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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1885)
S TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. llKSSOFFI K--la Bemt DlldlK IrwMtalMa street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION tingle oopv. pr year. In aJ ran e. ........ . . . la:. copy, par jraar. stand of yw ujrt opjr, ix muoili siuirl. copy, three month imp aamber ...w. 9i M S 00 1 60 it 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albii r WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court of this State. Will give special attea- ion to collections and probate matter. . . . Office in Foster's new brick. Mate mm Bemotrat. I uriiiiHU it HIE BIST ADVEKTI8H! 1H TEE WILLAMETTE ((FAT. 1DYEMIM MEDIUI 1H TEE WILLAMETTE YALLIY, VOL. XX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNK 5, 1885. NO 45 MO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. TTORNEY AT LAW, AND-- Notary Public. lbanv. Oregon. Office upstair, over John Brisrg store. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBUC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ilKIM, OKK.u. ttriLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COI RTS OF THE Y stAU. Special tftMtkMI i ven lo collection and probate matter MTOSc In Odd Faltw"s Tempi.. U f. O. POWBLA W- R- "'WW POWEIL & BI1AEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in MUMJjy AIIIATffY. mm RKWOIS. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms, airofflce in Foster's Briek.-n vl4nllf. SpfpiL EXTRACTS DsVHBHBBBHt J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney AM Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, ORECON, Will practice in all of the Conns of h;siate. All business intrusted to him rviil be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. Rnnk. fstationerv and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITY DRXTQ STORE, Syl tmiM. OBEnOV FOSHAY & MASON, mKUUll AJTB HIT A II. Draggistsaod Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publication, which we sell at publisher's prices with posts gsadded. ALBANY, OREGOS. Vnnlltti. I.mnu, Ot nn.r, te.. luror CiiUm, Crrniw, I'nddln.... ly ud ( arttll) na the IVmI I rvwna wklvh they nr. mmttr . rX)U STKEM.Tll AM) TUCE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St. Louie, Mo. Mta I a. or Br. Price's Gream Baking Powder Dr. Price's Lupuliu Yeast (Jems, lira. ry Hop Yen. for sal) lmuttn;, Harle C. Portland, Or. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFCLLY f 1LLE0, Albany, Or. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp alwavs kept in good aaaWMtsrni. and hair cut in the very best style. . . REVERE HOUSE, Terae. r aad Ell.wartk Albany. Orrg.a. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. I. ffttH nn in firat class Mr!.. Table. aananlMd with the beat the market aflorda. Spring Bed. to erery Boom. A good Sample Boom lor Com- 1 1 1 1 Traveler. 0Ttm Coach to and from the tel.ffl FURNITURE. haTe the best stock of furniture in the -, -t. ...11 city ana win eu .Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WAt'&'T FURNITURE .. j nrice in the ill the CKV Wit Itaw Valley. Come and e. Undertaking, A complete stock and eaa give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Pun and lroti:rt-t Natural Fruit Flavor. Vanilla, Ix'rmm. ontiiff. Almond. Kme, etc, flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., cnicco. ."T. tova. K- Bf 0 ' Sg M.r . nd Co Pnrtlil. OrT orracT Krvs our rauUr ourr.oil.iit ) I WABUtNtiToN, May, HMh, t886. Thnre Is no end of complaint in Democrmlc circles, or, I mint say, rings, Of what la callotl tho Pmb1 dent's trtrdinvss lo turning' out hail Hcpubllcaos hiii I turning In good Dt'inocrt8. It