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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1885)
hsreh Mrstart . P. Cuvwm. PraohingTry 8bbth, At 11 a. L , Mid 7 r. at. by Rsf. Fh U. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 8:90 r. M Prayer moetfcg vry Wdnfjday rming. KvawobucilCboho. s-Wohingon Rab Vath at II a. m. a aad 7. r. u. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer masting very Than day voning. J. A. Holleubaugh, pastor. OONORMATION At Ckt V 9CM. &WrTUy Sabltath at 11 A. M. nd 8 r. M. Sabbath School At 12:1 A. Pryr meeting on Thursday evening of aoa wssk. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K. Choch,Sootk. PrMobiag vsry Sabbath iiioruinir at 1 1 o'clock A. at. - hath School at 10 o'olook A. M. Praya meeting evsry Thursday eveniug o'olook. F. M. Coin, I'm tor. M. K. ClH'RCK. SoUTH.TANQs'HT. PrAAch ing ovary Sabbath at 3:30 o'olook, r. u. Sab bath School at Ml o'olook, r. M. F. M. tulp, Pastor. M. K. CaoRcn. lrMhiag every Sabbath At 11 A. at. and 7 r. M. Song aerviee m the eveninir before sermon, Sabbath School t 2.39 " Prayer meeting every Ihura day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. Pkkmbytkkiak Church. Servioe every!uth nutrniiitf And evening in Churoh cor. Broadalbiu and Fifth SU. Sunday School At 2:90 p. nu Prayer meeting every Wednesday cveninfl. lie v. laaac H. Coudtt iiMtor. Christian Church . Preaching every Sab- oath at W. ft T. U. 11 a.m. 7:30 I M. Sunday Sahool at half pMt 2 o'olook r m. Kev J T rToyd. paatoi. FiRirr Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock a. m., at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after meruiniz aervicee. Prayer meeting every ThumUv eveniniv at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Uiownsoa. dm tor. UsfiYERAALtT Chvrcii. -Praching every RCond and fourth Sabbath of each month at Crawford's Hall at 11 o'olook, A. M., Ana 7 o'clock, r. u. Sabbath School at 12 m. To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. KEABNY ST )CO corner of Com mer ctal. Dan rranclaco, Cal aVaut-itans-i in lasa, ior the treatment of Sexual and mine! ins, suck as .arrtara. Cirri, atrlrtare. Mhllla M sit lie forms, sesalaal I mo tear J, sjuI la ui aianniKMi nuiuuintl mirad. Tha sick ami aOTu leU slumm i...t ful l, ll uimvii kim. The lioetor lis traveled xtsWly In Europe, and inspected ihorouahlr the vsrious hospitals thsre, aMaoiing a fpraat Jeal ol ralupble infonuaUon, which be Is oompeleat to Im parl to those In MM ol his ae: vices. The loct.r curve when others fail. Try him. DR. UIHltON will make ao charge unlaw be effect a cure. Persons el s distance 4 1 KK3 AT MS- All oommunica Uons strictly coundeoUal. Ail UUers enswarsd in plain en t elopee. tfeud ten dollars far s package " naalioin. Call or writ.. Addraas IR. J. V. OiHUOK. Bo 1967, Sau Praaeico, Cal. t Msntian Albany UsaotaaT.) Sheriffs Sale. Jh Ike Citrmit Court o A Stat Orryom for tkt Com mi y of Linm : BY VI im'E OP AN EXECUTION DULY ISSUED out of the i in uit Court, of the StaU of Oregon, tor 4y, tested of date June Mh, A D, leeo, (ana Irsoted.) npoo a Judgment, (and decree of lore of mortgage.) duly rendered In the seal Court and enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's office of said esmtty. on October nth, ItAM, la Uvor of the New Kngtaod Mirttagi Samrlly Ciawjsay, as PhdntnT and against UanaUal Parrlah, L i Parriah, U E Parrlab, Lura A Parriah, H E Parrlah, Sanaa M Parriah, Aug i iiitu and P Landt, partnsre doing bueinses ander the Una name of Him and Latndt, Barnard Held and Haniuei llelbmn.psjooers doing busirtees under the Arm naase of Held Broa.aad Co.and I Seflg and B Newman, partners doing MMMbS under the Arm name of Selig and Newman. a Drfendan'e, for the sara of (fM77.bO), three thousand law hoadred and seven Bfty hundreilbe doi'sra Is I'l gold cots, with interest on (fjXSU), three thousand two hundred and lid v dollars, thseaaaf, from January let, ISss, at Sevan per cent per annum, and on (SS7.50) two bun drel and twenty erven and Aft) hundredths dollars thereof, from January 1st, UM, at ten per east per annum, and the further sum of (I ISO) one hundred and sixty dollars special Attorneys less, aad (tm.) one hundred and nineteen and twenty flvs hundredths dollars, seats and disbursements, all actually doe said PUmMTupon said judgment, from the Defendants, Gamaliel Parrlah and L i Parriah, and a decree of foreclosure of mortgage upon the hereinafter desenb- ses la said decree described as follows to-wit : The half of the donation land chum of Gamaliel Fai rish and Lydkx X Parriah his wilt, Nutihcaton No, SOffO, in sections No. (6) tee, fl) Ms, (7) eseen, and (8) stsrht. In Township No. (U) thirteen, south of Range No, (2) two, west of the Willamette meridian snMslalag aTlee-lAe aoree,(seeepling 100 acres out of ths eoafksast corner heretofore deeded to Henry Parriah, described as follows ; Beginning at the south essteorner of said claim and running thence north seventy dngTBes and forty-five minutes west, forty aad 80-100 (40 80-100) chains ; thence north fifty grees and forty -nine minotee east, thirty -eight and 3100 W 38-100) chains ; thence south sixty two de grees aad forty minutes east, twenty-one aad 18-100 (2118-100) chains; thence south nineteen and fifteen minutes west, twenty-nine (29) chains to IM ffMM of begininr.g Ar,.i., the nori of tin southwest quarter, noatainhag 40 acres, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, con toning 40 acres, and the southeast