The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 05, 1885, Image 3

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    Wht gciuocrat.
Entered at the Poet Office at Albany, Or
as second-class wall matter.
JUNK 5, 18135
Killturs aad rrsprlcter.
tttt.OIV MtfllUS Loai Rdllar.
Official County Paper.
Jaha Ikernia at Albasy.
Last Monday noon Hon. John Sherman,
Senator from Ohio, passed north over the
O, A C. Railroad on a summer trip along
the Pacific Coaat. He wan greeted in this
city by a large concourse of citlitens, ds
airous ot teeing a man whose name had
been eontinuaiiy before the people of the
United States for I'uilv thirty years, as one
of the feeding statesmen of tbe U.S. and
an ambitious candidate for the Presidency.
The Albany City Band furnished some
excellent music for the occasion. After
Mr Sherman had partaken ef a fine dinner
gotten up by "mine host" Gross, he was
introduced on the platform of a car by
Mayor Ketvhum. whan he made a fw
pleasing offhand remarks about Oregon,
the Willamette Valley aud our people, in
anch a manner as to maka the large num
ber who heard him forget that he was oue
of the leading, u not the leading. Republi
can politician of the V nited States, It is
always a privilege to meet, see and hear a
noted man, whatever his nationality or
win lux Muar;
From a private letter from Mr lUi.i, who
-purchased "Oregon Btauty,"tthe mam with
the long tail and mane.) of O P Adams, of
Miller's, in this county, we lern that Mr
Reid showed her four days in Medford and
took in $2S5,two days in Red BlatTs and took
in $12S, three dsys in Chico snd took in
$177, one day at Oroville and took in $38.90.
making a total of $t31.90 in 10 days. It
would setm Mr Keid tfot a good bargain when
he gave $1500 for the "Oregon Beauty," but
Mr Adams has a colt that outstrips the mare
in beauty and worth. Mr Reid writes that
he was offered 92M0 by two different per
sons, but declared he wouKi not take four
times that sum for the mare.
The Market .
The wheat market remains unchanged,
with highest quotations in this city at 66o :
but each week makes the shortage appear so
great throughout the United Slates that
nothing else than high prices can very well
prevail, regardless of any European war, an
uncertain event. Flour, $5 ; bran, $10 ;
middlings. $16. No change in meats, cared
or fresh. New potatoes continue it JO cents
a peck, peas, 6 :. per poand. Blackberries
have arrived at 50c. per gallon. Strawberries
remain at 6c. ; new turnips 10.. a bunch
and radishes the same. Bunch, though i an
indefinite expression for it may mean much
or very little, generally the latter.
Arreatoi far fcreasdeg Wladewa.
At the last term of the Circuit Court Wes
ley Fleetwood, an old man living somewhere
in the county, was indicted by the Grand
Jury for breaking oat windows in a certain
Grange Hall near the Santiam. Last Tues
day Deouty Sheriff Smith succeeded in cap
turing Fleetwood a few miles beyond Halsey.
He brought him to this city and placed bim
in the County jail, where he will languish
until the next term of Court in October, un
less bailed out. This should be an example
to Albany boys who are so f re-; in their use
i stones in mutilating buddings and break
ing out windows.
4. loom; Prosper l
The Farmer's Revive, published at Chicago,
under date of May 31st, gives a summing np
from tbe reports of 3000 correspond ents, sov -ering
every wheat producing county in Ohio,
Michigan, Nebraska, Illinois, Kentucky,
Tennessee, Missouri. Kansas, Iowa, Wiscon
sin, Minnesota sad Dakota, together with a
very accurate and recent summary of the
Pacific Coast. Tbe outlook for fall wheat is
the worst for ten years. The tetal yield of
winter and spring wheat this year will fall
considerably short of the short crop ef 18tl
when tbe total product was 380.000 bushels.
The total yield it is thought will be about
320,000,000 bushels against an average yield
of 464,000,00 bushels last year.
Cervallls Firemen Pleale.
Several loads of Albany people attend
ed tbe picnie at Corvallis on Thursday of
last week, and returned home pronounc
ing it a successful and interesting affair.
Tbe contests were exciting, part of tbe re
sults being a surprise to many, The hoe
and hook and ladder races were both won
by the Lebanon firemen. The two foot
races were won by Rsy Raber. A ball in
the evening, we understand, was well at
tended, several young people of tbut city,
taking part in tripping tbe fantastic toe.
Attend the Dramatic Eutert.ilBnaent.
Firemen, friends of firemen, snd Linn
county people generally, should attend the
Dramatic Entertainment at Crawford's Hall
this (Friday) evening. Tbe drama, "Among
the Breakers." and the faree, "Paddle Your
Own Canoe" will be presented, Good music
wiU be furnished for the occasion. A home
affair, it will deserve the support which it i
receiving. We understand parties from
'Corvallis, Lebanon, Shedds, and other places
-will be present. Admission 50 cents. Re
served seats atE VV Langdon k Co's without
extra chsrge.
A, O. I . V ,
At the regular meeting of Safety Lodge,
A O U W, held last Monday evening the fol
lowing officers were elected for th ensuing
year :
A B Woodin, P M W.
W B Scott, M W,
W F Read, F.
John ChisweU, 0.
N J Hsnton, Recorder.
B Brenner, Rec.
E A Parker, Financier.
J K Davis. 6.
A Taylor, J W.
M Cowan, 0 W.
A D Barker, Trustee.
Drs. Hill and Maston, Physicians.
Down rrona rex Valley.
Mr J B Trask, of Fox Valley, is in the
city this week, laboring before the County
Court in tbe interest of the proposed bridge
at Mehama, A bridge at that point would
provs a wonderful factor in building up that
section of the county, which is now held
back by large ferriage fees across the Santi
am. Certainly a bridge will have to be con
structed there at some time, and the citizens
there ar most emphatic in saying that now
is the time.
iMMtaraUea Matters,
The repot of the Secretary of the State
Boaul of immigration shows the following
facts in reference to the busiaoss of tho of
fice :
Visiting immigrants 1,013
Application t.-r farms 735
Application to rent farms 13
Application for work 35
Applicants provided with work 20
Hound trip tickets si
l,ocatore tickets "75
I 1'hcse tickets represent in lit ads of tain-
dies and children) persons 7U8
Average amount of money hi ought into
the State by each immigrant head
of family, as ascertained by direct or
indirect questions $3, 100
N limber of farms on record 730
Nuirberof unimproved tracts 35
Number of farms to rent 81
Averaueaireof uiiiuicraut vnutinu rooms 3S
Married 35.
Farmers 901
A merican Imrn 7 I .
From northwest r.i states ,....".
Al le to read and write 98
The Secretary makes the statement that
the new comers settle in sll parts of the
State about evenly, aud what few valley
editors seem to appreciate from the thought
less maimer in which they sniHctimu writs.
that a majority of tho now comers have their
location practisally selected before hand, al
though some waut to look around more than
other. Kveu if he chose to do so, the Secre
tary could exercise little influence in the
matter of selecting a location. He is en
title,! to this in his favor. Kcry aoek uuin
erous apphciti ma are made for farms in this
city, and aa wiil Iks seen by our long real
estate list of transaction, some buy and
some hunt still farther. On the whole I.iuM
county has little to complain ol.
m,mm I i - S SS .
v l c. t. i . ssessl
Ou last Tuesday cveuiug the youug ladies
of the above society gave a most successful
social at the residence of Mr. I. Mauslit id
in this city. Several weeks ago such au
occasion at Corvallis was atteuded by ubout
twenty-five of our oung people, arousing a
strong sentiment of friendship letween the
members of the societies of the two places.