really looks at) though tho new Administration hud dm very Utile, but may not the reason bi m CMM thero Is wo much to do ? Four years whh nxudden-d a shn lt fur the Herculean task, bal ss yot ouly two months have oltpnlOtt If it were ft mere phywli lal operation, the had republicans could no dKhar. ged In twenty-four hour, and til Is U doubtless what n largn majority of Democrats would like to see dom But i his wou d be quite as ins ine as if the Pennsylvania 1111 road (Vim pany should discharge aU Its skilled engineers and attempt b run Its trains with new men who do not know a timo schedule from a steam register. It would lie very refre h ing, doubtless, to the majority who voted for Cleveland to see t:io rased turned out en kuk- 1 confess to would e'J-v it myself as a mere spectacle. The rascals richly deserve jit. They should have been turned out eight years ago. They nave not earned an honest dollar since they profited by the fraud of Hay's inaug uration. But with ail their despic able rascality.tbey have some knowl edge that Is absolutely dispensable to this Ml aud unskilled administra tion. And President Cleveland's Cab inet Officers are painfully wreof this fact- Our government bat grown to te a complicated and mu.-h invdv ed bureaucraev am! those utio nave charge of its ponderous roacn'nery, whether iw heads or hands, roust know a Time Schedule fan Steam Uegister. It they do Dot, the tn m a a a eh lurry will come to a standstill, or go to smash, and five little lt-publl can Diners 44 Blanche.Tray am! Sweet. Infantile Skin Beautifiers Aupeal heart" win yeip -we im you so, we (uticina to Mothers Try Thum. ra K l letin' te Skin aiwl ?Krup m nirw IT I -r .lUiinjt lltbiia. Buriiin- anj '""""" . . av... -.1 . .n. ij p.. 111 A. I -. l. Ik nr. 1 H.-i.l NfulUU ail.I -liner uumnn. akin arvd bl.l -Uraa-, OTicraa. tri l ure, ark. CVtnSnU So.r, an cqait. skin uauu !, nta Osaaa a .atasM fg Blti fanner, luvtrnaiiT, axa " pasa "TERRIBLY AFFLICTED ir ... i Mr. Kri-reitS-eSbin.. BoIclierU.wii. Htm., . . i - -. I itk Mr '-Itur Ullle D aa kim'i - Scrofula. Salt Rheum and Kryaj--Ua evar ainco h. wan bom, and no'hinz wecimw ipT. mm ntiiwi mm jntil e tned Crnci Kemkpib, which rrdully cured Uim, until he is now aa Uir aa an) child. MOO FOB SOTHISC." U m Oaaataa. IB Arlinirtrm At... Charl-oo. Ham. wnu . "Havinit lid about UN t" flrU la drUr. ailhout uvraa. I lne.1 the C tl- ci'EA Kr.Ei)iM, which completely cured, after using three lawlug. FK09I I1E4D TO FEET, IllnkU .!. r- , I ' v llelhta. N ri -'lit aaaa. . la1 of t- Ke rearv " oimi'le'e i- ........I .. . i ..ta.1. maa if frttlil lv theCl TK.t'.a i r. .. ).. la i if hi. heal Ui the aolea '4 hi. icet vii oue maa. "t ' " Every other renly and physician had been tried In vain. FOR PALE. LASIil'ID Eina-iated children, with pimply, "allow .kin, th. innTii Rkmrdim will nfn irfect bieawing. cleanaina; th. blood Md .kin of inlieril-d imt.urttle. and exrUinf the germ, of aenjf ula, rhcumaliani, con sumption, and aevere .kin uiaeaata. "BERT FOBTIIEIIItlJi." v , . nvurmrit trr the best for kin d- Will V- . - -- eaaea I have ever .old, and your Ci tki .a Soar the flne medicinal toilet ari in the aina, C. W. STAPLES, DrHBSt. Oacol Mills, WU. o. 1.1 v.. .11 Am.Am Prim Cf'TICt'RA. 60 Ctt. .7-11-1 - UK - " " .i - u,., M da. Potter Druk' wid Chemical Co,, Bjaton, WU.. Baa. "How to i WTf SklB told you fo." It Is coiiced l vtn by our ftnalnl that the present sum in titration mm made but few mistakes. It must be admitted by ourselves tbal it na-i made some mlsutke?