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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1885)
Katered at the Post Omoe at Albany, Or an second-clans mail matter. FRIDAY... ..APRIL 3, 1886 STITE3 & Kultsra mi NUTTING. Proprietor. KKK.DIV MIIIIIi I-' Elr. Official County Paper. A. K MrlLvTtlt, Dealtr is general morohtndie-i, 1 1 and 16 First Street, Albany, Or. Spring, 1SS5, Spring. Oar importations for spring and summer trade excel all oar previous efforts. We offer the public the following lines of new goods at prices that will nut be under sold Plata and fancy ginghams, Plain and fancy lawus of various grades. New line of French and American dress goods, all of the latest styles and colors. Boots and shoes,--We have one of the largest lines n the valley in various grades. Tobacco in all grail ms by the box or pound, at prices that defy competition. Clothing in the latest style? and patterns, at prices thst will induce yon to buy. Call and see for yourselves. 'No trouble to show goods. A. B. MrliwaiK, Albany, Or. Drat a of a Beaaarkablc Huniiiu. On last Thursday rooming there died at Sand Ridge a very retnarkab'.o old lady, of wonderfully ripe years. At the time and place Mrs. Harriet Bard wo! 1 departed this life at the advanced age of 92. the last spark vanishing like a dying ember. Wednesday evening she took -upper with her husband, six years her junior, and the rest of the family, and retired as wll as ever, but towards meruing on Thursday she called up those in the house and announced that she was dying, ex piring soon after. Her funeral services took place Friday forenoon, Mrs. Bard well was born in an eventful period, at the time of her birth Washing ton being President of the United Stales. When she was four years eld Washington while making a trip through the country stopped where she was living, and being among several children who gathered to see hisn, was with some others taken into the destinguished man's lap, a fact to be referred to with pride. After wards she rode en the first steamboat that ever plied tLe Hudson, an event ef won derful importance at that time. About thirty years ago Mrs. Bardwell became blind and has been helpless ever since though displaying otherwise great vitality. She leaves behind her a very good name, a record oi many years, and a history her relatives and irieods may well be proud of. A Heat Eajoyable Serial. A lively and most interesting soap bub ble social was bald at the pleasant reel dance of Mr. D P Mason on last Friday evening. So many boys and girls snd young men and womea we have rarely seen together in Albany. It was fall of life from the beginning. Instead of plsy ing wall flower, games were played from the very start : bag tossing, monopolist, pilgrims progress, checkers, jack straws, soap bubble making, cake and fruit crush ing, etc., Everybody bad something te do. The xooms fairly glittered with spar kles of enjoyment and soap bubbles. It was the kind of socials we need. Precon certed arrangements for the enjoyment of a Cobb pan y substantially carried out, are sure, more than anything else, to make an evening's entertainment a com plete success. The Misses Mason and yonng friends, particularly, are entitled to much credit in this case for the way in which they managed things. State Fire ' Ten at. This tournament will take placa fa As toria in June, and will probably be gotten up on the grandest scale of any yet held here. The Albany boys are getting en thused, and are becoming ambitious to atone fer their HI luck of last year, and, well, many are anxious to visit the city by the sea'' and see again some of the generous hearted firemen who visited onr city last year. Preparations are being made to hold entertainments, probably a basket picnic and a dramatic entertain ment within a short time, for the purpose of raising funds enough te insure a large number of our firemen going to the tour nament. It is now proposed to take two hose Uetmsand a Hook A Ladder t-atn thus enabling the firemen to enter nsarl y every contest. Ne finer opportunity will ever be offered for Albany firemen to take a first class summer excursion. Flreaaea' Basket Social. Of all frms of entertainment baskst so cials are now the most popular, deservedly so. There is more fua in one of them than a dozen other entertainments. Realizing this the firemen of Albany are making ar rangements for one te be held at Crawford's Hall on Friday eveninz of next week, the object being to raise funds with which to go to the tournament in June at Astoria. The social will be a big affair. Every young lady, married lady, and old lady in Albany, who takes a live interest in oar firemen, will pre pare a basket of eatables for s occasion The baskets should be of th' At novel and attractive kind, so that a big price will be obtained for them, Lst there lie an effort made to take the lead. At all events take basket of some kiod. iaassa Property seaeeted. After oar issue last week P. was ascr tained by the Albany Building Association that title could not be obtained to the Gird property, selected for the site of the new public hall. Another meeting of the Di rectors was called when the W R Cannon property was selected and ordered pur chased at the price of $2500. The bargain for it was immediately bound by the ad vance of part ef the purchase price. The Opera House or HaU will be built, facing on Ferry street and running probably 100 feet along Second street. The vacant lot between it and the Po3t Office has already baen sold. Mayward Grenade Th exhibition given on the public square en last Tuesday evening of the Hay ward band grenade was a success, the fire being extinguished with a few bottles of the ex tinguisher. As the bottles were thrown on by a private eitizen who had never handled them before added merit was due the grenade. This the managers of it claim no other gren ade company dare attempt, tbey always making the exhibitions through experienced gents, A Brilliant rire Art Saturday night the ringing of the lire bell, with two confused taps as a termina tion, about 11 o'clock, announced that something w is in the wiud. It was net surprising to ascertain that It was W It Cannon's wreck cf a livery stable. The fire was discovered so soon after it was started that not even the spring crop of gt rasa on the broken root was scorched. In fact two or three well filled buckets