Kutered at the Poet OfHoeat Ailmny, Or, am second-class mall matter. FIUDaY JUNK 19, 1885 8TITE3 & NUTTING. Kdttur aad lrerletort. IIKDr. Hmtlf. I.ieal K-Ultir. Official County PapBr. TM: lW4 KIllTOK. Will Br In illwu) Mini !. 1he advent of between cue and two hundred Iowa editors into tbe Northwest la a great eveat, and at tbe same time a more serious one than inanv ol our cltlxn appreciate. Already a terrific cyoloue ban ooourred In Iowa, oauMHl, says President Hwalm by tbe vacuum occasioned, which bad to U filled by something, and It I featid even by thnt gentleman, that the superabundance of brain power now cen tered here, will bring upu us, If not brain fever, at leant empty cupboerdlbus, a din tremlng disease generally followed by la visit from an editor. In view of these and other Mtartling facts. It Is but right that our oitlaons should be warned In time and be prepared for them, They will ar rive here this (Friday) evening, under cover of darkness, that being a favorite time for them to put in an appsarance. Albany people wilt do well, if not to keep their houses full of at least to be on their guard ami at all limes keep a watchful on them. When it is considered that edi tors are an impecunious set of men, never wealthy, except in being the owners of bushels of bad accounts, lae importance of this will be emphacissd. Better heart ed, more gsneroua, well intemioued men, men possessing finer intellectual attain ments, as well as versatile soci al qualities, than these Iowa editors, cannot be found this side-of the London "Times" is the east or the Pekln "Gazette" in tbe west, Wears justly proud of be'ongtng to the same profession, In these Iowa editor, particularly, the people of the Willamette Valley take a great interest. More Linn county people have come from that State than from any other State in the Union, and they know of their attainments. There are old friends among them, men they have beard of for years, sttne who write to give the n ws, others to interest, others to make their many subscribers the abore being a genuine picture of a man who died after reading the Barling ton "Hawkeye" one month ; yet, not withstanding these facta, it will be well m-rt to be too careless when tbey are here. Their poor, starving compositors back in I ira have to be paid, or at least fed, On account of poor crops there this year it ia feared this la but a recruiting expedition. At the same time what is done should be done secretly. These gifted mei all have electrified pens with them ready on the Impulse, and as we are desirous of having them leave Albany with a brilliant, soul stirring account of it, we cannot afford to be too cautious. Treat them well, aplen didly, courteously. They deserve It. If wo do this thev will tell their subscribers what a hospitable people we are,and what a good country hta is to live in, about our fine water pew er, our flouring mills, our wheat fields, our fertile, unsurpassed lands, sad thiols what we wsnt, for sev eral million psople will read what tbey These editors will remain in Albsny till to-morrow (Saturday) at 1O.30 when they will be conveyed by steamer to Corvallis, thence down the west side to Portland, and thence home, Tbe program whiie the editors are in Albany is for the Msyor and citizens, headed by the two bands, to march at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning to the DeXt Hotel, wLete the excursionists will take breakfast, and conduct them through the principal fetreets to the steamer. Parties wishing to aceompnny them to Corvallis can obtain round trip tickets for 60 cents. Another Victory. When the announcement was made that the U. S. Fish Corn, was coining to this coast with a car load of shad for oar rivers, Mr C P Burkhart wrote to the President of the Board of Trade at Portland and asked him to secure a few of the fish for him for the Uooer IFillsmette. The President notified Mr Burkhart that the Com. had instructions to deposit all his car load in tiio Upper Wil Jamette and hence th-.rc was no necessity ef seodiughitn any, but when they arriyed they were emptied into the Willamette at Portland and hence they can never reach the Upper Willamette. This is another victory for Portlmd over the valley. The state Teachers Association. Will meet in Astoria Jalv 6th, 7th. 8th 9th and 10th, All persons attending the aa sociation will receive return tickets from Portland at 80 per cent off, and round trip tiakets on the rivers for 82.50. The boats will leae the Ash street docks in Portland at d a: m . Julv 6;h. 7th and 8i.h. The tickets will bo limited on the river to Sept 30th. on the railroad to July 16th. On July 9th an excursion will be made to Fort Stev ens, Fort Canby, Ilwaco, Young's River Falls and ether point ot interest, leachers will be entertained during the days of the Association, by the citizens of Astoria. No finer summer trip can be obtained in the Northwest. Every teacher should attend it A Kuaaway. Last Monday about noon tbe team of MrC P Knlghten, of Tangent became frightened In the western part of the city and ran away, Mr Kinghten and another geatlernan were riding, me team Look Fourth street for its course, the efforts of both gentlemen bsiDg insufficient to stop them. . At the east end of the street Mr Knighteo's companion was thrown out, doing him no injury, and soon after the team was stopped. i OHli:MH.r WEEK. The Work of l Alhaay I'alleglatr In-ll lulr. ANNUAL SBRMON. Ou Sabbath evening Hv K T Lsc, of Portland, delivered the annual sermon of the Ailmny Collegiate Institute, at tho College Chapel to a full house. It was an able sermon generally appreciated for the good thought which it contained. ALUMNI LITKIIARY. On Monday evening, ou account of tlio in oleineut condition of the weather only a fair audience greeted Win alumni of the Institute at thoir opeu literary entertainment at the College Chapel. Those who wore present listened to an uncommonly line program, short but choice. The d liferent tarts impress ed the Drmocka r man something, as follows . The piano .l. f Mus Khtboth Conner, Mmuette from Ricuherim. as being well exe cuted, with a delicate and accurate touch, suitable foi the parlor, hut lacking force for the public hall ; it received deserved com . s as as at it. pi i men ts . the essay oi airs v ri .