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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT - 1 " T.TZZ ISSUED KVKUY FHIOAY -ST STITES& NITTINti. U simfnrK..ln lrni.crti( Ualltllngoa llrumlalletra street. TKHMS OK lUltaiEPTtOM single eoiv. nor vimr, in n.lvii.ur 2 f.0 s w 1 M 75 10 inl oops, per year, stead of veer. ......... , sniK'e copy, sU iii-mii in ingle oopy, Iium' months. . ul number PKOFES81GNAL CARDS. R. 8. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court of thea State. Will Rive special attention to collections and probate m attar. Office In Poster' new brlok. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND-- Notary Public. 11 baity, Oregon. Office upetalra, over Jobn Brl- store, tst street. vuicut J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, tllllW, OKK.4.0V. tlTIM. PRACTICs. IN ALU TIIR COURTS OP TIIK T Stat. SHfv i 1 attention -rien lo collection ami ..rohate matter. Mrofflo In Odd Fsllsw's Tempi, lis: i. o. powait- w. h. kilt kit POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in rhancppy, AMY. - - OREWOSI. Collection promptly made on all point. Loan netrotiated on reaaonable term. jVOfflce In Fonter' Brick. vHulftf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY, ORECON, Will practice In all of the Court of hlsite. All busines Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGDON & CO., IMU t.l.IST rt ka. Stationary and Toilet Article, A Large Stock and Low Price. OITT IDTlTJGh STORE, 21 U.IIW. AREtiON. FOSHAY & MASON, wholslus a kit ail I) moists anil Booksellers, A Rent for John It. Alden'a publications, which we as) 1 at publisher's prices with potgadded. ALRWY, OKEGOR. A. PRUSKAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS t RE! I LLY FILLED. Albany. Or. LOUIS CAMPEaU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatne and sharp razor, which are always kept In ood condition, and hair cut in the very best style. REVERE HOUSE, r.rari rinl aad Ell.wsrta Albaar. arcRoa. Chat- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. ThU new HoUl t. Ittd up in flmt claM atyle. Tablea asMtiied with the beat the market afford. Spring BmIi in every Koom. A goon sample aooea aw uim merrial Traveler. trrree ( Mrk ta aa4 frwtai the wll.'aa FURNITURE. ( have the bw Htock of furniture in the city and will ell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOOD IN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. Por particulars concenilng the course of study and the price of tuition, applv to KKV. ELBEKT !f. COX0IT, Presiuen Aloany Bath House. 'Itia UNDK KSI'J NED WOULD RBBPECT folly iaform the oitisam of Albany and vi swiity that I havecaken charge of this Estcblisb meat, and, by keeping clean rooms and pajin tristftttentloo to businasi, expects to suit al those who may favor a with their patronagt Flaring heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Glass Hair Dressing Saloons expect to give entire atlf tion to al a-Ch'ldien and Ladies' Hair neatly 0 bampooed. JOH WUBBKR. Administrator's Notice Nctice ia hereby given that the undersign ed has been by an order of the County Court of Linn County Oregon, dulv appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of James Keeney deceased, late of said county. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same properly verified within six months from the date hereof tothe undersigned at his residence about five milei south of Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon. (im. D. Overton, Administrator. Dated May 29th, 1885. B ARN DOOK HANGINGS, reA lwavs breakinir, iinlot. you have the kind sold by Peters A (Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought iron, cannot Jump the trnk and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have aeen Diem. ArtrjlT g Send six cent for postage, and fr lilswCa receive free, a cosily box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else inthi world, All of either sex, slic es I from first hour, The broad road to fortune opens before the worker, absolutely sure. At ones address Tai and Co,, August Maine, lL y WTf vsW" WTf dk 0 wtyw&W' VOL. XX. TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! llrixnil. advertised a. almolut, ly pur COM'i'AIW AlCatUtTZA. TMTlfiiTl Plae a --. . lop down on a hoi .