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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1885)
4 i i lily al Sworn C. I! i: , , . , ti (h 'j tan. -l - - .1.. '...rrliiuiv S .'i it-.r . i . 1 (J ':-... mi tleatih, IturSo 1..1 tlio I v . simI v- r n mil orMislein m u'ih-v liwtf teinlsiu nupimc iicuiui, prevem dieviuv, ptttity BKMAlm ail uittUr hOSM bttppy A3VtT?3L.I3 COPIES 1T1R.1ZE1. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 50 CENTS PER YEAR. (Whtch can lw eu In Ht.uic stiuiips.) PREMIUM LIST FOR l884-'85. A Literary Revolution. A Whole Library for Fifty Cents. GIVE' TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. ran okc Tm m ess aklMttM scn-lltis 18 cent wo win give-any vitieof ihe toilou in;; leu Premiums ; No. I. 1R. IIai.k's Photo. (Cobnu t su.) N.i. & A L vov sUriiiE to r ancy Uiuut. No. .V ttSB ov art aji Poetry. f ThkCMCKCV m.n ?g llr.Airrit. I! i vi; v Ai-Kti L . . J. : i rvix vNHiol-nnW IlMR. .o. r. .,,,, .i.h k' Lavuov. P!:!..; Mm St I'v.i. Ti Ai:li"S. f Tun l.-a HNK Sm. I Ma ST i f-.-ioii-trie. I 1 rri ;.VlUTfn. No. . iwiNT. i. . SIS tin tti: vt ion. f Tip UnMCCaoM Book. iKNoWi Un.l ! THS Mil i IUV FOri FOUR Trvevcry iktsivi Rtnilwj W -'.,vO tor tour :;! eic nn r llic miM tut; eu iTenuuiu : No. II. HNii:-.miKort.-riLliw:MA,. Nm 1v A Bad IJoy's Diary (0 psfos). so. U lrr: R History or tiikCivil No 17. A BnoKEM Wimotyo Uiko (400pfes). jtn, H. Iw I mti.'s Plain Hwn TaUC No. If, bx. Case's feM ISook (lOOpacos). Xv H. The Mm r m n Pui:f; n. No. li. A Village Goaair' Diaky (298 rp)- No. 15 Tin ": : a uoiiol Stovk. No. Hvidk to Lack Pattesso, Etc. ron five sucucaitEis. SSkHvcty pensa snHUM HUM fir five in:ru: -u M-ripiious we will send H BcautlfUl ;;.rMC Sinv eMiuiwot of tweuiy Colorado Mineral. ron te". cuascr.iBERS. T i v r '!' wilding ir i" oj lor ten ann nl su!M-rii'tioi . wai icod a 13.00 Corn L I Slu'H-. r Uritl tr:.i (KM HMUHERMtUlvr. FOR mCNTY ftCSCKlCERS. T.. irn r.iu wiudhw uj.1'1 !or twenty annual ubcrlrtiin. we will send a tubstas :;.U !!a : Mill KM .. .:,iin i HiiMfS. Meal. Oyttrlicll, Corn. Lie.. wDieii will save 1W pvt cent, sn ktti i.iu '. p .niiry . i (9) - PtotriHi! ulH. imhI im. iirt'ird y rnrut i-Mtne att-i to mm ioiu llVTi LIGT CLOSES bll MAY 31, 1885. Okank tt ire t r r . U. P. Ctcbch. ItaflMai nrwty Sahbalh, at 11 a. M.. and 7 r. u. by Rev. F Q. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. u Prayer meeting every Wedneaa day evening. Evangelical Chckch. Preaching on Sab bath at II am., and 7 F. N. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting very Thnxs day evening. J. A. BoUenbaagh, pastor. Cong reg atiok al Chtjbch. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 8 E. it. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each weak. T W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Chcrch, South. Serriees held every second and tourth Sabbaths in each month at St. Paul's M. BL Ohnrch. South, at 11a. m. Sabbath School at 2 30 PP M. sharp. Prayer tneeting every Thurs day evening. C. H. Carson, pastor. M. E. Chcrol Preaching every Sabbath at 11 A M. and 7 P. m. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School t 2.30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. Presbyterias Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church opr. Broadalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Christian Church. Preaching every Sab oath at W. C. T. 17. Hall,at 11 a.m. 7:30 r M. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock P. m. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Chnrch on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 6 firorruson, pastor. UirrvRRSAJLirs Church. Preaching every econd and fourth Sabbath of each month Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. X. o'clock, P. M. OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. Patronize men who advertise. They are alive. They mean busmea. They appreciate the newspaper. They are the men to deal with. Following kt a list of the Democrat's advertisers this week, tu Albany. Can on them : General Merchandise 8 E Younjr, Mantel to A Seitenbech, N H Allen, A B Mcilwain. Groceries Hoffman A Jssepfa, Frank Read, Aifricultural implements Peters Blain, Vf H Goltra, 8 E Young, J Gradwohl. Hardware Peters A Stewart, J Gradwohl. Clothing L E Blain. Drugs Fahay dt Mason, E W Langdon and Co., KePruabaw. vesaod Tinware John Brlggs. Furniture A B Woodin, Brink and Son. Chairs L Putnam. MULnery- Emma Schubert, MatOe Aliuon, Matlie Foster. Soda Works Hoffnitn and Joseph. Iron Work Cherry and Parke, A F Cherry and OB. Marble Work- A Stalger, G W Harris. Fkrar-Bed Crown MilU, Magnolia Mills. Lumber Albany haw Mill. Tobacco, Knives, etc. Sam. Cohen. Meat 18 Roberta. Hotel Revere House. nt JasMady. h H Kenton . iv or Hair Cut L Campeau, Jos. Webber. -Han Wa Yin?. Legal Advice R ti btrahan, Powell and Bilyeu, J K Weatherford, J J Whitney, L U Montanye. Medical Advice G W Maston, J P Wallace, M II KM is, J W and Mary TCole. To the Unfortunate! DK GIBBON'S Dispensary. OQ KBABMT T., UCO corner of Commer cial Street, San Francisco. L Kstatilisned in 18&f. for I the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, suck Gonorrhea, Gleet. ; St rl el n re, sy phi 1 in in a! its forms, Impvtenry eaulaal Weakness, night losses by dreams, pirn piss