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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1885)
Entered at the Post Ofttos at Albany, Or an second -class mail matter. FRIDAY MARCH 27, 1885 STITE3 & NUTTING. i;l(lor aaal Proprietors. KDP. rrriB. Loral KiUler. Official County Paper. wt a Better flare. Parties wishing to purehase dry goods. notions, boots and shoe, carpets, oil cloths, lacs curtains, window abodes, wall paper and house furnishing goods, csnoot Hud s nicer asd cleaner stock, and one that is up to the times in afyf, 4(iy and pries than at Samuel K Young's. MKMtLY PUtW.XM. On Friday morning of last week between six and seven o'clock just as the steamer "Occident" was leaving the Simpson wharf ts go to Corvallis Mr. Ash by Pearce had hi ferryman Mr. Kaiaey row him to the stearrsr which he intended to board in order to go to the above city. Tke steamer was backing up when they reached its bow. The motion of the steamer caused them to be throwu against it.and the small skiff was capaised instanMy, throwing them h.te the river. Mr Rsiney bung to the boat and floated down stream, bnt Mr Pearce was left hopelessly alone, al most under the very bow of the steamer. A rope was thrown him from the steamer, which he managed to grasp, an) was soon after taken out of the water. A to his ex perience before this there is some dispute, a gentleman who wis on the wharf at the time being of the opinion that he sank twice, wh Is Mr Pearce, who was present as much aa a parson could be, says he did not get the col lar of his coat wet. Anyway this is an itu materia question. The call was s close one. to say the least Mr Itainey was picked np by the steamer nearly opposite the Had Crown Mills in a shivering but sensible con dition. Both men suffered almost no incon venience afterwards from it. 0m the l p trade Albany has already for the year 1883 taken a start upward. The certainty of a new school house has given the impetus to it. We need not look for a big boom ; we do not want one, they are dangerous ; bnt we may henceforth look for a steady, reliable growth. This we want, for it is almost s are insurance against the cyclone reactions so common during the past few years, and it means business. The advent of so many tourists in Oregon daring 18S3 and 1884 proved a good advertisement for this city. No place in the State left a better impression oa the minds of those who visited it. This has its great significance. A necessary thing now is enterprise. This we have here to a limited extent, bat it is among those who lack the capital to do much. Now, though, several are becoming more than commonly enthnsed, and as a starter a good opera house may be looked for the coming sum mer, not merely en paper, baton the ground This we hope to see followed by other enter prises. Now is s golden time to act. Why not cast off same of these old cob webs of lethargy and get enthusiastic for once ? Shall we ? Star Barglatlzt-S al Millers. Considerable excitement was occasioned st Miller's Station en last Tuesdsy morning by the discovery that during the previous nigh the store of Mr. Henry Newman had been burglarized, about two hundred dollars wertn ot goods bsing found missing, among other things ten or fifteen pair of boots, ten or fifteen pair of ladies shoes, ten pairs of fine Brownsville pants, tee pounds of tobacco and all of the hose in the store. The glass in tbe front window was broken out, which showed how an entrance wss made. In the field near the store aa old pair of boots was found together with an old knit jaeket, and tracks which would indicate that there were either two or three parties concerned in the lobbery. Without a wagon it woaid have taken at least three to carry the goods. Although Mr Newman lives but about one Hundred teet from tne store no noise was heard. Suspicion attaches to various parties of bad repute, but the guilty ones have not yet been captured. Any information which will lead to their capture will be gladly re ceiyedby the people of Miller's Station, all of whom are interested in seeing the guiity brought to justice e Weather. Summary ef Meteorology for Feb. IMS, from observation taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs.Esq. Highest Bar. 30.24; lowest, 29.53 ; mean, 29.88. Highest Temperature, 62 ; lowest, 34 ; mean, 47.93. Mean at 7 a. m., 44; 2 p. m., 52 ; t p. as., 46.5. Prevailing winds, S. Maximum velocity force, 3. Total rainfall and melted snow during month, 5.82 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch or more rain fell, 12. Number of days of cloudiness, average t in scale of 10, 20. Frost on 5 days. Of 84 observations 21 were clear, 8 fair, 31 cloudy, 2 ever-cast, 1 hazy, and 21 rain, school House Bids. When the bids were opened on last Friday by tbe Directors of School District K. $, it ni fnrl that there were nersons who were williM to contract to construct a school building for the following prices J H Campbell.. George Patterson I F Conn I C Dickey George Cline J J Dorris D B W ZeUer S12 700 14,500 15,750 lfi'oo 16585 16,750 The bid of Mr. Campbell was withdrawn, as it appeared that he had neglected to put in the yalue of the furnaces, about $2000, in his estimates. TST.J J ML 1.. U "..!! Dn..J f rr euueauay aiwruuuu isbv mc iuh ojiu w Directors met and awarded the contract to George Patterson for $14,500, fixing his bonds at $5,000, and giving him until Dec 25 next to finish the contract. On motion the Clerk wm direeted to sell the old building to the li A. L.J J . i. t -A. S.I niKuesc oiaaer, poessiou co ne given ac me end of the present school year, tbe schools to be closed afterwards until the completion of the new school house. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets. The iargest and best assortment of tapes try and ingrain carpets, stair carpets and mattings, etc., at Samuel E. Yotwa's, WHAT TMBY MakK A little pamphlet from the Secretary of State gives the gross and net receipts of the County Clerks and Sheriffs of Oregon for each of the six months lor a year and a half previous to December 3lst, 1884. As oen siderablo has been said about the salaries of these officers we give some figures which wil' explain matters, s In Linn county the receipts were . snsatrr. 