The social ou Tuesday evening was to return
compliments and continue the f. icndly rela
tionship beguu. Twentyaix )oung people
answer.- I the iuvitatiou.all being youug ladies
but five orM. Hirely is sn evening passed
ira enj ivably t .au was tins oi e, charac
terized ly iyff hand conversation ami general
good wdL A sumptuous repast at 0 o'clock
was followed by an inform -d program, con -
slstiug of solos, tineas, Vassal end luslrumcu-
tal, a reading aud an essay. This was fol
lowed by the presentation hy the Corvallis
society to the Albany society of a very hand
some banner, which is grettly appreciated
by the receivers of it. Snort remarks were
called for and Basils ay Miss M F. HjsTard,
Mrs Ktta Brown, Mr 1. K Biaiu, Mr Wirt
Saunders, of the Beutou Lta-lr, and others,
a feature of much iaawsass. At about eicveu
o'cleck the youug people of Corvallis depart
ed for horns, followed by the i wishes of
all present from this plai
Neighboring cities may well emulate the
example set by tbe youn eoptu of the V 1. j
C T U f Ali auy aud Curvalha, A tie has
been formed betwesu them which it is to be
hopssi may prove lasting and aa well cast its 1
ictluence in other channtsls, causing a better
i feeling between the citizens of the two ci
Halting for Mlfihrr Triers
The evil effect of waiting for higher prices
has been shown most forcibly in the matter
of the sale of hops. - cents, were offered the
first of the hop season, but nearly all waited,
antd many have just sold for about a fifth of
that price. While there may be individual
cases where money has been made on hops,
wheat, etc., by putting otT selling for vision
ary high prices, take it as a rule, and it is a
judicious proceeding to sell in an early mark
et if it only offers aversge advantages. In the
long run the farmer makes the most w ho
dees it. Hop raisers will not again see that
wonderful qaotatioa of three years ago of SI
a pound, nor wheat raisers the traditional $1 j
a bushel. Among tbe hop raisers of lann
county one had 20,000 pounds which he has
jast sold for 850 oyer freight and commis
siou, leaving him $2000 out of pocket ; an
other received $225 above the commission
and freight for 10,000 pounds, making him
$800 out of pocket, snd other case are re
ported with the same result, altogether leav
ing the county many thousand dollars poor
er. Bet these gentlemen did no different
fren what nearly every farmer doi-s. Believ
ing hops would raise they kept them. Where
several thousand dollars are at stake a meat
serious matter is presented, and it is certain-
y a very natural proceeding for oue to wait
for an increase in the price of a commodity
for the sake of making a few hundred dollars,
even though there are the most chances for
the pries to go the ether way. Yet is it
business in the long rau. Fanners should
stndy this matter serioos'y.
The lew Kdlter.
Following is the program tor the low
editors while in the Northwest : They will
arrive in Portland on Stfnday, Juue 14th.
Will leave for tbe Sound on Monday, at 1.30
o'clock, arrive at Tacoraa and Seattle on the
same day ; returning on Tuesday from Seattle
to Tacoma in time to visit the Carbonardo
and Pnyallnp valley and retnrn to Tacoma
and remain there over night ; on W ednes-
day, Jnne 17th, they will leave Tacoma for
Portland, and arrive there ou that day. June
18th. they go to Astoria by special boat and
return the same evening. Oil tbe lttlh they
goto Ashland, leaving Portland at 7:30
o'clock, p. m , and arriving at Ashland tbe
following morning, take breakfast ; leaving
Ashland at 9 o'clock a. m., will return to
Albany, arriving here in the evening aud re
main here over nig)C, beiug in this city ou
Sunday, June 21st.
From this city the excursion will return
to Portland either by Corvallis or over the
0. C. and thence over the N. P. East,
stopping at intermediate points. As the
party will be in Albany only on Sunday it
is doubtful it any particu lar demonstration
is made by the citizsns of this city. Efforts,
though, are being made to get up an excur
sion for them to Corvallis.
The Central Baptist Association will meet
at the Oak Creek Baptist Church on Thurs
day of next week, aud hold sessions over
There will be no services in the Baptist
Church in this city next and the succeeding
The pulpit of the U. P. Church, in this
city, will not bo occupied on Sunday.
There will be preaching in the Presby
terian Church on Sucday evening.
Coffee Clnb.
Tbe members of the Coffee Club will hold
t leir regu'ar meeting Saturday, June 6th, 1 1
N k I'm Hall, promptly at 3 o'cleck. All
members are required to be present.
Laura Cmswell, Sec.
ssccerallsa Way.
Last Saturday, for the second time, In
this city, decoration day was lortnally
observed by imposing cert amnios, under
charge of McTheraou Poat G, A. K Ifon
I. II Montanye, Csmniauder, A Hue was
formed in front of the Hall of the G. A. H,
at 10 a, m. Preyloua to marching Hon 11
S strahan presented to Mol'herson Poat a
Hag with quite a history, Commander
Montauye accepting It, In a short nwHi
full of thought royal sentiments,
leaking as follows :
In siHtakinu on this omission lor and ou
behalf of Mcl'horsoii Post No. ft, G, A, R.
1 know that I but utter the sentiment of
every comrade when I express my thanks
to the donors tor this National einiiictu
this Amerloau tlsg under which so many
soldiers m.-trchod to battle, and au many
to death in the wsr which deluged our
country with blood, a llltl" less tlmu a
quarter of a century ago. Scenes of blood
and earesge have given place to scenes
of peace, and the presence of the "stars
and strliMH" arc no longer required to In
cito or Inspire us to deeds of heroism or
valor. We shall to day bear It where It
.shall wavo over the last reding place of
i how who lu life gs'.od proudly upon it ss
it Hosted syer them amid the smoke and
thunder of imtllo. Ami I trust when our
ecs ahull turn to behold B for the last
tune on earth, we shall see t waving over
our undivided cotintiy from the ureal
lakes on tho north t the Gatfot Mexico
on the south, and from tho Atlantic to tho
Pacific Ocean. That the swords and lay
OnOtS lately clashlim in aiiury strife shall
all ls lieaten Into plow shares and prun
ing liooks, at.d this nation learn wsr no
more, that the outlines of deslrintlvo war
shall k'vo pia.-e to Implements, ot ims
(Mtnlrv and oilier poacelnl pii-siiif. ami
that the old fUir with Us Mars oudiminmt
In spieuilor, and never fewer lu r.umlier.
and its atrliies iinslalued bv 'tin blood of
our, "hut every where spread all
over In character ol luring light, blalt k
on alt itx bldB, a thev float over the sea
and over the land, and In every wind uu
dor the heavens, the aetttlmeut dear to
very true American heart. Liberty and
Untoa uow, and forever oue and unsepu
The flag was made by a committee of
ladles all ol whom are now dead, in ltu3
for a voluntary comjmny of aoldlars raises!
for tho war ot tho Rebellion. Promptly
at ten the Hue began marching towards
the cemeteries lu the lot lowing order -.