-. Tnere Is oo divinity or iijfallibtttiy atsmi tne President. He is in rhaps without genius or even taet. nut be h en dowed with strong tjommon sense, and gifted with the grsee of doing right as he knows it. No one is better aware than himself that, not withstanding his alow and earful gait, he has occatdooally stumbled. He has made comparatively few ap- oointments but not all or mom are the best selections. It was a physi cal impossibility for him to study and know the qualifications of one In ten of the men who have been recom mended for office by eloquent ilelega tlons, and by petitions signed with I'HtiK TRAM".. The following are the viftwi of lVnf. Sunioar cf Yala (Jullfg, a lifs lot g Uf ui li lies u : Tbu fiiudsutrntal f"lUcy ot irutectioD t In opKMiitioa to tha tluuttine of con versation Of MHMuy. No analysis hai ever btea utalo tn how what ccOQomic fores hum hwu brought into orstini ly s protfetivs tax whiih hlimilil UKWwnMi (ha wslth of a country. Tlit wealth f ihf Uoiud States h th oroilitetivr rnrruy of ha American penplf, srl I lie tux-AlhefW h MWff dotio ti)tiiii() kw) take swsy s pirl tf it. When lhr piVnfnwnflnl I'm an it tiols it hcIvwiic the juice. Tha flVot of i hs Rflvnncti in rioe in the rutrket i ihst tha liuma pnalocer slvatc hi lioe. Vour goverura'it ly a laS, not br-estti-w it ititomls i c !lct it, hut be i !' it dims not inland to collect it. S uuetKxIy fl. l en that. 1 hold htm, ant vrttt t.x lout. Wiienevsr you irosnrity uolrr free trails or calamity under protection. the ltter is overthrown, Th Urill ha only producod whst wi to have ben txectetl. If a man shoulil rouia lt ui snd av, .1 V '' - I m .. - 1 UU IU ". U'lW 1U III.. C Ul'lll"! , I inil.t think h w. right ; but if h hould tell cue to 1st him have my money and he would mak nn rich, I would aay. "Fsrdinod Ward wa Ida last man who tried that plan." If it were in th wit of a roan to !- vis an iodu.trial yatein that would Qt the ieole to- lay, it would not 1st g'wl a toonih hinc. Th t-f it! ayntftn is a lifsd weight on ih indnitias of llm countrr. rH:ill wtiwft it ItM f.r-'.-.rhi ig sa to tax ,M0 arto-ln. You in Pattnaylvania tax u in New KngUud f r vry ion of coal or iron, Ohi. taXn M iHith KM wool, and we tax v.,n ImmI fjr tl ah. Kilter ww get rn with you 'r we dun't. If we are , all hands are out for the cost of the rocta. If not, w j.lundrr you or you U4, 1: ti laiiy chum to tbi-, we are at) try ley to wcp each othrr. V -ur tariff system dont nothing but rrJ m th cunforU that tb- aWplt w liitd et j y. Th bo'iM-M in Y'jkuhaaia. J . , .v.l to tie built of batnljoo and Rtraw, and the c'lt ofttvn burned down. A lire engine wa IntporueJ and pjt out a fsw iiras with grertt c!. tiiy, WanWestpeSJ ll.s carpenteis all rauif to the front and in itel that Mm niginH h'nM l remov ed, aa it w.i -KiUng iht-ir bijHins. oU tnfn'l troatS n io'liottry by U. Yon can only aadile it on uothr. Thay have g t U have a tariff in order to gi.e the men good py. Tnt ia hat tbov tall the men. Thsy say to TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, Women' I. i I. i a KniTNU UT TH N riirlntiun Temperaiee tnies Special bioineis notirea in Lceel Cau uuins )i et-iMa jer line. Xfgular Lva notice 10 cents per Una. For I gal ano transient advartnioant. f ! 00 fasr Muare for tha flrni lBartiaDW U fentM per apiare for each ubseai insertion. Kao-M for oilier riveitl-mwOt na4a known on application. Itnv. Hnnpioii, of Kugeue, lectured in Haisey on Monday eveniog last under th fttt loan of the W. C. T. U., the preceeiiH t he applied ou a libraty. Tha lecture was wall atlondl and thoroughly appreciated. Wm are not iuformed aato the auiiject of ih. h cture, but tinderatatid that it wa "Litsrsry," the drat of tht claa over delivered in Hahey. Thn ladle Ji(iiv.ii f.ttval on tha 27th, with whal wueeees e li-ve not. yet laarnwil, II waver, wn happen to kow the Bwattegers of the sffiir, and