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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1885)
Wonder WONDER-BOOKS in no trifling sense, but the best literature of the world presented in excellent and attractive form, at prices so low as to excite universal "wonder." LIBRARY of STANDARD HISTORY. Containing in one volume, imperial octavo, good type, with numerous flooMustru li ms, the whole richly bound la fine doth, ornamented, the following celebrated works, unabridged : , - CiREES'S Larger HISTORY of the KNOT.TSH FKOFIJC CtBLTlE'SlUSTOBY of the EKENCU REVOLUTION. CRKASVS Fifteen DECISIVE BATTLES of the WOULD. SCHILLER'S HISTORY of the THIRTY TEARS WAR. Harper & Brothers' lowest price for these four great works is $14.50 ; my price is $2.50 postage 40 cents extra. " A wonder-book in more senses than one. The idea of put ting a work like this at only $3.50 per copy, seems preposter ous ; and yet there is wisdom in it, for everybody will want it, and it will thus be the means of advertising and introducing tho numerous other valuable books which the publisher is put ting tormrd." Christian at Work, Now York City. " It is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph of rucxiorn' me chanical art that such a noble volume can be furnished at so small a cost. Whether we admire its large proportions,' beau tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper, numerous and strik ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100 all are lirst -class." Christian Cynosure, Chicago, 111. LIBRAR Y of STANDARD rOETS, contain in In ens imperial octavo handsomely bound volume, of about 1,100 pages, Bour geois and Brevier type, leaded, the following works, unabridged ; Scott's Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works. Complete Poetical Works of Robert Buns. Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. Equally good editions of these are not elsewhere obtain able for less than $4.50; my price $2,00; postage 84 cents. t a arc a ..retr U. P. Chvrch. Preaching every Sabbath, at 11 A. M., and 7 r. m. by Rev. R. Q. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. M Prayer meeting every Wednesaday evening. Evangkiical Chckch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. M. , and 74 r. u. Sabbath School 12:13. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. llollenbaugh, pastor. Congregational Church. Services every Sabbath at Ham. and S r. at. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Cucrch.Socth. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. M. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock a. ft. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at It 30 o'clock. F. M. Culp, Pastor. M. E. Cucrch SotTH.TasotST. -Preaching every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. ft, Sab bath School at 2 JO o'clock,?. M. W. XI. Culp, Pastor. M. E. Chtrch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 r. ft. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.30 P. ft. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening, lie v. M. Judy, pastor Preseyikkian Church. Service evsry Sabbath moraine and evening in Church cor. Broadaltun and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Gondii pastor. Christian Church. Preaching every Sab oath at W. C. T. U. Hali,at 1 1 a m 7 30 r ft. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock i. u. Rev J T Floyd, pas tot. First Baptist Chckch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m., at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T G Brownson, pastor. UxrvERSALiTS Church. Preaching every second and fonrth Sabbath of each month at Crawford's Hail at 11 o'clock, a. m., ana 7 o'clock, e. x. Sabbath School at 12 m. Executor's Sale. BJOTK'E is nereby 4SM that the undersigned. Ex- S ecutor of ibe lut will and it a. r Cherry, deceased, in the porsusnce of an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made sad entered of rec jrd, on the th day of April, leSa, will sell at public auction . the highest Udder, at the Court House door in the city .if Albany, ia Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m , of the 16th day of Hay, le5, all the right, title and in terest of the said A. F. Cherry at the time of hi death, in and to the following described real property, to-wit : Lot No. fire (5X in Block No. sixteen (19), in the eastern addition to the dty of Albany, in Linn county, Oregon, ss known sad designated oa the plate, maps and surrey , of said dty, now on file sad of record in the office ef the County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon. The same being situated wholly in Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale Cash in band to the highest bidder on the day of sale. Jamas G. Caesar, L. H. Mostsxtc, Executor. Att'yfor Executor. c. c cheeky. cm.? ram. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) , Machinists, MwrigMa, and In Pounders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AIX completed, and are now prepared ke handle ail kinds of heavy work. We w9 manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Iron and Brass Castings. rATTEBSS M40E OM SHOBT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing art kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. Shop en Baker SI.