Ftsg bearer.
Mechanic Rand.
Members of Mcl'heraon Poet.
Private citizens on foot,
Kittle girls w ith flowers.
Citizen lu carrlagesi.
The grave of Gen, M. V, Brown, lu tbe
Masonic Ceuintery was the llrst to be dec
orated, around it tbe principal ceremonies
beiug performed, Itealdes the formal ex
enises of the O, A, R., DRN Blackburn,
Sen. Vice Commander delivered an ad
dress noticeable for Its sensible si v. .,! m
thought snd non-pertizan tone, oue which
would counsel peaceful action and the
healing of old wounds, s single goveru
meutwitha single Impulse. The grave
of ('apt. Mathews, In the same cemotery,
was decorated, when the march was taken
up to the city cemetery, where the graven
of W H Crow and J M Burrous, both
killed ic. 7th, mfts1 the Rogue River
war, Robt. Carter, 'ap:. Arch Monteiih
ami Martin Heffron, were strewn with
flowers, tho decoration eaorclsws closing
at the last mentioned Krava.
The mualc furnished by tbe MoehanL-s.
IUnd during tbe whole sxrels was ren
dered in a mont harmonious msuner, two
of tbe dirges particulsrly sttrscting at-
tention. This band Is entitled to the geiis
eral thanks of the community, for their
excellent music an Ibis occasion
Cramer riralr
The Granger's picnic at Jsffsrson this
week was eminently a success in every senae
of the word. The weather waa clear, but
just cool ceoagb to be pleaaaut. The crowd
waa large, but very orderly aud qnist Esti
mates as to the number present differed very
much, varying from ,Wi to titfJ. The pn -yerbiat
hospitality of l-inn county farm era
manifested itself when tune fur lonah came
for men and women with big hearts, hands I
and baskets were seen in the bigbwajs and
hedges almost compelling men and women lo '
come into the faaat prepared for the occaa-
ion. Unfortunately we were present st the i
picnic ouly part of the day oa Wednesday. !
The program for th day was carried out as
fully as circumstances would admit. Ho
listened to excellent speeches by Hons R P
Boise, Dan Clark and tT R Bilyeu. Space
does not permit us to give sn extended notice
of the speeches but suffice it to ssy they
were all replete with good sense, sound logic,
and devotion to the interest ef farmers.
Was It Homer Idr.
Considerable excitement has been oc
casioned by tbe death of B. Coffey, tbo
"Oregoniau" carrier at Salem, which oc-
curred under bid circumstance, An ex
change gives the following particulars In
reference to the affair :
"It seems that on Sunday last Coffey
was in Independence. Lata in the even
ing he hired a man named Matney to take
him across the river, in a small boat. On
reaching tbe east side a dispute arose be
tween tbem as to the compensation for mo
doing, Matney recrossed, and returning
brought with him two other parties, nam
ed Cooper and Lawrence, and the three
attacked Coffey with such severity as to
bring on brain fever, from the effect of
which he died this morning. Coroner
Wsrriner held sn inquest at Maletn, and
tbe jury returned a verdict that death was
caused by brain fever, brought on evi
dently by llltreatmeut received at the
hands of Matney and others. All the as
saulting parties hsd beeu drinking hea -Hy,
which no doubt was the foundstion of
tbe whole trouble. Parties from Inde
pendence had, on the day previous to tho
attack, visited Coffey's barn and broke a
number of windows- In one of his houses,
aud bis visit to Independence was for the
purpose of ferreting out the guilty parties.
The fact that be displayed considerable
money led runny to think that au attempt
was made to rob him"
On examination Matnoy, Lawrence and
Cooper were held to await the a rtion of
the Grand J urv.
Department Plunges.
Ou lsst Monday evening Albany Engine
Company No. 1 elected the following officers
for tho ensuing year : Jos Webber, Fore
man ; Henry Susens, 1st Assistant ; Thes.
Monteith, Jr., 2nd Assistant ; C II Stewart,
President ; C W Watts, Secretary ; William
Miller, Financial Secretary ; Louis Miller,
The tournament excursion to Astoria wiU
leave this eity on next Tuesday morning,
June 9th, at 5:30 o clock, a. m., and will
reach Astoria the same evening, Round trip
tickets will be sold for 86.35. No batter
opportunity for a summer trip will be offered
this year.
William Miller was elected trainer of the
hose team on last Saturday evening, in place
of R A Hon man, resigned, A good selection.
No. l's on last Monday evening voted to
contribute $25 to tbe tournament fund.
All firemen, as well as citizens generally.
should attend tbe drama, "Among the
Breakers" at Crawford's Hall, this (Friday)
It is not true that the Hook A Ladder Com
pany have quarters adjoining No. 2's Engine
Tobaccos of various brands will be sold by
the plug or box at less than other houses, for
cash, by
A. B. McIlwatn.
Aa Klegaat Bleeping sr Named Anerear
limine, the most magnificent sloeper In
the I 'ulted Mutes, fierhaps in the world,
aainedaftorourully k an honor thncit .ci a
ol Albany greatly appreciate ; yet this baa
boon done, and Monday, the steeper made
Its llrst trip over the road. Uuring the
limn the train remained lu thla city one
ceutiuuoiiM line of people Hied through the
new sleeper In order to view Its rich make
up and finished equipments. Through
the kindness of the accommodating orter
a Dkmotkat man made a more thau oas
ual examination ot the oar. It la seventy
feet long ami contains ten apartments,
among others a drawing room, smoking
room, two la lies toilet rooms, rooms for
gentlemen with the Hnost marble-top
wash standa, and au elegsnt buff it, In
plain Kngllsh, a cupboard, The sections
are Mulshed In mahogouy, the upholster
ing tielng beautiful old gold plush, the
drawing room uutlcesbln for its mahogouy
Hnlsh aud b'.uc plush upholstery Is the
prluclal apartment, contains aH the lm-
aglusblo tiupiovemeuls for ease aud coin
fort, from the head rests to electric an
nunciators in each seellon. The finish of
tin S'tio'i ; room I poh-hed osk su I on
bossed leather, peoullailya pleasant aart-
msnt. 1 no eiiiouro would In attrsnto I to
wards the butfet. ou atHNiuut of its eom
phils cooking out Hi, decorated china, etc.
Ah a whole It would bit Impossible to lm
kin" suvthlug more elegant either on or
olf wheels, U took th llrst prise at New
Ortai i w in h aMaks lu volumes for it,
and louder than our pen Is able to do.
Few people who looked at this line ear
reatUed that It ws whirled over the O. st
0 R, R, on pajM-r wheels, as compact
snd durable ss Iron ; yet It waa, ami will
eoiitinue to tie, a monuineut to the Pull
man Palaoe Car Company ami Albany,
and a Insurious uveulence to tin trav
eling public.
Our ess la.btoa mir
Sacs j ue tlieaaos are tho favorite for little
B lark around tho eyes is the pmvaitluK
tylo with loggers.
Ribbons In gold aud silk hfOWtfl are
extremely popular
Msowhse No. lo shoes for Albany dude.