preiltct with certain y a deci'led fcuo oemt. The W. at 0 , af Ktlatf, i evidently awke and punhing bu.iiie.. Mrtv you prttsptr in veiv u d w-ok. Tho much aW-ia-d c mp isitor-t will ocnaaionallv aef up the wrong aide of a elpplng. We dil not intend to urge rtpon our in'-mtera ih- m-ceanitv of ha ate in choosing delealea to attend a Mt aotfi (! invention. Hot, aa pi infer teji "it did to till up " The regular m-eing of tie Union hl I T'te.ilay sfj h. an usually in teresting one. W are gaining new uif inlwra BVert oieiing and greater ernstfH. i f.!i it, the wmk Mia. Addiion, d the (' irv!li Union, a must enthuaiaitir worker in the i -m peranc iuse, waa with ua for a ahort time. Slie reioitd the Union of Goivaliu a flourishing and doing good. Hhe alo reported having oriranixed a few iNy since a Union at Monmouth, with a airong workiog force. Mr. Additon'a (eeial work ia in the tup preamioft of tottacco and narcotic. She b H;ae Hupt. t f that depertcnent May ahe com gin. Much haa tu aid and writUn alsjul the m.ffh-scv of the Kt Hl'l. The following h pieared in ih" Ore yonian, and i the opinion f neral lawyers : "No deftciencr i r-t appar ent in the Keady Uw, - I'Srtae fling repeated assertion-: t ifce etntfy. It nrovidea for the rei.l c f .c'a o arta of act conflicting with i". and a oily a part, v-ix : Th phr paed Jan. lKth, lrv'l, of S en n 7M tf the nun inal cimU, i. in miih ,.(!, it f il'ioar. that auch phr-a,. alun i- realel. lb- 1 lion a it ih-o, etan-'a ... t a it ariH WAR INAUGURATED K H Allen Go. We found we couldn't take the time to so to the inauguration of Presi dent Cleveland, bo we concluded to get up a little inauguration of our own rUrht here this Spring which would interest everybody. Accordingly a WAR ON that old enemy of the people, HIGH PRICES was determined upon and prepared for as a claim at our unequaled new stock of Spring and Summer goods, and unparalleled low prices will con vince you. SUCCESS will crown our efforts if you will favor us with your patronage, for by large sales at a small margi i we expect to win the tight. Come and Help Us. Our stock is all bought for CASH at Sales. We only sell for cash or produce, and propose to sell at prices ttiat defy competition. A new feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by ua. N. H. ALLEN & CO., 57 rirt Street, Albany, Or. ti atlnal peiaaiMlibB, .'it uruck on f fli- t.-.tHiiioi tt ciau wrhirb a I v ItM I in.i,. mm Ua.ti -lf rt to that .n.', Front, Firar ana vine w., rwa i winw, vnawntj v , v. .a. j i.- ar a a ar . Slate. r? 1 M roRTEK ol- Congreao, "We mint it becaue we have to pay the men ao much, Cobdeti ys : 'Two Woaaea after one t L - I . man tnaao wage niaT'i , saw iw " a. a aa a after one boas make ihem low. A tariff haa ner done anything to wage bat t., lower them. A tax on c.ommo- I am not (l ia tbe ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBASV, OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particular concmin? the course of itudy and th. price of tumou, mpnr ItEV. ELBEKT M. CJIDIT, rreswea Aloany Bath House. ,-aiaa OMDERSI0NED WOULD RESPECT 1 fully laform the eitiwna of Albany and Ti fliolty that I havetaken charge of thia EUblih a K w kaenin olean room and payia till, wi; r r -.. - . xtt.ntion to buirie, expects to suit ai thoaawhomayfaTor ua with their patronage Having heretotor earneo ou nnvmu. Flrst-Class Hair Uraaalne Saloons zpeeti to glT ntlr iatifction to al nrWJhUdien and Ladies' Hair neatly ea hWpoold. JOS WEBBER. BRBAT HORTHWESTBM REMEDY an exquMitely perfamed SklB BraMllllr r nanu le ullcura Soap DAD 1 fiiany name", it is a runiipr ir nvn . I . . ... i tirdtuiatioris thnt he has aucceeu. a as aiuea can on.y iwwC. w a . . . m well as he haa. Unfortunately, he tilkiiig merely 01 money i t... ,.r.aiit. in oven UDon the amount of comforts, of material thing Uta9 kffJVJII UUHVIV w ' - 4 I recomentlatlonB of hla Cabinet Ofttcert, to enjoy tbt bare in the and has wisely witheld his signature shape of wge i . i . fn7 the corarnisftions of some who The real reason why wgr- sre nigii - . ... t,-., rormnded bv the Secre- here is that tt l a continent ct lerti.e UnVQ avaaa .aw- - tsrv of Rtate Ixjcause In his prudent soil easily scratchrd. 