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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1885)
m emoctat. Entered at the Pout Ofnoe at Albany, Or, as second-class mall matter. PlUDAl JUNK 26, 1886 STITE3 As NUTTING. Kdlter al FRKDr. NirrriXU, L..rnl Killlor. Official Ooimty Paper. MONK TO LOAM. We have mousy to loan iu turn to suit from one to flvo years time, at 8 per oent iatereat. Hi R K II RT BhOS. The Market. The advent of ao largo a number of Iowa editor into Albany did not effect our local markets, and even real eatate remained stationary. The rxpectation of a tremen doua riae in the pti.e of beer waa not realit a I. and chickens ami potatoes are quoted the aame as last week. Wheat seems to be drop ping, being in the 75 notch in Portland aud about 63 here, It is hard te rely on Portland quotations though. For instance wool is quoted there at 1- t 14c, while here the tigurea have been IS to IV. which we are anable to appreciate. New peaches are sold for 10c per pound, lemons retail at .10c per dosen and oranges 25 to 50c. Beats and turnips are sold in bunohes. Ked and black raspberries are in asu-ir "inching" glory, three boxes for a quarter. Cabbages appear with moderate sized heeds and immense leaves, and peas are plenty at 4 cents per pound. The price of the Dkmik rat is $2 50 and money, wood or produce will be taken in payment. Reuse mt the Neleel war. Among tbe Iowa excursionists here waa Hon Lafe Young, of Atlantic City, Mr. Young learned tbe art preservative under the Wmented Oea. M. V. Brown, who for s many years edited the Dkxocrai, and at the marriage of Mr aud Mrs Brown waa one of the brides-grooms. Mr Young has S .1 u. -. U . - I I oesn in iue iu chmj iiih, idu prominently mentioned for Congress. Among the moat noted of the excursionists waa Dr, MeO un, who spoke at the depot IrUhiecity. The doctor was President of thefcttate University at (Jrinnoll, when in June, 1882, a terrific cyclone swept the College buildings into chaos, and aince then President McOoun has I eon laboring to rebuild the College, and has just suc ceeded. The President of tbe Association, Albert W aSwalm haa apeut severs! years in Europe, is quite aesthetic, has a poetic wife, and on several occasions while in the Northwest swore Justly for being takeu for a half breed. gin aerial Malemeat. To tht TommamtHl Committt Your Chief Engineer tp whom was entrust ed the money contributed by Albany Engine Co. No, 1, and: Linn Engine Co, No. 2, and also the money made up by the citixens and member of the various dramatic compsuies having played for the benefit of the hose team, which attonded tho State Firemen's Tournament at Astoris, Orogon, will please the following report from myself and also the same by the Horemou of Albany En giue Co. No, 1 t Aral suWrtbsd by Alhsiiy Rosins C.kNo.1 ... .1 xf..09 Ami oUcribetl by Kiixine Co. No.t M.00 Auit turned sesjrtf sittertshnoetit commutes . itt,7s Tstsi iuuunt turned vsr $tii.T5 Ami psll out for Urv tor box team consistent .! t7 asp at as.o WOa.10 Ami ta out lor I teliru rrom CoBs Club. . 0.40 Anil pahl out lor 1 Uslsgsts trots Albany ICugins Os. No, 1 IM Amt ld out lor t dflegat Irotn Linn KskIiis Cs. Mo, I - ... t.M Amt pat.1 out for Kii;tiior 0.40 Atut stU out tor running shoos, I. K Main M.W Amt to R W l.tujfilon A Co , sundries f-.W Amt paid lor laiuous Amt iM I t r.oiilrtss Amt pant tor fml;ht on boss oart Amt iwld for rep hoe A mt ul Oratutui for cutting milu... Asit vkM for ton wir si W lugs si lOu -nr lr 1.00 4. NO l.ttft .10 .1t 1.00 rUI.uo In hear of J N ll.tflTmaii $ts.s& Amt of pnao won by Albany Hum Team No. t . .30.00 Ami -mid sach msmter of boa team, cinalal- Ins ol II mambara Si 60 42.10 Balance on hand ol priss f T.sO Total amount dun J N Hoffman sA.15 Jour N. Humus, W. II Mil Ch'.et Engineer, foreman. Fashloa Kalr t'amjllrtl Is Oar Own OtHcr, J IBS CsIeSStB SS alls Su.rlr si Iks '.-or For some time a man named Miller at the poor farm, a weak minded sort of an individual, had threatened two other pau pers, Grey and Holcomb, with annihilat ing them, aud for the purpose kept sup plies of rocks bandy around Mr. Morris' bouse. One day last week Miller waa mere tbsn commonly demonstrative and was going to demolish tbe whole crowd, when Jiss Coleman, well known in Al bany, now an inmate of tbe bouse, and a man of powerful build, having in his earlier dsys been a prize fighter, took tbe matter in his own bands and with a club drove the belligerent Miller a mile or two from the poor farm and he has not since been beard from. There is general re joicing there over the result. Black silk oostamc am very popular. Iowa girls, judging from the samples, can not touch Oregon ladies in the matter of atyle and beauty. Chenille fringes sre the favored trimmings fer summer wrap. In Corvallix, though, cold lead is becom ing very popuUr. The Spanish jacket is stylish for little girls. For little boys nothing will do during the green apple period so well as a heavy ahiugle, which is always sore to lit. A blsck fabric, in popular use, is called ring cloth. It is so line and elastic that the entire width of the g-ods can le drawn through a finger im,' Ifapphel to tho enormous riug f Sa lem girls this is easily believed. In Iowa,au editor from that state tells us. it is fashionable for a nun to always call for either hard or soft oiJer.when he cither gets whisky or beer. Muslins and lawns sre trimmed wiih vel vet coilsrs, cult and bows, and look line. Bonnets are high iu front and piuohcd iu as closely at the sides as the heed will permit. Sheep should feel proud this summer as Shepherdess' hsts are quite a favorite with their rolling brims aud high peaked crowns. Bah. Yellow is fashionable with white, parties. lsrly with dyspeptics. White aad yery light toilets indicate die tiuction, refinement, cultivationvetc, etc., so say sll the fashion journals. i 1 i e ' i fcssallss; Is Casaus. Nr. Mltehell. Last Monday John II Mitchell paed through Albuiy on bit way to Portland, which he purposes to make his future home. Several of his admirers here re ceived him at the depot with the Mechao -ice' Band, much to the Senatorial aspirants surprise, who was traveling unostenta tiously, so much so that a friend who rode in the same car with him from Eugene was not aware that he was on tbe train. Mon day was Mr. M's 50th birthday ; but be does not look to be of thst age. Being beaten tor office does not have much ef fect on his appearance, and this is well , for he may rely upon much future disap pointment if he expects preferment in Oregon. He has friends, but more enemies. About two weeks ago Canada was the scene of a very exciting affair which great ly disturbed the social pot, and aa well was tbe