The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 20, 1885, Image 3

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    lite gemoctat.
Entered at the Post Oittce at Albany. Or,
an second-class mail matter.
Killter unit rreprletor.
rKr. xirnxu. i.eeai K.iHer.
Official County Paper.
A. U -It Wall.
Dealer iageuerat merchandise, 11 audit!
First Street, Albany, Or.
Spring, 1885, Spring.
Our importations for spring aud su inner
trade excel all our previous efforts.
We offer the trade the following lines of
new gvls at prices that will not be under
Plain and fancy giaghau-s,
Plain and fancy lawns of various grades,
New line of French and American dress
goods, all of the latest styles and colors.
Boots and shoes. PFe have oae of the
largest lines :n the valley in various grades.
Tobacco in all grades by the box or pound,
at prices that defy competition.
Clothing in the latest stylo and patterns,
at prices that will induce you to buy.
Call and sea for ysiirselye. No trouble
to show goods.
A. B. Mrli.watx,
Albany, Or.
Albany Balldlaj Aateclstlsa.
On Saturday evening last a mooting of
the subscribers for a new public ha! 1 or
opera house, published in our last issue,
was called. Nearly a full attendance was
present. Mayor Walter Ketobum was
elected temporary Chairman and W 8
Peters, Secretary. The association, en
, motion, is to be called the "Albany Build
ing Association." The capital stock was
placed at 110,000, E W Lsngdon, W S
reters. J H Burkhsrt, O H Irvine, Chas
PfeifTer, C B Wolverton and W C Twee
dale were appointed incorporators. After
various suggestions and remarks, unnsc
oessary now to publish, the meeting ad
journed, The articles of incorporation
have been made out, and Tuesday copies
were filed with the County Clerk and
Secretary of State, Books will soon be
opened, when the stock will be disposed
f. The manner in which it n being
pushed speaks for its success.
Keadlags bJ Mlaa Deforest.
The readings given on last Friday and
Saturday evenings at the M. E. Church
by Miss D? Forest, were fairly attended
'both evenings. They cave general
satisfaction. Miss DdFores. Is a p easant
reaier, possessing good expression, fi tie
powers of imitation and a good pres
eace. Her gestures though, we con
aider only average. She rendered the
humorous and grave alike with excel
lent effect. "Miss Edith entertaius her
sisters beau,' particularly was a fine
rendition of the comic. It i a pleas
are to hear such reading a Miss De
Forest presents. On Friday evening
several songs by local talent were iu .
terspersed through the readings iu a
happy manner.
Until the first of April is will be uo
lawful to catch, kill cr have in posses
sion, sell er offer for sale any mountain
or brook trout Xotwiths'-anding this
fact large numbers have been caught
in the river at this city. It is claimed
that they do not come nnder the head ;
but this is evidently an evasion. If
they are not brook trout what are
they ? There is not the letst doabt
what a J. P. would decide them to be.
Such fish should be protected.
Ducks c in be killed until tho first ef
May. Pheasant, grouse, quail and
partridge cannot be shot until the first
of July. We understand this section In
being violated in certain parts of the
We S asses t.
Twenty-three wor.hy ex -residents of Iowa
arrived in Albany last Monday and are now
viewing out our region of the State with a
view of locating. Rignt here let us suggest
ths formation of a society for the purpose of
assisting now comers in learning the resonr
ers of our county and State, the best places
to locate, and for the purpose of making it
pleasant generally for those who come here
to reside. People who go to a new State
like to go among people who are hospitable
and show that they are interested in some
thing besides tho contents of their pocket
books. We cannot sflird 1 1 get a name of
-being reserved or cold in this respect.
rie riant.
A week ago the Oregonian called at
tention to the fact that pie plant grown
in California wa making its appear
ance in the Portland market. Well,
now pie plant grown in the open air iu
the suburbs of this city by J, H. Town
send, gardener, has been in our markets
for the last week and that of the best
quality. Mr. Towasend has large
quantities of it
To Correspondents.
All corresponden t intended fir pub
lication must be sent to this office on or
before Wednesday of each week, or it
will have to lay over to the following
week. The same of the writer must
accompany each communication, or it
wili be thrown into the waste basket.
Leave all matters calculated te give
fiance out of correspondence.
Think of This.
On las. Saturday while the ther
mometer ranged from 10 to 35 degrees
below zero in Massachusetts, Maine and
Vermont, our citizens were feasting on
lettuce, pie plant and other vegetables
Crown in the open air. The Willamette
Valley against the world.
- -
A young gentleman lately from North
Carolina informs us that there will be
quite a large number of people como
from that State to this county this
spring. These people have money to
invest in lands, and will prove a valuable
acquisition to our county,
Boots and shoes received this week from
Eastern factories at
SAJturi . Yocso's,
An entertainment will be given by the Al
bany Dramatic Company, at Crawford's
Opera House, on Tnesday evening of next
week, when the interesting and popular
drama, "The Flower of the Family" and the
side splitting farce, "An Original Irish Stew,
will be presentee.. The company hsve during
the past few years rendered several dramas
with marked success, aud the public can de
pend on something as good as has yet been
produce 1 here, on this occasion, I tie cast
of characters for the play "Flower of the
Family," as nearly as we can ascertain, is as
follows .
Aburr llowtsnd. Merchant, with stacks of
Twenties Tom Wallace.
Oscar I -or ing, ward of A. H. just about to
arrive front abroad Gso a rish.
Tom Howland, son of the widow iiowlaud
Tom J Overssan.
Policy Newoetnb, an lusuranoe Agent
fid Foster.
Spicer Spatferd, the dude of the play
Mack Monteith.
Mrs Mary Howland, widow, ne relative of A. II
Miss Minnie .Monteitti.
Alice Howland, The Flower
Miss Mary Irvine.
Line Howland, adopted dsughter of A. H
Miss Mat tic Foster.
Adsnisstou, 50c, ; teserved seats, 50c.
firing Trip to t'ervatlW.
The I kmo ua r's Local Kditor made a Hy
ing trip te Corvallis Tuesday by wsy of the
Willamette, and although there lut a few
moments caught a glimpse of several familiar
faces sod learned some facta l 'or vail n is a
small burg a few atiies from Philomath in
Benton county, and is now enjoying a rest
from the recent building of the Oregon Pa
cific to that place How soon work will be
pushed this side of Corvallis on the road we
did not learn, but there are strong hopes of
its Wing done this coming summer. The
railroad company already has a steamer
which it will soon p it on the Willamette to
run from different poiuts on the river to
Corvallis, in fact it is looked for this week.
