I Wonder WONDER-BOOKS in no trifling sense, but the best literature of the world presented in excellent and attractive form at prices so low as to excite universal wonder." LIBRARY of STANDARD HISTORY. Containing lawninw, impestsi octavo, good typs, with numerous noe tllustra-tyfT-L the whole richly bound la One doth, nMuueoted, (he foUewtag celebrated works, unabridged : CRKEN'S Larger HISTORY of the KNGTLTSH PKOP1JC. C lU.n.aVS BISTORT of the FRJKMCU KKVOLUTION. CRKASY'S Fifteen DECISIVE BATTLES of the WORLD. SCHILLER'S BISTORT of the THIRTY TEARS WAR. Harper & Brothers' lowest price for these four great works is $U.50 ; my price is $2.50 ; postage 40 cento extra. " A wonder-book in more senses than one. The idea of put ting a work like this st only $3.50 per copy,' seems preposter ous ; and vet there is wisdom in it, for everybody will want it, and it will thus be the means of advertising and introducing the numerous other valuable books which the publisher put ting forward." Chri$tian at Work, New York City. It is trulT a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern" mo- cltanical art that such a noble volume can be furnished at so small a cost. Whether we admire its large proportions, beau tiful hindinc. fair nasre. excellent paper, numerous and strik ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100 - - . BW Christian Cynosure, Chicago, LU. LIBRARY of STAND A RD POETS, containing in one imperial octaro handsomely bound volume, of about 1.100 paces. Dour- gaols and Brevier type, leaded, th rouowtng wonts, unaonogwi i Scett'e Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works Complete roetlcal Works of Robert Dura. Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Moor. Equally good editions of these are not able for less than H0; my price fX.VU; t hare tretry. U. P. CHCaciL Preaching every Sabbath, at 11 a. St., and 7 r. u. by Rev. R, O. lr vine, 1. L). Sabbath School at 2:30 r. M Prayer meeting every Wed nessday evening. Evangelical Chckch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. BL, and 7J r. M. Sabbath JSchool 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Bollcnbattgh, pastor. CosorsoationalChcrch. Services every SabUth at 1 1 a. m. and S r. it. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Chcrch.Socth. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. st. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening st 7:30 o'clock. F. M. Culp, Pastor. M. E. Curacu South, Tasgsnt. Preach ing every Saobatti at 3:30 o'clojk.p. J. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock,?. Jt. F. M. Culp, Pastor. M. E. Church. lreaching every Sabbath at 11 A. m. and 7 P. . Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School i 2.30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. PBX9STTEBXAX Chcbch. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin ami Fifth Ms. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeuug every Veviuc3day ecning. Isaac H. Conuit pastor. CHUfcisTiAX Chckch. Preaching everySab Dath at V. C. T. U. Hall.at 11 a.m.4 7:30 p SL Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock P. m. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting ererv Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T G Brownson, pastor. Cnivxhsalits Church. Preaching every second and fourth Sabbath of each month at Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 7 o'clock, P. M. Sabbath School at 12 SL To the Unfortunate ! DE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. OQ UAsurw st., O-CO corner of Commer cial, Ssa Francisco, Cat fc Establish! in lefts, tot t i Mitt '.reatmerit of heiual ZStJ and Seminsl Lhsesses, sues S3HEKlMM i.caerrbem, Sleet, SCHetnrv. SyaRlll in Ed iu forms, Sesalnal lasaeteacy, sod Loss of Msnaood permanently cured. The sick sod afflicted should not ran to call upon nun. me uoctor nas traeeMM extecsiTciy in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various hospitals then, obtaining s grest deal of vatupbie iafermsUon, which he is competent to im part to those in need of his se: vices. The Doctor cores when others fail. Try him. DR. GIBBO.N' will make so charge unless he effect a core. Persons st a distance CKBE9 AT MONK. All wwmaiks tiona strictly couaasnUsl. Ail letters answered in plain envelopes. Send ten dollars for s package of medicine. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. U1BBOX, Box 1957, Ssa Fraoeico, CaL (Mention Albany Dbsociat.) SheriiTs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County of Linn i Robert Johns, Plaintiff. vs. T P Dinwiddle snd Mirth M Dinwiddle his wife, T J Black A T L Porter.partnera doing business under the firm name and style f Black, Porter A Cs., Defen dants NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIRTUE of an execution and an order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled action on the 12th day of May 185 and to me directed aad delivered, I will on Monday the 15th day of June,18s5, at the Court House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, st the hour ef 1 o'clock, p. m. , sell st public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said execution and order of sals ss follows