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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1885)
Ike gntt0ftat. Entered at tho Post OfUce at Albany, Or, a second -class mail matter. FRIDAY.. MAY 15, I8b SllTES 1- Klllir. mm4 NUTTING. Proprietor. r.Kll NST flXti, tteal l. tlirtr. Official County Paper. TlHKfcLL sll M WCUIMU. . lat Tuesday, at (he First Cougrega ttetMal Church, lu San Francisco, Mr Wal ter Turrelt, the accomplished and faithful book keeper of Mrs K Young, of t his city was duly united in marriage to Miss Josephine Such, or Sui Frnuoisco. In the evening of that day an informal reception was given at the residence of the bride's parents, on Seventeenth Street, particulars of wk!eh we have not jet received, The Democrat unit with many Albany friouds ot the happy couple iu extending haarty congratuUtions, aud. as well, wishes them such a l.fe a their many ac complishments and good qualities are bound to bring these. After a brief tour through Washington Territory, with head quarters at the residence of Mr TurreM's brother, in Stte, Mrau.l Mrs Turreil, wiii come to Alt any. where a pleasant p'aoe on Seveuth Street is already engaged for them to reside in. toeirart fur Opera House l t. Last Saturday eveniug the bids far building the Opera tiouse,five iu number, were opened, by the board of directors of the Albany Building Association, when it was found that Mr Andy Hunt had offer ed to do the work, except for postering and masonry tor the lowest price. The contract was let to bin-. For Joins the masonry work and pie sterlet: the lowest offer was from Cox & Sprenger, to whom the contract was !e' Under these gentle men tirst-clas work will be done, with ne delays, Monday morning Mr Hunt be gan business in earnest, and will push matters with a! I peeeible speed, plans of the budding have already described in fuli in the Democrat. The been itcrancr Meeting. There was a fair attendance at the Court House last Tuesday evening at the mass tem perance meeting, the program for which was published in our last issue, which though, was not carried oat as published. The ques tion, "Is the liqnor license system beneficial t the country f was discussed by Revs. Browiieon and Judy on the affirmative, and Revs. Harris and McAllister, on the negative. Interspersed through the debate were three interesting songs by the Band of Hope, two of which were "Dare to do Right," and "Keep to the Right," and a well rendered duit by Mrs J H Burkbart and Miss Luln S- John. Death mt a Wesis-er. One of Linn county's tint pioneers, Mr. Silas H sight, died at his b ame, uear this city oa last Tuesday meraing, May 12th, at an advanced age, leaving behind him many rela tives and friends to mo tiro bia detth. Mr. Height came to Oregon from New York lat in 1845 and to Linn county in 1S47. Since then this has been his home continually. Mr Haight obtained a good name for honesty, fair dealing and uprightness. Oae by on ear earliest pioneers are leaving m, there being very few left of so early a date as '47. tire Hear Albany, i Last Saturday night about ten o'clock a bright light east of this city told of a tire somewhere ; but whre, the numerous conjectures failed to place, The next morning it was learned to be a barn be longing to Mr Newton White, being on bis farm, about two and a half mile from Albany, rented by Mr Jaa A Miller, The building was entirely burned, together with a lumber wagon, threshing power, other machinery and some hay and otet Total damage about $800. school Ste part. LeUowing is the report of the Oakviile school, District No. 37, Linn county, Ore gon, for the month ending May 8th, 1883 ; No, of pupils enrolled 3S ; average daily attendance 32. Names of pupils not absent or tardy fer the ssontb ; Reint Acker man, Taj a Acker man, Jacob Ackerman, Oscar Mealey, Clifton Mealey, Lincoln St. John, O;to Stooe, Annie Patterson, Silas Couey, Minnie Couey, Mar tha Morgan, James Morgan, Willie Morgan, Minnis Morgan, Sallie White, May Redford. Jkw.vie Blak EE, Teacher, Went fishing. The first of the week Charles PfeiSer, Harry Waiters and Tom Curran returned from a several days fishing excursion be yond Crtwfordsville, where they had fair lack catcbiag the fiuny tribe, known as trout, and as well spent a most enjoyabl e time In their rusticating trip. They bag ged 125 or thereabouts. About the same time W B Scott, J J Dubruille, C W Watts and Mr Fuller ar rived home from Crab tree Creek, with a record of 480 trout caught. As this is a very mild number it can be relied on. Ba1 Yoatbs from somewhere. Two of the most ornery looking boy tramps often seen were in the city last Monday. Taey refused to pay any fetriage coming a JTOs the river, helped themselves to oran ges along the street, and locked daggers generally. Whether they were pintes, Kit Carsons or the Boy Avengers of Red Gulch, could not be ascertained, but it took uo ex pert in dime novels to judge that they were bad youths from somewhere who left their influence along the dirty line of their trail. Tall Bye. Last Tuesday Mr A Iviu Marks brought to the Democrat office a bunch of rye, raised on the farm of his father, Mr James Marks, this side of Lebanon, which is the highest yet to rear its head In our presence, 7 feet 9 inches tall, containing 4o stalks, all from one grain, it presents a picture of produc tiveness net often seen outside of Ore gon ; yet its counterpart is seen here on occasions. Bishop lubs. Bishop R. Dubs, of Cleavelaud. Ohio, will preach in the Evangelical Church, in this city, on next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, A large attendance is desired, aa the sermon will be one veil worth hear ing, a 5, 10 and 25c counter j at N H Allen St Co. 5, 10 aid 25c coantera at N H Alien & Co. Br.r.tKTWKKT PLlKtiKS. The hrae company of Albany Engine Company No. 1, aud the HAL Co., are the only companies of this city which will go to Astoria , Mr k a rton man has been selected as trainer of No, Vn hose team, as J the boys begin to get uiuuuvmI aud act as If they meant business. The team is compoeed of brat-class runners, who, If they become efficient In coupling and hydrant work will stand as good chance as any other team, A gas pipe hose osrt will not be used at Ati at by Albany firemen in the coming touriiameut. Monday evening a department meeting was held at No, l'a Hall, when it was formally neclded to go to Aetorhvaud that No. I'h hose team should represent the department in the hose rai, It was de cided to go by theO AC K R, and to leave Albany, Tuesday