in the hands of the HAL Co., left nothing but a few smouldering spears of hay .down near the sidewalk on the west side, where It was started, A stream or water from No. I's engine and (he sight of No. 2'o steamer coming from towards the Court House, where It had been on a wild goose chas-, completely annihilated all signs of the embryo conflagration, The person or persons who started the Ere did a brilliant thing (?) It Just makes a person glad all over tu be called out at the awful hour of midnight just far fun. It may have been only a tumbled down, rickety old wreck of a building fired, but there was enough left to render the incen diaries liable to imprisonment for live to fifteen j-eara should tbey have been dis covered, Says or aitsaay. Ttie ramlding corres pondent of the Port laad JWirvf cays of Albany : "Albany is the dinner station, and is a town of about .'5,000 population. She hss enjoyed a steady in crease daring the past year, tits Assessor 'a oil showing about eighty families more than the year before. Some new buildings hare been erected ; the general appearance of the town is very good, the streets being wi Is and aidewaika high and dry. and in excellent conditio. The merchants are doing a very encouraging business. Long credits are not given as much as formally, and the cash ays- tem is coming rapidly forward. The agri cultural surrounding are ef the very bet to be found la the Willamette or any other valley, and the ettiztns are a thrifty and contented class. A small boat is building to meet the requirements of low water in the river, and will ply between this town and Corvallia." ratata T lSi The census now being taken by Assessor Hammock and his deputies will bo a valua ble acquisition to Linn county statistics. It will shew the number of legal vsters, as well as males not voter over 21 years of eg, and males under -1 and over 10, and males un der 10, females over IS, under 13 and over 10, and under 10, the number of bushels of wheat, bushels el oats, apples, pel a toes, prunes, etc., number of pounds of butter, wool, bops, etc., number of cattle, horses, sheep, hogs, etc As showing ths resources of the different couuties of the S.: - it will be of great value at this time, when the in flux of immigration is setting this way with a strong current We predict thst 1890 will show an increase of at least 50 per cent in the State ever 1S85. but the increase of 1885 ever 1S90 is not over 25 or 30 per cent A- St. At a meeting of the nswly organised U A, It, Mcpherson Post No. 5, in this city, last Saturday evening. Department Commander P II Lamb, of Portland, assisted by Comrade Near', of Summer Poet, of Fast Portland, and Comrade Hamilton, of eary Post, of j Eugene, installed the following officers for the remainder of the present term : I, H M entases, Commander. DUX'S Blackbora, Senior Vice Commander. A B H'oodin, Junior Vice Commander. W N Phillips, Surgeon. N T Moore, Chaplain. W H Huston, Quarter Master. R Fox, Officer of the Day. 8 VV Keece, Officer of the Caard. T L Dogger, Adjutant Gratitude Newspapers are often condemned for er rors appearing in their nelumus. dome peo pie think editors snd compositors can read u .j ... .v. i . - UJCn,4iTrui v-l. i least are wtlltog to try ; bat it is a heartless j task for them whsn they do happen te make mi error oat of the tens of thousand letters set op each week, to have some hyeroglyphic writing individual seed them an impudent etter, kicking at some immaterial error. A few weeks sgo ths Dkmocbat mixed up the names of two ministerial gentlemen, not in Albany, and in mediately it got a ssvage postal, headed : Look at thoie names ! etc. The V. L. C. T. H Entertainment, The literary and social entertainment givsn on last Tuesday evsning, at W C T U Hall. by the youog ladies of the Y L C T U. was a complete access, not only in the program rendered bat as well in th number present and the amount of ice cream and cake par taken ef. The program as published last week was only partly carried oat, two reci tations being omitted en account of the ab sence of the parties. The sociability peculiar to the entertainments given by the members ofYLCTU characterized this one. It is what gives tone to any gathering. e PnMte BzanalnnUea. At ths public examination he Id in this city en Thursday, Friday and Saturday ef last week there were eleven spplicants ex amined. Two failed. The following receiv ed certificates : First Grade Mr L K Brooks. Sweet Home ; Mr J F Stnbbleheld, Brownsville Miss Margeria Brink, Albany. Second Grade II Babr, Lebanon ; Miss Susie Howard, Lebanon ; Miss Carrie Keck. Albany ; Mrs Depew, Lebanon ; L Mat toon, Albany ; Mia Olive Long, Halscy. , The Bankrupt Stock Of Krause Bros., located at Eugene City aud Portland has been purchased by us at less than half New York cost from the Assignee, which has been removed to Al bany. The stock consists of one of the largest and best selected stooks of clothing, gents furnishing goods, boots, shoes, bate, caps, etc., ever brought into this valley. The goods are all new and fresh and of the best quality. We now propose to sell the same fer cash at prices that none can compete with. This is no boast, but facts which you can verify upon examination, N. H. Allen, 67 First street. Will Be Here. Mr. D. Van Hern, the well known piano tuner, will be in the city this week and remain several f'ays, pre pared to tune pianos and other instru ments in first-class style. His old cus tomers are requested to be ready and new ones are solicited. Our dross goods have arrived and the ladies are invited te call and see them. Everything in new colors aad desigos will be found in oar complete assortment. MOSTSITH A SaHTKKBACH, Hew Festal Law. Follow lag are the principal provisions of the new postage law, which will go into eftoot July 1st next ; First Tho weight of slngle rato lot ters is increased from oue-haif ounce each or fraction thereof to one ounce each or fraction thereof. Second -All newspapers sent from tho ofcfico ef publication, Including ample copies, or wheu seut from a newspaper agency to actual subscribers tntreto, or to other newspaper agents, shall be entitled to transmission at the rate of one oent per pound or fraction thereof, the postage to be pre. paid. Third - Any article in a newspaper or other publication may be marked for observation except by written or print ed words, without luorease