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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1885)
a Or, FRIDAY MAY 29, 1885 STITE3 & tbilter aatl NUTTING, rreprleler. rtKnr. IslTTKt.. tsral eUtttsr. Official County Paper. TMK I I' I VBB t II n . Kr pttrl af '! iimiMrc. aal tppelalrsl iiimnlUfri The Committee ud Fourth of July cele bration met at No. ls HalMaat Monday evening and was called to order by Chair man, Chas. PfeirTer. On motion C W Watts was chosen Sec retary. The chairman apointed the fol lowing committee, the Committee on Ar rangements to have power to appoint sub committees : Arrangement -J N Hoffman, Dr J L Bill, W S Patera, C W Watts, Simon Sei tenbaah. Music L E Blaia, S K Younu, John Schmeer. Printing J J Dubruille, D B Monteith, C H Stewart, Speeches -SS Train. H Lampman, K W Langdon. The committee then at length discussed a number of new features never given here before at a celebration, but which would teud to make it interesting and at tractive. On motion oomuiUtee adjourned subject to call of Chairman, Cuas Pkkii kkr, C W Watts, President, Secretary, swtRas Tax isK Hon R S Straltan and District Attorney Gco K Chamberlain have been to Portland this week to look after the mortgage tax law suits in Judge Deady's Court. Hoo K S Stratum appears at the request of the County Judges of several of the valley counties, whde Mr Chamberlain appears far ail the counties of his district under statutory pro visions. The case was set for hearing June 8th, when the mortgage companies expect to have a brief prepared by Judge Cooley, of Michigan. If the Judge's brief is no more popular with the Court than he was with that people of Michigan as a candidate for Sa - prerae Judge this spring, the chances of gaining the case for the companies will be poor. EMet Parker Wrslslisut. On last Saturday eveaing Mr Jesso El der, formerly of the O. P., and Miss Koena Parker, daughter of Hon. Allen Parker, of Oneatta, were united in mar riage at the residence of Mr. Virgil Park er, in this city.Rev. J, W. Harris perform ing the ceremony. The wedding was private, only relatives of the parties being present. The happy couple left on Tuesday noon for New York City, where the groom has a good position awaiting him. They were sccoui panic d by the bi ides sister, Mrs. A.J. McMillan. The Democ rat extends hearty congratulations to this moat estimable young couple, aud wishes them not only an enjoyable trip East, but a long and successful life voy age. ! la Ike Air- Last Saturday evening the Mechanics Band occupied the new band stand on the public square for the first time. They were greeted by an immense concourse of people, who lined the streets on the sides of the square, This was an expression, in the t rouges terms, of the appreciation of the public for the splendid effort made to furnish a Saturday evening general sere nade free. The act ia a most commendable one and entitles the band boys to the best sapport of the people. Their playing on this occasion elicited the warmest applause from those who beard it. Later in the evening they gave several private sere nades to those who had so generously rendered services in presenting the play of East Lynne." Am late rest lag Asrlioa. The auction of three buggiei, a cab and a stage, belonging t W R Cannon, re mains of his once large livery outfit, took place on First street last Satur Jay in the presence of a large number of people, Mr Sam Cohen doing the talking, The bug gies sold for 31.50, $22,59 and $26, the cab for $5 and the stage for $5.50. Total $00.50. The original cost of these amounted to nearly $2000. The cab was about twenty years old. A gentleman has teld us that he once drove the stage between here nd Corvaliis when the receipts amounted to about $3000 in three or four mouths, an average of about twelve passengers, at a dollar a head going each way ; bit those were lively staging days, Observe Dero ration Bay. Decoration day, to morrow, will be duly observed in this city, as announced in last week's Democrat, in a lormal manner, the ceremonies being under the charge of McPheraon Post, G, A. R., of this city, the procession to begin moving at 10 o'clock. It is an occasion deserving of general ob servation, ona which should bring togeth er a large number of our citizeas. Let the floral display be large and significant, fit emblems for the memory of the brave dead. At this Spring time when every thing is in blossom, the occasion calls for a profusion of dowers. Turn out. Albany lelleglale lasdtule. The closing exercise of the Albany Col legiate Institute will take p lace on the 1 4tb, 15th and 16th of June. The annual sermon will be preached on Sabbath evening at the College Caapel by Rev E T Leo.of Portland. The under-graduates will hold a public ex ercise on Monday evening, and the Alumni will render a very interesting program on Tueiday evening. Full program next week. Lej- Brekea. Last Sunday while performing an opera tion ou a colt, Mr Nimrod Payne, living oq the Albany prairie, was thrown down, the colt falling on top of him, in such a manner as to causa a fracture of a bone in oue of Mr Payne's legs. Dr J L Hill, of this city, was c died and reduced the frac ture, so that Mr Payne U now doing well, though with a prospect of seyeral months coafiuemsnt b3f ire him, if not a crippled iimo for Ufa, as tas bius wjre badly crushed as we. I as broken. Carpet. In Roxbury, Smith's, Tapestry, Brussels, also a fall line of Ingrain and oil cloths, for a ile at less than Portland wholesale prices by A. B. McIlwaim. Katered at the Post Office at Albany, as aocoud-cla mail matter, The Oregon faeiar. It has been for some time matter of great concern to the people of the Wil lamette Valley that affairs on the Oregon Pacific were not shaping themselves in a manner for the people to rejoice over, The oompletlcnt of the road itself was a result we had long hoped for, aud when it was effected to Corvallls we congratu lated ourselves on the fact, for the people of the valley are universally friends of the road ; but trouble began to orew, laborers could not get their pay, acrlpt went down to as low as SO to 60 otata on the dollar, strikes for wages oc curred, a tunnel was bur.ied out, trains slopped, a stand still was the result. Sev eral mouths have elapsed, and it con tinues. Peeling In Benton county rtros high against the management. This fact cannot be covered up. It is easy to go to extremes on both aides of the question. Certainly it is a sad spectacle to see men who have labored for months until they have become creditors to the