STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT mmmi 81U loilH UlaCCf 1e THE HIT ilUmU III). I IH TEE millHH TJIH! ISSUED EVERY FK10AY STITES& XUTTIXH. niraiMKasOFl l K-ln Or m iters I Klliliii on KmuilHlltlit Mrrct. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION Starts eopr, per year, in advance sinio copy, pr year, at end of year iajrto copy, six month n n S 00 1 60 7ft 10 inirio copy, throe inouius siiurte number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTOKSKY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRAOTTOfl IN ALL THK Courts of this Slate. Will isive special atteirimi to collections ami prolwtte matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND - Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John RrisrjrV store, 1st street. vl4n'2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNRY AT LAW. ALR l Y, RKt.ttA. ITTILL PRACTICE IX ALL TIIK OOfRTS OF THE Y State. s)oil .UVenAhin given U collections and pro hate matter. CtTOIflce in Odd Fillw Temple, tie: f. C. POWKUU W. H. R1T.YKU POWELL B1XYEU, vTTOUVKYS VT I,Y, Ami Solicitors in Ctunferri u.n ixv. ... kk;s. Collections promptly mailt on all points. Loans negotiate 1 on reasonable terms. MOfflce in Foster's Brick.-, vl-tulftf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittorney And Counsellor it Lav AXD Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him rill be promptly attended to. E. W. LAN COO H & CO., DRl'GGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT DRUG STORE, tyl i LB 1ST. OEEtiOV FOSHAY & MASON, wBouHu.a axd naua Draggistsand Booksellers, Agents for John R. Ahlen's publication, which we sell si publi.-her'a prices with posts geadded. ALBAXY, OBEGOX. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILtLD. Albany, Or. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Sharing done with neatness and sharp razors which are always kpt in arood condition, and hair cut in the very best style. REVERE HOUSE, r.nn rirat and Kllswarth Albaay, wrrgua. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Holsl ia fitted up In first clsss style. Tables applied with the best the market affords. Sprin; Beds in erery Room. A good Sample Routn for Com eaergial Travelers. trFree Coach to sad from the HelH." FURNITURE. I have the bes. stok of furniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE In the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will commence on Taster, Sept., 16th, For particulars concerning the course of tudy and ths price of tuition, apply to EV. ELBEttT N. COSDIT, Prroen Aloany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD P.ESPECT fally inform the citiiens of Albany and i oiaitythat I havetaken charge of this Establish men t, and, b 7 keeping clean rooms and pay in strict attention to business, expects to suit al taoss who may favor us with thsis patronage Htviag heretofore ear-ied on no.Uing but First-Cla3S Hair Dressine Saloons expects to gire entire satisf ? tion to al SgtCbtldiea and Ladies' Hair neatly co bampooad. JOS WEBBEK. BRKA.T NOETHWESTEM REMEDY Those who work early anil late need a wholesome reliable Medicine like Pftxdbs's Okboo.v Bloou Pt'RiKiF.s. As a remedy and preventative of diseases it can not be beat. It checks Itheumatisrn and Ma laria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia an1 Bilious ness, and puts fresh energy into the system by making; New Bich Blood. All D.uggists and Dealers keei it. $1 bottles, 6 for 55. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, reA alwavs breakine. unless von have the kind aeld by Peters fe Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will laat a lite time. Don't hang another barn door un til yon have seen 'hem. ArtlJIBa Send six cents for postaare.and B IslaVCa receive free, a jos'.ly box of jjoods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All of either sjx, suc ceed from first hour, The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At onee address Tauc and Co,, Augusta, Maine, VOL. XX. CREAM v 4KitG POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared by a physician with special rrard . to bvalUu ISo Auiuioaia, Limn or Aluui. Gathering Grapst for C'cam of Tartar forDK-PRICE SCREAM BAKING POWDER. ror sal bvCmtOn;. JUri. A C... is.rtlatid. Or. prices SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Pursataud stroni.i-'t N.ittiml Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Laaaon, Ontrup. Aliment. Knw, -tc, flavor a (lelicatv ly atid naturally aa tin-1 nut. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. cuicaoo. r. locis, F r a tla by Cutting Maria n1 rv p ,nu.t nr Infantile Skin Boautifiers Aupeal to MothersTry Them. Fi I: . ta Shin anl Ho Up of Hirth Humora, Kt aliain tU-hitt, HurninK u-l innamawt on, t-.rrixrmz the fir:: 4iUlli. K i:Ou, r.rti. Milk ( nt, SeU Uead, Scrofula and "Hher inherited sktu and htioo oiac, t."iriit. th great kill ml, SS- CtHMMk ii-ur, V) tiUiilc KM Ihrauli faar, alotaafijr, ssal CSetfCiHU nWfti the new it.-.-l i'unner, ii.tnall, are infaiiib c AIaoluUly pure. "TEBSIULY AFFLUTED." Mr. and Mr. Everett S'eHbin., II h-rt'.n, Maui, write: "iar little b-y waa terribly artl.cteJ with Scrofula, halt Rhaom and KryMeeiaa ever asaSS ha wa lm and nothing wetuM sfiva him hrlwl him jntil w-tried Ci mi Kr..i:r. whi h ifrilul! cureil him, unitl he la now a. fair aa an) i bifd.' ajoo for sfwaisci. Vim. BaSSlan. K Arlin-Un Ae.. I'hrletn. Vlaaa., until : "iUv tux mul al.iil to tr.t- l a-.-lom U cure my baby, without .u--i, I tru l th Cin Cms BsaHBMSa, which completely curctl, after using three juvka;ea. "FROM IIE4U TO FEET,' flplaaffajlii Tlii 1 11 'in v t ity lltighu, X. J.. wrii "Mi .ju. a la,l of t-lve fSSSSL waa aSanSSStS ! Ir curf of a terrible caae f Bczen-a by theOTici it K&ekkuika. From the U.p of hu heail U the at "f hia feet wa one maaM of ncaba.". Ever) other remedy anl ph) .cian baa leeti tried in vain. FOR PALE, LAXCI IO Ema-iiUsd children, with pimply, allow aki". the CVMJVaa kf-jmoiwi Ul prwSV a jierfect bleaaii, cleantinir the bioortaml tkin of inherited impuritiea and expeilini; the utnm of ncrofula. rheumatiam, iin--uuiption, and aevere akin MaaSSSS. "BEST FOR THEfsKl.N.' Your Ci Ttcr R hr.asnirji are the bent for pkin dia eaaes I have ever add, and your ObflMMU HoaF the fineit medicinal toilet af in th market. f. W. STAPLES. Iiupriat, Milia, W ia. Sold by all drujririta. Price: Ccticcb, .riOcla. j RmoLveVr, !l ; Kovr, 25 cU. Potter Orug ai d Chemical t.o ii mton, Vfas. Head for "Hew to Care fctB Uiaeaaes.' DiDV 1 ul intra KoaB, an ex'pnaitely DAD I r-erfmned akin Braallfler. DEYOiTrROLiSON, (S iccessor8 to W. H. (roltra.) -DEALERS IN-v Farm Machinery WA&OHS, HICKS, BUSBIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES , STEEL GOODS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS TUB UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kind of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing aad resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as I will not be undersold. Fhopon west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR F 0RSA.LE CHE A P. Three well bred stallions, and thirty draft and saddle hor9-. VV. T.C jchran, Brownsville, Or. H OTEL FOR SALE. The Jackson House, Prinevillo, Orogou, 32 well furnished rooms, the only hotel in town, larsje and convenient, with all necessary furniture. Price reasonable and terms easy, A. B. Colveb & Sox. Priueviile, Oregon, i SKOAL njunsniNc crraacT i jLggOB IK.KrOMlTION I llll K (K.omour ravu'ar corrtMHinlait.) Niw Oblbani, li.,My 10, I885i BB KtMat KHtnition ii drftwin to a close, and exliihitors, with alt others who have been cantieoted closely with it far months will he gUl when the our tain in rung down. Ah a financial