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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1885)
f be gcroocrat. Entered at the Post Office at Albany, Or, am second-class mail matter. FRIDAY. MAY 8, I8fc5 STITDi & Hilars t NUTTING. Ir v rleter. Ht:iv M rriu, s.rai mm. Official County Paper. A. b Dealer ia general in ! 14 ami 16 First Street, Albany, Or. Spring, 1S85, Spring. Oar importations for spring ami su miner trade excel all our previous efforts. We offer the pablio the following line of new goods at prices that will not ba nader sold . Plain and fncy ginghams. Plain and fancy lawns of various New line of French and American dress good, all of the latest styles and colors. Boots and shoes, IKe have one of the largest lines n the valley in various grade. Tobacco m all graces by the box or pound, at price that defy competition. Clothing in the latest style-and pattern, at prices that will induce you to buy. Call and see for yourselves. No trouble tO show good. A. B. McItWAix, Albany, Or. Ie)KAM F, lUOl 1 ORl.t.ON While Mr A H Pax ton was at New Or leans lately he met a young man from Alabama, who seemed to be an average young man Iu conversation with him Mr. P. announced that he was from Oregon. "Oregon,' said ihe younz nun, "where is that country." "It is one of our g!oriou United States, on the Pacific Coast," auswered Mr. P. "Oh, out in the wild STM," said toe Alabauiian. "Not much civilization there," he con tinued, "I suppose there are no school or churches there at all," etc, When Mr Paxton informed hiiu that we had the highest kir.d of civilisation, the beat schools in the world, plenty of churches, snd alll the latest convenience, he was considerably taken back. Aa great as was the ignorance or this person, it has its counterpart all through the Kast, A ridiculous as aucu torie are they occur with greet frequency. e The heights attacked. On last Thursday evening the member of the Lodge of K. of P. of this city, were attacked in a warlike manner, just as they were clseing their meeting, by a large body of women, in full armor, or ratber with their armt full, of baskets , contain ing eatables of all imaginable kinds and flavors. When it was ascertained that the women were nearly all wivts of the mem bers, the matter v as taken in good part, hud, instead of geltiug mad over the in trusion, they united forces and made war on cbicken.sandwijbes, cakes and pickle together, completely demolishing every thing, as wefl as spending the remain der of an evening most pieat-antiy. It has been said that a woman can not keep a secret. This ease was an exception, met a single Kaight having bjen informed ol the surprise. A Means rnrJ. We iir.u been imposed on, and in con aeqnence are same nt ireful. Lat week an innocent appearing correspondence came from Lebaon,not fro u our regular correspondent, and there bein nothing apparently objectionable on its face, it was published. Now it turu out that it was a made up affair, just for a juke, and a most brainless one it was too. One worthy woman was announced as dead, who was sot dead at all ; another one was mentioned as being sick when she was in splendid health ; dancing was spoken of at the residenca of a moat estimable man who never allows dancing in his house, and another person was mentioned aa running a Sunday School, who is not in that kind of business. While there ia nothing serious in the matter it wa de cidedly a low trick, one which the young man who wrote it should be heartily ashamed of himself for. TTaterlee Waterloo is g'ng to be a favorite watering place this summer, "ami there are many reasons why it should be. The soda water is unexcelled any where, tli 3 surroundings are superb, the means of enjoy men, many and the accommodations ere firtt.claes. Mr. Gross has pat his hotel in splendid con dition, tela a goad table, is accommo dating and genial. At his own expeuse he has put a fine pouto u bridge over the water just below the falls, a great con veniencfl to vi-ltora, offering an added attraction to the place. We predict that there will be regular Waterloo of visitors there this Summer. Naaa Temperance Meeting. There will be a main temperaee meeting held at the Court Hooae ia Albany ou Tues day evening, May 12, when the following program will be rendered : Prayer. Discussion of the question : "la the liquor license system beneficial to the commuuuy." Atfimatiye, Rev T O Brownaon, Mrs aud T J Stites. Negative, Rev J W Harm, Mrs M Train and Judge J J Whitney. Voluntary 5 minute remarks. Music will be interspersed th-iugh the ex ercise, to be furnishi. i by the V L C T U, and the Band of Hop. Ia the discussion opening speeches will be limited to 15 miautei, others to 10 minutes. Ttoo. C, Taylor, Wanted, lue relative of Thos Q Taylor, in the Est want to know about his whereabouts his mother having recently died, leaving him quite a sum of money, Mr laylor has been at Coburg soui and lately, vre un derstand has been teaching in this coun ty. Salsa i Cau jkt in lS Vity. Xtzxt Vr'uUv whita M S Montjith . Mr Chisweil and two otaer gantleuaeu , were repairing the flume near the Albany City Mills, they run across aud captured five fine Salmon trout, oae of which weighed eight pounds. T am Aiixo im i dov u tho ditch from the Siuiiam River, and no doubt leave many relatives behind them Bar be Peace Wire. I haye just received from the manufactor ies a car load of Bessemer steel fence wire, galvanized 4 point 4 inches, 2 point 3 inches. Samuel E. Young. 5, 10 and '2oa ovoucur at N H Allen A 0 1 DaP tRTtt Kvr ru.ft4.E4. The uew board of fire delegates wi 1 organised on Monday evening next May 1 1 The Hook Jt Ladder Co.. has just received some very handsome new badires, shield shaped, solid nickel, the prettiest tire badge in the city. The boys have begun traiuing for the Aitoria tournaments but there is not much enthusiasm worked up yet. The lebanon hose team will go to Astoria Itheaaomo of the fastest runners iu the State, and will stand a good chance to v iu, even againat ths famous Capitols. The Capitola of Salem have HQ mau who wiah te run in the State tournament. A general foot race will be ruu to ascertain who the fifteen fastest are The Albany companies would dewell to adopt tin plan The bell tower presents au unproved ap pearance under the brushes i t Messrs. l( Crosby snd N T Moere. It means an increase of vitality of several yoars. The firemen are congratulating themselves over the reorganisation of the laviiea lollse Club. Would