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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1885)
ll I v. r pr, 1 i. -Sr ' "it.-.'n t. ' ' SMSSC, purity c - SUHSCMPT; ) f WiiCc. V. I1MI U' MM" PR t ESS f I I Vi CSV Li. J EVERY To USSf WHlW ltlW'1 SC lulls I '"' 'Vi I wc win give any , ,:0 "' ' '"v S ,i'u ' " 1 No. L DM, II.m i - - I'ui.r... itarti in So. &. UKsnunr Ar.t MM IVrrtsv i Kl.) Km IllM.Y SM t . B Vt Vr S ' ;:. !:: llAta, C ll-f IS A I l" K' LtVAC1 Pari nti 81 v n I N w AMMtX. No, fT-n Lm RaSR Notf. Ma. i I T or) ttf, TliKr-TvNt U i rn;.V.!tT-It No. 9. 1 Wist- b lri sijw ltd RKATMSa Til!- HOMK . l)OK I -,;. Ksuu i i.ia ;; TUS Mtu MK- To evcrv ih.- reo'i Krnuins n ; . J ior wur will give any "of tho IbfclM mj! tow mwHH Noi R. Bxnmum vt O blIwwmui KO. 12- rwilll UJstoiiT or fQSCtrtli W si. No. IS. DR. FooTt's Plain QOMM I .i.K. So. H Tur. Lives or M Put;"', wan No. 10. ThciIu-i .i. vimuSmv!'. roi five To every person -oiuliu mtiSO for Bve Horse shoe composed Oi rwewy i .'..:.;. mum i - rcri ic J E8S33MSB9. Toeverv perstMi smJiii n -. sir o--i annual RntacrtptjI W Shclltr direct troui HM warwrfacturot To every per-oi onlin : w '. W :r twcM) antl nl cri.r .in. semi a substan tial Hand U1I1 nir Urindircj dooes, Mi-ai. : . .!. or... i . u.- i.i ac lw per cent. Ui kecpiu poultrj-. This Premiair: Lt-4 will. -mi! and eirls or every rami :. m Copies iis I'V i:vJ ;:.' : ' TUli. Fit! LIIUI! : ?ST Write r.'l n:-:e anjj 7R1TE PUMNLV Muaej tai e il arcept posta- : vniti i .. i .. - Jt Ml Address a!, htttviann Chare Diretsry U. P. Chtj-rch. PrcnchingeTery Sahbnth, at 11 a. n., and by Rev. & O. Ir Tiae, D. D. Sabbath School nt 2:30 r. u Prayer meeting every Wed neeeday evening. Et angelical Cuvkch. Preaching on Sab bath nt 11 am., and 7 r. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting erery Thnrs day evening. J. A. UoUenbaugh, pastor. Congregational Chckch. Services every Sabbath nt 11 a. m. and 8 ML Sabbath School nt 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W, Harris, pastor. M. E. Chckch, Socth. Service held every second and tonrth Sabbaths in each month nt St Paul's M. K. Chnrch, South, nt 11 A. M. Sabbath School at 2-30 . ml sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. C. H. Carson, pastor. M. E. Chvbch. Preaching every Sabbath S 11 a. h. end 7i r. u. Song service in a evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 230 r. st. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. XL Jndy, pastor. Presbyterian Chckch. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Chnrch cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday j evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Chjustian Chckch. Preaching every Sab nath at W. C. T. U. 11 a.m.4 7:30 f St. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock r. M. Rev J T Floyd, pastor. First Baptist Chckch. Preaching every sabbath at 11 o clock am., at Church on otn Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening nt 7:30 o'clock. T G Brownson, pastor. Universal ere Chckch. Preaching every eoond and fourth Sabbath of each month Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. m., and o'clock, p. M. OUR ALBANY ADVERTISERS. Patronise men who advertise. They are alive, Ussy mean business. They appreciate the newspaper. They are the men te deal with. Following is a list af the Dbkocsat's advertisers this week, in Albany. Callon them ; General Merchandise 8 B Young, Montetth & Beiteabacfa, N H Allen, A B If ell wain. Groceries Hoffman A Joseph, Frank Read, Agricultural Implements Peters 4t Biain, W H CoHra, 8 E Young, J Oradwohl. Hardware Peters A Stewart, J Gradwohl. Clothing-L E Blain. J)rngs Fsahay A Mason, E W Langdon and Co., rdusPrushaw. Stoves snd Tinware John Brlggs. Furniture A B Woodin, Brink and Son. Chairs L Putnam. Millinery-Emma Schubert, Mattie Allison, Mattie Foster. 8sda Works Hoffman and Joseph. Iron Work Cherry and Farkes, A F Cherry and Marble Work- A Staiger, G W Harris. Flour Red Crown MUU, Magnolia Mills. Lumber Albany Saw Mill. Tobacee, Knives, etc Sam Cohen. Meat I 8 Roberts. Motel Revere House. Restaurant J as Mady. Polish H Kenton. Star or Hair Cut L Campeau, Jos Webber, tarmdry San Wa Ying. Legal Advice B S 8trahan, Powell and Bllyeu, J K Wsatnerford, J J Whitney, L H Montanys. jsemcai A a vie o w MasWn, J P Wallace, M H Ells, J W and Mary T Cole. To the Unfortunate ! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. OQ KBAB3IT IT., UiiJ corner of Commer cial Street, ban Francisco. Established in 1854, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such 'as ssenorrhea, Ssleet, Mrirlare,yehlllsin al .its forms. loHtsiearv tl Weakness, nisrhl loeses bv dream, oim I OD the face arid loss of manhrKid ran lu eared. The sick nd afflicted should not fail to call upon mm. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various nonpi talt there, obtaining a giaat deal of valuable iniorraa Bon. .which he its competent to impart to those in need aihis seryices. DR. GIBBON will make no charge ;v cure, rersons at a aistance 31 A Y MM CUBED AT HOME. All communications trictly confidential. You see no one bu; the Doctor, and ten dollar for a package of medicine. Persons writing to tbe Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea enabie. Call or write. Addnss DR. J. F. GIBBON ax 1967, San Francisco. The Doctor cures when ethers fail. Try Lisa, vl5nA3 A GOOD CHAXCK FOP. bCBgCMlBEBn. To every subscriber to the Democrat who pays Hp his subscription and cen tinues bis paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him the "Health acd Home" one year, without additional cost. The above paper is a large eieht page, forty column, monthly pape, and is full Of excellent reading matter, A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc This affords our subscribers a chance to Bet a good paper for nothing. Those de airing the paper sent to them will please at timejof paying their subscrj tuss 1 F I I. HALE, M. D. ..v n rvcrythlna rVloniw, Liter lltti l.iulii. I'lixO iv u health) prevent 5: 7 YEAR. J. .t ! .;,n,in. 34-'85. 4 ty for fifty Or. is. UBSCRIBER. v niiwettbltea to and Hons, t .in- jo "" A N'i K.1 I. I I. ATI !- l l Nf I'CNlualOn, No t. S..'.:. a.ih Ballam. No. ll AMI Uh N Tl.'lft.ltt VC SfEARII. llwttmv or Common Thinci. TtlK l.w un Dottt, ! i svi -!! I'H !PUL No 1 A I '.ii'i I i oi TttE m:v. i T US On SB OCTItl Nt:v WoRLD. j i s lam low s tataa, Ru ITATWMM, AM' RSAMMti ! i in. lit kub or Wit and IK' mob i Sixth n CoHTURI Sslontia. ) A iiu.M.1' Sin. i Ihmi Hi st. No. M au.iu i. iucnpHNa to m.i;.iu ajso urat, wo No ! i A Bad Hoy's Diary (2S0 dorm) N- 17 ABaMCIM Wfddinu Rino (WO pages). No. 1 Du. flnrft RBMI !iuK ICO nogca) No. ;-. A Village Diaky (333 ri) No . Q it.E to Lace Patterns, Era sucsor? a m m. a rrt:io!i we wtU sc:d a Ucautlful ienl a 9 00 Com .".!;.. - ui! and IceratiTC employ MUBt 10 the boys .--.! ' - wotk o v.iil (..riiili a ninny sample .-..iinf.' C1.08DG O-I MAY 31, 1885. t'OCiee onnty, nnd Sute. AND . .. t.y PnM-Otttno Money Order, or we n and home, acton D. C. THE LIEBIC Q Private al-prMaary, 1 1 f 400 Guary St., Sn Franci Conducted by iiaiifle-l Physician C3 !t5ti yurjjcuiH regular graduates. J A4rThe Oldest specialist in the M 1 irttid Males, life long experience. (, , . :. v t i tlx d ai.d pure n.edi'iti-, Tf .! u . i . C) and permanent cure LLL. of all 1 i.valr. Chronk and Nervous lira,. . Sections . I the BUmxI. hkin, KnltB. Bladder. Eruptions, I'lcers, tid .-rcs. Swel'iti ol the . i, lands. Sore Muth, 'Ihroat Uone rnin,pen.iiicry curid and , . u. caled fri.r the svaleiii !r lite. EU lot Debility. Impoteucy. Seminal Loeses, hexuai Decay. Men 3 lal a' fh steal waknca. railin- tW vclopaienl.lmpcUwictita 1j Marriage O -tc., from excta ur vi.ulhlul Mliea, T Sraavy cause, spcedilv, saicly and privately cured. Z Middle. I grd and Old men, anu ail who need ukvLioU aSlll Sand experience, consult the old Eunifan Physician at onee. Ilia opinion owl nothinf, and may save futuie misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city wi m sMesss, . w ... WJ express free from observation. D 1 sell ci iilenl that i a physician who rives bb whole attentluu to a claa of dtaeasee attains great skill, and physicians through- out the country, knowing Ik:. Ireiueiitly reo-tnntetHl difficult cases to the ouei sx-iaiui, oy wnon. every kii-wn m remeilv IS Used. I lie lH.Un t age ai,u experience make his opinion of supreme importance IfTImM who call see SS one but the D ctor. Con i saltations fise and sacrccly confidential. tasa : which hve failed in obtaining relief elsewhere cacr- lally solicited. Female diseases suceessju iy BSSJBS4 The Doctor will seree to forfeit t,pt) (or a case un dertaken, not cured. Call or w rite. Hours, daily .trotn B a. m. to 4 p. m.. S to s evenings ; hunOxva, 10 to 13 only. Bend (or the Sanitaiist Uuide to Health, sent free. Address as above BB UKBICi'S. Wonderful German Invlgnr. I r Permanently prevents all I'r.natnra! bwa from the sj stem, tones the nerves, strengthcr s the muscle checks the a ante, invigorates the whole stem, and restires the afflicted to Health and Happiiieas. The reason s many cannot gel cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Prostatorrbea with Hyperaetheaia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebigs In vurorator is the only positive cure for Prostatorrbea, with peculiar special treatment, used at the tiebig Dispensary- rrlee r Invlgorater, 93. Case of six bottles HO. Sent to any address, covered securely from ob servation. Most powerful electric belt free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the Invignrator. A 91 Bottle Clveu or uml Irrr. Consultation free and private. Call or address AJEBItS DIKPEXMABtl. 400 Geary Street, San Francicro, Privste entrance, 405 Mason Street, four bloc Geary Street from Kearney, Main entrance th Dispensary Drug Store. PATENTS Obtained, and all other business In the I". 8. Patent Offlc attend eded to for moderate fees. Our office is opposit the C. 8. Patent Office, and -ccajj ouuin ratenu less time than tbo.c reunite wasningum. oend modie or drawing. We advise as to patent ability free of charge ,and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer hers, to the Postmaster, the Bupt. of Honey Order Div. and to officials of the V. H. Patetit Offlcc For circular, adv ice, terms, and eferences oaciuai Clients in your own State or county, address C, A. SNOW & CO, Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D . OF ANOTHER ACE. tradaally Supplanted by a Metier Article Certain Old Time are Bone Away. iclE th,BneFal reception room of the Western uwu j-wcgrapn ounuirig on ".roadway, New York are exhibited tbe coarse, crude and clumsy instru merits oi int infancy of the telegraph. They are ' i.ow. axore pentc-i macninery has super seded them. Years ago what is styled ths old-fashioned porous fl S&tjir lit s..n. .4 - - - t awi .. ' C . 