of postage. Fourth A special stamp of the value often cents may be issued which when attached to a letter, in addition to the lawful postage thereon, shall entitle the letter to Immediate delivery at any place containing 4000 population or over, when designates! special delivery office, such specially stamped letters nan e delivered between 7 o clock a. in., and midnight ; that a book shall be provided in which the person to whom thetettjr is addresssd shall acknowl edge Its receipt ; that messeugers for mis special delivery are to be paid 80 tier ceut of the face value of all the stamps received and recorded in a mouth, provided that the aggregate compensation paid to any one person ror aueu service snail not exceed U per month, aud provided further that tho regulations for the delivery of these specially stamped letters shall in ue way interfere with the prompt delivery of letters as provided by existing law or regulations, Asternal atalesaeat. Folk, wing is the animal statement of the State Insurance Co., of Salem, made De cember 31, 1844 : Capital . Surplus .S100.0U) no . 46,7a I SU...7M S7 asjajBBj, Caah tu uftice Bad In bank , Loans en bend, m rtg ga aud other securities Ililts roeireMs(eecured).iseti t..r flrerteba, and urawing 10 par cent literest Interest accrued thereon SU.3IV 00 4MM SI I.S74 M 70,01 1.47S OS Stuck Said In reserve Hue from bank, sgenla BaM "there , t'anuual prsptrty aud onV furniture Total aaacU. l:.,7i 17 UaaiLmaa. I'npatd lueses j.,na. Its-insurance reserve, lux prsiacUuti .f pslicy holders ia II.' M Inte (or agents com missions and all other Uabt'lUss 1,4 Oi Tsui tiatdilUe Surplus as retards policy heldsrs tiu.sw ss Ne: su rplns over all ..abilities. Includl $ capital Its .SS0 tJ Largest autsunt carried In aa on rtefc, or where utie fire ran destroy It ! Offlrn, For the benefit of parlies ainl.Llous to beootno P. M.'s we publish thu following list of salaries received by Oregon P. M.'s where the salary is over $5l0. Albany f iMOi I ndenen denes. Ashland 7a2 Jacksonville .. looo Astoria ..... ! taker City Canyon City... Csnterviil CorvalUs Dallas- East Portland Kugeoe City.. Forest Grove. Oervals Harriaburg Hsppuer UiJinboro........ luos Lafayette tti rande McMinoville.. 628 1300 810 54 W0 Oregon City. t&O , 1 .00 Pendleton, 1000 .'i' Cortland . . 23001 rrinevlllo.... 3 527 120S 1300 Rose burc .. Salem the Hallos. Union Weston 200 2000 m :40 O.I5 75S 720 Ml Clerk are allowed as fellows : bany one, $300 ; Astoria one. ftOO At At , Baker City one. fro ; CorvalUs oue, $102 ; Fast Portland one, $250 ; Jackson vllle one, 100 ; Pendleton one, $500 , Itoeeburg one, $200; The Dalles one, $)J0 ; Salem two, SJa and lioo, an 1 Portland ten. $100 to $2000. fire aigaal. again. some nslsunderstandiug haviug arisen as to the fire signals for A Ibauy we again publish the lire wards, tapi being given according to the nurabtr of the wards. rirsir-.ioriuoi rourui an i weal oi I V - x a. n avav. a m perry streets, kjecond No North of Fourth and be t ween Kerry and Baker streets. Third North of Fourth am I east of Baker streets. Fourth South of Fourth aad west of Ferry streets. Fifth South of Founh and btvea Ferry nd Baker streets, nuli South of and east ' I'aaer. of j Fer the benefit of those not familiar with our streets, w will say that Fourth street runs past the Court House, its direction being east and west ; Ferry street passes the Post-office, and Baker street the Star Brewery. s I'orreat Events. The prospect of a larke Kuropean war and the attendant prospect of wbeat at $1.00 n bushel very natuaally engender many selfish thoughts. Our Albany P, M. is solid with th present administration; he soes In his shirt sleeves. Stock raisers In the Beaver Creek region . O, did not lose to ezoeed 0 per cent of tbeir stock. Among the men in that region well known here are Charles Klkms, wayne Clay pool an William Circle. The new State Beard of Immigration has uegun business. The tariff en the Oregon Paciao will be 5 cents a mile until the new law goes into effect. The statement that authorities of the read propose te ngbt the Hoult law Is denied. The Oregon and California R, ft. In or der to get even with the people will charge Ministers full fare and will issue no half fare tickets. But tbey will not get even for Ministers will only travel half as much. Charging four cents a mile will increase travel :0 per cent Mark this statement. 5. 10 and 25s eouoteri nt N II Allen A Co. m DrrraieJ uj u USInnmen. Last Saturday a yoaog man who had been imbibing a little too much got into a row in San Wa's laundry, when he was captured by several Chinamen and held securely in tbeir Celestial embraces. One was about to start for a policeman, when some one appearing tbsy released Lim. Imagining himself a Frenchman before Lang Son h mad a hasty retreat through the "Doug Dang" window, breaking the glass promiscuously. The matter was afterwards settled by the father of ths young man settling the bill. Do not forget us when wanting a nebby pair of men's shoes. We have the latest styles. Hz a d & Browkkll. Bellgloas. Preaching at Tangent on Sabbath at 11 a. m. for tb benefit of the children. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. in Albany at the M E Church South. Subject, "Behold I stand at the door and knock. F. M. Culp, Pastor. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen A Co. Oa Boots and shoes received this week from Eastern factories at Sajsufi E. Yopna's. 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen A Co. MOWK AMD ABROAD, Improve yoar ysrds. F M French, jeweler, The Dsmoorat $2.50 year. Trade with thoss who advertise. A drought is feared in California, Th beat harness at J J Dubruilles. For Sale -Baled hay, by J II Townaeod. 