quarter of the njrthwest noarter, containing; 40 acres, and aho LaU No. two (2X three (S), and four ( containing 101 88-100 acres, aU in Section Mo. (8) eight, in Town ship No. (13) thirteen south, of rangs No. (2)- two. west of the Willamette meridian, in all 221 88-100 acres, and being a part of the donation land claim o' James Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor his wife. Notifica tion No. 4488. The land above described containing, in all 443 fll 100 acres, situate in Linn county, Oregon. I did on June 8th, A. D. 1880, duly levy opon and aeua said above described premises, and by virtue thereof, and of said writ and order of sale, I will on Friday, July 17th, A. D 1885, at the hour . of ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court Houaa door at Albany in Linn county, Oregon, duly ael! said premises at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder, to satisfy aa d judgment and decree, cosu and accruing costs. Dated June 9th, A. D. 1886. J. K, ClIARl.TOM, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. C. C CHIHKT, O.B.PvaCSi ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Baoceaaors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, MvvTigM, and Im Yonndeni. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and Are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Iron and Bram Castings. PATTEKNS MAM BaTT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kind of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator M.ef f if i hf1l 'BrjB'Tr'TMkjn ,nore money than at any WW JaaLaaUW thing else by takinir an agency forth best selling book out, Beginners u ceod graudly. None fall. Terms free, Hallktt Boo Oo Portland, Maine, DR. VAKMONCISCAR. Late or Niw Yo.ta, ko,- loc atcd No. 188 and 184 Tuiao Strikt, ooasaa or Aldbr, Portland - Oregon MA If A H ' the moat "eoeeMful Lung V V MH and Throat Doctor in AmerT oa, Ue wi. i tell you your trouble without askings single uuesti'in, and warrant a peranaacat cars lu the following diseases : Nervous Debility, 8ner matorrhoea, Heminal Losses, sexual Decay, Falling Energy, loipuvrlbed lllood, Pimple, Impediment t. Marriaire : also. Blood and Hit in Disease. MvDhilis. inaeaa, t Eruptions, Hair Falling, Bone Pain, 8wllinge, bore Tltroat, Mouth, Tungus, Ulcers, KReet of Ms muuL.i, iiriiu. uiwia, ..ww ui n.rvurjr, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Weak Back, Burning (,'rine, Inuotitineiice. U'lnorrhoea, Gleet. Htrieture received earuhing treatment. Prompt relief and uured for life without hindrance to business. Sir B-rril SEXES conault confidentially, If in trouble call or write. Delay are dangerous. Con sultation, personally, or by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor, thousands cured. Office and parlors private. You see no one but the Doctor. Before con fiding yonr ease oonanlt Dr. O,. Van. A friendly let ter or call may save you future suffering aad shame, slid add golden year to life. Medicines sent everywhere,- secuse from exposure. Office hours 8 to t. Term for traaunent, strictly sash. ruK I IT tHP- rlvale IMa,eaar. l7 400 Oesry til., Han Francisco Csk fiC O Conducted hy vjualtfled Physlilaiia and Nunreona ragnlar graduates. aV The Oldest se'lallste In the t'tilUwl Mates, llfo loiur eNrlence, iisrfsct nici IkhI ajtiO pure medU'lue, Insure speedy and ieriitaneut ctiree of all Private, Chronic and Nervlous lHaeaeas Anectlons ol the HUmmI, skin. Ktdnets, Hlatldvr, Kruptlous, I' leers, Old hores, Ha-elllny ol tks Uland. Soic M oth, itirost Hone I'alns.pemmnenl'v clirvtl mid eradl catetl 1 1.. in the vat em lor lite. NMtkle)I R 1'ctolin . luipoteuey, Heinlual Losses, Sexual lUnay. Men UI and Ph steal W eakness, ratlliir Memory, Vteak Kyee, Htuiited lie velopuienl,liuiedliiieuts Msriia-e etc .from exccaai i youthful lollies, or any cause, . safely and uilvately cured. luuni. Middle Aged snd old nieu, andall who need medical skill and experience, consult the old KuroK-au Physlclsu at once. Ills 1 opinion ciwte ii.'ilotiL'. end may save futuie misery and shame When inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere hy free from oiwrrveuon. n is e-.i ........... ..... a phvsiclan who gives Ids whole etienuon o a c.aa. of dleraa,..ttaln"kreal skill, and physlcts.i. through out ths eountry.kuowniK una. mnpie... .. dlfncult cases W the ld.t a,HHiaHsl, by whomever) known Rtvtd remely Is nsetl. The IKiotor . age aim i .v., oi.iiii.oi ,.t kupreiuv Imiairtaiu'e. JTl'hoae who call see no one oil me i-...... v... . . , - . , . ....... tr., .ii. aacreOIV ih.iiiui.'ih... . hich have failed In obtaining renei aeiin iiim uil. .n. itml Ketiiale diseases sucoeesiuiiy in au-.i IV. .Ill L.1 fol fell tl.tMU foT S Cil-e till dken. not cured. Call or write. Hours, dally .Irom II a 111 to 4 11. III.. l ol evcioilli- . .-....-.-, . . . I . . Uit.i. ... in to Health. 1 onlv. Hen. I lor wis naiuiaiiav " . . . . . H . . I. 1... ... sent free. Address as euov- lest. LIKBIti'R MendrrfNl 4.rranan Invlaurator Permanently prevents sll Cnnalural lases from the vat. in, tones me ucrvea, anv.m. ....... cheeks the waste. Invigorates the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and HapPluesa. The reason sa many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, txiea id Manhood, etc.. is uwtug to a cow plication, called Proetatorrhea with Hy Israel hesla, -i,... I. iciiliar (real m. Ml Uf. bleblg's In ......r.i..r .. ih onlv iMtsllivecure for Proalatorrhea, with iHvultar silal trvaiinent, used at the MM I..., aWkSBBW srte. or lav MMMWr. . fsae l sU M.tllca flO. ttenl to any sddreas, covered sevum ob sen at ion. M...I la.werful electric lielUl free to laitielits. To provs the wonderful power td Ihe Invlgurator A B1 Sallle 4.1 ven r sen I tree. Cousultatuui free and private. Call or address 1.1 Kit HI BinrKXRAKV. 