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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1885)
eroorrat. Entered at the Pont Otlioeat Albany, Or, a secoud-elass mail matter. FRIDAY. .... MAY 22, l8Sr 8TITES & NUTTING. Kdlltr aat Proprietor. FBKDI. MTris:.. aUWl fc.tttor. Official County Paper. Decoration day, (Saturday. May 30th) will be duly observed iu this city by MolMiorson Peat, No. 3, G. A. 11., with the usual cere monies of the order. Ail old soldier whether member of the Q. A. K. or not, have been iavited to be present and participate with them in doing houer to the hrave dead. A committee appointed by the P.wt will put the grave iu order for the occasion. The ladies of the city are invited to contribute flowers for the occasion, wUoh. they ahould leave at the hall ever French jewelry tore as early as y 4 j a m. ou decoration day. The procession will start for the ;uuv 10 a. in. sharp. It is to le desired that a live interest shall be takeu in the services by our citizens generally, as it is oue worthy of ob aervance. IIONOKt U. Albany meu are peeu'.iarb' favored in the matter of holding high otiiccs in tha princi pal secret societies of the S'ate. Following is the pre tent stains of things : D P Mason, tiraud Master of t!.o Grand Lodge of Masons. W C Tweedale, Grand M ister of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fallows. George Hochstedler, Grand ( 'h tncdlor of the Grand lodge ot Knight of Pythias, It is a peculiar fact that all of these gentle men are also blether members in the O. F, Lodge of this city. Each obtaiued his pres ent position by pmtnotiou. A Social The social given at the residence of W H Hearst, en last Tuesday evening, by the ladies of ts Congregational Church, was largely at tended, and proved an event of much social interest. Beside general conversation, light and grave, a program of peculiar mer.t was rendered. It consisted of A quartet by Misses l.uiu St. Jha and Edith Harris, and Messrs. Mack M oaten h and Charles Brush. A recitation by Mia Read. A sole by Miss Gusta Khmer. A solo by Miss Edith Harris. A reading by Mis E M Howard. And a lunch of good proportions and li.t claa quality, indulged iu by all. Imlatlea of Kagrn ily. The population of Eugene City accord ing to the census just talten is nut as large a baa been wildly estimated : but in this respect it will probably ind irate no greater falling off than meet other Oregon cities. The growth of Eigene. though, has been Tery marked, its population in lbSO being ' 1,170, in 1070, S00. It present Agures are : i No. snsles 21 years m l over 4H4 ' males over 10 and under 21 jmo u males under 10 1S4 u M a, females over 18 years -ioj females over 10 and under IS In, lemales nnuer 10 years ...103 Chinamen 15 Total 1797 Heaa stoslaess Last Saturday Hurkbart Brotr era pur chased of the estate of Fred Wilier, a splendidly made two seated covered hack. They will use it with a fine span of grays in showing their many customers for real estate tbe unsurpassed advantages of Liun county for a home, and as well ibeir large list of lands through the county. This is enterprise and shows the prosperity of the firm. Up with tbe times they sre bound to continue to do a live business, Flrsaseas rtcate si Cervallls- On May 28th the . remen of Corvallis will give a grand picnicat that place, which tbey propose to make the event of the season. As an attraction to outsiae fire men tne following prizes will be offered : For hand engines, 950. For Lose teams running 200 yards, lay ing 800 feet of hose aod getting water, 90. For Hook A Ladder companies, 200 yards, 920. For 100 yard f ot race for lire;nen, $1 . For free for all foot race, 95. AmoB2 tbe Breakers The drama "Among the Breakers," one of tbe most interesting of amateur plays will ho presented at Crawford's Opera House in about two weeks, by a company of amateurs, under tbe able management of Mr W S Peters. It will be for the bene fit of the firemen, which of iteoif will be an assurance of a full house. Full partic ulars will bo given next week. Tbe BasillesatbaatBalorslst. Bosco, the Bisili conthaamaturgistifrandi bus, exhibited in this city Tuesday and Wed nesday nights to immense crowds of dead heads and meD, several hundred tickets be ing given away, but the watch and several other things advertised to be given away failed to pnt :n an appearance. As aalight- of-band performer Bosco was very good, doing the old tricks with skill Indian tighier. Judge Kslsay, or Coryams, is, we un derstand, endeavoring to organizs en campments of Indian fighters, after the manner of tbe G. A. K. Tbis is a good move, one which Judge Klar is pecu liarly fitted for carrying forward, having obtains 1 an enviable reputation as an Indian killer in tbe Rogue River and other wars, of early Oregon histo ry. Another Pioneer ef '4 Uame. Yesterday morning Margaret, wife of John Creel, deceased, died at her homo in Benton county, of consumption, at the age ot about a a rsi e e a r ee. sne leaves two married and nve un married children to mourn her loss, Mrs. Creel was a sister of Thos. A limine, of Millers, and was a woman of most exemplary character. Tbe 4tb of July. Albany will celebrate the 4th in grand style this year, funds having already been subscribed sufficient to make the event grand success. Fall particulars will be giv en in future issues of the Democrat. states ea Vegetables. Following are the reduced rates in cents n vegetables, in any quantities, sacked, boxed or crated, from JLinn county towns to Portland : Millers, 14 ; Albany, Fro man and Fry, 15 ; Lebanon, 18 ; Tangent, 15 ; Shodd, 17 ; Halsey, 18 ; Harris burg, 20, torrent Kveuta. Cyclones are visiting Kausaa and No Draska, lst Sunday six persons were drowned In the former and two in the latter state by a (earful storm and cyolone. A man was shot In Mexico a fow davs ago. A body of cltixens fallowed tlin mur derer, aud when they oamo up with ti tin one ef them deliberately sent a bail through his brain. It was universally deed dad that the mailer was honorably settled. The Astoria flsherineu have boon ou a -n k". poor foolish men. We have a large number of first class receipts at the Iikmoohat office, whioh we arc anxious to till out. Eugene olty will spread her American Eagle wings on the 4th of July. Base IUI1 is tha principal cburdi gointr amusement in Portlaud ou Sunday. I.iot Sunday six hundred peeple saw the Van- cover Stars beat the Port landers t to 0. "It was a lovely gams." 1 he State fair will begin Monday, S1, -1, and rue during the week. It Id, the leader of an uprising in Canada has !.. n captured and will bs tried fur high tieaauu, Ho denies belug leader. A man named Terry shot a prominent man turned Jotter Iu Virginia the tirat of t lie week. AitiiiHigtt tno inimitrer ws said t b in.sane he was lynched by an lnfuriatd body of twenty disguised men. Eugene Sent pie wants to bs ROW DOf of asbiiigtun 'ierrllory A nttltSlgn hotel was reocntlv biirnei though it contained htWO hand nruaiioa. The house of G W Gray was hurglarl.ed at Salem on last Sunday night. About $150 worth of things were taken. 