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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT tit &1U riilll I II ((f AT, THE BEST IDTlETIHHGf MEDIUM IH TEE llLLAMEiTE TALLIT. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES ft NUTTING. tmmx INK4rrirKl Orrro.rrnl ItulldlMgon atrwatlalMa Street. special btiKtneas nethes In Leesl Cot unius 1& certs per line, htguiar 1 eta inHiee lOeontn er line. I 'r legal anu trauaient adverUawoMrnta t" 00 pr aquare for the flrai laaarUa,at 60 eonta par juate for each aubaeqaaot insertion. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION single copy, xir rear, In ad nine........ Magi oy, per year, at end l yar Ingle eopjr, six month luirl copy, thro month ngle numtwr... . H ftf a uo 1 M T6 10 VOL. XX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 1J, 1885. NO 47 I Ufna tor other sdvertiaeu.eiita known on applhmtlotw PROFESSIONAL CARDS, R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Oourta of this State. Will bIv special atteut ion to collection and probate m attar. Office In Pouter's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORN AT LAW. Notary Public. albwny, Oregoa. Office upstairs, over John BrlfrfrV "tore, (at street. TltoMtf J. K. WEATHERFORI), (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAS Y, )BKOW. llflLL PRACT1C IN ALL THE" COURTS OF THE f State. SciJ attention given lo HMWI and raktUMtMr. MTOtBc In Odd Fellsw's Tempi. H: r. o. powbll. w. n. riltru I'OWELL & BILYRU, .TTOUNRYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in ( hanrm. I.WAWY. - - - KGW. Collection promptly made on all point. Loans nexotiated on reasonable terms. jaSrOffloe in Foster' Briok.-le Tl4nlttf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Pnbltce ALBANY, ORECON, Will practice in all of the Conrta of this State. All bualnee tntruted to him will l promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., DRUGGIST!. Hooka. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Lame Stock and Low Prioea. OITT DKTJO STORE, fjl 4I.Bt.ST. SKMS. FOSHAY & MASON, WIHU.St.Al UR4IV Druggists and Booksellers, A rents for John B. A 1 den's publication, which we sell at publisher's prices with posts geadded. ALB4MT, OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CiiEFELLI FILLED, Albany; "Or. ; LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatneas and aharp razor, which are always kept in sood sonditlon, and hair cut in the very beat style. REVERE HOUSE, Carae r aaS Ellsworth Albaar. regon. Chat- Pfeiffer, Prop'r This nw HoUl la fitted up in flrt cls tyte. TaMee applied with the beat the market afford. Spring Bed In every Room. A good Sample Room lor Com mercial Traveler. CTree Caaeh t ad rrea ike atel.'TOl FURNITURE. have the be-- stock of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the cltv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and Undertaking, A. complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOOD1N, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. for particular concerning the course of study and the price o( tuition, apply to OB. KLBEatT M. COSBIT. Preeiuea Aloaay Bath House. 'flHB UNDRRS1W NED WOULD RESPECT I folly inform the oitiMOi of Albany and vi ewity that I have taken charge of this Eitabliah men t, and, by keeping olean room and payin ttriot attention to business, expects to wit si th e-ho may favor us with their patronage Hiring heretofore oarriad on nothing bat First-Claas Hair Dresalna Saloons expect to fire entire satisf'ttion to al ASTCbUdien and Ladies' Hair neatly so h.mpooed- JOS WEBBER. Administrator's Notice Ntice ia hereby iveo that the onderin el has been by an order of the County Court of Linn County Oregon, duly appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of James Keeney deceased, late of said county. All person having claims against aaid estate are hereby notified and required to present the same properly verified within six months from the date hereof to the undprsijrned at his residence about five mile south of Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon. Ge. D. Overton, Administrator. Dated May 29th. 1885. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, A .lm.iT. Viroal inir. VltlloKS VOU r)HV8 the kind sold by Paters A Stewart, of Al bany. Tbeyare made of wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will last a lira time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen 'hem. AnDTe Send aix cent for poUice,and rKlaCfis receive free, a costly box of goods which will hlp you to mre money right away than anythiinr 1m iu thU world. All of fther sex, uc ed from flrt hour, The broad road to fortune open befor the 'worker, abaoluUiy sura. At onee addras Tat a and Co,, Augusta, Main, NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF EXfRTS Viiiinin.l.riti.m,Oi iinr, ftr.,lTr Cnkri, ri l !.m.rii.l.lh.u.,.Vr.,. dellctttely nnd nut urnlly the iVmK IVotn uhlch thry m r FOR STKENdTH AM) TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St. Louia, Mo. kuih o' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder AH. Dr. Price's Lupiilin Yeast Gems, Hr .1 Dry II..t. V met. XOIl SALS 3B"X" i make but ubs quality. for Mil 1 by Cutting. Marl Co, Cortland, Or. SPECIAL brwct JElE XTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and atromtcit Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, 1.-iihi. Onuiir. Almond. Knee, etc., flavor as delicately and naturally at the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOtnUb K r Mil by Oatttag Mar; nd Co P irtlMl, Or Oiticura Infantile Skin Beautifiers Aupsal to MothersTry Them. FOR Cleaning fie Mkln and 8c Up of Blrtb Humor, fur alia) lu( Itchintr, Bturulnic ai Inflamuiat'tMi, fircurtuf the flrat yruptom f K-senu, l'ra.t, Milkt'ruct, Bssl Heaa, Acrofala sad other luberitr.1 kiu ami blml illna!. ft tri a, the jrreat Setn a,M Q novaa SW, aa uMt Skin Itaauti Hut, externally, ami Cmiu Koi.v-r, the new I'.!--1 I'unfWr, luternaJW, are intallib . Abattluteiy pure. "TERRIBLY AFFLICTED." Mr. and Mr. Everett Hiehbln. iielchertnwn, Maea, write ! "Our little boy wa terribly afflicted with Hcrufula, Salt Kheum and Krymftmlam ever eince he we born, and nothinir werould irive him helwd him until we tried CrncraA KKMBbiea, which trrwlually cured him, until he i now a fair a any child.' 200 FOR ftOTIIIXC. ' Wm. Gordon. S7 Arlington Ave!c:hrteton, Mass., wtiUh I lUviiiif iaid about IriQO to flreUclaa doctor to cure my baby, without eurce, 1 tried th Crn ci ra Kkrii, which completely cured, alter uainif. three packaifea. FROM HEAD TO FEET, Charle Eayre Uinkle, Jersev City lleiyhu, N. J. write : "My aon. a lad of twelve year, wa mmphrta ly cureil of a terrible caae f Ecsetra by th Ctnct a KaKMRDiaa. Krom the top of hi bead to the aole of hi feet we one maa of acalM." Every other rcimxty and physician had been tried in vain. FOR PALE, LAMCL1D Emaciated children, with pimply, aallow akl", th CimcrA KeMEDim will pruvv a perfect btaari-iv, cleanainir the blood and tkin of inherit'1 tmpuritie nd exelnff the ifeon of ecrofnla, rhcuinatiam, u- u!iitn, and M;vere ekin 1 "BEST FOR THE SKIN." Your C'itktak Rbmedir are the beat for akin ! I have ever 11, and your Ci in i ra HoaT the fli.ettt tncdiciital Uiiet oap in the market, C. W. STAPLES, I)U(frlt, Oeceola Mill., Win. 8old by all drugsrUU. Price : Ci Tia-aA. 60 et. : Rraolvrkt, 91 ; Soap, 2A cu. Potter Drug aid Chemical Co,, Boston, Ma. Head for "How le nrr HSIa Ileaaea.' DSDV l oe 4nflrnra Soap, an exquisitely DHD I perfumed skla BeaailBcr. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. (Joltra.) DEALERS IN-n Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUGGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, HTEEL OOOXS, STONE ANO MARBLE WORKS 1MIR UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work Is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kind of atone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aiid resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as I will not be undersold. Shop on went aide of Ferry street oppo site pout office. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Three well bred stallions, and thirty draft and saddle horse. W. T.Cochran, Brownsville, Or. H OTEL FOR SALE. Tue Jackson House, Prineville, Oregon, 32 well furnished rooms, the only hotel in town, large and convenient, with all necessary furniture. Priee reasonable and terms easy, A. B. Colvjcb fe Sow. Prineville, Oregon, W tHHl t. th aJCTTKM. (From our rwutar uurrcpuiulul. ) Washington, May, UOth, 1880. since I last wrote you, a change has come over the bright illusion of official security in the hreants of a large number of Republican nfhVo holders. There have been numerous dismissals during the past week, and nine-tenth