to-wit : Beginning st s point in Sec tion fifteen in Township fourteen south range three, vest of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Ore yon, which is at the southwest corner of the donation land claim of Cavid D. Graven! running thence north thirty-four chains sad fifty links ; thence west forty three chains and fifty links ; thence south thirty-four chains and fifty links ; thence east forty-three chains and fifty links to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less, situated in linn county, Oregon The proceeds of such sale to be applied s First to the payment of the costs of suit taxed at $48.48 and the costs of and upon this writ, aad the costs and expenses of sale. Second to the payment of Plaintiff's claim ef $2553 33 and the fur ther sum of $200 Attorney's fee with accruing in terest on each of said sums st the rats of 10 per cent per annum from the 12th day of March, 1885. Third to the paym.nt of the Defendants, Black, Porter a Cos. claim ef $770.18 with accruing interest thereon from the 12th dsy of March, 1885, st the rate of ten per cent per annum and the farther sum of $50 At torneys fee. Fourth the remainder if any there be o be paid to T P Dinwiddle or his heirs or legsl rp esentatives. Dated this 13th day of May, 1885. i. K. Chakltos, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, pa J as. J. Chabxtos, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Smith Cox and E G Cox, ss Administrators of the Estate of Lewis Cox, deceaseo, Plaintiffs, va, A Hutetnpill er, Defendant. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIRTUE of an execution and an order of sale issued out o the above named Court in the above entitled action on the 19th day of May, 1885, sad to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday, the 20th day of June, 1885, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, linn eounty, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m,, sell at public suction for cash In hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said execution and order of sale described sa follows, to. wit : Begi lining at the south-west corner of the do nation land claim of James M Reed, Not. 2837 in sections 22 and 23, township 11, south of range 3, west of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, running thence east two hundred and seventy-six (276) rods, thence north eighty (80) rods, thence west two hundred and seventy-six (276) rods and thence south e ghty (80) rods to the place of beginning, con taining one hundred and thirty-seven and one-half (137J) acres. The proceeds of such sale to be spplied first to the payment of the costs of and upon thi writ, and the costs and expenses of sale, and the costs of suit taxed at 23.50. Second to the payment to Plaintiffs of the stun of $226. 40 with accruing interest thereon at the rate sf 1 per cent per month from the 8th dsy of May, 1886. Third ths remainder if any there be to be paid to the Defendant or his legal rep rssentstives. Dated this 20th day of May, 1885. J. S . Cbabuoit, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. pwD. S. Smith, Deputy. Books LIBRAR Y of CLA tavo volume or about 900 pages, handsome type, and Sue eluUt uuuuag, ornamented, the f olio wing famous assays aad works : ltaeanlay's Essays on Milton. John Stuart Mill Ou Liberty. I P. O. Uamerton'a Tke lateltectual Life. ' Herbert Spencer oa Education. tire at Thoug-hts from Greek Authors. Great Thought from Latla Authors. Complete Kssay by Lord Bacoa. , Complete " Letters of Junius." Irrtna's Rip Van Winkle and Other Sketches. Washington's Farewell and Other Addresses. Macaulay's Lira of Frederick tke Great. The above cannot be obtained from any other publishing house for loss than $10; my price is $1.75 f postage 80 cento. 'This is indeed a wonder-book, in tho amount and valuablo quality of its contents. Tho woudor is how such a book, which is a library in itself, ran bo sold at bucU a price." Meth odist Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa. Your 'Historical "Wonder-Book IS a wonder a wonder how an imperial octavo volume of over 1,000 pages, with many illustrations, clear type, fino paper, handsomely bound, con taining four standard historical works of great value, can bo sold for $2.50." Bknsom J. LossiSQ. IdU.. tho Hmtorinn. all are uist-ciaas," rnllDnil TM AUn -ill l rwl0 iu 1IM uf S rnU ruh. I.nl Uio Jiuril pMeaof aUSar f bOT works, if vnl attain a Ufr..m itsl ..f 25 CENTS, utts paper (rsenUos asm. of paswrt. TaMott.r Is is estttuw four rROMPT retpooae and Indicate lbs SSjrjgS stlorttslns; modiuma 100-PAGE CATALOGUE Bent free. Tho best lit erature of tho world at the lowest prices ever known. Books tent for EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher. elsewhere obtain postago a ccaw, I 0. Box 1ST. . DR, UEBIC r I I'rltMlr IMM-ur . J0 Gesr) Hh Sau Ytaiwisvu tst. Conducted by VjualtBod PhyaWlans and Surgeons- regular graduatcs. tS The Oldest tvisJtU In the tinted Mate, life long eaperience. l-eiltvl method and pure ntedletuv, insure speedy and permanent cures of all Pit vat. Chronic and Nervlous Diseases Affevtituia of the Blood, Skin Kttlne. Bladder. ErupUoua. UlsssjSL Old