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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1885)
m.9 '-"y mf HEALTH Published Monthly ct Sworn Circulation, 160,000. This is a Inry" t ight imu-c. f-- y emnn. ' nertaintiiK to Hoslth mw Hnimv ature. Art, Kcotiuny. Cookery, Win; n lUei.. Punles for the Boy . and evert realm if Mud-.-n puniy m-. rau, aim mauc uoiuo ruippy SSlM3PI-.H1 CO SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, (Which can bo seta tit t PREIVilUIVI LIST A Literary Revolution. A Whole GIVEN TO EVERY ro cns To MM suKm'HKt bvikUds u Ml vnt sucsci f-r n' wo will give any one of the follow tug ten mnwH No. X. Dr. Hale's Photo, ITkswnv isc.i No. -So. S. A Lady's QoM to Fancy Work. N. i No. 5. Gkvs or AftT and Poctry. The Cnirurr s tms Hearth IIekky AsKia.i.. Hlvk Kyes ani' ttoi.nrx lUia. C.VfT.UN A LOCK'S lCw AC Y. Tarijou Ma;u. Enoch Ar.t'ts. SO. T. f Tlir. Lost BaSK Honrs. il Manval ok BtWCTTR. Tit K bT A N I 1:1 i L"TT T. V. W R 1 T R H WlNTOt K ! SiN: ittXtUCAVkOiss Tits Hunt. -. r- ok. KNOWLl lo.i ton TliK MlU.tON. So. 0. ron rcur? susscmsin; To evorv person sendine. aafiOl for ftnr nasal - . I riU give any "of the KuOrlM0 ten ftuareSSS So. 11. IlASncoosoi-r-twi-i. Imih:--ia"j. So 18 AS Ko. 12. PorvLAR Ilarrottv or WinCim vtxm. n- I. C Kn i Dc noarrii Plain llojie T llk N Is. Da So. 14. The Livrsoi esja PRSttM -r- No. 15. TiikGem AuaMtoLSravt re? rive sucsc: I E ' To every fH'rxo-i wmling rf ". '' fr live m u torse shoe cmnacd of twenty ...;'. Mh To every pCtiS Shelter direct tr!:i I. MMMtttrt II fee nittiitiLt To evert pel tin! Hand Mill fm in Iceenius i.niii r scd c:r i eupiei s i -HI r Chare a lrslr. U. P. Chttrch. Preach ingevery Sabbath, it 11 a il, and 7 ml by Rev. fi. G. Ir trine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. at Prayer meeting every Wednesday eTening. Etakgkxical Cktjkch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 A. x., and 7i r. m. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. J. A. BoUenbaugh, pastor. Qosoreg atiok al Chcrch.. Serviceeevery Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 3 ML Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. IL E. Church, South. Services held every second and too rth Sabb&ths in each month at SL Paul's 3d. E. Church, South, at 11 a. m. Sabbath School at 2 30 X. sharp. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. C. H. Carson, pa tor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath at II A. H. and 7J p. m. Sone service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School it 2.30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. M. Judy, pastor. Prssbyteriax Church. Service every Bbftth morning and evening in Church cor. Kroadalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday t evening. Rev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Chrlstiax Church .Preaching every Sab oath at W. C. T. U. 11 a.h.4 7:30 P M. Sunday School at half past 2 o'clock P. M. Rev J T Floyd, pas tot. First Baptist Chu rch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a, m., at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T li firownson, pastor. UjfrvEE.s.u.rrs Church. Preaching every eeond and fourth Sabbat i of each month Crawford's Hall at 11 o'clock, a. h., and o'clock, P. M. To the Unfortunate! DE GIBBON'S Dispensary. 4)Q KEABJrr ST., ) 4, J corner of Commer cial Street, San Francisco, i Established in ISM, for the treatment of Sexual and 8eminal Diseases, such as (.oBorrhea, fclect. IStrietare, Sypklll s in al sits forma, Isa potency Weakaeu. nis-ht losses bv dreams, vita pies ot the face and loss of manhood can positively be eared. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call anon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various Hospi tals there, obtaining a giaat deal of valuable lmorma Uou; which he is competent to impart to those in need of his services. DR. GIBBON will make no etiarxe anisss be effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY BE Cl'KED AT HOME. All cornunications Strictly confidential. Yon see no one bn. the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea o liable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, ox 1957, San Francisco. The Doctor cures when others fail. Try him, vltn43 The Great English Reme dy. ' Is a never failing cure for Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Exhausted Vi taaty, Spermatorrhoea, il.OM HA A 11000, Im- I potency, Paralysis, and ail ,umtie enecu oi bslf- I Abuse, youthful follies, and xeett in maturer yeara- f mch as loss of Memory, Iiaasitude, Emission, Aver fsion to Society, Dimness of i vision, Moues in the Head; the vital fluid passing unobserved into the urine, and asany other diseases leading to insanity and death. aHt. MI.tfTIE will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Hollars for a case of this kind the Vital Bestora- Ive (under his special advice and treatment wo' not ttyo-or tot anything impure or injurious found in it. i)r Mintie treats all private diseases successfully witkeat mercury. Consultation free. Thorough ex amination ai d a1 vice including analysis of urine, Sb. Pries of Vital Restorati e,81.50 a bottle, or four times the Quantity sei t to any address upon receipt of gftee orC. O. D, secure from observation and kvs pri vate U defi'-d, by DR. A. E. MINTIE, 11 Hfearney treet, San