1 bo State Grange will hold it annual MNtteg ut 8aletu Tuesday, May -?tt!i. Why is t that all aunual Graugo moot in us are held iu Maii n county, when Linn county has the most Grtngor of any county in the Stale. Why uot honor Al ba ut once. Reports receive ! from '-!05 count ios In lows, Nebrsska, Missouri and Kansas, ahov that tho wheat prospects sro .'H to art per cent less thsn last year. The print of wheat is bound to be high next tall. The Keady license ! is like the play of Han let wtin.mi any Uatiitet. It prescribes no penaly. 0 regno ned s ptwlossaosuj bill drawer. Sam Tolng is the name of a Chin who runs a wash house at Knaet'urg. Hs i uo relation of Albany' jKpular merchant of '. f same name. DnoOOBf General Burke of the New Or. 'sans Exposition losts ins entire lorttui by being connected with 'it. Financially the expositt n has been a grand failure. John l.o-n wis i ed U. S. Senator of Illinois !.; I' losday. after a cou test of sever al IliO.lfl-. A rofesur'' of awimmin jumped from the iVoostljB bridge last Monday, a distance Sjf 33 lo, and nn'v uveal s few moments. It took him seconds to make the ascent He was at aa smart a he thought he was. Senator John Sherman will he in Oregon in a short time, tic is now iu California Last Tuesday taSTO s!dier were drowned atSkane Fads, sad ou the asms day a man named Shaw committed suicide The OOaOaa of Portland Wl 1 be about 000 exclunix e of Chinese. Some i fftre:iee tetween th a end its tsted 4.,O0O ' n.itlrsnrt t sre I , I'url Isucl. lgiauing with last Saturday on the O A C K K. was reduceii I a e ltmr cents a mite, inner IBM new cnaouie reilowiug will ue tne rata to places in i.tnn eountr, totrether with otber pnncijsil points, and also to show the change, the old rate : w rate O'J rsl wi'h other t ?ILi" $ 64 2.1 . . 2 as . S 06 . .. Xi5 1 S b4 Sti I Bl .. S-TB ... a.s .. t.f'l ... u . 4.2a 1 6 T M . . S.00 . - 7s XB 1 A Si s : s s U rs .. Sinsajr .. Frvstan . Fry wa... c raiMr ... 3 -o 3 4l irvinville. ..... LatteDat, .. TaxcOt she! I Msis MuU-ly Hrnturg C ure k-jf. ir; ath'and MrMtiiiif .He.... Iiwlrpetxleocs. Cor tills oe it ee ft 4Ja I AU Min 109 2 so anpre.s sis as. A society has been firmed iu an East ern city for the suppression of slang, the following words bei ng in the ree'riet d Mat. Wa hi 1 "'? . that wliila it mav ba im- possible to form a regular aociety in Al- ! bony, it be generally and mutually agreed that the following expressions be stricken from our every day vocabulary, as im proper and of no use whatever : Ton are another. Oilly. Crank. Gosb. last bos. Cheese it. Monkeying. You 'sis. Nasty thing. You are erar.y Pretty nearly. You make me tired. You make me weary Snide. Slouch. A Use same. Itet your Ufa. Give it up. reat heavens, oh mercy. Cneese the raeket. T, too. Chalk it down. Too thin. Rats, Not much. Cheat nuts. La la. Ah thore,stay there T ta. Jim dandy. Just great. Proper caper. bay nothing. Bora. xou tramp. 1 eu poor thins. Ten nuisance. You are a slouch. Much gall. Don 1 mention it. W a nerve. I should smile I shonld remark. I should snicker. I snould titter. I should murmur. I shouid giggle, I don't have to. Hsrdly ever. Give us a rest. What a picnic. You bet. Oar Strawberry PrtMfocer. About ten acres of laud lying across th Willamette is d evoted to raising straw berries, the soil there being icutiarl y fitted for the purpose, and hence, quite valuable. Messrs, William Peacock, C SkeelH and Mr Phillip? each have about three acres, and Mr Shannon leas than an acre, it takes ten thousand plants to make an acre, a fact which will convey some idea of tho amount of 1 abor it takes to keep a patch up, It is safe to estimate the crop from an a jrs at 1500 to 2000 quarts so that the amount ot the luscious fruit eaten will be seen to be very large. On this side of the Willamette Mr J II Tuwn send has a fine patch ot strawberries, which ha delivers to a large number of customers. Last Saturday one thousand boxes wore sold in this city, there being an increased demand ou aceount of the Sunday feasts which were had. Look at This. Do you want jb printing dons ? If you do, patronize Burs-hart Bros., as they will do your work iu the very bsst aud fittest styles for lets m uey than you can get i t done at any other offiee in this State. Their type and machinery i all new, and they are prepared to execute any kind of work, either plain, ornamental or iu colors. Legal blanks of every description on hand and printed to order on short notice. Give them a call and get their prices. 1 Sued for iKia 000. Suit baa been brought against Best A vAlthouse of tbis city, by a California man for $10,000, for infringement of a patent on grain separators. The case will bd trird in a few weeks, The attorneys for tbe defendants are confident our townsmen will win. It certainly is to bo hoped such will be the termination of the case, as a defeat would mean a discontinuance of the factory in this city, so far as tha man nfacture of separators is concerned. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen it Co miON ST AT K FAIB. The Oregon state Fair saving bean put on Its root by tha last Iiegtslature oonsUU arable interest will bo take In It thla year. Kxhlbitora will take their produota to tbe fair this year with an sssu ranee that they will be paid if they get a premium. This is an Item which in itself should, and wa believe will, o suae a most successful fair week. We give below some of the prem iums, a list of which wo obtain from a pamphlet just Issued by the State Hoard of Agriculture, They will show the general ustureor tha premiums: Horse rsoes. 1st day ; ntroduabry scramble, !00. trotting feM class, 600. tod day-Us!e talr stake, running, $3a and entrance fee, Tret l lug, two year olds, 9t0, rd day .- Kunnlug-two year olds floo Trotting -2.4U clsss, 90. 4lh day. Kuanliig, free lor all, ..oo. Trotting 2:30 class, $f.