This is an important move which shows the
purpose of the management to make the
read a business one from tho start. It is
expected trains will run on schedule tune be
ginning about the tint of April.
Among the merchants in Corvatlia J M
Nolan, formerly of Albany, seams i be tak
ing the lead, having already worked up a
deservedly lare trade. Such men as Nolau
are a blessing to a busiuess place and as well
a ray of sunshine in the printer's lite. He
appreciates the newspaper.
Trade at present, though, in Corvallis is
somewhat dull, the same as it is in the larger
cities of ths State like Albany or Salem, but
a marked confidence in prosperous days in
the future is noticeable ; and. by tho wsy,
this is becoming general through Oregon.
There is no reason why Corvallis should not
grow into an important city sometime in the
future and rank even with the Capit-d of
Linn county. It has good streets, good build
ings, some good business men. s good college
as well as public schools, sod is the present
terminous of the O. P.
Beat Basal.
A laree demand for real estate is now
made in Albany, and many sales take place.
Parties through the county who desire te
sell on sny account should take ad van Lag
of the times. By placing property in the
hands of Burkhsrt Brothers,of this city, sales
can tie made if the land is suitable Inquires
partkulaily for farms of Hid acres or there
about are made.
This offers an opportunity for farmers to
divide their farms or sell their small ones.
It takes all kiads to suit the rising demands.
Parties desiring to borrow money in sny
amounts over $500 aboeld call on Burkhart
Brother a,
Svaagelleai Kalertalasaeal.
About one hundred Sunday school children'
ss many more members and friends of tho
school met at the Evangelical Chuich of this
city en last Thursday evening for tho per
pose of spending s few hours together in a
social way, which gathering proved a very
enjoyable time and pronounced s success by
all. The short program rendered was high
ly appreciated. After which tho entire
party was served to cake and ice creass. It
was also a success finacial'.y as over $22 were
heaea t ru-ads Social-
The Independent Order of Chosen Friends
will give a social at the Odd Fellow's Hall,
Friday evening, March 20th. AH are cor
dially invited to attend. The following pro
gram will be rendered :
Recitation Miss Etbel Kedfield.
Sole Miss Gnosis Reiner.
Dialogue Four little girls.
Recitation Mis Mary YVeatfaP.
Solo Mrs F M French.
Recitation Miss Maud Crosby.
Instrumental Solo Misses Putuam.
Recitation Jasper Wyman.
Solo -Miss Blank.
Address Vice Grand Conncelor Wheeler,
of Portland
llold l p.
All who are willing to do their level best
towards building up Albany, assisting In
extending our manufacturing interests,
taking the snails out of some of our fossils,
taking off your coats and settling down te
business, even if it takes a few dollars to
do it, raise your bands :
Just as we expected. This shows that
Albany means business.
Oa the night of March the 7th some cne
entered the store of Alonzo Ames in Swest
Hems and robbed it of all the small change
that could be found, amounting to about $5.
Mr Ames had thoughtfully removed all his
cash before cksing for the night except the
above amount. He knows the thieves and
will make it as warm as Hades if they should
cone again.
Be Ceaaiet.
There will be no conflict between the
lecture at Crawford's Hall and the social
by the Chosen Friends at Odd Fellow's
Hall. Those wishing to do se can at
tend the lecture and then go to the
social as it will not begin until about
8;15 o'clock,
Consider This Dlltgeatlj.
Samuel E Young has just receive! another
large invoice of shoes from tha celebrated
factories of
A. J. Holbrook & Cj., Ucica, New York.
Geo. W. Ludlow A Co., Chisago, Illinois.
The invoice consists of the latest styles in
French kid, American kid and Pebble Goat.
Every pair warranted.
One two-horse wagon for sale cheap. Ap
ply to W fi Rice, at Depot.
Wo havejast resoiveda fiae lot of coffees
from San Francisco which' we are selling
very low.
Read & Brownbll,
Brand Jury's Br purl.
Following is ths report of tho Grand Jury
for ths late Circuit Court t
Te thi fonorabk fa Circuit Court the
Anise of Oregon for Unn County.
IFe, ths grsnd jury smpannelled sod
worn for the Mai oh Term of 1 885 of said
Court respectfully beg leave to submit the
following report :
That we hsve completed the investigation
of ail matters submitted to us.
That we have examined into the records of
ths County Clerks o flics and tlod them in
geod order and neatly kept. Ths Treasurer's
and Sheriffs offices are in good and neat con
dition and the books and papers appertain
ing thereto in order se far as our examination
has extended.
The County jil needs oleaniug and paint
in- below and oalsoinining of tho eatire build,
ing above, and we strongly recommend ths
Honorable County Court to have any aud all
needful repairs made during tho coming sum
And we have also examined tho Court
House and tlnd that tho cupola needs repair
iug so as to keep it from loakinu.aud that the
court room needs repairing and put in re
spec table repaiis, and that the north end of
Court House should be painted and repaired .
in fact it is the opinion of the W and Jury
that the entire roof of ths Court House
should be repaired and put in good order.and
that the woo. I shed should be repaired and
put in a good and safe condition.
G F Caawroau,
DC Ci ssie,
A B Morris.
FM Da wis i,
J F M Kisnkt,
J M Am wu.ti.o,
M C Calloway.
Srlo School Besers.
The following is the report of all scholars
averaging over 75., at the last quarterly ex
amioation of my school :
Ne. Itrain-h.
Bardie Ashby 0
Mary Avery
I .aura Hello tr.dfrd 7
Kl la Carey s
Owen Cyrus 8
Janie Cyrus ft
Clifford Knlsy 7
f rank titll 5
Ifealey Howoll 7
llooco llibler 0
Lizzie Hudson t
I.aura Holman 8
Frank Irvine 5
Ktta Johnson 7
Addio Morns fi
Maggie McKuighl 7
Vina Miller 6
Oscar Montgomery I
Haea Moore 7
Ijoutsa Osborn 4
With Pentland
Henry i.'uerner . B
A rire Bsllaga latter
Wednesday evening an ageut of the laswis
Hand Fire Kitiaguither was in too city and
made s test of the apparatus on the corner of
Ferry and First Streets. A tire was started
in s wooden flue filled with kerosene and tar,
and whea under full headway the contents
of sa extinguisher were thrown on ex tin
guishiog the tire instsntly. Then a large,
open structure filled with kindling wood and
tive or ten gallons of oil and Ur was
started ; but it made a regular conflagration,
so much of one that the extinguishers failed
to extinguish completely, although they
checked it considerably. Tho agent over
did the matter here in the matter of the tire,
and fatted to put the fluid on fast enough.