High hat ahanrh the attention with Al
bany coachmen.
.ouave and Ruasiau jscknta of valvsji,
silk or satm overwrought or bordered with
gold or silver embroidery is the thing.
Bui among the muswm of our county
rod and yellow trimmings prevail.
Kvening dresses will bo of white and
gold ami white and olive. They may or
may not have sleeves, eeeordlng to alto ol
Blsek Is growing In favor. It always
has been with hsngiueit and samona.
White mualin par taoU will boa novalty
this summer.
It la now fashionable to wear high mi
gealie hats,
Alan to subscribe for tl.e l:w hat.
Th favorlto costume at Newport will be
while Hisnel suits garnished with linos of
gold braid.
AtSodevill and Waterloo daiker col
ors will prevail except lu hosiery.
The Hasten panto are the rsa at Inde
pendence. In Portland Iswns are the favorite
among tennia dudes,
Nalem girls hav a style of their own o
Haahy t hat the a un aannot be sswin
promeuade dava.
In ervallla, tbongh.lhe opposite la true,
you ca nuot aee the style exoept in cloudy
Brownsville woolen goods are Just'y
very popular.
This city has three milliner v stores and
tight dressmaking ahopa, alt employing
thirty or forty hands
No definite ata tis-
(,cs on the though.
Oregon glri will not wash disfcM If thsy
Cm avoid It.
Soma of our ,uo,,t popolsr young ladies
tm n tntr lub. A hose
: warn ij tnem womu aitraet aiientiou,
though It might not possess speed.
tlhsM) 4 ult. glair laatllate.
The closing ssercise of this institution
will lie field in the College Chapel as folio a :
Ou Sabbath evening June Ulh the annual
sermon will lie delivered by Rev K T 1 .-. of
On Monday evening tbe Alumni will pre
sent the following public program :
M tio.
Essay Mrs C U Stewart, Memory.
Recitation M us Mary Irvine, tne First
Settler's Story.
Instrumental Solo - Miss I aura Tate.
'ration Jos J Charlton, Public Opinion.
Ouet Mrs ieo Chamberlain and Miss
Lueie Welch, Two Captive Maidens.
Annals Mrs C E W'olverton.
Instruments! Solo -Miss LanraTati.
After these exercises the Alumni will hold
their nsnal reunion. On Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock the following exercises will be
rendered by the undergraduates :
Essay- Collins Elkius, A lfred the Great.
Essay Hither Warner, Needle Work.
Essay Quincy K Propst.Mir Walter Scott.
Nub Ixscture Johu A Goieendorfer, The
Carhoifmus Period in Gooloirv.
Recitation -hsther Marshal, J he Relief of
Hub Lecture -Frank Power, Geometry.
Hecitatteu Flora Mason, The Maiden
Sub Lecture Lillle Hobsrtson, Mental
Essay Stephen FHnn. Light.
Reading lua Robertson, Taking an Eleva
.sav r rank rrspst, i he Keltcious tews
of the Homsus as Ascertained from Viriril.
Recitation liclun Crawford. The Painter
of Seville.
While on the picnic grounds near Jefferson
last Wednesday ws were iuformed that our
old friend Mart Miller had left home that
morning to attend the picnic and left $2A in
his pants pocket at home. Arriving at the
ground he suddenly discovered that he had
left the money at home and returned imme
diately, but toe late, for he found that some
light fingered gentry hsd visited his premises
aud relieved him of that much of the "root
of all evil."
Albsny farmers '.
At the organization ef the Hoard of Direc
tors of the Albany Farmers Co. on June 2,
1885, A S Powell was elected President, and
D Mansfield Secretary and at the same time
Mr Mansfield was elected .Superintendent
and Business Manager of the company. Mr
Mansfield has been employed by the company
for twelve years aa Secretary, and has served
it faithfully and well.
st. of P. Klertlon.
At the regular meeting of Laurel Lodge,
K. of P., held at their hall in this city on
Thursday of last week, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing term :
D 8 Smith, P C,
J F Hail, C C.
G M Coffey, V C.
C H Spencer, P.
It Rogers, M at A,
IIOMI AD sKlotlt,
'oida prevail.
F M French, jeweler.
All kinda of fruit at R H s.
"Among the Breakers" to-night.
The best harness at J J Dubruilh s.
Grder 3 lb. box of starch at R & li s.
The County Court is in session this week.
o. 10 Slid 2ou counters at N H Allen & Co.
There are more cherries thsn can he sold.
The freshest produce at C i.irad Mayer's.
Joe Mcl maid is running a truck Iftjftblf
The best bskisg powders at Coursd May
er's. Flavoring vxtrsots of all kinds st ('mirsd
J. T, Wallsuc, I h sn un and Surgsnii, Al
liauy, Or.
The Am m uuu Star.cigar st It & It's is a
new arrive!.
The Dalle , u . Illiutcd with a sin plus num
ber of tramps.
G. W Maston, I bysniaii and Surgeon
many, lliegou.
Hsveral l'iiimmer fruit diyera f.u anle st
oust at John Brigs.
The host ofevMrythuix in their line st
n oil mail and Jost ph'a.
liollinau aud Joseph ship ice lo all pelt of
the A'llleuiuiu Valley.
A large number of Albany people aiu at
the plcuio at Jetr.rsontlos week.
Miss Cleveland has written a look, a rsre
Sttaiuineut in iVhile House lailiei.
Hay, did you have to borrow money to pay
yeur tailroad fare from the m.
Richard's orchestra will furaish music for
"Among the llreakers" to night.
' outranla ainouutiug to tdO.tNJU kave I
If i for repairing the Millar Flouring dills.
OmI wit at Hoffmsa a .btseph's. They keep
all kinds of relrvshiug dnuka, ice tuswm, et.
A man usmssl Fsrrens, is thought to have
on. mil ted suicide last Tussday near Naiam.
Indies, ge snd ..- Montetth A SsiUnbach's
spring stook.grsat yarity in every dopar t mm t
Twecdale keeps a nice line of tin and oop.
per ware, aud does repairing lu giaal ahaim.
F M French. aent .Singer Manufacturing
Co..opHMite Gdd Feilewr Temple, Albany .Dr.
We i
eethal W. C. Tweetlsle has ju,t re
simmer tot . urar , a
Hr. M. H. Fibs, physuian and surgeon
AH any, Oregon, i milt Wmi in ettj or
Now is the tm u. get sugar by I ha keg.
but brfore buying sk K .l. lirusunl their
Fishiug tackle, cuttl. ry, sewmg inat huiea
and notiuua, ciiospur to.,n av.i, at Will
Vouug lailioa will r to Isarn th.t a
na hint; has just ben iu vented for asiaiaK,
Cnltu I ramp are plenty. I . not insult
them by ulforiug thaui Wo.k inslessl uf Ires
A goed 41. I large aaaortinent of lumUr at
the yani tl H Carter always on hand Uive
him aoall.
Hurkhart Bros, will aUertiao your Und
tor saU free of chsrge. Qfj them a call if
you waut to sell.
