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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1885)
Wonder WONDER-BOOKS in no trifling sense, but the best literature of the world presented in excellent and attractive form, at prices so low as to excite universal "wonder." LIBRARY of STANDARD HISTORY, Containing la om volume, imperial octavo, good typo, with numerous fine Sltuatm ttona, the whole richly bound in Am cloth, ornamented, ths following celebrated works, unabridged : . , CHECH'S larger HISTORY of the ENGLISH TTCOPLE. CVKLYXK'S BISTORT of the FRENCH REVOLUTION. . CRBASY'S Fifteen DECtSIVR RATTUCS of the WOHLIK SCHllXER'S HISTORY of the THIRTY YEARS9 WAR, Harper & Brothers' lowest prioe for these four great works is $ 14.50 ; my price is $2.30 postage 40 cents extra, A wonder-book in more senses than one. The idea of put ting a work like this at only $3.50 per copy,' seems preposter ous ; and yet there is wisdom in it, for everybody will want it. and it will thus be the means of advertising and introducing the numerous other valuable books which the publisher is put ting forward." CAruf (an at Work, New York City. ' it is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern me chanical art that such a noble volume can be furnished at so small a cost. Whether we admire its large proportions,', boau tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper, numerous and strik ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100 all are first -class." Christian Cynosure, Chicago, 111. LIBRARY of STANDARD PO-ETS, containing in one imperial octavo handsomely bound volume, of about 1,100 pages, Bour geois and Brevier type, leaded, the following works, unabridged ; Scott'e Complete Poetical aad Dramatic Works Complete Poetical Works of Robert Hum. Complete Pootieal Works of Thomas Moore. ' Equally good editions of these are not elsewhere obtain able for less than $4.50; my prioe $200 f postage 84 cents, Cuarch ire. teg. tT. P. Chcroh. Preaching every Sabbath, at 11 a. m, , and 7 r. m. by Rev. & O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. R Prayer meeting every Wednessday evening. Evakqslicax Chckch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 A. m. , and 7J r. u. Sabbath School 12:15. Pniye meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. II alien baugh, pastor. Cokorxoatioxal CaoitCH. Servicesevery Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 8 r. M. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Chcrch.Soctr. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. P. M. Culp, Paster. M. K. Chi rcu SocrH.TASossT. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock,. M. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock,?, at. F. M. Culp, Psstur. M. E. Chtrch. Preaching every Sabbath as 11 A. x. and 7i r. at. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School it 2.30 f. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. Prksbyteriax Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Christian Chtrch .Preaching every Sab oath at W. C. T. t . 11 A.M. 7:30 r M. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock r. Jt. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting ev "I inursday evening at 7:30 o clock. Brownson, pastor. UxrvRRSALiTS Chirch. Preaching every second and fourth Sabbath of each month at Crawford's Hall at 1 1 o'clock, a. j., and 7 o'clock, p. m. Sabliath School at 12 m. Executor's Sale. 1IOTICE is hereby riven that the Ks- IV ecuWT of tbe last will and leatasecat of A. T. Cherry, deceased, in the pursuance of aa order ot tbe County Court of Lisa county, Orwyon.doJy made aed entered of record, on the Sth day of April, ISM, will sell at public auction ta the highest bidder, at the Court Hoose door in tbe city of Albany, la Leva county, Oregon, at tbe boor of one o'clock, p. bl, of tbe 10th day of May, laaS, all tbe right, title and In terest of the said A. F. Cherry at the time of his death, in and to tbe following doacriaed real property, to-wit : Lot So. five (5), ia Block No. sixteen (18), in the eastern addition to the city of Albany, in Linn county, Oregon, as known and designated oj the plats, maps and surveys, frt said city, now on file aad of record in the office ef tbe County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon. Tbe same being situated wholly in Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale Cash in band to the highest bidder on the day of sale. Jambs O. Cssaav, L. H. MOCTA5TI, Kxecutor. Att'yfor Executor. C C CHERRY. c.R.prasa ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) MacMfligts, MillnTights, and Irci Founders. W E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared ka handle ail kinds of heavy work. W e wl manufacture Steam Engines, Grist sad Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iran and Brass Castings. PATTKKVS M4fK OV SMOBT SOTICS. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also maanfae tnre the improved Cherry A White 9 sals Separator. Shop oa Bailer St.- Sice a la aster To the Unfortunate ! DR- GIBBON'S Dispensary. 