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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1885)
lite gemoctat. Eatered at the Post Office at Albany, Or ati second-class mail matter. FRIDAY APRIL 17, I8rjf 8TTTE3 & NUTTING. Editor al Proprietor. FKKDI. ITri .. Laeal Killler. Official Coonty Paper, A. B- MrlLWU. Dealer ia general merchandise, U au l l( First Street, Albany. Or. Spring, 1885, Spring. Oar importations for spring and summer trade excel all our previous efforts. We offer the public the following lines of new g ods at prices that will not be under old. Plain and fancy ginghams, Plain and fancy lawns of various gr-des, New line of French and American dress goods, all of the latest styles and colors. Boots and shoes. We have one of the largest lines 'n the valley in various grades. Tobacco in all grades by the box or pound, at prices that defy competition. Clothing in the latest style; and patterns, at prices that will induce you to bay. Call and see for yourselyes. No trouble to show goods. A. B. McIlwaix, Albany, Or. Thai Basket social It cacse aonouin-ed, list Friday night. It was a great affair, great In number present, great iu the money made for the flreraen, great iu the fun caused, and great iu the diss ttisfact ion engendered. Crawford's Hall was pack ad fall with men, women and children ; even standing room was at a discount. After some excellent music by the two eity hands, the auction of the baskets began, George Humphrey acting as auctioneer. Over eue hundred baskets were put up, baskets of all kinds and shapes, plain, frizzled, b tats, barrels, boxes, guitars, banjos, handbags, cheap and expensive. All the way from two bits to two dollars were received, $59 in all being taken in for the baskets. On account of the large number of baskets some bought several, and there waa where matters got mixed. Some became jealous, the names of some became misplaced or cen Id not be found, and some tyranically paid no attention to the names even whea they found them. When the makers of them discovered them in wrong hands they looked dag gers, jumped at conclusions, perhaps got mad. and have done some cheice gossiping since as a closing scuue to it, Moral : Never put names in baskets. Bell them unrestricted. At the ice cream and sake stand $34 25 were taken in, $33.23 in all. The expenses were 921 .25,' leaving a balance of 972.00. Chare h Truablr. Quite a serious row has occurred among the members of the M E Church and Sunday School at Brownsville. As we are Informed, the minister in charge, Rsv Mr Sharpe,some time since, stated that the lady who was pet forming the duties of organist of the Sabbath School was not a suitable person for the place, which remark reached the ears of the husband of the organist, and be proceeded at once to inflict a personal castigation, bat as the minister would not resent the attack the fight did not amount to anything further than one blow from the angry husband. On last Sabbath when the congregation assem bled for services they found the keys of the organ broken oat and the organ otherwise mutilated and unfit for use. One evening during the weik as the min ister, his wife and a lady friend were re turning from prayer meeting they were treat ed to a full supply of eggs. This, of course, grew out of the difficulty about the organist. The highest penalty of toe law should be meted oat to those who thus take the law in their hands, and the good citizens of Browns- . . . . . vilie owe it to themselves to ferret out and MUUM wJJ'jes. v uu uiavao suva esas ss waa si as v np- i TTV . . . ... , . !L SMtniak thAaa sswKa anth an aaesii f rt st- on me minister, nis wiie ana meir mesa. ji coarse we know nothing about the merits of the case, bat we do know that persons should not be allowed to thus take the law into their own har-ds. nana for the Opera esae. Plans or the new Albany Oera House have been drawn by Mr Edward Zeyss. Specifications for tbe same will be made out this week, and sometime next week bids will be adverUse.1 for according to such supecih- cations and plans. According ts these plana regardless of the rights of others, but not the building will be 100x50 feet, facing on withstanding this the speaker's sympathies Perry street, where the main entrance will be located. The front will be ornamented by good architectural adornments. There will be four win lows and a side entrance on Second street. Tbe height of the building will be 34 feet, and that of the main hall '2A feat. The hall wdl be 59x49 feet with a 7 foot -.iu a .k. w Tk-iii k, an arranized that the seats can be taken out for skating rinks, bicycle exhibitions or dances. Ths staee will be four feet from the toor of the hall, 25 feet deep and 30 feet wide, with drossin rooms 9i feet wide on aw,h d The height of th- .tff will b. 14fset9inches, It wiU be furniehed with ail th utiMit pnninmant. snt-.m ft of th frant will be aWsssal t- th tieiiet office, cloak room snd hall. When SA.uplete it will form one of the best O jera Houaea in Orearon outside of Portland, and will be an honor to Albany, "a long felt want." A Maul Aeetdest. Last Monday Mr E F Truxr mt with a peculiar accident at his farm a few miles from Albany. He was holding a fence post, while another man, standing on something, was driving it with s heavy mini. The head of the maal slipped off accidently,strik ing Mr Traaxon the tore-hea l, knocking him down and cutting a bad gash, which Dr Wal lace dressed. Toe accidsnt terminated much more fortunately for Mr Truax than would be expected from the circumstances. An laasrCaat Item. During tbe past week we have on sever al occasions been taken to one side sad told that such and such occurrences would make flrst-chvw items. More important loan ail, tbongbi was the floe rainstorm tbat fell Saturday night and Sunday morn ing. Wetting the ground several inches deep it has proven itself to have been of almost inestimable value to the crops started and those not yet out of tbe ground. act Dry goods, hosiery and notions received this week from New York and Chicago at Samusx E. Yotkq's, Misterr ef Ike Wttlaanecte Valley. Tbo publishers of the History or the Willamette Valley have our thanks for a copy of the same. Printed by George Hlmes, It confers great credit typograph ically, on the ability of that geutleiuan as a printer and book bind er, It is the beat printed of any work ever published In the Northwest. Mr Lang Its author, displays fair ability as a writer, olasalties