7j caution be had learned of some dis- The tariff rednces all desire for land tnisc to ai b.mi o. A fup.f hot water dr ink is f re me.ila w relieve and dya- Wi'li-iciiii ite, J lMdroitns lll pre. Vent morning he td-aflie laa.. tudc. Ctitiaiiioptlw night sweats iny 1m arrniled iy -p-.ngini. ike tsnly nlgbt iy in salt water. Munlurd uat r it exc lit lit for ' I i aa ft . Sm. J ft I . be in foiee after lb W h .tiat .nrovide ; me nanus alter nanunnK I a n - ."a a v i .n a sutsviarces. One in a faint fhould be laid flat J atoTsteel,- :aedwaee, ieoit FARM MACHINERY??!- ajf J V - lor the foilowbar calcbraUd i ! "or Catalogue, 1885. a 4pawT - Send for Special Circulaxa. ftT r all ths finally nrcaaaary fur the rfirn of aelling aritboat a Woenae." DEYQE & ROBSON, (Saccessors to W. H. Goltra.) Farm Machinery WAB0H8, HaCKS, BUB6IE8, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL OOOXS, qualifications which the Secretary sad the profits to be made from u. If the tarin can Keep wga up, now Ther hse been falling had over looked. If a president can not trust his own official household, is tbo time. then whom is he to trust ; and it is for a year. remarkable that be occasionally ap. When you get through with the ys- poinfs skilled men like Pearaon or tern it will be that all American cut. an STONE AND MARBLE WORKS mHE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO Inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work s war ranted to give (satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning. reVaifmg ad resetting a specialty. Call and1 examine my prices before Prcb ing elsewhere as I will not be undersold. Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. F G. W. HARRIS, Prop. Those who work early and late need a who,2T'!!!f1 reliable Medicine like PrrxDR'8 9 Pueifibr. As a remedy and preventative of disease, it can not be beat. It checks Rheumatism and.n lari. relieves Constipation, Dyspapei anl ness, and puts fresh enenry into the system by making New Rich Blood. AU D.-uggiste and Dealers keep it. $1 bottles, g for 5. . B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, ,aa olwavi breakinor. unless VOU have the kind sold by Peters fc Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought iron, cannot jump tbe track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til yon have seen hem. naa.aiP Rend six cents for pr.ataze, and A I KI t a receive free, a costly box of (roods which will help you to more money right away than W-nAu:.:.iZT world. All ot either sex. suc- wr7 The broad road to fortune rl. iiam tYitt workara. absolutely sure. At onee JlJrMS Tana and Co,, Augusta, Maine, DR. J.L. HILL- Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, AI R AWV - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Graves honest ho be knows are a' least and sober ? President cans zenw, muat support all American oiu snd bow much better it it- that Cleveland said recently that he dad each one should support himself. determined from the first to proceed The key to national pronpiruy n w with eroat caution in filling offices, go at the soil, get ail out ot it th-t we -- w I . a and that his experience so far had can, and enjoy what we get convinced him that quite fast enough he had gone . a en .1 All the trade o Central anu oonin Ameiica ia ours if we only get out of Tt mlfrht be welllfor those who are the way and let it come. so loud and so prompt in their crlti- We wou'd have bad it for the last cisms of the president to put them- oencury if it were not for the barriers. selves m Ids pirn-'-. Each of them Now what is proposed is not to taae knows a circle of good Democrats down those barriers, but to put on a whom he would immedlatelyappoiot tax to help trade over those obetscie. 