( unl '. . h.n iviiimv. th. H.vr and iimII. A i-k mi t wtll urn bo re I i..t . .1 to a. i.vl tho (iiimum of MMMata DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. IT MKll.THrVI.tU9 MAS NCVER VI MtltUSa In million hnm for a quartrr of c.t.tury It tut .tovil In. MMRMHMf reliable tt, THE TEST OF THE 0VE5?, PRICE HAKIM. POWDER CO., Mi mii. or Dr. Price's Special Fiorina Eilracio, Tk..lrM(.,l, ! .I.llfl.u. mmI Iw.t,u4 Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Qems lor l.i ,-M. ILltliy llrra.l. Tli. Seal lrjr II u Tr.i.l In tit. WurM. FOR PALE HY CROCERS. CHICAGO. - fcT. LOUIS- for salt hv('utt'ii. Msrlc. r, Portland, or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS tntuL ruwontMc orrucr UTMOa MOST PERFECT MADE Purest aiut strotu-eat Natural Fruit Flavor. Vaiillla, Lfinon. Orangv. AIiikhiI, Kme etc, flavor aa delicately runt naturally as she (rult. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CBICAOO. T. LOUIS, First! thy Osttssasj Mar ml Oi Pnli.i. orl (jiticuia Infantile Skin Beautifiers Appeal to Mothers Try Them. FR tleaoo; t Kktn and HeU of Itirth Humor, fur alia) inir Itchinv, Huming rl IntUnunat'on, Vr cnrlntr the rtrt ytfitiin. t Kcsetn., PwirUale, Milk ru.t. Scall Head. Scrotal ihI uthcr tnherittsl kiu and bl'iud Uiacaae. ftl IsllHlB:. the irmt Hkut 1 'in-, n.i i r; : - . ,-. an iui.ite Skin Ueauli Ser, eateinaliy, ami OVflUVaa hamiLvajiT. the tww I. -- t'unner, inUrniiv, are iitfailib . A - !uUl pure. 'TERRIBLY AFFLICTED." Mr. ami Mr Everett Slebbiu. Rekrhcrtown. M., write : "Our little Ixiy wa ternlily altticted with Scrufu., Halt Rheum end KryiU ever ince he m burn, and nothing we cm Id give him hclwl him until ee tried CwWBSSM Hkmxuim, which irrwlually cured Mm, until he i now a tir an child. 200 FOB NOT 111X4.' H'm. liordon. M7 Arlington Ave.. Charlnrtm. Mas., wnU : "Having l'l bout SAW to flnUclaa doctor U cure my bahy. without ucce, I tried the Ct rt ct aa RsMRtit, which comidelcly cured, after uainir three psS JSSi "FROU HEAD TO FEET, Charles Rarre Hinkle, Jereer City HclKaU, N. J., write : "My aun. a lad d twelve year, wa complet ly curetl of a terrible case f Rcxeira by the ft TKtaa RRKMRblRM. Kp.tii the top of hi heail to the ole ! hi feet wa one maa of cb " Kvery other remel) and physician had been tiled in vain. FOB PALE, LANtallD KnwUted children, with pin-ply, llow akin, the Cotici a Rrmboiim will provi. a erfect ble-ir, cleansing the blood and kin of lnhetitl impuritie nd expelling the kcudi of acrofula, rlicumaliain, cen iiuniition, and iievere akin di 'BENT FOB THE NKI." Your CtTn ra Rr.aEma sre the best for kin d's- I have ever old, and your OVlBUUaa hor the medicinal toilet siap in the n.arket. C. W. 8TAPLKH. Iiuiririt, ttaceola Mill, Wis. Hrdd by all drugirtat. Price: CiTHta. M) et. ; Rbsolvbst, l ; hVMr, 2.0 cU. Potter Drug and Chemical Co,, Bo. ton, Ma-.. Head Tor "IIom to sire Mliln UImsmps.' DIDV l'e f'sllrsrs oap, an exiimiu.-ly DAD I perfumed aklsi BraatlSer- DEYOE & ROBSON, (S'JccessorH to W. H. (folfrs.) DEALERS IN Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUSBIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL OOOT, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the puhlic that he i now pre pared to do all kind of atone and marble work on short notice. All work I war ranted to jzive aatisfaotion. Will work any and all kind of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aiid reetting a specialty, ('all and examine my price before purchas ing elsewhere an 1 will not be undersold, tfhopon west side of Ferry street oppo site post office, G. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Sireet, ALBANY - - - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Three well bred stallions, and thirty draft and saddle horse. W. T. Cochran, Ilrownsvilio, Or. H OTEL FOR SALE. The Jackson House, Prindvillo, Oregon. 3i well furnished room, the only hotel in town, lance and convenient, with all necessary furniture. Price reasonable and term eaay, A. B. Colvkb k Son. Prineville, Oregon, fUJk&T MAO t ii ni ii (Kroin our regular crr otident.) Wamiinuton, May, l!3rd, i885. I luivo learned from thoco who nrf luliuittod to the Inner council-t of tho White ESmm lb it the 1'ronident i very much vimhnmssiMl undor the Tt iRht hihI the multiplicity of his dulio-". II possosau both the citpa clty and Uie habit of hard eontinuiHl work, and lie has been uccu-domod to examine every matter hrnuirht to ids atfcuiiou lofore ffivinir it hli oMljinl sanction. Thin el mi may h-tv oen f jisiblo in the M iyor's 0s9.t t Buf fdlo,or even in the Gubernatorial othYc in AllMtmy. But the pronhlfiicv of tlu UBtttd Slate" ia different ort of a e uitraot. Mr. Cleveland knew thia before he came to Washington, but he now realize it in n w.iy that eier!ence alone can teatli. Heat fir.M tried to delefate the uppolnti n power to various Cabinet otBeera, inid to thus relievo himself of an army of olllce seekers, but In s o-i fmnd thu the appointees of hi Cabinet needed careful supervision in order to avoid those mistakes which the French statesman said were w ir than crimes. These aro some of the rea sons why the admlnutration ii going J -low, while the rascals linger ami hold on. Another reason Is the ab sence of (Jul Ltmont who is the Pres idents most trusted lieutenant and co-worker. The President hai long been telievcd by the tc ill and tact of GUoMrl Lamont from a hundred dally vexations, and his pro'Mcte I illness at this timvi ia keelny felt by him. The necessity of turning the rascal out becomes d illy ni'ire appdrent This Is tiominily a DmOOOf Utfl ad miui-itratiofi, but the cimn,the court, thejwtsids are full of traitors md assas sins synonyms not too strong for a majority of the republicans now in ofnee. They are at the desk in all Le Department. They guard the doors to the ofttce of alt the Bureaus, and play the part of malignant spies vbile protecting themselves with the shield of Civil Service. List week an utterly wonhles-t sot was discharged from ofhVe, but he happen. 84 to have been a Union sdJier and the incident was the occasion for a concerted howl from the whole radi cal press. If the U 'publican parly expects to mourn in this way for every drunken ex-Union soldier that shall be fiiHrhargtsJ It will need an ululating choir or It h id better g t R concert or liM'otnoliv whls.le with triple brass throats. The government Departments must not be an asylum frjff drunken worthless parti, in loafers, and the fact that they served in the Union Army may have entitled them to bounties and pension-, but it should not entitle them to clerical po-ith nt which owing to natural incapacity and contracted vices they cannot All. There was great rejoicing in tho Government offices over the election of Logan to the Senate. Borne clerks tro d to conceal their j iy, but with manv delight was irrepressible. There was a Logan C'innonad'i on Ws4tB88i day lust at the untimely hour of one o'clock at night. A big gun was dragged to the nearest available spot to the White House and fired one hundred times fo the great annoyance and vexation of hundreds of sick and sleepy citizens. The llrst report was believed to be a dynamite explosion and the continuation of the cannonade woke up the entire city, As the fir ing was without permission of the city authorities and against the law at such an hour, it Ins been the occs casion of much indignation and com plaint and will be subject of an inves tiatiou. Hundreds of