Had he thrown the coateets of three or feur
on at once it would no doubt have extin
guished it instsntly, we understand for it has
in all tests previously made The object of
the extioguisber is to put a firs out when it
has only got s moderate start, and this it no
doubt wi.l do.
Should the agent receive another shipment
of the extinguishers ordered ho will make
another test this (Thursday) evening in or
der to bring out the real merits of the ap
paratus, or if not then within a few days.
Advice ta 4 orreaoadeau
We give the following free sdvice to cor
respondents, which wo can afford to do as
ws otole most sf it : In promulgating your
esoteric cogitations, or writing superficial
sentimentalities and philosophical observe
tions on county events, beware of platitudin
ous ponderosity. Let your language possess
a classified conciseness, compact oomprehen
sibleness, coalescent consistency. Kschew
all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity,
jejune babblement and asinine affectati us.
Lot your scribbled doscantings and unpre
meditated expectations have intelligibility
and veracious vivacity, without rhodeman
tery or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously
avoid all polysyllable profundity, pompous
prolixity, psittaeeous vacuity, agonizing
verbosity and veniloquent vapidity. Shun
double-entendres, prurient jocosity sad pes
tiferous slang, obscurant or apparent. In
other words write plainly, naturally, sensibly,
truthfully and purely and don't use big
' i
Big Exeltaaseat.
About ths middle of the week a largo
number of emigrants srrived in the city
among whom was a young lady just married.
Her youag husband lost sight of her and at
once set out in search of her. She was
nowhere to be fouad. Ha looked in bote Is,
millinery shops, photograph galleries, and
svery other place where he thought she
might be. but sll in vain. All his friends
were rushing about wildly. Ths young man
in hurriedly passing the store of Monteith A
Seitonbach looked in when bis young wife
with a glow of pleasure on her countenance
declared that Monteith k Seitenbach have
the finest lot of new wail paper, window
shades, oil cloth, and other new goods that
she every saw. The young husbaud bought
bis supply at once.
actio i.-ulgM.
On this (Friday) night, Mrs Dr Owens
Adair, of Portland, wili lecture at Crawf ore's
Opera House, under the auspices of the W C
T U. Subject, "The necessity of instruc
tion in our public schools upon the evils of
alsohol and hereditary diseases resulting
from its use. ' Good music will be furnish
ed for the occasion. Mrs Dr Adair having
made a scientitic study of the subject in
Europe and America is a competent lecturer
on so important a subject, and no donbt a
treat will be offered those who attend to
night. Admission 25 cents.
4 a Cords of Wood Wanted.
The Democrat wants forty cords of
wood just as soen as it can be hauled
Immediate payment will be made in
subscription to this paper at market
prices. Last year our subscribers only
SI a S I St , t mm a
aooucuati .same to time, rnis year
we mean business, The wood is just
as good as-cash to us and the same to
our subscribers, hencs we are entitled
to it early, and of a good quality and
measure. It saves paying cash on
both sides.
- ' 1 s
Ths best tea in town is tha L P M which
can be found at
Reao & Bbown'jjll'h.
F M Pranoh, jowolor.
Ths best harness st J J Dubruitlos.
For Hale Baled hay, by J II Townsend
.1. P. Wallace, Physician and Hurgson, Al
bany, Or.
A fine line of boots an 1 shoes just revolved
at It. A. H's.
All stylos of heavy an I light lurunssat K
L Thompson.
A large fire occurred at Kllonsburg, W. T.
on Friday of last week.
Mike Clesry, a famous Faster n pugilist, is
in Portland.
There were l,f8H words in Cleveland's in
augural address.
Dr Paul M Hronuor diod on last Tuesday
in California of paralysis.
Read It lirownall haiidlo fresh lard iu A
aud 10 lb pails, also in bulk.
The two oases of small pox reported in
IsSfBI proved to be genuine ones.
Hovett dilf iront varieties, extra oe!ootod,
uf seed potatoes by J. II. Towiisoud.
(Jo to F. I. Thompson to get your binoss
repaired. A stitoh iu timo saves nine.
Notwithstanding the low price of hops now
yards aro beiug put in through the county.
The whotds of roller skatos should be made
sipiare, and that would satisfy all objectors.
Twoodale koops a nice lino uf tin and cup
per ware, and does repairing in good shape.
Tho oldest haruesi house in tho valley slid
the cheaoat place to try is K L Thompson's.
We see that W. C. Ttfoedalo has just re
ceived souther lot of now styled parlcr
Mr George Simpson received ulno standard
bred trotting colts from Ksstern Oregon re
cently. Dr. M. H. Flli. phystuian and surgeon
All any, Oregon. Calls made in city or
Parties wishing insurance iu the State In
BSiraass Oessaaj sen obtain it by cslling on
J ii TowasssWL
Hoffo an k Joseph eolipao all others in tho
luality of their grocerioo.coufectionary, etc.,
t '-til on them,
County taxos willjoon become delinquent,
and the liat from present appearances will
be an uncommonly large one.
Coffoe aud cake at the Dopjt Hotel before
the rarly morning train for ouly 10 cents,
iteer at all timcM 3 cents a glass.
The ax has begun falling, ths services of
tho special inspectors at I'ort Townsesd and
Seattle BBSS been suspeuscd with.
Apple, plum, peach and chorrr trees are
in bloom, and tho graa is as "lush and
lusty" as our superb climate can make it
Mr J F C.Miper, of th;s county, lost about
J,tsj head of sheep 10 Ksstern Oregon by
the severe storm of December.
A M Young and brother, of Siu, have
purchased the Cuntom Mill iu this city, of
Charles Turner, and will hereafter run it.
A bill was introduced si tho last Montana
iiulature prohibiting i-n.j lighting. This
will knock Kyansnd Hurke out.
All persons knowing thtmelvcs indebted
to John Hnggs aro notified to put in an sp
pearance at once, as he is positively closing
An excuision from Albauy to Astoria at
the tune of the State Firemen's Tournament
is talked of. H arranged two hose teams
may probably go.
l.vlies misses' and children's lino shoes,
also coarser grades, can be foil a 1 at Mon
teith k prices iu keeping with
bard times.
