gmacvat. FRIDAY MAY 22, 1881 TUB WAIL OP MUMIM. II It baa leen charged bidt time by Republican leaders in years past that the Democrats were in sympathy with the Mormons and would not suffer them to be prosecuted for their open violation or law in their polygamous practices, and doubtless many of them were led to believe thia waa true in consequence of its oft-repeated reitera tion. Of course there waa no ground upon which to make such a charge, and there waa no reason for believirg the charge. But now re see a clear mani feetation of the aympathy which Demo crats have for Mormons in ths veiy vigorous manner in which the latter are being prosecuted for their poly gamoua practices, Tbose who are curi ous to know will inquire why polygamy should be more vigorously prosecuted under a Democratic adminiatration thaa it has been under RepubHoan adminis trations. There have been more oon--vietions in a month under Cleveland than in a year under Garfield and Arthur. But as Mormons have been led to expect sympathy from the Dem ocrata they are now acting upon that belief and have formulated a protest against the execution of the law which they have presented to the president. Thera could scarcely he two opinions as to what iply these violationa of law would receive from the president. The law must be enforced. Nineteen twentieths of the people of the country are heartily opposed to polygamy, and thia sentimsnt of opposition hss been cryatalized and made the law of the land, and polygamy muat go down and be buried forever out of sight ss one of the twin relics of barbarism. Lit the foul blot be forever wiped out. Of course the whole design of the protest is to bring reproach upon feder al officials in Utah in order to get a stav of prosecution under the Edmunds law. These Mormons in their protest set up aa a cause of protest that non Mormons are guilty of unlawful cohab itation in the territory and that the federal officials refuse to prosecute thera, while they are being prosecuted on all sides, but they addnos no eri der,c9 to prove the ellegation,but if the allegation be true it is no reason why i6s law should not be enforced againtt them. The whole cause ef conflict be tween Moroi on ism and the government is polygamy, nd when the Mormons give it up the conflict will cease, and not till then. We believe the evil is in course of ultimate extinction. A CM ILLKRCB. In the Bulletin of May 9th, is an article in which an illusion is made to a "de position" which, it is intimated, contains matter damaging to the moral character of some individusl, but that individual is not me missed. We un derstand that the editor of that paper has said on the streets that the indi vidusl referred to is the senior editor of the Democrat. There is also a hidden threat to publish the "deposition." Now, if the Bulletin editor meant to refer to us in connection with that "deposition," we have only to say that we challenge him to publish it and let the public see what there is in it. He says in the article that he can copy fronr the record if we desire it. We not only desire him to do so, but we challenge him to de so. The Fmindeer of May 8th says : "Tbe States Rights Democrat is la menting the fact that two Albany hoys, whom it styles hoodlums, haye been guilty of assaulting a Chinaman. It is no wonder that young boys who have been cods taut readers of thst journal on the Chinese question, abonld have con ceived the idea that it was perfectly legitimate to abuse Chinamen, or do any thing to rid the country of them." Now, Mr. Plaindealer, the two boys of whom we spoke are not readers of the Democrat neither are their parents, but if they had been and had followed the advice ot the Democrat, they would not thus have token the laws into their own hands. Your intimation that reading the Democrat would induce boys to "conceive the idea that it is perfectly legitimate to abuse Chinamen or do any thing to rid the country of them" is not true in any sense of the word and nothing is taught or said io the Democrat that would justify this statement. How BtiaDge it is that when Presi dent Cleveland appoints a democrat to office, all the republican papers with one accord should set up tke cry that he has made a mistake, but when be appoints a republican or refuses to sus pend one then parrot like ths word passes along from the big to the little organ that Cleveland is making a very good president. Ab, gentlemen, yon are understood. The thin gauze of candor with which you cover up your real feelings is transparent enough to be penetrated by a half blind man. Young man, you pay 10 cents apicc foi cigars. You smoke 5 cigars a day. That would be 50 cents a day. In five days, you will