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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY ST1TES& SITTING. rMKOH'H'K-l Democrat BwtllliSe Brwariaiaia street. TERMS OF SUBSCRimOK imrU copy, per year, In advance WW UtfM ep?, per yanr. alnd of year w stnirla copy, at month. S stogls oopv, thro,- month aiturle number PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Ore... tthLL PUAOTU E IN ALL THE W1V',J1 of tins State. Will gift WW V s.rea" rial attention to collections and probate pee matter. , . Office In Foster's new brlok. 4Hf L. H. MONT ANTE. XTTORNETVAT LAW, Notary Public. tlbnny. Oregon. Office upstairs, ver John Brlir?rv store, ist street. whSMd J. K. WE ATHERFOED t (NOTARY PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, tTTH.L PRACTICE IN ALU THE COURTS OF THE YV SUt. Special attention jriven to collections and probate matter. OOrOfflce In Odd rellswe Tempi. (1: f. O. POWKU. W. R. Mf.TBU POWEIX BILYEU, wTTORNRYS AT LAW. And Solicitors in Chanfery, m.biw. - - - OBEOW. Collections promptly made on all point. Loans netrotisted on reasonable term. j"Offloe in Foster's Brik."s vl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Votary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Court of ,s his State. All business intrusted to him rill be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DRUGGISTS. ttooks. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. OITT DRUG STORE, Syl tUsttT, E4.e. FOSHAY & MASON, mHMa asrart Draffsristsand Booksellers, Al.RtVY. OREGON. wMsiOlf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED. A lbany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTQF. Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp .razors, which are always kept in good oou'lition, and hair cut in the very best style. . REVERE HOUSE, -To rot, Wlrst sad Elt. worth Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiflfer, Prop'r. This new Helsl is fitted up in first class style. Tables ,npplied with the best the market affords. Spring Beds in every Room. A good Sample Boom (or Cum - roercial Travelers. (7Frre loach to and from Che Hotel."-! FURNITURE. 1 have the bw stock of furniture in the city and will msII Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, Aeomptete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALB4NV, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 10th, 1884. fOT particulars concern injf the courses of study and sthe price of tuition, apply to fttsr. ELItear . 0OIT. Preaioea Aloany Bjith House. rttg UNDS&SIQNED WOULD RESPECT fully iaform the eitiseni of Albany and ti svuitythat I havetaken charge of this Establish eat, and, by keeping clean rooms and payin strict attention to bufines-, expects 10 suit ai thM.who may favor a with their patronage Having heretofore earried on nothing but First-Class Hair Drsssintz Saloons expeett to give entire satisf '.lion to al CHAS. METOER'S Fish, Poultry and Game Fresh fish of all kinds constantly on hand. Poultry dressed to order. All kinds of game in teason. Goods deliver ed promptlv, free of charge to any part of the city. Next door east of Tweedale's Tin and Stove Store. " B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, rA alwavs breakine, unless yon have the kind sold by Peters fc Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought irou, cannot jump the trsck and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen them. State VOL. XX. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF Tomtlti. lrfin, Omifv, etc.. Savor rki, ONMNiPaNlltl, Aam drllmlrl) nnl tmt-tit-wlly us thr ff all fVoen Hblrh the nrr sand. FOR STRENGTH AND TRUE FUU1T FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. HIHMO r TMI Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. or Or. Prict's Cream Baking Powder - Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems Kr.l Dry II up 1 euat. MAKK BUT USK yfiUTY r'or li byCutt(nx. atari,-- Os. P.ntlar..l. Or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Orangr. Almond, Itow etc.. uatur as iirwi-aieijr win iwiuntiiv as mr iruK PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., vHxrAao. t. locis. P f ! by Caittntr (uticuia Infantile Skis Beautiflers Acpeal to Mothers Try Them, Fait CIcMilaf tfte Hkin and ScUp of Birth !!".' fur alia) ins; Iteblu. Burninn '' loSainnnvt'on, f curinif the nr.t vnpt.rtn d K- nn rmt. Milk Crurt. Ilt-ail. 5h.t .(uU and other Ir.hri:e4 .kui and tl J diseases, O Tarcaa, the grvm skin tur, anu Ct nct a Soat, ao r..juit. nam Iteauu r. external! j, and I'crm u Ra..var, the new BssM fonder, inu-niailv, ar Infailih e. Absuiutri) pure. 'TEBRIBLY AFFLMTKD." Mr. and Mr EvereU Stehbitut, bVK hi?rtoii, M write : "Our little boy was terrifwy slttu-teu U. Sertdala, Hail Rheum and KryaisvU. ever sine bv was bru, and no'hinv weooul-l him liol;.- I incn jusil v- tried u rut sa KaaKtias, sbU-h k-uliiaii rurcd bim, until he ts tw aa fair as any ibild. '20O FOB XOT II -." H'm. Gordon. Arlinifton Ave., Chart sswas. Maas., writ, : "Hatins ,iakl about to InUrlM doctors u turc mv bafiv, wiinout sSSaSsa, I whm tne vw iru KKJnuim, which eomplUly cured, after titing three ;uaac. "FKOJI HEAD TO FEET, Charles Eavre Hiokle, Jersey City !! N. J. write : "My son. a lad of twelve yeara, was oniolete, Iv cured of a terrible case ti Eczetrs by the Vi TKfcaa USBSaSSBSt. Krim the lv of hi hea.1 to the aol4 n his feel wasone maas id scabs." Every other remedy and pby sscian had been tried In vain. FOB PALE. EASCSllD Emaciated children, with pimply, sallow skin, the tmcisA ItBMTOiEs will pi-ovc a perfect blessiig, cleansing the blood and skin of inherited impurities and expelling the genis of scrofula, rheainalisin, cen fuiuption, and severe skin disease.. BEST FOR THE MKI.W Your Cfnct ta EneDiES are the best for skin dle eaes I have ever sold, and your Ci ti- i u Soap the finest medicinal Uilet soap in the market. C. W. STAPLES. Umtirist, Osceola MiiM, Wis. Sold by all drugjrist. Price : CmcraA, 60 eta. j BBassasrsBse. tl : Soap. 26 cu. Potter lmi ai.d Chemical Co,. Boston, Mas. Send fer w to Care Skla Diseases nBDV Cse Iniirnrs Mar) an exquisitely UHU 1 perfumed akin BrattllSer DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. II. Ooltr.) -DEALERS IN-n Farm Machinery WA60B8, HICKS, BUGGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that be is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war rjr.io1 n riv satisfaction. Will work I any and all kind of stone, bat deal prin- cipany in ureifon viiy gruiwj. y"" ? repairing aad resettinj? a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Phopon west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. G. W. HARRIS, Prop- DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office-cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Three well bred sta'Hous, and thirty dralt and saddle horses. W. T.C.JCHRAf, Brownsvilfe, Or. H OT EL FOR SALE. The Jackson House, Prineviiio, Oregon, 32 well furnished rooms, the only hotel in town, larde and couveuient, with all necessary furniture. Price reasonable and terms easy, A. B. Colvbb fe Sox. Prineville, Oregon, : VRUL &Sr t ' I orratcr 1 Unas ! Sf IT . waaaiNMVox i.t. r ran. (Front our regular rorrr potnletit. Wabikhton, simav, SfiUti itlf, Tho first evening