The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 12, 1885, Image 3

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    H &e gcmacrat.
Kntered at the Poet Office el Albany , Or,
mm second-class mall matter.
FRIDAY JUNK 12, 1886
Krilfar an. I
KF. MTTIVI.. I.mmI Kaller.
Official County Paper.
Wh.D ur i.MrrMiurt ,
Td new lew (teased at the lent sesal on
O'the Legislature amending section Bill of
t leoode of criminal procedure of Oregon
to k effect May 20, It prohibit Uie eel
libg, lauding, giving away, distributing or
showing any indecent magaslue, newapa
per, etc., particularly prohibiting the eel
llu, ahawlng, etc., to any miner of any
p iblication principally made up of crlml
nal new, police reports or accouuta of
o 'lmtnal deeds, or pioturea and stories of
deida of bloodshed, lust or crime. The
law la strict and Its object is clear as those
of laws geuerally, sufficiently so that
aach psperaaathe "101100 Oaaette" aud
" .Sewa" are plainly within the proscrip
tion. Tho dealers of this city, looking at
It this, way, have diacontlnued selling the
at) v papers, and they can no longer be
found in Alb my. As the line is set at
5J0 to 1500, it w ill be well for dealers all
over the State to he careful how they pro
ceed in the matter. The law Is a good one
and should be enforced.
A fertile eertlsa
The land all through the forks of the
Santiaui and the Willamette is noted for
its fertility, a splendid thing to be said
a Kut a section of country ; but while it is
"perfectly immense" on wheat, it makes
n) distinction when it comes to weeds,
very thing has to grow, A few days ago
Mr Thomas Alphin aeut the Democrat
office a bunch of French pinks, all from
one seed, on which there were the large
nam be. of 805 pink heads This pest has
multiplied so fast that it is now fouud
atica'ng its many beads up all through
that section ef couniry, and withal has
proven t great nuisance Its advent was
an interesting one. The seed waa origin
ally ordered by Mr Crooks for his (lower
garden, but it has kept branching out un
til it has a very pernicious influence
Ha rut- alley.
Mr. James Eikins returned from Eastern
Oregou last Saturday. He reports times dull
and no stock buyers io the couatiy. Cattle,
burses and sheep are all low. Some horses
have been driven off to California and sold
for moderate prices. Crass is excellent sod
stock fat and doing well. Sheep-shearing was
about two thirds tlone. Wool will be low,
will as iog about lti cents per pound. The
Harney V alley excitement is uot abating
much yet. He says the valUy is a large and
beautiful one, but tit only fer raising horses,
sheep and cattle. It is too cold and frosty
to grow grain. About two out of five who go
ther will take hemes and remain. It is no
place for a poor man. He must have stock
to live there.
Blue Burke I Uiaglags.
Several weeks ago the Dbmocbat gave
several accounts of these famous diggings
with anounoeooent of a departure for
them of Mr J J Davis aud several others.
From Mr. Jas. feuktns, wbo has just ar
rived across the mountains we learn that
the party reach the traditional grave in
safety, where they sunk two shafts, but
found no gold nor indication of gold.
The party left the place satisfied the blue
bucket was a visionary business, some
going in one direction and others in an
other, Mr Davis searching pi inci pally for
the festive deer. Though they may have
found no gold, they certainly must have
bad a pleasant summers' trip, which was
one of the inducements for them to start
on the exuur sion.
The Democrat is steadily increasing in
popularity and circulation, Its proprie
tors are laboring to make it the paper fer
the people. It is now recognized as the
beat local newspaper in the valley. Let
' I
u insuua UOII' oawi j im v iuuiaiiuu, oe
... 1.. I i. : l-.l t),
that every man who Jives in your vicini
ty takes it. Specimen copies sent on ap
plication. Haud your own copy to any
emigrant who com is Into your neighbor
hood. Remember, any subscriber may
send an extra copy out of the State to a
friend for 2 per year. For six new sub
scribers, we send the paper one year for
$2 aach. Any one sending us 5 new sub-
scribers and f 12 cam will receive the
paper one year free.
Palais Thieves.
It is strantze that an v of the smus homo
h.nM rr, ,.i .i..n u .
V "
oavwwiu vw.w w swsrfaa. ntym t usL ISA Cs WUU-
try where they are g row n with so Httle
labor, and yet such s the case, for the
gardens of several citizens liviuir iu the
eastern part of the city have been entered
at uizbts lately and potatoes duir aud
carried away, This is exasperatingly an-
aoying to the owners, so they have pre-
pared themselves with a full supply oi
buckahot and one man whose garden was
bad y raided swears '4by the eternal" he
will give Coroner Peterson a job and make
S .Lt 1 t . an I - a a
nun ibidk nis omce is wortn naving.
Against the Mortgage Tax.
The cases of the Dundee Mortgage and
Trust Company vs. Samuel Parrisb, et ?.,
and the American Freehold Land and
Mortgage Company vs. Sheriff Groves, et
al,, and of the New England Mortgage
Security Company vs Groves et al were
argued before Judge Deady, in the United
States Circuit Court.Monday, These suits
are brought in opposition to the provis
ions of the mortgage tax law. An im
mense array of legal talent is engaged on
both sides of this question.
The drain 4'rop.
Tbe Northern P.oc ImmlB,.li., Bart
received a number of grain samples from
the farm of Dr, Blalock.near Walla Walla,
Mnndiv. TIia HtdViiw worn nimni. four
feet high and looked quite healthy, The
irrain is sliirhtlv "turned." showlnor that
ha ranmnt rainy mor i at In Mma l r.0111.
miu town mi j vvvsv- ju iv hi iiinu w na tv
the crop.
One of the pleasing and entertainint?
features at the rendition of "Ainoxir the
Breakers" last Friday evening was the
tniiubi furnished hv tha OrnhKstm ,.nrW
the leadership of Prof, Richards. Favor-
able comments were heard on all s'des.
special Meeting
There will be a special meeting of the
Board of Directors of 0. F. H. B. Association,
at the library in 0. F. Hall, this (Thursday)
eyening at 7:30 o'clock. Let all members
bear this in mind.
I nriher l.n aliens by Be. T. M. While
I beg your Indulgence to write up autre
farther observation on the great sTkpasrl"
t ion recent h- cloned In New Orleans. The
multitudes who thronged tho vast build
tugs and grounds from day to day were
disseminators of intelligence and the ob
servations made by them. Our own Ntate
received It Mhare, in the plain, matter of
fact exhibit, under tho aupei vision of the
genial, whole-souled Allen, had a ready)and
enthualastlc talker, Allen was eminently
I'utcd for his work, and tight well did he
do It. Some deuree of tithuiasm 1 nec
essary in any calling.
