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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1885)
mm Dtretsry . U. P. Church. Preaching every Sabbath, at 11 a. u., and 7?.. by Rev. R. G. Ir vine, D. D, Sabbath School at 2:30 P. M Prayer meeting every Wednessday evening. Evangelical Chpkch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. m. , and 7 r. ml Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. Holleabaugh, pastor. Congregational Church. Service every Sabbath at 11 A. it. and 8 P. m. Sabbath School at 12:1"). Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week, J. W. Harris, pastor. M. EL Chvrch.Socth. Preaching every Sabbath evening at 7:30 o'clock r. u. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock r. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F, M. Culp, Pastor. M. K. Church South, Takokst. Preach ing every Sabbath at 11 o'clock , a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock, a. h. F. M. Cuip, Pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 71 p. m. Sons service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 P. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. Prmbttkrian Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church eor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condtt pastor. Christian Church. Preaching every Sab oath at W. C. T. U. 11 a.m. 7:30 p X. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock p. m. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a.nx,at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening st 7:30 o'clock. T U Brownson, pastor. Urivrrsahts Chi rate. Preaching every ecoud and fourth Sabbat a of each month Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. x., and o'clock, p. x. A COOD CBIML FOB IKS( KIBI:KS. To every subscriber to the Drxocrat who pays up his subscription and con tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him the "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a large eicht page. forty column, monthly par?. , and is full of excellent reading matter. A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chance to get a good paper for nothing. Those de siring the paper sent to them will pi stave so at time'of paying their subscri C C CHRRKT. CR.PVRSSX ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Ik Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS A1A completed, and are now prepares! te handle all kinds of heavy work, w e wl manufacture Steam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f and Brass Castings. PATTERNS M4DE SBwKT SOTfCa. Special attention given to repairing al kinds of machinery. Will also man u fas tore the improved Cherry A "White QsaaR Separator. a Baker It.-OSSre a laasei Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for both old and ounir. at bottom prices at the faetery of PUTNAM, Albany, Oregwa GRAF & FROMM, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of FURNITURE, AID UNDERTAKERS, 81 First Street Albany, Or W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyanc r. Collections made on reasonable terms MAIN ST., - - SCIO, OR F. M. MILLER, 'Attorney and Gounslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in all tho Courts in the State. To the Unfortunate ! DE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. conic of Cominer I cial Street, Sao Francisco. tj KstaUiuhod in 1864, for Btbe treatment of Sexual J? and Seminal Diseases, sucb as Cionnrrbea. tlleeC. stricture, y pnill in al 'Its forms, (rape tear llaml WrakaeM. night loahen by Ureanm, uiw plea op the face and Iom of manhood can positively be eared. The tick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various ooepi UJf there, obtaining a gitat deal of valuable tntorma- ion, which h is competent to impart to those in need f his services. DR. GIBBON will make no charge nlsss he affect a cure. Persons at a distance Nil ' RE C'LRRD 4T HOME. All cot munieationa strictly confidential. You see no one bu, the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing tn the. Tlr-t.r will t.Imim wtatj Im r.t fh. paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea o cable. Call or write. Addriss DR. J. F. GIBBON, x 1967, San Francisco. The Doctor cures when . then fail. Try him, vlSn43 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- M4CHINE 8H0P. tfTABIiISHED 1965. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First ana Montgomery Streets, Albany, uregen. Having taken charge of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, 8aw and Grist Mills, wooa-working m acmnery, Fumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma turnery. Patten Making dene la all its forms. l&Myl A. F. CHEERY A SON. FERRY'S 1! Di VALUABLE TO ALL! will be mailed PD I? 1? to all applicants Y Kt.C.' and to customers oi last year wit ordering it It contains illustrations, prices. descriptions and directions for planting all Yes table and Flower SEEDS. BULBS? etc. 385 "iVAff boot 0. M. FERRY & CO.SB,T i for Infants and Children, "Castoria i so well adapted to children that I Caateria cnres Oolie, Ooasttnatlnn, I recommend It aa superior U any imeripUon I S"JT &JS2m SauroSsa di- onle.,, H. A. Aacuan. M. D I Ul 80. OctOTd Bt, BrooUn, N. T. Without