-siewsrt, on "Memory. "as a thoughtful, well written production, on an interesting subject, im pressing one with the importance of reading good works and the necessity of remember ing what one reads : the recitation of Miss Mary Irviue, "The First Settler's Story," as IxMim splendidly rendered, in Miss Irvine's pleasant style, with line effect and in a man nor we have never seen Miss Irviue surpass : the piano solos by Miss L.ura Tat-, "Cavat," by Johnsou and "I'elka hrilliante,"' by her self, both as being artisticlv executed, with splendid expression. Miss Tate plas with a oontideuce snd force which inspires those who hoar her, and as well writes musio with taste : the oration of J as J Charlton, as a masterly effort, exhibiting a splendid com mand of language with au attractive sty Is. We regret that we lack apace to give a syn- nisis of the thoughtful, carefully prepared subject matter of the oration : the duet by Mrs (too h t harnberlain aud Miaa Lucie Welch, "Two Captive Maidens," as being sa ploaajug a duet as we can remember haviug listened to, the voices of the two sisters blending in complete hsrmouy, yet ret tin ing an individuality which charms the )ilen er : the "annals" by Mrs C K Wolvertou, as being ably gotten up, full of well duett d hits and as well of just encomiums, giving pointed sketches of each of the twenty oue members of the aluinut, about whom we learned the followiutt : Mr liraddtaw and Miss Mary Finlayson are dead ; Mi Frank Oiborn is farming in C'ackamss county : Commodore I Davis is County Assessor of Umatilla county ; Mrs Myis (taaton resiiles in H ilssy ; Mrs Cora Stewart in Albany ; Mrs Kate Burkhart near Albany ; Mis Clara Wolverton in Aihauy ; Mrs Welthy Sox in Seattle ; Mrs Mary Savage ia Wascu county; Mrs Hcttie Tompleton in Portland ; Mrs Jane Pailim? in I'ortlaud ; Ir J Torrence Tate, dentist, in Portland ; Miss Kova Alex ander, stadying medicine, ia San Francisco ; Mrs l.iblue Merrill io Albany ; Mrs Maggie Powell in 1'ortlsi.d ; Miss Ilettte Miller in Albany ; Miss Annie Aithouse in Albany ; Miss Mary Irvine in Albany and Messrs i 1 Foster, studying law. ia Albany and J l Charlton, Deputy County Sheriff, in Albaay. ALFHM RKINI05. An enjoyable reunion of the alumni was held the same eveaiug at the residence of Mrs Charles E Wolverton, on Lyon Street There were present at the same : Mrs (tas ton snd husband, Mrs Failing. Mrs Sox, Mrs Burkhart, Mrs Stewart and husband, Mrs Wolvertoa and husitaml, Misses Aithouse, Miller and Irvine, aud Messrs Foster and Charlton. SrU-lKADl'ATtS' CXKKUtSKH. Tuesday afternoon the sub-?rduates of the College gave a public entertainment at the Chapel, which was of peculiar interest, as it spoke in strong terms of the amount of efficient work being done in the Institute, all of the essay s and sub-lectures being ou subjects gone over during the past year. After prayer by Hev Thompson, of Salem, Miss Elizabeth Conner cxecnted s piano solo, about which the same might be said as of the one rendered by her the previous sveaing. Essays were read during the afternoon by Collins Elkins, of the English History class, on "Alfred the Great ;" by Ksther Warner, of the class in English Composition, on "Needle Work ;" by Qoincy U Propst, of the class in Knitlish Literature, on "Sir Walter Scott :" by Stephen Flinn, of the . class in Natural I'hylosophy on "Light. " . and by I-rank i'ropst, of the ltin clas, on I The Kelutious views of the Komaos As aa . certained from reading Virgil." All of them showed thorough study in the different , classes and carefnl instruction mi the use of anguage. They spoke well for the school. Thu rendition of no one of these essays. though, let us ssy candidly was what it hould be, with perhaps the exception of the last mentioned, the essayists not using suf ficient losff oower to be heard well over the mall chapt 1 in w'aic'i the exercises t x)k p'ace. lne same may be said of some ot the sub- ecturessnd recitations, and in fact, of stu dents generally. Ths snb lectures by John A eisendorfer, on " The Caroonilerous fen od Ceology," and by Frank rower, on 'Geometry," exhibited the same careful tudy and thorough instruction as did the . . a . essays, their deliveries incut n, naiarauy enough, being somewhat embarrassed. Tl.e sub-lectors by Miss Lillie Robertson, on 'Mental Philosophy'' was the model exercise of the entertainment. SuJtndidly classified and admirably delivered, in au easy manner. with a distinct, strong voice, well under con trol, it deserved hesrty encomiums, and re. ceivedthsm. The recitations by Miss Ksther Marshall. "The Relief of Lacknnw f by Vli.ts Flora Mason. "The Maiden Martyr ;" by Miss Helen Crawford, "The Painter of Seville," all showed good control of the voice, expression and grace, though, with the exception of Miss Crawford, hardly eneugh streogth of voice. Miss Ins Robertson s ren dition of "Taking an Klevator," entitles her to the dcstinction of being, by far, the best comedian reciter in Albany. In her line of comio recitations she has few equals any- here. A comic, well rendered duet by the Misses Rebertsou was a pleasant feature in tbe program. Tbe exercises were closed by some apt re marks by Rev Thompson, of Salem, one only of which we will mention. He paid the young ladies of the school a deserved com pliment on the sensible way in which they dressed their hair, not one wearing bangs, which are like eternal cloudy weather, while sa m s S a. a no Die toretieaa is use a scarry ntgnt. Happy thought. There's an exampls of im agination tor you, Rev. Iee Altogether these exercises hav j shewn the Albany Collegiate Iustitute to be in a splen did condition, with a good corps of teachers, who arc doing thorough, careful, correct work, and that is what is wanted. The Dkmocrat takes pleasure in devoting so much space to so worthy an Institution. sores. The Committee appointc I by the Presby tery of Oregon made the following excellent report, which explains itself. We, your Committee Appointed by the Presbytery of Oregon, to examine into the management and work of the Albany Col legiate Institute at Albany, Or., beg leave to submit the following report : Pursuant to their appointment the Committee rest in Albany on Tuesday afternoon. June 10th, 185. and during an examination of under graduates extending through five hours the various members of the Committee called up the work of the year. The examination was held in the following studies ; Mental phylos ophy, Mathematics, English History, Eng lish Literature, Latin, Greek and Geology. The Latin called up was new to tho class,aud was re.vl at sight and then parsed. Tbe Committee express themselves entirely satis fied with the thoroughness aud permanence of the work of the Institution aud heartily endorse the school. Rev. E. J. Thompson, Salem. Rv. E. Tbumbull Lee, Portland. Wm. N. La due, Salem. Hok. Jacob Vooehes, IToodburn. On Tuesday eveuing a successful and en joyable reception was give the above com mittee at the residence of L E Blaia, by the faculty and alumni of the College ; and on tbe same evening a pleasant social was given in the College budding by the students of Ihe Institute. Recently Mr fTilsonR Blain presented the College a tine cabinet of hugs and nisectd, Mr John Briggs some Indian relics aud others various articles. People who take an interest in the College can do a great fayor by leaving with it specimens, curiosities, etc., w hioh will be well taken care of. The services rendered the College by Dr J L Hilt in delivering stated lectures to the students have been of great value to them, The Doctor has kindly loaned the College splendly articulated well preserved skeleton, a kind ties, wimii we arj assured is appro ciated. The numeiioal value of pi at the Demo ikat omce is im MR a pound, t his ex plode ths old result, but is oorrect and can bo proven without long demonstration. July 41b, ISSft, Albany. nrricsas or tiis SAV : Fivaideiit 1 It N lllsokburtt. Vlx PnwtidonU, J I. Cewnti. I.dmiuin . Ueo W Johnson, Halem . A IVarw, Albany ; gajR May liar "sou ; Judge Kclasy, UorvalUs ; ..