Albany our own gotn of tin. valley, was
represented In tho pincers of our friend
Johnson, tho axe hsudle of Mr Richards,
while a ton of the Hed Crown Hour, sent
by our enterprising miller, laom, I .an
ning A Co., showed off well In thst pyra
mid. I told many of lis excel lenoe. And
now onr friend with iho now roller pro
cos may be oxtieotodto best thomelves,
and challenge the world, Home enter
prise and busiucNs U)t are worthy of men
tion. Well, the whole Journey presented
a series aud congeries of scenes of iustruc
lion that can never bo forgotten.
I thought when I got to Baltimore on
my way to New Orleans, and was there
trlngling with thoo hospitsble, intelligent
christian people for about a week, thst
that wabrtit the best place I bad ever
struck, 'then when I went to Charleston
aud received the kind courtesies and hos
pitalities of that city of which I had learn
ed when a school-boy, "the citizens aie
noted for their hospitality,'--thought,
well, this lett Itallimoro a little. Then
when I got to Savannah, went In aud out
there a week or ten! days, and saw the
spirit and miinner of that pe.opto,I thought
well, If anything, t hi beats Charleston,
Then when I got to New Orleans where I
had lived and hail a pastoral charge for
throe year, and fell into the boNom of old
frieuds and rotative, u.iugling with those
I love and respected, receiving their ca
resses and t-nograt illations, und feeling
the throb of their .ouls in the shvke of
their hands, 1 thought, well, if possible
thi best Savannah. And no after I get
ba-'k to the beautiful Willamette Valley
aud receive the cordial welcome from so
many friends, and have such a home like
leeling, it seems to me as if it were getting
better and better, I am constrained to
say, there ia so much of worth, beauty and
lovelin ss in thi world that I can reiwal
tho line v-ith emphasis: Humanity Is
all akin " It good and true and U-atiti-tul,
fur out balancing the evil. Thankful
to a Diviae Providence which, with a
father tender care, hs guarded aud
guided me turough all these trav ', and
observations, an J with a heart of more
sympathy lor humanity and recognizing
more and more the great leading and car
dinal fact of Divine atonement for sin
and present, future ami eternal salvation
as provided for all maukind, and that re
peutauce uuto life and faith unto salva
tion i the privilege of every humau be-ing'-wlth
a greatlul heirt;l take up the
ordinary thiead of if' work
Albany, Or., June fctb, UWk
T. It. WniTr,
U. i. Commissioner.
' antting the Breaker.
This play was preented to the Albany
public on laat Friday evenhi In Craw
ford's Hall by Albany ameteurs, The
bouse was crowded to overilowing by lbs
theater going people ol the city, who seem
to have the good nene of knowing ju;
bow to appreciate home talent. The ren
dition seemed to fully meet the hopes and
expectation of t he friends of those who
took part in the play. Mr. Fred Nutting
represented David Murray the light bouse
keeper. Walter Mooteith, as Larry Di
vine, strengthened the favorable impres
sion which he has heretofore made upon
the Albany people. Tho. Wallco as
Bruce Hunter,Mack Clarence
Hunter, Geo. Foster, as Peter Paragraph,
Msry Irvine, as Minnie Daze, Mattie
Foster, as Bess Starbright, Minnie Moo
teith, as Biddy Bean all sustained them
selves well. T J Overman, an Scud .seem
to posses talents peculiarly fitting to
the character which be assumed. His un
restrained and ever ilowing naturalness
aeemed to please his audience. We mean
no disparagement to the others who took
r... yt in ,1... ...1 .... ..... at....
wait, iu iuo lmj " noil wo liy Hint
. , . i m f
iounr, a .-not iter ary, maue an im-
pression on the minds o! her audience
much more favorable than the average
uneteur. Upon the whole the entertain
ment was a success, and the Aloany peo
ple may justly feel proud of the Ameteurs.
1 u me
The Benton "Leader," unfeelingly
dooms our 4th of July celebration in this
The people of Albany will expect us
to help them make their 4th of July cele
bration a Huccess ; but for oueo they will
be woefully out in their calculation
laaTV a.s a . AS t I I
Alter inev i resuHi our ii reuieii S piCUK
I . .
crtain!v cannot xfxct us to help them
make their celebralio a successful. Some-
tin- people get too smart."
Rigbt, brother, right, but it is not al
wa38 Albanians. As several wagon loads
of citizens of this city attended the picnic
lt 18 difficult to tell what the writer is get
ting at in the above, It is possible a kick
" meant at our firemen, who had to scrimp
to get enough filthy lucre to attend the
State tournament, "All the same," there
will be an immense celebration here on
the 4th without the help of the little ham
let up the river.
ninniiiiK n la r j
The "Mercury" in speakiug of Mr,
Pettingill the new editor and proprietor o
I the "Standard" says :
I " VI r, Pettingill is an old newspaper
wheel-horse and one of the most diligent
uiou maioiri noi 111 an cuimiini v; il -i i ,
and in addition to this he is one of the
most sincere of men and will never be
found advocating any proposition that
does not carry fairness aud equity upon
its very race. The writer of this article
worked alongside of him for nearly two
years and fouud him a conscientious fel
low craftsman, lie carries into his new
sphere of editorial labor the good wishes of
confidently say that he is a man who im-
proven on acquaintance. Under bis pilot
age the "Staudard" caunot fall to prove
GrUb Wooil Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who have
I 1 j SJ. ,
pruBiiBuu lu yny iir euuecnption in wooa
wm Piea8e iaKe nouce toat we DOW want
wood We Prefer grub oak where it can
be had- Let tbose who hav promised
I . B I SLA. a - .
us wooa ormg it iu now, w oou taken in
P-yieQt from anv new subscribtr.
Ail farmers aud others having hacks who
will volunteer to take a load of the Iowa ex
curaiontats from this city to Corvallis ou the
morning of Saturday, June 20th will pleaae
1 report to C W Watts, committee on trans-
nortation aa earlv as possible.
On Oregon.
I, list Friday In an address to tho busi
ness men of Oregon John Sherman paid
the following glowing trlbuto toOregou :
Uentlemeu, (he chief attraction about
Oregon In early time, when I was a boy,
and before Portland even existed, was the
glamour romance that the genius of Wash -iugtou
Irving threw over all that h wrolo
about It. I read with boyish Interest the
iiontievfiie adventures, "Astoria." ami
the account of the Ijewis and Clark ex
itedltlen. and, fool that 1 ws, thought I
know something about th. country, snd 1
undertook to write a lecture on Oregon,
Hut I knew nu much about Oregon then as
you did when you tirst came here. I come
now to see Oregon and it is a great coun
try, unrivaled any where, 1 have traveled
exieiiNivelv thromrh KuronAsml the itrnat-
er part of North America, and for scenery
It Meem to me more beautiful than any
counlrv 1 have ever seen. Indeed I do
not know of any liner scenery clowhero
than that around Portland and to lie seen
from the Oregon and California railroad,
Prophesying, he paid :
You can mskeofthl tsto of Oregon in
the next thirty years, that is to av, within
the live ol the young men here, one of
the richest and most opulous states In the
l toon, 1 urue noon the voting men hero
especially to take hold and do their part
In this work ofdovoloplmr one of tho most
important states of our oouutry.