-BSlce a Lass kerf To the Unfortunate! BE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. fOQ MEABNY ST., DwO corner of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. Established in ISM. for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Disease, such Sleet. St rl rtare, Sy phfl Is in al its forms, laaaaHeaer Sesalaal Weakness, night losses by dreams, pirn pies on the face and toss of amnhood can positively bs cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call open him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various aospt tals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable imui uss lion, which he is competent to impart to those ia need of his services. DR. GIBBON will make ne charge unless he effect s cure. Persons at s sllsta are BAT BB CUBED AT HOWE. All communications strictly confidential. Yon see no ne ha. the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the nam of the piper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea o nable. Call or write. Address DR. 1. F. GIBBON, ox 1957, 8an Francisco. The Doctor cures when there fail. Try him, vUnAS ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1MB. By A. P. CHERRY, situated at corner of v" a i as" A. ST a. l a 11 rirst anu moutgomwy streete, Aioany, Oregon. Having taken eaareeof the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma enmery. Pattern Making done ia all Us fo: 16:llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. GRAF & FR0MM, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds el FURNITURE, km mmmksm, 8 First Street Albany, Or . xaV - vBBaaKSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBra! -sBBBasasawawawawawaWb: Books LIBRAR V of CLASSIC PROSE. In one Imperial oc tavo volume of about 900 pages, handsome type, and due oloth binding, ornamented, the following famous essays and works : Ifeoaulay's Essays on Milton. John Stuart Mill On Liberty. P. O. Uasnerton's Tho Intellectual Life. Herbert Spencer on Education. Great Thoughts from Greek Authors. Great Thoughts from l atin Authors. Complete Essays by Lord Huron. Complete Letters of Junius." Irving' Hip Van Winkle and Other Sketch. Washington's Farewell and Other Addresses. Maeaulaar's Ltfo or Frederick the Great. The above cannot bo obtained from any other publishing house for loss titan $10; my prico is $1.75 ; postage 80 cents. ' This is Indeed a wonder-book, in tho amount and valuable quality of its contents. Tho vomhr is how such a book, which is a library in itself, can be bold ut such price." Meth odist Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa. Your 4 Historical Wonder-Book ' IS a wonder a wonder how an imperial octavo volume of over 1 ,000 pages, with many illustrations, clear typo, fine paper, handsomely bound, con taining four standard historical works of great value, can be sold for $2.50." BENSON J. LossTNO, LL.P., the Historian. I COUPON Cmja I hrai sir ft prwsef - ' ' ITPViit rapnaiM erature of the world at the lowest prices ever known. Books mm for EXAMINATION BEFORE PAYMENT on reasonable evidence of good faith. Address F. O. Box 1ST. TBI LIEBIC Frtvai Matsetasarjr, 400 Geary St., San Ftanctscu Cai. Conducted by Qualified Physicians and ansae regular graduate. aft Thr oldest spn-talut tu tw I'nited Mate, life long exprrtencr, perfect method and purs medtctnr. insure eedy and permanent rurw of all Private, Chronic and NrloU lieae Atfcli.nis of the lllood. Skin, Kidneys, Bladder, Erupttou. Ulcers, Old Sure, Swelling uf the fi IS arts. Mure Mouth, throat Roue Paias.permaitent'v cuml ami rnwli cated !r ui thr avaleiu for life. :fttloi Deathly, Isapctewy, Seminal Uam, 8ruai IVcay. Msu tal and l"hy steal Wrakn, lalling Memory, Weak 1 . . Munlrd Or vclopment.lmpediuirttU U Marriage etc., Iruru exceaa or youthful Mb, or any cause, speedily, safrty anU pnvaiciv lureu. WS Z leans. Middle-aged J Old VHf tl turn, and all ho ured inedtt at skill af- and xperience, onult the old Kuropeait I'hjalcian at once, 111 save futuie misery and shame When incunrenient to vtatt the city far treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by spree free from observation. It is self evident that a phyician who gives his whole attention to a class of disease at lain great skill, and phyut-sana thr -ugh out the country, kttowing thta, frequently rec runtend difkcult cases to the oldest specialist, by whom rj known good remedy Is need. The OocUr . sge anu experience make bis opittion of supreme ituortaoce. asYTbuae who call see uo one but the Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Cease which have failed in obtaining relief eUewhere espec ially solicited. Female disease succeaafully treated. The Doctor will serree to forfeit for a case un dertaken, not cured. Call or write. Hours, daily.f roru 0 a. m. to A p. nv, toS evenings ; Suuoay. to to It only. Send tor the Sani lariat Gui-ls U Health, sent free. Address as abov- UKSICM WoaderfsiU.erasaa ! lavlseratsr Permanently nrevenU all In natural Lo es from the system, tone itw ntves, strcngtacn the niuaclca, checks the waata. in i.