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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1885)
5 r SfATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES& .SITTING. lSaOFFI'E"la Dtmucral UulUlog-u Mroarialbta Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ttoft copv, (Hr year, In advance .. M eio.-!. copy, per yew. at wl ol year 3 W oil copy, U mouth 0 tinjrU copy, thw nionihn eiotrte number 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. - R. S. ST RAH AN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albanj , Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this Stat. Will alve special attention to collections and probate mattsr. Office in Poster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. -AND-- Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brigga store, tat street. Ti-rassu J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, tlBOV. ORH.OV. Brm PRACTICR IK AH. THE COURTS OF THE Y SUts. Special atteatlon pvm to t.vllevUon. and probate inattel film I in Odd Fsi Temple. US r. o. rowaLL. w. r. hilt an POWELL & BILYEU, vTTO RNEYS AT LAW, Aod Solicitors iu rhaitcery, 4LB4NT. - - - ORF.UON. Collections promptly made on all point-.. C.oans negotiated on reasonable term. asaTOfftoe in Poster' Rri. i:.-st. THnl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Ittorasy Inl Couns3llor it Lav ANO- otarv Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practie in s!l of the OcwivSS of t h ie State. AH bioon. int riKt.-! to him will he promptly attended f. E. W. UNCDOM & CO., DHI'tiGIKTM. rt ioks. vttionrv and Toilet Artfcilea, A Tjtree Stock and Iw FrSwi. CITY DRUG- SrOKE, FISH AY & MASON, !)nirists Hfid Booksellers, AI.ttl'VY, ORKGOW. rtsB41tf A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PBKSCR1PTI0B CAREFl'LIJ Weill, Albany, Or. DR. C, W, MASTOK Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, OREGON. LOUIS CftlHPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp raanr-.. which arH aivtya kpt in good flit Inn, and hair cut in thn vory best style. REVERE HOUSE, i .rnr Mrat and Ellsworth Albany, regeau Chas Pfeififer, Prop'r. This nw Heidi. Stteu ni iti ftnrt -'juw -tyle. T.blM applied with the bat the marlet .ff'Ktis. Spring Bad. in every VUiom. A r,"l Sample Itooin tor Com ii ill Tru-r'nn trir r.arh t- ami from FURNITURE. ( have the bes stork ot furniture in the city and w.ll sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE iu the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and caa give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. ALBANY. OR. The First Term will commeuee on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the course of study and the pnee o( tuition, apply to ItKV. ELBERf Jf. 1T. Prraiatta A.loany Bath House. .r,i..Ttn uattt n DnomriT rauy ijiiorin snw oiMa- .aitA I r.ilw : ifortn the oitixenf o j.i,h.t 1 havetftKenonareeoifcuis keeping clean roomi and paytn trietatUntioa to baiinesa, expects to suit al those who may faor us with their patronage Saving heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressine Saloons expects to give entire satisfy lion to al j-O'ldien and Ladies' Hair neatly on ba'np'.ond. J(M W WHrJr.rv. CHAS. METZGER'S Fish, Poultry and Game Fresh fish of all kinds constantly on hand. Poultry dressed to order. .H kinds of game in season. Goods deliver ed promptlv, free of charge to any part of the city. Next door east of Tweedale's Tin and Stove Store. B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, wmk. alwavs breakine. unless you have tbe kind sold by Peters fc Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought iron, cannot jump tbe track and will asfc a bfe time. Don't hang another barn door ul til you have seen tbjm. State VOL. XX NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF TJSED. T!!la.I.riBiii.h elr . floinr Cwfcea, ('rfmni,l,.l.liH,,,lf.,m delleattel) uxU ..... urully u.lhrlVwIt frwnHklcb hc art mm. FOR STRENGTH AND TKTE FBCI1 FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. -II ! .V TN Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, III. 6t. Louts. Mo. 0 Dr. Price's Crtam Baking Powdar -BO Dr. Price's Lupulin Wast (Jems, Best Dry Ye-t. ICE BAT.Tg S-2T O-agCCSS&e. WS RaJUi ULT OMi gUUlV. r"or ml hvCutt(ns, Marl.-. Co, Portland, or. SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and atronsreat Natural Fruit Klnmra. aiill!a. lrmoii. Onuigr. Almond. Koe. etc., Oavor as delk-aU'ly and liatumJ! v a-i the Iruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. Lona. Fv! br Cutting Marie n.t rv tv Or (uticura Infantile Skin Beautifiers Aopeal to MothersTry Them. FOK Cleansing tie Skin uul ScUp of Uirth Humor., f ,r .liuriif luhti.w, Buriiitix IntUmnut tl. 1 r curing Um flrM .ynt.ntom. ( V.-tfaK rwjni. Milk Cruet, Srmll Head, svr-.fn'. '.J 4hrr iuhriied km ud bli.Ki uiMBM., Cracr. th. trret Skui Cor, Wu Cmccu JioAr, n in.itc skin BenuU Ber, SStnl Daily, awl Ctnci IUtM)t..T, tb. new Hiond 1'unScr, tulemallT, -at c intaUib . AUululvi para. TERRIBLY APFL1C7TED." Mr. and Mr e.ervtt St.bbina. Hetchertowu. Mu., write : "Oar little by waa tarribl) altlct4 itb Scrofula, Salt Rheum and t.wlaa er ma,- h waa bum, and nothing wecMild 71 v. him he!pri bin. antil w- tried Cvrtc aa KcKtiE. nbich vrvuall cured him, until be U uum aa fair aa a&y thlW " -haoo FOR OTIII-. Wm Gordon. H7 Arlln1n Ai., D.rleat'rf, Maaa , writ. : "Having paid ab-Kit -'. to ftraUt-lan doctor, to cure my ha)) , wlltx-tH .tyre.., 1 lrel the Cttl craa Re.Ktina, ahicU mi.l'U 'r. cured, after mu.g three n.irnyea. "FROfl HEAD TO FEET. CfeaSta KaT Hinkle, Jeraer City MfUfht., K J. wri'ea : "My mta. a lad of twelve year., waa cmptwte. ly eared of a terrible caw: if Eoxeo-a by to. CMM aa KkKMr.biM. Front the Up d hi. bead to the de. nf hi. lent waa one maaa of acaba." Every other remedy and pby.tctan bad teen tried in vain. FOR PALE. LA arc; LID Emartated rhiUlren, with pimply, wllow .ki, the Cxnci a Rivuxdi will pov- a perfect blei-,g, cleansing the blood and akin of inberit-d impurttlc and expellinf; the gem. of r .tu rhrWMtu, snmptn, awl severe akin dneasra. "BEST FOR THE KI." Yur Ctnio'aa Bcnabfra are the heal f r ktn dis ease I have ever aold, and your Cimm Soar tiw finest medicinal toilet aoa in the iarket, C. W. STAPLES. l(Uimu.t, col i Mdls, Wis. Sold by all driigirista. I'ri REoLver. l : els. i ncvaa, ro eta. j IVttcr 1'rn- and Chemical Co.. IIMtoii, Ma.. Sead for "How fa wre SUIr Ulaes.ra.' Qinu I'm- fnllrnra Snap, an cXMu;itely DAD I ijerfumed ktn ttennttOrr. DEYQE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. (Joltra.) DEALERS IN-- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUftC-IES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO inform the public that ho is now pro pared to do all kind of tone and marble work on short notice. All Work war ranted to irive aatiftfafftion. Will work I . 3 11 1 - S . . !... ..1 w.w..n Rnv inn a KiD( H u fu uul urni iiu- iwarirhig aad roaatttag a specialty, call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as I will not bo undersold. Phopon west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. l. W. HARRIS, Prop. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR F OR SALE CHEAP. Three well bred stallions, mid thirty draft and saddle liore. vV T. (' if 'II HAN, Brownsville, Or. H OTKL FOR SALW. 'rim TacL-son House. Prinevillo, Orecou, 32 weii furnished roo'.ns. !lm only hotel in town, larfe a-xi u.'ooi -nt, with all ntcessary furniture. Pi ice ronable sad terms easy, A . B. COLVKR fc 8 If. Prineville, Oregon, EXTRACTS ION IMTTOV We suppose every uian that h ts bttM in Oregon ton y'arr has heard of Tom I'atton. Tom is a bliiniii liht iu the g. o. p. of Oregon. Tom ntsuds as monumental exei..plitictioa f the (ruth of (he maxitm that : "Wherever (lol vrvuta a houac of prayer, Tlio devil alwaya huildaa ohapel thera." Tom, like all other spoil loving ElepaMioalll and Utter day "iudt;MMi dents," has alwaya conceived the irt ting of an otfiet to be the chief concern ot ali go id Repablioaee. Tom get an ollice iu the Cuatooi House aoaietioie ago, but it whs said that evtm John P. waa heard to aar that "he must have a long spoon who m with th devil." At all eventn,Tom waa kicked out to make room for tonts other truly loUw man. But Tm with the wis dom v many and the wit ol one," ar cured fiom Arthur'lhe apMiiutiuent of t.'onoul to .Taan. It waa aaid :it the time ot Skis apH)intmeut, that the li -publican bri-lhren ctinsent.Hl t. T.mi'a being i-nt to HtOM in order to irmov. him li. no OtaMM 0Ulltl,tll'l In'. "I'-jI lowing the ati of the uit;ompitred will," hied himself away la the ahon of the Japan See, thtuc to ilriek la the sweets of the "spoils of oftiW which, tor bog years, bad been laviah'y diatensed to faithful 'Rspublicsn workers" br RepwbitwW Preaide&ts. Hut an evil day for Tom is uion uu. The wicked Domocrate elected Cleveland, and the immutable bat has gone forth that the "rascala" muat be givr-n the grand bounce. Now, whatever else may be stid of Tom, all will agree that be is "araari," tor, jost as soon as be learned that Cleveland had determined to "turn the rascals out" bo at once began to preparation! to go. Some-how bs felt that he would have to go. So Tom writes a letter to "My Dear Fisher," in Saiem. Tom tries to be facetious, but tbose who know him, know that that would be impossible at a time when he is about to lose an office. Ah ; no, Tom looks npon his unexpired com minaion aod exclaims in the most pa thetic tones : " 'Twer rain to 1. 11 the ail I fel. Or say for thee I'd die." Tom says be expect evry day that some aibletie, virtuous and temperate Democrat will come to Hiogo with a commission to till bis boots. Ah ! no Totn, you remember thai boot-y arrangement out at Jacksonville in the early times. No Democrat coald fill such boota." Tom ssye he is "ready to fold bis tent and silantly tteal sWay to Oregon," but there is tbe tub. Oregonian a have not forgetten that some one was once induced to tteal a bill that had pauuted, or was pendtog before ao Oregon Igialatuie and they now buddetat the thought of Tom e "silently'' stealing away to Oregon. Tom saya he wants to get up a report that his Democratic successor will have something to pattern after. How cru I you are Tom, to thus dasire to ruin morally and politically, him who is to succeed you. "Oh heaven, that auchcmnaiuuu. thou' Mat nufold. And pot in every honest hsod s whip To lash the rascals through the wor!J." roTATO HELD. Prof. J. W, S inborn, of (he Miss ouri Stiito Agricultural College, has recently l.-tued Bulletin No. 12, in wliich be gives the re.ulti of tests covering nine years, and conducted upon three fcrrefsfor determining the comparative value of several methods of planting potatoes. The average returns for seven years from meas ured ground and weighed potatoes, the product of two farms, and io agreement with unrecorded result? on a third, are summarized below, with their value per acre, at 50 cen'a per bushel : Produce per acre rom Buah, Value. Sec d of whole potatous, large 224. 