on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The ick and afflicted should not fad to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and ingpected thoroughly the various noapi la's there, obtaining a giaat deal of valuable lnionna on, which he is competent to impart to those in need tfbis seryice. DK. GIBBON will make no charge nleas he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY BE CIHV.U 4T HOME. All col munications strictly contidential. You see no one bu. the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Debtor will please state the name of the piper they see this advertisement in.' Charges rea o nable. Call r write. Addr ss DR. J. F. GIBBON, x 1957, San Francisco. The Doctor cures when thers fail. Try him, vlkn3 A COOI IliM-E FOB Sl'BSCBlBEB. To every subscriber to the Democrat who pays up his subscription and con tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him the "Health and Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a large eight page, forty column, monthly papt.,and is full of excellent reading matter. A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our subscribers a chance to fat a good paper for nothing. Those de siring the paper sent to them will please so at timeof paying their subscri - ri, D. C. I).' W. H. HALE, M. D, iterttttt !, r. ! i- .h-voted in everything ll !'!. t hu t ui . l-'ii in Work for the Ladles, 1'tlao su3SCRioer. f-ir MM vent's stibscrltiUon Ui IUauth AND IIoMS, NO. A NlCKKLfLATl'ti PLANT FVMIOATOR. No. 1 Sost and Ballad. No. 6. VMTflR'AN Tr.Ml'i w. t. Sr SAXES. f History or Covmox Things. f TlK LaI'RKI. 1HMI. V- .. I liTtv.t'iMi'i 1'Kitri.t. 1 A Hmi.K From TiikMka. I Tiik i iTira or tiu: N:w WoSLD. (JLAN lNliKLoW'S I'llENS. f Rucitatioss, and kkamno.. I Tine IH'DtiET or Wit ash Humor. .' SlXTKKN 'M l-l.k It: .S TORIES. "j A Ull.DKDSlN. IttSI Rarto.s. I Hi nt. No. 10 SUBSCRIBERS. nnuual nubscrlpJ Ions lo Health ASD Home, wo .ionni ami lurratire employrnent to the hoys m lam vara wv weh rurnuiu tu many saaipia : ! i-t Office, county, and Suie. AND : I.) r : Mouey order, or we vLTH AND IIOMK, Washington. D. C. OR, LIEB If lrlute III pin 400 i .r tit., han Flo Conducted by ouiii f tSfl Mirytol: lnul I eV? 1 he ... i !) I . ...u lalta, life ) R 1 1 1 In i i il i d at ) p i 1 l ily ai d c I l all I m. ii , t hrcr.k 1 !. t frctlot.a u t I . hi.ii.ri., BhMlile r. lit)'. L'lcers, Old Si.nm. hw tl'.ig i Glands, Sure Muuth, 11. nal raina.iwrmajient'v cure d aid r cated h'.ta the system for life M ' . IOI Dshdrur, luij)teo.-y, s. ; M ism at. Sexual ileoay. Men tal and linn i! Wcskneae, Failing Mor), Yieak Kyea, Stiuiiol lc ii lopuiciit,lttiptliinnU Ui Marriajro etc., from eaccea or touthrul f .Uica, r any cause. apeedL'y, ately and privately cured. loans. Wlddlr-Aged men, and all who need uwxi.iral iklll and eipcrience, consult the old Euroaii Physician at oner. Ilia opinion coate nothing, and may save futute misery and htnc Wlnrmn-'rfjiet.tiriil to vuiit Hit city for treatment, medicines can be eul ry where by I express free from observation. It is elt-i v-W-nl that j a phyaician who gives hia whole at Urn lion to a claae j of diseases attalra great skill, and phyakiaas through- oat the country, knowg thu. lr.Ucntly rrcommend : dimcult SRSM to the oldest pc ialtt. by wbutnetcry ' known good remedy is used. The Doctor's age anu experience make hta opinion of suprt.nMi importance. JVThose who call see no one but the !- ctor. Coo. j sulUlions free and sacrculy confidential. Cases ' which have failed in obtaining relief etnewhere espec ially solicited. Female dtaeaaea aucccafully trewte!. The Doctor will seree to forfeit tl, tur a raae an ; dertaken, Dot cured. Call or write. Hours, daily, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, 6 to S evenings ; Sundays, 10 to' ' l.'only. Send (or the Sauilarist u Hcmllh, sent free. Address ss sbov - DR. LIE BIG a Wonderful German lavlsntaior Permanently prevents all Unnatural Losses from the system, tones the nerves, strengthens the muscles, checks the waste, invigorates the whole (intern, and restores the afflicted lo Health and Happiness. The reason s many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Lorn of Manhood, etc.. Is owing to a com plication, celled Proatatorrhea with Uyperaetheeta, which requires peculiar treatment. It Uebig'a In vlgorator ta the only positive cure for ProtsLurrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the Llebig Diptnsary. Price r la vlgnrator. Of. Case of six boUlea SI0. Sent to any addreva, covered securely Iron, ob servation. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the luvigorator. A t Bt(le Given or neat I r . . Consultation free and private. Call or address LlEBK. BlffliejET. sOQGeary Hint, ttl Imd Private entrance, 40 5 Bis a ttI, ir Geary Street from Kearney, Hats nliiiit Diapencary Drug Store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business In the C. S. Patent Office attendeded to for moderate fees. Our office is opposit the l . H. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents less Unie than tho-c remote from Washington. bend modie or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ; and we make no charge unices we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Dlv. sudto officials of the C. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and eferences o actual clieute in your own State or count v, sddreas Ca A. SXOW&CO., Oiiposite Patent Office, Washington, D . OF ANOTHER ACE. Gradually SMppIaated by a Better Article Certain Old Times are Boae Away. In the general reception room of the Western Union Telegraph building on Broadway, New York, are exhibited the coarse, crude and clumsy instru ments of the infancy of the telegraph They are only relics now. More tierfect machinery ban miner seded them. Years ago what is styled ths old-fashioned porous plaster did some good service. There was then noth. ing better of the kind. Now all that has changed. Science and study have gone deeper into the secrete of medicine and produced BKNSON'S CAPCINK POll OUS PLASTER, which embodies all the excellencies thus lar possible in an external remedy. The old plasters are slow the Capcine la rapid ; they were uncertain the Capcine is sure. Cheaper article bear similar names. Be cartful, therefore, Omt some thrifty druggist does not deceive you. Price 25 cents. Seabury k Johnson, Chemist, New York. The Buyers Guide Ls issued March and Sept., each year; 224pagea.-8ixin Inches, with over 3, 300 WS&m B whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale ATI fill muJI at " " wwrewsvirtvf m vis (Ui KUvtif JOT ffvkTaSAHAl vsa a v consumers on O vviiTouai vt Tells how to gives exact erythingyoa eat. wear, or familv nsA. order, and cost of er ase, drink, have fun with. These invaluable en luvaiuauia books contain information gleaned from the markets nf tlm a,n.M tt' ti - ..!, tic niuuiau copy free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Xet us hear from you. 9 Eespectfully, THIS PAPER IS ON FILE -AT- PALMER & REY'S ADVERTISING BUREAU ! 405-7 Sansome St., Hon Francisco. AND AT PALMER & REY'S Pacific States Advertising Bureau! 46 Tribune Building, NEW YORK, Where Advertising Contracts can bo made, wiM fvAVeis ffW WE KEtXtVirS $.Ec. KStARMSIIRB rOR TUB SCIRKTiriC AM0 SrSttHT CVSS or Cuaoxtc, Nkryoi-b Ann Rrnm DtRRAsiurl THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. AI.t.RN, AS IS WELL KNOWN, 18 A KCU ulsr uratlitated llivslolan. svluialml at Howdotn College and t'litvsrslty of Michigan. Ho has devoted a lifetime to the study of aait is acknowledged to SS the most exjiert student In his specialty on ths Pa elite Coast And middle aged men, who are suffering tmra ths pui'cts "I youthful ItidlHcrcUons or excesses In ma imer years, nervous and physical debility. Impo tence, lost manhood, confusion of ideas, dull syss. aversion to tOOlSty, ileeHindetuty, pimples en ths i .n . , i.i energy ami memory, ireipiviu-y ot urinal tug, ste. KeinemlKir tlm Ik., lor ha a Veaelat.le Com- iKiuud.the result of many years of siwolal practice and hard study, which under hla siKielal advice has never failed of success lii Uie cure of Lost Manhood, prosta- Kirrnoa, etc. M HOMriTAL KliPKBIKltTB. Ilaviti iv Ing been surgatiu In charge of two leading pltals) enables me to trss. all private troubles hnsi with rveellcnl reaiilta. I slab it distinctly tindor- aiiHid that I do not claim lo ierforui luiitsaiiblllles, or to have miraculous or supernatural owor. I claim uily to be a skillful and successful pliyslclaii and orfcoa, u-u.-hiy nroiiielln my specialty BlSEAMBS OB BAM. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints- no exuerlnteiiUiig. I will guar antes a positive cure In every ease I undertake, or forfeit 1.000 Consultation In office or by letter free and strictly private, i 'barges reasonable. Thorough examination. Including chemical and microscopical anslyais of urine and advise, SA. orlicHi hours u to a daily, ti to S evening. Sunday 0 to tx. .an ou or atiurvse !B. ALLE.1, i kraray Klreel. Ran Fraarlsro, C'al. TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tho Oraatatt Medical Trinmph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I. oas of appetite, Uewels cositva, rata la the head, with a dell eeaaattaa la Ilia hark tart, Palu ander Ike shaalder blade, fullness after eating, with a dis inclination to exertion or hodr er mlsd, IrrttahtlttT of tessBer, Law spirits, with a feellag at having neglected saase stair, Weariaeae, Dlxxlneee. Flattering at Ihe Heart. Dots helorethe eres, Headache over the right eya, BeeSleeeaeea. with fitful dreams. Highly colnrod ( rtae, and CONSTIPATION. TCTT'fs PIlalaB are especially adapted to such cases, one dnae effects auch a change! of fooling as to astonish tho sufferer. They Increase the A Tsetlte,and casse the body to Take an Flasstathus tan system Is uonvieked, and by their Tonic Artless oa the UlgiUvOirMM,HMari( BHMlu.-ril f-rl - aite. 44 MarravM TOnS HAIR D' CiKAT IIaib or tvumxaas ehanffed too Gumist Ulack by a single application of this DYB. It imparts n natural color, acts instantaneously. hold by Druggists, or sent hv express on receiptor 91. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. Will be luauguratod March 4th 1885, THE WORLD, Tho banner Democratic Newspaper, rally. tG I Sen.i. Weekly, ti' i Ntmdav. $1 "o. Weekl,' .one dollar per Year. Mousy can be made by any man or w man. srtrl or boy who will organize clubs for THE WEEKLY WORLD- The great farm and home newspaper. AGENTS PAID IN CASH, For lOORubtcriberB at f I each fctt will be paid ; forSO utilotc-rttxT. til; for 26 eub- M-rilwra, S6; for 15 aabsi-r Hera, $3; for 10 anbivcribem, 2; for 5 sufsseribera f 1. Agents wanted in every Town and Village. .. v- v. ,.. r, HU .lamjiin I U1IBS liuv. Send for them. THE WORLD, 31 PARK ROW NEW YORK. An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled b, any Set of Politicians or Manipulators Devoted to Collecting and Publishing a! the News of the Day in the most Inter. est ing Shape and with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impai tiality; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs d Government Society and Industry. Botes, fry Mail, TotpaiA: DAILY, per Year DAILY, per Month H Of SUNDAY, per Year 1 01 DAILY and iissj SUNDAY per Year - -1 7 0t f, per Year - - - - - 1 04 WEEKLY -address. THB BZTW. JTsse Fee City. jlOKMALB CMKAJP. Three well bred sUlliotui, and thirty oral i anu Haituie nornee. W. T. COCHRAW, llrcwnsville, Or. SAX WA V10. LAl'.VDRY AND CHINA MKIUJIIANISINO BU8I NMS. Kicc. tea and JapaneaS goods. Ladlss' underclothes, so'd at bottom prices. Contractor for ciuiia laoor. "dTNext to City l ank. Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin: ' as a ' ana nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skia Beauty on the skin is -Magnolia Balm. G. COHN & BRO.e 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. la PR87P henil six cents for postaife.aiiU ShkJL TTi v"1-" reeelve rr". costly box of ,r.xds which will help yoti to more money riHht awaythan anythiurele in this world. All of efther sex suc ceed from irrst hour, llie brosxl road to fortune opens before tne workers, absolutely sure. At ones address Tsue and Co.. Augusta, Maine. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. SHILOH'S CATARRH RRMHrv- h.. for Catarrh, Diptberia, ajod Canker Mouth. TV FRIDAY .APRIL 3, 1885 "rNKIHfONlA n ky ael Call It By lis Bight NaBse t Many a strong well-built msn leaves home to-day, before night be will bars a chill, and in a few hours he will be w r dead I This is the wsy the dresded pneumonia takes people off. This list of notable men who are its rlotims is appalling ! Dr. Damroscb, tbe famous musician, is seised by a obill while conducting rehearsal ; neat day his physician telle us be is doinc well. Next dsv he Is dead 1 The Her. J. E. Utimer, D. D., 8. T. D., dean of Boeton university theolo gical school, preaches eloqueatly one morning, has a slight ehillineas there after, feels unwell for a few dsys, and unexpectedly dies I A gentlemen in Albany goes te his physician one morning stating that be feels strangely uncomfortable, is exam ined, sdvised at once to settle up his eflaiis, does so and dies before night t Everyone dreads this prevalent dis order. Its coining is sudden, its ter mination usually speedy. What causes the terrible scourge T It is not "in tha air'infectioue or contagious. It resnlts from exposure, ohanges of weather, prevsils more among men than women, more among the spparentiy healthy then among tbe feeble. Pneumoois, ire sre told, is invited by a certain condition of tha system, indicated if one has occasional ehilla and ferers, a tendency to oolds in the throat and Iungs,rheumalio and neural gic iains, extreme tired feelings, abort breath and pleuritic alienee in tbe side, loss of appetite, backache, nervous un rest, scalding Nonactions, or scant and discolored funds, heart flutterings, sour omach, dutreaeed look, puffy eye aace. hot and dry akin, bws of strength and virility. These indications may act sp pear together, tbey may come, disap pear and reappear for yeats, the person not realising that tbey are nature's warnings of a coming calamity. In other wot da, if pneumonia docs not claim as a victim tbe persons hsving such aymptoms, some leas pronounced bat more fatal malady certainly will. A celebrated New York physician told the Tribum, a year ago, that pneumonia was a secondary disorder, tbe exposure and cold being simply tbe agent which developc tbe disease, al ready dormant in the system, beeauee tbe kidneye have been but partially doing tbeir doty. In abort, pneumonia is bot an early indica ion of a blight's diaeated condition. Tbia impaired ac tion msy exist for years without the patient suspecting it because no pain will be felt in tbe kidneys or tbeir vi canity and often it can be detected only by chemical and microscopical examina tions. Nearly 130 of the 740 deal ha Ui New York city tbe first week in March It e a eel a -a anu in six weeks ei deatns were caused by pneumonia ( Tbe disease is very osstinste, sod if the accompanying kidney disorder is very far advanced, recovery is impossi ble, for tbe kidneys giro out entirely, and the patient is literally suffocated by water. Tbe only safeguard sgsinsf pneumon ia is to maintain a vigorous condition of tbe systemisnd thus prevent its attacks, by using whatever will radically ami effeotuslly restore full vitality to the kidneys, for if tbey are not sound, pneumonia cannot be prevented. For this purpose, there is nothing equsl to Warner's safe core, a remedy known to millions, used probably by hundreds of thousands snd commended as a stand ard speclfio wbarever known snd used. It does not pretend to euro an attack of pneumonia, bnt it does and can re move the cause of and prevent that disease if taken in time. No reasonable man can doubt this if he regsrds the