Sores, SwclUng f the Ulande, Sore aloulh, Ihrost Ikme l'aiu,ieriuaiient'y curvo aim crui caled troni the stcm for tile. t.iolM Dsbuity, Inpoi Seminal UOSWSS, Sexual Dem . M n tal and Phtical Weakness, Failing Memory, Weak Kycs, Stunted De-i-lupui'eiit, Impediment la Uarrisge etc., from excess or youthful Miles, or any caue. pwdll) , alcl and privately cured. ataag. MHldlr-.tgrd SM OM men, and all who seed medical skill nd 'experience, cousull the old European l'hyaiciaii at once. Ills opinion costs noihtng, and may ssvs futuis tniacry shame. When Inconvenient to visit the city i . k . - .fakr til for treatment, mclicinee cmn "" exVres- free fmm observation. It U self evident that IphTtTcianshogiveshi-whole attention ton class of diseases attain, great . pbyalcUn. through out the country knowing this, frequently recommend sssswS awste u the oldest speclslut, by homsery i "w n SsMSl -touasd. The L.r's sg. eaperiei.ee make his opins.n of sueme iuij-. rtai.ee. kfVU.M who oall see no one but the Doctor. Con sultations free sud ssredly confidential. fa-e. which have faded in obtaining rl u"h'r uUlv .licitd. Female duea-es .ucccsefully treated. The Ihictor will arree to forieit 1,000 lor s ca un MskSai wSswZ Call or writs. Hours, daily .from i,a.m.to4p. m..to8 evsmug. I lM,t,. IS oulv. Send for ths Sanltartst Oui !r to HcsJlh, sent free. Address ss abov - UEM. endcrfali.ersaa .1 lavtseraler Permanently prevents all Unnatural Losses from the system tsSSHISM ncr.es. strengthens the mmclis, checks 'the vte, luvoratee the wh.de ystem, aivd restore- ths aftUctod to Health and llapptne. Ths reason sw many cam;' set cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc. is owtnt to s cm plication, called Proelntorrhea with Hytwraelheeoa, whish requires perullar trsstmenl. Dr Uebig pj vutoraUir is the only posill scors for Prortstorrhea. with peculiar Special trsatmsnt, used at the uicbt,- HavMf swllsm P. . Cass of si. bottles 10. Sent to any address, covered sscure.y from ob servation. . Most powerful eiectrie belu free to paints. To prove the wonderful power of the lnvgor. A Battle titvea ar c a t Vrrr. Consultation free and private. Call or address III Bla, Blrl I ' 1 I 4 Co Unit ..... . . ' . ' ' I Private entr a ute, M et t 'it Geary Street from Kesiny. ) ' Dispensary Drue: Store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the I. S. Patent Office sMendedert to tor moderate tee. Our ossce is opposll the U.S. Patent Office, snd we can obtain Patents less time than thoo remote from Washington . bend modle or drawing. We ac- to patent ability free of charge ; and we make o charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, ths Supt. of Money Order Div. snd to officials of the V. & Patent OSaec For circular, advice, terms, and eferencce o actual clients in your own State or county, address , C, A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D SAX WA X LAUNDRY AND CHINA MERCK AN ISINO BUSI NESS. Bice, tea and Jafsuiese goods. Ls.it. s' underclothes, sud at botv.m pneca. C-niracti.r t r China labor. sarNezt to City Bank. OF ANOTHER ACE. Gradually Supplanted by a Heller Article Certain aid Times are Deae Away. In the general reception room of the Wewtcrn Union Telegraph building on Broadway, New fork, are exhibited the coarse, crude snd clumsy instru ments of the Infancy of the telegraph They are only relics uow. More perfect machinery baa suier seded them. Years ago what is styled th ; old-fashioned porous plaster did some good service. There was then noth ing better of the kind. Now sit that has changed. Science snd study have gone deeper into the secrets of medicine and produced BENSON'S CAPCINK POR OL's PLASTER, whish embodies sll the excellencies thus tar possible In an external remedy. The old plasters are slow the Capcine is rapid ; they were uncertain the C a peine is sure. Cheaier articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist does not deceive you. Price 25 cents. Suabury A Johnson, Chemist, New lork. TaeJ BuIUbw Ovtm is ifsned Mtsdi 8D-J rftsj.., cruris WW r i 224 f . !.:,. c . xli V inclits, trith over J,Oii.ii.'.! 'lions r. M'ltole pictiiruKUiic-'. Gires whulcsalo pii.S direct to CirioUv.Cf - OD all gOOOs tdt personal ot .ssffS?. OSS, Tells iiov ta order, r..-l riv3 exact W cct of cv- msj&agjoa M j53 y drink, ett, wear, or sv x;:tV' , n vti'.h. Thee PBs2 iava'asulo loolc3 cotjt. -n infr.i .-alK.a p'cur.pdfrora the fsTfcrfs of til--' wori i. X'o will sail a copy Fn c to u y ad-.vzes v on rsrwipt of the postage 6 ceiitj. ix-t u. J ar from you. J Kespectfully, WONTCOMERY WARD A CO, an 7 4t tuta Vf'abss Arm-uz. CiUew3., LO. Final Settlement. In the matter oj the estate of Zeruah B. Opp deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dersigned Executor sf the isst will and testament of Zeruah B Opp, deceased, has file. I bis final account n said matter, in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Saturday, the 6th of June, 1886, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m., of said day as the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof, Dated May 5th, 1886. F. A. Watts Executor. Notice of Dissolution of PartnersMp. NOTICE Uhersby ghen that the