morning, -June 9th, at 5:80 e'clock. The following committees were appointed : On transportation c W Watts, T J C!ue, Arch Montelth. On music-William Miller, Millard Hayea, 11 Lampman. At the same aseetlng the subject of a 4th of July celebration waa discussed. A committee of firemen, consisting ot II Lampman, J J Dubruille and J J Charl ton, was appointed to confer with a com mittee of citizens, to consist ef Charles P PfeitTer, DrJ L Hill, J M Irving, K W Langdon, J N Hoffman, T J Stttaa, S K Train and 0 T Porter, in referume to the j matter, to decide whether Albany should celehrate. This committee met Vedataday evening and decided to celebrate the 4tb if enough funds could be raised for the purpose. The following committee was appointed to aolicit subscription : friaries Pfeitfer, J N MofTman.L KBIeiu.C II Stewart aud Charles Monteith. Monday evening the new B wid of Fire Delegates, published in the I t m ka r of last week, met at cS'o. 2a Hall, aud onran- i re. I by the election of W K Rtalu at President. C B Winn, as Secretary, and Fred P Anil lug as Treasurer. The President has appointed the follow ing staudiug c mimittees : Judic:arv P P Nutting, R llilyeu. U C Hale. Rules W R Bilveu, t' It Winn. 8 F. Young. Finauee las Hail, Virgil Parker, K I, Thompson. Certificate E L Thompson, Virgil Parker, C B Whin. Sat la-otoe bet Last Saturday Mr Haupert.of Sod villa, was brought to this city, charged with be ing insane, and taken before Judge J J Whitney. A com mi-talon of physicians, consisting of Dr W F Alexander and Dr J P Wallace, was called. An exsminstion f several witness-, indicated that llau- pert km len a pretty "naughty" man. threw-in g axes around and making bia neigh nor very uncomfortable ; but such testimony, with the examinations made by tho physicians, failed to prove, that be waa iusatie, aud he was discharged. Ac cording to tbe testimony Haupen has had a large number of epileptic tils, dating through tllieen to tweuty ye ire, snd when under the influence of such couvulsioos lost octroi of himself in suuh a manner as to do oiue very peculiar and weak minded acta. For tustatico, it is said thst oa oae occasion be rushed tmin Sodaviile te Lebanon giving awsy twenties te nearly everybody whom he met, noon dhtpodng of I50 in that manner. Certainly an in sane sign, but not complete proof. Again, Haupcrt is the gentleman who discovered the silver mine at Sodaviile, which eaueod a ripple of excitement a couple of years ago ; but mere than these and a general ugly disposition there seemed to be in sutlicient grounds to impriMon him in the insaueaylutn. He certainly needs treat tueut llf his convulsions, for, as seam Saturday, be waa a comp.ete wreck of a man. and, eveu if he may be weak iu the upper story, aa was alleged, that alone could not send him to Salem, else the asylum there would tie foil. state earn ef Isamls-raites. A Salem paper charges the State Board of Immigration at Portland with being a Kail road iaatitution. with interests in favor of only certain sections. It seems that Col ! Reed, of Salem,, was seut there in the inter est of Marion county, but the Board refused to allow him a seat.although it had previous ly agreed to do so. On the face of it this was a most unfair thing to do ; but, of course, there may be private circumstance which woo id militate against the charges. It looks diiTerently though When the Board was first started an Eta tern Oregon paper accus ed it of being a Portland institution in the interest of the railroads and that city, and the editor w as c tiled a long eared donkey for his pains. One thing is certain, if ths Board would obtain the will of the people outside of Port land, it should take a decidedly different coarse from that already pursued. It has reached that stags where the country expects as favors from Portland, and vice versa. This is to be regretted. No section of a state can afford to werk against another. In this re spect the policy pursued has been a poor one. The appointment of a State Board of Immigration offered a grand opportunity for the healing of old wounds ; but the Portland managers, from the accounts given, have failed to appreciate the position, and, instead, are widening the gap. Cannot something be done to change theae facts, at least the ap pearance ? Mack trass Little. Two msn in Washington Territory, James Grimes and James Irwin recently while going to their homes a few miles from Walla Walla got into a dispute about driving, Irwin in sisting that Grimes was drtviug too fsst. In order to step it hs reaches ovsr from the back seat, where be was sitting, aud took hold of the lines. This incensed Grimes,and both men were soon having a rough and tumble tight, which terminated in their drawing their knives and Grimes giving Irwin a fatal stab, from the effects of which be died soon after. A murder trial will take place at the next Court held at Walla Walla. Verily a small flame often spreads into a conflagration. That two lives should be mined over one man's style of driving is ex tremely ridiculous. Hot Forgotten. Mr Daniel Jones of this city has shown us a latter which he has received from John C Black, whom President Cleveland has ap pointed Commissioner of Pensions. Mr Jones was in Black's regiment during the war, and thinks he was one of the truest and best men in the service. He supposed Black had forgotten him long since, but when he learned that Black had been ap pointed Commissioner of Pensions, he wrote a letter congratulating him oa bis appoint ment, and in due time received an answer which shows that Mr Black has not forgot ten his old comrade in arm s. A Mixed up Writer. A writer from California to an Eastern Agricultural paper states that California reaches from British America to New Mexico. The fellow has an exalted opinoin oi his State which we of Oregon are un able to appreciate, not yet having learned that this S'ate waa only a California coun ty. It has higher aspirations than that,in fact hopes sometime to rival even the State itself, which its never failing crops, fine oil mate and natural advantages give its inhabitants a right to hope for, DMAH4TK The A ears at sYMwasvMe. Thejllrst act of the "Last Loaf was not concluded till the audience was delighted, "No former playing has excelled this," whispered the Brownsville public. Ths Hall, a large one, was crowded, and all ths stand ing room taken up. The energy of the Browosvitle Amateur Club of dramatists and comedians has become a wonder and de light to the citicn of our town, and ons