F ancisco, C d. Sample bottle free. Sent on application by letter, attng sjrnfom, sex od age. Communications nctly coi 114 dial. Dr, Mintie's Kidney Remedy, Nephrcticum, cures kjads of kidney and bladder complaints.gonorrbaea, leouchorrhcea. For sale by all druggists fl a Htle or six bottles for $6. Mintie s Dandelion Pills are the best and cheap pepgia and Bilious cure in the market. For all druevists. A LOOO CHAHCE FOB StTBSCBlBEBJ. To every subscriber to the Democbat who pays np his subscription and con tinues his paper, or pays in advance, we will have sent to him the "Health acd Home" one year, without additional cost, The above paper is a large eieht page, forty column, monthly papt,and is full of excellent reading matter, A copy may be seen at this office. The paper treats of health, marriage, social science, domestic medicine, hints on health, cookery, etc. This affords our -ubscribera a chance to get a good paper for nothing. Those de string the paper sent to them will please state's at tfmejof paying their subsori '- OIL mat tr xSm 1s IT f W IL v 3 IE, M. D. i In ' crj lulu rnoe, Liter- th, nrevent 3M. ft. 815 13 C .78BER. ion i in UI P t r SlXTi ! N Coim.1 A Uti . SIX. IIlN lil!TN. DAVID lit ST. :vsl N. ! V N 1 . fill Drt, LIEBIG lrltrflr uisprnaary, 400 Ccjry St., San KrauciscvCai Cooiuctc4 by yuahfled Pbysicians U urKr,jr: rcijUlar gradSaUSB. Ml 1 be Uld-st icia!lU tu the ti S'tU Mali, life U.UjC c&wrtrlce j 1 1 . ( j. i IBs d ai.d pure medicine. 'nm t;ioy and crmanctit curca cl ail 1 1 .vat 4 , Ibrviuc and Nervous I'tsoj- . CecUons of the liluod bkiti, KliiiM.; , Lladdcr, Eruptions, I leers, Old Soree, SkcIHuz i f Ue .tiUmis, S re Mu'.h, 1hnat ltone PStna,Icrruate!il,y cured and cradi etc! rn in the srsteiu lor life. ' lot w b .uy, Itnpotestcrv. Benin Ujt, stuai lasSBgi Wen t.'l ai.d I'hvatcal V lt twaw, tali lug Aini,. ry, Wca fcyts. .V.unlcd ic- vtloj Uici.l.iuiptUio.ctits UtUxrnmgt etc., Ir.m ncts or ouuiful lullicai cr any cause. spveoiK , a!vly auu pnvauly cured. loubg, vltddlclgeU and Old men, and all wbu itecd medical skill and ckjieriroce, cults uit the old Kampean l'hvuciaii at once, lite opiut'Hi cost nothing, and niay save futuie misery and shame. v. inconvenient to VMUt th city for treatment, medicines can be scut everywhere by express free from observation. It bt sell evident tlat ' a physician who gives his whole SSSSSStioa to a class of diseases attaint great skill, and physicians through ! ont the cuuutry .knowing that, frejuti.tly recommend difficnlt cases Cj the oldest apectalist, by whom every ' known good remedy is used. The li-tor age arm experience make bis optnton of supreme imiiortaoce. SarTbose who call see t.o OM Lul lhr I c-Ur. Coii- sultations free and - rcoly eonfidential. Cases which have failed in obtaining relief elsewhere espec ially solicited. Female diseases successfully treated. The LVcior will agree to forfeit 91,000 for a case un dertaken, not cured. Call or write. Hours, daily .from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., tt to s c -i n., ; Sundays, V) to 12 only. Send for the hanitarisl UuJjIc Ut llcilth, sent free. Address as above n Uttti w Wonderful tertnan Invitor.fir Ptrmaiictilh prevents ai. I " ' L n UtsM ioe sy stem, tones the nerves, 'sires thens the muscles, checks the waste, invigorates the whole system, and rtnlorti tbs ..fiiictcd i ll' ..:th and HappHiesa. Ttie reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Weakness, Loss o! Manhood, etc., is oain to a com plication, cdled I'rostatorrhca with I! vpcr.-.ethesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig'a In vigorator is the only j iive cure for Prostaturrhea, with peculiar special treatmeut, used at the Lie big Dispensary . Frlee of In vfgnrnfor, Case of six bottles S10. 8nt to any addrc-s, covered see urtly from ol ervation. Most powerful citctric ijcits free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the Eetonsar. A '.' Bolllc Livrn or Seal I rre. Consultation free and private. Call or addrens I II HI. BiarBXSABT, fU0 Gcarv Street, Ssn Francisco, ( Private entrance, ii .Vfasjn Street, four bloc Geary Street from Kearney, Mam entrance th lMninsary Drug Store. "PATENTS Obtained, and all other business In the U. A. Patent Office attendeded to for moderate fees. Our office is opposit the U.S. Patent Office, and We can obtain 1'ieU'titH firrtA tlisr, Ir i- rmif.. irorn vtaahuigton. oena modle srdnMBC. Wc ad-, iae as to -U-nt aoiuty free of charge ;and we make no cliarge unlssa we obtain patent. e refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt of Money Order Div. and to officials of the U. S. Patent Office For circular, advice, term, and efereuces o actual clients ui your own State or county, eddrcst. C, A. $S0W&0o, Opposite Tatent Office, WabingUm, D OF ANOTHER ACE. gradually Supplanted by a Better Article Certain Old Times are Bone I way. in trie general reception room of the Western Lnion Telegraph building on Broadway, New York, c cAuioiieci nie coarhe, crane urid cmmy in.tru inentB of the infancy of the telegraph. They are vy e.-s now, jiore pericci. niaclnncrv lias elisor seded them. wsskv nav is Htyieu trii oid-iashioned porous i""ra o'u "'e (foou strv ice. i Here was then iioth inif better of the kind. Moor alt thai h.. , i Science and study liavc gone deeper into the secrets of medicine ana produced BENSON'S CAPCINE POB OUS PLASTEK, which emldies all the excellencies vnus jr poBBiooj in aii exurnal remedy. The old nlaf,.ru urAulr.i,. ,i... i . t i- , .. !. "'"V"' " "v cajiciiie is rapiu ; tliey were uncertain the Cajx-ino is sure. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be cartful, therefore, that some thifty druggist does not deceive you. Price JJ . 1 1 LI. Scabury k Johnson, Chemist, New York. .The BCxERff' Gctde is issued March and Sept., each year; 224pages,ixlU Inches with over .3,300 illustrations--. n whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to consumer on all goods for personal or sea-w famiJy usc Tells how to order, and gives exact jm W cost of ev erything you W S use, drink, cat wear, or geagW have fun Uh. These aw invaluable hooks contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. Wo will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents, ict us Lear from you. Q Respectfully, t THIS PAPER IS ON FILE -AT- PALMER REVS BUREAU ! i 405-7 Sansomc St San Francisco. AND AT PALMER & REV'S Pacific States Advertising Bureau! 4G Tribnne Building, NEW YORK, Whero AdvertiKnp Contracts can be made. vrAftiv 6Qi KWWYSr&FUL. kSTABtiRttap roa tint Sctamrtc add irssY Cvas or anoxic, N savors akd RrtrtAt. Disuses; THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. ALLKN, AS IS WKLL KNOWN, 18 A RKO ular irrdukUd Phletii, mlucftUxl V Mowduiti Ci:Iol'c nutt t ntvsniUy of Mlehlgsn. U hasdtvotsd lilnlimo to tlieiituily of Mil useknuwledgsd to o the moat expsrt stiidsnt In his seelalty ott l ho Pa ciftc Cst And mtdltt-Kd nton, who art suffering from tin SMeM Of youthful indiscretions or sxeesaes in ma turr vaars, nsrvous and (ibyshsal debility. itttio tencc, lost inanhtHid, confusion of Ideas, dull eyes, aversion to society, deaHindency, pimples on lbs (see, Ion of energy and memory, frequency of urinat- liur, etc. tW It cnnnil.t r the IoctorhM a Vegetable Com Kund,th result id many yean (4 apettlaJ practics ami isrii stu.lN , hu ll under his siecial advice has never (ailed al soccew in the cure of Lost Manhood, pros! Uirrbos, cte. Ml II OH I'M Al. EXPBIUKNC'Bt Uiiu- leeu sunreou In chanre of two leading hospitals) enablea me to treat all private tnulla wtu execllonl results. 1 wish It distinctly ttlul st.HHl that I do not claim to ierform imiMNMdblllles. dlstlucll under- or to hac miraculous or autwiiatural tM,wer. 1 claim only to ho a skillful and aucceesful PhyelctAn hsrou-hiy nfoii leil n say specialty UIHICAKRS Of MAI. All apply imr to me will receive my honest opinion oi iiieir complaints - no cMwrimeutliiir. I w l.l: 111 guar sintaWsi k luiaitivH iMtrn tn nvrv ussn I itti.t.-t-t m It a t.w forfeit 1.000. ConsulUtlon In offl.!e or by letter free snd strictly private. Clutrgca reasonable. Thorough examination, Including t-hemlcei and micruecopiuai anaiyaia oi urine ami auviea, fo. tntvee hours liuu dally, 0 to evening. Sunday 9 to ix. VAJionoratiureea UK. ALUM aH sireray Street, Ran raarlare. Cat TUTT'S PILLS 25 sYEA Tho Greatest Medical Triumph of the Aft! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. l.oeaof appetite. Uowrii rosllve, 1'aln la tho head, with a dull ooaatlon la tho back part. Fata under the ohoalder- klado, r ultnrsa after eating, with asite Inrlluattou ta exertion of body or salad. Irritability of tossper, I, ow spirits, with afeeliaaef bavlaa neglected sosao datr. Weartaoos. UUslneoa, Flattarlae at tbo Heart. Dots before the eves. Headache over the. right eye. Uestloaaaasa, with fltfal dreams. Highly colored I rlae, aad CONSTIPATION. TTTTT f FILJLS aro especially adapted ta such eases, one ilnse effecta such a t nan k o of feel i iig as to astonish tho suffere r . Ucesll e Oraauvs, It earti lar I 1 j ! "'JSe. tt Warrsy SI TUHS HAIR n Otur lUia or Wtnsasas chanced to a Glossy UlaCX by a single application of this lire. It Imparts a natural color, acts instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receiptor ft. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York. Dr. SPIMEY, NO. 11 KEARNY T. Treats all bronic aad Special YOUNG MEN VtTMO MAY BE l t ESJftO PMOM V V etfete of youthful tolues or huwcrsUoo. U1 Ui a ell to avail ibemacivea of this, lluaisslsst Ua svss laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. BP IS ET will guarantee to forfeit tUXMof every ease Seminale weakness or private disuses sj any kind or car., m which be undertakes and tall tu cars. MlOtvLE-ACEO MKM. Thar ars many a. -. age sf thirty 8 a' v are UouWe.1 with lo frecjucnt evaeaation of the bssil ler often acocan panted by a alight smarUng or senaaUoa and a weaksnlag of the system in a v.o kwhui or. vn siamming use artnary deposits a ropy sediment will often he found I svjwse mi en aimuuen win I of the color will to of a thin tnilkish bus, aerain tng to a dark and torpid appearance. There are men who die of Una difficulty ignorant of the sraisa la the second stage of scuuoal wrakwsss. Da. 8. win guarantee a rfeei cure in alt such casta, a healthy restoration of the geoilo-unnary organa ornca Hocaa-10 to 4 abd 6 to a. Hundava frrn 10 wiis. a. laafauuni trw. Hi- tuunh tnc.. 