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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1885)
Chareh lrlarjr. U. P. Church. PraachiagaYary Sabbath, 4t li a. 11.. and 7 r. u. by Kay. F- U. Ir- via, U. L. Sabbath School at 8:30 P. M Prayer meeting every WwdneMdajr arcaiug. Ohchch. IVaachingon Sab bath at 11 a.m., and 7 r. u. Sabbath School 12:10. Trayer meeting avery Than day evening. J. A. llolluubaugh, pastor. OowoiuwationalChurch. Uarrioaaavary Sabbath at 11a.m. and 8 1 M. Sabbath Hohool at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evtmiug of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K. CMORCH.SorrH. Praaching avery Sabbath moruitig at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. P. M. Calp, Paater. M. K. Church Souru.TANotMT.Praaok ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'olook.P. M. Sab Uin School at 2:30o'olock,f. M. P. M. Calp, lnator. M. E. Church. lVaaohing every Sabbath at 11 A. m. and 74 r. m. Song eervioe in inn evumm before aurmon. Sabbath School tt 2:30 P. m. Prayer meeting every Thure day evening. Kev. M. Judy, paator. Phkmrytkkiah Church. Samoa every Sabbath morning and evening in Church or. HruadalUu and Pifth SU. Sunday School at 2 30 u. m. Prayer uieeting evry W ednesday eveniua. Kev. laaac li. Coudit Das tor. Chkisii ix Church. Praaching every Sal- iMth at W. 0. T. U. 11 am 7:30 r m. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock r. m. Kev J T r loyd, paatoi. fUm lilTM Cue HCH. Preaching every Sabbath at II o'clock a. m. .at Churou on ftth Street Sabbath School irotiiadiatoly after mori.iinr service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 1) Brwanson, pastor. UMVKRa vuT Church. -Preaching every net oud aud fourth Sabbath of each mouth at Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock. A. M., and 7 o'clock, r. m .Sabbath School at 12 H. To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. KKABNY ST.) ) aaraat i Osasjasaf clal. Ran Krau.isoo, Oat sUlUsli4 tu for v '": m HUm traalaaant of Haxuai VTB lud Smwlnal Uisesasa, such as iiaaarrkea. iileet, atrielaire. ylIIU iu HR all ita forms, Aesalaal Wrtssru, IwBMteacy, and Lues ol Maiiad lriuA.iiitt) cursd. Tea sick sad aflUcWd should uot fail tu sail upon him. The Doctor bas traveled rxtr-alvlv in Kurope, six I uispeutsd thoroughly ihs vinuui tvatxtala there. uMa.mii s araal JoaJ ol valuuMs informal ion. which he E oompstenl " Un i-art l In. In uad of his stoic. Tna I doctor mrvs alien others fail. Trv him. 1K- lllMION ill tusk a rhi:r unless he effect s cure Person st sUi-taiic I I IKS AT HONK- All commumca tiuns strictly couBdcntial . All letter auwrd iu la it . nvalopsm, Send ten dollar far s packsg of medicine. Call or write. Addrssts DR. J. P. UiBBOJI, Box 1067, Has 1'raiMico, Cal. (HenUan Albany Daaocasv. Sheriff's Sale. a the Circuit Court oftht Statt o Oregon ftr the County of Linn : Rcbart Johns, Plaintiff. eg, T P Dinwiddle and Martha M Dinwiddle hie wife, T J lUack AT L Porter partner doing business under th Inn nam and styls W Black, NfftaV dl Co , Defen dauta jotick is hkbi:by;i r.s that BY VIRTt'I ( an execution and an order uf sale issued out ol above named Court In th above entitled action day ol May laeS and to me directed and uelivered, I will on Moaday the 1 Mb day of June.lsai. at the Court House door In Albany, Linn eonnty, Oregon, a the hour f 1 o'clock, p. m.. sell st public auction for cash In hand to th highest bidder the roperty described In said execution and order ol i follow to-wit : Beginning at anoint in Sec tion flltcwn In Township fourteen south rang three, west ol th Willamette meridian la Una county, Ore gon, which is at the southwset corner ol th donation land claim ol Csvid D. Gray afjts running lhnc north thirty-four chains sad fifty links; thence west forty three chains and fifty links ; thence south thirty-lour chains and fifty link ; theno ssat lorty three chain and fifty links to the place of beginning, containing on hundred and fifty acre mora or lass, situated in Linn count; , Oregon The proceeds of such sale to be applied ; First to the payment of the cost of suit taxed at a, is and the costs of and upon this writ, sad th easts and expenses of sale. Second to the payment of Plaintiff's claim f 33 and th fur ther sum of SAX) Attorney's fee with accruing in terest on each of said sums at the rate of 10 per cent per annum trt .u the 12th day of March, 18ao. Third to the payment of th Defendant, Black, Porter 4 Co, claim ol f770. 18 with accruing interest thereon from inn day of March, ltf&S, at th rate of ten per cnt per annum and the further sum ol SS0 At torneys lee. Ponitb the remainder 11 any there be o be paid to T P Din widdi or bis heirs or legsl rp- aeentatlvea. Dated this 13th day of May, 1886. J. kL CkfaSLTOV, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, p' Jas. J. CM ASLTOTf , Deputy. SherilTs Sale. n the Circuit I ourt oihe Slate of Oreyonfor Linn County. Bmiih Cox and E G Cos, as Administrators ol the Etit3 of Lews) Cox, deceaaro, Plaintiffs, TS. A Hutempill er, Defendant. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIRTUE of an execution and an order of sale Isatisil out o the above named Court in the abor entitled action on the 10th day of May, 1885, and to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday, the 20th day of June 186, at the Court House door la the city ol Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in., sell at public auction for a h in ban I to ths highest bidder ths real property described in said execution sad order : sal escribed at follows, to wit : Bu -noing i ths south-west ggewfl of the do nation land claim of James M Reed, Not. 2837 In ;-tions '."2 and 23, township 11, south of rang 3, west of VV'i lamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, running thenc east two hundred and seventy-six (276) rods, thence north eighty (0) rods, thence two hundred and seventy-six (270) rods and south e ghty (80) rods to the place of beginning, con taining one hundre i and thirty-seven and ne half (137J) seres. 'I be proceeds ol such sals to be applied first to the payment of the costs of a .d upon thi writ, and tlio coats and expenses Of sale, and the costs ol suit taxed at f23.f0. Second to the payment to l'laintiffs of the snm of IJ22&4Q with accruing interest thereon at the rate el 1 per cent per month from the th day of May, 1886. Third the remainder if any there 'oe to be paid to the Defendant or his legal rsp rasentatives. Dated this 20th day of May, 18S5. J. K. CMAXLTOa, Sheriff of Linn county, Or ago. perD. S. Smith, Deputy, Tho Buvkrs Guide b lasned March I Rd BepL, each year; 224 patn,.8ixll i ach&L with over 3,SOO iiluetrationg . a whole- pieturo caJiery. Gives wholesale prices direc t to cwnmimert on all good for r-CTKonal or asasDaw family Ugc. iiijwlo iBrim order, and Itttel W coet of ev- ervtlunKyou jSL St uho, drink, r'.t, wear, or V have fun viih.Tl.oo ggP invaluable I;oo.:8 certain information cleaned from the ioarketa of the world. Ve will mail R or.y Frcc to any addresi upon receipt of the pot-tage & centa. Let h hear from you. Respectfully, MONTCOWERY WARD A CO. "iMTVANMONCISOAR. Lit? or New York, kow locatsd No. 132 add 134, Thiud Street, cohmek or Ai.der, Portland - Oregon HQ ffl Iff ALU la the most successful Lung Cill m VHR and Throat Doctor in Ameri ca, He a ilt tell you your trouble without askings Kindle question, and warrant a permanent care in the following" diseases' : Nervous Debility, Sper matorrhoea, Seminal Losses, Sexual Decay, Failing Memory, Weak Kyes, Stunted Development, Lack of Energy, Impoverished Blood, Pimples, Impediment to Marriavc ; also, Blood and Skin Diseases, Syphilis, Kruptkms, Hair Falling, Bone Pains, Swelliuge, Sore Throat, Mctith, Tongue, Ulcers, Effects of Mercury, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Weak Back, Burning t fine, Incontinence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture icceived searching treatment. Prompt relief nd cured for life without hindrance to business. gyB'TH SEXES consult confidentially, If In trouble call or writ. Delays are dangerous. Con sultation, personally, or by letter, free. Consult the oil Doctor. Ihousands cured. Office and parlors private. You see no one but the Doctor. Before con fidlmf y our ease consult Dr. Q. Yen. A friendly let ter or call may save you future suffering and shame, arid add jr Wen years to life. Medicines sent eyery- hire, m cure from exposure. Office heart 8 to 8. '('onus tor treatment, strictly oath. CI for Infants and Children. www mi iii 'MwasiwMweMweMwa "Caatorla is so well adapt! to chlldmi that I Caatarla wire Oftllo, Ooartlpatlon, Irs-omtneodltaawpetOpre-oripUoa I J"? WZLmmM dl- i to ma' II. A. Aacaaa. M. D I 111 BfX Oxford St., Urooklxa, N. Y. ) Without injurious medication. Tss CamrAva Coau'ANY, 11 Fulton Street, N. Y. . DR, LtEBIC Q ITImlr lIS "'H. jj 400 Ury St., Rait Francisco Cat. 0C Conthictod by yitallflcd I'hysUlans O slid hurtrtams- rvKUlar iirtulualoa. L 0 Tho Oldest ai'riallta ill the l ulled Mates, III long exritmev. twrtart method slid ure tnodleliie. Insur . i .h and wriiianviit ourva of all Prbate, Chnulc snd Nartlous DisesM's AfWttoiia of the lllood, Hklu, Kldne. lUmtder. Rrutioiu, ricerw.Old Korea, Kwel'lng- of Ike, Sore Houtn, 'throat Ik.i.e I'aliia.iwrmajisnry eureii aim eiui calad from the evetent tor Id. M.kllUlN IMilltty. Imixtteiir), Rrndnal Loss, bexust DtHsy, Hen tal snd fhystcai Weakness, fWMsx Memory, Weak Kyes, Stunted De elonieiil,lnieilimiits to Msrriage etc., from exceae or youthful t.dllew. or any eaus, sivdliy, ssfely snd privstely cured. touus. Mlddle-.tged sad l Bieu, and all who need medical skill ud sxpsrlenc. consult iti oUi Kuniaii fbysiclan at one. Hi ..(.mi. M coets noihlng, snd may Taxve lutuie misery snu sname. When mconvstiteut to visit the city lor treatment, medicines can be sent every where by iins free front observation. It is sslf-evldeiit that s ihyician who gives his whole attention to s visas of disease attaine reat skill, snd hyalciaua thruh out the country .knowing this, frequently rx.iuiueud diltt. ult eases to the oldest aiwcisltai. by whumevsry tn. n good remedy la used. The Doctor'a age aim sxterienc make his oiul.m of supreme liiiortanc. aWTboe who call aee no one but the Dvctur. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential . Case which have tailed In obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female dtaeaaes auccasefully treated. Th Doctor will a re to forfeit fjl.WW for a case un dertaken, not cured, Call or write, Uours, dally .from a m. to 4 p. m., e lo 8 eveulng ; Wundays, 10 to IS only. Rend fur th Sanitalist Oul.le H Ifsalth, ssnt frwe. Address as aU.v - ML UCIIti l W ondrrflH.rrna : lavlgoraler Permanently revnU all I'nnaiural Losss Imm ll system, tones the nerve, strena-thuns the muaclea, checks the waste, invigttratee th whol ay stem, and rwetora th afflicted lo Health and Hspiuu. The reason s many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness,' Los ol xtanhiod. etc.. Is owln- to a com plication, called Prostatorrhea with H ;. i . ' . tiled reUire peculiar treatment. Dr. Lie big's In viairator is the only positiv cure fur Proetatorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at tlur Ueblg Disrisary . IPrire r Invlgaralar. t. Cass '4 six b.itlles $10. Hat to any addrwss, vovcrwd sscure'.y trvm ob ssrration. Must powerful electric belt free to patient. To urov th wonderful power uf the In ! orator. A Bottle Clvea r arsl irrr. Consultation free aud private. Call or sddrese IIIBIC tiHIMll. 4 i .... urn, . . i I . I 1 Private entr s i r. Iff atittd ' Osary Street trcm ; : . 1 1 1 ' ' ' ' Dispnaary Drug Store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other bualnea in th U 8. Patent OfBc eiiendeded to fur moderate lee. Our olUc is opposit lb L . 8. Patent Office, and w can obtain Patent lea Urn than those remote from Washington. bend modie or drawing. We aH " to patent ability free of charge ;aud we make o charge uniees ws obtain patent. We rater bare, to the Postmaster, the Hut, of Money order Div. and to officials of the I R Patent Office. t'i.r circular, ad v tea, terms, and elerence osctuai ciietil in your own Slate or county, address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D SA WA WMi. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MEROIANIS1NG RCSf NR8H. Rice, taa and JaJiea gooua. Ladle' underclothes, au'd at bottom prVxa C n tract.. r lor China labor. SsTNext to City Bank. OF ANOTHER ACE. Cradaaiiy ftupplaalrd by a Keller Article rrtaln Old Titttea are glaae Assay. In th general reception room of the Weetern Union Telegraph building oo Broadaay , Now York, are exhibited the coarse, crude and ciuniay lnat ru men te of th Infancy of the telegrah They are only relics now. Mora perfect machinery bas super sealed them. Year ago what Is styled ths old-fashioned porous plaster did aooie good service. Thar was thru noth log better of the kind. Now all that lias changed. Science and study have gone deeper into tbe ssvrrta of medicine ami produced UKNhOVS CAPCINK POH OUs PLAHTEK, whieh em bodies all th excellencies thus far possible in an external remedy. The old plasters are alow th Cap. in ka rapid ; they ware Deertsln the C a peine la sur. Cheaer article bear similar nam. Be careful, therefore, that Some thrifty druggist doe not deceiv you. Price tf cent. Auebury k Johneon, Chemist, New York. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE Is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between Fred Craf and Wit helm Fromm, under the firm name of Ural A Fro mm, engaged In the manufacture and sale of furniture f this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr Graf as suming all debt and liabilities ol tbe Arm and all debts due the eo-partnership to be paid to Mr iraf. Dated the .'ml day of May, lttfib. Fate Clear, WllMELM F dims, CHONC HUNG. Waabea and irons clothes ia 11 rat claim style, at reasonable ratee. bucceaaor to Lea. One door south of Kevere H ouae,on Ellsworth Street. ALBANY 0 RKGOX more money than at any thing else by lakimr an agency for the best nel!ing book out, lieifiuner suc ceed grandly. None fail, Terms free, Hallett Hook Co., Portland, Maine, Sherift's Sale. In tie Oireuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Jode E Timmerman, Plant iff. vs. A J Houston, Defendant, NOTICE is berrby given that by virtue of an execu tion issued out of the above named Court in ths above entitled suit on the 13th day of May, 1145, and to me directed and delivered, I did on the 14th day o May, 185, levy upon the real pioperty hereinafter described, and on Katurday the 27th day of June, 1886, at the Court House door In Albany, Linn coun. ty, Oregen at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. ni I will tell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bid ber tbe property heretofore levied upon and describ ed as follows, to-wit : Lots seventy four, seventy five, sixty-seven, sixty-eight, one hundrsd and thirty, sixty-nine and seventy iu the city of Scio, in Linn county, Oregon. Also beginning at tbe southeast corner of Lot seven ty in said city of Scio, and running thence west, three hundred and sevsnty-sfx and one half feet to the southwest corner of Lot seventy-five m said city ; thence south to the north bank of Thomas Creek ; thence in an easterly direction along the north bank of said Creek to a point opposite and on a line with the ait line of said Lot seventy ; thence north to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the south orcst c irner of Lot seventy-one in said city ; thence east fifty feet: thence nsrth sixteen feet; thence east tyfeet ; thence north thirty -four feet to the north esst corner of aaid Lot ; thence west one hundred feet to the northwest corner of said Lot; thence south to tbe place of beginning, all in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds of said sale to be applied ; First to tho payment of costs and dtsburRemente and accruing costs of and upon this writ. Second to the payment of Plaintiffs claim of four thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine and 67-100 dollars with interemt at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1841, and four hundred and ninety-four and 27-100 dollars Attorneys fees, less the sum of $1080 94-100 paid thereon May 2nd, 1885, Third tho re mainder, if any there be to be paid to the said A J Houston or his legal representatives. Dated May 20th, 1885. J. K. Charlton. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. per Jas. J. Charlton, Deputy. 4 t,-,av) 3W nf o fl -"iuZZT TUTT'S PILLS 25 YERJJTRTiJSe!" The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. l.oaaol npprlllc. liovvrls costive, Pala la the head, with a dall eensatlan In ike Saeti pnrt, Pala ander Iko ehoalder blade, !" u linos after aallng, with adla InrMnntlon la eaei'tlan of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Lew spirit, with n feeling f bit elng aeglnctod some duty, tVeaiiue, lklsalneaa, 1 luitcrto at th ll nit. Dote belora the eyee. Headache over taa right eye, Reetteaenesa, with flttuk drrnms, lllghljr colored t rine, and CONSTIPATION. TfTTT'M l"i LI.S urn especially adapted to am li rases, ono doao efTecta audi a ebtsngM of feel I ti it n atonal on Isli the stifTernr. They Increase th A agseUte.and eaus th i .1 v ti Tela wis Kleah. tnm th svatvin Is iioMt-iahed, and by th-ir Tonte Action on the lltfeatlve(rBwn,llejruU.r Mloolaare it . i . i . i - i - A.te. tiTfwrra-t.,!w.Y. runs HAIR DYE. tin at II nit or tVitiKKKa changed to Uumar Ulxck tv a aingle epidloatlon of P.t DIR. ft impart a natural votnr. acts i ii iinlgwaomlT hold by liniggteu, or r .)' catireaa on receipt of SI. Oviico, sV4 Murray St., New York. HAjQAJfl Magnolia Balm is a secret aut to beauty Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, waAyeu cant tell. DR.SANFIROS J rfc INVIGORATOR f m 1 - . .. as wmi its uane ; a rurclj vegetable Cop-.pouJ, that acts directly upon the . SB r; cur;ag q that iru. the many disease ioci portant organ, and meroos allmsnts t ing theca- fl an;o iron its deranncd or Uclicn, sach as Dyspepsi ltitce, L..toa5nes3. CosaisV';ar ta, Sic k-'.icadaclie RhcaArnTetc. It is therefore a "To have Coed Health the Iirer must he ltent in order." DR. BAJIFOILD 3 UVEB I.. VilOilATClV aleoratra the Livt-r. Ha I ttm the Bow ela, Btrentlicna tho H s. .i). rmlllta list Blood . Aetata Digcfdion, Prvrcnf Fen ra. Is a Household Mid An ltivuluil-.o Family Medicine for common coinpluluiv XI fA5T01lD'3 LP7TB imC0I.T:2. Jin experience tf Frtj yenrt, and Tito u tamU tf TtttinuminU prove it Al rit. FOR KALK BY ALL DrtAt.FKa I ' MKDU'IXgl. For full information :id yonr e!rtrrs for Mt Km IVoV "n i he L1v t and ! Ci--a-s," to L.taJirue4 ti BV ST., KtV tooa cur. Summons. In tie Circuit Court of the State oftrtym, for Linn county. Samuel Porter, Plaintiff. Jamea M Yarbrcugh and Mary K Yar brough, Defendant, To Jam M Yarltrouijh and Mary K Yar brouyh, the Drfiriutant above natneti : N THE NAMK OF TBI 8TATK UF 1 Oregon yau and each of you ate here by required to appear and anawer tbe complaint of tbe above plaintiff In tbe abov-aj entitled Court now on file with the Clerk of aald Court on or before the brat day of the next regular October term.l&tt. thereof, to wit : On er before tbe 26th day of October, 18.r. and you are hereby notf fled that If tou fall to appearand anawer aaid complaint an bereby required, tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for tbe re lief demanded therein, to- wit : That yeu and each of yon be required to net forth tbe nature and character of the eatate er interoat claimed by you or either of you in or to tbe following described real prop, erty, to wit: Being notification No. 2577 and deaignated as claim No. 62, being all the donation land claim of aaid defend. ante, (except 147 68-100 acres deeded to Manilla uranneld ; vi 60-100 acres deeded to James Willoughby ; 2S 26-100 acres deeded to W Willougbby and 5 acres deed ed to Lamar Cheadle,) containing 403 26 100 acres, or any part thereof, and that tbe same be ascertained and determined by said Court; and in the oven ta that you fail to appear and set out and ahow what ea tate or lntereat you claim in or to aaid real property, then for a decree of aaid Court quieting the title of plaintiff to said prop erty, adjudging that neither of you have any estate or interest In or to aald real property or any part thereof adverse to tbe estate and interest of tbe plaintiff, and perpetually enjoining you and each of you from in any manner In terfering with the possession and estate of plaintiff therein, and from in any manner claiming or asserting that they or either of them have any interest or estate in tbe same or any part thereof adverse to tbe estate and interest of the plaintiff, for the costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed and for such other and further re lief as may be equitable and just. This summons is published in the State Riuhts Drmocbat by order of Hon K P Boise, Judge of said ( Jour t, made at Cham bers in the city of Salem, Oregon, on the 22nd day of April, 1885. Wkathebford A Blackburn, Attorneys for Plaiotifl 0. O CHERRY. U.B.PVIiCW ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. MEllAVEOUK NEW SHOPS ALL f completed, and are now prepared to nanuis an Kinds or heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Knurl nriM. driut. nr? Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS M4.DK ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kind of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry fc White Grain Separator fl l a laid f (.