rroonllon .f tho new Administration wss hlil on Thursday lust. Thero w.h ncvor a tjrbttter crush at a ltvco In Ihe Whlu Koue than was wltnssMt on this QCitn. It was nut a g-uherlnu of aristocraiU forviguers ami tltswelUd army and navy oAtOwtv, Bttt'i dUtloc tlvtdy DOp(Vt arty. Twlrw this rtK'llon h ul ben post pot: t-d on ur t atint of tho illlifHS Of ( i. in i iii and it was thought it w uld havo u be hlKtntlontd tStltvly. Th Wtrt dent, however, decided iltt It wmi.! ntit Ih tidvlsrtble ttt diHippuliu Hie straugers now in the elty, and pou ctuded to hold a rmpl"n which should be the last of the soas-m. Thedoorsoftbe White Houop- o ed at nine o'clock, but at least an hour before that time the crowd began lo gather, and wtti whiIi ih.iv4m in solid plalanx from Pennsylvania uvmuie ! the tualn entrance oftfeMS Mantlon Inside I ho house had beeu tuttit as attractlvo as though a slate dlnn.-r party was to take place. The Botan ical gartlens, Agricultural uod While Bomo conservatories had lieeu levid unq for tropical plants and t wers to dec.. rt' tho parlors and Kust Unhi. Twelve wagon loads of plants, palms and flowers wore used. There was hut little attempt at floe dressing on the part of the cslters, as but few hd any other ambition than to see the Piesident and shako his hand. There were all kinds of estimates an to Ihe number who entered the Mitn-lon, ranging from f.urtosix thousand. An attache of the White Houo who has lieen there for seventeen yar ays the number exceeded any that hi ever been seen there on soy one eveuinir durlnir that time, Tho saw saw crowd was conspicuousiy dem .rrallc. At the same time, many w re in line who are in oAefel life in Washington, many u hose names are ill the b!ue book, and Senators and Mtnubers elect of the next House. The Intention of the Irsihni ind his cabinet to remain in Washington during the summer Ins th eft st of prolonging the noel-d ami tHislnees season, anI promises to retUer the coming summer on of tho most eventful and snlmtM-d tint h;n ever been known here. Toe work of the de(artments and ail the operations of the Government, except the Legisla tive branch, have to go on through out the year, and Mr. Cleveland sees no reason woy there should be a re laxation of offr'inl vigilance or Indus try. The eff-c'S of all-summer ad mitihitratiori will be observable In many respects Business men will pay as much attention this year to their summer preparations us has been bestowed noon those for spring an'i autumn. And society is atmsr- endy unconscious that tne long i -i .' w a Iihed season is about to expire. Plans sre already made and ioviia tions Issued for events extending be yond the expiration of the spring. The prosper! of making the busy season perennial at the Capital is one which all classes welcome with pleas ure. President Cleveland's daily routine business has been seriously retarded during tbe past week by the illness of Coi. Lamont, his private secretary, who has succumbed to over-work. Since the commencement of the Ad ministration Col. Ltmont has been a marvel to those around bim. His example of energy and industry is one that few of the Government's ser- V4nts care to imitate. He has beeo at his desk every day before 9 h. in., and his working hoursj have contin- ue-ljheyond midnight. His days are devoted to the president and to tbe constant stream of business callers. The hours after dark he has spent in disposing of correspondence that re quired his personal attention. One of ids ass :etstes reni'irked that the Co'!:-l s M uted to have no other am bition than to perform tho work be fore him. He neither rends the