-.. Ivls, NlimJJ J M Waits, ir,.imiiie ; J J Mack. lUlsct i Wattsf l.ilmsoti. J.fTiron. Orator Hon W K llllveu. Kaadsr. J H Whitney. Marshal. Use Humphrey. I Intplaln. Ittv J W Harris. The States of the Union will l tepiesoiit od by young ladies ou horseback. Musio for the day will be furnished by four of the leading brass bands of the Valley. A significant feature of tho day will he the appearance of the ancient order of I'owjsys in all thsit real glory aud apleudor. The graud Mogul will deliver an exorbitant ora tion and the deputy chief Mogul will read the Declaration of Independence. Half far rates have been secured from all poiutsouthe railroad between Eugene City snd Salem. Valuable prises will Im giveu fur agrett variety of contests. A grand display of lire works in the cveu ing. Tbe days fostivitlea will conclude with a grand ball at Crawford's Opera House' Comeeverybody as a good Urns Is guar an teed. (assist sn line it Ths pi ot ess of fanning salmon is a most interesting one. While at Astoria last week the Dkmocrat man bad the pleasure of witnessing each stage of tbe canning business. First come His salmon, fresh trom the Columbia; a Celestial takes ene and cuts Its bead and fins otT, another ons cleans it, another chops it Into allosa with a machine, another the pieces still smaller vtlth a knife aud so down through several hauds until it Is fine enough. Then It is placed iu cans, the cans washed, tbe cover put on and soUlered,a hole punched iu the top and after w ards filled, a lars,e u timber are finally placed in a vat and boiled for an hour and afterwards steam ed, then they are tested by sounding them, labels aie put on, and tbe nana put In cases ready for the market. In tbe same syatemstlc way the cans are made in an other department, a Chinaman bavl ng a particular branch to do. None but hina- tuen are bin d. They work cheaper and do more, each one doing bla part of 18O0 cans, while It is claimed white men only put up about a thousand. Columbia river Mlnoq a.-e oa-eu all ever the world, Rarctary as4 Arn Some two mouths ago while all the citizens in the German settlement near Jordan, in this county, ware at church on the Sabbath day, an entrance was effected into one cf their houses and a number of articles were carried away. Suspicion rejted on a strange wan who had been pruwlutg amund in ths neighborhood for several days. Ths stranger disappeared and nothing more was thought ai the matter until the latter part of last week, when the stranger appeared again. On last Sunday the people, a- u their oostora, apparently all repaired to church, bat in fact they left a man secreted in each house to watch. Mr Bender left his son at his residence.and shortly after the fender fami. o11 't for church the stranger made bis appearance st the lender house and had a wiodow abtmt Hm&mi when yoao. fWl.r . . " -rr t "' arresum tbs (gen, wbe gave his name as T Adams ai ieo Huffman. He was brou lit tl S. I1 M I l.t had a preliminary exatniaatinn and bound over in 9500 bail to await ths action of the grand jury, and tn default he was placed io Scio jail preliminary to being brought to the County jail here. Duriog the uight the barlarand thief burnt a bole in tbe door of the jail and made his Mtate Aarlrsutitral vllt-gr. The ttaard of Regonts or (bis Institution met in annual session in College Chapel, Corvallis, June Sib. tjuite a full attend anoeof the Hoard, and great harmony of action was had on ail the interests of tbe College. All matters pertaining to Re well-being, and to conserve tbe cause of education passed under review with tbe greatest harmony and unanimity of action. The same corps ol Professors were elected. Dr J B Lee was elected President of the Board ; Jss A Cautbein, Secretary and M Jacob, Treasurer, Five ol tbe students were graduated, The Honorary degree ot D. D, was con ferred by tbe Board of Regents on Kev R W Hill, Presbyterian Church, of Salem and Rev T B White, Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Albany. Next annual school term opens Sept. 10th, 1885. Young msn should secure their appoint in nuts from ths State Senators and become beneficiaries of the ample and liberal provisions for their education. Regent, An Important Case Uedded. Last Tuesday Judge Strahan, of this city , delivered au able argument before Judge Boise, at Salem, in the case of the State Agricultural College of Corvallis against ths Secretary of State, asking for a peremptory mandamus, compelling the Secretary of State to issue warrants on the S.ate Treasurer far the p-tymeut of esrisis njoueys duo the Col legs from Uio Si.U', under provisions of a bill pasKfld by the last Legislature, which has been claimed to be defective. The writ was granted, placing the College solidly en its feet. Tois is a grsat legal victory for Judge Strahan, as the case was an important one. Token or a ppreelatton. Last Saturday evening a committee from McPherson Post, G. A. R,, consisting of Commander L H Montanye, D R N Black burn, 8 8 Train and A B Woodia, surprised Rev J W Harris at his homt in this eity by presenting him with a fine silver tea set, as a token of their appreciation of the decora tion sermon which he delivered on the Sab bath previous to Decoration Day. Nut lee a lAbarlag Men. There will bo a mestiug held at the Court House ou Saturday evening, June 20th, for the purpose of organizing a Laboring Men's Union. All laberiug men are requested to be present. By Several Laboring Men. Citosea friends. There will be a report of the Grand Coun oil this (Friday) evening. Election of officers will also take place. This order will here after be known as the "United Friends of tho Pacific," the name having bden changed at the last Grand Council. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Alleu & Co Central Haptlat Association. This association has just closed one of the best sessions it has ever held. The assoais tiou covers the Willamette Vsllsy from Hal soy to Turners. In this put of ths valley there are twenty Baptist churches, sixteen of which were ropreaetitud at theastooi&tior. The largest church is ths I'royidenos church iu the Forks of the Satitiam, with lull mem. Iters. Tho sixteen churches report s mem bership of HIM, with HU baptism during the year. The churches also reported quite large contribution for both Home and Foreign Missiou work. During the session theie were sevun sermons preached and many ad dresses givou upon e h subjects as Sunday School Work, Home ami Foreign Missions, Associatioual Mission Work, Education, etc. Tlu reports showed that thi Daptist denom ination is doing a vory great work iu Foreign Missions, haviug at ths present time 'JON Foreign missionaries, with 17'iU uaCivo preaoh era, 1 1 . .I'm cimrcii tnemiicrs ami iu,rM Istptisius in the last year. The ruporta abe showed that the deiiomiitstion is having a rapid grow th iu this com n try, haviug at tho present time a membership of over .', . ki.immi On the north I'acilic Const there are about KM) lUptistaand about Ido llaptist church rim reports being uniformly euouuraging undo the out ue smsiou one of much life auw outhiisiasiu ths churches hoping to do evi u better work the coining year. former Albas. Pewple. w li.it- Iu Astoria the DnNMMS man, had the pleasure of meetitig Miss BenUe Schlossoll, an accomplished young lady of that city. MiMBohloaseil had the honor of being born In Albany, her father, ftltnon citl. a.!l, being in bust nuss In this city from 18191 to 1807. when they moved to New .York city, Miss Schlosaell then Whig about five years of age, Col. (Jig Hawkins, formerly an ex pert (?) printer of this city, ia now In l'ertlaud, where he was recently mar rled. Lucky Hawkins. Hope he was not anlped. While in Portland Isst week we met Cass Humphrey, one of the fastest com positors in Oregon, now ou lbs "Ore gonian. '' Also Mi Annie Haslett.a fleet fiugertd type sllnger on the "Standard." Annie learned the art preservative ou ths I i mockat, and we rejoice to know Is do ing well and continues U be a lively, in telligent young lady. In the same office Is Mr Cushing, foreman, who once was a dl'.igenl student In tbe Albany College ' dish" has become quite a politician and bsips to make things lively in the Second ward. Joe and Johnnie Webber hold forth at the Hartford and Commercial Insurance Agom y, and are do'ng them salves honor as former Albsny boys. A Bt rrsy Severat months ago a man named J H McElrey taught school near Lebanon . but of course bad to have a certificate be fore be could get bis money. A certificate la said to have been presented to tbe Di rector and the money paid over ; but It was not genuine, for he never passed an examlitaUoo lu this county. If any was presented u was a forgery. McKlroy su j tlsnly left for parte unknown, taking with him bis high flown recommendation from Proctor Knott (?) ami an unpaid board bill of about 110. lie haa just been hoard of by the name of H McKlroy In Southern Oregon, where be solicited for the Grant's Peas "Courier," and, that pa per claims, failed to turu over certain moneys collected. Anyway bo was ar rested for einbexxleuitnt ; but was not convicted. Where be ia now is not known. One thing oertalu latitat be la a bad penny, and, If he did lorge lire teacher's , .run u., aa is charged aganul blm.be should be lot lowed to the south pole an 1 given bis desserts. MjMrrlauett mt Orests. Daring the past weok we have received specimens of wheat sad oats as follows : From Mr W C Calloway, oj miles soutl of Albany, s fine bunch of white winter wheat. feet tall, a bunch of fall oats of good growth, and aosther of wild oats which hold their heads as high as any of thorn. From Mr J A McGee, 6 miles south of Al bany, a spletdid bunch of fall wheat, with Urge well developed heads. From Mr K L Bryan, of Tangent, a bunch of wheat from a new grain. as fine as we have seen, and a couple of bunches of oats, show ing large growth. These specimens certsinly iudicate a fine crop ot fall grains ; but tpritig wheat is being greatly damaged by tho continued rains, so much so thst some already have determined to plow np their fields. They should not be too hasty, though, in doing so. s eaetntlOBs frssa the Patrwsm. The following resolutions were adopted by Linn County Business C inncil at a meetii g ou last Saturday at Shed i : Whereas, There is an effort being made on the part of some -to induce his excellency, ( fov. r . Moody, to call au extra session of the Legislature, and, WriF.iir.As, We believe that an extra ses sion would be of no benefit to the citizens of the State but would only increase the ex- tiense o the tax payers of ths Stats, there ore, Retelwd, That we earnestly solicit the Governor uot to convene an extra session of the Legislature, but that he appoint a U. S. Senator to fill the vacancy until the next regular session, and that he make said ap pointment in the interest of the agricultural aud working meu of the State. A C lock. Time and again the matter of having a town clock far the city haa been dis cussed, but tbe matter has been dropped and passed over with nothing further dene than general talk. Now that eur new school house is iu preoess of cob struction, would it not be well to have a clock en ths school house ? We be lleve it would be good policy to have a a good clock that would strike the half and quarter hour as well as the hour and then it would serve all the purposes of a school bell. What say the citizens Shall we hare a town clock ? The American Scar cigar at R & B's is a" new arnva To Thresltuieu. The Improved Westinghouse Thresh ing machinery and engines' are guar enteed to be the very best in the mar ket, Cousult your interests by sending for circulars to E, T. Wright, Portland, Oregon. Also dealer In Hancock separ ators, pumps, belling, oils, etc. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen & Co. ARB ARK94D, Welcome, lows Kditors. K M French, jeweler. All kinds of fruit at R It's. Ths best harness st J J Dubruilles. Order 3 lb. box of starch at U Us. Commencement week st ths Coll ige. Kxtrs price paid for goml wool at P Cohen's fl, 10 ail I IBs uounters st N H Alleu A Co, Albany w to h ive I ttnolio Church and school. Don't sstt your wool beforu oilling ou P (' then. J. P. Wallace, Physician aud Surgeon, Al bany, Or. A pateut medietas troup w.m in the city last Monday. (i. W Maatoii, Physician aud Suriceoii. Albany, Oiegon. There are I2.H73 o wii mors oublisltf I i i th- United Mtates. Dr. I '.to n-y 's mauelit! blo.t I vitiligo at Deyoe A Hobsou's, Several Plnmmer fruit drvers fo.