thus spend $2.50. For this amount we will send you the Dem ocrat "one year. Play "quits" with the cigars five days and take the Dem ocrat one year and future generations will applaud you for such noble self sacrifice. iUI A BAIL. It Is quite evident that onr Repub lican cou tern pot-ados are greatly dis satisfied with the course the President Is pursuing. The Administration Is getting along with unexpected ease and complacency. It has made no blunders. In the oracular and ex pressive language of a distinguished politician "U has not once put Its foot In It." The lugrublous prophe cies to which the Republican organs tareated It In the commencement of its career have nooe of them been fulfilled, and evory succeeding day lessens the chances of the Democratic Administration coming to grief. Un der these circumstances It Is not sur prising that the Republican organs are out of sorts. It would soem that thera is, therefore, nothing for them to do but hire a hall, hold a conven tion and decide upon a view to take of the Democratic situation. It does not look well for one great moral illuminator to denounce "the rank hypocrisy of the President' a reform pretensions," just as another dissemi nator of virtue takes occasion to de. dare that he has adopted the teach ings of the Republican party and must inevitably break up the demo cratic organisation. There Is virtue in consistency, but the Republican organs do not consist On the con trary, they are "glvlug themselves away." Those of them who denounce the President's appointments of men whom the rest of tbeiu praise as able and unimpeachable gentlemen, must inevitably suggest to their readers that they take them for fools, or that much discouragement has made the organs mad. The Illinois Republi can veteran who fought uoder Black, or the Wisconsin Republican soldier who followed Vilas to the field, or the Union soldier who caught glory and victory under the leadership of the intreped Rosecrans, must rub his eyes at the assertions of the party or gans concerning "the Confederate rcll-call, aod the rebel yell in the ante-chambers of the President." This sort of thing Is certainly calcu lated to demoralize the grand old party. If as we are assured, its members are men who read and thick, and If they keep on doing so, and compare note? on the result, they will certainly come to the conclusion that "for ways that are dark and tricks that are valo," the Republi can organs are peculiar. There is but one way out of the difficulty. The organs want get together, hire a hall, hold a convention and agree up on a line of opposition bearing some slight relations to truth and decency. Although the world, we have been tolJ, is largely given to lying, there are some olu-usbioned scruple against indiscriminate mendacity which, under present conditions, are liable to do the grand old party barm. BE DI Some of our Republican exchanges propose that an extra session of the legislature be ceded for the purpose of amending the Keady liquor law, so thst it may be enforced. It wUl not do. This a mere pretext to get the legislature together in order to make another final effort to elect a senator. No, gentlemen,if you want the governor to assume the responsibility of incur ring an expenditure of $20,000 to elect a senator, be candid enough to say so. Tell him plainly tbat the Republican party stands ready to shoulder this grave responsibility. Teli him what every one kuows to be true, that if there were no senator to elect there could not be found one tax payer in twenty-five wbo would seriously pro pose to call tke legislature together to amend the Keady liquor law,or for any other reason now existing. The Re publican leaders bad their opportunity, bad full ample time, with a large ma jority on joint ballot to elect a senator. This waa a sworn public duty which devolved upon them to perform. This they wilfully, openly and lepeatedly refused to do. The people are very much opposed now we think to incur ring this extraordinary expense to sat isfy the whim of a fe hard beaded politicians. Still we have no doubt that an extra aessiou would turn the state over to the Democrats next year. We very much regret to see our re publican contemporaries beginning to whine about Cleveland's administra tion. Only a month ago they were nearly all saying kind, cheerful words of approval of the president, but alas ! how different now. CORRESPONDENCE Iin.e. May 20tb, 1885. Mr. Will Metzkar is visiting at Mr. Haywoutss. Miss Nettie Willoughby wbe has been sick so long, is now thought con valescent. Miss Allie Butler started for borne last week via. Junction City. Spelling school again next Friday evening. Mr. Ogle has moved over into