it not be a good idea for the companies to ahow their k1""' dl by each presenting the Club with fJO to 950 a piece. at least aomething. The following have beeu elected a mr-in bers of the now Hoard of Fire Ihdegates : From No, Is. W K Bdyeu, Virgil Barker and S K Young. From No. S's, Curt Winn, Jas F Had and V C Hsle. From II and 1. Co., W R I'daiu, Edward Thompson ami Fred P Nutting. The following delegates te ihe Slate Fire men'a Association to meet on June 10th, at Astoria, have Wen elected by the Coinpauirs of this city : From No. F. Harsy I'arker andTjCltne. From No. ii. ( I Fester and Jas K W tthcrferd. From II :vl l,(' Fred P Nutting and T J Overman. MrO II Irvine, ef the 11 and L Co., wilt have a seal tn the Assoctatiou by reatnu of hi n .u,. been a member on t':t j i ticiary MsaiattMs 'sat year. At a meeting of Linn saBaJMe Co., H i 1. held last Monday eviuing, I)r U V ir. exempt, resigned as foremau ef the C-m nany, when Win Huston was elected ic his place and L W Deyoe aa 1st Assistance. At the last treatm- uf the H ami i. i Mr J J Cnarltou was elected to fiil a vactucy came I iy the resignation il t Q Uil on i. TU Crop. With a heat at Uti cents aud a good pros ici tor SO cents to s dollar iu thr faii it ts no wociier the coudltiuo of the eivailier ami the present state of wheat t w ale bi d wutt concert . Were the I i.m r : aaae-1 Low leug the dry weather cuuid last without coaip.etelj luium1 crop prxjaacta it would uot know what to aoaaer. Oa WUTlBj farmer a ill .. rt i:ai everything is "i.uui" already. Aaother that wheat ueer h-nkl Mttr, is growiug fast aid cau aland a i .rs iuautity ef dry spell yet. After t e trust wheat in some localities turned velh.w, auu naturally enough lumo got scared ; but aa eooa aa the north wind Lad ruled awhii the ssJlBsT, we are told, entirely disappeared. Again, iu some localities the ground u cracking, aud toiugs look dtstuei ; but Ukr.i alugelber, it la our opinion, Ltuu couu: . will have a good crop . ? wheat this j fan, for wn.-ch 80 to lUU ceaU wil! be paid, allhnsit the pruepect of aa European war. r.f:chiug raiu winds began Wedaceday eigtVl and coniiuucs as it it meant buaiueee ! will eat at rest any fears expressed above. a the Other real. The Chioamen were so successful last week it their qnarrels with the h - l.un s that they began to taiuk that all they had to do to accuse and their enemies w mid be puuuhed. Saturday night aa a Celestial paael Marshall's livery stable, he waa hit by a pebble thrown by a Ly. Turning and making nis choice of several young mh h stepped up aud gave ese ot tbcm a kick. It happened to be oue who had not even noli . 1 the affair, a he waa sitting duwu, counting the cracks in the aidewalk. Of course he resented r, and gave tha Mongc!un a "thrashing." The t'hinamsn t-nmediaiely had bim arrested, but, when the facts were learned, ail the wituesse beiug DM the same side, he waa discharged, and the ('hiuatnan was arrested, plead guilty, was BossL and his fine paid. nr. I U- l a 1 1 , ,il at II Oil r lastSaturday Mr, Paxton returned f:om ' an extended trip through tho .- and South, much benefitted by the jouroey. j While gone Mr. Paxton i-l!ed the K- position at New Orlean. spetit everal weeks in Florida, going to the souihern part of the State, now uoted fur its won derful orange, aud vUhed iu Indiana and otbnr States. lie had varied but pleesant experiences. While gone he picked up many new ideas in reference to photography which bi numerous eosv tomers will receive the benefit of. Parties wanting pictures need not go out of Al bany to obtain as good as are made ia the State. Junt received from K. stern manufactories an iuvoicu of iadies Summer wraps, some thing ueat, stylih an 1 chesp at Samuel E. Yocno's. liiulssed. Ia the case of Judge William Bfcfong tried in Portland, the Court dismissed the petit: n ef Judge Strong's children, asking that he be declared non comjto menli. This, the Dsue- 'rat believes wa the proper thing to do. The mind of the Judge may have become weak, but it was evidently brighter than those of his family. The case has given Judge Strong the title of Kin Lear, The play, nevertheless is without a Cordelia, though it may have its Rsgaus and Gonerii's. Chief ratios Harriott Marries Lady. a LI n a Co At Ualsey last Sabbath tho marriage of Chief Police San. Parrish, of Portland and Mrs Addie Hawley, waa dujy solemnised. The Democrat extends conarratulatioos. With such an eatimahle wife as Mr Parrish nowposESHaes hs should be abls to meet ths effort being made to oust him from his lucra tive oflfiae, and no doubt will. May they live long and prosper. Two M Ik lit Blazes. A slight blaz3 caused by a chimney, at tbe Revere House, on last Friday was in stantly extinguished with some water and a hand grenade. On the same day a vuleanfaer of Dr, Aubrey's burst in his office on First street, It was immediately put out of the win dow, and extinguished by coming in con tact with tbe earth. .'r vail is Uleclloa. Lmt Monday an exciting election occured at Corvallia, resulting in the election of the following oifioera by variout majorities: J M Oabnra, Mayor. F, H Taylor. City Kcorder. A R KygH, Marshal. Wm McLaaD, Treasurer. Councilmen, iieaj .lob, Zeb Da via, J B Eryson. ATTKwrrKt anriDr. A Marrible Affair el Ike rear rarsn. A moat shocking affair occurred on last Thursday night, at the poor farm, ran by Mr C L Morris, betweeu this city aud Solo. Among the county charge there ia an ol man named Colo, aged about 85, inflrm.deaf. S a a a - nearly numb, his course almost run ; yet he attempted at the timn mentioned to hasten his death by a moat revolting endeavor to commit suicide, (letting up with nothing hut his shirt on he secured an old knife. wth short blade, bone handle, and aa dull as hoe. tJomgtothe yard he cut his throat from ear to oar in a fearful manner, hnt failed to sever the jugular vein, making a had job of it. Then, or liefnre, he oit a gash across his loft log in the tleshy part of the Hindi, from aide to side, about sic or seven inches long, the knife going into the hone hut here, too, he failed to out an artery. Than it seems, from the marks loft, that, after lying ou the ground iu the cold for somo time ho got up. wont to hi room and went to hett. whore he lay till about 8 o'clock in the forenoon before ho was discover!. His room and bed presented a most horribly bloody spectale. Though he hsd lcst a large amount of bland he till lived. Dr. Dodd waa nt lor at Scio. and the poor miserable old man