Rev D 0 Michael, P. K. will preach st
Sand Ridge school house tho first Sunday in
April, at 1 1 a. m., ant at W It (iore's school
home at 4 p. in.
A dog, some one said it was named Carl,
jumped through a window at S K Young's
store last Wednesday, completely demolish
ing a pane ot glass.
Any party wichiu to purchase a good
farm, either for gram or stock will do well
by calling on A It Cyrut k (hi, I sat Kstato
Agents, at Lebanon, Or.
W i .ray, D. D. S , in consequence of the
bard times, will reduce the price of dentist
ry all he can consistently, with tho use of
t.. best materials ami skillful work.
The taxpayers of Linn county are much
behind on the payment of their taxes, A
lesperato effort should be made to got even.
The reputation of the county demands this.
When yon visit Corvallis don't forget to
call at Nolan's One Price Cash Store. His
stock of dry goods, silks, fsncy goods, cloth
ing, furnishing goods, hats, shoes, etc., is
always complete, and the prices are correct.
Oae day last week a train went ever the
O P R Rin five hoars, running time about
four hours. This was uncommonly good tims
toransw road, and proves that the track is
a solid one and wU laid.
A valued policy bill, like the Oregon bill,
passed the Idaho Legislature, and immediate
ly meet of the insurance companies withdrew
from the Territory. This would probably have
been the result in Orsgon.
Mr Peters, of Portland, father of W 8
Peters, of this city, and a resident of Albany
a year and a half ago, a few days since met
ith quito a severe accident by the cutting
of one ef bis feet with an ax.
The Grand Army of the Republic is being
reorganized in this city. The Post here will
contain about forty members. Oliioers will
bo elected at the next meeting, one week
from to-morrow night.
Rev Juc'.y will preach the funeral sermon
of ths 1st Frank Hkcels at the School House
in Benton county, on next Sabbath, March
22md, at 1 1 o'clock, Also at Trinity Chapel
nssr Knox Butte, at 2:30 o'clock same day,
and at 730 o'clock iu the church in Albany.
Public invited.
Tuesday was "St. Patricks day in ths
morning," Ths Irish-Americans of Albany
did not celeb rate in a formal manner, but
they and ths iriends of Ireland wore green
ribbons quite generally, so that it was im
possible to miss the nature of the day. All
true Americans sympathize with Ireland ;
bat not with tl te dynamite enthusiast.
E Loy, (one of hi narnoi), became insace
at Scio. This was a failing of his. He couldn't
help it. He wa s non compm mentis physical
ly, mentally, sc dentiHcaliy or any where you
placed him ; b'u.t he was net dangerous. Mr
Ashbv and save ral others brought him to
Albany, where he was tried, convicted and
sent to the asyl am at Salem.
Miss Ida Ro'aerts. of Portland, who is in
troducing the Cliff A Wass practical front
pieces, hair go ids, etc,, has her head quarters
at the Milliner store of Miss Mattie Foster,
instead of at th e residence of Mrs J H Foster,
as, through a i iisdnderstandiog, was stated
in the Oemocu vr last week. Oive her a
A very sucoe isful social was given Wed
nesday night st the residence of Mr I F Conn
by the ladies oi'. the M E Church. It was
noticeable for it tgood management, aociabil
ity and amount of life displayed. Go od
music was f urnisi'sed, games were played and
an excellent repas served. A moro enjoya
ble soeial is not of sen held.
One has to go aw ay from home to learn the
uews. From an ess turn paper we learn that
a man in Seattle w as tried for running
faro game. The jury consisted of six men
and six women. Que of the men and women,
single, foil in love with each other, and
after voting to convict ths faro dealer, as
soon as ths verdict was rsndered, went to a
minister and were married.
A perusal of the Circuit Court docket of
ths term which closed last Friday, rsvesls
ths foot that ono lawysr or firm was engaged
on jius side or the other in 32 ossos, another
WfH cases, suothsr in 21 osssi, another in
-1 cases, another in 17 oases, another in !
oasse, another in 3 and another in 3. Our
subscribers are warnsd sgsiust supplying the
names. ri '
Under the now bounty bill the counties ef
the State are authorised to pay the following
prices for scalps . For panther er cougar
not moro than $. nor loss than f 2 ; for each
wild cat not more than $2 nor less thsn $1
for each bear not more than S.". nor laa than
for each wolf or coyote not more than
10 nor less than $2 ; lot each ground or
digger -epnnel not more than fl osnts nor
loss than I cent.
It was our intention to have had the
eclipse of the sun on Tuesday, ami so we an-
notinoad it for that day in the Djcvornvr of
last week 5 but it turus out now that the
moon hail got the spirit of the orooent ad
ministration, and having gotten in the habit
of going in his shirt slesves and doing a little
r11-.11 ng, came along a day ahead of time,
wliioh accounts for its having been n Mon
day, Some lifti.t).. Iinp mi a. --
a 1 a ST V -ww v avarw sin wukm
such th.ujs.
His excellency Covsruor M.iody last week
appointed the following officers for tho new
ly crested county of Morrow, of which
nepjmsr is the county sent. A. Mallory.
judge; Frank Oillam. J L Fullor, oonnty
ceinmiasioners; ii W Harrington, sheriff: S
POarrigues, clerk; T B Howard, assessor;
juiis rieumy, surveyor; Dr. A J Suhohe,
coroner; Wm. It KM is, school superintend
ont; Wm. J ieezer, treasurer.
A strolling tramp st Halsey, wo uader-
stand, is pretending to heal by faith, ami al
ready has seyersl sick people on the list. If
sbsolute faith is necessary, without tho
shadow of a doubt, we will advance the
prophetic statement that no one will he cured
Should, through any possibility these paepls
sueceed. it would be the death blow to th.,
listen t medicine business, a large ami grow
ing industiy.
On account of the rocent sinsndment to
the school law, which appropriates sViO to
each school district out of the general fund,
and then in the same ratio as formerly, tho
directors of tho Kugeno City schools have
ordered that ths school there lie discontinued
that the toachers be reiiattd to continue
the schools by subscription, they to be al
lowed the use of the buildings and fuel.
una 1a very peculiar move for a cltv like
Tho shocking now reaches us that CIsiQ
land takes breakfast at eight o'clock and
ometiraes works in his shirt sleeves. The
nsxt thing it will tie riorted that he smokes
a corn cob pipe, just like Jsekson. Wash-
ingtoo society is greatly trout, 1. . I bcause
the Preaident does uot spend his time giving
champagne suppers, and devoting himaelf to
a frivolous and shabby society that has lately
disgraced the city. let us have some pie-
bciau wsys for a change.