Albany though It haa very btlle ..f Uwu
tenni has plenty t teoaa law. is. i'ortlaod
papers please copy.
tio ti Pruahaw'a new Brug Mur for mra
bugs, patent medicine, etc Prescription
caret ally compounded,
Oregon is to he in vailed by 100 Prrchsron
horses ef th best bio.! Ut them cm,
"ltd. powerful, beasts
The census taker makes th. population of
Seattle y, $6. Tm comas Use nearest i.
laims f may city yet r.,ud.
The Portlaml .Vaasrd, it i r -.rte.l. has
been sohl to H It I'ettamgill. lor seme li ne
connected With the "rryoia.
Window hls, ac esrUins, oil . I. U,.
. arpets, and wall p,r. The nicest sUk lu
towu at Monteiih A Heitenhach a.
Mr Fred Graf ha just brought ou a spteu.
did line of baby ca nsas, with th I . .1
imprevemenU. t ail and ssj thm..
All perauos wanting Oabrne biu dug wire
will please call by July 1st SSJ 1 .. . ,v
R'dasoo and leave orxiets fur the same.
Read Rev T B White . account of his ex
tended Uip Ksst. It appear, among our ci
reapoudeocsM and u worth a careful issrusal.
Tbe largest gate receipt at New Orleans
on any on day were 3II.O00. while at the
en;enuisi jin.'.,4 Were taken lu ou ou
. ii iu
Ladica', misee' ami children " line shoes.
also coarser grade, can be found at Moo-u-itb
A price in keepieg with
bard times.
Itsv H E llsvia. the new pastor of the
Evangelical Church will preach in that
hurcb. in this eity, on ueU Sabbath for th
first time.
B ! inaon A West are now running on fnll
time, turning out a hwg amount of lumber,
an even dnaen of men are employed in operat
ing the mill.
Mattreeant and lounges for sale, and all
kinds of upholstering work repaired at J E
Rayes, lost east ol lleyoe and Hobcson a,
Albany, Oregon.
Grant Psss was ehoaen by s vote ef the
citixens of Josephine county as the county
seat. The people of that place are quite jubi
lant over tbe result.
Any party wishing to purchase a good
farm, either for grain or stock will do well
by calling on A K Cyrus ft Co.. Keal Estate
Agents, at Lebanon, Or.
Tbe decrease in valuation of personal prop
erty in San Francisco during the last liscal
year, was the large sum of fVOO.OOO. Dull
trade ia said to be ths cause.
We have in our possession a bak bill
Inch wns evidently brought here by a new
comer, it bss written on it in red ink ' lake
Wilms, Minn., Jan. M, 1885."
At the last ineetiag of Safety Ixlge No. 13
A 0 U W of this city S H Allen sod Julius
Joseph were elected delegates to the Oram!
Idge which meets st Salem in July.
The O A 0 K H has kiadly granted th
usual reduction on return fare, to persons in
attendance at the Universalist State Couv.-n
tien to be held iu this city next week.
The monthly statement of the State In
surance Company of Salem shows that its
premiums for May amounted to 8 1 0.522. S.V
against f ,014.01 for May ef last year.
The Pine drove Cemetery Association, has
beeu incorporated with Caleb Gray. T L
Poller. J f McCartney, William K ( arret
and K A Watts as incorporator. t Halsev
In a game of base bsll at Jefferson FFed
nssdsy between the Jefferson and the Knox
Hutte clubs six innings were played, result
ing in a tie, each club making fourteen ruus.
Hurkhart Bros., have several cash custom
ers for small pieces of land of from 24 to SO
acres. If farmers will be willing to divide
their land into this sisa tracts wo can sell
Geo Harris, the marble man, haa just built
for Thus. Brink, a very neat marble ohecker
board, whioh is being greatly admired by
lovers of the game as well as of good work
manship. A very neat and well executed curbing
has boon placed around the lots of Mrs
Murry at ths cemetery. It is near the en
trance gate and has attracted cousiderable
The Hepnor Time is among our most live -ly
exchanges. This remark is incited by a
three line item in its last issue, which was
full of cream. Any way it is full of readable
Mr. Ssmuel Jones, at Millers, a few days
since, was relieved of his ooat tail by having
it caught in one of the rollers of Mr Rainey s
wood sawing outfit Fortunately no other
damage was done.
Mr Gus Beneki, of the Albany Brewery,
received several bad bruises a few days ago
en the side of his face and in his ear, by run
ning against an open door in the dark at his
home in this city.
Rev S Goodenough, pastor of the Uuivei
salist Parish at Oakland, Cal., will preach
in this city neit Sabbath. the 7th inst., morn
ing and evening, at Crawford's Hall. Go
and hear him,
A runaway horse belonging to George
Hughes, last Friday, came very near knock
ing down a man, a woman and a hone and
carriage. Fortunately, though, such a calam
ity was avoided.
If yon want your property advertised call
oaClioe, Mouieith and Co., immediately.
Ifyeu went your property sold csM on them.
It costs you nothing to advertise with this
Itta and very little to sell.
In the revised edition of the Now Testa
ment the wwrd hell is discarded and the word
sheel, used. Evidently the lormsr word is
altogether too plum a oue for lbs learned re
visors. Anyway what Is in a name,
Tno graduating exercises of the Academy
of Sacred Hearts will take Malem ou
Pride of next week. Among the graduates
will be Mis Annie II out, tbu accomplished
daughter of Senator ffoiiit, ol Hatnsourg.
Now is the tims to sell your land, place it
ill the bauds of Hurkhart Hum., th-y hav
better facilities fur advertising and selling
land thau any other agents in Oreguu send
them your name and they will send you their
Heal Estate Paper tor one yuai fOS ol chsrge.
During the month of May the real estate
transactions in this county amounted to
$.i.'l,0.'i7, the largest during the year. A per
ul of the list published in nether column
Will reveal several important transactions,
A society has been incorporator, located
some where in this county, by tbo imposiiiK
name of "Society of the Most PraesWa
Wood." 1 uuorporator : V tutor ClltWt,
Chris Silberuagsl, Anthony B SO liar. Cp.'
stock 17,000.
The Albany steamer stut.- l fTsdaasdsi
iftem .on for Pwrtlaml. when- it will ha auhi
It Will do good hi i vi. e III It place, but a
river with bars aud a swift SarrssitLaS not it
sphere. In smooth, deep water, it skosn
pSSsI speed.
Oaiuws and Fellow inhibit.; I anew kind
d i ii in gate at lh O ranger's p cmc. So far
as we ate a couiwU-ut judgo. it i the bt
galo evr intr.slui e. into tins . omity Every
laruinr should sen tbisau. .i.ldrs these
geutlenieu st Soio.
Victor Hugo a mail of ini.oiu mind aa!
M-reut scholarly (ittainiiiauix. died in Pari
lsst Sundsy. Several buiidre.i fioussnd peo
ple followed him to the grave, aliertiug to
the universal respact in whi.rh this UhSsSS
tual giant was held.
Ssveral Washington titles would like to
lie the Capital ol tlist fetfisPlJ, l imy could
ask lor nothing that would more certsmly
doom thorn to everlasting smH.ies. Tnere
is hardly aoapttsl cty in the C . . St.t.-
that amount to any thing.