5, 10 snd 25c oountsrs at N 11 Allen 4 Co, J. P. Wallace, I'hysiaisn aud Surgeon, AI bny, Or. M Krosh oat moat iftoata at It till ami llrutt'. noll'a. Alt stylos of heavy and light harness at A Ij 1 homaon . Spring chickens aro leaal .50 in i'ortl.iiitl at wholesale. Charles Musller is now olerkiuu for N H Allen 4 Co. Now you hays the riaht to catch all the trout you please. Kditora in Waitsburu and Walla Walla aro on th light. Wood wanted oti subscription at the Dkmovrat offioe. Sultacrioti.Mt tuners aro becomiu latrten. tahly uominon. There ishsr lly a vaunt so tss in Alhattv suitable to life in. Kino large sweet orauuoa alvs iu stock at I load aud Brownull's. Ctiue. Montelth A CVs real esta'o oili i . will ho hi the Cheadle Blouk. A reduction iu the freitrht ot fruit lo the bast should raise ths prise of it. New fih go)t arrive almt ovorv dav at Head and DrowneM'. Seven varieties, extra as'eoted. of aeed potatoes by J. ft. Townaead. Oo to K I. ThoiniMon to net vour It arose t repaired. A atttoh in time saves nine. lion Lark Bilyeu is htitldimi a residence at Kugens, ao ssys a paper of that city. Ixits of nice little dress and Bchool suits for boys, ths largest in town, at I. K Hiatu s. lUin is domanded iu soma parts of Ore Kn. Some people never wtlt be satisfied. ladies, go ami aeo Montetth A 8 jiteubaeb's spring stock, great varity in every department. Full It io of ahelf liardwaro at A B Mc Ilwaiii also glass ware aud queens ware. ('line. Montetth and Cu.'a Koal Kstate.Io aurance, Colleotioaa.aad Notary I'. othee. Tweodalv keeps a nice line of tin aud ueo per ware, and dooe repairing in good shape The oltlmt harncat house tit the valley aud the cheapest place to try is K t Thompson's. Cltiio, Mot-teilh and (. . e. II cty protMrtv and liud renters lor the aattie on short tuns. We see that W. C. Twemlalo has iuat ro oeivod another lot of new styled parlor skives. Dr. M. II. Fllis. physician aud surireon Albany, Oregon. Ila made in city or country. The OA 0 H U aro curtailina e a tenses bv relisvinir some of their breakmsn of their positions. e People cornm t Oretron should 1 ave thetr fur caps east. We have no use (or them here. Matters were at hotline heat for a few monteots arouad the new saloon Tuesday afternoon. The Oread Lodo si K el P for Washing ten Territory will meet at Walla rVella on the'.'Oth of May. The continuation of the Orrgoo Pawtfic to as far east sa Albany i coolideutly lookel lor this summer. Ciine, Montcith and C, execute all kinds of legal documents, and famish correct ab stracts of titles. Burkhart Bros, will a IverUsa your land for sale free of charge. Girs them a call if you want to sell. Go to Prnshaw's new Drug .Store for pare drag, patent medtetnea, ste. Preeortpltoue csrefeliy compounded, The promptoees with which the State n aorsoca t'ompaoy of Salem attends to bun nesi u very commendable. Appropriations fer spring bonnets are in orOoi, ami what a pity it is thera is m ptm ident hereto veto snob I ills. Window aha-1 es, lace cartaios, oil cloth. er.t, and wall paper. The nicest stock la town at Montetth A Ssttesbach s. Coffee snd cake at th Depat HiUt before the early morning tram fer nuiy 10 cents. Beer at all times 5 cents a glass. Advertise in the Dssioeaar, its circulation u the largest of any paper tu this part of the State. A large circulation is what counts. Henry Main while working st ths Separa tor shop sf Best A Althouae a few days sgo cctdently cut on of his fingers with s bun saw. All persons knowing tlKmselvos indebted to John Brtgge are notified to pat ia an ap pearance at once, as he is positively closing out. The red estate transactions in Lion county durog March amounted to $4.1,000, showing that there continues to ho considerable life in tb market Indies', miesea' and children's fine shoes, aleo coarser grades, can h fouod at Mon Isith A prices in keepiojr with hard times. The clotina exercises of the Htntiam Academy were held at Isbsnon last Friday, sod, we understasd, wore of a very interest tog nature. Th serenade by ths Albany Mechanics' Band on last Saturday evening was greatly appreciated. This is on of th best bandit ia Oregon. Several geatlemen of this city propose to invest in bicycles daring the coming summer. A bicycle school w mid pay in Albany ior( several weeks. People are generally enthused ia Albsay. hence the rash to HotTmeD and Joseph's for groceries, etc. The earliest fruits, etc. . al ways on hand. President Cleveland has reappointed Pear son ss postmaster of New York. He is the first "mugwump" to receive an appointment from Cleveland. Remember the Band ball this (Fridsy) evening st Crawford's Hall. It ia tor a good purpose and should b well attended. Admission $1,00. On last Saturday J W and V Cook.Colum bin Kiver fishcrtreu, caught a salmon(cbinook) weighing so pounds, which tbey seut te President Cleveland. A bop vine on the premises of Mr Cran dall, in this city in twenty-four hours, Wed- needy and Jhursday, grew eight inches Oregon against the world. Any party wishing to purchase a cood farm, either for grain or stock will do well by calling on A it Cyrus A Ca., Beal Estate Agents, at Lebanon, Or. Lion county's share of the State tax has been paid. Polk county has only paid about $5,000 of its share. So we are at least np with th times. We should be ahead. Miss Mattie Foster will receive from be low the first of next week, a large lot of fine millinery goods, which she will sell at low prices. Call early and secure bargains. Judge J J Whitney now has an effiee in the O F Block, having taken charge of tbe old Council Chamber, tbe City authorities navtng moved on door south along ths hall. Burkhsrt Bros., has several oash custom ers for small pieces of laud of from 24 to 80 acres. If farmers win be willing to divide tbeir land into this size tracts we can sell them. When you visit Corvallis don't forget to call at Nolan's One Price Cash Store. His stock of dry goods, silks, fancy goods, cloth ing, furnishing goods, hats, shoes, etc., is always oomplsto, aad the prices are correct. Three young men from Kugens were in the city Sunday on their "silent steeds," having ridden to Tangent on their bicycles Saturday and the rest of the distance th next morn ing. Attention is called to the cigar ad of Hoff man and Joseph in another column. They have just received a large stock of the famous "Boss Punch," said to be America's finest five cent cigar. Do not sleep till you have tried one. Burkhart Brothers have bosun the publi cation of a neat monthly real estate paper called the Real Estate Gome; or. It is neatly gotten up and confers credit on tbe publish ers. Rev E A McAliater will lecture at Craw ford's Hall next Sunday, April 5th, at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7:30 p.m. He will ex plain th 25th chapter of Matthews in rela- tlen to everlasting punishment. All are in. vtted. . A '"a and carefully ssleotesl stock of fin dress suits, fashionable business suits and workingmen'e clothing pnrohsssd spec tally for this inarkst at L K Blain's. Mr. Als Harris