The Brownsville Woden Mills is one of
she best conducted manufacturing institu
tions in the State of Oral is. Lion county
has every reason to fool proud of it. It is
more than a local concern. It benefits all of
this part ef tho state. There should be a
just prtde among the people of the valley ami
of tins couaty 111 particulsr. in wearing
Brownsville goods. Such a i. 'it helps build
op communities. In dto Hn. pas are net
getting down to homatp in. asj th e .ntrsrv
no woolen factory in the United States ssnds
out better goods.
The dwelling hou. with Its contcuts. on M Miller farm, near oborg. I.:,.
county, was burnt. I hut week. Tbe bouse
was among tho valuable farm houses ol the
oounty, ai.'l the less will fall heavily upon
Mr- Miller and his mother. T house was
nsured iu the Ihenix of liroofclyn for SIOUO.
sad the contents in tho Pho-ois of Hartford
far 000. The origin of tho lire is unknown.
Mrs. Miller was away from home st the
tisse. She is the mutberof Joaqula Miller,
the ''Poet of the Sierra, end is growiug
quite feable and intinn by sgo. She hss
been living alone on the farm since young
Allison, whom she married something over
a year ago, deserted her. AV .
The iVess Xorthuvt is gratdly mistaken if
t thinks the PsBBM sst cares for having
been struck, from its list ; in fact it was an
agreeable surprise. We have rarely looked
at the .V. .V , as a matter of fact, it being
one of our first exchanges to be grabbed up
by the Chinese laundrymen, with whom it is
very popular on account of its size snd the
nsat manner in which it folds up men's shirt
to its embrace. What Washington Mono
ment conceit crops out when its editor calls
tbe striking of the Dims. iur off its lists
deserved snubbing. Oh, great Nothingness,
thy name is Vrir Xoxihwttt. Hoquc M 'at
in PaOe.
Miss Flora Ruabaugh has just returned
from Portland and opened tbe dress making
shop one door west ef K L Thompson's har
ases snd saddle shop. She will be glad to
see sll her old friends and cuitstaere back
again. Stylish walking suits mads for $3 to
f6. Cutting sud fitting a specialty.
Dry goods, hosiery and notions received
this week from New York and Chicago at
HsBt'Ki. K. Yot'Nu's.
Highly Rrrummeaileil.
Ai.bahy, Ouicios, Do. -'.id, 1SS4.
Hiun-U k Co.,
The New Maisillon 33 inch separator and
Hostel 1 engine purchased of you last rum
uteris all you rooomm uidsd it to be. It ha
given satisfaction in every respect. I thresh
ed this season iu 31 days run 43SU2 bushels
of grain which is the bigest run of any ma
chine in this part of the country. I thresh
ed for some of the oldest farmers iu this
county and they all say that I did them
ths best job, saying snd clesuiug their grain
that ever had been done. Our expense for re
pairs for tbe season did not exceed one dollar.
Yours Respectfully,
I). D. Hack Lasts n.
Public Quarterly Kxanslaallua.
The public quarterly examination for
teachers will be held at the Court House
in AJbany.cominonoing at noon on Thurs
day, March 20th and continue two days,
and all thoss desiring certificates are
earnestly requested to attend and be
present at commencement.
D. V, 8. Rkid,
County Sohool Supoilntendent,
The sale of Syrup or Figs is simply im
mense. Everyone is taking it, and all
admit that it is the best medicine ever
used. Children cry for it on aeoount of
its pleasant taste, aud grown people who
have used It once never take anythiag
else. Unlike other remedies for bilious
ness and ooastlpation it never loses its
power to act, and it always leaves the or
gans on whloh it acts stronger than before.
Besides, one feels fresh and bright and
realizes that It is Nature's own true laxa
tive. Langdon dt Co. is agent for Albany.
The beat salve in the world for culs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, onappea nauas, entiDiatns,
corns and all kinds of skin eruptions.
This salve is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction in every oass or money re
funded. Price 85o per hex.
For sale ty Foshay fc Mfvson
Msrx Bautngsrt returned from Han Fran
cisco last Wednesday.
Postmaster Newell, of Lebanon, was ia
the city last Saturday.
Mr FC Hansard, of l-ebiuori precinct
made tho DlBO it 11 olli jj a short oall last
The Misses Failing, of Portland, hsve
been visiting in this city, the guests ef Mr
John t 'onner.
Dr Psttigrew, of Lobanon, was in Albany
Tuesday. Uo undorstand Mr Pettigrsw
will rosiyn ss pastor of tho First Presbyte
rian uhurch of that pi sue and return East to
Mr Stone, rooontly in the land of flue of tho
N. P. st Helena, was in tho city several days
last wosk, while here being the guest of Mi
VV H Idee. He is now taking a trfii through
the Valley.
Mr Daniel Best, with several assistants,
will leave next week for California where
they will begin the summer campaign of
selling a:. d putting up separators. About
sixty live are in course of c instruction in
this city.
Rev F M Culp, rooontly fro n Ohio, has
accepted the past irship of the M K Church
South of this city and Taugeut. Next Sab
bath he will preach iu Tangent in ths morn
ing and in this city in tho evening. It -v
Only is a very plessant gentlemvi and wa
are glsd to see aim maks Albauy his homo.
aaw-aeaMaiaaBosa- .aa 1
aielra soil original aileusals al Wis.
The old eel, oel building will be sold In
this city to-day, bids having !,een adver
toSSd for It. Already several h vo offered
to wheel it away for It. As It is too late te
influence Kids we will say, on g'tod au
thority, tbst they will probably run as
high as one hundred oenta. AM tbese
things go to stow how foolish it Is to get a
new building when we hsve such an lin
(ooliig strooture In our midst, oM wrlb
all of tbe bawling away an I erhape a
few cents beehles.
Truth Is mighty -scarce -among Oregon
The saying that "poeta are born" doee
not apply ti Willamette Val!ey poeta.
They never do ouch thing.
'J bo coming man will net work. He
win oiitn ofT his neighbors and relative.