(K). th dsy Kunnlng, 'J year olds, f Trotting, ,H )tar old class, a00, handicap ruunln( flfiO, Bxhlblis -First premiums, -Thorough bred stallion, 4 year old and over io work sod dratt horses and roadsters ssme. BhOtt burn cows, bulls aud hslfsrs, fSd, fkUBtofWf Uevous llerelords, Ayrshires, leiteys. UoIsIsIpm, Foiled Angus and t.uoinseys. graded stock, over S, $10 . milk cows, jo ; rams snd ewea ; 4 for Spanish, French end Amsrlcsti tasriuos; graded wool sheep, & ; Ieisters, etc,, i I awius, in various classes, j ; fowls ufdif Ihrotsl kinds, 2 ; exhibit of bees f is ; beet ami largest vatietv of grain, f'A) ; tlsld and gardeu seeds, and grass see is, same I S bushel or several kinds of wheat, each ft ; rye, Oarls , oat, corn, buckwheat' 2 ; display of sheaves, winter and spring wheat aud oats, each, '.0. On agricultural implements the premium do not sxoeud 9-, many cases only diplomas 10 pounds fresh butter, M ; lbs, butter, 4 meutlis Oiq,0SS ; goods of woolen m situ fact ura,9'i.V collection of domestic csuued fruits, flu ; assortment or jellies, fti, largest and lt aOttOOUOsI of unudilse dried fruits, not less Ibau M Mpeu'ian, JU ; largest aod tssst display of Oregon canned gxds, not less than UO vrictties, .". la millinery , sewing, knitting, etc., the first premiums range from f 1 to ffl in division for misses under 16 yoars of sge, for bread, etc , $1 to fa ; iu division for b r undsr 14 years old 1 to 4 ; fruits, IJ to $5 ; garden pno.-t, all $2. Heat e unity exhibit of fruits, .0; of vegetables 94 ; in division for dowers, 93 to 9i ; In division f .r tistura' history, J to S ; werksofsrt, diploma to 9!u, In addition to the genersl premiums, of wlub tbe above ar sample, tbe follow ing new features will bo ietroduced . Hest piano iu psvtlien, $J0 S)f diploma. Hoe' organ iu pavilion, 910 or diploma. Itaud toumanieot, 1st premium ...flee tod premium 50 t'isy pidgeon shooting, let oreunum.9i5.0n '2nd premium 17.60 Jrd premium 19.00 4tb premium lo.isi Besyeia rldistc, 1st premium. .lit sro premium. 10 ra premium... jm ball, 1st premium HO Zsd prsuiium . . . . u5 Koi'owing sro tte oftlcers of the asso ciatioh for kMo year : rresidsnt I T Aisrsii, regon iMr, Vt.-e I'resident-M Wllklu. Coberg. to) retsry-J T regg. Salem. Traionrw a Hrusi,, 8aissi. Cbtef slsrshal- It A Irvine. Albany. Marshal of Pavilion A I Milter, Port land. Sopt. of Floral Oarden-D D I'rtay a - a w meu, Haiem uusatlrtelr Kouir.l I'ruiabiy uo man ths I'acitic Coast baa been abased more than Mr. S P, - iMnnauliah,,!, though 1111 iOImh wayward. I I "dgnni pnoUr." flavrng tra-elled from : toCalifernia,fnmtbo lakee to tbetlulf, I and from Victoria to Metico, he knows what it is to be abused and kicked ny an uafeeliog public, principally by hi own fraternity. So much has been said all 00 ote side ef tbe ipiesttun that st last patience ceased to be a ' ; virtue, and our pilgrim friend in last wcea's ' ; Wmt SUt. in a solid nonoared colums. met I M ot bw wemtem mt oore- ,a o( the momt on,t,Al aud thrctrul'c rl,, !o ever read, completely routing Bald silencing th guas of hi persecutor. Wa give belew a specimen ef the article 1 All the iucoriorated cities in the nothweat, officially and cnothcially, are held down sod run to s greater or leas extent, although largely in the minority, by unscrupulous in dividuals in their owu interests financially and otherwise, to the disparagement of the hnnail I tA fiat .-iam tnmmm n 1 .ll .... .ki . tow isr ;i or too lar ctown on in racset question when tbey have a sure thiug ou to it. Since my ail vent in this northwestern country 1 bave encountered aod been vic timized and ''bilked" by tyraoical usurpa tionists, content ptable, sneaking syoophaats aod hovering buzzards, who calculate to ruia humanity, body and sou I, externally and in ternally, to suit their interests aod inclina tions, while tho "shadows" "spotters" aud "snookers" on the side hsve been getting in thoir work occasionally. This biped element ot humauity have been a hell ef strife, a source of contention and anarchy, and an im pediment to pr ."Tensive civilization and set tlement of the northwest, who avail them selves of every opportunity circumstances may throw in thoir way to take advantage of their fellow-meu and enact a mean trick. There is not in these United States centrali sation sutficent to encompass their exalted and expanded egotistical aspirations aad whoop-pool proclivities. A 4.oaJ Preaalaas. One of the heat premiums offered at tbe coming State Fair is one for "the beat Oregon made butter four months or over old." It is to be hoped there will be a universal contest for the first premium by the farmers of Oregon. Let all compete for it whether the exhibits are taken to Salem or not. Begin now ; practice on the public, aud give us some butter that will last a week as a starter. Cf oourso some can ; but the groat fault here is that the article is made for quiok aales. Linu county has many iriltedod butter makers but most Ihvh to, rom 11011 fault. Butter not thr e oat is iu tne idore has on numer ous occasions in ibis city, been found to be completely ruined. The number who make butter that will keep one month is very scarce here. This ia one reason why the market at tha present time is so poor. Portland dealers will not buy butter that will not keep. Tbey prefer oleomargor ine, an article tbat will keep a century and be no more putrid than when made. Hair Brained. Some hair brained individual at Iudepen- deaee who cannot get a wife whore known writes to a Chicago matrimonial paper as follows : Don't all speak at once, girls ! I am 25 years old, 5 feet 10 inches in height, weight 160 pounds, a good scholar, strictly temperate and have an income of $300 a month. Object, anything. Address, J. S. P., care box 109, Polk couuty.Oregon, What a milk-sop some girl would get if she caught him. Firemen's Dance. Ou Friday evening, May 29tb, a grand ball will be given at Crawford's Hall for the benefit ot the tournament fund. Tickets, $1 50. A large attendance is desired by the management. Buy a ticket. First-class music will be furnished. DRAMATIC. Kast Lynns at Albany. Crawford's Hall was lull last Friday night on tha occasion of the presentation of the familiar emotional drama of "Fast Lynne." It deserved to lie. Local (slant as well as all Inst ItutioiiB, deserves enooursgsment by liberal palronsge. Hs gar dleaa ef this, those who attended on this occasion got the "worth or their mon ey," Of course they did not witness a perfectly rendered drama. Far from II ; but they saw seme acting deserving mora than me re notice, partlrulsrly when It Is oonsldered that "ICest Lynne" Is a profes sional play, Iu common parlance.iou deep fur meat amateur. In most cases It Is not good policy for amateurs (o alien pt such plays, at least at tlrat. l'robably this cetlld be said iu this case I notwith standing this soma of the most difficult parts were beat reudered, and l he' play as a whole "too" wen. toiilil tlin csst have beau changed In I we or three is pOOtOi the Improved effect of the plsy would hsve ht-ou marked. Mr Ifohmsn, a good aeior in his roll, was out ot hi place as Carlisle, a