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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES& NUTTING. CMSBMrriCC-lB Democrat Baildlaaoa Brlttlbln Mrwl. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION stogie cepr. per year, In MfHM 8j sJafis otT, per year, st end o ser J sinjrls cpy. six bwbUw 1 5l sirnrte sjostf, three months siurle nambtr PROFE8H ION A L CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. 'ILL PRACTICE IN AM, THE i .- .1.,.. ei.ln Will n V. f w l -on rut i nil". P" i special attention to collections and probata mauer. OftVe in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTA.NYB. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Court of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., D RCCSG ISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OIT"Sr DHTJG STORE, tyt 4.1 lY. OKtOV. FOSHAY A MASON, vaouLAia us ua Drnggistsand Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden'a publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with postage added. ALRISY, OREGOB. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED. Albany, Or. LOUIS CaMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept in good condition, and hair cut in the very best Btyle. REVERE HOUSE. t, Vint and EMswerta Alfeaay, wrreeea. fJhaE- Plaifler, Prop'r. This naw Holol is fitted ap in Brat clsss style. Iibls (applied with the beat the market afford. Spring Bed in every Boom. A rood Sample Boom tor Com- msirial Traveler. CTTrt CMch to and frost the Ho !."- FURNITURE. C have the best stock of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the city and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOO DIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALB AM Y. OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the coarse, of study and the price of tuition, apply to KEV. BLUEST M. CO VDIT. Freaiaea Aloany Bath House. TJE U8TDBHSI9NED WOULD BESPEC7 f ally aform the eitisens of Albany and vi jviitythat I have taken charge of this Establish neat, and, by keeping elean roomi and pay in strict attention to business, expects to suit al taose who may favor us with their patronage (laving heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons expects to give entire iatisf -ftion to al arsTC(ldiB and Ladies' Hair neatly oo hsmpooed. JOS WEBBER. BEIAT NORTHWESTERN REIEDY Those who work early and late need a wholesome reliable Mediciue like Prrxosa's Obboos Bloou FcairiKR. As a remedy and prevenutive of diseases it can not be beat. It checks Rheumatism and Ma laria, relieves Constipation, Dyspspeia anl Bilious ness, and puts fresh energy into the system by making New Rich Blood . All D. ug gists and Dealers keep it. SI bottles, 6 for if,. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, reA always breaking, unless you have the kind sold by Peters A Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen 'hem. ADDITC Send six cents for postasre.and lill aVsCs receive free, a cosily box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anyihiug else in this world. All of either sex, suc cetd from first hour, The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At onee address Tai e and Co,, Augusta, Maine, l-staMM ' L -rfL V'.VS NOT . i-w-u "1LNBV,,I tHWiuut, Hilton horn, fnr a nsrtr of a esutur, It oas .Tol Ike test ofjhe ovek. rrl Re baking powder ro.. . sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjibtb ' ss ass vl4nl9tf. a 1 1 I rums i Till1 it r -vvtit 'i nri" - r State VOL. XX. TEST TOUR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! Brand aitvartlwd an sbaoiutety pnr. COItTAXlt AilMOWXA. THB TEST: td.-non a hot U. until ttratfst. then rviuov. Ul.o.ivwt uJ .moll A rli.iiu.l will liol Lki . tuMwd to uctvet Ui irnwo of ammonia. S. iC i r l-r i 'r caring tlw fir.i HiikCru. Sr;l Ura l. Ala and bUi uiasoavs. CiTict as. U. grrmt Skin Cttre, aou Ctiaaiaa an .,..- Hkui BcauU Bsr, extemally. and Citicis HasuLvai, the new Blood Panfler, iiHern&ilv. are intallib . Abauiutcly pure. 4 TEKKIBI.V AI'Fldt'TKD." Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stehbins, Belchertown, Mass., write : "Our little buy wss terribly afflicted with Scrotal, StaK Kheam and Erysipelas SSSjf since he was bora, and nothing weoMud give him helped him until we tried Q tkcba Kanettie. which sTviually cured him, unUl he is now aa (air as say child.' 200 FOR KOTHISG." Wm. Gordon. -7 Arlington Ate., C'harlcrtn. Mass., wnu : "'Having paid abunt to Grst-claa. d. t. .r to cure my baby, without succea., I tried the Cvn ci r.i RaMCnias, which completely cored, after uing three SMkages. FRO HEAD TO FEET," Charles Havre Binkte, Jereev City Height., V J. writes : "My son. a lad of twelve years, was complete ly cured of a terrible case tf Eczerrs by lbs n KsKMSDint. From the Up ot bis heed to the sole. rf his feet was one mass of cabs.' Every' other remedy and physician had been tried n vain. FOR PALE, LAXCil'ID Emaciated rhiWreo, with pimply, sallow skin, the Ctmct sA Kr. Mim a. will prove a perfect blewdig, cleansing the blood and skin of Inherit-d impurities snd expelling the geins of scrofula, rbeuuiatism, SSS somptkm, and severe skin diseases "HEUT FOR THEsKIX." Y.ur peisOSaS Reskiibs sre the best for skin dis eases I have ever sold, and your i a Hoar tlie ni,ait medicinal toiiet va In the msrkct, C.W. STAPLES, Drugwist, Osceola Mills, W Is. Sold by all drugiriats. Price : RasoLVE.tT, 91 : Hoar, 25 cts. Ct-Ttccaa, 50 cts. ; Potter Drag and Chemical Co,, Boston, Mae. fScad for "Mew to Crare ftltla Dlaeaaea.' DIDV L'se tnllrsim HB, an exuisiuly DAD I perfuiirtsd Sfcla ileasiliaer. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. (ioltra.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUGGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to Rive satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aid resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. fthopon west side of Ferry street oppo site post omce. U. W . tiAttrurc, r-rop. DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - " OR F ORSA.LE CHEAP. Three well bred stallions, and thirty draft and saddle horses. vV. T. Cochran, Brownsville, Or. H OIEL FOR SA.LE. Hmmfl. Prinvillo. Oretroii. 32 well furnished rooms, the only hotel in town, lare and convenient, witn an necessary furniture. Price reasonable and terms easy, n A. B Colvbb A Son. Prlneville, Oregon, Ill nm It CHtcl to- I auillaH Savor afl caiCAol i 9 Infant! U aUaiSBH Acrolula aiHl .itiwrr itirvrruci imk rxpomition i inm (Kromour ru'ai oorreapoiidsi'l.) Nkw Oitr.KANH, My 11, 1885. It is an admitted fact tbal the bsat part of the World's- Fair in that seen in the Government huiliiinp, where the different States, lctMl side by side, couiHtte for the first place in the mi matiou of the iitiug public. When you liHik at a tnsgtiiueiit display like Nehi-Hska'a the natural inquiry is, "Who is the coiuiuissioner whose talent scd skill has given utt such a tn at ?" If you will but go with me into an ele gantly furbished oflioe at the rnar of the display, where every person in al ways welcome and handenmely ti4tl. I will introduce you to tiEN. KOHKRT W. Kl KXAS, Khe Uuited States ' nnn-i-si hut fiOM Nebraskt, and if, alter we Have left office, you say to tne, ,4T1I tue more about that gentleman," I would inform you tha' ".!ov." he i nsoal- lycalied, is one o( the lest known men Vest : that he is sixtv-thien d, although he does not ItMtk v ; that he was born in Miami Ohio ; that he has been a citi a resident of Nebraska since hen he began the publication of nxku Advertiser, the old(t i- he S'ate, now publi.hetl at An- b. ; that he was the com man he second Nebraska cavalry in I) expedition against the nortli Uiaus in 1863 luting which 9 bloody battle cf White Sune fought ; i ha, in 1873 he was Governor of his Bute ; tbal in ifillel tbe position of United 'ommisaioner at tbe Centennial nel the flow of emigration to. ebraska which has i .t cfe he has ti le all of and thn heat oflices in masonic eocirUfn t Secretary of the State Board ulture ; thl he is Presidnut of . Historical Sci-ty that hr ry West man that Nebraska ve at-ut t the World's Fair ; broad-mindei, lihoral, goner- tpar man and American citi es no superior, and that- if lu te uu'.l your correspondent lim or bis S'at any harm he Ik Jorn the streets