co-partnership heretofore existing- between Fred Graf and Wil- I . helm Fromm, under the firm name of Graf A Fromm, engaged In the manufacture and sale of f urn'.ture H this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr Graf as suming ali debts and liabilities of the firm and all debts due the co-partnership to be paid to Mr Graf. Dated the 2nd day of Hay, 1886. Fred Graf, Wuiiklm Fromm, CH0NC HUNC. Ti A TJNDBYW A 1ST, Washes and irons clothes la first clase style, at reasonable rates. Successor to Lee. One door south of Revere House,on Ellsworth Street. ALBANY OREGON i ml ILLUSTRATED HISTORY, 9 Pootry, Classics. SSIC PROSE. In ono imperial oc- 3a l'earl Street. New York. TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEaSJJTnJJSeT" Tho Protest Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite. Uowels costive, Pain le the Seed, with a dull sensation la tke back part, 1'nln tinder tho shoulder blade, Fullness after eating, svltk adle incllnnf loa to eaertlea ef kedr or salad. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, wlik a ferllag of kaslag neglected sonic daty. Weariness, Illsalaeas, Fluttering at the Heart. Hots before the eyes, Headarke ever the. right ore, Usst Issaness, wltk littul dreams, Iltgkly colored Trine, and CONSTIPATION. TI TT'h 11 LI." are especially sUpto1 tn su. li cases, ono dose effects such a i.ini.bC' "f fueling s loiittontsli the. sufferer. The. Increase the A tetlte.n I cause the ltr ' Tsk u U Kleaktitlius lb strm Is nourlshsl. and by tin -ir Tonic Action oa lh- littfestlvcOrKattS.llejrsttarSlaalsare e.luc.-d Price SiVc. s s .nurriiy TUHS HAIR Osxr I! iin or YVuikeu chnngc.i to ;ur it t,ca hy a sliislo application of this tir:. It linars nsturaf color, acts lustatiiaiicoul)'. l by lmggii, r sen' l, ejxi.n'saon receipt of SI. OtTice, 4 Murray St., Now York. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter talc ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. DR.SANF9 INVIGORATOR Js josc what its cose ixap'.iea ; a Turcljr Vegetable Compound, lbs! nets directly upon the lVrr ; earing the many diseases ividerMa ihz: i:.:. portant organ, and tiag the na merous ailrnsnts tKV) arise fron its deranged orrpiiclian, sucj C3 Byspepsi jAipaice, Iiiiicusnesf, RheukaUk etc It is therefore a tTaisdhAT"To hzvc Gccd Health Ike LiveT must be kept ia order." DE. BA5F0iU)-3 LIVLH i::Vi00EATCE. Invieorates the Liver. I: - iilaicstneB ar els. Strengthens tlio H- M' -i. Puricn ibi Blood, Assists Digestion, Rren Dti Pen rs. Is a Hoaiehtdd Need, An Invaluable Family Mwllcinn for r.mjn'.ti eaaphtintS. ia siirpo23's irvra irmccrT An experience of Wbrty Jettrs, and Tmu mud cf Tesiinvnt'iU jew Vs JJ rit, FOn SAMC BT ALT. VV.M.VIV IX MKJUt INKS. Por t nil inform f km send r,,,;r eddttw fr :aa pairs BoaIc nn tlis " I.iv r sk1 !'s dt"Bls, ia K surromi SI ttv.- . Y&aa cits. mors monev than at any tiiliiir else bv tskinir aa ar'K-y for the tK-st sellinif book out. Hciriiin.:rs su-- ' .:.-.! craii'lly. Nwne fall, Terms free, lUam limm M ronisnd, Maine, Summons. In the Circuit Court of Out State of Oregon, for Linn county. Samuel Porter, Plaintiff. Y. James M Ysrbrcugh and Mary K Yar broush, Defendant, To James M Yar broush and Mary E Yar. brough, the Defenilants above named : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregen yen and each of you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint of the above plaintiff in tbe above entitled Court now on file with the Clerk of said Court on or before the first day of tbe next regular October term, 1885. thereof, to wit: On er before tbe 26th day of October, 18S5, and yon aro hereby noti fied that if on fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required, tbe fiJaintifl will apply to tbe Court for tbe re ief demanded therein, to-wit : That you and each of you be required to set forth tbe nature and character of the estate ar interest claimed by you or either of you in or to tbe following described real prop erty, to-wit : Being notification No. 2677 and designated as claim No. 62, being all tbe donation land claim of said defend ants, (except 147 68-foo acres deeded to Matiltia Cran field ; 62 60-100 acres deeded to James Willoughby; 22 26-100 acres deeded toW Willoughby ana 5 acres deed ed to Lamar Cheadle,) containing 403 25 100 acres, or any part thereof, ana that the same be ascertained and determined by said Court; and in the events that you fall to appear and set out and show what es tate or interest you claim in or ta said real preperty, then for a decree of said Court a ..s s.a s . s . . quieunw me line or piaintltr to said prop, erty, adjudging that neither of YOU have any estate or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof adverse to the estate and interest of tbe plaintiff, and perpetually enjoining you and each of you from in any manner in terfering with the possession snd estate of plaintiff therein, and from in any manner claiming or asserting that they or either of them have any interest or estate in tbe same or any part thereof adverse to tbe estate and interest of the plaintiff, for tbe costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed and for such other and further ro ller as