means of atelocsly burning con siderable powder. As narrated to s Dkmo c rat man, a young man about nineteen years cf age, of uncertain reputation, was suspected of being too Intimate with a neighbors wile. Tbe buxband laid a trap lor him and claims to have caught them in flagrante delicto. The next day be presented a shot gun at they m's head and demanded satisfaction for which he said f 50, a watch and cow would do. The y m denied the accusations ; but, after an In formal trial, without any officers, agreed te pay $57.50, a watch and cow, and all the parties agreed to leave tbe country. Instead of doing so, though, on tbe fol lowing day the y m and his brother at. tacked the husband with revolvers; but he "stood them off" with bis shot gun, ao one being hurt, although lour shots hit one of theboy s.and on anotberoccasion tbe husband is said to have been the aggros" nive party. Hew the matter will terminate cannot be teld now. TMR 4tk IN AMI 41 . Ono week from to-morrow, will be the fourth of July, America's great day, and this year Albany's. We are going to have a big limn. Put a pin in Hint. Why ; be cause everybody in this part of the State a coming ; from Lebanon, Hsrrlsburg, Shedd, Solo, Brownavllle, Saltm, yes, and from Corvallla. A big cjawd makes a big celobration. As an extra attraction a tine street parade will be given, in which thirty-eight handsome young ladies will, on horseback represent the Mates, the powjsys will spread themselves and arete; the two Albany bands and the Hsrrlsburg band will furnish music; there will bo a hose race for ; two foot raoes or .100 and 150 yards for $5 each, a bicycle race for a medal and numerous other attractions. Certainly n good spread eagle showing, which everybody Is bound to want to w linens. orrirxsH or tiir uav : Prvlueiit It It N llbtckburn. Vi I'nwiUouts, J L Cowsu, Labanou ; Uoo W Johnaon, Haletn ; A Pearoe. Albany ; Ham May liar riabur j Jiitlys Kalasy, foralU ; tleo lvi, NhwM J M Watts, lirownaville ; J J Mack, llalssy Wailor Inhnaou, Jefloraon. Orator. Hon W It Ullysu. UaaJer. J K Wl.tl1.a4. Marshal. tleo Humphrey. Chaplain. - Rev J W Harris. Kollowiug will he the program of exercises : Procession will form in front of the Cosrt House at 10 o'clock. Hand. Ortioars of the day. Indies on borso Itsok reproseiiting the States. Band. Knights of Pythias in uniform. Ktrvmeu in uniform. Band. Ladies Coffee Cub Viaiting organisations, lodger, eto. Kootmon. Carnages. The procession wiil march to the groye where the following exercises of the day will take place : Music by the Btud. Heading of the Declaration by .1 U Whit ney Music. Oratiou by Hou M' R Bilyeu. Music. Contests as follows : Prettiest girl bsby under 1 year of age.laoe bonnet, by Miss Schubert. PretUest boy bsby under 1 year of age, lacs bouuet by Misses Allinsou & riiompsou. Prettiest baby twtween and 4 years of age, sash by Miss MatMe roster. Handsomest Miss uuder 15 years of age, two bottles of oolngae by I Fox. Best pistol shot, pocket kuife by Wilt Bros. Hoy playing beet tune on hsrmonica, bar monies by VY It Noott. Ladies furnishing prettiest boquet. It rral set by Peters & Stewart. After these exercises basket dtuuer in the grove. At tfiltO o'clock day fireworks will be tired at lite public square in froat ol the Court mm m . a . . 1 II House, after which tne loitowing prists win be given I Bicycle race. Line c mnty riders, one half mile, beautiful eugravett silver modsl by If Bwssrl Bicycle race, free for all, one half mile. medal and live dollars by committee. Beat lady rider, fancy ndtag whip by J J DubruiUe. Best driving horse, whip by K Thompson. Oldest married oouide. Janaii washbowl and pitcher by W H MuKarlsud. Lady most recently married, Japan teapot filled with tea by t Meyr. Oldest married lady, tancy cream pitcher by A it Mcllwaio. Neatest sppearing Udy.beogled glove but touer by Mooteith A Seiteubach. Youngest married couple, IrSss dinner by Chas PisiQer. Pareot with greatest ni nberot children, 5 lbs roast meat by C Ko!, , is. Man comiog fartnett to oelebratioo. free shave and bath by M Jacksou. Woman comiog farthest to cslebratioo.hand painted panel bracket by A B Who dm. Standing single jump, cigarette holder by M i'eyser. Leanest man, 5 lb roast meat by K K Park- TtlE IOWA KHITOKS Resell Albany aad Leave It In fJnutl Spirits, lAst Friday night nbout ten o'clock theso famous men rnached our city, where they remained all night and took break fast at the Dnpot lintel In the morning. Tho I iKMomt at atsfl' made themselves free with them and soon found that they were composed of just such men, as was natle Ipatnd in mir last Issue, free hasrled,tslnt ed, socUl. They praised the grand man ner In whl'ih they had been received everywhere, ovation following ovation, ebonr renting tho air even when they passed through a place at the dread hour of midnight, nearly everywhere they be ing mot by Mayors and bauds. At one place au Improvised band greeted tlimu with fearful music, a fact reallxod, for on the beck of the haa drummer a plsnard was planed, reading, " Don't slm it, for we are doing the best wo know how." At nlno .r. iooK the two bands of this city marched to Hh. Dopnt, whore the es ouratontslJt were formally received, J11 Ige H S Strahau dellveiing the address of wel come In the following language: Liulirmtwt (IrntlmWH of I hr Iowa Vs k'j. rurnioH : It Is my pleading duly this mornlnu in boiialf or the and (,'wmmon Co'ineil and of tbo peopiw of Albany to bid you a miMt cordial welcome to our -i y n. tbrlce welcome to our hearts and homes. You have left the busy thriving cities and the sanctums where the thoughts thst control tits destinies of a Brest osmtuoii- woalth first taks form -the Hob rolllug prairies tnUrHpsrsed with (Vtrnsts and iakrt. and rivers, and alt the busy throbbing Ulo lon b.roil necrtHHsry by tho inimlltlniis ROME AD ARROAD, F M French, jeweler, Prime Minister Sauiisbury. Come to Albany on tho 4th. All kinds of fruit at H k B s. Binder whips at K L ThompsoiiV. The best harness at .1 J ! lantltfeA, C'lmmunloation of K. A. next week. The best ettraots at Conrad Meyer's. Try the American Star cigar at It. &. It . Kxtrapriue paid for good wo tl at P Cohen's 6, 10 and '25c counters at N H Alln h '. A line line of crncktiry at Conrad Meyer'i. A machine has bneu 111v.1U. i l for shelling peas. Raid & Urowuoll have the Mason Frnit Ja Von will Im h o.1n enorMonsly low at U, k B s. , Don't sell yonr wu it before calling 011 P. Chen. i 1 to K L Tnom'Mo 1 f r your harness and si'iillea. J. P. Wallace, Pliyaicinu and Surgeon, A batty, Or. Tim last strawlterries put iu apposrance last Tuesday. (i. W. Msston, Phyaiiiiii and Surgeon, Alnany, O agon. The l,ebanon biya pa.p tsrt to win tho hoe race on July 4th, l. Fahrney's "maguetiu bloo.1 vitslixer t Deyoe k itobson's. Hsverat Plummer fruit dryers fo- sate st cost at John BHggs. 