success after another has been the Club's history. New scenery, new lights, and all the luxury of stags furniture are due te their pluck and talent. Here is the east, Mark Ashton was played by Mr Matt Farleigh. The following are his points iu tragedy. First, he has a keen and correct conception o: situations. NMfl an artist, he frames himself into a scene like a picture. He has a good voice ; and has svi lently had some good training. He has an alert, electrical movement, to the two comedies that followed, he played the part of an Irishman. The curious mixture of harsh ness and courtesy, puguacity and tenderness. that characterise the Irish, he allowed to perfection. He waa supported by Mr Qraut Johnson an lick Hustle. Mr Johnson has a good voice, and an attractive manner. He is adapted to noble parts in which fraukness, honesty, and heroic success are presented. The audience heard all he aaid. Mr Hart WiWou appeared as Chuhbs in the first play. He is a natural humorist ; the only criticism being that he stammered fearfully. Hut the audience understood. At Chubhs, he ought to stammer. (See play.) Mr Younger took the part of Hairy, and he made & tine im preseioa. Miss America Kirk played Mr. Ashton. Mirs Kirk has a commanding pres ence, and is a graceful player. She arose to the spirit of the play like a professional. Lilly was played by Miss l.ibbie Kay. She is a general favorite, and where the character is one of gentleness and amiability, she is charming. Miss lens Galbraith played the servant girl to the Ashton 's. Besides a good voice aud pieaaaat manner, natural sincerity and a strong countenance eahance Miss Hal brsith s acting. She played all her parts well. Iu the comedies that followed, several others appeared to a very doe advantage. Among these were Masters Dellie Johnson and Willie lialbraitb. Miss Gertie Mariatto, and ('apt Von Hagen. Your reporter omitted to say of ( apt. Von Hagen. that, in the "Lest Loaf,' he showed a decided aptness for siuister characters. He sustained Caleb Hanson very well. Miss Mariatto is s neat actress of very considerable promise. In parts requiring the selfish or coquettish she Is hue. Master .al brsith made a most satisfactory negro Mr Pheney sustained his parts well He acted the Heathen Chinee. The proceeds of the evening go toward some local interest of ths city, snd for these considerable, as well aa for the refined diversion, all the people wish the best of success te the amateurs. MtCsn. The tiara r I. Tina week wheat may be quoted at 44 cents iu Albany, tie. in Portland, H7c. in San Francisco, 'Mz in Chicago for August, Dealsrs in New York predict an advance of lo cents by July 1st, on account of the great shortage in fall wheat ; hot aa the spring wheat through the East is only just sown and nothing can be predicted about it, no great reliance can be placed on such prophesies. Oats are 3o cents in Portland. In Albany flour remains the same as last week, to.braa fit, middlings $16 ; some hams are marked at 16 cants retail, strawberries sell rapidly at Ik cents, with sales for 400 or 500 boles a day. 10 cent bunches ef radishes sod ooions increase in six. Asparagus, a most health ful plant, does not seem U be appreciated, 3 bunches for 25o is the price fer it. Batter at 10c and eggs ditto hardly pay for thir handling, yet a gentleman the other day frees a southern state said be need to gat g cents, so that 10 cents seemed fair to htm. b Mart! with Straw brrrlr. Strawberries arjour weakness, and this is a faet Mr. Wiillsm Peacock has known for several years. Having a generous heart and feeliog for the hun gry editor, laot Friday he deposited In oar keeping as many boxes as there were men who made up the majority In the celebrated Electoral Commission of '76 ; and such straw kernes, large luscious.enticlng stomach fillers. Kpi iurus himself would approve them. Specimens cf the same may be son at aoy time at Conrad Meyers. May Mr. Peacock live long and raise many straw. berries. Since writing the above Mr Peacock brought two more boxes to our office, both of the Sharpies variety In one there were only seventeen strawberries, two of the nam ber measured 6 inches in circumference and nearly all of the rest between 5 and 6 inches. making them aa large as ths avsrage hens egg. Cockadoodledo, A Big FST far a Oregoa last llutisn. The Brownsville Woolen Mills, of this county, were awarded the geld medal at the World's Exposition at New Orleans fer their splendid exhibition ef woolen goods. This is an honor deserving of some crowing over. Coming from such a source it puts a feather in tiie cap of these woolen mills which en titles tbem to stand beside any mill in the Ucited States. There are hundreds of mills with greater capacities, but nene which turn oat better work. It is this fact which is giv ing them such an extended reputation on the Pacific Coast. Oregon people, particularly, should take a pride ia wearing clothes made of Brownsville woolen goods. A Live f irm The Real Kttate Journal just published by 'lire, Monteith and Co.. speaks for the en terprise J th a nVtti, 1 shows a list of oyer fJ pieces u( excellent farm laud for sale, rep resenting over $25,000 worth of property, of a variety to suit all classes of farmers. Al though but recently established this Arm has secured a good footing, and are obtaining an excellent reputation for being accommodat ing in showing their oustomers not only their own list of property but aa well the general advantages ef the county. e -Cheap Strawberries, After May 2lst orders for strawberries will be carefully filled in their turn, Boxed and delivered at the express office here, in either 10, 20, 4, 44, 84 or 84 lb. crates at 6X cents per lb, or box. Parties so desiring can gather their own at 5 cents per box or lb, no children under 10 years old admitted on the grounds. Sambfokd a Nelson. Turners, Or. May 18. Job Printing. C W Watts is always ready to do all kinds ' of jeb printing on short notioe and at reason able rates. If yen have letter heads or bill heads printed send him your order and he will place them in tablet form without extra cost. Orders fiom a distance will receive prompt attention. IOWA a l I TO Ms tt ms Weleei The to No suok opportunity to advrtie Oregon and the different sections of It, has eyer been ottered, compared with that wbloli will be presented whou the editors of Iowa make their tour through the North west next mouth, These big hearted, In tolleolual men, with their p cael lull of pens and pencils, will come here for the purpose