- sale at cost at John Briggs. Tbe infant son of Archie Prushaw died yesterday morning. Omrstl Meyer allows no mis to excel him in his litis of groceries. The Portlands Isist th Oregon City bass ball cub last Sunday 2.1 to H. Far all kinds of ladies ami ohildruiis' hats and bonnets, call on Miss Schubert. Hamilton Hawkins attempted to murder his divorced wife to Portland last Tuesday. A asw postmaster. Mr Dtvidsou, has been appointed at H ussy, m ptaes of M K oeutx. Several dosen of live chickens wants 1 by J C Daunals,just south of new school bouse. Ladies, ge and se Montsith A Saitsubaoh's spring stock, grsat verity in every department. F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite (hid Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. The Iowa editors arrived in Portland last Sunday, when a Hoe reception was given them. We see that W, C. I a LI- has iu-t re osived soother lot of new stylrd psrior stoves. Kev T II Whits will preach In ths M K Church South, io tins uty, oo aeXb Sabbath morning. The Oregon Sbats Pioueors Association met at i ireaosi City aa iai M outlay with a good atteuusoco. Dr. M. H. Fllis. physician and surgeon All any, Oregou. ('alls mads in city or uouuuy. Now ia ths time to get sugar by ths ksg. bat before buying ask Head A Urowncii their prtosa. Fishing tackle, oattlcry, sewing machines and notions, cheaper than ever, at WU lit others. K F Wells, ef Baena Vista, has invented s potato planter. It wdl plant six to sight acres a day. A good and large assortment of lumber at the yard of Kit Carter al ws s on band. Utye turn a call. 38x34 toshes is the sixe of a Weston pie plant leaf. Can any ons iu Albany leave tuts ia the suede. These who have promised the Dr.. vr office wood on subscription will do wb to bring it along. Burkhart Bros, will advertise your land for sale free of charge. Give them a call if yoa want to esU. One Chinaman shot auolh. r in Portland last Saturday. Tores or lo.tr .tiUuiy men witnessed the deed. Miss Schubert wishes to announce that sbs is now able to resume work at Uressiwaatug, culling and fitting. Go to Prusbaa s uw Drag Store for pure drugs, patent medium, etc. Prsaaripitws c are I ally cumpuuoitJ, A fall blooded bve year old Jersey bull (or solo. For psruvuUrs, address Hauultoo Bros, OakviiK, Oregou. hi Moodey ap tbe i o t o to a lUbsruisa was robbed of toe mousy snd utu.dstsd iu ooid biuod by two tramps. Hev M Judy will preach at Trinity Chapel near Knox Butte oa SabUalb altsruuou at 4 o'cisea. Puoiie invited. Tbe large display of produce always on baud atCuorad Maysrs makes bis stores popular ou for house keepers. Strswborrte have bsso sold in the Al bany nuarket eight weeks, so uncommonly long period for in cm to but. Window shades, laoe curtains, oil cloth, ear pete, aud wail paper. Tne nicest stock, tu tewu at M ooteith A Seiteabaob'a. Mr Fred Graf has just brought oo a splen did lies of baby c-rriagos, with the latest improvements. Call ami see them. D C Ireland has purchased the Yamhill RrforUrr. The Suidsr Brothers are now running an evening daily in Astoria. Get tbe Osborne Twine binder, ths easiest running, with the only absolutely sure knew ter in VSe market. Deyoo A ltuism are agents. Some money oa a string was fouod be tween this place and Wells a few days ago. Call on Bead ami Browusll, Albany, Or., lor the same. Ladies', misses' and children's fine shoes, also coarser grades, can be fouod at Mon tsith k Sottenbach,at price in keeptag with hard times. Mattressei sn I lounges for sale, and all kinds of upholstering work repaired at J K Hayes, lust -t of Uoyoe aud Kobuson s, Albany, Oregon. Any 1 tarty wishing to purchase a goo rt farm, either for grain or stock wilt do well by calliuK on A it Cyrus A Co., Real Folate Agents, at liebanon, Or. Three circuses are to afflict ths valley this year. I bey will all be immense institutions uuttl they leave each place. Kverybody will go regardless of hard times. At a meeting of tbe Common Council held on last Tuesday eveaiug 1100 was voted to wards pay l uk the expenses of the reception to be given tbe Iowa editors, llegular meeting of the W 0 T U at thoir hall, on Tuesday, June 23rd, at 3 o'clock p. m. A full attendance is specially requested. Mrs HJ lownsend, rres. Mr Fred Goetz has bought out Mr Milton Hyde, and will run the city Market iu the future. Fred is a popular butcher aud will no doubt do a good buaineas. Mr Dortnan B Katou is to givo in the Julv number ef the North A nuricma Review ths results of his two years' experience as chief of tbe Civil Service Commission. Hoffman A Joseph have some of the finest champagne and bottled cider ever offered to the people ot Albany, sold m all quantities, by the glass or otnerwiae. Try it. On the 4th of July the ladies of ths W. C T. U. will keep opea lunch and ice cream tables at the old Hoffman and Joseph store on First Street. Lunch, 2ac,ios cream, 25c. Prof J B Horner, formerly of Brownsville. but now of Salem, received the Degree of Bachelor ot Arts at tne Commencement at Willamette University at Salem last week. Burkhart Bros., have several case custom ers for small pieces of bond of from 24 to 80 acres. If farmers wilt be willing to divide their land iuto this size tracts we oan sell them. At Aurora are two eating houses. Ons charges 50 cents, the other, Bayty's on the east side of the railroad, 25 cents. Fully as good if not the best table is set at the latter place. A letter from Hon H H Gilfrsy, at Oak land, CaL, informs us that he will start in a few days to visit his parents at Cress well, in Lane county, where lis will rom iin until September, If you want your property advertised call on Cane, Monteith and Co., immediately. If you want your property sold call on them. It costs you nothing to advertise with this ririn and very bttle to sell. While in Astoria last week a man was drowned one evening by falling off a railiug into the water ; but the matter was consid ered of so little importance that the papers did not oven mention it. The fishermen of the Columbia only re ceive 45 cent s a fish this year for salmon. Tuey stiuok oo this, but finally gave up the contest, as it made no difference whether they worked or not to the cannery men. The Bdnton Leader says a couple of Al bany men, one tnarried,disgraoed themselves by publicly walking through ths streets of thst hamlet with a counle of ths dera monde, We cannot imagine who they were. Now is the time to sell your land, place it in tbe bands of Burkhart tiros., they have better facilities for advertising and selling laud than any other Sums to in Ort(on smk! them your asms and tlisy Will semi you thrir ileal rotate I'appr tor one year free of charge The csmpmsetiag to be held just n;w the Bleyins bridge, ou tbe Clapois, under the auspices of the M K Church, beginning