his matter well and has give'i an lutelli gent, well warded history of the Valley from Its earliest settlement, or hotter stiih from ths cause which lead to it. Taken al together, though, it is a disappointment, and not what was promised or l.toked for by an unprejudiced public A list of the most important headings to the cha tera will best convey an Idea of iu on tents: America iu the 16th century. The Fab ulous straits of A titan, voyages and events of the 17th century. Uttdssn Bay, Cape Horn and Bearings Strait, From Captain Carver to Captain Cook. Puget Sound and Columbia Kiver discovered. Overland Journeys to the Pacific. Astoria and the Joint Occupation Treaty. The Rival Tar Companies, Foundation and Progress of the Missions, American Kantgranta Organ ise a Provisional Government. Or Whit man and the Emigration or 184J, 1844 to 1849. The Whitman Massacre and the Cayiirte War, Oregon becomes an Organ ixed Territory. Oregon as a Terri ory. Indian Ware of 1953 and 1854. The Great Outbreak or 1855, The Fall Campaigns in the South. The Yakima. Wads Walla and Puget Sound Campaigns, Closing Scenes or the War en Rogue River. The attack of the Cascades. Campaigns of 1'ols, Wright, Steptoe audShow, Aborignal Inhabitants, History or Railways, Description or the Willamette Valley. Climate and Geology. Grain Produota. Other Field Products. Livestock, Statistics. Review of Agricul ture. Hiatory or Immigration. Moat works have their Haws, In this we are constrain ed to say the publishers displayed re markably ir taste in devoting 300 page to short sketches mostly orthe suuscribers ef the work, regard leas of their prominence or residence in the Valley, besides they are poorly gotten up, and, withal, are very "wlahy-wrshy" reading. AiK-mptrU Startler. last Mon-lay morning about 3:30 o'cloek a barglsr entered the residence of Mrs Walter Monteith by the way of a conservatory win dow, which he evidently climbed up to on a board. With a dark lantern in hand he seems to have explored the lower part of the house and then gone up stairs, first throw ing the front door open, in case it should be necessary for him to make a hurried exit ioing to the room ef Mr Ciarles M ooteith be stealthily began epening it. when Mr Monteith discovering that something was the matter went to the door. Th e burglar made a hasty retreat down stairs, followed by Mr Monteith, who awakened the rest of the members of the family. Out the front door and south on Calipooia street the chase extended, when, catching up with the burg ar near the residence of J W B-ntly, Mr Monteith succeeded in bitting him a blow with his first, which felled him to the ground. but tbe fellow drawing a knife, the contest dn w to a close. The man was rather small, with short chin whiskers. In the mean time Mr Dune Monteith had discovered an ac complice near the U. P. Church. He got one shot at him with a revolver, whea the man took flight and was not seen again. A home made dark lantern and an old coat were left in the yard. In one of the packets of the coat was part of a Umatilla county paper, in which there was probably no sig nificance. Ne booty was taken. Leetare. Dr Lindsley, of Portland, lectured at the College Chapel in this city last Monday eventag to quite s Urge and attentive audi ence, hia theme being the "Eastern Ques tion." The Dr. treated tbe subject on a broad basis, giving a brief, bat quite inter esting sketch ef the founding of Rome, the early peopling of the country bordering on the Red, Mediterranean, Arabian sod other of Southern Europe and Asia, the lise and progress of Mohammedanism, the objects snd purposes of tbe Crusaders, the rise snd growth of the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Empire of Russia, all as introductory to L. ' ... . . . .. ... ue central mougni oi me lecture, mat the I ntlMfinn h loh HAW ISSmt i a! t naSrl iaad I M - -vewt-e sv Bates I X . J mwo ww grew immuw iuw m vuuuict 01 arms, Russia wanting to gain a foothold at Constantinople thus to afford her an easy outlet te tbe oceans where the commercial world has its highway, snd England bent on preventing Russia's thus coming in com pe tition with her in her present supremacy in th ftommftrcial world Th Let dded the question was not of recent data, but had been the cause cf nearly all tbe European and Asiatic "ouflicts for severs! hundred years past. England's policy was pagan and not christian. 8he would extend her borders are with Eogland. Altogether the address was interesting and instructive . ellaqneat Use Tbe return of Sheriff Charlton to ths untJ -Ourt, in tbe matter of taxes, is, considering the times, a good one. Ia I - ia l i a. u 'US " sswajsw s remeixioer I a .s a a ar n . s s . a I inat Mr nanion aiu not Degln col- lectiug un 11 two months later than usb on account of the delay In com P-eting the assessment roil, and a tremendous snow storm, and the delln quent list includes all of the taxes of : foreign coroorat ion, which amount to considerable. Following are the figures ; Amouut of tax $87,034,71. Assessed and collected by Sheriff, ....4959,22. $92 023,83 ..67,394,59. ..23,323,86. Collected Uncollected . To Owner of Horses. I have now as fine a stock oi harness and saddles as can be found in any shop in tbe upper valley My Stock of light and heavy harness is complete, as well as my double carriage, light and heavy hack, single buggy, cart or track harness. I have also a com plete stock of side saddles,and have received direct from Wes tfield, Mass. , the finest as sortment of whips ever brought to Albany. Linen dusters, Mummy dusters and rones in any shade or style. My heavy team harness hss already established a reputation fer being the best in tbe valley for durability and good workmanship. All my goods will be sold prices in keeping with good workmanship. J. J. DUBHUILLl. Pestpesed. TheFioaer Carnival at Crawford's Hall will be postponed until Thursday evening, April 23rd. Sapper will be served from 7:30 p. m. until! 