1 7i '"u "rl ice. i nere was then noth ing better of the kind. Now all that has c-hangel. hcienc and study have gone deeper into the secret or I " LXtfvu ,ro,"uce4j BF.NSON'SCAl'CINK FOR- Tk.. . " "r"' cunjoaies an tne excellencies ...u..H.nule ln n external remedy. The old plasters are slow-the Capcine is rapid "j they were uneertain the Capcine U sure. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that v..v.u.luJu,imSi,i,uwii not deceive you. Price Scabury A Johnson, Chemist, New York. The BfrTERB Gttde is issued March and Sept., each year; 224pages,JxlU Inches with over 3,300 iUustrations-i whole pictnre gallery. Gives wholesale prices dtrecf to cowmen on all goods for & exact M cost of ev erythmgyou Wk use, drink, eat wear, or kgsr have furi jruh. These invaluable books contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. WewiUmaU BJJOpy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Let us hear iromyou.Eespectfully, p THIS PAPER IS ON FILE -A T- PALMER & REVS IDVERTISINO BUREAU ! 405-7 Sansomc StM Han Francisco. A2iD AT PALMER & REY'8 Pacific States Advertising Bnrean! 46 Tribune Building, NEW YORK. Vhere Advertising Con tracks can be mada F KsTAKUItliaD FOR THS SCIRKTlFie AND BFSKDT CURE or Ciirorio, Nrrtocs ako ftrccuti DisrasmI THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLEN. AH 18 WELL KNOWN, 1H A RRO iiisr mtfnated MtyeMna, mtomkm at iiowdoin Colleve ami I nlvsmll v ( Mlehlaan. He has UovuUtl a HMBM to thcstiulj of aatl MaetawMlntgWl to oe the most export stuUont In his sKvlalty on the Pa cini: Coast Ami tiiiiMle-aired men. who are ufferiiiK from the cHi'i-ts o youlhiul liHllsc-rvtluns or saosssss In ma tnrer years, nervous ami physical deblllly. tnio- Imi.u. (..- ...... I. ....J .......-! t l.l - .I..II ...... version to soeU'ty. (lesiMiuitaucy. iilmplos on ths laeo, lose oi energy ana memory, trequoticy m unnat lug, eto. aVRememtier the IVietor lias a Vrantable Com- M'liml.tlitt n-milt of many years of aiienlal praetlee anil hart! study, which under hi iti'lal advlt-a has ntiver failed of success lit the cure of Lost Manhood, prosta torrhea, eto. Mt HOKPITAL EXPEKIKKCB. Uavlna heen sunreon In ehanre of two leadlns hospitals) onahlea me to treat all private truuhlos with exii llont reaulls. I wish 11 distinctly under stood that I do not claim to erlorm tuixiaelhlllls, or to have miraculous or supernatural power. I claim niy to be a skillful and suivesaful Physician and Bron, sretlflqf UBtl tell u my sptclslty umBAmui or MAV. All S Mil ill to me will receive my honeet onlnlon oi tiipir ctiiuplaiuteuo esiwrlmouUiiE. I will iruar autre a DQaiUTe owe In every caso I nndcrlake, or forfait tl.oOO. I'ousultatloii fa oflliM) or by letter free and strictly private. Charges reasonable. Thorough examination. Including chemical and mlcroecoplual anal v sis of urine and aUlee, tX. t)mce hours U to 3 dally, 0 to 8 evening. Sunday 0 to . i-anouoraiitircaa 1B. ALLKil 3i tienray Mr-ecl, tan Franr Uro, l TUTT'S The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I ossol appetite. Hover Is roetlvr, Pain In the head, xelth a dull eaeatlaa la tbs bark part. Pain under ibo ahoaldrr btnde, Fullnra aftor eatlag, with ads lorllnatlon to exertion of body or Mind, irritability of temper, Law spirits, with si fee Una of bavin ttrglrrf cd some dt y, Weariness, Iilxxlneaa, Flattering at the Heart, Data before tho eyes, lleadaebe aver tbo right eye. lleatleeeeeee. with Htful dream. Highly colored I rlne, aud CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S PIXJLS nr especially adapted to such cases, ono dose effeeta such a ehangi of feeling as to nstonlatithn sufferer. Tory Inrrssis t tie A r I tlte.aml cause the lJy to Take Ota S-'leafeitlius tbe svstrm IS'l br thrir Tonte Actlast oa the UtsresUvr Orwwns. llejctxlar I r . 1 PrWs J.-tr . I t vturrs) TUTTS HA R Ukat Hair or whiskers ebangaa to Gumsr Dlack by a etnglo application of this Drs. It Imparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. Dr. SPINNEY, 1VO. 11 KILVKNY ST. Treats all Chronic and Special Diseases. YOUNG M121V WHO M it BC kl 1 1 I KIM. I mm tmk eflcta of voulhful follies or husacretliat, will do well to avail theniacivca of this, thsgreaUet booo ever laid at tbe altar of riffering humanity. DU. hPINNLY will Kuarantcw Ui (orfa,l tUrotur ery rase Seminalo wimkncaw or prtvat lis see oi any s,lo4 or which be undertakes and (ailg to cure. tllDliIf.-At.l t WI N. Thsrs ars ms.-iy . age sf thi.y fls Vj sls'y o are troubled with too frequent evacoatson of Use blad der often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening of the system In a manner the tsxUent cannot s--count fur. On examining the nna.