623 KEAKXT ST.. corner of Commer cial, San Francisco, Cel. I Katablished in ISM, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such Cieaerrkea, licet, -fetrirtarr, Syphilis in all ita forma. Seaslnal Weakness, I as potency, . and Loss of Manhood Iarmanenty cured. The sick and aSHetad eh said not fail tc call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inepeeted thoroughly tbe various hospitals there, obtainiag a great deal of ralupble information, which he is oompsteut te im part to those in need of bis services. Tbe Doctor cures when others fail. Try him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance CUKES AT HOME Ail communica tions strictly confidential. All letters answered in plain envelopes. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine, Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1967, San Fraoeico, Cal. (Mention Albany DsnocaaT.) ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SHOP. NTABLINHED 1S05. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, (Saw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. Pattern Making done m all Its forma. 16:llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. FRED GBAF, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of FUBNITUBE, AND UNDERTAKES, 8 First Street AlbMjr.Or kT- SBSSBSBSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSl Books sw iftjn iwmr rmomrr a THE DR. LIEBIC! , rrlvate sslsneaaarjr, 400 Oeary St., Sau Francisco Cal. Conducted by V.uallfled Physicians and burgeon regular graduate. AST The Oldest specialist In the I tilted Stales, life long experience, tat feet method and pure medicine. Insure speed end permanent cures of all Private, Chronic and Narviuua lteae Affections ot the Stood, Skin. hid net. lUeddcr, Eruptioua. C leers. Old Sores, Swelling of lb U lauds, Srv M- itb, Throat IV. u Palns.iiertuanenfy cured anu craei oatel from the tent for life. lOl n lebUity, lmpotent7, Seminal Losses, Sexual Decay. Men taland lhtsical Weakness, lalling MenH.ry, Weak Eyes, Stunted lc velopntenl,lmielltucnts U. Msrrtg etc, tro as cess or youthful tollies, or any cause, speedily, safely and privately cured. leaag. Hiddte- tgel and Old men, and all who aeed medical skill sad experience, consult the okl European Physician at once. His opinion coats nothing, and may save futuie misery and shares When Inconvenient to visit tbe city tar treatment, laetllrlnaa can be seut everywhere by express free from observatiin. It is self-evident lhat a physician who gives bis whole attention to a clsse of diseases attains great skill, and physicians through out the country. knowing this, frequanlly rwoumoteno diSValt esses to the oldest specialist, by whom every known good remedv is used. The Doctor s age anu experience make ha opinion of sureme tmirtro. neTThoee who cell see no one but the Dwtor. Con sultations free and sacrealy confidential Caaee which have tailed In obtaining relief ebvewbere ewpec-1I1- xJiHLBd. Female diaaaess eaocessfuUy treated. TV ivwnr will urea to forfeit BjSM tor a case Ut- dertaken. not cared. Call or write. Hours, daily , from a. m. tot p. m..Stes eveoinge Mundava, 10 to 12 only. Send for the Serdtartst U utile to Ucalth, set tree. Address aa shoe UESi Io vis era tar prevents all Unnatural Lueses from tbe system, tones the nerves, strengthens the muscles, checks the waste. Invigorates tbe whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. Tbe reason se many cann4 get cured of seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a cm piicaUon, called PraeUtorrtava with Hyperaethcsla, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Lieblg's In vigorator is the only positive cure for ProetanThca, with passfJa special treatment, need at tbe Liebur Dtspensary . rrirr ef avtcorator. S1. Case of six bottles 110. Sent to any address, covered Secure.) from ob- Most powerful eicctris belts free to patients. To prevs the wonderful power of the ln ignnV. A it Battle Uvea er Seat tree. Consultation free and private. tail or sild rasa limit. iitiiM 1 i. 4 00Osiv lltstt, Ml ti Private entra nee, tt& V si luiil Oeary Street from Keen.), kit i Dispensary imur store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other bnaiaess in tbe U. 8. Patent Office attendeded to for moderate I Our oases is oppoeit tbe U. S. PaUat Office, and a can obtain Patent lees time than those remote from Washington. Send modi or drawing. We at" to patent ability free oi charge ;snd we make o charge unleaa we obtain patent. We refer here, to tbe Postmaster, the Hupt of Money Order Div. and to officials of the D . S Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and efereoces o actual clients in your own State or county, address C A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D . SAN WA Vl(i. I AUNDRT AKD CHW A MESCIIANMKINU BUSI la NESS. Rice, tea and Japanese g la. Ladies' underclothes, so'd at bottom prices. Contractor for China labor. sWIfsztto CWt Bank. OF ANOTHER ACE. (.radually KappUated by a Better Article Certain let Times are Done Away. In the general reception room of tbe Western Union Telegraph building on Broadway, Sew York, are exhibited tbe coarse, crude and clumsy Instru ments of tbe Infancy of tbe telegraph. They are only relics now. More perfect machinery baa super seded them. Years ago what ia styled ths old-fashioned porous plaster did some good service. There wss then noth ing better of the kind. Now all that has changed. Science and study have gone deeper into the secrets of medicine and produced BP.NSOVSCAPCINE I'OK OUs PLASTER, wbisb embodies all tbe excellencies thus Jar possible in an external remedy. The old plasters are slow the Capcine ia rapid ; they were uncertain- the Capcine ia sure. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist does not deceive you. Price 26 cent. Sea bury A Johnson, Chemist, New York. The Bctebs Gcidk is iiied ?f ar-h and Sept., each yew; 224 pat'tn,.cs;.xlli inches, with over 3SOO Qlneti aliens r. whole pictore pallery. Given wLoleaala prices direct to coneitmerg on all pootu for personal or aflBaW family ur. Tells how to HPsSgL order, and gives exact JST gEa a' 1 e7 crvtliing jou BL BfS drink, eai, wear, or SaJ L.'tv fun with. These wSiS iuvaiuol.'e hooks contain infort.':tion pi -aned from the markets cf the v - rid. We will mail acopy Freo to aity sddress tspon receipt of the postage: 8 cents. Let C4 l.c-ar from yon. Q Reepcctfully, MONTCQMERY WARD & CO. mt dk SS ISasvaab Aecaae, Cbica, Ld. SherilTs Sale. In the Circuit Court of tivt Stale of Oregon for Linn County. The American Mortgage Company of Scotland (limit ed, Plaintiff. Joseph A MeKinney and Nancy J McKinney, Defen- dent. Y1RTC kw of an execution and an order of sale issued out tbe above named Court in the .above entitled action on the 31st day of March, 18s5, and to me directed and delivered, I will on Tuesday tbe 12th day of May, 1886, at tbe Court House door in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. m. sell at public sue Jon for cash in bana to the highest bidder the real property described in said order of sale as follows, to-wit : The southeast quarter of Section thirty-six, Township fourteen, south range four west of tbe Willamette meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres together with all and several the hereditaments and tenements, and appurtenances thereunto belonging;. Tbe proceeds of the tale of said real estate te be applied aa follows : First to the payment of ths coats of and npr a this writ and the costs and expenses of sale. Sc , to the ay inent of tbe coats and dUbursern uts of this suit taxed at $41.05 with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 13th day of March, 1886 Third to the payment of twenty per cent on the sum of 2097,86 with interest from the 13th dsy of March, 1885 at eight per cent per annum as an Attorney fee . Fourth te the payment of Plaintiffs claim of 2007.85 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent pe annum from the 18th day of March, 1886. Dated April 1st, 1886. J.K. ClUBLTOX, Sheriff ot Liuu county, Or agon. JaMS7 M aOTQ fl ILLUSTRATED HISTORY. 9 Poetry, Classics. LIBRARY of CLASSIC PROSE. In one imperial oo volume of about 900 pages, handsome type, aad fine olvth binding, ornamented, the following famous eeaaya and works i Macnulay's Kaaaya on Hilton. John Stuart Mill On Liberty. , F. O. Hamerton'a The Intellectual Ufa. ' Herbert Spencer on Education. Groat Thoughts front Greek Authors. Great Thoughts from Latin Authors. Complete Essays by Lord Race a. . Complete Letters or Junius." Irving' Rip Van Winkle and Other Sketches. Washington's Farewell and Other Addressee. Bfneanlar'e Life of Frederick the Great. The above cannot be obtained from any other publishing house for less than $10; my price is $1.78 ; postage 80 cents. " This is indeed a wonder-book, in the amount and valuable quality of its contents. The wonder is how such a book, which is a library in itself, can bo sold at such a price." Meth odist Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa. "Your ' Historical Wonder-Book' IS a wonder a wonder how an imperial octavo volume of over 1 ,000 pages, with many illustrations, clear type, fine paper, handsomely bound, con taining four standard historical works of great value, can be sold for t3.50." Benson J. Lossino, IX. D.. the Historian. COUPON Tdi Coupon will brsevd In tlu ut m nnU raah, toward th natrfBtJTTO prtoe of tllbw of kbove work. If wot within ton Say, f .lata at mntln nam. or iprv Tiii. offer I to ssetu jrgar taoKav te tbe permit mediums. I0O-FAVE CATALOGUE sen free. Tho best lit erature of the world at tbe lowest prices ever known. Books sews for EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher. r. O. Box 13?. 93 Pearl Street. New York. TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Oreateat Msdlcal Triumph of the Age! 8YMP70N18 OF A TORPID LIVER. I.oaa ef a ppr i tie, Dowels costive, fata la he bead, with a dull sensation tc. tho hatch part. Pols uuder tho shoulder blade. Fullness ftr eating, with a rfta Inellaatlea to esertlea ef body or Bslsd. Irritability of temper, Low spirit., with a lee Hug of bavins uegleeted some dat y. Woariseee, Dizziness, Fluttering sit the II ran . Dots before the e v ee. Header be over tho right ere. Uoetleeeseee. with Stfal dreams. Highly colored Trias, aad CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S) FILLS are especially adapted to such eases, one dose effects such a cnang orfeetinjr as to astonish tbo sufferer. TIM Ndy ,h' hoetlve Orwrnu. Itewvttar N