1 $113,50 H small 117. Seed of stem end of potatoes 1 48. seed " " One eye to the hill 81, Two eyes to the bill 104. Three eyes to the hill 100. 88.50 74.00 84.00 40.60 HUN 80,00 Period of six yar- p. of. Haitian i s n t lii les hh rep irt wiili the roo.itik Uiuf from those seeking lor facta b pi'ly to farming for profit, or commercial (arming, he invites careful attention to the signifi cance of these figure-, covering the length of ilmo and variety of con dltlorm thrtt they do. Maine. Farmer. MORMONISM. This foul blot upon tne ho ly pol itic is now approachirg the beginning of its end. We hope and expect soon to see it pub in line of ultimate and air solute extinction. It is a crime against tbe moral and religious sentiment of the country, n! a febterini Ii I thy blot up on the civiiizatiou of the age. Iu ad dition to i hit ir' M niado an iudicstble ofH-nH onder t.e EimundM law, aud the iOp?e witi say "well loutj" if the prescnr democratic administration at Vasbiogton shall so vigorously pros ecute tbose offending against tbe law as to entirely abate the "twin relic of barbarism." Eights ALBANY, OIMXJON, ni . r i i i (Krum our miriSar MfMBsMMlawt WAMiiiNiToy, A run., 17th, i HSf. Nothing of great pollllcal Impofl ance has occurred nlnco my lint let ters. It is a peculiarity of the peaem revolution (but it Is steady and eon slant, but noiseless mul without bras hand aooOtnp .nimenf. It e u be oen ami appreciated only by ihose who ar profoundly aequ inled wllh Hie policy n in I practice of the pirly that had been In control of the country afaflg (irant defeated flreoly. ThU embraces n period of twelve years, and cover an er In the history of the United Htatea essentially different from the twelve year of Republican a seen, dancy which preceded (Jrvnt a aeeond term. The moderation and circumsper-t. I n with whh h Mnpfetaot admlnlat ra tion hns prMMeded to reform deep rooed wrongs and deracinate tlbrtia abuse In enuaing not only the oftVo Neekingelnoa.tuit many honest though TifU reforiH. r. lit exprttss impatience uiul di.guni. A i borough kuoMledgeof the political situation wilt eonvlu ihoae eapab'.e of MHting and knowing that the wiser statesmanship is to hasten slow!y ih the start. A wife general will not egln a long march at the top of his speed, and before sur veying and choosing the safest route, Tno new administration has had time to do little more than look over the field, and map Its course, and yet real and Important reforms have been accomplished. All the govern ment offPMH are accomplishing an aroourt of work that is astonishing to those who hare been accustomed to the old, dawdling, slip-shod habit of the departments. In some officea they have not only kept up the cur, rent work, but hv actually gained two or three months on the hack or delayed work. The capacity of the average government clerk to do any thing but tslk politics and scandal during office hours astonishes no one, lerbap, more than the clrk himself. The appearance on the scene, as his mssters, of those who are not politi cal!. friendly to him or to bis methods hss acted like a tonic upon htm, Lnd for the first month in hi clerical life he has been going to bed with the novel reflection that he has earned his salary. v The preisdont Is being urged to strengthen the democratic party In eloso states having election this year by the removel of republicans hold