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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1885)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES ft NUTTING. 6SIKSS0rFICKla ttemacrst Bui Id tag o TKKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION siaale oopr, par year. In advunrs... ...... stagte cqt, par year, at and of year. ,. ti 60 3 00 1 80 n 10 afta eopy, tlx month single oopr, three months. eiate turnbtr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of this State. Will eive apodal attention to collections and probate matter. . . Office In Foster's new brick. 49tf L H. MONTANYB. ATTORN AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brims' store, let street. vianssu T. JL WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) tTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAXY, eBE)X. rjrjiLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF TIIK IT State, Spacial attention giran to collatUooa sad JVOCka in Odd Faltaw'a Tatnpta. (U: f. o. niriu. w. It. BII.YKU POWELL. & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery. ALBANY. - OBEGOM. Collections promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. JntrOffice in Foster's Brick.' Unlfftf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, Will practice in all of the Court of this State. All business Intrusted to hint will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANQDON & CO., DssUOOISTS. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT 3DRTJG STORE, iyl ALB AST. atBSO. FOSHAY & MASON, vHOLtutt an awart Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, ORECOH. vl6n41t A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFUL Y FILLED. Albany, Or. DR. G, W, MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office on Frst Street, just west of Conrad Meyers. ALBANY, ORECON. DR. M. H. ELLIS, Physician and Surgeon. sft)ffice and residence in Mcllwain's Block. Albanv, Oregon. LOUIS CAMPEAU'S Barber Shop. Shaving done with neatness and sharp razors, which are always kept In good condition, and hair cnt in the very best style. REVERE HOUSE, Cra ei Tint and Ellsworth Albany, Oregon. Cha Pfeiflfer, Prop'r. This new Hol.Ha fitted up in first rise etyle. Tablaa applied with the bat the market affords. Boring; Bads in arary Boom. A food Sample Boom (or Com lerri.l Travelers. rr Free Coach lo and from the Hotel. "W FURNITURE. havts the best stock of farniture in city and will sell the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stoek of WALNUT FURNITURE in the eitv and the lowest price Valley. Come and see. in the Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. A LB 1 N Y, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 16th, 1884. For particulars concerning the course of study and the price of tuition, apply to REV. ELBE ST M. t'OXDIT, FreaMie. Aloany Bath House. THB TJNDKBSIQNED WOULD RESPECT fully iaform the citizens of Albany and vi evaity that I have taken charge ofthia Establish tent, sad, by keeping clean rooms ana payia strict attention to business, expects io suit al those who stay favor us with their patronage Earing heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Oressine Saloons expects to g4r entire satisfaction to al flaaCmiien and Ladies' Hair neatly co bampooed. JOS WEBBER. CHAS. METZGER'S Fish, Poultry and Game Fresh firth of all kinds constantly on hand. Poultry dressed to order. All kinds of game In season. Goods deliver ed promptly, free of charge to any part of the city. Next door, eas: of Tweedale's Tlu and Stove (Store. I J o . J VOL. XX. TEST YOUR BAKING POWDER TO-DAY! Brandt adr.rU.o4 a. ahaolntrl pnra TMI TItTt ,0f w not Mot watt: heated, teaa DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, nts aau.ran.UBn ma WKVIW sou tartars. In a minion homes for a rjoartrr of a rautur l boa .Isod Uj. .-vn-uawn' reliable tr.t, THE TEST JFJUf OYER. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., sakkss or Dr. Price's Special Flaroriflg Eitra, The atnatMa. aaal S.IW.o. aaS Mbn I tmmr lam, aad Dr. Price's Lupulin Ytasf 8tmt For Li,-Jit. hralthr Urawt, Tbr Baal Dry H p Yraat la tbe Work!. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICACO. - ST. LOUIS. For tale by Cutt u Maria a Co, Portland, Or. ECZEMA And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Posi tively Cured. g ZKM . r Salt Rheum, with iu agonizing- Itch injf ami Dummy, m.iasiiy rr Irvrd by a rm bath aitn tin.' a Su.r. and a .iiurle aptdkation ..f 1 rnu ii. Ihe irraat Hkm I'urr Thla rr,atd daily a-Uh two or thrra dor, of Ci rn t ext. lh ew mood runner, to kov the Uud owl, the ir I '.ration per. and unirriuUtur. the bowna open, the lirer aint kidoc. active, will niredilv cure tU-artna. Tetter, Ringworm, Psoriasis. Eichm Pruritus. Scall Used, lavndruff. and e.ecy aperies of Itching. Scaly, and Pimply limn. of the Scalp and Skin, when the beat physicians and alt known rrmadica tall. Will VrSVaaalal. loarU.rn St.. chlaen, rraatefully achnuwladraa a cure of E.aeina r Halt kheum on band, neck, face, arm, and Ufa for aav eutccn yean J not able to aralk except on hands and kneee tor one year; not able to help hlaawtf for eight years J tried hundreds of rctnediea : doctors prvnaonced hia case boneieae J nuaiKStljr cured by Cmcvaa BaaoLVBXT (blood purifier) internal' r. aad Crrtrtajt. and tH-nct-tA Soar (the irreat akin cure.) externally . Cbat. HaaasitAa. Fjki . lawyer, a state St. H-wWn, re porta a caaa 4 Edema under hia obaerta. lion for ten years, which covore.1 the patient', body and limbs, and to which all known mcthode of treat meet had bean applied without beneflt. which waa n pi etelr cured eolelr by the OTK1U Hr wrwaa. iea injf a clean and healthy akin. F. n. Orahr. Kaaj . Uetroil, Mich., .iJI.rwl un. told torturaa front Eczema, which appeared on hia hands, head and fee, and nearly destroyed hi. eyas. After the nvan careful doctoring and a enneultaUur. of physicians failed to relieve hint, he need the Cm. ctaa Rasemaa, and waa eureJ. aod has remained m., to date. Mr. Jaha TTilel, Wtikaabarra. Pa., writes ; "I hare suffered from gait Rheum for near eight year, at tunes so bad that I could not a Wand to my business for weak, at a time. Three boxes of Ct -net -as and four bottles Raaotvarr have entirely cured me 01 iota u ream til at Sold by all druaviata. Price: CfflMB Sft, Mcta.: BaaoLvcrr, SI ; Soar, as eta, I'ottcr lru2 and Chemical Co.. Boston. Mae. Peltrr Drsuc and hrsslral a.. SVaatwa flTlCI'RA SOAP an quisite Toilet Ilath.and VW I 1 Noraery Sanative. DEYOE & ROBSON, (Successors to W. H. (ioUra.) DEALERS IN- Farm Machinery WAGONS, HACKS, BUGGIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, THE ALBANY FURNITURF HOUSE, BRINK & SON. (Successors to) Dannais, Woodin & Fisher, Manufactures and dealers in all kind FURNITURE, would respectfully inform the public that thev manufacture to order, and will keep constantly on liana, a complete stock of all desirable lines of FURNITURE, and will sell at bed rock prices. Bed-steads a Specialty. STONE AND MARBLE WORKS THE UNDERSIGNED WI8IIE8 TO Inform the public that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of stone and marble work on short notice. All work is war ranted to give satisfaction. Will work any and all kinds of stone, but deal prin cipally in Oregon City granite. Cleaning, repairing and resetting a specialty. Call and examine my prices before purchas ing elsewhere as 1 will not be undersold. Shop on west side of Ferry street oppo site post office. G. W. HARRIS, Prop. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, MILLINERY AID DRESS-MAKING. Cutting and fitting by the new Taylor's System. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. -fOR SALE, One half block in eastern part of g trie city with fair house and barn will be eold onear B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, a m alwavs breskine. unless you have the kind sold by Peters & Stewart, of Al bany. They are made ot wrought iron, cannot jump the track and will last a life time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have seen them. tate Eigttts 1 UI HHVO IS it HI MAI. AMIlii fXLLow Uitiekns ia tuo uresenos of this vast iMrinblsge of mj country men I am about to supplement end seat by the ottb which I shall takn, the manifestation of the will of a gteat and free people. In the rxerciie of their power and right lo self-government they have committed to one of their fellow citizens a supremo and aaored trust and be here conteoratee himself to their service. This impressive cere mony adds little to the solemn sunse of responsibility with which I contemplate the duty I owe to all the people of the laud. Nothing can relieve mo from anxiety, lent by any ant of mine tbeir interests may suffer, and nothing is needed to strengthen my resolution to engage every faculty and effort io the promotion of their welfare. Amid party strife the people's choice was made, but its attendant circum stances have demon trated anew the strength and safety of a government by the people. In each succeeding year it more clearly appears that our Demo cratic principles need no apology, and that, in its fearless and faithful applica tion is to be found the surest guaranty of good government. But the best results to be found in the operation of a government wherein every citixen baa a share, largely depend upon a proper