9:36. Come all and enjoy a pleasant'evening. Carres t Iveats. Seattle has an enormous delinquent tax use. Reseburg has a four legged spring ohioken This is too many. Kven two legs make them as tough ss most people oan stand. Two Indian boys passed through Albany on Thursday morning of last week, on their way towards the Sdets Agency. When they had left here an order cams for their arrest J J Murphy, Postal inspector tor Oregon has been set down very easily out of his office. His successor will not be appointed now, perhaps some other time. Only $4,000 delinquent taxes, iu Jackson county. This probably will take the lead in Oregon. Eight live-story briok buildings fall last Monday in New York city. 1 hey were In course of construction and weakened from posr work. Several were iuj ured, no one fatally. A don near Marion, iu Mhriou county, is said to have gone mad with the hydrophia on last Saturday. This is one of the very few oases which have eyer occurred in Linu county. The sad news reaches us tint Kutherford B Hayes has written a poem. Uisa ditfisult matter to uet ahoad of a Chinaman ; yet one is said recently tohsve had passed off on him a confederate $20 piece. Kites are now flying over Oregon. A NUed Street ealest. Saturday afternoon on a hick at rest w met a young man from the country going tn a westerly direction at an Immense speed, with a mm red look on his fan t. He sept looking back as f 4 regiment were after htm, increasing his speed at each glaace. The event proved to be a chapter iu one or tbe most interesting and peculiar Htroei altercation ever witnessed In the peacerul city or Albany. But a few ms menu before on First Street a couple or welt known citizens had had a disagree ment, quarrel or whatever you wlah to call it, when the larger t the two told the smaller that be would tend to him himself if he were not so much smaller than he. and anyway he would give any boy five dollars to whip him. To the sstouish- meat or the crowd present a young man stepped up and said he would do It. The V was handed hlui an 4 he drew off sod struek the smaller young man aforesaid aevera limes before he bad lima to say "Jack Robinson" or even a shorter name. Although fifteen or twenty pounds heavier the blows did not have much effect. A fourth actor iu tbe affair appeared to put a stop to the fight, which resulted In a rough snd tumble contest between him and tbe one who bad offered tbe to, be wanting to see it go on. This ended the fighting part of the affair. It was follow. ed by a fleeing young mtn towards the open country, first mentioned, whom, it is claimed, was waiting for such sn oppor tuntty, and the replenishing ot the city Treasury to tbe tune of 10. The matter baa aaauraed such a public nature that we give tbe current version of it, leaving out the side shows as wed as the actors names, whom we have ne deal re to drag into print any more than is uecesr- In the unpleasant squabble. A Live Brownsville riran. Mr R K Thompson, of the firm of Thomp son 4 Waters, of Brownsville, was in Al bany Tuesday. This firm is one of the most enterprising in tbe valley, does a large busi ness and sells s quality ef goods which recom mend themselves. By refereoce to their large ad. in another column, it will be seen that they have an immense stock of general merchandise on hand, Mr Thompson baying recently arrived from Sas I'ranciseo, where be bought extensively. K bouse in Lino county carries 'a Isagee or better stock. Bi llable, popular business men, they propose to do the fair thing by their customers, divide profits. Not only will they msrk their goods as low a any other house in tbe coun ty, but whea a customer pays cash they will deduct 10 percent, no nutter wbst the stse of the bill This commends itself. Tbotnp sen and Waters sre bound to de a rushing business, and certainly deserve to. Steam law Hill. Cherry k Parke, the enter prising machinists, of tins ctt v. have iul com nH Bhirim, ,A ortll,h-r n,.. L, f t,tmir tm,irnv. ,..,.. , tme -f-m aalUa . . ,,,. , . ... , . ' ' . made and will bo one of the best mil . . . , , , .. , . . tm filar flirt if t 1 1 e ssf nru l,arui it f- flits a a. r . it tatest improvements to make It a first class machine, fbls Arm hare also, In stock; at their shope, a large mill, which it will pay nsillmett to examine. The work turned out by Cherry aad Parkes Is giving tnem deservedly a good repu tation for ssDdiDg o it flrst-eh ss work Thy -h facilities fnf Competing with ,Dy 'hP ,D t Northw i lD my ordtn In re reeeivi. g Iron omereoi par or me oooutry snow "ow we" are doing It. Tessseranee Meetlas The Ministers mass temperance meeting held at the Court House on Tussdsy even Ing was well attended and proved an In teresting meeting. Short and polpted addresses wers delivered by Revs. Mc Allister and Judy ; a thoughtful and well wnuen essay waa rem oy miss ex e. now i eass Miner gavs Miss I fettle Miller gave a well rendered reading, and a class of children conferred much credit on themselves In a very eppropriate temperaoce song. Larllra Plessc Skip Tbla 'UaSOBS; XfjajsuaS Jos; eqi oifsui esespl ',j 2uj -psM no piswut nai no a" ay 'nut eq i vt Jiiii Afwsn t i pte 'e(uS(a S11 l wpo tit ii i. 4 m(uo9 pus 'seoqs pus epioq qsA)v pne eiqejnp isoui 'ejsq mji sojqqu 'nuns Sfujidg iseq eq; )9 oj eDVd eq) iq) )9CUannonus ns (dmpi 8 I s ' Do not forget ns when wanting a nobby pair of men's shoes. We have the latest styles. Head & b now jell. Letter Llat. Following la the list of letters remaining In tha Pest I Otto, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, April 10th,1886. persons cauingior uiok le.ujri must jfive wie uaio on which they were advertised ; Eisenbacb, Ike Newman, W It 3 Newman, Frank Nichols. Mrs Ella Powell, Mra Mary Pries, Henry Bimison, Pell VanderhiU, Miss Jsunie wilkey, John J. M. IRVING, P. M. ne Ten of Tebsees. One ton of the already famous "Pluck" tobacco just received at A. B. Mcliwain's. at I Buying in such large quantities Mr. Mc- Ilwain is able to undersell all other dealers This is the best tobacco used. Call and set a sample plug free, and you will chew uo otbei. Our dress goods have arrived aud tbe ladies are invited te call and see them. Everything in new colors and deaigus will be found in our complete assortment. MOrfxtrrst Ssitinbach, Ml AND) AIMAB, K M French, jeweler. Tbe best hsrness st J J Dubruillsa. Bin Franklin died D" yesrs Ago to ley. 5, 10 and 25o counters at N H Allen ft Co, Fashienablemillinsry at Allison ft Tho ip so u's. Fresh oat meal gloats at Iliad and Brow usll'a. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, A I bany, Or. He who livea lor himself has not much to live for. Ben Simpson and wife are coming to Port laud to reside Ureen house plaiita constantly on baud by J 11 Towns., nd. Three inches of sncw fell in Portland last Weduesdsy night, The Coer D'Alone racket is being litre ducod tills spring. Albany is now full of psoule and all avail able property is ronted, Kiue Urge oranges alw.iy in st ok at Itosd and Itrownell's No. 1, Vol. I, of the Albany UiiUfiin, an pcard last Wednesday. New from go ids arrive aim t m'ory day at lU .id and ((rcwindl's. Fur the ?atest styles of hats and bono. Is go to Mi Mat tio fester's l'ho healer lor the school budding is being built in the East. A York minister run 4 skating rink. Nut a t y souara hmnnans. ('.