0 mo. Gross Expense Net ending receipts earnings. Dee.Sl,t LSS3.80 Sl.5lft.S0 (139.89 Jun . 1SSI t.8,sa 1,401.00 l,ttt.SS Dec. SI, 1WI 1,547.70 1.S47.87 300.H ?,831.f7 t,S3.&7 Si.eOl.TO CLKSK. Dec. II, 1SU 2.431.74 8030.00 1,801.79 June SO. lsSt S.1W.0S C4&.00 1,44.06 Dec. 31, lftit S,M6,e SSS.1S 1.SM.70 18,1104 SJ,197.1S s.sHHO The lsst six months ouly applies to the new officers. It will he noticed that the now aw strikes the Sheriff hard, but the Clerk with less force, following is a list of the net earnings of the Sheriff and Clerk of every county in the State, for the year and half ending Dec. 31, 1885, with exception oi Sher ff of Benton and Clatsop counties, which are fsr one yesr, and Clerk of Yamhill and Multnomah counties which are also foi one year ; Sheriff Baker tS.TS6.l4 Ben too... 1,898,85 Curry 1,448.14 Clatsop 1,748.28 Creek...... 1,80.58 CSos t.470.14 Clackamas -.S.tflfUt Clerk t,70S.9t a no ..!.-. 1,019.06 6.300.66 5. M6.S3 2.70S.21 6.463.0 1.168.91 8,177.51 8,441.11 1,887.84 4.871.10 1,987.73 6. V40.S0 6,3 19,40 U04.68 7.002,67 3.738.07 1.260.0C T.OtlSU 8,877.84 4,793.87 I 2.79S.H Columbia Douglas Graat ... Jesaphlne Jacksao Klaiaeth Unn Lane Lake Markm Multnomah Polk TUlaineok I'nieo.. I'maUlla Win Washington T anthill 1.064.4a .....S.904.4S .... 818.32 1.S47.M , .3,979. a ... .1.198.87 ..:.s,esi.70 S.S44.UI 1, OSS. 24 5.713. 87 ...14,881.! ... .3,08.38 794.76 S.S2VJ8 ...8,329.1 . . S.B4S.03 ...S.S30.62 3,032.37 4 I rasa Ml Social. The social given en last Friday evening by the ladiea of the UP Church at tbe elegant residence of Mrs Walter Moateith was a very successful as well as enjoyable aflair, the large parlors being filled with people of all ages, sex and sects. Beside the usual amount of conversation, the real social part of such entertainments' gsmes were played, a well gotten up re past was served and an interesting pro grams rendered. Tbe .'alter constated of a couple of quartets by Messrs O M Irvine, Mack Mootelth, Will Portosilier and Chaa Brush, select readings by Misses Ina Rob ertson and Ollle Klrkpatrick, a duet by Mrs Geo E Chamberlain and Miss We!cb( and a solo by Mrs E W Langden, each deserving special commendation. After adjournment of tbe social the pro gram was continued by the members of the qaartet In the torn of several sere nades, one of which was for our benefit, for which we make our humblest bow. Music sounds well in tbe parlor, bat let tbe strong melodius voices of a male quartet, near ones window, at tbe awful hour of midnight, sound on a crisp north wind, hallowed by a cloudless firmament, just as one begins to fall into dreamland, and you have music that thrills and fills ones being with pleasure. This was the case on ibis occasion, Tbe last song par ticularly, which ended ''Farewell, farewell, my own dear love," was greatly appreciat ed. Skating arslval A mask skate was given at tbe rink oa last Friday aight, which was well attended, and proved an enjoyable affair. Following is a list of tke maskers, with the characters they represented : I - w Maggie Breen, Goddess of Liberty. Linnie Young, Red Riding flood. LilUeGill. Topsy. Nettie Porter, Beggar Girl. Clara Keifer, School Girl. Carrie Weatfall. Nun. .May Hideout, School Girl. Mattie Shields, Pop Corn Girl. AUie Scott, Mother Hubbard. Ida Lampman, Sailor Girl. Fred Wbittier, Old Woman. W E Kelly, Attorney at Law. A M Young, Dr O Hall. Jas Shields, Wild BilL Merrill Fish, Sweet Sixteen. M L Dorris, Clown. Ben Clelau, GirL Charles Young, Bo Peep. - Frank Dorris, Clown. Win Daniels, Gentleman. The prize for tbe best sustained ladiea' character was presented to Fred Wbittier, for best sustained gentleman's character to A M Young. A Celestial Weaneled. About ten days ago a Celestial, called John, boarding at tbe Qwong Mow House, and st the time werking near this city, cut his left hand quite severely with an ax. Instead of going to a surgeon, as the nature of the wound demanded, he nut an orange peeling around bis wrist and trusted to that superstitious charm for a cure. The wound grew worse, filling with prond flesh, until hut Monday Dr. Ellis was called. The Doctor dressed the wound, but it is thought blood poisoning will set in, when to all prob ability the hand will have to be amputated, and it may result in the death of the China On fhe Other Pool. Seme time ago the New Wmrik West and awawssTissoss news, eacnange compliments i . t. . it r r ,j i i i i. PP a" h former from its list. Ia"Inea the New North West wrote a scathing article on such narrow mindedness 1 uenoiu, mac paper now uoes mo 1 i. 1 1 1 L.1I 1L .i. M it-. I same thing, coap'etely leaving Brother Floy in the shade. All papers which have dared criticize Mother Duniway will be struck from her list, lucky papers, her reason bein that they occupy widely different fields. Notwithstanding this the Democrat. Jack- sonville Times, Pendleton East Ore&nian, , will continue to be published the same asm the past i q a "Basted Bank," Last Saturday a man representing himself as Dr. Moody, of Portland, succeeded in get tintr an introduction at the First National fc wheQ hfl cbeck or m Qa I T Taftnma Rank wh- . WM , Aa bank failed several days previously with no assets to amount to anything the check is probably worthless. As for Dr Moody, no one seems to know where tbe Doctor (?) is. Wherever he is be ought to be ashamed ef himself. Parties wishing insurance in the State In surance Company can obtain it by calling on J H Townsend. etaeeL ukxtixv, The annual sohool msetiag ef Dist. No, 5, was held on lsst Monday evening, at ths Court House. The attendance wss good. Tho meeting was called to order by Dlree tor Monttith. The annual report of the Directors was read. After a financial state ment, which will be found more fully in the Clerk's report, it stated It lathcepinlon of the Hani that no special tax will be needed for current expenses of ths school during ths tinning year. In reference to the new school building the board have endeavored to carry out the Instructions