- ft It n In ( 1 5 .v. m a fJiisrAthlt Ik cttwr;at. FRIDAY JUNlif, 1885 A WIPE'S DEVOTION. Several years ago when Judge A., then of the Superior Court, was hold ing his Court st Fotsyth, M on roe coun ty, Us., two brothers, residents of Gwinnett county, wers brought before him charged with horse stealing. The case against the two men was plain indeed. Ths old man from whom the horse was stolen, with his wifs snd daughter, were introduced and esob in their turn on ths itsnd twors strong and strikingly alike as to ths theft, ths identity of tbe horse snd of both men. Absolutely nothing in rebuttal could be produced by ths counsel for ths de fease, exespt ths tsstimony of s woman, the young wife of one of the prisoners, and ths daughter of the old man from whom tbe horse was stolen. Her story, as told to her Attorney, was so strange aud utiiPKjnnabln that he begflvid sbe would not go to the stand with it, fear 1U4 its effect upon both Judge snd jury. To tbe pleading of tbe lawyer sbe turn e l a desf tsr sod, rsising without be ing bid, said aloud, ''My innocent bus hands liberty is at stake ; I must, I will speak fur biro." Judge 8., who up to this tiros bsd not noticed lbs wo man, now, owing to her manner of speech ami seemingly iu tease sympathy and love for bar husband, called bar to the stand, ruling, "she should testify in b;half of ber husband's brother and make s statement" for tbe husband I ks Bible was handed to br and she kissed it with a smack that might have been beard a block away. Tben, t re nib lingly i flooring from ber hesd its old Uhaker covering, and very carefully unwinding a much-worn and tateied Gwinnett rtd shawl which she held in ber arms, sbe exposed to the view of a greatly-surprised sudience s two-months old baby boy, who was bid away some where in tho folds of that huge shawl. Tbe unwinding proceaa completed, abe hurriedly deposited both baby snd cov ering in s heap on tbe table in front of ber, and with a degree of determination in her face rx pressed only in tbe lines of Sliakeapear, "I shall remember when Caeear aaya do this, it is performed," she fronted the jury, ssid ehe, J have sworn to tell the truth. 1 understand fully tbe enormity and mesnnoss of s lie. 1 am o God-fearing woman, and I believe every word lo that good book thereon tbo table, snd if what I toll yon now about this case be not true, may God in His wrotb this moment sttike me dumb ere I utter another word, and make me suffer the most vio ont death that could befall o ho man. Mav I turn from this 'stand' when I hae finished and look upon that baby mine my only oue, whom 1 love, next to my husband, bettor than my life, and find it cold to death. "Two years ago my father, who sits oter there, and now accuses my hus band of stealing bis horse, sent to Gwinnett ounty for me, insisting that I should come and nurse him through sn sttsck of rheumatism. He sod my mother bad always been very hard with Tom (my husband) and I, out, Too) now persuaded me to go, soy log it was my father who was sick, and it was my duty to go to him. I wont end remained two months or more until be leooverod. While at my father 'a tbe 'glanders' got among tbe stock in tbe neighborhood, snd after s while a colt belonging to my father caught tbo disease. con sultation of the family was held snd it waa decided to kill tbe colt, hoping thereby to prevent tbe remainder of the boraea on tbo farm from catching it. "I pleaded for tho colt's life otid told my father to put it to itself swsy from the other borsee, sod I would feed and try to cure it. Ho did as I asked end I nursed the colt back to health. When I was leaving home, going back to my husband, my father told me, in pres ence cf both my mother snd sister, as 1 had saved the colt's life, be would give it to me and would keep it for me, os he hsd good pasturage, until it grew large enough to work. Hero tbe mat ter retted end I thought no more of it until two weeks ago, when I received a letter from my father, stating that tbe colt was ready for work but my mother snd sister were unwilling for me to have it. He said he tbroughc it beet for me to send my husband and his brother after the colt, telling them to take it fiom the pasture and not to let my mother and my sister know about it. "Owing to our extreme poverty and need of a horse, Tom decided to do as my father bid, and last Thursday night, a week sgo, he snd his brothsr reachsd our home in Gwinnett with the oolt, now grown to be s horse. The same that I nursed through the 'glanders' st my father's two years ago. Tbe same that my father then gave me in presence of my mother snd sister, now there by his Bide, and the same, Judge, that my father now says my husband stole from him. "This is all there is of it," she said, and dropping her head, wbiob during the recital of her story had been as erect as the "proudest steed of the prairie," she slowly left the "stand." 