Ing federal piition, and the npsiut. ment of democrats In their places. The Virginia democratic leaders are asking for early attention to the po litical situation in their state, and there are indications that within a short period, some changes will be made In important offices there. Ohio democrats are also calling for the assistance of tbe administration. The democrats of Oregon represent that they can carry the next legisla ture, and thus secure a Senator to fill out the term now vacant because of the neglect of the republican ma Jority to choose a successor to Senator Slator, If the administration will out set federal officials who make use of their places for political ends. The president Is not asked to make changes simply for the purpose of helping his party, but the request is that he makecertain removals because, it is alleged, the incumbents are po litical managers who give most of their time to political work. In re gard to Oregon, it has been submitt ed to the President that several fed eral officials of Portland dominate re publican polities in that state ; that they control the machine, and are now laboring in behalf of the republi can party. It is charge 1 that the arbitrary rule of this clique of officials really caused toe breach in the re publican party which prevented tho election ofa Senator last winter ; a faction of the republicans revolted against th. despotic sway of the Port land ring, and that tho interests of the people generally call for the smash ing of this political machine. The president has been advised, ais", that tho Portland federal officials are now endeavoring to persude Oov, Moody to convene jfhe legislature In special session for tho sole purpose of another to force in the b litem and elect a senator ; but the governor re! uses to Issue a call . unless sin agreement Ii entered Into beforehand that a senator has been chosen . The democrats cot. tend that the removal of the object ionable federal office holders will jive them h fair ehwee in the heSct elect ion, and I hit with such n chance they citi carry lie togislatit ''. M-. K, il. Hoy l, mee1iiiel en ginei nt the New Orleans Kk ition, vhh severely injared lv hog " deiiick pole falling on I. is i u . He vhs m veyed to his residence, an ! sf r only three spplicatioDa ol 8 . H-m Oil, all the swelling aid piu d iBiippo o xj, and he resumed his duties. D FRIDAY, MAY s, TEMPERANUE DEPAETMKKT, KIITKI HY l hi Wsuifir I'liristiin Trmprranre 1 it ton - . . 0, T. tT. HAf.h.A .ril 88M. At Mt IwgaJsM! meeting held the ilbtl date, ICeA Jennie Mrowa oon ducled the df.o i.oial imeiciaes. Il'isi ness insetitiK n-dlej ui ordr bf the Pi evident. Mlntltai f pruvimia meel n.,- read aad approved. Tim Pie-ideut gave im word of aaonarafaniain. and hoped that we would coMiuueour wot k with cheeifulne. and with the eariiHat mas and faith beooming Ohiia iao women. Tha Audeing u uu ui' lea h I carefully examined w yearly rep.r. olhs effioera and found ibaat .on re, A ooiumunlcatlon wa read from rhe Slate Preaideu, reasajaHig t., isjti. aetibe fr a nw weekiy Mfsar, osiUlted ton i i i, ,iti,' i -M ) by m.i a Miller and Wyat- Mt fhil.nmth. The paper is devoted rr1lginn,laaiaei ansa and c lurtion. id io 'ion tl)r Hmrm ui v wn in.itu -if.l i . Mifaafflbe r.,r .. copy for thr.