On the subject of manufactories and
dlveri!led Industries he made the lo'.low
ing pointed, sensible remarks :
1 would call vour attention to the im
portance of diversifying your InduMtile,
of building up man u fact u res, here snd in
every psrt of your great stste, ami not
nte whsat em v a y-u In Orgnu have
done, but to rah all the products of the
soil, ion rtvo the am nultttral a tea to
support a lare population and have all
the raw material tor manufacture. Menu
tsciurv will be nf mure benefit to you
than any railroad or ca'iat. The poii-v
should besdopted by you of building up
Here in t'ortlatui ami oilier towns in ure
gon manufactories, shops for agricultural
implement and mechanic- tooii, ami
thereby give employment to men who
will consume your produce here lu yeur
ml JM.
I'luaeer Bel mIm.
The pioneers of Oregon a ill hold their
union at Oregon City on Monday, June 15th.
The following is the pregran. :
Procesiou will form under direction ef the
Craud Marshal. Col W I, White, near the
tlailroad Station, at lu o'clock a. m , in the
following order :
Oregon City Brass Baud.
President aud Officers.
Standard Bearers.
Orators of the day.
Members f the Piercer Association who
srrived 111 Oregou prior tonrin IM I, followed
by thirteen divisions to 1S55, each with ap
propriate banners.
r needs of the Associatioa m u and wo-
Hi- a.
Precession will move as directed by the
(irsnd Marshal, and on arriving st the park,
exercires io the pavillion will be as fellows :
Music by the Bsud.
Prsysr by the Chaltin, 0 H Atkiu
sou. D D.
(lM-niug Address, by the President, Hon
J T Apprrsou.
Occasional Address, K I. Laatbam, Raa
Music by the Hand.
Aniiusl Ad-ircss. lion (ieo H William.
Music by the Rand.
At the closs of these exercises an hour a il1
be spent ia partaking sf a basket lunch n
the park grounds, where sll citizen of Ore
gon City and of Clackamas oonnty are iavit-
and urged to provide surplus for pioneer
friends and strangers present.
At 3:30 o'clock p in. at the pxiilioo,
annual election of officers.
Camp tire in the eveoing. Crand Pinsr
Ball at the psvillion dancing door.
No intoxicating liquors or game of chance
allowed on the grounds.
Srhael Meeting
A school meeting was held at the Court
House last Monday vnio for the purpose
of authorizing the Directors to bnrrow money
to build oar new school hoose. This author
ity was giveo by a voUj ef the district some
time ago, but it was not legal ss the law un
der which the authorization was made bad
not yet gone into effect. The directors were
autheriz! to borrow SlO.jfJO on the tnnt
f ivorable terms. The following are the reso
lutieas authorizing the loan i
Rt-.-,. f. That the Directors of School
District No. 5, Linn county, Oregon, be md
they are hereby empowered and authorized
to contract a debt in the name of said Dis
trict, not exceeding an amount equal to two
thirds of the cost of the proposed new school
house for said District, by borrowing money
in the name of the District, a sufficient sum
necessary to complete said school house, with
the money now on hand belonging to said
IltKoltfrf, That the Directors he empower
ed and directed to borrow the sum of $IO,.ttO
for said purpose at the best rate obtainable,
and to issue the bonds of the District there
for. The same to be made payable as fol
lows : $3,500 in three years ; $3,500 in six
years ; $3,500 in nine years, interest payable
semi annually.
On motion the Directors were instructed to
borrow the money and issue the hoods, there
for, as mentioned in the above resolution', at
as early a date as possible.
The C'aHBtry Newspaper.
An exchange says that the country news
paper is the most useful of all the agencies
which stamp the impress of progress upon
villages and ialand cities. Without the aid
of local aewapapers towns are, as a rule, thrift
less and dead. It is common for small great
men to speak with contempt of the loca'
newspapers, but the village newspaper makes
more great men out of loss material more
bricks without straw than any other factor
in politics, and it is the one ladder on which
men climb to local distinction as the begin
ninu' of wider f w , i'u advent of the local
Dewapsper has always dated the increased
thrift of the community. The local news
paper is the life of the locality, and the
measure of its support, as a rule measures
the advancement of the people.
The Iowa Printers' Excursion.
A meeting of citizens was held at No. l's
Engine House Wednesday evening to make
arrangements to transport the Iowa editors'
excursion from this city to Corvallis on their
return to this city from Ashland. W 8 Pe
ters was called to tne chair and C W Watts
was made Secretary. On motion the follow
ing committee was appointed to solicit signa
tures to a petition, asking the City Council
to appropriate a sum not to exceed $100 to
pay transportation to Corvallis: W M Ketch
urn, W K Rice, S S Train, N H Allen and
0 T Porter. 0 W Watts was appointed a
committee on transportation. Adjourned to
meet Saturday evening at No. l's Engine
lirund Loilae of Mason.
The annual meeting ofthe Grand Uodge
of Masons is being held in Portland this
week. Following is a list of the delegates
in attendance from this city :
8t, John's Lodge George Humphrey,
Cnarles Wolverton and D Mansfield.
Corinthian Lodge. E W Langdon,
George Simpson and John Bryant.
Grand Master D P Mason is also in at-
' tendance,
A Mystery Kxplalaed.
Several days ago it was mentioned in the
columns of the .sVniinf that (1 sorgo Bus
sell, a boy aged 15 years, and a pupil of llsr
rison street school, had lieeu missing from
his home since Sunday, May 3lst. Sunday
ast the Coroner was untitled by two hoys
that a body had been found in tho !ough,
half a mile north of City View Park. Clothes
were discovered hanging on the limb of a
tree. The Coroner brought the body to the
city whore it was identified by Beujsmin
Russell, the father, as that of his missing
son, Au inquest was held, the only witness
of importance being John Wells, who testi
tied thst ho and Mr Bene, uu Sunday, while
rowing on the river discovered tho clothes
hanging on a limb, and going to the water's
edge saw a tsidy in the river. Wells and Bene
come to tho city ami notified tho Coroner.
The Coroner sent two of his employes to get
the Issly, but they, ou roavlmig it foui.d
that it w as in such position ss to Its imiosi
hie to get it sshore. The body wss therefore
lavee! down to tho Jefferson street ferry slip
and frviu thero taken to the morgue.