people who were awakened by the racket betiev that General was dead or ihat some great event h id occurred and cone down town lo letrn that It was in honor of Senator Logan's re-election by a lot of government clerks who had not the bravery to make thelrdem onstration except in the dbad hour of night. Turn the cowards out. A man of busioes away from home received a telegram to say Ida wife wa jll ; he sent a mesHae to the family doctor requesting information a to the nature of the illness, and received the following reply : "No danger ; your wife has had a child. If we can keep her from having another to-night nlia will do well." It was not ;iil two more mesftaget had ben dispstfebed and received that the distracted huVand discovered that the word "child" in the first nibasage oueht to have been "chid." If the Independent Republicans were in control of national affairs they would put none but Independe&t in office. That ii a (Jain proposition which ad mits of but very iiltle denial. It can not, therefoie be regarded as wrong for the Democrats lo do the bame way liy themselves. This is a Democratic Ad ministration, and should be served by Democrats, 1 " wmaammBss". j,.. j... i -rsnsas .. J Rights B c in o r r at . ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE m lets WAVt9 The furosla of the Clied States comprise 412 species of trees, be longing to 18o ironor i. of the, forty-eight Kenera and sixty speeh I are peculiar to Florida, A bitanleal phenomenon was wit nessed on the shore of Todoa Sstilos Bajr, Lower Callfomh, where an apple tree blossorned and b re Mre perfect fruit on its trunk, an Inch from the ground. Hats aro now being made in tho United rT.Htea with an astavitoa lining to tho crown. Asbestos is so well known as a non-conductor of heat that the ad vantage of it no for this purpose will bo redlly aeon. It Is not generally known that nut megi are poisonous, but Dr. Palmer writes to tbj American Journal of rtnirmacy detailing Iho case of a lady who nenr'y fliotl from eating a nutmeg and a nal f, and ho points out ihef.ct that the tonic effects of the drug aro described In bith the Na tlonal and United State PlapWMUii. Ics. The Mlsslsaipl steamhoit men have a geuerAl -tip .r-titutiori ttgainst all hosts whoso name begin with the ktter f, f!" oapUUo says : have never known a boat a the Western w iters that commenced wttn the letter M that has not either burn ed up, t-unk 01 been blown up, or been a financial d!Mt8f to her own- ers We fuel it to be tt puh'ic duty to say at this time nd place, that ws have oow ha J over ninety day of Democra' ic rule, and no colored K-ron ha ben reenalaved, no r.nitf.rta -ron ha n peirfn)tt, PKj eonflertM tamd have btOJI paid, no a'avtdxd lr ha hmm pil fr hi slaves, but ail the ifass) the Hghti el co I t-red ienple have Im.o SJMTKst, aorte of thia that weie to have tMe ttlaved have MtHalty U'-n MpHiu:ed to t (Fe e by Cive!and, hotine has actually U-ni gr8wi irttr instead of wcre, all of the manufacturing esubliahmfnts that hut down just before the election with notice fiota their proprietors that they would ojaeu up again if 1; it, wrt sfaatad, bat go out of business if he war dtsfeatel. have now tetuuiHl, filing aa aartaia of fair pruliu a if Ulin had een elec'ed. Tha facts am worthy of Il'pulilitMn refliction. fhe fulsWftisTaj aiatemettt in revard lo Itini'a ciiix-nshtp ia made on the laist authority : "Kiel took an cive p?trt Ute in IHH'2 or early in lXS3io tbs M mtana Terittot ial elections, having become an American ciitz m there. He created considerable exciiment to the elections referred to, being an active worker for the INpuhlirann. After the election arete over hr, was prosecute. on a charge cf having ioduced seferal h f breed to vote, although they bad not tne necessary qualification. Be fort the prosecution had got fairly un or way, however, h fled to bis old borne at S:. Vital, Manitoba. He Rtibseq