11.00 Spouill for hi,., in .oinplete'r duuiorabr.ed raiserr. Fine weatbsr for hsutiug wcmhI to news paper offices. Kumtsx. Whip marie especially for driving self of the age in which we live, aud like the btaders st fc U I hompsou s. '-tar of empire," jourueyeil westward to- On the subject o( proHibitioa the lnaedi ar.i ins -sun mwa seas, until you nave iort Wvn mbitXl vey asa-MlswI. inally seen "the (regun"of tl.s pool uiing , ., , linirhls wsters sucosasfully withtboaeof Rate t-astleton is sgain conn g nis wsirs Miicoessruuy the Psclllo oan. You have accomplish -' o.l iii six or Move 1 days what it took those who ptecoeded you as many mmPhs to accomplish, and with a degree of ease and sain sals' tbst render the journey In- vil 1 iik. tt so times who osiue tho plains across bv the ssslNUnce of the slew and moasured movements of the ox wagon. 1 he ox wagon had Its day, but it la a day forever past, and has been succeeded by the era of the locomotive, the telegraph, tbe telephone aud the electric light. Oregon has not bounded forward into oouifuerclal prsstuoss and richness with that energy sod quickness thst have Is. en witnesaed by the stales and territories about you and Immediately west of you, nor like your own great state, but she has within her borders u!l the elements of uiirivstled riohneaut, and a climate more persuasive aed Itivtting than t'.e aummer lands of the south. The people of Oregon, as you have rea son to know, nod particularly of this city, for whom I immediately apeak, are grail tlsd at your coming. It portends much mere than a visit of so many ladies and Krtullemen from the great valley of the Mississippi to the little mouutain bound valley of Hie Willamette. It reminds us that we are ono of the great sisterhood of .n. Nates ooumi to y.Hi Willi bs.ii is 01 sUMn, a common constitution, Identical interests, and that our isolation, as a state, la ended With that ootuee growth, development, evolution If yon pica mj. Tne tlinbsr.iroo, coal, ushoriee, stono, end nn unrivalled water power In every mountain rill, aud silver and gold with which nature has so richly endowed u, iiiu.I yield up Ibssf cormag this wsy. aud bald heads are at a premium. Dr Maston i having bnitl a li is btrn a block or two from h is resiileuos. We have saute ohotoefcauued ma kurrl whiuh we will sell at cost. It. A It. The next session f the Hrsnd Lodgo of Hood Templars will be held at Portland. I'ublio sxaminatiou of t'tachers bsgsu at tbe Court House this (Friday) tuoruiug. Brown s Dsn Bitivrs man arttsticly swung his brush iu this city the lirst of the week. Portland has efferud a prise of so fur a hose race in that city on the 4th ol ol July. Mr Charles Kiohler. recently of Mwest Home, has opened s most market at lebauou. Several dtsten of live chicken went I by J C Dsunais,just aoutn oFnew sjiiuii n mu sometimes she look towards the ceiling with one eye while the other is directed towards the IW, causing a startling sff.wt. Through an oversiKht tho Dkmooiat of last week failed to iimnfion the suoooHsful and hii(hly eujoyable reception to Mr and Mrs Walter Turrejl, given at the roaiihiimrf of Mr H I Young, mi the ovi iiin of June II. Now is the time tr sell yo.o Isnd, place it iu the hands of Buiklntrt Bros., they have bettor facilities for alvnrttniiu and selling land than any other agouts to On-yon n;ii1 thorn vnur nsmesnd they will send yon their Ileal Kttate Paper for one year freo of charge Among the graduates of the Suite Univer sity at lust week, was Datiiol W. Ituss, of Salem, Mr Bass' oration was on "The Fsderai Coverment," and, we under, stand, was an aid a effort. Dm is a most worthy young man, who is bound to snooeei in the werld. There is an opening for a go. 1 oheese fac tory in l.iiiu county. One a, C .ve, in Ktst ern Oregon, uses tho milk of 130 cows, winch it will increase to that of 300 cows, whvn about 000 pounds of cheese will be inauiif tared daily. lust Monday afternoon Mr J A Warner caught a salmon trout 111 the Ssiitiam diteh in this city, about two feet in length. Tin Senior editor of the DSMOCSAT brotkfatted on a part of it, and pfearMtanSM it cxcelle it. I'hsuks te the douor. Oregon Hremen should f!id .:i i;oti raged over their prospects of improving their lime. At ths late Iowa tournament the oojm'o whs HtnrleU the juuge iu I'.'J .0 l , slier s , three hundred yard run, MM u bo the mw hundred yards of hose. Mr William Peacock, 1 -s the W 1 am-!!-. has a pie plant leaf wine 1 i.omple ely iivoraliadows all yet riri I It m asirM :t2x4.'i inches and hssasulK J s 1 nines long and 7 inches in circumference. Now bring on your big pie plant leaves. The Congregational Associstiou of O -egon and Washington Teiritory met in Forest I i rove last week, sod held s successful meet ing. UevJW il.irns, Mus Klith Harris and Miss Clara Head were present as dele gates from ths church 'ol tins coy. The Rescues, of Assons, wuiotunoe that they will enter the 4th of July hose rsces at Portlsnd for the pit. I MRsRsxffnf will run suy team in the state at thst time for $"xt v ObOoii the wet tost. Tins is busiuess.snd any hose company of Oregon that thinks it ought to have won at Astoria now has s chance te display itself and wins one glory. About a thousand persons attended the funeral of exSenator Nesmith la-t week at Dixie, liov Moody, Henster Dolph, Jf4swj Desrly, 11 W QurblH, Henry Failing, Ashael Bash, J K K. My, C H Buk-Ii snd J J DjIv acted aa pallbearers. Frel aud David Burk hsrt, nephews of tbe deoeas. d, attended from this city. Dun. an C !lis recently threw s twelve p ion. I hammer I'll test (j im in s, a twenty son 1 1, t rrjKAiv spring stock, great verity tn every department F II Prsneh, agent Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albsuy, Or. We sej tbst W. C. Tweedsie bas just re oeived another lot of new styled psrU.r RMRRj The Salem Matfimtin says tioh coal and silver mines have besa discovered at Hi yr- Hon John Whitesker asaumeU bis d ttirs as collector of luterual revenue ou last Mou day. Dr. M. H. Fliia. pbysteian and surgeon Alt any, Oregou. (sails nunie in city r country. A good sod Urge assortment of lumber at woadh to the industry of tne artisan, ths the yard of Kb Carter always on baud, t.ive mm-haidc and the miner. Then Indeed bisi s call. al. H"ibe wilderness blossom ss the roes." Ths contract for the sew University build Ons sgsln, f bid you one nnd nil wet ing at Kaewno baa been 1st w W At Alsrams come to the hospiulities of our city. for $ 1 S, S'JU. Tasmsp'cridk' ran-arks were auswered The next meettug of the C .