(morrow it will have been 110 years aiucs CtuI H ivuio took his famous ndr. i.uliea, go and sua Monteith ft Snleubaab's spring stuck, great verity in every department. Full has of hlf hardware at A B Mu Itweiu s. also tflass ware and uueen'a ware. ('line. Monteith snd Co. 'a ll.isl Kvtate.Iu surauue, Culleuttoua,aud Notary I'uoliu office. Tw,tdale keepa a nice line of tin and nop pr ware, aud dooa repairing in beHi I'line, Mobtetlh and Ci. , uli city property and tiud renters lor tbe sauio on hurt llinv. Rev S . Irvine will preach at Oak Creek Baptit harsh ttSS I Sabbath at 4 o'eleck p. in. A i re nutnbor of (.nut c maty peopls will visit VMuiua Bay during the otniug Hum mar. Rsv Alter, formerly nf Reuses, now ef W. T. , preached in the U P Church last Msb- bath. Call ou Allison ft Thompson, uar S E Young's store, for tbe latet and beat mil linery. Joaquin Miller's .laughter recently eloin-.l. That probably cornea from having a fligbty falher. Weseethst W. C. TeedJe has .u.t re oeivod au tn t lot of uew slyb-.t parlor stoves. Fishing tackle, cuttlcry, sewing machines and notions, cheaper than ever, at Will Brothers. Dr. M. II. Ellis, physician and surge.. u All-auy, Oregon. 'H made in city or country. ('line, Monteith and Q execute all kinds of legal documents, aud furoub correct ab stracts of titles. Burkhart Bros, will advertise your land for sale free of charge. U ive tbsm a cil if you want to sell. About IW.OfJO feet of lumber and 170 000 brick will be need in tbe construction of the new school house. Oo to Prushaw's uow Drug Store for pure drug, patent mcticiuea, etc J'reecriptious carefully compounded, lu Portland school teachers are fined Si if they are tarUy evea for one nuaute. That is getting things dwwu Hue. Rev Culp. of tbe M E Churoli Honth wdi oenmencc a protracted meeting at Tangent 00 the -Tib of tins month. Wtmiow shades, hvoe cartains, od cloth, carpeU, aud wall paper. Tne niceel atack m tawu at Monteith A Set tea bach a. A splendid lins of snmmer a hers, all ths lataet deaigus, nebby, just the tbiug, re ceived this week at 1. E Ulain's. A reward of 900 has bees offerml for tbe reoovery fd the body of Frank Rampy, drownssl at Harriaburg last Sunday. Most fruit is now out of the reach of ft eat. There will in all pr-.beoiliiy be an immense crop in the Willamette Valley this year. As soon aa logs can be gotten down tbe Calipooia Robinson aud West will begin sawing lumber lor the new school building. Hemember tbedauoe for the benefit of the Mechanics' Band at Crawl. ir l a Hall, this (Friday) night. Pirt cleee musts will be furuiened. Iadiea', mieeea' and children' floe shoes, ales coarser grades, can be found st Mou -t r.i ft prices in keeping with hard times. Mattreaani and lounges for sale, and all of upholstering work repaired at J E Hayes, just east ot Dyue and Eobeeou's, Albany, Oregon. All over Orejon horse exhibits are report ed. Linn comity could make a first clas exhibit. The attention of borae men la call ed t the matter. An entertainment will be given at Salem this Friday, evoning for the leoelit of the liremeu. Mrs K W Laugdouof this city will take part m the same. On Thursday of last week tbe Albany steamer run ou s bar while going up the river. Its crew snd passengers had quite an experience in getting off. Any party wishing to purchase a good farm, either for grain or stock wdl do well , ky SSdMs ey A E Qry ft O. Esal ftsass "ffTl fTf 1li hi II Will if the new school house is being constructed, and tbe premises are- being relieved of the large amount of rubbish on them. On last Sunday at San Fiancisco, Kittle man beat (iibson, the succeseiul competitor ef Lewis, in s 150 yard race, by about four feet. The stakes were f 1000. Rev M Judy will preach at Trinity Chspel j on Sabbath alter noon (Apii. I'Jtb) at M0 o'clock. Those interested in the organiza tion of a Habbatb school are requested to be present. Borkhsrt Bros., have several caan custom era for small pieces of laud of from 24 to 80 acres. If farmers win ue willing to divide their land into this size tracts we oan sell tbem. Judge Bronaugh, formerly of Portland, and well kuown through the valley, is preaching through California ia tbo iutaiest of the Second Adventists and his health. Poor Un account of being too busy with orders, Miss Schubert will not have her regular Spring opening of millinery. All sre invited to cell snd see h st fine stock. No trouble to sbow goods. Miss Mattie Foster has reieived her spring stock of millinery, consisting of the 1 .test styles of hats, bonnets, trimmings, etc. Call and examine before purchasing, as it is first class in every respect. mi. - eaA saa a , i ne exniumon or Mirror ot lrelacd pre ssmen at urawtorus Mall Wed needs v even ing was well attendod and gavs genersl satis faction. It was s laughable aa well as instrue tive entertainment. If you want your property advertised call on 'lino Unnt.ill. ...J So i 1 ' -1 WM vyiiiio, luvuvcilll Mllta , lUlinOOiavOly It you want your property sold call on them. It costs you nothing to advertise with this firm and very little to sell. A tilled S20 piece was discovered in this city last week. A worthy farmer, who re ceived it about six months ago. vas conoid erably surprised to find that it had a flat riog ana tne cage was creased. There remains unsold in the warehouses of Albany between 50.000 and 70,000 bushels ef wheat, The rise iu the price last week alone added several thousand dollars to the account ef Liun county farmers, IWI a S a I - w neiner a great European war occurs in Europe or not the fact should not be forgotten that the hest place to purchase groceries provisions, tobaccos, cigars and confection ery is at Hoffman and Joseph a. The play "Among the Breaker," a thril ling, interesting drama, will be presented at Crawford s Opera House in a few weeks for tbe benefit of the State Firemen's Tourna ment fund. Make np your mind to attend. Freight trains on the 0 fc C now run only every other day, north of Junction two trains being run, scuth of that city only one freight is on ths read, Ths E R som - j pany is curtailing expense, with a vengeance. JGx-NherifT