is building a residence at aasjema nay. in a few months w under stand it will be oooupied by himself ami an most estimable young lady from ft F who is to bsosme Mrs Harris. Hiring novelties in furnishing goods, all new and tbe nobbiest to bs hail. Th most vrted, and largest assortment of hats. The onrrsot styles in boots and sbosi, st L K Blsin's. If you want your proporty advsrtised osll on Cline, Montetth ami Co., immediately . If you want your property sold call on them. It costs you nothing to advertise with this firm and vary little to mil. Ths hand press antl type formerly nasd on ths NueUtu and I 'nominator at Harriaburg. wers brought to Albany Saturday and placed in th Van Cisva block, where Mr 0 T Porter Wl ! trt aatni-svoekljr paper, which h says will be independent in polities. Mr J P Htuhblellnld has been enuaiao to teach near Itrownsvills. Th. tamotilm svtiar ' ww ss sw s w he is to teach are fortunate in obtaining hi. servioea, Mr. Htubblefleld easilv obtained a H rat grade uertiHoate, antl understsuds the practice of leaoswamV ia an exnort oenmen an.l an aooompliahetl, gsnial gsntlerasa. I hs Drvt. iur tskea undent ths fact that it lllS the IIAIIina of a eruUr numlu.. ..I you tig ladies ami young gentlsmcn on its suUoriptiun books in proportion te it num ber of subeuriUrs than any other paper in the valley. W. .halt labor to make th pa pr fatly worthy of this distinction. Oat of tli large number who signed th original paper fors public hall only oue went back on hta signature. A man is hnpeleaely geuo when h attaches no honor or responsi bility to his nsme, signed by hitrsslf. Mtas Schubert wishes to announce to her friends and patroi.s thst she hss now a com plot ami heautifsl stock of Spring and Summer millinery. All ths latest novelties in trimmings, flowers, tips, ornament, etc. Call early and make your selections. Some time since th oars of the west sid ran over and killed child at Amity, where upon suit was brought tor damages aad the oaae was tried last week, resulting in a judg. msnt for the parents for $15,0(10 damage. Again rumors of a woolen mill in Albany are life. V? e have sad such rumors here hs fore, bat perhaps this time oil will be stroek. VVe hop so. Whenever anything st all ds. tlait shall oc ut particular will be giyen. The State Board of Agriculture will oonsist of J L Hallett of Washington, John g Hi. son of Morrow, B F Smith of Polk, A M Waddis ..." Yamhill, D S K Ituick of Doug las. Mart L Chamberhn of Marion. Van B -f Multuomah and Col TH Lang of Wasco counties, appointed by the Ooyern- or and Messrs Appersoo, Irvine, Wilkios and I'.ybc, appointed by the State AfiTiculturat BOwMey. By placing your property in the hands of uue, Montetth snd Co., yon ar assured that it will bs disposed of at the earliest op portunity. Parties haviug bills to ...- t will do well to place them in the hands of tin firm, as they also propose to do a general eo leeting business. It is now estimated that thngenrral wheat crop in th I'S will be 10U,OOU,(JOU buehela ahort of last year yield. This is due to 411 te an extent to shortage in acreage, low prices having discouraged many In Oiwgon, though, ths acreage will bo considerably in creased. Should there be a K iropeeo war this fact woald be of great advantage to Ore gon farmers. In iHSOthe population of Linn onnnty was 1X.OW I 1 IS70. H70S. in IS'iU. 7o3. and in 1HH5 it is at least 15,000. In I&S0 there ware 90 Chines in th county and in 176 only 2. At the former date th-re were 3S Indians in the county an I see be 4 the Mm number ar her now. There is nothing like s. sj a the V'Sg for th looks of a city. If several house this aiil of the dep.t, ia particular, wer treated to several good witter easts it would maks a great improvement in tho appear.,.. of Albany, as vtswa by. p,r by ira t 9 A C It H. Such thing count too. For the benefit of an ipiiitivc public the following item If, published : Postmaster Steel's term of ocSos as P. M.. at Portland tptrtw October 21. ISM5. that of Odl at Salem, Dsootnber II, la", lit will never d to wait that length of time), that of Mr Irving, at Albany. Jan nary 2nd, H7 ao 1 that of Mary Cogtl, at East Pertland Jan uary 1, 187. Oar columns ar onr stock in trade just aa much a the goods on ths merchants coun ters. It is just as reasonable to ask tb merchant for a bolt of mnshn as ths editor for frw advertising. Vet it is perfectly marvellous how many there ar who de it. Men who do not even take a paper are often the first oses to suggest aa item which is simply an advorttsmeot. It pays to adver tic, and we advertise for pay. We give the following advice of bow to buy a bone, dipped from an exchange. It may be relied upon in moct cases 1 An to tending purchaser should have th hors brought out before him, ami watch th ant mat as he stands at rest. If the owner is continually starting the horse into motion, snd urging him to "show off." something may be suspected ; because it is when the horse is st perfect rest that hta weak pointa are divulged. If the horse be sound he will stand square on his limbs, witbont moving anyone of them, ths feet being placed flat on the ground, and all bis legs plump snd nat urally posed. If ne foot be thrown for ward, and tho toe pointing to the ground, aud ths heel raised, or if the foot be lifted from j the ground, and ths weight taken from it, disease or tenderness may he suspected. soiitL aso rr.Baox AL Mr. Charles Hamilton, of Portlaad. is in ths eity. Mr Walter Turrell left for San Franoisco yesterday, to be gone a few weeks. Mrs A D Barker is expected home this week from her extended trip Kast and South. Rev P A Moaee, now located at Jsckaeu- ville, has been in the county during the paat week. (riant Height snd family came over from tbe Bay last reek. 1 hey expect to return in a fw weeks or less. School Superintendent D V S Reid, was in the city at the publio examination Thursday and rriday and also 00 Monday. Mrs M V Brown has been visiting in Port land for a week past. She expects to return home to-day with Miss Libbie Irvine, who has been visiting ia th East daring tb last year. Mr Towosend, agent for Russell A Co'a Agricultural Implements, was in tbe eity the lirat of the week. They expect te do a good business this year, relying en their sploadid hue of goods for success. Mr John Howes, an accomplished teacheJ 01 vvaaniBf ton oountv. made us a call last. Monday. Hs was oa his way to the Teach er s Institute at Lafayette after a visit smong his relatives in this county. A reunion of ths members of the M . K Church was held at the parsonage of that Church oa last Wednesday evening, nearly every member and attendant of tbe Church being present. A very pleasaat sveniug was passed. W regret being unable to be present. 