injurious medioaUoa. Tkb Csarraca OosvAirr, ltt Fulton Street, N. T. O at C. U.K. TIME TALBE, Alba ii j Station. DEPART! KK OF TRAINS. BOtSO XORTU. Albany trrtm it un ii KKKIUIIT TRAIN'S ". - r:M A. M UrOO A. M. Il:6 A. M is.os P. II MAIL TRAIX i Arrive at 1 Departs at socio aoiTti. HAIL TRAIN I ggg KRKU1HT TRAIN " " . ALBANY KXI'KKS.S Arrives at 11:4ft A. M IS. OA P M 3:30 P. M. b 35 P. M. All Train daily, except Sunday. NoTtOB. On and after thin date regular tickets will be sold at onr tloket office for following point on Columbia river: Upper Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, VVallula, Walla Walla and Ains worth. Will. & Una, Freight and Ticket Agent O. A '. H. K. Co. Albany. June Isth, 188'. . OR. UEBIC Q rrtvutr llsp-ary, 1.1 400 St., San Francisco Cat. Conducts by yuallflod Fliv-slrlans CD and surgvons ivguUr gradtLtti a r- JR The Oldest m. iUt in the t'nitwl Slates, life lmu- etprrirnw. !,l rl vt in. Unit snd pure inedicitjc, f insure (eedy and vniiaiient run s .U of all Private. Chronic and Nervtous lHsraM's Affections of the Blood, 8kin, Kidneys, Bladder, KruptUtus, 1' leers, Did Mures, Swelling of the Glands, Sore Mouth, throat Bone luns.iicrmaiioiil'y cured and erasu cat cd tr.'iu the system tor Ufe. M:ttIOl iKbilily. In.tency, 8eminal Losses, Srxuai iHioay, Men tal and steal W vakueaa. Failing Reiuory, v oak Eyes, Stunted De vclopuieiil,lniedtmeuts U Rsrriaire etc, from excess or youthful f Miles, or any cause, speedily, safely ami privately cured. lonog. MlUdlf tcrtf and Old men, and all who need medical skill and experience, consult the old European Physician at once. Ills opinion costs nothing, and may save futute misery and shame. When Inconvenient to visit the city for treatnient, medicines can be sent every where by express free from observation. It Is self -e ident that s physician who gives his whole attention to a class of diseases attains great skill, and physicians through out the country, knowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the oldest sc-ia)tst, by whom every known guud remedy is used. 'The Doctor's age anu experience make his opinion of supreme importance. jrThoe who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Casus which have failed tn obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited ftssela diseases successfully treated. The Doctor a til serve SS forfeit 91,000 for a else un derVaken, not cured. Cell or write. Uoura. dally .from ' a. m. to p. tn., S to I etciilngs ; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. Send for the Saut'.AiUt Guide to Health, tent free. Address as abo BK lit Hit. - WeaderfRl Crrmaa lavlgaraler Permanently prevents all I'nnatura! Losses from the svstem, tones the nerve, strengthens the musclca. checks the stc. iu tgorates the hole s stem, and restores the adlntcd to Health snd Happiness. The reason so many cannot get cured of Nominal Weakness, Loss f Manhood, etc., is owuig to a com plication, called Prostalorrhea with llvtH-raethcaia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Llebigs in v ig orator is the only positive core for Prostaturrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the uicbtg D1neary. rrtce if lavlaoralar. st. Case of sit botUe 910. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob servation. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorater. A fal Battle .lv ea ar seat Free. Consultation free and private. Call or address LIES IC I' I I ' I 1 . 400 Gear v Ntsst, til Itilcf Private entrance, 40 l l'nm Mini, MST I Gory Street from Ke s: :.;., Ms t- 'iv.ttt Dispensary Drug Store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business in the U. S. Patent Office attendeded to for moderate tecs. Our office is opj-jnit the D. . Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents less time than thote remote from WashingVin. Send modje ordraainf. We sdise s to twteni ability free of charge ;sod wemakc no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Suiit, of Money Order Div. and to ofhoals of the I.'. S Patent Oak-.;. For circular, advice, terms, sud eferciees o actual clients in your own State or county, wldress Co A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, w ashington, D . OF ANOTHER ACE. Cradaally SappUatrd by a Belter Article Certata Old Tlaaca are Banc 4 way. In the general reception room of the Western L nion Telegraph building on Broadwajr. Xew York, are exhibited the coarse, crude snd clumsy instru ments of the Infancy of the telegraph They are only relics now. More crfect machinery has super seded them. i eam ago wnat is sty led tn: oui iiaruoned poroas plaster did some good service. There was then noth ing better of the kind. - Now all that has changed Stiencs and stuay hate gone deeper into the secret of medicine ana produced BENSON'S CAPClNK Ml OCS PLAhTFK, whieh emUxlies all the excellencies thus far postible in an external remedy. The old piasters are siow ins capcine is rapid ; they were uncertain - the Capcine is sore. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty druggist does not deceive you. Price 25 cents. Scabury 4 Johnson, Chemist, New York. The Buyers' , Gctdr is issued March and Sept., each year; 224 pagcs,-8Jxll inches, with over 3,300 illustrations- n whole picture gallery. I Gives wholesale prices direct to amtumert on all goods for personal or asBjaw family use. Tells how to k order, and gives exact cost of ev erything you H use, drink, eat, wear, or have fun with. These "saasa invaluable books contain information gleaned from the markets of the world, we will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the. postage 8 cents. -.Let us hear from you. Respectfully, f 1 MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. . SS? A iff Wsksak A venae, Chlea, 1U. " 0W GVZ KEARHiS SJ.Ul. ESTABUSBBD FOB TBS SCIEKTiriC JUIO SPKEDT CURS or Cuaosic, Nervous ajtd Rpevial Uihssses. THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLEN, AS 18 WELL KNOWN, 18 A REG ular graduated Physician, educated al Bowdoin College and University of Michigan. He has devoted a lifetime to the study of aad is acknowledged to oe the most expert student in his specialty on the Pa cific Coast And middle-aged men, who pre suffering from the effects of youthful indiscretions or excesses in ma-' turer years, nervous and physical debility, impo tence, lost manhood, contusion of ideas, dull eyes, aversion to society, desponflency, pimples on the face, loss of energy and memory, frequency of urinat ing, etc. JoT Remember the Doctor has a Vegetable Com pound, the result of many years of special practice snd hard study, which under his special advice has never failed of success in the cure of Lost Manhood, proeta torrhea, etc. MY HOSPITAL EXFEUIEXCE. Having been surgeon in charge of two leading hospitals) enables ine to treat all private troubles with excellent results.- I wish it distinctly under stood that I do not claim to perform impossibiltiss, or to have miraculous or supernatural power. I claim only to be a skillful and successful Physician and Surgscn, korcughly nfomeSi n toy specisity DISEASES OF MAM. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints no experimenting. I will guar antee a positive cure in every case 1 nndertake. or forfeit 41.000. Consultation in office or by letter free and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination, Including chemical snd microscopical analysis of urine and advise, $5. Otfiee hoars 9 to 3 daily, 6 to 8 evening. 8uoda 9 to 12. Call on or address HE. ALLEY; i Kearny Street, Man ErascLKd.Cal1 A lur,n TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tho Orsatoat Madlcal Triumph of the Ar' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. 1 .oaa of appetite, Bewate tost t ve. Fata ta the head, wlla a dall sensation la tea back Sort, Fala aader the saealeer btade. Fa Haass after eating, sella asHs- i ml 1 nation ta exertion of body ar salad. IrrltaMlltyartasaaart Low spirits, with a feeling of having aasjtaatasl aasae slaty, Weartaeae. Ulaalaaaa. Flatlerlaa at tha Heart. Data before taa ay as. Headache aver tea right aye. KeeMeseaeaa. with Bt fal dren ms. II tg hi y colored frtae. aad CONSTIPATION. Ti'TT'f FIULB are especially adapted to such eases, ono dose effacts suoh a vhango of feeling as to natonlsU the snfterer. They laaraaaa tta aVasMtita.aad raoso tha Hiy to Taks ota KUsfci. thu. tha system Is noarlslasKl. and by thnr To ate Aetlon oa tiu utaraaUTa syraa atalisjiiar ataa TUHS HAIR D tiu at IUta or Wui'Ksus ehanfied to a iusar Black by a single sppltoatlon of this Htk. It Imparts a natural oolor. acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of fjl. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. JORSALK CHEAP. Three well bred stallions, and thirty drait aud saddle homes. W. T. for ii it as. llrowuat-ille, Or. SA WA VIM. LAUNDRY AM CHINA MKRCIIANIRINU BI SI V R8S Ilea, t ana Jts ls. LsJiss utMlrrclothe. su'tl at buUotn -r .-. Contractor for China labor. AsTNtxt U a sank. Ga COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor, First and Perry Streets, ALBANY - - - OR Sheriff's Sale. Ai CifuU Court oj th' StaU of Ortym for the County of Lin : J T Williams, ItalntlS. as A J Msmton, et al, Defendants. JOTICK HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIBTTS la ut an sxscutlun and an erdsr af ssle issa of the above named Coar t, in tits above t'lff ssv Uon on the 31st day of Man h, 1CKS, and to sas direct ed and delivered, I will, on Saturday, tbs 2nd day af May, at the Court House door, In Albany, Una County, Oregon, at the boar of 1 'clock p. ss., ssil at public auction for cash In band to tbs bisk sat bidder the following described really, to-wit Being a art of the Donation Land Claim of R H l! lard and wife, known and designated In IS surreys and plats of the Called State, aa claim Wo Vi in Township No. 10, S R 2, W J bounded sad de scribed ss follows, to-wit : Beginning at a U. - -. chains east of the northeast corner of Section tt. Township 10, S R 2, W ; thence east 5 12-100 ckaii thence south 20 chains ; thence sautb far it 40 .'