400 Uearv hlrrel, Han Prau Private entrance, 406 Mssou ntreet, lou Geary BUect from Kesinc). Maiueiitran Disensary Drug dtore. PATENTS Obtained, and all other buaiueee in the C. 8, Patent Office altvndeded to for nnalerate fees. Our office is oppoalt the 1.8. Patent Office, and wa can obtain Pateuta less Urns than those remote from Waahiugton. . bend modls or drawing. We a"' t) jwietit ability free of charge ;iial iluat o cltarge unless w obtain patent. . We refer here, to the Postmaster, lbs Supt. of Money Order Div. and to idtlcuus ufthel. K latent Oil.x'. Furdfxular. advtce, terms, and fereoeee o actual cliebla in v our own State or county, eddrem C, A. swowtico Qai""aRi FalasA Ossoa, Waawaagfna, D SAN WA VIX. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MERCIIANI8IN0 Bl'SL NksS. Rica, las and Japaneae gaia. IsMWff and err lot has, so'd at bottom prtces. Conlractr fur China labor. AaT Ne x t to Citv Bank. OF ANOTHER ACE. rM)avalijr aappiaaie.i hy a ateUer Article irrtala old Tlsaea are Bene Away. It. the vanaral reewoUou room of the Wvatern Uuioo Telegraph building oo Hr.axdwav. New York, are exbibiud the faVJBsaj erode and clumsv ineim menu of the InUney d the telegraph "They are only relic uw. More rfect machinery has super detl Ineni. Yea's k what is styled th old laahkoned partnts plaster dm a..n.. gtMt arvn.. There a as then nin ing ltlr ul Uie altod. Nov all that has chanced ttclsnoe and aluay have g.aue deeper Into the ssx-rrU d medu-iiM, sua lvalues BKSHnS'.H'.O1 INK IllU OL'S PLASTER, which smtaaalee all tha ecelleniies thus far pusatbie la an external remedy. The ok! slow tne l aa tne l rapui . iney wore In lb Capctne sura, i near wiii m hear similar names Be careful, therefore, Otat sums thrift) druagist doss M daewOe yoo. Pi Ice StesstaL aVmbury A Johnson, Chemist, Meat York. CH0NG HUNG. Waahcs and Irnnr rlothcH la find cl stylo, at reasonable rate. aHMRsWMt U Lee. One door aoath of Kevere llouwe,oo Kl Is worth Street. ALBANY ItKiiON Sheriff's Sale. In the CitruU Court of thr StaU oj ttrr.jtm for Lion County. J oats B Tlsunennan, Plaiitlff. vs. A J Houston, Defendant, J. .TICK la hereby aiven that by virtue f an esectt fTa Uon issued out of the above named Court In tbe abov enUtled suit on the 13th day d May, ltfn., and to me directed and delivered. 1 did on Uie Hth day o Mae. Iaa6. lew upon Ihe real pioperty hereinafter deacribed, and on Saturday the 7th day of June IHfii, at the Court Hooee door in Albany, Linn coun. ty, Oregen at the hour of 1 o'cloek, p. m 1 will sel at public auction for cash in hand to ths highest bid ber the property heietofore levied upon and describ- ed as follows, to-wit : Lot seventy four, sevenly- Bv. sixty-seven, sittyeight, one hundred and thirty, aiitv-nlne and seventy in tbe city of bck., in Uon eonnty, Oregon. Also beginning at tbe sutheat cornet of Uit seven ty in said city of Hcio, ami running thence west, three hundred and scTintv-sit and one half feet to the southwest corner of Lot aevnty-flve in said city tbe nee south to the north ben of Thomaa Creek thence in an easterly direction along tbe north hank of aid Creek to a point opposite ami i a line with the mat line of said Lot seventy ! thence north to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the southwest corner of Lot seventy-one In said city ; thence east fifty feet; tbencs n:rth sitteen feett thence east tyfeet ; thence north thirty four feet to the north east corner of said Lot ; thence west one hundred feet to the northwest corner of said Lot ; thence south to the place of beginning, all in Linn comity, Oregon. Tbe proceeds of said sale to be applied ; First to the payment of costs and disbursement and accruing costs of and upon thia writ. Hecond to the payment of Plaintiff claim of four thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine and 07-100 dollar with interpret at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1841, and four hundred and ninety-four and 27-100 dollar Attorneys fees, leas the umof 11086 1M-100 paid thereon May 2nd, 1886 . Third the re mainder, if any there be to be paid to the aaid A J Houston or bis legal reprueenlatlv. Dated May 28th, 188.'.. J. K. Charlton. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. per Jab. J. Charmon, Deputy. Tho BuiMlef Guide Is wind March Bavl HepC, fBAffil yetir: 221 ii.nn 1 V Inchca, vith over li.UH) Hluatiatwms--1 n whole picture pallery. Given wholesale prices direct to coneumen on all good, fat pcreotiiil o Fn'An how to give exact ery tiling you eat, wear, or siih. Ther-a launly usto. or!cr, end cofct of ev t;se, driri'c, Lva fun invaluahlo h-anod from i i . iK-oKscoiu:!.n in:ormaton r the in3r!:cln cf the world. tVewillninil aoopj Froe; to uuj aihireM rnon receipt of the postage cent. Let li hear from you. J Itespeclfully, MONTCOMERY WARD fe CO. Bit ah SMS Wabash Areaaa Chteaaw. ILL Assignee's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, As eiguee of the estate of Alfred Whealdun, an in solvent debtor, will on the 27th day of June, 1885, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of aaid day, at public auction, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, aell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following des ciibed real property, situated in Linn county, Oregon, to-wit : The south half of the Donation Land Oasfaa o Alfred Whealdon and Dorothy A, Wiiealdon h'a wife, Kot. No. 4107, the aaid claim being the west half of Bectloii 26 itiTp. 