amount of 5 up to 11500 completely unable to get their money, though, they are aufferiug for it. On the other hand is not pleas - ant to see men condemned by tlie wneie sale who have put llftoen or twenty of ths best years of their life luto the enterprise. Atthestme time If the circumstances show that they doorve It there can be only oue thing to do. As we nave not been appointed judge in the nutter we have no decision to render or oplnon to give until further investigation. It la a lamentable tact though that the present out-look ia so poor. It certainly is to be hoped that the tide, whatever Us present nature, may be stemmed and the Oregon Pacitic be put on a sound financial footing. But it must be remembered sensibly that this is a time when railroad stock In the U. 8. is quoted low, doaens of roads not paying ex pen ss, aud others going luto the hands of recovers, whioh It a most difficult thing to obtalu money for building purposes. Of course these facta offer no excuse for OaM of uiistuvi ige- mei.t if there have bceu any. ..r la TnratMat ul The play of "Among the Breaker," w.U be presented at Crawford's Hall, in this city, on Friday evening, June :, IMsV, for the benefit of the tournament tuud. Mr W S Peters, the efficient manager, is giv. mg Die company thorough rehearsals, which will insure an interesting entertain- incut Following ie the cast of character : David Murray, keeper of Kalrpotnt Light Fred P Nutting. Larry Divioe.hisasalstant.WalUT Monteith -- T, . IIP I I Hon Bruew Munier Clarence Hunter Pel6r Paragraph, a Tho Wallace Mack Monteith. newspaper reporter ti I Foster Scud, Hunter's colored servant, T J Overman. Miss Minuie Daze, I turner's niece .. Mary Iryine. Bess Starbright, -Cast up bv th" Ww," Mis Mattie Foster. "Mother Carey," reputed Fortune Teller, m Mis Courser. Biddy Bean, an Irish Uirl Miss Minnie Monteith. Reserved seats, 50 cents, for asle at K W Langdon A Co's. New scenery and the best stage paraphernalia wilt be introduc ed. Wlllamrllr I rvli Follow m g is a program of the commence ment exercises, of the above excellent Cai versity fr this year : Toesday, Juoe 2od, S p. m. AnoJal Cast lege I'rayer Meefug. Friday. June 5th, S p. m Keouion o literary Societies. Sunday, June 7th. 10:30 a. m. Baccala ureate Sennoo, by Kev O VV Chandler, of Portland. 8 p.m., University Sermon, by Kev H K Bines, D D, of Portland. Monday, Jane 8th. 9 to 12 a. it. Public examinations. 8 p. m. -Entertainment of literary Societies. Tuesdsy, Juoe 9tb, 9 to 12 a. m. -Public examinations. 9 a. m. -Anuual meeting of the Board ef Trustees. 2:30 p. in. Popular concert by Conservatory of Music. 8 p. m, Graduating exercises of diversity Academy. Wedoesday, June 10th, 2 p. m Annual meeting of Aluniol Association. 3 pm. Elocutionary Prixe Contest. 8 p. ro. Liter ary Entertainment and Reunion of Alumni. Thursday. June lhh, 10 a. ra. Com raencernent. 3 p. m. Commencement con eluded, and Commencement Address by Rev J K Denison, D B. of Seattle, W. T. 8 p.m. Reunion of Musical Alumni. Visiting Committee. Rev 8 P Wilson, of East Portland. Rev l, W Chandler, of Port laud and Kev W D Nichols, ef Forest Grove. Saddra Uralb. On last Saturday there arrived at the In ternational Hotel in Portland an old gentl e man by the name of Thomas Cannon from Indiana. On Monday moroing he complaised to the hotel clerk of feeling very badly, bn thought it not best to seud for s physician- Shortly after he died very suddenly. He informed the clerk that if anything happened him to notify s niece who, he said, lived at Xewburg, Yamhill county. Mr Cannon war an uncle to A L Cannon, of Peoria, and W C and Geo W Davis, merchants at Shedd, all of this county. Mr A L Cannon and W C Davis went to Portland Wednesdsy to make arrangements to send the body back to In diana. The cause of his death was chro nic gastric trouble. He was 72 years old. Mesaerlal Seraten. On last Sabbath the members of McPiier -son Poet, No. 5, G. A. U., marched in a body to the Congregational Church in this city to hear the memorial sermon preached by Rev J W Harris. The sermon was re plete with good sease, sound morals and a liberal christian spirit. As might hsve been expected it was devoid of all that narrow, partisan spirit and sectional feeling which is at once the bane of all good government and praiseworthy citizenship. The sermon met the hearty approval of the members of the Post and shows again that if the spirit of sectional hate was left to the control of the "soldier boys," it would be wiped out of ex istecce at one fell swoop. S I. rav- Rebbed. Last Fiiday or Saturday while tlu loggers were stationing the logs in the Calipooia at this city they discovers i a a null otliu on the bank of the river, with nothing in it but ehildrea's clothes, the appearances indicst ine that it had not been there long, there being a fresh smell to it. The general opin ion is that some grave had been robbed for he benefit of medical students ; but the re is no clue to the perpetrators of the outrage, nor what grave it was taken from . Rapid tirewta. Last week we mentioned a black berry vine 6 feet 2 inches high, grown entirely this year. At the time net having investigated the matter we did not realize how short that was, On going home afterwards we found one 9 feet 8 inches high. A neighbor in forms us that when we get up to a res peccable bight be will measure one in his garden, a vine showing almost Jack- and-the bean-pole growth. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen k Co. Same Fin Twe Year Olds. Last Tuesday morning a Dkmockat man had the pleasure of a ride with Mr. George Simpson, after hla tine Sir Walter mare, to the fair grounds near this city, which he found In splendid condition for speeding purposes, its soon as a good north wind shall have relieved the track of a surplus amount of moist. 