tun y.ith of June, promises to be an interest ing one. All who can are reipiestetl to tent on the grounds. There will be a boarding tout where meals can he obtained. A New Orleans paper refers editorially to ths wonderful restoraliou to health of Mr T Posey, druggist, Kfl Canal street that city, who sometime ago was prostrated by an st t nimeting attack of scistica. After maoh ni' iroring his wife applied St. deceits Oil, whi..b cured him promptly and i nhndy. A bilk by the uame of Taylor has beai swindling hotel keepers M Ukr City, Union, Pendleton and other Kastern Oregon towus, His name is Taylor, lie pretends to 1st buying town property. He will remain s week or so in s town, make cm tract lor various houses anil lots, but unaware skip swv, like the festive Ib-a and leaves biS bosrd and other bills unpaid. Look out fur turn. It was expected that ths Iowa editors wo i bi take dinner at Albany yesterday noon ii their way south. So mine hot Crisis 1st. gait preparing for a grand dinner, going to Portland for some choioeand raes vegetables. Us also ordered thr n d.Mi f his finest lucks killed for the occasion. Tula had just Imi.-h dotiM when it waa ..-. itn. d that tho program hod been uhai.'(d aud ths editors would take dinner at Salem. A a cottmi pieties a surplus amount of dsnd du -ks hail to be ibsiMtand of. much to ths joy ot travel era oa the O ami C. SOl II. (Ml fl.lt MIX t I J L Miller, of Scio. was in the citvlTuis- day. PM Abbey, of Newuort. wu in Albany last Saturday. A J Bilyeu. of Scio called ou us last Mon day, while in the city. Jos Lifftrstt. of Pit 1 1 .math. w in Atbanv Thursday of last week. Miss Carrie Pfeiffer, who Ins been stteud tug school at Salem is now at home. MrsLH Montanye is attending the com- inducement exneises at P-tusne this week. J IFCttstck, formerly oiL.-i.anm, now a resident of Kugene, was in the city Saturday last. Thus Kay, SuiMtrtutemUut of ths Browns Villa Woolen Mill, was iu the city on bust usss last Saturday. Frits Ihriti, a brather of Adam lhng, re coolly came from W. T. , to Albany and tu tends making tin bis home. Master Carley Sox should have been ad ded to the personal which stated that Mrs Sox ami daughter, of Seattle, were in the city. Mr Frank McKnight will lease for K. O. to a few days to be gone s-.iite tiros. His brother Ceorge is now there attending to their band of horses Mrs Amncoart and daughter Uft Albany yesterday for Florida, where Mrs A. has au extensive orange orchard. Tbey intend re siding there in the future. Mrs Dr ltafTsrty. of Kast Portland, is vis iting friends iu Albany, aler husbaod was sleeted Mayor oi Ksst Portland by a flatter tag majority bst Monday . Amoug the sxearsioutsts to Astoria last week were Mr sod Mrs W illtam H Savage, of Selem. Ttoey were married June 7th and hence were ou their bridal trip. Mrs Savage, ne Carrie L Woodcock, is a sister of M S Woodcock, of tbe Corvallis Uswtte. Tbe H irkrf . Wheat does not keep up as well as was ex pected, ths present qaotatiou in this eity be -tugoJj, in Portland 79c. OatS 2Jc la pfovtaMnis dealers pay 50. for shoulders, 8a for -ides snd Uc. for hams. Kggs have gone up to lu cents, but batter remains in a poor market at 10c, laud may be quoted a 90c per )0 lb ceo, 95 is paid io earns instances, or 8c. per pound in bulk. Beef on foot 2Jc to 2Jc. Sirloins, which include porterhouse, retail at 121a.. rounds at 10j.. boila at He., ah mi Mar steaks at 8c. and roasU st 10c Flour retails at $3, braaflO and middlings, $16. Coffs C sugar may be marked at 7c. and granulated at 8c. New potatoes are slowly falliuu and k.nl.iU.tr.1, with rt..i . ZT --r - " lost, owawoerrtea are on tneir ias. tegs, du. remain cheap at Ge per quart, blackberries, lOo. per quart, red and black raspberries 84c oar quart, cherries, 5c. per quart. Kir wood may be bought in any quantities for 82 50. maple, 83, and oak and ash, 83.50. Wool is arriving steadily. We quote at 13c to 15c according te grade Leesarws. Archbishop Gross. Catholic, lectured in the Court House on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, and will lecture again this (Tnurs day) evening. His lectures are vary enter taining and instructive. The lectures are preliminary to an undertaking to buildinua church and subsoquantly a school. Wo hops the enterprise will be successful, as it will tend to lead the oity on to greater prosperity, Eaterly Twlae btladlag Ilarveelers. We have the agency for this popular ma chine for the coming harvest. They ga better satisfaction last season than any other machine sold. We will not be un dersold by any machine, A large supply of extras of every part ol these machines always on hand, Call and see them. ItuHKutKT Bros. laslrameatal Masir Miss Laura Tate will be in Albany during the summer, and will be pleased to give in- struotioo in instrumental music, either on the uianoorowan. toanv one who mav wish ttt avail thentaelvea of thi. ouoortu nitv. Waal to Bell. A fine young mare, black, very gentle and aind, and a good and snug cart and harness all In good repair, 1 100. Gallon T, B. White, Albany, Or. One of the cutest of A B C h oks is the "Household Primer." Kach largo letter has an amusiun picture and a pretty verse. The whole ia daintily limited in brown : and. best of all. is mailed free by D Lothrop A Co., Boston, on receipt of a 2-oeut stamp. Send for one. I hey are really the thing tor ohildren. MAStUM. SLATER COCHRAN. At the residence of the brides parents. Hou R B Cochran, in Eugene City, Or,, Wednesday evening, June 17th. Woonsoa T. Slater, son ot Senator Slater and Miss Mary Cochran. NOBLE SM.ELSER. In Mason, Idaho, June 7th, 1885, by Rev J C Kirkman, Ma Johw S. NesLcand Miss Minnie Smklser both of Colfax, W. T. May happiness and long life bo the per tion of the newly-married pair. We have ne doubt the blushing bride has a Noble man for a husband and thst Inuocforth Mionie will be a Noble woman, but our friends should notforaet that the American people are averse te the rearint: up of a rase of Noble msn in this country. s sraaeris't- i ssj ! 