was soon put in a condition to live for eOSM time yet Ho wide and drop was the gauli in his leg that it took two, or three men ! hold the parts togother while they wore being sewed up. Those who saw C-oe after wards say he preaeuted as deplorable a pic ture aa one often aeo A more allocking at tampt at auicide ia not often reoorded. Tula seem to have been aimply tired of living, having long ago orved his usefulness iu this) world. A risking Jkr It is human nature to like a joke, when it is on any oue but yourself. The latest and lst i told of a young man. whose initial are Jim M.. a having happened on arectstt rishing excursion to ( 'rabtree ( 'reek. Wa do not seech for its truth. When nearing the npfteai place for the tinny tribe it w aug fsetesl that en of tho party impure whore it was at the next house. " h. is a man in tho held yonder," MM tho hero of the event, "I'll aak him.' So he brace.! up to tho fellow, and said, "Strauger will you tell ua where tho near est tUhtitg ground are." No answer, only sdenco ensued. "Well, dang you," aid Jim, "you want til the hah to yourself, ao you can fcO to h . we will find thorn ourselve," and 'hen he left the poor, innocent, wel! made tcare crow, for such it wa. in tho ftj Id a'ooe and joined his friend, who were hold mg ;h-ir aides to kp from p4tthnc the joke. ta I'arl) Friday wa ihe "maddeat mrr!et slay" of Spring time, the first of May, a dav aa M'iated with queen, flower. auiihlne, J y, everything bright and enjoyable. It was duly celebrated by the . S. achnot of the Congregational Chun k In a very ip propriaie manner, by the giving of a May party -on the Armstrong property In ibe weatern part ol the city. Heldn a glad, Py oua time an ihtereeting program waa carried out. a nearly as could tx aacer lalnetl as follows : I he nrowulng of Mls lUad tunen of May y hr ft. S. eta, who preaooteil her with a very handome chair. Plaiting of colore 1 rtbbous arotiu 1 a May pole n by tittle girls. KfwUU'ion. song by Miss Fllndt. Inalogus krj small girls, "The War our Mothers tW1 Solo by the littlexH Mln Fllndt. Smg by Maiu'e Ciiu.ptr. its character drHia. -Her Youthful Day." S.'o by Oustia Kbiner. lUs itatiou by Miss Head. 1-artsbaOle jel aerloa. 't Mondav evening a very amusing episode occurred in the wttew ki the western tiartof the citv. A ye-ing mm. who i said ' to have taken somolhiug with a stick in it, was ! in his white horse a driok in the I ditch, while he sat in his dog cart hehim' i when the animal fractiaualy lay dewu in thu i Santiam water. Fearing the beast would ! drown the young man cut nearly all of ti.e stra(is of the harness and let the horse out, and then wailed in and pulled the cart to the I shore himself. Then he tned to fasten the . . .... if re to his cart, and thought h- hal, u . whn he taok a seat the thill few iu the air, ""thing waa seen bat a dog cat t bottom UP- The young man was under it. After further minor tribulations he succeeded in getting things sufficiently together to carry him out of sight, where, we know Lot, any more than we do the hero f the occurrence, laaxhable yet serious. Wash fahri.; for Summer dress goods, nov el tt-s iu ijitiKhsms, seersuckers, indigo bins, Pourlards, etc., etc., at Sam vet. K. Yut no's. t Or few Law. The Curfew Law of Mil city, requiring young men and women under twenty one years of age to be off the streots, except 00 business, after U p. m. snd before 5 a. m , is being rigidly enforced i t Albany Young men six feet tat, some smooth faced, some with affecting mustache, even though they lack but a short period of their majority, bave been summarily sent home to their beds on several occas ion. Naturally enough it is very em barrassing business to the yonng men. Take a boy of twelve or fifteen and he 1 usee! to being bosed ; but when he reaches twouty it is mighty humiliating to him to be ordered home. The Dkmoouat has always advocated tbe law, and does not go back 011 its past record. If a minor wishes to b-4 on tho streets all he has to do Is to ret the nertrt of hia parents or Kit irdiao, whoih is complete protection if he presHtit it to the Nuhtwate.h, If bis parents refuse to sign any such permlAlon he ought by all means be made lo stsy at home. Itlndlnic Wire. o.viug to the uncertainty in the amount of binding wire to be mod this season, there will not bo any more imported than is actually ordered. Those intending to use it will have to send their orders to me not later than June 1st, and as much earlieras possible, as same will have to be ordered Irom manufactories in the Bast, and orders must b sent in at once, for it to bo here in season. ki. E. Young. Account, We are sending out accounts this and next week to those who are In arrear on subscription to tbe Democh at, Wo hope those receiving statements will make pay ment at once as we reed mouey to run our business. Oo not wait but send in at once. Band of slope. The Band of Hope meet at V CTU Hall bhis Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A full at teadancerequestedt Ji ii i :db4dy g or i.v v The llault Ulll Mostly MeslSlNPit. Tne first of tho week Judge Deady l anded in his deoision In the matter of the petition ofH Koehler, a synopsis of wldoh MM given iu tho 1 Ikm ot iia i' H lost week. As the mst ter waa informal and j-nii, tho opinion settles nothiug. JdK , lends give it a his opinion, 1 liat the puwer of tlo .1 im to altar or repeal the general incorporation 6l ol Ursgou is ipialillej, ao that it cannot I here by "impair or duatmy any vested St rp rst right." '1 hat a railwsy uortHnatiwii foimsd under the general inoorMration act of i, , . , n ha a vested iixht to Collect and receive a raom- stile conieusatiiiu lor the traiHpm'tatioit of Craoua aud ptoierty over ila road wliudi the jialaturo uannot impair or destroy. That the Icgulntur may presenhn ratet of Inn and thoaame will be prestim- d to be reasonable until ths contrary is shown, but the judiciary are thu llual judge of what is reaaouable or what "impair ' the veattul right of the o irnoratioii o a leaso ia ble comiHrnsatmii for ita lurvu tn. That the legialatur may prohibit any die crimination ly a railway corporal nm between I'"1'"1" oi lilaU4 nidi hi tbe paiiie li dolir in enable u to retain or areeie husim-as at a point or iilii -o where them ar ciiiinxtln llleent tralMlNirtatlou, an I in mi. Ii SSbM II may tmtft ies for a long haul thoi a short one in tha sail dirretioii, a.i n . ihe charge fur the latter I rennouahle. The only iniiin practically in favor id the lailr i.vl ia the last one, and this is in ac oordanoe with Jud I toady's instruutioua, whicli are auhelauti illy, that the Ileum er it to obey all of tho pr .vunms .if the llmilt bil1 except in tho case of a long haul to and from apoii.t alfeolvd by rivr trauaporUti the road having thn rtaht to charge imr for a abort than a longdistance where cum petition with the river Umer reipiire it. Tkelr iMdaenrr. It weok w.dl to du me lisulo was at Curvai'l lookiiu or a location for him self au I tanuly. having Just come to the 8tUo frmn the Kat. Very proierly the peop!eofthat city ro- uu moti lid it to him as a gooil .:.