-urrg.tio id by Dri F MdiJun, ex l'resldsnt of the Association of the Northwest will be hehl Unlve-sity of lows, at Orinnell. and one e n of the literary lights of that stats, nn hon orary member of tbo excursion, ills ; seech was n glowing oue, that of a s'.erl- Ladies, go and see Monteith k Seiteubach s ! onnjMiund hammer H'i feet 3J inches, a htty Bark hart Bros, will atvertise your l.ul for sale free of uhu-ge, . v uient a cd tl yon want to sell. and .me half nouud Weight 'Z't feet ft inches These are tbe I test efforts on record, and show the wouUerful results of practice backs. I by moderate strrngln. Oov Whiteaker. tbe newly appointed Cob lector of Internal Revenue aj I'ortland has nsmed the following ss his D.-putirs : J Frank Davis, Olhce Deputy, (retsiued for the pres ent), M S Walla. .-. 'Clerk ; BsssWsl District (te reside in Pt-rtland), T J Nelson snd Oeo M Strosd, Htmthern Divisuni (to reside in Jacksonville). W A Owen, Souud Division, iio Htck, Deputy (ut reside in Walla Walts), Chaoucey Bourber. Two weeks ago tbe Benton fsslifir. " ao count of certain delays, did not go to press till Saturday and the paper did not reach Albany till Motnliy. Someone here 00m plained to the proprietors of the delay, aud Isst week the leader in an article chsrg sd tbe blsms on the Albany poster. aater. which, certainly wa very unfair, as 10 the aame columns the week before the delay was duly accounted for at home. r resident nwalm, ol the Iowa excursion ists, Itefore the party left for tbe Kt, wrote 1 a card of thanks te the people ol Portland and Oregon, thanking them for kindnesses, Setfl , snd ssying 1 "We go to our homes iu The Court Hottae is beiug painted s lighter . the grestprame State bearing lasting re mem color. It will preweut as ueat an appearance as any 10 tbe Sute. Rev U H Dears, of Bn.esl.iv, CaJ , will preach at CrawfoMs Hail nvst Sunday, Juuu After Rssatlea. Last Tuesday Mr Gao M Clark brought in from the foot bills the scalps of three bears, two cougars snd two coyotes and presented tbem to tbe County Court lor tbe bounties offered, which are as follows : On the bears 12.50 each, on the cougars, 16. on the coyotes. 15, making a total of 927,50. These ere the first fruits of the offer made at the May term of the County Court. One of tbe bears killed by Mr Clark was the same bruin which several of our young men who recently went riming on Crab tree Creek claimed to have shot, bringing home one of its paws, which we now loam was presented them by Mr Clark, Takes for s Ryssssller. Mr. Scott, the Sewing Machine man who was In the city several months ago for a few weeks,reoently gave a Dcmocbat man a detailed account of a peculiar ex perience whi?h be had on a recent trip to Ireland. While traveling under an as sumed name fer a private purpose, be was traced by English detectives for several dsys and finally arrested. In bis trunk they found an alarm dock, and thought then that they bad tbe right man for car tain ; but satisfactory explanations follow ed and be was released. He is now in business in Portland, and tells tbe story with much zest. vVMInsueiie ialverslty. Among the graduates of the Willamette University are the following now of Linn county : Henry H Hewitt, Albany, class of '70; Hubbard Bryant, Albany, ('72) ; F M Johnson, Jefferson, ('76); R J Nichols, Harris burg, ('77) ; Tbos H Cornell, Scio, ('10), Of tbe Medic tl department are the following: D M Janes, of Almny, class of '67 ; L Foley, Lebanon, ('70) ; J L Hill, Albany, ('71) ; I W Burr, Brownsville (77); J F Hendrix, Harrisburg,('79). We learn tho above from a neat cata logue of tbe University handed us by Mr John Goitre. It shows the school to be in a prosperous condition, under a good management. We are also under obliga tions to Mr Goltra for a copy of tbe annual edition of the "College Journal" of which Mr Goltra was the publisher and Mr J B Horner editor. It gives an ac count of the late Commencement exercis es and the work of tho College, and con fers credit on editor and publ Isher, Ugliest bactelor, dinner by Mrs A Murry. Prettiest maid, pair of vases by (i Strong. Fairest coraplexiooed lady, hand lamp by CH Spenoer. Biggest lady dirt, quart ef ice cream by Hoffiusn k Joseph. Foot race, girl uuder 15, pearl Inu lie knife by J P Hail Three-legged race, 92.50. Sack race, 2 50. Wheel borrow race, 2.50. Ladies foot race, autegrepu album by Fo shay & Mason. At 5 o'clock ths followisg contests will take place on front street 1 Hose race, run 200 yards, Is JMfesw ol hose snd get water, 25 . Foot race, 300 yards, 15. Footrace, 150 yards, wiener of 190 y-trd race barred, 15. Tn-cycts raoa, boys under 8 years, U S Artillery mortar by J Cradwhel. Foot race, boys under 10 years of age, ItX) yards, 52 by DrJ L Hill. Foot race, boys between 10 and 15 years. Foot race, girls under 12 years of age, pack age of casdy aud note by Head & Browueli. Some time during tho afternoon the order of Powjaya will make their appearance, for which they have so exteuded program ar ranged. At 8 o'clock a grand display oi 15 J piece of fireworks, including seven billooni oa ths public square. The days festivities will close with a grand ball at Crawiord s Opera Hense for which tho best of music has been engage 1. Tickets 91. Best lady wsltzer at ball in evening, book of poems by E W Langdoo. Best gentleman waltzer at ball in eyerung, watch charm by N II Allen. Ing chris'.itn gentlem u snd a strong ad vooate of prohibition, He paid n line tribute to the hospitality ef our paspie nnd the grandour of our eoenery. Upon tbe completion of Dr McGouu's remarks, the 2Sth, at 1 1 a. at. excursionists marched with the large For your sewing machine extras aud best crowd which bad trttbered to First Street, kuul ui lssnd needles go to Wui tiruthers where, efter muisiniug an hour, now four Aiosny, vr ... . . 