'H1 SO 1..17, SJO. Call aur addresr, BB. SPtXXET st I O., No. 11 Kearny 8t. San Krancavoo, Oal The- great slreagta oal a ana ner. e nie is the legtumate n- ,uli s over twenty y pra'-ii'Bi einrrirr y a TMOBOI CMLt OI ILttlte CKAO I til. PBVaM'lAX uf one of the highest raed " tag.IUges In Europe n.i cures witn uniauirnr Pr..1ariiy Nervous and tiyaiimi detnitly, semi- n wekneas.sperruator vwaiswvwia vitality. lre I mature decline aaa manhood in all its complications ami from wtiatever casjss produced. it enriches ami purines we nioou strengtnens the nerves, brain, muscles, aigeeuon, re- reluct I vc oriran and nnv steal ana mental lacuiuea- niops any unnatural, dsbllltatittg drain upon tns system, preventing involuntary harass, debtlitaitng ir.-auis, aeminal losses with the urine, etc.. so de structive to mind ami body, It fat a sure eliminator of all kidney ami bladder complaints. It cental na no injurious inirredients. To those suSertng from the evil effects of youthful indiscretions, s speedy, thor ough and permane it cure is GUARANTEED, Pries i M per botUe, or Bve bottles in case, with full 01 'ections and advice, flO. Sent secure from observe- SOB to any address upon receipt of price, or C. U U.. m in; nan only of DR. C. D. SALFIELD. SIS Kearaey St., Saa Praaelaee, Sal. Consulutions striitlv confidential bv letter os at nl'-e r KKK For the convenience of oafaeaU and In irder to Insure irfect secrecy I have adakaded a prl-1 vote address under which all packages are forwarded. I TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. fiulflcient to show its merits, will he sent to any applying by letter, statin j Km symptoms and Conununlcations strialy conSdenUal, one age. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. Will be Inaugurated Msrch 4th 1885, THE WORLD, Tho Democratic Newspsper. rally, ill ; Werr.i-Weeklv. 12 ftundaw i $1.50. Weeklv,one dollar per year. Money oTboywnoe Si u ta.-.i e-Mw- r: Jt THE WEEKLY WORLD- The great farm and home newspaper. A&ENTS PAID IN GASH, r or 100 subscribers at tl each 101 will he paid: for 50 subscriber!. S12: for 2ft mh. bribers, $6 ; lor 15 subscribers, 3 ; for 10 sunscriuers, S2; for 5 subscribers, fl. Agents wanted in every Town and Village. viiuumn auu rcampie tjopies tree. Send for tbem. THE WORLD, 31 PARK ROW NEW YORK. '1VN0UVN QNV NOINfl HSI1G0S -ViNo0JI1V3d01.l3HaV.N0a 1UIHSV0NV1 QNV N0QN01 imnh ? NU3H1U0N 'N0QN01 'iVIltidM inOUOiNNOO JO QUOdlHVH 31ilNV0a3W 0NVHSI1IU9 H1H0N : BOjuedtuoo eouejnsai Bssp-!SJn Soimojioj eq? jo e&eqo sen ariTiTrv HUN wa vim LAUNDRY AND CHINA MJSRCHANBSING BU8I NESS. Rics, tea and Japanese goods. Ladles' underclothes, sold at bottom China labor. SaTNext to City Bank. pnesa Contractor for rn Inrrcaae tfce A rletlte,an.l cause the -xir t Take oss Fleskst'ius the srstesa to nourish.!, u: I hr tbrlr Tonle. Arttow oa i h- I'tMCsti ve Orsrataa.Ilrirular Mlaols arw itlaVA LW'iUFWfaB ihuralA I Fit I DAY FEBRUARY 27, 1880 BZCtTBMBXr BNABATBB. That Besaarbable ft; x per Ira re of a Beetles ter Pbyslean Pally Aatkeatleated Cleveland, 0., Herald. sat oa m aa . a at a an Yesterday and tbe day before we copied into our columns from tbe Rochester, N. Y., Democrat and Chron iolt, a remarkable statement, made by J. B. Honion, M. D., a gentlemen who is well known in this olty. In that artiole Dr. Henion recounted a wonderful ex- perience which befell him, and tbe next day we publUhed from tbe tame paper a second article.sirins an account of the "Excitement in Rochester," caused by Dr. Henion'e statement. It is doubt ful if any two articles were ever pub iished which caused greater commotion both among professional people and laymen. Since the publication of tbeee two articles, havbg been besieged with let tors or inquiry, we sent a communica tion to Dr. Henion aad also one to II. H. Warner A Co., asking if any addi uooal proof could be given to us as to the validity of the statements publish ed. In answer thereto we have receiv ed the following letters, which add in terest to the entire subject and verify every statement hitherto made i Rochester, N. Y. Gentlemen : Your favor is receiv ed. The published statement, over my signature, to which you refer is true in every respect, and I owe my life and present health wholly n tbe power of Warner's Safe Cure, which snatched me from tbe very brink of tbe grave It ie not surprising that people should question the statement I made, for my recovery was as great a marvel to my self, as to my physicians and friends. J. B. Henion, M D. RocflrsTER, N. Y , Jan. SI. Sias : Acknowledging your favor duly received, we would say : Tbo beet proof we can give you that the state-1 menu made by Dr. Henion are entirely troe, and would not have been publish ed unless strictly a . is tbe folio wins testimonial from tba beat citisena of I Rochester, and a card published by Rev Isr. Foots, which yo are at liberty to nee if yon wish. If. H. WARjtea k Co. To Whom it may Concern : In the Rochester Democrat ad Chron of of Decern bear 21, there appeared a statement in tbe form of a card from w . , . , LIT, J. IL 1100108), Of thtS City, rOCOOOt- ins hie remarkable recovery from sMsslsSJsi sKsssssss. i U. t: I i b w several doctors ef prominence had given Oim U). bv tbe use of Warner a Sain Cure. We are personally or by repu ta'.iou acquainted with Dr. Henion, and we believe be would publish no state ment not literally true. We are also personally or by reputation weU ac quainted with H. H. Warner A Co., proprietors of thet remedy, whose com mercial and personal standing ia this oommnnetj are of tbo highest order, and we belie o tbst they would not publish any