fact he appreciate 1, and one which his belter Judgment as sOOnsger would no dout. 1 have caused to be hanged could he haye done so, At the wtiis time, hsviug a irood voice, uoui pietely under coutrol, and a grasfut so. Hon, bu perfnrmsd tha part well. Tho best caeta wie Ihoan of Miss Ida Knot, as l.s ly Isalwl, Miss Mary Wheeler as Miss Carlisle and Walter Montelth as sir Fran ci I .e is' m. Miss Knox. In tha difficult roll assigned to her, sustained her char acter uncommonly well, displaying a good appreciation of alluatlons, aplrndld emo tional power snd line eipreaslou. Miss Wheeler Is not often surpassed ss Miss Carlisle, Having a isaculisriy natural vein of good humor, she threw It Into this part with life st d energy, showing her to be I he right ion In ths right plaoe. As has tteru temaiked she was a perfect host iu the p:y. Wsltar Montoilh a liOvlsou understood his rharacter wall. With a One slags presence, combining ease with all lack of em hairaasment, aud an egree able voice, wall under eontrtd,he di(ained the bast will of tbe audience mi repre anntative of h is part, in sin b a manner though that all rejoitssd when they saw him being transported to Them sn la. A farce, the ' (Julet Family," concluded ths entertainment. It wa splendidly rendered, shoeing the psrtlcisnts ade4 at comedy. Tbe entertainment was repealed Satur day night for the bOssOfM Of I be koae team to a good audience. Rerwlpta, first night about 0ft. Second night, 4. t'OllMa Harglsr. lAet Sunday while Frank llardman and wile, living halfway between Albany and Ietasnon ware away from home, a burglar or burglars, entered their honse, through a window .and then.tba miserable wretches lore up everything In the house, looking for met my. At least that was the way It a; peered w.ien Mr and Mrs llardman re turned home In tba evening. Had ticks re disgorged, drawers broken Into and thing generslly disarranged ; but no lucre did tbey linu ; instead they mpture-l Mr. llardman' wedding suit, which had leen worn only a few times, and a good suit beioogldg to bl brother, lay. Ou tbe hundsy previous the residence of Mr Jos Kibler waa broken Into In n liko manner ami 100 pounds of baeon stolen, sod tbe tsuudsy previous to tits', the rest- dmoo9 ot Mr William lUItiinore. all In the mmm loosduy suffered by an Intrusion, In s,kh a five dollar pair of shoes aud a few otber articles were taken. Who the burglars are la not known for certain ; but several auspicious looking men who have Iss-n ramping in the wooda g 'he benefit of at of the thievery. The ciiteu of the locality are becoming earag- 00 over these p'V burglars and propose to rk, wril ff,r 0 "bo ! oan not s c unt far ttsemselves. Warrants have bsen issued for nameless persoua. Tbe Marbeis. Continued rp rt of poor w'.eat pro pest in the Kast and Western State increase the prolabilitf of higher prices for this im portant eereal. Without an Kuropean war it is safe to predict a dollar in Portland aad at least 79 cents ia Linn county, perhaps Wo quote present price at 64 cents ; oats, '2.S centa. Butter and egg remain in last weeks depressed condition. For bacon t and 1 5 : sre paid, haras il and 10 cent, lard V and 10 cents in cans. Strawberries drop- or ped Saturday to four boxes for -." soots. Pea have put in an appearance at 6 coats per pound, and cabbage, oh, so small, at 10 and 15 cents, all raised at home. Now potatoes are anxiously looked for. Iu Portland tho California spud sells for V0 coats a bushel or I, cents per pound. In Now York tho market for wool seems to bo active. Here there hardly is one. Wo venture s quotation at 10 612 cents. In Portland 10 fy, 14c are tb quota tiess, feebly given. In Albany dressed chickens now retail at 40c. $3.50 per dozen is paid by the dealers. What WbUby lllil. A few days ago a fine calf belonging to Mr I 0 Dickey, opposite tho Demochat office, was taken sick. It bunted its head acainst the fence aud took on generally. Finally Mr Dickey hoped to relieve it by an internal application of lard, but that failed. As a last resort he gave it half a pint of whisky, and the calf died in jnst two minutes by tbo watch. The moral is plain. This is ad. for Mr D. a a calf doctor. Nero riae Saltluc. Last week Mr K Graham received another line of splendid suitings direct from New York. They era brace tbe very lateat deaigns, including some of tho best patterns wa have ever soon, Getting them direct from Eastern wholesalers he is able to offer his suits at a still greater reduc tion in price. Mr Bra ham's effort to keep tha very best goods iu stock Is being ap preciated by bis Increaaing number of customers, A Vole of Thanks At a special meeting of the Albany Me. chanics' Band a vote of thanks was unani mously extended to the Misses Ida Knox, Mary Wheeler, N. C. Conn. May Bideeut, Messrs. It. W. Fisher and John Robson for their services tendered iu "East Lynne." Wm. H. Miller, Secretary. Job mating. C W Watts ia always ready to do all kinds of job printing on short notice and at reasonable rates. If you have letter heads or bill heads printed sand him your order and ha will place them in tablet form without extra cost. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. b, 10 and 25o counters at N H Allen & Co. 5, 10 and 25c counter at N H Allen A Co OMR ANO AeMUA. F M French, jpwoler. TtW beat harness st J J Dubruillos. 5, 10 aud 25u counter at N H Allen k Co, No. 1 extracts of all kind at Conrad Moy. or's. An eleven inch strawbeiry is reported at Salem. I there no such thing a a trustworthy official ? Linn onuiity should have an immigration hoard, The erop of . harries is immense in Li MB 0011 uty. J. P. Wallace, Physician aipl Surgeon, Al batiy, Or. Strswberrios are 5 rents a haO in Portland tin week. For the freshest groceries go to Hoirman & Joseph's. Ins oream, od water, the best .V uigar at llofiiuau A Joseph's, . W Meat on, rh)iuiau aud Surgeon, Alnany, Oregon. Kih made in. Ims always on hand at Kr id ami llrowmdl's. I... lis when you want a neat ntir of line hws, give Head and Itiownelll a call. Tho Lighting fruit jsr. the very b Con rail Meyer s est, at A uew and liun stoo of f sn.-y ulass ware juat received at Conrad Meyer a. There ia now no complaint beard alx.ut a tees of ram. Wo aro ittiiur ulentv. sy oy y Tho Commeiiuemsnt riorcisos of the Mon mouth Normal school take (dace Juue 10. A fortune tellr with In long awoepiuK gad was 111 th uty the first of the weak. Idie. go ami mm Moutoith A MjiUjnbsch' apring etouktgreat verity in every department Twoetlale keep a uic hue of tin and cop. per ware, and doo repairing iu gissl ehaiNi. Try on of th Itaiud Del Coinnrcio ., cent cigars, they are tho boss, at Head and litowu ell'. Wo aee that W. C. T . . . 