ef seeing and telling their uh -soribers what they aoe, as wall as to have a good time. When they come to Albany they shettld be received with flying colore. We should "spread" ourselves on tkls occasion, not we editors, but we ieop?e, beaded by our Mayor and bands. Lea vers, doctors, ministers, farmers, al', should greet them, Hellishly It Is busi ness. Unselfishly It Is extending oeui teay to those who deserve it. More peo ple have come lo I, inn county from Iowa than from any olber State ; hence It will tie to many like saying welcome" to old friends. Lot us outdo ourselves on this iKHiaabm, so that when Iheso editors write back they can only do so In favorable terms, at least of our people, and the pen pie are, la a oeuai :i axiom tlm factors that give character te a place, Will the city fathers take stent In the matter: the) can depend on the hoarly --) erai leu of tho newspapers and eople of the i lly, I l tie t -11, Saturday a l)Koou.r into h 1 1 the' pleasure efcssliiig his horse eye st several aa fine colts as be has ever seen Ibis side of Arabia. Hjhmeer'e livery stable was the scene of a regular stamp la of colls si that time. The first two attracting aUen tlou were a bay horse unit belonging to Mr William Barrows, of Nhedd, aud a dark mar oil. owned by Mr Alfred Wheeler, of Alhany, cli st.ont six weeks Id. They were both aired bv McKnhrhl brothers Oaeoo, at road y known to fame, beiug his fitm off prlngs. 1Mb have ex cited t'wualderabl favorable comment on account of their flue heads aud ncka,wall shaped limbs and bodies, Indicating ts even an luexpariet.cexl horsemen ureal ld when developed. For proof that blood will tall eno baa only to look at these oolts- The dsm ofOnero, Mr Bai rows colt, can oven uow trot in 4 mlniita. Combine that with Oneoo'e fcMHlii tttljj and you have a 2.20 gate, Wuh atn-h a bora aa Onoco for sire It is aar ( predict that Una county will in a tery few years have doss us f horses which tain go In less than S mlaiiles. Two other fine looking toUt noticeable for good proportions belonged to a eon of Mr I tar rows, They were aired by a flue Hamiltonlau stallion owned b bim, a aou of the mother of Onero. This staliluu baa good spaed, nod a good pedigree, being aired by Alexander, he oy surelbiaote, he by A bd si is h, etc The raising of first -class horse deeervea encouragement, bene It ta with pleasure i we refer to euuh axctleut specimens of the horaessflaah generation. Uiaasallr tslsnsls To night (Friday) the Iramatlo t'vtu paoy, under the management of Mr ft A Hohmen, will render the well-known play ' Kaat Lynns." and the laughable farce "A quiet Family." H e entertain mast will be given lor Ike benefit ef the Mechanise' Hand, and will be well worth attending. Following are th casta of oharactere. Kaar Lyxnb. Lady lest'! Madam Via iterbara liar........, M las early le Joyce Little Willie Mis Ida Kuox Mias N Cfoan Mlsa Marv Wheeler Miss May Hideout ...Miss F,ta f tubman Archibald Carlyle .. Hlr Frauds LeAbmn.. Ienl Mount Me vein Klchard Hare Mr Dill 1 officer j It A Huhinan Walter Monteith R W Fisher K rjOBfli John Ilolieon (Jt'iKT Family. Parnsbv Bib It A flohman Benjamin Bibbs Witt Itlcharda Mrs Bsrnabv Itihh Mlas W hastier Mrs Beujamlne llibbe Mis Knox Music will be furnished by Prof II M kiohards Orchoatra : II H Richards ... Wut 11 Millar (leu Richard Wiu Ileiideraon First Vial In .. Mini Violin 1 'farrjiiot Cornet Haas Viol Hole Pianist Wm Kloherds Mia Hell Zanders twrreat Kveass. There are ISO cases on the calender lor th Circuit Court which meets In Umatilla eounty in a few days. The lawyers evl deutly have a fat thing there. The Oregon City "Enterprise" refuse te pu bllab a correspondence because it puffs up some other part or the Htate, a narrow policy. The dsmookat prides itaeir on the extent of It errepndeuc, regard lea of locality. Th pop'e d their own reasoning. Rlel, the half breed rebel haa beu whipped by the British, in a bloody skir nun. The three conductors dlacharged from the weat aid road were btroad, Began and Colbum. Pap would make a good Mayor or something like that, and de serves recognition. He waa one of the moat popular conductors on the coast, and It la a great query what was behind It all. A lame t'eaaly stabbing Affray. The "Eugene Guard" gives the fallow ing account of a aerloua affray in that county : Monday, May 4th, Oscar and Frederick Funk met Thomas Anderson on a trail, all being reeidenta of Indian Creek in the western part of Lane county on the road to Lewr Hlualaw, when they assaulted him with clubs, the parties having had a dispute oyer some laud a short time pre vious. On Wedneaday, May eih, the twe Funks and a man named Holt went to the ranch of a Mr Duncan, where Anderson and Duncan were putting iu garden when Frederick Funk and Holt commenced clubbing Anderson and Oscar Funk as saulted Duncan. In the affray that fol lowed Anderson ahtbbed Frederick Funk, when Holt and Oacar Funk ran. Fred erick Funk etaggered a short distance and fell, when Anderson and Duacan, with out learning how badly Funk was hurt, started lor Eugene City. e The Chinese 1 Law anils. A 16f,000 suit is being tried in the Court at Victoria, B, C, causing immense feeling among the parties interested. Among the important witnesses was a white man, Monday evening he was walk ing along a by-streetwhen he was attacked by two Chinamen disguised as white men, one or the celestials struck him with a knife, but moat fortunately a tbiok pocket book intercepted it, else it would have proven fatal to all probability. The ether hit him on the head with a sand bag which knocked him down, and he 1 was left fer dead, but, as a matter ol fact hs was in jured very little, The affair oaused con siderable execitemact at the time, Barb Fence Wire, I have just received from the manufactor ies a car load of Bessemer steel fence wire, galvanized 4 point 4 inches, 2 point 3 inches. Samuel E. Yocxo. 