of the New m whtfn (Jabii. I uxits his horn i wearing citizens clothes and trying to pass in every poor unfortunate who, perchance, might be 'deft out in the cold." 1' you will now go with me to Ore gon's headquarters I wiii iotrodur- fM to roL. K. W. AM.I.V . tbe Commissioner from that State, a gentleman who is noted thougbout tbe Government building and especially among tbe United States Comtnif sioo ers and newspaper men as one of tbe best fellows bere. It would be im possible for you to meet bim snd talk with bim if only for e few minutes without entertaining forever afterwards a very friendly feeling toward Oregon. Colonel Allen was born in Kendall oeunty, III., 1842, sod is therefore cbildof tbe "Sucker State." When twelve years old he removed with his parents to Minnesota, and when tbe war broke out served for three years in tbe 7th Minnesota infantry. He after wards moved to Oregon in char-re of the business of a large agricultural machin ery fi -m. Colonel Allen is recognized at home as well as bere as an organizer and leader and was tbe Superintendent of ceremonies at tbe time of tbe com pletion of the Northern PeciSc Kail r ad when the Vtllard excursion reach ed tbe coast. Your correspondent re members witb pleasure having met him at that cime. He became piomioent in connection with iuduttrial exhibits as Superintendent of tbe Portland Me chanics Fair which, under bis manage ment became tbe leading exposition on the Pacific coast. When Gjr. Moody was looking around for the best man to sand to New Orleans be insisted on Mr. Allen going, and, at the reeuest ot many of Oregon's leading business nu n also, he accepted the appointment and has labored for hii S ate with a zea that has re.ubd in placing Oregon to the from under all circumstances. Col. Allen has taken an activo part as a member ot the United States Commis sioners' Association, and it was ihiR gentleman who introduced the resolu tion to cioae the Exposition on Sunday, which, however, was lost, much to tbe regret of many of tbe best friends of tbe Woild's Fair. Tbe besbevidenoe your correspondent can see that the interest in the Exposi tion has been na'ional and that huge manufacturing concei ns sec here a me dium through which tbey can rXtend trade is tbe fict that tha old and uni versally known David Bradley Manu facturing Company, of Cbieago,has made a large exhibit of the specialities they make.and that the President and found er of the business (Mr. Dvid Bradley) himself should take such interest as to attend personally the World's Fair and take charge of tbe exhibit. As tbe David Bradley Manufacturing Company have tor some thirty years led in im provements upon agricultural mach Eights ALBANY, OREGON, ery made by them,it might be cf inter est to your farmer renders ti learti i f the latest improvementr. Mr. Hr.dley show an improved vwiug beam sulky plow so constructed that you can turn si the corners without lifting the plow out of I he ground. Your correspondent reifafiuhers wrll when he was it Imiv how he would pUoe his shoulder under the plowhsndles and lift with all hi Mbjtlt tn get the plow out of tbe ground so as to be able to tuin the corner with out the hortes mixed up in tbe business, :tud 1 thiU(ht how evn v plow oy will hencefirth bless Mr. Bradley for his invention. This company also sIiiwm a combined cot 'en seed and corn planter, over four thousand of whim hsve been hold ill TeXas aloue this year. A cornstalk cutter w hitdt rapid ly transform tbe old cornfield with standing stalks into a plowahlo eoudi tion and cuts up the stocks so that they ate easily plowed uuder and enrich the lands is one of the features of the dit plsy. A sulky and walking cultivator with aomenew improvements is shown ; also a su'ky Urn rake. All of tbe iuaht&ery manufactured by this com pany which "goes on wheels" are sup plied with Bradley's trussed suspension steel wheel, the spokes of wbic'i are all drawn from tbe rita towards the cuutsr by means of a ateut oomprrrsihle hub. Hundreds of visitors stand around this exhibit each day and look wnii admit- a' ton upn "farming mule easy." During the Treasury count a heavy square