11., t . . inn. lire. 1 strong, tbey toarled the steamer "Salem," and, after s two bout's ride, un der the mtnsgsinsnt of tbo g-suUt Cap tain HftemNsr, ti.e cruwu landed at Corval lix, where a large throng received the ex cursioulsts They wero given a reception st the Cjurt II uise, Judge Burnett deliv ering the address of welcome, and Dr F McCleliaott, of tb ' 1 1 tr R lplds"TtaleV, and Hon Lafe Young, of tho Atlantic Daily "Telegraph," tbe answers. Then at tbe public hall the thine temperance societies of Corvallis gave them a grand dinner, which, as the guest of tho excur sloulste,s DnMocatT men bad tbe pleasure of partaking of. Several Informed him tbat they had not mc down down to a Go to Prushaw s new Dru j Store for pure 'bug, patent medicine, etc Prescriptions carefully compounded, Harris burg hat had a esnsstioasi justice court case, which will be duly aottca worn the circuit court meets. Mr Farrow, an aid u nib-man livimt near Shedd, died very suddenly last Monday. We did not learn particulars A drunken man came near being rut over by a buss oart isst Tuesday evening duuu, a drill by one of the companies. A new ministry in Hag laud and new gro oenea every day at Conrad Meyer s keep the public mind well agitated. Matoey, l-awrence and Cooper, were tried the lirst of ths week fer murdering Coffey near Salem, and were acquitted. Window shades, lace curtains, oil cloth, of the must hospitable people, and of a Slate almost uumatchable in its varied re sources -a State in which every resident sic. i.l thank Go I every dsy early in the io c tbat he has s chance to win name, fame and wealth here." Mis Clara Strang, of Salem, is visiting in this city, H It It'idd, of I'uoii.i. r ts in the city Tuck day on business A W Mtattsrd, of Brownsville, was in the city last, Tuesday. Ijsst. Monday Mr George Siop-on returned over the monntsins from strip te Princville. Starr Mealy, ex City Treasurer of Albany, now of Swnet Home, was in tho city last Tuesday. Hon, S M Peanfngten is spending a few weeks iu this c unty lixm up !m p'nuM near this city, liov It tbert , Stevens, former! v of Albany, is now PraetM i in tho Hpiscopal church at i Grande. Bert I. 1 1 , the SgpSfS hicycH-t, of Moll mouth, whs in A'bany lst Fridsy on hi silent steerl. Mr Chsrlos I'ipn-. of S tl on, h tvvutt'A n position in the h ir ics s'i tp of K L Thomp son, of this city, Mr Pettingi , vho a te lake clnre "f the Stnitttirf,Knatm up us fsr .a Alb my with thu excursionists last S.turdsy. Miss Minnie Monteith, o' this city, attenrl el tho Commencement exerci-e" of th 1 State University st Hugcn" I t week. 0 A Plummi-r, of Part land, formerly of Albsuy, was iu the city Isst Tuesday in th interest of hi whobaa 's drni knnss, A J Salmon, rscentl tf Dowsgiao, Mici.. has 11 vi-1-. to 1 In county, and is stopping at Peoria with H I. Kudd at present. Kev, Stebbios, a noted divine of San Prsnutsco, passed through Albany on hie way home overlaml, on last Monday. Mts D W Wakefie'.d, of Portland, return ed to her Imtni ou lat Saturday, after a sev eral dsys fMt with friends in Albsny. Charles H rrta, who went to Micl igtna few years ago to live, has returned to Al bany, and 1 1. ten Is mskinK Oregon his ho ue Prof Wa'ker, the eificisnt principal ol the Brownsville pu'thc schools, wu in A'hmv Tuesday, and wHile here in vie the Dkmo CHAT office s friendly ctIL Mr snd Mr W ii ce snd duvh'er sre in Southern Gr-.'n this wc sasxsRssgfsj ths festivities air nudsMt on tl-e m-rriage of Mrs Itice's brother, Mr J W Gdmore Mr II dwr. Divis, of P trfla-td, was in the city Isst Sttnrifay 10 thv ksavwst o Ho Ige, Davm k C.a that city, Mr Davis u s uephew of Mr W I Peters, a this city. Oscar Craw ford, a sou of DrG F Crewfoid, returned last wc-k aft-r anab..uc- sever al month from a trip thnm.-h the Kst, be ing at K irk w , 1, 111., m st of th- tin -. Mr John D.-nny and family have retume l tr tneir home near larhanon from sn extend ed visit tli rough the Fast, Mrs I) imy, we understand receiving improvement from the same. Mrs L K Blsin. Mrs A D Barker. Mrs Ktta Brown, M;s Dr Kbi 1, Mrs Itebert Brown and Mis Clara Ilea. I are in attendance st the Stete meeting of the W. C. T. U , in Port land this week. Itst Monday we received sn am 11 call from Mr K G Junkins, of Ns...-i, who was on his way borne from lloaeburg. where he had been ss a delegste te the Stste meeting of Good Templars. Mr Junkin ta a staunch temperance man snd an enthusiastic Good Templar. Mr Ballard O' Fellows, of Chicken Bustle. was in Albany last Tuesday with his patent gate, which is receiving good send oS'a through tbe county. Wttbojt any excep tion this is the hnsst gate ever msoafactur sd. It ctn be opened snd shut whil? rnlmy at lull speed. Feet. Last Wedoes-tsy morning at the h -ur sf four o'clock, when birds sing loudest, Grand Master D P Mwuu, Gjorge Humphrey, W B Barr, L C MirshaM, Simoo Seiteubach. Thomas Wallace aul Charles Miller left this city for Dallas, where they attended a picnic ffiveo by the Mssons of that place. A tine time is r-ported. Mr Thus Key. f Browosville, lighteoed up our streets with his woolen countenance last Wednesday. As the Brownsville woolen goods are the beat and most durable good msaufsntured this is intended as a compli ment. Mr Kay is s woolen goods man all over snd understands hoa- to msnufacture 1 an article that has quality and finish com I bised. While 00 the subject, if say striking 9. 9. W. On Rsuble fared People. Tui is a wonderfully double faced world, snd if people are to be talked abou, Mini there is to be such a thing as grwlping. I have about made up my mm-1 thai it fsagood thing it Is. I know D my friends (?) were to say to rny t '(;.: what they do to my back f would be in hot. water opto my knees fifteen h uirs every day. I have heard all aboiii how some who smile 011 me when llo y are anxious to team how ta whittle boxes in the latest style, kick me in the back when my fsce Is turned, f say I hecuuse I am a fair representative of the world In this respect ami am posted butter about raysrdf. Vhar, supposi! it were iKrssible for us to look Into caeh others minds and see the forms which opinions wear It would take but n short time to obliterate the wsrd fiieniLblp, nnd it is weak enough ' liov. in business, lb social matters, fill in all kinds of matters a majority of are on thing te your face aud another to your spinal column. It is the wsy of the world, aud If we could on y be dead to Ibc Mst arid net have so no lolicitous friend coming around and ! ;,n,' us ail about it, we aiighi alwayn be as happy as clams r vluua- man during their new years. I do wish rny real friend. wo ild stop telling ma aver tlm some one who claims 10 be srsayn something mean about me, and when I say Ibis I "peak tr people geiiaraliy. What is the use of being obliged to think every time sous one greets one pleasant ly (list it la being done for effcct.and you k now that ail tba time they nrd'aying hi iheir hearts ' .btrn your old carcass " It is a mis taken idea Utat your neighlioni have go right to talk about you Thay have if they wnt to, though they arc foolish to da so iu Urge company, for anyone who i a b iek biter is b u ud to get re tributi on As frns f) H W is coucsrsesJ his friend are hereby permitted to talk n'l they ptease. if 1 hey will kep it to th 11 s Ives snsi not all of them i.a mediately come to him aud "tell on" all the rest, the wsy they generally do. In say ills' this he speaks for many. srrrsl Kvests. All staf I tsaaaaai tuixt lull i ruinif m.!K- I...L i Ali..nv .. v- . t.. i. iv- improvement is noticed 10 the Deans na r ". I I.. k. 1 . . .. have two first c!aas bands, a new school - mw wim M -.m ws isu . . . th.'V sir .1. m.l..l I '.r. . .. . , . I ... .. nuuse and opera houao uuuer way, three' t " ' " ; ine other lay a n uinng mill and warehouses combined and two warehouses, a grist mill, a separator! Mrs Judge Strahau and daughter. Panaris factory, two foundries, throe furniture mauu- and Pet, snd sou, Claude, returned a lew M A Z 1 . . 