5, 10 and 23o counters at N II Allen A Co. Kesl Estate, Parties having real estate to dispose of will consider tbeir owa interest by calling on Clins, Monteith and Co. , as they have opened a live real estate odice.and new have customers for both large and small tracts of land. Kid Vlcves. Tbe Vandonee real kid glove, 4 oud button, tbe very best in the market just arrived at N. H. Allen A Co. Bvery glove warranted. The Crease of Strawberries. Five different varieties of strawberry plants for sale by J. H. Townsend. i 1. s The best 5 cent oigar in town at Read A Browhsll's. 5, 10 and 25o counters at N H Alien A Co. nt A0V4RTA6B. W A JITS, ETC. The large immigration already taking place, and the prospect of a still larger In flux of Kastern people this way, suggests the propriety of not only tbe newspapers but the people as well, being on the alert to keep the many ad vantages of the coun ty before the public, and to rentier new oouiers all the assistance possible in find- lug homes suitable to their tea tea aod branch of Industry tbey Intend engaging In. The DaatocnaT has on every occasion taken an opportunity to present the many good qualities of the county in tbe bent light possible, never intentlwnall y, though with exaggeration. Were It to recapitu late now It would give tbe following out lines, presenting a front few counties are able to do: I's average climate Is really rouisrkable, tun excelled on the coast nor in ibo U. H. lis sell Is tho most fertile In the world. Fact. Using peculiarly stiitablo forcereals of all kinds; aud, as well, for fruit and general predu is, allowl'iu hardly an ex ception, Its average yield of wheat rer sore Is twice that 01' the whole of the C, H. Its apples an 1 pears make those of the oldest fruit states pain with envy. Its mlvantages for gardening are remarkably line. It Irrigation Is absolutely A I, the wbel county being completely wlere I. It ie well edsptsd for dairying purpose It is well situated for raising stock. lta mails are In fair condition. Ila market aro tiuooin nonly uoed for the country. Its people are Intel II -ut, generally moral, and will compute with the beet popl anywhere, It educational advantage are good. It Uses are, with oae exception, the lowest ef any county ia tbe State, perhaps oa the cosvwt. Ila water inwer it unexcelled, lo fact Its pride. It ciltea and towns are tin i s- oed. manufacturing ami agricultural towns, full of life, vim and enterprise. It people are wociat and hospitable, Thee are some of the many things to be San l la iu favor. Of course it Is easy to And thing lo growl about : Ila farms are too large. Home of lbs farmers ar to , ie , allow ing mortgagee to eccti mutate and things run down gottorally. It rain here In tu winter ' Ktc, Where lb county now has a population Of 1 .,000 It should .i no great length of time have on of four times that. Most of Us farms should b halved if not quart- crsd. Tby will be, aud already Ibe USCSBslly of fanning less and Isytter is bsv lug obrved aod appredated. Many of our boat farmer now expreae a willing- naa to soli part of their land, dividing on reaa.)oable term wtih nowoouier. Tliis I the spirit we like to see. We should aaaasas " " uon eoo nei more, it I , .1 wuu,uu. "im. iroKreMio nsaBO I arrangement for 0.10 going on, every lime a new one comes 111 Parmer who are willlag to Ihelr cumbcraome farsSB ebould inak su rfort to let It be known. It will be money In their por-kcla and money In Ibe county. Wo want new people in Lino eounty and many of them ; are want good moral, Industrious people ; we wact them as aelgbbora; we want thane lo help pay our taxes, to enrich our couoly, richer eveo than it I; to assist lo building new bridg and making our roads better than they are veil now; lo increase our product, nd their variety ; to give us new Idea sud Improve our eld eaes. We want, particularly, a contented claas f people, who realise that pertection cannot be ez-pec-ed, and who are willing to stick by tbedr vei.tttr. Tb rostlea roamina claa ejf people, ever changing, alwsys grenso Hug, we are net analoua for We have plenty of them now. 1 hen you who want a home alio ti Id anchor In Linn oounty. Nowhere can you ' find a ptac thst would ull trior ef you. But, mark thl on fact, it lake industry, ' labor, economy and attention to buslnea I to succeed the same as It doe everywhere. In order to get wbeat you have to sow wbeat. one Tea ef Teaser j One too of th already fstnoo "Pluck'' tobacco just received at A . li. Mcllwain'a. Baying iu such large quantities Mr. Mc- twain is able to nodersell al! other dealer This is the beat tobacco used. Call and get a aampla plag free, and yon will chew no othvi. xtosjKk to Leas We have money to lorn m San of from $300 to $10,000, on Real Ksta'.e atcanty. Call on UraaiiAUT Rao'a Albany. Or. o, 10 and 25c counter at N II Allen A Co. Dry gootls, hosiery snd notions received this weak from Nusr York and Chicago at Samuel E. Yorso's. ssoa Sew Cootie N. If. Allen A Co. are now receiving new goods, all of which were bought lor oash, which iu the present demoralised state of the market mean bargains In every line of goods, which they propose to give their customers the benefit of. 5, 10 and 25c cm u ters at X H Allen at- Co. Uambarg Out broidery and Lares. N. II. Allen A Co. have jut received a splendid line efthe above goods, which will be sold remarkably cheap. Illghly neeesnsaeaded. Al.OAltT, OttanoN, Dec. Baast, 1S34. Rtuuell A Co., The New Masailion 33 inch separator and Russell eogine purchased of you last son mer is all you recommended it to be. It ha given satisfaotien in every reepeet. I thresh ed this season iu .'II days run 41S62 bushels of grain whioh is the bigest run of say ma chine in this part of the country. I thresh ed for some of the oldest farmers in this oounty and they all say that I did them the best job, saying and oleaning their grata that ever had been done. Ourexpenee for re pairs for the season did not exceed one dollar. Yours Respectfully, D. D. IIacklbman. 