may be equitable and just. This summons is published In the State Right Democrat by order of Hon K P Boise, Judge of said Couit,made at Cham bers in the city of Salem, Oregon, on the 22nd day of April, 188$,. Weathebford & Blackburn. Attorney for Plaintiff DYE. RD'S Ik CttWCV4t. FRIDAY JUNK 6, 1880 riMSOMtlH UisaQirck' overiy wurriva his frieuds. His ICOOBM now is only $1 10, 000 per yesr. Thomas (Jsi field, s brother of the late Piaaideot, is t-rjnyitig life on s Michigan farm. He haa not apiiearsd Id public aiucu the late Preeidrnl'a funeral. Ismail Paska has puichaard cue of Uio lamest palaces iu Florence, with ita extensive? grounds, for 70,000. H a. a . ass ill lutftids to tsku iiis hurt-Hi to riureiioe and to live there In fatal during the grrat portion of each year. Kvt n Wriidtll Philiij h, with all his learning, elotpirncu and good nonsc, uileroti by sjiectilatiVM in vastmenta. It hue ht en found that most o( bis for tune was wasted in wuilbleas mining stocks. This ssd fact contain a moral for evury one. Ihrector-Uenersl Utirkr, of the New Orleans KxKsition, has broken down under the burden of hard work and dis appointment, financial and olherwiae. His energy largely started tho move ment, end it is pity that he should be a sutTerei by it. Col. T. W. Higginsou says : "I sm actpiaintad with a msn who became utterly broken dowu from drink, but took the pledge aud kept it ten yeara Atlheeud of this '.hue he was swept back by niaiply seeing his clergyuisn take one glsas of wine." Commodore C. K. Clsrrisou leaves his entire estate to his wire, hia daugh ter, his grandchildren, his two bro.hers, his son-in-law, his nephew and his sis ter, with no betjuests to charities or public institutions. What he distrib uted in thin direction was given during bis lib--tune. The Duke of Westminister baa let bis beautiful place on the Thames, Clirfden, to the rVustrian ambassador, who pays $.'itOU for six months. The piaffe would be sold fur XJ.'.O Uwn, but evan then only to au approved purchsa et. l.t y-l.awson, the Hewbrew owner i f the AttVy Tdrjraph, wanted it, but it was not approved. There are only 24G acres of pleasure ground. The oldest law vet in the United Sutes is Mr. John Iiv.'rhige, of New York, who was admitted to the bar in Iril 1, and who fought in the war o 181:.'. About forty years sgo be was counsel le the corporation, durt g the mayoralty ol Mr. James Harper. He is six feet tall, end until within a fei weeks haa been in excellent health Only a few day. ago, st the age of ninety-five, he argued an important case in court. Mr. John Bigelow is conducting a scheme for erecting in Ceutral Park a monument to William Cullen liryant. He does not advertise for contributions, but solicits them personally, though he cxjiecta soon to make a public slate ment of what he has done and what he desires, lie was Mr. Bryant's associ ate both in the editing and the owning of the Evening 1'ost, being at one time not only managing editor hut tbe pos sessor of one-fourth of the stock'of that paper. An astronomer gives us an idea of the relative weight of tbe sun snd the earth, ss follows : "Let us, to atari with, weigh tbe siiu. Huppoae we havo a balance gigantic enough for the pur- pose, and tbe sun ia resting on one of tbe acales. Now put tbe ear'.h in the opposite scale. You might as well weigh your head againat one of tbe towers of the East Hirer bridge. Pile a hundred thousand earths into the bal ance, and tbe aun does not stir. There lies tbe coloaaua immovable. But get together another hundred thousand, and then another hundred thousand, and stack them up iu tbe pan againat the aun. Three hundred thousand worlds piled up on one side of the balance and atill tbe sun keeps them up. It would tske 30,000 more, or 330,000 esrtbs, to move tho beam even againat a aingle sun, end six sextillions is tbe number representing the weight of the earth in tons a mass which is shooting through space at tbe rate of eighteen miles in a second." BStOl-tiHT II WK IN A WASieX, Louisville, Ky., Mr. J. Helmus, Vice President of the City Brewery, was brought home In a wagon, carri ed up stairs by two of bis men and laid on tbe bed. He was suffering with a severe ettack of rheumatism contracted In tbe Ice vaults of tbe brewery. He refused to have a doctor, but diapatced a servant for a bottle of St. Jacob's Oil, with the re sult that In one week he was entirely cured and sble to return to his desk. The salary of General Grant, as the retired General of tbe Army,amounts to $1.1 25 per month. It has been regu larly paid him since March, 3 1885. Mrs. Garfield is said to be worth about $450,000, which nets her an in come, at 4 per cent, of $16,000 a year. Her pension from Congress is $5,000 annually, making her entire resources $21,000 a year. seems kmi Lnio or ri nu ol Liver 011, With Hrpophoshltes. lm Scrofulous and Consumptive Cases. Dr. C. C. Lockwood, New York, says : "I have fteguently prescrib ed Scott's Emulsion and regard it as a valuable preparation in scofulous and consumptive cases, palatable and effleacioua." 