fail ure, boil) to the association anil ahitM lata, this i pi (at mnt he awarded the grand no uvt r hII its predecrarors, allh otjjh its iutpoi taoc and grandeur htve dfar'ived a better late. Hut, while g wrrnmciit and rxhihitor, and many Otbate, will htve derived no iinmetliate roitimx from it, the fotroer will bVf lif', Ktrcngthened in the allVctimm of all goad citixenn, buth hy iw.a.n of its sp.endid exhibit and f Km MpfOini liberality in aupporting the fair, eosntng to its relief, especially, wlu u. but f r the aecond appropriation, tliio wuuld iiavr bnao a : colUpe and failVfti altOftlie' j ths Utter, or exhihitom. will have no adveitiscsl I liir piwlucls as to rtaaouatily expect fututM return", and the whole countiy will b henetitled by the impetus given to southern de velopment and iudutdiiiH. Several causes have ltd to (he tinati cial failure alluded to. In the firat plant the locHtion ia remote from lha Kpn- loilH i'f!ii.r (if t lirt t'oiim i r wlni'ti in. Igelher with the severity of the past win ter in the north, and the general busi u .s aUgi.ation, kept many eople at home, either because unable to assume the excuse, or loth to risk the dird'om foits necessarily attending a distant j juruey. Then the Kxpoaition waa ojiencd befora it was nearly Complete, and thousands count g, were comfielled t go hosae without having aeen the ahow. This xsaperati tbem.and th-ir unfavorable resrta detemsl ulber then sands from making the viait, and as a matter of fact it was not until aotne ' titut in February that the fair waa eon- ! -uJrrrd finifhed, the Art 4allerv being then only tbtown oeu to the public. Uut ( rhi; 1 the one single thing that operated most disastrously agsioat the KxKition was the uttet lack of rapid and coaif irtabla transortation to and from the grounds. People were jam med and crowded into oneav.ile afreet Cars, thoufttndadaiiv Im-h compelled to Stand up tluriog a alow trip of fire or six milt, the roadwaya lting often blockadd for hours by mired wagonir, o- carta, while i'. ofiu batitened that tbouaand Wfre delayed for hours be fore they could get into, the ear at all. This one fact aid the others mentioned d 'Uittless krpt aa many as half a million , you could look at such a iht, aud re tople from making a visit to the eX- iuemer it will kn :. ten thouaaod hihition, which in iuelf was worthy of j tima over lo-uight, I think you would H the good things saiJ of it. We were ' . ' sJ bnlfl us by all to ae promised steam car transperUtton st sn aome." Since the great ax to lay on early day ; the City Council promptly the root of this deadly upa-tree ia the granted the right-of-way, the city pa- i pers announced, with a great flourish, I .hat a steam line would be ready, hut for some inscrutable reason it has never been built, probab'y owing to street ear line corporation influence, with which tho jieople of this city sre cursed. There is some talk of reopeoing the fair nxt autumn, but unless traneportation t and from the grounds, better than abominable one-mule cars, be provided, a worse failure would follow, as people will aot sufler themselves to be imposed upon s second time. There sre none that surpass, and but fen thst equal Oregon's exhibit as rep resenting the developed interest of thst state, and a careful study of tho quality of each branch of the exhibit with a careful comparison leads s person to think that there is some truth in ths theory that the ancient Garden of Etlen was located in what is now the Pacific t ) can, and near the shores of the land where "rolls the Oregon." Surely "natures choicest blessing tie soil hss endowed" or the magnificent display now on exhibUion could not have been produced. The wheat is remarkable. Some of it stands 7 feet high. E. W. Allen, the commissioner, informed me that one sample of this grain averaged 72 buuhela to the acre. Oats, rye and