'Tfca wftll bred stallions, aud thirty dratt and saddle borses Brownsville, Or mm a 1 to office. They are unaispuieu goou - a ..11 .I.aIa fas a-. w democrats ; out nis omau circio hausted, rival circles of as good Dem ocrats are offended, and our subsu tiu President is blamed for Betting ud a personal government of his spec lal friendf. It is not easy to play at President even In Imagination, but It is more difficult to bull J real castles (hitn tn huild castles in the air I am not sure that my letter will be In accord with the views of the Editor, but I hope it will be publish ed as the view of a Democratic looker on in -Washington, who loves tne nvinciDles of Democracy and who re Ma ita true expounders. I am by V G " a- H OTEL FOR SALE. irk. Totfilrarri House. Prinevillo, Oregou, 32 well furnished rooms, the only hotel in town, larae and convenient, with aU runai'ure. jrruo necessary and terms easy. 1 A. B. Colvkb & Son. Prinevllle, Oregon, I K'l'l K IX THE rSMILV. There ato all soils and deg.eea ol virtue and sometimes we are tola that virtue Is its own reward. Mr. A. F. Evans of Burr's Ferry, La., says, in writing about Brown's Iron Bitters : "I have been the recipient of its virtue in my family to a con- siderable extent." This groat Iron tonic has superior advantages as a reliable family medicine. Its power has been thoroughly tried, and its virtues abundaottly proved. Nearly a million bottles a year are soiu the druggists of this country. The Indian Medical Gazette records ,ith -Mr Cleveland, the deaths of seven fch. phera.H in tue no means m iwc - w -it. and I do not altogether approve his Belgaum district from being struck by appointments, but it is certainly pre- hailatones of the size of cocoanut. A mature to write his presidential his- large number of animsl. were killed by torv as some rash journal Ws have tbe storm, which, from the accounts, Lne before he has been in office produced miasile quite as dangerous as Wa . auaaaaaaaaa VaA 1 1 O three months. the ttussian - Mr. Klixabrth Boynton Hsrbeif in her own journal, the Sew jfro.ilisacunsfS thft wi.ilnm cf dikfranchiwsmrit as a penally for d.unksnnea. A "aiber votf" in the great daidratum of onr political ayatsm, not ontr the vote of the aober citizen, but the vote which has no trace of liq ior in It, and what erer tend to bt ing drunken irreonai ble voliag tnt disrepute i to be wel comed. Further than thla, and uti'ler lying the possible disfranchisement of drunkard', i the sduotionl vfTtc. of such a maavure. If drunkeone alone and hr itself is not criminal enough to send a man to tbe penitentiary, it ia the heginniag and source of nine-tenth of all the incarceration in pruon walls. If a man once imprisoned can never again exeroise the freeman's right.why is not the man who deliberately puts bimeelf on the piiaon highway open to dm lenaltv of a temporary disfran- . chisement by way of admonition and reform 1 Drunkenness is a vice stand ing alone. Wheu a drunkard connects himself with society his drunken acts become misdemeanors and crimes, pun ishable by law. A large part of wis dom i prevention. Take the ballot away from drunken voters and you not only aid good government