1 d" haa jut re oeived another lot of now etyled parlor totfes. Sheep sheaimg haa i u'tiiii' iurd and P tr A Stewart aro ready to up,,ly sh ar at low pnuea. Dr. M II Flit, phyaiuiau and sur-on Allany, Oregon. ('.l medo 10 city ur country, Piahtug tackle, cu'.llery, oswin Mtsvhins and notions, cheqior fiau ever, at Will Hrothrr. Just tho thing f r picnic, oxcursio-t, etc., is drtod amoko hcrrlug. aud can be louw.d at It. aod U s. A good ul ijrgo assortment of litiuW at the yrd of F.b i'trtmr always on hod him a call A largo aaaoitinont of cigarettes and itfr otto goda for sale at tiotfmau A Jtaeph',w.e best in the City. Ititrkhart fir will advertise oor laajel for alo free of charge, (live theui a call il tou waut to aril. I ti cossua taker atbalem claims the impu tation of thst nly will be 5.000. let as have tbe exaot rlguroo, tiu to Prashaw'a now Drug Store for pure drugs, patent medicine, ote. Preacnptious carefully compounded, Window shades, lace rartama, oil r!,th, csr hi la, and wall paper. Tit u 1001 atuca in town at Montoilh A toiUatmcb'a, Mr Fred Oral baa just brought on a apleu did Uo of baby car nag, with tb Utssst improvements. ( 'all aod see them. Were tbe law prohibiting the sal of oleo- m rgsrts oaf oroed to Portland, butter eoid oot now be selling for 10 cent a p Parties baying ttckot f- Albany to fortland who lay down $3 -J5 t I be handed back a two cent stamper two p. notes. Whoop la Prun and cherry tree are ,ded down so muuti in this county tbat thy ilhr have to bo propped or ) .. aed in w,Ui to save th limias. The Vigor of f.d tmsp 1 weudmc its way northward. Anyway we would ha to hojai ita tenor aing about "th Mtiwaukoe Fire" again. -Ther rm now ooly - .k jiim-iI hi th jd. Harry lloyl having I warn pUovd there by his 1 -so nr attempting u roiiev mo oouoiy 01 bu preeonoo. j Ladie', misses' and chd-lren tine a'i 10s. 1 also coarser cradca, can bo found at Moo toith & Set ton bach, al price iu koopiog with bard lime. Mattreeaet and lounge for sal, aud all kind of m.hoUtcring work repaired at J K flsyra, jut east of Deyoo and Kobooon's, Albany, Oregon. Any party wiahing to purchase a gooU farm, either for gram or stock will do well by calling on A K C'yrua A Co., Kaal Katale Ageuts, at lbooo. Or. A Sslem troup of minatrets ia eo a to start out. They will bo under the management of I. I Fobs, a barber who ouceawun an easy raxor in this city. A very neat frame, containing woM evs euted cards of some of our b-isinoss men has just been bong on tho west side of tho 0. F. Hall, ut aa e spans of $90. The rain and wind storm last Tuesday had a depreasiag effect on grain and fruit ; hut not much damage waa done, though aomo Aelda have a fiat appearanot. A asso named Whipp was mairted in Jackaouville last week. It is to bo hoped his wife understand how to manipulate a broom wall enough to overcome him. A Band platform has been built by the Mechanics' Band at tho foot of polo oa the pablic square, from which music will bo dis courses! on Saturday evening. Considerable excitement was aroused on tbe streets of Corvallis last week when the announcement was made that a worthy citi zen of that town was going to sot a hen. Part of tho strikers en the O. P. hsvo withdrawn from thoir agreement to assist in preventing strikes on that road, and aay they can ae lunger do anything in tho matter. Burkhart Bros., hsve several caan custom ers for small pieces of laod of from 24 to 80 acres. If farmers will be willing to divide their loud into this sixe tracts we can sell them. The item in last week's Dkmoi r at stating that ( line & Monteith had $25,000 worth of property for sale ahould have lead 2,e00 acres. Tho value of tho property amounts to nearly $300,000 If yon want your property advertised call on i line, Monteith and Uo., lmmtxtiatviy. If you want yonr property sold call on them. It costs you nothing to advertise with this firm ami very little to aell Mr U W Cundiff has tho contract for doing tbe masonry work, and Cox A Spronger tho plastering, en tbo Upora rtonae. Last wees on account of a m is under tending w gave both to the latter gentlemen The best family remedy is udonuhtedly Pfuudera Oregon Blood Puriuer. Harm leas, it accomplishes relief where many other medicines failed to do eo. It may lie aafely given to the infant aa well aa tbe adult Now ia the time to aell your land, place it in tho hands of Burkhart Bros., they have b tter facilities for advertising and Belling land than any other agonta in Oregon send them your name and tbey will Bend you their Ileal Eatate Paper for one year free of charge. An amateur whirl wind twisted tho top of a small maple tree off, near Conrad Meyers store, last Tuesday tn a gontle, but tirm manner. Though a small matter it illustrat ed what a large one could do iu Iowa or Ne braska, A box of strawberries is supposed to weigh one pound. Most of our Albany dealers though are literal and raise tho weight to about a pound and a quarter. This city is fortunate in having upright gardeners to deal with. Tho rivor steamer, ''The City of Salem" sunk in the Willamette at "Book Island" a few miles this side of Portland a few days ago. It was loaded with flour from the Capitol Mills of Salem, which will probably be ruined. A communication from Waterloo last week was not published for tho reason that ths writer's name did not accompany it. Correspondence without tho name of tho writer will bo placed in the waste basket, Remember this. Those boys who were throwing stones at tho windows of a vacant house the othsr day were soon by pet less than three men, who have agreed that if they ever catch these boys in mischief again they will give thoir name to tbe public Bishop H Dubs, of C leveland, Ohio, preached in the Kvaogolioal Church on last ttsblmth svsning to a full house, service in the other ehuruhe being suspended out of respect for the Bishop The aermoii waa listened to with marked attention. Msloiu oan Isiast of ita inaauo asylum, Portland of its capitalist, Astoria of iu liaherie, Corvellia of ita footracera, Kugeue of its Uuiyeraity, Hrownsvilie and Oregon City of their woolen mills, ami Alueay of it maKiiilioeiitly uniformed bands ! 