box, wrsfd in red Up and aecurrly bound, was found in an out-of- he-way nook of one of the vaults. The key had btJ0w mislaid and was Do V&fctVt tu I found. The box bed ben tn the vault tur many vssrs and had w-ti almost forgot inn. The services of a locksmith . reteered, and on omn- ing the Imx it was found to contain a bottle of riiariton.ia . Ix.tiU of i.rla ' a buttle of ati.r .f r " and a lump of y l i. One of tlie oleiet employes iden Uflsjd the u. arluirs which had been sMted to President Monro. bodt tlo vrtr by thf Jaisnea Uovrrn- msnt .nd which had been atored in the Treasury pending vhe passage of an act of Congress authorizing iludr arcept anc. Ojsagrisw failed to legislate on the subject and the arthdes were de,. m 1 i.i lheTriaaury, whee thev have re mained ever since. Oen. Iliack is proving otm of the most sensible, efficient and popular officers of the government. He gives excellent satisfaction in his petty and to the old soldi-re. The interests of the Utter are better taken care of now than they hare ever lten before. M ire claims were adpieted last tnunib than in any month in the history of tbe bureau, and there ban been no in ;rvase of the clerical f.jree. Moreover, fraudulent claims are being weaded out and fraudulent pensioners are to be prosecuted and mad to disgorge. In short we sre now basing tor a novelty a clean, honest and efficient msnsge mn. of tbe penaiou bureau. Up st tbe Grand Central statiou tbe t ter dy,Hys a New York paper, there was an agitated young man and an agi tatvl young woman. Bride and groom they we:e and it was a wedding tour they were taking. In a big Saratoga trunk tbey had packed their silks and their broadcloths, along with a toilet set with which some generous friend bad equipped them. That toilet set was of celluloid, and in its rough jour ney tbe celluloid bad ignited, tbe good big trunk and its contents were in ashes, and a wedding tour was brought to a sharp termination. Commenting on Chicago dispatches announcing that a contract was mad last week to bring wbtat from Oregon to Chicago by rail at thirty-two cents per hundred pounds, tho Wall-Street New$ remarks : That is equal to sixteen sents per hundred from Chicago to New York. At that rate the trunk lines running Ktst from Chicsgo can make no profit in carrying wheat, al though with their vast volume of busi nass and perfect facilities for economi cal working they can do such business at greater less cost than the Northern Pacific. If you want to sen fun, just prod up one of those federal officials who, has been "offensively partisan" with the in information that in the near future President CIsm land will place the to of his boot witb great force upon the salient point of attack of such official and zounds ! how you have stirred up a hornets nest. These poor fellows thought they had a lease upon their places and my ! how home of them do wbine when called upon to step down and out. Its just like drawing their eye teeth. The republicans would have lieen glad when Cleveland appointed Pearson postmaster of New York, but when tbey saw democrats well pleased tbey grow to be mad as bornetc. Parties already subscribers to the Demo crat, who wish to send the paper off to a friendVor friends can do so for $2. FRIDAY, MAY 89, 1885. !99K959S9SSS9SSS9999 TE1PERAN0E DEPARTMENT, KlriTKU MY THat WoineB's Christian Tr in pen a re Union unit at i iinm u, Am, ot mi srtir w. r. t. i . . a The third a. n ial c invoniiou f the W. 0. T. U. wi.l b held in Eist Fori land June 24, lTi d 20. Tbe executive nrmmUtee will mm t JrMMaUt 2 p. m , at K.t Portland W. C. T. U. 11,1), .oruer 5 and J. Streets. Tbe Corresponding Secretary of each loeal Union will send itejM of deJe gueetaud altrnat- to Mr. M L. Kvi.sirir l, It,,. Hec, Ktst Portland Uuion. M. EL K. Hunt, MlUJ M. H t'AKTWHioHT, Fie-. Secretary. ! ! -n'tstsi sisa.s -M tt.asaw Sirs. PsMireoslf Preairrwot of tht Not tingham Hrinsh Women's Tempersnce A8aociBtiorl,,' after leturrdng troto a tour through the Uuited Ststea. thui pays tribute to our American W. C. T. U: The t.'hristiiu Women's Vm- ranoe Union ef Am-'rica La be . f tbe grandest and moi wonder I ,1 