The basement of tbn new bssisnbI house u
nearly completed. Already a lively appear
ance parvede the grouods, aa mu h Mest
oeiug in. i 1 1- wth the steam saw, hammers,
etc., as will ever be made by the hundred
of school children o will MM overrun U.
It is business and we like to am- it
A lively 4th of July celebration n ay I.,
I ....... I for in Albany this year, when seversl
new features will be btMdsHNsi, amo K
others tilirty-e'ght of county 's fairest
young la line dreseed in red, while and blur,
all on florae back. It U intended that e,.-rv
precinct in the county shall ls r;.reaeuu-.i
Superintendent D V S Rri I who waa it
the citv W'edties lay. informed a lrne hsi
man that the bouse of Mr E E Csmeyer,
sts.nt s mile from llairiaburg-, was robbed
last Sunday while the family were sway
from home. Very little waa lake, thoun
bureau, and thing generally were dtserrang-
Lut Wednesday whili Mrs. IfoUaple.
liviiiK i.e., Tangent, waa gsth-ring egg in a
barn she fall. Striking on lo r tin-h, cauaiog
a severe bruise, and breakup on of the
Isises in her Intt ai m. the fracture lietutf a sr.
vere one. beanie straining her Itaek. Ir J I.
Mill, of this rii. waaaeLt fur and attended
M H AHen A Co s Y-ra l'r and AUmy
lry llatmtm lt-lrr are the names of two bye
paper juat iuod by N H Allen eV Co Tuey
are both wall gotten up. eshibit tine editorial
ami arli die ability, and are ia o-ry way
AMsrving of a th-srouh p-rsael. The pub
lishers rertatulv display great enterprise in
tbe matter. Th limnmi gladly places
tbeae candidates for favor on it eschsu we
a. so ii
asxitL m rastaosjti.
School Supcruitrn lent Reid. was in th
eity Friday.
Th s. Alphine, our fleet footed friend from
Millars, called ou us last Tuesday.
0 H Jones, a p. polar teacher near Jffjr
son. waa in the city last Saturday.
Mis. I.snra Tate, of Portland, is visiting
at the home of her mother in this city.
C B Hsvee, of the Pioneer Prea Co.. of
t Paul. Minn., was in the city last Tuesday.
.co 1) Ovrrtnu, of Hrowoaville. was in the
city last Friday, while her invadtog our
MrsOoin, of tbu city tiapending a few
week is Marrow eouuty at her father'
home at Blalock.
Clyde Hill, a son of )r J f. Hdl, is
ing at Pendleton with hut graudfather, llun
S M Pnmngten.
Mr Thomas Thompson, s voung Kentuck
ian. now a resident of Fot Valley, called 00
us last Wednesday.
t t.r-.t . .
4 o v imams, .-cioa worthy J 1 , was in
tbe city Tuesday ou business. 1 be Dune-
iist acknowledges a ealL
Ths County Judge and Commissioners left
Albany yesterday morning for a bridge in
spection tour through the country.
T P Haekleman start to day across the
mountains on the W V AC C M It. t take
Ins mother to bis father's tattle ranch.
J N" Hoffman, of Hoffman A Joseph, is at
Jeffersou this week with a stand f r the
hungry and thirsting gatherers at tbe Orange
Mr and Mrs Walter Turr. 1! arrived iu A!
bauy last Monday and immediately began
keeping house at tkeir new home on Seveuth
(ieorg Young, 2nd, accompanied by Mr
Yoang, a couain recently frota Illinois, ar
rived heme from California on last Tuesday
Mrs I)i Irvine and daughter an I J X D ui-
oanand wile arrived at Albany Prine-
villo on laat Wednesday evening, and will
remain several weeks.
Dr. IambersoD, of lebanou, was in the
oity Monday, looking uncommonly hsppy.
probably ou account of tks artival of a
bouncing boy at his house.
A. Noltnoi ef the Stitintanl came up on the
Albany express last Tuesday aveuiug to see
about intkiug arrangements to transport the
Iowa Press Association from Albany to 0 r
vallis oa their return from Ashland.
Governor Moody and Secretary of Stats
Karhart came up on the express Monday
noon to meet Senator Sherman, with whom
they returned to Salem, where the city and
capltol were shown the distinguished Seuator
and party.
We are pained to hear of tho serious illness
of 0 P Coshow, the long aud faithful trieud
of the OkMiH RAT, st MrowtiBville, a man
above reproach. I)r Carpenter, of lata HI,
was called the llrst of the week 8 administer
to him and it is to be hoped he msy I illy
Rev J A Hollenbaugh and wife left last
Wednesday for their now home at Salem,
taking with them the best wishes of not only
their congregation, but of our citizens gener
ally. There are few more faithful, noble
workers in tbe cause of religion than Hev and
Mrs llolleubaugh.
In Roxbury, Smith's, Tapestry, Brussels,
also s full line of Ingrain and oil cloths, for
sale at lest than Portland wholesale pricts
A. B. McIlwain.
Just received a case of the Celebrated Ball
Coil Sping Corset, the only corset that can
be returned after three week's wear if not
satisfactory. These corsets are bought direct
from the mauufactuter, saving one profit and
enabling me to give better value for t) a
money than any other corset. AU styles and
qualities always on hand.
Samuel E. Yosnu.
Job frln ting.
CW Watts is always realy to do all
kinds of job printing on short notion and
at reasonable rates. If you have letter
heads or bill heads printed send him your
order and he will place tbem in tablet
form without extra ooat. Ordera from a
distance will receive prompt attention.
teal Estate Transactions for May.
Hugh Niokerson to Vail ndsK Houston,
Leu 6 in Blk 15 In R addition to Albany.
Consideration, ft no.
Mrs Caroline Bu rkhsrl lo Fred 0 Burk
h.irt, 4 acres in Tp II M K 8 W. Conslders
lcn, I.
Olive F J nek on to Henry C Jafksoii.all
right and title to one-seveutb of etie-etgbf
of donation claim of Willis Jackson in Tp
laSof II a W. Consideration, 914.
J F Bsekenslo lo O W Gross, tract In Tp
12 M It I W. Conslderstlon. o.
Fred Orsf to WMhelin Kroiunt, tra O In
Albany. Conslderstlon,
W H Pughb D Cf utrie.donsllon claim
of Sidney A Smith roulaiulng AHt seres.
Consideration, fljii'i.
Jsmes 0 Porter lu John Lsubtu r, south
hslf of donstion claim of F lix H Carter
lu Tp 13 I H 4 W containing 160 acres.
Consideration, si.,,,
A 0 Roliert to W II It iberf-, K of
Mouth half of See :i T Hl-s It I W. Consir'
e ration, 4O0f).
LB Palmer to UhIs W
quarter of - Zi Tp (I H K 4 W .ontaining
I no a'-r'" . Consider dion. 1'So.
J II Brain v.. . p, w IW.r. N W
quarter, N lia'f i,f , W ipiarter ol See IP),
Tp IIS K D W, ((.idn tiitiK. t4StVH Con
sideration, f.i t Ma
Josiph HMrf ttHW h Killer. I Oseree
otT the W ond ( tin. donation clsiui ol
CI.e Mnik-v ia Tp II M It 4 and f W.
1 'oiislderstioti, l.