tools are I' - ' -'i--e--AfW. tt Wuri.) nt.,.f .w. TUTTS HAIR DYE. (iKAT Hair or WitiaasKS changed to a UULmmr ItUACn by a singln application of this PTB, It im pari n natural rotor, act Mold by llrtiggtsta, or sent by exprva on rM-rlptof SI. Office 44 Murray St., New Yorlu The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. Dr.SANFS INVIGORATOR Is josc what its name implies ; a Pureljr Vegetable Corapound, But acts directly upon the lver ; curing the many diseases iz'debo that im portant organ, and pKemiting the nu merous ailments tKt) arise from hi deranged ormiction, such ca jdicc, Biliousness, Oaria, Sick-headache, etc It is therefore a To have Good Health must be kept in order." DR. aaJTF0E3'3 LIVX3 IimcOEATOE Inyifforates tbe Liver, Ret UaStestsssBdir els. Strengthens the System. Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevent i Fevt rs. Is a Household Net-d. An Invaluable Family Medicine for omm i eotiiplointa. UB, IABTOBD'8 LT7HL IST72Q0ZLT31L Anexperienee ff Fvrty ytart, and Thou sands ff Testimonials prone its Mt n't. FOR HALl! BT AM. DKAf.miS l?f MKIIKTKbv. For fall information M-nd adi'rf-a for via page IlooW on ths L'v.r fitui l 5I aaes," to sauaaafono U uuaas S-w xoua. cm. more money than at any thlnir else by taklne an ajfency for the beet welling: book out, ! leg-Inner sue oeed craudly. Kone fail, Terms free, IIallktt ikxja Co,, Portland, Maine, Summons. In tfie Circuit Court of Uu State of Oregon, for Linn county. Samuel Porter, Plainlitt. re, Jamee M Yarbrcutch and Mary K Yar- brouah, Defendants, To James M YarbrouUi and Mary E Yar. brough, the. Defenilantm above named : IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF Oregon van and each of you are bare by required to appear and answer tbe complaint of tbe above plaintiff in tbe above entitled Court now on file with tbe Cleric or said Court on or before tbe first day of tbe next regular October terra, 1S8S . thereof, to-wit : On or before tbe 20th day of October, 1885, and yon are hereby noti fied that if you fall to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required, the Blaintiff will apply to tbe Court for tbe re ef demanded therein, to wit: That yeu and each of you be required to set forth the nature and character of the estate er interest claimed by you or either of you in or to tbe following described real prop erty, to-wit: Being notification No. 28 1"7 and designated as claim No. 62. being all the donation land claim of said defend ants, (except 147 08-100 acres deeded to Matilda Cranfield ; 82 50-100 acres deeded to James Wilioughby; 22 26-100 acres deeded to W Wilioughby an) 5 acres deed ed to Lamar Cbeadle,) containing 403 25 100 acres, or any part thereof, and that tbe same be ascertained and determined by said Court ; and in tbe events that you fail to appear and aet out and show what es tate or interest you claim in or to said real property, then tor a decree of said Court quieting the title of plaintiff to said prop erty, adjudging that neither of you have any estate or Interest In or to said real 1 property or any part thereof adverse to tne estate and interest or tbe plaintiff, and perpetually enjoining you and each of you from in any manner in terfering with the possession and estate of plaintiff therein, and from in any manner claiming or asserting mat tney or either of them have any interest, or estate in tbe same or any part thereof adverse to the estate and interest of the plaintiff, for the costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed and for such other and further re lief as may be equitable and just. This summons is published In tbe State Rights Democrat by order of H on K P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at Cham bers in the city ef Salem, Oregon, on the 22nd day of April, 1885. WSATOTBJOan A Br.ACKBUBN, Attorneys for PlaintifJ. y laveeeatee las a l eaos t to Take on Fte.K.thn. the yetess ovar tan acl . un.l he their Taste Arllsa -BrBB Dyspepsi vOSWCTiKSVMa - v a --vv Anciausiiaiin Iriiisfir' the Live? FRIDAY MAY 15, 1886 roc i m k it er mtood rtsoNisi. Since tho death of President fjsr field, thero seems to htve been an In. crease In the number of recorded cases of blood poisoning. A few weeks ago the He v. Noah Schenck, D. D., of Hrooklyn, had kn operation per for mod on his ftmf, Inflam mation set In and death ensued. If a man be In good health, a wound heals rapidly ; If tho blood Is corrupt, it Is alow to heal. Impure blood Irri tates and Inflames the whole system. It follows then, If the blood purifying organs are deranged since every particle of blood courses through these organs over one hundred tltnos an hour In a veiy short time the blood poison must dordroy all vitality. In the winter season Nature de mands heat making food ; in the spring she se s up a cooling process ; and, to accomplish thie, sho nrdalim that the change from winter to aum mor shall be gradual ; if her taws were never violated, this provision would bo sufficient ; they are vlolat ed, therefore we must furnish her help in this spring house cleaning time ; otherwise the seeds of dlseaso remain within us. Blood is made io the stomach ; it Is purified by the skin, lung, liver and kidneys. During