maiitu- tktM ever orgsnivl. To ajtfa) any I'.k. art ad.ipi.'f ilessWiltloei of tt vast rsMsgaHndal is a! moat iujp.,ssil., soi- biaco as it t . Urge nuui'r of deparlmeiils ot lab .r, and cein. the mm le ef the Uniieal Stata. hi. . net work of in- ', ii. ery. Antou- its leaders are some of the most teoodetfal women in the world, hi at and fotemoat being their booted preaiden. Miss Frsnces Willard. "No woman ierha-e ever yielded am-h a towerful influence fur g(KKj s lees this noble, larg-baartsHl preaidi-m l the union, and 1 know ef no ote who can liei'er giste a-icb an imfsori.o' .no rnaponaibie peelliuss. Miss Wnlam' name aill be handl down from -ri,.. ation to generation as one of ir- gteatt pioneers of temperance work in Amen cs, and following the example nf herasslf and her noble ci-workr., I l,m.-e th tin e will come when tm ram f I nations shall look upon kef Itfr'a work with 'sweet and Meaeed m- m u.e-. "I-Uo love r sjh the w.r in which thess woii.n I, r in anothc. lew stead of ieei-.ii their i fieri";? of flowers f..r b- fpsrtd. aa is the cus tom in Koglau I, ih-y in Amen a pay this loving irtbuUt to the living and honored ones amongst their warker., and I le. I ur that t very worker iu the cp-use et home will join with m in one piay.-, 'G d bleaa the Christian Women's Temjiervn-je Union of Amer ica.' " Kiom a report by Miss Sarah H. Hirnh), Snpt. . f the N. W. Q T. U. broth at New Oi Inane, we clip the fol lowing : . Another piece of elegant work occu pying an eaael is a carved ahield, from Portland, Oregon, composed of various kinds of wood of utility and commer cial value in that state, la design and tininh it is unique, speaking volumes in favor of tne refined taste and mechani cal ability of designer and artificer. Tbe initials V. V. T. U., ere of gold, silver, copper aod iron,eet on the shield. Tbe motto "For Cod and home and native land" ia inlaid in script lettering, of an ornate pattern, forming an ensemble cf great beauty. With tbe shield was received a large oil painting of Mount Hood aa seen from Portland, Oregon, executed by Mrs. Pierce, wife of Rev. O. M. Pierce, and presented by her to tbe W. C. T. U. of Portland. This painting ia another ex hibition of what women can do in the art line, which is without doubt, a line wherein she can surely excel, this pic ture being an evidenoe and exemplifi cation of that fact, for it ia a fine work in all the details of oil painting. tkin. i r i nr. liui ok -sell :at Pottsvllle, Mny 4. The liquor In terests were thoroughly shaken up in court to-day. The Constables report ed thirty violators of the law. The St. Clair Law and Order Society in stituted proceedings to have revoked a number of licensee illegally Issued and against the Cleric of the Court who Hsued them !n violation of the law and again! the society's protest, and Judgo Perching went iflto elabo rate statistics in his charge to the grand jury. II is Honor showed that there were this year nine hundred and sixteen applicants for licenser', of which only fifty wers refused. Tnis makes the average of licenced phces one to every twenty-efgbl voters. His Honor asserted that the unlicensed places added would make tbe average of one drinking place to every fifteen voters. He was partic ularly severe on Shenandoth, where there a;e nearly two hundred licens ed places for less than four thousand voters. As a rule party service was the pass port of republicans to post offices, and it would seem now tbat the same party service will be their passport to retire , meat from such cilices. N H daaS mSSjJS 2"S take the time t0JJO t0 tho inauguration of Pregi. rteht here thi Rnr7COn3ue t0,e? P a little inauguration of our own WAR nrifw Spring which would interest everybody. Accordingly a WAR ON that old enemy of the people, 8 HIGH PRICES A&5Z!