-.. for a home. Dealrtng i,, look further h impilrtd ab ml nth. r place, among others Albany, "Albany." aal.l they, "only u h ,1.. hi Hi gmuml, nothing linn t .i." But the gentleman preferrnts: I I ssM lor hime!f topp nit i,.., while Koing to wards Noiit hern tiregoo.aud wtaurprii ed, from the deripn m g vu, to tin i th prettiest place be had wu In Or. nti, Hoe treel. elevant hom , -b.M.;. Heoerlug evem in.-n-h. work be Im me I lately aent IUl f r til family, sr. I piojMwi to mh tin . hi 1 1 i 1 1 With line reeoinmiidalniis from our Corvalll trietid A M, iy is i, iud gradu ally to work up bsta a hugo clly. tlf oourae all I'orvaUt- e so u l fal.nea'e bout Albtuv, but many .b. and no doul'i there are m pte bare kmi who stretch matters about their n-U'ib- r. Its it may. M't praoti'-e I a fboOosI one and kick ba-k imar y ev..r time a Om Una .,- an. I Ibaai The Poit and "Ne ve," of v ur.lay gve extendi d aili l. on All. my an I l.lnu county- lilliof ihr-. or lour ilunitn, pie srntiug many of ttM interest of in. oit and county In a g J. but not gonereliy exaggerabad light. Uf Albany ha aay "iLltasny, aa the county seal ranks first, with a population of atMiui a.ouo, and ia raining rapidly forward In importation a a manufturlg nanter, having SWaje ad vantage in thia dm-i-iiofi. It tiAy ba encouragrNl Industrie of this nature, and aa the county gels more deusalv pi.pulai d, they will ! axtendod In promotion. The city I eighty mtleaauulb of Finland, and has a lare orMon ofthataset agricul tural land in tne countv dlrwtly tnb utery u It. Them are exaellwnt wq.i .t faiu'Hio. and a contract ha Jui been let Wi fci Jtj a two atory echoul boase. e.4ing about f'JU.Oue, which wbl greatly ttnpr vm ihsprwi:! eon vnieuce. Tbro I a fair syabain of water works, owned by private part.ew. whtoti are ample for preaenl ueaeU. j a ir.oo.1 lire .lapartiiieul ha rodu.-e I tbe insurance P Ihe aeme rata a Portland. Hioa nre now ak d for Pi erect a 60s loo foot 0iera lloiiae.wblob, whan coil plated, weil It very rsonveuiant, llu i a much led improvement." I in- article I vary well upn.-ted by several local notice of pert of the bust no men of the city, good aa far aa tkey K". the only regret being that no more ate Klven, nnougb no that all of the priaclpai interests of tbe city would h repreaenb d h!s thouKh was tbe fault of the bus n.-aa men and not of tbe writer of the article. A Weaderfal Apple rarer. Frank Ciingman, a young man, not yet tweniy-mie, living at Peoria, is a genius poeaoesing remarkable inventive powers. Haturday we saw an apple parer cf hia In vention, which completely eclipses all others manufactured, one which . if ban -ed properly, will bring a forluno into his bands, Although somewhat iutrliate In lis makeup, Its action I complete and rs Ifabio. and does everything but dry 11 u the apple-. In ahorl il p irns, corns, slices in uniform width, cuts the, thro as the core and parltigs back into the waste box, aad tbe fruit into a bnaact, completely ready for drying, never mlaai.iK in a movement. There I another machine that alices the upnle into a spiral form, hut ao that it ha to haye Mto extra o;eraiinti of cutting it; but Mil doM away with that air Ciingman' mvtmxt h entirely orig inal, different in every particular from al other machine. It took him ahout throe months of steady work to xtudy it out, May it prove a Monument to bin genius. 1 banks. Front Itrobeu ltrarla. Wo have lecn requested hy Mr. and Mrs. Itainpy, of Harrishurg, t say that they de sir.; to thank their many friunds who have so faithfully and untiringly to rcacue tho body ol their aeo, Frank, from his watery grave, to which he waa consigned by the angry waters of the Willamette on April 12. Words cannot express how much tlmy feil indebted for the many acts of kindness shown by ad who have so nobly stood by them in the hour of sorrow. A wit w ard. Thne young men in Ih city are in the habit of goios; into the pnstenice during distribution hour., and for want of other seats they lift theraselvea by an herculean effort upon the elauting writing desk prepared for those who wlsii to writo in the building. It looks very awkard to see these youug gentle men occupying the writing desk as a eat MMT.' " Last Saturday afternoon between CundifTs brickyard and the depot a well pipe 12A feet in length. Fiudr will pleaso leave it at John Briggu. treated, A gentleman just arrival from Illinois wuut to obtain a situation as teacher. Ad dress, Strauger, Demochat oliioe. Ladies', misses' aud children ' lino shoes, also coarser grades, can be final at Mini teith A SeiteubMh,at prices iu keeping with hard times. MM ItL AND rr.XSwNaL J K Norbin, of Corvallit, wax in tho eity mom lay, Henatnr N'nurheea, of Wood burn was in Ainany Haturday, "Mine hoat" Uross of the hotel at Wat loo was in ths city Haturday. WUHan Kei.l. of Fort land, s man of some lame, was in the city Maturdsy. ilouO N Dun ny hss been in the tty this weea. lie is now llN'iite.i at I r'Un.l. Mr. Jas Wrii(htamii retuiuci Irom u visiu to t'orvslliathe that of Mm wet k. (leo K Foh niid Flincr Fiennh i.