Lane county, but still sends his children to this school. Quite a compliment to the teacher. A little son of Clarence Taylor was kicked by a horse last Friday and quite severely hurt. A sister of Mr. G. R Ward has come to make her home with him in the future. Mrs. Brant is visiting her brother Wo. and Jos. Kistoer. Mr. Wm. Cochran tf Broun mile was in this vicinity last weed. Heio. The rain desoandeth In superfluous quantities and now we can hear the prayers of many, ( who are never sat lotted) asking for more sunshiue. What is to become of so ungrateful as these. R. Pentland has laid his water pipe down as far as main street and the force it throws water Is simply aston foiling. The work has begun aod now while too citizens aro euthusod, is a good tlmo to complete the process which will doubly insure our town against los by fire. H. A. Johnson and K. O. Hyde are in attendance at the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. which Is In session at Salem at the present writing. Mr. Collins arrived here by stage yesterday, and she will remain a few days. Mr. Cdllns has taken aome beautiful pictures of our town and those who wish them can get tlim at the gallery. He gives 4 different views for the small sum of $1,25. J. S. Morris and his two daughters Addle and Emma, and Miss Kdith Pentland were In attendance at Pres bytery at Lebanon last Sunday. 8clo will not have any demonstra tions on the 4th o' July, uny more than the shooting of a few fire crackers by the young Americans. For all tbat you need in the Una of musical Instruments, sheet music, fresh candle?, nuts and cigars, also tne best oranges that can he had in market, go to W. K. Kelley'a variety store, Sclo, Oregon. It is with a feeling of Madness that we chronicle the death of Mr. Hayden Cornell. He died on Stlurday the 16th Inst about 1 o'clock a. m. , The family have a!l the sympathy that can be bestowed upm them in this their darkest sadnetM. Lebanon. Oregon Preabytry of the C t church was held here the 14, 15, and 16th lost Quite a number of minis ters were hero from various places, among them were Mr. L Henderson of McMinnvllle. and Father Small of Waldo Hill, wno have both presided at different times over Ihh rhuorh. Kvery day we are looking for some old chronic irrowler to say. Moo much rain.'1 Dr. L. Foley and wife returned home last week from their Southern trip, to the delight of their m my friends here. They report a very pleasant time, but would have enjoy, ed it much better If they had not had some sickness. They ore entirely reconciled te Oregon, now and for. ever. Mrs 0 M. Do.ald of K.n! Portland, is up visiting her Strawberrieaare lentiful at 4 boxes for ifieta. mid cherries at 25sta, per gal ion. Mrs. Harbin of Raasaal Oregon, Is vfiitirtg with her daughter Mrs. W. Dooaca. Some of our young folks weot to Sodaville Monday night to a dance. If tills spell of weather ever passes off we will have some lawn parties ice cream and strawberries. There Is talk of organizing a O. A. R. pot here. We ho,e they will. The other eveoing one of our nice young men went out to serenade hit Dulciano. Ha quietly stole around the house to her window and played ; several pieces. When he got back to the gate, imagine his feelings, when j h saw the object of his affections! hangiog on the gate with some other I uiuut riK L'... iii.. it... i woman. She says she dont care for the Fin-ny tribe, but Jay-birds are her catch. I I zil4jy' . May 20th, 1885. Mm. Standard died on tha l3th Inst of consumption. She csrae hare from Illinois last winter, hoping the change would restore her health. She was a relative of Mrs. Qray aod Mrs. Hathaway of this place. The population of Halsey seems to be on the decrease at present, Judging from the number of empty bouses. The M. E. and Presbyterian ftab- bath sehecla propose having a picnic at the grove near town on Saturday. The Shedd brass band Is expected to furnhh music. Strawberr parties have been all the rage lately. Several patties went oat on Saturday and report a fine time and lot of berries. D. P. Porter of Shedd was in Hal- sey Sunday. Rock Creek. May 1 1th, 1885. The health of this community is good. This part of "God's green esrth" wsa blessed last week with a 24 hour's rain. Crops aud gardens all in. Tho grist mill of this place is being torn down and removed lo Mebama. A panther recently visited the prem ises of Mrs. Mires and devoured her faithful dog, his remains being foond in the yard the following morning. Several new hop yards have been started in thia vicinity this spring. Our mail aa now run is a source of considerable inconvenience tothis peo ple. Mr. E. A. Hester and sons sre now at Salem, where they have a valuable