& u5o and PreParu for as a claim at our unequaled new vince vou P8nBterer gO0d8' ani unParalleled low prices will co... n.!0' f???0?88 wiU, crown our efforts lf you will favor us with your patronage, for by large sales at a small margin we expect to win the fight Come and Help Us. Our stock is all boucrht for CASH nt. Ran lrnirtt. flnlAa UTsi nrtlvr a oil foe nooh -ass - 11 -ss w ssasw w-saeasva ssaa g- m bsW -v w we w w w VU J 4s?x AA JLV74 CmO AA or produce, and propose to sell at prices that defy competition. A new feature of our business is the many useful articles on our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters which are usually sold at three times the amount asked by us. a-. stin Tn- following article fr no tbe 77m!- Muunt iiiierr s-aka well for both the hesrt and head ot it. euilor. They an our aeuti uerils so much better ex pressed than we could do, that we copy the artale i.ntite. We heartily thank lh editor f r hia brave, honest manly wiuda ; "It is about time tbst old animasU lies ctueed by the civil war were buried, neer to m r-rr-'.!. It is over ws-nty ream ainre trin lar gun was ii ', iml iuv suo-t utiou baa come rape! the stage of action who recollect i h" vent of the struggle as dim return ieesetsMJ cf early ohildbood. There are a few of those who took part in the civil wsr whose embittered recollections wib fol.ow tbem to tbe grave. Tbey are too old too fossilized, to either for get or forgive ; but with tbe young men of both parties, it is widely different. If Mr. Cleveland has appointed some of these former rebel chieftains, whose disabilities bsve been removed, to im pat tent positions, be hss but followed in tha footsteps of our Republican pres idents) Hayes, Garfield aod Arthur. It may be true that the majority of bis appoint meota have come from this class, but it is only significant of tbe fact that the active brain of tbe democratic party is now, aa it always has been, '.south of Mason and Dixie's line. We ahould guard as a sacred heritage the freer dm of tbe franchise guaranteed by the amendments to tbe constitution grow ing out of the civil war, and tbe moot ed questions decided by the arbitration of the a word should be forever sattled ; but if we expect to remain a happy, united people, there of our southern bretbern who have boneatly submitted to tbe results of tbe rebellion must be admitted upon the same plane of citizen ship as those who fought against them. Individually, it is right and proper tbat we ahould hold in higher esteem those who made sacrifices for the perpetua tion of free inatitutiona 5 but politically, there ahould be no north, no south, no east, no west." Pm revised edition of the old tetta ment was given to the London papers for publication at midnight May 16. This revision aa well as that of the new testament which was first published in May 1881, was made by a committee of eminent English and American scholars appointed for that parpuasv Of the re vised edition of the new tegument more than one mil'ion O-tpie were a ld on the day of pultlina'ion snd more than three mi'lions bifr the ead of tie year- Health r Jews. One noticeable feature about Jewish cemeteries In tbe south is the soaroety of nswlv made era ves after an epidamfo of cholera or yellow fever. Statistics show tbat fewer of them die than any other race from these ar kindred diseases. During tbe oholera soourge In Toulon only two orthodox Jews died of It, while in num lors they equalled fully 20 per cent of tbe population. Their Immunity from dis ease, and the certainty with which they recover when attaoted by it. is accounted for by the slmpllolty of their diet. Tbey are very striot about following; the dietary laws prescribed by Moses. Isn't . it a lit tie strange tbat Moses, if be was only a historian, should have possest-ed knowl edge superior to that of the wtseat and best physioUrs of the present day? He evidently believed in preventing disease rather than ouring It. This is whst De Haven's Despepsia Cure aims to do; it acts directly on tbe dlgeative juices of the stomach and both prevents and cures In digestion and Dyspepsia, Free sample bottles at Foahay A Mason's Drug Store, NO 44 WAR MMGDRATED Allen & N. H. ALLEN & CO., 57 First Street, Albany, Or. ' r ' A . Ii. DODD& CO. rt;t and Vino siei VV tOlWed, sk FAULi MACHnTEEY.: fclCKfcVK M TUE KOAD. 1 inru h.11-1 m. t.. .11 Iikjwh o nrrd crmt 1 seal T-!.: nl fartuevs here hao uiol thctu. a l all sMk oi V em wttli praise. They are in .very sr the iK- Iuj u.lra ul lUn Cml ItariiiiiSa. Tie Ict. ct Tssvtv ll.srrarrs bic tntwU m&n.fmt tt roit-rttal1e i! :r!alnv ot I lie rtl' KKVt molting tr H.i !' s ui;i!ic.:jf sihI jirrlortloo o it tMerhanistu. 