- depoaita a ropy sediment will often bTouad and aometlnsss email particles of albninen will appear, of the color will te of a thin milkiah hue. again chan tng to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men w ho dio of this difficulty Ignorant of the lanes, which I the second stage of t-"ilal wsakasas Da. B. will guarantee a pcrfw-t cure in all such ressa. I heailhy rcatoration of the geoito-uruiary organs. Omcs Hot as 10 to 4 and 6 to B. SuiHlay from 10 son a. a. onsu.' lauon tree, it, r i-gi, exml Call au- J.Jrr, DB. M'hMf s CO., Xo. ll Kearny St. San Frandseo, Cat PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. Will bo Inaugu rated March 4th 1886, THE WORLD, Tlio Hat uer Ieuiocratle Newspaper. laiiy, pi San.l. Weeklj, ; .Sunday, fl.oo. Weekl .one dollar er year. Money can be made by any man or womso, girl or boy who will organize clubs for THE WEEKLY WORLD- The great farm and home newspaper. AGENTS PAID IN CASH, For 100 subscriber at $1 each $Zb will be palii; for 50 subscribers, 1'2; for 25 sub scribers, 16; lor ISsubM.-ribera, S3 ; for 10 subttcribers, 2 ; for 5 subscribers, $1. Agents wanted In every Town and Village. Ciaajulars and Sample Copies free. Send for them. THE WORLD, 31 PARK ROW NEW YORK. An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled bt. any Set of Politicians or Manipulators Devoted to Collecting and PuWishinaal the News of the Day in the most Inter esting Shape and with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impai. tiahty; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs oi Government Society and Industry. Bates, by MM, Pottptrtd: uaily, per rear ------- $6 Ot DAILY, per Month 5 SUNDAY, per Year 1 fj DAILY and 8UNDAY per Year - - - 7 0( WEEKLY, per Year 10c Addreu. THE 8 UK, New York City. Insurance. F. P. Nutting, at the Democrat offien. has charge of tbe following first-class Insurance Companies : NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. HARTFORD OF CONNECTICUT. IMPERIAL LONDON. NORTHERN z yuttN. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA. SC9TISH UNION AND NATIONAL. OB SALE CHEAP. Three well bred stalliona. ami i,iei. draft and saddle horsos. W. T. Cochran, Brownsville, Or. SAN WA vie. AUNDEY AND CHINA MEBCH ANISINQ BUHI NESS. Ric. tea and Jamme nnderelothes. sold at bottom nricn. ontL . China labor. w 3TNext to City Bank. PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Moojsss DYE. FRIDAY MARCH (J, 18fcf WAIHMCTON LBTTM. (Trom sur regular correspondent ) Washinotok, Fun. 141ft, 1886. The city congealed Id arctic weather Is making: preparation for the coming ovont, the 4th of March. The Dem ocrats are preparing for a great demon stration and the Republican! aro pre paring to grin and bear it. Hotel and boarding house keepers are pre paring to pack their gueats like sar dines In a box, and various military and civic organizations aro preparing to entertain their brethren from abroad. President Arlhur Is prepar ing to vacate the White House to the political successor of James Buchanan and while MessersBIainojHoed, Hoar. Sherman, et al may be prepailng for death, they are not preparing to ad rait that the war which tbolr malico and ambition has prolonged for twenty years beyoud Its heroic term is now a thing of the past. Society, also, Is preparing to reconstruct Itself la dif ferent lines and different women. The Frelloghuysen's, Blaine's, Brew star's, Candlbr's, with their satellites ami parasites will go. The new so clety, I (imagine, will be composed In part of the anctert regime, the old res idents who have lived In seclusion during the long ascendancy of tbe light Angered vandols of the Oram era and tbe psalm singing hypocrites ol the Hayes usurpation. The social I tono will depend much on the Cabinet of Mr. Cleveland, for society here takes Its cue aud hue, to a great ex tent, from those high In office. It Is tho general Impression that tbe next will be a working administration, it certainly has a task beforo it, and it would not be suggestive of work to see the houses of the Thurman's Bayard's, and Garland's ot tho next administration given over to mid nights revels, as has been too much the case of Isto years in Washing, ton. An txtra session of Ongrea is thought to be very probeble, but whether there Is an extra session or not thero wilt be something going 00 after tho 4th of March, it is not expected that one hundred thousand office holders wi!l bo immediately turned out. But a new Cabinet with new Chiefs of Bureau, new chief clerks, and new foreign ministers will be appointed with as little delay as possible. There will bo some 4fty thousand Postmasters to appuiot, aod a general and judicious cleaning out of the idle, incompetent, superanuat ed, and tbe raorely political rats and barnacles who have Industrioasiy drawn their salaries from tho poblic treasury for years and years. Many clerks ln the departments have been trying to have their papers, which show tbU they were recom mended by prominent republicans, withdrawn from tho flies. Secretary McCulloch, however has denied their requests and says that be proposes to turn over the flies of the Treasury department ontact. This, of course, Is right, aod nothing more. If a clerk has been recommended by Sen ator Kellogg of Louisiana, Mr. Blaine, or Senator Hoar, for no better reason than that he Is a