of those w)io remain sua t'vrr boforo them tho Damocles sword lubeled, your turn next." The di mOssI havo been chiefly for offen sive patisun ship and also for dishon esly, Insobriety, and gent rnl unfit ness. The new Administration l beginning to know ha ground, gtt its Hand In nnd to overcome its na tive bashfulness. It will loam more day by day, and the lascala will g, and go with accelerated velocity. The recently appointed chiefs of Bureau to whose attention cases of suspected wrong doing has been brought, feel themselves handicapped by the Republican clerks who are subordinate to them, but upon whom hey cannot depend for co-operation. When papers aro referred to these clerks for investigation and report, they are placed In possession of the movements of tho enemy, nnd they sre quick to take sdvsntage of their confidential position, and to play tho traitor by Informing Interested par ties outside the departments that an vestlgation threatens. It is not diffi cult to see how valuable and import, ant such information as to tho old rings and ringsters that havo had and still have this underground wire and back stairs connection with the Treas ury and other Government depart ments. Clerks who have been in eollusion, nnd actually in guilty part, nersbip, with claimants and others dealing with the Government, obtain the earliest Information of proposed in vestigations, and are enabled to cover up supiciou apssranees, and forewarn their ontside srcomplices. The dhtadvartag of Democratic officials Is that ihey stand solitary and helpless at the heads of their de partments with nnsuordlnate whom they can trust. Thy are in the con dition of a General whose army Is treacherously servile and whose sen tinels are colleagues of the enemy. The new Administration will never recover the Holy Cross of political purity at the headj of a host of Re publican infidels. The discharges for offensive parti aanahip during the past week have been chiefly from Post Offices, and a majority of them have been in Virgi nia, but every day witnesses s num ber of discharges from the Depart menta here In this city. They con sist chiefly of those clerks who were absent from their desks durietf the Iste campaign, making speeches for Blaine, organizing Republican clubs, and doing other campaign work while drawing pay as clerks. This rule of offensive partisanship, if Im partially applied, will slay Its thou sands. A Government clerk has no more business to be an active partisan, than a hank clerk, or a hod carrier. He ia employed to do certain clerical work, and he should do that work not os a Republican or Democrat, but as a clerk. When he neglects to do the work he should be as perem ptorily discharged, as he would be I' he were a clerk In any privste busi. ness house. Apart from discharges and rumors of discharges, clerical life in the im mense Counting House of Uncle Sara Is not what it used to be. There is more work, less play, and better health. The Republican employe has a gloomy, careworn face, but he is keeping better hours, and bringing forth fruits meet for repentance. Offices that have been for years in arrears with their work are now up to da'e, 81 net' It hail been given out that protracted absence from sickness shall tie without pay, and that any absence shall be subtracted from the thirty days vacation allowed each clerk, there h;is been a remarkable decline of sham sickness. IIAKITS. How difficult it is to break off from a habit which we have followed for yeais. The foicw of habit becomes a law to them who submit themselves to its influence. It controls and governs their actions in neaily every circum stance and condition of life. If the habit is one thst directs our way in the line of public or private duty, it will always be well with us, but if the habit is one that leads ub out of Ihe iiue of daty into forbidden and dangerous paths, then will it not be well with us. How careful, l.en, should every young person be in the formation of habit. The habits of an individual will determ ine his character. Bad habits, bad character is the iu; mutable law. Be careful, young friend, as to your habits. Mahone is having a sheol of a time. h auoroiM. A 'etter can be i entailed as often as necessary to get to tho owner, wbhio the United States, without extra ot ago. The only limit is the'niMither ot changes that can be matin in addresses on