'I he object of the trip, was to obtains view of the several two year olds being trained there under the charge of Mr Al Bunker, an experienced horseman, recently from Walla Walla. Mr Bunker kindly exhibit ed his charges, of which he Is Justly proud. A tine looking bay horse from Sir Walter, owned by Mrtilmpaon, and an Inauguration horse, the property et Dave Maloney, of Independence, were first In traduced, both exhibiting many fine points ; then in succession a horse snd Alley, owned by Dr, Wilcox, two horses of Mr Bunker, aud two lllleys, the property of Mr Ans. Marshall. These last six were all sired by the famous Al. Wood, the dams of each of them being aired by the well known Itjlltounder, Together with live yearlings, four of which are now owned by Mr Simpson aud one by Dr. Wilcox, those colts were purchsaed in Walla Walla last March by Mr Simpson for the parties mentioned Thy are all standard bred celts, and part of them will sxm be registered, Showing a mark ed lesunblsnce to each other it would have been Impossible for M from the six exhibited to have chosen ths one promis ing the most for speed. In fact only train ing can settle lids. Certainly through all ef them Is aeon the mark of speed, indi cating that some of them may in time equal even Tempest, of their own blood, wbo has trotted In lea than MS. It Is with pleasure that the DeMocaAT notices each new eiVort to raise the stand ard of horse tlosh In the county. It would see as good stck here aa In any count v In Oregon, and the amount of internet now being taken here indicates strougly thst the horsemen of Linn sre betvuning en thused on the subject. rear Laager. 1 Ant Saturday evening a large logger and a small logger had a quarrel in Baiiiu gait's saloon, which terminated in tl.e big logger attacking the small logger, whom he did not treat in a very gentle manner. The former was arrested, and immediate ly bailed ont. Taking advantage of his liberty he rushed back to the saloon and began alashiug away at the small logger, who, though, having a pair of spiked shoes on.managed to gel in several lively, lax -crating kicks, and defended himself in an active manner, Not ambitious for another arrest the big logger took a hasty deiaarture for the western part of the city, where the ntghlwatches, assisted by three er four others, followed him and finally brought him to bay near th Magnolia Mills, fie was taken to the caliboese.hut was again bailed out. Monday morning be plead guilty before Recorder Henton, aud paid the tinea impose I n him, which made htm pooler to the amount of ab iul to the last part of Sac. 3, which 1 made twenty dollars, not merel ermlas'yo, but mandatory, Monday afternoon the Mtme big logger j and the attention of cllUtna to the bu and two other loggers were arretvd,when ; that they have a right to see the law en each plea i guilty and paid his hue. The j forced. ) v towing are some of the tea1 two latter had a iree light and the former books applicable to the new branch. a wnoieaaie cursing su.j wssssssssj bsssbsbi the scene of action being al the Star Brewery. l.r..k a Kadi latarrU l.t W,.lt,hv evrainff tt aUul i; u'dock near the depot, at thia city, a brakcamaii named W M Wells, of Kut Portland, met with an accident which aaa a close call for fatal resolt. Just how it happened cannot be stated, aa only a Chinaman snd the young man were present ; hot as nearly as could , be learned from Mr Wells, in order to avoid running against a Chinaman on the trsiu, which was a special one, he gave a spring and fell on a pile of stones, striking on his ; head. His tongue was nearly severed in two j about an ineh aud a half from the end, the sub-lingua artery being pteroed, aod his (see was hadlv bruised aod lascurated. At the time it was doubted if he oould live. DrG W Msstoo was seat for and dressed his wounds, the operation of awing up the tongue being a must delicate and difficult 1 one. The young ia improving fsst arid from present indications will recover from the terrible shock with full use of hta tongue. Bi will be sent to his borne st Ksst Port! ami. rarst mf Tssaki At a mooting of the hose team of Al bany Engine Co. No, 1 on Thorsdsy evea ing, it was moved that the President sp- point a committee of three to act for the team. In extending a vote of thanks to the young ladies and gentlemen who so kind ly assisted In the rendering of ti e play "Bast Lynne," on last Saturday evening, May loth, lor the benefit of the hoae team intending to attend the coming tourna ment at Aatoria, and that a copy of these minutes be banded to the "Herald-Disseminator," Ststrs Rio n Democrat and "Albany Bulletin," lor publication. The members of the dramatic company will please accept the thanks of the hose team of the Albany Fire Department, and more especially do we tender to Misses Mary Wheeler, May Hideout, Ida Knox and N 0 Conn our sincere gratitude. s O. Dorris, Albany No. 1. Jsmes Halk, Linn No. 2. H. RoisiK ts, UAL No. 1. ( 'oil I III lit Of. Arraaa the MoMnlalas to H:lar 1'lty. Mr Jason Wheeler and Frank Wheeler will leave this weak with three San Fran cisco gentlemen, owners of stock in the Wagon Road Cmnptny. for a trip scross the Mountains over the lino of the Road to Boise City, the ohj it b -i ig t obtain a complete i ispectiou of the iaudi of the company, there being, we understand, probability that the franchise will be sold. As the distance is five hundred mi'.es the trip will be quite an extended one. Four horses will draw the party to their destination. J. V. V. Just received a case of the Celebrated Balls Coil Sping Corset, the only corset that can be returned after three week's wear if not satisfactory. These corsets are bought direct from the manufacturer, saving one profit and enabling me to give better value for the money than any other corset. All styles and qualities always on band. Samuel Fi. Yoewo. I lie Market. Another week shows little change In prices. Wheat is quoted in Portland at 82o, In New York $1.02H to $1.06. In Albany it may be placed at ed. In meats trie rresn article seems to nave a never changing quotation. Hams are retailed for as low as 10c, and shoulders at 6c. New potatoes appear at 80 cents a bushel Strawberries have risen to 8o, per box cherries are plenty at 6c. per box. Wool is sold in a feeble market at lOc. to 13o, tarreat Events. Seventeen parsons, nearly nil yoitng women were killed at a It re in Uncionati on Thursday or last week. As uauel that Monster Blunder was to blame. A w?'000 nr occurred at Ned Hi on I hursday of last week In and near the Gllmnii Block. The statue of Liberty is now on Its way to the United SUtes, where It will Hud a half completed pedestal to greet It, Nevada has dwindled down t a State with 12,000 impulatlon, its milling Interests having completely eullapaed. Speculators make the following figures: In 1H80, with a crop of tw.ood.OOO bushels ol whs it, the letter sold at $1,10; in 18HI, with a crop or 880,000,000 bushels, wheat aolirmm $1.10 up to $1.50, and even l 80; in 1HS3, with a crop of 502,000,000 bushels, wheat sold from $1,8:1 down to LWj while In 1HS3, with a crap of 4V ooO.iKH) buahols, it sold from 1118 down to $1 per bushel ; in lgN, with bushels, it went off to 7IX cents, and this year, with a possible 4lU,uoo,000 bushels, the exwtallou U that the ptloe will go