- "at the whole ay atcm, and restores ihe sfflkrted lo Health and Hapl'ineaa. The reason m many sawjaeafMt cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Msnhood. etc, I owing to s cuav plication, called Preatatorrhea with Htra:ll!la, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Lssbtg's In rftorator is the only positive cure for ProtaUrrhea, wiUi peculiar special treat naul, need at the tJcbig aSavaMeary. rrlr ef In vlgarstar. St. Case of six bottle flo. Sent to any addrvva, coviwd securely from ob enraUon. Most powerful nrtlric belts free to patient. To prove ihe wonderful power of the Intigorator. A St Battle Civra or arnt rree. Consul tauon free and private. C all or addrcsv L 1KB It. DtllMU 4 ovUeiry Mutt, in Private en'. r nee. 0S Vi..i lnt Geary Street from fcesuty, i i Dispensary urusr Store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the U. S. Patent Ofiit-r attendeded to fur moderate fees. Our office ia opposit the l. S. Patent Office, and re can obtain Patents less time than tho-.e remote from H'ashiniftun. Send modie or draainir. We - U tiaU-tit ability free of charge ;sud wemak. cliare unlesa we otxain patent. We refer here, to the Poetnuister. the Havt. of Money Order Dir. and to ..t.icials of the 0 . S. Patent OfffSft. Forcinulsr. advice, terms, and eferriKv j actual clients in jour own State or county, eddrcas , Ca A. SAOW &C O.e Opposite Patent Office, Wahingt4Ni, D 'HAN WA Vl. LAUNDRY AND CHINA MERCU ANISINO BUST NESS. Rice, tea sad Japanese goods. Lauits" underclothes. BtVd at bottom pn.-e. C-utracVr for China labor. JSTTfezt to Citv Bank. OF ANOTHER ACE. Cradoally KapsUaled by I Belter Artlrle Seae Away. Certain Old Tlases are In the general reception room of the Western Union Telegraph building on Broadway, New York, are exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy instru- ts of the Infancy of the telegraph. Trie arc only relics now. More perfect machinery has super seded them. Year ago what is styled th old-fashioned porous plaster did some good service. There was then notb ing better of the kind. Now all that has changed. Science and study have gone deeper into the seer ui of medicine and produced BENSON'S Ah INK POR OUS PLASTER, whioh embodies all the excellencies thus fsr possible in an external remedy. Ths old piasters are slow lb cjapcine is rapi; ; they were uncertain the Capcine Is sure. Chesier article bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist does not deceive you. Price JS cent. Scabury A Johnson, Chemist, New York. The Bcvrarf Gcide fa fasued March and Sept., each year; 224 pajrea,-8ixll i Inches, with over 330O illustrations a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices atrea 10 amtvmcrt on an ijooo tor i eontumert on O family tiae. order, and gives exact erythingyou eat, wear, or with. There east of cv- u-e, drink, have fun invaluable !xxkseontain information leaned from the markets cf two ftcrld. e will mail a copy Free to any uddress upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Let et hear from you. O Kepe t fully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. aST aVM Wsbosh A venae, Caloa, III. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ortijonfor Jjinn County. The American Mortgage.Con.pany of Scotland (limit J), Plaintiff, Joseph A HcKitmey and Nancy J McKiiuiey, Dtfcn- dants. NOTICE IS HEREIJY GIVEN THAT BY VIRTU of an execution and an order of sale issued out the above named Court in the .above entitled action on the 31st day of March, 1885, and to me directed and delivered, I will on Tneeday the 12th day of May, 1835, at the Court House door in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, st the hour of one o'clock, p. m. sell at public socion for cash in bar a to the highest bidder the real property described in said order of ule a follows, to-wit '. The southeast quarter of Section thirty-six, Township fourteen, south range four west of the Willamette meridian, containing one hundred and sixty seres together with all and several the hereditaments and tenements, and appurtenances thereunto belonging. The proceeds of the sale of aid real estate to be applied as follows : First to the payment of the costs of and up 3 this writ and the costs and expenses of sale. Sc to the psy ment of the costs and disburssui nts of this mtit taxed st $41.06 with interest st the rate of eightper cent per annum from the 18th day of March, 1885 Third to the pay ment of twenty per cent on the sum of $2007,85 with interest from the 13th day of March, 1845 it eight per cent per annum as an Attorney fee. Fourth t ths payment of Plaintiffs claim of $2097.85 with interest thereon at the rate of ten pr cent pe annum from the 13th day of March, 1885. Patjd April 1st, 1885. J. K. Cfub.lto-, Sheriff of Linn coanty, Oregon. 4 s fX i W VlVI -J ' Kasse I - ILLUSTRATED HISTORY, Poetry, Classics. win b roUd InuIaTlfieT saner or u work, ir mm wiuua uo ,u from dat aaais or ppri tiu onr i u wear jmu uiwaw iu liana Sdveruata mmitiima. lOO-PAGE CATALOGUE sent free. Tho best lit JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher. 3a Pearl Street. Mow Tork. TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. T&s Orsstest Msdicsl Triumph of ths as! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. LSMft mf appetite. Oosvsle ceeiivo. Pain la the head, wills a dall arnaailon la the bark pan. I'ala wader ike shoulder. Made. I nline after eating, wllkadle larllaatloa la eaertlen of body or sslod. IrrltahllltT aft ess per, Law spirits, with a feeling ef having neglected saase datr. Wearlaeea, Ulsslaeea. Flativrlaa at the Heart. Data hofareike aire. Ileadaeke ever tke right eye. Reef leaaa see, wtik fitful dreams. Highly colored I rise, aad CONSTIPATION. TtTTS flLI.S sro especially adapted to such eases, one dose effect eueh a cbantrr of feeding a to .istonlsh the sufferer. Tbry Inrrsas tke A mettle .and canes the i -lr so Take ou n ih aji.t.m is noarishsd, and 1 by tbxir Tanle Arltau oa tie A, tor lllareatlTcOrirans.UrKular a too gular Nloolssre r " M hurray Uf TUHS HAIR D tKAT mil or w uisKKKS changed ta a Cumst ulaCK be a smgio applloatlon of this 1TE. It imiarts a natural color, act Instantaneously, hold br lntggist, r aetit bv express on receipt of ft. Office, sts) Murray St., Now York. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter talc ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. DrSANFORD'S INVIGORATOR - ... . . m as just wnac its name lxnDiics : a 3urd Vcgetablo'ComporinfJ, that ftctj directly Tjpoa the liyer ; caring the many diseases iacjd ma that im portant organ, and rnMating the un its tlMarise from its turn, such as tee, Bmousness, aria, Sick-headache, etc. It is therefore 3 To have f.oori 11U h thft HvWnmst be keot in orrW SB. EAJITOBD'S LIVES INYIOOEAT0E- Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Botv els, Strengthens the System, Purifies tho Blood , Assists Diction, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Iovaluahlo Family Medicine for common complaints, IB. IAST0S1VS LTTEB, nmOORATOS. An experience cf Forty year; and Thou aand of TeatinuniaU prate iu Merit. TOR SAI.K HT A I.I, DRAf.KftH IX MKIlll tVfs JTor foil informs! ion wtid yonr addrr for 100 age Booh on the " Livi-r and its dlaraaee," to na.aaarofu c s.-., v iwiu. cir. more tnoncv than at any It. li... f.w i.Li... agctu y for the tiest sel'ing hook out, lleginners sw. cecal irrandlv. None tail. Ti riinlrw Iliu m ltu, Co., Portlaiul, Maine, Summons, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fr Linn county. Samuel Porter, Plaint!!). vs. James M Ysrbreugh and Mary K Yar- brougn, Defendant, 7a James M Yarbroui,h and Mary E Yar. brough, tfie Defendant above named : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon yeu and each of you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint of the above plaintiff Jp the above entitled Court now on file vjjh the Clerk of said Court on or before the A rat day of the next regular October term, 188. thereof, to wit : On er before the 26th day of October. 1885, and yon are hereby noti fied that if you fail to appear snd answer said complaint as hereby required, the filaintiff will apply to the Court for the re let demanded therein, to. wit : That yeu snd each of you be required to set forth ths nature and character of the estate er interest claimed by you or either of you in or to the following described real prop erty, to-wit : Being notification No. 267 and designated as claim No. 62. being all the donation land claim of said defend ants, (except 147 68-100 acres deeded to Matilda Cranheld ; 62 50-100 seres deeded to James Willouxhb.y ; 22 26-100 acres deeded to W Willougbby and 5 acres deed ed to Lamar Cheadle,) containing 403 25 -100 acres, or any part thereof, andthat the same be ascertained and determined by said Court ; and in the events that you fail to appear and set out and show what es tate or interest you claim in or to mid reel nrooertv. then for a decree of Kaid Court (quietinc the title of plaintiff to ssid prop erty, adjudging that neither of you have I any estate or interest in or to said real yiwivivy mi anjf inu Hioieui su v erne to the estate and interest of the plaintiff, and perpetually enjoining you snd each of you from in any manner in terfering with the possession and estate of plsintitr therein, and from in any manner claiming or asserting that they or either or tuern nave any interest or estate in the same or any part thereof adverse to the estate and interest of the plaintiff, for the costs and disbursements of this suit to be taxed and for such other and further re lief as may be equitable and just. This summons is published in the State Rights Dbmocsat by order of H on K P Boise. Judge of said Court.made at Cham bers in the city of Selern, Oregon, on the an. . . .1 m a e tA sw zzuu uay oi April, loso. WEATHEBFORD &, BLtCKBUBN, Attorneys for Plaiotift. FRIDAY MAY 1,1885 KSBStAE rst4T'M CASK. "ftomeoae Has Slandered t" f an Pesslfsief It be The New York Herald asys : I f "General (J runt should recover from "a disease which should prove not m to havo been what It has been "described, then his medical attend "ants will be expected to explain "tho ressooa for one of the most re "markable Instances of discrepancy "ever recounted In the history