James H Smith to T .1 Wllami. H hslf of
M batf of H W piarlerofS W rStar1sT wf
' ' in Tp U h K4 W, arntteftsltsg 18
acres. Coiislderallou, 1.
Oooruo Cl'oolev p. Iavi I II ml.roe,K
half at donation claim of Win Henl. in Tp
M M It f vv, riMiMJiiiug in all 2C seres,
follsl l. ralion, 84oOO.
K W .Ink io(;-orge P irk, tract la
Bruwnsvil'.e. I MisldHratiou, pVtO.
John Koaler to Robert poster, W bstTof
S BjMsTtM Of He.- In 1 p 14 S K 4 W.
Alswi lots I sod I in B s k 27. snd t ts 7
snd k in itik 2-1 iu ajhsiiv, ao i mi teres
in Tp 18 R 4 V. c i,ideraii u, llooi
Namuel K V nl ig SJ It'ib-rt Fosl-r, lot
I and I lu P. k .'7. tod lots 7 and 1 In P. k
88 In the eit v ot iij4ov, als888 ser in
Tp 1881 R 4 W, C .ui letation, $2Hi".
Jstin Foa'nr Ut iniiiel R V ipg, irw-t
in Albany. Pom lilasailwsi.f
Alonr.o Aiiism Manh Ann M ., UAn
and S I 1 Swi.,; ItoiSM. U .Usid ersti oi.S .V.
Prstin M, to X ii M I) m I, 20
aoM nt Mm 8 Tp 188) R I V. f'ndisini'
lieu. t'elO.
Jrdin Kirk t . IS ! .,. rt . res off of
ssasi end af Msdioon Kirk ffrmail'tn fssHi
In Tp US It I W l onslderaiion. 8lin,
W l Judy to I N Smith, Jr.. Hie undi
vided two twenty-sevenths of tn. dona
tion elsim of .lotui Smith In Tp 12 K 4
W. ( .iisi loratioii, f4(SJ.
Rsvchael J Suinad to J A Otosa. Z t
of t be dona' ion e'airu of H H SsMsaM ; Tp
II M It 8 V. Cenaidermlion, f PJiK.
Wm Wilee ts .IsTiusa A Mirf iiliaiigb. 147
ar-res of 18m doiiatiau claim ef JoO M Hill
In Tp 18, H K 4 W. Cottside.-alion ::700.
J 0 Kraut well hW K Power. Qsng Haitn
U trai-t in Tp IS. S R X V . 'on-ndera'ieo
I'nited Sta'es to William I l.-l,'s. Patent
U 3'Jl a ros ii. Tp 14 S K .1 W.
W II Msydeu m T P Pat ton, S half of N
F. quarter ofSen 1.1, In Tp 14. 8 it 4 W.and
tract In Sc " in Tp 14, Si R3 VV. Contain-
mg av-roa. ' oi.sideratlon
.... . .
John Pr.or to A nan A Waddls. S K
martsir of N W ipiarVtr, M W oiiarter of '
K'piarUsr. N W quarter efs K quarter and
N K quarter of H W .piarW af .Sec. 1, Tp.
12. H K 1 W. Containing loo acres. Con
sideration floO and careof grantor for Ife.
Caltaxl KiaUse to John M J lsveall. Pat
ent u N W .juarb-r of .Sas-. 84 iu Tp. 9 H It
'. K. Conulmng I60s-ros.
John Foster bv J K Charlton Sheriff.
Iract, bia l and 2 in Hlock 27 in A banv
Alao 21 az-rea ia Tp. Ii, S It 4 W. Conaid
erauon J7uO.
I C Irtckev by J K Charlton Oheriff.IoU
2 aud 7 in R ock 118 In llaekletaan's ad
dition to Albany. Consideration 870-'.
Allany Cemetery AaaodatJon to Alfred
Marshall. Lot 888 hi Klock 5 In southern
sldition 1 . A '. ;.!! oeuioterv grounds.
Consideration lu.
II J Hill to Wsa P. nlsad, ?f E quarter
of Bm. 23, Tp. IS, R W . Also 140 NN
in san.e I p. and R. Considers lion f .
Htste of Oregon te Jno R Pearl. Deed of
corn on.
United kstea to John W Kirk. Patent
to N hslf ol a K quarter of Sec, 14 in Tp.
IS, S K 1 W.
United States to John U Kirk Pstent
to the K hslf of X E quarter of Sec. 14 In
Tp. 18. 9 R I W.
J O Klder by J K CLarlon Sheriff, to P
J Porter. irsM-t in Tp, 13, M R 3 W. Con
sidsrstien 81000.
Jsmes Rlsin by J K Charlton, Sheriff,
100 acres off ef the west end of tbe dons
tieu claim afJar i Mi hs-ji 111 Tp it S R 3
W. Consideration 82000,
Howard Orven to F M utford SO
acres lu Tp. 12, 8R 4 W. '..nsideratioa
Albanv Cemetery Aocial 00 to L Fllnn
Let .'141 in Hl's-a 8bl Southern Add tun to
Albany Cemetery grounds. Consideiation
Asa H Peterson bv J K Charlton Sheriff
to Dundee Mortgage and Trust Co., 204)
acres of he A II Peterson donation claim.
Also 75 acres of the John M Burge dona
tion claim ia Tp. 12, S R 2 W, Considera
tion f340. K2.
Plaahath M Temp'eton to S R Tone pie-
ton, half interest in tract in the donation
cIsijiofWT Teuipleloa. Consideration
8 A Dawaon et al to O W Young, Lot 4
In Rlock 30 in Albany. Consideration $).
O F Crawford Assignee of A II Peter
son to David Peterson, tract in Tp, 42, R
I W. Consideration fob.
W Church et al to L R Rlsin. Lats 7
and a in Hlock 4t in Albany. Considera
tion 8400.
State of Oregon to Martin Payne, Deed
of correction.
State of Oregoa to Martin Payne. W half
of Ixrt 2 in See. 33 Tp 12, S R 2 W, Con
taming II acres. Consideration f IS.
Win Cochran to VVni T Cochran. 073
acres in Tp. 13, S R 3, W, Consideratisn
L W Clark b Catharine Clark, Lot 2 in
Block 9 Ha Montelih'a addition to tbe city
of Albany, consideration 700.
L and J II Taylor to Henry C Jackeon,
one seventh of one eighth interest of the
east half of the donation claim of Willis
Jackson in Tp. 12, south of R t W. Con
sidsration 7S.
M 88 Hryson to Trustees of Caiapooia
Lodge, No. 43, 1.0. o. F. TheS half of
N W quarter of Sec. 17 and th west halt
8 W of quarter of Sec. 17 Tp. 13, 8 R 2 W.
The hsl AttraelloB,
On or about the 12th of this month the
ladies of this community will lie eutertained
at the Revere Hous parlor with agrand dis
play of pattern, hats and bonnets which
will be sent hero by the oolehrated "Bouquet"
millinery stores of Portland, Or. The prices
of hats, plumes, tips, etc., will somewhat
open the eyes of the fsir sex.
The row of buildings opposite the Che
meketa House at Salem was burned Wed
neaday night.
A new line of ladies velvet and kid slippers
just received as
Rcaii A Bkownrll's
We are hero aud here we iob nd to
with prices so low that 3 ou cau not
from buying.