given at tho mooting called for that purpose. The tax aulhorlxed one year ago, has boon collected In full, aa shewn In tho Clerk's report, Plane ami peoiflcatieiM for the building were drawn by an architect, Mr K Zeyss, and bids for tho con structlon of building were advertised for and revet v od. Tho estimates vary considerably, ranging from 14,600 to 110,760. Tho bids are en flle In tho Clerk's offlce but owing to the Uto date at which tho bide were received tho contract has not rot been oen eluded. And as by recent act of the legislature dlotrlcts are authorised to borrow money, the board recommend that a lax of two mills on tho dollar bo levied during the Incoming year for building purpoeea, whleh with the smount new on hand tho amount tho District may legally borrow; would, they think, be sufficient to build and furnish the school bulldlnr. Rtseoot fully submitted. Jons FoaiUY,- ' Tttoa. Mi i rims. Directors, The Sohool Clerk. .! U Burkhart presented the following report. Male, Kernel, Tetsl. No, of persons between 4 and 20 years In district 804 847 308 r.M No. enrolled In public schools 2J At, dally attendance No. teachers employed (all holding 1st grade cerufloates) 1 6 2 S 10 4 No. holding second grade In dtsl 2 No. teachers in private schools 2 No. months taught t essseese .10 No. private schools 1 boos Estimated value of school bouses and ground Av. ami. saUry paid male teachers per month $100 Av, aim. salary paid female teachers per month S60 No. legal voters In District 604 Schools are not suitably furnished with record tooks or Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries. rtSAXOl U. BTATKMSVT, For support ef school Cash on hand at beginning ..f school year 109.01 1402.04 .2368 96 .9482.76 Tax collected (2 mills) . . eeeses iSISeSSe From County Hchool fund . From stale School fund... 9431 0' 83HOH70 ..600 U" Amount aid out... Balance on hand For building fund Cask on hand at commencement of school yearCUll. II Special school tat Interest on mosey loaned . 120 33 3641.83 Amount paid oat .910 3 ) ttalaaco on hand S4S& 90 The following resolution was presented and adopted unanimously ; Resulted, That the Director of Hchool bnrUiet No. i. In Unn County. Orogon, be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered to contra a debt In the name of said District, not esceediog an amount equal to two thirds of the coot ot she prepiswd now school house for atkl INstrtct, by borrewtpg money or otherwise on the host terms obtainable, provides! that said debt shall not exceed tho amount actually rmsaesrv to complete said school house with the money already on sand belonging to said District, The meeting then adjourned, after this important and business measure. Trackers' latlltulr. The Teachers' Institute for the Third Ju dicial District will bs held at LsFayetts, Yamhill county, March 31st sad April tat, 2nd sad 3rd. Ths leading lutes of travel will grant reduced rates to all teachers and others attend iag the institute. The citisens of LaFayette will fnrnish free entertainment during the session sod slao free transporta tion to anu from the depot to tbe city. This promises to be one of the most important educational conventions in the State. The teachers and friends of Linn County are cor. diaily invited to attend. K. B. M Elbot. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Every teacher in Linn county should, if possible, attend this Institute. It is at the present dsy the greatest medium s e have for advancing the qualification of our teach ers, and they who ere ambitious to excel, bsve net lost in the past, nor will in the f u- ture lose, so opportunity to bo present on the occasion of ooe of these meetings. A bog dissertation is not necessary to establish this fact. e A st. at Episode mt 9 ISSSIUS Report comes to us from C trvalli of very aeasatiooal episode which occurr j 1 m that city last Saturday sr Sundsy. Several men with over doe 'script of tbeO, P., being informed that Mr C C Hogue, paymaster of the road, had been buying up script with tbe company money, at greatly reduced rates, went and laid violent hands on him, took him to a tree, tiod a rope around his neck, end were aboct to da something dee peratc, when Mr Hogue succeeded in making them understand his position. Being satis tied with explanation, they let htm go. It seems that if he bad been buying script at all it was with bis own money, and independent of his connection with tho road. The affair is said to have caused considerable excite ment at tbe time. Ax Handle Factory In Albany. Last Wednesdsy Best k Althouse began operating an ax handle machine at their factory, in this city, which, as it is the only one, we understand, on the coast, will no doubt prove quite an industry. It has a capacity ef twelve to fifteen doze a day, or probably 50,000 s yesr. Tbs employment of three or four men will be required to keep it running. The machine has attracted consid erable attention on account of its ingenius actions Slowly but surely Albany is grow ing into a manufacturing city. SI BSIlll -I. A Beaaarkahle Act. The prcac.iiciliotcut school clerk of Dis trict No. 5, J H Burkhsrt, did quits s re markable thing, considering the times. He collected every cent of the large tax levied, leaving nothing at all delinquent. This has not been accomplished before for a great many years, if ever, and shows Mr Burkhsrt ' peculiar fitness for the position. It was gen erally thought impossible considering the times, and the size of the tax, to collect it within a thousand dollars. A Peculiar Accident. Last Friday Mrs Benson living across the Willamette River on Soap Creek, was filling a bottle with some powder, when, in attempting to push it down to set a little more in. the powder exploded. She w badly burned, but fortunately, not seriously. The accident was a very peculiar one, of a nature not often recorded. 