12, eou'.h of range 3, wcat o the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, con taining 160 acres. Also the life estate of the aaid Alfred Whealdon aa tenant by the curtesy in the north half of aaid Donation Claim, the same being the half thereof, lately owned by the wife (now de ceased) of Alfred Whealdon. Also Lota one (1), two (2), three (3). four (4), Ave (6), six (0) and seven (7) of Section 14, Tp. 12, 8 H, 2 west, containing in all 165 07-100 acres, saving and excepting therefrom 76 acre heretofore sold therefrom, all ai .uated in Linn c ounty, Oregon. Dated May 2th, 1886. GCO, V., CHASaKSLAI-V, Assignee, Ww tmtM. FRIDAY JUISE 26, 1885 When a couple are engaged thero Is neltloui any sensible reason why Ell the work! shouhl not know it, and thereforo the new fdahion of announ cing engagements Just before a prom inent ball and having the ladles and BrenU.siiien ul.ito J by their friends i-t to be commended. To be sure, If the enHgement la afterward broken, tho thought of theae public congratulations would bo embarrass ing; but if tho fdahion tonda to pro vent promises of marriage being lightly given it will serve good pur poses. The girl who might say yes when aakod to marry, with the men tal reservation that If anything better cornea Rloug,she wltl contrive to keep lur word, will think twice h!k tit It If ahe has to go through with such a form. Marriage engagements are fre quently too lightly entered Into and set aside. The engagement should be nearly as sat-rod a contract as the roatriRge itaelf, and It should be such an engagement lieu lth parties would be proud to have It kr.own among all thtlr common ticqUiilot ances. TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tho Qrsatsat Medical ' lnmph of ths Age" SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. l.oeeafappetlie. Dowels retell ve. Pain la ths head, with a dall aeneatisa In ths back Barf. Tain under lbs aboalder blade, Paltaree after rating, with a die tnrllnatlon to rarrttoo of body or sslsd. Irritability of temper, Law spirits, with a feeling sfbnelng neglected asms dnty, Weariness, Dtxxlaeee. Flattering nt lbs Heart. Hole befsrslbs erce, llsnelasbs aver ths right ere. Ksstleaaaeea. with ttiful dreama. Highly colored I rlne, aad CONSTIPATION. TtTTT't riUUB ar sapsclaliy fttlaptod In such eases, one doee effect suoh A clianaof feeiling aatn tiaionlahtiioauffersr. They tnrrast the A cause tae lHly l. lake ou riti ou tllt.hua lb. svi. m Is l by their Total Artloat the WUraett v Ornaiaa.KeaTutar ntmo asjB ss -vi urray m. HAIR 0 Ukat II AtB or WiitKRM Changed f s a Gumo lifLACJt by a single applloatlon of till DTK. it impart a a uatnrai oumr, act lntanlanouly. Bold hf Drugglfits, or aent by oxpreaa on receipt of ft. Office, dV4 Murray St., Now York. HAGAN-S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beautv. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and you cant tell DR.SANF INVIGORATOR is jast what its name implies ; a Turcljr Vegetable Compound, that nets directly upoa the Krer ; curing the many diseases irideoyo thit im portant organ, and piat:ing the nu merous ailments tJtririsc frcm its ction, ucli as idtce, BUiousness, ia, Sick-headache, etc. It u therefore a ri i To have Gcod Health lire! must be kept ir. order." ml Saurroao's litih &navaxa& In vL'omtcs the Liver, v- nlaics Ihe IJow eN, Btrengthena tho Hyntt :n. PuriUcs iho Blood , AihiHta DtontaOO, Vrwt r.H Fcvt rg. Is a HouAehoM Ni-id. An liivaltiahto Family Mcdirino for fffriltafffi CooipiallstB, KL IAJrr0H3'3 LWZtL tSV&OSLLTCaL. inexperience tf Forty yean, and I'lo-i. sands f 7'(ttinvmoU prove its M tit. TOIl BALK BY ALL DKAf KUH IN MtBBKDKm, Toe fall information vnd your address ftr 10 ya'jo iviok on trie "i,ivr ami ira oia-aa.-, to bu. sanroui. Ct 9Uaaa sr., a- iuua enrg. Summons. In tJu Circuit Court of the StaU of Oregon, for Linn eonnty. Hamuel Porter, PlainLiu. rn. James H Yarbrcugh and Mary K Yar- rougii, ueretitiatita, To James M Yarltrowjh and Mary E Yar- itrowjh, IM Itefentlant above named : N THE NAMI'J OK THE HTATK OF Oregon ysu and each or you are hem by required to appear and annwer the complaint or the above plaintiff in tbe above entitled Court now on file with the Clerk of said Court on or before the find day of the next regular October term,lM85. thereof, to wit : On er before tbe 26th day of October, 1885, and yon are hereby noti fied mat u ou fan to appear and answer Maid complaint as hereby required, tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe Court tor tbe re lief demanded therein, to. wit: That you and each of you be required to set forth tbe nature and character of tbe estate ar interest claimed by you or either of you in or to the following described real prop erty, to-wit: Being notification No. 2577 and designated aa claim No. 62. being all the donation land claim of aaid defend ants, (except 147 68-100 acres deeded to Matilda Cran field ; 62 50-100 acree deeded to Jame Willoughby ; 22 26-100 acres deeded to W Willoughby and 5 acres deed ed to Lamar Cbeadle,) containing 403 25 100 acres, or any part thereof, and that the same be ascertained and determined by aid Court ; and in the events that