1 Last Monday our strawberry Irieud Mr. William Peacock again oamn to mvid with an uuaurpaoaod box of trawberne. There were only thirteen in tho bftg, ami they measured all tho way from 0 to H( inches m oil eu inference. Tl.ey were 01 the Sharpless variety. Mr David Hurkhrt informs DfJMOOBAI man that he aw a blackberry viae on the r.u f Mr TC llaker, 111 Ite.ita-i county, 0 feet i niche lung, all ef this year growth. Tin completely oyMrsiiadow tho yine men turned by a contemporary 4 loot '1 inches long. Some aro growling because pennies are wouding their way toward Oreg.,(1. It loe look small to those who hivo leeii in the habit of seeing change within Bftg and t-m cent ; hut it is husines, and not an MBS n roaiaOPa when one gels used to it. The large rain did oue ni;o of grsst value. They ft oatod about 0)t mm foot of lumbor dowu the ('almost, thus enabling siobmeon 4k Wist to bsgiu Mwing and to nit their large of onl-rs. Tni firm hat boon very unfortunate with their log this season, A M Cox, of llarriabiirg.ciiiliengoaany one iu Albany to a on day thtng voidest ou the "Upper Willamette" fur $M a aide. An A) beny iishermau bid dslianc- and agreea to lisli for f 100 aside ou any trout stream in Oregon, which would mdicscn I bat the partus ar too for a part to ever most. In the srnval n .me of the Portland holol laat Monday were the lumo of four teen P-dssu all fro u Kitlhigaa. and all in a row. No doul.t this lare family will reddeu ins locality. Wo ar willing to run ths risk oi as potajg Lien, and take th chat s of thir being a blood thusty family. F.yery county in OrOBM would like to have th Stato imiuigrstioii Usr,l rsjsj 10 its iater ot ;)ut only one county cornea any here near it, aud that 1 Multnomah. ( At the him time Linn county certainly ttsnmrt complain at the uuiiiUr whs areae'tltu h-r. what ever the cause may I,, win h ia luoo them to come here, Albany ahould leprptret to racoiv the lows elitofs on their way thiuush Oregna wheu at Albany. VVnn two thoroughly uniformed bauds there 1 no reason why we skould not be able to mskssn 1 iipr-ien on them that will enure to our l.ueiit. As all of thorn will travel with th-ir pencil and nnU' Iws.k in thir hand, it '.eh.x.vea the paofjlg hereto do something uo cubic inch of ttold ia worth $J10 ; on 11 hie foot. $31 '1. 310. and on cubic ysrd, $.7'.W,7h2 (oounting the ounce at $lh. At the commencement of the 1 'nnatian era there wore altogethw 4 .'7.000,000 worth of geld, tut t the tone o the .lis. .ery o( America only $87,000000 r'ini!ie 1 At present the value of all the oold in kh rNi I is counted ot $0.000,000.asi The first of tho week Mr Prank Pmpet living fw uuiea from this city brought to th lies - H1 olli e a tioo a.e.-irneo of sstran headed Kgyptiao wheat, b fok 7 m dies tall from roots to end f Maid. It was ia splendid rsiushlieii, lite head t"-in wall developsl, aud tail of s Imuntiful crop an weak heoue The ediU.r of the Riatery of the Willam ette Valley is m Southern Oregon getting up an Immigrants Oosdo. '.f predict the work Will he a ml on, as Mr leans' is wsll suite I br it lu all kisdueas though it may b said that hi forte i not in publishing Histories of KoUu l. or even ol the Willamette Valley. P U county h two yisiag boy, h for pure ' coeeodness, are not ofteo epjallel. Ihey wore recently srretUtd for horse atoaL iag, plead guilty on two indictments aod wore aentenood to 60 day imprisonment in tne County jail. When they leaf e tho jail is wtll be with two other tsdmtuieau over them. Juurdauta their nam.- Wiien one of tb lalio iu ' East Lynne" ssj ! sn would d-i aaythtog to aee her hrotu Of ssaMOssi. evea kia a btackamitb, ami then p. 1 .ted at our fnon I on tbo ooroei of Ferry U(i .ctin4 Street, thSro was -osiderable miHirrameot in hi locality W un lr stand, though, he hopes the election will be a close oue ami require such payment for vote. Au exchange aya 1 Newspaper, though everybody do not think o, are always paid for in advance. If the honest snd thought ful subscriber doesa't do it th proprietor B a has to. The paper and ink manufacturer aad the printers will not wait until 0 year, per haps a dozen years, expire before they get their pay. We wish that some of our sub sen be r in arrears weald think of this. Mr Alex Cooley, of Cottage Grove, bas been sued by one Hiram IO for th oedoc lion ef bi daughter Fdsie, aged 16 years, in tbe sum of $10, 151 It is but just to say that Mr Cooley s an estimable aod respected gentleman, having lived in Lane county for many yesra an I has borne on excellent rej.s tatton. He ia about sixty years of ago. Mr Cooley claims that tbis is merely o blank- mail scheme and that ho will right it to the end. Juarl. "How shall Women Dress ?" is a question tbst oue would hardly expect to he dmcuoood in so grave an organ of opinion aa the A oris A wriran lttvieu1, and yet in ita Juno num ber thta interesting topic ia to las treated in a symposium, by five eminent writers who bave given the subject much attention, vis., Charles Dudley Warner. Elizabeth Stuart rhelps. Dr. William A. Hammond, Mrs. E. M. Kiii-: and Dr. Kate J. Jackaon. Ths Btory start. 1 that Frank Lewis of Corvallis, and Jack Giboon, are one and the same person, aod that he throw the San Fran- cisco race on March bth, are denied, and with mueh reason, at least aa to the former ; of tho latter wo do uot know sufficient about it to state. Isowis has been iu the Stte st least three years, having boon married to a Beoton county young lady for some time. If he throw tho race it was his first one as far as is known here, for he has never been besten iu Oregon. Ao some Linn county people have tho Harney Valley fever we give the following glowing (?) account of it taken from tho In dependence rf tst btut : 1 ho writer met a gentleman in Dallas a few days sge who had recently returned from a trip to Harney Val ley and tho Malheur county, to which place ho had gone with the intention of locating. Ho waa not very favorably impressed with that section snd says that the gilt edge, nickle plated aocounts of th country are ex agerations of tha worst kiud arui that en i grouts are almost invariably disappoiated. Tho lease ef tho Oregon Ilsilway and Nav igation lino, it is now understood, will either bo mads jointly by ths Northern Pacific and Oregon Short Line company, which is con. trolled by tho Union Pacific, or by the Northern Pacific oompany alone, with an amicable traffic arrangement with the Un ion Pacific. Ilenta! will be paid at the rate ef 5 per cent on the Oregon Ilsilway and Navigation Co.'o stock for the tirat three years, and 6 per cent afterward. A drover, saya tho Orejonian, who haa jutt returned from a trip through Kaatern Oregon says that he was in Walla Walla on tho Saturday before tko rain began, and tbat the streets were almoat deaerted,aud that every body in town looked unhappy. Last Satur day he waa there again, and tbe street wore crowded with farmers and their families, all smiling aod happy, and shaking hands and congratulating each other. A few in ches of rain more or less makes a great dif ference in the foeliuga of the independent farmer. Marion Harland describes a few good and wholesome "nursery desserts" ia Babyhood for May, for mothers who ars judicious enough to giye thoir