wood contract. Oapt. Han is is erecting,a large barn. We noticed aome valley people camped on the creek the other day. Those in search of vacant land would do well to visit this place. Dm. McCauly and Kitchen, ef Stay ton, recently performed a difficult and skillful surgical opsration on the eye of our neightor, U. VV. Thomas. The prospect of having a biidge at Mebama gives unbounded satisfaction to the people up this way. Verdant. Harrisburg. May 20tb, 1885. The late rain is being followed by another storm of a like nature, and farmers are happy. Considerable summer tallowing 'will be done in this vicinity, Mr. Robinson, of your city, came np on Thursday last with his orew of log gers, for the purpose of driving the Sutter logs thst have been lying in the mill pond here to the mill at Albany. The preparation for turning the logs out of the boom were consummated by Saturday, at which time advioes wsie received that the Oalipooia had risen sufficiently to permit moving the logs tbat bad been abandoned on account of low water, hence operatises were im mediately dropped here and the orew went to the oalipooia. Friday the alarm of fire was spread through our streets, aad in following the crowd we were carried to the dwel ling of Mr. J. J. Hay. The volun teer fire brigade had just extinguished the flames ai shown by a small apera ture in tho roof. We have two portable photograph galleries with us new. Quite an exciting game of baae ball took place here on Sunday last between the Coryallia and Harriaburg olubs. Toe score stood 11 to 1 2 in favor ot Cor veil is. We understand tbat two weeks Ister the same slabs are goiog to have another mateh game at Corvallis. Messrs. D. Met lain and W. K Mo Daniel went down to Salem yesterday to the Urand Lodge 1. O. O. F. now convened there. Mr. William Chapman, of Portland, came up on Tuesday and is the gueet of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Williams. Our Sunday Schoo! is adjourned un til after harvest. Bsr Wswt fre.peeu Oregon far mars with gewd prospeote (or large wbaat srope should read ths following discouraging- uews to ess tarn farmers, and net rejoice too muoh. There ia no telling what a day will bring forth : "Reports received from thirty-five coun ties in wee tern lows, forty. m counties in eastern Nebraska, fifty-sis counties in wssV ern Missouri and sixtytght counties ia Kansas, which Is a solid territory of 400 miles north and south, and 3UU miles east aad want, aad which embraces the larger portion ef the wheat belt, show that the wheat proepeot in the counties of Iowa ami Missouri is MJ per cast lees than the crop of last year, ia Ns braska tk) per cool, and in K ansas 5S par oeat leas. The delay ia planting corn ia twelve days to lows and Nebraska and twee, ty-two days io Kansas aad M isseuri About one-third of the corn crop of Kansas has been plan test aad half of it will have to be re plants.!. A oottesabls fact ia that corn is selling in Topeka for from forty to forty throe cents, while at several points in Kansas il sell far upwards of fifty coats. Farmers of Kaasas look for an indifferent oora crop aad aa a oonaosjoaaoa are holding old euro. Wil liam Si ma. Secretary of she Htate Board of Agriculture, reports, that the present year, at this time, proaeats the worst wheat proe- Ct known in tso years, net only io Kansas aa far aa hut oarrnspoadsaoe reaches.' rrTaav At bis raaidlaee, May uth, llM, Silas Haight died, aged 07 yaara, 3 months and 24 days. Mr. Haight waa born la the NUte of New York , Ho also lived In Wis., two or three yearn, aad came to Oregon In lS4i, living In Yamhill county as year and has aver siooa been a resident of Linn' honored and beloved by all who knew bun. His health gradually failed during tho pant fall aad winter, bat he was net confined to tha house until a few days be fore his death. Id is last hours ware pearw ful and comparatively easy, lie gently paaaad away, without a struggle, before bis friends were aware that tha end had come. The funeral services were it his hones. and be waa laid to rest In the quiet and beautiful Knox Butte cemetery, leav ing behind him a manly record, a sweet Influence, and a multitude of I r lands, H. Letter. private letter from V P Ca reuses an eld ettixaas of Albany, but new In Bald win Ciiy, Kan., to Jaaaes Denoale, of thia city stalee tbat be has trave ed ever Kan sas, Illinois aad Missouri a great deal aod finds that wheat la almost a failure, Spring la wet and backward, and high waters have done much damage, many Uvea last and property destroyed. Cyelenee are prevalent deatroylng houses and killing men and beast, Mr. Cavenees, with his usual good sense, went to New Orleans to the Pair and waa fairly