piper, smokes, gossips, plays cards, nor goes 10 club fir any places of amusement. His waking hours are devoteJ entirely to the President's service. Even Mr. Cleveland, who has scarcely ever known what it was to feel the pressure ol constant applica tion, looked a little jaded at the re ception the other evening, and at one time during the fatiguing exercise of hit two kours of handshaking, called for a glass of water. During the heated term of the coming rummer, he will occupy the co.tage reserved for the use of Presidents at the Soldiers Home park, He will have more time to himself there, will be able to take more exercise, and can enjoy cooler atmosphere than at the White House. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen & Co. His i ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY I HI KKASttX Wilt It seeum to ! eonoodtal I those who have made the sohject a study, tlist lbs amount of motirv uoa covfiw.l into the U.S. Treasury fiom collrctious i f int. r ual revenue ai.d duties un ImportM ou tlet our unfair mid oppressive tariff laws, is more thin Mutlu-no t in mesS the dainan'l.s ol the fOSarttMsXll r.'ii' mieally luiintsti-rrtl. tsveiv ioe, we think, will i.i.r t,, h prottoaitfnn thai gfirpawwttt U jitaMSed in .M.tiny a greater Hinoitnt of iitonev from haid parntnyi of the i e i, l ibati h w ry in ftii i(h jit i. o,snlt .!' t It i(.i .( mo, i. Ti i mii nH mi i.iny tM"tu tree, i '.ii-tsH th t Mnuo'thittM h oil. I Im rJohw ti. r' iMix tlo httrtfM f tax ition ayhiwh Unw it an Iihm v : i v Hi. On tllH S1lj ;. t Mill' II t..MOMK and proteo' ion tats slike .ree that a r. I -tiou ts urcrry, hat al this palm cit.fH in a dlvtwion smi Uit perrfatatora i oonress Th rWfWiMi rwfoffnetM insist that t!i-r sbonld ' h reiiii dn of tits dutios liif I nmi imtHoU wl.if the protect luii v i ksalM tbat th IfMvr nnl rawm i.xr. must iw rttafalefl. The levenue refer tlrt aie iii t s v . f utstnUtning lit intf twl reeaajnt t s for litres reaaotiM I First, the principal aiuoant of letr nal revenue t4X-a ar? tiitlaelwH If tu whiskey and toWfM arhloh at let and not naceaiii-a of ld. Second, tha whole amount tniiotTud. aaro th ao'ual tin of i-.ilh.c1 io , is paid into Ihe tres.nty and tl. sritols boiy of the j .....j,,.- 1. t !..-.- v lMniilit ed. Third, Ut tMintaiaiag. ihe inteinai revenue Uxm thy h p to aeoute a reduction of duties. Htiob of tbe taxes leeioH no o the the ieople b? means ..I tarifV duties is aiil into the ban Is nt subnet persona in this oountrj who art aogatrskl in the proliiotton or rr n.ufs.-'.urs of tbe article upon which ihe tntf ia levici, while tbe govern taut geta.aa wo Mid before.all tbe inUr ual levnnns taxist. Far this raa m ths grrjat brxlv of the dnmocratic arlv favor maintsioioK the iuternal rcventie taxa ; whiln the great Isvlr of the re publican party being in favor of a high pioteotive uritf are in favor of doing aws.v with internal revenue tax- in order to b ve a Sutter excuse f r mtin Uieiog our present ruinoua farirt ay tom. Tbe tlebt statement abowa tbe de crease in tbe public debt during tba month of April to be $0.464, 696,30; decrease of the debt since .lune 20, 1H. 84, $6O,O7A,22O,0S; cash in treaaury, $483,0.2,566,o;: gold certificates out standing, $lo3,M60,000; aiha-r certifi csteo outatanding, $14 1 ,r8r,086; certi ficates of depDsit outstanding 141,585, 0M6; corti6catet of deposit outstanding $25,450,000; refunding certificates out "Undtno, $224,050; hgi Undsra out sUnding, $346,681,016; fririottal cur fency, 004 ir.c!u-lel in thn amount otti m .' I hh I Mt or deatroTi-d, $6,906, 053 .88. 