.4-100 chains ; tbenss south 32 80-100 chains thence west 4.1 St MM chains ! thenee north 51 10-10 chains to the place of beginning, containing hundred and sixty acre., mors or less, all la Lian count;-, Oregon. The proceeds arising from tbs sale of sa'd real estate to be applied : First to the pay mcnt of tbs costs of and upon this writ snd the costs and expensss of sals. Second to the payment of the sos's and disbursements of this suit taxed atSSl.Os Third to the payment of Plaintiffs claim of with aecruiujf interest thereon from the th day of March, 1 "., at tbs rate of ten per cent per annuas. Fourth to the payment of the defendant Joals X Tim merman " claim of 4909.67 with accruing interest thereon from tbs 27 tb dy of October, M84, at tbs rate of 10 per cent per annum and the further suss ef t'.i ) Attorneys fe. Fifth the overplus If any re main to be paid to the Defendant, A J Houston his heirs or assigns. Dated 31st day of March, 1886. J. K . Cvaairea, Hherlff t Linn county, Oregoa. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of t)w. StaU of Oreyon for Linn County. The American Mortgage Company of Scotland (llmK ed), Kaintiff. Ti. Joseph A McKinney and Nancy J If cKinney, Dcfsn daats. fJOTICE IS HEBEHY G1VKNT THAT BY VIRTUE la of an execution and an order of sals Issued oat 0 tbe above named Court In theabove entitlad actios on the 31st day of March, 1886, and to ms dirsets4 and delivered, I will on Tuesday the 12th day of May, 1885, at tbe Court House door tn Albany, alas County, Oregon, st the hour of one o'clock, p. m. sell at public auc .ion for cash in band to the hl(hsst bidder tbs real property described in said erdsr of sale as follows, to-wit : The southeast quarter af Section thirty -nix, Township fourteen, south ranfs four west of the Willamette meridian, containing ons hundred and sixty acres together with all and several the hereditaments and tenements, and appurtsnanses thereunto belonging. The proceeds of ths sale of said real estate to be applied as follows : First to the payment of ths costs of and upon this 'writ ataf the costs ind expenses of sale. Second to tha pay ment of the costs and disbursements of this suit taxsd at $41.05 with interest at the rate of eight par cent per annum from the 18th day of March, 188S Third to the paymeut of twenty per eeat on the ram ef $2007,86 with interest from the 13th day of Marsh, 1885 at eight pe? cent per annum aa an Attorney fee. Fourth to ths payment of Plaintiffs claim of $3097.86 with interest thsreon at the rate of ten par cent par annum from tbe 13th day of March, 1886. Dated April 1st, 1886. J.fK. CiiUTw, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregos. FRIDAY APRIL 17, 1885 TIMPBRAHOI DBPAETMEHT, bdit ar rmm Wfti'i Christian Temperance Uaitn ALC'OaoUt! MOST A LIT V. Dr. B. W. Richardson, of London, in a late paixir writes : "As regards a w has bean my duty to make special iaqulry Into tba part which intemper ance plsys in tha causation of prematura mortality, and the lowest estimate which I could frame was that at least forty thousand parsons died every year in the United Kingdom from personal intemperance, and probably double that number from poverty .accident, violence, or disease consequent on the intern per ance of persons other than the slain. The estimate has been Isid before sev ers! learned societies and, though it has been fieely disoussed, hss never been seriously questioned, wbi'e it been pro nounced 'moderate' and 'under the truth' bj well-known autboritiee on public health. It Is not improbable that there are half a million of habitual drunkards in tha United Kingdom. Li ! BSFOMSsaULITt BaV Tbs Supreme Court of Michigan has decided that a landlord having sold a pedlar liquor, and the pedlar, being drunk upon the liquor bought snd drank at the landloid's bar, lost bis pack, the latter is liable for the value of the pack. The court held that the landlord waa oertsioly liable if he got the pedlar so drunk, ss was shown, ss to be unable to look after bis property. If all liquer sellers could be held to ss strict an accountability for their dam aging traffic liquor selling would pres ently become pecuniarily a leas profita ble business. It is a hopeful sign that people are in earnest on the temperance question when societiee that are not in any sense identified with temperance organizations taks up its issues. Tbe National Marina Engineers' Beneficial Assoois- lion, at its tenth annual session held ii Cincinnati recently, took decided measures to banish drinking from this W. a k . a aa order, it is claimed teat tbe entire delegation at Cincinnati were otal ab- staiaere. The president, Mr. Wm. K. Russell, cf Pittsburgh, in his smended report, and also in his open letter ad dreesed to individual members of the order urges the subject most earnestly. From a breach in Jacksonville, Fie., comes this assurance : We ae a body are in favor of strong temperance meas ures, as we consider drink tbe main evil ef tbe engineer iog profession.'' From another in Clayton, N. Y., c me these cheering words : "Strict temper, ance is our motto." In the constitution of tbe Mutual Aid, tbe insurance feature of this or der, are these words : "Psrsona ad dieted to the use of intoxicating liquors shall not be permitted to join the Mutual Aid Associatioo." The national secretory also added bis testimony that wherever strict abstinence prevailed there the order flourished best. All these tbiogs sie bleseed "signs of the times." A prominent oitizen of Iowa .visiting Chicago last week, reports tbe marvel ous change already wrought