-'nruel from ()k land, Cel., m last Wednesday sveu mg. A J Hii.Mi was iu il.e fcltf ttm ur.tof tha week, inlroiliioiiig Mm K. y Avnt. Kloiida i i - - J B llornrr and aife havu he en enuaunil In teach at Ibxalmri. Thev are Ixith inuinu our best educntera. Mr UiMirife l urrell. frmrly of this oltv, s now ocaU.d at I'moma. Wnara hn ia run mug a branuh store Msi lli JKeka..ii returned to The D.ll.. m last Wediiesdav. ehern kite av.ll W '. will Fsr- T ee w r. .. J P Uall.rath ami J St I ..." lf KlI.WIII ville. wure in Alhanv last sVLtaai Ti.. DntOOfUT scktiowledges a pleaaaut uail. Mr.lohu Sohmeer Will atari. . w.l, ... I intern llrrgim, and a ill hrlae ha.k astsL Mm a hand ol horses for th valley trade. i uniMi.m, nf Sin Franmsu.i. the MaaS Slil.i S, !,.,,, I SiiMriiien dent. thai. I Ins.... ev. r arrived jj tfcsj sTeaJISltlp "( oliim- oia. Mr. Jaaoi VVOassW. and Frank Wheeler snd wife, came over bom Alkali, arriving in Ainany lat llitita.iay They will makr tu eminty their home. P. AMwniio, a joh nr nb r. i lWtinn.1 hatdayed hia form iu mir . ih. . the llrat of tha week. IC. is a v ry nait joh a well as a pleaasnt fellow. Uei O'Fellow.. of Uhtofcea Rrixxta. a of some note, near Hem. invaded our Hand. um in s very pleasant maimer last Wednes day. I N and T un Alfor I wt- in the citv laat MmU. There wa a i.mhsiy i desaant smile on the face of the l i .i ... wl c i we ill not even alu mot to aualtae. m w w Mr flay llardmsu returned thlitt of the week from au extended rip through t'alifor ill. New Maxieoand '..I. .rad . got ig by ti a Hnith-ru Pacille a. I t -t trotug by theHlmrt l.'ii". w I. Wet went ... d ... e 1 tt Tuuada) to usk- mr .ni'riiiM.t. , I, lumhrr men there fsjf ,.-,,t hkgx t.. til Miiract limy har elv Weals fir hi... r, rain I jrge sMMgi t. mi l..j .l.a.i the ('shpooia .lid . like loiding 4 ..! i mine b. I'.o'iu. MM and We. t. JndKeHtrahan went (.. I'ortUml laat Mon day lo argue the iiii(j;, ua ease ; hot ihe Atton.eva for leM I'uu tee Mortgage I'.mm pany t"l l-n . tbe maltstr wa defer ti ti .til Mac I Mli. He lawyer in the Suto tea. , 'j,,,,, in the m tiler of thulawaa J.'.lk-w Htrahaii. h rrt.irnr.l no laat Wednesday fr . .. I'oiMaud. where nr. bad Iteen to lay iu aala k o! tf'iua ami j. .ilm. u a utateiia.s MssesJIr, IU prop .. . t i make hu ire Ih.- headquarter f..r sMirUioea It will be ..I r.. f..r MMaMM nest week, Mr Kiio. k ltole and family left last week for Waahitigtou rriiury Kvra' years a.o when RmmBMII Allasay the Dtu.eiiar re u.aiked Chat a had primy Was sure to re turn, and it dnl. We venture the same remark again It w to hi regrwttaxl Mist their is more truth than iictmo in thu old saw. Iter M t. Irvine and wife will leave oo ThuraiUy morning nest f..i . vafJteJ soma tl.r r months in the Kaal I ' g lirtt U attend the meeting of the Cited PrssAyM IMsOmMMI Aseembly at TujlssTn. K Maoa. Mav -Till, and will S,lt l.We itv and lien rerun the wav. grung ij the Oregon .Short Una to Kanaaa i'lly. a i AlWaat ttarLrla. Wheat is quatad at )eeeAa, with a few als; flrar $ a barrel. (I.,ly cent l ofTered f..r potato. Vhm condition of the market was well illuatreted b. aa if -r . f farutar to mak a proaeut of tan bushels to a ' certain gentleman, which was re'ue-l. ! ... s are a hit a duaen. butler the same per pound, and only a limited quantity taken at that. Home iirat-clas I uttr maker, though, with hrl claaa reputaUous. gel Jj eaute from regular e isu.mars. Il u s Isnisntable fact that considerable Oregon batter lacks stay ma quehue. ilan.s retail fr 12 cents snd aide far 10 cents. .Strawberries, which started out laat week for M sent a box now lind plenty ef purchaser at '2 boxes for 25 cent. Onions and redtahea bring 10 cento s hunch, with few of ths latter in the market 1 iood sir I. .in atoak is 15 cento per lb , boil and roasts 10 oento per lb., frewh sslmon 10 cento,frh halibut 20 cento. Dressed chick 11 rutat! for 50 cento a piece, and are scarce st any price. With hops st only 6 ceoto not much encouragement is offered raisers, yet ssvsrsl ar putting iu g.iod ysrda. XX'ool may be quoted at 10 to 1$ pento, with no estab Siahed insrket. A t.ld separatee Mr r.wter. brother of Mia Hev Harris, of thiscity.haa just invented an ingenius.thoah simple, gold separator, w Inch contains many merits. Tho tirt of the week he mad a partially satisfactory trial of it ou the bsnk of the river, when he succeeded in rinding six or seyeu colors of gold. The separator consist of a box containing an inclined cradle with a ribbed copper bottom, protected by a fine aeive, and an elevator for carrying of the sand. Only the line saud strikes tbe rthbed bottom. A movement of th cradle gradually MTM it towards tho clov..tor. while the gold of courso goo to the bottom and remains between the rilta. The Italy trouble cxperieuoed was iu tho olev itor, which failed to woik in water aatiaf.tct rily, although its action was good with dry sand. And even if the elevator is made to operate Well, what Sabot the alkali would have a beach mining ia a question yet to pa settled. Jt has .ft r-1 au obstacle to MMtt machioes and may to this one. raffee t'lnb The Ladies Coffeo Club met at So. I s Hall on last Saturday afternoon, after a sleep of scyeral month, and reorgan ised hy the election of officers. The Club, though silent, hss uot been dis bandei', the wonderful freed.. in from lire during the pa-t year l aving damp ened their enthusiasm, iu the opinion ot some there not having beau n large enough fin to call for their services Anil too the llrcmen might remember that while in other cities the Corn pan lei Immediately donated money for the support ot the Coffee Club, Ln this City, they have never offered a cent, aud when the members gave a souiul to raise funds, only four firemen wero present. Tne Club means business now, and ia bound to push nutters under the fol lowing officers. Presideut, Mrs Dr. Kelle.v. Vice Preaideut, Mrs. Dr. Crawiurd. Hecretary Mtsu Laura tdusweil. Treasurer,- Mis Clara Biaiu. Our dress goods have arrived and ths ladies are invited te call and see them. Everything iu new colors aad designs will be found iu our complete Assortment. M on r BiTii A S ki r k.n axe 1 1 . A oomplete oast of the character io the pUys of "East Lyuue"aud a "Quiet Fam ily" whiob will be rondered next Friday night will be given in our next issue, j tfottf! sr innoin. K M French, jeweler. The lu st harness st J J I'uhrtidlo o, It) ami '2'i3 aounter at N M A I ui A Co, I he 0 Miity CottM ii hi sssa UrU this week ' ' ' ' is l . .i . . d c usi .. hull edit . Tko W. T, II j Ht'tn has I e li in ved to l'i wins, A mil line of fu. h erir at ...rad .We, i i S. .'. P. We'lacu. I'lus.ciai. jd .brgeou, Al bany, (Jr. A rpiendid Ivt of ait l.s .it Peters A Htaari,'. Hay, now, com- md got tho hen of toss st Cmied M.yor's, Fiesh mid.- .n alwayi on hand at t' o and li W .ell's. i 'onrad Meyer is dead sure to sell all km i 4 ( nastrv uhean. t er Var in Kuropo, icauae i' ,rm Meier Sella i. ..thing in. t i;oo. goons. The word News come from tho lastaita ut thr, a Miina, N K W H. He. latdias when you want a ua A i. ... of line shoes, give (eal ami iirowuelii - . ill. Charles M -i is re-'.on .w .l.i.yiiua salii.ou ami all kind of sail wain Malt I he Htete Teachers lustitute will Ik. ha d at i on. July 0 n. 7th. H u a., i ... I.vlies, gu aud e M'tutetth A H it.