by shutting off one of its principal destructive, but you narrow the range of its evils if not prevent them altogether." It must not oe overlooked that the law of Supply and Demand has ita variations. While in most cases it may be true that demand causes is as true also that liquor supply oan and does cause liquor demand, always did oaue it and always will coe it. The appetite f r strong drink, if like any other appetite nr passion, is like it in an exaggerated degte. A man eats three meals a dsy for sixty years, and his demand does not grow to six meals, his supply does n t inorease. His de mand wa natural. A man drink three glasses of beer a day for one year, and he wants aix a day for the next twelve, may be, for the third. His thirst grow. His appetite ia unnatural. As no other appetite can, it may be pamp ered and fostered ; and on thia fact the breweries predicate their uccss. On it they win. They know more about supply and demand than doe Dr. Coy ler. Any minister ot the d vil under stands human nature aod its weakness better than do most ministers of Christ. The children ot this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light." ann The Troy conference of the M. E. Church at its recent session .pledged itself to aU possible efforts towards con- on their buck; Iheo loosen their clothes and let them alone. To remove dust from a r.irjct, especially In a sick rrom, fasten a wet cloth over the broom. You may ftsten the tp ti your kerosene lamp b using a little plaster of pari f et with water. You can take out spots from waab goods by rubbing them with tbe yolk oi an egg before washing. Fresh milk heated to the boiling point will keep sweet twice aa long In hot weather ae cold milk. ufcKK if. M TUX ROAO. Ttaca. m hltxi R I JI l.nown B -eal caw Tbutiaaau. of BnB b-TT tua.1 thu. aaMefnfcwJ ttaasiwiti psaaa Txy Mla aaarj W. Oh- tic plua J 11 I - HaCM - Titc ttt- oi Tr-T-r i: urrm k . : n-n;:r t.j- r- u rVi iO: ' mt. f. .! i '.' a ::i.'Ur. -i-1 : ' '' - : '-"u u, a kl a.i luti!Kt!MS I . . i. . I i - ' ' r " 1 -' -j-'- ' H a':d Tvn.i--. ti ; - rdxX a. fa (a;incr li ccry j- I ' - ' Iluckrys h- bam ua !. BV MMbaa H ti iMoalyllarv::':. X'fV Entire Satirfa::. t . u LTJiA!! c:n iloUc-1 Vibrntfcai; TnrwalMrr. The nnt nffo- ive and Omn i till OoaaMaatlaai Sn latin; aud leaning Grain mwr tuusai sa.f l T ,. Rear Male! Thrwaher U th. reaaitt of ymm mi lUci.t aiKl careful c v,cnniBt, eoturtaal by Mr. m ,! IV in t c v jieoeno. JMd .a M ill , as in a hina la Aaaarka. aa ri to imatoc a marhlaa that wow a . ; . l.tcr work Una tna a asa F crnaea were capabl. on. . .... acparatc oat trow th. SfBwv I la in rs ierfwt aaanaer tbaaaa? . j i t. aaawB 1ST SOt.M LI lUM. Oil of lavender will drive a ay flies. For ordinary woodwork use whit ing to rub the dirt off and ammonia. If paper has been laid under the carpet all dust may lie easily remov ed with It. Mortar and painty may he removed from window glass with hot, sharp vinegar. Copperas mixed with the white wash put upon the cellar walls will keep vermin away. Ceilings that have been smoked by a kerosene lamp should be washed off with soda water. Hellebore sprinkled on the floor at night destroys cockroaches. They eat It and are poisoned. Drain pipes and all that are sour or impure may be cleaosed with lime water or carbolic acid. Tho warmth of floors Is greatly in creased by having carpet lining or layers of paper under the carpet. Strong brine may be useo to ad van tage in washing bedsteads. Hot alum water is also good for this pur pose. If the wall about the stove has been smoked iy the slove, cover the black patches with gum shelluck,and they will not strike thnugh either paint or kalsomlne. Jw s- nr f fir VJw aj a