in that state and the spirit of the liquor dealers in rebellion egainst the state, by tbe recent supreme court decision. Among other successes of prohibition be in stanced the city of Cedar Bspids where there is not a single open saloon, and where a detective employed by the Lew Enforcing League, could not find a sin gle drop of liquor on sale within tha corporate limits. The draft upon pub lic and private benevolence haa never been so infinitesimal as during the past season, whioh also marks the extinction of the municipal Ijgjier traAc. Our Round tbe World Commissisner hss been beard from under date of March 2, at Auoklaod, New Zsaknd, where she hss orgsaised a union of two hundred osmbers. Tbe Cbwgregs tional council of New Zealand baa be some warmlv interested in Mrs. Lear it's work, aod alter a liberal beariog, gars itself hesrtil v to tke furtherance of her plans. Tbe Scientific Temperance Educatioa law of Maine goes into effect on July 4. It will be the children's Indepen dence Day. Tha W. 0. T. U. of Maine, were exceedingly fortunate during this successful campaign in having the aid of tha state superintendent of public instruction aud so secured just such a lew, with just such provisions as will best serve the interests of temperanea in the schools. Texas bas new by act of its present legislature, a constitutional amendment submitted to tbe people, prohibiting tbe introduction snd ssle of intoxicat ing liquors in the state. The popular rote will take place in August next. In Oakland, Cel., the temperance women are working to enforoe the law regarding the sale of liquor to minora At Berkley one beer garden is olosed, and public sentiment is aroused. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY. OR. Represents several of the best Fire la aurasce Cempaniss on ths Coast. Call em him for reliable insurance. Dade Clerks. Secretary Lamar's action has para- lysed the dudes of the department. The ohiefsof t'm different buresui, the prin cipal olerks in the State Department and st the White Home were in the habit of riding down to their offices in elegant coupon. The vehicles were very stylish and the drivers were in gorgeous livery. These snointed crestures used to drive un to their officr in s fashion ' s that filled the bystanders with awe. They dawdled st their deaka, loungod ever to the Metropolitan Club, chewed their toothpicks and snubbed the de fenseless public At sn early hour in the afternoon their coupes would drive up and haul these curled and scented darlings to their respective residences. Secretary Lamar hss changed all this so far as concerns bis department, and has alarmsd and sickened the dudes of the other depat tments. lie hss ordered the ssle of all these glittering ohariots, which were carried on the roils as "vehicles for public use and ho bes returned to their legitimate employment the liveried flunkeys who manned the same. A holy shiver has gone through the coterie. Every elegant swell in sny or alrot the depart merits has felt that a blow nas fallen. Every one of them has said to himself that the elements are sinister, and that the institutions of years are about to be uprooted. But Secretary Lamar has made his little motion, and it seems to be true that President Cleveland is quietly backing and approving all he does. The dudes are paralysed, and no miatake. It all the barnacles are to be hampered tn this way, if they oaanot ride aad sport liver ies sod flourish flunkeys snd be greet awells all at government eipenae, why the world must be coming to an end very euddeuly. I sieaoia MaiTEna A Galveston school teacher asked a new boy ; "If a carpenter wants to cover a roof fifteen feet wide by thirty feet broad ilh shingles Ave feet long, bow many shingles will be needed?'' The boy took up his bat and slid for the door. "Where aro you goknaV asked tho teacher. "To find a carpenter. He ought to know that bettor than any of wo fellers. " "Just to think," said a Vases r grad uate, "here la an account of a train being thrown from the track by a misplaced switch. How utterly care less some women are about leasing their hair around." And she went on resding and eating caramels. "Haa tho hslf-patst-three train gone?" naked an old tsdy breathless ly, as she struggled Into the station and droooed her bundles on the m w floor. "No. madiim ; It's not two o'clock yet." 'Well, thsnk goodness ! I'm In time, john ssld I was foolish to get np st four o'clock this mornlug and come awsy without aoy dinner, but I know d better." A young dudo lawyer, who had left some drees clothes with an uncle, Is preparing for society, snd was seen In a pawn shop tbe other day. "Is be here to prosecute?" ssked s friend of tbe shopkeeper "On tbe contra ry," said tbe pavn gentlemen, "be comes here to withdraw his suit.' Babies cry for tbe same reason that some men swear. It's because they don't know any better. "Robbie,'' ssld the visitor kindly, "have you any little brothers aod sisters?" "No," replies wee Hobble, solemnly, "I'm sll tbe children we've got" Deao Alford flattered himself that he knocked out over 1000 commas in the course of revising tbe Greek text of the New Testament. MILLER BROS., DKAI.EItll IK Field Vegetables and Flower Seeds. Imperial Egg Food. Tools. Fertiliiert, Etc.. Etc. 209 SECOND ST. PflRTLANO.OB. Sheriffs Sale. In Cat Circuit Court of the StaU of Oregon fr Cat County of Linn : R Olaas and C P Blshsp.partnsre midst ths trm nam and atyls of Olaas and Bishop. PtalnUSs. vs. Taos J Edwards and L E Kd wards. Defendants. NOTICE Is hersby (iron that by virtus of an osaou Hon and order of sals Issued out of ths above aaaied Court In tbs above entitled action on ths 36th day of starch, L8S6 and to me directed and delivered, I Wllj on Saturday tha 26th day of April. 