from $1 to $1 2 per bCiehei, Liquor does not Nlreugthnu the voice, aa SIMM., imagine ; but it does uuku the breath strung, John I.Kullivau. ths pugilist, and wid are both suing for divorce. It will cost $l03,M7.'il this year for print- ui tostage stamps for the government, II I) cents per thousaud stamp. New Vurk got the contract. Tosmer won thu three utile single sou II race at New Orleans, (iau.faiur stuoud. Time, 10 01 J. Gladstone has his hands full. The imputation ,,f Astoria is 4.'JJ0. exolu sive of I'tnuese.. An eleveu yar old h.y was on trial laat llOMay in i'hiladi Iplua for thvnurder of an eight year old companion The case was dis missed. Sslf defense was the plea. The Hessian fly, miterahlfl pest, is ravau ing some parts of California. Half a crop ia uow the eatimate for wheat in California. The assessment of Walla Walla amounts to 1 1, OaT, 0S0. There are 819 member of the Kvang!ioal Church in the Wdlsinette District, 18 churches, 7 paronxe. '23 Sunday Schools. There will lie 175 people m the Iowa presa BAoaraksB, They will occupy five al . ; ra Leeviqg home June Uth thsy are expected to srrive tu Portland on the 14th. Daly mt Tearhera. I in lor the amendment to the School I-swa, passtnl al the laat Ijeitblature, the dt, ties of school tesc bars are pre rthad as follows : sc. i. To .Maintain order and comb hln-aelfln such a manner hofort. hiss -in not hoot as loi-uuimsud reixL-t from bin pupils. Rao, 2, To commence school at u o'clock a. ia. of och day, giviug one h ur for Ns9 reatin at noon ; provided, that the dtrec tors may order a lea iiuinber of hour. Hue, s. To labor during school hours to advance the pupils lu their studies, to creel in their minds a desire f r knowl edge, principle, morality, poll'oneas, cleanl loose and the preservation of phya tea! health, and It is hereby made the duty of every teaeher to give, and of every board of directors to cause to be given, to a'l pupils suitable instruction in physiolo gy and, with Bm. ial reference to Dm t-fl.n-ia af alcoholic drinks arid naroot lea upon the human ay stem. We are requested to call the attention of teachers through the county particularly Hjgitaiu phvaioiogy for High Schools, Academies, etc., t.y Dr J D Msl. Prl- $' Temperance Physiology for Interme diate i iasa, by Mrs Mary Ituul. Prios AO call la. "Our Bodies snd How to Take Cere of Tlc". 'or primary c busses, prhse 40 com. by A N Beruee A Co., Ill and 111 Williams street, New York. Phylologv and Hygiene, far intermix dlau claaaaa. by W T .smith. M D. Price, wholeaaln, io cants : retail, . wul. Pub Usher A K Gtiuti, :j Senaoma stroet, Han Francisco. Aaa help to teachers a 'IVusieraiice Manual list boen puldlshel by Julia A. Coleman, 72 Bib House, Now York IVy, I sfriiri I aarrb The annual c inference of the Kvangeli cal C'nurcb of Oregon held Its Snd session in Portland, beginning May 2rd, lasting three days. Bishop K. Dubs,o Cleveland, Miio, presided. The preacher of the dis trict ware stationed as follows; P K., J Bowerox. Corvaliis. A J Boyd. Albanv, S K Davis. Weils, T J ."Stray or Independence, J F Herahner, Nalm, J A Holleubaugh. Dayton, II I iiitner. Mllwakee, A It Johnson Moat PorRaud, C 0 Poling. Portland, A rk;blenk. Spokane. II Bchucbuecht. By the above it will 1st seen that Rev J A liollenbaugb, who has so faithfully served his church In this city, has been placed at Halem, and Kev S K Davis has been stations l at Albany. Kev Davis wll come herewith a splendid re pu tat ion, both as a preacher and a man. un next nunday morning and evening Key Hullcnbaugh will preach his farewell sermons in this city snd deserves good cen gregstions ou the occasion. It will be with regret that vyi see him leave our city, --Bw aS4MMeMBBSe Tobaccos of varum brands will lie sold by the plug or box at less th m other houses, for cash, by A. B. Mi Ilwain. Ladle 4 effre Hub. At the regular meeting of tin Ltdie Coffee Ciua, May 3rd, is:,, ths following rules were adopted : Any member being absent from any regular meeting, shall hi floei the sum of 2S cents, excepting in case of sickness or absence from the city, or else having sent some reasonable written excuse to the President prior to the masting, Also, any memuer on tue committee to prepare ootr-e in case of lire, shall be lined 25 ceub: if not on duty, or In case of a large fire any member that can possibly attend shall lie Hnou 2 cents If they do not at tend, Mrs, Kki.i.v, President. Lamia CutswgMo Secretary, a I'ublle Meeting. There will lie a meeting of tho citizens ef Albany at the Dkmociiat office on Monday evening, June 1st, at 7:30 o clock, for the purpose of making arrangements to properly receive the press association, which leaves Iowa on June 9th to visit this coast. They will make a brief visit to Albany and will write up this country In all the newspapers of that State. Let the people torn out and see that a proper reception is given these people. OKI I I Alt 1, Miss Margaret Allpbin was born in Marion county, Indiana, September 13tb, 1835. She lived in Illinois 12 years, and removed with her parents to Oregon In 1847, Bhe was married to Mr John Creel in Benton county, August2od, 1855, where they enjoyed the comforts of a good home until death removed her husband 4 years ago, She has been in poor health ever since. Death removed her on the 2lat of May, 1886. Sho leaves two married daugh ters ana nve unmarriea omtaren, ana a long line of relatives to mourn her loss, 1 A Relative. MR 4MB Kruit canning. Wheat looks line. K M French, jeweler, Conrad Meyer, grocer. New potatoes in market. All kinds of fruit at K k Ma. State OffMfO st Salem this week. Thl population of Alhina is 102V The heat liarmms at J J fabraUla. Order S lb. Imx of starch at K A li s. The population of Kast Puftj md is 4. .'Mil . A, 10 aud Hi counters at N 11 Alien A I '. Sanders and MuComtell. of Ashland, hsvs failed. Itlaok lex is around sum i parts of Southern Oregou. Splendid nf ctioiiery at Hoffman A Joseph's. A $10,00 ) lin occurred At Waitshurg last Saturday. J. P. Wallar . Physician and Surgeon, Al bans, Or. Our Chicken 'ti itlo c irresuoudeiius is a lively oue. The sVsBefieia S,roig.rat II A It is a new arrival. G. W Maston. Plivaiciau an I S.irjron. A li in v. Oiegon. Dr Kearney's Magnetic Mood of P J Baltimore. List Saturday t,ueen Vict tu was si sty sis years of age. Henry living mad $l.0 0:) in th, U S. last ear as an aotor. It is reported J 1. 1 ' isuu is closing out his business at Letieiieu. ltstnember to at I an t'.nirad Mayer for groceries, breadstufts, etc. Anew bam i goiug up M ths J.I mors property in Uie First Ward. For all kinds of uicetvtte s HolT.uus A Joseph sre ths leaihog dealer Albauy paiutera are uiii ouiin tuly huy this spring when weatliMr penuita. 