The supposition is that Russell with the
two hoys lt seen with hun, went in swim
tning near whero his boily was fouud, and
wss scciib nlttily drowned, hi companion,
who are unknown, being sfrsid to tell of the
incurrence, The jury rendered a verdict of
si-ckileutally drowning while in bathing. Tim
funorsl took piano from thu undertaking es
tsbliahiscut of Coroner Cooke, Rev H M
Pierce, of thu Hill Street M K Church, con -ducted
tho services. Tho young msii was a
pupil m Class A. First tirade of the Harrison
School, aud was considered one of tho best
pupiis iu the sehool Mis class atteuded the
tuneral in a body, ami brought many floral
tribute. The I"- ly was in such a state of
di com poaitlou that the cofllu could nut be
qteuetl to givo the parents or classmates s
last look. Ho was the only sen of Mr and
Mrs Russell. St.tiulanl
The siaaderer
There is no person w ho does to much bar m
to society at the slauiUrer. He is an eiiotey
to society snd t individuals. He will enter
tho sacred precincts of the home and there
commit his deviltry. Bs) will steal the repu
tation, the moat valuable Hsuaiou a pursuit
. .in have. There is a savagensa,a heartless
ucss in the conduct of the slanderer uot to te
met with even in the murderer. Hs depriv
us of that which injures us most and dies
him the least good. He is to be spurned sud
eoorued by every bvr of tinth and virtue
He should be mails au nulla in every com
niiimty where he lives. A nation, aye, a
race, should be reared up and educated to
hue and despise his ways. He should te
driven unceremoniously 1mm society and
civiluatiou. He should find recognition no
where. How aadly degrsdrd must lbs com
muuity be ihat harbors such a deadly Upas
tree in its midst. I. t tho heart aud hand
of every lover of truth aod virtue be turmd
agsiuat the slander-r.
A llaaarlal anstesHeai.
Be) jw Is the report of the Financial St
retary of the Albany Dramatic Comiuy,
the recelp.e aud en pen sea In connection
with tho rendition of the play "Among the
Hretkera" ou last Friday evening. It
will cive the nubile an Idea of what it
cosU to get up such an entertainment :
June ih. Huikhart liru'hsrs, pr'nUtt; 1,
N 11 Allen, umUs..
C W Watts, prtnUtif
a Waaa, purUaixl. rent (er U
Chairs, rent fc atfl .'.--
10 10
J i uhIiipI, It'll relit ...
...... .............
1 00
I. so
a oo
A It Wnuclio, wrgan
ivt-r n.l Siswort. scresrs l bin-
It- !isr-U' Orrlwatra
Muttteitb arul Sclt-ntrh, nulaa
Hoiiry Sucssas. wlntin( aceoeo
Hook, t Susan at !: sack
and il - liullor .
.ah t hand..
Paid .vr lo Juhn Hoffman
Kkprc-asave en wlifa lrin Portland,...
1 CO
June 2th. ty dor tc i4U tsS Tj
As Use Belle Sanders one of theorhes
Ira in I gone at the time of the payment
ef tho above bills (t was impossible to as
certain her charges so the above $3.05 wis
retained to pay her.
A Blue Klo nl In alhaay
Last Frldsy night Charles Francis
Adams, Jr., a son of Charles Francis Adams
Sen,, toe a son ol John Qulncy Adams, he
a son of John Adams, of the most blue
blooded family In Massachusetts, arrived
n Albany and remained horn until Satur
day noon. As few knew the gentleman
waa in the city no demonstration wss
made. Mr Adams represents the Union
Pacific Railroad and Is no state ui an like
his famous ancestors, but be has a fluent
tongue and can make a speech. In one at
Portland be prophesied thusly in refer
ence to Oregou :
"I fully believe, from what I have seen,
that In the not remote future, and I mean
by that before the time when men of my
generation will have paaaed off the stage
and It will be Torus to take the lire next,
for we are now In the front rank-I say
that before the men of tbo generation now
at tho front shall have passed oil' the stage
of active lite, there will be here In the
beautiful valleys which separate your
mountain raegea, and along these noble
river, the equal ol which I do not rem em
ber elsewhere to have seen, and upon the
sides of your mountains, developing their
hidden resources, a population of more
than a million,"
He Awake.
Yes, see tint you know all thst is going
on. If you see two men engaged in earnest
conversation go and stand near them so that
you can get the drift of their conversation.
If they are talking upon a subject of which
you have knowledge, pitch in aud help them
discuss it. If they are talking private busi
ness you may learn something to yeur ad
vantage by listening. If you go to church
do not sit like a stoic, but look about and
see who is in church. Turn around in your
seat aod gaze all over the congregation and
see who is present. When you hear any one
enter the church, do not wait like a aluggaid
until he comes in and takes a seat to see who
he is, but crane your neck the moment he
enters and see who he is. Yes, be awake.
AH persona iu the city who will, aie re
quested to donate flowers to decorate the
Depot Hotel on the occasion of the visit of
the Iowa editors. All having flowers wil
please send them to the hotel early on the
morning of June 18th. Also let each mane
fw haras, bolr, aw
I, "7 , h- - "uuu"u
of then; will be needed,
Let all contribute
To Correspondent.
Send communications so they will reach
us by Wednesday of each wees. Do not
forget this. Givo us nothing but news
boiled down to a brief space. Be sure and
sign your name or the communication
will go at once to the waste basket. This
rule must be observed, Write only on
one side of & sheet.
F M French, jeweler,
Albany carpenters ar busy.
All kinds of fruit at It k. H's.
Tho best harness st J J Duhtudlei.
Order 3 lb. box uf starch a. 1 1 X H's.
ft, 10 and '.' ' counters at N il Allen ft Co,
This has been uummenovmeut werk at Cor
The best brsadstufTs of all kinds st C nrnl
J. I'. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al
bany, Or.
Hsyiug hss been buguu iu some parts of tlTe
The Aiunrii: g star eigkr at I A H's is a
new arrival.
Aeoordiug to thu Ahrina young salmons
are sal mists.
Fresh grooerivs always ou hand at Cm.
rad Meyer's.
G. W Mast on, I'hysieian ami Surgeon,
Albany, Oregon.
All kinds of tardou nroduoU for sls at
'nurad Meyer's.
Dr. l'ahrosy's uisirm-tiu hi nhI viUlier at
.' at Hobann'r ,
Several I'luinmer fruit b vera sWawla si
cost at Jehu liriggs.
II. ..i S )' Chadwiuk Wlllaooii b Ik rniiili nt
of iHuitliern Gregou.
I'll a Apachvs have hi "In n nut lu T, in mil
are being put down.
The Unable pmiwrty of K msue Oitv
amounts tu fM4.'l,U44.
Sue beef, eattln and .i.-co notice
ill another ooiiiiuii.
Walla Watla la uiWiu i.u i. .nations fur
uelooraling en the Fourth.
Nino hose teams will participate iu the
tournament at Aalona this week.
The Iowa proas association will be in Al.
bany one week from uekt Sunday.
rh eagle will spresu us wintra terrtlioallv
on the 4th of July all over Gregou.
hie " City of Salem'' which sunk aWt
thiee weeks stuce has leeM ralseil.
For all kind of ladi aud children.' hit
and bonucte, call on Miss Sehubert.
IteV K McAllister ol Una ultv la to ib-ln er
tho 4th of July oelebiatiuu al Also.