atL. at - WrtW . i Health of Jew. One noticeable feature about Jewiah oameteries in the south is the scareety of newly made prraves after an epidemic or cholera or vellow fever. Statistic show that fewer of them die than any other race from these r kindred diseases. During the cholera sooursca tn Toulon only two orthodox Jew died of It. while in num bers they equalled fully 20 per cent of the population. Their Immunity from dis ease, and the certainty with which they recover when attacted by it, is accounted i. th nimnitcltv of their diet. They are very strict about following the dietary 1 a ana Va9aaM HhAri hv Moses. Isn't it a lit tle strange that Moses, if he waa only a i.i.inri.n aVimiia have possessed knowl edge superior to that of the wisest and best phystelr of the present day? He evldentlv believed in preventing disease .I... .v.. i,riio- it. This is what De Haven' Deepepsia Cure aims to do, it acta direotly on the digestive juice of the .. k an'. Knth nmvnnU and cure in- rllaaation and Dyspeoaia, Free sample bottle at Foefaay A Mason's Drug Store Th faaiureathat m-. a our tlluatrati..!. I fa I - tinu hy a 1 -1 .:r.n t'ir.aca ) .laaaaa '--her Uaisn Tha Demi will take 100 cord of wood on aubacription, and we would like aa eoed wcamI m if we were not public benelactor. Parties already subscriber to the Dumo crat, who wish to send the paper off to a friend or friends can do ao for $2. Red Cro wnMills IS0M, LASNISG & CO., PR0PE S. n u nrn nlI R SUPEBIOS FOR t an If the Democratic A1 ministration does nothing more than the beneficial work of emancipating the mind of the colored people from ignorance and prejudice, the whole people will be more pro-porous from the knowl edge that the country's power and tbe people's rights aro safer under a Democratic than under a Repubiicao Administration. OH! MY BACK ferry strain or cold attack, that weak hack aa. aearljr prostrate yoa. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Blighe-t JPric in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. CUTLERY. Th Kt line of cutlerv In tea valley be found at our store. JS amornan u..s .-an t a iii a knlvea. forks and boicher knives, hunting knivaa. parhw knivea, ahears and eolesors ot all and the best line of razors aver brongfci into Albany. Com and see for year- !Te partuSriwf. HUH i 11 UI THE BEST TONIC r' ntrmgthena tn Mtucles, Steadies the Ner-rea, Enrtone tna Blood, Give New Vigor. Da J. L. MTxaa, Fairfield, low, aara: "Brown's Iron Bitten ia the lieet Iron ntdk-ine I ha., known in nu an reara' praotioa, I bam f-mnd H apninlhr b.MHcUlln nrron. or physical exhaus tion, and in all dobilHatiiia ailmenU tha bear an hearilj on the syatem.Uae it frwjj in mjr own famD j " Genuine has trade mark and crown d red line, on wrapper. Take no ether. Mad. only by BROWN CHKMIOAL CO., BALTIMORE, SB. LaMXS' Hand Boos awful and attraetrn. ocm tainina Uat of pnzas for moipne, informatior. abort coins, ate., (Hwa away by all daalen in mndicfaaa. or anllad to any addroaa on raoeipt oi Bo. stamp. K&D1NG TON, WOODA.RD CO., Pordand Or. TpsOR SA.T.K. On hundretl and fortv aere. nine miles above Lebanon. 4tf teres iniMji- tlvation. 10 acres siasneo ami nu 0-n.aa. Pomfortable dwelling. outhouses. Cheap. Inquire office. at fhle MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IILLTHERY AID PmS-lilHS. Cutting and fitting by the new Tnyler'a System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. OPIUM AND I0HPHS HABH C0WD BY-. W. F. ALEXANDER,.!. D.. TgoaraBteea cure lo , TfA Til l.rectloua are atrictly foUoweil. pain or loss of tiro from buainaaa, A dress above at Albany. Oregon- . . i . . i M.m rmrt Uiae nan oioca. ui TTT .,, iti otty with fair house and naxa win v mmm ebea nf tan (