8 one hoar ftomn of our i'ateeiiisnl re pu'ilican cotitemi orries are finding out that Cleveland ia a good .1- il of a tlem rat. Only a fortritht lo however they were saving with much satisfac tion that Clevtlaud would makn a got d president, but that, waa when they were elated over the hope and belirf that C'evrlsrid would not turn tepuhlioans out an I put demnctats in. Now, how ever, the whole senile ia Cleveland is not only turning olfowolws) partisans out but he is putting old lino demociato in, hence Cleveland is now a poor aticlf. The announcement that John H. Mitehele is coming to Portland in June to taks up his permanent residence, and the fact that hit election to the U. 8. .Senate was urged by tehraph by lesil- ing Democrats in Washington during tbe lsst legislstive meetine, lead many politicians to imagine thai he is to ap pear at the anticipated extra session of the legislature iu the role of a "mug wump'' candidate for the seat formr-tly occupied by Senator Slater. Yxelmntje. Dispatches say that resignations of republican postmasters all over the country ate pouring iu nMn the post master genera! ai. the rate of (JO dally These come in restonsn to a call for their resignations. An appointflfrOttt clerk aays that republican oflioe holders submit like little laruhs when called upou to resign. The work goes slowly on, gen tlemen. Take the bloody-shirt plank out of tbe political platform of the Oreonian, 8nd there is not a hr d of the old hu'k left for that great big machine organ to cling to, while it haps abuse, and false hood upon tbe devoted hesdr f devot ed democrats. The receipts at the NW York custom house in the year 1884, were : Duties, $127,777,278.71 ; miscellaneous, $1, 991, 661. 6G. The amounts recrdred in 1883, were : Duties,$138,094,574.8G ; miscellaneous, $1,372,762.05 ; decrease for 1884, $10,315,376. TIMPBRAHOE DEPARTMENT, RhlTNtl MY TNV Wnmrtx Chriktlnti Trmperanrr mien Tiir. ttiti vi 1 km rjauMftwl .i unnt oi t- yum, THH.efli.Mal i II has le'h is!!!! for fhs ftjsafttv-Ufili annual nnnrsnlion of lha TTnUfd S'hIh. Hrewera' Aaaocla- liot), to km ,a,td Ir, HfV, St lha. I'taaea (JsrHin. Kai V'tflyijghth S'rsef, T.fs lsr, Mat ID, to Kii iav.lla tt ineh.aiv. Tits nflim hi s.l If.. af (hair fnllnw hrtwefl aava : "If eo ata. r- t(.tat I w ortt. to a -land this eonvetiliMn, M U beosiias at m lime in the loa'nty cf our aaorUitnn wro the fsenasaes 1 f nr Irsiln ntore lromisitic than t-r. -rnt .mil Isfetatiajl I hs oppoet unit lea now ir-n-l for htini. it1t Soma nf fWtf t I efl'trla to a sorcsaaftil is.iH 'IiusmiI.mi'o m than - r, a atronj an-l stfeetlvt xrci-e f rmr rstro.yraa e)wtltif V V'.- W .aliintf'ii. S-nti'i,'. l.y !. Artnenef ,.f , (Tnha l S No. fcVewssr' 4aeaelstieH i-in,a rha ol f ir 1 ht n viili n, ls aatsSat i wi'h lha .'lwi'. mtsswff ffl Ml , r,v aljnlitem '".fial cxn-t T'..'crfl.. ' w ! a n a alt tfce tytpsf el I -ra tsfths It-.;-' V 1 M "'iilU, i'i-.ii,'a oiw where, I-..I- I, sra thioW no lima ha s tnst'a In k 1 m ti than a. sTbbWO, jf IftQ). Was' a-t I Snuh th tOMslwiet of paraonal Mlssrtf teo OoHvv4 eng-'Nj in sT4twafiefj V.- by high licanao lws with pmhi ii on featttrwS or by outright r..hihi tiau. Iowa and Kansas seem to be en tirely subdued, and even bet at WL ington we base reason to look with spreboosioD into tbe future." The editor of the Sntiml bast hard from tbe Oregoa, Tennessee and Rhode Nlaad Lagialstureo wborein joint reso lutions bavo been adopted to snhmit to tbe voters of those His tee prohibitory constittuioaai atnndments,end bo rasvlo the omineua band writing M Ml the wall I 1 -a . ratio tian. Can ton B. Flak, in a lata let ter -oca-nitt ietKraact mtthtta, wittea : ''We iiiu.t not Ut our tm,-raufl pejrplc SX'iaua. thvir nosriiM uam hoa ech ntbsr. Tb llttM enemy is a good rargat to rirv M; let .! ..f oa bJoiH away at tho liquor traffic wrh sl oar implements ot war, and not trsat at tbe tamo time to toy tottetbiag about the sin of drittking ss wt! ai tlm sio of selling drinks One of tbe greatest of ibt j r. s-..t hindrances of the temper. r.