'The Utter," cf course, was asked for, but could not be produced. The wo man said she bad lost it. The jury was ''out" ouly a few mo ments, returning a verdict of guilty, and the men were sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. As ths last words of tbe sentence were uttered by the Judge the wife sprang to her feet, and, facing her father and mother and young slstsr, from ber lips such s ourse felt ss filled with horror all who beard it. Turning next to ber husbsnd, shs gave bim a long, Isst embrsoe, snd hdld up the baby for him to kiss. Then to tbo Judgs she said, "I will fiod tbe letter, sir, and brlog it to you," snd with a heart-broken look, but firm step, she passed through the crowd to the street. The prisoners were seat off next day to begin their life of servitude. And soon the scene in tho ooutt room, tbe sad face of the wife, the baby, red shawl snd all were forgotten. He? era) weeks latsr s womsn enter ed the Judge's oi&oe in Forsyth, her faoo flushed with excitement snd team ing with joy. It wss the wife of the man convicted of horse stealing. Hhe had found "tbe letter" and bad walked with her baby in ber arms all tho way from Gwinnett to Monroe to bring it to the Judge. Judge 8 , after closely examining tbe documents, was satisfied ft was genuine, snd took immediate steps to secure more evidence in tbe matter. This was easily accomplished, and the father of tbe woman, on being confronted with the evidence procured by tbe Judge, Dnally admitted thst he bad written the letter. The next train to Atlanta brought Judge H with it, sod no time wss lost in eubmttlin,; tbe matter to tbe Governor, who im mediately issued o rardon to the two men. Ouly a few short years have pasaed since this occurrence, but time enough baa intervened for tbe wife's prayers to be soswered , time enough for the par ties who swore away ber husband' good nsmo end liberty to have reaped an overwhelming oup of misery .degradation sod eh a me. The father sod mother died iu the poorbouse in the county where they Ooce lived in plenty. Tbe sister to-day is leading a life of shame in a miserable brothel in a Georgia oity. Tbe good old Judge still Uvea in the enjoyment of excellent health. The brae and devoted wife and bet wrong ed husband live row in Gwionett, and rank among ber happiest and moat prosperous citizens, lbe letter alluded to in this narrative is on file with tsWl papers belonging to the case iu tb executive office of tbo State. My in formation was leceiyed from C! of Augasta, who em an "eve w: " to tbe ttial. MAS UOILBO ROWS. Tbe number of bones In man is 110 The overage number of teeth m thirty one. The average weight of a ekeltot is about fourteen pounds. The weight of the circulating bio is about sixteen pounds. The average weight of an ad. js 140 pounds six ounce. TSe brain of man exceeds ts lc that of any other animal. A man tunuslly contributes to veg. etali n 1 24 pounds of carbon. A man breathes about twenty limes a minute, or 1,200 times In an hour. One thousand ounces of blood pan through the kidneys in one hour. Tbe skeleton m ohm urea one Inco less than tbe flight of the living man A man breathes about eighteen pints of sir in a minute, or upward o' seven hogsheads in a day. The average weight of tbe brain o. a living man is three and a half pounds ; of a woman two pounds eleven ounces. Twelve thousand pounds or t wen ly four hogsheads, four gallons, or 10,. 782$ pints of blood pass through the heart in twenty-four houis. arSBEW SECwSSMsAKB) PBAv LESS. Church music Is easy to a choir. Tbe dude Is the connecting link between the puppy snd the monkey. A pony of brsndy at night will be come a nightmare beforo morning. Man never wins a greater victory than when he conquers hi own be setting sin. In governing a body of moo love is often Incompetent where hate is ail powerful. The man who kills two organ-grin ders where one lived before, isr a pub- he benefactor. Tba oounueiinemeoc season means an increase iu the Wuito House mails Nosrly ovsry oollege, seminary or othei institution that has a ODiminotmaot, sends tbe President an invitation to hr thero. Heretofore, the practice bn not been general, but this year it in. Tbe White House mail-bags fairly bulge out with the mass of invitation to tbs President. Observing people will see that Cleveland is very populai with tbe literary peoplo of the country. These people without regard to par contributed largely to bis election. Tbo inhabitants of St. Petersburg consider themselves fortunate in having had so average winter death rate ol only tbirtj-Sve per 1000 of population. In London, where tbe rate has been recently 19.5, this would be thought epidemic. The usual rate for tbe Russian capital is forty to forty -five. SCOTT'K EMVLalttN OF I'tJItR Cod Liver till. With Uypophaahltes. In Strumous Chlldrea nod Cholera lurauiujuu. Dr. V. E. Hansom, Hartford, Ind., srys : "Iflod yoor Emulsionto be an excellent remedy in lung troubles, and especially In Strumous children, and a most valuable remedy in chron ic cases offCholera Infantum." 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen & Co The list of names presented in con nectiou with the Democratic nomina tion for Govftruor of New York is grow ing long, snd wi.l be longer before tho convention meets. Seven geLtlemen, all of thorn weM known in public life, are talked of aud understood to be can didates. These are Governor Hill, Roswell P. Flo rar, General felocuro, Ersstus Cornhg, J. Hampden ltobb, John Arnott, snd A. C. Chspio. Any one of these names would make a satis factory bead for tho ticket. Tho call at present is probably most with the first three named. i' appears from observations made iu Fiance that the development of vegetable life is retarded by an average of nearly four days for each additional 100 verda of altitude. The arrival of the (thimuey swallow is delayed about two days for each increase of 100 yards in height. The ias words of HtonewaM Jackson wete, "Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees." riaan far aalet'Seap A square piano, coat f&50, will be sold at a aaerlfloj for cash, For particulars oall at tbia ofiloo, CHEAT RE cunts Rheumatism. Neuralqia, Sciatica, lumbago, ftacsacfes, Hesfat. Toots -tchs. MMTtiral.SemB. erila, llrui. ro Hit. u. -laa. Vrwl MIIm, it au. irtHfa sewn. , ria u antra. aM 1 ; sWSSJfSSSSSlI taal , VIS, CmU Mil Iwniiwn la II f..?. tnr it sttffts v. t . li u r. "KoNgta os Haifa. ' Clears put rata, aitcr, raw , flira, at, u.l hng. strart ralas. faJUlt.u. Imtfwii) Hatalllima, Pixltxxra, it" i fvatlun. tlclarht Hlrrfilcaatiraa curat! 