a long, cold winter, the liver and kidneys are overworked; the conanmence is that in the spring these organs are prostrated ; the prostration is Indicated by ex tremely dull, heavy feelings and a wearlueas which seems to go to tbe bone ; headaches, furred tongue, lack of appetite, itching and discolored akin, mental Irritability, depression of spirits, neuralgicpains, convulsions, chills and fever, ''malaria." These little Irregularities of feeling are Nature's warning ; If neglected, disease may get the upper hand. If you introduce into the blood a little kidney and liver poison, you can ar- titically produce the above symptoms ; it follows, therefore, that to remove them, vitality must be restored to those blood purifyloar organs. If they ctnnot perform their work no amount of medicine taken for other organs can have an permanent effect In the saygtem. Brigadier-Genera! D. II. Bruce, business manager of tbe Syracuse (N. Y.) Journal io 188S, found that be was not coming through the spring in good form ; be was not sick, but only out of condition ; to tbe timely use of a few bottles of Warner's safe cure, however, he attributed recovery of constitutional tone, and undoubt edly warded of! some chronic disorder. This preparation is not a cure-all It claims to restore the blood-purifying organs to natural vitality ; by so do- iog, it not only cares, but prevents blood corruption and disease. If you doubt its power, ark your friends ; millions hsve heard of it, hundreds of thousands have used It and com mend it Tho ill-feellogsof spring time are caused by a more or lesi poisoned condition of the blood ; a condition which grows worse by neglect, and finally may send one to tbe grave. One day a young physician dlscov ercd on his nose what turned out to be a malignant ulceration ; tbe Mood virus attacked his brain and killed him. A prominent merchant of apparent ly average health died suddenly the other day ; aa examination shewed that one kidney, entirely decayed, had poisoned the blood teiribly ! Had this condition been recognised in time, be might have lived to the full "three score and ten". Every day we neglect to take such precautions as are herein indicated, we may be said to drive a nail into coffin, Tbe blood Is poisoned every day ; if it la not purified every day, untimely death is inevitable. mm a eee bkeah r ast Mrs. K W. Carpenter, Overlee, Baltimore county, Maryland, writes I wss greatly benefitted by the use of Red Star Cough Cure, when suffering from a severe cold. My cook was seriously ill from a deep seated cough. She had consulted her doctor without relief. By my advice she used the Cough Cure in connection with an ex ternal application of St. Jacobs Oil to bar side. In one night the ehange wrought was most gratifying and as tonishing. In the morning she was like a new person. ealth er Jews. One leticeable feature about Jewish cemeteries In tbe south la the soarcetv of aewly made graves after an epidemic of enoiera or yeuow rever. Btattetioe shew that fewer of them die than any other race from these er kindred diseases. During the cholera scourge in Toulon only two orthodox Jews died of it, while in num bers they equalled fully 20 per cent of tbe population. Their Immunity from dis ease, and tbe certainty with which they recover when attaoted by it, is accounted for by tbe simplicity of their diet. are very strict about roilowin bout following the dietary by Moses. Isn't it a lit Moses, if he was only a laws prescribed tie strange that historian, should have possessed know edge superior to that of the wisest and best physicians of the present day? He evidently believed in preventing disease rather than curing it. This la what De Haven's Despepsia Cure aims to do : It a rfV3 st i aaA 1 w t Via sltatAwAlwaa a .-. t - . 1 I mach an'd bothH enM end cTrS In- digestion and Dyspepsia. Free samnle bottles at Feshay A Mason's Drug Store, Piano fsr Sale Cheap. A square piano, cost $550, will be sold at a sacrlflow for cub, For particulars call at this office, TNI "teTBSS' CASK. A Legeaa ef Kealaefcr. Hih up in tbe towering am! frown ing olifl that border the Kentucky river is a triangular aperture, formed by two pieces of rook falling together in some distant age. Ditectly in front of this opening Is a broad and jutting portion of the olifl. making a perfect platform. Access to the cave at this dsy is Im passible, but it is said that a narrow path once Isd to it. This peculiar hole la the roeks is the "Lovers' Cave," and a dark legend is connected with it. Long ysais ago there dwelt in the most favored section of tbe now famous blue-grass region of Kentucky a portion of the once mighty tribe of the Hhawnea Indian, ruled over by an aged chief tain, whose deeds of bloody valor were tbe admiration of all tribee both far and near. lie had for some time been liv ing on terms of peace with the few white settlers then la his neigh hot hood. The spple of bis eye, the light of his lodge sod the pride of his heart was bis lovely daughter, a most beautiful girl, with a form as graeefu! as a awaing reed, a step of airy lightness, eyes like stars, and a great sbowei of raven hair. The old chief worshipped ber in a blind and savage