delighted with what be aaw. We venture the prediction that he will return te Oregon before the year la out. The brae sieve Of K reuse Bros., located at Kugene City and Portland baa been purohaaed by us at less than half New York cost from the Assignee, which has been removed to Al bany, The stock oonaieta of one of the largest and beat selected stack ef clothing, gents furnish i nj goods, boots, shoes ,hata, cape, etc., ever brought into thia valley. The goods are ail new and fresh and of the beat quality, We now prepoee to sell he aame for cash at prices that none can compete with. This Is no boast, bat facta which yon can verify upon examination. N. II. Amnv, 67 First street, a IShljr aal. Ai.ban v, Obboom, Deo. 2nd, 1884. RueeeU k Ot., The New Massillon 33 inch separator and Hussell engine purchased ef you last sum mer is all yon recommended it to be. It has given satisfaction io every respect. I thresh ed this season in 34 davs run 43KfS2 bushsla of grain which is the biggest day ran of snv maonine ia tins pan ol the country. 1 threshed for aome of the oldest farmers iu this county and they all say that I did them the best job, saving and cleaning their grain that ever had been done. Our expenses for repairs for the seasoa did not exceed one dollar. Yours Kespectf ully, D. D. Hit KI.EMAN. FOSt SALS, I have on hand oarrlagee, hacks, both covered and open, buggies and carts manufactured by the late Fred Wlllert, wbieh mutt be sold in order to settle up the estate. The work will recommend itself. Oall aad see It. Will be sold at great bargains. W. M. Kktchust, Administrator. Maes berg Baa bre leery aad Lace. N. H. Allen A Co, have Just received a splendid line of the above goads, which will be sold remarkably aheap. atld Waves. The Vandonee real kid glove, 4 and 6 button, the very best in the market just arrived kt N. S. Allen A Co. Every glove warranted. The Democrat will take 100 cords of wood on subscription, and we would like as pood wood as if we were not public benefactors. Letter List Following is ths list of letters remaining In ths Post Offlee, Albany, Linn county .Oregon, May list, 1886. Persons calling for thsse letters most give the date on which they were advertised : ?uk J A Melons , Mas Jennie Lynch, John Hehn, John and Co. J. M. IRVINft, P. M. Nemert. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of K L Thompson k Co,, are earnestly requested to oall aad ssttls imme distely. Mrs li M Foster having retired fro a the business. Bew eleesls. H. M, Allen A Co. are now receiving new goods, all of which were bought for cash, which lu the present demoralised state of the market means bargalna In every line of goods, wblob they propose to give their customers the benefit of. Ttss Barest of Cesablaalleas. Ture delicacy of flavor with true ef floaoy of action haa been attained in the famous California liquid fruit reme dy Hy nip of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have rendered It Ira mensely popular. For sale by Foehay and Mason, l i W Langdon and Co. i, 10 and 29c eoaatsra at N II Allen ft ayrap of ri. Manufactured only by the California h'm Syrnp(.. Han Kraiicisoo, t al.. is Natures Own True liSiativo. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy day lie had of Foehay k Mason, C W laiitdon sod Co., st lifty eeots or ooe djllar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prombt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; te act on the l.ivsr, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly , to dispel Headaches, Colds and Kevers ; Is cure Constipation, Indigestion aad kindred Ula. 0. 10 and 2)a oonotors st N II Allen stO Are tea Tlresl or tselag stray We want to any a wonl to the men women and girls who work In etorw, offices and factories. There are hun dreds of thousands of you la the country. Very few ol yon are well. You are shut up too much and exercise too little. In this way you get sick. Your blood la bad, your digeetion poor, your head uftcn arhes, yeu don't feel like work Your liver, stomach and kidneys are outofanlor, Parker's Tonic baa cured bund rels of such cases, It Is pure, sure and pleasant. A Life eavtas rreseal- Mr. M. K. Allieon, nntchlnaon. Kan. ftaved Itla llfo by a simple Trial IbHtlo ef Dr. King's Now Dtanovory. tor fjonsutnp Uon, which caused htm to procure a Large bottle, that completely cured him, whi lxHn, change of ciltnateand everythins elaa had failed. Asthma, UroncbUi. lloaranoas Severn Cwugbs, and all Throat ung dlasaaas. It ia guaran end ot care. Trial ItoUloa free at Foehay M aeon's Drug Wore, targe also 11.00 Nil H K O m m O m T Em W w -w III W or raa FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST ALSaXY. IS THE STATS Of OEaVJOS, At the cUm el SosUaes. SiS Say ef St.. ISSf. Learn ab4 dtervuttta Oteraru .