limitation of purely party xeal and effort and a correct appreciation of the time when the heat of partisanship should be merged into the petrietisoi of the citi sen. To-day the executive branch of government is transferred to a new keeping, but this is still a government of all the people, and it should be none the leas an object of their affectionate solicitude. At this hour the animosities of political strife, the bitterness of par tisan defeat, aod exultation of partisan triumph should bs supplanted by un- grudgiog acquiescence io the popular wiil, and sober, eunacientioui concern for the general weal. Moreo ver.if from this hour we cheerfully and honestly abandon all sectional piejudice and distrust, aod determine with confidence in one another, to work out harmon iously the acb evement of our nations 1 deatiny, we shall deeerve to receive ail the bee e fits which our happy form of government cau tatow. THE CO.XtTITI TIOJI. On this, ausptcioos V3aion we may ell renew tin? pledge of our devotion to that constitution which, launched by the founders of the republic and conse crated by their prayers and patriotic devotion, has for a century borne the hopes and aspirations of a great people, through prosperity and peace, through the shock of foreign conflicts and the perils of domestic strife. iiy the father of his country our constitution wsa com mended lor adoption as the result of a spirit of amity and mutual concession. Io ibst same spirit it sbouls! te ad ministered, io order to promote the lasting welfare of the country and to secure the full measure of its priceless benefits t) us and to thoae who will suc ceed to the blessings of our national life. The large variety of diverse and com peting interests subject to federal con trol, persistently seeking recognition of their claims need give ut no fear that "the greatest good to the greatest num ber" will fail to be accomplished, if in the halls of national legislation that Spirit of amity and mntuai concession snail prevail io which the constitution bad its bit tk. If this involves the sur render or postponement of private in terests, and abandonment of local ad vantages, eomr. ensation will be found in tbe sssurance that thus the common in terest is subserved and the general welfare advanced. DUTIES Or A PUBLIC XATL'KK. Io tbe discharge of my official duty I shall endeavor to be guided by a just and unstrained construction ot tbe con stitution, a careful observance of tbe distinction between the powers guaran teed to the federal government and those reserved to the states or to the people, and by a cautious appreciation of those functions which by the consti tution arid lta bt been especially assigned to the executive branch of the government. Bat he who takes oath to-day to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States, only assumes that solemn obligation which every patriotic citizen on the farm, in tbe workshop, in tbe busy marts of trade, and everywhere, should stare with him. The constitution which prescribes bis oath, my country men, is yours. Tbe government which you have chosen him to administer for a time is yours ; the suffrage which ex ecutes the will of freemen is yours ; tht laws snd the entire scheme of our civil rule, from the town raesting to the state capitol and the national capitol,is yours. Your every voter, as assuredly as your chief magistrate under the same high sanction, though io a different sphere, exercises a publio trust. Nor is this al' ; every citizen owes to the country a vigilant watch aod close scrutiny of its? public servants, and a fair and rea sonable estimate of their fidelity and use fulness. Thus is the people's will im ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH J3, 1885. I 1 si'"asaMaMM----- pieated upon the whole frame workof our civil policy,muniolpal, state and federal And this Is the price of our liberty and the inspiration of your faith in the re public. A TAR! VP RKPORM HINT. It is tho duty of those serving the people In a public place closely to limit the public expenditure to the actual needs of a government economically administered, because this bounds the right of a government tc exsot tribute from the earnings of labor or the prop erty of citizens, and because of public extravagance among the ieople. We should never be ashamed of the aim. plicity and prudential economies which art beat suited to the operation of a Republican form of government, and roost oompatiblo witii tht mission of the American people. Those who tre so- octed for t limited lime to manage public affaire are still of the people and may do muoh by tbeir example to en courage, consistently with the dignity of