personal experience of thoussnds of honorable men worthy of his favor. When a physician says bis patient has either brigbt's disesse or pneumon ;a, be confesses his insbility to cure, and in a measure he considers his re sponsibility ended. In many instances, indeed, persons are reported as dying of pneumonis, heart disesse, spoplexy and convulsions, when the reel cause of death and so known by tbe physicisn is this kidney consumption. Thou sands of people have is without know ing it and perish of it because their physician will not tell them the facts The ssme fate awaits every one who will not exercise his judgtaent in such a matter and be true to Btmself. bis family snd to society. The very remarkable aostoraont is made in the Medical Times that Dr. FleiscM of Vienna has discovered that the bydrochlorate of cocaine,, admin istered bypodermicaUy in .doses of from one-tweith to onevfourtli of a grain, will cure morphinism, alcho- lisra and similar habits withuu ten days. Music Is tbe sound which oae' children make as they romp IhiKMgh the hotel. Noise te the sound -wriich other people's children makssiaiMder the same circumstances. Bayard says that "Cleveland is o affirmatively honest man. and not, merely an abstainer from dishonesty. " That is the kind of a president the Vltomoerats have given the conotry. rorvhku stiaJfCB, A vsry thin cost of glycerine applied on both sides will prevent a window- psne from hemming obscured by steam or boar frost ; in fact, glycerine msy be used in this wsy to prevent a film of condensed moisture gathering on any article. Tbe opinion of Prof. Lockyer now favors tbe theory that several remarka ble seas, inoludiog iulsnd ssss, some of them connected and some not by straits with still lsrgsr seas, are at present definable in the southern hemisphere of tbe planet Mars. The plsn of making cbsrts of the stars by photographic means Is rspidly gaining favor among astronomer-. A photograph exhibited tbe other day to the Royal Dublin Society showed aev etiteen Htar in a part of tho kjftfSjM tu which tho best published stsr maps ss ign h it five. From experiments on partially closed megoetio circuits of iron Mr. Werner Siemens bss been led to infer thst tbe harder a upeciinen of iron is tbe greater is the value of tbe msgnetizing force st which the maximum of imrraesbility obssreed. He also finds tbst the mag netic resistsnee of air is from 480 to 000 times ss great ss that of iron. In tbe discussion in England as to overpressure in tbe public schools, tbe prevalence of headache was stated to be a fair test of tbe smount of pressure exerted, snd a child s'lould be relieved from continuous attendance at school after a succession of hesdsches had giv sn tbe warning, ftf Hicbard Owen states that about five per oent of child ren suffer from hesdsche whether tin y go to school or not. According to Liv ing, about fourteen per cent of all school children may be expected to suffer from headache. A a oil inspector offers this ex plans tion of why kerosene oil lamps do not give ss good light in cold weather as at other times I "Wisconsin test prase light oils will thicken with tbe eoJd st temperatures vsrying from zero to 2t degrees sbjve. Freezing separates the particles oi paraffin from the remaind er of tbe oil. Tbey ate attracted by tBC wick and fill tbe pores, destroy iog its capillaty Kwet and Increasing its ten dency to iocrust snd chsr in burning. Tbe best kerosene oils f ir burning in cold weather are water white, colorless cits of light gravity. These cost from two to three cents per gallon more.' ItBieiS fACT A largo amount of oil exists In the stormy petrel, and when fat, sc- cordlng to tho Drunnier, the inbatd tanta of the Fsroe Islands use it as a lamp, obtaining thoir light from a wick through the bird's body. Borne teachers of penmanship now teach their pupils to writo with both bands. The method of Instruction is to make the pupil write his tiamo in pencil, and then gn over It with a pen held In their left band, (ousti nt practice gives proficiency. A collection of skulls from tho southern hcmirtpliero has been atud- ied In En gland, tho most notable con clusion reached being that some of races of South Africa, Austrailia and tbe southernmost part of South Amer ica are remarkable for tho smstloes of their heads. Persons addicted to the habit of sticking their tongues out while working should tako warning front the experience of an Alleghany man, who, while chopping wood a few days ago, was struck on (he chin with such force by a fragment as to atmst comletely sever hie organ of speech. Some years ago travelers in Dal mat! noticed largo tracts of land cov ered by a wild flower neir which not a sign of insect life was visible. The bloom was the pyrethrum, whose oder deals death to the lower forms of life, and whose powdered leaves form tbe basis of "Insect powder." The seed of this flower was distribut ed In tbe United States, and a Pal ms tsan has been growing it great euccess in Stockton, Cal. with SO Cards of Weed U anted Tbe Democrat wants forty cords of wood Just as soon as it can be hauled. Immediate payment will bo made in subscription to this paper at market prices. Last year onr subscribers only about half came to time. This year wc mean business, Tlie wood is Just as good as cashfto as and the same to our subscribers, henos we are entitled to it early, and of a good quality and measure. It eaves paying cash on both sides. 