1 l,24.'l acres of land were taken up last year at the Ortgoo City laud olftos. The new steamer Willamette straiidmi in the Willamette near 0wetfo last MninUy, Mr Kssd is building a largsa I litioo to hia residence lu the T as tarn part of the city. Ladies, go snd sea Moutsulh A Suteubach apring stock, great yanty in every department. The store of Con rait Meyer is a fverit place for those seeking the Irseheel pruduoe. Tweadala keeps a nice line of tin snd cop. per ware, snd does repairing in good ahape F M French. aeut Singer Manufacturing Co .oppoeiU hld Fellows Temple, Albauy, Dr. We sea thst W. C Twesslale has just re ceived soother lot of new atyled psrb.r stoves. Dr. M. II. Fib, pi. .Mian and aurgt-oti .Ml any. Oregon, falls made la oity or country. Itsv. T J Wilson, oi Uftlsny preavhed in the I. P. church last Sabbath morning and evening. Now is ths time to gat soger by ths keg, but before buying ask Head A Broaaell th, ir prices. An excursion of about 12. persons from Sew York will pass through Albany next Mouday . Pishing tackle, cutUery. seeiog mwh nos and notions, cheaper thaa ever, at Wdl Brothers. It now turns out that the popala'i Portland eicluaivs of iU 4000 t hiuu ion MsasR only 2l.ti.Vd. . A gwal snd large asaortntsnt of binder at the yard of Kb I'arter always on hamL Uiea him a call. It is raportetl in this city tSal . v J d,, of Corvallia. was appointed K. i T ot ths II P last week. Barkbart Bros, will MtWOjsi your land for sale free of chsrge. Oivsj mem a cdi if yuu want to sell. The I omru.ii ' . , i, . 1 Tuasslay night vuttal to lay the bi.; lor uitandiug Brualalniu street on the table. Go to Pruahse-'e nrw Druir Store for our. 1 drugs, patent medio oes. etc Prescriptions ' csref ally cotupimoded, j A new kind of tar paint has U--u placet ou eysral house and blocks m tin. . iiy, iy a Kugeoe City gentleman. A full blooded five year old Jersey bull for sals. For particulars, aldrsss Hamilton Bros . Oakville. Oregon. tin .t . a. f . t .. rssss sswsssassi .roaepn store on r iri i Street, owned 1.. v L V ... . f j m "o on, ie uri.ij; pus, in a greatly improved couditiou. Window shade, hue cartains, oU cloth, carpets, and wall paper. The nicest stock in town at Monteith A Settsabsch's. Mr Fred (trsf has jast brought on a splen did line of baby cswrtagas, with the la test improvement. Call and see them. J C Fiord, of Rosebug (Democrst). hsa suooeeded D S Burwcll as postal routs agent ou th r..rtiau l an. I i eooma route. Frank Parker of the Walla Walla AtottO rsun, baa just fallen heir to $oU00 ; uufor tunste inau. what will he do with it. Twenty of the 2'i.' iun.ates of the peniten tiary at Saiem are theie far life, twuty-aiX ar Chinamen and eight are ludiaus. Th item in last weeks Dssum't in refer ica to honest olticiels had no reference to Linn county our even Oregon officials. All person wanting Osborne wire will please call by July 1st on Deyoe A Itobson aod leave orders for the same. The Oregon tstat Pioneers Association wul me it is Oregon City oo June 15. Hon (SO H Williams Will deliver ths oratioi J A dross ef the Detwt Hotel, has pure has' ed the Smead place near thia city, sod will nx it up in splendid shape in the near future. 'I In- oM Cannon cab was purchased by Xf B Scott last Saturday, aod will be used (or tishing aod hunting excursion in ins Moan- Ladies', misses' aod children's flue shoes, also coarser grades, can be found at Mon teith A Seitenbach,at prices in keeping with hard time. Previous to 1872 in most places in Oregon the two bit piece was the smallest change made. Now the limit, a one cent piece, haa been reached. Mattresset and lounges for sale, and all kinds of upholstering work repairs I at J E Hayes, just east of Deyoe aud Robesou's, Albany, Oregon. Sabbath School picnic to be held in Mc Farland'a grove on the road between Al bany and Tangent, on June (ith. All are invited to attend. Any party wishing to purchase a good farm, either for gram or stock will do well by calling on A It Cyrus A Ox, Real Kitate Agents, at Lebanon, Or. The Depot Hotel has been greatly unprov ed by new coats of light green paint in wait ing room. The dining room will be treated in the same manner soon. All over Albany great improvements are noticeable in the matter of buiMmg, painting and renovating property generally. It speaks for increased prosperity iu the oity. An excursion party of ten of fifteen went to Corvaliis last Sunday on the steamer "City of Albany " The trip was said to be a most enjoyable one, safely and speedily made. Burkhart Bros., have several oaan custom ers for small pieces of land of from 24 to 80 acres. If farmers will be willing to divide their hind into this size tracts we can sell them. Zeyss & Hoohstedler are exhibiting com mendable enterprise by introducing seversl hundred dollars worth of new and improved machinery in their sash, door and planing mill. They are now doing a rushing busi ness. Mr L E Blain has purchased the lots! ad joining his residence, which ho will trans form into a lawn, runnins a fine hedire through the entire block. He will have one ef the most tasty and beautiful homes in the Valley, The thanks of the editors of the Democrat are due and are hereby tendered to Mr. Shannon aoross the river for a line lot of lucious strawberries. Mr. Shannon's heart seems to be ai large in proportion as his berries. J J Dubruille has just issued a valuable paper called th Harness A Saddlery Gazette Terms flood Will. It is full of interesting, matter, humorous and grave, and speaks for Mr Du braille's enterprise as a harness maker, Readit. The editor ef a Washington Territory paper was recently robbed of $3. 15 the hard earned savings of four years. Universal sympathy is expressed for him by his broth er journalists. If you want your property advertised call on ('line, Monteith and Cm, immediately. 