-'. i m i theatill widelv oraiiU,,. 1 Ileal 1 . thai forateTe-l liquors am o tmpaeaf I v4f harin'i'S', oisv iiidiiVrtl in wi'h li'ilc tisl Itsdieldeallr. an i that their Salt says i- ejaii:l ft a M li ua fat sn nnpared with whisky nti l thw ttroogsjr Itosajro. Too niphan - uati loony of lifs ins iranot itfioipnir'.ioo'l uptin ti't.ueial couai letaii .na an I bsjoi nenn . x 151 lone, ts conclusive as to the grave physical injury to a Inch lmr-r l r ink itig (fives rise. Tne leetiinotiv of jurists unsl others igaaa'. the beer trsfTic ss opposed to the public welfare is not less pronounced aud significant In a late Ultei on thit subject ilou Robert C. i't:uitu.ju ige of the Moi.erior Court of Masts httseils.wi ties : "Mat- aacbaaetta' expel ieuce conoides with that of Eiglaod as to tun disae.rou efsct of fitter itig tiie beer shop by fevering legislation. Tho beer simp is the rum shttp in duguise ; the disguise makes it mot 0 difficult of delect tun, and more dauge'ooo iu its aeduo'i'in." Judge Pitman adds: "An expeiienee of over twenty yesis in tha adiui-.i-tra-tittfl of the orlminal law showt Ul tue also ths', if beer is a loss speed uti tfleutiye agent i 1 producing absolute drunkenness, it is as an incue muut to ci mi" as the mora ovtuwhelm :ng stimulants.' The brewi-rs are dau-ge-ous piopagau. lists who loso no op portunity to proclaim the (raises o! tteer as a ha:ntless,wholesome bevetage, and theruaelves hn the repreHsntatives ef "true aoAioroaot !" The fact is that in this country, aa in thn beet fJrieking cauuiries r.f Is nope, boor it s chief fact .r rf inebriety, tuort ility and ciime. Not only otiijht not legislators to discriminate in its favor by law li cense lets, but for beverage use it should be outlawed altogether. .V. 7'. AdvotaU. THE ( IKK or UILDBR.S. Boston, Mass A leading medical j lurual thinks it is about time mothers should know how seriously the health or children is imperilled by ths use of preparations containing morphia and opuim, and given for the ci-e of colds am! coughs. The chemist of to- Brook lyn Btsid oi Health, Otto Grothe, Ph. D, a graduate of the University of Kiel, Germany, certifies officially that recently a hat micas and yet effective article for suoh complaints has come to hit notice. He refers to the newly dis covered Bed Star Cough Cure, which he found purely vegetable. fitwrat 15, 1885. BANKRUPT STOCK of merchsncliaeof Coivell, Beker & Lick.-, Salen, Ort-gon, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of YCOi CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., mnch of Htiich has been anl our customers shall setlure rare barrain8 FOR Remember A AC'aK t llk A respondent 0f ittt l'idelpbia .e'er preaanta this as ths successful treatment of a rm.r on tho faoe of a gsotlrtoen of Milsr.uka. : a piece of sn-lting plaatar w.a pot over the can r, aiil. a circular pioe cut out of the et'titer a Iittl lai(er than tbe cancer ,00 that the eatirer and a small circular rial of healthy akiu next i It wss ex-I-mm-,1. Than a plaster made of ohlot i.fe jm.c, blooftroot and whstt rl tor wao apreski on a pitve of 1 the aise uf thtt circu'ar o,enittg and opplipl to the j sVUswOt for 24 hours. Oa rem eing it . ,h CAnc9. W y fo(nd bornt ,,t, ,B . 