8herifr8ale. In the Circuit Court of tine Slate e Oregonor the County of Linn : R Glass and C P Bishep, partners tinder ths Srm naais and style of 0 lass and lllshei. Plaintiffs. YS. Thes J Ed wares and L X Edwards, Defendants. NOTICE Is kereby given that by tfrtus ef an exeou tion and order sf sale leaned out of the above named Court in the above entitled action en tho !2fth day et March, lSlu and to me directed and delivered, I will on Saturday ths 25th day of April, KSS5, at ths Court House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregsn at ths hour of one o'clock, p. in., sell at public auctlen, for cash in hand to ths highest bidder ths real estate heretofore attached in taid notion and described tn said order ef sals aa follows, ts-wlt: The west "of ths southwest ot Section 28 iu Township 14, south oi Hangs I west in the diet net of lands subject to sals at Rossburg, Oregon, containing in all 80 acres I Also Lot No, 1, of Seotien No. SB, of Township 14, south Hangs 1 west of the W ilia nestle -Meridian : Also ths northeast i of southeast J oi '.Section 29, Tssrashlp 14, south st Range 1 west of the Willamette nasridisuf esntainlng 40 acres, except tee isllowlsg, te- wit : the lot of land for mill purpt mm, containing 21 acres and right of way for water d it ch as now used by George Miller. Ths procseds arlsinir irons ths sale of said premises to be applied tint to .ho payment of the costs and dlsbu rsements of thla sctien , taxed st $3S.0& and S26 Attsrnsy's fees, and t ne costs snd expenses of sale, next to the payment on tbe Plaintiffs the sum of 1187,75 with interest thereon at the rate nf 10 per cent par annum from tbe 9th day .sf March, 1885, and tbe ever plus if any there be to ha paid ta the Dofendasjt I OEd wards her hairs or aaalgnsv Dated thla 20th day of March, 18t5. J. It. CUAI l.T ,s, Sheriff of Ijlnn county, Oregon. By D, S. Surra, Deputy. Albnny tin r kef. Wheat b'ia per bubel, Oats 20a " " Beef on foot, 8c. Hay baled, 11(&13 per ton. loose,7 to 10, Polalonvt--iif)W Lw Sta por PUSBCh Bacons hams, 11', shouluern, 7o. sides, lOo. fard -Klo tier lb. Flour, 4.00 per bid. Butter-16 to sn cm per l b. Chickens 8,00 per do. Sugar Han Franolso C, ' Mill Feed bran. 10,00 per ton. shorts, 15. middlings, 20. KggH-li ceuts per do.- lasaranee td During 1HH4 fourteen lire Insurance corn oaiiieN failed Is the United Btates from cutting of rates alone. In IWA the num ber was thu name. It pays to doal only with rslisblo compsnle. Tbe North British, Iondon A LAticashlro, llsrtford, Nootthih Union. Imperial, Ixndon, N h eru A LpifHin and Commercial oi Caiifor nla, represented by F F Nutting, of this city, are a 1 solid, ssfe companion, having done buatnesN for years. The person who Insure wsnts to know thst he will get his Lawn ranee if ho in net with a bets. In the companies mentionod you are sure to. "Bough ea tench Ask t'it "lliugh "il fouchs, for f'otifhs, I ..Ids, Sore Ibr.St, llnarsiirae. I ns has, 16e, Ufiiid TUk. "Komku ea Bats." a risers out rata, tidrr. Bsaj hot, fli.-a, snU, br.t hu-a skin. fc., i titj'ttiui.ka, jf'', 16c. I'rujKlsta. ear! rale Palpitation, lrrfi.l HasUIng. bbaloess. Irtdl sestluri. lie. la. lie, nieefiieastieea rurea vj waaas ii - . ' i.. newer. " "Bough ea t orus ' Ask for Wells' ,,Kuh m iUnm." Me. Cjuie, ctiilU cure, ller-lor soil corns, aerta, buntoie. "Kouiik ea rale rereuaeel fleeter. StrsnMlliloar. Iuiunel. tbe Ixst lo Lacks he. naiita In ll.ti clicel or sttlr, rhcumaUsrii, n uralKla. Tklu Vi rll's Usaltb Heoe-acr" reeUrrS bealth arni vigor eurae UBia, Heads' iw.N. rvo'jaiires. Iclslity,l. VI booplag It ongb. a tul ths niaey Thiust A Sections ot chiiUrrti, tronH 1 1 , pUssanU . i..l salaly relieved by "kUMtgb iaa tahs." Trocbt. lie , HsBSj tie. Ssllirr. If you sre fa, I ii.'. lrokn, om Use ' Vttlla' lliailli llcncecr.'' l. ..ut sim! netvons, Ktu.'iiaU., tire freeerver. If ,00 srs leal ng your rnp on ltl. try "Wells' ilaslth KciKetr ." O-hs Uirect to weak sf-'ia. Bough ou TaeHMM-ke. Inatant relief for Nruralgla. Toothache, FscSavrhe Ask for ' Hough on Toother be." IU etui ti rents rrelly Uonarn l4lra abo would retain frealinraa ail v'vaW tloo't tall to try "Wells Itealm r. newer. " t alarrhal Three! ABrrtlaas, lis king. Irritating Coughs. .lda, h-es Thrtarf, rured by Bough 00 Coughs Torvhse, I'-c. Uu.uU, !Sc. "Baugk ea Ma. "Hough n lire" ruree humors, eruptions, ring worm, Utter, salt rheum, trusted tret, cbilblaii... tfcr tSac r law Salle. Children, stow In development, puay. aerasTtiy ,aod delloau. use "Wells' lirsJlh ttenaarer. Wide tuekr i. r . nf I ur hours 1 1 1 every night coughing. Cot lae-soun-i real by using Wells' ' Rongb tnnltstr rrllef Slitt u Coughs,' Iruchus, 16c "Boagh oa Tela" rareasesl Ma Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. DrSANFO INVIGORATOR is just what its same implies, m Turcly Vegetable Compound, that tc ts directly upon the liver ; coring the many diseases a that inU portant organ, and prMhtirjg the nn from its :tion, such aa ice. Uiiiousncss, i, Sick-headache, Jt is therefore l 'o nave Good Health ihfi Xiver must be kept in order. SB. 8A5F0RD 9 LIVES INVIG0EAT0R- Invigorates tho Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens tho Bystem, Purifies tho Blood, Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. SR. BAJTTOED'S LITER IITVIOORATOR. An experience of Forty fare, and Thou sands of Testimonials prove its Merit. 