5, 10 and 25o ooanter at N H Allen A Co Wash fabric for Summer dress goods, nov elties in ginghams, seersuckers, indigo blues, Fourlards, etc., eta, at Samuel E. Young's. AID ABKOAt, Utrawbsrries rule. I'icnic season now. F M Frenoh, jeweler, Roies are ia their glory. Albany is full of strangers. Albany carpenters are busy. Uo to "Best Lynns ' to night. The welcome rsiu has been here. The best harusss st J J Dubruill.s. 88 cases on the Pulk uouuty ducket. I '.ilk county is oouvulsed with lutse ball. Lumber at Itots Humphrey ahovs Lebanon, 0, 10 and Thi counters at N II Allen A ' . New potatoes hv not yet appeired in tl.e market J. P. Wsllaoo. Piicsioitu and Sun ion. Al bauy, Or. Albany htsllie lw bast uuifwrtucd bauds in Oregon, A Hue cton ol w iwst it su assured fact iu this valley. O. W Maaton. i'htsiuian and Surgeon. Albany, Ofegou. Pirst-clsts braxd, cookies. cik.s and pies at Conrad Mayai 's, Flesh made o iinhns alwavt ol hand st ttetd aud BiuWn.iU'e. Keuly, ths RMrtof linid claims to hate Struck it fr curtain now. Isdina whnn VOll want a n ut stssS ... in... shoes, givs Head aud Broul a Set!, H.u iaSSael HiMwn. of li-rvtM. an M pi. Miser diasl st that pUSS last Ssiurde) . I.tdias, gand -.. Mmitnith A -Solan bach s spring stock, ureal verity in every department Twaodala keniie a mc. In... of tin aud coo i ware, aud does repairing in g""' shspa I'he Oreg mi conference of the MVaiwHlc! Churuh Will be held at Portland uu Mty 2.1. Roes Humphrey 4eSsaS ,s will sell let ter and cheaper lumlair than any other man. Try one of the It find Del Coiunrmo 5 cent cigsrs.thry era the Imsa, at II v ami lboi, ell's. Laws of th-last sssi iri of ths leislsturs will be ready lot shout Hm 2'th tnst. Lumbar efallkiuds at Humphrey's mill east cf l.d.eo'Mi. st Iroin 87 to f 10 fH ti i sand. The meinbars ol Dm V P Sab'utu S iiod will give a picmo to t.rrrow at Hs- klssWaw grova. We see thst W. C. rtalde haa just re oeived eudht-r lot of new styUd p trior stoves. Hheep slirailug oinitieocesl Slid iVtcrs k Stewart are redjr to supply shears at luw prices There a ill be s Huodey school c n. . it st Tsngeut Saturday SVSSwSg Msy '23rd al . -0 o clock. Dr. M H. Fibs, physician aid sws?SM Alt soy. Oragou. ... made m city or country. Fishing tackle, cutlirry, sewing msfhsMI snd notions, cbtieper thaa ever, at Will ltrlhtre. A barn tainted at Corvallia I si Sa ilty night. Tito light from th s ne was su in this -ity Just tho thing f r picnics, sscarsioti-. etc . is Uried amok herring, and can be fouod at It. and H i. Remember yon can get all kinds of nrst class lumber st Humphrey e null at from f te fit per M. The steamer "stashed" the saw era m nuing into ( al-peote Street to a aatiafaetory asasr aer last Tuesday Rev M Judy will preaeh at Trinity Chapel near Knox Bait on Kabbth aflat noon at 3 .To o deck. Public in it. i The old Boyle shop it the Ch-edl Block is betng rearranged tt an u..u houee, to be occupied by Mam Cheu. In a game of ball betwaau tk Dsltaa snd Monmouth nines t ha acre sto...l 41 lo 35. Probably used a rubber ball. Ho rk hart Bros, will advertise our ;ud for ssle free of chsre. tiive litem a call if you want to sell. Hoffman A J i . have had a . v tat aide eulrane constructed to their Ice cream partorr Try u. Do to Prushaw's new Drag Store for para Irugs, .a toot inedicinss, lc. Prssvriull ,w. carefully compounded, Window ahadea, hue irtains. oil cloth, carpels, and wall paper. Tha nicest si.-k to tow ii at Monteith A Satteabecb a. Parties already subscribers to the Htsu OUT, WteS wish t semi the paper off to a friend or friauda oan do so for 92. 1-st Wednesday Mr C P liurkhart recti v. ed six large carp from Kugen City. He w II place them in a pend near his place. Mr Fred lraf haa just broa girt ou a spUtt. did hue of baby carnages, with the lateet improvements. Call aud as them, A better selected stock of groceries than that kept by Conrad Meyer cannot lie fouad in the valley. It embraces everything in the line. A lanndryiuan named Sam Sing is said to obtain the affections ef the mem'iers of a certain church in tins city by reason of his name. John Hebson, the newly appointed collect or st Astoria resided at this city in I S3, where he beeame a citiaen of the United State. Just the mere statement in tha New York papers that camphor was good foi cholera doubled the salsa of that articls in a faw day a Moat of the milk used in Albany is sold by privet persona keeping one or two cows, winch leaves a small picking for the regular mitk naao. Ladies', misses' and children's fins sines, also coarser grades, oan be fouod at Mon teith A prices in keeping wi tk hard times. Every part of I .inn eounty is represented in our correspondence oolssaos, which are the most complete presented by any paper ia the State. Mattresses and lounges for sale, and all kinds of upholstering work repaired at J E Hayes, just east of Deyoe and Kobeeoo 'a, Albany, Oregon. Among the hesvy tax payers at Astoria George Flavel pays taxes on $116,418, Wm Coleman A Co. on Ieo, 450 and George W Hume on 173,500. A Mt. Tabor strawberry maasured 9 inches around the largest part. Cannot some Albany man beat this, iij inches is the largest yet reported here, . Any party wishing to purchase a good farsn, either for graiu or a took will do wail by calling on A It Cyrus A C j., Keel Estate Agents, at Ibaoon, Or. There is an odd wrinkle alwut tha lower oorosr of nearly every farmer's mouth that seems on ths eve of widening out int a hap py grin, wen, lot it rain. J H Mitchell is soon to return to Oregon for good. What this meaos wa do net know for certain ; but Mr M probably has faith in an extra sessiou of ths Legislature, On last Monday two births were chroni cled in this city, Mr If J Palmer becoming the father of a girl, being his first child, and Mr Peter lliley the father of a son. Jim Ken wick haa a gams leg and it all brol.en uu This is hard ou Oregon, for that horse did as muoh last year as any other thing in making this state notorious. Batrd's Ministrels drew a crowded heuae on Thursday of laat week. They gave a geeu entertainment, introducing more orig inal jokes than most minstrel troupe. The store of Hoffman Jk Joseph inoreases in popularity. For groceries, as well as ice cream, cooling drinks and confectionery the public have learned it has no supsrier. liurkhart Bros., have several cash oustom ers for small pieces of land of from 24 to 80 acres. If farmers will be willing to divide their land into this size tracts we can sell them. Mrs John F Benson who wss burned sev eral weeks ago by a gunpowder explosion near Wells Station, an account of whioh was given in the Democrat, died last week from the effects of the burn. A square augur has been patented. I bores a square hole, thereby doing away with the chisel and mallet for mortising purposes. It is said to be a really wonderful inven tion. If you want your property advertised call enuiine, Monteith and Co., immediately, If yen want your property sold call on them It costs you nothing to adysrtise with this firm and very little to sell. Mr A B Mollwain recently had his ele gant residence painted in the latest style, being a light greenish tint, with dark red trimmings. Mr Mollwain has ons of ths handsomest places in the valley. Robinson and Westhavs obtained aO0,Q0O fc-t of logs at Harrisburg, which they are bringing down the Willamette. They ill begin sawing at one iu order to meet their large numhei of coutiact sjratty made. A horse belonging to T Williams of Doug las county got fast last week itweu two oak tress that stood about IS in. lies apart ia his pasture, tie released the horse hut it soon died from overexertion in attempting to get out. Mis lhitiiway will lie candid la ths future shout calling Jackson of ths t 0. a double bsrreled fool. She has probably foutd ont by the last t'. 