1 1 you want your property sold call on them . It coat you nothing to adyertUe with this tirm aud very little to sell. The best family remedy i udonuhtcdly Pfuuder's Oregon P.lood Purdier. Ilaro less, it accomplish relief where many other medicines failed to do so. It may be safely given to the infant as wsll as thu sdult The Supreme Court has deci led that ths new jury law is unconstitutional, hence all juries will have to be drawn under the eld Jaw, which provides for thirty, instead of thirty six according to the new law. An Interesting letter from Mr J II Msiue, dated May 2d. ItSJ, st South Manchester, ('mill., inform us that he hss been iek nearly ail winter. He aspect to he able to start for Albany ia two oi three went a. Now is the time to sell your Isud, place it in the hands of liurkhart lire , they have b t.. r facilities for ad vertuuiM sudsuiiuiu Isud than any other agsnts in OsVMM semi tliem your namsand they will send you their Ileal Estate Paper for oue year free of chrw' . w.rge Weder, lonnerly of this city, but lately connected with one ol the slreot car ouipariiee st Portland, failed to put m an appearance one day last SreeR, snd since ' i. -ii no etrorte to tiud him have proven suc orsaful. What ha become of nun I net known. Another legislative error. The enacting c'ause incorporating Htaylon aa a city was left out, aud although the siRg MM had elect. id otiicars, they had to drop all proceediuga. They will now have to wait (eye years, sn! naturally enough am u... j A v-ry mm4 humor. A Polk uouuty paper wlucn laiaate'l of ripe trswlieriies several Week agSt, was ooui pletrly aunilnUtsd by a .Michigan paer winch said "We gu you one letter we hsve ripe snow bank aud acres ol n m Michigan," which w aild beat Oregon st any time. FM Culp will preach at Tangent BiSI Sabbath st 3:80 p. m., from the subject. " Ths day han com wiieu Msj will u-d en dure sound doctrine, but sft.-r then osro lusts they have heaped to th-maelvtts MsV V ers, hsvmg itching csr. snd they have turunl away their ears from the truth unv iables. ' Ala meeting of the commute) ou tnusio for the Attorte tournament, held laat Friday night, bide by the two Albany band were opened The contract for luriiiahing music for the excursion to Aatoria was let to the Albany City Band, ths haod making the lowest but. let Albany barbers Ube notice. A Chi. go barter has sooh a small opinion of the American silver dollar that hr ha imbedded four oundred copies of the co-o in the tibd lloor of his shop, on the decTation of winch he has speat $$ 00O, aod all he charge is ten cents shave. Ibi Independence I .met Hand will give a pi iiic at thst city on Friday June 5lh. It will baa big eteut. CouUaU of all kinds, wheelbarrow races, sack races, being the hsodsomest woman, tc.. will be indulged ia. M L Pipes, of CVrvslhs. will deliver the oratiau. Adeaoswillcl. ee thefestiti ties of the occasion. The Dallas Itrinixsr eohl.-pn. thus to th proprietor of the Salem Mioatrels, whor played in Dallas last weak "Fuss, to g aod n aaa aak don't corns over here and tor ture ua again. Don't ; lake it away ; go bury it deep, plant a monument ef "wean, uses" over its grave do anything pslm it off on the aborigines of Silem, bat for Hesv. su's sake epare Dallas.' The Oregon Conference ef the Evangelical hur h ia in session this week in Portland. Hev J A Hollanltaugl., of this city, was pres ent, aod was elected a member of the Bsard ot Trutr for throe years, asd Secretary of the Sunday Sob l and Tract t'niou Society. There were tan minister present. Due day last weak, we ars informed, a most exciting conical occurred in a justice court at Curvalli. between two well known lasryrr of that city, in which some slapping ass dene and considerable faebntl raised, but nothing very sanous rsaulted from it. and sverytbing is reported serene. Mr J F Backeosto, of Albany, informs ua thAt there are 4 temperance organizations in Aloany. known as Good Templars, Woman's Chnstaiu Teniperanee Union. Vonug Peo t'hnt' Temperance l uioo, and An 'i?"1 r,1Tr ,, 1 ?lU1 T"pbvs, .SWrs , B,y two of th societies mentioaed have been in exutence for some time. There was ooce a minister who tried 'to please all of his congregation with hi per sonal appearance. O ie suggested eoe tinug and another another, and he followed them ail, until, instead of being improved, he be came a born hla bald-headed spectacle. Ths newspaper will always far the sme way if it attempts to please all of its readers. We hsve just received s fine piece of music written by J B Horner, local editor of the Salem ' i'rs'i, and inscribed to the facul ty of Willamette Uaiverstty. It is called the "Mt. Hood March." and is said to b. wall written and a moat pleasing production. w uey u Allen, l'ortlanl,u the publisher. Laat Friday a young man working for Frank U an I man On the Albany prairie, was arrested for stealing the article mentioned in last week's Dkmim hat, full particulars of which were given in that issue. He was examined la-fore (teorge Humphrey. Esq , soil discharged, there being insufficient evi dence to hold him. The young man feels considerably aggrieved at being arrested for something he claiuia to be completely inno cent of. The V Orryonian contain a letter from J T Dp y, Postmaster at Bradford Store, Knox nty, Tennessee, under date of May Otb. warning the people to look out for one Hev. I noma M Joyuer, a oue horse Metho dist preacher. The '.etter say that the rev erenJ rascal deserted his wife and two sons and skipped out to Oregon with his wife's niece, named Lottie Hall. Joyner has a long list ot crin es charged up to lira accord ing to reports. Iook out for him. Several men ths ago the Demockat men tioned the fact that Fred Page Tustin, once a resulent of Albany, had been retained to defend two men for stealing his own horses. The Urrtonimii revives the incident in. the following manner : "A story is told by ths friends of this gentlemaa that will bear re peating. Not long ago he was engaged to de tend some horse thieves, and after commit ting himself to the eulprita as their Attor ney, he ascertained from them it was his horses they stole. However, be ie to defend them at the next session of the Circuit Court in Umatilla county. So it is to be supposed the stolen property was recovered." Frank Leslie's Ptpular Monthly for June brilliantly closes the Nineteenth Volume of this well sstablished favorite. Two authors contribute the opening article, ''Estimates ef (reneralOrant" the Rev Edwsrd E Hals aod Richard B Kimball, LL D, "Ths Beginning of an Old Bank," by Hsnry W Domett, dee cribes the career of the Bank of New York, "Fort Marion, at St Augustine," by M Sey mour, is a very interesting deaoription of the oldest oity in the United States. The musical reader will tura at onoe to "A Half-hour with How -Rings." "Educating the Indiana," by Mary M Msline, is s very interesting des cription of the workings of the Indian School at Carlisle, Pa. The price is 25 cents a number, or $3 a year, postpaid. Published by Mrs Frank Leslie, 53, 55 aud 57 Paik Place, New York. a A new line of lsdies velvet and kid slippers just received at RxadA Brownexi.'s Jeb Prlallag. C W Watts is always ready to do all kinds of job printing ou short notice and at reasonable rates. If you have letter heads ur bill heads printed send him your order and he will place theta in tablet form without extra coot. Orders from a distauce will receive prompt attention. , 5, 10 and 25 o counters at N H Allen A Co Letter Mst. Following is th list of letters remaiiihur in th Pott Offioe, Albany, birni county,' Oregon, May 80th, 1805. Persona calling- (or these letters must give the date on which they were advertised : Bornner, DM H oris, L Myers, Miss Morno Stewart, Mr. B Tharp, 0 -Ward, Mrs RJ. J. M. IRVINw, P. If, RCIAL Aft IT. SO. A I The Misses Soiled Doves are in ths city, Mrs I eon Power ie visiting with friend st tfslsey. Mrs Conrad afeyer is visiting frinnds in Corvaliis. Jsige Strshan went to Portland Saturday on Iruainess. Mr Robert Fost.