their official fuootiona,that plain way of lif which.auMng tbeir fellow citisent, aids integrity and promotes thrift and prosjterity. The genius of our institutions, tht needs of our people in tbeir home life, and the attention which is demanded for settlement or development of the resources of our vast territory, dictate ths scrupulous avoidance of any depar ture from that foreign policy commend ed by history, tradition and the proa- pet ity of our republic. It is a policy of independence, favored by our position and defined by our known love of Jus tice, and hy our power ; it is a policy of peace, suitable to our inter eete , it is a po.ley of neutrelity.rejecting all share in foreign broils and ambitions upon other continents and repelling tbeii in trusion here ; it la the policy of Monroe an 1 Washington and Jeffertoo,of peace, ommerce and honest ftiendahip with all nations ; entangling alliance with none. VAttlol'rt Vt'RMTIoXS. A cue regard for the interests and prosperity ot' all the people demands that our Soancw sba'.l be established upon such a sound and sensible bssia aa shall secure the safety and confidence of basiueas intertata,aitd make the wage of labor sure an 1 steady, and that our system of revenue be so adjusted aa to relieve the people from unnecessary taxation, having due regard to the in terest of capital invested snd workiog roeo employee! in A merino tnduttriet ; end preventing the accumulation of a surplus in the treasury to ao extent that induces extravagance? and waste. Care for tbe protieriiy of the nttion and for the needs of future settlers re quire that tbe public domsin should be protected from purloining schemes and unlawful occupation. The conscience of tbe people demands that the Indians within our boundaries shall be fairly and honestly treetosJ at wanh of the government, and tbeir education and civilization promoted with a view tc their ultimate citizen ship. Polygamy in the territories is de structive of tbe family and of religion, and offensive to tbe moral sense of the civilized world, aod shall be repressed. Tbt raws tbould be rigidly enforced which prohibit immigration ot a servile class to compete with American labor, with no intention of acquiring citizen ship, and bringing with them and re taining habits and customs repugnant to our civilization. Tbt people demand reform in the administration of government and ap plication of business principles to publio affairt,and as a means to this end civil service reform should be io good faith enforced. Our citizens have a right to protection from the incompetency of public employes, aod these who hold tbeir places solely as a reward of pat ti san service, and from the corruptive influence of those who promise and the vicious methods of those who expect such rewards. Those who worthily seek public employment have tbe right to insist that merit aod Competency shall be recognized instead of party subserviency or surrender of honest political belief. In tbe administration of a govern ment pledged to do equal and exact justice to all meu, there should be no pretext for anxiety touching the pro tection of frtedmen in thtir rights or tbeir security in the enjoyment of their privileges under the constitution and its amendments. All discussion as to their fitness for the place aooorded to them aa American citizens is idlt and unprofitable, except as it suggests the necessity for their improvement. The fact that they are citizens entitles them to alt the rights due to this relation, and charges them with all its duties, obli gations and responsibilities. IN CONCLUSION. These topics and the constant and ever varying wants of au active, and enterprising population may woll re ceive the attention and patriotic en deavor of all who make and execute the federal law. Our duties are practi cal and call for industrious application, intelligent perception of tbe claims ---aw. is. - oi puwio office, and above all a firm determination of rnited aotion to secure to nil tbt people of tbt Itnd tht full benefits of tht best form of government over vouchssfed to man. And let us not trait to In man tff rt tlont, but humbly acknowledge tht power and goodness of Almighty Gjd.wbo presides over the destiny of oatioas and who hat tt all Umss bean revealed in our ooun tiy's history. Lit us invoke bis aid and his blessing upoo our labors. (low much more brightly and kindly tbe suu shines. The breezes trt more b tluir, soft and sweet. Tbe music of tbt warbliog birds it sweeter and more enchanting than erewhile. The school boy's shout is more gladsoint and joy ous. Il snimfng of Unmet bells la more inviting, and their soft cadenoes art mort tender tod