ol medical practice." The other day on eminent young Dhynlcian in the laat stages of con sumpdou, unable longer to tslk, called for pen aod paper and Indistinctly wrote thlsadvice to hltjfphysicins : Make dying comfortable." This seems to have been the mile purpose of General Grant's attending physicians. They wero making dy ing comfortable, but they woro not curing tiieir usuent. no a ran zee them by getting better ! ! The utter failure rightly to dlag nose and properly to treat Gen. Grant's disorder wss a serious blunder, em phaslzlng what has so often been said, that professional treatment, bolnt purely expcrlmeutal, Is Just as likely to Le wrong as right. Had the general an ulcer on hig arm the physicians would have treat ed It acientiflcally, very scientifically. He might have rocovered or they might have cut hh arm off. Some dear old soul of a grandmother, bow ever, might have treated the sore by some old woman's remedy" snd healed it, bnt thcio would have been no "profesiouat science" in auch a proceeding, as her remedy would noi be one recognized by the code ! Tbo general's physicians excuse themselve. we arc told, because the condition of the throat was hidden from sight. There are thousands of cases where disease Is hldJen from sight, where the symptoms! are vry obscure and4 conflicting. The physi cians will treat everyday 's symptoms but they do not cure, snd finally the patient dies. Then they dlrcover they have made a mistake ! A horri ble rolstako ! The other day a prom inent merchant in a neighboring city wau found dead in bed. A post mor tem examination revealed the fact that one of his ether vital organa was entirely decayed and yet hia phyel clans hsd been treating him for heart disease ! Home one Las blundered. For tieeks the American public have beeo watting the unwelcome tidings of General Grant's death. Todar, the general is up and around snd tiding out. People get well otten in apite of what their doctors aaj and do. Why 1 By will power 1 No, By faith ? No. They lire tecs use outside tke medi cal proieaston snd medical pretense there are effective remedial agencies in nature which, though "unrecognized'' by the code, have auprame power over disease, and in thousands of caaes win triumph a where the so called scientific treatment utterly fails. A prominent ex -cabinet officer ia to lay on the very edge of the grave, auf ferieg from an extreme disorder of ths liver. Hia doctor know they cannot enre bim. Tbey simply are making dy ing comfortable. The agony of death in many cases la read by aoi rounding friends in sr reams of paiu, in convulsions of nerve, in spasm a of torture the fixed eye, the chilly breath, the dreadful coughing, the bloody aweat tho supreme inflictions of pitilfsi disease upon a helpless body, indicate the i imitations of profess ions! skill." Sevan-tenths of the desths of this country every year are from hepatic and renal disorders, over wnich physicians have so little power. They will give this, that and the other thing to make dying comfortable, but tkey know they cannot cure and yet tbey will not permit the uee of remedies "unauthor ized" by their code, whether tbey are allopathic or homeopathic. If the sys tem, as ia common at this time of the year, baa no tone, and one baa tired and depreaaed feelings, the doctor will tell you that the blood needa purifying, but be will not tell you, what he knowa to be true, that the blood ia impure be cause the liver and kidneys are not performing their blood-purifying func tions. The failure of the physicians in Gen. Grant's case ought to havo an eye- opening effect upon the public It ought to see the futility of trusting en tirely in a profession whose practioe is so largely experimental. The teat of merit is success and when any agency has won a record proved by the testi mony of prominent men and women in all ranks of society, it stands to reason that such a preparation is worthy of universal confidence. Who has not heard of it ) Who haa net used it ? Who can gainsay the statement that it haa wrought greater benefit for man kind than anything ever discovered in ctde the ranks of the medical profess ion ? And yet many physicians who are bound hand and foot to their code will not allow nor will they prescribe the use of Warner's Safe Cure. Never theless, spite of their small-minded bigotry, it multiplies instances of its singular merit by thousands every day, rests satisfied with tba record it has won, snd challenges comparison with ths record cf the most reputable phy sician. It is a terrible thing to lose our friendr, espreially if we find out after wards that they might havs been saved. We are glad Genstal Grant is get ting well. He deserves to live snd in living he will emphasize the fact that physicians do not have a monopoly over disease ; that "scientific medicine," so called, is not infallible ; that all remedial agenciaa were not born with doctors and will not die with lhm. ro rstatKNT vial a. A Utile Seaad Advice That Wsald Wll la isMsWs 1. Alwsya buy the beat of oil. 2. Never make a audden motion with a lamp, either in lifting it or setting it down. 3. Never put a lamp on the dg of a table ot mantle. 