5, 10 and 25e counters at N H Allen A Co. Washed -Oat Hair. There is a sort of pallid, chalky om- plexion whioh the novelists oall a " wash- od-eut complexion." It Is ghastly enough ami wo mistake,. Washed-out. faded, die- eolered, er parti-colored hair is almost 1-1 J ... 1 ..V,1 Da tra)ji reputaive suu iubibuvuuij. amiho - Balsam will restore yoar hair to its origi nal color, whatever it was; brown, ab burn or black. Why wear moss on your head, when yon may easily have lively shining hair, 5, 10 and 25c counters at N H Allen A Co. Beware of fever and ague this coming Rummer, by the use of a few bottles of Ore gon Blood Purifier, this Spring. Ratal Traaaarlleas fer Jarrk. Ike Meats) f Ad Harmon to V?m Tabor, Lot 1 Block 119 in slack leman'e Addition to Albany. Con siderstion 9000. A H Brooks to Handera and Arno'd, FrSnV, Let 4 in Block I and part of hot T, in Mo. k in Brownsville. Oetsiderstlou t60. O M Daviat to O W Ch i., the UO'lividi rl half of Ixrts 1. 2, 3. and 4 Sec. 30 and Lot I and 2of Heo. 31. To. 13. S 111 W. Consider atin tftOO. James N IssJtil to Chsrlrs lUmford. I lie H W J of H W J. Mec M, Tp. 12 8 P. 4 W. Couslderatioa $1 J II Month to Htshiol lit No. Kj. on acre In Hso. 27. Tl. II. H It I W. Ct.aideratioi. I. A Hackleman ... II Klindf. I.t 'Z Block II, Hackleman'- Hcnnd Addition, Al'.any. Consideration $200. Hubert I. Mrvn to C II Montague, flfl sere in Tp. 12, H R I W. (msidrrstion tttf Robert Pntlnd to W Price and Hon. lot 7. in Htipp and I'snfland s addition te Hcio. ( Consideration 'M Amnion Mill to RsTJM D Keeney, X K i f N I L Hec. 33. 1 14, R f IV. Consid oration $40. C I) Turnsr to A M and M Yen..-, Water let 0 in Albany. Consult r ition 82000. Josiah Ttttie t .'arns Cei mansei, the donation claim of l! A frees in !. 9 H. ft I K, containing 320 acres. Consideration 13200. L Foley te D F llardman. Lot 4. HI. s 17, Malston's addition to lebatimi. ' .modera tion 1700. .V W Haof'r.l to Joseph K iWry. 195 acres in Tp. 13, M.' I K Considers. ion $700. C W Carl ta Thorns Pitchford, 4H4 sere in Tp 10, H It I W. Consideration gsOOO. A Ilaeklemaa to Ceorgc Humphrey, Frso Block I. Hackleman 's second addition to AI bany. Consideration $2oS. C H Cowan to Kate B Montagu. it 7 aad H, Block 20, Albany enaideration 115001 A Hackleman ta J K Weal hei ford, tts.rt ; in Mackleeiaos BSWteSM aMitton to Alhar.y Consideration $200 Basso Peterson to l.tnsen J Peterson, 40 seres in Tp 12, H H 2 W. fiaeUll llln SI Ahuon Wheeler 0 C C I'engra.K I t.1 Block 4, Hhedd. CofiBid.-rslmn $2.'il. A I mon tfhe-ler to C C I'engrs, f;!ock in Shell. Vtud ersti m$200 Itia 1 Carter to Jane K Carter. .t II. Hack leman'e e-llit..., Alhst.y. Cossiderstioo $S00. C M Talbott to Kda llardman. 10. 20 snd 21 in H tdavilie. I'susid-ratu. i j , Mary Town to William O Bond, tbe H of n 4 m laonatton l.aoa Claim yf D M Ikn.d in To 14 a R 4 W. Consideration tt!'J JT Rowland to Willo-nhSv i .ir.- . I; I-t 1 and 8, Bleek 33. HaUcy. C.UBt ler ttoo VmO Mary A Welch o Harsh J Saittnerah, tract ia Tp 12. t R 2 W. Cousldsratin $1. Was McC .rmack to Wm B McO.nnick, tlO acre in Tp 13, H U 3 W. Const 1 -ration $2400, t' rw,. . a , , .. Wm li M..I .rmack t S rah .1 rhompeeo. HO acr in In 13. S H A W ( '..awtdeiati m $SO0. Jeeh V Myers to M vers. MLft seres Tp IM, B K 4, W Const ieratt.ia 11000. Joseph 0 Myers to J W Myers, 337.77 c in Tp 12,e Kin. Consideration $5000. falsa Cray to T M Coon, 24 2o' acres in Tp 13, S R 4 W. Consulerstien $75. Corinthian Iodgs to Jason Wheeler X i of l t 17, Block I to Masonic Cemetery Asso ciation. Consideration $2). R L Creed to Coreelias L Carter, 320 seres in Tp II, 8 R 1 W. Consideration $50. 0 H Dodd te J IP Kently. Ut 4, Block af, Albany. Consideration $400. United Sutra te If m U Conner, 'patent- CH Cowan to J L Cowan, Power of Atty. I. A W alker to 0 Walker, 2G5 acres in Tp 15. S It 3 W. Condsideratioo $550. K Jack to J rfatson, tract in Brownsville. Consideration $f00. Elisabeth Bitter et al to frauds! HaoA I.ts7andS. Block JOTS. Hackleman a Addi tion te Albany. Cenaidsrstteo f S50. George L liibbard to J Brass. N 4 of Lot 2. Block 26. Portland, als 140 seres in Tp IVBK2W, txmsi.leratioo 943,331. m. W U Ketchum to Lacy A Mcttanell. IP i of Block 47. Albany. Consideration $2430. 8 E Coffett to 1 Bryant, 480 acres in Tp 13, S R t W. Consideration $3S50. Mel vina Fletcher to Columbus Jones, 360 acre in Tp 12 and 13, 8 R 3 If. Considers tioa $3243.60. David Werk man to Martha A Workman, Iets3aod4. Block II, Sodaville. Coneidcr atien $1 . ITillamette Real Estate Co., to Z Beard, Blocks 1 and 2. Tangent. Consideration $250. United States to Madtaon Kirk. Patent. IT R Powsr to J A McCulloch. 91 scree in Tp 13. 8 R 4 W. Consideration $3500. WealOer. Mammary of Meteorology for March, I8S5, from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, by John Rriggs,Eq. Highest Bar. 30.38 ; lowest, 29.64 ; mean, 2. 93. Highest Temperature, 73 ; lowest, 32 ; mean, 55.11. Mean at 7 a. at., 44 00 ; 2 p. tn., G1.8 ; 9 p.m.. 52. Prevailing winds, N. Maximum velocity force, 2. Total rainfall and melted snow during month, 0.S6 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch or more rain fell, A Number of days of cloudiness, average S in seals of 10. 4. Frost on 1 1 morning. Of 03 observations 15 were cloudy, 5 r4ia- tail. 3 n foi ani 51 ciear. rtaao for Sale Cheap. A square piano, cost $550, will be sold at a aerifies for caah. For particulars call at this offle. aK D. B, Few realise that the stomach is nearly alwaa tb offending organ in what are called bllllou attack;, nevertheless that such is tbe case ia a scientific fact. Keep th stomach healthy and the whole body will be healthy. Cholera and other "gerua dtseases" cannot be propagated in the sys tem if the stomach ana oiooa are in healthy slate. Dr. De Haven's Dyspepsia Cure secures this desirable state of the stomach and blood. Sample bottles free at Foshay A Mason's Drug Store, lis Wonderful EfUrary . No remedy over discovered pjjujt tbe wouderful emcacy of Syrup of Flga. The certainty with which it expolaall Im purities from the y stem at the same time giving tone to the Live Stomrch and Bowels, places it ahead of a otfc or reme dies, to say nothing of its being taken It is selling very rapidly. E W Langdon A Cxagonts for Albany. S BI ClaLKVH AKXICA SALVE. The best salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, ehilDiams, corns ana an kinds or sum eruption This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in everv cause or moaer re funded, price 35o per box. For sale ty Foshav A Mason1 JOST. A Urge red cow about March 18 by a citi sen of Albany. Fluder will be liberal ly re warded bv bringing aame or iuformition thereof te Democrat office. aa LJ OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I a- M. 280 acres of land for sale. House and lot Kituated In N. W. part of t?eio. The jand lies 2 miles southeast of Providence Church. Unimproved, 100 acres open balance brush. Inquire of J. L. Millbr, Scio BOR.V rlIA7EU.