8st,aee. By reference to another column it will be seen that the number of transfers of rss estate in Linn County during Februsry wss 43. the consideration for which wss about $52,000. This is an uncommonly good show ing for the county. It represents an actua advancement, and speaks for ths growth o the county and city. Ml AND ABROAD, Oood plowing. President Cleveland, ft M French, jeweler. The 0 P is bound to come. Shall we have an Opera House ? Circuit Court meets next week. Ths best harness at J J Dabruilles. For Ssle -Baled hsy, by J H Townsend. The old sohool house will mtko good fire wood. Ah, now we know sll shout tit it oibiuot buaiuses. Portland voted a five mill tax for school purposes. A ohoius Hue of llowor seeds uheap at Head A Urownell s. J. P. Wallaor, Physician and Surgeon, Al- bsny, Or. Try a bottle of shoo dressitiir at Koad A BrowneUs. $'Jv,0tO of tho taxes of Linn county have been paid. Best line of ouued good in town at Read A Hrownoiro Governor Moody votood one bill, a groat event in Moody's life. H'.'Stf bills were intra lu. ed in the last House of Kopresentstiyos. K 1 K M Carter is building a roaidonoe in the westein part of the city. A job lot of cigars, try a box for yourself or friends, at Head A llrownoll's. One two-horse wsjaon fur sale oheap. Ap ply to W Kioe, at the Depot. Link out for a new lot of boots ami shoos this week at Head A BrowneUs. The boys and girls will probably have a ong vacation this summer iu Albany. The Y WCTU holds monthly literarie. oue tatting place on last Tuesday night. The State insuranoe Company kai bad s complete canvass of Linn eounty made. A medical atudnnt named Delos Jefferson trapped dead at Portland last Monday. It u grattfyisg to know that the new school bouse will lie built by an Albany nan. Twoedalo keep a tm o line of tin and oop per ware, and does repairiug in good shape. Wheat dropped to 52 oonts tho first of the week. Kgg arc I'.'i cents and butter 15 cents. We see that W. C. Tweedale has just re a .a a.s i a s & oeivcKi snotner lot of uew styled parlor stoves. Dr. M. II. Flits, physician and surgeon Alt any, Oregon. Calls made io city or country. Nino or ton foreclosure suits have been begun in this county since the legislature adjourned. A barn near tho St Charles Hotel baa just been built by Andy Hunt for Duno Men- tetth. The social and supper given by tbe Odd Follows on last Saturday evening wsas most enjoyable affair. Maekey, of California, is on hi wsy home. poor man. What a chaago f r m I'aree to sandy San Francisco. A letter from Oak ('reek, without a signa ture, ts not published. Anouimous com muuicstion are out of order. Coffee and cake at the Depot Hotel before the early morning train for only 10 cents. Beer at sll timen 5 cents s glass. Gospel temperate meeting at the Metho dist Kptsoepel church next Sabbath eveaiag. Prof Webb will deliver the sermon. Tbe Salem Tribute is taking a vacation. which will probably be a long one, most like ly until the next legislature moot. A Hock Hill school teacher was recently discharged for being a correspondent of the Mrrvry Voting men, take warning. C W Watt has the finest stock of cuts of any job printer outside of Portland in tbe State. H re men should take notice. General Grant, it is new reported, is bound to die sometime, just like other men. A cancer on hi tongue is what t the matter Well 1 should smite, more goods than ws know what to do with, shall have to sell to make room for more. Call and see at K. A ft. The Democrat presents to its readers the moot complete list of correspondences sf any eoonty paper in Oregon. Judge for yourself. All persons knowing themselves indebted to John Briggs are notified to put in an ap pearance at ooce, as he is positively closing out. Tbe liabilities of the Taooma Savings Bank were $12,283.65 ; assets, $4,013.63. It is really a marvel bow s jch ono-mulc concerns eao do business. Any party wishing to purchase s good farm, either for grain or stock will do well by calling on A K Cyrus A Cj., Real Estate Agents, at Lebanon, Or. O W Gray, D. D. S., in consequence of the bard times, will reduce the price of dentist ry all bs can consistently, with the nse of toe beet materials and skillful work. The play "Flower of the Family '' will he presented by Albany's best local talent, at Crawford's Opera House, on March 17th. Farther notice will be given next week. While you are contemplating the wonder ful change in administrations, remember that the place to go for groceries, cider, confec tionary, tobaecos.etc., is Hoffman A Joseph's, Ono Kmmett B'iggs, says the Suuesman, living near Helix, drank an ounce of lauda num on tke 24th inst., with intent to commit saicide. but by she timely aid of Dr J Gris wold he is likely to recover. Two tnoustud prisoners wore massacred in cold blood at the fall of Khartoum, This is outrageous. It is tims civilized nations settled disputes otherwise then with Krup guns sod Bessemer steel. Miss OoForrest, of tbe Willamette Uni versity, will give on elocutiansry entertain ment at the M E Church, on Friday evening, March 13th, for the benefit of the Sunday School. Admission for adults 25 cents. W ben you visit Cervallu don t forget te call at Nolan's One Price Cash Store. His stock of dry goods, silks, fancy goods, oloth ing, furnishing goods, hats, shoes, etc, is always complete, and the prices are correct 1 here is a man in Washington Territory woo is cnaractenzea uy an exen ange as an S. i . . a. m a excellent editor. If he is good to eat brins him down and divide him up among the valley editors who are gettiog hungry for Something excellent. Among other rumors in reference to the Oregon Pacific is one that it will be built this coming summer from Corvallis this wsy, passing through Albany, and thence will go across ths Cascades by wsy of the Minto Pass on to Boise City. The ladies of the M E Church will give a social at the residence of Mr Isaac Conn, on Tuesday evening, March 10. There will be a short literary entertainment served before supper.. All are cordially invited to attend. By order of committee. Tbe Ladies' Society ef the First Presby terian Church will give a social st the resi dence of Thos Monteitb, Tuesdsy evening, Mareh 10th. Refreshments to consist of cake sod ice cream. All sre cordially in vited to attend. Newspapers are just as liable to make blunders as your Josh Billings or Congress