0, that only a fool will call another a fool. Such remarks are always back-acting. The Salem hit ale una n says tin. State Fire men s Association, which it calls ths Sdsm Firemen's Association, will Ins held in thst city. Kvidently that psper thinks Salem embrace the whole State and Astoria. What is the matter. A hardware man of Albany remarked to us a few days ago that business is much Ul ler thsn last year, aud that hard tunes seen. tu have driven eople into paying cah for every thing they buy, vary faw huyttig sredlt as iu fornisr Minus. Soott's gun store m thStra;iau Blank wa eompiotad btat Saturday, and Monday Mr Soon began pulling in his gmeis, consisting of guns, ammunition, ate, V-,, known all through ths sountt. Im is s.ire t. ohtein a sliece of the spu ting hiiin. II, htsoue of the nasi est Stores lU to. ? ley. Several of ths priiiiii ui n v.. aside estsh UkleatM of Portland have agrued W close their stores Saturday afternoons at I e'clock, iu order to uiva their dark a haif hobdav during the summer, provided there is no rush ef business. Depend on it there will always be a rush. Now ia the tim to sell your kt'id. place it in the lands of liurkhart Bros., thy havs better fac.litiee for advertism anil selling land that any other agents in r.-goo, tend them tour name and they wid sand you thrir Ileal Kstate Paptr b o i yVAr free of charge. Alts-r all to gat aM tho Uul news ons baa to read the Ds lUutKti Ilia manner iu which this is sppraaiatesi is esideut from th (act that ovsr one hundred new names have heu added to our list atnoe January 1st, with oat any effort, dull as ths time, have been. Fact. A genuine biu pin Plater waa in thacitv Monday, discoursing doubtfully sweet music lor wnst the puhhc would uiva him. H was evidently a Scotchman, hu l a Scotchman without a plaid, though ! have a has pipe, lake una back vary far lo the highland svelte oi auld Jang syne. The new suits of the Mecltseic s Hand at rivad last week, twelve in cumber. They sre as hue as say ,, ths 'east, and consul of oust trimmed in gold, beauiifnlly deoorst ad. with gold shoulder Straps, pants with Kilt striee, hau with kelaseti and lamps, and s.usic oases. Any mora which will l.a'i- tits whole state or any pa't of it, will wort law the good of all sections of it. We cannot efJord to be too eelhek. If yoo want a really do eounty or eity te locate in. thouga, by all means come to Albany and Ltn couaty. The .1 ' . ., claims to be publuhed the farthest weat of say morning dally to She foiled State. WhUe out desiring to take sway from it each a glory, we shall have to infurm it that it is mistaken. The 7 r tlrpknm; a morning daily id Kurcaa, Cel., is several nolaa further west, Ths Wet til. of Independence, baa a standing personal that Wut Saunders, of the Hetiioa l.uler speat Sabbath there. Thai twgiiis to look very tasptctoaa, and wo are really afraid some Independence girl is going to have to pari with an editor for a bus hand ; but, if she will have a newspaper man, she oaa not get a mora energetic up said coming me thaa Saunders. Perhaps. though, we are "clear off" and it it only business with boat. aeM'IAL AI0) rcfto 41 S' H Alien has been in Portland this week. W l; iktrr returned from E l). laat Tues lay. J M Nolan, wife and ohddren were in the oily Ssuday. "Bob'' VVilkiuaon. formerly of thie citv. is now located at Lakeview. Cpt M h Humphrey left Albany for Eastern Oregon last Saturday. Mr L D.mglaa, of Harrisburg, let his coun tenance sbiee on us last Moadsy. Joe Webber, Jr., waa in tbe city Friday aud Saturday on a viait to friends. Mia Nelhs Riley, ef Salem, i a guest of her sister, Mrs Tern Hopkins, of this city. Mr Charles Brush, Deputy U S Marshal, of Portland, was 10 Albany laat Wedneaday. Mr W F Read, of Read aad Drownell, wae io the Metropolis laat Tuesday 00 hasinses Mrs C K Fields, ne, Allie Rambaugh, of Mt Tabor, Or., is visiting friends in this city. Mr Turreil, of San Francisco, waa in the city last Tuesday oa his regular commercial trip. I N Smith, Jr., of Oakvilla, Uvored tbe Dsm. k sat office witk a thirty minute call laat Saturday. Mr W H Parker aad wife, of Ooeetta, are viaiting iu this city, being the guests of Mr Virgil Parker. As annoanoed laat week Rev Irvine and wife left for the East yesterday. May they have a safe trip. Mr William Rslsten and wife left last Monday fer kis ranch in Waaeo county, a few miles from Alkali. Mrs Walter Monteith left Albany last Wednesday for 1 wis ton, Idaho, where ah will spend sometime visiting friends. Mr Jos Clark returned from Sodaviile the first of the week. He pronounces ths medi cinal qualities of the soda water thers first class. Mr E Millner and wife, recently from the East have been the guests of A K Woodin. in this city, They talk of locating ia this county. Z B Moss, of Sweet Home, was in the city yesterdsy. He reported a large number going towards the Herney valley over the mountains. J D Burkbart and wife arrived borne last Friday from Southern California, where thev have been livingeveral months. They will now reside in Albany. Mr F B Prine has returned from a two or three weeks' trip to Crook aud Liau couiiuee. In his travels hs found no place in which times were as good as right here in Weston. Leader. The Misses Schubert and Chsrles Mueller eve a party at the home of the former on it Tuesday evening. A most enjoyable evening, we understand, waa spent by ths young people who attended. Mrs S D Haley, of this city, and Miss Mary Monteith, of Corva!tis, left for Wash ington Territory yesterday. Mrs Haley goes to Dayton and othsr places, while Miss Mon teith will visit relatives at Cheney. Ex-Governor, John A Whiteaker, was is town Wednesday ou his way to Portland. He haa not yet made up his mind to accept the position of Internal Revenue Collector to whiok he has been appointed by President Cleveland. If he does he waats all Democrats