An Albany g rl wbo aaw a dude drop
en a muddy cross walk In the middle of
the day ltilt tbst ll ia always moruint,-
Skeleton bonnet will be the rage In Al
bany this summer ; but the rage will tie
.rlnci,allv with tbe poo' husband or
father wbo baa to foot the bill.
A cbln holder for violin players has
been invented. One for Oregon Laulala
tor would be in p'.a'-e, not missing Joe
The (teuton L'tvttr editor will have shown
marked improvement wheu he can even spell
girl with a o, and greater when a gets into
tbe second reader aud lesBM thot people
living in glaas beuae should not throw
stones. Cau he oven sabe BsiV,
The lesSS la.uraare t-'asaaaay uf Ore
1. Is a Home Company organized and 000
trolled by p-o nioou'. an! well knowu hi si
neas msn of tin Northwest, from home sap
2. The money paid to this c impany is re
tained in the Nortbwast. It pays taxes hero
and assists iu deveioprng and building sp
the vsrioos industries of tbe Northwest.
3. It is tbe only comoanv in Oregon. wbiass
ia limited by its chsrter to the insurance of
farm property, private dwellings sod their
cog tents, school bouses and churches.
4 Coni'Hj ieutly it cannot be burned out
as it ll not exposed to losses from wseping
I Bess. It insures 00 mercantile or buaioeo
riaks. but affords a safe and reliable insurance
to farmers and owners of private dwallinga.
B The tims that destroy two cities, ruin
ing over a bundled utsuraneo companies,
rendering worthless thousands of polioioo,
demonstrate the necessity of farmers and
others insuring in just such a company, free
from all kinds of huaiaeas risks.
atOSBf TO I Ol
We have money to loan in inn
$500 to 110,000, on Real K.teto
of from
Call on
lb KKiiAitT Bros.
Albany, Or.
' a m
Twa Baaaeroaa aeaseas.
Spring and fall are times when so maay
people get sick. Tbe chaugea In tbe
weather are severe on feeble persons, and
even those naturally strong are apt, as
tbey say, "to be fooling miserable." Tbeo
tboy are Just In condition to be struck
down with some kind of fever, A bottle
or two of Parker's Toalo will Invigorate
the digestion, put tbe liver, kidneys and
blood in perfect order, aud prevent more
serious attacks. Why suffer, end perhaps
die, when so simple a medicine wilt save
vou ? O00J for both sexes and all aoea.
- a
teniae Plaaea.
The undersigned is now prepared te
tune pianos on short notice. Charges rea
sonable. Orders left at Lengdon'o Drug
Store will be promptly attended to.
Kl, 8, Hica asm.
The I ream ef Straw her rles.
Five different varletka of strawberry
plant- for sale by J. H. Townsend.
A Lire saving Freseal
Mr. M. EL Allison, Hutchiisoa, Kan.,
Saved his lire by a simple Trial Buttle of
Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consump
tion, which caused htm to procure a Urge
bottle, that completely cured him, when
Doctors, change of cilmateand everything
else had faded. Aatbma, Bronchitis.
Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all
Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaran
eed to cure. Trial Bottlers free at Fosbay
Mason's Drug Store. Iaargeslxe fl.00
Its Weaderfal Eftseaey
No remedy over discovered poea ases
tbe wonderful efficacy of Syrup of aflga.
The certainty with wbioh it expels all Im
purities from the the same tlsBt
etvinflr tone to the Liver, Stomsoh and
Bowels, places it ahoad of a othor reme
dies, to say nothing of iu being taken.
It Is selling very rapidly. E W Langdon
dt Co-agents for Albany.
Plaao for Sale heap
A square piano, cost 5e0, will be sold
at a aacrifios for cash. For particulars
call at this office.
Letter List.
Following is ths list of letters remaining in ths Post
Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, March 10, 1886.
Persons calling tor these letters must give the date on
whloh they were advertised :
balliet, Stephen McCauley, Jaiaos
Ultniii. D T Wilson, J N
Oordan, W R I
WELB0RN. Four miles south of Albany,
March 5th, 1885, at the residence of J J
Davis, Elza Wxmsorx, aged 26 years.
Mr. Welborn has been sick for several
months past with consumption. He leaves
a wife and many kind friends to mourn his
IS0M. On Thursday, March 12th, 1885,
nssr Shedds, Mabkl, wife of Mr J el lsom
aged about 25 years.
1 A pure, noble young woman, she Leaves
' many to mourn her wntitnel, death,
on Thursday of last week notices were
pasted through tbe city announcing tbst
there would be a mass meeting at the
Court House 011 tbe evening ofthst day,
for tbe purpose of discussing the scib u of
Ihe L-gislelurn 011 the"ffmill" Hill and
other matters. At the appointed tunc a
fair audience, mostly of farmers, was ti
hand. The subject matter being ono f
uncommon interest uieilicd for the occa
sion a larger gathering.
J J Williams, BsH j ofr-clo, ws a elected
Chairman. Judge It P Dolse wis intro
duced and spoke an hour and a half In a
very plain, forcible manner.
He said the Patrons of If usband ry, of
which be was a member, had been taken
to task for being present during the meet
ing of the State la-glslsture, interfering
with legislation and on general principals
In an elaborate manner the Npesk-r justi
fied their course by giving a complete
statement of lbs ,l jut or that Society.
Tbe Patrons are organized to prole.1 tho
farmeia' liitoresta, it Is their duly to see
that tbey have friendly lgiltitloii, and
Ibis tbey have attempied to obtain. All
reforms bavo Osigtshsied among tho peo
ple. It has boon said tbst tbey stlnmpl
to antegonlzo eommerclal iiiUireata; tbey
do not, It Is timo something be done for
tbe producing claee. In IflOO tbe wnalth
of the producer and noaproducer In the
D 8 wsa e-usll y divided . Now tbe Utur
baa three fourths to tbe former's or.e
fourth, a startling fact. It has been said
that lbs Patrons do uot know what tbey
want legislation Tor. Tbe speaker read
from tbeir c mstituil in a llt of txielr wants
showing that tbey do know. He ha i been
accused, (piobably referring to the "Ore
gon an,") of trying to humbug tbe feirn
era. This he could not do, snd would not
if be could.