Humphrey hss taken a new de parture aud has now gone into the supsrin tending business, in connection with his J P office, at which he is an expert iu certain lines. For particulars see County Court proceedings. Last Hundsy while riding in a skiff iu Ike Willamette at Harrisburg, Frank a 1A y. ar old sou of R A Rampy, was thrown iu tbe water by the b. Hits h L 1-1 U 1 1 1 v a drift, and drowned before assistance 00 I I be tendered bint. Tbe aflatr caused greet exuitau eot in Harrisburg. Now is ths tims to sell your laud, place 1 iu the lands of Burkhart Bros., they ha v. qetter facilities for advertising aud selling land that any other ageuts in Oregon, ml them your name and they will send you their Real Estate Caper for one year free of charge. A petiti hi has been made to the County Court of Multnomah uoauty by six children, asking that Judge William dtroug, well known here, be dasdsfed nun romjto twntU, aud a guardtau ap. inted to take care of his property, to which ihuJuda strongly ob. Jesse. The recent Eugene city election reultd in the oleotioii of tbe lollowiug : F B Dunu, Mayor 1 E R Euokey, H Friendly aud I, Bilyeu, Couuoilmsu . Win .Shaw, It ....... , . (' I Roberts, Marshal . F W ACralu. I r- ursr. A dear Democratic victory. .1A.1 re ws were oast Esst Tuesday MrO F Soup'ou lift atom office a sample ol fail wnuat groau on lu Benton county farm, being a fair rOfwSSSStAa tive ol ..' auras, it is a Ssl Aslll i ineh loug, aud 111 aplimdld condition. Cut Eaatem peo ple coititate By ptastag year property m the baudaol Cliue, Mouvrith ami Co,, y..u re aaatired that It Will btiUtepoatMl of at the . aili-t op. portunity. Par Ufa BSVin hill. . col hot will do wellsoplaoetua.o . ti handa of tbla lirm, aethey aUo propoau lodos g..n. rJ c.l lectiug business. Tbe now Hume, whic'i f.ela Ribinsoo ft West's saw null, Zoyea and Hochatedl. l a pleuiog mill aud Otasf sad Kioin'a furniluie facUiry has ls-eu oompi ,iul It is two fuot wider than the old OSS an I gtvs a prrat lucreaai ol power. ftlMiut lift new unmet a anivsd RoaS N oib Carolina ou Friday J last weva. fbeS were nine days miiherosd. Abo tt a sew! ego viral d their asigAksSje AMsS to J nsk county, which they bat- I well m. .era rS loducsnl to follow. Rurkhatt Bros. vertiemu it of " doiey to lsu" Wassnaaured y partlea fio .1 ., , parts of the StaW li u UdsSt county in tl.e uorlbesat to Joaephin- 1st the a.u h...t Advertiaoaouiethiug the people wain and U counts every tnnt-. The city Kthoo'a SSSSS 'oday for (his y. r, iu order to give the contractors an o,.j..f tuutty to lay the foundation for the fee buildiof,. 1 he old structure, uow nwt.e I by Tele lliley. will be inovtMl ou Mr R.iea property several blocks east. The tannery at Sweet Home operated bf Wm Rumbaugh and gsj u turning out aSSBS excellent lestber. We bays lwen shown auine samples of buckskin and gta:kin which came from their tannery, whi.-b judges la said to be liret-c We hop.- (o aee Una enterprise succeesfu Sheriff J K Charltou and the Sbenffs of Polk, Clackamas. Beutati, Douglas, Imu. I'liialilla, Washtuglou, Multnomah, aud Yamhill . unto-., aad the Chief of Police of Portland, have been seed by the Dundee Mortgage and Trust Company to rea tram them from collecting certain taxes sSSSSSsd sgatnat the said compaay. Tbe assrearaeiil in thlsoounty. $IAl,, ia the la'geet of llxiee ua the list. ssxisL as rrs.iui t ieorgc forma. Wvalf.ll hfi I.. faaf ( 'all J M Raise of 0 , a 1 ia A .y to Pswt ms4 llatsv Mondsy. Hon R I W't. i j a oay on ny.i . . H I. I: id 1 snd sss, id Te syia, we tu the city UteHrstot th- .. EC Rioe and It B I'.a.ll, of Br-, wnavtl'a, were in the city Tureday We acLnowledge s pleaa n 'l fte Rmr of thn week from Mra I'aul it ssisrsss), of Marr ul.u'g Mr. Kimon Seitanlscb and To-. Mm. tatlh. Jr.. return. I fro u a trip u, 1 11 gas the first of the seek. Oscar Daufels and family base tetaroad from Dufur, ('..,. to Alban, which be will nuke bis future home. Mrs Cap. Powell, of Portland, apent sey -eral tlays m Albany suiting relstive and fneodi. returning home this week. Miss Mattie Allison is in Portland this weik laying 111 a splendid teast (,f nnllieery or tbe firm of Allison ft Thompson. Mr Alfred French, a brother of Mr F M French, baa moved from Minnesota to this city, and wili probably locate on alarm near Albany. Howard Bramwetl retire 1 f-m his case on the f'rni'i-PUtrmiiuitor last Saturday and on Monday returned to his home at 1 Harriaburg. Rev A J Uunssker, of MeMinnville, and A W Sutisrd, of Brownsyiiir, were iu the i city during the week atumdtn; ths Hoard ' meeting of th liapttst Church. Mr N J Redpath and wife, of O'ymp s. W. T were in ti,n th- ;V-t. f th. Smt has been studying medicine tn Portland, j where he will graduate next Spring. Miaa Hove Alexander left last Friday for Sao Pranciao, where she will spend several months in a medical college, having deter mined to adopt medicine as a profession. Mias Alexander haa the ability aud tact, we predict to make a successful physician. TM'K. All parsons knowing themselves indebted to the lata firm of K L Thompson 4 Or, srs earnestly requested to cell and settle imms diately. Mrs L M Foster hsving retired fron tli business. -e Sea acLttarr at 0OOL As soon ss the public schools close Miee K M Howard will open a select acho-d iu the West Ward school house. She wili teach all branches, iosluding drawing, to pupils of all ages snd dsgres of advancement. Tuition $2 per month. Miss Howard has a splendid rep utation as s teacher and should receive a liberal patronage. Such a ' -1 will be needed here in view of the fact that the reg nlar pablio schools Jan. 1st, J88fi. ill be closed till about tSIOK OH.. Oae of the chief us s to which castor oil is now put Is that of dressing and ssftealng leather for hoots. It was for merly ui"d for dosing children whose steroaohs were disordered. And an aw ful dose it was. Now we give suffering children Brown's Iron Bittern, which tones the stomach, regulates digestion, and imparts strength to the whole body. Brown's Iron Bitters is iucom p&rably belter. Tbe expenses of tbe penitentiary for the three months eudiug March 31st, were $7218; earaings, $4595.97; collootious, si ArA rtw mi H I A -.afa $1050.65. There wero '2tJ3 couviots at cloHe of quarter. Following is the manner in which they are employed j Contractors, 105; digging clay and preparing brickyard, 9 ; hauling and cutting wood, 9 ; ahoentaking and tailoring, 6 ; blacksmithing and turning, 3 : laundry and soao making. 