4. Never till a lamp after dark, eva if you have to go without a light. 0. Bee that the lamp wicka sro al ways clsan and that tbey woik fieely in the tube. Nnvrr blow a lamp out from the top. 7. Navcr take a letup to a closet where there are clotba. If necessar) to go to the closet, i.Isce the light st a diataaoe. 8. Uae oandles when possible in go ing about the bouse snd In the bed room. They are cheaper and can't explode, snd for many purposes are jest aa good as lampa. 9, Matches aLould always be krpt in atoue or earthen jars or io .in. 10. Tbey abould never be Uft where rats or mice can get hold of tbt'tn. There ia nothing mure to the taste of a rat than phosphorus. A bunch ol matceea is situ oat certain to be set fire to if a rat geta st it. It. litre jietfctlv good safes to every placo where matches srn to b used, and never let a match be h ft on the floor. 1 .'. Never let s match go out in your bsnd sfter lighting it until you are sure the fire ia out, and then it is btir to put it in a stove or earthen diah. 13. It is far better to uae the safety 14. Have your furnaces examined caiefully in the fall aod at least once during the winter by a competent per son. All the pipea and flues ahonld bo carefully tookrd to. 15. If there are sny cloaat tu the house near chimney a or flues where there ought not to be put nothing ol a combustible nsture into them. Huch oUfelSfS . III soil silver and crack ctock- trv and burn bedding. Tbey form a bad fieri of any houae that contains them. 16. Never leae any wood near a furnsce, rsnge or stove to dry. f. li. t 17. Have your stove looked to f re- qoently to see tbst there ere no boles ' for coal to drop out. I O ... I . aval .al.M sa la IH. Never pa any hot ashes ot coala in a wooden recci-tac'e. lfl ,, . 19. Be au re there are no curtaina or abades that can Mi blown into a es light. 20. Never exsmine a ga meter after dark. ISKAsUKB) LAS .B AM. Nothing lllu8traies)mor8 clearly the positions of tho democratic and Re publican pertie, respectfully, Id the struggle between the people snd rail road monopolies thsn the sctlon of ths last Co egress with respect to the unearned railroad land grants. The Senatn was Republican, the House of Representatives, Democratic. The House passed bills forfeiting 70,279,- 680 acres of land, restoring It to the publicjdomaln and throwing It open to actual settlers. All this land had been granted by Republican Congress i to railroads upon conditions which have never been fulfilled. The bills thus passed by the of Congress were met at every step by the railroad lobbyists In the Senate and all except three were tied up in committees or amended, so that no action could be taken before the ex piration of the session. Bills forfeit ing in the aggregate 49,348,800 acres were thus killed by the Republican Senate through railroad influence and aro kept tied up from the people. The amount of land rep resented by these figures is enormous In erea it is greater thsn Ireland snd Scotland combined and nearly as large as England and Ireland to gether. set i kon a acsaa or duty. Some people shrink from msking public the benefit they have received, while others are free to tell It abroad for the good of fellow mortals. Of the latter kind is Mr. J. H. Coppuck, of Mount Holly, N. J., who writes, "I am one of many who give their their cheerful appreciation ot the merits of the efficacy of your valuable Brown's Iron Bitters, from a sense ot duty. This bitters Is doing much good In our county, for which I vouch." One of the hardest things to do is to keep the bottom of a strawberry box from trying to join the top. N. B. Only appearance of this joke dur the season. BDCBLEN'S AHVH l H.4LVK. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sslt rheum, fever aorea, tetter, chapped bauds, chtlblsioa, corns and all kinds of skin eruptiona. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satlafacUon in every case or moaej re funded. Frloe 35c per box. For sale l y Foshay A Mason Tnivcia noam bf.membebim That warm borax water will remove dandruff. That salt should be estfin with nuts to aid digestion. That milk which stands too long makea bitter buttar. That a hot, strong lemonade taken st bed'time breaks up a coid. That filed onions should bo boiled first in milk to be mild and odorieax. That a little soda water will relisva sick hesdscb, caused by Indigestion. That a cup cf ationg cofiVc will re move the odor of (nions from the br sth. That picklca will not keep avail iu a jar that haa hfld latd ur'e.a xcutd- rd. 