soothing. The armtrs song is mort heart so me as bt a ends his way to tbe Lhor of the day. All nature smiles joyously sod grtciou- s'y tnd t thousand timet stnds back he glad refrain that constitutions! gov ernment ia once again io the hands of its beat frieodt. Yts, verily, 'wbeo the rigbtoot trt in authority the people rtjeiee ; but when the wicked baretb rule tht people mourn." a Mr. Cleveland, it seems, did not in tend to teeept the invitation extended time timt ago by tbe Preeideot to enjoy tbe hospitalities of tbe White Hoete for a few days previous to bit insugurs tion, and the new President hence tatertd that edifitt in deep ignorance of tbe resources of the wine cellar, aod in firmed only by newspaper repot t aa to tbe extent of tbe Presidential wardrobe which will rescue the last Republican Administration fiom oblivion. A republican in shaking by wet of comparison of the two poliliesl parties io the legislature which has juet ad journed waa beard to tell a frieud that while tbe republiatna had a majority of fourteen on joint ballot sa ie uum Iters, tbe democrats had a mj of twenty teven as to brains. Tin. is literally true. Tbe dere-xrr- L. i-.ti. the advantage tvth in aod Xeri enoe. M. Fortioz give In Csruo a very simpioaand useful meihod detOTt log lead In the tinning of rullnsry u tenvl. Tho vetstl bel ig carefully cloanod (o rotnovo grease, a dr. p of nitric acid is applied to any pari, ntWI a gentle heat fa used lo dry t.e spot. A drop of solution of Iodide of potas sium Is applied tu thesiot, and If lead be present a yellow iodide of lead is formed. It hss been gravely suggested that the colore I element be retogmiztd by Cleveland bv appointing tome bun s it sar dreda of them to good fat offices in Khodo Island, Vermont, Maioe and other strong republican states. It ia auggestedjtbat tht a appointmei se lected from colored gentlemen in tbe south who worked faithfully for tht election of Cleveland. This teat would overwhelm the republicans in tbe statea named. It should not be forgotten that tho present "hard times" came upon us during the reign of the republican psrty, and that, if there is toy truth io wbtt republican lenders hart long been claiming, that tbe policy of tbe admin istration baa much to do in making times good or bad, then that party it responsible for tbt present stringency. The Beaton Pot says : "The Por. tltnd Oregonian'is one of the few papers which keep on blackguarding (trover Clevttaod just as though tbt election was yet tt takt place. Oregon i ont of tht states that are sure to go demo cratic aa toon as tbt administration ahall bava changed." All signs indicate that tho Pot is right. New York, IlhodeTslai.d and Ore gon make the study of physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the effects on tbe human body of alooholio stimulants and narcotics, compulsory in tho public schools. as SI as How very, very cold it is getting io the republican household new. How obeerltss, and frosty. How very much suited must Edmunds be with his home-like surroundings ! Cleveland's salary day. will be $137 per Following is the important seotien in the amendment to the mortgage tax law : That all contracts made and entered iato in this state by and between borrower and lender, debtor and creditor, or mortgagor and mort gagee, on which the rate of interest is eight por cent or under, whereby one party shall ajree to pay the taxes on tne debt, credit or mortgage existing or entered iuto between such parties, be and the same are hereby de clared legal and valid and shall not be deem ed or taken to be usurious. It ' ' ' tHJCKLBX'S AttVJCA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This aalva Is guaranteed to give perfeot NatisfaoUon in every case or money re funded. Price 35o per box. For sale by Foshay A Mason tmaal Having purchased the B A NKRUPT STOCK of merchandise of Oolwell, Becker 8c Licke, Salem, Oregon, at Less Than Half Price, consisting of 0RYC00D$,Ct0THINC, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GAPS, ETC., much of which has been 2iZtggd akefrbrd. The following .ketches of two of I. Inn county's Senators were made by a Port land paper : lion. W it Udyeu. of Linn county. Is a member of marked ability. Wbeu he Ufcs tbt floor It is often to elucidate aome subject which, by many speeches, has become somewhat indistinct to tbe ordinary listener. When he aaya "bow then,' then It lean assured thing he has come to the point. He tan take a ran g!J skein of argument and unravel It lu a m st satisfactory tnanaer to tbe listener Hia position on two impor tant o mmllica, Corjo rations and Itallroads. evidence bis ability In mere ways I ban one He ia considerably