statements which were not literally . f! R P.wsu- f-- r al-.l . C K. Parsons, (Mayor of Hoc heater.) Wm. Porcell, (Editor Union and ddvertieer.) W. D.Shoart. (ex-SuiTtwate Monroe County.) Edward A. Froet. (ex-Clerk Monroe County.) X. B. Fanner, (ex-District Attorney Monroe Connty.) J. M, Davy, (ex-Member Congress, Rochester.) John S. Morgan, (Cotroty 3 ndge.Mon- fOO County. ) , ' Hiram Sibley, (Capitalist and Seeds men.) W. U Rowley (ex-County Jndge, Monroe County.) John Van Vcorhis, (ex-Membor of Congresr.) To l Editor f the Living Cfnmh, Chicago, 111, There wa s pu blished in the Rochester T - a sr - . . aa as . .a Msl . as XJKmocTa t nronicle of the 31st ot nrste tement by J. B. ueoiou, jbv aa. , narrating how he sad been oneedi of B right's disease of ths kidney's,, al'saos t in its last suges, by the use ofc "Warner's Safe Core. I was referred to im t hat statement, ae having reoomiaetxied and urged Dr. Henion to I rro lka....1 U .! 1 j . . .Bi,,, wuivu u uiu, ana was cured; Tho statement of Dr. Henion ia true, so far as it concerns myself, and I believe it to be true in all other respects He was a oar ifl hiodaer of mine anl T LhtuJ t! I .t a viaiiuu aiiiu sta, nur atoaness. a urged. him to take tbe m jdicine and would do the sasao again to any one who was troubles! with a ( Dneaae ef tbe kidneys and liens., Israel Foote, (D. D.,) (La4e Rector of St. Paul's Episcopa Churehs Roch tier. N. Y. A dermcr tt is one who believeslin a attictcori8tr action of tbe Const! tu ienf in. the divorce ment of Church and State; in a sound currency ex. peeaoerj 1b. gold snd silver, and paper covertibln into colo on demand; In a eUeardiwi? ion of tfnj powers of Gov- pesnment, State auaffl national; in tax ation for public pen poses. He is op posed to suUiditt&v bounties, sump, tuary laws, excess! e accumulations and expenditures,, eferrlog simple and fruual Govtmrn ent I Kll PACT! Knglish physician has been try ing to count the hsirs on the human head. He quotes the average number of hairs per squsre inch et 1060 and estimates about 128,000 hsirs for the entire head as a general rule. The juioe of the eurioue iuk plant of New Granada requires ne preparation before being used for writing. The eolor is reddish trhen (list applied to paper, but soon becomes a deep black, which is very durable. This ink Is now used for public records and docu ments. A tunnel nearly a mile long hss been found on the Island of Hamos, built oenturies before the Christian era end Med to supply tbe old seaport with drinking water, nraall pios fur tbe water are laid in the tunnel, esoh open on the upper side, so tint it eould be oleaned. Tbe chrysanthemum the national flower of Jspacis honored every year by e special imperial chrysanthemum PrlT in tbe grounds at lava a . i al S t Akaeaka, which hss recently been given by the Mikado. The chrysanthemums there ere unequalled throughout the world, and some of the plants display from 375 to 430 fully develoed blossoms at a time. A discovery bss recently been made atHitcbin, Herts, England, of exten sive remains of a Romsn dwelling. Its existence has, long been suspected from the fact that coins, bricks and pottery bad been turned up by tho plow. Ex- oavation revealed a room with tesseUt- ed pavement, several coies of tbe date 340 A. D.. with a 'terse quantity of - w w e w broken pottery. Far out at sea. alonif both the ulf and Atlantic coasts of Ftorids, says the Savannah (Qs.) A'eto ?, ere several springs of fresh water. They are well knowo to tbe spongers and fishermen, who frequently visit tbem to replenish their water casks. Oa this same coast is an oil spring, which diffuses a calm over troubled waters, snd affords a sate refuge to small vessels during a gale A peculiar article produced f the m s negroes of Georgia is called by them persimmon bread. Five pounds of it, it ie said, will make nearly a barrel of agreeable and t oi -intoxicating beer. The persimmons are feathered when thoroughly. ripe, the mast is kneaded till it is of the consistency cf bread dough, made into a cake, and then put into an oven and baked. It will keep all winter, and can be used until late ia tbe spring. Tbe latest thing in clocks comt s from liutsisw It is a little timepiece about eight inches high, on a base five inches in diameter and covered with a glass globe. All tbe works are plsinly ex sanaa I The nendulum ia a soUl brass wbfje, .upporud ,t tho centre, or hub, I rr - sr he a a encler w re. It dors not swtna. I but olweMs fressn Iwfo to riaht and ri-ht tn left Heine a 4000dav clock, BV - " - . the winding of it is a small lleea. It will not vary fve minutes in 4dU days. No temperature affects it. There are In existence rather more than forty Egyptian obelisks. Of these England posse saes 7 America, 1 , Germany, 1 ; France, 2 ; Italy, (ic oluding Rome, which Oas 12), 17, and Constantinople, 2. Tho remaindei, many of which aro fallen or broken,are etiil in Egypt. Tbe smallest is the Lepctue obelisk in tbe Royal Mueeum at Berlin, which is two feet H inches high, and weighs 200 pounds ; the largest, unfinished, of Assouan, still in quarries at Syene,ths estimated weight of which is more then 1,500,0(6 pounds. POri LAB fU.IB.VCB An Australian naturalist has Un covered tbo nervous system of tbo sponges. Tho next total eclipse of the sun visible In this pare of the world wid takelplacOiAug. 