and tnngwnmps with olerioal ability to ap ply to him at once for olerkship. He has re ceived only 150 applications so far. Letter List Following It the list ot letters remaining in the Post Offlee, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, May 14th, Is. Persous calling tor these letters mutt give the date oa which they wsreadrsrtised : Bradley, Geo W retting, Christian P Wdleman, W J Morris, Beajaoun Muller, M Russell. Edwin C Dennert! and Co, Mill, OH Martin, I T Morris, B P Mueller, Jacob Schroder, Miss C M Talbot, James Buncoks, Morton Wilhelui, Mrs Mattio J. M. IRVINO, P M. Yea we mean it. Our prices on boots and shoes can't be beat when taking into oonsid ration the quality and stj le of goods. Read A Brownbll. ! TT 4 Ol SIT MAT TBBM J. J. Whitney, Jades; A Otters sad David Meyers, ) Ordered that Dayton fltloison be taken to 0 L Morris, there to be taken care of. Peter Hume appointed to oar for Mary Ann Clark, Indigent peiseu. John Morgan resigned as Koad Super visor and Scott Ward appointed. Application of Win Keid for reduction of lasts dNsli i wed. Application of Jaw Allison for reduction of (axes. IHSs. 6.t4. Tho Hraadou. $b.U, Mrs A A Arnold, fp.ll, K H Rutherford, IHM0, . H Pallia, I7 S'i. iaS. fl7.2k al loved. N Shanks ord-red to espeud H per mouth for Hir.un J Phrrtw, an Indigent pirson. Fets in State agt Marsh-1 allowed, cisrt Wood .has I lowed, witness fe. Applioatitn ofJC Pevlne and others tor alteration of county rood granted snd road established Application of f H W in and others for alteration snd I cat ion of cUHiy rrntd d la in lseaxJ, Oeorge Lnper was auihriij to employ carpntr b frsuia bridge ovr - iMUui DtUdi iu K oa 1 DIM . Jurors of May unit of I' .uutv Court allowed Id.'Jeeat b. Hill ol Mrs A Murrv, $7 go, for (.oaiding MeMally disallowed. The following bountie wr fid for tbisoountyt Faotlir or oouaar, fa ; br, a SO; wild cat or catamount. f j wolf or co vol, to; ground or digger eulrre!, 1 cent. iu the mailer rt repairing the Sanderson bridge the contrast wa awarded to St John sk Koyal to, U.i. In tbe tMuAUr ef building th Klcbsrd noti bridge lhaooniract waa awardd to Ift Jobs and Hoy a! for e.l. D Mayers ap polulod fluperlritndent. f Inline or aMMssf oSireis allowed, Tbe following ills were ordered paid Q H Hreu. keeping paaper 4 00 C L Morris, keeping por. 70 00 Mrs C Heui k, keeping pauper jo.eo Kliaou at IV,. 1, loii, ll.'.S ti VM Held, poataga 7.26 W H IhiBoea.riida for Kuier-ou faia lly fc.00 J B Mlehaei, epihe 1.00 J L Cowan A Co . suds 16,00 J a ilrry, work ario material forC. if 1,4.49 aSeyea k Mo-diaioller, itrl for C. PI 60.70 H bueeeas, pMhWtSM H.O.. 16.76 I'ePsrs t SiS Aari.spikes,. rHe-is.ap;. 4o.5 W Aastitial.C H .161.40 llis a Nutting, printing 6 00 w k Porter, board! ag paoiwt 13 00 Jobu Hngg, work on jail '37.00 J H Stewarts.ui, drayage 0.00 J st Irving, pottage 2.00 Oeo Pur.ou. work 63.00 U W warren, work W C 10 50 M Friendly , lumber 76.00 A Cowan, gravtl g.76 A C Hauatnan, mda 8,00 J L Batcher, daonagea 6.00 J W pinks.shirigle 0.00 0 i Burkbart, Constable's fee S SO (ieo Husnphrey, fee 30.00 D Andrews, fee of Clerk 106.00 J K Charlton, fee as Sheriff 37.40 Train A Whitney, printing... 7.60 flrry m ,.,,a,M ...... JA.IA W K r-ric. lumber 0.00 rood Samaritan HoeptUl 41.16 Dr O W Maatoa.atedlcal service Dr J p Wallace, madlcatl star view alaa WesleUag al aksillr. One of lbs most enjoyable events of tk pic toe season, was the calling together of tit many friends of Mr ami Mrs Johnson White at their residence to celebrate tk 20th an ad verse! y of their wedding day, which custom haa been dubbed tbe China wedding. At aa early hoar th guests began to arrive, and in a short time friends to ta number of about 75 or 80 gathered, briagiag their offeriags and uniting kind wishes for tk brie aad groe. of 20 years. While seme gathered iu groups and diacassed the current topics of the day. other indulged in boat riding, swinging aad croquet, with laughter aad mirth ths hours passed rapidly away. At one o'clock dinner waa aonoauced and all repaired to beootifully ladened tables, which for beauty of cnuneae could not be surpassed. Short addresses were made by Ktv Skip worth, of Corvallia, and K v A M Acboaon, of tak ville. For its cnarma music mast not be omitted. Miss Dole Malksy presided at the organ and, assisted by several stagers, entertained the company for some time. The following preeeats were received : Mrs C Ha mil ton, china cap and saucer ; Miss I yds Lnper, individual glass, salt, pepper, aad napkin ring ; Mrs John Hlevina, majoli ca pickle dish ; Mrs A M Acheson, coin bread dish : Elva MdoUen, china pickle dish ; Mrs W Broils, aat of china plates ; Mrs l Henderson, majelica pickle dish ; Mr and Mrs Skip werth, china eupand sanosr ;Mra J G Porter, glass frait dish ; Mrs A B Stone, glass frail diah ; Miss Katharine Milbollen, glass fruit dish ; Miss Nellie Hamilton, ma jolica cake plate ; Mia Jennie Blaker, glass frait uish , Otto Stone, glass spooa holder ; Mrs W H MilhoUen, glass cake stand ; Mrs H M Stone, majolica butter diah ; Mr and Mrs J Briega.set ef plates, cups and sancets ; Mrs Starr, tea aet and bread dish ; Mis W St Job a, covered tureen. NeNVe.Ll.ES. The Hank rapt Stark Of K reuse Bros., located at Eugene City and Portland has been purchased by us at leaa than half New York ooat from the Assignee, whioh haa been removed lo Al bany, The stock consist of one of the largest and beat selected stack of clothing, gents furnishing goods, boots, shoe, hate, cape, etc, ever brought into this valley. Tbe goods are all now aad fresh and of the best quality, Wa now propose to sell he same for cash at price that none oan compete with. Thie ia no boast, but facta which you oan verify upon examination. N. H. Auin, 67 Plret etrect, liiaUlBK Wlr. Owing totbe uncertainty in the amount of binding wire to be need this season, there will not be auy more Imported than ta actually ordered, Theae intending to use it will have to aeud tbeit orders to me not later than June 1st, and aa much earlier as possible, as same will have to be ordered lrem manufactories in tbe East, and orders must b sent in at onoa, for it to be here iu season. Samukl E. Youno. Just received from Eastern manufactories an invoice of ladies Summer wraps, some thing neat, stylish aad cheap at SAMUEL K. YOl'.XO S. Ths best family remedy is udenubtedly Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Harm less, it accomplishes relief where many other medicines failed to do so. It may be safely given to the infant aa