4 1 KIOI S I 41 Is. At a teoent meeting of the Statistical Sooiety, in London, Sir H. Temple lead a papsr combating the statements aa to tbe number of the population of China, and estimating it at 297,000,000. Twenty-five hundred different kinds of poisonous fishes have been tabulated by the Tokio University of Japan. Fishing must be eotnotitnf dangerou pastime in Japan watera. Tbe elephant osu go. A very good Ivory is now mado from bones aud aerapa of sbeepskiu. The next im provement will be tho pUying of tbt game ol billiaids by machinery. When this is done young men csn stsy at horn end improve their minds. "Mystery gold," a composition of platinum, tin and copper, which atandM ordinary scid lost and h Said to weigh as much ex puin gold, is in f .yor in Knglaudfet articles of jwelry, and ras been availed of by ountei fVitem ftr the msnuf-toture f SOVen ien. Thirteen must be u luck) numbet John Bennett of West Pair Held, Pa., died of consumplion at. the uge of sifly, saving a family of thirteen childien. AU are aliva aud well to-day, the oldest. being eighty seven and the yoiiiiK'-t sixt). Sickness hat never troubled the family. The United States has 17,000 d.-n- tists, who use a ton of gold and lee Ions of other metals and make 4,000,- 000 artificial trelb annuslly. Only on- Americsn in eighty is found to hive erfect teelh, ami one-third of the pop ulation make more or less use of Uit artificial product. Whether or not ouo could catt 'i a ball thrown fioin the top of Washing ton Monument led the catcher of a osal base-ball club to make a similar trisljrf . ml v from the top of the water wotks standpiie in Brie, p Ti ii- height was 148 feet, and up-.u th- aeTenth attempt the tieed was accom plished, hut the catcher declsretl the sphere weighed a ton. As electric tooth-pulling machine, Inch is (juiclc and almost ainl s in it operations, is said to u!l acvsu teeth in five seconds. A nsir of forcMn a protrude from a niekel tuh which is onnected with a wire. I he forceps ro applied to the tooth, the operator touches a spring, a spiral arrsngem-r.t within ike tele winds up in a mink, draws down trie t , r -j a like a ffitst. Still in an inaiatit tie tooth is Jerknl fn u tbe jsw and cast on the floor. A M -licati historian makes a W attempt to show tha America as di covered in the fifth century, A. !.. a any of buddhist monks rorn Afgh anistan, of whom one, HwuiShan, re- turned to Asia after an ahsence of yenra. A short account of th. land which be visited, supposed to tx Mi-xico, wss iocluded in the oiTirial hiitorv of Chins. There is proof that II wui Shan actually viaited aome un known Kastern region, and the tradi tions of Mexico contain an acxunt of tbe arrival of monks. Thare is now living in Pickens ., Ght, a man who during the Rebel lion donned his wife's dress, kept his (ace closely shaved and wore a big sunbon net, in order to avoid be:ng conscripted and sent to the front. Tbe officers in search of recruits frequently visited tbe bouse and asked hia wife where her husband w', and at the very moment be could be seen working in the field in female gsrb. By tbe time be bad worn oat seven of his wifo's dresses be be came tired of masquerading, enlisted and became a good soldier. tiKMS mV THiMt.Hr. Ths most divine light only abinetb on those minds which are purged from all worldly dross and human unclean ness. Mankind has a great aversion to in tellectual labor. Both peace and wsr are noble or ignoble, acoordiog to their kind and occasion. No man has a profounder sense of the horror and guilt of ignoble war than I have. But peace may be sought in two ways, you may either win your peace or buy it win it by re sistance to evil buy it by compromise with evil. I havo often observed that vulgar person-, and public audiences of infer ior collective intelligence, have this in ommon ; the least thing drswa off their minds when you are speaking to them. Take a walk to refresh yourself with the open air, which inspired fresh doth exceedingly recreate the lungs, heart and vital spirits. Do not let yourself follow your de sires too eagerly, even for good. What X moat desire for you is a certain calm ness, which comes from recollection, detachment and love of God. Occupy yourself as little as possible about ex ternal matters. Give at proper sea sons a quiet, calm attention to those things assigned to your care by Provi dence ; leave tbe rest. Ws do much more by quiet, tranquil labor in the presence of God, than by the greatest eagerness and overactivity of a restless nature. j sawswa The Scientific Ijj American sppioveso the propostl to establish a chain of lightships across the Atlantic. It con siders tbe general idea good, and as to ita practicability it ststes that the ex perience with lightships proves that a vessel properly constructed may be made to tide out ths Seroest storms at anchor, save upon rare occasions, and that the light steel cables of recent con struction have-been successfully used to anchor abips in the deepest water "off soundings." ieri lk ini( i . Pechiuery s new method of making chlorine is set forth in Le (Jenie Cevil. It consist in the addition of magnesia in a oor.oentrrted solution of magnesi um chloride, so as to produce a solid mixture, which is then treated with air and aes N sr'y alt the chlorine nt thus liiiersted pnrt as free chlo rine snd a psrt as hydrochloric acid. Lieut. Charle.i Berihon lately restl a p I pel on steel UIIk before the Civil snd M-:h.iiiieal Kuineer's Society, Iondon, iu Wfeiosj hit slron'y advocated the abandonment of all other materials in fayor of ateel, and argued tint it was not only the cheapest but the bete ma ir.riil toi- gum., staling lhat steel, in raet would always have been employed Ware it UOi for the extreme drlliculty of im uu. :nk( i ! m i ss ea of reliable ipiad 1 V. I; h bin b wood ii prind in Kurope loi jiMt eawiiiel work. Ii 1 1 1 how av.