'I In' freah milk hetsd to thu boiling point will ktsup Hwnet twice as long in hot weathfir aa co'd milk. That you may tuati-n tho lop tu yettl kerosene lamp by using a little platr of paria wot with water. That to removo dunt fsoSS S eaipei, atpecislly in a aick rOuss, iicu a wet cloth over the broom. That you can take out apots from wash goods ly iuu'ing tlnui wi fa ire yolk of sn egg !;' hi washing. That white Mpoia upm tttnished furniture will disappear if you lulls but plate from the stove over .hem. That bran watei ii goo I for a rough ooinpiexiun. Put a handful in a isj, dip it iu tepid State, and wah with it. The ere ui, ItSaMSl jtfJS or water will relieve- sever o sunburn, a cor dlag lo the habits or ski" DCSlditiOSl of t -aufl'eror. The boiling lujui 1, jellies or fmita may be turned into yls if v Ml pre the bo I of a Meoa on !. boitOtS whil filling. The tvelhirg tki diftti Stay i? reliev ed of convulsions by I" ii' d in a warm bath wiiu cold clothe on their heads. a err KatLaio or naa east tlrt till, With M)ispbi. hit- . ftM I r la Laag Traal SS Dr. lllrim, ofJm-Loii-v'lle, "!a.a says : "I hava f r lbs last ten mouths prtfcritx d your Emul sion, to patient Wffsiing from lunjr trouble, Mtitl tbey em lo ( grtatlly benefited by It u.'' Oivil service reform i only i p ill r when applied lo th o'rn i fe.: . It ha DO personal charm f-r th Bsafl .1 kit kl out. HrallU af JrW a. On tiotioeabl foal ore alout Joniah oatuatrift In the south is the a.-ar -. iv ui I I .. i u . ' ,.lli.i Sn ..e sswir uiaxii- niar. ai.ri mit Cuuin n rhotera or veiinw fev-r. au.u - a that fewer of thorn die than ativ otlu-r ra -frotu ibea ur kindred llat Iluriu the cholera acoursto in I "SlOfS Ofaly twe onhodm Jest ilieilofil, while in ntitu bars thr y etiuallsxl fullv uo r reit of the j ponalation. Their I sn-T. I Itae oartaiuty witn wi.irh Uatl reouvar wheu attavuxf lev tt. is ae-unuKf i for by the simplicity of their diet 1li.v mn xJ9fy rtnct ,ut ftfllw ,ni. th d :, .lHr laws pretliMl t.v M - I-n't it s Ut tla atratiKo that Mowoa, if he wk. only a ' niatorian, should h ael kttowl ! dX ailerlor to ttltt of ihe ;UM pfcyslel r oftlas frmtmt .lay - lie svtdautlv bllevel in pea y ling OsSfMaSa rather than curinu It. This Is what ! ji.n'. .,,.,.u in. .o,h to do; ll a5 fslsiotly on lb dietive Juice of the atoms'!) and lioth r loit. and run In dia'lon and LyNppla. Kree aataipla bottle at J' fiv .V Msnon' Drug istor. r ii r f I Rheumatism. Ncuralqia. Sciatica. Lumbago. SscaScKs. Hear!.ich. Toothache. or Tkrual. su rl I ru. !erlM. Ili sUf Mssrst. SralS. ! -s . lira six oho ii Bourn raOSl "hk s.41 ? sssaaaai saa Bsssssvji rati osstss bato IHncilw. la II TRi: i hhi.i v. "! I.Kit o. A m.' I n.llin -in . i - i "RoaaS a onalia Ask fur "Housh on foujfhs," for Couhs, Colds, Sorr Thruat, Unarsiirsa. Trm-hrs, l.V. LH41U1I "i "ah Bats." t'lesrs out rat, ruler, n aches, SIps, ants, bu.-s skunks, 1 iiiiiunks, gophers. Is, lniiKist. Heart falarh Palpitation, Dropsieal Swellings, Mssjasat, lnH gssllon. lleuilsche, 8lvrplnsisa eure.1 hv 'Wells' llealt li ttotiewcr." "Kouiih ok or it. Ask for Wells' "Hough on Corns." li. 0.ulck, oiuplets cure. Hard or suit corns, warts, IsaakMN, "It.iugh Taiu" I'orsnard flaatcr. Strsngthlng, Improvnl. ths Ixst for uackache, pain lo tin 1 In l or aide, I hiUtliatihin, 11. nirukia Thin People. "W sll's Health lLcnewer" restores health ami vigor Cures lviikia, lltadache,iervousiii), lKibiltty.tfl. vi hooplas Lfoaxh, and the many Throat Affections of children, prompt ly, pleasantly and safsly relieved ly "Ituugh on Cioughs." ftaasasi lae. ; BjaJasSa,tso, Mother. If ou sre falling, broken, Wont out and nei vous, use "Wells' Health Kenewer." ?l. DnigiaU.. Life Preserver. If yoix are losing your rnp on life, try "Wells' Health Kcntwcr." does dirvet tu weak "Bough ou Toothache." Instant relief for Neuralgis. Tixthohe, Kiteoache Ask for "ltough on Toothaeuc." 15 aud 'J.t cent Prclly Women. Ladies who would retain freshnos-i and v'vatii'y. Dou't tail to try "Well' Health Kenewer." 4'alarrhal Throat AOVrtlun, Ilackin Iri ltating Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, cured by ' Itough 011 Coughs." Tortbe, 1 '.'. Uiiuid, 25c "Bnush on Itch.'" "Rough on Itch" cures humors, entptioiis.ring worm, tetter, saitrUsuni, frosted feet, chit Mains. The Hope of the Nation Children, slow iu development, puny, scrawny.and delicate, use "YVelU Health ltenewer. Wide Avtahe three or four hours every night eonghing'. Get im mediate relief and sound rest by nsiiijf Wells "jtoub a Coughs," Troches, 16c. ; balsam, 2Sc. Uoagb on Pain" Poroused PI GERMAN IlMEDt JULIUS GRADWOHL lae Ibe only ezclaaive fltock of CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVEIt AND CHINA WARr Sr R A Largo Assortment of Baby Carriage, And a Choice Belecton of Coffee, Tea and giig ONE DOZEN CUP3 AND 3AUCER8 SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E rin: loaiEST amn naem paid for t Remember! What I Saj GOODS AS LOW AS FRANK BROS IMPLEMENT COMPANY UKALKKM IN' Farm and Mill Machinery. I, lb lie n'airons, MSSlltTry lrllls and Seelfrs, lluford's Walklna; flow. jt,i,,rd (iatitt'arid SnJky I'K'WS, ftoford'a Kldina and Wslklisa f i!tivirH. Itaodsll h-l Harrow Tb (JslabrsfSfJ Hollow luotn Harrows, Vjlc,, K Kle. FULL LINE OF FA Writ for falalogtie. Addree . iibeff FRANK BR JULIUS GR IlOimi 1: 1 r ALBANY SODA WORKS -AM) IKALKKS in- t and Dcmtstic Cigais, Tobaccos, Groceries, Candic- Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Im ) t :k i kOft wwuom ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rdugh, dressed md seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept coastantiy on l I Wll- ,A Alnr t shortest notice Use only bst m , uaianooia timoer rnce ana terjisfmadc satisfactory. R0BIMS0N & WKST. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. ll J, Tl.lJMBl-LL k CO., Growers, Importers and Dealers -is'- SEJSDS, TREES AND PLANTS. 410, -121 3AISrS02E ST., SAH FRANCISCO - - CAL. Illustrated ratal ogut-s for Tree on application. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR. itenreaents several of "tho best Fire In suraucu Companies on the Coast. Call on him for reliable insurance. MILLER BROS., D1CAI.KR8 IS FieltUYegetables and Flower Seeds Imperial tigg Food, Tools, Fertilizer, Fte.. R tc. 209 SECOND ST. - POBTLANO.OR. T. J. STITES. ATTOHNEY AT LA , AND Notary Public- L S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOETZi) Will keep a full supply of good meats at boltom prices. ALBANY, OREGON. W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyanc r. Collections QiaoS on reaaouable terms MAIN ST., - - SGIO, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Gonnslo? At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice iu all tbe Courts in tbe State. I Mean. Give le a call. ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- Walter A Wosil's M ewers. HeaiMir and Twine Binder. Hodge loubl Draper Headers, oate's Sulky Httke, ;aar,HeottAOa Kngineadc Threshers, ipr& ... Haw Mill Machinery, BnfSfBtje, Spring Wagon. I'u'.'kUMird Wagous, Vac., Jjc, Yxp. RM MACHINERY. OS., IMPl CO., PORTUNO, OR. ADWOHL, AGENT, ALBANY. OR. k JOSEPH a TKS OK Oregon. KMOi brigos stork. O A . It. It. TIME TALBK. Albany Siaiiou. IMl'tKTlRl Of TBtt. ocss soar. ausanv kxi'kesi ueiruat UUJ nius , Amrs - ! ' t !rua yy a. M -v. U. ll:& A. M li.tsl 9. M nasi A. ii.- r ji. - I jO P. M. i MUL TttAIS I sotss surva. i Amin at . ..-1- ; rftEionT train S A ' I IUKiS Atnvo at - til Trala daily, rxrrpi aa4ay. Nmtick. t. and after thii date resjular tickets will be old at our ticket offl'.-e for roUowriShg points on Columbia river: Upper Ca.toa.b-N, aliHH, Umatilla, Wsliuls, Walla v. a! U and Ainaworth. Will It. Rick, Krelpht and Ticket Agent o. t c. it. t:. Co, Alli.-.i-v. June Wh, 1S8'. Notice of Sale. KOTOCE il hereby given that the under signet uiil 00 tLe Kith ol May. 1 Vu at the hour uf out-o'c ick p. in., uf ut dv. offer ' fur Sale at pubito sucttuo to the hs;hat bid- Jer lor cash in '.and, in front uf the livery I stable of the onderaiiied in North Brovr&av villf, l.iim couuty, ire.;ron, one dark bay lnre al tu 10 years old. abont 15 hauu iiik'ti aud tranced with a disinond on th b it shoulder. Said horse a as fed snd oartad j for ly tl:e uuderignd at the reqnet of A tt i Corlvtt. the owner thereof, Irotn nd inciod- ng the I8ta day uf January, 18tv3 to lb - Ith day of Jaaaary. and haa been in t 10 iHeMioti 1 i 1 1 - undeistfrnad sine said date, thst said feed and care aere rtaaoDably aorih 4. 50 and said horse trill be old to satisfy said auni of S4 ftO and the c oi keeping the same from January 25th, 1SS5, to tne dsy uf sale and cost and chargu of making sale. April 24th, ISSa. F. M. Jack. Administrator's Sale. NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN' THAT THE CX dersiftteu aa Administrator of ths estate o Larktn S. Osborn, deceased, by virtue ot sn order sf ttie County Court of Marion Couutjr, Stats of Orssjoa, 11 a ; on th Hh day of June, A. IX, 1S4, lioensin and impoweriug him to do so, will on Friday the lath day of May, !--., at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. a of said dsy, at the C.iurt House door, in Albany in said Linn county, in said State, sell at public auction to the la; li-st biduer for cash in U. S, gold coin, th following described real premises, belonging to said etttate, attuated in said Linn county, to-wit : Begin ning at a point on the south line of Section six (6) is' Tp. II, S.H.I, east ot Willamette meridian 80 rod w i-st of tbe touuteuit corner of ssid Section (S) ; tlienoi west 100 rods ; thence uorth ItiO rods ; Oteticv east 100 rods ; thence south 100 rods to th piscc of beginning, coiitaining 100 acres. April 3rd, l . John Ossosn, Administrstr. Final Settlement. lit the matter oj the ertate of Zeruah B. Oftp, deceased. BltiTICE IS If EREDY C:1-EX THAT THE I X tk dcraigned Executor ( tho last nil and testament ot Zoruah B. Opp, deceased, has fllal his final acoounfs l& said matter, in the Couuty Court of Linn cuunty, Oregon, and that said Court bas ap)ointd Monday, the 4th of May, 145, st the hour of Id o'clock, a. tu., of said day as the time tor hearing objections to such final a.-Ntt!t and tbe svttlem.T.t thereof. Dated April T:h. Isii. K. A. Warr Executor. Administx-ator's Notice, M0TKB IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE UN dvraignud has been duly appointed Administrator do bonus non of the estate of Edward H. Rubarts, iSafSkMS, by an order of the County Court of Liua county, Oicgon, du'y made and entered of record, and all pers-ins having claims against ssid estate are he.x'by required to present the same to tbe under aiimed at his office in Albany, Orsgon duly verified a it hin six months from ho date hereof. April 7th, 183j. Oeorsk HcuraasT, Administrator. CKDNC HUNC. Washes a !t l irons clothes ia first class style, at re asonable raU. s nooesaor to (jee. One door south of Kevere Uouse,oa llilawoxtb Street. ALBANY OREGON