1 1 1 j:i iiiuikiiw i.sjorit "t t.c lini r in the l'x- .... atsi Ten it' .ru . tsavc ifiicii Die mur urdut as tM iT.mrrs In nr. jrt erf the srorU vlssre ttte 1:1..'. tu.i bocu ul portmumrin; u t 't Tha only Harvesting Hachias that will gfta Cntire Satisfaction tc tha Purchaser. . .. Th. tsalurn. thst nio-t Mrit ini;l . st It Utiner, iMrm r. . U sail pas. it. a m.rjjf M I a Sr.' sswtjw It t. rv.ii'' haiuio : i-r i- twi The Dkmim iut will take 100 cords of wood on aulMcrtption, anil we weald like aa pood wood s if we were not public benefactors. A SAB Dl.tTU . In Philadelphia recently at a coron er 'a inquest over a body of a child, the jury returned a verdict that death was caused by tbe administration of a pat ent cough syrup, containing morphia. Dr. Sam' I K. Cox, of Washington .states that not one cough medicine in ten is free from this objection. After careful analyais aod practical testa he endorses Red Star Cough Cure as being purely vegetable, abso.'utely free from opiates, poirons and narcotics. He regards it as a most happy and valuable discor erv. DYSPEPSIA b a i aa well am i . br nnulth i of tbs sfstesn. to prsoars tbs i THE BESI TONIC. Pint 'Having; used 1 Church. RaJtinum. STL Brown's Iron Bitten for bmeDsia and Indication. I take sreat nlaum. K la Wl.kl- at - . . " 1 taasm aw usjui. Asboooiisder Ha uhm oh ainn mfla mai . m ... KrlUINUlW, WOOUARDa CO., Portland Or, . K. n' l' I W 9 dsssjstoui pressSTaM toasrf UJ. sfstsBBf tprswrs IzUEl 1 J U a lai- 'h'&i&z - STATE K!( kTS StMCCIAT. THE BEST ADYERTI8NB II THE WILLAMETTE YALL1Y, Special bmiuess iiothea in LassaJ et union lb rei-iM ssf iin. hvgaJar Lea notices lOcoriis mr line. For legal ami transient adserttesassata 91 0U per square for tbe first iaswi-Uoa.eesJ W crnnXm pur square for each aubSHsaaswt Insertion. Kales for ot ' advertisements known on application. Co,, Ste., PORTLAND OREGON, lui'onrrKKs or M ejraw A "DT? TTDATT ' ATmTCrlT! 4.1 WIN tAaaNisV kw JL II M 1 , 3 WJEUEl. AND Send for Catalogue, 1885. Send for Special Circulars. . arLT.wa a to. -a fw noelel V 1 bra tine Thresher. The asost Kffertire a.-.l Survaasta Saving snd CTeanins; Oraia inr . Tin Sew Model Thrssner is tae result mt years ef o..n;t arxl earvfnl cxpcrissetit. oxic-uctW by Mr. J'li MiUor, ons ot the tn t preoc i ud ssMesaav Mil i-.iUer ot thresriissr saadUass ia Aaserrtra fa . nsei al wss to produce a sssrsiisr that woals) . tr aiul Jo bstff work tbaa tbe best as . ! In operation were capaaie s, so esss la -U.tion, srparate nt tross tha ssnrv t Cts pasB in s more perfsol soaaner BSSSBSssf t. . i.-.c.Utc whatsoever. r". BfJaUBSBBBSSSaBBBBBBBBBs! .jOW-, " r":f.-H-rn 1: i r - ; '.) ntads h a r m H-t ii e i 1 1 "-tr mnder. half frr-t S4tr: i- nr it nn he dsava threafh a lart. a:., is & i-io' nitiiuaiatstr saant ossvar i Eed CrownMills 1st M, LANSING & CO., PROPri. SKW FROCKS VLOCR SCrXKIOS FCS rsaTssMSV AND sax ruts rax. BEST STORAGK FaCJLITIM. Highest ;Price in Cash for Wheat ALBANY OR. QUTLERY. The beat line of cutlery in the rallay east be found at our store. It embraces asasiel knives, table kntvea, forks ana aaasaa, butcher knives, bunting knives, pariejg knives, shears and scissors ot alt XsaAs, and the beat line of razors ever breagM into Albany. Come and see for year selvei. P&c t Srwa-ae. jpOR SALE. One hundred and forty as) res, ataa milea above Lebauon. 40 seres in aal tivation. 10 acres slashed and sown ke grasa Comfortable dwelllag, gaesl outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at thle office. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AND DRESS-M1KIII. Cutting and fitting by the new lay lei 'a SyaUm. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. OPIUM AND MURP1NE HAUlt uuiu- W. F. ALEXANDER, M. Da, Igutanieea cure in ail eases if d.rectlona are strictly followed, pain or ioas of time from butinaas, dress alove at Albany, Oregon. jpOR SAUL, One half block in hmum-b part af eity witt fair bouse and bara will We cheap Mh V Na As) 1