-H in ooli . On aeutirtn ' r.i., f ,.,. wtM apsun.ed tO giwM 0f imiiii.. rad inge. On motion Mia. John Burkbart waa appointed Organist for the yeai. The officers of the W. C. T. I', elected April 14. IMS, are aa foitowa President. Mrs J. M. Townsend Vies Preaideot.Mrs L K Itlaio : It-c. S.e . Mrs. McAllister, for. Sec, Mrs. Ir. K'lia ; Treaauier, Mrs. Jaawla Brown. Recruiting officers : U. p. ("hutch, Mr. Kotjeitson ; Oongrrttional, M'a L M. Koater; M. K. Church. Mr.. Wm. Canon ; M. K. Charch, South, Mr. Condi fT ; Kvangelical, Mr. Ho! laahaafh, Itaptiat, Mrs. Orav : First Pteabyterian,Mrs. Tbos. Monteitb. Supt of Ilefiartments : Hand of Hope, Mrs. L K Blaiu ; Brthala rWhool Work, Mrs. .las. Klkios ; V. K C. T. IT., Mrs. Ifnritle Brown ; Kvangeliatio Work, Mr. J. Althoute ; Jail aod Prison Work, M IS. .J .tllllC Brown. Lietail committer, Mr. Vf. S. Prfra and Mrs. Dr. Kilts. Kent ooaaratltne, Mr-. L K. Blain and Mrs. John Alebnona.. Several Sapta. of Iiprtmenu have yet to be appelate!. Tbe V. L C T. U., ot ibia eity. was in vi o-d bv tba c t vail is atieataw o. at tend a ''Floral Party" given at tfcf residence of R K. Them iaon, on lb. '-'I'll of last month. Twenty-Hve of our number bad tbe phtaaure of aii.-n.i-tag what was certainly tbe must pleas ant en'.nrtainaient of tbe aeiafoa. Leaving Albany in carriages early in tbe evening we arrived at tba hotel about 7 o'clock, where we were met by a delegation from the Corvalii Union, and after' waiting about an hour for one carriage load tbat bad been delayed, we proceeded to tbe party, carrying with us some floral pieces placed in our care by the Albany society. We found a merry party gathered to meet us merry considering tbat they were as yet upperleas and had waited an hour for our arrival. I uncheon waa daintily served, good muiio was furnished, conversation was engaged in. A fully arrayed Oipsy present, gave us a glimpse into the future, some speech making was indulg ed in, and all too soon the evening was gone. With good read, a beautiful moon light evening and a gsy pat ty our ride home was a pleasant one. AM ajree that the CVvalli Y. L C. T. IT. ha bcn particularly fortunate in enlisting in its woik such s hand of reGnad sud intelligent yoaog ladies and gentlemen. Should tbat society do u the favor to accept our hospitality that will be tondere.i them iu t:e near future, we only hops that we may m4ke it aa iu-as- ant a reception ai the one they gave it. - m m m Too V. L. 0. T. U. had a good meet ing on Tuesday evening last. Tbe contemplate giving a aocUl at sn early dale. They will do well .s-.y thing they undertake. MIS WIIAAata f SMC 4Tsa, Will the Orrjoitinn lake due not tee of this aitie ottd iiave the c vm in do Miss Wifisr.1 j isiiea ? "An eftefey bath duo lilts ineviisn'e oonoltiaton rgslrdit4 s tie- th ol-. ! patch aent . wid K ov.r Mie mi lane w.-i-k, regarding ,Mio Wdlsrd. Mfevelition from heaven." Thefabaw. ino from the aletk f ths pretdvter Het ut ter-t. any -jMa6ep regarding its Kiithruttieiiy and ttaten the teal guilt on the ibtnTensive little tra(;t which I'.s never hetoro met such ifiterpretstfeirt d' ila contents : K:iTou Union Signal :Pet tuit me to say, tirat, that, no co'juiMiiiicatioa ftanm Mine WuH I e4e I fd lo l.w... .,.. .. --- - preabytwy on the aSthjeet ot io, 1 Mice I or any other eubject. S.ieou i, Miv. a j trict entitled "The Story uf a Ctna. ConvicLion" waa presented by a nenibtti who thousfht its auihor laid olaiiu to I inspiration, sod he moved a refeteoee to a oorumittee. Third, tbe motion ... iiamadiatelv tabled and DO dubate whatever oconned, nor were any re- e m o r 1885. BANKRUPT STOCK of merchandise of Colvrell, Becker ft Licke, Salem, Oregon, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of 0RYC0OJS,CL0THINC, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., much of Viich has been and our customers shall hiTi Vu VrtiU 'Vn lo nricA, nrtrnc secure rare bargains 15 11 w