8 - -' L'-...sr f UOKft. SILL. Ou Juue 3rd, 1835, at 9:10 p. m San Francisco, to the wife of George Sill a girl. w CROSBY. On Saturday, June 13oh, 1885, in Albany, to the wtte of Robert Crosby a girl. JUDY. On Wedne-iday, June 17bhf 1885, to the wife of Mr. J udy a boy. AT ASTORI A , Tin- ststr NrrmrM's Asioelsllon snd Tsar antral Among about thirty others a Dkmocrat man bosrded the r:.'io 'rain on Tuesday m iming of Isst wek,wlth baggage chock ed for AstorU. Chief Kngmeer Hoffman and tbe hose tea n of Albsnv fCngine Cora piny No I fir-iiedthe principal at traction of th psrty. The hose team started nut with a determination win for Itself glory, If pcsshlle, the Dkmocjrat man to spend a week's time as n vacation, something he had not er joyed for nearly five years. At Halem sbottt one hundred snd fifty eiciirslouists, including the three hose teams oflbst city, and I be Mslfin Rand, sdded spirit, Urn anil sp'omltd MCHsfl in the occasion. Aoontinued whirl through the marvellously Hits valley of the Wil. lamctto, vsrle I iv , . i esbMstiel breskfast at Aurora, imiIick tolo i-r it old but coptsble bill of faro, c n!ii of ham, eggs, Iteefstxiik, Infill s, lf to and pan cakes. brought in to Portland at in o'rdi.ck. Another ll fie ju mltrim a'i I Uirothiiu- dred people bttul ou p'oaniire.th'i mtraiiraSjT bslng joins 1 by abotr. nio huudted from l' Und and otltor places, were silling down the Willamette, beautiful river, Oregon's atone. An hour and tho majes tic Columbia, gran I. u isurna-tsod. was reached. Diwu ibis river lhe"'t'slepiione," splendidly equipped, fastest running orsft In the Northwest, steamed at the rale of twenty mites au hour; but a stoppage at nearly every wherf.wood pile and village, Including Su I leleo'. Kahuna, Itaiuer.flc , on tbe two rivers, lengthen! the irp of one hundred miles info a seven hoursr.de, so tust Astoria wis uot rescue 1 till I: Ml. At that. line the city was iwfore us, its front llund w ' b -i nooucr-., brigs, barxos, lishlng boats, etc,, aud its wharfs covered with a hospital" people, with srmsos9u Ui receive us. . m I r ia of b us soil red shirts I flroinun. who vi,iul tiurn.-.n city last year, lai mediately up tesred, and Irefore w hal ( sTMstftl in litis, miny an assuring nod was eX tbsiige I. A mar b througa th print; pti s. reels orotlg it ihe procossluu to the Psrkur Hotiso, where Hen H Worsely, President of the Ass'sds- ion, r- . iv.- i the visiting liremeii, aud Mayoi (ieo W Hume dellvere-l ibeaidnMs of welrotno. Then thu ddfr.int firs m- pauies wvro assigned ibir quaitrs,saving all trouble of tmfushiu an J srtsiily gen- rally oo!asioned wh u that Is lfi u In dividuals or companies. By tut ui taus theAlheuy tmys wsre sutionoJ witn the Kugene flremsn at the Oram House, a fUK place, run by two of No, l's fleeted floouxl fireosnti, one of them, Pete, win ning the 3s yartl fon raovt during tbe tournament. Here we w. r well trealotl and got a substantial d:t, su:ta' s fora running hose team. Wednesday at 10 a rn. tbe State Fire men's Asstxrlalion met in Pythian Hall, President Worsely in the cba'r, about thirty gvd looking representative dele Kates being present, iadu iiog Cu if ) N Hoffman, O I Foster. T J Cline, William Miller (of No l's) and the Dkmocrat man fross Albany. Meeting of the Association wsre bald during Wednesday snd Tours dsy, closing T.'ii-iy evening. Much important busiuss. wbioh w have not space to enumerate, using disposed of, really tbe bios au 1 sinew of tbe whole ocsasloo; yet many hsrdly realize 1 thst it was in sessloa, and, wbtle nose teams bad their fare paid, delegates bought their own tlcaets, Independent as clams. Wednesday after nam a g ratio procession through all tLe pnn -ipal streeu occurrel, long aud tedious, but most successful, an event witnessed by throngs of people. Thursday morning at i0:3J tbe races ne gan, being flnih I FrhUy at li o'clock Tbey w nusNeJ tbreugb in r sysum SAlc order, wilh l.Uie confusion, not BUMS kVckliig and with as much general satis I fcllou " Plb " u oecaaioas. " ,r-v I Steamer raoe iroamer PKl yards, hose teams yaruH lvW f0-lol WAU)r a.,,, of Astoria, secouds ; rigers.af Salam, &2H seconds Hook A 1 .adder rc, HO yards -man to top of So foot ladder. Alerts, of Asttria, .ecoaa", Alerts of haleui.-iu; seconds :$oo ysrd fo t rae Pote Grant.of Astoria No 1, &il4 aeoonds, Cea N iand, of Hes- cues of Astoria, W MHiee, ef Eugene, Phil Msthsws,af Foscburb, in order usui- ed Dry tsst 3UJ yards and 100 yards of hese. Koscties.of Astoria, l:07's ; Kugene, U89: Capitals, of Salem, l:0! ; Salem.No S, l:MK ; Albany, No I, 1:18; Tigers, of baletn, ISNH ; - I s oi Astoria, 'louder ra-s. var It Kwcues. of As toria, 87 seconds; Salem, Mskcitud brwak tlvecouidiairs He-tcuos of Astoria, Cits'; Albany No 1, ISCHs ; fcugene, i:43. Wet ts.si .Sl yards, 100 yards hose, wsler-v 'apiuls, of Salem, 50)a seconds; Albany No I. seconds; Kutrene, ; secouds ; rbfOra, of Salem, &5 seconds ; No l's st Astoria, 57'a ssconds ; Hescues, of Astoria, 1:0; , ; Ssleui No 3, no lime. New York championship race. 500 yards. 330 feot of hose, change of third aud seventh sections, water. capuais, ot Salem, 1:21 H : Koscues, of Astoria, 1:21 ; Salem, No. S, 1:51 ; Albany, no time. 150 vard foot race. K D Patten, of Capi tals, lof's seconds ; Ferguson, o1' Rescues, Comn, ol Kugene, Muiiea, of Kugene. t erg Rood, of 'Iikhi-s, Frank Marshall, of Al bany No. 1. Geo Wriirht. of Capitals, E Cation, ot Salem and iuulkey, oi Astoria, lu about order named, Time of slowest U s seconds. As a summary Capitals, of Salem, won three first prizes, including 150 yard foot race, amounting to $400 ; Rescues, of As f" prizes, and one second Prl am mining to o ; Aierx raooa arm L-waeruo,, ot Astoria, one nrst pnsa, f io ; ivuKeue nose hub, one oeuonu prize, 850. Albany No. 1, one seoond prize, 150, Astoria No, 1, first prize, in foot race, $50, I Total, f 1050, In New York obampionshlp ra"e Res cues, of Astoria, tiled a protest against al lowing time of Capitals, of Salem, claim Ing oue of the couplings was uot made to tbe full, and th t m may was not paid the Capitals, An appeal was taken to tbe Board of Directors. As,a matter of fact tbe ooupliug was made to the full oap toi I ty of the hose, bat tho bitls seoinnd to be defective so that it waa iin,ossiole to do more. The directors, in tue imparlia opinion of tbe Dkmocrat man, wil! never and should not, change the decision, of the judges, Siace writing the above tbe protest baa been withdrawn, In the matter ef entertaintneut the As toria firemen and people "did themselves proud," Tne firemen there are a true hearted, generous set of young men, ready to forget old grievancos and tjuick to do a kindness. We have never spent three days more pleasantly, due to their hospi tality and good will. The Dkmocrat man was under special obtigatioti.no Mr Logan, of Rescues, ior showing him tbe oporaudi of canning salmon, through all of its stages, te Mr Halloran, of the "Astorian,' President B S Worseley and A W Barry, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock the excur sion ists again boarded the "Telephone" and started homeward bound. 