1886, at tha Court Houss door In Albany, Linn county, Oregon at tho hour of one o'clock, p. m., SsU at public auction, for cash In hand to tba highest bidder ths real estate heretofore attached In said action and described tn aald order of sale aa follows, to-wit : Tho west i of be southwest J of Section 28 In Township 14, south o Rangs 1 west la tha dlstrlst of lands subject to sals at Rossburg, Oregon, containing In all 80 acres : Also, Lot No. 1, of Section No. St. of Townehip 14, south Bangs i west of ths Willamette Meridian : Also ths' northeast of southeast of Section 29, Township 14 south of Rangs 1 wast of ths Willamette Meridian containing 40 seres, except ths fellowhsg, to-a-It : tbe lot of land far mill purposes, containing 2 acres and right of way for water ditch as now used by Oaorge Miller. Tha proceeds arising from tho sale of said premises to be applied first to '.be payment of tA costs and disbursements of this action, taaed at fCe.Os and $26 Attorney's fsss, and the coats and exponsseot sale, next to tha payment to ths Plaintiffs tho sum of 9187,76 with interest thereon at tha ato af 10 par cent par annum from tbe Sth day of March, 1SS6, and tba ever plus if any there be to be jald to tha Defendant a CEdwards her hsirs or assigns. Dated this 90th day of March, 18H5. J. K. CKaccnia, Shsriff of Linn county, Oregon. By 1). S. Smith, Deputy. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT A AND Notary Public. Serteaa Blew Albany Market. Wheat -(Wo per bushel, oats 20 Ibwf on foot, 3c. Hay baled, 1113 per ton. loose, 7 to 10. Potatoes new, 25 cts per bushel. Uacons hams, IIH shouldera la. aides lUo lrd-J3o per lb. Klourr-4.00 per tUl. Butter 16 to Ifci ote per lb. Chickens 8 00 per do.. bugar Han Kranciw 0, 0. Mill Peed-btan. 10.00 par ton. snorts, i. in I'M 1 1 UK". 20. Kkk" 12 fnta p rdoz. items s-acts. "The hair of William Jones of Hall county,'' says a Georgia pator, "baa been perfectly wbi(efbut seven ur ftigbl years ago it began to cbeugr, and now is entirely black ami luxuriant, wbile bis besrd is still wbite. Mr. Joner, who is ninety-two years old, served in the War of 1812." In Maricopa county, Ari., tbnre is considerable barbed fence, and tbe vast flocks of wild duoks which frequent the alley often fly low, and, striking tbe barbed fence, ! KiittI'J tLereon. It is said that luus of ducks are gatbei ed daily by boys from the fences snd sent to market. A curious discovery was made receut v when a liubtuiiif rod, winch bad SP -9 was ' been in place bfusen years embedded in soft clav. was mmo vta. inere waa fouud attached to it a solid lump ol iron ote wrigbing ninety -six Kiunds supposed to have oeeu produced by tbe conversion oi the clay by tbe action of aleotriciiy. ".acts aa lsah Aak for "Rutigb uu Coughs," fur Couytia Olds, Snrs I In -st, iluxsi Irutbsa. lie. Ul4 Zc "aaBa aa Mala." n.-js til rats, mtor, rja hos. Hies, ants, bs4-baga Skunks, cli)tt)uiss, (upaam lie, ItukkisU. east raJas. i'slpllatlon, i HwcliitMrs. swat Indl gssltmi. llasdS' Iw, lies ill. IUl.ST. rur4 by Wills "SUasa aa Caras. for Walls' "Ruagh un Corns.' ISt, Vulck, couit.u turr. Hani r suit irus, aarto, iuiKs. 'Sasgk ss rata" Nrtiwa nSJtStft Slrsngthlng, lm.rtiu. the liesS for rhsurnsUsin, harksrfos patiia In !! brst or side, ntursiala Tata I'-aptr. "Wells Uaajlh lUncwsr" rsstursa htalOt and tig" CUrca I ;( lUsdache.Si frousnoaa. !Ultt),l WSMsasalas k aad lbs n.a Thruat ASsrUwhs of rhildrsti. .rit i, plrssanllx aixl said) rstle.i bj "ibugn tvuhs " Troches, Ihe . Ilsiasio. tKL SJasspvra If ou ars faUlng. bokn, aum 'Jt siwl ami pei IOIJS, ttSS Will. Il..ll. 1.. II Uru Llfr rrr.mrr If v ii ar losing yunr rnp on llfr. Irjr Wells' II sal lb lUnrs.r Unes Jin. i to at aj-.(a. "aoah mm Twalktartar Inetant relief for VcurabjrtS, TuwlliaatlS, fur luukh un lofiUiacus. li and 24 cattla rmi; Waaasa- laxliea ahu voulU rrlaln fmBBi sjkI v'tabi'. Uori t tail to irj " Wslla Ifsallh I SBce.r." (atarrbal Tkraal AsTtaSltai, Hsrklnif. IrritaUug CViughs, olda, Sors Throat, cured my ' Soujh on toughs." Tort hss, lie. Liquid, tic "Boagk aa lick. " k !. on lurh" rarra humors, eruj lk na.rinf aursn. SstUr, salt rhvuai, frustsd Ivct, thlltilalns. Tax Haa ar Ike SaUaa. Chlhtraa. sloa In acTclmsat. puny, scrasrny.and .1.1....... u-.lV.ll.' 1 1 ... M . It.. Mpr " . WMr Aaaakr t li-re or fear Hoars jcry nlf hi conjhlnf . Cist lm BkBiUaU railef ami aul rest l nalii Walla' "Hough a Cooghs," 1 toe boa, Itc ; bsiaam, Sic. Pla Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. Dr.SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR JLs just wnat its name implies, ; a Xurcly Vegetable Compound, thai .acts directly -upon the Kvcr ; curing the many diseases ijaciderMo that im portant organ, and pfeting the nu merous ailments tKktJarise from its deranged or irWaction, such aa ice. Biliousness. laria. Sick-headache, 2JieuWVr etc. It is therefore a To lave Good Health must be kept in order." DR. 8A2? FORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR- Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens tbe System, Purifies tho Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Weed. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. JJB. SAUTORD'8 LIVER IUTIOORATOR. An experience ef Forty year, and Thou sands cf Testimonials prone its Merit. TOVl SALTS BY ALT, DEALERS IN MEDICINES. Tor full informstlon send yonr address for 100 tmuts Book on the " Liver and its diwawe," to tavstsr"" 8 suaas ar., ssw xoam. cut. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany, Or. JULIUS GRADWOHL Has tbe only exrlnelve Htoek ef CROCKERY, CLA8S,8ILVER kKD CHIKA WARt A Large Issortmeiit of Eaby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and hg ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS fcl.OO. SHELFHARDWARE. e COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E THE HIGHKHT WABKET Remember! What I Say I Mean. Give Me a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- FRANK BROS. IMPLEMENT COMPANY, -DKALERM IN Farm and Mill Machinery. La Italia Wssjona, McrSharry Urlila and Headers, llaford's WalkiuK Plows, Huford's Gaos; and Sulky Plcwa, Uuford'a stldtaR and Walklna Cultivators, Randall Wbsel Harrows. Thif 'silaliratMl Hollow Tooth Harrows, Ktc Etc., Etc. FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY. Writs for Catalogue. Addraaa sitbr FRANK BROS., IMPL CO., PORTLAND, OR. JULIUS CRADWOHL, ACENT, ALBANY. OH. IIOIFHAX PROPRIETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS -AMD DEALERS IN- i-ted and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Candies: Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, ONE LxOR BELOW I. S. ROBERTS, tit) M crisoK TO FRED GOETZ.) Will keep a full supply of god meats at bottom prtosm. ALBANY, OREGON. Sherift's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Orr-jon for Limm County. D P Tortcr as Executor of tbe last will and taatamcut of I D Haley, deceased. PbuctUT. va. James fj Cherry and Ann Cherry his wife, Mary K lavis, J F Watson and W Wright aod W K Mao, partners as Watson, Wright A Co., Chas W Whitney and John Marshall partner aa Whitney A Marshall. Seth Kich arda and Rowland Snow partners aa Rich arda and Snow, Damon Smith and Henry Mcfartaery, partners as Smith A Mc Cartney and James G Cherry as eaecutor of the last will and testament of A F Cherry, deceased. Defendants. NOTICK is hereby given that by virtue of an execution, decree of foreclosure aod order of aale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled nation on the 25th day of March, IS8o, and to me directed aad de livered, 1 will on Saturday the 25th day of April. 1H85, at the Court House door in Al bany. Lion county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. tn., sell et public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real estate described in said order of aale as fol lows, to-wit : Tbe south half of lota No. three aod four (3 and 4) in block No. sixteen (16) in the eastern addition to the City of Al bany in Linn county, Oregon as marked, numbered and designated on the plats, maps and aurveya now on rile and of record in the office of tbe County Clerk, of Linn county, Oregon, tbe same being the south half of the northeast quarter of aa'd Block No. 16. Tbe proceeds arising from the aale of said real property to bo applied . First, to the payment of tbe costs of and upon this writ and the coats and expenses of sale ; ateond, to the payment of the costs of suit taxed at S56.95 and $03.00 attorney 'a fee ; third, to the payment of plaintiffs claim of $938. 58 with accruing interest thereon from tbe 7th day of November, 1884, af 10 2 per annum ; fourth, to the pay men t of tbe defendants Watson. Wright A Co 'a claim of $136.59, with accruing interest thereon from the 7th day of November, 18S4, at 8 Y per annum ; fifth, to the payment of tbe defendants Smith and McCartneys claim of 9156 5$, with accruing interest thereoa from the 7th day of Novem ber, 1884, at 8 per aunum, and the further aum of 922.35 coats ; sixth, to tha payment of the defendants Whitney and Marshall's claim of 9874,73 and accruing interest there on at 10 per annum from the 7th day of November, 1884 ; seventh, to the payment of tha defendants Richards and Snow's claim of 9121.03, with accruing interest thereon from the 7th dsy of November. 