wall aa the adult MAKKI STEPHENS JACKSON. On May 6th ia Portland, by Rev K Trumbull Lee, Ma. C har' a F. Stbphms and Miss Ollib Jaksow both of tho Dalles. The Democrat extends congratulations. BOMS. FRANCIS. On May 6th, 1885, to the wife of I. M. Francis, a aou. PALMER. On May 11th, 1883, to ths wife of W. J. Palmer, a daughter. PAYNE On May 12th, 185, to the wife of Martin Payne, a daughter. WARNER, On May 13th, 1885, to the wife of J. a. Warner, a daughter. RILEY. On May 11th, 1885, to the wife of Peter Riley, a son. a Helping Oaraeltrs "Help thyself end God will help tbe," la an old srying. but a very tru "be, 1 have seen iiumlrlea men who never seemed lo get along in tbe world much faster thsn a snail, noted for their growling euaUtlc. always kloklog at the world because it failed lo give them employment ; never drsanrir g that It was tbeir own fault In not iry Ing to help themselves. Tbe Miruw boro of the world wl.o are always wait ing for something in turn up generally get turned up themselves before any thing is done. The person really wan ing to help himself will brtia .bins for two bits adav rather than run ia debt or starve. This ia exalted 1st. guage for a dry goods bo wbittler. bm it contains cream, and aow that I have turned over a new leaf ami am rust ling for myself, although I do not mas a fortune, what 1 get is mine. TI is ta flatting to boa selfish world, and, while odlvidually we may not $ swiftOst fa oar hearts, we arc compelled to b frout ueoawslty iu order to succeed No uu will seek you out without yn first ob tain a reputa'lon, and you will brvr get tho repu'atiou without i-svicg pot in some steady licks for yourself Hi lb first place. Bortholdi doesn't have 10 rustle around to get s.atue to co.alruit. Orders rai:t down on bim from all garters ; and so His with any on who gets a nam.' for doing thing a4L wh' f her it la digging a well, making; u onion ted, writing a poem. ir oelllug goods, if be ia lira class at any of tbe things it will uit have to whiitl boar or measure side walka t- ) the lime. Hen wlio never find anything toils may, as a rule, blame iheiwarUea le t. Of course a young man just patmtmtt ui a new country umst gel a foot ho d -hot a williugftees to do anything, even aw wood, will givnim nu, in most ases. 'I hese are the Idea of an ei- Dkyoikhjo Bog Wun . I aa asasswa -aarll Tuesday cvmiug. May I2di, IMi-V Prssrnt ah bet Kideuct. The C'Mriuiittee o Streets repotted that tbey bail examined liume along th weat aide of I. you street and found that the Water waa damaging rite waike and fencrs aiong tke sane. Tbe C lan.ittee on Lice retorted that a at pre. e:.t dvisd they had not the pow er to pass an otd'.naece rx.uiring ail peeus sellaig unik to take out a lice use, heue the petition of T J Lsmon, was not granted. A ptdttton from ciUzjo ad joining th al leys through blocks 17 and 18, asked tk: tbe otder made by tbe Council that tbe prop erty "iwutn sbuuld bui d a sewer 1 trough aid alleys, be teacindeti, mad the sewer be not built untd or such time aa tit prop erty owners should petition lor the sees. Rofsrrnd to Committee on Streets. Tne Ordinances relating to "are hunts earn tbe prevention of fires," aad "city e!n-u-t ; ' were passed, the ordinance on "ths ia p'ie ment f tbe streets and bai'.dii: ol tsg walks" wss deferred until neit tnevba. A resolution tu leaviud order made by unci I March '24t'. to sswesi )s of. leysaloag kVosd. itnu street, wss laid an the labia, The folloWio ; L; Jt lar I ci'dvs.he Broad alias street estenstoa eer were n.isnsd . T J Wbittier, Sl2b : J.tnes Uarant, $1.13 per foot. Tbe waiter was defer red nntii Beit aseeting. Tk Committee on ..rerU reoHnuteavled that Third street be graveled from Lyon street to the ditch. The attention of the Council was called to the intended visit of the Iowa Stat Printers Moved and carried that city Surveys- as certain grade f Celipoeia street tewer and report to Committee oa Streets, - Tbe following bills were ordered paid : N J Heoton. $15.25 ; Peters snd Stewart, $th 22 ; Kobtoaon and Weat. $W 91 : O W Burkbart, $10.50; John Brig, $6 50; Mrs Edward Marry, $6.75 : J I HoeT.aau. .73 ; R Crosby. $112. The following bills were referred : C Meyer $4. 10 ; Costs agt Baker, $5 95 ; O V? Bera hart, $10 ; N J Hentoo, $26 So : Coats agt Head, $4 70. ray w Tears, People who are delinquent on their taies would do well to settle ap at once, aa we uu derttaud the Sheriff will be compelled to levy open property and sell in order to collect if not settled at once. This warning should be heeled no w. t-hareb Oa next Tuesday evening, May 19th, the ladies of tho Congregational Church will giie oae of their popular socials at the reaideuee of W H Hearst. A good program will bo rawdsrssL A cordial invitation ia extended to all. Our dress goods have arrived and the ladies are invited te call and see tkera. Everything in new colors and desigas will be foad ia ear com pie te aesortms t. Mosteith A S arras sack. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen A C Test eV Tsaacsa. One tea of the already famous "Plaek" tobacco iust received at A . B. Mellwaia'e. Buying in sack large qasatities Mr. Ma il wai a ia able to nudersell si! other dealer This is tha best tobacco used. Call and get a sample plug free, and you Ul chew a othei roat SAL. I have on hand carriages, backs, boll covered and open, buggies and carta manufactured by tbe late Fred Willcrt which must be sold in order to settle up tbe etitate. The work will recommend itself. Call aad see it. Will be sold at (reat bargains. w. ss. aanats, Adminietiaoor. bars Kuahreidery antl N. U. Allan A Co. have j aat reset red a splendid liae of the above goods, wkiek will be aold remarkably cheap. A little the best ebeese ia town can be Wad by calling oa ; head mowxtUi. 5, 10 and 25e counters at N H Allen A Co 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Alleu A Co, Jt from gatare's WtUa The skin on tbe head is kept soft aud flexible by a secretion from the oil glandt. When theae are clogged the hair dries aud falls off. Parker's Hair Balaam renews their action, restores the or ginal color to the hair and makes it soft and gloaay. It also eradlcatee dandruff. Not greasy, not a dye, tlelic lonsly perfumed. Delightful for a lady's toilet table. The beat of dreeaiugs Preferable to all similar article because of its tuperior cleanliness and purity. laby wae sick, sre gave her C ASTORIA, WW ate Trae a Child, she cried for CASTORIA, s is becaeae Aiiaa, aba eleng to CASTOSia, site had CtMns, aasgavelemCAaTO&iA..