Crop in Jai kson county will not be un to
the average, though good in some parts.
Uov A M Acliesou, ol Oakville.will preach
Uie U 1' Churuli nest Sabbath morning.
D C Ireland hss sold hi printing buiu rss
in Cortland and bought the Vamhtll Itrfwtrr. geaud sen Moutvith St Sitcnbach a
apring stock, great vanty in every deparimei t
fwevilale kepa a nice hue of lm aud c.o .
prr ware, aud does n pairing iu good shape.
K M French, agent Sinitcr Manutacturuia
Co ,o( ,osiU Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or.
There ars70,O0O lawyers in thi U. S.
aMut one sixth ol which are in New Yoik
We see that W. C. Tweed ale has just r
wived auother lot of new styled parlor
Graaahoppers have mails the'r aptwarance
toJacksou county aod are Jot ug some tiao
age. Dr. M. II. Fills, physician and Uirzrou
Ail any, Oregou. 'ila made iu ot or
Now is tlm time to get sugar by the keg.
but before buying aak Head A Hrwwueil their
Fishing tackle, cnttlcry. r mg machine
and notions, cheaper m..i ., Will
A good sad Urge aaeortmuut . f luuder at
the yard of Kit 'arter ala-ais on fllarl U4ve
hun a call.
Sweet I'lars l.iui Kllog ia to bs la tne
Northwest .-.o. nine tnia cvuiiug suuiu.vr.
She aiogs.
The upi m t'ourt of Ulno lias rendered
a dectatou di carina' the Scott he-nee law uu
v otisU.uttoual.
A Cbinauian luuk vui from behind the
County tail Oars. Cus -, stuU) a waUi. from
anothur cuK-aUal.
liurkhart Brot. will advertise yoar l-o-l
(or sale free of charge. Otve them a 9mm II
you want to a IL
Miss Schubert wishes to announce that she
is now able to resuius wotk at dressmaking,
culling an 1 nittug.
Oo to 1'rusbaw's new Drug Store for pure
drug, patent medicines, etc. Presort plioos
caret ally compounded,
Ye editor had a plsaaaat ride into the
country last week with Fied liurkhart b
hind ins apankiog bay.
A full blooded live year old Jersey bull for
aale. For particulars, address Hamilton
Bros, Uakville, Oregon.
A disastrous water spout ocoorred near
Iagat, Men on the tith tuat. , causing the
death of over 'JO0 persons.
C H llewitt, lawyer, formerly of this city
was married to Mum Mary A Wilson, of
Vancouver ou last Monday.
Window shades, lace curtains, oil cloth,
carpets, aud wall paper. Tha nicest stock in
tewu at Mouteith & Seiteabacb's.
The Eugene City hose team passed through
Alhany Monday on their way to Astoria
huy are a hue looting set of men.
A photographer from Astoria was iu Albany
on Friday of laat week drumming business
among hre men for the tournament.
Mr Fred Oraf has just brought on a splen
did line ol baby carriages, with the latest
improvement. Call aud see them.
The two vacant stores between Foshsy k
Mason a and John Uriggs have bten renovat
ed and put in condition for renters.
AH persona wanting Osborne binding wire
will please call by July lat on Deyoe A
lohsoit and leave orders for the same.
State Firemen'a tournament at Astoria
this week. About thirty Albany firemen,
including the hose team, are in attendance.
I'endletou has voted a ten mill tax towards
a school house aud authorised its school di
rectors to issue bonds for 12,000. This ia
It is estimated by some that the wheat
crop of Oregon aad Washington Territory
will be 4,00U,U0u bushels in excess oi that ol
it year.
Ladies', uusses' and children's hue shoes,
also coarser grades, can be found at Mon-
teith s, prices iu keeping wits
hard time.
Mattresses aud lounges for sale, and all
kinds of upholstering work repaired at J E
Hayes, just east of Deyoe aud Kobesou s,
Albany, Oregon.
A public clock in the new sohoel building
would be a great convenience aa well as city
attraction. Why cannot Albany hare one.
rbink about it
The young members of the Band of Hope
held an interesting and eujoyable social for
their own benefit at W C T U Hall on laat
Monday evening.
Any party wishing to purchase a good
farm, either for gram or stock will do well
by calliug on A It Cyrus & Co., Keal Estate
Agents, at .Lebanon, Or.
Next Sabbath will be Children's Day at
the ME Church. Prof Wyootf will apeak
at 11 ociook. an uteresting program will
be rendered st 2:30 p. m.
Herbert Foots Beecher, a son of Henry
Ward Beecher, has been appointed Collector
of Custom's at Port Townseud, W. T., for
the district of Puget Sound.
The Iowa excursion will pasa through Al
bany about the middle of the afternoon
Thursday, June 18th on its way to Aahlaud
ami return to Albany Friday night.
The Distriet Conference of the M E Church
South, will be held at Junction City June
18tb, commencing at 3 p. in. Delegates will
pay full faie going and one-fifth returning.
There ia a base of small pox at East Port
land, and it would appear from the Oreyon-
tan mat tne city authorities are very care
le "out controlling the matter and fears
are entertained that the disease will spread
Ihe Iowa Press Association left Omaha
June 9th 200 strong. They are guests of
the Union Pacific R, R., and will be away
about 18 days. They will reach Portland
liurkhart Bros., have several cash custom
era for small piecea of lund of from 24 to 80
acres. If farmers will be willing to divide
their land iuto this size tracts we can sell
The building of the new residence of Hon
J K Weatherfordou the lots uext south of
Mr A B Mcllwain'a, has been begun this
week . The coat of the building will be about
D W Prentice hat laid on onr table the
June number of "Prentice 'a Music and Home
Journal," which ia replete with choice mis
cellaneous reading matter and instrumental
aud vocal piecea of music. I'rioe, f 1 per
Next Sabbath ia "Children' Day" in the
'"'igruuuttuiial Churches of the laud, lu this
city, the morning aervice will ho children's
surviee eousistuig of songs, tei i' at ions, etc.
All aie cordially invited.
The Benton litmlrr iu speaking of an acoi
dea to a boy iii Cnrvallts se btnh hone of
the humeri were broken, book at your
physiology again, brother, and tee ho w many
hones the humeri has.
At laat, after a long appeal, Sweet Home
people have anoceeded to getting au appro
j. nation for a bridge auroea the Sautiam near
that laoo. Bide will be advertised foi build
ing too aame immediately.
At a school meeting held in Salem Tuday
evening last, a motion to authorize the direc
tors to borrow 11(1,000 to finish the Kt
Salem school house was voted down. Trio
uipreastou prevails that the bouse will sot
bs completed this aeasou.
If you want your properly advertised call
on ('hue, Montetth aud Co., immediately.
If you want your property sold call out inn.
It oats yon nothing to adyerti-e with this
in m and very little to sell.
lu Nattuna! base ball matter the New
S Uftl club I bailing for the Ixaxue chump
toti'liip. having won nine gauo-a aud lost two
while the St. Lewi Club is ahead for the
American championship, wr.h a record ol
fourteen games won and liv I oat.