littlest ones such instead of rioh eakes and puddings. Wra P Gerhard, C. E , contribute to the same number a Practical talk on "Country Houses and their orronndiags," exposing tho false sense of security in whioh many families rndulgs merely because they do not live in tbe city ; were some of his suggestions heeded disease would make fewer raids in tbe nursery. Be sides various other important tonics whioh are treated ta this issue, the readers of the magazine appear to vie witbj its editors iu furnishing useful hinta. T. B. Peterson A Brothers, Philadelphia, will issue in a few days "Snob Papers," by Adair Wolckor, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instroction, Sacramento, California, Tho scene is laid in San Fraaoiaeo, Oakland, and tho surrounding country, and tho hero, a bluff old "Forty Nioer," haa grown rich at tbo mines. Ho come to Ssu Francisco to mingle with the Snob snd see Ufa, and the abrewd aayioge delivered in peculiar stylo, are nt th moNt convulsing type, heiog one whirl of ludicrous ml ventures, which srr quit sxciting and sensational, while the an tion never case. Hosts of droll characters are introduced, among them several r-mak-sbly lively )ouug ladies and some ladies of unoeitatn age who are untiring fishers iu the matrimonial sea. while the local snob and dude ar mercilessly ridiculed. ''Snob Pa pora ' will bo puhli-hod in oue iartte doode cimo volume of 50J ixga, at ths excee'ling ly low pfine of seveuty-riv unU a copy in ppr cover. . r 91 fj Mmud i a morocco cloth, and copies will Im sent to any one at once on receipt of price Wo predict for it a vary Isrgs sals. Local agents are wanted iu every county. Lartts wags can Ire made solliug it. Address st ouce, T It Petoraon A Krothors. Philadelphis. Pa , for sMmsl terms to A o-nt aiMlax, on rastsostl. Mr S K Vuung i visiting fnen I n Port laud Mr Jos Moit h t4 be n m Portland this week. Mr John Oshum, of alrm, wa in th dty laat Saturday. Walter Hoito ., ,t H irrisburg, was iu tho city last u 11 r I 1 . O P Tompkins, ul Portland, ha been in the city this week. Mr Tho M ihWici n h boan iu Astoria this week ou husinr, Mrs .1 II Foster ituriied a fear days since from a visit 10 Portlaud of two or throe weeka. D . erltele, of Corvallia, passed through Al Imuy on his wsy to the meeting of i. FV lu Salem. Mr J I. Crd and family, roc-.jiit'y from Toronto, Canada, are in tho tity with a view to locating. Mr Tho Ky, Superintendent of the i.rowuvUle Woolen Mill, waa 10 th last baturday. city J B Week, a handsome and imposing youug commercial tourist from rfaio was is the etty the first of the week. Hon John Burnett and W S Woodosk Wre 10 the city Monday bound for Salon , aud Saturday .,..,...! Keadt pa aod through Albany. II H ILwitt. f.rmonv a student of tbo University, r-i., ..-l 1.. bny laat evening. U has au es i. practice iu that city, -Satom V' U'-i ,, T J M0fs ol ihs bee ., mi, HVor Wl Ur K etc bum snd Oearso llocheller, ore to Salem this wk attending tbe State meet tug ol Odd Fellow a. Mr John Schmtor snd James Conner left Albany laat Mot day for Pnuevido by wsy of tbo fadienoa Wagon Boid. Tuey will be gone about two weeks. Deputy Sheriff Smith w 14 K burg last week, wber be was uhpo.,a.i iu tbo case of ahorse thief whom h hi t arratod BtM lime ago. The man was b.und guilty and sootencod to a year iu the peuiieuiiary. M tiu Suigor is closing oat hi buaiueo in Una city, and will move to Sslem, but family already haviog gone ta city. Mr and Mr Slaiger hsve been good citizens, aud .i.e. we heartily cootmeud to ths good will of Salem people. Mr 0 M Uibcrteon and wife, of this city and Halsey. left Albany last Tuesday for aa extended tup through the East. Tney wj be koub shout six week, returning ia tins lor Mr It ibertaou to open bl warehouse st Halsey before harvest The Demos aUT wishes them a safe aod pleasant voyage. A man named Allen committavi ruicidi at ' last Saturday by gettlntf ba. telly orook. Ha wa found in a woodaned dead, completely burnt out by wbiaky. BBseu i-fwa wr test E. v ' o. Ok , May --h, IhAo. At s regular meetoig of Soio Ixlge, No. 30. A. O. C. W , Moo lay vemog.May 16th. tb following preamUl and rsssdutiona were rood sod uuauimously adopted ! Waaas, Il ha pieassd Us Hsprcms aad ail wis llr af kaates aod aanS V. ramose from our c. J.t our lata asUoaad blather. Uayden Cornell, seal WHSaSss, It la sot put that Biting rsoagmtiuo wt his Bseey atria ehoul-1 be had. Therrfur. he it Keeolaed. By Hci , Lodga No. oa th rsarisl'y of tissOraod Usage Ores; .u sod Washington Ancient Order of United Workmen, that while w bow in bumble- MbtBiaaton to the will ot lbs most Hi-h. sr do not the less in xirii lor oor brother who haa been taken frofu us. Kaaulved, Tnst h. th death of Bretht-r l orn -Il.tbi l-jdjfc (amenta the Im tsf a brother whu waaeaer raalj to prog er th hand ef al.l and ths ee of syasreuhy to the neesty snd distressed of Iks fratern ity, sn active imsnher el this brity, zeal .u I in tb . au, punctual In aUeisianr ai 1 rri,;.t m lhe pay meal of rery call, a friend att! ranptnitn who was dear to us all, an effeeUosal father, a kind has lank sod sdttsss whose upright aod daily life snvss stand ard of emulation to his fellow. Resohad, Thai the heartfelt sympathy of thai bodg he extended to the fanilly of th deceased brother, in this their aad bersa truant and affliction Resolved, That a copy of th s resolutions ke transmitted to the family of the deceased brother, under tb seal of this Leeg and attested by tb Re corder aad Master Workman of this Lodge. Reaolred, That thass resolutions he spread upon the records of this Lodge and that a copy thereof be furnished tha local papers for publication . W. E. Kbu.y, Nbsttus CaasTaBt, II is st Erunr, Attest, Csmssittee. W. K. Ksllt. J tors Caaaraas, Rsonrder. Master Workman, (Sslem papers pleas copy . ) I. a. o). r. At the meetings of Odd Follow held at Salem this week tbe following officers have been elected for tho ensuing year : BY ORANO LeaOK W C Tweedale, ef Albany, Grand Master ; U Alexander, of Pendleton, Deputy Grand Master ; Henry Doseh, of Portland, draod Wardea ; John M Bacon, of Oregon City, Grand Secretary ; John G Wright, of Salem, Treasurer ; T O Baber, of Sale as and Doctor Williamson, of Weston. (Irand Representa tive. BY OBVkNH AMPKr.M . D S K Boiok, Grand Patriarch ; D Buchanan. High Priest ; R M Day, Grand Seuior Warden ; T Ford, tiraud Junior Warden ; John SI Bacon, Grand Scribe John ( J Wright, Grand Treasurer ; and J F Backensto, Grand Representative. Masting Wire. Owing to the uncertainty In tha amount of binding wire to be nsed this season, there will not be any more imported than la actually ordered. Those intending to nas it will have to