above the average height, with pierc ing oysei and a iutck manner ef speak -lag. convincing aa to hit earnest ne. Ma. is a Democrat. Son. Enoch Houli, or Lion county Is serving hia second term in to Scoat? He will loog be remembered as havlug introduced SenaU bill No. 40,te regulate trauaperuileu and fares on railroads, which met with numerous ncka,ahoa!s and quicksaoda en Its Journey down tbe stream of legislation, but Anally reached the desired haven "passed." one point In the contest waa gained by Mr. Hoult demanding a recount of a vote while (he chair waa temporarily occupied by a member, the result of which was a reversal of the vote, ao much power doee a single vote possess. He is ooe of the Committee on Counties. Is a man somewhat beyond tbe prime of life and a Democrat. SplraalWI Maaara. Tht public should note the fact that the ooly propriety medicine on earth that eve received the supreme award of Gold Medal at tbe great International World Fairs, In dostrtal Expoeitloos aod State Fairs, ia St. Jacobs Oil, After the most thorough aod practical teats, lu hospitals aod elsewhere, It bat universally triumphed over all com petitors, aod been proclaimed by Judges and Jurors, Including cmloeot physicians, to be tbe best pain-curing remedy lo ex istence. Of rap of ng Nature's owo true laxative. Pleaaaot to tbe palate, acceptable to tht stomach , harmless lo its nature, painful in Its ac tion. Cures habitual eoDstlpatleo,blllioas ness. Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleans es the system, purifies the blood.regubUes the liver aod acta on the bowels. Breaks up colds,ohill aod fevers.eto., strengthens the organs o-n which Its acta. Bet .bitter, nauseous lh er medicines, pills, salts aod draught. Sample botiles free, and large ottles fer sale by Foshay A Mason . e ' l. I B. Few realize that the stomach Is nearly alwaatbe offending organ In what are called bullous attacks, nevertheless that such is the case ia a scientific fact. Keep the stomach healthy and the whole body will be boalthy. Cholera aod other Msjerae diseases" cannot be propagated io the sys tem If the stomach and blood are in a healthy state. Dr. De Haven's Dyspepsia Cure secures this desirable state of the stomach and blood. Sample bottles free at Foahay A Mason's Drug Store, a acavrrs kmilsiox of rrnn Cod liver on. with MTitepkesphltes, Per Aaaeaaa and Marasmus In Children. Dr. W D Gentry, Kansas City, Mo says "I have used Scott's Emulsion for years, aod for consumption and anaemia patients and children with marasmus, have found it very reliable. Have frequently given itwhtn patients could retain nothing tlst on the stomach." Excited Taeaaanda. All over tbe land are going into ecstacy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Their unlooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to ge nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, or aoy affection of the Throat and Lungs. Trial Bottles tree at Foshay A Mason's Drug Store. Large size SI. 00. THAT HACKING OO UGH can be so quickly eared by Shlloh's Care. We guarantee it. WILL YOUSUFPFR with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint t Shlloh's Vitaiker is guaranteed to cure you. THE REV. GEO. H.THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind. says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHI LOH'8 CONSUMPTION CURE." For lame back, side or chest, Use fcbiKih s Pcrous Plaster. Price 26 cents. vo 33 N.H. Allen & have the beneflt ofthe FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Remember the place, 57 First Street, Albany, Oregon. N. EL ALLEN & CO. Ohiclceii 13i-iHtle. They stood out on tbo of ooe of the palatial mansioua no I L- . berse avenue, owned by one of Chicken j Bristle's moat aroaUhy aud mlWnuai ' rvrndtggers. hhe was a fair, delicsie as .... oicsaom, woote lt(e bail hewa one of happiness and plrasuro. Binif the orr- ly thil l and hHieas of old man 8k-j aecaer, every wHh of ber heart hud boeu gratified. But to-night a sadness seemed to steal oer ber beautiful iwn- sive face. Perhaps a flooding ot the awful misery aoit to 1st vimunJ u,rj ber aod tbooe she loved iaaaed athwart ber ionoctoi bo;ni. The young man at her side, though not I . r equal in wealth, was one of nature's noblem n, tall and stately, he looked like another Apollo. "Cymba," be said, as be ten derly took the small, road scraper, shaped hand of the fair girl io his at.d COOtlV drew her ielili throbbing hearf, "do von love roe- wi'h a love that will .1-1 .. . .7 . years roll Iiy. ' "Kmhf.mJ," an i she looked up into bis eyes with warmtr that would bave melted an iceberg, "tbe heavens may fall and Logan may not go to tbe Senate, but my