Kaw A Bkowx bu.
A full blooded five year old Jersey hull for
sale, for particulars, address H ami it m
Bros , Oak vi He. Orevnn.
26ih, 1885, Mr. Albbrt M. Mooues aud
Coba L. Dickinson both of Salem.
WOOD, Ou Thursday evening. Mav 28,
1S85, to the wife of Frank Wool, Jr., a
L AM BERSON. At Lebanon, on May 25,
1885, te the wife of Dr Lamberson, a son.
A small thing will often make a
of trouble. Oregon haa boon visited by
numerous eircus frauds, and frauds of
all imtnaglnable kinds; but its clticooa
have never beeu worked up over any
l Hiog the way lliey have over the ad
vent of the innocent little ceut, which
1 tr y rail a frsud of the deepest dye.
The other day a gentleman being ofTer
d several cents in change, ejaculated,
raglet Hy, that "this country ia rulood
now for certain." It is really a serious
matter. If this close fisted business is
allowed to go on in a few year Oregon
will have as small a population as Xew
York or Pennsylvania, states wbleu
bare beau running down for years and
years juat on account of pennies, the
former slate having about twioo as
many eoide as thirty years ago. And
then look at !iidon. where they got
dowr. to even farthings, ft has kept
becoming ruined until it only coataiM
about four million pt-cple. Pennies
an in gfue;al circulation all over the
United States East f the Uckis and
look at the result s WHest down to 80
6 ft and business generally dspresasod;
base ball clubs, rowing ins tehee, I ores
rc -s and billiard contest, all ths rags
Everybody going to the dogs; Heavens,
will it not be an Iowscyrloue eataatro
phewhsn Oregon become completely
lae the rest of the Coiled States and
Its people make change d wa to g, oenf.
Those will bo sail days fa whiea the
philautl roplc spirit is knocked ia the
lieai. Now we are a giving poop e, aU
of us. For instance, if I buj two pounds
orehsveu wut sugar I hand outs iw
bit piece and nuke the gr-er a pisst
of thr e 0MSH to help him along, poor
man ; aud the drygood dealer and
meat rnau get treated the mom way
"It is tn ' rr blessed to aj ve than to r
ceive" lias been our m do In Oregon,
oue which has made us a generous, free
handed paap a Tina is ths reaaoa why
the aaootort fatea of Albany are so lib
eral m giving towards public enter,
prises. as well aa why they all buy tboir
own tObeOM adftM the pouches of thai r
friebds IsMaaae empty. Vrtainly
;b .ugh slowly, the miserable little poat
th poai y. is wending its way through
all lite btief ssi si avenues of Oregon, an
til we c 1. 1 ce o'ire.vce oa tne eve ef a
woiideiful tra:isf trmtion The poor,
for sak.-n. lonely figures, 1. 2. 8, 4, 8, 7,
s, V, will be on a par with o and 5 and
tbaBfl will be marked f r what tbey are
worth. It is an awful leap into a grand
commercial act, which may ruin son
atJfl it iid ie bopesi the mass of the
paoptl will survive the shock the way
tb. bit ev-ry where else.
I sbrnslKl alate Seeseeltesv
As awn-nc -ed Last week. U is b -. y m
... '
1. vena in tots wtv ou ifinrsav. Jaoe 1 1 tb
' . . .
couiinus in eK u o.rr iM Aabhatk
I l.e I. raaon . f rach la) f o rt 10 a. BV,
until I .' in . sriH Im ss apia 1 by the luisiaess
of the conve !. Bda SM tcpica will ha
prrscnte-i ass rt.eraily discossed each after
nuou. ss follows .
Tbuisdsy. 3 p te. S tudey School Wark,
by Mrs L I. K -ame. of DoagUe ouauty .
Friday, p. m 4 ar Denominational Press,
by Rev A J Wigle, of Hamsburg.
SatunLy, p m Aopeal ia behalf if
1' VVamen catenary Asaociatioa
by Mrs A McAUster.
Sermons will tie (TescbeJ each evening
nd erf Sabbath, st Crawford's Hall.
One or two ministers from California are
A Ciraaa aartoatt Beetiae.
An Faster n sewing machine company of
fers tbe DaaiiH-R.iT a grand oppor'.otiity to
become rich. It agrees to furnish os with
Brst class machines for $li a piece. Befote
the patent expired 00 the n they sold for
P.3, aud now the general price is $45 ; but
we can htsa them for a third of tbe prior.
Hy entering into tho arrangement proposed
we could offer tbe machine aud a years sub
scription for the small sum of 818 or 820 sad
get a hundred new subscribe a svery week.
It makes us tremble to think of it -, yet w
have ceacludsd to decline the enticing offer,
as we are not in the machine business, and
do not wish to run cat our worthy local
5. 10 and 25c counters at X H Allen 4 Co
awrry rttters far Sale.
Peters A Stewart bavs a litt'e
that seeds cherries at th rate cf three
in little less than a half hour. O
and buy one.
Bar be trace Wire,
I have just received from the maoafactoi-
iea a car load of Batsemsr steel fence wire,
galvanized 4 point 4 inches, 2 point 3 a
Samckl k. Tovaa.
Our dress goods have arrived and the ladies
art invited te call and see them. Kysry thing
iu new colors sad designs will b fosad ia
complete sssortmeat.
MoKTEira k SziTaxEaca.
5, 10 aud tk counters at X H A'la 1 A Ce
5, 10 and 25c counters at X H Allen t Co.
Oil from Xalarr's Wells
The skin on the head is kept soft aad
flexible by a seeretion from tho oil
glands When these are clogged the
hair dries and falls off. Parkers Hair
Balsam renews their action, restores
the original color to the hair aud makes
it soft and glossy. It also eradicates
dandruff. Not greasy, not a dye, dolie
ioualy perfumed. Delightful for a
ally's toilet table. The beet of dressings
Preferable to all similar articles because
of its superior ctoanliness aad purity.
Guardian's Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given that by yirtse
anil authority of an order of the County Court
of VamhtU county, State of Oregon, duly
made and entered on record on the 5th day
of May, A. D., 1885, I will on Tuesday ths
7th day of July, 185,at the hour of lOo'ckck
a . it . , in front of the Court House door at
Albany, linn county, State of Oregon, pro
ceed to sell at public auction to the highest
bidder, for cash at time of sale, the following
described real estate belonging to my ward
M E Ellsbury, a minor, to-wit 1
The undivided nine-elevenths of the fol
lowing described real estate. Commencing
at the southeast corner of the donation land
claimjof John H Settle ie Tp 1 1 and 12, S R
3 Lian county.State of Oregon ; tbtnee
west S 14 1 chains to post; thence noith
99.13 chains ; thence east 5 04 J chains to
the northeast corner of said donation chum ;
theuce south to the place of beginning, aad
containing fifty acres more or less. Expense
of deed to hi paid by purchaser.
T L. Jon a, -Guardian
of M. E. Ellsbury, a minor.
"Whim Baby was sick, we gave her CAgTOBIA.
Wb a shews a Cluld, she cried for C ASTORIA.
ITaea she beoaaas Miss, sM etaag te C ASTORIA,
Wbi a she bad Children, she gave them C ASTOiUA