men, or any one else. Reference is had to a Washington birthday item in the last Demo -chat, which perhaps few appreciated. The State Agricultural AssooUtion is sgsin on its (est. An appropriation put it there, There will be twelve members of ths Board, eight en the part of the state and fonr en tbe part of tbe society. The latter haye already been ntnod, to wit : A J Apperson, M Wilkin, II A Irvine sad R K By bee. Far mors I we have ten double motion fan ning mills complete with sine, hurdle and eeivea for all kinds of grain, which we will soil for twenty-five dollars each. Vow is your time to buy a separator cheap. John Prusb A Son next to Farmer' Co's omee. Tke finest selection of humorous articles we have read is that of St Jacobs Oil now oat in his calendar for 1895. He is about as funny a character as we have met, ami why they call him a aalut we do not know, Hill Nye, Bob Burdettc, M Quad, etc., are the right bowers, Go to your druggist, get a copy, laugh and grow fat, and if you hsve the rheumatism get s bottle ef the oil itself. Last Sunday a m of C C Cherry while playing in a closet struck a match, the (lame from whiob set (Ire to some fere the lire oosld lie extinguished, about $.'WW worth of ulething was destroyed, snil the wood work in t'.e closet slightly injured. No insurance except on the building. DrO'Tools has been exhibiting common- ass & ussie euterprioe by having his block on First and kiroadalbiii Mtreot paints I. This is an example whteh should be followed by many other property ewner. nut only en Fir.t Htroet, but over the entire city. If several blocks and resiliences were to ho painted new it would make Albany look like a uew place. Among the many thousand of inaugural balls held sll over tho Uuitod Staves, prob- sbly none was more sujoysble then that held Wodncsday night in the largo new bam, or sheil, of Mr Jas Garret, at Peoria. From all the country around gathered tho people there to partake of thobouutoous hospitality of that well-to do. ienerou Democratic farmer. The eity Assessor in his trip sreniid ths city has run serosa between sixty em. evrn- ty live uew families whe have moved to Al bany since last year. This represents an increase of papulation of about four hundred in one year, certainly a good showing, The number who left the city since the same time last year has been small. This shews tho pooitiou Albany is taking , a webloot oi ty. McNary. who attempted to commit suicide two or three weeks since at the Ktohaago Hotel, is improving fsat, sod is now consid ered out of danger, in lit oher moments he is a good sutured. Jolly fellow, sod if this shall be the mesne of inducing him to bresk from the habit that csased him to do the deed, the lesson may be oonei torod worth what it shall have oast him. With sueh s result it might be well for others to follow suit, not forgetting to rrmember.thoagh.thst few won possess tho constitution of McNary. Monday afternoon one of the single horse drays of J R S to war toon was on ths fsrry, preparatory to loading a boat on the dray, when tbe bores, famous for it back acting, up and down, qualities, backed off into the river. By considerable activity its harness was cut so that it could be taken from the dray, when it was easily getten on the shore. Tbe dray was dr;gl by the ferry to the north side of tho n- i . BMSM ths worse fors free washing, and the h rsj and dray were soon put together agi. sex-lift aso raft!. Cap. Humphrey is in the city. Assessor llsmm ck was mi tho city Toes day. J K Sorbio, of Corvallis, was is tho city Friday. J W MjGoo sod Mr. Brook . of Sweot Home called on OS bast Tuesday. Superintendent Iaaab, of ths Western Union Telegraph Co.. was iu tho city last week. Mtas Ada Hood grass, of Rugose City, has been visiting in tho city daring the past week. J M XoUn, ef Corvallis, let ths light of bis contensnco shine oo us last Friday, whils on his wsy home from Portland. Jos. Webber, Jr., of Portland, has bses in the city, returaing home a day or two ago. le was here purely f-r recreation . Tbe first of ths wesk wo receive 1 s ptsas- ant call from Mr Alfred Blevius, wife and daughter, of Tangent. Mum Blsvina.though eleven yesrs of age. is only 32 inches tall, and has not grown any io height for several years, though her weight bat increased five pounds. hi. lk MMM mtas . Wiah we could pat a picture in the paper of something we just saw. A youag man job riding by on a bycicle aad chewing gum. The faster he worked bis feet the faster his jaws would go. Imagine tho effect for I can net describe it. Wan C McDonald, sngineer on tbe Leb anon express moved his family to East Port- land on Tuesdsy of this week. J L Cowan entertained the Elite Literary Society last Tuesdsy evening with an account of his trip East. It was very interesting. Ths Cumberland Presbyterian took two new members in church last Sunday. Dr L Foley and wife are making prepara tions to ge to New Orleans. Miss George, of Seattle with ber cousin from Albany spent last week st Mr 8 Nick arson's near town. Mrs J L Cowan apent last week in Cor vallia with her father who is in poor health. Mr Stubblefield has quits s Isrge clasa ere in writing. Mr aad Mrs J W Cusiok went te Eugene last Thursday and spent a few days with their son Edward who is attending the Uni versity. At a achoel aseeting here on Monday of this week tbst met to elect s Director snd Clerk, four or live of our widowed ladiea at tended. How they were envied by the rest sf the gender, not being widowa but they eniov the boon all woman kind crave that is to vote. I don't see whv at our next Ies islatureaome one could not ouah a bill thronoh to allow all women to vote on eehoeJ questions, as they already do in several States. Come, who wants to immortalize themselves snd wear a crown ef glory ! When the Albany boya come out they must take better care of their umbrellas thsu one certain T. W. did at the Firemea's so ciaL And such a commotion as it did crests too. WbUe a committee were there clearing up next morning in came two of tbe fair ones kunting an umbrella that belonged to one of the Albany boya, her cousin she aaid (?) But she did not find it, then Frank B. went in pursuit of it. Had anyone seen it ? It was described ai a silk or an Alpaca one, it had a ducks head for a handle, it was marked with a W., it had some brass rings on it, etc. The stage driver was deputed to bring it down so he pioked up sll the odd ones that were given him. One morning as Newell gave him the mail he ssw sn umbrella stowed carefully away. He looked at it and laid claim to it. The next morning Walt Pstereon met with good lock. Finally the . atsgedriver UUUU1UUQU AW vYswB SXtSJ UiUUii SxB S 1HO W9WIWU1 U nfYr to narrv nw mnr..n Torn. An tall --j --j 1 as, did yon ever get your umbrella ? A. CfKCI'fT OtVBT. Following Is tbs calendar fsr tbe Circuit Court which meets In this oity Maroh Mb, 1880: 1. Stats of Oregon agt H A Pratt. Lar ny. 2, State of Oregon sgt A Harmon, Suf fering trembling on prsmlsss. 