-uhcli' spring stock, great yarity in every deaiimaut Full hue of shell hardware at A I; "d 11 a sin's, 1 M gla ward skssl o -.i en's warn 1'we. dale krn ps a nice In. ... im and soo. p -I ware, aud doMi repairing - a,oad sbepa Try nu of the Itoind Im ,,tw 1010 5 cent eigsra.lhey are the Ims, at U . o u.d lhowu ell. We aeo that W. C. rae.tldu has jut rr oeiveil stoves another lot of new atykd parlor Ir. M. II. Fills, iihysieiau and iiri(eou Allany. Oregon. 'al' male m city or country. Fish tug tackle, cuuhry. e mg MM hine ami no . i. .us, efioalno Hiiu .i. at Will brothers. Sheep shnariu- haa eommeu.-ed au 1 Peters 4 Stewart are ral to u.,.l aluaia at low pnees Just the tiling 1 r ; v- lies, -. in, etc., I dried sin. .aw ilvillo4, aU I ... . touiul al II. aud li . F..r io cream, ceil dn,.ks. c-oileeu-mary, cigar, bihaooiaa, gioceriea, etc., go to Itutt mau sad Joaepli. Hurkhart Itroa. will ad MffMM your land for sal tree of charge. Utos iheui a call II you want t esli. Ho to I'rttshaw'a m w Ibug Store for puie d'Ugs, (latent medico.., .lv. I'iccriptlun I il', .'Uljli!,'. , One Miuneasuhs turn fega il.OOU iu a few day by the nae 10 tli MM ol floor, MM I by the war news. It is reported that four cmductor on the West -i ir Itoad bave been iiaiuissx.d. Most ol them are "uld timer.' Tbs, editor ol Iowa oo th-ir MMMMM1 io June will tie al Albany . fro as Ueuue tny will go by hack lo I Vr value. Wimiow shads, hue cartam, od cloth, carpeU, and Wall paper. Tbe utceel stock lu town al Moiiteith k .Stteabr:n . Parties already subscribers to the ! '. K i, 'who wish to seud lb paper tl to fneud or Ir inula can do so lor S- Hix hundred postmasters were a. potato I during Apt il uf the fourth el sea, List ia, IMM receiving las than a f louu sadary. io mat estate transactions in tt.ts county fat aVfftl amounted lo t-i .al, ahowlog thai there u considerable 111 in lbs iaoU market. The V. O, of PendlsUm recently a..el auiaaciioer lor 1 5b, which il recovered, u, in .laliimeul lo tb deleudsul v( aouut $.'J. MeMV you fod much with elMFfM thia aeaaou go to Peter A Slaaar. ami buy a bites machine that will toko me e Is out ol cherries. Mattreeawi and lounge fr sod sll kinds ot upholstering work MfSMf d at J F. Ilavta, just east ol ieyoe aud K beeou's, AHaaoy. Oregon. Any arty wishing to pun. base a good faun, en her for crsm ..r suack will do well by caiitng ou A It l. u at C ... Koai Kstate Aiicula, al i ' .. t lr. Chne. Moute il, . 1 o, have -p-cimeo ' ol ry at tbeir . ii -. which tbev heMsadst M fr.... ll.e .,..1. , . 1 r.t 3 inches h 1 1 beak. IMM , sell. I ' i I t.c fare trom A I mj 1 1 uruan s it at Aslorts and iriutu l.aa i..n pUccu at fti an uncommonly lei nsV . hicb wdl piobably induce many to go. Mr VV KCraham haa built an addition to his residence on Cahpouia MreM in tbe south aeateru part of the city, an 1 ha Ken erally improved its apperai. .-. If the Valley is to htve dry weather it ooniil uot bavoauy better 1 a.. it ha had, character.sed by a protecting s nuke and a dampening dew in the uioruiii Laat Wedneeday eveniug in a practice drill by No. I s boee team. Mr Will Richards fell aud waa run over by tbe cart, but very fortuuately escaped sevsre injury. A queer dispute is going en between two of our termer Iriends about a colt, a slop bucket, and ome other matter which we can uot mention. Bring him to tune, Harvey. Tbe structure at the oack of ths Curt Houae juat built, has cost aixot It is well ananged, contains all tne lataist sppli - anees and is a monument to ths SjMrinteud ent. Burkhsrt Bros., hive sevorsl oat) custom ers lor small plecas of iau 1 ot from 24 to bO acres. It farmers wdi be willing to divide their laud mto this six j tract we uai sell them. One week from to night, May loth, the celohrated play of "East Lynne" will be presented at Crawford' Halt by good local talent It will be for the heuetit nt the Me chanic's Hand aud should be lr. rally patron ised The court room at the court house is be ing put 111 a very srtutio conditiou. It cr tSIUlv needed renovating. Well kept county buildiuga speak 111 stroug terms for a c ty and county. Brush A Son. are rearranging their build ing on Fust street, aud will soon uieye their wire works mto it. The have made ar rangements for obtainiug power from Brink's furniture atom. Iut'i.e groat 14-1 och balk line billiard tour lament lit Mow loik City, winch ended on Tnurs lay (loorge Sloasou won tbe champ loushin. iyjliaeib-r was aunixiaod to hve the i"Bt ctJMceH. S nie exoitemeat was occasioucd last Wed neaday around the Brush B o .k by tl.o ex cavation of the remains of a baby. It is thought some children mu.t have lest them there, as it was not a largo enough doll baby tor a growu peraon If you want your property advertised call on UutM, Moutetth aud t o., immediately. If you waut votir property sold call ou them. It coat you nothuia! to adorti o with this linn and very little to eM, A few days ago Brof I N IVub il performed an 01 initial operatioa 011 a vk uf Mr. Alex CunuiULtham witli irrat au.ueaa. Battles dusii'iug his services should call at Mr, t'u.i niugliAin'a blacksmith shop. Ilotiiember to call at tho store of Peters & Sieaarnaud sue those new fangled steel nail. I uey ure cheaper than the old iron uail, will clmou, can be used a rivets, ami are stiller than him old nail. Caterpillars hy the million have made their itppearauoo aluug Hie Cahpooia a tew imlea abovo this city, luey seem to he tiav- eliug aud do no damage except te strip thu ash tree aud bushes of their leaves. Now is the time to sell your land, place it in thu lamU of Burkhart Bros., they have letter fac.hties for advertising ami selhug lauu tbat any otber agent in Uregon, aen d them your name and they will seud you their Heal Estate Paper for oue year free of ohurge. The Oregoniun says there is now no State Agricultural College, and will be none uutii tbs new building is completed. Very natur ally Corvallis people do uot like this state of things ; but, if ttiey have themslv.s to blame thoy should keeu their complsiuts locket I up. Early the other mnrniug an amusing seen waa presented at a jail vtimiow by tbe dis covery of a prisoner playing seven up through the grate with a young man perched on a high platform, made for the occasion, oo ths outeids. There is m thin like taking matters cool ia Ibis world. The new residence of Mr Wa Frotnrs. oo First street, is one of she best flaia led of any in tbe oily. The wood work oo ths inside is Mr Frnmm'. and hi