republican, end has dono political work for his patron, it is of Interest to the country and tbe coming administration to have it on record. When an examination of the appointment flies has been made it will be found that a majority of the male employes have been appointed for political purposes, and that many females have been appointed for rea sons and purpose not of record. Tbe House bad its usual row on Monday. Mr. White, of Kentucky, a disturbing element was ruled out of order by Mr. Blackburn, the acting speaker. The Sergeant -at-Arms wa sent to seat him. That officer fortrot his mace. Mr. White resisted, as tbe officer had no badge of Authority. The maee was secured, and, when It was no longer needed, Mr. White was seateu. For an hour there was turbulent- and wrangling over this, out Mr. islackbnrn triumphed. The supporter of the River and Harbor bill wertj not able fo hold the floor after twelve o'clock. This Is inter preted to mean the defeat o. the bill, There wat a marked determination to pass ihe general appropriation bills. The Post-office Appropriation bill was t aken up. There was another disorderly scene in the H ouse of Representatives on Tuesday -over the White Incident of the day bofore. The Republicans in sisted that the personal rights of a member had leeD Infringed by an officer without a badge of office, ard j that thsj journal did not accurately state that fact Efforts have Keen made by the Republicans to- enow that the River and fiarber bill, this year is an atmos unprecedented ly bad one, and that It Is the flrstgrab of the Solid South upon the Treasury. As a matter of fact, the most Indefensible items in the bill were those known as the Eads apnroprfe.lons, and these have all been erased. They were much, more in the Interest of Captain Ead than of the Solid South. The worst River and Harbor bill In the coun try's history:' was passed by a Bepub- J Icau CoogreM and vetoed by Presi-1 dent Arthur, woBoTor WISDOM Hon. Horatio Seymour has spoken well and wisely upon public affairs and the political prospects of the country. He U thankful that ho has been spared to witness the triumph of the Damocracy ln the late presi dential election, and has the greatest confidence ln the President-elect Cleveland, whom he regards as a big, brainy man, conservative in Ills opin ions, and likely to bo found equal to any emergency, and, 11 care and dls crotlon aro exercised ln the selection of his cabinet, his administration will not only be successful but brilliant As regsrds the tariff, he thinks that the question must be squarley met and dealt with, and that Its settle tnent wilt form one of the features of the coming presidential term. Tbe subsidised railroads, In his opinion, should bo brought to terms and com pelled to live up to their oootracts. They should bo taught that they are tho servants rather than the masters of groat popular interests. . All these suggestions contribute considerable to the ground-work of a strong, conser vatlve Democratic policy, and it would not surprise us if President elect Cioveland should doslro some conversation with tho "sage of Deer field" after he gets settled ln New York, preparing himself for the open ing of his administration. ut hi ear omdm f Never exaggerate. Never point at another. Never betray a confidence. Never wantonly frighten others. Never leave homo with unkind words. Nover frlonds. Never neglect to call upon your! give a promise (hut you do not fulfill. Never pcak much of your own performances, Never send a present hoping In one In return. Never make yourself the hero of Sf 1 your own story. Never ph k the teeth or t itan the nails In companv. Never fall to give a iollte answer to a civil question. Never rnsd letters that you may find addressed to others. Never present a gift saying that It Is of no use to yourself. Never fall, if a gentleman, of being polite and civil to ladle, Never question a servant or child about family matters. Never call attention to Iho f("iiure or form of any one presen. Never look over the shoulder of another who is reading or writing. Never associate with bad company. Have good c mi j any or none, Never appear to notice a scar, de formity, or defect on any ono present. Theofhoial figure of tbe election, given by A ins worth R. 8rxfTord, l,ib raian of Congress and coaipili-r of the "Amuricsh Almanac," are as follows . The total number of votes cast for Pres. ideatial Klectors was 1(,040,8C9. Oi these Mr. Cleveland received 4,910,975 and Mr. Blaine 4,845,031 Tbe Raleigh (N. C.) News-Observer speaks of Carl Scburz as "this distin guisbed democrat." Well, why not. New York Tribune.) Certainly, wby not) We do not imagine Mr. Schorr will feel hart. To be a 4distiDgabhed democrat" is to belong to tho highest order of nobility that is possible in oor society and under our fc rm of govern ment. The St. Louis Globe Democmt says: "One of the saddest caser. of lunacy oa record is that of a man in Jeraevy City, who imagines that be is tbe Re. Dr. Burobard." This is a sad case, no doubt, but it might be much worse if the un fortunate man imagined himself to be Jim Blaine. Lying in Massachusetts is ko ov. n as "emancipation from tbe restrict! ng fat ten of fact." Tbsre is a