- 0. a Wnnea le seenrs rttvalaUoa . . tftte frets appro tea reserve eg eeta. Oae fruen eUtar KaUeaal Bsais tae ffn Stale flank an4 Sai.r Carrsat sssaesss sail vases pais . SMSM at II? U 1 iSSi 74 ist.M artaea asi as Cheese end oOr BiUsof eUter KrseUeeal ea-r rarreory .abates sas s parte lefrU ss i te ate os fttlwl IU t H Treasurer ie par can I at circulation 1. Total. ,eisossi; fUaMIUtea i tapitaJ ett paid la fsveaeeos . ito as . f 142 tt . lt& . TTMI.eS . iters ? Surttlua t milvWIad hfutu Natt'Hial Bank notes outatatvAliut Individual dapoalta eubiact to check OssS I certifkaleeef oepnetl Ooe le Stale TvHal Svara or Oaaaua, Corarv or Lr , es : I, U r Merrill. Caabier of tbe ebeve So o'mri!jr aeeer tha Ue ehee etatSisnt Is true to the best of rur knovleage eoS belief n. r. MCaSJLb. CaatSer. Subeertbed aad awera to before ate thia lMh day ef Stay, isai T. 3. BTirBs. u a Meterr raelte. Cosastv - Attest : jjo. rosNKA, L. B St. 4 IS, Diraeters. M. a YOl'MU, ) Sheriffs Sale. a ikt Circuit Ceurf o the State of Or f gem for County of Linn. i Bridgea, rtaibUS. va Bsrtrand II n, fleery Wirbsrtsad 0 W Croiaant, Defatideeta NOTICK IS HKREIiY OlVtS THAT BY TIRTI K el aa eieculioe iaeutil out el the ehuve named Court In the above entitled aetloe on tbe Hat day ef April, IBM, to sas directed end delivered, I did en the lain day ef May. 1SS6, lev upon tba real prop erty hereinafter daaeribed by delivering a eepy ef eaid exeeutlon toO W Cretaant, he betas' the eoeupan. of said reel pre pert y herainatier dlscrisett sad oo Satur day the tfXh day of Jane. 1SB6 sA the Court Meass door le Albany, Lien county, Oregaa, st ths hour of 1 e'cloek, p. m I will eell st public auction tor eaah la hand le the btaheet bidder all the righk, title aad ,nureet which the Defendants sr either el them had te la ssld real property hareinaftar deecrihed, sa lha aald tl.t day ef April, ISoS, said real property being described aa follow, to wit : The a rth ssst quarter of Section ss In Tewoshlp t south of range Mo. l.esetof the Wlllams ts BMiidlsa laUanoouo iy, Oregon, oontslnlsg ISO seres. Ths proosess of such eale to be applied : first to the payment ef tha cosu and dlsbursetnauu st suit and ths rssls of ssd upon thia writ. Second to the payaienU of Pis InUfb alalra of together with knUrost thereon at the rate of 10 per coat per snnuat from ths ltth day ef March, IMS. Third th rssssloder, if any to b paid te U W Croiaant, or his legal repreetntativa Dated this tOth day ef May, 1MM. J, K. CssabTOR, HhertS of Una county, Oregon, psrjas. J. Oauabfos, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lin County. Ssslth Css sad B O Cox, ss Admlnlstrstors of the Estate of Lswis Cox, deceased, Plain tiff s, TO. A MoUinplll ST, Defendant . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BT VIRTUE of an execution and an order of tela laeued out ot the shove asmei Court la ths abovs entitled action en too 19ta day of May, 1186, sad to ma directed and delivered, I wUl on Saturday, the tSth Jay of June, 1SS5, at tbe Court ileus door 14 lbs city of Albany. Uan county, Oregea , st ths hour ef ose o'clock, p. ss., ssll st public auction for cash in hand to ths highest bidder the real property desuribsd la ssld execution and order of aale daaeribed aa follows, to. wit : Begl anlng st ths south-west corner of the do. astioa land claim of James M Raed, Not, tU7 In notions tt snd SS, township 11, south of range 8, west sf ths YYUIsms tte msridtsa In Unn county, Oregon, running thsnos ssst two hundred snd seventy-six (S7S) rods, thence north eighty (80) reds, thence west two hundred snd seventy -six (178) rods snd thssce south eighty (80) rods ts the pise of beginning, con taining ons hundred snd thirty-seven snd one-half (117 J) sores. Ths proceeds of such sals to be spplisd first to ths payment of ths costs of sad upon this writ, snd ths costs snd expense of sals, snd ths cosu of suit taxed at 818.60. Second to the payment to Plaintiffs sf ths sum sf 8188.40 with accruing interest thereon at the rata sf 1 per sent per month from ths Sth day of May, 1811. Third ths remainder if sny there be to be paid to ths Defendant or his legal rep raeentativee. Dated this 20th day of May, 1881. J. K. CSUSXTOK, Sheriff of Una county, Oregon, per P. 8. Smith, Deputy, NOTICE. having concludod to close out his businoss, now offers his entire stock of STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVE I together with hie entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. r ;rll ijagjniin closing oat, mh is the time for housewives to replenish their kitchens and dairies with wara. ALBANY, IIOII. Dili, 1NNG