barley, are equally aa 'uxuriant,and are produced without the assistance of irri gation. "We h - climate unequall ed upon iheglohe lor the production of cerea.s ; steady rains at intervals about the period that the grain is swelling, Slls out the heads and produces large plump berries similar to these you see before you and raiaea our average sta tistics to figures that are astonishing and cannot be equalled anywhere upon the globe," remarked Mr. Allen. Even at this late day the tiuit exhibit is good, which is proof that the Oregon fruit is a good keeper. The present dis play comprises fine pears,applea,prunes, plump, cherries, strawberries, goose berries, currants, etc. , of very fine ap pearance and which have taken medals and premiums over all in which they have come io contest with. It must be a Imitted beyond a shadow of doubt that Oregon has the largest and boat pota toes. The different grades of wool, as grown in the state, the clip of which last year waa 10,000,000 pounds, dis played in an attractive manner, and blankets manufactured from the same ALBANY, OREGON, wool, and which are superior to any are here to be found. The timber of the state is represented by aome nice poliahed specimens of wood used in the manufacturing of furniture, and the lumbering intareata by aome very tine sections of spruce, oedar, hemlock and yellow fir, live srationsof thn latter representing '-MM l feet in height bid te a branch waa reached. .Mining ia tepre aented hy coal, copper, irn, ailver cinehar, and gold, and ia well worthy tin! attention ti capital and mining Km K lueational ml vao. i-no tit is shown by a very crediubln exhibit of school work and picturea i f ach ml buil. ling", slid the scenery by aavaral Hrnl-i'lsHN paintings aud views. The above facta combined with a climate tl. it hss a mean aviragn temperature of 1i' above zero during the month of January and a mean average of U7 during July, should cotivincn the in tanning emigrant that Oregon .!l n good inducements o the tip if. r hua- (aiidman or the capitalist. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, " 1 ..It . I ; BHfSB n ma Women'! Christian Teroprrmre Inisi sKI.'.nnK rot i it i t I aonlii not say hard worda against poerty, wherever it comes it ia bitter to sM. Hut row will raark.aa you notice carefully, that while a few are Hor be cause ot unavoidable ctrcumnUnrt', a very large tuaaa of the jKjverly of Isjo don is the aheer clear result uf rufuse nest, waiit of forethought, idleness, and worat of all, druokcuneas ! That is the master evil. If drink could be got rid of, we might be sure of eotisjueilng tie df vil hiwtelf. The drunkenness ctratrd by the infernal liuor-dcns which plague Kta the holn uf this hue city is appabint;- N , 1 It 1 not spnak in haste or Irt nitp a hasty word. Many uf the dtiuk house are nothing lesa than infernal ; in some respecta tbey are worse, for hell has its uses as a di vine protest againat sin, but as for the gio liana, there is nothing to be aaid in its favor. Vices of the age cause thrift fourths of the itovertv. It rou could a sy look at the homes to-night, the retched homes where women will tremble si the BOnfftd of their husbaud'a fool as he comes home, where little children will crouch down with fear upon th.-ir little bed of straw, I tecs use the hmusn brute who calls himself a "mn" will come reeling home from the pU where he has i i indulging hia appetites if gowjad of Christ, may ! help us to hold that ax there, and to worke'n tantly with it till the huh trunk of the poitM in begins to rock to and fro, and we get it down, and Lwdon is saved from the wretchedneas and iniseiy which new dipa trom every beugh. Rev, (, If. Spurgeon. 