1 .... . ate S L." I Tbe humiliating announcement is mt 1 t mat u. .-11 Victoria never got, a sing learler in lbs English papers on tbe event of the 49th year or her reign. A man hear Cineinusti Isst Monday j imped from a railroad bridge to the wa ter loo foer below and was teat "til M -hurt. Thin la a .narked eeceplion i ib as ru:e. Geo. traut's douiors sis ssin ga-uing a largs s'liouut nf fros advarinltig. A gentlemtu J it from th . i.s: sas 1 wo things Orego din t-b ml 1 h 10 s. sparrows sod black is--. Isl Mond i 1 n'.us ytung ladu a si N011U Yamhill player! a aains of ba'i against nine men over flAy yeant af sg. tx-ortv girls, 32 ; man, 23, Hurrtb for Mr Duai- way. The Raymond lourbrts from Boston passed through Albary Tuesday noon, and, although they came from tba city of brains and baked beans no notice was tsken ol thoi. Ceose. -no editors along. lit I, the allege. I reel, will be tried in Canada begmuiug 00 July 15th for traa.o . He stands au excellent chance vi being buog. ()regon has never been ho-uned aud sever wants to be. lkx.ins are da uweruus. It do s want, though, what it is obtaining, steady factories aud a msonihcent water t tower but I days ince from the lint, where Mr Strahau no base bail clu What is the matter? and Pel kud Claude have been duriug the I I . a . . ' Bt . . . . . tae is year, ami .viiss raume (lining the last lour years, her hea-l .juarters hsvini; Irren at Boston, where she has been ierfecting her musical sducatioo. We regret learning tbat constant playing on the piano brouvht on muaictane' paralysis, in one of Miss Panmes arms, diensbliug her from further prosecu tion of her studies. uwuis, use curvains, 011 ciovu, finer, If as fine, a dinner aa was this one, carpets, and wall paper. Tne nicest stock tu Hew Transsacral. Considerable inquiry is being made as to the correct pronunciation of the word "Sheol.'' After deep research the Demo crat staff find It to be thusly : "Drop the letter s, make o silent aad give a short sound to the letter e. Yon at least are bound to bit tbe mark by following this rule. Marie Right Here. Without any exception the beat, purest aud freshest stock of cacdy to be feund in the Willamette Valley is now in cases at Hoffman A Joseph's, Billee Taylor the artist, bas done a fine job, and everybody Is proud ef him for it, Linn county peo ple generally, as well as Albtny people, when they want confectionery that can be relied on, from plain taffy to chocolate mice should send to them for it. Eat only pure candy and this is the place to get it, for it is made right here, fish Ladder. People in tho Willamette Valley are grurnb ling with an earnestness that forebodes severe criticism of some one about the tact that no steps have been takeu to build the fish lad der at Oregon City provided for by the last Legislature. hi Id reus ay. Child rens' Day will be observed nex Sunday moruing, Juno 26th, at the Bapiis Church in thin city, Appropriate exer olsese will take the place of the regular morning service, since they loft I tw., At two o'clock the eacurslonists took tbe Portland train and the Albany people the river steamer, Whatever the Iowa ed liars may tall their subscribers, and It may be depended they are not bare to boom Oregon, one thing is certain, and that is, thst they ran only have good reports of tbe, oapilaiity of our people,and some of them sre bound to go farther and praise our climate and the unsurpassed fertility of our soil, Lively Shooting Affair st i'ervsllls. Last Friday at Curvallis a very remarkable shooting affair took place in a saloon run by Jos McTimmons. A row oocurred between Nick Baeson, John Mensinger and did Moore whon McTimmons endeavored to qnell tho disturbance, but not succeeding with his teugue, he began emptying his seven shooter into the men. Neca Bocson aad John Mcn- siuger were hit, the former iu the stomach, aula spent bail through a window ssvaok Deputy Snentf Hcukle on the breast, but tell to the walk doing no injury. It was thought Baeson woo Id die ; but latest repirt announce that he is out of danger. McTim mons was arrested and no doubt will receive the punishment due him. The shooting, it is generally claimed in Corvellis, was unjustifiable. Miss Liberty. ly 'Fecks Had Hey The boy was indeed a bad oue, particular- tewu at Monteith & Seiteabach s. Mr Fred Oral baa jast brought oa a splen did hue of baby carnages, with the latest improvements. Call and see them. The frame of tbe new Central school build ing has been raised aed nearly close I. Work ou tbe same is being pushed with vigor. Get tbe Osborne Twine binder, tbe easiest running, with the only absolutely sure knot ssr in tae market. IJeyoe a. itobeoo sre agouts. If yon want any novelty in the shoe line call snd examine Read k Browoelt'a stoca they have styles which no other house in town handle. t -.1: 1 1 t a he was .0 admirably represented l Li,? Wednesday evening at Crawford's Hall, by teith k prices iu keeping with Mr Williams, but as bad aa he was he did not begiu te approach the management of the company, which was not only bar, but yery bad. A troup is yery unfortunate in having te play uuder such an inferior, slipshod management, "fecks Hart Hoy as pre- hard times. Mattressei and lounges for sale, aud all kinds of upholstering work repaired at J E Mayes, just east of Deyoe aud Robeson's, Albany, Oregou. Any party wishing to purchase a uoou farm, either for gram or stock wilt do well seuted by the Atkinson Contsdy Company by calling on A ft Cyras k Ce., Real Estate is a side stihttinir. laughable varietv busi- Wts, at lbsuon, Ur ness, just simply full of fuo, a genuine dys pepsia curer. The grocery man, Bad Boy , Jim Duffy, pa, ma, His girl and the police man gave the good sized audience some ex cellent comedy, which one having been a reader of Peck's writiugs appreciates te a certain extent. Lost. On Saturday, May 30th, between Albany and Hantiem bridge a clu Ids cloak with velvet collar aud cuff. Leave at Demo crat office. Mrs E E Parrish. The prospects of a tine wheat crop iu I.iun county are uow yery encouraging. The late rains instead of injuring the spring wheat many say was the making of it. suelber Rank la Albany. J L Cowan and J W Cusick,of Lebanon, have purchased the old Hoffman & Joseph store on First street, consideration $3000, and about Septembar 1st will start a bank