tentty returned to Montana oo a flying visit, and removed hi family to St. Hniitace, Muik)ba, Then in the fall of lxg.l ho went up tho Sai-k-atchewao country, where he haa been ever since. Tnere is po doubt what ever to his American citizenahin." A Government like that of the Unit ed States must be conducted by politi cal parties. It is necessary to have mtbitig that can be held responsible, and that Homrthing is a political party. But it tnere be responsibility there should also be commensurate power. This .cannot lie obtained it important posts in the Administration are intrust ed to the guidance of tbose not in sym pathy with the principles which domi nate tne Government. The President recognizes r-his in making his appoint ments to important places of triad and uncompromising Democrat. The civil service law has nothing to do with thii. Tha Democracy is held respomd bio for the Administration, and ti e Democracy should control it. Nit a hu . tired years ago an Albary man attended church for the first time When he returned home he called out to his wife : "Samantha Jane," he said, "that preacher told a funny story in his sermon." "What w,.h it ?" asked the wife. "Why the minister told about a friend of his whose boy ran away from home a"d left the old man and his brother to do the work, but sfcar awhile the boy got sick of bating away from home, and cone back and the old man gave hiii a bi dinner and the.y had a regular picnic. I swow if that boy had been mine I would have licked him like blazes." "What was his name John 1 Did the minister say ?" "Yes. he svd as it was 'The Prodigal Son,' you don't know him, do you 1" Blaioe will have to revise his pro grain for a bloody-hhirt campaign in 1888. The bid f r the latent issue of Georgia S'rfte bonds averaged 100, and the buldtrs were all Northern caj ital-ists. TbMPERANUE department, MOtTKO MY THM Woineg'i Cltrimtiau Temperinee 1 u ion TMK IKtn CHIMI AISKIS MM sol III. I Tb tr tufratic question 1 claiming the attention of all classes of people in the Southern States, and is making ex ct lit nt progress in ueariy allpitnof the South. Too sen-iment for the pro hibition of the traltio ia, however, far in advance of that for total aUiine'ior. Tl .j legia;ture of all the Sniihrin S ate, with th exonptton of th' Virginia, have adoitCasJ the boitev of option or loual tidtihiti m, aud nave allowed ih peo p'e of many itie to vote threeily tip oi the question of license or no license, whilo in oil n ce they have ad ruled nisolute pro hibitory Uw for small sections of country when r quested by such c to in mi itie, so tint nearly if not qui'o one-half the terti'ory . tii'h of Virifiuia is uow tin lur pr diibitiou. This loeo not in. lode ativ hi. city at. i Iml few large tOWOS, v t it entbrar a wide tange 1 1 terriuo v, which challenge at tention and give, ab indant ovidimco of the bleaiins of r diiSition, and the prosprilv and thrift of tb :.!. who are ii d of the blighting elftit of the drink train. J ta bat nioet v-tive out of one :iuu trel an I tidrtv-f me eooaUos tinder prohibition. Ploridi rsrj iiie amajmty of qualified voteta of the precioot in which the salooo u be located to eecure licenses, and more than enc -half the State la f ee ftom the licensed saloon. South (,'aro lioa and Alabama or about nne-half prohihiiion. In Tennesaee a Best law forbid a saloon wit h:n four mil. s uf a chartered acbool hous. Kntuky has over 6ve hundred ruonict'tali'iea and a numtsr f en'ire c-tintie without sa'o.o. Mtiippi ha more than a third of the territorv fie, and it is Ut moving on to aboo'ntw r MMtioot. But one S ate ba I. cat - law, and no Saie haa fJl prohibi't-o- Vh e nties under prohibition ar uod v ,.raely settled or ro,j, roost I v of where the lis . looted ! ,-.,1 p, bibition wHUkear Rubiaitting the ques tion KJ a dlreet hom . f (he ItSJQplr. N" S iuihern Sttat. haa y-t a t .p'ed a pro hi' o.oy law sjf ...