0 svmi M4T.1C BY ALT. DEALERS IN MEDICINES. Wr rtiil information send your address for 0S OSM Book ou tbe " Liver and its diseases, ta iaTeJauroaB Si ncess ax., axw xoaa coatv ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumberjaths and -pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best flala-noftia timber- Price and tsnns made satisfactory. ROBINSON tl WEST. Albany, Or. 1 a. beauUful work of 180 pages, Colored Plats, and loco uj iostrsUons, with descriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables, prices of Seeds and Plants, ana now ss gre tnero. inn tea in cngiisn ana uniui. . v .mnim tit.h m. K tmA iw-l aI rwvm first order. it tens wnst you want tor toe own, wu m s instead of running to tne grocfry at we isss boikbi h y wbatever seeds nsppen to qe wit over, nmui j" BDoinunsnt aner weeks or waiting, nux ussu RD'S aW Smi, aVV M I J .-gaBav. VICK, Ro4haatar, N. T. JULIUS GRADWOHL Hsm tbe only exclusive Atoek of CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE 1 Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, m And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sug ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELFHARDWARE C0Ah OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E Till: lll;illT JIAItKKT Remember! What I Saj I lean. Bive Me a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- UOFFMAX PUOI'KIKTOKa OF- ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS IN- Im ported and Donieatic Cigars, Tobacco, Groceries, Candles1 Nuts and Tropical Fruits. ONE 1jOH BKLaOW JOHN BRIGG8' STORE. FOR SALE A SAW MILL AND WATER POWER At Waterloo. Linu county, oa the Sen ile in Kiver, between five and alx mllee from Iebanou. Tbie ie tbo lineal available water power In Linu county , ami tbe mill ban lieen put in thorough runDiog order. Piiue f-j-VO. One thousand caeb down, balance secured. Also a FINE LOT OF LOGS, in bspe to run ta the above mentioned mill, containing about 500 thousand feet at fl per thousand, together with a tract of limber available for present nee. ONE FARM in Linn county of 18 acres within three milee of Albany, on the road to Corvallie. Of 1Mb 2i0 acres are cleared and under cutlivation. It haa a fine young orchard, (now bearing, of well known varieties of fruit.) a commodious barn and small dwelling house TermsSrJOOO. $1500 caab down, balance on Uswe secured by mort gage. Also A FINE RESIDENCE In Albany with barn and two lota, (or six if wanted.) Price 1 1800. Terms tOOO rash, balance secured by mortgage. Ad joining this bouse is a email paeiurewi'h a lenre new aud commodious barn fit for suaaetM wlisssi. oats. 50 lone or more of bailed hay. Tertra acoerJlng to amount of land wanted. ThU barn lejus-t ouUide the city limit and ooneequently avUda the city taxes, wblle it m curse ennuu vo residence to be under constant inspection. Also a TRACT OF 44 ACRES sulirtlnine A 1 ban v ami available for about lho tewn lot. The preliminary aurvey of the Oregon Paciiio croeeed the Oregon ami t'alifornia Ksilroad on this tract wbleh adjoins the depot eroundu of the latter road. Terms SIO.OOO. See owner, ROBERT L. STEYBhS, or call at Democrat office. Sheriffs Sale. a IA Circuit Court of the State oj Orcg for Linn County. D I Porter as Executor of the last will and testament of 8 D Hslev. deceased. Piakt.tT James Q Cherry and Ann Cherry li wife. Msrv K Davis. J r Wateon and W V right sod VV F Mao, partners aa Watson, Wright & Co., Chaa W Whitney and John Marshall tiartiicrs as bituey et MarahalL Nt-th Kicn " . . . . . . arda and Kowland bnow partners as mcn ards and Snow, Damon Smith snd Henry McCartnery, partners as btruth es Mc Cartney and James G Cherry as executor of ths last will and testament of A r Cherry, deceased. Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given thst by virtue of an execution, decree of foreclosure and order of aslo issued oat of the above named Court iu the aboye entitled aetion on the 25th day of March, 1885, and to me directed and de ivered, I will on Saturday the 2SSa day of April, 1885, at the Court House door in Al bany. Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. tn., aell ct public auction for cash in band to the higbeat bidder the real estate described in said order of sale as fol lows, to-wit : The south half of lots No. three and four (3 and 4) in block No. sixteen (16) in the eastern addition to tbe City of Al bany in Linn county, Oregon as marked, numbered and designated on the plats, maps and surveys now on hie and of record in the office of the County Ulerk, ot Linn county, Oregon, the aamo being the south half of the nortbesst quarter of said Block Ao. 16. 