there, backed by a large capital. Both of these gentlemen are enterprising, live business men, and will make good citi zens and add to the bu-nuess interests af Albany. A tsooil Line t Maeltlnery . The Frank Brothers Implement Co., of Portland, is one of the best on the coast. carrying a splendid line ot goods, among others the Walter A Wood's binders, chain rake reapers, enclosed gear mowers and Sweys rake reapers, Gaar Scott k Go's sepa ratora and. plain aud traction engines, and Coate's Lock Lever Hay Bake. Julius tirad wohl is agent for this city. General Wheat Prospects. The statute of Liberty is 111 feet high from heel to top af htad and from bottom of plinth to top of torch 151.41 feet. The height of the head is ZXA feet, width of the eye z reet 4 moues, length 01 nose a ieet 1 9 inches, length of forefinger 7 feet 11 in ches ; the Auger nails are 1.14 feet by 85- 100 feet, ciroumierenoe ef linger at second joint 4 feet 9 inches, According to the above Miss Liberty would make a tremen dous masher. If her eyes should accl dently fall on some of those New York dudes they would be completely gene,and when she blows her nose,or weeps at some public grievance, look out for a flood. She weighs over 400,000 pounds, and if she were worth what it bas cost to raise her might be set down aa a quarter million aire. Her pedestal will cost considerable more than that. I .ut W.rlnAxl.u ut HMBiMuilUl V XI inepiay, inougn, is not a uoiiar one, anu JjMjk., Ilvcry mUc, lhe Browns vlile bote the people of the valley do not like being and other buildings were completely destroy taxed that price tor whit was given in Port- ed by lire. Particulars not learned. land for half the fee. Parties bringing wood to the Democrat olbce will please call and get receipts. 1 wo or three loads have been left without any calls, preventing the giving of credits. a t t i s a . 1 From the report of the agricultural de- C1. eeng -J oroer. nearly every- , . ... IT C 1 LI IMIJ muukuv IB 111 lavui Ut Sk www uiuva. partmont of the U. S., just aut, it is learn- on he ,chool Md the way to gn ow ed that tbe "general average condition of i, to call a meeting. Shall we have one t 62 for winter wheat is the worst official Burkhsrt Bros., have several cash custom showing since 1865, In 1S81 It waa 74 and. era for small pieces of laud of from 24 to 80 and 75 in 1883, while in the great crop acres. If farmers will be willing to divide Our dress goods have arrived and the ladies are invited te call and see them. E yery thing in new colors and designs will be found iu our complete assortment. MONTEITH k SEITBNBACH. years of 1880 and 1882 it was 00 In June. From close study of the returns it is oer aln that a large portion of the reduction In area is discounted in the returns of tba condition, yet in a few states a further al lowance must be made for the unanticipat ed destruction of area by replanting. their land into this size tracts we can sell them. The supper given at the Exchange Hotel on the return of the firemen from Astoria was due entirely to the members of the Ladies Coffee Club, to whom many thanks should be extended. Hanlon aad Teemer are to row live races Aa rxebsnce attempts to knock out hand grenade iu the following manner : "in the tirat national bank at Idaho Hpriegs, Colorado, a student lamp caught tire, and six ol the alleged lire extinguishing grenades wtie broken over the lamp, with the effe :t of sjrrnading the oil snd flame where vrr fluid from tbe grenades flowed. The grenades proved perfectly worthless and had no etfect on the (tames. There is much indiimatiin there over the result, as nearly everybody invested in the arenades and hate to liud themardves defrauded If you would sharpen a man's oencil or get his good araoss till his stomach with the beat to be had. When the Iowa editors re turned te Portland they complimented Salem, Ashland and I orvslhs on their line repasts. HM on its beautiful girls and MoMion yille on its flowers, b it Ati.any, which only helped to furnish a ride on the river, and two good hands, was not noticed. lie it said though, that when they get home theso things will have passed from tneir minds aa of paramount importance ; yet thay always sxert a certain lasting influence. Frank faalitt Sumlmu VawaaiM for July begins tbe eighteenth volume of this popular magaxine with an interesting descriptive ar ticle on "The Cathedrsl of the Incarnation." at Garden City, l-ng Island. Two more of the Parables ef Christ are given "The Great Supper" and "Tbe Lost Sheep" the latter with an illustration. Dr Talmage's sermon is on the "Noontide of Lift. ; in the "Edi torial Comments" he discusses the threaten ed war in Asia, the Doctor, the Pedestal for the Status of liberty, sud the Saturday half holiday all timely topics. Among some of the more interesting miscullaneous articles are "The Sacred Ganges," with three illus trations ; and "The Martyrs of the Bass." with two illustrations. There are numerous short art :los and poems, and a number of floe engravings. Published by Mrs. Prank Leslie, 53, 55 and 57 Park Plac, New York, at 25 cents a number, or $2.50 a year, post paid. Few things are more fascinating in their way than a study of the subterranean hie tory of man, whether in cavea or in mounds, whether it be to corroborate written history, or to take testimony that ante-dates all writing. President Bartlett, of Dartmouth, contributes an interesting article on this topic to the July number of tbe North Amrr- tea Kevteu? ; but in the aame number ot the Jtevtmc appears a conversation between David Dudley Field and Henry ueerge, ou land ami taxation. William Clarke show the futile character of any scheme for British imperial federation, and Thomas W Knox gives a brief but interesting sketch of the progress of European mfluense in Asia. The other ar ticles are one by Gail Hamilton on Prohihi tion in practice, and ono by Kev Dr C H. Parkhurst on the decline of Christianity. Those, with the batch of free hand coin nicnts, make up a number of unusual interest If the allotted age of man wero Bufliuient fo a magazine, we might have tojpart hore with an Old friend ; for the emtio has just com pleted its seyentieth year. But outwardly it renews its youth with a new cover, aud iu wardlv it seems more vigorous than ever. NetrsosllUn Airs. man aud amiaii were each lined $10 for kissing 011 Broadway in New urk City. Too much reform sltogstaer. Diid.tenaiek the New York builder of tbe eight tenement houses which reontly fell has bean sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. Serves tbe weak mortared wretch risbt, And now it ia claimed that the Maxwell Pteller murder in Sr. Louis wns n hoax to get 20,uoe insurance on Preller's life, A