handaorn- 1v engraved, as well as oiled, giving it a riea sppaarsnoe. All that Mr F rsmm Iseks i ow is a bird. The osge anuot be snrpasssd. Last Hundav a dog at ths Dr pet Hotel bit s son of Mr Edison over th eye, tee only cause beiug that the boy had presented ths dea with s piece of breed ; bet he had been provoked so much by straugers that he thought off. us wa meant, and hence the t'lte. Mr Klhaon demanded tbe scalp of the dog and waa given the beast entire, the dog arter wards meeting dtsth as a penary for mm iu cotiriuct Three Alalama u so advertise 1 that they woi. nell tint) in tresnbeclra for 910 The received 20U0 letter and several thotamd lollsra in iMO'ov, which ihey kept, aeodlnr uotiiiug in return. Ih letter save been captured and m-w there is a sensation over the names of thos . who ordered the mone . ' What fool, we Mortals be." real etetate Traasaelleaa fee Swell Hnrah A I'ro.ik 19 )! '4ltirt'f, lhaM W ii ..f Mr 2, n Tp 11 M (t I W. exce:H V f.rmn hmrmt4f $rm a-ild to K Msber. (Jon I I. ration, $no tame H VM"-a 1., iafta) feridum. so nrrmn In Tp 10 " III S ('ouadertn. 70 Milton Houston to .fam V Plrase, V '4 f hie do nation eiabn in Tp I H It t W. 1 v.fisldm-atioo, fSOf, Samuel Masks In Andrew fto b. 114 aerealn Tp It M R 4 W. 'nn-iderato.u t W ff Tatherow in Andrew 114 syre In Tp it H R 4 W ( v.naldsrailonjl Heater llobart In Traek fountrvmae, 2 17 aerew In Tp II H Rt W. 0 mldera Men. 4 M Ib.hen Hlaas to John Edwards. Im 4 In Block 4. In fiaa Addition to Crawferrls ville. Conlderton. 926. W R Cannon 10 Ju'lu Gradwehl, nrt of IrHs 7 and fc In Blrack , Albany Cen Mideration. M0. W R ''anon to Jams Marly, psrt of In' 7 and 8 lo Block in Albaiy. fni lar ation. MVO. W RCannn to Allaxny Building A' cia'len. part wf i..tH 7 and s in Blo- k 9 AH.anv. Conabtare'lon. flSOrl A Harklemsn fu,rts Har t-nan. In ' in Blk II IriS.elsr , fi mTMlMI Hi l D I. Curt to B. aan B d w'baim-r tsssj Ion land . Ib'iii r,r ,f u Jnswa srd S W 4 of N K ! of ii. Tp iflM R j E. fosv slderallnn. IM ft P tnd fO(..rr- ",1'va-i .,gi I SJ ar. 1 N'of tr.l g of IVnt ae-Pea blPuin toHe'o. f 'onsldarHt on. i7. John Bryan -o J OlieMeai. li'1 -rr In Tp I H H 1 K r MsJil Ifrti is. f-fto Tboois A Ar- a n .1 W -hep eaj. li ? mi I '.'it vt io Alhanv fTnnstili sft 1 ii.lalgl 0 f andfor.i to A'm M Dsvl 157 a rae In Tp IMK'i W Irai.n,ioo riavhl Prl m lo lohn fear-e'laar -arl -us isaraels lo Tp II M K I PI. QMS llif sHen. Si 'SO. II K Hur'sMirt 10 Jno v Khu'tr. 1 --rrs In l MflE I It C nl lertl.o 75. A It M .rr.s pv l W s. . , ... half of Inta 7sn l ofRlk I tT In Har ;le man's a Idltn.-ii.i !hanT. 0 MislderaMon. fun Andrew R Ahsmfnr.l.'ll '-s In Tp Uf It t W OMMMeMVtrMjaaST. K .1 : and fleo V Kiutn Power "f K , ... , Wui Ha to W V MM 4 snd '. ' It W 21 in llsr-k!inn'- ad iitton to AU'sov (Viueinoratton. $41 ia ' retron to M4MM andrn. W f. sae 4, Tp II, H R 2 W. ConsMeriioo. V II M -I.--, pt Hanon Khlon H4 aera lnTfilS HI W V n-idaratlon. f I7A. M t . '.aim t H Hrvai Pi M K C-dT-lr. 141 erasj in To III K I W Consideration. t?l5 Al'sauv OMatMere aidalon t f M . oe.., lot S7Q In It k W. In the) anaihern MVtfcVwi in allssni I'eineterv ground. I'aualdera'loti. f.'S I nlted ttMSI i l YarSroagh.lHI sew In Tp s R 4 W Pa ent J T Jackaon t. -t. ..hao Rallia. 99 ith in Tp IX H R '2 W onideratlna 9I4M Mar v J Kir-bar loo 10 HteohaS) RaMiet, S3 aerwe in Tp IS 4 R 2 W. (Quit claim 1 P V Merrl ia Prank Jshnson. ftg sere In tp m H R S W (Qolt Halm.) Wm Hale p. MI'ton Hsle. lo a-rwin Tp 10 . R $ W. ('oa aide rat ion. $ls Jnhn C Doein P R R Humnhrav. on half inters in Z4n aerea in Tp 41 S It I W. ('r.nsidsra'hMt. tSOO Rahal M ftosrfa to If J Mapla. lot I fl 1 4 In Albany 'onldrtlon. $2nn M M Walieoe pv C T Ingram. lo 1 In ,t,k 2 ws;""' alditlos) to Alhanv. tNmidtlon. Vsi . nTo a sw! H 2 E . "enws ' ? 'l..k Klht1?' Wlrts railrMi. . $ J XV Jona fr Brunti B-aJMln-hebwer. dona'lo.-i oleim of J W Jone ronrllne: ttm arrea n Tp Id S H I J fQ ih f;elm ) nited Slalaa In I WJ . ia. . r-a in Tp ins K IE I 'stent M I' Hurlburt to J W .-hnlta. W sere in Tp II ft K K. COnaid-ratloa, $S&. Kike Ackermwn to II F Hurt hurt, aft arrest in Tp II H R I R ConaideraMon, fOOn. W t R'o Hard n to J F Rueer and H M Lynn, h a-rw in Tp lt)S 111 W, C n aidfraiion, tl4n. Mtate of oracen to lielie't KensJiir. 10 're in Tp 14 8 Rl W. C nsidertlon, $ I I'll M Havne to -oU War I, 14 1 sores in Tp IS s K J v . ( -arts! deration 19900. F V r-mii to J J White, ft acres in Tpa It and 1 1 s R 2 W. Consideration. $9000 O P ( 'oanow to John Franren. lota 4 and .' in It's 2 in tlauseman'a adsBMon to North 3r-s" nsvllle. Canslderataon, faae- one Tea mi T One tm of th already famous "Ploek toliaooo just receive 1 at A B. Mel 1 wain a. Buying iu such large qsantitias Mr. M. Ilwaio is able 1 uoderseU si! other dealers Uiis is the best tobacco u ed. Cell aad get a sampls ping free, and you will chew no othei. Letter Ust Kolloa ina; la the ttet ol letters rsrnaifiinf la th Post Oate. Albany, Linn ooonty, Orsfsjo. May 7th, 18S6. Persons oalUnf for these letters most firs Um date oa which they were adrerUssd : Cottle. H W Davis. Mrs H U ens. Uvl Freriand, Mr Bell McOuaell, Mia t loisnce SstiU. Mrs Nettie Winter, Mr Vsdsr, Harvs Wilklns, Joba J. M IRVING, P. M. e KwTICK. AU peraosa knowing thsmselve indebted to th late fir at of K L Thompson A Co., are sarnealiy rcqueated to oall aad settle iniute diate'y. Mr L M Foster having retired fro a the busiuesa. 5, 10 aad 25o eouutors at N H Allen A Co. 5. 10 ami 25e eoouter at N H Alien A Co. M IRKIM. MONTtiOMERY STRANZBtt. Ou May 1st, 1HS5, at tho Kxchsnge Hotel la A -bauy. by Geo Hu.npnrey, Esq., Ma W M MoNTAOatBaT and Miss E V Srsa itzei both of Linn oeonty. t: AKDNIIR -HULBURT.-Ia this eity, oa Sunday, May 3rd, lli5, at ths Presbyter ian Church, by Rsy E N Coudit, Ma Wist naioi ti xausKs and Miaa Lot- Hulbubt botb of Uorvallia. BERWICK ORKEN. Oo Sunday, May 3rd, 1835, at the residence of Rev. S. Wil liam, 10 miles south of this eity, Ma. J.u.