that J J On bruit le has on hand s stock often feet bid der whips. Csll on Ium. w-Do wrii rreek Schawl. Tha McDowell Creek School closii a three month term on the 2kb uf Jane. The following was the program : Large and Littlev-KUa Humphrsv. Pylon berg sf ter Plodden-Koeetts Gay lord. Tka Ijast lAf -Boris Osylerd. The Tin Tyjss -.Vottls Cwdery. Her Front Name's Hannah- Ids Or chard. I he Weather Rimer Cuietiborer. ftoadin,; Mirtnday of W..ungron -PaUlo Oaylor. RtpOfltBMUB g izAhotb Umenh.der I h.. Slave of the It-ail Neub- Cir, ssT Ihe Utile In-Willie Fner Burial of Sir J o.rt Moor -i.'hsr'rs tier lord -The rests! Board Ml 'Jrico. li-.injf t Mleep Ktta Hun-ohr-v. DiahirfiiMHow's My Koy - i' Umy- i.r.i sri.i f rsnK owderv. Ah. Come ttnl Wooing -Bmiaa saylurd. TOO or No -Frank Cowdery. iJifen Klstsor'a Howtr Nettie Cowdery. I losssg io s-tvMi Ifrsmets Crmmhofer. Crusty He It hir -Hsu e Gaylord. Dialogue-Cues h'.g-Burisa and Charles liawor I and te.trhm . Carlo, Jane snd M Ida Orchard . Tumbling Ootrgies - Francis Umenhofer. Dialogue Htnctiy Confidential -Netn Cowdery snd Psttie Usylord. Never Desfatir-Kua Unmphrey. Kiadbur spider and Fly Huriaa fJy lord and NeUte Cowdery. The Missr Miss Oriute. Dialogue Age- Psirio Gaylont and N-tiie Cowderv. Moruing Kaiable William Umenhofer. House Maid Utilise Gaylord. Heading Contrasted Soli lor; u lee bv teaohor. w Song by school. AMasriA GaiMB, Teacher. The Past Office will be open oo J sly 4th from 10 s. m., to 2 p. m. No money order or register business wdl bo transat t -d. ssos l unarii. Friday c renins, Jdneteih, An adjourned tree .in,- ot the Oomnion Counetl eras held on last Kfklay t u flO waa sppmnriatcd h as "expander" tor ths Are department. The aatter of catch baeitts en ft-sadatbin sewsr was referred to the ComiSiMee on s r jets a id I ubtlc Property . The ci'.j Recorder waa directed to issue a warrant fer ths collection of delissovat taxes. A pruui.n for a sewer in alley in Block 10 was laid n the table, and on for bridge across discs ea 4th street at junction of Thurston street was refei re I ta Committee on Streccts, PetlUes of J A Gross fer redaction of license was rsfsrred to City Attorney. Licensee were craeted Faber Bro'a. A lhrir, J A Grass, Harry Walters, Chan Keifar Marx Oaunt art for setting liquors. Street improvements wars ordered on Ferry, Wash larton, Filth, Third, Broadalbin and KUensworth Streets. Esleriy Twiae Madias Msrvesaers. We have the agency for this popular ma chine for the coming harvest. They gav0 better satisfaction lost season than any other machine sold. We will not be un dersold by any machine, A largo (apply of extras of every part oi these machine always on hand, Call and see them. Bcrxhirt Baos. It ft c Juat received a case of ths Celebrated Ball Coil Sping Corset, the only corrst that can be returned after three week's wear if not satisfactory. These corsets sre bought direct from the uianufactuier, saving one profit and enabling me to give better value for the money than any other corset. All styles and qualities always ou hand. Samcel E. Yovno. MOXKV TO LOAN. We have money to loau in sums to suit from one to tiye years time, at 8 per cent interest. Br UK hart Bros. M A at at I R D. LONG -GAR RETT. Ou June 25th, 1883, at the Exchange Hotel in Albany, by Oferge Humphrey, Esq., Mr. C. Id. Lotto and Miss Ella Garrktt, hot i of Harris- burg. This happy young coupl e are bound to have a iomj life at least. May they also be prosperous ones. QAMBRINUS. On iiu after July 4th Mr. Gross at the Depot Hute g will keep the celebrated Qambrinos beer on draught. All who appreciate the best ceol beer are invited to call. Sealed Proposals. The trustees of the Willamette United Presbyterian Ccuroh of OakviMe, will re ceive sealed bids for painting their church building up to July 10th. Specifications may bo seen at J. B. Couey's, The trus tees renerve the right to reject any or all bids, By order of trustees. Wsr. Court, J, B Couky, Johw BAinos. When Baby was sick, we gave her CASTOBXA, When she was a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, When alio became Miss, she clang to CASTOBXA, When she had Children, she gave them CASTOJUA.