1 states has passed a law preventing pe:anns from soliciting trade for liquors in the stste. Drunkards will be im prisoned from five to thirty days for first offense, and from ten to ninety for second oflesse. The legislstnre has passed a law prohibiting newapapets from advertising liquors. The W. C. T. U. of Otaaba, Neb., is flourishing, and its parlors, coffee and reading room are a grand success. The work has been greatly built up recently under the labors of Mr. J. B. Montague, of Illinois, who is a tho: ougb prohibi tionist and ardently in favor also of woman's suffrage, and believing that these twe agencies will be the solution of the liquor problem. The second annual convention of the First District W. C. T. U. of Missouri will be held st Klina, Knox county, May 21 and 22. Delegates abould be appointed at once, and names sent to Miss Ella White, Ediua,Mrs. Hoffman, state president, ia expected to be pres ent. Fifty-five unions have be-m organized in Pennsylvania since the annual con vention in October. And in the same twitter of victory almost, cornea Illinois with its quiet chuckle over fifty-seven in the same length of timo. "Provok ing one another to good works," these two great states are moving on toward the true commonwealth. In Alabama, any person ia liable to a fine of $250 to $1,000 and imprison ment foi twelve months, for ooncealing liquor io a prohibition county, with intent to sell the same or give it away. Also to knowingly permit any one to conceal it on one's premises renders a person liable to like imprisonment. The sale of liquor annuls a man's lease, leaviug him without a remedy, and perbons frequenting a place where liquor is concealed are punished by fine and imprisonment, and for all convio- j tions in liquor oases the prosecuting attorney gets double fees. FRIDAY, MAY S, 1885. TfSR tlIMIIKI TIOV An iirpoiiaut slate election will be held in New Vork this fall. A full tat ticket and members of the legisla ture ore to be elected. The impreaaior prevails that thr election will he as hot ly contented as the presidential election list fall. The d ou iorats feel that a defeat would be a serious Stsitof fr Cleveland's administration, while re. publicaos would interpret the result as pointing to their restoration in I HUH While we do not view the rnaUsv to this light it would set the administra tion back so that it wuuld nke dossn ortfc soccers DIMS difficult in I KHH, pro vided new (Kilitical conditions do not afiie. 0n lor omp Is ua to aay thai the OS'S, ok for deruiatraiic auocea lu Njw Yois is not snnontngidnfj; Many democrats in ih-t s'wio feal tkal tno mugwumps have htSl BSflittsd to x erciae to . uiuih influiu es hi nHrOtiof tho policy of ih ad'iiiniatraiioii. D in -ocrate wfco hae been faithful to the democratic party and ita principles for years, when defet stared them in the fsS i ven when they prepared Hi apt St upon a political eamptign, a m fast, after having so Ion; borne the heat aud burd-u of the day, that they abould have soma voice in dststssldua the poltiy of the adnJniet ration. Hut the indications are the mugwump in fluence is not at all what It hss bSSS ooioeived to bs. It apjreara now that Pearson wa apjioi'iUid oetmater at New York more from democratic than fiom mugwump influence We n- Oieve'sn I is labortog to make hia ad. mioistratfoo a practical beneit to the people of the whole country, and if he doa this, he will be entitled to loads, of praise out only from democrats but from reptiilicao aa well. And if bs dins out do so, but etinply pod Ilea out p iblic patronage for the mere BfaWnn dteement of parly friends as baa been the cotton for aome years, then we wou'd look upon his election a a fail ure. Wo would not aav, neithsr so as mean, that tho ofucea should u st tie generally given to deuv t, butraht ws would say that tb-v afe old, but w mean that sueb snaaiMHsu snnnM be olected aa will mtke ih- sdisdsusCns-, lion buth deiui-ra'ic and bsinonasaJ Is th a ho - country at kwTjf. fheNen Y rHtid - of tho Ancient fftisr .f U iMt I V .rk -tJtSM on:. -ri lined ab-iut 90 WQlQhnXl of tho PUiladelphii, Cuulfn, No nr. I k, and Kllstietli halgea in Lyrle II dl I tat nlgut. The 'ti Mia, jitn ,ng Whom wore moiub?rH of the city de pirttiients of Pliila Iclphb, w re met at Kd.ttath by u committee of ten app iim. il for tho purpose, and rvhen they reached thin city, shortly aftor C p. m., tltoy filled two elevated rail way traio which conveyed them to Forty-second street. After dinner the Rev. Oeorge K. Strowbrldge of the Eighteenth Street M. E Church made an address of welcome. Grand Master Joseph C. Smith of Piladel phis responded. There sre now 1 47. 000 men in the order, and in sixteen years it has paid out $t0,7d.),OU0 to beneficiaries. It has leaked out through the side doors of tbe Administration that Com missioner Black Is going to bsvs his wsy. It Is confidently asserted by people In s position to know st Wash ington, that Miss Ads Sweet will be promptly removed from tbe reunion Office, when the two months' notice given her by the Commissioner ex pires, in June. If this Sweet girl should go, prepare for some Mugwump music of tbe elegiac sort. Pension Commissioner Black, who has latsly unearthed upwards of 100 fraudulent pensioners In Philadelphia, says he has found another similar nsst, in another city (not named,) and will duly cut off their supplies also. Mon unemployed live longer than those engaged In occupation. Tbe average duration of life of these idlers 8 08 years; of judges, 65; of farmers, 04; of bank officers, 04; of coopers, 58; publio officers, 67; clergymen, 60; snip wrlghts, 5G; hatters, 54; law y eors4 ; rope makers, 54 ; blackstn i 1 1", 61; mercnants, 51; physicians, 51 butchers, 50; carpenters, 49; masons, 48; taiion, 44; manufacturers, bakers, painters, shoemakers and mechanics; 48; editors, 40; musicians, 80; print ers, 88, and teachers and clerks 34 years. as m a Senator Warner Miller has just re turned to New York, after a tiip to the South for business and pleasure. He speaks in glowing terms of the enterprise ofaSoutherq cities and the certainty there is of a n-operous future for that section, Mr. Steve Elkins has again nomi nated Mr. Blaine for President. It this thing had to be done it is a great misfortune that some one elae was not chosen to do it. It is plain that the crushing events of last fall taught Mr. Steve Elkins nothing. BANKRUPT STOCK of merchandiser Colwell, Becker & Licke, Salem, Oregon, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of DRYC0UU8,CL0THINC, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., much of which has been seVure FOR Remember Noar tbit U ban bend n: "nn that chile, a bos eppetrud ill Europe, . piracr ijitiooa at - in j'-tt detnsud bv corieap tudeuts, who writs to the edi tor aa if he were a personal friend and the family physician. Kir mire than t ty years whst ia kn .wu aa "''be Sao cholera me licim ." bSi etood the tost of expetiei.c aa ibe best remedy lor looee-n.-a of the bnOrnbl eve; yet deviaed. As w4a ouce tnsntstfl for by the New Yoik I Wfffjsl of (Saireerce, fajs ,,iim who hss Ilia by htm and takes it in time wtU ever have the c'lolera." l-weai when I no -h dors i auticips'e I u m an excel- . tllu , ,r tun i TVl 1 1 r 'lllli n 1 1 1 c i it, Units colic, diarrhoea.dyaentery, ; e . h 1 1 t we have no hesitation in com- ( no-nding it. Here it ia : Take equal parts of tinctun of cayenne, tincture of opium, tinc'.urti of rhubarb, eeaencs of (epperotiir, and apiitta of camphor. Mix well. Djae, fifteen to thirty dio iu a wineglass if water, according to age and violence of attack. ltpet every nT.een or twenty minutes until relief is obtained. The vigotoos work of the Brooklyn, N. Y., Kxcise I .segue is having marked efi'ec. The successful prosecution of liquor dealera fur violations of the ex cise laws, has caused large numbers of saloon keepeta to surrender their licen