11, 1999. Experiments with the eleotiic light in forcing plant growth are showing less effect titan was expected. Liquefied oxygen is lighter than water, and a little heavier than al cohol, according to a French chemist, who has calculated its specific gravity as 0.888. According to Mr. J. Harrington Douty, of the asylum at Worchsster, England, an imperfect supply of ox ygen, or almply breathing a vitiated atmosphere, may suffice to produce the mental disorder known a mel ancholia. M. Onlmus has reported ta the French Academy of Science that the cholera epidemic of Paris and Mar soUes were attended by a low pro portion of ozone in the atmosphere, and that tho administration of ozone produced favorable insults in cases of the disease. Tbe deep sea is Mnaiit?6d only by the deep' green ettoiijrht that has passed through a vast stratum of water, and, thereibre. lost ail the red and orange rays by atior,ptioa. The deep sea star-fishes ere nearly alj orange, ore uge-red or searlei, even down to .1000 fathoms. By a mellipd of spexTLroscopIc ob servation Mr. W, N. Hartley has reached the conclusion that ozone is a constant ot nstituent of tbe upper atmosphere, that it Is present there in larger quantity thtm nearer the earths surface, und that it is tbe cause of the blue color -of the sky. Either In its gaseous form or con densed In liquid,, ozone appears of a sleep blue. "Itoiigh on tuuglis Ask f .r "Bough on L'oughs," for Coughs, Colds, Sore I In. . i, lloarauess. Troches, LV. Ll(uld the. Uougii ea Bats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, files, snts, tied bugs skunks, chipmunks, gophers, lfrc. Druggists. Brsrt Pntng. Palpitation. Droilca! Swellings, Dirtiness, Indi gestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by "Walls' Ilmilth lleliewor," "Bough on t orus.'' Ask for Wells' "Hough on Corns.'' lfc. Quick, complete curs. Hard or soft corns, warts, bunions, "Beaafc ea Pala" Peraased Plaster. Strsngthlng, Improved ths best for backa:lie, pains In the t.bost or side, rheumatism, neuralgia. Tkla People. "Well's Health Renewer" restores health and vigor cures Dyspeieia, Heads, he, Nervousness, Pabtlily.Sl. Vf hooplas H'oaati, and the many Throat Affo.'tlons of i hlldr-n, prompt ly. idrasantly and safely relieved l,y "lloigli on t oughs. ' Tro:hes, 16c , Haisain, 'i vtothers If you are falling , hroken, worn out and neivous. use "Wells' UsaMh iUuuwer." gl. Druggists.; Life Preserver. If tou are Icelng your rnp on life, try "Wells' II eallh Renewer. " t.oce direct to eeak sots. "Baagh oa Toolbarke." Instant relief for Neuralgia, ToUiaclie, Kaoea. be Ask for "Rough on Tooths. Uc.' id and 'tU cenUj Pretty Woatea. 1 4vl lea who would retain freshness snd vlvabl'y. Don't fall to try "Wells' Health llenewer. Catarrhal Throat Affection.. list-king. Irritating Coughs, Colds, More Throat, eured by ' Hough on t oughs." 'torches, ibc. i.Kpii'i, xoc. "Beagh aa Itrh. "Koiigh ott lu h" utes humors, i ruptlons.ring worm, tetter, satliheuni, froetwl feet, eininiains. The Nape or the ft a Una. Children, alow in dcvrlopmsat, puny, scrawny, delicate, use "Wells' Health llenewer. Wide Awake throe or f. ur hours every night cnghlng. .et 1m uioellaU relief and sound reel by nslng Wells' "Rough n ( oughs," llaliaui, the. Bough on Pala- Pereaeeel Pla FOR SALE A SAW MILL AND WATER POWER At Waterloo. Mntt county, on theHsn lisfti Itlver, betwrmu five and ai mils from Inbanon. Tbla la tlm tlfwl available walr pownr In Unu -outilv, ami Ilia mill baa 1esn put in lborouh running OSweS. 1'flra irO0. fio thotuaml -avli down, balanoe secured. Also a FINE LOT OF LOGS, in atiana to run to the above montionod mill, containing- about ,'s00 thousand feet .f a-t rxvr thnuaaml. Unfetlier wtlti a tract of timber available lor proaent use. ONE FARM In l.lnn countv of J4 acrea Hlthln tbreti milsMi of Albanv. on thr road to t'orvallla. Of I hla 'M acres are cleared and under r-iililvsdinn. It baa a line vouna orchard. (now tiearlng, of well known varittiee of fruit.) a rommooioua Isarn stnl small dwrllimc hosasav TerinafOOOO. f IfsOO rwah low, n balance on lime secured by mort- p,age. Also A FINE RESIDENCE tn Albanv with barn and two lota, or aix if wanted.) I'rice f lM. Terms fOOO sassss . tsatsmeai wernred bv mortgage. Ad- n.itiiiie this hotiee In a Nttmll pasture wKh - - - ri, f- . iBnm nsw ano niiiiiiio.inui .... Miorit a w heat, oats. SO tone or more of itailskrl hav. Teriri ni 'r linit to amount of land wantfd. Thii barn la just outaulo tbe cltv llmlta and -onnequenlly avoids n, nitv i a vm while it Is close enough to residence to be under constant Inspection. Also a TRACT OF 44 ACRES adjoining Albanv and available for about ISO lawn Iota. The preliminary aurvey of the Oregon Pacific crosaed the Oregon and California lUilroad on thla tract which adjoins the deit grounds of the latter road. Terms $10,000. Bee owner, ROBERT L. STEYE1SS, or call at Dkmocrst office. Dr.SANFORD'S is iust what its Dame implies.; a Turely Vegetable "Compound, that nets directly upon the ; curing the many diseases ixtCTdenpo that uxu tortant organ, and p3efflnting the na Xnerous allrnants tKXarisc from its deranged orraraction, such, as tDyspepsiV Jaitfoaicc, Biliousness. CosscnesSalaria , Sick-headache, Eheutaaiifpretc It ts therefore a ' Tolaave Good Health thalAveTtmist be kept in order." Dl. SAnTOSD'8 LIVES INVIGORATOR. Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens tbe System. Purifies tho Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Need. An Iuvaluahlo -dTamlly Mcdlcino for common complaints. Tin SAITFORD'S LITER INVTG0RAT0R. A crntrumcA of Forty man, and Thou- maml of TeMimamaU prom it Merit. 0) TOR SALE BY ATX DtCAMSllB IS MTOICTKBS. it information f-'-nd yonr adilrcss for 100 '" 't, n tho " Liver nnd Its J!-acs," to Husaaroiio 24 Jua t- b-vt .oua utx. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber.laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Albany, Or. HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, as i - i Axes. mauocKs, nrusn hooks. ioks shnVftlB.siadeB. forks, trrindstonea, wheel- barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything you want, can be had cheap for cash at Peters fc Stewart. Q P0RT8MEN, ATTENTION ! Peters fc Stewart keep a full line of ani mation, and will sell as low as the low Erery pound of powder is warranted 111 5)0 diok -if properly used. INVIGORATOR J JULIUS QRADWOHL line the only oxeloklvo fttoek of CROCKERY, CLA8S98ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large lasortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choice Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sug ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIM.E TUB HIGHKT MARKET Eemember! What I Say I Mean. Bite Ie a call GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. -PIIOPRIETOKH OK ALBANY SODA WORKS -AND DEALKJW IN- Im ported and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco?., Groceries, Candies, Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, ... ONE LvOR BELOW JOHN BKIOG8' HTORE. Summons, Ih ifw Circuit Court of ike State of Or' yon, fur Linn county. T P llscklesnaa, Pla ntl. vs. K E l!nu"fi swd Nancy 11 liar rvm, litrfenduits. Tu It 1- If. rui. .n and Nan ' U llarnsoo the abcVS naiuwl :!..: V THE NAME OK THE STATE OK oRKOoN. vof and each of you arc hereby res)ttird Ui apjaar and tiuve ttw cwcnptaint of Ute above llaintiS io the above caUtled Court, now oa file wttA Use tt k Of ask 1 Court on or tasters tbe Sr day 4 the Ortober Unn i hereof I rui, to-wk ! oa or before the JAtb day Sf Osajas, 1 Sic;, pad sou are hereby rxAtfted teat if you fall I" apaar snd answer sa' J complaint as here by teuuirwl, tbe IlainuS wdl a.pi to tbe Court for ths rslkf J. u i. ;. .1 therein, tv-wit : Tor a judgment arainst I'. I Harmon for Siaf.00 kn I' 8. gold coin er'i inU rest tkcraoa in like cln al the lata of 10 pjr cent -r annum from January Sstb, IWt, until pu I, ice eii X'j paid thereon January aoth, 1SKS, and for the further sum of BB W as attune th ooats sod disbuTSSsneata 4 this suit to be an 1 for a decree against yoa forecloainjr tbe mortgage deactlsed in said oucapUiat ami ordering the asortg aged premises therein set forth, to-wit : begf aaing at the northeast corner of block 13 as tbe same is known, designated sad described on the rasas, plats aad surveys of ilackleman s Second Addition la the City of Albany, Orecoa, now on file in the office of the County tier of Una county, Oregon, being situated In said addition, running thence west paral lel with 7th .treet IX! feet ; tbeaes e.utb parallel with Uill etrset 110 fort ; thrice cast parallel with Tvh street 132 feet j thenoe north parallel with laid Uill street 110 feet to the place of beginning, be sold according to law, and that the pro needs arbaag from amid sale be applied to the payment of the Judgment rendered In favor of the plaintiff and against the de fendant H E Harmon and attorney's fee and cs and disbursements of sail and ousts of sale and the surplus if any raid to the Defendants herein, and that the befcudaala herein and all persons clairaing, by, through or under them or either of tbem, any inter est tn said premises be forever barred of all interest or equity of redemption in or to the same or any part thereof and fur such other relief aa ptaintiS may be entitled t In equity. This summons Is published iu the Statkk Itioirrs baaocaar by order of Hen II 1'B.ise Jud,-e ef said Court, dated at Chambers in Salrm ircgon, th- Jth day oi January , IWS. WSATMKBKORD A QbACK B I EX, Attorneys for Plain tiff. mors tnouev than at any thine else by tasiiur an atfciK fur th. oest sel inj book out. begHiiners sue cecal rrandly. None fall, Terras tree, Uaujrrr Book Co., Portland, Maine. ADDITC sWnd alx cenU for postace,aad a IsleVlsS receive free, a oosUy bex of finals wblchwtll belp tuu lo more money rik'hl away than anv thing else In Ihla eorld, AH of either sea. suc ceed from first hour. The broad rued to fortune oiieus before tbe miirkera, atwvlutrly sure. Al oass address Tsi a and Co., Augusta, Maine. Shoriff's Sale. Ih the Circuit Court of the State of Ortgo for the Count jf of Linn : The Tartland Savings Bank, Plaintiff, vs. E E Met Mure and al aggie K McClore, De fendants. NOTICE la hereby given that by virtue ol a writ of execution and order of sale issued out of tba above named Court iu tbe above entitled suit tome directed and delivered, I will on Saturday the 7th day of March, 1885 at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at tbe hour of one o'clock p. m., sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property de scribed in said order of sale as follows, to-wit; All that tract or psree! of land' situated io sections twenty-six (26), twenty