8. Matter of Assignment of Isaac Mo Clung. 4. Matter of Assignment of Alfred W I. on 1 don. 5. Matter of Assignment of Thos Men- tslth A Hon, 8. Matter of Assign moot of C It Monts- Ruo. 7. Matter of Assignment of H N Mathews. 8, Matter of Assignment of Asa N Ptitsrsoa. 9, Matter of Assignment of T Andersen. 10. D P Porter admlr agt J O Elder Confirmation. 11. L Fllnn agt' Blnln et al. Confir mation. 12, The Duudee M a T Co agt Asa If Peterson. Confirmation. 18. John It Baltimore agt I C l;ikey et al. Confirmation. 14. Msiy A K Smith sgt John and M O Foster. Confirmation. 1ft. The Bank of Orsgan City set John Fester et al. Oetirirmatlon. 18. J IJ Johnson agt W II Hrooksbire. Confirmation, 17. John A Crawford et al agt John and Ambrose Heard. Confirmation. 1H. Keesou MoCotinell agt Lurry A. Mo Contioll, (Jonflrnaatlen. ID, Dundee M and T f ( sgt I) M Cooper et al. Foreclosure. 20, Dundee M and T I Co agt Thos J Nisi et si. Foreclosure. Mi Hsrsh iltitohlas gt Jas O Cherry si si. Foreclosure. B. Robert Johns agt T P O.nwlddls st al, Porectcsurs, 23. L Flelscbner agt W J lirsmwell et si. Foreclosure. 24. T P Hackteinan agt K K Harmon et al, Foreclosure. 25. ; B Bsber sgt It . Ntavtms st si. Foreclosure. 20. A J Jarnlgan sgt M I Moilth et al. Confirmstloti, 27. Sllaa A Adams adunr sgt K H Kutbsrford etsl. Foreclosure. J8. Mary E Newinsu agt Amsnds E wycoft. PnrUtion. 2tf. II l Burkhsrt et si agt Robert L Burkhart et al. Partition. so. J I an n in sgt tbe City ef Albany, Equity , t. I Harmi agt m Alex tn ler et al: Foreclosure. 82. D Promsn a las- Be bonus non agt W M Bherer, admr. Equity, 33. A J Desk agt L tlsiion. Ejectment. 84. J N Bridges agt B Hermann et a), Antlon to recover money. 83. Nlmrod Prly et st ; o AC R R Co. Dtinsgee. 88, Elijah Hsltmsrsh aKt It L Htevoos, Action on sward. 87. Perry Hyde Guardian agt;j A Mo Bride et al. Action on bond. 38. A J Meostou agt 8 W 1 harp. Re plevin. St. M Casey agt J Thompson A Boris. Action on note. 40. T K A!f jrd et si agt J F Alford ot al. Psili'.lon. 41. Martha It ugh man et al agt Abbls Jans While el al. Partition. 42. W If B tber agt O Paul Polly HceUv Equity to set said t dee J. 4S. Martha Houston agt A J Houston. Divorce. 41. (athrlite Trloo airt J w Trlr... nt. " ' rr voree. tli Caroline Wbite sgt L II White vorce. Dl- 47. R A Behman et al agt Temper Hunt et al. Partition 4s Jesepb Mslvln agt s J Keefhauver. Action at law on account 40. D M Cooper agt N Wbealdon et al. Equity. 40. D M Cooper agt N Wbnisoa st al. Equity. 61. D B Rice agt II E Burmeater et al. 52, The American Mert Co of Scotland vsJaa A McKlnney etal. Fo roc lean re. It. Ths Amsrlcsn Mert Ce offleollsnd ve Thee J Hii etsl. Foroclosurs. 51. Joaanb Bsssa r Ysumrtr Um.iu..i - SA JUU...bk..l s .... . ..... .......... v ...... ts j .j. j. 11 ami- son st al. Foreclosure 66. J T Williams vs A J Houstoa et al foreclosure. 67. Mltftoa -.Is va u V T.rhm. .1 as. Jacob Kees vs J V jwank at al. rerswiosure. 50. J A Crawford vs I M ,Cluag et al, ForOclOSUrS. 0. J H Burkhart admr v Eitelta H Howard etsl. Foreclosure. 81, John R Baltimore et al vs Aaron Baltimore et al. Partition. 62, D P Porter admr tiRP Armstrong st al. Action to recover money. 63, D P Porter Exr ve W L Armstrong, Actien on note. 64. Glass A Bishop ts T J EJwards et al, Action an note. 65. T J Crelghton ve J M Wilson. Ac tion on note. 66, Adds Hawley vs Wm Baeeett. Ac tion cn aete. 67. Alloa II Dodd vs S W Djdd. Divorce. M, Martin Payne ctal agt W K Price et al. Foreclosure. 69. Jas Wheel sr sgt Rosa Wheeler, vorce. Di- 70 C BBreeu a.t W J Breen. Divorce. OeaaMer This Diligently. Samuel E Young has just received another large invoice of shoes from the oelebratod factories of A. J. Holbrook A Co., Utiea, New York. Geo. W. Ludlow A Co., Chisago, Illinois, The invoice consists ef the latest atylea in French kid, American kid and Pebble Coat. Every pair warranted. A Bxf Proposition There " two bod Albany. Thia oBBB ia too small to support them. They injure each other in many ways The friends of each band stick up for their friends snd ifc ri,e8 iU " or9T town- W heard a remark the other day that the boya wiU Ud enouh o go off sny where juat I their Posea, as much as to say that wwh band wiU do itf iolan "d barm the other. Of course if the band boys want to practice and work aU summer for nothing, it ia nothing to outsiders, but there i i Ja. asn a. . -a " m0B-y or lory ia 1B- n05 nniw ana aave troume, pioaung outtneoest play ers and dropping the poorer or objectionable ones. Musiciah. Bead this tarefully. Mrs. 1 M. Footer having retired from th I firm of E L Thompson A Co., they sre very desirous of collecting all outstanding notes aooounta, peraons knowing themselve indebtedto the firm will call and settle. I .... , mi s . . . , The bUSinSM WUl be CSmed On in the old I stand by I K L, Thompson. uttmm ov 4jeolot. Tbe large number who attended the lecture of Prof. Wyokoff, on Geology, last Thursday evening, testified in trong language to (he fact that Albany possesses a class of people alive to the Irsportance of becoming interested in sclsntleaml useful subjects. The sue cess of the lecture was very gratifying to those who get It up. Believing It to be tbe Interrst of a community to pro mete all such