1 he proceeds arising Iron, tbe sale ot said real property to be applied : Firs t, to the payment of the costs of and upon thia writ and the costs and expenaea of sale j stcond, to the payment of tbe coats of suit taxed at $56.95 and $93.00 attorney 'a fee ; third, to the payment of plaintiffs claim of c-1t3 S. 58 with accruing interest thereon from the 7th day of November, 1884, at 10 per annum ; fourth, to tbe paymsnt of the defendants H ataou, Wright A Cos claim of $136.59, with accruing interest thereon from the 7th day of November, 1884, at 8 per annum ; fifth, to the payment of the defendants Smith and McCartney's claim of $156.58, with accruing mterest thereon from the 7th day oj Novem ber, 1884, at 8 per annum, and the further sum of $22.35 costs ; sixth, to the payment of the defendants Whitney snd Marshall's claim of 9874,4 3 aud accruing interest there on at 10 per annum from the 7th day of November, 1884 ; seventh, to the payment of the defendants. Kichards and Snow s claim of $121.03, with accruing iuterest thereon fiom the 7th day of November. 1SS4, at 8 per cant per annum ; eighth, the remain ier of the proceeds of such sale, it any there lie, to tm paid to James t r Cherry ss executor of the eetate of A. F. Cherry, deceased. Dated this 26th dy of March, A I) .,1885. J. K. Charlton, Sheriff of Linn county, Or. per Jas. J. Charlton, Deputy. more mon-v than at any thing else by takine an ageucy for tbe best selling book out, Beginners sue oeed grandly, None fail. Terms free, HaJjrrrBooa Oo Portland, Maine, PKU K PAID Ftllt 14.4.S. & Oregon, y CsagrlptkiDS and directions far plentjaa all ana nower suue, si lbs, etc. D. M. FERRY tSe. CO.DttI5e,T W. E. KELLY lotary Pib'ic and ConYeyanc r. Collectioaa road') 00 reasonable terms MAIN ST., - - SCIO, OR F. M. MILLER, Ifnmov and flnTiTialnr It Taw. avwiuvj tsuia vusiwui awawi LEBANON. OREGON, Will practice iu a 1 tho Courts in tbe State. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- SHOP. ESTABLISHED IS65. By A. F. CHERRY, iqtuated at corner of First and MontKomerv Streets, Albany, Oregon. Havins taken ehartrof theabcsrei Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines. aw and (Jriet Mills, Woad-workius Vaehinerv. Pumps, Iron and Brass Cast in ire of every dee- ription. Macbinerv nf all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to rt-j airing farm n a- chmery. Pattern Waking dear la all la fanes. lfcllyl A. F. CHERPY A 80M. itna ar to tnaeennr. t'nroii isnatioii and rer nabltahed. Eeryc-.:nr-r l.mstrated srith tplradid enrrarinrs. Tbi'. publication, feialiail a raoet slaab!een.-rclrd.a oi infonaetMaa whack no rfr"n should b- w itbout. Tho popularity of the hcisimrrc Asiraica is such thst its cir culation atarly r.juals that of all other Papers of SS c!e comb-tiL Pries. SaSSes Daseoaat toC uba. 8oM bv til rradeairrs. atCNN A CO, lakttehers, lio. X Broadway. N. Y. ATENTS. Maen A Cn- ha simhiU Thirty 8csen Yeare aaaaaaaaasa i irors the Pati-nt Oftos. snd h' raoretb.-va Cno Hunrjr-1 Ihout- end spiiisatKe tor aatssata in ins Ceiled bts'es r.nd foren c nntrssa. t-ebts. r. foe m the t'.irsti. Trade-Mar a giiiin nts and all to invrntvrs tissi United Stat. 1 anada, t In Oerncnr and rrfhrr forrtga coc .tr perrd at fboil twt :c f4 oa reaaur- Information s t alsuUebsg est tally girrn without charg information s. t irr . !-.. r . - rnr-. of Bed i: o rs is through Munn A Co. ar r crd ir u Am.nran free.. The avlrantago of enr i l well undrtood I'jr all ;-craon!.G v 1 1" i K t llui.Mlull. AdCresa MlN A CO.. Offire ECSJ r""'"! SSI Eroadna;, .Nt tori. Executor's Sale. Notice is hereby given, thst the ui ed Executor of the last will and testament ef A F. Cherry, deceased, io pursuance cf an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made snd intered of record eat the 6tb day of November, 1 894 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the hour of one o'clock:, p. ui. , on Saturday, April the 25th, 1&S5, at the Court House door in the city of Albany iu Lnu oouoty, Oregon, all the right title sod interest of said deceased, A F Cherry, st the time of his death in and to the following described real property to-wit : Commencing st the south, east corner of Lot No. (8) eight ia Block No. (101) one hundred snd one in Hsckleman's addition to the city of Albany in Linn coun ty, Oregon, as the same is designated sod known on the plats, maps snd suiveya ef said city, now on Hie and of record in the office of the Cuuty Clerk of Linn ceunty, Oregon aed running, thence in a norther y course on tbe east line of said Lot (8) sight, parallel with the west line of said Black No. (101) one hundred end one, (146) one hun dred and forty-six feet to a point ou tbe east line of Lot No. (1) one in said Bloek ; thence in a westerly course parallel with the aeutk line ot saia loi xio. iij oue, to toe wess una of the aame ou Montgomery .-trett ; these iu a seutnerly course on the cast line ot said Montgomery street, to a point opposite ths southwest corner of said Lot (8) eight n tbe north line of First street in said city ; thence in an easterly course along the nrn tn line of First street to the place of beginning Also the following described reel ptirtv, to- wit : Lot No. (2) two in Block No (101) 1 1 , a. 1 XI mici iiiiuuicu iiu i.iir iu i ivt ii-mui a apian. tion to the e''y of Albany iu Linn oouuty, Oregon as tl. same is dtsigiiaHi snd known on the plats main and surveys of said city now on file . id of reoord in the otiic of the County Clei ' of Linn Count v, Ocon. Terms of &ale on ere n. he, I e purchaser to g" ;' i i. n months from th ; ' a est with appxi h itv. Jambs O. CnKRBY, L. H. Montakve, Executor. Att'y for Executor. eallsOcuauuBsrrsorst orCeriactt. It eootsins llltaatranosw, rsiess. MB