-.! opwi a rtinHlttU' HtStsall aiuendm"n.. Tot! ot 'oro. . Societies) are not very abutidan', aiu.' public meetings and addresses am bugs ly in tho iutereat of prohibition an I tb supprvasiou of the liquor traffic. The -si.v fur a crusade fur tota' aOOtfoOOOa and the educating and tiin ing of ihe Hii! l.etj bj being more gen r aily recog iixed, and the good work in this sttffwtlosj is beginuing to receive the consideration which its importance de mand. iV. T. Advocate. saaiLlTiesa IMrTKB a tas I Ml:t I'KKaMi ItKItt SOIKD U NIIOa. The gensral c tmrnitteo of the United Presbyterian assembly, which ba been labjring for the past week at Garnett, Kas., yesterday closed its labors, and immediately came to Topek to attend the general assembly. The general committee held. a moat enthusiastic prohibition conference on Monday evening, Itev, D. S. Littell, presiding. Littell introduced the subject by saying we come here in the interests of the home mission works. But there is another home mi sion work that is being carried on vigorously. Wo are seeking to put the gospel in every home ; this other succeeds in putting whisky in evety home. Comparison and statistics may show how the works are progressing. In Christ's home mis sion work there is expended about $2, 000,000 annually in this country. lo the devil's borne mission work there is expanded $880,000,000 annually, or $1 for ohurch to $400 for tho devil. J. D. Lyth, of New Yoik, followed those remarks with a Speech that wrought the enthusiasm up to fever hoat,and when we had heard from Ohio, Iowa, Tennsssee,Canada, Pennsylvania, Indiana, California and Illinois, and also from the stranger that was "within our gates," we came to the conclusion the committee to he made up of the most radio il prohibitionist. This may be accounted lor on the principle of Anteus getting new stiength as he touched his mother earth. The soil of Kansas on which we stand may account in no small degree for the radicalism expressed by delegates from all parts. This was strictly a meeting of reso lutions, no le8 than four sets of tbnm being offered and received with obsers. Itev. J. M Jaminson,of Ohio,oti'ered the following : Resolved, That we are one in raged by the Christian patriotism ao i v. dor of Kansas, to work for the success of pro hibition in every state of the union. A resolution oflared by Dr. William Jobu8on,of Iowa,anl Dr. S. G. Irvine, of Oregon, reads : Jietolved, That we highly appieciato the spirit and work of the Woman's Christian Temperance U uion in its gen eral oharacter,as carried forward through its local auxilliariea, t nd bid its mem bers God spesd in thsir brava endeavor 4For God and home find native land." 18, 1885. K. H. Allen & Co., a&aCLfJ. U'10 t0 the inauguration of Presi riZK thiB' RnJZ nuledt0&et UP a littl inauguration of our own Wm everybody. Accordingly a HIGH PRICES natron,, fy , wU1, crown efforts if you will favor us with your patronage, forfcy large salos at a small margia we expect to win the fight Come and Help Us. SXlShfi..! b0ught for 0A8H afc Bankrupt Sales. We only sell for cash uSSSf nd. Pr?Pee to sell at prices that defy competition. A new IJZ 2L .u?lne8s is the many useful articles oa our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by ue. Dr. V. II. M. Fur land and lUv, SjmuMirig r-ff-rwd t hi. kWrW. That we hetftity tod i--the artion ,.f il, aiea of Kar-aa and ' Nrbrak in drrl n-.g it criminal to sell ! or fcie tolfJSOi i r-raon na4or 16 1 y r of age, Tne Itv. rathsrr H W. F.ench, ,1 the Chicago Pieabytery, probably the oldest man on the commuter, offered the following : Jfrtu tw, That tr-icp rance in ihe true a.rae of tbe word require tuodct t . h!I thing lawful, and total at.