you fail to appear and set out and show what es tate or interest you claim in or to said real property, then lor a decree of eaid Court quieting the title of plaintiff to said prop erty, adjudging that neither of you have any estate or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof adverse to the estate and interest of the plaintiff, and perpetually enjoining you and each of you from in any manner In terfering with the possession and estate of plaintiff threin, and from in any manner claiming or asserting that they or either of them have any interest or estate in tbe same or any part thereof adverse to the estate and interest of the plaintiff, for the costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed and for such other and further re lief as may be equitable and just. This summons is published in the State Rights Dbmocbat by order of Hon K P Boise, Judge of said Court,made at Cham bers in the city of Salem, Oregon, on the 22nd day of April, 1885. Wkatherpord fe Blackburn, Attorneys for Pigiotifl TU1T8 BHDS WAHIf IN4.TOX I4KTTKR. ((rum our rvgular oorrt-oiidiit.) Washington, Junk, Gib, 1886. Notwithstanding tbe hot weather already felt In Washington, learn that the President and his Cabinet propose to remain hero all summer. Tbero had been talk of going to Sol dier' Homo, which place had been a convenient dog day's retreat fur Pres cient since President Lincoln set tbe fashion. But It Is now said that Mr. Cleveland will remain at ihe White House right through tho hot season and set an example to several thou sand offensively delicate republican clerks, who have considered a autit mer in this city a thing to tie shun ned as deadly, or worse, vulgar. a a a n a Washington, nowever, is not now tbe heated and suffocating place of former days. Its many .parks cooled by shadotreosand fountains and made luxurious with seats and piv6dwalks furnish abundant and convooienl es cape from the ardent rays ol the sun. The asphalt 11 in streets that were wont to absorb host throughout the day and radiate it during the night, thus making day and night intolerable, are now shaded with the trees plant od ten years ago and tbe mean sum mer beat has been summarily reduc ed about three degrees. If you take your stand on the top of the Washing ton Monument, you will be able to see tho cause of improvement. You Will overlook a labyrinth ot young and vigorous shade trees. In a lew years Washington wilt be the forest city of the Nation. The trees shade not only the grand boulevards where fashion In livery taken its drive, but the squalid shanties of Virginia and Maryland avenues are also shaded. There are about 00,000 shade trees along the streets In Washington and many wore in tbe different parks. It has been estimated that the city has 125 miles of shaded streets. It was the plan of .those who have had the matter in charge to plant tbe nar rower streetawlth two rows of trees, aid many of the wider ones with fxir rows. This plan had in the main been carried out Bet out in ftingle tile twenty five feet apart the trees would extend from Washington to New York, planted In a grove with a space 0 iwentyfWe feet be tween the trees, they would form a forest of 800 acres. The last few years have made great changes In the appearance of Washington. Your correspondent has resided here but twelve years, but be bai seeu in leas than half that time whole streets of negro shanties gtve place to tho elegant houses of claim agents, mail contractors, and millionaire Sena tors the BlaineV,tho Dorsye's and tho Uobeson'a who flour ihed during the .unctuous Presiden cies of Grant and Hayes. The city has now a population of more than 200,000 and tbe wealth of the couu try is dally seeking investment here. Retired wealth finds here a larger number of attractions for a winter residence tban iu the larger Eastern cities. But It is in the summer that tbe city is really most attractive. Cool, spacious parks then take the place of heated and crowed drawing rooms. Who would not prefer para- distf to itandemonium? It is not re markable that the President has de cided to spend tho summer here. He Is less a sybarite tnan any Presi dent sinceLincoln,and the thermom. eter at oloety has no terrors for him surrounded by the grand trees of the White House grounds. His Cabinet will also remain here. The Secre tary of the Interior and the Attorney General know the advantages of a summer in this climato as compared with that of their native cotten belt. Secretary Bayard will leave every Saturday to see his family at his an cestral home in Deleware, returning to the State Department on Monday. The othor Secretaries will remain here, as will also the Chiefs of Bur eaus, and a much larger proportion ol clerks tban have hitherto remained in the city. Many clerks (cannot leave because of the new rule prohib iting leave to those who have been absent from sickness or other cause for thirty days. Other? are not will ing to go because they are afraid of finding big Democrats Iq their places when they return. A scientist, lecturing In Philadel phia on coal, says it takes a prodlg- ous amount of vegetable m inter to form a layer of coal ; that it is esti mated that the present growth of the world would make a layer only one- eighth of an inch thick, and that It would take 1,000,000 years to form a coal bed 100 feet thick. The United States has an era of 440,000 square miles of coal fields ; 100,000,000 tons of coal were mined in this countrv v last year, enough to run a ring around the earth at tbe equator 5 feet wide and 5 feet thick, and there Is enough coal In the United States to sunnly - a a r the whole world for a period of 1500 to 2000 years. When coal is burned for illuminating purnoses at least ninety per cent is wasted. Saloon keepers in Princeton, III., are required to pay $1200 a year license. aa I a- Belle Boyd,tne ex-Confederate scout, is teaching school at Little Rock, Avk. ilan res Salefbeap A square piano, eoat $ 550, will be sold at a stscrlfic) for cash, For particular call st this office, rvt ACTS PLAVRB 1 Sad ftaport Abnnt 1: -President Arthur" Will Ike Hfjh aad f inal Art be a Trassd. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. "Dr. Lincoln who was at the (uneral of ax-Secretary Krelioghuysen, says ex- President Arthur looked very unwell. He is suffering from Bright' disssse. During tbe past year it lias assumed a very aggravated form." That telegram is sot IV. of a drama written by ex.Preaident Arthur's phy sicians. In act I. be was made to ap pear in "Malaiis," of which all th country was told whe-u ha went to Florida. In Act II. bs repiosentfd a tired man. worn down, walking tbs sands at Old Point Comfort ami looking eastward over the Atlantic toward Kutopefora longer test. Tho curtain rolls up for Act III. ui-ou the distinguished actor affected with melancholy Irom bright' disease, while Act IV discovers him with tho disease "in an aggravated form, suffer ing iuteasely, (which is unususl) and about to take a sea voyage." Just such as this is tbe plot of many dramas by play w rights el tin medical profession. They write tbe hrst two or three sets with no conception of what their character will develop in the iioal one. They have not the discernment for tracing in the early, what tbe latter im personations will be. Not one pbyi clan in a bundled has the adequate microscopic and chemical appliances for discovering blight's disease in its early stages, and when many do Dually com prehend that their patients are dying with it, when death occur, they will, to cover up tbeir ignorance of it, pro nounce the fatality to have been caused by ordinary ailments, whereas these ailment are really result of bright' disease of which tbey ate uoooascious victims. Beyond any doubt, 80 per cent of all deaths except from epidemics and ac cidents, result from diseased kidneys or liver. If the dying be dis.ioguished aad his friends too intelligent to be easily deceived, hi pbysicisaa perhaps pronounce tbe complaint to be pericar ditis, pyaemia, septicaemia, broochiti, pleuritis, valvular, lesions of tbe heart, pneumonia, etc. If the deceased be leas noted, i malaria" is now tbe fash ionable assignment of tbe cause hi death. But all tbe same, named riaht or a named wrong, thia fearful scourge gath ers them in ! While it prevails amun persons of sedentary habits, lawyer, e'ergymeo, congressmen, day laborer and mechanics, though tbey do not su pwt it, because tbeir physicians keep it them, it indeed ibey are able to ditect I It sweeps thousands of women and children into untimely grave every year. Tbe health gives way gradually, the strength is variable, tbe appetite fickle, tbe vigor gets lea and less. This ita't malaria it ia the besinniotr of kiloey diaeaae'and will end who does n t know bow T No, nature baa not been remit.. In dependent research hss given an infal lible remedy for this common disorder ; but of course the bigoted physicians will n it use Warner's Safe Cure, because it la a private affair and cuts up tbeir practice by restoring tbe health of those who have been invalids for year. Th new saying of "how common bright' disease is becoming among prominent men !" is getting old, and aa the Englishman would aay, sounds "stupid" especially "stupid" since this disease is readily detected by the more learned men and specialist of this disease. But tbe "common run ' of physicians, not detecting it, give the patient Epsom salts or other drugs pre set ibed by tbe old code of treatment under which their grand-fathers and great-grandfathers practiced ! Anon, we hear that tho patient is "comfortable." But ere long, maybe, they "tap" him and take some water from him and again the "comfortable'' story is told. Torture bim rather than allow bim to use Warnei'd Safe Care ! With such variations tbe doctors play upon the unfortunate until his shroud is made, when we learn that he died from heart disease, pyaemia, septicae mia or some o.her deceptive though "dignified cause." ExaPresidenb Arthur' oase is not singular ii is typioal of every such case. "He ia suffering intensely." Thia is not usual. Generally there is almost no suffering. He may recover, if be wiil act indepently of his physi cians. The agency named has cured thousands of persons even in the ex treme stages is to-day tbe mainstay of ths health of hundreds of thousands. It is an unfortunate fact that physicians will not admit there is any virtue out side tbeir own sphere, but as each school denies virtue to all others, the people act on their own judgment and accept thing by the record nt merit tbey make. The facts are case for alarm, but there is abundant hope in prompt and independent action. SCOTT'S EMULsION OF IT UK Lfver Oil. With Hrpopbaakitc. Iu Cod Fnluioaary Affections and Scrurulwua Dlaeaaea, Dr. Ira M. .Lang, New York, says : "I have, prescribed Scott's EmuLion and used it in my family and am great ly pleased with it. Have found it very serviceable in scrofulous diseases and pulmonary