9 ; care of stock, 6 ; cooks, waiters and cmiu: meats, 29 ; hospital stewards, 2 ; bakery, 3 ; boiler house and broom making, 3 ; carpenter shop, 3 : teamsters. 4 : seamstress, 1 ; aged, tie crepit, diseased and unable to work, 10. eal Rstste, Parties having raal estate to dispose of will consider their own iuterest by calling on Chne, Monteith snd Co. , as they have opened a live real estate otnce.and now have customers for both larjo and small tracts of land. 5, 10 and 25o counters at N H Allen & Co. csWRTv :rarr trail, Tism J i. Wkltney, Judes; A Oomlrs snd Dstrkt Merer, '(itniiilsalnners.) Bill of J h Cain continual. AppPosllon of O W Crolsmj und others for oniiuiy rosd granted. Bill of Dr (i VV Msatou cniitlnuud Msller of spplluatlon of Win MoCaws for alteration of county mad disinlnaed. In matter of application of 11 freskseen f-r supplies, ordered that all Hupervlsote be aiilhorlxed to puruhaso all tbe lumber uwwNsary Ut make repairs in their die irlcts. Ordered that bridge over ditrdi In dis trict IH bo repair...! by ts upsrvlssr, O W Cooper. lu matter of applioatisn of J C Devlne Mai for alteration of county roaIs, D II M '(thorn, John Rirk and C Wntklus ap P - nUid v, ewers, KTT Fisher, surveyor. Or.icred that D W Huusisiigh be au thorized to expend not to ssoeod 99 per month tor Kmneraoa family. Bill of Dr J P Wsiiaos, fob, continued. Ordereu that J J Whimsy, Judge, give Bjtkie snd iet contract for repairing Broadalbln Mlrset. Ofdeiwd tbat A 0 Hausmau be author i .il to expend t per week X w Hsrab Ann (' urk and report monthly. Hee g nation of M Befgou, Suprvbstir ef Dial 40, scocpied and Minor .Mi-tjueeu appointed. John Bland. Hupr.'is r u( ih 'JO, m lowed I Moraper. ftoaignallon of . Bond, r, sup, of Diet 7, allowu-i slid Cbss BiswaSfdaisl appointed. Application of PMuhltMetr of D ai 16 to make culvert oominusi. In the tualtar of the repair of lbs Sand eraon bridgs on the httswHl Hantlam.onier ad Use! limine h il ven for Hi tiulldlug of n SSHS span of the Howe Irwei pauern, 131 foot ...tig to ih- clear, am tsSSgjMft and width sa old brlJge, In be covered and real on one reciaiigulsr p. r, and that approa ch is name be fully repaired, In the mailer of i'. app Icatlon for binlgo ovor North neuliam al Mehama, ordornd that ooiiuiy appr.,p-ii eufficlent to pay one half of building asma, not to -x i $xm Certain rtrrs.-ti.uia lu US lis1 were mads oi the saaeaiueiiUt of IA 1st payers. Ordered f st notion be g'ten end bids hs rsoelved fir rebuilding of Richardson hrtdhw essy i. ii.r t, finita'! his own plans snd apeoifbssiloti . ACmdra nppilu'sl H.i; trnuendent to i t opal reel sad ati;riat ( i . ms'.ructioo of bridg't over Muddy near Rogers. Petition for building a bridge across Sstilism near R R BesBpftfwJ S oriotlnusd until next term. Iu tbn ftmous Hwanl II NSM Kaeny case Jurors allowed per distu and milage. L Msthews, vy, D X Riimii .ugh. fll, wit neeesw one day and no ui D fa, Mr Martha Powell, P Wk, other fee gas .Wowed. Iu man.-r of repairing ( '..urt House Geo Homphrsy was suiiisru I to see to all repair of ptastarlug and ealsotnlning, J J V tut nv supsrintsnd repairing of reof and painting of entire Court House, and Mr Humphrey to superintend reconstruc tion of Court Mouse out house. Aonount with sheriff ou asassaroent si lo wed. I ne following bills were allowed : R P Aahby Uo K Ciiamboriain, examiuing In sas tron fir ii M J. nss, xaailuing inssus person Dr O W Maatou, examiuing lueaos psnsou . i 1 Fostsr, Matary'e feaw 17.60 600 6,00 '..OS I V s Rsid. salary as afcOSfi Mup'l 150,00 lr K dey, alien danos on o n per son m Ptsif II ill, public examination 2.S0 U I. Morn, board of Oa, poor J K CiMriton, Nhertra fees H irknart Bros., prtnting. -s an 166.80 13 60 J (iradwobl, unlaw J A Crawford, water rent. Mtlles at Nutting, printing 4. AO 4.06 ifl.oo 600 11.40 4.V IrtiS 4.00 0.00 600 t.20 2.60 16.70 1004 4.00 106.00 Mrst Hou.-k, keeping poor Kd KM Carter, work A Wheeler, lumber P W Mpiuk, bawling Davie Bros ft Co , indie ... Jaa Msdy, board jurora fr liodd, used) oat aervioea aa a a aee J B Henderson John Brigga, m las aud work D Andrew, Clerks J M Irving, postage Mrs A Murry, keeping poor... T J 8tltas,publia examination John bebmeer, liverv. J R ('iiarluni,Mirl'n ft II Farwell, fees on acbool fuud 44.00 May at .Menders, tildes 1 1 .50 J J Whitney, Co. Judire 76.00 J K Charlton, altandaoosou Court It 001""-- . A Coiidra, as Co. Coutuiisaioner 16.00 I Meyers, as Co, Cetntuiaeieuer 10.20 10 and 25o ooautars st N H Allen ft Co, Si aula a- tttre. Owing tothe uncertainty in the amount of binding wire to be used this season, there will not beany more imported than ta actually ordered. Those Intending to use it will have to send their orders to tas not later than June 1st, and as much earlleras psesible, as aame will nave to be ordered lrem manufactories tn the East, and orders must be sent In at onoa, for It ui Ims imro in season. Hamvbl E. Yocsa. a, iu sua .- counters at is n aiioh a. i. . . . - . . v t an a.s-1. hew sassda. N. 11. Allen al Co. are now receiving new go ids, all of which were bought for cash, which lu tbe present demoralised state of the mirk u miens bargains In evsry line of goo is, which tbey propose to give meir customers tne oenent oi. ('line, Monteith it Cos real estate office will be iu the Cheadle Block. Hid Salsves. The Vaudonee real kid glove, 4 and f button, the very best In tha maiketjast arrived at N. H. Alleu it Co. Every s've warranted The bests cigar in town st Read A Baowwatxa. 5, 10 aud 25o counters at N H Allen A Co. gUgkly Keeeasmeaded. Albah r, Obrion, Dc. fit, 1334. RuMdl A Co., The New Masdllo t 33 inch aeptrator snd Russell enatius uarohtstd of you last su merisallvou recom nu It I it to be It ha given satisfaction in every respect. I thresh ed this season in 31 days run 433SZ bushels nf erain which ia the biitest run of any ma- chine iu this part ot tbe couutry. i tnrean a. a S . tL ad for some ot the oldest farmers in this county and they all say that I did them the best job. saying aud olaniug their graia that ever had been done. Our expense for re - Dair8 for theseaaoa lid uot exceed one dollar. I aa aa a a 1 Yours Respectfully, D. D. Hacklbmav. 5, 10 and 8e oountera at N H Alien tt Co riass for sale heap. A square piano, cost $550, will be sold at a saorlfloj for casn, tror particulars oall at this offloe. MA It HI Kit. RAINWATER. BEAMIS. -On Sunday, Aorill2tb. 1885. by Ilev. T. (J. Brown aon assisted by Dr. R, C. Hill. D. W, it ainwateb and Emma C. Beamib both of Benton county. LAME BAKER. On April 12. 