18S4, at 8 per cant per annum ; eighth, the remainder of the proceeds of auch aale, if any there be, to be paid to James U Cherry as executor of the estate of A. F. Cherry, deceased. Dated this 2Gth dsy of March, A. D.,1885. J. K. Charltos, Sheriff of Linn county. Or. per Jas. J. Chablto.h, Deputy. mora money than at any thine; else by tajdnc an agency for the beat selling; book out. Bsinuers uc- itwtl irrandl.v. Nune (ail, Terms ires, Uallktt Book Co., Portland, Maine, mm TilO inn.? V-j J "10 lllo it W nnmil.p Uf avL, Ik n-- . PPr devoted to science, mechanics, en Rineennr. disvorpries, invention snd patents T 1W2H5 BsatX number illustrated with MM1 j. fSW SMS. This publication, u '"JMTclnpedia olinformation which r;!d h without. The popularity cf the Srik-mrio Amfbjcan is mich thst its cir. cuiauon nearly e.iuala that of all other papers of V?E0n,!'Jlid- JMaS, SaSOsyear. Discount Publishers, No. k ail nswaaeaierg. Muni (U.. 1 Broadway. K. T. ITPalT S Monn A Co. hare AT t N TS. sir ? vi: practice bt-foro nd hnvj nr more than Ono Hundred Thous and M'I,l('nl lu" r patents in tus United litstes and foreign countries. Caveats. Tra:te-M.irks. CoD.vriithU. Assignments, and sll other papers for securing to inventors their rights in ths United Btntes, Canada, England, France, German and other foreign countricv pre pared at slu.rt pot ice aihI on reasonable term.". Information as toobtainiug patents chser fully given without charge. Ilanti-boks cf Information aent free. 'stents obtained through Munn A Co. are noticed ia tha Bctentilii American free. The advantage of such no'lee it well understood by all persons who w.u to dis&s of their patents. Address MUNN A CO.. Office 6caarnIC Aaouucav, 8tl Brosdwsy, hew York. PKICU PAID TOR MiG. ii i. . a ' . v n i tar tx.. vs oau a MAwarK, Hespsrs and Twins Binders. Hodge's Ioubl Hrafwr 'leadars, Coato's Sulky lUkoa, UaarScott k ("o.'a nifusaATbrbera, Cooper at Hsw Mill Mscbinerj, Carriagss, Hprtrj.- U'agons, f tuck board Wsvons, Kte.. Etc., i. . & JOSEPH. - JOHN BRIGGS' STORE. Oregon. Kry FOR SALE 1 SAW MILL AND WATER FOWEE At Waterloo. Linn county, oa tbe Sen- t lam River, between five and six mile from Lebanon. This is tbe fUieat available water power in Linn county, and the mill bas been pat in thorough running order. Price 92500. One thousand cash down, balance secured. Also a FINE LOT OF L0C8, n 'bane to ran te the above mentioned mill, containing about 500 thousand feet at 93 per tbouaand, ugntber witb a tract of timber available for present use. ONE FARM in Linn county of 248 acres withlu three milea of Albany, on tbe road to Corval I ia. Of this 220 acres are cleared and under cultivation, it baa a fine yonng orchard, 1 now bearing, of well known varieties of fruit.) a couiuiooioua barn and email dwelling hous. Tertns96OO0 91500 cash down, balance on time secured by mort gage. Also A FINE RESIDENCE In Albany with barn and two lots, (or six if wanted.) Price 91800. Term's 9600 cash, balance secured by mortgage. Ad joining this bouse is a smal pasture with a large new and commodious barn tit for storing wheat, oats, SO Ions or more of bailed bay. Terrrs accor Jing to nmoont of land wauted. This barn is just outside tbe city limits and consequently avcids tbe city taxes, wbile it is close enough to residence to be under constant inspection. Also a TRACT OF 44 ACRES adjoining Albany and available for about I80 town lota. The preliminary survey of the Oregon Pacific crossed tne Oregon and California Railroad on this tract which adjoin- tbe depot grouads of tbe latter road. Terms 910,000. See owner, ROBERT L. STEYElsS, or call at Democrat office. Executor's Sale. Kotice is hereby fpveo, that tbe onderaigp- d Executor of the last will aod testament ef A. P. Cherry, dceeased, io pursuance of an order of tho County Court of Linn eaanty, Oregon, duly msde and intered of record ou the 6lh day of November, l$A will sell at public suction to the highest bidder, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in. , on Saturday. April the 25th, 1885, at the Curt House door in the city oAlbany in Linn c mnty, Oregon, all the right title and intetaet of said deceased, A F Cherry, at the time of his t eath in and to the following described real property to-wit : Commencing at the south east corner of Lot No. (8) eight in Block No. (101) one hundred and one iu Hacfclemaas addition to the city of Albany in Linn coun ty, Oregon, aa the aame ia deirnrted aod known on the plats, maps and suiveya of aaid city, now on tile and of record iu tho rffice of the C r.i.ty Clerk of Linn county, Oregon scd running, thence io a northerl y course on tbe eaat line of aaid Lot (8) eight, parallel with the west line of said Block Mo. (101) one hundred and ons, (leti) one hun dred and forty -aix feet to a point ou the east line of Lot No. (1 ) one in aaid Block ; thenee in a westerly course parallel with tbe south line of aaid Lot No. (1) one, to the west line of the same on Montgomery etreet ; thenee ia a southerly course on tha eaat line ot aaid Montgomery btreet, to a point opposite the southwest corner of aaid Lot (8) eight on the north line of First street in said city ; theaoe in an easterly course along the north line of First street to the place of beginning. Also the following described real property, to wit : Lot No (2) two in Block No. (101) one hundred and one iu Hackle man's addi tion to the ci'y 0f Albany in Linn county, Oregon as th same is designated and kc wn on tbe plats, maps and surveys of aaid oity now on file xud of record in the office of tha County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon. Terma of sle on credit of aix months, t'.e purchaser to give his note psyable in six months from the day of sale without inter est with approved security. J una O. Cushat, L. H. MoaTTKTi, Executor. Att'y for Executor.