1. .a j um od lhm . .t 11 will appear white and parboiled.aa if oatlsloi by h 1' staam. The wound i. now and he omsi la rim s m suppura, 1 1 !i , -. 0 aafj sae in a hard I 1 N , t I '1 ' ic h u p I tie pl.S'er k l th- 1 t thi it wtnejaA esjt Hko dial tl .t. ail nave- I "M '"n t 1 . -af 11 tin'aou 1 'is p-aii leo- Cl fx eKOostts knf tfl 1't 1 jfotfftj sftltrt 01 t-H itteua'ssn . rtn -.vte seore- tary is paf I f li 'nj, his asais'.ant private OSOralor 8-' Jo.hi. stenographer $1800 Kie rtieSojgei. each $1200, a Steward $1800, 1 w datrkeepeto w'to aooh get $1'J 10, f air nthor olerks at gsod s!a rioo, one t-lagraph operator, two usbsrs getting 1200 and $1400,a night oshor getting $1200, a waiobmtn who gets $90 and a mau to take care of tho c l . ; aa 1 . urr. siu rrcetvea O'o vear. in tne appropriatim bill fo: the coming fiscal year there is set down $801) for inci dental expenses such as stationery, carpets, and the care of tbe presidential t thle, $12 .100 forrepaita and refurn shing tbe white house, $2,a00 for tnol, $4000 for the green house, $1.1,000 fo, nttnga the total Oast ol atipporttng tie I , . , , . whits house ami its oceuoants aiiont $125,000 tt year. 1 un.i f . .Um. t;. r I .'' . aii 1 uiiuunuw iu. iwe w I States in the reconl of railway constrt 0 tion for 1884, each showing 279 miles. Out five Suies and Territories built I nothing during the year, vit : New Htmiurhire. Rhode Island, Nevat'a 1 ' Indian Territory and Wyoming. trtnr khi LoIon or rmr 'ol Uver With Moaobaafaltes. A Moat MMtrltUaa l-oi 1 an.l Hrrftrlne. Dr Gov, Lindsav Johnson, f ( ' -rterat illt, hsvs : 4I take treat pleasure in s I Rsying your Rmnl i mi hsa pntved itself in my hands a itios', etli muit remedy,in the various wasting 0 tditeino calling for such a nutriment." People naturally have a horror of being buried aliye. This can now lie avoided. A Frenohtnati has jut ixreu awartled 40,000 francs for ths following method, which is said to be certain : Press on the hand ef the supposed dead person ; if living a scarlet tinge is seen where the lingers touch, show ing a continuous flow of the hhtnd, no scarlet is seen if the person is dead . To Lluu r. Threabera. Every thresher In Lion county Is re quested to meet nt tbe store of A K Mc Ilwalu on Saturday, Msy 16, 1885. By request of several tLrosbers, a bvcsilrvs timet The best saWe In the world for euta, o-ruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hauds, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions This salve ia guaranteed to give perfect sttUfaollon to every case or mosey re funded. Price 35c per box. For sale L y Foshay A Mason M 48 nSeSSBSTJPfSgssjBSBBBaaaBiaBBaBi H, Allen Having purchased the have the bmV, of th CASH OR PRODUCE. the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO Vll AB, U. DODD & CO. I ont, F:. t and Vino St., PORTLAND, OREGON. iBteoajTsOss or ID7AEE, IR01T AND STj I I PAEEI MACHINERY. - - - - 1 awaafai.'Usi fcatflwias; ssawTtsatai implemeass: EXT..; rC Ot'CKCVR OS TUtt SOAb.' Tawa. mi,h.w asa tow sell known to i Itl.ri Tlt.Miu.Ki, ol lirtim. krn K, ,. a l i.11 a;ssk of I'sau srUA misb. The are ia sr? . . , , . . I 1 . . . . . . a t .i ,,, i yium mira tn iiaoast SUCfluiea. T.k t i . of 'iwrfnr II varawrs hate mti'c utanifsat !lw ti .aiiUiti aCv.rMUtj of the Bl' KtYI rmtS lif Ir m. is. s .upjiciy aasl perferTMai of .u sasrfaa.liiii . a -1 an litinwau. luajurit) of the tanrwes is. ths PaciSc s BBSS ajkI TerrtUwiea bats gitssi ths saaas trsUrt aa t'u tinners in every part of ths workl where the tttaraey. baa bean tassi, rswtoitneinf it to as T he only Harvesting Xachint thtt will ghi tntirt Satitftetioa to tat Purcha:er. BBBBlaaA JrwTsI I -0 A SB&MSBBBlsXaj Msslssfw f d" f . Us. 1 t , s aw Br e- swark jf JsVa aajw iFSm" -Cg V-ealtihBfclaaBatV THo Bv.ciia.o:o : .o'v-Xo-r2a Binder Tta faaturettliat SSSI tr ' tmjt St our .lllu.trsti .... tt rill pass i a -rrsif ! a: v. . t. 1 MNf aysae. H r s 1 Tbelr Salaries. As coasideratils interest is briac taken ia the appointments being made by the new sdtniniatratif n we give below tbe a'aries of tome ef the principal gorersment officers in uregon : CilUrtar nt B. 1 Travaliax Osfuuvs .... Deputy On lector Collector nt Customs. . , .Hill,. S,0tS l.sos S.00S ..assotefSMO v Colloetor Appraiser. , iMI, 14 Ueht Hnnae k Inspector at bailers. District Jadea. SOJ ases aad fans ..ttSS and teas n -. Marshal Assistant Kttrinser on harbor isaiuwvementa, . t,40S I Assistants ICS OMsTataoe.. a ! a,,MH. 3-100 Snreevor Osnar-1 ... tAOt . ' - i a. i ... i.nrf --- " v - 7 Refistars and Recoivara ot land . Host Otaas luwit"r. -SI. Orand Bonds Arsnt . XiamaOt Folnte , e. ...... e . ... l.Stt l.ttO S nnn .... i,aot SilaU I 'mat 1. 1. Warm 8prines... ; WOMEN THE BEST TONIC This medietas octn BMnssl vtth nupa iMtlabM jeewsisssgwa aa. It Eat. it i kSnPSmf. reute?- "Ihare osarf Brown'. Iron BiUeea, and tt aaahaen roodHasbsscbstaaflntil teaw efatiiMaa." (nbve baafbnys tarsal njirk aaal wrsass rsj bl on wrapper. TaJte ae saber. Made only by BROWN CRKallOAl. Cavnil.TIMWSIg, 1 talnlngbst of prises for rampsa fnformaUen abian KKDINQTON, WOOD ARD a JO , Portland Or, UU HUM UKUm, tbe bist tmmm mm II THE IIILIMITE ?AII IT K J -erf-la 1 bin h-ewa hihi. Isaai f 1 uuiiis I ftCi lit . liKblio i ' notices lOfwftiM fr Mm For legal aim tianni nt H.ltni-f uimHt tl 00 r Uihp for thai lift it wmii.i.ihiI 50 eetita sr .tiare for MH-fa anUasMtst ut insertion. Kates for other .0 ri- u nt s known 00 application Co., lo prices fxiuoa. Come and a as- AND Seed for CaUlogne, 1885. Send for 8pecial Circular-. C. atXTXAX Ac CO.'K "sew .Sfestel VlOratluff Thrnhrr. The most Effective and Sureossfiil roenbioa'asn fe 8a inc aad fTeaninj Grain ever ceaasU MJltsL Tba Sew Unlet TbrsaSer it the rautt of years af fwttmt and re refill experisaeut. oki iiered kv Xr. Jm M'.Jrr, one of the m sSexperajtM-eiaaU smt .: tore of rhr?hin? mat hiiwa 10 Ainrrxa. Tas -je t i mil at was to produce a saachtae that a jhU 1 .- er and do better work than Lbs Wat hu. ;;. tat o;e!.--ton a ere eanabie of, aaal u . ". : 1 2. li. 1 Ion, asparafe out f ruen tbe stra mm I sS rr;n in a anw perfeet nunner tuaaans u . 1 m what see i rr. MM . ' V ma.1? ,0' kaas I a t asa 1 tassO r. n He i!-s 1 rSrms-. a 1 ui'.SlIateJ as a. - c.l er Via Red CrownMills IS0M, LAXXlMi & CO., fkoPirs. saw raocass vlovr srrsrtioK for rAaauaa AMI BAKKRS HSR. BEST STORAGE U'lMTiKS. Highest IPrice In Cash for Wheat t ALBANY OR. .ERY. Tbe be line nf pmLn , w tur ZuT fntt-SbSWO ps.ebwa be found knivAR. i k ... ii,n vanev see , . ' aniini, ii ' r a - ., t,uuutlr Khiva., laarisas- iT? "benrs anil anin.,r, , 'mJI? silver ' a,B n,, for -vor Par -trewiar. JPOR SALE. v One liuiitlretl ami forty a.. nine mileeebove tbapon. 40 s. rtas , eol tlvatien. 10 acres ala-bed aed ow a tea grans Comfortable dwHIir.- reeai om!" C,,P I't''- at ihli MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, IHtLIIEfiY ABU DRESS-Mirai, Cutting and fitting by the now Tayler's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. OPIUIAKDIORPINE HABIT CFHIll W. F. ALEXANDER, M. D,, Tf u trainee a cur in all cases if il.rertions are ntri.-tiv followed. Ke Selit or loss of time from bttsinosa. Ad reas above at Albmoj, Oregon jpon SALE, One half block in ea-urn pert ef tbe elty with fair bouse and bare will be eoM cbear