Pnces. Come and FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Remember the placo, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. H. ALLEN & CO marks made except by fca brother in explanation of t'.w obaiacter of the pa- j per he wiabed oW .tally lertesTsjaL The i records of Alton preabyiery contain no! atrrr , 1 as 1 ' s "'i.iupi m m. patch abould have found it way into J'tbut, I am aiueerelv, ( ' T. Piiiuea, State.! Clerk of Alton Preabyterr. "" i i 1ST la The faithful and true coadjutor of the V C T. V , weal and eaal, Brother J. W. Webb, whose local habitation is in I,ompoc, ('si., and when home is in to, heart of thousand whom be has belr.l u save, m engaged fur a couple f months in Canada, and after bis en iri(ement is over offers to thj W. C. T. O this side the bottler his Sunday evenings for gol temftersoce work, giving tbe society tbe oollection wher ever it ia thought leat to take one. I am sure I do not quite aee bow be is to subsist long on such term, but surely tbe unions will tske ears of that. Secretary Baysrd in replying to a campaign falsehood uttered a truth that many will recognize. "It is vain, 'said he, "for a man iu public station to ex pect immunity from the assaults of tbe clssa who invent aucb slauders, or tbe profligate press which givaa them cur rency " This saying eeerns to apply also to woman in public philauthropby. Miss Wtllsrd left One. go lost week for a siz-wsekvs trip, goin first to Baltimore, where she was to address tbe State Temperance Alliance, to Philadelphia, Nsw York, and to sever al state convention. M Gordon, who is much iaipeoved i i '-'th, wa not thii time "left behind. C o juration, notably the Pan Han-do- Railway ('., are lecjuiring absti nence fron1 tobacc aa shop and office. rell as liquor, in t i'lRK IOKU tllllK.. Mm. lUnnth Moore, :t celebrated wrtlter, who died ab mt fifty years sgo, nud a good wty of managing tsle-bearer.a. It Is said that when she wa t ld anything derogatory of upother, her invariable reply was, Com, we will go and usk if it be true." The effect was sometimes ItidicrotHly painful. Thj tsle-N'arer Was taken aback, stammered out a qualifleettoa, or bcggetl n notice be taken of the statemut, but the bily w t.s Inexorable: ! .he took the Muntliil-iiinHg r t i ih st-sndaliz-i i, in make inquiry mih! c onpare ac- ' em its It is ii t lik ly se.v i i.l i ii v bit anybody uif (I t ie I I'V.'r n pe.4 igos-ip -t r ! Haeiiab M're. Oiie w uld t ii- k her of fj at mni w.mid n ,i sure cure for sea d I An- rney tl'-uetal (Jrlnd drinks no liquor, WKn aakeU w'ty, he io plied that, winder! ir t. trough the ccmoleiy nt Little Uoek In e-me to the graves of so mnuy bright young i men who beeau nie with him but I who had ( tllioi i nn d i ..-ulute habits end tlied thit ho ruidiaed he waa no. ut il only one ! ii. I hen he eh -lU' d bis in 1e f life und began j the struggle Dial re ii ed l.i his ptea- e"l hllWI Se, i Atr.irtfiug to too K Tpuolicans, civil I a. r Ice r. t -nu was meant to keep one : mim ol ! in uiU till dher bet of fellows out rat XO 41 N.H.Allen Having purchased the Ol? AS. He DODD & CO. f- . oni, and Vina St. PORTLAND, OREGON. iMpoKTsas or iiwAius, ibojt ato st; FAnH MACHINEEY sa ' "arcauva ov tmk aoan." nurt.wi eai te well kaosrn to seed eon -tuaiii Timnimuiu mi I .mtrrs h re her. mil' Uieoi, .mI all avaaJk ot teem tih fwalae. The) are in ever sr.. Om u- kws ulU-a ui Uuint MacUiiMM. The tet , A Tr.v-v lljutrcm hti. tnaU. man:.' est tlx r.i. .rt-ij c i. lV:ly ot the Bi t KLYh. n-uluaf lr.rt. the . mttu. y ? rl pcrtcrtioa of Its sasrtis n n n i , ami u I .iti.