Whatever of improvement may he olden
ed iu the local column of tie: Ukmim it 1 1 this
week is accounted fur in the tact that the
local editor la oil to Astoria wtrh the fan
iaibitea attending the tournament.
The llemoorat at Portland marie the fob
lowing nominations for the city election
Monday. Mayor, S I'ennoyer; utniituvn,
hrt ward.J J Gallagher ; a-eot.. ward, John
DoiiMi-rherg ; third ward, Kb Morrill.
Nine out ol ten boys Will s'reel cln-rriis,
when they could gel them mm n easier ana
with a clearer conscience by simply asking
lor them. Few boy seem t rHM thai
cherries can be tmnmM as well a money.
The East Portland rkuUcator i making b
spirited war upon a movement m progress in
that city to have the Governor pardon Carrie
Bradley. Tbo Vkufrntrntmr t ugh. Thi
woman sheUld he marie to suffer the lull
seuleuce imposed umu her fr crime.
Now IS the time U Sell your land, place it
in tne bauds c! iSuiShart Bros., they have
iretter lacmiiea lor ad vrrtismg and selling
iaiel than any other agent tu Oregou semi
them our name and liit-y win a;nd you their
i -ai j. slate i aper lor one year ol charge
Nntt ha Iwen begun iu tbo Circuit Court
by the O Hi" Co, (limited! acara.t the It
aud N ( Io, aak log for n injunction against t e
1-ieuciat.t commamiiuir it to pay taxes due la
Yamhill, Folk, Marion, Iaiic and Linncoun-
laea. r.-".l remains unpaid tu l.iun couutv.
A neat catalogue uf the I'lllVerSltV of
WaahtrgUiu Territory located at Seattle, ha
j let been received at this OHMS, with the
compliments of Fr-f i. J Powell, 1'restdet.t
of ti o I . It ahowa BfJ pupils in all
ol me department ol the lint verstty, which
rams to 1-e m a very prosperous oouditien.
Observant farmir are not aattafied with
the present comb tern of ibe growing wheat
CI op, 1 to y tear that what they have bssM
calling ruat my prove to be a disease. Th
wheat 1laOea are aatd to lie tired nearly to
tbe top ol ibe grain. A kind of moid is aald
av 1 t . a. X. . - mi A .as
n. iit aix.ut tne root or trie atuck tu souit
lovahtirs and it i feared that it will provs
damaging. Wc fume their fears will not be
Jack Hodge, hying across the river in
!'. oi-. ii count , was hitching a horse to a
cart last Sunday w hen the horse became
frightened and ran away catching Jack in
the wheel and whirling hirn around Uits
lively. He waa bruised considerably but no
t .! were brsken.
A impnu-rting will be held on the Cala
powt near Mr Bievina, tu laun county, be
ginning the 2"th of this month snd conlinu
Uig ok r me followiu;; Sabbath. Tbe Cerval
iis. Altiai.y and Shedd circuit people are
iiMietad to at end and jointly endeavor to
bjjmm too meeting a suooasa. The mrttm-
will tie meter tbrauspiciM ol the M Church.
I'uhlic ia geneialty invited. No huxters will
be allowed.
Everybody lu Aibsnv altould attend the
Comn eeceiuent exercises st tho College
Chapel next week. Tho program as pub
lished in the Dkm rat last week will be
carrn-d out, and wilt no doubt be a very in
teres ting one. Tbe Alhany Collegiate Insti
tute is one our citizens have reason to feel
pround of. and hence deserve all tbe en
courage me ut possible,
A race waa arranged for last Friday at
Mc Mi un, die between F T Merrill, of Pert
land, uu bis bicycle, and William Msrtin, of
McMtnuville, ou foot, the former to have
ten feet in which to mount. Dtstsnce was to
be 200 yards. The race waa declared off.
Merrill can ride a quarter of a mile in 42
seconds, Martin can run 200 yards in 21 see
on. Is. Wbo would probably bsat t
Six or seven years ago a young man in the
Fast told the writer that he would sometime
kill himself if things did not go right. A
paper has just been received with a full ac
count of the suicide of the young mao. He
left a note stating that he had been tired of
life for years. Tbe case ahowa how a fooliah
person can stiok to a purpose through long
years, the poor, cranky young man.
By some means Mrs Duniwsy has auc
oeeded in raising quite a row between State
Senator nun-hart, of union and a number of
hta lady constituents. Mrs I hi ni way alleged
that these ladies said that the Senator
promised to vote for women suffrage in the
last Legislature. Of course the Senator did
ut promise auything of the kiud, heucn
strong words like "lie," etc , were mdulged
in. I he ladies did uot wish to contradict
their leader, but the Senstor made it ho hot
in his paper that they were all compelled to
come out in the Sentinel and deny making the
statement which seems to leave the ureal
leader of woman uu If rage in an awkwanl pre
J M Home, of Corvallis, writes a long let
ter to the Orrgonitui, acorn tng the Oregon
Pacific management ia the atroagest terms.
He makes the statement thai the road is
indebted in that county for $.100,000, that
its script will net sell for ten cents on the
dollar, and that it has no property which can
he attached. Whoever ia to blame for the
preseut condition of affairs certainly it ia a
tact mat tuiauciai matters in nuutou county
are low. while at the Bay business ia com
pletely paralyzed.
The atate board of agriculture, from of
hcial and private dispatches received trom
the principal wheat states, estimates the
srobablu shortage at 180,b00,000 bushels, as
compared with a five years' average. Of this
shortage lie, 000,000 is fouud in six great
winter wheat states - Ohio, Indiana, lllmoiK,
Missouri, Kansas and California, which on a
hve years' average yield 208.000,000 bushels
Aa compared with last year the shortage ia
over 220,000,000 bushels. The June crop re
port iu Illinois estimates tuat thu yield o
wheat in Illinois this year will be lesa than
10.000,000 bushels, compared with :I2,000,
000 bushels last year.
Laat Friday the body of Oeorga Wel'or
waa found in the Willamette River a: Port
land, near O. Street, in an advanced stags of
decomposition. The body was taken to the
Morgue, where it was recognized by a son of
the drowned man. Mr. Weller disappeared
on May 20, notice of which was made in the
Democrat, hia mind being at the time, it is
claimed, in a wondering condition. It ia
supposed that he fell into the river. Mr.
Weller waa a resident of this city fer geyeral
years, leaving here about three years ago.
He waa 52 years old, and a member of Safety
Lodge Ne. 13 A 0 U W of this city.