love for you will be fresh and gteeo, when tbe acoroa lyiog at your fet are lofty oaks " A look of unalloyed bappioess paased over tbe clasaio faee of the young man. Clasping ber io bis strong arms be pressed one kias uon her ripe led moutb, when, witbahriek that brought old man Skvdeeker and his wife to the door, she tore herself from bis embrace, falling into the outstretched arms of her mother. "My poor stricken dove," cried tbe agonizing mother, "speak and tell your trusting parents what terrible thing has happened our own sweet one." Slowly 0niug bar dark bunriu t v ? she looked np at tbat loving moil er, and in a voice tbat told of a heart from which all the happy sunlight of youth bad fled, she whispered, " he has broke bt bustle." it. t titsttel I e i . No remedy over discovered poeoajfoi the wonderful efficacy of Syrup of Figs. The certainty with which it expolaall im purities from the system, at the same time givtog tone to the Liver, Stcmtch and Bowels, places it ahead of a ottnr reme dies, to say nothing of its being taken. It is selling very rapidly, E W Langdon i ' if rt .if' t'dtifi When you wish to subscribe for news papers sad magasines don't forget to leaye your orders with F. L Kenton, They will receiye prompt attention. 8HILOH SVIT.VI.IZRRU what you neel f.r.n sttpathMia, Loss of Appetite, Disxineas, and ail BVSSB tomaof Dvsiwpaia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bol tte. -THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combinisg Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely ( urea nvapeeala, Indigestion, Weakaees, 1 in pure niooii, Malaiia,Chilla and Fevers, unit sfearaJsrlai. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the KMueya aaat Liver. It la invaluable for Diseases peculiar to iVoMion, and all who lead sedentary Uvea. 1 1 does not injure the teeth , cause headaehe.or .r.-duce constipation other Jnm mediciftt 0i ' It enriches and purines the blood, stimulate tho iipnctite, aids the assimilation of food, re lines Heartburn and Belching, aud strength 4 ! tlie muscles and nerves. F:r Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lacs r.' i my. Ac, it has no equal. 9V The genuine has above trade mark r trussed red lines on wrapper. Take no oU , asfers BROWS (UKBICaL CO, IULTI0J:K. '. RID1KQTON, WOODABD a CO., Portland Or. HUM II 11 Ui s a s a s - a . STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BIST ADVERTISES I1DIUI IK THE WILLAMETTE T ALLEY. Kiiocial bttiSasi aeSfeet umiis J ceM) r I in. ik. i ! - lOecnts ir lino. io LaMSal Vd Hi gaiar Lens For Jeoal ami triiint uk 11 00 per snuare for tbe first ' " - M twla per square for aeon sobsequetSl Insertion. Kales for other edv xnown on application. lo- prices. Come and LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD 71. best dry hep yeast in tae warag. Isjsjfe rmcd by this yeast H light, white assf Wtaja, so.n lise our grandmother-s flelieJeaaj tajeaj. CROCER3 SELL THE. Price Baking Powder Con taiTrs tl Bt. pruti special ntTtttif maa, Chicsao, ill. 3u Laufas, sto. Fur atfe b Cat: n ;M rie aa j Cu , rtl bat. Or, Red CrownMills i k i-KOf-Kss FLoca sxrpKRioa roa j AN D BAKK2S CRS. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fat Wheat ALBANiYOR. I. S. ROBERTS, City Market. (SUCCESSOR TO FRED GOKTZ.) Will keep a full supply of good meats at bottom prices. ALBANY, ORECON. Chairs ! Chairs ! Rawhide bottom chairs for both ld and ountf, at bottom prices at the faotory oT L. PUTNAM, Albany, Ortfto CIUF & FROMM, Manufacturers and Dealers In all kinds of f1 T RNIT UH.E, AMD UNDESTAOBS, 8! First Street Albany, Or QUTLERY. The best lioe of cutlerv in the valley aaya be found at our store. It embraces peekes knives, table knives, forka and spranna, butcher knives, hunting knives, paring knives, shears and scissors of all kutfls, and the best line of razors ever bi stages into Albany. Come and aee for yosrv selves. Pirstit rswvsjc. pOR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, aaat) miles above Lebanon. 40 teres in tjii ti vat ion. 10 acres slashed and aowntt grass. Comfortable dwelling, goesj outhouses. Cheap. Inquire at ftSie office. O. C CHBRRT. c.a.p ui ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and fro? Founders, WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prenared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We erj manufacture Steam Engines, Gets and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds -f I so and Brass Castings. PATTEBVS H4SI OX gnOKT XOTKSs. Special attention given to repairing alt kinds of machinery. Will also masiufae ture the improved Cherry A White Gssaia Separator. shop oa Baker St.OfBee a lass tar V Go SYEKToIB