way, and tbs young braves, burning with love and admtratton,dared not approach her lest they incur her father's displeasure. Fortunately for Sunlight, she was aa yet heart-whole and fancy free, 11 ut one bright day in early Spring time, when tbe birds sang joyously in tbe budding tree-tops, snd the stsr-eyed daisies bloomed on tbe sunny hillsides, all waa changed for tbs dusky girl, snd she could no longer sail her heart her owu. A yoong pale-face saved ber from tbe fatal spring of a panther, and she bad shewn ber gratitude by fa! lit g deeply and irrretriveably in love with ber rescuer. Hugh Htanley was a handsome youth, brave aa a lion aad true aa steel. His heart responded instantly to the call of that of tbe Indian maiden. Their meet ings were many, and, never hoping to gain tbe consent of tbe old ebief to their union, tbey decided to fly over tbe meuntaina to the while lover's borne in Virginia. So one night, when tbe moon rode serene'y in tbe heavens and tbe whip- porwill whistled clear and strong in tbe scented thickets, tbey moan ted them selves on fleet horses and fled. But alar, when toe day dawned and tbe eaa swung up from behind tbe eastern bills a bogs ball of fire, tbey, looking backward over the level country, saw fsr away a moving body of horsemen. The hearts of tbe lovers grew cold and siek at the sight, for tbey well knew the old ebief waa in puiauit. With horses almost spent, and inevit able dsath awaiticg them if captured, tbe mind of Hugh Stanley at ease re verted to a cave in tbe cliffs not fsr - a a a aaas a a a away a place that had anoraed mm an asylum of safety on many a fiabiog and hunting expedition. There burses were abandoned, and, after a tortuous ascent, tbe refuge was gained. Hope onee more spread ber white wings over the pair. But tbe advanoing Indians a ere not deceived, lueir Keen eyes had detected tbe levers aa tbey ascended the precipitous sides of tbe cliff. With a yell of triumph tbe band of savages .a s aVJM a swooied down among tbe rocks. Tbe lovsts smiled between themselves, for tbey knew that only one body at a time eould oo me up the narrow path. With his porson concealed behind a project ing bowlder, Stanley thought he could pitk them off one by one with bis on erring rifle as tbey caaae up the cliff, but in this he waa doomed to disappoint ment, for tbe wily savages were not long in seeing this difficulty. Tbey gathered together and a consultation was had, and it was soon evident that other measures bsd been sdopted. A huge fire was made to blase in tbe rooks below, and the Indians, like so many grim statues, ranged themselves around it. The now agonized lovers, looking down from their rock fastness, instinct ively knew the resalt of the consulta tion waa to doom them to some awful death. Nor ware they kept long in ignorance of tbe methods that had been adopted to satiate tbe eld chiefs desire for revenge. As the shades of night were slowly falling over hill and valley, Waukesha, tbe father of Sunlight, separated him- If from his group of followers, took position on an slsvated rock, and look ing upward to where his daughter aed her lover were standing,told them what would be their fate. Neither, be ssid, could ever be forgiven by him ; he had been cruelly wronged, and his angry tribe cried loudly for their death. He would give them a choioe between star ration and death at tbe stake. With bowed heads and bleeding hearts the poor unfortunates heard their awful sentence. Ho reply made tbey : but with forms locked firmly together In a ferrentembraoe, swore, if die they must, to meet death bravely and with out a murmur. I'tiere was no avenue of escape, for they knew the relentless father would never relax his vigilance until bis purpose had been accomplish ed and they were oold and stiff in destb. Slowly, oh, so slowly, the days weut wearily by. The sun shone down bright- lj ound and about them, the bird. sang sweeter than had ever been their treat, and the turbid Kentuck j, far be low, with its ceaseless murmur, rolled on to join the ses. I will - not dwell upon the sufferings of tbe doomed pair. ,'Whst they were you can only imsgine the cold snd silent rocks slone witness eel their terrible sgony. The ninth dsy came ; and, as night approached, tbe sky became overcast with thick and inky clouds. A tsrrible storm was brewing. Tbe wind moaned through the branohss of tbe tall trees with a hollow, unearthly sound, and distant thunder rumbled and rolled unceasing ly. No sound from beast or bird was heard. All bad sought shelter from the approacbiag storm. Around Mazing ramp-lite old Waukesha and his braves kept watch and ward. Motioiiles and silent, as if carved from stone, they sat. A blinding blaze of lightning, a deaf ening crash rt thunder and the tempest bursted fcrth in all its fury. The rag ing river angrily lashed its bs Its ; the continuous flash of electricity render! all as hiighl as day ; the running wind lore up huge tr-a the root- and piled tbem all at ootid the terror -stricken Indiana, who, clinging to the rocks, dared not move. Junt as the storm was at its hight, a scream, shrill and pierc ing, tang out cliat a'Mive the rosr of wind and water a scream that cmdlrd tbe