-i, h. is a strong prejudice u'k ich iiuiong architecta in Mough it in cheiip,beaut- ii . . tatty durable, Ceriiterr liud it rfisVeoJtf in introducing it in Betaktag UttsesOfl of houses. Soon, how ever, like iiMi.y Miioih'r of our long dt-Mpim-'i ihoiih tamable native woods, 11 will wu. us way to a very high leOt la !.(: r esiimatiou. K oui 'he records ( obtervati M s ajeda et tbl aen I'rnstian stations since 187S, Prtif, Mutltich bus ibtermiiH-d that fuiests .-xen-iw it poniiive if fljence on ibn "-uiiifrature of the air ; that they leeSOfi he daily variations ol sOaV patatlirSi mi l MOVS in Summer than in Wm'er, and that h" lernpi-ring effect I th n-af) forest ia in Summer greater than that of the nine (otest. whiia in Wi u-r the pine fsffltl hss more inll i in. 'hn the disfliaged forest. It i- only OQOt in two hundred and twetitv "no yefir-4 lhat th'j scveDteeO year and tho Ihlrteeii-ye ir loettftl 0 LntO iertnershlp builnesn, nnl this is the year. ED STAR TRAD J rrr f nun ttptatr., Ilmrtles and l'oinm a prompt, safe, sure cure i ur rsa, Kr Tarsal, Swmr, laSaraas. CalSa. llrwarbHia, ( mss, U fc . I nfk, ArtS ssa. Qata.r. I'alas ta ssBSsst, asssU-s SSiHa bfis Tarsal ' Laaaa. Prvjs sa rmu a home. Baal rr DrsfwawsaaS rw-si rs. Furtt KSdtK lr injur. lArtr U tUr tnf-HpU0 grl II far lArm sin rrrrtrr In-.. IsjaSSS AjsrrsscArsssj Swui. by Mawaf saw awor ia TUB fMlBltS k. tix I I m muu l.iiinHnsOli.i urt4 SalllMr., B.r , las. aa Bala.- Clrara mil rats, mtcr, ruschea, fllrs, aula, led !ugr Ur.n fata Palpitation. I 'rujalial Sasllitiss. Ii!nrs SSltoii. rilsl, lr'U'i!ta lurtil l ' 1 1 sal Hi R, newer." lrH trlla "Kaagh aa ( sras. ' Ask f..r MIU - l.ugli on Corns." lie. 0.ulck. BOSsjili 1 1 curs. Hard ur suit twroa, warts, tiuiituus. Barba-ralba." t,'uiik, illicit, rurr, all kx!nr, llla.l.lrr aii'l Unitary Uis-saas, Hralltu-. Irritation. Snti, ursrsl. CatarraS o lit Madder. SI, lirolst rtr.l-Kaa. riir Tiles, r ..!, ants, lied rats, mice, gophers, cbipiuut.ks, riasrsd out by "Roug-li ou Rata. lie. Tala Prsplr. '-Wall's Health It. i.ratr" restores hoslik and i.- r Ourss I. c.., Itnoslcttcs, fexusl OvUlitjr, $1. Ko-ith aa Fata ' I'ursa rbo'sra, exaac, rrani, dlarrhosa,aclies,in, prsu.a, ...... ur, DcruraJg-.a, rlicuntaUssi. M SSSSS. R.u h " I'alti Casters, l.'i slaters. If ytw srs fslting, broken, sum out snd nervous, tits WtiJs' lUaith Rrtiswcr." si. Uru.-.uts.. LITc l'rrrrrr If ton are Isaing- your mi on lllo. try "Wells' llasllti I.. ... str." Goes direct to sesk ,-'.. "Koagh aa rilrs ' Cures Mies or llstnonholus, ln-hlnir, Protrudlnr, li; ilint, luleriisl or other. Internal ai,d external remedy in each psrksjrc. Hurscure, uoc. Pruvi-tats, rrelly Watuea. Ladle a bo would retain fresbnesa and SjlSSfj. Don t fall to try "Walls' Health lUiuswsr." "Hough aa IloS. "Hough on Itch" cures humors, rru.tions,ring worm, totter, sail rheum, frosted tout, chilblains. "Kougli OB tafarrnh Corrscts offeitslvo odors st ones. Oompirte cure o worst chronic esses, also uticu.ualed as gargle for Olpbtheria, Sure Thrust, t'oul llresth . f0o. The Hope of Ike Nallaa. Oillilrrn, slow In develoiniont puny, scrawny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer."'" alarrh r tke Bladder. Stinging, IrrlUUon, Inflammation, all Kidnev and Unnary eouipiaUits, cured by "Iturhit-lsiba." fl. NWeSff Bas. Moaeties." "Rough on ltau" clears them out, also OeeUes, Ants. FR GRAFr Manufacturers and Dealers In all kinds of JP XJ R 1V1T UBE, AND UNDERTAKERS, 8 First Street Albany, Or O. O OHKRKY. C.K.Pr-KXK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (KuccesHors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Ircr Founders. W E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and ali kinds f Iron and Brass Castings. PATTEUNS MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all klndsi of machinery. Will also manufao ture the Improved Cherry A "White Grain Separator il ii ) ii p n - e a it u I i R sssawBwsssaaaL- " TA -..aawswBasssi UGHjRE i wsaawwr JULIUS GRADWOHL line fli omiy filnUf Use-eat or CROCKERY, CLASS, SSLVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of taby Carriages, Ana a Choice SeJctcn of Coilee, Tea and Sag ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND SAUCERS 1.00. SHEL FHARDWAREs COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LI6RT8 AND LIM.E Till: sllOslET PIAstKET PRICE PAIIMOn VJitJh Remember! What I Say I Mean. Give Me a call GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- FRANK BROS IMPLEMENT COMPANY -IiLALKRS IN- Farm and Mill Machinery. l.s ) telle vVaona, M Cherry Irrilla sud Seeder, Hufonr Walking llowa, Kufortra liarifcT