lectures, paitieulsrly by home tab nt, we give it more than ordinary notlr:o . Geology is oue of the most impor tant of aolentlflr: stibjoct, in fact to un' deretautl Itene BItast be conversant with many of the other sciences, as cin-mls. try and astronomy. It is n useful study ft tells why mountains aro lifted up, aud about the mtlerials underneath. By It you can t-ll wlier- coal mayor .nay not be x jM-.:t-d, fir. Heat ha beeti the 4,reet factor In Hit geological growth of the world. As a practios! illustration It changes Ice Into water and water to vupor ; the carbon of the dismond or coal may be changed to gas and the gas sgsin solidiiled ; heat will raslt iron leslhjuld and suriloietit hsat to a vapor ; In fact every! blag may be liquified, or with luteuee cold solidified. The 9p9aker eshiblUd five maps ehowlng the different forms of the ele ment-, iu their transition luto worlds, in the first place . very thing was a gas like the sun, a great s'stlilog mat three thousand millions of miies la di ameter, whirling tfaoejga space After awhile it began s way ing, until parts of it were thrown oft iu succession, until, among etlisr systems, our solar system was formed, consietlng of the MB, Jupi Ur, Malum, etc This la evidenced by the fact that like sauiu substances sre found Iu all of the planets. The f-nden-cy of these masses is to dry up. The farther frm the sun the lighter the material of the planet, Hie m.arest be ing twlro the weight of granite, wl.ile the farthest Is as light as cork. Iu these masses the heavy grsvltates towsrd the center, the charts exhibited by the speaker showing the manner in which this U done. Tbe eld theory was t hut the center of the esrtb was a boiling an ass, Tbe prevailing opinion now Is that it is entirely solid, and aa it baa grown colder it has grown smaller, whieh haa caused the surface to wrinkle lots) mountains and valleys. Between the time when the crust first began to form and the preaeut tins : lOu.ntjO.'MMj years have probably elapsed. The speaker shewed hewthlsdid not conflict with tbe Bible .the days of the Bible repreaeutiag periods and not twenty feur hour ef time. By the wrinkling of tbe earth's surface land finally appeared above tho muddy, poisonous waters, tbe first spjsaariog prob-! ably being in British America, a fact aa- J ce named from the geological formation of I tbe earth there, tbe speaker showing by Illustration now tbe laysrs of rock bad been upheaved asd throa n on each otbsr so that tbe lowest rock would reach to the surface. This period represented the szolc continent. Tbe gradual formation of land occurred by tbe slow chaogs of dirt to rock snd ons kind of rock to soother. sa-as-- , 1 .nab kaMina h.sf I ssllla.1 disili otbsr parte rtalag, and, ceaselessly, tbe sarin eontinnlng to fill in, the s!m of tbe lend Increased, until nnally it took in tbe rasl- era States south to tbe Carollnas, and tbe Pacific Coast State, the Kocklea baring not yet appeared. Then tbe tsull or Most- 00 rolled north to beyond our Columbia over moot of the Western States, inis was tne mesaxoic age. n lormtng inu . . . 1 tbe tendency was upward in tbe shape of tnanglee, wnue tne power or tne waters is illustrated ny tne raet mat tae aigneat mountains are opposite tbe oceans wita tne groaioai ox pease. ine vo cauoea eta. -a a S a . r- s formed oy tne upaesvsi oi lava wrougn ika prsviMaa nf tli racks anil aarth. rtnm I T .IT, . , .7. toemsoives I O m circle sruuuu u. .. . . ft . . . t ft 1 I " . . " an on ma risraer 01 ine) laiui oceans. oarins ths moeaxolc sge It was as warm at tbs wertn roie ss anywnere. ine speaker made clear tbe gradual purifies- . . . - . i .a .i 1 9 . I , a aw " ,1 r uD oi ids avir inu oown ot iuw kiuwib u vsgetation. naues, annua.-, on-, iuu... niaea in rsovaoooua sixiv-oiau. uiurui . . . . . , 1 . 1 1 . . . . arewtbe of veaeUUen were found and in I i.,,u lra nf msl ireiAa are found in larse ouanUtlss. It has been ...... ..i il..f Ittaalr 14 010 wears to form alxtv feet of coal. These tblogs shew bow ainwiha emwth hu Immd. The sire of mk stn bs told from their substances h, th Silurian are known to be the eldest from their con talnlna tbs lowest forms ef life, such as molloaka, etc.; oemlng up to t he carbeni- famna sn la ths rooks wo find as oases. ate., unmistakable witnesses. The power ef vegotatloB in purifying tbe earth haa been great, plants drinking in carbon, ridding tbe air of it, etc, The Darwinian theory is well met by tbe fact that the largest snd most forsaldsbls animals were found first. Pictures of several sau riana Qf different klnda were exhibited, abow. ins what monaters enoe held away. Tbe bo aee of one meeasaur have been pnt to gether forming sn animal of three times tbs bulk of tbe Isrgeet elephsnts, so tbat twsnty men easily dined inside ef it. The apeaksr olossd with seme general remarks oa tbe subject, after an hours talk, listened to in the closest manner, It is to be heped thia may be followed by snare lectures by Prof. Wyckoff oa ths same subject, tbe Interest taken in thia being an assnrsnce of a good audience st any time. In the above synopsis of tbe leetore only a part of the many polnte presented appear, but we give enough to present the jraneral tenor of the le?t ur e and give an Idea of Its interesting nsture. Albany, Oregon, Dec. 30th, 1864. My home whiob was destroyed by fire on Dec 18th was insured in the State Insurance Company of Salem, Oregon, which has al ready settled and paid the full amount of mv claim. Any one insured in our home Company the State, can rest assured of hon orable treatment in case of loss. Signed, HsnrtWatsok, ROUS. K ESTER. To the wife ot PKester, living in Center Precinct, Feb. 4tb, twin boya Both democrats Mr Roster is as happy aa a clam. DIM. VEATCH. In Salem, Feb. 28, 1885, at the residence of J P Yeatoh, Seraphina V BATCH, wife of Hon R M Yeatch, Rep ress tative from Lane county to the late House of Representatives. Mr. Yeatch was taken with the measles during his attendance at the Legislature, and hii wife went to nurse him and contract ed tbe disease, from whiob ahe never recover ed. She leaves a devoted husband and three