the face ot the envelope. Inquiry among the tohaoso men and planters of Kentucky raven) the fc that m toy of the lafgaal farin-tf are planting their lebMOO Uu I in corn. The setting are going tc le tsth scarce and iiil,rior, and toil the rast of the saa soa in extremely f,tvorahl the tobacco crop will be pas of the p trt ve r kooan. The cAdul invested in the il airy boaloSaH of the United Stains is com p iled o 1st over $200,MKJ,0(0, and to employ about TQO,000 uu And tmarly 1,0(10,000 horses. MiX Mnller em unites tlut two cn turihenct tfcs 1 tglish langusir will be ap ken by ftfcoatt 1,837,000,000 peo ple, against about 7i0, 000,000 of folks who will use the German, S,auUh, French and Italian. H rates the nan of German '.Inn at Itttla morn than one twelfth of the Kualiaii. The b '? aud ahoe induitrv i, , to have suffered ls from the hard tims than any other branch of business. All boot an I ahoe ftotorins whnre atnkes l not ex ill are ratnonsbty b-ny on fall cuitrnaia, and there is'a better feel ing manifested. There is probably leas dangne from fjrntgn c tupiitioa in the orauuftctuta of b n and shoes than in any otver line of goods. Kvery disaster ha in compensating feature. Crop croakers should bear In mind (list tho HMD wheat crop of 188 1 1 brought more money to the fanner than either of the larger crops .f tho three auccending years. Toe yield of 1 'Od.OOO.lMM) bushels 'WW of c ro in 1883 returned more money to the praluecrs than the i,00,0f0,. 000 bushe s of I MSI. Old butter is being fearfully -laugh-tered In N'w York city mirkn. Fine old N w Y rk S ate ere t ii ry firkin sold out this week si twelve cents per jou id. S;venty sld tubs of itortlierit llitnolscrtamery, Septem- 1st make, wero oSennl at fdno eaaita, wllh tnly seven centw bid. Toe range of go si to choice lid buter Is at from eight t ten cents, while few and ot ii in i t'.l fes ciiiiMiind only Six to eight cents. An uuusutl numVr of toatojffi have b"cn encountered by HnmpoKn stesincrnduriuif Ihe past mouth. The t dal immlier of c;lli-lous, s fir as heard from, is twenty-seven vassils of vaii MM kinds. The Ice has not appeared s.ula ot the list parallel nor east of 40 longitude. The pres. ence of such unusual quantities of ice ma, in part, account fir the unsu ally cold wotther vhlch prevailed during nearly the entire' month of May. Amerb an m.wers, borse ferks and hij -rakes are very extensively used iu Saxony, Isdng preferred to the h me make b .u.m of their lightness. Tne farmers d many other countries will bo forced to use American tools and implements to keep up In the o n petitive race, or foreign manu facturers must adopt American Ideas and improve upon old methods of manufacturing. ritato Senator Welch, of Ohio, says that the campaign in that Sate, which will soon be under way, will be a vigorous one. Tha temperance ques. lion which has been so important a factor in previous campaigns, will not come out very sfiong thia year. The Democrats will have for an Issue on this question, a licence system. The liquor traffic In Ohio Is now con ducted on tho free trade plan, so far as the State fa concerned, and the Democratic Legislators, In a caucus held recently, decided to advocate a State license. From the fact that the Republican members at the same liie refused to cammit themselves wiiaa on tli la point, Senator Welch pre sumes that they will cross swords with the Democrats on the State license issue. He thinks the Demo crats have the advantage by taking this side of the question. He says that it is n foregone conclusion that Foraker will be the Republican nom inee for G ivernor, but that Is diffi cult to say whom the Democrats will select to oppose him. , Experiments reported to the Paris Academy of Sciences prove that the pressure necessary to cause the rup ture of blood vessels is very much greator thn that to which they are normally subjected. The carotid ar tery of a dog required from thirty five to fifty -five times the normal pressure of the blood, i.nd the jugu lar vein from thirty-two to tb'rty-five times the usual force. Gen. W. S. Rosecraus hws been a - pointed registar ot the treasury by President Cleveland. Value the friend who stands by you in tue storm ; swarms ot insects will surround you in the sunshine. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, koitsu sr rum Wonti'i Christian Temporal) re inioo MKsoi.l 1 yy MALSKt W. T. II. oW, That the W. C T. XL of Halaey expresses its aeusa of the obli tion it 'eels to Riv. W. G. Simps ft, of Kugenn City, for his inatr active and 'leep'y interesting leeturs mi Life in (he Highlands oT Houland," given on the avMin! 0f May 25th, in aid of our library enterprise. The Union would als tender Mr. S" .kana hearty thanks for his very gsn jafjiy. k'nlneas in the offer of a dona tion of hooka to our library, Rmolvl, Tha Union would expresa its sense of obligation to the oilmen of Halsey aud vicinity for the gift of the proseeds of the festival held on the evening of May 27. h, amountis to the huui ef I2 75. Tins u 1 ft tlkewi we thankfully accept, th nhio In kg devot ed entirely to thit pirchaa nl rteetta. F.uzvsKrii V. Wihsos, Axsa tC Woutii, PiasMsaH. S-cretary. A very msgnamuioiH retsytfos was aiven the W. (X T. U. repr. H.nitive, Miss Nsrcisaa Wcite, t ibe annual meeting of the O merai Woman's Mia aionary S.oiety o ihs Uuitaal Preaby. te-ian church, reoaotiy held iu Xetiia, O'lto. Miss White was a regular dele K'a.e as well,from her own Presbyterian oc:ety, and was made chairman of the committee on reaolutiona, m part of whose work is as fellows j Itealising that the Woman's Chriat ian Temperance Union of the Cited Stataa ia only a great home tssfcmarjl society' not mly laboring earni ly to save humanity from iniemfwrs i.e.., that tereibfe fo to the church here, sajal lo the oourtsion of thheathen i f,r u n land, but alao, that this 0001 ia &tvnding to us a In h ti t m other I nw of Cbriatian -, , in its alii ctent depsrtmert fo . saif nf the Kitr and fallen, iu iti o-, a, . . nt to 'S-ppreas S,-.e.b ua. . ..' J u, US liepati.oe ,i . rdl'i Vtvfta4 unc Wotk !!. 4M alM .ly I , 1, Mtaaksl by God to tfcaj .( veiei oi f ftMftl as.ula, thrr- ,r-," Ht4oivfl, T4t s - be ;. ,rli! Wo man', Miaa'Onaiy S ceo , ot the U, o , l Preabytmua church of tmeiic, we di eatsrii to the National Woman' Christ ian Temperance Uniou.oui moat aiatetiy an I hsartfet sympaUiy,and tecommend to ali die unions of our churchra more active ce-operaiion with them In the tern iterance cause. The white tibbon women are always "branching out" and bitting upon new device i. One oft he latest is on this wiae : At the M ich igan W. C.T. U. con vention in Albion Isat week, some ladies pre sented Miss Willatd with a rare basket of trailing arbutus from the woods of that state. This was a great surprise to her as she sujuosel it a strictly New England fl jwer.ihe May flower ot 1620. In thanking the ladies fe- this token Mia Willaid suggeitted that thia would be a gracious emblem for the National W. C. T. U., and the convention voted t request the National W. 0. T U. to adopt it aa its floral emblem. The name is natimal ; the biatoty too ; the language is, ' Welcome." It buds in autumn and so is ready to ovma nut as soon as U:n least spring sunshine visits it. S was woman's brain and heart preparing for their great work when the sun of progress shone away the ice of conservatism. France baa her fleur ds Hm England ber rose, Scotland, heather, Ireland, shamrock, and Amer ica's na'ional flower is this fresh,sturdy, winsom sd venturer of May. Well might the National W. C. T. U. adopt this flower as u very own. Union Signed. The finest state convention ever held in Michigan, or almost anywhere else, has just ended at Albion. It was as large as the National, and represented over aix thousand psid memberships in Michigan this year, s gain larger than any before reported. There were 250 delsgatev chosen by the 250 local unions, (C2 new unions this year.) Only two member of th yon vent ton dissented from the resolution that 4'the principle of prohibition tuns', be crystallized into a party," A few move entirely, as it seems to me, is the New Jersey Temperance Teachers' Association which meets this week in Montolair, and '"seems to be very largely a W. C. T. U. affair. Mrs. Crafts' name is on the program for an address. I hope "The Union Signal" will tell ub more about it after ihe pro gram is fulfilled. Mr. Gladstone has coined a new pbtase for the law's delays. When asked the other day iu the house of commons, if the government would bring in the Ithh Sunday closing bill this session, ha replied that be had usu sll.y answered questions of this soit by "the dilatory reply,-' or in other words "wait and see." This is precisely the kind of a