seven (27), thirty four (34) and thirty-five (85) ia town ship thirteen (13) south range one (1) east bounded as follows : Beginning at the southeast corner of Milton Umphrey a dona tion land claim, notification 7622, claim No. 38 in said township and range, running thence west twenty-six ehsins ; thence south 18.40-100 chains to the southeast corner of lot one in section 34 in said township ; thence west to the center of the main channel of Wiley Creek ; thence down the center of said Wiley Creek to th? north boundary of said Milton Umphrey a land claim afore said ; thence east to a point five (5) chains west of ths northeast corner ef said donation claim, notification 7622 ; thenoe sooth font teen and fifty hundredths (14.50) chains ; thence north 67 J, east fiye and fifty-five hundredths (5.55) chains ; thence south twenty-eight and twenty hundredth (28.20) chains to the place of beginning save and except such part of a four acre tract hereto fore sold by the said Denny H. McClure to Andrew Ralston, as lies east of the said Wiley Creek, the deed to which, said tract ia recorded in deed records of Linn connty, Oregon in volume 'M'' on page 385, the land to be sold consists of (285) two hundred and eighty-five acres more or less saving also 7.2-5 acres heretofore sold to Jeremiah Shea, being the same land conveyed by Denny H. McClure to said E E McClure by deed dated July 2nd, 1879 recorded at page 11 of book "N" record of deeds of Linn county, Oregon. The preceeda arising from ths sale of said real property to be applied first to the pay ment of the costs of suit taxed at the sum of 827.75-100 and accruing costs and the sum of $150 as Attorney's fees iu said snit. Sec ond to the payment to the Plaintiff herein the sum of f 1627.18 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cant per annum from the 28th day of October, A P-, 1884, and the remainder if any to be paid over to ths de fendant, E E McClure. Dated this 27th day of January, 1885. J. K. k, Sheriff of Linn county, Oiejon. By D. S. Sjura, Deputy. PlilCE PAID FOR SaCVBa & JOSEPH, Oregon. an UU be mailed EDCC to all applicants Y KLL' ana to customers of last year ' c rOertagtt, u contains lllostratkma. priess. r SKi00- rS 2?os txjtttxm an sgstsblt and Flower srsewrsai BL iBaTete. I). M. FERRY&CO.T G. COHN & BRO., 170 FRONT ST., - - PORTLAND, OR SHIPPING AND COMMIS SION, MERCHANDISE AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. (tlOAn ftllfl presents give sway, QiVVlVVU us & cot. postage, aad by mail you wlTet free s package of geods ef large value, that will at once bring yon ia money fneSer than anything else in America. All a', oat theS9SS, On tn present, with each box. Agents waaited eeer here. either sex, of all ages, for all the tame, or -are Hire only, to work for as at their an boasaa. rorunniiir in wornri aneoiuieiv aaa delay. H. HALLSTLand Co., Portland . .red. booi W. E. KELLY Hotary Public and Conyeyanc r, Collections mad) on reasonable terns MAIN ST., - - SCIO, OR F. Me MILLER, Attorney and Gonnslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice iu a!l tho Courts In tbe State. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LA' -AND- Notary Public, OPIUM AND MQRPINE HABIT CURED W. F. 'ALEXANDER, M. D., I guarantee a cure in all cases if my d. red ions am strictly followed. No pain or loss of time from business. Ad dress above at Albany, Oregon. DRSTW. & MARY TrcOLt Physicans & Surgeons. ALBANY, O v I J ) J , Offer their professional services to the citizens of Linn and adjacent counties. Odes and residence near Court If use. Call at Lang-don and Cos Urug Store. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE 8H0P. CNTAItLlSIIED 1H65. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the a bove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe oial attention given to repairing farm a s chlnery. Pattern Making done In all Its feraras. 16:1 ly I A. F. CHERRY A SON. Hal I SI BvKsrBBBBBdB ESTAP lhe inot Ve rvorral. nansr aeot(sl ti scienos. mechanic Cineerinc. discoveries, inventions and natenta ever published, Kverynumber illustrated with splendid enirravinps. This publication, furnishes a most valuable em vc'oodi.i of informal ion which no person should be without. The popularity of the Soiramno Awf.kicas is such that iu cir culation nearly equals that of all other papers ef IU class combined. Price, S3.20aycar. Iliicoani. toClubs. Sold by all newsdealers. St USX 4 CO., Vsbliahera, No. 361 Broadway, S. Y. ATENTS. Bnnn k Ca. bar. also bad Thlrtyw seven v para' nraclica bef sea ue the Patent Office, and bare prepared rno-ethan One Hundred Tboua- an i annucations for oatenU lor paleaU id Uio V : ted States and foreign eoantrief. ate. Trade-Marks, t onvrieht-. Ass umenta, and all other papers for to inventors their n?hu is the .tatea, Canada, England. France, and other foreign countries, pre- Uort notice and on reajw.ntble Irns'. seenrinc United Pared a I Infnri' BLion as to ohiaicin? M-tect CB fully f(uen without charge, lland-booka cf information aunt free. PaW-nU obtaiaed uch Mrnn S Co. ere noticed in tha bcielUi-5 American free.' The adTantaso pf snra police is, well nndentiood by all parson wfco i t fUsysaa of their patent. . ,, Address MUXS A CO, Office iyCOCXXZWK Aaotsucan, 361 Utoadaaj, New York- Wa, tlXABLE TO a LLlsaaf WM i Jt m aithfltrt saw' !3A x Weak IV news- j en - 5