see rather than stand prosecution. m err ant ranansl nv rente I -I l.lter nil. With Hrpaptaaa.llet. In aelfeal easaaspUea see or a to possess remedial powers of great etticaoy. It heals the irritation of the throat and lunga. Makes puie blood an 1 builds up ad tortifiee the system against further inroads by dis ease. People of C loose Lake valley lately held a meeting and passed very emhpa- tic resolutions against the proposed drinage cf Goose Lake. It is said that Cleveland will ap point Fred Qrant assistant quarter master or commissary in the army when the next vacancy occurs. n Net .o Well Tour l her. AU tilings are not consistent. Butter at 10 cents per pound and milk at '25 centa a quart do not go together very well, for it takes, on an average about gallons of milk to make a oound of butter. In other words '-' cents (retail rate) of milk when manufactured into butter sell for 10 cents, not much poetry there. Apain, a good milk cow costs the sum of $50, se how ean one afford to sell her milk for leas than 20 or 25 cants a gallon, which is all the same when applied to butter. The market though is what runs the business. Were cows only good for butt' rand milk the price here for them would be bed-rock, it is their beef making qualities that keep them up ; yet a milk oow sells for $20 more than a beef cow. Either the subject or the writer is decidedly mixed. Health of Jews One noticeable feature about Jewish cemeteries in tbe south is the scaroety of newly made graves after an epidemic of cholera or yellow fever. H.atlstiua show that fewer of them die tban any other race from these or kindred diseases. During tbe cholera scourge in Toulon only two orthodox Jewa died of it, while in num bers tbey equalled fully 20 per cent of tbe population. Their Immunity from dis ease, and tbe certainty with which they recover when attaoted ly it, is accounted for by the simplicity of their diet. They are very strict about following the dietary laws prescribed by Moaea. Isn't it a lit tle strange that Moses, if be was only a historian, should have possessed knowl edge superior to that of tbe wisest and beat physioisca of the present day? lie evidently believed in preventing disease rather than ouriug it. This is what De Haven'a Despenaia Cure aims to do; it acta directly on the digestive juices of the stomach and both prevents and cures In digestion and Dyspepsia, Free sample bottles at Fsahay A Mason'a Drug Store, I NO 4.1 Allen Having purchased the H haV3 price,. Corns CASH OR PRODUCE. the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO rUAte. If. DODO & CO. r. ont, r:r1 V. no 8tn.t PORTLAND, ORECON9 m .'4 ft et Kbit or Jk : ajil"7aee, moxr AimTEEC FAR25. MACHINER Y. ' . i-.ifi anfasnsl ttawJananSsi fj brrKcvM o rue nam. 7 .: in-u 1 tft ar - veil kinmn In nn1 i Ti'iil al 1 .nm-r hrrr lute an thnn. .. . I ' i-aV ot o em :ih prat.-. They arc ia every w . ii . it-- .lua ukra rf llinni Matnhiaa T'W to: . of Tt rTT ivr-r hi- r mlc niaiiKrat cUeralaShyof i:n SKVE. rw.ut.iij fi ... a atptk jr and fwrfnrtkat M ita UMviianuni. a I sn iuuncn i .)jti') ( ti c t .ni rn in the laru bast . wl hsve gltei. the aaane v-rdii-t at i'.. . .. ... c.. ,..rt nt the worU xthcrc Uw SWsWe ha bewu u.i. prtwuatrteiii it to be The only Harvesting Jtochias that will gSvi Entire Satisfaction to tho Purchassr. Tl faturr r'it t,i..t -trilo.i-t . -i et our tlhi.tiat. It le a learn r. i i H wtU put in a .'rairlit Res i r rjw.t iisu. It la na-u i - i:'. I.y bse 8 rmm nrtN 'r treat. . The anUniuding announcement is made that in Portland last year 500,000 pounds of oleomargerine were sold to an unsus pecting public. Great Greece, is it possi ble Portland dealers have sunk so low as to sell such miserable stuff when there is p'enty home made butter to be purchased. No wonder the prospects for diversified farming are so poor when the business men of the