affections." TNiNcia re k;bbmkmiikkkd. That cream, lemon juice or waier will relieve severe sunburn, accord ing to the habits of Akin condition of the ruflerer. That boiling liquids, Jellies or fruits may tie turned into glass if you pre the bowl of a spoon on tho bottom while filling. That teething children may be re lieved of convulsions by belug immers. ed in a warm balh 'villi cold cloths on their heads. That you Hhouid breath through your nose instead of your mouth, tt pi'CiHily on coming from a warm room, or ball, Into tho dump night air. That pulverised camphor and lard slirred to a salve la excellent for croup or colds applied to the throat chest and nose. After which cover with soft fi tnnels. Wnen any farm crop commands a paying price, it is folly for the farmer to turn speculator and hold for a pos si bio riio. Once :t erop brings a price above the avvr.igo and hundreds of thousands of farmers Immediately Jump at the conclusion that they tea mike an extra profit by producing that crop, with tho result that in a few months the t amount n tho mar ket Is t'eiblfd or trebled, and prices fall lower than beforotho flrt rise. Not long ngo in New York Slut- some bales of hops were sold at sher Iff sale for seven eeoti per pound. These same hops at one time could have been sold at $1 or more per pound, but their owner had turtu 1 speculator acd expeiK tl Mill higher prices. While this Is an extreme ca-e, yet the Incident la suggestive to those who havefarm produce to sell, and especially to those who are owing tnouoy and dependent upon tbe teturns of sales of their crops for tho means of payment. The Astora bave beeu making New port their Summer home for seven or eight year. They began there the givir.g of elaborate dinner for twenty fivn or thirty people, with carefully gotten-up menus and bands'imely dec orated dinner table, and tbeir example has been followed. The number of roses used in garnishing dinner tables ia beyond all calculation, llajuid, at Newpoit, is thought "o have the larst hothouse faf rosea in the world. Mr. Aator bought hia houae of the Peruvian Mininter Barreada when he c..uii to New,., if. It ctt 1900,000. mm m eusii nheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica, l umb ago. Oacaacna. HeaoVc. TaothaeS. isre Thrai.frllla. i.rtt. flrul-a Hunt.. -lM. I I l Itllca. s 1 1.1. iintra snout rtv ustx oS b, lr4tlv a4 laaakr. faor.afc., rifiy Oaiaasattt SaiSM l l.asu Tni:i0 I!' . VI-..U Ktt CO. FOR Man and Beast. a Mustang Liniment is older tban most men, and used more and more every year. "atonab an Hat. ('Intra out rata, inter, ruache. flic, anO, bctl-bugr. Ilrarf lalBM. PaliuUlioit, Dropsical Swelling. Dirxlttc, Imii- tfimtKMi. Ilfuitat-hr, hliflik'saiHMS i-urtil l.y "Will., Ili-it I Hi Kuuewur. '-itoMitli an ('urn." Ask for Wells' "BtWfjB Corna." Uc. jjeUk, complete cure. Hard or suit corns, warta, Iniuwiis, "lliiriiu-IMIbH. 0,ulck, complete cure, all Kidney, itlallor ami Uruiary Una-Mac, Scalding-, Irritation, Sunie, Gravel, Catarrali of the Madder, el, lrugvlts. Rril-Bna. Fllr. Files, roaches, ants, bed-liuy, rat, mice, irophcrs, chipnuinkH, cleared out by "msifti uu Kats. U. Thin People. "Well's Health Kencwer" restore health and vigor oures lytfepia, lniiwtenee, Sexual Oebllity, ft. "Rott8 an Pain" Cures ekolera, colic, cramps, dlarrluea,ac)ie,patn, sprains, headache, iieuraljfia, rheumatism. 20 cent. Hough on Faiti Piaster, lc Mother. If you are falling-, broken, worn out and neivoua, e "Wells' Health Uunewer." 1. Orua-ista. Life Freaerver. If you aro loninir your grip on lif, try "Wells' Health Ketiewer." Uoe tlirtt-t to weak sp'oti. "ItoiiUli oh I'lles " Cures Piles or Hamori holds, lU'bing. ProfcriKUnir, Bleedlny, Internal or othor. lnUniui and extsraal remedy in each packaire. 8urecuret MX-. Priayiflaaa, Pretty Homcu. Ladlea aii.j would retain freshntn-s and v'vaePy. Don't fail to try "Walls' Health Renower." "Konah su lu ll. ' "Roufrh on Iteh" curca humorti, 1 1 u) ' i-.i-s.i ii wu! in, tetter, nail rheum, frosted last, chilblains. "'Ronsh on Catarrali." Correct offensive odors at once. Complete cure o worst chronic cases, also uuequaled as garj;l tor Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Foul Breath. f.0e. The Hope or Ihe Ration. Children, slow in development puny, sera i ny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Kenewer," ntarrti or tbe Bladder. Slinging, irritation, Infl unniatlon, all Kidney and Urinary complaints, cured by 'Buehu-Paiba.'- fl. "Water Bug. Roaches." "Rouji on Rats" clears them out, also Beetles, Aats, JBfca af flg lf 4 "JPf " GERlnEMEDi JULIUS GRADWOHL Hits the) only exelnalvf Nloek of CROCKERY, CLA88.8ILVER AND CHINA WARE 1 Large AsHortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Bug ONE DOZEN C?JPS AND SAUCERS $1.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E Till: BHOSIBST flARKKT P1M r: PAID for EsjfCat Remember! What I Say I Mean. Qire Ms a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- FRANK BROS IMPLEMENT COMPANY -DEALaCBS IN- Farm and Mill Machinery. La llello Wgons, MeMherry Drills ami Heeler, Huroni WalkltiK Plows, Buford'a tJanir and Sulky 11 -v lluforil'a Iti'lloK nJ WalUinK CalUeators, I'.twl.ll U h.i l Harrow. Tbi Olebrated Hollow T.ioth Harrow. Ktc K:c, c. FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY. Write for ('ataloKue. Address eii her FRANK BROS., IrMPL CO., PORTLAND. OR. JULIUS ORADVOHL, ACENT, ALBANY. OR, I10FI1IA -PllOPMKTOBS Of ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DKALEKS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries Candle- Nuts end Tropical Fruits. ONK L.K MaVUOW ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumbcr.laths and rickets kant constantly on i r hand v .! a - - J.m Ki a Bnwpn t.o nrtitii on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satislactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany FIIED GRAF," Manufacturers and Pcalurs In all kinds of FURNITURE, AND UNDERTAKERS. S First. Street'Alhany, Or R. J. TRUMBULL & CO., Growers, Importers and Dealers SKi:i)S, TREES AND PLANTS. 