children, a father and mother, aad kiad f heads to mourn her loss. many Seal Estate Trsasaciieas Tbe following are tbe real estste convey ances by deed dnring tbe month of Feb ruary : Jas P Schooling to J no B Moore, et al, 21 Vi ares In Til M R 4 W. Consttlera lion ?000. Alex Mnmpton to Geo L Hlbbard and Jno W Brazee, W X claim 88, being in Tp 10, H R 2 W, containing 180 acres. Csmetd erstiou fooso. Mate of Oregon to B F Munkers, S&K seres school land in T 10 S R 2 W, Consid erstion $71.01. Hiram Hmlth at al by J K Charlton, Sheriff, If scree In T 15 S R 4 W. Consid eration 17500. Mary Hsrdmau to B N Hard man, the) E 14 of W X of claim M, T 11 8 B 2 W, containing i7 er, Consideration 8400. D Andrews to F M Redflsld, Quarts mining claim known as Ysnkee Bisde. Consideration 60. Cnlted States to Jennie S Wbiting.tbeS I of Sec 8. T z I R J W.oontaining lot acres. C onsideration homestead. Jj Cassidy to Nancy A Devenport,alI his interest in tract of land conuOoing 280 acres, situated in T 12 S R 1 W. Consider ation f 1 .70. K L Thompson t L M Foster part of 11 8, H oek.l, In Albwiy. C moderation L If L'JVmploton it ML Thompson sev ers. irf! B9M parts of m in Albany. Conl.lertiou $1. Frank Friby to W R Poer 01 acres is Geo M Hill's donation claim. Considera tion 12500. Klizsbeth A Long to Msry Medin N oi n w or uiocit vl, in slack iemsn'a . sV so see - ... . . . . - addition to Albany. Consider at ioa 2t5. W B Sc-rtt to Jno Will lt 7 in Block f 1 in Albany, Cciiid r iti -n 77. A M Thompson to Jno II Rebhem W of 7. M Dennelle Donation Claim, contain- in r l.r IK acre. Consideration pOV. G W Munsskir ;oU V Phillips 104 acres la Tp 10 R 2 W. Cnsidfraion, 14000. Georgians iJujrg-r w It Swtt K mt Block 44. Albany. Coisiderstion, t7Q0, W c West lake to James W Swank, 8 W Sec. 1 1 . Tp. 1 1, K W. Considers!, James W Swank to B W Cooper 120 acre in Tp. US R I W. Consideration OUew E Grsjajxary tS) Alex Cunningham 178 acres in Tp. IS, S R 4 W, Considera tion, 14108 GO. T P ilackleman to A Usckissnaa, tract in Albany. Consideration, f2C50. T P Hsckleinan to A Ilackleman, Blook No, 30 in Hack Ionian's 2nd addition to Al- bany. Consideration, 8300, Caroline White to Gottfred Griinsaer, W !i ofKE 14, Block 0 Also EX of E Hot 8W!if Ulo -k U in Aloeuy. Consid era- lion, 45). W II Swank to M A E Swank, 270 i in Tp. 14 S R 2 W. Consideration, 11280. K L Thompson, et al to H L Thompson, parcel in Aibsny, Consideration, fl, Charles M Tatbott to Km ma Morsxsm. Ixrta 2nd and 5, Block 10 In Sod.vdie. consideration, t&. Emma Morgan to C M Talb K, Lot C. Block 18 in SodaviUe. Consid -ration. f 00. Milton D Mark bam to Robrt Fester. 1)0 acres in Tp. 12 S R 8 W, ConsiderttktiBt 92350. Mary A Welc h to G T Cotton, 4K acres rbenon. Consideration. t425. B p Munkers to G W Phillips. 120 acres m Tp. 10, R f w. Consideration, 82400. Marraret Watkins to A H Peterson. 10 acres in ip. 1 it 1 w. consideration, 17. S W Crowder to E J Lao nine. Lata 1 U( 2 to in Block 111 In llacklemaa's Ad- I (nuon to Albany. Consideratien4590, jQhn tt Caldwell to James B Caldwell, I Z20 acre in Sections 4 and 9 in Tp, IS at E n v. Coosideratiea, S4&0. q j; Crawford, Assignee to Milton fdaJe, Arcel in Tp. 12 8 R 1 W. Consideration, l3 A u Charlton to Jno S Caldwell, ooit cljLim lo S2J urM in Tp 12S R 1 W. Con- alteration 8120 f K Croft to Thnma Kav T.t 12 airwk 4 in Brownsville. Coneidcration,l8, Thomas Kay to Wat F Byer, Lota 11 I 12irJ jjlock 4 ln Brownsville. Consid- as mmmm 1 1 1 1 A C lltntmin In Tmtrvwe U'.w la 11 1 1 m . . : ;!, 1 j tuu,w;i,mi)rusujYii vobsiustsuud, J1: jimelA Dyre to John S Caldwell, to qalt cim acres In Tp. IS SRI If 1 S i r. t . : ., , is-wsssssxossssasss, osssw A C ilausman to Camus Snerrv. oarcei 1 . . . . in Brownsville. Consideration, 600, A Uaekleman to Peter Riley, tract in Albany. Conaideration, $1060. Thomas Powell to Sherman Powell , 106 seres in Tp. 14, S R 4 W. Censidsratio a $1 aad natural love and affection D M Doty to Johnson a Johnson, Block 117 in Scio. Consideration, S5C0. J C nedgrass to John Haywetth 12 asres in Tp. 15 snd 16 S R 4 W. Consid eration, 55. William Cochran to John Hay worth, 164 in Tp. ltf S R 4, W. Consideration, lt23. Tbe State Insurance 1 em party wf 1. Is a Home Company organised aad eon trolled by prominent and well known bsai njts men of the Northwest, from home cap itaL 2. The money paid to this company ts re tained in the Northwest. It ys taxes bore and assists in developrng and but ding sp the various industries of the North w est. 3. It is the only company in Oregon, whieh is limited by its charter to the insuranoe of farm property, private dwellings and thssv I contents, school houses and churches. I 4. Consequently it cannot be burned oat as it is not exposed to losses from ..weeping .ire. it iDsares no mercantile or bosiaos risks, but affords a safe and reliable insur to farmers and owners of private dwellings. 5. The tires that destroy two cities, ruin- ing over a Auuared insurance companies, rendering worthless thousands ef policies. demonstrate the necessity of farmers aad others insuring in just suoh a company, free from all kinds of business risks. Highly Beessaaseaslea, Albany, Okbuox, Dc. -2nd, 1SS4. Russell A Co., The New Masaillon 33 inch separator aad Russell engine purchased of you last sass mer ia all yon recommended it to be. Ik ha given satisfaction in every respect. I thresh ed thia season iu 34 daya run 43892 baakela of grain which is the bigeat run of any as chins in this part of the country. I thresh ed for some of the oldest farmers ia this county and they all say that I did them the best job. saying and cleaning their gram that ever bad been done. Our expense for re pairs for the season did not exceed one dollar. Yours KespectfuUy, D. D. Hacklbbsah. The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 4, 1884. I am entirely satisfied with the honorable m: inner in which I was treated in regard to my insurance business, and the settlement and payment of my loes by the State Insur ance Company. We hall rebuild our house at once, and shall be glad to continue busi ne with your company. J. E. Harris.