good Jrai of this sort of emancipation going on in quite a number of places. so e The Commissioner of Patents gives at record of what be oalls "the y esw's in ventions," but bis list does nou include a single one of the Republican, -"inventions" about Cleveland dining tlbe cam paigs. ,as B sa A oall has beua issued by tbo secre tary of tbe national dumoc jraUc com mittee for a meeting to be held at the Arlington Hotel, Wasbingtt in Monday, March Sad. The largest (rotate Nta:cb . factory in tba world is at Caribou, tie. Its .ca pacity is from 200,000 to 250,CUW boshsls. The contest for Senator Burch's soat resulted favorably to that gentleman. As the people ef Yamhill, county did not decide whether be or Mr. Warren, should have the long terin, the matter was decided in tbe Senate in favor of Mr. W. Louisville wants to hav3 a National Agricultural Exposition and. also wants Congress to appropriate half a million to aid in carrying out the project. -OSS" Morrow and Gilliam co'inties start fairly in the race of indeperj dent exist ence. Heppner and Alkali are pre sumably happy. "Bough on Cough Ask for k for "Rough on t oughs," for t oughs, Colds, 'I hi i st, lloarsness. noMMB Us, Lkuld t&c. tors 'Bongb on Bills." Clears out rats, mice, roaebe. files, ant, bod-buics BKUtiKS, SBBfSBWaaS, gophers. ISSj I'nigglStS. Ueart rains. Palpitation, Oroiislcal Swellings, Olfxlne Inrtl- fssiloii, lliimiB. iii', Mii 'pirssii-ss ' urcil hy Isallh lUniswer." 'W,-lhT "Hough on twin ' Ask for Wells' "Itoush on Corns." Inc. Onii k. complete euro. Hard or soft corns, warts, bullions. "Kough on rale" Jeroaae4 fleeter. Strsngthliig, Improved, the best for iieckarlie. pains In tbe chest or sl'le, rheumatism, neuralgia. TBIa frnple. Well's Health lUnewer" restores health ami vigor cures l ! psia, HoalBchn,Nurvuusiiess, lH-bility,Bl. hooping Juunlt. ami ths many Throat Affections of children, prompt ly, p!raaut!y ami safely rellevod by "ll'itigh on Dsaiaa Troches, ibc. 1 iMuaam, xac. Holkera. If vu ars faillnif, broken, turn out ami notvous, VV nil.' II... Ill, I!-... , r " SI. lmiilsts llfn l-reserver. If oa srs losing your gnu on life, try "Wells' lltslth It. nsvcr." (io. s ilittM l to v.iak spots. "Beagb oa Tootfaarbr Instant rellsf for Neuralgia, Toothache, Karsarhe Ask lor "lloUk-h on ToothscUe." iU ami !ii tents rrelly Women. LsjBss who would retain freshness end vlvabl'y. Don't 111 to Wy "Wells' Health Keuewer." Catarrhal Throat ASTertloas. Its. kiiiL'. trritatinu Coiwh. olds, Throat. -urxJ b, Uooich on tJouahs." Torches. IU . Uouid, 'Ltc. mf - - - - "Hough en Hefts'" 'Ibiuvh on Itch" cures humors, rnipllons.rlng- worm, tetter, aaltrhsum, IroeUxl feet, cliiiniains. The Mope of the Sat Ion. Children, slow In development, puny, sCrswnj ,bim1 4-11 l. .. "W. II.' II. .III. Il.i...rr " Wide Swafce three or f ur hour sverv liieht eoftebinff. Get to- inedlat relief and Bound feat b nelng Wells ' IUiu-h n roughs." Trot-hos, 1 . r.l.m, 'Hough on falsi" rarwaerd fta FOR SALE 1 SAW MILL 1ND WATER POWER At Wabwrl. I.lmi county, on theNsn tiatu ItUer. Ootwrm flvnsnd six ni!!- from Lsbaaea. Thin uiiipfi:Mnt available .bo . . a. a til i w-ai-r rxiwor lu I.lmi "utity. ami tho mill haa loen nut In thorough running ordor. I'rlee fi'ioo. tine thousand cash dwn, I balamn seCOrSO. Also a FINE LOT OF LOCS, In shape tr run ! the aheve mentioned mill, containing about MK) thousand feed at S.' BSC thouaand, togelhnr with a tract of timber available for prcaenl use. ONE FARM In Linn.ounty of M sates wttbla throe m.lssa nt Alhanv on tho road to orvallla. I of this acrna aro cleared and under cultivation. It has s line young or haru, (now bearing, of a-ell known varieties of fruit.) a commoolous barn aud auiall a in - - T Iiumii tl' L,OWB b.i.oo. on il.n. -uJ by inorl- gago. Aleo A FINE RESIDENCE In Albany with barn and two Iota, (or alx If wanted.) Prl finoo. Terms t00 rssh. ttalam-a secured bv mortgage, Ad- rolnlus this house is a s'umll naature with a large now anu ColIHIlouioua nsrn iiv i atorlntf wheat, oats, 50 tons or more of baited hay. Tertra aceor Jing to amount of lami sVaated. Thii barn lajustouUlde the cllv UmlU and conaequently avoids tbe Htv taxes, while it Is clone enouRft U residence to be under constant inspection. A No a TRACT OF 44 ACRES adjoining Albanv and available for about IHo town Iota. he preliminary eurvey of . TBS preliminary aurvoy oi Pacific crossed the Oregon the fltSaWB and California Kaitr.iad on this tract which adjoins tho depot grounds of the latter road. Terms $10,000. See owner, ROBERT L. STEVBfiS, or call at Democrat office. Dr.SANFO INVIGORATOR is jttSt what its name implies,; Turd Vegetable' Compound, lhaf nets directly -upon the Diver ; curing the many diseases i 0 that tm4 Jiort ant organ, and yr'nrr Vi.nn uingmcnu- tnerous ailm its arise from its tdcisnged or ction, such as Dyspspsi ce, Eiliousnesa, . us, oit-a.-ucuuui.uc, - etc Jt is theretoret 'if 'Toliavc Good Health. must be kept in order." SB. BAHTORD'3 lives inviooeatoe- Invleoratcs the Liver. Rcpnlntes the Bow els, Btrcnirthcns tho System, Purifies tho eassT. m. . . waa,S il T a. "Rlood . Asstets Diceation. Prevents Fevers. In a Household eofl. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. ML SAHTORD'S I27X& IIT7IG0RAT8B. Jin experienco of Forty yeart, and Thou. saBSB of Teutmomau prove ue sicni. n n bt All. DKAI,ES IN MBIMIIIWBS. Tor fuU information send yonr address for 100 4sgeDook on tho 8 Liver and its diseases," te ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber.laths and pickets kept constantly on aand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and .terms made satisfactory. EOBINSON & WEST. Albany, Or. TTAKaVWARE OF ALL KINDS, Axes, mattocks, brush hooks, nicks shoyels,spadee, forks, grindstones, wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything you want, can be had cheap for cash at Peters A Stewart. C1 PORTSMJBN, ATTENTION I Vetera A Stewart keep a full line of am unltlon, and will sell as low as the low Kvery pound of powder is warranted 11 5)0 duj ci if properly used. RD'S JULIUS GRADWOHL Ilsse ttae only exelaalve (Stock or CROCKERY, GLASS, SILVER r A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choica Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Bug ONE DOZEN CUP8 AND 8AUCER8 81.00. SHELFHARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E THE HIGHKMT S4BKET Remember I What I Say I Mean, Dire Me a call. 8000S AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- II0IT.1 -I'1'.Oi'RlKTOrW OK ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALERS 1N- Imported and Domestic Cigara, TobaceoH, Groceries, Candles, Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, ... ONE LOOK BELOW JOHN BBIOOS' STORE. Summons. In tu Circuit Court of fAe Statt of Oregon, for Linn county. T P Ha; kleuian. rl'ntlff. U E Harmon and Nancy M Har -ion, Dcfeodaots. To U K Harmon and .fancy X llanaon ths alwvs named iKftndaiiU I I H THE N ABE OF THE STATE OK 0UMQO9, YOC and rath of you are hereby required u appesv and ansatr lh oatnfdalnt of the above Plaintiff la the Uj,eeljUUdCottrt m Mxh uecierk of ssld Court 00 or before tbe first Oa of the "-' r trrm l hereof I4i, wait : on or before ths U day t tv.-ilnir, Ifc, and you are hereby notified that if you lail to aptaar aid answer said complaint as bars- by ra,ulrel, tbe I'lainUS will apply to ths ourt for the relief demanded therein. W-wtl : For a Judgment ssrainat It K Harmon fur SlS&.vt) m L. 8. gold a -in inUreet thereon In baa cin at the late of 10 cent wr annum from January ZBth, lf"J, until i $IL li paid tbcrson January VAh, UKV, and f r tbe further sum of SU.00 as attorney's fees and Ih? coat and disbursement of this suit toko taxed and for a decree against yon toiwrloeing tbe mortgage 1 1 bod lu said complaint and ordering the mortg age! premise, therein set forth, to-wit ; beginning at lAe crner of lUock fa as the same la knows, dssigtiated and described 00 the maps, plats and sorwys of llacklcman'S Second Addition to the City of A'baa) , Oregon, now on flls in tb. offlos of ths County iTerlt of Linn county. Oregon, being situated In said addition, running then x- wast paral lel eith 7th street IX! feet, theas soavh parallel wUb Uill strsrt 113 feet; shoce vaM rallel with rib street IK feet ! thenco north parallel with laid Hill Street 1 10 feet V the plaos of beginning, be sold aocoraing se isw, anu iua mi. cmiwu unif "n mu sale be applied to the payment of tbe judk-tuet rendered in favor of the plaintiff an J again tb de fendant It E Harmon and eUornev's lea and costs and disbursement of suit and ooete of sale and the surplus if any paid to the Defendants herein, and that tbe 1 Krletidai.u herein and all persons claiming, by, through or under them or cither of them, any inter set In said premises be forever barred of all Interest or equity of redemption In or to tbe tunc or any part thereof and for such other relief as plaintiff may be I snutud u in eqmtv. 1 his summons is publishes in the hTaras Knurrs HcMovaaT by order of Hon K V Boise Judfe of said Court, dated at Chambers in Saleui Oregon, th- ZHh day of January, laSS. WKATHKBFOBD Si BUCKBI RS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. mors mon.y than at any Ihinjr elaa by taking- an agency tor the beat celling book out, Isrginner suc cevd grandly. Nous tall. Terms free, UaiurtT Boot Co.. Portland, a nniTE bend six cents for postage, and IB r nisi Be S receive free, a cosUy boa of goods Inch will help ou to mors money right away than anything else in this world. All of either sex, sue- ossd from first hour. Tbe broad road to fortune .-pens before the workers, absolutely sura. At ones address Tat sad Co., Augusta, Maine, Sheriff's Sale. In fAe Cirraif Court of the Statt ftf Oregon for the County of Linn : Tbe Portland Savings Bank, Plaintiff, vs. EE McClare and Maggie E MeClure, De- feudau ts. VTOTK OTICE is hereby given that by virtue s ol a writ of execution and order off aalo issued out of tbe above named Court 111 the above entitled suit tome directed aml delivered i wm on Saturday the 7th any oi Aiarcn, leeo at tne court uouae door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Orecon. at the hour ef one o'clock n. in.. sell at public auction for cash in hand to tha liiirhant bidder ths real oronortv da- -t ribed in said order of salo as followa. 