-.s K. Bbrwicb and Miss AvmbM. OaUMX. Uappiueaa and long life to the newly wedded pair. Mia - -. - - - - - -rrr 1 1 si CA KTEK. Ou Monday, May 4th, 1185, m Bentou county, near this city, Mb. Hksbt E. Cabtkk, asd 38 years. Mr. Carter was a sou of Mr. Talbot Carter, and was a young man ef meet excel lent character, lieing highly spokea of by all who knew him. Re leaves the legacy of a good name. Uev 8 G I -ina preaehel the funeral sermon. THOMPSON. -On Mondav a.. tth,18S5, 00 Soap Creek, boo ton soaaty, Joa.t, son of Kufus Theiupien, aged 14 yean. John was a model, exemplary bey, and his bereaved parent , brothers and sisMM have the sympathy of a large circle el rieades Ctpar ttr ea ih KtTerfs ef epatstlea Tbe spectacle of four witueesea swear ing to facte which would clear a prison r, one to fact wbich would eiiiuii i Mm, and the Jury rendering a vrli.n in aceordsujce with the latter, is an lJ tensely Interesting one. 0.1 the face n It the one has receivai a insrked com plimeot In tbe detriment of the four a maiier of far-t it was the word f one. ami tiie bad reputation of the pri oner, agiiiiat the four, weakened by A . m a a ef repor's-d inenoniup tor the prison? How htimilietiiig It must be is ha vo . e. word fiili.ely ignored in a Court nf Justice, to ban- it regard' d .'ilea rind from a erne or a mushroom N . 0., Tev It Is the reputation that -he it The word of one csan with a name for truth ie worth that of a dozen win werw never known to carry ihe Hulr hatchet. Just let a jury get su Inkin g that a man Is noted as a fabricator, aud you might a well alfemp' 'o drink up the Wl lametie as tony to indue- them u believe anything hossjrs. Knowing this full wr-ll the lawyer will 101 -e , "Is it not a fact Mr. Mar thsi you were im pear: bed In th crletiranvd flsmlder case. Of course the auest ion will h okle-ded In. and lie lawrt er wlll sar Wr-ll. never mind.' but the work line I eon d-.,e. Whether i-o.m eleut or I . that little uiiestion will in a majority f cases airs in Impeai-h the witiie,e)d it serve him right. It Is the wins mi bad reputation. And r-nutslion i what count evory time, a fed I atu-te late now that I am end. .ori g to ouit my occupation ol bummer flayeunf mau have It said of bin. .that lie i rivet. to picking rows with chinamen, has helped himself to the watch of a he p leas boy, relieved another on of aeveral dollars, only reluming part, aud has nottiing rovl aid of iiim : and the ' bailees are. auddeserye In be. uecideil. iy against Inin, If he it arreat d f r aay cause. Mas V.aaaalls aalrlnr Ibe news rasche u iht Max HUtctmr couirr.ilted tiicide at Han Frarieisco a few weeks Alleged csue Iro-urabledia- e- whh-b i! e rewder o'the 1-u.m- cut who kiow M wn! be allowed lo tn s. pretaaibev ptesssw, pier Max, ii.grnius. generous., a t.aMe, 1 1 -any isit.ll i uian usaeni of i.i. ekiil wi'h Mm bru-h n PraiM-i was evidently io inurb Pr hiui Max sss MsMsrhM f the Hook A !..! ler I'.i'i.pauy. 'fthlrhy, at thettoie wf b d-pu'ure from . em iw year ago te ii f aj excel eut a a nteaian. B I M a'oefting hooeelf Sp-ter wrote tl.e lopt.Wlltg -fr , -a'-i.-n wa llr.l tl fo his III ail : lino K.csisa, 4 fsterMaf Krlea-fs av4 .4 ia.10. c : 11m: ie ou that I .-til ,1 Uiis wimI I .a MM lUaa.Mrr la Imw-ua te a larnMe aaU ia CSJrasae U'aaarc aakw 1 cuiom eaasure. This ..!.... 1 tis.s ssMMsm si by tbe use (A lamln MSSS Utal r' it as u iajure Use as-aaa-tt. wluck a luoea a ill reonn Uei 1-aal ta.l I eat. TW aa 11 I acfer at is a. ri!.l..r I :.- fr sill u.. -c. Usr naaaai bicu foav-re mjm it. takiax t- .'. !.. i. I RnaU uialcrtake 'a. oMsui elm.l i a e I J-a.f la bat so ..s ui iu. (...... a. -I ilu. us SslsiSSe lit l.rnua.. s$ Ue tart tat lay I ...I aii,k- 1- mc x tdrcaa vl a aasal-sa A Le ' Mrs i" A. at. sr.'. SWrat-r, r.. stssaaa HU -a." -j 1 l.r'uiM to a I irieaJe ai.u , ears I a. .a )MI uvtU.r Sajfc llu i I laa-.r . ilMai , also, hert ma o. .. ir uutuyh. II ti MUt'l. !..- te r, dtsbar., IseVtt, U .. JtSSs, ISM MWa fsw stalMtag BrMre, !" . fcwt isris-a1 --ids f tr ptini: tlie Kich-ar-' f bri.le aorsa Oabtr C and ; e .1 .1. r- 11 bi d e .- - S . th .Vai.tiain wrre t.iaaed hy it.. ' I '.iirt yesterday : ktf-Banonox eniiH... J J H oi f, 57 . A U r aud Son, eoso ; J v .iia a ataaas a a.- o . ?.S.Ti : N Jof.n Itoyal. 94:.t ; St - 1 n SioMr. (CU0 ; L) H Math .!.. i .": 1. aasnr.bao.t ..i.n,i. St. John k Swe, Msmm tru-- $ 400 ' - Nt.i htr-tse. .360 H-w tr j . ui . . j 0G0 " " - S Ms, lra-(vvia mm 1 Ifebo M 1 nadder, st. . nKle toocka M C Ktidds-r. caat ess. a Idoeke. . . . OS.BI 2560 Hi J.. 1 . k Royal, I Iowa trass 2185 Bmtmk trua. 204O li.. e tru(n ) I1W9 V S v ail. r 4 Su, M-we truee I S d ,,.r . Wsatltl tiuaa -345 J I ii ins. Hose truss 2tD7 J J 1 in, Hoe 11. . lsM tT757 WfslSrr. Huoi.iiary of Mctearoi...--- i r A pri leH-t. trout h-ervatioQ taken at Albany, Li.n 'o. Uregnu. by John B-igc. a. Highest Bar. 30. 12 s h.wssat, 20 54 ; Bsass . 'ill 80 Highesit Temperate re, SO; htwe-st, 27 ; ol.ST. Hun at 7 a. 9 p.m., 52.76. m . M il 111., 6f 20 Prevailing wind, X. Maxima m velocity force, S Total rainfall and melted month, 1 Ne inch. s. soow unug Nsmher of days on which .01 inch jr mors rain tell, 6 Nombsr of days of clondio-s, average 8 in Male of 10. G. Hail storm ou 15th, 111 h aud 17th. Of 90 observation 14 were clouds, 6 rain, 9 tair, 3 fov, 57 clear and 1 overcast. hrsipt Mark Of KrauM Bros., locatod at Eugene City and Portland haa been purchased by us at leas than half New York cost from the Assignee, which haa been removed to Al bany. The stock consists of one of tbe largest and best selected stock or clothing, gents furnishing goods, boots, shoes, hats, oapa, etc., ever brought into this vaBey. The goods are all new and fresh and of ibe best quality. Wa now psaysjM to aeil be same for cash at prices UmI none MM compete with. This to no b sua, but facts which yon oan verify upon ex t uinati n. N. H. Ai.r.i.N, 57 Firt street, fob aaur. I have on hand carriages, hacks, both covered and open, buggies and carta manufactured by the lam Fred Wtllert, which mu-t be sold in order to settle np the estate. The work will recommend itself. Oall and see it. Will be sold at great bargains. W. M. Kktcuu-i, Administrator. Te Uss Co. Threalsen. Every thresher in Linu county is re quested to meat at the atote of A B Mo ll wain on Saturday, May 19, 1886. By request of several iLteehers, Ha as hwrg Ban a roister? and Laee. N. U. Allen A Co. have just received a splendid liae of the above go a, which will be aold remarkably cheap. A little Vie best ebeese ia town can le aad by eaUiag on Kbad A 1 BISKS! L. 6, 10 aad 25c counter at N II Alb n A Ce 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H AUeu A Co. 6. 10 aad 25o counters at N H AUen A Co Yes we mean it. Our prices 00 boots and t ba beat when taking isjM ncnaid quaJity snd at) le ot gtoda. Read A Bkoweli.. vrhesiBahy wssaiek, wegaTebarCASTOBIA. VTbea aba was a Chud, she cried far CASTORIA, V Tiea ah became Miss, saaehiag to CaVBTOWA, asw shelisil nilliMB, sAegaestaW CAJSTOELa-