4:10, -121 S-eVN-SOZMIE ST., SAN FRANCISCO - - - - CAL Illuatrateii catalogues for 1885 freo on application. N. J. NEKTON, Notary Public and Insurance Agent. 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of the brat Fire Iu aurauee Cotnpauira on tho Coast. Oall on him for reliable insurance. KILLER BROS., I1EA1.KHS IS Field.Vflgetaules and Flower Seeds, Imperial Egg Food, Tools, Fertilizers, Etc., Etc. 209 SECOND ST. - PORTLAND.QR. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT 14 . AND Notary Public. L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) " Will keop a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON, W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyanc r. Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., - - SGIO, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Gounslor At Law, LEBANON, OREGON. Wil lpractice in all tho Courts In th State OUfeEAJND LOT l'OHSAl.E. 280 acres of land for sale, liouse and lot fsttuared in N , W, part of Scio. The land lies ' miles southeast of Providence Church. Unimproved, 100 acres open, balance brush. Inquire of J. L. M iJLLKit, Scio. Wilier A. WottJS Mr.wera, HeajM-rs ami Twine Hinder, Hoi iff- liouble Draper Headers, ( osie's Huiky Kaket (iaaricott V 'o,'a Kngine A Tb res ber, Cooper A ' Haw Mill Maehinery, Carriage, Spring Wagons, linckOoard Wagons, Ktc,. Klc, Etc. & JOSEPH, Oregon. S9y'. JOHN BK1GG.-S' STOKE. O V. K.B. T1S1K TALBE, Albany Mtation. UUABTIRE Or TRA1S. SOCSD KuRTIt. ALU A NT F.XrnESS Orfawta at FiiElOUT 1UA1.NS " b Jtn a. X :06 A. M . 11:a A. at. i2:"5 i'. X ft. 1 v Amvas as - - i.i.n.' t I .--rta at" sots aorra. I Arrive at i Departs at 11:43 A. M P M. 3:S0 P. M. &:3f. P. U. MV11. TBAIM ntKtOBT TKA1N " " -AUbANV l-:.i'UKSS Arr:r at AU Trats !.('! . except ftsnday. KoTicB. On and after this date regular tirkets will lx oId at oar tieket office for following pr int on Columbia river: Upper Cawadera, 1 alias Umatilla, Walfula, Walla Walla aud Ainsworth. Will. B. Rick, Fre'pht and Ticket Agent O. A C. R. U. Co. Albany. Jun 18tb, 188'. siwso 09 'an -nn-n ii irtj-"wiB3 pa cPH out 1 P103 'qJJBjsJiOffaiwo uuiiaiuniiuua Ul .jibumuj-.j vSIU jo spues 11 : tl.'.tT . . rlT T1'.I1 .It .1-1X1.1.1 ... .i-qjo -j.tK) ao dAisuo-jo asoa ot Uiuy a&isqosiP "l noX n ui-.D -joaura Xnqi qnrq ji qijvrao jo tj aoj AtKKD.m njjmn. aono -in jo BJUMiJiiuaJ aqj Xq pojojjo i OlisiviULva pan S.IOIIIS-IJLMV a eivxvtfoavxv i ail A t A 'A N VyTrxiarj "-is nraj -Hio-pdoij 0Cp30SSf B3p8S JBSUSdSIQ s(piOn OO'Q hoj tn?.,ic 31 Ual M 9 5ii UU I JU1UU slS'Sn jfx -Q pros morrdnmsnoo no s.ooq r. .u a at I Jo; fuuiu-fs ui innoo no) poos vpoinGJ u?.uoA08 sii! 'suorj ."iJD pdjpur pub 'uoji 'imiiio.) 'siisuoj oaaaas sIIHIuojit oqtnjjfi jo asoutJouj 'poo in jo aamidfj Siliini vo ja. jo On SUTJ AJOAOOSfd rnjinoTiT nopios ey "poou.iaddra ojb suioidaiAB osaq) jo xm Aino Svieno .vuura ui I ijMsonsnoiiHiM to X PUB Hlsd.)iH.a UO93l luonris sun no.C iOnor potvoa iii:iti4.xut SOiiitnonaaon XuiooUS 'Jitll PlOJOi! inm uuuT i'm.i,, puo '.ii).kMu jumJxu; 'sVuipoqaaoq XuioofJi pua sin; I o -h.nj-'i:ii )oq i;it u Surreujdnu sinl3 J0 1 'll ptuajtu '11111001 ut o!sj puq wo jo oti-inpeoq iu.u; ui 'Xpoq jo eos ao 8)ikU it.AOjq-iisiavon.-i. jo -nrsfs jo jojoo avouiisj a.vuq -pj-Bifuqap 'Aa-uoap np ooj. ixoS ji. s9unip!i6(pooQ(jaAn 3HX JLO sssvasia olmohho oq? jo nondnmsnoo joi JCpanioa m Auo oa p.i;iibun 8 vot ij.sJojU o.vijj.nnn pus 'puoxxi Snoiuq-ttuBlauisuBO.-VMjoiq jo 'OAi-uu.-pi 'inif; -ui ifl i W.1 s JO M ii( t jo uoi n:n iqnto.i ( n juopuo as. eji uiojj 'qoiq.M. v joj pouuiq ooj SB ourou 4qi pouopnitqu'-mq t'o.ints iioitdcans -li .,, 8q 41 JfUtjlBO JO .(Siiomos iqifnoqt aouaul urj -onqna oqi oj poaioa poBjqo -jao Aiua iqt jfupojjo i.iii uoqM. ko$Boeip i;;iu Aiquaot etqi. jo ao aoMod nj.iopaosi eji uiojj poqouoj o.i8 0inoep oqj jobojius jsuj oqj ojojoq uojpn Jt 'jCporaoa uo.i-poo siqt Xq pojno pus i pojsoj.iB A'tin-irij.w piia ridtnoad 8f SUSuni oqt JO didfJl suoinjojos 61 qojqAii 'NOIJLdlinSNOO pousTfcpriso oq rtm (noimtitii03 jo oaoirpnnos pirn 'UJSuoaiM isia -aids juB.touq uif-fis Jifuj o 'uoioSp poo S pue ' iao.-iosm lIPOI4T npio StO.-MOid 'Jfl Jrtuisu Aq 4 oeiutop Arqimojoqi it'cuii m in si aooia mua suoiioojjiysaoitijojas no osiiuo.i j b joj -jiunoin omtts otrj jo sos80sic ORS .no 8a?id pojo -joo tnpa osi-jbojj a&ui joj'sdtmi) m sjnoa uoj puog sputiit) pofjiua V'U 'fj;;ow -notqx JO oajjo -jtuiiiOiag 9qn 'osiiosjct miojr-i aivf sBuni(sits pub sjos suoiniojios ' 'lion Ksnu ui aooeood sii po4so4 so a iuos Storoana 'Q8VH osoh kJOiio.. ihruTto nt AonooU sit po43v)jjmuu snq Ampadsn sononqui utfiuoq S4j aopun ruoq Arptdai tuao IU ifunuM fK.Jf oupipora Sui4BJOjAai puB Srq-jpnd 'pijjood Sq jq patonbuoo are pooiq pt Xq posnuo bosbosip jra VpGqs ui Uf-ffS HSIU JI JLO AOS SOJOS-JOAOJM uinaifj-atins ,ninjojios qaioai eqa o iiodaj;t jo 'qojojsi nounnoo t raojj 'saonHH iiv sauna sV Afts isl r"9