FIREMEN'S DANCE. -AT- Crawford's Halle ALBANY, OJEl., Friday, Evening, May 29th, 1885, TICKETS - - - SI.50. Uol music f'tt tbe cw salon, Executor's Sale. Nam IN IIKHCSY OIVK.S Til AT THK I WWtM Igned KtaraUir uf lha laat all! etui UntariM til u A t "hrrv, daoeaaed, le .urauano d an order o lh Taunt y ( v.urt id Unn county, orrf.m. duly tnaUa and SBaSSal of reuord on fSM Sib day '4 S -vetnoer, la4. will eall at utnV auction Ui the h'.glt aet blddr, al tho btur ot on o'clock, . at , on Haturday. Jane tb zah, lail. at tha fourt 1 1 -door In tbe city 4 Albany lu Unn "uiM, oreir". all tha right title and Interest of eaid deor-ieed. A, V. i bern , at tha lima of BSJ death In and ta the lot loartug dtarrtbed real property, lo-arll ' Coinm lag at the aouthaaat corner of Lot Wo (S eight In Mo. b So i I'll i una bundled and one in Uerkleman'a addition If the city ol Albany la Unn county. Ore fou. aa tbe erne deetf naiad end knoan SS the plat, inepe and urveye of aUl cjty, now an Ma and f nsSSl la tbe SSSSS Si U County OsSjtJ, uf Unn oouaty. Hegon end running, thence In a norther!' rourae on th eaal line 4 aald bat, () eight, ral!et a-llh the wael line of aald Work No (I'll -in bun dred and ooe. ileS) one hundred and BWtJ SSI fret to a nuiut on (be eavl line of Let Hu. (1) one In eaid Mock . thence In a eater I y mrae paxellel llh the eoti'h Use uf Mid Urt Ho. (1) one. IS tha eat line of tbeaetaeon Hxilevcaery etreet . then - in a r.i. erly eSfJSBS thaeest llneof eeiu Utt - - reet. U a nt oofnelle the Soalhaeel corner d eaid L l hi .-n tha north Una uf Klrat street in aald MM In an aaaterly erniree along tha north line 4 riret etraet to the olarx of beginning Ala. th I loan g J. rlbed rrel .r..irty. V. m,l . I-.-. V. i' t ro in Block No (101) ene hundred and one In Uec k l-tu.u . addition to the ily of Albany in Unn county, ilrrgon aa the eawa by deeignaleil SSfl Bases on tbe plala, me aad eorreya eaid city nov on 0U end of record in the ufBce f the Ceunty 1 leik el Unn county, irraaoa. Tcrme -4 aela en credr. ol at aviritht, toe pan haa r IO give hi bote payable in alt mouth from tba day of ithout inurael with apued aarurtty. J xie. . CkBBBM . L. tl Mnrrasra, Ecttor. AU'r fur Kecuwr CD CO o CD O CD CD p CD W J 5 & ? O sags 18 CD C a-jj Jeaaassl CO P CO t' B Just Received AT- H0FFKAS & JOSH'H'a (S.Ie AK-nl) AMERICA'S r CENT FINEST CIGAR so II w 1 a Anl tii.y are l fie l . too. Try one an- ti will atfioko no riher ' center, Conrad Meyer, IMtOlMUETOR fK - STAR BAKERY, Cnrncr Broadalbin and First 8ts., DEALEK IV- 4'ssnarfl S'raife. saanrst Urut, QtafsWfl strt, neeaBWfsre, lrifl 8 rulta, egrla blaa, Tsbarro, I lsri, Mngtar, Mum. offlVr. Irs, i:ic tfr.. In fact everything tba'. ia k-pt ia a gen era; variety and grocery stare. Highest market fric paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. ) X EN !"'( K S ALE ! FIVE YOKE 0? GOOD WOSK.CATTLE, In j.r.nia condition with ox vokca, fhfins an.l 1kh, A ij li tiili I u-m, al a t'?w tin. A, ;-: v t'i CKAS. B. MONTAGUE, Lebanon, Oregon- MILLINERY PARTNERSHIP. NoHi-ei mmwmf fhrm that a partnership naa lbii f..rii.el belwtwn Maitie Al'iaon aird Al rn. Auiahda '1 lioiuj.on, for the pure km- of -airryiiic on the millinery busineaa in Albany. Their place of buKineaa will be the old stand of Mta Allison, near 8. K. Youug n htore b r iir via millinery old ami new tiiMouisr are Invited to irall on tin-III. AllbWAKK OF ALL KINDS. . " in ii h niMis, pii.'as hiiveliti.Ni,l, forks, frriudNlouea, wheel barrow, wringers, ropea, and almoal everything you want, can be bad cbuap orr.tah sstewart. Jl AIMS AMI foll. Of all deaenptioaa aihl by IVtrrs k "tw art. a wmm Inallnnlia kaL I i lAUFKNTKttE) TOOLrj. We want carenter t. know that we keep couritautly in stock ihe very beat tools the market atf ir Ja, autl sell tueru aa cheap aa they can be sold. Every tcol we eell we can warrant. No shoddy articles tre keot. Come snd see us. Pktkhs A Stkwat. tPuKTSMKN, ATTENTION ! Peters A Stewart keep a full line of am million, and will asll sa low as ibe )o tt. Eery pound of powder ia warranted to kill &i0 duckn if properly uaed. LAC'KSM ITU'S OUTFIT'S, Anvils visea.bellowH.bammm. almloa. stocks and dies and almost every tool uaed by blafkMitiitbH we keop oonetantiy on hand Also a full ;U k of iron .of all iis, horse ahoes and horse shoe nsils. Special prices mstle on small outfits for farm urn uee, pKrKR a Stewart. 1) ON'T FOROET IT. ii you try iu ounu now wniie wheat is only worth 51 cents you should by all means go to Peters at Stewsrt's, at Albany for ynur hardware. You can gat what you want at their store and at reasonable tig- uris. aT a a . 