brilliant affair anyway. Farmers should remember tbat J J Du bruiUe baa on hand a stock of ten feat bid der whips. Call 00 him. For a few days this week Albany has put on high metropolitan airs. Not only has the t antral scoot building and the Opera House been pushed rapidly towards imposing struc ture, but a genuine, live boot black hss been in our city plying his trade. "Shine 'em up. Ouly ten cents," wasbe.ird all along our streets. A De u.h rat man hear ing nf the curiosity hunted him up, when h found thst he was a tourist of some note. Originally of Sn Frsucisco,when ho heaid of tbe urand prospects offered by the Exposi -tion he weut to New Orleans, where, after reut.i uiing awhile, he started Northwestward, stopping at Denver snd other places, finally reaching Portland, all tbe time traveling just like editors aud Laudators, on free - passes (stolen rides). He ia now ou his wsy to his home in tbe metropolis of the P. C, a genu ine city boot black, and will be glad of au opportunity to shine em up just to get enough to keep htm from starving, Is reach is g. Future conditions or misconceptions of ef 2, 3, 3i, 4 and 5 miles for $500 for each present appearances, or both together, are race- Tho Democrat predicts tht the form ..r , . 7 ' er will win at least three of the racji, it not ,.v. . . . all of them. 01 low ouuiiirv iiioib uiitu iii.vuv.uw uusrieiB -vt . .. v., i.:u th. 000,000 bushels ; still dliastets prior to creditors are to be satisfactorily adjusted harvest, or wet weather afterwards, might I We hope the attempt will be consummated possible make a greater reduotlon, Suf ficient to thin day, however, ia the evil thereof," Letter 1.1st. Following- is the list of letters remaining hi th Post Offlee, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Jun 26th, 1886. Persons calling (or these letters must gir the data os which they were advertised : Baker, W. L. Durnc, Johnnie Uoldt, John Milliken, Dr. A. J. M. IRVING, P. M. and the road set running. If you want your property advertised call An I U....I.I. mnA (In iramAiilnrnlv. If you want vour property sold call ou them It costs you nothing to advertise with this firm and very little to sell The only place while on their tour that the Iowa editors had wine set before tbem was at Taooma. In order not to be discourteous nearly all of them oast aside their proktbi- tion principles and eudulged. Miss Leister, who plays in the Casino at Ten Popular Frail Dryer. The Cnrrwn fruit dryer is being the popular dryer of the Willamette Valley. Iast year over seventy were sold, and thin vear the nrosDera are as rood. Tbie is because it combines .mare good quail ties than other machines. AH who have used it, praise the manner in which it does its vorksr The fruit dried by Si takes the lead iu the markets, a .splendid rec ommendation. Examine it before b.iying, gee adv. In another column 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen k Co. " . ISOKV T1SHEK. On Jane tfta, 185, iu Albany, to the wife of Zok Ttsher a boy. HlltltlKlt. There wiil be preaching iu the Fust Pres byterian Church in this city commencing Thursday evening, June 25th and continu ing throughout the remainder of the week and oyer Sabbath. Rev E R Mergatroyd, of Independence and Rev D 0 Ghormley, ef East Portland will conduct the Service. All are invited to attend. Met Isles a. Gospel Temperance meeting at the M. E. church on Sabbath evening. Dr, Watts is expected to be present. Campmeeting near Blevens bridge ia in progress aUpreaent, and will be during tba Sabbath. Eaterly Twlse Madia Harvesters. We have the agency for this popular ma chine for the coming harvest. They rave better satisfaction last season than any other machine sold. We will not be un dersold by any machine. A la:ge supply of extras of every part ol these machines always on hand. Call snd see them. Bl'RKH ART DsOS. at All kinds of fresh vegetables can be found k Brownbu.'s. Live Cerruspoadent. A subscriber in complimenting our large list of resular correa pendents made the remark that our Chicken Bristle corres pondent was immense. He is, ten feet tall, (more or less) chuck full of good na il re, and is a first cousin of one of tbe leading Now York politicians. He bas done everything from planting core with a crow bar to writing communications on fir bark with a spade and deer's bloed. Everybody desires to hear from him oftener. The Democrat is fortunate iu bavins a lire list of correspondent, all of U1LMOKE--SANDERSON.-- At Kiddles, on June 24th, 1885, Mr J W QlLstORK, of West Fork and Mk-s Loi.v Sanukkson, of Riddle, Mr. teilmore, formerly uf Albauj , ia now operator at West Fork, and is a moat exem plary young man. Tne Dkmoimmt extends hearty congratulations to the happy couple. HARRIS RAPHAEL In San Kraneieco, Cel.. on Tuesday, Juue 23rd, IS-S,"., Mt:. At,A Hakris, of Newport, Or., aud Mi as AnoiR EaI'HAKL, of San Francisco. The Democrat extends hearty congratu lations, MARSHALL GRmS. On Juno 5th, 18S5, at the residence of Johu Marshall, by Rev. Robert Robe. Mit. John Mausuai.i, snd Mts.s AjfKia Cross, all ol Linn com ty. FERRY WILLIAMS. On June 17, 1885, at the residonco of Mr. Williams, by Rev, P. M. Starr. Mn. William Pkrkv and Martha Wm-IASS, all of Linn county. s.-. c r. Just received a case of the Celebrated Ball Coil Sping Corset, the only corset that can be returned after three week's wear if not satisfactory. These corsets are bought direct from tbe manufacturer, saving oue profit and enabling me to give better value for tl e money than any other corset. All styles and qualities always ou hand. SAMrBL E. Yoeso. Bsrbe Fence Wire, I haye just received from the manufactor ies a car load of Bessemer steel fence wire, galvanized 4 point 4 inches, 2 point 3 inches. Samuel E. Young. Want te sell. lfflKD. Portland, ia said to have a glass eye, and I whom receive many good words. PRUSHAW. Ou Tuesday.Juuc 18th, 18S5, in Albany, Archik, infant son of Archie Prushaw, aged 5 mouths and ID days. B1LYEU. On Saturday, June 20th, 1885, in Albany, the infant child of W R Bilyeu, A tine young mare, black, very gentle and aiud, and a good and snug cart and harness all in good repair, S160. Call on T, B. White, Albany, Or. Sealed Proposals. The trustees of the Willamette United Presbyterian Ccurch of Oakviile. will re ceive Healed bids for painting their church iHiiiurig up to July JOtb. speeincaliouti nay teeeen at J. B. Couey's, The trus tees reserve the rittht to reject auy or all bids, By order of trustees. WW. COUKY, J. B. Couby, John Ba.ion. "When 33aby was sick, we gavo her C ASTORIA, When nhe was a Child, she cried for C ASTOItlA., When tih became Miss, she clung to CASTOBIA, When nhe had Childsen, she gave them C ASTOItlA.