Here the speaker took up tbe subject of
the Iloult, or ItefSB bill, tbe Moult bill
differing from the Kgau bill oniy in that
tbe latter read interstate Instead of elate
commerce, and tbe Itegan h d providtd
for a 3 cent paaaeiiger rale where tbe Moult
bill calls for a 4 cent puiutei.ger tatc. Me
shewed tbe marvellous m mstt-n' y I
tbe "Orrgontsn." lle'.ore the meeting of
ihe Hta!-) Legislature tbe "Urrgoniau"
mentioned bow atmp'.e aid easily under
stood the Itegeu bill was ; but wten its
prototype; waa brought up in tbe Legisla
ture, although tbe same except a men"
Honed, ssld ibe Moult bill was covered up
with technicalities aud could not be un
deralood. Tbe bill provides tbst w shall
treat each ether courteously, thai no pool
lug shall be allowed, that no more shall
be cbargsd fur a short thsn fur a lung
hauling, and for a 3 cent limit, certainly
all lobe easily understood. Is not 1 ge
lation needed 011 these fiotlila. Now freight
to Spokane Falls from tbe Kant is as much
as to Portland and then back to Spokane
Kails, and that ia tbe present principle.
Our Senate and House instructed our
members in Ceugreoa to vote for tbe I la
gan bill, but when it is brought up here
it is met by tbe Slate corporations, .jtiere
being four railroad lawyers in the Senate
to oppose the bill. Tbe opponent of tbe
bill argue that tbe right to fix tbe rate is a
vested one and cannot be diet orbed. We
eay ll is not, and so Judge Waite, Chief
Justice of the U.S. buprems Court, baa
Tbe Kegan bill passed tbe House, but
failed in tee .Senate uv reason of the Laon
led interest there. It will sgain come up.
.Should we eleet a U 8 Senator who will
vote against it ? Sol Hirach eppoeed it in
the State Sviuue Tni a should be retusm
When a Railroad Is eulireiy within tbe
state Congress cau not regulate it, and it
Is for this reason the .Stale needs an indi
vUual law, even if the Kegan bill pauses
This Hoult bill is all tbe Patrons aektd
for. for which they bave been taken 10
It is said tbe country is arrayed against
Portland, The sneaker mentioned one
important causa. By a aection of ibe
Kevirad Statutes it was intended that
navigation oa the river should be in com
(istltion with tbe Ksiiroad, that, no cor
poration or member of a corporation en
gaged iu it, should bold slock or interest
in tbe Railroad. Tueu freight was only
I1.A0 per ton to Salem, but through cor
porate interests centered in Portland a
union resulting in the O R A N Co waa
effected, and iminedietely ft night went up
fl a ton. As it is estimate 1 500,000 tons
annually pass north tbe amount hi easily
figured out. A law restoring tbe section
mentioned should be passed. The speak
er also mentioned how the completion of
the Locks of the Cascades had been kept
back by tbe same corporate Interests, thus
preventing competition up tbe Colombia.
All these things show the necessity ol
selecting men for office who will legi-da-
live in the Interest of the people.
Full line of shelf hardware at A B Mc-
II wain's, also glass ware and queen's ware.
That was all there was to It, yet it
brought out thousands of pieces or smoked
gloss lost Monday morning. Beginning
at about 7:51 a. m., tbe moon began plow
ing her way, black and onlnous, acioss
the sun's surface, like a cat in a milk pan.
Slowly but surely she knocked the light
out of old 80I until about 9 o'clock there
was nothing left or him but a crescent,
which we succeeded in capturing by our
instantaneous process, and now prosent
to our readers. From that time on Luna,
like most of her sex. showed her lack of
staying qualities, until finally she vanish
ed at about 10:30 with a aickly wag or he
bustle. Many people who imagined the
moon was red now found ont that its real
color is black, this making them realize
very forcibly that what they generally see
is only a reflection of the sun. An eclipse
at this time, at the beginning of a new
administration and when Albany people
are beginning to liven up, has no peculiar
significance. Thiags will go on just the
Stockholders Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the stockhold
ers of Us Albaay Bailding Association, this
(Friday) svening st Workingman's Hall, at
7 o'clock. There should be a full attendance.
Olif A.W8' Practical Front Pieces,
And a large stock of Hair Goods, Dam
ascus for the oomplexlon. and Dry Sham
poo. Will be found at tbe Millinery
Store of Miss Mattie Foster. Call earl y as
Miss Roberts stay in Albany will be very
raiiR roiB.
lUceatly Dr J L Hill offered a prise to
several young people for the best poem ea
Albany. As s result eight poems were band
ed iu. These were submitted tea committee
of five who fmsll i swarded tbe prise to Whs
I la Knox. Mf th" folios ing poam ;
Jr!la, br- aniliJst ths vales and hills,
lal- Sllranv, rtir e.l-raUen thrills.
a viiiax.- r wt raall renown.
walls pro-iiwrity in It hore-rs bound :
Here the rtarrr lauiner la anfnrl-4.
To -lairn our utandinir te the worM ;
While freedom .ir OVrll, tndty rieg,
lnmjs)MSMfsBestefBlsa u sins.
H 1 -t natnr charriM tlvm d't eshaie.
Oil. OMf iA thi fiea.-efal rale '.
ed around thee on every hand,
(i'fi't handiwork with grsUtu-le ei pSBSSj
And irrattd nmleatie mountain rmAj,
Tb) nrfwer of ill hand to human ere,
WhUefair valley, their trenhiea aena
tt'rr other lid, our prie to Mend.
Tl here the brave WiUamwtta slides beaioe,
nd it kpleedar i the City' i-rWtw .
While on it csftfi awl neaetal hresat.
Mta'eljr kh!; rvaid sail and feel at rest,
'I'houifh 'ti Mtnv a levin- heart and brave
Within lu eeflb have found their grave ;
but roll on. oh, water (Tawd
And 'iourih BOs our favored hi ad.
Oh. fSSGBo ! of this feeUerbyaw,
Thy eestlny -eat In nowcr subtlest.
While in thy bonier doth abound.
Thy two theuaand souls, in peace prafvund.
Here the wearied foreigner easy And rest,
Press diatant lands by pestilence SfSJseeSSaL
Aaal help ti swell the web-erne tide
"t migration to s'rs abide.
Tii pt-ople are of ever) land asd race,
Kven "Ahuon eye) Celestial Snd a pla
Sajsl vain for rnc wltb tongue or en
I in IhedlSevent way to 11.4k uoMtuetid,
r is-esarue wltb my pmr, Umlr art
Our aanctimoniwu prace-Sa to iaurt
While te Wrene re inriliasf ; '
The saany art of worldly anted.