-r, of Portland, spent last .Sunday In All.anv . Hon J K Weatherford has lseu ir Port Isud this week on biniusv. H I) Finuian. of Paoria, mad our oflicr lively with hi prs-enrc on last M unlay D P Mason, (Iran. I Master of Msaons went to Portlsuil Tuesday in the interest of the irder. DO Clark. Ibmntv O. In. of A. V. sod A. M . i in Kisteru Oreg n in ih interest of t'.e Masons. Mis Tony Miller, of this city, is visiting rrlativee in Portland, wheie he intends re maining several week. E Nile, asitaut msusger of the Paciric Insurance Union, Was in the oity last Wednesday, coi rooting the Ssnhora uisp. Hon C F Crawford was coilined to his honiM in this city for two week previous to list Tuesday, when he appesred on the streets. Tne Misses Mvimlild snd M Ida Web ber are in Cot vat Its this we-dc, the attraction being the tireinn picnic to b; held yester day. Mr J A ros. of the Dvpot Hotel. hue just returoed from a trip to Foley' Springs, where she had an jaJayabaS ami heal thful time. !.- Moudsy Miss Rasie Clark left for I'rtneville.lrom where he ha-1 received word that hereistor, Mr J F Circle, t lying daugeroualy ill. D '.V Humbacgh and 'smily, who have baen veaidiog at M wart Home for a year or two, have returned to Albany so live. We are glsd to see them lv:k again Mr Ephn tm Turner, aho broke one of bis leg two or throe month ago, was in the city last Saturday, walking with one cane. W rrjotee to sec him again on our streets. State Surssnntsndent McElroy was in Al bany last Tuesday on his way from Corvelli to Salem. Ths Professor is obtaining a splendid reputation as a Superintendent. Ed Parker, s Si of E A Park tr, of this city, who ha be-., at Valiums Bay during the last three yei"s. ctuie to Albany last Pndsy and will remain two or tftree wes;ks before returning Mr Henry F Merit!!, wife and daughter left the first of the wek for lb .l n. New York, where Mr Mernh' are.i,ta reairie.Thay will 15 absent about threa months May their trip ! a pleasant oue.aalely made. Mr J M Horue and wife, of (Corvaliis, were in the city over S-iu.iey. Mr Hotoe informs u thst he ha lirougnt twenty-three uit againnt thi Oregou Pacilic ou script overuue, and already ha judgment in several of then. J R Oakley, who will he remeudtcred as the 6 loot drayman awl violinist, a resulent of thia city four years ago, is now re tiding iu Iowa. A letter from Minnesota telle of a visit by huu to Spring Valley tu thst Stale Miss Jennie Cannon, daughter of Mr V'es Cannon, of this city, returned to her home at Waitsburg laat Wednesday, taking with her the beet wishes and good will of a large circle of Irtends. as wall as a tine gold watch and chaiu, the gift ef her father. Hey T B White returned to Albtny on laat Tuesday eveniug from New Orleans where he has been as one of the Com iiitasi on ers frm Oregoo. During his abaenoe he traveled about 10.000 miles ; but saw no section of country he liked as well a Ore gon. Prof Hartley, oi Portland, arrived in Al bany last Saturday, aod has taken charge of the Albany City Band, having been engaged to act as leader for it. He cmnes bare with splendid reputation as a musician, aod will no doubt place this baud in a front po sition among Oregon bands. As so extra at traction the Professor will lead the band with a clarionet. In th matter of bands Albany will not take s back seat During the paat week the following per sona have been observed by us In Albany on buslnesw cr for pleasure : miliar, 82. ( ' Stockton, of ( ak ville. M Jack, of Brownsville. F A Krtapp, of Portland. M S Wooucoclc, editor 'Oa&ette," Cssfss vail la. sati ' a Da y , 2&. William Mansfield, of Benton "Leader," Corvaliis, Or. I J Wlileughby, of Harrisburg, William Barrows, ofSheod. Scott Ward, orsbedd. Aaasesnr E I Hsmmock.of Leng Statior, S T Crooks, of Millers s.ation. Whit Crawford, uf Lng Station T J Black, of Halnev. F A Walts, of Shed. t. J M Shelley, of Kugen s. Julius FreelsnJ. of Portland. F: T Carr, ol Corvaliis M St. (iermain, Corvallia. D P Porter, ef Shedd. MoMi.av, 25. J W Cherry, of Kugeae. A 8 .(eland, of Alsea. A Staiger, id Salem. CK Moore, Superintendent Hin d Ss tool at Salem. M W Parsons, of HVaf Shore, Tf KSHAY, 2ti. John Psgan, of Tangent. A I. Bndgefarmer, of Taagent. H S Wihiams. of Mt. Pleaasnl J H rUin.-y. of Millers. M Burkhart, of Lebaoon. A If Blevins, of Tangent. William Guy, of Lebanon. Djlph Brown, of Wells. i W Hughes, of Canyonvills. O.--J D Clara, ot Chehala. W. T. I X Warmoth, of Halsey. Hon M J Conner, of Kings Valley. WKHMKHOAY, 27. A L Canuoa, Peoria. James C rah tree. Scio. F P DeVaney, Jefferson. Bruce Mc Knight, Leng. TH I'RSDAY, 2. Miss Msy Hughbank, ShedJ. J A Dooghten, Albany Prairie. Ceo, W Taylor, Lebanon. J J Davis, Jeffnison. C P K nigh tm, Tangent. ("terry filter far Sale. a Peters A Stewart have a little machine that seeds cherries st tbs rate of three pecks in little less than a half hour. Come around and buy one. We are hero and here we intend to with prices so low that you caa not from buyiug. stay keep Bias A Baowxati. .at at This. Do you waut job printing doue If you do, patronixj Burs hart Bros , as they will do your work in the very Inst aud latest styles for less m iey thau you can get it done at any other olhee ia this State. Their type and machinery is all new, snd they are prepared to execute any kind of work, either plain, ornamental or in colore. Legal blanks of every description on hand snd printed to order on short ujtice. (five them a call and get their prices. MARRIED. R0DUERS- ELDER. On May 21, 18S5 at the residence of ths bride, in Browneville, by H J C Averill, J P, Mr E C Roucaas aud Mrs C W Ei.dkr both of Browusvi I . KAWBLE CAREY On May 17. 