- Htu , all tbinga hurtful ; thai i t our efjirts tn put down intempt raucr ! U i he dmy (f every one.and If of every profesiog Chriatian, to use the talent (od h gtvea him and every litimate mean be baa ptaced within our reach, whether social, civil or relig ious ; that there can be no compromise with this evil ; that absolute, uncondi tional prohibition, atate and national, in the eod at which wo tdiotild aim, and tbe ultimate which alone wears willing to Mccept. Tbe sentiment expressed in the con ference were mostly of the third party proclivity, with no adverse sentiment manifest. A large proportion of the committee voted for St. Joho, and there were aeveral who did not expru their regrett and repeutance. am to at at a. tiRifiof. This patent personage has been al lowed to rule too deapitically In the fominloe world, and the ladiee say that it Is time her tyranny received a check. But not even Mrs. Grundy has dared to speak against the value of Brown's Iron Bitters as a strength ening tonic forJIadieVwho suffer from debility. It enriches the blood Jand completely restores filling health. Mim Sable L. Paules, Wrightsville, Pa., was cured by Brown's Iron Bit. tors of back-nchc, kidney trouble, and liver complaint. Many live as if they were a snail and the world their shell. "MOTBRBUl SHOttL NOTB THIS." Under this caption an old physician writes to a Cincinnati Medical Jc ur- uai, that in view of the fact that peo ple living at a distance from cities are frequently oblidged to resort tj cough mixtures already put up for use, they should provide themselves with only such remedies as are known to be free from opiate, poisons and narco tics ; thus avoiding n t only danger but even fatd results. He rtccom mends the recently (It covered Red Star Cough Cure which analyses and tests by various Boards of Health proved to bo purely vegetable as well as prompt, effect I vr- and entirely harmle s. Health of Jews. One noticeable feature about Jewish cemeteries in tbe south is the scarcely of newly made graves after an epidemic of cholera or yellow fever. Statistics show that fewer of them die than any other race from these or kindred dieaes. During Ihe cholera scourge in Toulon only two orthodox Jew died of it, while in num bers they equalled fully 20 per cent of tbe population. Their immunity from dis ease, and the certainty with which they recover vrhen attacted by it, is accounted for by the simplicity of their diet. They are very strict about following; the dietary laws prescribed by Moses. Isn't it a lit tle strange that Moses, if he was only a historian, should have possessed knowl edge superior to that of the wisest and best physielrs of the prHsent day? He evidently believed in preventing disease rather than curing Ik. This is what l)e Haven's Despepsia Cure aims to do; it acta directly on tha digestive juices of the stomach and both prevent and cure In digestion and Dyspepsia, Free sample bottle at Foshay A Mason's Drug Store, NO- 4; WAR HDMTED N. H. ALLEN & CO., 57 CHAH. H. DODD & 0. c Front, First and Vino TT A T TYTTT A T5 'D TT3 La.UUW VV saTaaaUw. bV FARM MACHINERY. 1 1 ri t' i- for tte TvZ OWBR AND "lUTKVVK tV TIIK KOAO Tlicas nukchliM arr t aril Lrxrn t rwxt r-an-tiipi.t. TlMnMacil of famu-n In n have it-chj theta. ami all apuak tf tui with Tlir arc in every vay Oic nv plus ultra of QsevsaS Uschiites. The tiah of Twiwtt II iBtfJSS hue gads iiianifest the rcniarkahlo tlurabiluy oi t'ic It" t KKYH. n.- lilting from the s tniJirt.y artil pertststksl of it laorhan'.sm. at an mitncnMt iuiorit; 1 1:. l.vni r, in the I'ariiic j Ntataa and Territrie hsre fivM the kuiic vardirt as j the farmers iu etery fiart ol the anrU where thv iluckcye haa been uii, SssasBtT it to be The only Harvesting Kchine that will i7o Catiro Satififactioa to tho Purchaser. The features that m a I ' aft our Illustration. Ittaahr t enlt pass lu a straieht l; o i -Jti asarjwvr stakes. It i r ' ' -. ' w assnsaiisi iiiam'iaiir The Dr.MtH n.tT will take 100 cords of v n I on aubscription, and we would like as ecod wood a if we were not public benefactors. Parties already subscribers to the Dkmo t'K.vr, who