Though eigi.1 jroodly 1.ur hi yu aay easy.
With lowers pointtwv; to the eay,
Aiid ea- h with joyful belS yrtmAuum,
The praiaea due a Mesaiali'a name ;
Aaal -Jeasant Schools their effort 1 ml ,
In wisdoms ways, young minds to lei id
Arid cast o'er lands I heir bris-bt sererr,
Tlaldirig power ia learning' sphere.
Rut where the fan) without a Miabt.
Though held by law of sower asf aright
Ob, village fair, Heath genial ski.
Thou uptssoVst vile saloons of dnp ut dyes.
And in their gay aitd jr littering bowers,
Mea writhe in agony, in lienor powers
And sell their aouls for wine ssd wee,
(Rating o'er deep nor roe three.
Vet temperance workers are n-4 few.
And ferenvist in the rank ia W. C T. L
While jet aSSSaaSt nasal band
Itraveiy 1.1 .or to quench this dressed brasd,
I pWWIss; feosa dgredataena lowly pfcaiu
The 1. n. j.te : ixa to light arale ;
h. ma je Willi vur bleeauigs staad
for -I, a.i.j tSomm, "t i Sative Laas.
aSSSJ for lack of wlsdoM ait. III erase
Tins lengthy rhyme, that cannot laser.
Ah ! fa.h.h thought. Out I cosnmesd
ffssxl glowing weeds t pl-st-e this "Korea Baad,
Fur lh-j by l.ty thought-. 1 1. .fired.
Ne'er have my shallow as admires .
Though a ) tread the ath of fase
May one kind thought recall my aaaae.
Clint, Monteith & ('.,
Will buv and ssil real aetata, sasas a laaTas
loans, collect rents, p,r taxes, furnish r-
ituin aimire-w 01 tuie ana atiw up an
kinds of legal instruments of writiua.auch
as deeds, mortgages, contrscts. leaars dt .
llava eonnfMftWn with re.iable tirui- in
Portland, San Franicsco and mber p ats
and tbe best facilities for either bu ving rr
selling real eatat. We expect to nsw our
utmost endeavors to induce emigrants and
capitalists to settle in this locality ami ia
our endeavors wlsb tbe aasi'tarx- of all
ap-.rtted persons of both our county and
city. We wtU publish a rattling good real
estate paper fur free distribution, beain
niug atsjut tbe 15th of April wfi1 con
tain articles on the resources ot Linn Cu ,
snd tbe peculiar advantage posss nsd by
Albany, also a large list of valuable county
and city property for sale. rarUee wbab
ing their prorty avdvertised fur sale wil
p'sase ceil on tbe above firm on or befoie
the 10th of April.
At tbe ciete ef business, 10th day ef March. 1SSA.
Loses and diacosnta
( . rdrafla
Ba S. Bonds to secure circulaiM-n
lus from approved rsssrvs
Use mrui ether National Bsaas
fue from Stale hanks and bankers. . .
Current expenses ami taxes paid
RretBiums paid
Checks ana ether cash items. ..
Bills of other Banks . .
Krartieoal paper currency .nicklea and
Specie . 1 . 1
. . aWS 09
.... st.uo
Legal tender notes
Redemption fund with D . S. Treasurer (Svs
per cent of circulation.) ...
m to
.flOSTtS 47
Uahtlltle :
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
I'twiivided pruflte
National Bank notes outstanding
uses .sa
Individual deposit subject to
Demand oertincateaef deposit...
Due to Stale Banks and bankers
Svars or Oaaous, Cot vrr or Lisa, so :
I. H F. Merrill. Caahier of the above ruuoeJ bash
So so'.emaly swear tha the above statement hi true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
H. F. MERRILL, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before tee this lsth day ef
March, 1SS5.
L. a.
Cossa.-r Attest
Usury Pubis-.
S. K. YOl'hG,
Executor's Sale.
Notice is hereby given, thst tee undersign
.a 1 a r iL. - ;il JtLua. t
j Sll r.aevu.ur vt 111c iaai wiuauu vau.vui wi
I A V ( 'harrv il.-i-aaaial ki nurauanc af an
order of the County Court of Lion eoanty,
Oregon, duly made and iutered ef record ea
the 6lh day of November, li4 will sell at
Cublic auction to the highest bidder, at the
our of one o'clock, p. Sa., on Saturday,
April the 25th, I8S0, at the Court Honse
door in the city of Albauy 111 Liun oonnty,
Oregon, all the riht title aud iuteiest of said
deceased, A F Cherry, at the time of his
death in and to tbe following described real
property to-wit : Commencing at the south
east corner of Lot No. ($) eight in Block No.
(101) one hundred and one iu Hacalemen's
addition to the eity of Albany in Linn coun
ty, Oregon, as the same is deeiirasted and
known on the plats, maps and anivoya af
ssid city, now 00 his and ef record in the
office of the Coauty Clerk of Lion county,
Oregon and running, thence in a northerly
course on the cast lias of said Lot (8) eight,
parallel with tho west line of said Block Bo.
(101) one hundred and one, (146) one han
d red and forty-six feet to a point on the east
line of Lot No. ( 1 ) ons in said Kiosk ; thence
in a westerly course parallel with ths south
hue sf said Lot No. ( 1 ) one, to the west line
of the same on Montuemory street ; thence
in a sentberly course on the east line ol said
Montgomery street, te a point opposite the
southwest corner of said Lot (8) ouiht en the
north line of First street in said city , heaee
in an easterly course along the north lit, of
First street to the piece of beginning. Also
the following described real property, t
wit : Lot No. (2) two in Block No. (101)
one hundred and oae in Hseklsmaa's addi
tion to the eity ef Albany in Linn county ,
Oregon as the same is designated and known
on the plats, maps snd surveys ef said eity
new on file and of record in tbe otnee of the
County Clerk of Linn Connty, Oregon,
Terms of sale on credit of six months, the
purchaser to give his note payable iu six
months from tho day of sale without inter
est with approved sccarity .
Jamks G. Cxuta y,
L. H. MosTANYX, Executor.
Att'y for Executor.
280 acres of land for sale. House and
lot situated in N, W, part of 8sio, The
land lies 2 miles southeast ef Providence
Church, Unimproved, 100 acres opes,
balance brush. Inquire of
J. L. Ml CLE n, SesQf