9 to -wit: All that tract or pares! of land situated in sections twenty-six (2b), twenty-seven (27), thirty-four (34)snd thirty-five (35) in town ship thirteen (13) south range one (1) east bounded as follows : Befrinmne at the southeast corner of Milton Umphrey s dona I . a a a SB am X I VT . tion land claim, notification 7622, claim No 3S in said township and range, running thence west twenty-six chsins : thence south 18.40-100 chsins to the southeast corner of lot one in section 34 in said township ; thence west to the center of the main channel of Wiley Creek ; thence down the center of said Wiley Lreek to ths north boundary of said Milton Umphrey s land claim afore said ; thence east to a point five (5) chsins west of the northeast corner of said donation claim, notification 7022 ; thence sooth font- teen and fifty hundredths (14.o0) chains thence north 67$, east five and fifty-five hundredths (5.55) chains ; thenco sooth twenty-eight and twenty hundredth (28.20) chains to the place of beginning save and except such part of a four acre tract hereto fore sold by the said Denny H. MeClure to Andrew Ilalttou, as lies east of the said Wiley Creek, the deed to which, said tract is recorded in deed records ot L.inn connty, Oregon in voln me ''M1' on page 385, the land to be sold consists of (985) two hundred and eighty-five acres more or less saving also 7.2-5 acres heretofore sold to Jeremiah Shea, being the same land conveyed by Denny H. MeClure to said E E MeClure by deed dated July 2nd, 1879 recorded at page 11 of book "N" record of deeds of Linn county, Oregon The proceeds arising from the sale of said real property to be applied first to the pay ment of the costs of suit taxed at the sum of S27. 75-100 and accruing costs and the sum of $150 as Attorney s fees lu said suit. Sec ond to the payment to the Plaintiff herein the sum of $lt27.18 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 28th day of October, A D., 1884, and the remainder if any to be paid over to the de fondant, B E MeClure. Dated this 27th day of January , 18&5. J. K. Charlton, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. By D. S. Surra, Deputy. AND CHINA WAR PIUCE PAID FOB ES. k JOSEPH. rsrAiZi Win be mallad i losU SOOlksuita to isp customers or last year wrtborS oromiacit. it coatains lunstraaona, prlees. VafMitluand Flower SBJUM, BTLBaTete! D. M. FERRY&CO.DSa G. GOHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. S200.0G0 BS BSBJSBatg give sway, us 5 cents poslafe. sad bv mail ... j ati net free a package of goods of larre value, tnat will at once Vnng yu in sooner f than anrlMng tlae m America. All avout the ooo in preaenu ltd each box, A genu anted i wnere, ruciuirr wk, or all age. It J tb Us spare uhm only, to work for us at their ewn I t ..rtuncs lor all workers abac lately assured, Doat deUy. H. llilLrn and Co., Portlar.d. Maine. W. E. KELLY Notary Public and Conveyanc r. Col lections mado on roasonabla t rm HAIM ST., - - SC10, OR F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Counslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice iu all thoCourta iu tbe State. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public. OPIUM AID MORPINE HABIT CURED -BY-i W. F. 1ALEXANDER. M. D., 1 guarantee a cure in ail cases ir my d.reetions are strictly followed. No pain er loss of time from business, Ad- areas aDove at Albany, Oregon. DRS I. W. & MARY T. COLL Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, 01Sl)i4 Offer their professional sen ices to the citizens of Unn and adjacent o motif a. Office and residence tear Court Ilause. Call at Langdon and Cos Drug Store, ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1865. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taken ehargeof tbe above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm ma chinery. Pal tern Making done la all Its ferass. l&llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. lhe iunt nnn-ilar Wssklv new. pancr devoted t- science, mechanic. en ginoennc, discoveries, inventions acd patents ever published. Lverv number illustrated with splrndid encTavincH. This publication, furnishes a most valuable encj-clonedia of information which no person should lw without. The popularity of the KriKNTii-io A&iFKiraN I such that its cir culation nearly equals that of ail other paper of its class corub-ned. Price, t3.20 a year. Discount to Clubs. Sold bv all newealers. MUNJi A CO. Publishers, No. 361 Broadway, H. Y. ATENTS. Moon k Cn. havo also had Thirty- seven Year?' sasasBBsssBissBasssi praciita beforo the Patent Office, and bava prepared more than One Hundred T tious- nti application for patent in the uii-'d states end foreign eouctries. Csv Lta. Trade-Marks, Conynchts, inents, scd all other papers for securing . inventors the.r nsnts in the United :.tea, Canada. Kngland, 1 .-anco, Germany and other foreign counu-jaa, pro pared at evirt notice and on recson ablet erica. Icformi.uon as to obtaining patents ibecr folly giv n without chcrge. Iland-b oLs of informs' iv.n a.nt free. l'ateL-ts LitiiS'-d through Munn A Co, aro noticed in iho Scientifie American free. Iho advsctsfe of turn coios is well understood by all persona who srish t-o dispoaa ot amiukh a CO.. offtos sctawxEfsn Arn...i 551 losdvay, Ne Tora. Oregon. 99yl -.TERRrs" JUTfl ALfJBasf W M J . CKKr -BB4BfeTTf ass s -swfc VEV