1885, at the residence of James B Cox, by Rev H Q CaJlisoa, Mr Gboroe Kawslr aud Miss Martha Carry both of Linn county. SM ITH ADAM SON Oa May 14, ISSo, at the residence of, and by Rev 1 N Van Ifrinkle, at Halsey, Mk OS Smith and Miss Ji'lia A Ahamson -all of Linn coun ty. ALF0KD W1NDOM -On Sunday, May 17, 1885, at the residence of Thos Alford, in Harrisburg, by Uov J P Allison, Mr I N AtroR and Miss Martha J WucroR both of Harrisburg. Though somewhat late the Demih rt ex teuds most hearty cougratuiatious to tbs estimable young couple, and wishes there the long life of prosperity an 1 happiness they so richly deserve. . R W. a Arrest leg Fart nae Tellers f have seen peculiar spectacles la my life but none ranch more ridiculous thau that of arresting a man for tolling far. tunes, witnessed In this city last wk. False pretense was the charge, bat it only ct.fislstfal in bis dipping into tba future! for a consideration. Whew all over the world, clairaroiota and all eged fortune tellers are allowed to da an open business. Many a gypoy have I seen tell her tale for a t wo shilling piee. it being looked upon more as an amuse taeiit than anything else, no one taking any stock in the nonsense yt many are will log to band out a few eeute for the fun of the thing. Iu order to make false pretense there needs to be deeep tion, If I wei to go into a store a ad the merchant was to hand am a yard ef calico when I akd for a barrel of sugar. I would b'- deceived about as much a a person would who had Mo f. rtuae told, l! a man wars to deHsrj that he wsa a ticket sgeut for a short hue to the moon any one would have a right to pay two blls for a ticket If he wanted to ; and if any arrests should tie made, it should only he for Insanity of both parlies. The ss.ue may h said af the fortuneteller; no one believes in hi as. yet II a per o o wants to give bun two bits to hear his fbo I ish.ieas. even though he claims to tie able to pierce futunly lie has a right to. A phrenologist will get a dollar, perhaps live, forexacaio log ones head and telling what a peraou "good for," but even though Ua tales the mark completely, no oae evr heard of bis being arretted for ob taining money under false pretenses. ' n euc. thlugs men take tbeir ova chances, it takes all kinds of people to make up the world. One person pays a dol lar to see a minstrel show, another two bits tor the fuu of bearing a man pretend to tell something about tho future , and another four bits to be taken in by a slight of hand performer, what's the differenc. A man baa a rigbt to buy bubbles at cents a piece if be wishes to Kvideutly the police officer wanted job, real, live criminals having been scarce, a 10 au I Hi c Mater, a. S H A'le Oo rasa sa aa assart I. Tuesday evening. May 26th, IhMi. Present -all but Hideout. Order to build sparer io Blocks 17 sad it was rescinded and it was decided not t bo i Ul sewer. Marshal reperted time up to dean alleys and for graveling streets. o the matter of grade of Calipooia strasrss the 1 1 ty Surveyor reported, that be fosttvl the man ImIs u -ar 4-h stt-at fsssO below the grade hoe of said sewer, that the laaap holea ou rt'.her stde of 4 .h tr-et are ss rada thst portion beta ecu th m be was axH aide to determiue how far the sewer was below trade without esc seating down to the sewer pipe at various poiot. tss hsfsegli of tl s sewer sa far as examined i on grade. Petition tuat seaer be ssfC built in Blocks 19 md JO read. On motion the order of March JCh that sewer be tudt ia alleys was rescind ad. Ordinanee relating to road tax was read twice and referred for amendment. Ex-Mayor Froman was granted privilege of running wood down ditch. The matter of filling street in fran Block 15 was referred to committee en Streets. Ordinance relating to improvement and re pat ting of streets snd sidewalks was passed. Chief Engineer Hod nan was granted priv- 1 ilsdge of takiag 40 fast of hose to Astoria t b u raiment. The following bills were ordered pjeid: Coets agt Reed. $4 70; G W Barkbart, $10 ; C Meyer, $4. 10 ; cost agt Baker, $5 .S3 : N Heaton. $26.8X1 : John Janes, $70 ; Hobt Brown, $80; Jos McDonald, f 1.20. The following bills were referred : O W Burkhart, $28; X J Henton. $35. S5. I a 1 1 r rM list S'asavealaSSB. The twelfth annual session of the (b e; a Uaiversalist State Convention will be held in the city of Albany, Linn county, on the 11th, 12th, 13th aod 14th of June next. Th Albany Parish will provide eutertaiameat for all delegates and visitors who attend, aod ws hope to see a large r umber. Rev S Goad- enough, of Santa Clara, Cal., is expected to be present aod assist io the work af tie raioD, in addition to other minister, of this State. We hope to receive from the R R C . the usual reduced rates en return fare. RRT. A. J. Wisle, K. H. KcAUIkWRa, IVesuleut. Secretary. Rlaeliag Wire. Owing to the uncertainty in the amount of binding wire to be used this season, there will not be any more imported than is actually ordered. Those intending to use it will have to send their orders to me not later than June 1st, and as much earlieras possible, as same will have to be ordered lrom manufactories in the East, and orders must bs sent iu at onoe, for It to bo here in season. Samuel K. You no. rest re Wire. I have just received from the iiiiaufactot ies a car load ot Bessemer steel fence wire, galvanized 4 point 4 inches, 2 point 3 men. Samckl E. Yocxo. Our dross goods hsvs arrived and th ladies are invited t call and see them. Everything in new colors aud desig as will be found ia complete assortment. MovTaurH A SaiTSNBAca. 5, 10 and 2'u couuter at X H Attest A ('j Oil fresa Mature WetlsJ' The skin ou the head is kept soft aud flexible by a seeretion from the oil glauda. Wheu these are clogged the hair dries aud falls off. Parker's Hair Balsam renews their action, restores the original color to the hair and makes it soft and glossy. It also eradicates dandruff. Not greasy, not a dye, delie iously perfumed. Delightful for a ady ' s toilet table. Ths best of dreseiugs Preferable to all similar articles becauso of its superior cleanliness and purity. WANTED AT OMCtV Experienced book agents, male or female. For the most popular and fastest arlliug book of the age. Will pay ssiary for first class canvassers. Active, inexperienced eaa -v assert drilled and paid commission or salary. It will pay you to write us. Address Agency Publishing Company 5U, First Street, Al bauy, Oregou. lira Eaby srsa ack, sre (fare bsr CA.8TORLA. When elie was a ChUd, she orissl for CASTORIA, "When alts bswssse Miss, h nbiTts ts CARTORIA, waa slaaCsaea, sheftassa CASTOtUA.