1 ired aud tu foot sore, yet jubilant and talkative, tbey made the trip up tbe river a lively one. At 0:30 the light- of Portland danced from place to place, ami the whirl was reached amid the music of tbe Hume Amusement Band of Salem and tbe cheers of tbe crowd J gathered to meet the boat, fca urday af- fern-ton, after an inspection teur through Portland, the firemen took seats In tbe Albany express. All along tbe road ova tion were tendered tbem. At Oregon City the firemen and Band of that city greeted ihe t oys, the firemen presenting tbe Capi tals of Salem with a large bousjust snd tbe Albsny team wbb a medium sized one, both boauiiful gift,. At Oervsls Jos Pur dnm and the llremen of that city present ed a striking front. This time It was brooms, and Albany got a heart b sweepei. Uio other sldo of Maie, the boys and girl of tho Indian school darkened the Isnd 'ajsi, their lmul playing some 0u musl in honor of tbe firemen. Tbe sight wa.. one tn U rmnn iHirstJ At Kslen an im mensti r-eptlon was frlven the iiroinen of i bat clt v. Flags waved, cannons aero Nred and people cheered themselves hoarse, 'I he Capitals were placed t.n bunting covered wsgou, deoorsted wlib new I. rooms, aud draws bv about one bnndred men to tlm Cpera tlouse, whers s gisnd ovation was glv-u ihem. At Al bany our boys wert? mot by s large snd sntkuslastJe thronir. baaslad bv the Ms. cbanlca' Band, Tne fact, that with ths little training which they bad rewl ved, tbe hose Uiarri batl taken third tln-w Iu the ton run merit, was sulNcient ti make the reception a warm one, deservedly so, A lino supper was given st the Kscbsnge ifotol, round'v sttolsuded bv all. This 'Ioh.i ii, events ef the week. SOMe MOTKS, in t bo Now York race the "no time" of ' be Al oany company was oause-i by a stir 1 nutt, winiib resulted from care lessly iiong too weak a cord iu tying tha hose, fbe boys had made as fast a run as was made, snd one of the best changes of Mfatkrns, but tbe I telle red section prevent ed a coupling. Ths Dkmociat man bold a stop welcb at tbe noxttle and is prepared to say that bad it not bs-en for lite accident the oeat time would in all probability have been beaten ; id course, thotig-b, such spoculstious are easily made after an a ssoeSst lias bren niaaie, Tbe memlient m osch learn present ih'tuitht they did tbe tieet running, Al bany among the number. Certainly ihev were not surpassed In the two hundred yard run to the hydrant. Witb longer and more thorough training tbey would stand with lbs best. As It is tbey take a third place, among seven companies. From $1500 to MW poois were sold on lbs i a. -cs. 1 ti the dry test tbe Kugene Co. houJ first ; in the Wat, steamer and New "j .rk riw tbe lisacues were general) v brsl Capital sold third and io tbe field, while Albany was always in tne field, I i Miuro at tb hydrant during tbe WB- s rwaiaastrso, was as roliows : Astoria No. I, w pounds, Hescues, 37 lbs, IiKrs. 17 lbs, Capitals, SO lbs, Alswny, MX lbs, Saturn No. S, ii Mm, Kugwiw, 8b ibn. As.'orit is a lively uitv ami baa mauv lively piaoes, Uoe is called "awili Town" on account of the noggtsh propensitias f ue pssjsjNsj n mat pan or tbe city. Mart Young, of the Albany expre is one of the most aooomtuodaitng, careful sniai oonuuiiors iu lite u. B. tie may cunt bitnseif solid witb all tbe fire men. "Wei1, who wants to danc:?' Trrfc. Bad Umf. Tbe above play, which baa been tskir.g like wild fire U Portland, will be playe I at Craw fords Hall in ibis city, od nru Wednesday evening. Tbe Oakland - j r b une" says of tbe play : AtUisOaklaad Theater lastaifha Peek's 8d SWT tlrw a bvtLM. It U a in at snuiu ceUaclUai e fan. rHmseiiaeaialspacUlueelealeh bats KM hsSJSS Is a roar all tits time. Kes-irvel seats st E W Ling bm a Co's All i ad les of Uuu c itin'y woo wil 1 lake part in the 4tb of July rMiehrwtiott in ibis city, acting iu the roproa union of tbe ibirty -eight States, furuishing their own home anil ssvldle are rsjueaied be report to 0 W Wait in iLla city. Revival. Tne mt ival meeting at ths M K Charcb, ufi, in this city, is still in pnwress a much good is l,uig accomplish. d The meeting will couttuue ten days longer at least. Services every evening st 7.30. On Sabbath there will be services st lis. ut ai d 7:30 p. ra. This is tbe Load's axwtisui, hence ail are invited to participate. M' ex pect several good reyiyalists oa Sa surd ay ami .siiiKiay. F. M. Ctxr, Pastor, t J. ST. SeasaJt. The people of Oregon will be pained to learn that Col J W Nesmith is oo more. He died at his residence in Polk county on last Wednesday. He represented Oregon in the United States Senate from 1862 to 1866. ami in the iatwer House of Congress from 1874 to 1876. He was a man of good ability and his official record is above reproach. i xrurslea te Asalaael. Half-fare rates will be given on tbe O and I'RK from Portland and all Inter mediate points to Ashland and return, tickets good on any regular train July 3rd to 8th. Anhlsnd is preparing for the best lib of July celebration ever seen there. Chance tor a pleasant excursion PoutL- ern Oregon scenery is now at its best. laSre lab. Tbeladiosof the Coffje Club will have a called meeting at No. l's Hail, Saturday, June 20th, at 3 o'cloek, All members are requested to be present. Laura Chiswkll, See. i . c. Just received a case of the Celebrated Ball Coil Sping Corset, the only corset that can be returned after three week's wear if not satisfactory. These corsets are bought direct from tho manufactuier, saving one profit and enabling me to give better value for the money than any other corset. All styles and qualities always on hand. Samuel K. Yovno. letter Llkl Following; is ths list of letters rsmainirur in the Pest OtBee, Albany, Linn county, Oregou, Juns 18th, 188s Persons calling for these letters must glvs ths data oa which they were advertised : Aersn, Alsx Coopar, M M Uraham, M J Hutchison, John Hleitin, Le trail Lautliert, O K Layton, T 8 Miller, T M l'vitter, BI J. M. IRVINO, P. M. Never go into a store where you are not wanted. If a man wauts yon to go into bia room he will invite you to do so, and if a man wants you to visit his place of business he will invite you through the columns of your local newspaper. It is wrong to intrude upon privacy. Do not do it, Alt. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen A Co. A now line of ladies velvet and kid slipper" just received at Read A Brows kll's We are bore and here we intend to stay with prices so low that j ou cau net keep from buying. Brad A Browrrll. liartoe Fence Wire, I have junt received from the manufactor ies a car load of Bessemer steel ieuce wire, galvanized 4 point 4 inches, 2 point 3 inohes. Samuel K. Youmo. Our drea. 3'(XHia have arrived and ths ladies are invited to call and see them. Every thing in new colon aud dos;g is wit be found in eur complete assortment. MOKfKrrn & Skitrnbach. When Baby v as sick, we gavo iier C ASTORIA , When she wan a Child, she cried for CA8TOK1A, When she bee ame Miss, she clung to CABTOB1A, When she had, Ctuldrsn, ategMilMBCAJXO&Lk.