-w i . vuntv ol the la the PsKinc TtnUurv. lo r crn the as rue tonlirt ih lattwers la every pert el the vacM her the Ba ty - i. . been ieJ, prueuuneins; it Ui he Ths oalyHarrartlnf Xxchiaa that vill r . Satire Satlsfaetioc ta tho Pnria;er. Th. (set n ret that asoet stria itaf; -SA eur .Muatratlon. It is a !.. r. aas l srt!l paM In a strasjtle tine iaWkh, a i wta as ajtt tymm It : iraslilf I rJ j. bj tw. j. aieuTi). In the ner future Rev, Dr. Wood row, late of lbs Pieabyterian Theologi cal Seminary of Columbia, Sooth Car olina, is to be tried in the church for his supposed heresy on the subject of evolution of man's decent from tbe monkey. His views are not more ad vanced than many churchmen, but his position as a teacher attracted particu lar attention to his views on that sub ject, and led to his being aske I to re sign. Whether be will be eavic'ed of heresy or not, the question of Darwin ism will lie left unsettled and made to await the further developments of sci ence. 8ESTJT0N1C. awf a. Ikss Bittaes k a I dm It in but nraofcioe. aarinsT tas aetaan i aU other Swats ol iron, hi hi. Swiss, or a low for hX Oennioe has trade mark aod erossed red line, oa wrapper. Take no ether. Made oak, by 1 BROWN CHEMICAL CO.. BALTIMORE, at B. REBIKGTON, WOODARO a cO., tPor4aad Or, tm x. y 5a sss. ' InSasa. Af3mLAfk&m'r' f a. Hrf3 ?1olg Buclncyo ii1 . iM?u.ViTnstlrs nrrtnrn.?fn'-i at rlrr X8Ao?sr- " Brown's Iron Bitten ha thoreoarhhr eoad saedi- STATE RKIllS OIVUffAT, m BIST IDmTIMB liL'ill IH THE WIII.AiLFi!i mm HfSrclal tii-ii,.-. i., i.. . ii. ; o Uimi ).'. HM'ta er hue. ai I fca notice 10 cent-, j-er lioe. For lsfpil ami liaualeut adverttsemtwu II 00 per square for the fir iuVb,aj4 Si cents lsr square for each .uUtasiaeet insertion. Kates for other adverit-wuj.uis abwve known on applu-atloo. Co., s foU'ra - i - ralrbrataJ tmpimrnU WBRAND Cond for Catalogue, 1885. Send for 8pccial Circular- . At I.T.Tf V A CO. ' New .vioatel Vibrutm;' Thrrahrr. The moat IJtertiv. ud mm Sjpsjsj t'ont-na-iei. let bavinj aod Claanuty; Graia arc iMast;,koX The Near Model Threehir U the result ot tear, el 4'..ent ami carclul aMrrunri.t. . ... u ; I... MflSb Miller, oae ol the wvtexper.. u.- i au-l csjaeea ta! h i ... r. ot thrch.nj CLV-tiinaa is AassjfSra. in i a . nv J at was to ajtalace a taarhiec thai w.vct I ' . ir i.itJ o letter 'rk than tlx- he ..... vi ly i i vncrttoa ware rfaU. -i ..... .. .. .. '. - r. II won. separate oat froa: '. l.c r. . ' .'.fcK .tr. a) aw i ' mimm x !. -el ji'i . i" -ir KaArr. 1 1 t : . i . .. . !. .'.- n thromje a !- a i-: i. I itil a. ara othw Uaisa SM Red CrownMills IS0M, LAXMXi. & CO., PROPri. SOW FOOCBSS FLOCK. SCPKRIOR FOB f tkMfl 1VS AXD OAKBHS CSB. BEST ST0RGv CILITiES. Highest ; Price in Cask for Wheat ALBANY OR. lUTLERY. The beat line of cutlery in the valley aan be found at our at ore. U auibraawa packet kni res, table k in vea, ksrka and apoena, bu'uher knivee, LuntinK knive. parins ktitvoa, ahears and soiaaora ot al! k'noi, and the best Pne of roRor ever bruagbt iuto AlUnv. Coirie SUM ea for yoor selve. : : i i !.:r,i' -pOR SALE. One hundred and for'v acr.", oikm idi!:h hImivh .Ii moo 40 sere in eul- tva;?-:il. 10 it'M t -lied a.d ".oWttt irraa t 'ouif orta'! dsFwlll k-a rutbne-i. ( oap Inpiire at b; oftice. MISS EMMA SCHUdEKT, MILLINERY AND Da?SS-SiKiR8. Oottlng and fitting hy the new Ta3ra System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. OPIUM AND imm HABIT dU&l B W. F. L' K' OHRt M. D,, isru .. :r- c aeS if Biy t. - we'. Me pti i i or tioi Ir..i i ii meas, X4 d alav. t "v. Oregon SALE, u half ol fk i. to .art t tv wrth fair houao ami Lam will be at A