reply temperance workers have been getting in this country for WAR N H . We found wo couldn't take the time to o to the inauguration of Prei aent Cleveland, so we concluded to get up a little inauguration of our own wad rtwaw Pg which wouid interest. everybody. Aooordingly a WAR ON that old enemy of the people, HIGH PRICES was determined upon and prepared for as a glance at our unequaled new stock of Spring and Summer goods, and unparalleled low prices will con vince you. SUCCESS will crown our efforts if you will favor us with your patronage, for by large sales at a small margin we expect to win the light. Come and Help Us. Our stock is all bought for CASH at Bankrupt Sales. We only sell for cash or produce, and propose to sell at prices tnat defy competition. A new feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. the ift fa- tere. Ai.d uu'-'y aajcfaj n in: u . tl.i ftiiu atirstii. Dr. J af Utter Pottarrarin predlefsa futufo fur limit us a food. Amg obiter thito h eorotoeuds Xnmomt&u mad wpb malt u stead of cane hUgar. Tne forests of i be U oiled Hoate eoaaprtie 412 jH b at trees Udorg Itftgj to 158 genera. Of theaefortj .Jifjtt getiera and sixty eHiere pr oli-tr to Florlde. I tap i a fom obeervations itide In France ibat the development of vegetable lift is retarded by an aver age of nearly four clays for each addi tional 100 van!-, of altitudf. The arrival of the chimney swallow is de layed about two days for ach In crease of loo yards in height. Some time ago the discovery v as made by M. Cb. Monliny, by mear.s of a beautiful instrument called the scintillometer, that blue largely pre dominates in the twinkling of the stars when there is much water in the atmosphere, and that the propon derance of green or violet is Indica live of great dryness. A lato series of tables by this Brussels savant indi cates l list be has hit upon a law by which a wet or a dry season may be predicted with great certainty. Several cales of natives of India having s white skin have been re ported. Mr. A. T. Prase mention. the finding of a family in which scv oral white persons, resembling Euro peans, had sppeared.tne parents huv ing the ordinary blackness of natives The whiteness was not a result o leprosy. The skin of the Albinos is much more sensitive to the sun's rays than that of other natives or even of European. The contrast be tween white and black relatives hav ing a striking resemblance of fea ture Is said to be most remarkable. The Washihgton Monument wag struck by llgbtninlng a few d ys since. No damage. It is a misfortune that the President cannot remove Mahone himaelf. Lay silently the injnriaa you receive upon the altar of oblivion. The wheat crno in Kansas will only be about 13,000,000 hunk-vis gaiust 40,000,000 of last year. Suoh report are raising the price of wheat gradually bet surely. The Portland papers are publishing host of delinquent suliacnliera, it oouutry pnpwrn were to do that au Iowa cyclouo would he raised. Tweedale keeps a nice line of tin and cop per ware, and does repairing in good bhape Uealtk or Jews. One noticeable feature about Jewiah cemeteries In the south is the scarcely of newly made graves alter an epidemic ol cholera or yellow fever. Sojdisiioa show that fewer of them die than any other race from these or kindred disease. During the cholera soourgo in Toulon only two orthodox Jews died of it, while in num bers they equalled fully 20 per cent of the population. Their immunity from dis ease, and the oertaiuty witb which they recover when attacted ny it, ia accounted for by the simplicity of their diet. They are very strict about following the dietary laws prescribed by Moaea. Isn't it a lit tle strange that Moses, if he was only a historian, should have possessed knowl edge superior to that of the wisest and best physiel-rs of the present day? He evidently believed in preventing disease rather than curiirg it. This is what De Haven's Despepsia Cure aims to do; it acts directly on the digestive juices of the stomach and both prevents and cures In digestion and Dyspepsia, Free sample bottles at F cshay A Mason's Drug btor INAUGURATED BY Allen N. H. ALLEN & CO., 57 iftr. S .v;. Albmy, Or. Front, First and Vino IMPORTER or mV - ygJPflaWaaP "ET AT5TYtfT AT?T7 T"R fWl ATTTrTe'l'h'.h!!1 i-ULJkH VV iUIMt mmtm m mmm r lw m HUM) FARM MACHINERY W ti . 