nJ Wulk.v I'lca s, Huford's KldlnK snd Wa'.klriK l ultl valors, llaiwlall Win- Harrows. Th Cftleh rated Hollo Iinn llairows. Kir., K"-., K' FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY. Write for 'atalofue. Addresa either FRANK BROS., IMPL CO., PORTLAND, OR. JULIUS CP. ADVOHL, AGENT, ALBANY. OR. HOFFMAN PIMiPRltTOlW OF ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND UKALkltb IN- :n.Totcdand Dorae3tic Cigaja, Tobaci;OH, Grocerfee, Candle Nuts end Tropical Fruits. Alhany, ,NK 1.K I'.KUAV ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. AU kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and jpickets kept constantly on Kauri. "Rilla an wed to order on sVsV Sal S S S ssaaw svss.wsr -a- " shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. YlllaTsy 1 All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment R. J, TRUMBULL & CO., Growers, Importers and Dealers -IX- SEEDSs TRsSES AM) PLANTS. 419, 431 SANSOME ST., SAN FRANCISCO CAL Illuatrated catalogues fur 1885 free on application. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent. 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of tke best Fire In -a u ranee Companies on the Coast. Call on him for reliable insurance. MILLER BROS., DIALERS IN Field.Vegetables and Flower Seeds, Imperial Egg Food, Tools, Fertilizers. Etc., Etc. 209 SECOND ST. - PORTLAND.OR. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT I,A v AND- Notary Public- I. S. ROBERTS, City Ularket. (8UCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom price. ALBANY, OREGON. W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyanc r, Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., - - SGIO, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Gounslor At Law. LEBANON. OREGON. Wli;i practice in all the Courts in ths State. V. niter A. Wool's Mowers, )tears ami Twine Binder. BofJfps'a DsacMe Iirafier lleadera, C'oale's Hulky ilake-, Oser.flfl0tt aV On.a Knines A Ttiresb r ' oop-r a ' u. Maw Mill Machinery, ' .iin if.-t, Hprinst Wagons, prin 1 VV JSuekUjsr'i nunnn, Ktc. Kic., Klc, & JOSEPH, JOHN UKHiGS' STOKE. Oregon. 3yl O sV C. B.K. TIME TALBE, Albanj Million. irti:riKi: ar TKAlSa. so-, id soars. ALII '.NY KXI'RESS Drfavis st FRtltillt TRAINS " " 1:30 A. M yjjo a. sf. i: ii A. M. tsaw p. si M ML TR.MN t Arristast ( IX irts st socas aomL Arrive" at . . !. tana it MAIL T.;!N : t: A. M 1J.U6 P Sf. S SO P. M. Y. Mi KRKI'iHT TRAIN " " -ALBANY BUsUbbW Amrssst - AU Tralas dally, eaeea4 Saaday. Nctticr. n snd after this date regular ticket will te sold at our ticket office far folloa'ing pointaon Columbia liver: Upper Casradea, Dallas, Umatilla, Wallula, Walla Walla and Ainaworth. Will. B Rick, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A C. R. K. Co. Albany. Juno lith, 1SS'. invalids'fioteliSurgi'cal Institute BUFFALO, XT. "ST- tcrd with a ran staar ar t uanasi Experteaee4 aad SUUlful njaJelassS aad Sarseaas for Use treataacal af all Cstraale Diseases. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic TVaaal Catarrh, Throat and J.ui ar lsiaeaaea, stiver and Kidney Diai aws, Bladder Disease. Diaeaaes of Women, Blood Diseaaoa and Nerv ous Affect I ona. cured here or at borne, with or without mg the patk-nt. Come and ws, or send t-n cents in stamps for our "Inrnllds Guide Book, which aires all i ft i rs. nerrona iH'biiitT, impo tencj , Nocturnal Losses, and all morbid Conditiona caused by onthfni Fol lies and Pcrulcioua SolU tary Practlcea arc speedily al k1 pcrmancnily cured , oy our Spcdahsts. Book, post-paid. ru eta. in stam Kuptnre, or Breach, radi Rupture. cally cured without the knit! a. without trusBi, without pain, and without dantrcr. Cures Uaaranlecd. Book sent for ten cents in stamps. PI 1.13 rt.tlOBS and STBICTUBJCS trcatid under auaranfee to cure. Book eent tor ten cents in stamps. Address Von u's DlSPCVSAKT rlEOtCAX. AaSOCIATlOK, 0S3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Diseases of tnseeses peculiar to Wnucrj MEN II UML.lt. B Rf flw, Tn-ali.le T?n.l .S Sunrieal Institute. hs Af forded ktrjro experience in adapting- remedies for their cure, and DR. PIERCED Favorite Prescription ia tho result of this vast experience. It Is a nowcrful Keatorntls, Tnnlo and Nervine, imparts xor and strvngth iu sjt'ui, tiini cult's, as i eorrncj flowiu natural suppression, prolan! full ins- of the uterus, weak. b&rU. anteverslon, retroversion, Ocarina down K'Hsationa, chronic eoafea tlon, Inflammation and nleersttion f the wo tub, inflammation, pain and tenderness iu ovaries, internal heat, and female weakness. It promptly relievos and cures Nausea and weakness of Stomach, Indiges tion, Bloating:, Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, OR G POTTI.ES Send ton cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large Trcatiso on Diseases of Women, illus trated. World's Dispensary Kedical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, H.Y. SICK-HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attach-, promptly cured by Dr. Pierces Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 85 oeats a vkd, by Druggists, J i Delicate Diseases, : oy nuunc, lcu. a. cf wltiiew,' excessive m. painful menatrnation. un- is or