1885. Halsey. by Wm. J. Stewart, Esq., Fred Lamb aud Miss Cabbie Bakes both of Halsey. We oongratulate.l A sas as Crtsle ss a Mew Wtsst. Whea a parssu ones geta the Idea lu bis bear! that eeuiethintf ought to be vent i! It,' . ed you might aa wg I try to stop an eve lanoh ou the Aies sa '.attempt Is per suals him to hoi 1 his tongue. I am In thai fix : eliioe I r-mdved to riortu I am all vetitillatlon. I oan sas more motes In peoples eyes than there srs stars In ths milky wsy, or see up s gamblers sleeve. And new that ths i-sstoi are all out of my own eves, his vry natural for ins te desire to ex Mie (hose around me. I bed several ibiuge in my bend, tbe urodii sys tem, bangs, i to . ksJBj when I saw a copy of lbs ttarw btatoiy of lh v lilarneite Val ley, s iimw end grand Ibewe offsred ilsslf. However expert I may lie at whittling dry goods boxes,! admire hlstorv. Of ell works historical lake ihe lead fr olt lny Just put "hiMory ' on a lMk and ti pi-kles it down for age. I tlwr t ne i atif io-l ait of tbS es)6SS6Jia It Is tha making of it every tlma. Mo when I saw 1 1 wwk I t sought on my old from-tnii --n lliime.llngsid. Marautay, Koliln, rlaneroff, etc,, sod began skimmiua us jse WUMmmt s very eleeeesamlnt'ion I maraud O. K. on tbe first 600 pset. tber v-hhiI idea a fair represeutailoii of the niotory of the Wlllsmelta Valley, teraslv and fluently worded, abounding in good ekechee.r m liiiaoeaees snd aol'd fees; hut when 1 struck the last 312 pees I cmtd'd S ar wilted, or collapsed, If you pieisr. They consist of short sketches of eltixena of ore goo, many. If n-t moot of whom wrs aimply iiikt r Ut tbe book, whose HMswe sro lmm rUllx d, no msttor bow prominent.or whsthsr known etall,lmpf p btuse they h-i'.d pay fir the pnh.n-a-tlon. This sg b a ktSSSJ trisd ksdbSM in the atlases s' UNn ami other sSNMtttea, "Pen Skelohse iaf froiNineot men." t vbtoh I hits n Ivlng ar mod in say bumming expadUheneln lbs pset sesrAnd lbs is pis srs h-arily tire I r it. Hiatory losos all Its digsdfV wboti issfsjlgglsi ar-bsos-e h"w 'h-tr (rnspar.ot faces ia Itanotumns. When i-. tls see the nessee of fh;k Jonssa sod Ts-n Mmllh. who were never even J. but were eubecitiers, snd men lika 1 hayer. KUnger. Mitchell, Pllnn, en-., oi4 flrsgnlaus. left out. a mice la amslt right oft and It tost makes one el k like sit oesr. Thla history Itself may be all right. ut aa a whole the book Is liks s bsrss with a dogs tail oi Iter, or a cow wiin sanaarooe' legs, it makes one tblsk of taffy fbopa. Suppose Msosolsy had gone around and gotten akt'-hee of tbe aoHaerlbers to bis mseterly work, which should have read like this : Wil liam Swart Disraeli, barn 1000, small gardeasr, married to Harsh Ann Peel in IKS 2. Haa fourteen sons snd three daogb tsre, tr-wU: ste ." why people would just have laughed all ovsr aad Mar-aolay would, bat, rldhsloua, Msrau'sy wonld never have done eocb an ondigained thing. Some one may say, ''well, tbla la sot s hlstory-of England, nor of tbe U, 8L, nor even of Oregon, b t ol the Willsmette Valley," but U is a bteiory.and perhaps a good one, tbe most prominent work ever written la the Valley, and it Is really too bad that the pobllsbsrs should have ad dad this docs tail ta a good boras. It is easy to try to no 4b k over, bat yen sslgbt ss wed try ts smooth an old maid's temper, it le not biauiry, nor dignity, aad any number of my dry goods boa friends have said so, and also tbat all of their friends have said so and is ostthla author ily. It la really a pity thai at tbe present day sosae oatsh penny aftslr has ta bead dad to every enterprise ia order to make it pay. bat so I observe it to be. How, I j have spread myself mere than I intended II do tot attack thla new book. I am clad it hss been pnbilsesd even wltb Its dogs tall : but do hops ths next oae will leave It out, or if tbe pnblisbere wdl put it in Just like s cyslopodta, lei it ss repress nta live snd not taffy for subscribers, when tbe history Itself assy tie worth wbst .t D B. W. eil Tuesday evening. April 4th. 184V Present all bat Hideout. t' nwtnittae oo Firs and Water r p irtsd against baying hand grenades Committee 1 on Streets against openine and improving 0th o,., -pw.. a rk iiM J petition to extant nrdtlvni sewer, also reported eatch basin aad mtn hole oo Third Steset loseretl to proper grade. Report a of Treasurer aad Reoonler refer- red to oomrr'ttee on Accounts. Petition of EK furd m and 41 others for sewer on Baker Street referred, also of I Beam and 16 others for sidewalk es 6th Street and to improve same ; also petition of W R R ' yQ and other for sswer in Bloc; 17. sat aotiort deferred for ons meeting Ths folmwing bids for painting bell tower received: K A Bowsaan, $115: r S Crosby, gl 12 Bid of Crosby aooeptad. Commustcatiou of tax agent of tbe O aad CRR read aud tax m le aause as county tax. Aid. C Q Hideout granted leave of absence from eight meetings. Ordinance 132 providing for the prevention of peraeos standing around streets after or ders i to move en, passed. Surveyor was ordered to set grade a takes inaileya in Cal tpooia Street sewer. Chief Engineer was instructed to order out engine when necessary to alnsb oat sewer in Blocks 3 and 4. Marshal or dared to enforce this ordinance, also to notify property owners to ass 1 i iacb planks for sidewalks Marshal was insti not ed te get 6000 feet of luraber trota Johu Leedy at $11 per M. Grading and graveling of Broadalbiu Street was deferred for present. Marshal orders 1 to notify property owners on Calapooia Street between 8ixtb al Seventh Street to put it in a good, passable eondition, also ts notify pio.rerty owners te grade and gravel Ellsworth Street between Third aad 8oooad within 30 days, alee clean No Ts lot. G W Borkhart was eleoisd Street Oom- miasioner, rsesiTin a votes. The foUowitur bids were ordered said t G W Burkhart. $47.75 . p y 8pinks, $6 ; N J Heuten, $15.49 ; 8 Ssiteabach, salary aa Trsasarsr, $25 ; John Jones, $70 : Rot't Brown, $50 ; rent of room far quarter,! 18. 75; w A Oox, $4 Train aad Whitney, $5 1 . .... . ,x iUml- . . and bills of all Aldermen and Mayor. The following bills were refei red : NJ Hsntoa, $22. 10 ; O W Burkhart, $27 ; C W Watts, $3.50; J McDonald, $40.30; Usury Susens,$2 56; J R Ste war teen. $16. 25 ; John Briggs, $3. 