blood in the veins af all who heard it and caused all eyes Io be directed to the cave high among the cliff. Tln-rr, on tbe rocky plsif rm, in tbe full glare of tbe blindiug lightning, stood the Indian girl a rati ber pale-faced luver, each grasping a long an 1 glittering knife. A low melody exesped from the lips of tho girl snd floated downward and away ujon the tsging wind like tbe weird wailing of a lost spirit. It was ber death song. The sound ceased snd, turning, tho maiden faced ber lover. Himultaneomly two bright blades glitter high in the air and are brought down with tremendous force and buri d to tbe bilt in tbe palpitating bosoms of tbe doomed couple. They staggered forward and c!ased themselves each in tbe other's arms, and sank quivering and dying on the rock. A tetritJe blaze of lightning, followed by a burst of thunder that shook tbe earth toils very center, and the rtorm lulled. The clouds broke assuuder, tbe moon looked down serenely, and a lovely night-b rd from a neighboring thicket, whistled forth bis clear, shrill note, snd all waa ooos more still. The morning dawnud in gladness , tee blue bird and tbe robin thrilled forth thaif sweetest notes ; the bright mm sHmbed upward in the blue sky, and i k. -i down uKn the rocky platform BJMM two stalk and rigid form-, with up tim ed faces and features drawn and pint b ed in dsatb. A atuntei cedar growing in tbe rock, a if in puy, bowed its crest above tbem, and the little chip munk hurried by in emosl of food with many a chatter of alarm. The father's vengesoce was complete. Such ia tbe legend of the "Lovers' Cave.'' Boatmen on th Krntuck river eoleirnly ater that on dsik and s'.ormy nights the ill-tated lovers apar on the platform in front of ibe cave, surround ed by a lurid ligh', chant lh death song, and re-ensct the dreadful trage dv. A bsg ralgta. of bot aand t 1 - n i.i ; Frrr from. Opiate, K turtles and l'oloons. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE Far ; a, Sara Thrwat, Baaraaaraa, f aBnraxa, CatSa. Ilrawrhllta, Crwaa, Hkowalas t'osa. Asiassa, Qalaajr, I'ala.l latest, aixloOwf a9rOn nf th. Tkraat Lufa Frier se nntii bottU. Bold by Drnaatsts anil Pitl- r. ItrUt un ti l Io Indue iMrtr ,lmtfr W t ' ' I I grt llnr tAm u 111 rn ttr Irro ftvtu.axpr BBS rgs by tmatng om dollar ia i us ( MtSLca a. XM.n rn roaraT, v. U.wn an l M.italhctarwra, Barytas, i. H. 4. "atnugli oa Caagaia. Aak lor "Rough on Contfhs," for Cough., Colds, Sara Tliruat, Uoarsnsss. Truchca, lie. Liquid tbe 'AH.Il 4. n Sat. Clrar out rata, tutor, roaches, flies, ants, hsU-hugs skunks, rbiniuiiks, gophers. IS lruK'l earl rales. Palpitation, Uropsical Swelling, lnrsinass. Inch gratioii. Iteadarh, SlcTUwnea curvd by "Well' Health Kenewar." "Roagb on Cora. ' Ask tor Welle' "Rough on Coma." 15c. (julck, soiuf'lsle cur. Hard or soft corns, warts, hamuli. "Kousb oa rum rironri risstrr. Strangthlng, Improved, the best for hackachs, pains tu th ill or side, rhuui?tisin, muralfe-ia. Thin reonlc. "Well Health Kcuewer" restores health and vigor Cures lyspcia, Hcadache.Nervousue, lHbility,l. Whooping i ourIi, snd the many Throat Affections of children, prompt ly, phassntly and aalely relieved by "Itoutfh on Cougha." Troches, 10c. ; llaJsam, 2sc Mothers. If you sre failing, broken, worn out and nervoua, uae "Wells' Health Keuewer." 91. UruggisU.. Lire Preserver. It vou sre losing your grip on life, try "Wella Health Meneaer." (Joea direct to weak spot. "oagh OB Too I hue he Instant relief fur Neuralgia, Toothache, Kaoeaehe 4k for "Hough on Toothache." 15 and cents Pretty Women Ladlea who would retain freshness and v'vabi'y. Don't fail to try "Wells' Health Heuewer." Catarrhal Throat ASneetloas, Hscklng, irritating Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, cured by ' Hough ou Coughs. Torches, 16c. Liquid, 26c "Hough oa Itch.'" "Rough on Itch" cures humors, cruptim., ring worm, taster, aait rheum, frosted feet, chilblains. The Hope er the Nation, Children, alow in development, puny, aorawny,and delicate, us "Walls' Health Renewer' Wide Awake three or four hours every night eonghing. Get im mediate relief and sound rsst by naing Wells' "Hough n Coughs," Irochoa, lGc. ; Balaam, 6c. ou Pala" Psrsatcd PI Red Star tradeo7mark. -asgaTaae aSsPSamasl aWffi JULIUS GRADWOHL Has the only eselenstre Utoek ef CROCKERY, CLASS.SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carnages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sag ONE DOZEN CUPG AND 8AUCER3 SI.OO. SHE L F HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E Tin: S1IOBIEST HABKXT rSICal PAID FOR Elti Remember! What I Say I Mean. Give la a call GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- FRANK BROS IMPLEMENT COMPANY DKALP.RS IS Farm and Mill MarChinery. IjH. H11s H'agnn, MrMterry Urllla and Seeders, Murord'a Walking I'lows, Motord's (Jang and Bulky Plows, Buford's Killing and WkUIiik Cultivators, Kandall Wheel Harrows. Th t'alehrattd Hollow Tooth Harrows, Klc, Etc., !.-. FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY. Write for Catalogue. Addrewa either FRANK BR OS., IMPL CO., PORTLAND, OR. JULIUS CRADWOHL, ACENT, ALBANY. OR. UOFFHA PKOPKIETOKS OP ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS IN 1 cited and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Candle? Nuta and Tropical Fruita. Im ONE 1 .)K BELOW ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only bst Calapooia timber Price and terms'made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. R. J, TRUMBULL & CO., Growers, Importers anil Dealers IN- SEEDS, TREES AND PLANTS. 4slO, -421 SANSOME ST., SAN FtjANCISCO - Illustrated catalogues for I8S5 applioallon. CAL free oa N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. Represents several of the beat Fire In surance Companies on the Coast. Call on him for reliable insurance. MILLER BROS., DKAf.RltS IN Field, Vfgetablf s and Flower Seeds, Imperial Egg Food, Tools, FertiliEers, Etc, Etc. 209 SECOND ST. - PORTLAMD.OR. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LA AND Notary Public- L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO PREDGOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, OREGON, W. E. KELLY Notary PuWic and Conveyance Collections msde 'on reasonable terms MAIN ST., - '- SCIO, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Counslor At Law, LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in alt tho Courts in the State. Walter A. WohT Mrarera, Keepers and Twine Binders. Hodge's Uouble Draper Headers, Coate'sfculkj Rake, Jaar.Mobtt fc Co,'s Eng i oea A Three bera. Cooper A CV Saw Mill Machinery, Carriage, spring Wsgona, llockboard Waatons, J. ".. Etc, Etc. ft JOSEPH, Oregon. JOHN BKHJUS' STORE. O V t . TIME TAE.BE, Albany Station. rKrsBTtaa or tbais. bocto soars. A Mi A XV r..Xf'Bnsa Departs at t i.i . . . i TaUIXS . MAIL TKAIS ' t Ikaautoat sot-as surra. : A. at 9 A. St. 1144 A- af . 12 05 p. at SAU. THUS I Arrire at 7 lM uarta a! 11:45 A. BT 12P St. Z .M P. M. sat v. at. KKEI.iUTTItAlS " " . ALUAXV (Al'liKS Armas at All Tralaa atalljr, exeept Sassier. n ones. o& and alter this date regular tickets will be sold at oar ticket office for following poiouon Colombia river: Upper Cascades, Dallea, Umatilla, Waliula, Walla Walla and Airesworta. Will. B. Rick, Freight and Ticket Agent O.AC.KK. Co. Albany. June 18th. 1S8 Notice of Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that the under aigntd will on the lbth of May. 1885, at the neur of ooe o'clock p. m., of said day, offer fur sale at public auction to the highest bid Ur for cash in Land, in front of the livery "table of the undersigned in North Browns ville, I.i ;m county, Oregon, one dark bay horse about 10 years old, about 15f hands high snd branded with a diamond on the left shoulder. Said horse waa fad and cared for by the uuderaigned at tbe request of A G rbett, the owner thereof, from snd inclod ng the lSih dsy of January, 1SS5 to the ''4ih dsy of January, 1885, and hssJaeen ia i tie possession of the undei signed since said date, that said feed and care were reaaosably worth $4.50 and ssid horse will be sold to aausty mud sum of $4.50 and the cost of keeping tbe same from January S5tb, 18S3, to toe dsy of sale and cost and charges of inaktug sale. April 24th, 18S5. F. M. Jack. Administrator's Sale. ajOTK'E IS U ERE BY OIVEX THAT THE C X H Jerqued as Administrator ot ths aaaaaa o I ATkin S. Oaborn, deceased, by virtu ot an order ef the County Court of Marion Count r. State ot Oragoa, inada on the 9th day ot June, A. D., ISM, liososinf and impowerini him to do so, will on Friday the IMS day of May, 1 w, at tit hour of 10 o'clock, fc of HaU day, at tbe Court House door, in Albany ta said Idnn county, In said State, sell at public auaUoa to the highest bidoer for cash in U. S, gold eoin, ae following described real premises, belonging to said estate, situated In said Linn comity, to-wit : Begin ning at a point on the south tine of Section six (S) ta Tp. It, 8. S, 1, east of Willamette meridian 80 rod wst of the southeast corner oi said Section (6) ; thence west 100 rods ; thence north 100 reds ; thsae east 100 rod ; thence south 100 rods to aha place of beginning, containing 100 acre. April 3rd, lSSi. Joax Oasoax, Administrator, Final Settlement. In the matter oj the estate of Zeruah B. Opp deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN deraigned Executor at the last fill and tostanieut of Zoruah R. Opp, deceased, has file. I his final account n said, in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, and that eaid Court has appointed Saturday, the 0th of June, 1S85, at the bom of 10 o'clock, a. ni. , of said day aa the time for hearing objections to audi final account snd the settlement thereof, Dated My 5th, MBS. F. A. Warts Executor. Administrator's Notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dentigned has been duly appointed Administrator de bonus non of the estate of Edward H. Kubarta. dsceased, by an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oiegon, duly made and entered of record, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the seme to th under sit ned at his office in Albany, Oregon duly verified within six months from tbe date hereof. April 7th, 18S5. GkOSGE HUMPHHY, Administrator. CH0NC HUNG. Washes and irons clothes ia rirst-claas style, at reasonable rates. Successor to Le. One door south of Revere House, oa Ellsworth Street. ALBANY