wish to send the paper off to a friend or friends can do so for Opinions may differ respecting the President, but tnere is no diversity of sentiment regarding his sister, the presiding lady in the White House. All agree tint she is bright and intel ligent in conversation, unaffected and unpretentious in inauner, well in formed upon hII subjects, and alto gether a most charming and agreea ble lady. A fight among bosses prcduco boas is suro to MALARIA Kutera tlae awatem from ssltsowa mawssis at Saattars the Rervea, Impair ingestion, sad &Bieeoie uie THE BEST TONIC Quickly and oom ana alt psUte. and strencthsns the mtuoks and nerrea. It does not injure the teeth, cause haadaoho, produce constipation a other iron mdMn do. aw TK,?i,iutn-fT' F" Priotte and scholarly Catholic DiTine, of Arkanaaa. says: ' I hare used Brown' Iron Bitters with th areat e aatiaf action for Malaria, and as a prerwitlve of Chills and like dlaeaaei and will always keep it on hand as a ready friend? Ganuine haa aborn trad mark and CToasad red lines Lilonw-IIawd BoojR-oaehil and attraoOW. eon taining list of prises for recipes, information about coins, etc., cfren away by all deal in medicine, of Biailsd to any address oniaosipt of so. stamp. , KK DING TON, WOUDARUJ CO., Portland Or, It JV 0 H pletaly enr f alarln.and Chills ade, 3, nek of Kneray, it ban no eouaL It reTrra, mrinterasittent fevers. I.bji- riohes and nnrina thn hinod irt.imnliitM h .n KJ iiiij h(tU II M(f M, the im immm midiom IS THE WILLAMETTE YALLII, Special bui.ii.esa nothe in I l Co. Otort Jo ewHs) s-r Hue. lit gular 1 cea noiiiies 10 cent tier line. for lesl anu liansiunt advertlaetnenl I IS' per fure for the flrat !ftrtioii,ai d III centa er ftjuaie for each aulaassiiieat insertion. Rate for oth-r adverthiticitla ad known on applicatiou. .rst Street, Albany, Or. Sts., PORTLAND, ORECON,C l M f'oKTKKs OK . -QW--- T 1 J ATT A TvTTN CW JkU V alsl aW law 1 II i 1 la o m aTsaI foll'.wfntr i-clehratol impUrmrtita: Send for Catalogue, 1885. Send for Special Circulars, t tfLTJIAS & CO.S natet Vibrating Tkreaker. The moot flffc tive and Saeeessfa! Saving and Oeaning Grain ever Km New Model Thresher is tha result al years at pss4 and careful experiment, conducted by Mr. Jacob Miller, one of the must experienced and taccea 1- I ; ri .f thrcftinng machino in Asaerira. Ttss i nwd at araa to xduca a nasckin that woakf . cr ami do better u ork than tha best a. '.vemA rlat ::ruion ware capable at, and aa . . .:. i i mixtion, separate out from tha stra tW r-. ii in a more perfect manner thaaaay ; ' .o.i'i.- wiuitsocver. v. : i as made vtom by a . iv.mvr. mj it c i ba d:-aYi thrsaga a u.-uiioi a -i othsr biaasa Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNING & CO., PR0PR S. SKW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FtlR raatiUE AND BAKERS USE. BEST ST0RAGF FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. jpUTLERY. 1'he best line of cutlery in the valley east be found at our store. It em bra pocket knives, table knives, fork and pos, butcher knives, bunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors ot all kinds, antl the beat Une of razors ever brongbt into Albany. Come and see for your selvea. P o : nt rortsr. JpOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, nine mi!;; a above Lebanon. 4ti acre tit cul tivation. 10 acres slashed and sowuta gran. Comfortable dwelliik?. gaai outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at tbia offiue. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, M1LL'NEB,Y AND MESS-MAKING, Cutting and fitting hy the new TavN-r'a SysUin. OPPOSITE REVERE MOUSE. mm AMD MORPINE HABIT OUBJD BY-, W. F. ALEXANDER.IIV1. D., X irnsratcc a t ine in all oa-ea if y I d.ret-lions are stri. tlv fi l! vrsxl No pain or Ioph ttl' time front I n it'na. rireMw above t AHrany. rK..n jpCR SALE One half blook in eastern pan .f Iba city with fair house and barn will b ld cheap