'r is 33UOK 7T " BCCKBYK ON TIIK ROAD. The marhinoa are tno til kiKram Ut need coin hu lit. Thouaaial of fanwr here hAVc uwd them , n all teak of them vith gaaaaa Thty are in every ara the tic du ultra of llr wt Itaciiinca. The teste of Tarerrr Hasnwr have made manifest the rvmarkabSc rtur5ility of tlw lit KEY K, roaulting from Uie mjilicirjr ami Krfertl ol iu mlui.Uun, and an immnna majority i. ti? firmera In the Pat-lfcc State, ami Territurica have Riven I lie aaruc venlk-t a the farmer In every jrt of the world hure tl Buck eye has besu umxI, irnuuncin2 it to be Tha only Harvesting Xachine that will give Entire Satisfaction to tho Pur:liaser. The feature that wort rtrikincU SW T atvur illuatration. It ia a lower, uarr.-- will paaa In a rtraiarht line through aWnawJtn WW arrr " ' apace. It ia guwiil' haiIK' 1 The Dr.Mot R.VT will take ' ' ; t ' ' on aubacnptioti, and we would like aa pood woo l aa if we were not pebhc benefactor. Parties already subscriber to the Demo crat, who wish to send the paper oil to a friend or friends can do so for $2. Opinions may differ respecting the President, hut tnere is no diversity of sentiment regarding his sister, the presiding lady in the White House. All agree tint she is bright and intel ligent in conversation, unaffected and unpretentious in manner, well in formed upon all subjects, and alto gether a most charming end agreea ble lady. aae A fight among bosaea in SOT to produce boss rhtsur. DYSPEPSIA Is a daneerou ait well a diatreaemc complaint. If nesleoted. it teade. bar tmnetrln; nutrition, and de rSTi1."0 of VStaai, to prepare th. way -THE BESITONIC. ? FpeXL. FtTnrioh anduriflw W SoSinf late the appetite, and aid the assimilation of food, Rosarrya. tho honored pastor of the Refonned Ohuroh. Baltimore. M&.aays: 'Haring used Brown's Iron Bitters for Djrspepeia and Induration, i take great pleasure in recom mending it highly. Also consider it a splendid tonio and invigorator, and very Btrencthenliur. ' Genuine ha abcT trade mark and crossed red linee on wraj their. Made BROt Lad: H KM If A I IA1.TIM01 tataingitet of prises for reeines. information about ir.n IlAflll nui H CMMTU1 1m 1 11! 2r5iV?"- men away oy ail aeaiers in medicine, or mailea to any address on receipt of So, BtArop.T -V, ittJ.JiiJStil'UiN, vVUiJUArtU CO.i SI Portland' Or. ,-a sal BmB ! asvai BB atZ-ZSshmaa m Co. JI. I)ODD,&iCO? 8ts.f PORTLAND, ORECON;a$T IS 1'illoirtng ralabratad unpletoenU: :.:OWBR AND HmAJPSIXIa Ccnd for Catalogue, 1885. m m Send for Special Circulars, C AVLTMAIV v c.s ?f eu Tlodri Vtbratinf Tsaraaliar. 'asBaa The moat Effaetive and Bucmaaful Oaaabtaatlaa aaf Savins and Clean ur,- Grata vr eoatructd. Tie New Mmltl Thrasher is the reralt of year lti ait and careful experiment, eoodaeted Jacob Miller, one of the m wt experienced and l tul huildcr of threahias machine in inrir Tha t an, nd at a-aa to iMroduce a reach! that weetli . r and do better work than the beat bkm m already in operation were capable ef. and ear . i. bt aildiUon, separate oat from the eta $ . : a i n a rore perfect manner thaa aa ; .... a:, iiuc.uie wbataaever. ' ej s Hailarm H'n-!r will be made 4vkus by a -1. f i . . t k e ntor wooer. f fo tc l-"S anjttojc It eea be ian threayk a ttoraia, bad U M aaistty tuaisujulateJ as atw other Ua Red CrownMills 1S0M, LANSING & CO., PROPR'i NSW PROCESS PLOCR SUPERIOR KOR AND BAKERS CSX. BEST STORACF FACILITIES. Highest :Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. tUTLKRY. The best line of cutlery in the valley saw be found at our store. It embraeea paeket knives, Uble knivea, forks and apaaaa, butcher knives, hunting knivea, paring knives, shears and aolaanrs of all BUaaU. and the best l'ne of raaora aver broagbt into Albany. Come and sea for yoni selves. Pi rij tt 4rwtaf. F OR SALE. "One hundred and forty aere, nlee milss atove Lebanon. 40 aorps In mi ti vation. 10 acres slashed and sown te ffrass. Comfortable dwell! r r. rd outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at this office. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLTHERY AND JiRERS-MAOHB, Cutting and Otting r.y the new Taylor's 8yst in. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. opium m mmu habii owi!) W. F- ALEXANDER, M. D., rj.rpatione aro mrMU' fl'. wait. He. pain 1ms f tits tV.ou m teas, Aa dress shove t Alirmv, Oi0r-,,,n . F OR Si.LE, ' hulf hU-.lf in HAnni tmrl ?I oitv with fir house aud baru will beao.a cheap. -i. i