1 s a . H OOS1EK GRAIN DRILL. A better grain drill is not made snv where, aa every farmer aays who has used it. For salo only by Peters A- Stewart IlIE REST THING OUT, a Is the Acmo Harrow and well aflbrtl to be without it. It is the ver best clod crusher and pulverizer, leaving the ground as level aa a barn lloor. Sold only by Paters k 'ewart. T t CASE PLOWi. This famous plow Is well known in Unn Couuty. The ohilled and steel plows are well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work and scour fully aa well aa any other pi ow Peters A Stewart are the sole agentsT -Tl ARDEN SEKDs! " va A point not often thmioM ff Kim v..kl,.V important to the planter, ia that seeds Brown m a Northern climate have more vigor, and are more certain to produce a crop and mature earlier than those r.ised ur ther South. Seeds from Walla Walla, guaranteed to be fresh and pure, and u give satisfaction, will be sold y us cneap Uarden forks, hoes and rakes thrown in with each packsge far a small amount of ooiu. Pktbrs A Stkwart, H OUSE AND LOT FUK SALE. 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot 8ituafed in N, W, part of Sclo. Ths land lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Church. Unimproved, 100 acres open, balance brush. Iuquire of J. L. Muxir, Sclo. JjpHE bESr WAGOm Iu the market ia tLo celebrated Studo backer sold by Peters k Stewart, and tbe spring wagons ad hacks of the same make are just aa good. Every article is warranted. Tbe. prices are down on a deal level with wheat at 50 cents. Proclama tion. o THOMPSON WATERS, Brownsville, Linn Co., Or. Having Juet returned from San FraacMco, where we spent much lime :n aele-tiug our MAMMOTH STOCK OF Spring and Sum mer Goods. vriUv great atrc ami at tbe ery kiweet Caah Prieee,we ar tjw uptning 'nit ami ahall itfer to our i thnuel,.,ut Una County of Um largest, etiuu aiKl beet atfSfSsi stocks 4 BSafk ever trroogbtto Uaa OaSBSS, vmI at rlces that will defy etmtpetitioa fro any j-i.t.t In thiaSUU or on the Paci&r Co. Car eUK k of DRY AND FANCY GOODS lestwln all the very latest sty lea aad Spring aod h itu ntr Itnm 0joda, Matins. Ser.-ta. Ottocaana, Saare French Toohw. and Ileigea, Caehmeree. Poplin, Al ymam. Sateena, Uvne, Clngaaoat, Plaid, etc .etc' Our BSM k '4 WHITE GOODS, is very Urge ami craplctc, cnritinr uf Lewac, Swawea, Mulla. Tartrtoua. Butiaete, Irieh I iesas. Jaconetu, tic., etc. Oar stock of STAPLE GOODS ie terv large snd varied, embracihe ali the beat broods 4 Muslin, Sbeetinga, IVckiags, Shirt. Dsav lane. Cottonades aad DtKka, Craabea, Table Klrirela, Jaans, Scl'.ciaa. Cnsolin and Dree Us etc., etc TO THE LADIES. Our stock of Fancy Cond U unsurpassed ia vaiiety qaaiitv and excellence, cusapriaiBa; aH tbe latset et lee aad DovcHiee ia Neckwear, Silk ktitu and all the nearest aad beat brands and styles of Kid and Uele Thread Clove. Hosiery, Corsets, SUk aad Linea iieodcr kerchiefs, face. Ties, Caffs and Cellars, Bam braid try. Insertions, laces, Hoop Skirts snd BoaUe Satine SUk. Plushes and Velvet, Bcitona, Braids, Tape. Ribbon, Pin and Needles, etc., etc, is very 'arc aad complete. Furnishing foods Department. We have one of the beet eelected stocks ef Nebey Dress Suits, latest etvl Hate, newest deeigae ia Dress and Walkinr shoes, newest novelties in Heck wear, splendid line of all loads of Skirts, Cuffs aad Collar. Full stock id underwear of all kind. Best brand of KU sad Dog Skin Gloves, Fancy Half Boss, ere., etc BOOTS AND SHOES We carry an taarernae stock of Boot ead Sao somprieing the nearest aad latest styles in French aad American slid Shoes, Slippers snd Walking Shoes Our stock of Bases Boot and Shoes include every thing from tbe moat nobby styles ia French ssd (ilove kid to tbe heaviest Brogaas-all of which will sell at prices to suit the tit TO BUILDERS AID CONTRACTORS, We now nave on hand one of the largest and best supplies ef Builders Hardware, Paints, snd Oils, Window Glass and Wall Papers, ever offared ia thia market, which w will ssll At Portland Prices. Freight added. Please call and get prices before purvhaaiuv. CLASS, CROCKERY AND CHINA WARE. As we purchase most ot this line oi good direct from the Eastern factories, we can and will sail these good st prices much lover than can be offered 7 other dealers iu this line who purchase their good ea thia Coast. Dont fail to call and examins ear is ' man stock. Groceries and Provisions, Our stock of Groceries is ery larre, embracing svarYthhiir that i kept in a Crsu as Grocery Stois. We pay the hi best market prixs for ail kin is of produce, and as a further inducament, we will .Ivs DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT. j ALL CASH SALES. Parties wishing to ssve mousy these dull times et do so by purchasing their goods from THOMPSON & WATERS BrowasviUe, Or,