Papers in a suit brought by the State of
Oregon against the county of Multnomah haye
been Hied in theoffiee of the County Clerk of
that county. It seems that heretofore the
county has always paid the State the full
amount assessed against property for State
tax purposes whether they collected it or
not. For the year 1883 the taxable prop-
Jerty of Multnomah county was set down at
17,653. 105, and the State tax en this as re
turned to the Secretary of State amounted to
39S.875 38. Of this but 92,649.51 was col
lected, leaving $b'209.87 delinquent or un-
collectable. The State has demanded this
money, and being refused payment, have
commenced suit for its recovery. Tne Sheriff
has been unable to celleet q tite a portion of
the delinquent tax on account of dcuble as
sessments, restraining orders, etc. Should
the State win the auit, the inonev will haye
to be tikon from the county taies The do-
ciaiou ol this question will be ot inte st
every oonnty in the SUfca,
i'Uterr t oi r r .iihk tkbw
J.J, Whitney, ,ln..i; A ( anil Pstviil Mel er.
( oiiiinlMlouers,)
Scraors allowed Kosd Supervisor
Ooorge Sliephoril and D F Kobluetl.
'I ho proposition of J W Mlavens to erec
a bridge wss imlr finitely postpone.
D W Fumhaiigti resiumd the care of
the Fmeraon lami y, which was trans
ferred to W H I 'Hints.
In Ihe lustier nf au sppdcsiiou lor s
ci uni y road i'.v .1 L llennesjs and others,
. ItTrask, .1 vVeils snd P M Pace were
appointed viewer s,BTT Flsber Surveyor.
Order d that Supervisor use lumber out
uf the old Muddy bridge to repairi u I vert
near lllevhm' bridge.
The Htipt rviaor of I)i4t K wm ordeied to
repair bridge wilh road work M that dbv
A plow w,. ow)d KCatcJ Supervisor
Msik Huibert.
Fees allowed iu Hi am at t Hatcher.
Tho appliestion U.r Ibe repdr of the
Jcnning bridge wms iudtllmloly postpon
ed. Resignation of tcajtt '-Vard aaSnj-orvlaor
mi Dial 'M sr-er-pled , soil W K temple sp
Ordored that II Parwell. Treasurer, be
authorlrod to expend a sum not to exceed
$ a month for the relief ofthe ilelfron
family, until further order of Court.
In tbe matter of building a bridge across
tbe South Manllsm Kiver at sweet Home,
onbsrexl that notice be given for sealed
bid to build a -i an 120 feet iu the clear,
the bonis ou the north side to hi ten fx at
in 1 Ight, with no approaches.
Iho matter oi1 build ng a brldg over He
North Hantlam ilvor al Mehsm t was entj
tinned for one month.
Warrants were i tr.d for the following
0 D Morris, keeping Co poor $Jh7.iH'
-t John A Stone, loiibliug III Ills! .. ...'.
T V 8oper D M
1 4 m Wheeler 3 oo
.1 w McDonald
Robt (ilaas .Wi
N Shanks ftju
W Wlly. tLftl
itolUIIHOII At Wool, in. ii' . r , 47.10
fl Karwdl, Co. Ireaaurwr 4otf.Kl
J K t 'barltwn, Sberlira fw oO.H
Jehn D iane H oo
J i. t'owsu, imlst) WAS
L Douglas, imiso 1 1. do
J ssj I aurnul,v.ork 1IU.56
J M Irvlag, rtagi 4.00
It It iiiiuiptiiey, mwoajr uui
Dts W F Alexsnder and Watlsee,
and J K Wealhfrtnrd, services
In Insann - i i. o.ou
J D Konnon Ma)
Ssm l'oor, wiinewi gJJO
J Perry 2.M)
Noah Mbanks 4.07
Preaum M onker 7.20
N Itfprenger, work ou '. II r,.8M
A J Holism it 13 M
Johnsoti A ttbetton 17 92
J LC-owan, mJMt 44.00
t; O Burkhart, Constable's fees...... 9M
Mrs 0 Houck.keepinit pnawi ,Ou
Dr J P Wsllsr-e, no in, al a-rvbws
f r poor 2 00
John Douaca 4.50
eo K 'hsmlstrlsln, ss proscutiiig
5 00
1.. ....
10 20
1 "V Ild,inetilial Mtrvioes rr Colo
J C Gnodale, lumtrer
K S Strahan, Ally 'a fees
CW Wat U. print init
J J Whitney, Co. Judge
A Condra, Coutintdoucr..
U Mever
J K Charlton. MurlfT
MM I it AMI Plata, (I.
Judge liron, nf Corvallt. was in the city
Hon F A Watt wss in the city the first of
the week.
Mis' Oilie Mulkey. the belle uf Philomith,
ii viaiting in tbe city.
Mia hmrna imririoo, of Salem u vunting
with frieuds in the city.
K 1 Smith, trsvcling agent fur the Orrgon
Short lane, was in the city last week.
Joseph Moist snd wife have gone to Seattle
whera t h.-y will remato aomeiune to improve
th health uf the latter,
R A Uimpy, druggist, of HafTisbur-. a
ii Albany Mondav, while here favoring the
Dkmovrat other with a call.
Mrs K F Bag an I dsuKhter, of Sttie, W.
T., are visitiug itn frieuds in thu city.
Thy will remain here several weeks.
Mrs Duniway, a well-known citizen of
Portland, author of "Womanhood Crowned,"
a -mud in A it. .my last Monday morning.
Cspt flhialtia. A Ddckard and C O Barnes,
all old cttizena, are very aick. The balie of
"Wid" Bilyeu has been quite sick, but ia
getting letter.
George Simpson aud wife, aod T P Hack
eman and mother, started over the mountains
laat Saturday for Frtueville. They will he
gone about three weeks.
Cnnitressman Hermann passed through Al
bany Monday on hi way to Portland, but no
one seemed i le aware of the tact. Sot
even a ripple of agitation occurred.
Watt Mouteith, Jim Murrv.Hany Parker
and loin t'urran left laat Saturday for
vtreek'o tixhtiig excursion on the streams ot
Linn county. l,nok out for lug stones, strange
experiences and repot ta of a jolly time.
Jo Webber, Jr., arrived in A I bat. v last
Friday ft on an extended trip in Southern
Oregon m the liter t of tbe Commercial
and Hartford Insurance Companies. Joe,who
has been in every place of any importance in
the IS orth west, says he does not know of auy
city with better prospects than Albany.
A Revival.
A revival meeting ia now iu progress at the
M E Church, South, in thia city, in which
II Christiana of every danoniination are cor
dially iuvited to participate. Never in tbe
hiatory of our church has it had a bt ightr
prospect than at thia time. We have recent
ly had eleven accessions to the church and a
number of others enquiring the way of sal
vat ion MectiinM dnriuff the week at 7:30
p in. Ou Sabbath services at 11 a. in, and
3:30 p m . Prof Emery, of Corvallis, ia ex-
pested to aasiat in these meetings.
F. M. Ct i.r, Pastor.
. V.
Just received a case of the Celebrated Hal
Coil Sping Corset, the only corset that can
be returned after three week's wear if not
satisfactory. These corsets are bought direct
from the mauufactuier, saving one profit and
enabling me to give better value for tbe
money than any other corset. All styles and
qualities always on hand.