50. $, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen at Co. Mem Bfi'Laiaa mw rt rsal Liver Oil, Wltb nypepbeskltes, Will Bui Id sua Wasteel Sjstesas.. Dr R B Pusey, Elisabethtown, Ky., aays s "1 bare eraser 1 sou oooti s emul ..tea a s a" a SS . . a sion frequently In tbe last ten years anil take pleasure in commending It aa a valuable remedy both for adults and at children in wasting conditions.' e Mr, Beware of fever sal ague tins coming Summer, by the use ol s few bottles of Ore goa Blood Panser, tins Spring. A TBACK. Dr D F PeolDgtoo, DDrt M Was Fayette street. Baltimore, Mary Inn d. state that he has personally used tbs Rod Star Cough tn e and in bis feixii ly, and has found ii a prompt ami surs rsraedy for coughs and coids. No bad results of other cengh rem- dies. Not a trsc of opium or morphia. 6, 10 and -.! ..: c-motar at N H Alien A Ce Boots sn t Sheas received thie week fres atastero leatttfjeg 1 1 Kaaort K. Yt.cso'a ti. 10 atwl 2oc counters at N II Alias A 'V MILLIHERT PARTNERSHIP. Notion Mhsrwby u v-i, t''St a prfre) ip hax len f.rml l-ti. M.ttie AiliSoB as4 MrsAnanda TlmmfMm, km the .erposs ef carr tg esj the ssiWaevy be i:.s ks Al any. fbatff place d bsMbSSS Hl Is Ike e i iani .r Mi-a Ahi-o.. esse H K V.o s a'- Kr test tdsssj fss4ssssy td aaJ sw eoau.mer r Hisitnl o all th-w. Sheriff's Sale. a ft OafSSdl Court nf A, Stutg ,,j ttrrgm fur (,(mntyof Marion: i W KJar, Plaintiff". v. i !.,. r.l. IM-i.U a tJirriCi: br-l,y Wri, that bt irtoe ut mu xes V Uvn iaa mcI ess ut ih i r,v uaanaS tsrt la ttw -i"a m.t..,! , i t mm, aiessaatl an-1 tl rrd. tUuHng SS t- p-'y, to raslef aid esaeijU- .. I A, SS Ow 7th daf .4 A -nX, SJ SS. at tSe suit 4 ths Kaitttiff a-, h 1 1 lf f u barijSl Utlc iA intars-Stbs aaiaea) t'rfrrl ant in SM to gas. fa:. .... .laaeribaal raal K-artv taaer bad aa iWrm,, lo-wH ttmntinx oa a from tks .i.a.t ,f if. . ,.,t., tad-vs -tU. t y .iirr , U(, Umf tMKtiaai Un r. aaa.aatar iSf SSSk Um aarac au ts ta las ..... r A in ariattfc hses ike aalfe si tba bank to a BSSSt a as bonalrad sst lsat fi - t'xU tru.a ta vim -4 bvyiaaiby teat fl )t.U . Utrnem nvrO, let. V,, ruda - I .t-t .,,., f . u, f r,,.f Uwih laesalS risetOs Sfc.tii tha i.rbt cwtiav-T- l aalS eUim ; tbeneaeset tbe tv-rtbeaat murt f saa cVaata . t tmntm ualtrriy am tha iiir banaraan the aaai claim a4 n da. ii aTftre as th; Sotalissaa claiss ta tk e me. ; a aotnaatterir Uirect a oa the .Ss ta the tac A Ue.innin, wtiA cbvi.u is known 1-. ta ImnA OStac aa L aa mi A vmtU ot Ha-Uoea, mm latitw : Let I ut M, Lot llswIS Si aflff sf Section Is, in Tosruahtp , M c U J W,Lat I tf See t e 2 and LaAa 1 tid 4 Hc-taaw la Toarnebia law (10) S erf k t wast, cueiaviaiite 117 acraa aaare vr lass, stosttd la l. i i. eosntj', ' : . and I will on Salai tlay tba ltb oa rf Ma , 1SS6, at 1 e'etoofe, f. ta., at tlw C-not tloees door ia the city of Altaey, Lias esnut) . i.a;.u asllat ubik aactauti for cash ta keSal SB toa ui.-beat bidder aeas raal prufarty. The era' eaada aiiatny from tbs tads rf said real aoaata ta be seyiied, ftrst to the seytaant of tka itaSa or seal ope it. ia vnl aad las euata aad expeasss ef aals to tba i)) tbcntof Ua- nab and dlaberaaeastats of suit. kkBSa mxti.M. Third W tec pa j ia i at ef UfTs claim .rf $ with tntcrast tbareoa trace the let day of gaSSSSSi last, at tbe rata af s par ear. I par annuss. Kuurtii tba ovorplsi if any remain la be paid to the iMfcodaat, U W Maofrd . 1 1 H tbia liib day of ArtI.lSs.'.. J K. Csuaiaws. Shcrvfl uf Lrftii. c ont; , Oregss. By V. 8 SstTM Drputy. Notice to Contractors. Mont'S Ubarwby mxxt tbat Uida ill b Is by tba Coonty at of Uao c aut. oregee. at ISSMey term, laSV, for tbe repair of tba brtdga Sta Seotb Ssitiata IUtct. krman aa tas arid'' aaid repairs to uasaist eJ tbe beabflaw arf 1S4 last tasg- ia taa ciaar of pattern. U be eorered, not paja'ed. Tka i ead of said now apao to rost oi tba paar aa whicb tbe nertb sod of tbe eld spaa new rests, tabs the ssass apaa. aaStkei a pier at tbs i af aaid rati i tba pat r oa aorta ead of tba aid bridged gfSO witb reeks at tow total ; said plailtaai ta root oa driaea aa aa practissbls aad to i folly repair the asswa to a. J aa a apaa So bo ptsesd oa grade of ot an to l .Out. rse farther appraacb reqeired. Also to rebsild tba bridge across CraUtta Creek knows as tbe "fttctaiesoa tirAff to bs at tbe seas tot si aad tbs raa length aa tba old bridge, .SS fast sim) to ba oorerad, not palates. Mtdtoge win be (It an tba contractor of usieg tba approaches aaS atw h irwit aa are ia as ijsabls awadiUoa la tbe all bttage. Tbe abovs coetracts to be tot strparataly. Law b baddar XO fumiah bia owa plans aad apecigi ariass witb bid, tba Coon rsstrsiag tbs right to reject aay esd all bida. bida ta bs Stod witb Cbrrk aa er bs tors Wednesday, May Stb, USS. at 1 p. ta. Deoe by order of tbe Cr-urt . D ajrasssra. Clerk. Executor's Sale. MOTICK b git H lesssrsf tbo mat will Cherry, deceased, in tbe pursuance of aa i County Court of Linn coonty, Ortwes.duly arose aad antaead ef tsews, oe tbe Stb day ot April. 1SSS. will sal! at pobtte asetios 'a tba hiehitet bidder, at tas Court Hooso door in tbe city .if Albany, ia Labs county, Oregoa. at tbe boar ef aee o'clock, p. m., af bs ISIS day of May, 168S, all tbe right, title and ks t of tbs said A F. ( berry at tbe tiros ef bis death, la aad to tbe following dsscrissd real oroporty. to- ait : Lot So. Are (5), in Block No. sixteen flSL la tbs eaatam addition to tba dty of Albany, ta Una county, Oregon, aa known and designated wa Iks plate, maps and surreys, ef said dty, saw es tie asS ef record in tbe office ef tbe Coonty Clerk, af Una eoenty, Oregon. Tbs same being aitoat ed wbalty ta LirncountT, Oregon. I srss of sale-Cash in band to the highest ssSSav the day of sale. Jasas G. Csrsssv, L. H . Mow a xt a. Bseentee. AUyfor Kxacstor. R. J.TRUMBULL & CO.. Growers, Importers acd Dealer- -IV - SEEDS, TREES AND PLANTS. -410, 421 SANSOME ST., SAN FRANCISCO - - - GAL I lust rated catalogues for 1845 free oa sp plication. Hertii Britisli and Mercantile In surance Go. OP LONDON AND KDIKGBURQ, to 1 Capital - - - - $15, 000, 00. N. J. HENTON. Ageni Vlla.n Oregon Just Received AT 50. TTOFFM A N JOSEPTT'S Xl.JX x vx u XX O. (Sole Agents) AMERICA'S r CENT 1 FINEST Q CIGAR, "BOSS PUNCH." And they are tbe bogus tee. Try s au i you will smoke no other 5 center, JJOUSE ASD iOT FOR SALE. 280 acres of land for sale. Bouse that the naderstaaed. Es- srearef tba lot situated in N, W, part of Phmo. The land lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Ct urch. 1 niuaprovwi. 100 sore balance brush. Inquire of J. L.M11XBB.