1, 'ttcili' IsaJUi SU.cer." "Mo MX SI orua ' Aak for Wella' HaaS0fk "I tVjTas.' U. OU-tl, utttlU cu. Hard or wit cofi.a. vails, laatase, "arfce-ralba. (juirk. complete cure, sit Kldiwy, ItWttler an I L'ruaT) liiarwace, Ivj4iiive, IrriUli'rti. Stutic, Uravtl, Caiarraa tit the il4Ur SI, OruKatala hiemss. rues fl-sa, rrb-a, ante, Ir4 bug", rata, mice, e-'flwrs, cbipmutiks, . .f . out bjr ''ItuUtfb uu Kate. ilx. riala ! m!r "Walt. tUaith K I er" rwatorr bnallh and f Ur. U e)j).te, luilUu, u.i !!:. H. ft. "Ucfa mm rale" 'ir.-. cfc.xcra, ollc, cram), diarrlMM..lra,ain, , , -. i tMiwiM, beuralca. rbcuiuaU-v.. J cetrte. H .u.l. li. I I' aaiarr. L'c MMbrrs. U u .i linn IjOiLcn, Sum ot bihI noituus, um "a.ila tltavlti Kctitaur. at. prun-tu. tlfr I'lr.iricr li i av losing jour rni on 1HV, try "Welle' li i mr. U.xe SSJajsJ U i.k ,-..!. ltoajSa as Piles " i u... Iilnnr llauril. .ula, It.hlnif, Pr-.-r .: n. b Intsrual ..r other. Internal aid r.i...i in aavi-h ackaro. hureurc, it-. Drn.--il, Trellr Wfea lasSsS bo wuOld rrtaln fraahnaaas aint sTlBjSjTj. t..i,'t iil tu try "Walls' UsaJth Uvttewer." "Hough on Heh. " "KlKh un ll I." t.i.ti.. r, i m:i t . i j, ..rn, taster, asUlrbtum, truaWU Iim I, t lulu.a na. "Koitiilt a tar rati Crm.-ta ufi-Tiwivc otlura at unc. .'onilr-t curt o rural chruntc nas, also unequalol as naxgin tut Ulj.hth.ria, h..r Thiuat, Koul Ureal a UK. Ihe None of the Mallaa. CuiLlran, aluw In levclttnHnt punv, avrae-n an4 uciltlc, uau "Wells' UcaJlo Hsiieaer ." Catarrh or the ltluter. Miinn-tf. irri tain n, inflttuniatton, all KMtsSff sj Unnar c.-itipiainta, cured by "llucliu-Iaiba." fl. "aler Bs. Kmrhes," "Roash on ruts' t lvara litem uul, a! Beetles, Ants. FRED GRAF, Matitifa'Hurera and Ioalars In all kind cf FURNITURE, AND UNDERTAKERS. 8 First Street Albany, Or Executor's Sale. NOTICE 1H HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDER s ik in-. i Executor uf the last wlt! ana toaUmi nt u A. P. Cherry, deceased, in pursuance uf an order o the County Court el Uuti county, Oregon, duly made and enured of record on the th day uf N o vember, 1SS4, will sell at pulilic auction to Uie high est hidder, at the hour of uiir nrfoch, . m., on Saturday, June the 20th, 1IWS, at thu Court House door In the city of Albany In Linn county, Oregon, all the right title and interest of said deceased, A, K. Cherry, at U. time of his death in and to the fol lowing dasoribod real property, to-wlt : Commenc ing at the southeast corner of Lot No. (8) eight In Block No. (101) one hundied ami one in Hackleman's addition to the city of Albany in Linn county, Ore. gon, as tho same is designated and known on the plats, maps and surveys of s u.i city, now uu Hie and of rectird iu the oftlce of the County Clerk, of Linn c muty, Oregon and running, thence in a uortherly course on the east Hue of gaid Lot (8) eight, parallel with the west line of said Block No. (101) one hun dred and one, (M) one hundred and forty-six feet to a p. Int on the east line of Lot No. (1) ono in said Block ; thence in a westerly SMSrS parallel with the sou h line of said Lot No. (1) one, to the west line of the same on Montgomery street ; thence in a south erly course on the east line of said Montgomery street, to a point opposite the aouthwost corner of said Lot (8) eight on the north line of First street in said city ; thenoe iu an easterly course along the north Sat of First street to the place of beginning. Also the fol. lowing described real property, to-wlt : Lot No. (S) two in Block No. (101) one hundred and one in ILiekW'-m m's addition to the city of Albany in Linn county, Oregon as the tame is designated and known on the plats, maps and surveys of said city now on file and of record in the office of the Ccunty Clerk of Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale on credit of six months, tne purchaser to give his note payable iu six months from the day of sale without interest with approved security. Jambs G. Chbkhy, L. H. Montanti, Executor. Att:v for Executor. H OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot s tuarad In N, W, part of fccio. The land lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Churoh. Unimproved, 100 acres open, balance brush. Inquire of J. L. Miller, Scio. IsfsflwL BijijiJHSjiJM- JULIUS GRADWOHL las the only exelualve NiorU of CROCKERY, CLASS9SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Ug ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS $1.00. SHE LFHARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIH.E Till-: raiOflEST 1HABKET lBICE PAID FOR EMM Remember! What 1 Say I Mean. Give Ms a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. FRANK BROS IMPLEMENT COMPANY DEALRRH IN- Farm and Mill Machinery. - - - at SI - II a a l.h Itf-llei VaBrrn. MoSherry lriila ami Hseilora, l'.ur.rr4 Walking rlo, Bafofd'a iiMiiit and stalky Hews, Murord'a KIti"K and Walking Cultivators, Kandall Wheal Harrows Tb Caleb ratod Hollow T oth Harrows. Klc. ICtC. KlC. FUJ-L LINE OF FAR!V MACHINERY. Write for Catalogue. Add rein -lthr FRANK BROS., IMPL CO., PORTLAND, OR. JULIUS GRADWOHL, AGENT, ALBANY. OR. U0FFHA .l'KOl'UIETOKM oF ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DKAlJCKh i- mported and Domeotic Cigaia, Tobaccon, Groceries, Candlep Nuts Bixd Tropical Fruits. Albitny, - Oregon, OSK U.)K BELOW JOHN HKIt.tiN' WtOBJL 3JJyi. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed u nd seasoned lumber.laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only bst Calapooia timber- Price and i terms made satisfactory. ROBIXSOX a WEST. Llra.n, Or Man and Beast. Mustang liniment is older than most men, and used more and more every year. It. J, TRUMBULL & CO., Growers, Importers and Dealers -I.V- SEEDS, TUBES AND PLANTS. SAN FRANCISCO - - CAL Illustrated catalogues for IbSo free on spplicatioti. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents several cf tke best Fire In snrance Compaait-s uu the Coast. Call on hint for reliable insurance. " MILLER BROS., Dk'Al.GKH IN - Field, Vegetables and Flower Seeds, Imperial Egg Food, Tools, Fertilizers, Etc., Etc. 209 SECOND ST. PORTLAND, OR. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT lA AMD Notary Public- I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (8UCOBSSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON, W. E. KELlY Notary Public and Conveyanc r. Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., SCIO, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Oounslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. WU 1 practice in all tho Courts iu the State. Walter A. WMsfa Mrwcm. -r -i an! Twlno DliadaM. Jfoi'K"' l-oubl -Drainer II- f rar a ntilKy Ifak .-, 1 . - ir .v Kuginesrt Threshers, Coo tier A Ci. Haw Mill Machinery, a ... l t . .. i-nrriHue, rjiriog agoon, Jiijckboard Wagons, Ktc,, Elf., KUr, & JOSEPH, O A C. U.K. TlMi: TALBE, Albauj Mulion. DirtEURi: OF TEA IV. aoiao xcaru. ALBANY EXfKESS Dtj-art at raeiouT h;ain. - !,:! A. M i.ou a. M. 1t:& A. U. lz :u5 P. U VI All. Til A IS Arrives at -tH:;iarU at Mass SOtTH. Arrive at - 114.-. A. M lz:Oo P M. 3:30 P. M. S:3 P. M. MAIL TttAIN lt-;arta at rRKIGHT TRAIN" ALIJAN V hM'Ki.SS Arrives at - All Trales dally, except Satada. Kotick. or. ami after this date regular tickets will lie aold at our ticket office for following point on Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umanlla, Walfnia, Walla Valla and Ainsworth. Will B. Ric Freight and Ticket Agent . A 0. R. li. Co. All auy. June l-th, IBS'. m.x 09 otitrpwais :nqjurtriv3 ptra dMaaj oqt n Pio,.. 'tjjuuib.i joawso sJJtu aouk j.i nu'iviv.) s.airag-jj uorjliunjuoo nt aiBuiuu.i s.b jo spurs -noqx -uxurjao noA' "pH u oonaaaod jo UjlXi ((lip Tv. fSM ,iuuviqju ni 'ijfiSBS Basataj jniuud ot-n J.iqW JO 3A8UOJ)U -.-.'. tl ..i4t ciujj o&rcqos;p v aAitq no.( ; j jCaq I rprq ja qanrrBD jo .ito a joj p.tu.H qjjeinj ..Wfw jo fuovJaoad oqt Aq ixwjjju s QdVM3H 00fi$ prjA v si g aisjJfXnjfi Aq lIS oixavHXV 3 ptro s ioiim-ixuv Sllirl ova ailXIl SJaVaM 'ontTiiaa nptrc C99 fuojoiadoaj WIS 33IUd jIISu jj iq pros troridtrrnsuoo no Jfooq F ...u.v, M(i ao '.dums u m::.o n.i DOdCf .Cp,tu'.u asiojoAOS v 6 ;i s(nija.nij parpun( nun aoitdrananoK SSno jjas tHJUOJff mB.jfi o soutJoqs pooia t o aai)d!$ sauu'i nvon pjiiba on tmq jjoao!0 Ttraipom npiorj jaJdff 'jq 'ifjiu q.nis B joj jCikhiioj uy ivw)u.ij,kTxo ara suiojduiA's osoqi jo ynd X(iio 8.wr Xuurn u JO vi'i pdJox Pu i!!dodi.C(inoitaaJ -j pn i affia fufjoiios ojk uo.C 'otiSnoi Kjtxx ptiB )!jdau aiijuji.u.ii SiSuipoqiMoq Xuhk pus SlUtts .noj "t'i;-.i ii ?oq iy-m. -iiui:i.j..i 'stliqa ao jBoq uujdut 'qmota in jsbj paq sbehi -2Zip jo oqaspBoq jikmluxij 'Xpoq JO uo r'io.U iiMOjq-qs4ion;.C jo 'unfS jo jojoo Atorns OAuq 'iKoiiunqop u&uoap irnp na jj s3uni pub pooQ lmr MUX &0 SHSvasia olmohho ITb joj inq a8mq oqj jo nondrnneaoo aoi Xpoutoa e Ano iou po(wiboun si 'sdtjjodoju . i iu u m ptre 'puoj vhI SlliHIiq-l )U "Mll-itliMI Hio!il JO M.Miia.))t! 'ifUJ -aoqiifuaJiB jo umu jo uofiButquioo n j j.juo.v tuj iwuj 'qojqAi ouD(pooi joj ponuiq ooj su oiubu iwqj iKiuopmtiiumq tojh J nodtuna -iioj,, sjq SuqiBa jo qjfnoqi (i ufj 'orrqnd oq) oj Apouiai Knvjqd -jao Aioa Bq JSufjono qsjg ikhiav SjsBoiqp pjibj atSJlsaa, siqj joao jomoU m.upaoji sji raoaj lXq.)B.U OJB OSTV.WJP Oll JOSOJIB1S )SB oqi Qjojaq uojfin jt '.tpauwi uo.i-poo siqf q puno pun p)kxuu .iiupn-i.w pun A'ljiluioad ej So UT out JO oaoi uoiujojs st qoiq. 'NOIJLdlinSNOO poqsrrqtnfo oq m 'noijntiisnoa jo saoifpunosi pun ii.auoJ! ibi - Hrtf -Jdi iiiK.ioisq u)s JfVX notaSp pool! pun 'At. vo jci 3ipofi nopioes 4dOJou gi i?uisn Xq ostiBop qSnojoqj, ' am si wooia smxn 8uoiiDV8u!llJOJ)b! no 08!1cubjoj unoino earns oq jo "sosBoeirj npig uo ssinid poao -loo q;4i 'asqt:oj oXtbt v joj sdurea m bju.xj tun puos apIO p3f Jium pun is(ja ?fIX Jo Wiion jjlniiio.LS otm.u .)imnio tniofdTH aSuiiiAs pun s.uos MttonjoJ9s so ts oaos maiaunq m HuiiBrv lttdjVa gukmdoui AunuioStAnr pun Sui.'Cjjjnd 'injjaAvod iqqj Aq pajonbuoo are poojq ptiq A"q paenni aasnosip v jjoqs of tams Uinon jo ftt.s 'aoJO-JOAOj uinoq j-hus Bimojas -JSjoai eq? oj uo jiduaa jo 'qjijoia aoaraioo maij 'SUOKSnH 11V S3Un3 Ii!aii1 n &2L