Samckl E. Yot'sr..
Jeh rrlatmg.
C W Watts is always ready to do al
klndi of job printing ni short notice and
at reasonable rates. If you have letter
heads or bill heads printed sand him your
order aud he will plao9 them in tablet
form without extra cost. Ordsrs from a
distaitoe will receive prompt attention.
far nets.
In Roxbury, Smith's, Tapestry, Brussels,
also a full Hue of Ingrain and oil cloths, fer
sale at less than Portlau I who'esulj pricts
A. B. McIlvv.un.
5, 10 and 25c counter at N H Allen k. Co
5, 10 and 25e counters at N H Allen k Ce.
SCOTT ROW E. -Iu this eity, June 9th,
1885, by Rev J W Hi.rr s, Mr Jaks
Scott and Miss Louisa Rowe hoth of
Linn county.
T".; ..'.j-us-iji ..'ija- ! 1 ii. ia i. i
te TABLER. On June 7th 1885, in Albiny,
to the wife of Frank Tablet- boy.
m. . w,
On Meperled rranl
I bflvt- seen in h great many newt
papeiH ntj uti wltii h read soinel hi ng
liXi'lhis: "An old physician having
discovered In hi travels a sure specific
for conMutiipib.n will send the receipt
for It on application, etc,'' with a re
quest to write to so ami o, at . As
that happened to he my native place
and I hail been loca'ed only a few doors
from the "old pbysicinn" I knew all
About the business, aud my knowledge
is not much to the credit of theo: man
either. His adv. should rend "a fraud
having compounded a ueles mixture
mt." In-tead of being an oid pbvHlclan
or at.y physician at all, he is only a
young man about thirty-five year of
age, withal a first class qusck. How
guileless the public la may be seen in
the fact 'tint every day brought thi
miserable fraud hundreds of letters aa
well dollar. The receipts mention d
could only le filled by him, which he
did for two dollars, and then the stuff
was only a small box of powder sent
for a small postage, but everybody was
bitten. Never eiid to W A Noyes to
be cured of consumption. Hut he ia
only one of the hundreds of frauds per
petuslly imposing ou the public. I re
cently read an eastern paper devoted to
the exposure of traud. Among others
"neb as Dr. S oil's brushes, voltaic nud
magnetic belt companies, .la T Inroan,
Dr. CarsoB, Our Housewife etc., all ad
vertised in numetoup papers tak?n lm
this state. Dr. Hcolt's brushes, for ID
stance, were fouud to contain only ft
pn ee of metal for attracting the mg
net. the brushes having no magnetism
at all, enabling the Dr. (?) to get an im
mense price lor a common brush. Moat
magnetic India also It ia claimed are not
iu the least as represented, helag mails
just to seil.whi'e It is stated lum If oimwife
Publishing . do not even end the
good ,.d v.-rt;ed. aud it baa hundreds
of rounu rpariB. Aihoiibt the worst
kind of ou.ioks are tit so called special
ala who can cure lose of ir.eraory, ate,
and many arc tho dupes they get who
will nke together twenty five to fifty
dollars for a medicine that might as
well tie used o make a drunken man
sober. Thousand of dollars .ire thrown
away every year ou frauds, uot only by
Oregou inns, but by the people of Ihe
world generally. It la well not to
pise too much cwilldeue iu tbe h-gu
sounding advertisements of H ranger,
eVtfU though 30. are ii-ady to. grasp a
lraw. Tins is the deliberate opinion
ol H H W.
tto'ul Arrh MaaaSls.
At the meeting o tite yand nAvapasai -!
K ral Arch Maou m-ia iu Ion Land this
week, the to lowing Hi.-, rs fo Uie enauinat
year wer elected :
I rand luh pri-t, J K Weatherford of
Deputy high priest, Wallace Baldwin of
-rand scribe, K FCiaonsof The Dalits,
('rand king, Seth L Pope, Portland,
i.rand lecturer, Uouert Clow ef Polk coun-
tiraud m t n-Ury. ft P Karhart, Salem.
I 'rand trtsaorer. Cbn Talor, Dayton.
i rand captaiu ot hotta, Oeo Humphrey,
Priovipal sojourner, Enoch H ult, Harris
.land H A captain. H E Harris. t urvalhs.
Master third vail. K W 0torne, Eugu.
Master second vail. Jay Tuttle, A tuna.
Master hrst vail.D L Mo maw. Baker City.
Aenunel, Oustav Wilson, Portland.
The New Home sewing machine bein very
much improved lately, we will sell it strictly
aa quoted iu the New Horn circulars aud
not as advertised in our circulars. Come and
examine it if you want the latest improved,
simple and light running machine.
Will Bkoa.,
Albany aod CoryalBa,
A ucw line of ladies velvet and kid slippers
joat received at
Beer allle and Malta aUseep.
The undersigned will pay the big heat cask
price Cor beef cattle and mutton sheep. Have
good scales on which to weigh.
L D. Millar,
Miller's, Oregon.
Tobaccos of various brands will be sold by
the plug or box at less than other houses, for
cash, by
A. o. MclLWAIN.
The Next Attraeltesi,
On or about the 12th of this month the
lidies of thi community will be entertaiatd
at the Ilevere Hons parlor with agrand die
play of pattern, hats and bonnets which
will be sent here by the celebrated "Bouquet'
millinery stores of Port 1 iml, Or. The prices
of bats, plume, tips, etc., will somewhat
open tho eyea of th fur sex.
We are hero aud here we iub nd to stay
wth prices ao 1 w that 3 ou can not keep
from buying.
II Kan k Baewx ell.
Cherry fillers rr Bale.
Peters k. Stewart have a little machine
that seeds cherries at the rate of three pecks
in little leaa than a half hour. Come around
and buy ou.
i mm " 1
Starbe Fence Wire,
I haye just received from the manufactor
ies a car load of Bessemer steel fence wire,
galvanized 4 poiut 4 inches, 2 point 3 inches.
Samuel E. Yocnu.
Our dress goods have arrived and the ladies
are invited te call and see them. Everything
in new colors aad desig is will be found in our
complete assortment.
5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen & Co.
OU rrem Nature's Wells.
The skin on the head Is kept at ft and
flexible by a secretion from the il
glauds. When these are clogged tbe
hair dries and falls off. Parker s Hair
Balsam renews their action, restores
the original color to tha hair and makes
it soft and glossy. It also eradicates
dandruff. Not greasy, not a dye, delic
iously pot fumed. Delightful for ft
ady's toilet table. The best of dressings
Preferable C all similar article ber ansa
of its superior cleauliness aad purpy.
"When Baby waa aick, we gave her C ASTORIA,
When ah was a Child, sTse cried for G ASTORIA,
When she beca in Miss, ah clung to C ASTORIA,
When she had (rlHrsn, ah gave them CAST0JUA.