send their orders to me not later thsn June 1st, and aa much earlleras possible, as same will haye to be ordered lroru uianufactorios in the East, and orders must bo cent in at once, for it to be here in season. Samuel E. You?ia. tbeap Strawberries, After May 21st orders for strawberries will be carefully tilled in their turn, Boxed and delivered at the express office here, in cither 10, 20, 40, 44, 50 or 84 lb. crates at GH cents per lb, or box. Parties so desiring oan gather their own at 5 cents par box or lb, no children under 10 years old admitted on tba grounds. Sandkord A Nelson. Turners, Or. May 13. Just received from Ktstern manufactories an invoice of ladies Summer wraps, soma thing neat, stylish aud cheap at Samuel E. Yoi no's. Yes we moan it. Our prices on boots and shoes can't be beat when taking into oouaid ration tbe quality and atyle oi goods. IvEAi) A Bkowxsu. Wash fabric for Summer dress goods, uov cities in ginghams, seersuckers, indigo blues, Four lards, etc., etc, at SAMUEL K, 10r 5. a tafgeratle I have notices! tbat it la a easy fur a man to exaggerate as it Is for water U run down bill ; why this is tboaly It is difficult to tell, for exaggerated stories or remarks are almost sur to prove back acting. In other word "murder will out." I remember a man noted for a faculty this way. On one ocoaoioa ou giving Ho events of bis life a geuM man stood be hi ml him and kept track of tho s'-vjral periods of bis existent Added t hey m id oyer one tun trad year, wh jras ha was I est than Ifty, Again on tbe ssmo I'Hnciple, I i otioo tbe newspapers of tb state boovtinof tbo ImmaisB po;.u!ali n of the Ities tbey ara publlsbel in, as if such things would boost thorn box But whoa h cons is is taken ami the real facto ara simply reacts anrf kicks tha one legged ot"ol from under tbe places For instance ft population of all tha way from Jovsi to ;i-fo has been claimed fpr Kugene fily, our thriving neighbor op tba river; tbe ceosuo juat finished oho as tba true tlgurea to bo 177, Take Albany too. I bare seen figures la cor-respondi-ncee in Portland and othe iap rs putiug the figures aa high as 4000, I ul I observe the DkMocsat haa adhered stri ;tly to one half tbe number, which the rescue will carry out within one hundred, either mora or ess It pay to I e as nearly right as pxsso:blo. It Is a weavk course to picture a place aa a Paradise if it is o dy a aaya bush Bnuntry. uppooe some Jong toagoed Individual roads a glowing accewint tsf some place claimed to be a land fl wiu Ith milk, honey and twenty pound apples, and p sseasing a elimato cltar- aclerlzed by eierua1 swoetaeas and all tbat, and goes to it. When ho finds that It is only an a'rrage sort of a place witb a I moot tw advantage, r.atura- or other wis-, tiioapples ae all nubbins, woaiher is j i-.t fair U raid lime, Way. be will ret so mad as to jump out of hie bo its, and the way ho wi 1 ran down that QBBBtoy wi 1 be a caution. So you aae it does not pay to be prevarlcatrre ia audi matters As a matter of fact that. i aot nun of it doo in the Willamette Va'ley compared to the monstrous accounts a nt out fro as some b ales Many who eorao bore do ao ea occeuid of letters received fr n f. ieade who have preoeded them a few years and know what it ia. At the some time on come email poiuta once in awhile the truth is stretctted a htt'o. A to oor general climate her, fertility of rail and s ciabiiity of i eople It ta a d fEcalt matter to exaggerate by the use of any common anguoge Program of a Sabhath School oonoort to he given at I" an gent, 5 ay 23rd. st 7 JO p. m. Kassding Scripture, iMat. 18, 16.) Trayor. ooog by Choir, "Wonderful Words of Life." rUcitauou by li'urgis Beard, "little As- gd." Recitation bv Marvin Calsway, "What can wo do for Jesus f lleoUtion by Charley And:ron, 4,A Hytur. 8ook by t'boir. "Wak the Soag of Jo Or- I SS) leo. Recitation by E ldie Bryan, Thy Will be Dona."' Recitation by Victor M aoe, "Little Light. " 8oo by ofteea little girls, "Happy Chi! dxan." Recitation by Char'ey Bryaa. "The L ttie Boy That Died. " Seag by Choir. "Pesoe Be SUll " Hesitation by Km ua Kuitht o. 'T t'a- seen." lleciUtioo by Bessie Settlenuer, "lirother- y La)vc ."soo by six.httle girls, 'MitTer ice ni- dreo,rt ReciUtien by MoUie Werts, "Little Cbil- tlren." Song by Choir. "Weary lalean r." Rectution by James i raves, "LovestTboa Me r ReciUtion by MoUie Luptr, "I Watt Jesus to Love Me. ' Soag by three vouog la lies, "Sweet Story of Old." Recitation by Orotnith McKarand, "Select ed.' ReciUtien by George Simpson, ' Gather ing Wayside Flowers." Recitation by Anna Powell, "Ircnbteia tho Amen Corner, 1 ' Soog by Choir, "Hoaaaoa." Dialogue by fourteen little chd Iron, "Little Chudren.'' Song by Choir, 'We Shall Kaow." Song by Choir, "Hark the Soag of JuhUer " Song by seheol, To tho Work." Benediction. Admission free. F. M. Ccir, Pa K. L. BRYsJf, Superintendent. fear wire I haye jnst received from tho aiaasfactej ies a car load of Bessemer steel fence wire, galvanized 4 point 4 inches, 2 point 3 inches . S AMC El B. YOV.aJU. Our dress goods have arrived aad tho ladies ara iavited to call aad coo there. Everything in now colors aad deaigaa will be found ia complete assortment. Mos i'trrn A SsiTnH bacsk 5, 10 and 25o counters at N H Allea A Cc aae Tea of Tebaooo One ton of the already fasaous "Phtoh tobacoo just received asA.B. Mellwaiaa. Buyiug in auch largo quantities Mr. Ma il wain ia able to undersell all other dealer a. This is the beat tossvece ured. Calhand gat s sample ping free, aad you will chew aa othet. A little the best cheece ia town oaa be had by calling on Beau A I kwxbll. 10 and 191 counter a N H Allan A Oa 5, 10 and 2c counter at N H Alloa A Oa. II from Satare's Well. The akin on the head is kept soft and flexible by a secretion from the oil Sands. When these are clogged the air dries and falls off. Parker's Hair Balaam renews their action, restores the original color to the hair and makes it soft and gloeey. It aibo eradicates dandruff. Not greasy, not a dye, delle- uusiy perfumed. .Delightful for a ad y's toilet table. The beat of dreaainga Preferable to all similar articles because of its superior cleanliness aad parity- WANT ED AT ONCE. Experienced book agents, male er female. For tko moot popular aod fastest selling book of the age. Will pay salary for first class canvassers. Active, inexperienced eaa v lasers drilled snd paid commission or salary. It will pay you to write us. Address Agency u V aa v;.i a' ai. x uuuauiUK uuuilu, vot a i uwvv, su' hny, Oregon. ben Baby woo sick, we gave her C ASTOBIA, When she srae a Child, she crSod fosr CAJBTOSLLA, W ban be beeame Mlaa, abe clang to CA-STORLA, M( boa sho had Quisiisn, abo TOthesa CaVSZOSIA.