atate stoop to selling putrid grease for butter, at a time when atate farmers are appealing for a market for the genuine article. Tbia same policy is seen in so many other things where a cent can be saved that it is geUing really disgust ing. Can not we have a reform In such matters, raruea aircauy suuscr.uers u, t,ne laso- t'RAT, who wih to sendf the paper off to a . . a a t i a an friend or friends can do so for SB. BITTERS CassblalBS IROIf with PURE TBS STABLE TONICS, ejaleklr aae ressalesely CLEANSES sae ENRICHES TORI BLOOD. Qsickess tkr aeUee of the Llrer as Kisser. Hears the complexion, makes the skis aatoetk. It does aot Injur the teeth, raase beaSsche, er areSaee ess stlpaUos ALL OTHER IRON HEDIC1NES DO. Phjajoltas and Dnialela erssrshste reoosasssast a. Da N. S RCOOLKS, of Marion. Mam., asjs: "I raooaamend Brawn'a Iron Bltsara aa a Taluahle tosio for enriohins the blood, and rafBovin all djrspepUo ajrmptoma Tit doea not hurt the teeth." Da R M. DSXSSXU RmmoMa. Ind . mju : " I have w seedbed Brown's boa Bitters ia eases si aaaraua and Mood diawaaas. also whan a tonic wee needed, and H has prated thomughlj aaOafaotorj." Ma. Wn. Brass. St. Mary St.. New Orleans. Lav. says: "Brawn'a Iran Bitters raHesed sae in a case of blood pohxmins. and I heartily inawsnd a to those needing a partner. " The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take so ether. Made only by DROWN CHEMICAL VO., BALTIMORE. MB. RSDINGTON-, WJODARDJ CO., Foriland Or, NBR0WN'S MM Ladies' BJjn Book osefnl and sttraetres, eoa tainina list of prires for recipes, information about eobts, ato., sisen away by all dealers in rnedwhss, or mailed to any address on rooaipt of as. stamp. Special biiKiness notices in 1 tiinns It cents per Una. Urge la notice 10 cents rer line. . ror legal and transient Ii 00 tr SOIlsrs for lha f.rat I cents per syjuare for each au base asm t Insertion. Kates for other advertisemente aa4 known on application. Co., AND Bsspi for Catalogue, 1885. Send for Special Circulars. i . WJtfMXM c n.- PJsmi .Weasel Vibriaiinc TkrMhtr. The ant Kffertire and Sianosssasl " iaaSiaa tea Sating- and ("loaning Graia evar - rtamraaW The New M k l Threaher ia ttaa rsssjls ef veers af I Ja ( i' anl careful rvwrinienl, r.odaeed hy Mr. SiCer, one nt the nv mt eanafieaar J auai mow. Man of thretunz mai-luaaa ia aaaeriea. aa i mrd at wa to pmliacw a aairfaiea thai wawa i -cr do better work thaa the heat skw m -pertKrt were eapahle af. aod m z. 14.t ion, erpaxale eat trout the at .-i. . r.n in a m .re T'.1 nanorr I .. .. lutaeeTer. Ir-a .'an.t Rfhs . . irl-:' t .. I ... 4L essaj a., i.iut I I made dht ioai h a g State :-r lander. . it cm he draw tkirag-it a i.i....u'u.:ed aeata otter aWJaWS Red CrownMills IS0X, LANNING & CO., PR0PR I. 5sw process rxoca strrxKioa run rasnuas and BAKsna rsa BEST ST0RAGF ?AC!LITIH Highest .Price in Cash far Wheat ALBANY OR. UTLERY. The beat line of cutlery iu the valley nan be found at our store, ft embraces psskat knives, table knives, forka and butcher knives, hunting knives, par lag knives, shears and scissors ot all khaaW, and the beat line of razors ever kwaji into Albany. Come and see for wear Peres Jrw4ae. pOR SALE. One hundred and forty acre, ains miles above Lebanon. 48 acres in tlvation. 10 acres slashed and sown to grass. Comfortable dwell! ag, fweai outhouses Cheap. Inquire at this office. MUSS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AND DRBSS-MiHII. CuUing and fitting by the new Taylei 'a System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. OPIUM AND MOEPIRE HABIT 0UI1B BY W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D I guarantee a cure in all eases if say d.rections are atrietly followed. e pain or loss of time from business, Ad dress above at Albany, Oregon. J,! OR SALE, One half block in eastern part stl tkw elty with fair house and barn will so awn cheiu?