-In this citv. March 2th. 1885 to the wife of W It Bilyeu a girl. Weight 12 pounds. eal Just Received --AT HOFFMAN & .JOSEPH'S. (So' Agent) AMERICA'S r CENT FINE8T Q CIGAR, "BOSS PUNCH." Aod Ibev are the lxr t' e Try o te ao! you will smoke no other r csaler, Immigrants take hoticeT I rill sell In lot of 40, aA 120 or lee ar;reM of the bt farmieg land In this val Inv, alt in r'Mlfivation ; with houses and Irnrtis: no Krsvel. no fern, in fait rent an iri'-h of tad land, all fas) f irr 11 a d hay land. Ttmre is a crop of wbeat, bay and oats 011 th fireoilsMM that w ill Is) sold or not a (be purchaser mv wih lie pot lo hslf a ml! of larn on the S O. K. K farm 101; on 'urn sonibset ef AHwoy, 6 uiM Wewt 'if lebanon, "r-e prairie, and .'JO a'-n-M of good liaioer. with rew enoufb to xupply fKis Ni fnw tbe faros twice over, roe faifni'uiellon essll 00 Cdoo, Monfeitb A ('.., Albany, or the owner am the premises, W. P. Ar.KxawnKR. H. I. Millinery BUSINESS FOR SALE. A !'. rat -Haas millinery bn io', goods, hi -tures snd I arill, lor sale at rsa - - figores. W-H ku-l lo AI o .y. Or. V t particulars ra'd at tins 'ee. MILLER BROS., !Kf.Kfu I - FieldAVgetables and.Flntver Krd.. Impoi i-tl rz, Food. Tools. HriUfaen, Ktc .. He, 239 SECD H ST. - PORTLAHO.OR. Notice. T IE IM HMSHKKN OF TUK fiMoryor tbe WilUnrtie Vil ify hereby warn tbe public that no one is aatborixod to eolleet mouey for books ii adraien f their presentation. The accredit ed agent of tbe firm deliver tbe work to sabgrribers aad are authorized to reeeire monevn. Tbe receipts of no other persons will be acknowledged. 880. It- H1MES, II O. LAN', Tbe Pnblisbf r. Portlaad, March 27, 18S5. GREAT HO&fHWESTE&H REMEDY. 9 m i-. . a : ai -. - - Those s hn work ar!r an4 laic nssd a reliable Medici oe like Pn ts- OSBBBSa hamu. as a isaasdr aod prsveataaies of it rao nut te brat . U rbecka Rbsomslisni asaS ats tana, relietss t'uncUpatlVm, Drssjpsia aa I res. and puu frssh eoeeg-v int.. ths eastsm by Near tUch ICsed. AU l).uciU aixl 11 botllea, Cfor SL ksepit Sheriff's Sale. In the C'irrult Camri ofthr Stole of OrryzmLr Limn fount y. TBS tsocan Msrttfafc-c Coa.ui f Srsstetut 0 la ed). fatuliff. vs. Jospb A M -Kjjoe and Nancy J McKimsre, Defsai daata. JOT.'t E a HEREBY GIVES THAT BY YlatTCE N of an cxscuUod snd an order of sale issued oat f the shore named Court in the abort emitted action uUM31t day of March, 1SS5, and te aa direr ed and daUtered, 1 ill 00 Tuesday ths Mh day sf Mar. 1885, at th Ciun Hooss door ia aJbstry. Lin County. Orefon. t the hour sf on s'olock, p. a tell at public aac ion f r cash iu har-o W Um bagbavt bidder tb ral property described ia said srdcr of sal a follosa, to-wit : The soutbeast quarter of tion tbirty-sU, Towasbip fourtaax fur vest of the Willamette meridian, bundrad and sixty acres tofetber with all aad ssrersJ tbe bersrli Laments and teuemeats, aad appartaanes thereunto belonging. Tbe proceed of lb sale of said real estate to be applied aa follosrs : First te the pay men, of the costs of aad open this writ aad tbe csst and expenses of sale. Eeooad te tb pay 11 tent of tbe cost and disbutsemeeU of this suit taxed at 911.05 with interest at tb rate of eight par cent per annum from tbe ltth day sf March, lSSs Third to tbe payment of twenty per osat oa the sum Sf f097.3S with interest from tbe 13th day of March, 1JS5 at eight per cent per annum. Fourth te the inyment of Plaintiffs claim of 93097. $5 with tale threon at the rate of ten par cent per annum from the 13th day of March, 18&5. Dated April 1st, las," . J. K. CttABLTOX, Sheriff of Linn county, Oragos. Sheriff s Sale. In the CivuU Court oj the State of Orvjon for the County of Linn : T Williams. Plaintiff. A J Hauston, et al.DjfcndanU. IOTICE IS HEREBY UlVEJi THAT BY VIRTUE I of an ax ecu lion and an order et Bale issued oat f the above named Cour t, In ths above entitled ac tion on tbe 31st day of March, 1S&T., and to aa direct. et and delivered, I will, on Saturday, the tud day of May, li5, at the Court House door, in Albany, linat County, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock p tu., sail st publi; austloa for cath iu haul to tbe high- bidder tbe folloaring described realty, to-arlt : Ikiing a part of the Donation Lena malm 01 K 11 Pollard and wife, known and designated ia tbe a irrsys and plats oi ths Uited St Us as claim So. &3 in Township No. 10, SR 2, W ; bounded aad de scribed aa follows, to-wit : Beginning- at a point It SS chains eaat of the northeast corner of Section S2, Township 10, 8 R 2, W ; thence east 5 12-100 chains ; thence south SO chains j tbsuoe sooth far 48' eaat 40 54-100 chains ; then couth 32 80-100 chain ; thence west 45 68 100 chains ; thence north 52 80-10 caalns to ths place of beginning, containing one hundred and sixty acre, mors or less, all ha Linn county, Oregon. The proceed arising frees tb le of aa'd real estate to be applied : Pint to the p--nient of tb coats of and upon this writ and ths ousts and expenses of sal. Second te tbe payment et the osts and disbursements of this suit taxed at $31 06. Third to the payment of rlatnttffs claim of SUIT. 23 with accruing interest thereon from the Mb day el March, 1885, at the rate of ten per cent per aaauia. Fourth to th paymsnt of the defendant Joi C Timmrman's claim of 4999.67 with accruing interest thereon from the 27th day of October, 1884, at ike rate of 10 per cent per annum and tbe further sum e l.M . 20 Attorney's fee. Fifth ths overplus If say re main to be paid to the Defendant, J H tsj tn bis heirs or assiirns. Dated tKi Slat day of March, 1S85. J. K . Ci: aaL70s, Sheriff of Linn oounty Oregon. N. J HENTON, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, O F. BUILDING - ALBANY, Oi. Represents several of the beat Fire Ia s trance Companies on the Coast. Call S him for reliable iaeurancc.